Writing-Progression-Point-Rubic - Australian Curriculum

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Prep – 2 Writing Rubric

0.5 (V0.5) F (V1.0) F.5 (V1.25) 1.00(V1.5) 1.5 (V1.75) 2.00(V2.0) 2.5 (V2.25) 3.00 (V2.5)
Half way through End of Foundation Half way through Year End of Year One Half way through Year End of Year Two Half way through Year End of Year Three
Foundation One Two Three
Understands writing Students write personal Writes for a range of Experiments with range Inclusion of information Writing of short Compositions of short Compositions of short texts of more

communicates ideas, feelings recounts and simple purposes and audiences of short texts. Such as and ideas in short texts sequenced text to sequenced factual and than one paragraph to describe
and information. texts. – in particular recounts recounts, narratives and for known audience and convey information and imaginative texts. experiences, tell stories or express
and narrative. information reports. selected purpose. related ideas. view.
Uses letters and some words Use conventional sound Plausible attempts at Correct spelling of some Correct spelling of Accurately spell Correct spelling of 1 75% of 2 syllable words spelled
to write brief texts. and letter relationships to spelling unfamiliar words. high frequency words unfamiliar words using frequently used words, syllable words with correctly and plausible attempts at

spell <50% of basic and plausible attempts at knowledge of sound and use known patterns to regular spelling patterns irregular patterns.
words correctly. spelling unfamiliar words. letter patterns. make plausible attempts and plausible attempts at
at unfamiliar words. irregular patterns.
Some concept about print Understands concepts Inclusion of one or more Sequencing of a small Sequencing of a small Sequencing of a small Related ideas are linked Appropriate ordering of events and

(left to right, top to bottom). about print – writing generally readable number of ideas in short number of ideas in short number of ideas in short in sequence and some ideas. Begins to use paragraphs
contains even spacing sentences. texts of 1-3 sentences. texts of 4-6 sentences. texts of 7-8 sentences. paragraphs. correctly.
between words.

Attempts to read back own With support reads back Reads back own writing Re-reading of own Use of strategies to Re-read writing and use Can identify some Attempts to fix spelling errors and

writing. own writing with some accurately. writing to check it makes revise writing – reading editing resources to spelling and basic add some punctuation to writing.
accuracy. sense. aloud, feedback from revise and clarify punctuation errors when Makes changes to improve writing.
others. meaning. re-reading text.
Experiments with simple Uses simple punctuation Some correct use Mostly correct use of Capital letters, full stops Use capital letters, full Mainly correct use of Correct use of question and

punctuation – full stops. (Not (full stops and capital (>50%) of capital letters capital letters and full and question marks used stops & question marks capital letters, full stops exclamation marks &
necessarily correct use). letters). and full stops. stops and begins to correctly - <50%. correctly (80%+). and question marks, experimentation with other
experiment with question introduce exclamation punctuation such as commas,
marks. marks. quotation marks and semi-colon.

Some legible formation of Form lower case letters Forms letters of the Writing is well spaced Writing is correctly Upper and lower case Writing is joined using Writing is joined correctly using
letters and correct grip of correctly using an anti- correct size and on and formed. copied from examples letters legible with horizontal joins. diagonal joins.

pencil. clockwise direction. dotted third lines using provided. consistent size, slope
mostly lower case letters. and spacing.

Begin to use some letters and Write a sentence Introduce verbs and Begin to use verbs, Begin to use Link ideas in a variety of Simple and some Compound sentences liking two
words in writing of brief texts. containing a main idea nouns through common nouns and adjectives conjunctions. Introduce ways – (pronouns and compound sentences ideas or events with correct use of

verb and ‘I’ as a pronoun. language- “doing words” through shared and correct terminology for adverbial phrases). joined by conjunctions. verb tenses.
modelled writing. nouns, verbs and

Begin to use simple Use of some topic Begin to use appropriate Begin to use dictionary Experiment with a range Select more complex Effective vocabulary to Development of character, setting
vocabulary to convey specific words. language – such as and list to expand of vocabulary – pronouns content and vocabulary convey meaning (nouns, and plot through the use of detail

personal ideas. months of the year and vocabulary and word etc. Can offer synonyms depending on purpose verbs and adjectives) in and additional information and
days of the week. understanding. for some common words. and audience. correct context. descriptions.

Year 5-6 Writing Rubric
3.5 (V2.75) 4.00(V3.0) 4.5 (V3.25) 5.00(V3.5) 5.5 (V3.75) 6.00 (V4.0) 6.5 (V4.25) 7.00(V4.5)
Half way through Year Four End of Year Four Half way through Year End of Year Five Half way through End of Year Six Half way through End of Year Seven
Five Year Six Year Seven
Composition of texts for different purposes. Logically ordered text Writing contains typical Production of texts for a Use of structures and Composition of various Composition of texts Composition of texts in a range of styles,
including ideas and features and structures of range of different features appropriate to texts using structures for a larger range of including narratives, reports, explanations

information about familiar different text types. audiences and purposes. purpose and audience. appropriate to purpose, purposes, (speculative, and procedures.
topics. audience and text imaginative,
types. explanatory and
80% Correct spelling of 2 syllable words Spell 1 & 2 syllable words Correct spelling of Correct spelling of 50% of Knowledge of spelling Range of approaches Plausible attempts 80% of words spelled correctly, except of
with regular spelling and plausible attempts with regular patterns. Use common 2 & 3 syllable unfamiliar 2/3 syllable patterns including letter to spelling, letter and (50%) at spelling unfamiliar words with unusual spelling

at words with irregular spelling patterns. sound and visual patterns words and use strategies words using known and sound knowledge, sound patterns, visual unfamiliar words with patterns.
to spell unfamiliar words. to spell unknown words. strategies. visual and phonic and phonic patterns. unusual spelling
patterns. patterns.

Texts of 2 or 3 logically ordered Order and sequence Inclusion of familiar ideas Use of some topic Regular use of topic Paragraphs are well Development of topics Texts include justifications and views with
paragraphs. events using some detail and information with more sentences. Begins to use sentences and structured and include and supporting detail supporting arguments.

and background detail and background main idea with some organisation of main relevant topic used in coherent ways
information in 3-4 information. supporting ideas. and supporting ideas. sentences. to interest the reader.

Variety of ways used to plan writing. Able Beginning to edit for Use of strategies to Use of strategies for Starting to use Variety of strategies Use a greater range of Effective editing and proof reading skills for
to explain their plans and can follow a meaning (authorial) and planning, drafting, proof planning and editing strategies for planning – used, including note planning strategies for clarity and cohesion with minimal errors.

basic writing plan. correct conventions reading, editing and (deleting info or addition of main idea, key words, taking, planning, clarity and cohesion
(secretarial). revising. new details. examples used in text. editing and proof 80% punctuation in
reading. correct place.

>50% of punctuation correctly used – Use punctuation to support Beginning to accurately 80% of quotation marks, Beginning to use 2 80% of all punctuation Use more sophisticated 80% of more sophisticated punctuation used

exclamation and quotation marks, meaning exclamation and use – quotation marks exclamation marks and types of apostrophes – used accurately, punctuation – colon, accurately. Minimal punctuation errors.
commas. question marks more and exclamation marks. commas used accurately. possessive including apostrophes. semi colon and
frequently and accurately contractions. brackets.
use full stops, commas and
questions marks.

Creates legible headings to add interest to Legible writing including Uses pictures, diagrams Development of a neat Confident handwriting Forms all letters Writes quickly and Efficient and fluent handwriting.
writing. speed loops. and headings neatly to and legible handwriting used in 80% of correctly and writing is accurately while

add meaning to writing. style. situations. easily read and maintaining neatness,
understood. size and formation.

Simple sentences have a variety of Write a variety of simple Beginning to vary 50% of adjectives, Articulate the use of Identify and use Awareness of Use of headings and sub headings to
beginnings and contain some adjectives and compound sentences compound sentences with adverbs and conjunctions some parts of speech – different parts of grammatical organize information. Consistent use of

for detail. with 50% of verb tense the use of some used correctly and adjectives, adverbs. speech used effectively conventions – tense & metaphors, similes and idioms.
correctly used. conjunctions. effectively. (pronouns, adverbs, subject – verb
adjectives, prepositions agreement. Beginning
and conjunctions). to use metaphors and
50% of vocabulary appropriate to context. Use vocabulary Appropriate vocabulary, Beginning to vary and Selection of vocabulary Use a range of Use of variety of Experimentation with different techniques to
appropriate to the context punctuation & tense extend vocabulary and text structures and vocabulary figurative compound sentences influence and engage audiences.

and identifies several (80%). include topic specific visual features, such as language in a variety of structures with
synonyms and antonyms words effectively. – diagrams and labels. sentence structures. appropriate and varied
for common words. vocabulary.

Year 3 - 4 Writing Rubric
1.5 (V1.75) 2.00(V2.0) 2.5 (V2.25) 3.00 (V2.5) 3.5 (V2.75) 4.00(V3.0) 4.5 (V3.25) 5.00(V3.5)
Half way through Year End of Year Two Half way through Year End of Year Three Half way through Year End of Year Four Half way through Year Five End of Year Five
Two Three Four
Inclusion of information and Writing of short sequenced Compositions of short Compositions of short texts Composition of texts for Logically ordered text Writing contains typical Production of texts for a range of
ideas in short texts for known text to convey information sequenced factual and of more than one paragraph different purposes. including ideas and features and structures of different audiences and purposes.
audience and selected and related ideas. imaginative texts. to describe experiences, tell information about familiar different text types.

purpose. stories or express view. topics.

Correct spelling of unfamiliar Accurately spell frequently Correct spelling of 1 syllable 75% of 2 syllable words 80% Correct spelling of 2 Spell 1 & 2 syllable words Correct spelling of common 2 Correct spelling of 50% of unfamiliar
words using knowledge of used words, use known words with regular spelling spelled correctly and syllable words with regular with regular patterns. Use & 3 syllable words and use 2/3 syllable words using known

sound and letter patterns. patterns to make plausible patterns and plausible plausible attempts at spelling and plausible sound and visual patterns to strategies to spell unknown strategies.
attempts at unfamiliar words. attempts at irregular irregular patterns. attempts at words with spell unfamiliar words. words.
patterns. irregular spelling patterns.

Sequencing of a small Sequencing of a small Related ideas are linked in Appropriate ordering of Texts of 2 or 3 logically Order and sequence events Inclusion of familiar ideas Use of some topic sentences.
number of ideas in short number of ideas in short sequence and some events and ideas. Begins to ordered paragraphs. using some detail and and information with more Begins to use main idea with some

texts of 4-6 sentences. texts of 7-8 sentences. paragraphs. use paragraphs correctly. background information in 3- detail and background supporting ideas.
4 paragraphs. information.

Use of strategies to revise Re-read writing and use Can identify some spelling Attempts to fix spelling errors Variety of ways used to plan Beginning to edit for meaning Use of strategies to planning, Use of strategies for planning and
writing – reading aloud, editing resources to revise and basic punctuation errors and add some punctuation to writing. Able to explain their (authorial) and correct drafting, proof reading, editing (deleting info or addition of

feedback from others. and clarify meaning. when re-reading text. writing. Makes changes to plans and can follow a basic conventions (secretarial). editing and revising. new details.
improve writing. writing plan.

Capital letters, full stops and Use capital letters, full stops Mainly correct use of capital Correct use of question and >50% of punctuation Use punctuation to support Beginning to accurately use 80% of quotation marks,
question marks used & question marks correctly letters, full stops and exclamation marks & correctly used – exclamation meaning exclamation and – quotation marks and exclamation marks and commas

correctly - <50%. (80%+). question marks, introduce experimentation with other and quotation marks, question marks more exclamation marks. used accurately.
exclamation marks. punctuation such as commas. frequently and accurately
commas, quotation marks use full stops, commas and
and semi-colon. questions marks.

Writing is correctly copied Upper and lower case letters Writing is joined using Writing is joined correctly Creates legible headings to Legible writing including Uses pictures, diagrams and Development of a neat and legible

from examples provided. legible with consistent size, horizontal joins. using diagonal joins. add interest to writing. speed loops. headings neatly to add handwriting style.
slope and spacing. meaning to writing.

Begin to use conjunctions. Link ideas in a variety of Simple and some compound Compound sentences liking Simple sentences have a Write a variety of simple and Beginning to vary compound 50% of adjectives, adverbs and
Introduce correct terminology ways – (pronouns and sentences joined by two ideas or events with variety of beginnings and compound sentences with sentences with the use of conjunctions used correctly and

for nouns, verbs and adverbial phrases). conjunctions. correct use of verb tenses. contain some adjectives for 50% of verb tense correctly some conjunctions. effectively.
adjectives. detail. used.

Experiment with a range of Select more complex content Effective vocabulary to Development of character, 50% of vocabulary Use vocabulary appropriate Appropriate vocabulary, Beginning to vary and extend
vocabulary – pronouns etc. and vocabulary depending convey meaning (nouns, setting and plot through the appropriate to context. to the context and identifies punctuation & tense (80%). vocabulary and include topic specific

Can offer synonyms for on purpose and audience. verbs and adjectives) in use of detail and additional several synonyms and words effectively.
some common words. correct context. information and descriptions. antonyms for common

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