B3.1 Human Defence Systems

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B3.1 human defence systems Date :

1. What is the name of the body's defence system against diseases?

a) The immune system b) The control system

c) The vascular system d) The endocrine system

2. What is the role of white blood cells?

a) To transport oxygen around b) To protect the body against

the body pathogens
c) To produce pain killers d) To aid the clotting of the blood

3. Who discovered Penicillin

a) Marie Curie b) Charles Darwin

c) Alexander Fleming d) Lord Kelvin

4. What is the name of the white blood cell that ingests micoorganisms?

a) Antitoxins b) Antigens

c) Phagocytes d) Platelets

5. What is the name of the part of the blood that aids clotting?

a) Antitoxins b) Antigens

c) Phagocytes d) Platelets

6. What four types of pathogens are there?

a) Bacteria, vector, fungi and b) Bacteria, virus, vector and

protist protist
c) Bacteria, virus, fungi and d) Bacteria, virus, fungi and
vector protist

7. What type of cell is a bacteria cell?

a) Protist b) Vector

c) Karyoke d) Prokaryotic

8. What is meant by the term toxicity?

a) Whether or not a drug can b) Whether or not a drug harms

easily kill infectious pathogens our body cells
c) How much of a drug is needed d) How much of a drug is needed
to kill you to be effective
9. What is meant by the term dose?

a) Whether or not a drug can b) Whether or not a drug harms

easily kill infectious pathogens our body cells
c) How much of a drug is needed d) How much of a drug is needed
to kill you to be effective

10. What is meant by the term efficacy?

a) Whether or not a drug can b) Whether or not a drug harms

easily kill infectious pathogens our body cells
c) How much of a drug is needed d) How much of a drug is needed
to kill you to be effective

11. What is a placebo?

a) A form of therapy b) An effective drug

c) A blind trial d) A fake drug

12. What is the name of a drug trial where the patient and the doctor doesn't know which patients have the drug?

a) Double bind trial b) Double blind trial

c) Single blind trial d) Single bind trial

13. What organism transports the protist pathogen between hosts and acts as a vector?

a) A scalllwag b) A protist

c) A mosquito d) None of the options

14. An organism that spreads disease without directly causing it

a) A protist b) A pathogen

c) A vector d) A scalar

15. How did we originally get drugs?

a) By extracting them from plants b) Synthesised from chemicals in

c) None of the answers given d) Both of the answers given

16. How did we now get drugs?

a) By extracting them from plants b) Synthesised from chemicals in

c) None of the answers given d) Both of the answers given

17. What drug was originally extracted from the willow tree?

a) Aspirin b) Paracetamol

c) Ibuprofen d) None of them

18. Why does killing mosquitoes help prevent malaria?

a) It stops the malaria pathogen b) It doesn't

being spread
c) Malaria is carried in ants as d) People with malaria attract
well as mosquitoes mosquitoes

19. Why are antibiotics given to farm animals?

a) Farm animals carry viruses b) Antibiotics prevent outbreaks

that are deadly for humans when many animals are kept
in small spaces
c) Antibiotics improve the flavor d) Farmers are purposefully
of meat growing superbugs

20. Which pathogen can be prevented with vaccines

a) Virus b) Bacteria

c) Fungi d) All of them

21. Which pathogen can be treated with antibiotics?

a) Virus b) Bacteria

c) Fungi d) All of them

22. A vaccine contains...

a) cow pox b) an inactive strain of the

c) a small amount of the d) small pox

23. Which of the following is the body’s first line of defense against disease?

a) vaccines b) white blood cells

c) antibodies d) skin

24. Which of the following pathogens is non-living?

a) Bacteria b) Viruses

c) Fungi d) Protists
25. What does a vaccine do?

a) produce toxins b) destroy pathogens

c) use bacteria for food d) cause the body to make


26. A tick, which can transmit a disease like Lyme, is an example of what?

a) antigen b) antibody

c) vector d) pathogen

27. Why do doctors recommend taking all of an antibiotic even if symptoms are gone after a few days?

a) you can get a new infection b) you are at risk for more
c) you discourage growth of d) you become immune
resistant pathogens

28. What microorganism does an antibiotic like penicillin treat?

a) virus b) bacteria

c) fungi d) protist

29. Widespread immunity that protects the population from the spread of disease is called

a) pandemic b) cross-reactivity

c) epidemic prophylaxis d) herd immunity

30. What is one way a pathogen can enter the body?

a) Nose b) Mouth

c) Broken Skin d) All of the Above

Answer Key
1. a 28. b
2. b 29. d
3. c 30. d
4. c
5. d
6. d
7. d
8. b
9. d
10. a
11. d
12. b
13. c
14. c
15. a
16. b
17. a
18. a
19. b
20. a
21. b
22. b
23. d
24. b
25. d
26. c
27. c

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