Equipment3DSymbolsGuide PDF

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3D Symbols Reference

Version 2016 (11.0)

November 2016
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Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 2

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Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 3

Preface ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Documentation Comments ................................................................................................................... 13
What's New in Equipment Symbols ...................................................................................................... 13

Symbols ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
2D Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... 15
3D Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Defining Ports on Symbols .................................................................................................................... 16
Providing a Graphical Preview .............................................................................................................. 17
Add a Preview Graphic to Parts using Bulkload ............................................................................. 18

Creating .NET Symbols ............................................................................................................................. 20

Understanding the Geometry ................................................................................................................ 20
Defining Ports on Symbols ............................................................................................................. 21
Writing Code for the .NET Symbol ........................................................................................................ 21
Deploying the Symbols ................................................................................................................... 22
Naming of the Symbol Definition .................................................................................................... 22
Bulkloading the Symbol ........................................................................................................................ 23
Bulkloading the Piping Symbol ....................................................................................................... 23
Placing the Symbol ............................................................................................................................... 23
Creating an Advanced Symbol ............................................................................................................. 24
Dynamic Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 25
Custom Weight and Center of Gravity (COG) ................................................................................ 25
Custom Evaluation of Origin and Orientation ................................................................................. 26
Custom Foul Check ........................................................................................................................ 27
Custom Mirror ................................................................................................................................. 28
Custom Property Management ...................................................................................................... 28
To Do Record Messages ................................................................................................................ 29
Checking the Status of Nested Symbols ........................................................................................ 31
Creating .NET Symbols using the Symbol Wizard ......................................................................... 32
Useful Tips for Symbol Definition Coding ....................................................................................... 32
Migrating an Existing Symbol to .NET .................................................................................................. 33
Migration Wizard ............................................................................................................................. 33
Workflow ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Migrated .NET Symbol Class ................................................................................................................ 33
Creating a Custom Assembly ............................................................................................................... 34
Defining a Custom Assembly ......................................................................................................... 34
Defining Assembly Outputs ............................................................................................................ 34
Creating / Evaluating Assembly Outputs ........................................................................................ 34
Creating Assembly Output ............................................................................................................. 34
Modify Assembly Outputs ............................................................................................................... 35
Optional Assembly Outputs ............................................................................................................ 35
Accessing Object Inputs ................................................................................................................. 36
Allowing End-Users to Delete Assembly Outputs .......................................................................... 36

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 4


Dynamic Outputs ............................................................................................................................ 37

Bulkloading a Custom Assembly .................................................................................................... 38
Creating and Scheduling Custom Batch Jobs ...................................................................................... 38
Creating a Custom Batch Job ........................................................................................................ 38
Configuring the Queues for Custom Batch Jobs ............................................................................ 39
Scheduling a Custom Batch Job .................................................................................................... 39

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge .............................................................................................................. 42

Create Solid Edge parts and assemblies for use in Smart 3D ............................................................. 43
Create Smart 3D reference data for use with Solid Edge components ................................................ 45
Load and revise Smart 3D reference data ............................................................................................ 48
Place and modify Solid Edge components in Smart 3D ....................................................................... 49

Troubleshooting Symbols ........................................................................................................................ 50

Debugging Symbols with .NET ............................................................................................................. 50
Testing Symbols.................................................................................................................................... 52
Update Symbol ............................................................................................................................... 52
Edit Symbol Occurrence ................................................................................................................. 53
Sources of Errors .................................................................................................................................. 54
Error Investigation Methods .................................................................................................................. 55

Symbol Validation Tool ............................................................................................................................. 56

Verify a single symbol definition ............................................................................................................ 56
Compare multiple symbol definitions .................................................................................................... 58
Run comparisons from the command line ............................................................................................ 59

Design Aid Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 60

SP3D15TonCraneAsm ......................................................................................................................... 60
SP3D42inPalletAsm .............................................................................................................................. 61
SP3D5350cRailcarAsm ........................................................................................................................ 62
SP3D55GallonDrumAsm ...................................................................................................................... 63
SP3D5TCarryDeckCraneAsm .............................................................................................................. 64
SP3DWasteAsm ................................................................................................................................... 65
SP3DForkTruckAsm ............................................................................................................................. 66
SP3DSixFootWorkerAsm ...................................................................................................................... 67
SP3DTractorTruckAsm ......................................................................................................................... 68
SP3DTruckTrailerAsm .......................................................................................................................... 69
SP3DWeighScaleAsm .......................................................................................................................... 71

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes ........................................................................................... 72

CircularTori Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 73
Datum Shape Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 74
Eccentric Pyramid ................................................................................................................................. 74
EccentricCone Sheet ............................................................................................................................ 74
EccentricRectPrism Sheet .................................................................................................................... 75
EccentricTransitionEle Sheet ................................................................................................................ 75
HexagonalSolid Sheet .......................................................................................................................... 75
Octagonal Solid Sheet .......................................................................................................................... 76

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 5


Platform1 Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 76

Platform2 Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 76
RectangularSolid Sheet ........................................................................................................................ 77
RectangularTorus Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 77
RtCircularCone Sheet ........................................................................................................................... 77
RtCircularCylinder Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 78
SemiElliptical Head Sheet ..................................................................................................................... 78
SP3DRoadCross ................................................................................................................................... 78
SP3DRoadTee ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Sphere Sheet ........................................................................................................................................ 80
TransitionElement Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 81
TriangularSolid Sheet ........................................................................................................................... 81
TruncatedRectPrism Sheet ................................................................................................................... 81
TruncatedSphere Sheet ........................................................................................................................ 82

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations ............................................................................................ 83

Circle Sheet........................................................................................................................................... 83
Ellipse Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 83
Hexagon Sheet ..................................................................................................................................... 84
IBeam Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 84
Nozzle Orientations ............................................................................................................................... 85
Rectangle Sheet.................................................................................................................................... 87
Road Sheet ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Sector Sheet ......................................................................................................................................... 88
TrapezeC Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 88
TrapezeR Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 89
Triangle Sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 89

Equipment Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 90

Air Handling Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 91
EQAirCurtain .................................................................................................................................. 91
EQAxialFan .................................................................................................................................... 92
EQCentrifugalFan ........................................................................................................................... 93
EQCirculatingFan ........................................................................................................................... 95
EQFanCoilUnit ................................................................................................................................ 96
EQFreshAirHU ................................................................................................................................ 97
EQModularAHU .............................................................................................................................. 99
EQPowRoofVent .......................................................................................................................... 100
EQTangentialFan ......................................................................................................................... 101
SP3DAirDistribAssemblyAsm ....................................................................................................... 102
SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm ...................................................................................................... 103
SP3DBlowerHPBAsm ................................................................................................................... 104
SP3DCenFanBIAAsm .................................................................................................................. 105
SP3DForDr2AirCoolerBayAsm .................................................................................................... 107
SP3DForDr3AirCoolerBayAsm .................................................................................................... 109
SP3DForDr4AirCoolerBayAsm .................................................................................................... 110
SP3DIndDr2AirCoolerBayAsm ..................................................................................................... 112
SP3DIndDr3AirCoolerBayAsm ..................................................................................................... 113
SP3DIndDr4AirCoolerBayAsm ..................................................................................................... 115

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 6


SP3DRoofVentACXAsm............................................................................................................... 116
SP3DRoofVentATBAsm ............................................................................................................... 117
SP3DSingleFrDrAirCoolerAsm ..................................................................................................... 118
SP3DSingleIndDrAirCoolerAsm ................................................................................................... 120
SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm .......................................................................................................... 121
SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm ............................................................................................................ 122
SP3DWallVentAWXAsm .............................................................................................................. 123
Electrical Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 124
Lighting ......................................................................................................................................... 126
EQGroundIWell ............................................................................................................................ 155
EQGroundRod .............................................................................................................................. 156
EQPushButtonStation................................................................................................................... 158
EQWeldingReceptacle ................................................................................................................. 159
SP3DDisconnectSwitchAsm ........................................................................................................ 161
SP3DElecContSwitch ................................................................................................................... 162
SP3DElecEnclosureAsm .............................................................................................................. 163
SP3DElecJunctionBox.................................................................................................................. 164
SP3DElecSpeaker04Asm ............................................................................................................ 165
SP3DElecSpeaker05Asm ............................................................................................................ 166
SP3DElecTransformer.................................................................................................................. 167
SP3DElectricalMotor .................................................................................................................... 168
SP3DElecVarFreqDrive ................................................................................................................ 170
SP3DElecWPFixture .................................................................................................................... 171
SP3DInstTransAsm ...................................................................................................................... 172
SP3DMultiCableTransit ................................................................................................................ 173
SP3DPullPitAsm ........................................................................................................................... 174
SP3DReceptacleAsm ................................................................................................................... 176
SP3DSwitchGearAsm .................................................................................................................. 177
Exchangers ......................................................................................................................................... 179
EQAbsRefrigMachine ................................................................................................................... 179
EQCenCompChiller ...................................................................................................................... 181
EQCoolingTower .......................................................................................................................... 183
EQPlateHeatEx ............................................................................................................................ 184
EQRecCompChiller ...................................................................................................................... 186
EQScrwCompChiller ..................................................................................................................... 187
SP3DDouPipeExchangerAsm ...................................................................................................... 189
SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm ............................................................................................... 190
SP3DE_305HorShTubeExchAsm ................................................................................................ 192
SP3DE_307KettleHeatXchAsm ................................................................................................... 194
SP3DE_310VerShTubeExchAsm ................................................................................................ 196
SP3DE_320DouPipeExchAsm ..................................................................................................... 198
SP3DE_325PlateExchAsm .......................................................................................................... 200
SP3DFallFilmSTExAsm................................................................................................................ 202
SP3DFrExEndTypeACDN ............................................................................................................ 203
SP3DFrExEndTypeB .................................................................................................................... 204
SP3DFrExEndTypeQ ................................................................................................................... 204
SP3DHeatXAsm ........................................................................................................................... 205
SP3DHoriShellTubeExchangerAsm ............................................................................................. 206
SP3DHorSTExch02Asm............................................................................................................... 208
SP3DHorSTExch03Asm............................................................................................................... 209
SP3DHorSTExch04Asm............................................................................................................... 212

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 7


SP3DKettleExchangerAsm .......................................................................................................... 213

SP3DKettleExchNestedAsm ........................................................................................................ 215
SP3DPlAndFrExch01Asm ............................................................................................................ 217
SP3DPlAndFrExch02Asm ............................................................................................................ 219
SP3DPlAndFrExch03Asm ............................................................................................................ 221
SP3DPlateExchangerAsm ........................................................................................................... 223
SP3DVertShellTubeExchangerAsm ............................................................................................. 224
Doors, Manholes, and Hatches........................................................................................................... 227
EQDblInspectionDoor ................................................................................................................... 227
EQRectManhole ........................................................................................................................... 229
EQSingInspectionDoor ................................................................................................................. 232
EQWatertightDoorHw ................................................................................................................... 233
EQWatertightDoorLvr ................................................................................................................... 235
SM3DHatchCoverAsm ................................................................................................................. 236
SP3DDoorsAsm ........................................................................................................................... 237
SP3DHatchCoverAsm .................................................................................................................. 248
SP3DManholeAsm ....................................................................................................................... 250
SP3DManHoleCoverAsm ............................................................................................................. 251
Horizontal and Spherical Vessels and Tanks ..................................................................................... 253
SP3DComplexHorCylVesselAsm ................................................................................................. 253
SP3DE_230SphVesselAsm ......................................................................................................... 255
SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm ............................................................................................... 256
SP3DE_245Asm ........................................................................................................................... 258
SP3DE_245SimpHorCylEqpAsm ................................................................................................. 260
SP3DHorDrWiSaddleAsm ............................................................................................................ 261
SP3DHoriVesselEndsAsm ........................................................................................................... 263
SP3DSphericalVesselAsm ........................................................................................................... 265
SP3DStorageTankAsm ................................................................................................................ 266
Instrument Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 269
EQCCTVCamera .......................................................................................................................... 269
EQDualTransmitter ....................................................................................................................... 270
EQLShapeMount .......................................................................................................................... 271
EQPointFlammableGD ................................................................................................................. 273
EQStraightMount .......................................................................................................................... 274
EQTripleStanchion ....................................................................................................................... 276
EQWinterizedInEncl ..................................................................................................................... 277
SP3DInstrStandDouCol ................................................................................................................ 279
SP3DInstrStandSinCol ................................................................................................................. 280
SP3DInstrStdWallMount ............................................................................................................... 281
Material Transfer Equipment ............................................................................................................... 282
EQ2RFlatRtIdler ........................................................................................................................... 282
EQ3RInlCrIdler ............................................................................................................................. 284
EQ3RInlTrIdler .............................................................................................................................. 285
EQ2RInvVeeIdler .......................................................................................................................... 287
EQ3ROffCrIdler ............................................................................................................................ 288
EQ3ROffTrIdler ............................................................................................................................. 290
EQ1RCrIdler ................................................................................................................................. 292
EQ1RRtIdler ................................................................................................................................. 293
EQ1RTrRtIdler .............................................................................................................................. 294
EQ2RVeeRtIdler ........................................................................................................................... 296
EQConveyorDriveTy1 ................................................................................................................... 298

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 8


EQConveyorDriveTy2 ................................................................................................................... 301

EQConveyorPulley ....................................................................................................................... 303
EQConveyorPulleyAsm ................................................................................................................ 304
EQDblActuatorSEP ...................................................................................................................... 305
EQDblActuatorTP ......................................................................................................................... 306
EQDual3RIdler ............................................................................................................................. 307
EQRopeSheaveTy1...................................................................................................................... 309
EQScraperType1 .......................................................................................................................... 311
EQScraperType2 .......................................................................................................................... 315
EQScrewTakeUp .......................................................................................................................... 318
Miscellaneous Equipment ................................................................................................................... 319
EQFloorDrain1 .............................................................................................................................. 320
EQFloorDrain2 .............................................................................................................................. 321
EQFloorDrain3 .............................................................................................................................. 322
SP3DCatchBasinAsm................................................................................................................... 323
SP3DCatchBasinTypeFAsm ........................................................................................................ 324
SP3DGradeRingAsm .................................................................................................................... 326
SP3DPFLevTransAsm ................................................................................................................. 327
SP3DWearPlateAsm .................................................................................................................... 328
Process Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 330
SP3DE_206FHeaterCyl................................................................................................................ 330
SP3DE_207FHeaterCabin ........................................................................................................... 332
SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm .................................................................................................. 334
SP3DE_262FlareStack................................................................................................................. 335
EQDustCollector ........................................................................................................................... 337
Pumps ................................................................................................................................................. 339
EQFloorTransmissionPump ......................................................................................................... 339
EQHoriPumpOH2Asm .................................................................................................................. 342
SP3DE_405HoriRotEqpAsm ........................................................................................................ 344
SP3DE_410VerRotEqAsm ........................................................................................................... 346
SP3DHCPumpWFNDNozAsm ..................................................................................................... 347
SP3DHorCenJktPumpAsm .......................................................................................................... 349
SP3DHoriPumpBB1Asm .............................................................................................................. 351
SP3DHoriPumpBB2Asm .............................................................................................................. 353
SP3DHoriPumpBB3Asm .............................................................................................................. 355
SP3DHoriPumpBB5Asm .............................................................................................................. 357
SP3DHoriPumpOH2Asm.............................................................................................................. 359
SP3DHorizontalPumpAsm ........................................................................................................... 361
SP3DHorRotEqpADvrAsm ........................................................................................................... 363
SP3DPumpAsm ............................................................................................................................ 365
SP3DPumpMAsm......................................................................................................................... 366
SP3DPumpUnitHCAsm ................................................................................................................ 367
SP3DStdPump ............................................................................................................................. 369
SP3DVerPumpVS1Asm ............................................................................................................... 371
SP3DVerPumpVS6Asm ............................................................................................................... 372
SP3DVerRotatingEquipmentAsm ................................................................................................. 375
SP3DVerticalPumpAsm................................................................................................................ 376
SP3DVertPumpOH3Asm.............................................................................................................. 377
Vertical Vessels and Tanks ................................................................................................................. 379
E270ConicalRoofTank.................................................................................................................. 380
E271DomeRoofTank .................................................................................................................... 383

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 9


E272FloatRoofTank...................................................................................................................... 384
SP3DCESVVessel2PlatfAsm ....................................................................................................... 386
SP3DComplexVesselAsm ............................................................................................................ 389
SP3DE_205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm ........................................................................................... 391
SP3DE_210SimVerCylSkirtAsm .................................................................................................. 393
SP3DE_215Asm ........................................................................................................................... 394
SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm .................................................................................................. 396
SP3DSpiralStairTankAsm ............................................................................................................ 397
SP3DVerDrumWiLegsAsm .......................................................................................................... 399
SP3DVertVesselEndsAsm ........................................................................................................... 400
SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm............................................................................................................. 402

Equipment Components ......................................................................................................................... 404

Equipment Bodies ............................................................................................................................... 405
SP3DE_205CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 405
SP3DE_210CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 407
SP3DE_215CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 408
SP3DE_230CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 410
SP3DE_240CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 411
SP3DE_245CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 414
SP3DE_305CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 415
SP3DE_307CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 418
SP3DE_310CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 419
SP3DE_320CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 422
SP3DE_325CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 423
SP3DE_332CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 424
SP3DE_334CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 426
SP3DE_405CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 428
SP3DE_410CompAsm ................................................................................................................. 429
SP3DExShellBodyCompAsm ....................................................................................................... 431
SP3DHDrVesAlXCompAsm ......................................................................................................... 432
SP3DHorDrumCompAsm ............................................................................................................. 433
SP3DVerDrumCompAsm ............................................................................................................. 434
Instrument Components ...................................................................................................................... 435
ECInstrSunshade ......................................................................................................................... 435
Material Handling Components........................................................................................................... 438
ECPlummerBlock ......................................................................................................................... 438
ECSolePlate ................................................................................................................................. 440
Platforms ............................................................................................................................................. 441
SP3DPlatformAsm........................................................................................................................ 441
SP3DPlatformTypeACompAsm ................................................................................................... 442
SP3DPlatformTypeBCompAsm ................................................................................................... 443
SP3DPlatformTypeCCompAsm ................................................................................................... 444
SP3DPlatformTypeDCompAsm ................................................................................................... 445
SP3DPlatformTypeECompAsm ................................................................................................... 446
SP3DPlatformTypeFCompAsm .................................................................................................... 447
SP3DPlatformWithHoleAsm ......................................................................................................... 448
SP3DVesselPlatformAsm ............................................................................................................. 449
Supports .............................................................................................................................................. 451
ECAnchBoltsAO ........................................................................................................................... 452

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 10


ECBasePlate ................................................................................................................................ 453

SP3DCenWebSaddleCompAsm .................................................................................................. 454
SP3DClPiGuiSLCompAsm ........................................................................................................... 456
SP3DHorOffsetSaddleCompAsm ................................................................................................. 457
SP3DLiftLugBPCompAsm ............................................................................................................ 458
SP3DLiftLugFVCompAsm ............................................................................................................ 460
SP3DParSaddleCompAsm .......................................................................................................... 461
SP3DSaddleSupCompAsm .......................................................................................................... 462
SP3DSkirtAsm .............................................................................................................................. 463
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeACompAsm ................................................................................................. 465
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeBCompAsm ................................................................................................. 466
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeCCompAsm ................................................................................................. 468
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeDCompAsm ................................................................................................. 469
SP3DSupportLegsCompAsm ....................................................................................................... 471
SP3DSupportLugAsm .................................................................................................................. 473
SP3DTestSkirt .............................................................................................................................. 473
SP3DVesselSkirtCompAsm ......................................................................................................... 475
SP3DWeldPiGMLCompAsm ........................................................................................................ 476
SP3DWeldPiGSLCompAsm ......................................................................................................... 477
SP3DWeldTySMLCompAsm ........................................................................................................ 478
SP3DWeldTySSLCompAsm ........................................................................................................ 479
Vessel Heads ...................................................................................................................................... 480
SP3DEqpEnd2TO1CompAsm ..................................................................................................... 481
SP3DEqpEndConeCompAsm ...................................................................................................... 482
SP3DEqpEndDomeCompAsm ..................................................................................................... 483
SP3DEqpEndFLGDCompAsm ..................................................................................................... 484
SP3DEqpEndFnDCompAsm ........................................................................................................ 485
SP3DEqpEndHemiCompAsm ...................................................................................................... 486
SP3DEqpEndTORCCompAsm .................................................................................................... 487
SP3DEqpEndTORSCompAsm .................................................................................................... 488
SP3DFrEnExTyACDNCompAsm ................................................................................................. 489
SP3DFrEnExTyBCompAsm ......................................................................................................... 490
SP3DFrEnExTyQCompAsm ........................................................................................................ 491
SP3DREnExTyLNPW1CompAsm ................................................................................................ 492
SP3DREnExTyMSTUW2CompAsm ............................................................................................ 493
SP3DREnExTyQCompAsm ......................................................................................................... 494
SP3DFOlTorusMiterAsm .................................................................................................................... 495
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellComp ............................................................................................................. 496
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellCompAsm...................................................................................................... 499
SP3DHeatExHeadCompAsm ............................................................................................................. 500
SP3DHeatExMiterHeadCompAsm ..................................................................................................... 501
SP3DHeatExShellCompAsm .............................................................................................................. 502
SP3DManWayDBotHCAsm ................................................................................................................ 503
SP3DManWayDHorCovAsm .............................................................................................................. 504
SP3DManWayDVerCovAsm ............................................................................................................... 505
SP3DRecTorusMiterAsm .................................................................................................................... 506
SP3DRndTorusMiterAsm .................................................................................................................... 507
SP3DSpiralStairTankComp ................................................................................................................ 508
SP3DSwGearSectCompAsm .............................................................................................................. 509
SP3DVOlTorusMiterAsm .................................................................................................................... 511

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 11


Fire and Safety Symbols ......................................................................................................................... 513

EQFlameDetector ............................................................................................................................... 514
EQGasBeacon .................................................................................................................................... 515
EQHorn ............................................................................................................................................... 516
EQInfFlameDetector ........................................................................................................................... 518
EQLineofSightGasDetector ................................................................................................................. 519
EQManualPullStation .......................................................................................................................... 521
EQSmokeDetector .............................................................................................................................. 522
SidePEductor ...................................................................................................................................... 524
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy1 .................................................................................................................... 525
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy2 .................................................................................................................... 526
SP3D3WFireHydrant .......................................................................................................................... 526
SP3D3WFireHydrantTy2 .................................................................................................................... 527
SP3D90DegSiamese .......................................................................................................................... 528
SP3DElevFireMonitor ......................................................................................................................... 529
SP3DEyeWash ................................................................................................................................... 530
SP3DFireHydWMonTy1 ...................................................................................................................... 532
SP3DFireHydWMonTy2 ...................................................................................................................... 533
SP3DFireMonitor................................................................................................................................. 534
SP3DFlCrossWFireHydOutlet ............................................................................................................. 536
SP3DFlTeeWFireHydOutlet ................................................................................................................ 537
SP3DFoamChamber ........................................................................................................................... 538
SP3DFoamChamberTy1 ..................................................................................................................... 539
SP3DFoamChamberTy2 ..................................................................................................................... 540
SP3DHoseRackSt ............................................................................................................................... 541
SP3DSafetyShower ............................................................................................................................ 542
SP3DSafShower01Asm ...................................................................................................................... 543
SP3DSafShower02Asm ...................................................................................................................... 544
SP3DSafShower03Asm ...................................................................................................................... 545
SP3DSafShower04Asm ...................................................................................................................... 546
SP3DSafShower05Asm ...................................................................................................................... 547
SP3DSafShower06Asm ...................................................................................................................... 548
SP3DSafShower07Asm ...................................................................................................................... 549
SP3DSafShower08Asm ...................................................................................................................... 550
SP3DSafShower09Asm ...................................................................................................................... 551
SP3DSiamese ..................................................................................................................................... 552
SP3DSpraySprinkler ........................................................................................................................... 553

Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 555

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 12

This document is a guide for Intergraph SmartTM 3D symbols reference data. The purpose of this
document is to describe how to create and customize the symbol reference data so that it fits
your company or project.
For information about the specific reference data for each discipline, see the reference data
guides available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Document Audience
This document is intended for advanced users who should:
 Have a good understanding of Microsoft® Office products, especially Microsoft Excel.
 Be familiar with Smart 3D database architecture and relational databases in general.
 Have a working knowledge of Solid Edge™ and Visual Basic® in order to create and modify
three-dimensional symbols. For cross-sectional symbols, you should be familiar with
Intergraph SmartSketch® or a similar product.
Using Solid Edge to create and modify three-dimensional symbols is supported
only for equipment symbols.

Related Documents
For more information about Smart 3D, please see the following documents:
Intergraph SmartTM 3D Installation Guide

Documentation Comments
For the latest support information for this product, comments or suggestions about this
documentation, and documentation updates for supported software versions, please visit
Intergraph Smart Support (

What's New in Equipment Symbols

Version 2016 (11.0)
 You can create and schedule custom batch jobs. For more information, see Creating and
Scheduling Custom Batch Jobs (on page 38). (P2 CP:249822)
 Updated the information on using Solid Edge symbols in Smart 3D. For more information,
see Creating Symbols in Solid Edge (on page 42). (P3 CP:237967)

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 13


Whether using one of the delivered symbols, or a custom symbol that you define yourself,
symbols are a key building block used to create your model. There are two basic types of
symbols that the software uses: 2-D and 3-D.
The 2-D symbols are used to represent structural member cross-sections, slots, collars and
clips, brackets, and standard openings. You can use any of the defined cross sections or define
your own custom cross-sections. For more information about 2-D symbols, refer to the 2D
Symbols User's Guide.
The 3-D symbols are used to represent equipment, hangers, HVAC components, piping
components, and so forth in your model. There are hundreds of symbols that you can use as-is
or customize to fit your needs. You can also create your own symbols. This document describes
how to create symbols, incorporate them into your reference data, and describes the parameters
of the delivered symbols.
In addition to the symbols delivered with the software, Intergraph provides symbols and symbol
fixes on the Intergraph Smart Support ( web site. These
symbols are available on the product page under Downloads > Smart 3D > Content.
In order to fully understand symbols, you need to learn a few terms:
 Symbol - A symbol is a custom business object that provides a symbolic representation of a
set of graphics. It is possible for this set of graphics to look completely different in the
different display aspects.
 Flavor - A flavor is the persistent cache of all the graphic objects displayed by a symbol.
Each symbol visible in a session is just a symbolic representation (geometric transformation)
of the graphics stored in a flavor.
 Symbol Definition - A symbol definition is the persistent template for all symbols in a
database. It is the definition of the inputs, outputs, and options of all symbols created using
this symbol definition.
 Flavor Manager - When many symbols use the same flavor, a flavor manager object is
created to manage the relationships between the symbols, flavor, and symbol definition.
 Custom Component - A special symbol that has no flavor. Each custom component is a
unique symbol containing its graphic objects.
 Outputs - Persistent objects that are created by the symbol when it calculates. The most
common form of output is a graphic object, but output can be parameters.
 Inputs - Optional persistent objects used by a symbol to calculate its outputs.
See Also
Troubleshooting Symbols (on page 50)

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 14


2D Symbols
The 2D Symbols application is used to create 2-D symbols used to represent profile cross-
sections, detailed parts, features, and end cuts in the Molded Forms and Structural Detailing
tasks, and member cross-sections in the Structure task. The main purpose of 2D Symbols is to
graphically create a flexible symbol definition so that it can be used to place different objects in a
model. Two-dimensional symbols are delivered in the [Product
Folder]\SharedContent\CrossSections folder.
You use 2D Symbols to create:
 The graphic representation or inputs of the symbol.
 Named symbol geometry, such as edge names used to orient the symbol in the 3-D
environment and to constrain different types of symbols to each other.
 Parameters, such as driving dimensions.
 Geometric constraints (relationships) that specify which reference data parameters control
which part of the symbol.
 Multiple representations, which can be selected in the model to control how the symbol is
 Additional auxiliary graphic objects to create and constrain symbols. These auxiliary objects
do not become a part of symbol output geometry.
The utility also provides a dialog box for you to write the cross-section or profile into an Excel
workbook, which you can bulk load into the catalog.
For more information, see the 2D Symbols User's Guide available from the Help > Printable
Guides command in the software.

3D Symbols
You can customize additional three-dimensional symbols for your company using .NET coding.
The following picture shows the types of symbols and corresponding file formats .NET symbols
are in .vb or .cs format and will be delivered in .dll. The .dll symbols are registered on the
computer used to host the SharedContent share.
The tabular data for the symbols resides in the excel workbooks. For example, you list the
symbol name for the part on the part class sheet. You can use the Bulkload utility to load the
excel data into the Catalog Database.

Each .NET 3-D symbol comprises source code (.csproj and .cs or vbproj and .vb) and a
compiled file (.dll). The .dll files for the delivered 3-D symbols are located on the server
computer at [Product Folder]\SharedContent\bin. This folder is shared to allow client computers

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 15


to access the symbols. You specify this folder when you bulk load reference data. If necessary,
you can change the location when you bulk load a new catalog.
The 3-D symbol source code (.csproj and .cs or .vbproj or .vb) files are delivered during the
Programming Resources Installation. For more information on installing the Programming
Resources, refer to the Smart 3D Installation Guide.
To change a symbol, you must edit and then build the .NET code for the symbol. The new .dll
can be added to the Custom Symbols folder in the SharedContent share. You also must edit the
applicable bulk load workbook for the symbol, and bulk load the modified reference data into the
Catalog database.
When you add a new custom DLL to the [Reference Data
Folder]\SharedContent\Custom Symbols folder, or when you edit an existing custom DLL, you
must run the Tools > Update Custom Symbol Configuration command in Project
The overall workflow for creating a part is as follows:
 Create or modify a .NET project.
 Compile to create a .dll.
 Create or modify an Excel workbook to create the part information. As an alternative to the
workbooks, you can create part classes and part information in the Catalog task using the
Catalog > New > Class command. Refer to the Catalog User's Guide for more information.
 Bulk load the workbook. You do not need to bulk load anything if you create your part
classes in the Catalog task using the Catalog > New > Class command.
 Test the symbol in the software.
If you add new part classes after creating the Reports databases, you must re-create
the Reports databases in order to report on the new part classes.
See Also
Creating .NET Symbols (on page 20)
Creating Symbols in Solid Edge (on page 42)

Defining Ports on Symbols

Most symbols have at least one port, which is a point on a part that connects to a routed item
such as pipe or cable. A port consists of an attachment point and direction, a set of application
properties, and a physical geometry depiction. A different class of port is required for each type
of routing item. For example, piping requires one type of port, while cable requires another.

Defining Ports
You define ports when you create a symbol and define the geometry of a part. You can create
three-dimensional symbols using .NET coding. In .NET, a function specifies the port type, name,
attachment point, and attachment vector.
The software places the ports based on the information in the geometry definition file for the part
and the reference data for the part. The geometry definition file defines the port type, name,
attachment point, and attachment vector. The reference data for the specific part (item of the
part class) defines the remainder of the property values for the port.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 16


Modifying Ports
If you want to reposition a port on a part in the model, you must edit the geometry definition in
.NET. You should do this task only before any occurrences of the part are placed in the model.
A port is related to the part to which it is attached. When you move the part, the port also moves.
When you delete the part, the port is also deleted.

Providing a Graphical Preview

To make selecting and placing parts from the catalog easier, you can provide a preview graphic
of the part. This graphic helps you to visually identify the correct part in the catalog for
placement and should include any symbol dimensions that can be edited by you.
In the Catalog task, the Preview command on the View menu displays the preview graphic for
the item. You can see preview graphics when you place items in the design tasks by clicking
Preview on the Catalog browser from design tasks such as Equipment and Furnishings. In
addition, some Properties dialog boxes in the design tasks have a button that allows you to see
a preview of the selected item.
To add a preview graphic to the reference data, you must create a graphic file and store it in a
shared symbol folder on a networked computer. For example, you can place the graphic file in
[Product Folder]\SharedContent\Data, the default location installed during the Smart 3D Server
You can define a preview graphic for a specific part, which overrides any preview graphics
assigned to the part class. Any graphics created for individual parts must be stored in the same
location as those defined for part classes.
To link the preview graphic to the part or part class:
1. Edit the Microsoft Excel workbook that contains the part class information.
2. In the SymbolIcon cell, type the path and preview graphic name.
3. Bulk load the workbook into the Catalog Database using the bulkload utility.

Graphic Recommendations
 The graphic must be a Windows Bitmap (.bmp) or a CompuServe Graphics Interchange
(.gif) file. We recommend the .gif format because of the smaller file size.
 The graphic resolution should be 37 pixels per centimeter (94 pixels per inch).
 Use the lowest color depth possible without loss of image quality. Generally, this is 256
Colors (8 bit). However, some graphics can be dropped to 16 Colors (4 bit) or 2 Colors (1
bit) without loss of image quality.
 Use Verdana font with a font point size of 10 or 12 to place text in the graphic. We
recommend the Verdana font because 1 (one), I (capital i), and l (lower case L) can be
distinguished from one another in that font.
 Graphic dimensions should be as small as possible to allow you to have the graphic open
while working with the software. The maximum graphic dimension that you should create is
974 X 718 (50 pixels less than the default screen resolution of 1024 X 768). The software
does not limit the size of the graphic, so larger graphics can be used if your default screen
resolution is higher.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 17


Add a Preview Graphic to Parts using Bulkload

1. Create a graphic file (.bmp or .gif) in a graphics package.

 The purpose of this graphic is to help you identify the correct part in the catalog. The
graphic also can assist in identifying dimensions on a part.
 You can create the graphic from a snapshot of a two-dimensional drawing or of the
three-dimensional model. You also can draw the graphic freehand in a graphics
 The graphic pixel limitation is about the size of your screen because the preview box in
the Catalog task will automatically re-size around the graphic.
2. Save the graphic file in a shared symbol folder on the server. For example, you can place
the graphic file in [Product Folder]\SharedContent\Data, the default location installed during
the Smart 3D server setup.
3. Open the Excel workbook with the part class or part to which you want to add the preview
4. Select a part class sheet.
For example, if you want to add a preview graphic to the Pump class in the
Equipment workbook, open Equipment.xls and select the Pump sheet.
5. In the Definition section on the sheet, add a column.
6. Type SymbolIcon at the top of the new column.
7. Below the SymbolIcon heading, type the name of the graphic file for the part class, such as
8. In the Head/Start/End section, type SymbolIcon for the column heading in the new column.
9. Type the name of a graphic file beneath the SymbolIcon heading in the Head/Start/End
This graphic file defines the preview for the specific PART. The part graphic overrides the
preview graphic for the PART CLASS.

 If you want a part to have the same symbol file as the parent part class, type NULL
beneath the SymbolIcon heading in the Head/Start/End section. Or, you can leave the
cell blank.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 18


 The following picture shows an Excel sheet that lists a symbol icon.

10. Mark all of the rows that you modified with the letter M.
11. Bulkload the workbook in the Add/Modify/Delete mode. For more information about
bulkloading, see Bulk Load Database with Data in the Reference Data Guide.

 If you do not want to specify a preview graphic for a part class or part, do not add the
SymbolIcon heading to the Definition or Head/Start/End sections. You do not have to
specify a preview graphic for a part class or part.
 You can check the preview by starting the Catalog task, selecting the part or part class, and
clicking View > Preview. You also can see the preview by selecting an item in the model
and displaying the Properties dialog box for the item. Some Properties dialog boxes have a
button that allows you to see a preview of the selected item.
 The software delivery includes preview symbols for several items. The delivery location for
many of the preview symbols is [Product Folder]\SharedContent\Data on the server
computer. If you want to add symbols, you must create the graphic and bulkload as
described above.
See Also
Providing a Graphical Preview (on page 17)

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 19


Creating .NET Symbols

Creating Smart 3D symbol content using the .NET 3D API provides the following benefits:
1. Access to the new and improved 3D API application objects and services.
2. Use of the 3D API from within the latest .NET framework.
3. Built-in support for running in future 64-bit applications.
To place a symbol in the 3D environment, you need graphical data (.NET symbol) and non-
graphical data (Excel workbook containing specifications, rules, dimensional data, and so forth).
To create a symbol in the software, do the following:
1. Understand the geometry and use of the symbol.
2. Write .NET code for the geometry outputs to be created.
3. Sign the assembly with a strong name.
4. Bulkload the symbol data into the catalog database.
You do not need to manually grant the computer access to the .NET assemblies. The
software automatically handles the procedure.

Understanding the Geometry

Before preparing a symbol, study the symbol in terms of the dimensional parameters required to
uniquely define the symbol, the ports or connect points required for the symbol, how the
geometry of the symbol will be represented graphically, the origin of the symbol, the orientation
of the symbol, and so forth.
Determine the various aspects of the symbol to be drawn such as Physical, Insulation,
Maintenance, and so forth. This means that you should decide whether to simply draw the
symbol’s physical representation only or whether to add the insulation graphics, maintenance
space required, and so forth.
Referring to the example of a ball valve, Physical and Insulation aspects of the valve will be

Geometric Representation
The valve is drawn with a circular flange on the left hand side as a cylinder; next a cylinder, a
sphere, a cylinder at the center, and another circular flange at the right hand side. This means
three outputs are drawn to represent the Physical Aspect of the valve (Port1, ValveBody, and
Port2). Please note that even though this example appears to represent a flanged ball valve, the
code is generic enough to accommodate different end preparations such as welded, flanged,

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 20

Creating .NET Symbols

threaded, and so forth. You can define a more complex geometric representation of the symbol
as needed.

As a symmetrical valve, the face to face dimension is required to draw the valve. The
dimensions required to draw the flange are obtained from the standard geometric data
bulkloaded in the Smart 3D project’s catalog database. This data is available in the
AllCommon.xls for the various end preparations (Bolted, Male, or Female). The radius of the
sphere is assumed to be a factor of the known dimensions. Hence the input parameters required
those for representing the Physical Aspect (Face to Face dimension).

The symbol is drawn with the origin (0, 0, 0) at the center of the valve. The left-hand side port is
drawn along –X direction and the right-hand side port is drawn along +X direction.

Defining Ports on Symbols

Most symbols have at least one port, which is a point on a part that connects to a routed item,
such as pipe or cableway. A port consists of an attachment point and direction, set of application
properties, and physical geometry depiction. A different class of port is required for each type of
routing item. For example, piping requires one type of port, while cableway requires another.
You define ports when you create a symbol and define the geometry of a part. In .NET, a
function specifies the port type, name, attachment point, and attachment vector. The software
places the ports based on the information in the geometry definition file for the part and the
reference data for the part. The geometry definition file defines the port type, name, attachment
point, and attachment vector. The reference data for the specific part (item of the part class)
defines the remainder of the property values for the port.

Writing Code for the .NET Symbol

The Smart 3D software has the following geometry APIs, through which the outputs need to be
 Line3D

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 21

Creating .NET Symbols

 Circle3D
 Arc3D
 ComplexString3D
 Projection3D
 Revolution3D
 Torus3D
 BsplineCurve3D
 Cone3D
 Nozzle
The SymbolGeometryHelper contains primitive shapes such as CreateCylinder, CreateCone,
CreateCircularTorus, CreateSphere, and so forth, which are used for creating different
You build the assembly to %OLE_SERVER%\Custom Symbols. You can build the assembly in
any sub-folder under the Custom Symbols folder.

Deploying the Symbols

In the Project Management task, select the Catalog and then select Tools > Update Custom
Symbol Configuration. This updates "CustomSymbolConfig.xml" with the ProgID of the new
assembly and its location relative to the "%OLE_SERVER%" path.

Naming of the Symbol Definition

The definition name of a symbol should be unique in the database. It is recommended that the
namespace of symbol definition class should be specified as follows:
For example, Ingr.SP3D.Content.Support
We also recommended that if a delivered symbol definition must be changed to meet a specific
requirement, its namespace/symbol definition class name be changed so that the identity of the
modified symbol is different (unique) from the one delivered in the software.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 22

Creating .NET Symbols

Bulkloading the Symbol

You should find an existing symbol similar in geometry to your custom symbol, nozzle location,
and orientation, and so forth, and use its bulkload datasheet as a base in which to prepare a
datasheet to bulkload the new symbol.
For example, to bulkload inline valves with two nozzles use the ‘BALR’ worksheet in the
Piping.xls sheet. To bulkload an inline symbol when there is a change in diameter ‘REDC’, use
the Piping.xls worksheet. You can have as many attributes as occurrence attributes (property
values which can be changed at runtime), but this should be specified in the same row where
the SymbolDefinition is mentioned.
A new symbol’s non-graphic data should be added in a specified Microsoft Excel workbook. For
example, Piping.xls should be edited for a new Piping symbol. Equipment.xls should be edited
for a new Equipment symbol. Each of these Excel books defines the classes, parts,
specifications, rules, and so forth. Some common workbooks, such as, AllCommon.xls and
AllCodeLists.xls might need to be edited.
For each unique symbol, a separate worksheet should be added to the Microsoft Excel
workbook with appropriate detail. You can use the Microsoft Excel workbook generated by the
Part Definition Symbol Wizard. Provide nozzle information in the part class Excel sheet
depending on the number of nozzles in the newly created symbol. Use ‘A’ to append, ‘M’ to
modify, and ‘D’ to delete data into the Catalog database when bulkloading in Append mode.

Bulkloading the Piping Symbol

See the spreadsheets that are created for the ball valve delivered on your system as follows:
{Product Path}\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DotNetSampleDataFiles\Piping-DotNet.xls
{Product Path}\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DotNetSampleDataFiles\PipingSpecification-DotNet.xls
For more information not covered in this programming guide, including guidelines on bulkloading
symbols, see Loading Reference Data into the Catalog in the Reference Data Guide.

Placing the Symbol

Complete the following steps for placing a piping symbol:
1. Open Smart 3D and navigate to the Piping task.

2. Click Route Pipe on the vertical toolbar.

3. Select the run starting point.
If you select a feature located at the end of an existing run, the software continues the run of
the selected feature. If you select an equipment nozzle, a point in space, or a point along a
straight feature, the software prompts you to create a new pipe run.
4. On the New Pipe Run dialog box, type a name for the pipe run. If you do not type a name,
the software automatically generates a name. Select the Piping System (Specification
IC0031, IC0032, N0, N1) and NPD to be used for placing the pipeline. The NPD and
Specification should be the same you used in the bulkload data for the symbol.
5. Click OK to close the New Pipe Run dialog box.
6. Select point to end routing of your pipe run.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 23

Creating .NET Symbols

7. Click Insert Component on the vertical toolbar to insert a component.

The Insert Component command adds valves, strainers, laterals, and other components to a
pipe run. You can add components either during the routing of a pipe run or after the pipe
has been routed.
The system uses the pipe specification, nominal diameter of the selected pipe run, and the
geometry of the insertion point to filter the available components. For example, if the
insertion point is not at the end of a pipe run or at an equipment nozzle, turn components
are not included in the list of available components. When you insert a component, the
software generates any mating and connection parts required to connect the inserted part to
the adjacent objects.
When inserting components, you can use the Tools > Pinpoint and Tools > Point Along
commands to position components precisely in a pipe run.
8. Select the component type and option in the Type and Option boxes.
9. Click to define the position of the component if you are placing it in a straight feature.
If needed, change the position of the component using Flip, Reference Position, and
Angle options.
10. Click Finish.
11. You can check the properties (input parameter values) by selecting the component and
selecting Edit > Properties.

Creating an Advanced Symbol

Some symbols often use more advanced techniques in order to meet the different set of
requirements posed on them. The following section provides details on these techniques.

Dynamic Outputs ........................................................................... 25
Custom Weight and Center of Gravity (COG) ............................... 25
Custom Evaluation of Origin and Orientation ................................ 26
Custom Foul Check ....................................................................... 27
Custom Mirror ................................................................................ 28
Custom Property Management ...................................................... 28
To Do Record Messages ............................................................... 29
Checking the Status of Nested Symbols ....................................... 31
Creating .NET Symbols using the Symbol Wizard ........................ 32
Useful Tips for Symbol Definition Coding ...................................... 32

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 24

Creating .NET Symbols

Dynamic Outputs
Often the symbol outputs are not known before-hand and are determined dynamically during the
computation of the symbol. For example, concerning a symbol to create the geometry of a stair,
the number of outputs is dependent on the span of the stair and pitch.
The 3D API framework allows addition of such outputs dynamically. Adding dynamic outputs to
the symbol by:
1. Informing symbol machinery that you’ll be creating variable outputs.
If you derive your symbol definition class from a business object specific base class (that is,
StairSymbolDefinition), this step is not needed and you can jump directly to step 2.
Add VariableOutputs attribute on your class.
2. Constructing the output object; a symbol output must be persistent; that is, it must be
created with a valid database connection.
3. An output object is added to the symbol outputs with a unique name.
'Add an output object myOutputObject named “MyOutputName”
'to the aspect m_oSimplePhysicalAspect.
m_oSimplePhysicalAspect.Outputs.Add("MyOutputName ",

Custom Weight and Center of Gravity (COG)

If a symbol is responsible for computing weight and center of gravity (COG), the symbol should
compute the volume and COG of the geometric outputs in the ConstructOutputs module. This
results in better performance rather than getting the outputs later and performing calculation.
Catalog parts can have single or multiple materials. For example, a pipe part has single
material, but a ladder can have a variety of materials for the frame, cage, safety gate, support
legs, bolts, and so forth. Weight and COG evaluation for the parts need to consider all the
individual materials.
The 3D API framework supports custom weight COG calculation for both kinds of parts.
Evaluating weight COG in the symbol consists of:
1. Get the net volume and COG for the geometric outputs of the symbol for each material.
2. Construct a VolumeCOG named output object for each material and add it as output to the
'Create a VolumeCOG object for a HandRail symbol.
oHandRailVolCOG = New VolumeCG(oConnection, dTotalVolume, dCOGX,
m_oSimplePhysicalAspect.Outputs[“VolumeCOG”] = oHandRailVolCOG
3. Symbols which handle parts with single material only need to complete previous steps 1 and
2. Weight COG will be calculated by the business object from this named output.
4. Symbols which handle parts with multiple materials need to realize ICustomWeightCG. This
interface provides methods to evaluate weight COG or the part by the symbol. In this case,
the symbol gets the outputs from the output collection and the materials from the part to
calculate the net weight COG.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 25

Creating .NET Symbols

EvaluateWeightCG(ByVal oBO As BusinessObject) Implements

'Get VolumeCOG output.
'Get the output from the symbol output collection using the
'helper method provided on SymbolHelper.
oObject = SymbolHelper.GetSymbolOutput(oBO, "SimplePhysical", _
If Not oObject Is Nothing Then
oHandRailVolCOG = DirectCast(oObject, VolumeCG)
dVolume = oHandRailVolCOG.Volume
dCOGX = oHandRailVolCOG.COGX
dCOGY = oHandRailVolCOG.COGY
dCOGZ = oHandRailVolCOG.COGZ

'Evaluate weight from output volume and the material

'properties on the given user interface.
dWeight = EvaluateWeightFromVolume(oBO, dVolume, _

'Set the net weight and COG on the Business Object using
'helper method provided on StructureSymbolDefinition.
SymbolHelper.SetWeightAndCOG(oBO, dWeight, dCOGX, dCOGY,

End If

Custom Evaluation of Origin and Orientation

Often parts need to be positioned and oriented correctly based on the given inputs. For
example, a stair needs to be positioned and oriented based on the TopSupport, SideReference,
and BottomSupport inputs selected by you.
The 3D API framework provides an interface ICustomEvaluate which should be realized by the
symbol to support evaluation of origin and orientation for parts.
Evaluating origin and orientation of a part involves the following steps:
1. Realize ICustomEvaluate on the symbol.
2. Construct the transformation matrix based on the given inputs.
The following code example demonstrates how to construct the transformation matrix from the
vectors based on the geometric inputs and the position value given for a stair:
EvaluateGeometry(ByVal oBO As BusinessObject, bPartChanged As bool,
bGeomInputChanged As bool, bPropertyValueChanged As bool)

'Initialize the matrix to identity.
oMatrix = New Matrix4X4()
'Construct a double array and set the actual double values for the
'x, y, z vectors in the transformation matrix.
'Also set the translation component.
Dim dArrMatrix As Double() = New Double(15) {}

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 26

Creating .NET Symbols

'Set the double array on the matrix.

3. Set the transformation matrix on the Business Object.
The following code example shows how to set the transformation matrix
on the Ladder object.

'Set the orientation matrix on the ladder or stair.

Dim ladderStairObject As StairLadderBase = DirectCast(oBO,
ladderStairObject.Matrix = oMatrixOrientation

Custom Foul Check

Some business objects delegate foul check to the symbol which allows the symbol writer to
override the default implementation. For example, a footing assembly symbol may need to
return all the supported member parts as connected parts to suppress interference between
them and the footing. A footing component symbol might need to return non-participant for
interference check to avoid duplicate interference reporting by the components.
The 3D API framework provides an interface ICustomFoulCheck which should be realized by
the symbol to support custom behavior of foul check for parts.
Supporting custom behavior for foul check on a symbol involves the following steps:
1. Realize ICustomFoulCheck on the symbol.
2. GetConnectedParts should return the collection of connected parts or return null.
3. GetInterferenceType should return the interference type.
The following code example shows how to implement GetConnectedParts and
GetInterferenceType for the footing assembly symbol:
GetConnectedParts(ByVal oBO As BusinessObject) As ReadOnlyCollection(Of

'Get all the supported objects from the footing.
Dim oConnectedPartsList As New List(Of BusinessObject)()

'Get all the supported objects from the footing.
'For each supported object, if it is a MemberSystem, get its parts
and add them to the list.

Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of

End Function

GetFoulInterfaceType(ByVal oBO As BusinessObject) As FoulInterfaceType

'Footing assembly is participant in interference.
Return FoulInterfaceType.Participant
End Function

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 27

Creating .NET Symbols

Custom Mirror
Some business objects delegate the mirror implementation for the symbol code which allows the
symbol writer to override the mirror behavior of a specific part; for example, a stair might need to
be flipped around the top support on mirror.
The 3D API framework provides an interface ICustomMirror which should be realized by the
symbol to support custom mirror behavior for mirroring parts.
Supporting custom behavior for mirror on a symbol involves the following steps:
1. Realize ICustomMirror on the symbol.
2. Set properties which effect mirror behavior inside the Mirror method.
The following code example shows how to implement mirror for a ladder:
Mirror(ByVal oBusinessObject As BusinessObject, ByVal
oBusinessObjectOrig As BusinessObject, ByVal oMirrorPlane As IPlane,
ByVal oTransformMatrix As Matrix4X4, ByVal bIsCopy As Boolean)

'Add custom behavior for mirror here based on mirror behavior.

Dim iMirrorBevahior As Integer =

CInt(SymbolHelper.GetLongProperty(DirectCast(oPart, BusinessObject),
If iMirrorBevahior = SPSSymbolConstants.REPLACEMENTPARTVALUE Then

Custom Property Management

Client tier code for some business objects can use the symbol code to verify the validity of
values given for properties on placement and during edit through the property pages. For
example, a stair can only support angle values within a certain range. Also, a ladder symbol
which only supports a vertical ladder might need to have the angle field read-only only in the
client tier.
The 3D API framework provides an interface ICustomPropertyManagement which should be
realized by the symbol to support validation and management of the properties on the part.
Implementation of custom property management involves the following steps:
1. Realize ICustomPropertyManagement on the symbol.
2. OnPreLoad is called immediately before the properties are loaded in the property page
control. Any change to the display status of properties can be done here.
Following code example demonstrates how to set the display status of a property to read-
OnPreLoad(ByVal oBusinessObject As BusinessObject, ByVal
CollAllDisplayedValues As ReadOnlyCollection(Of PropertyDescriptor))

'Validate each property value.

For i As Integer = 0 To CollAllDisplayedValues.Count - 1

Dim oPropDescr As PropertyDescriptor =

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 28

Creating .NET Symbols

Dim oPropValue As PropertyValue = oPropDescr.[Property]

Dim sPropName As String = oPropValue.PropertyInfo.Name

'Make all these properties read-only.

Select Case sPropName
Case "MyReadOnlyPropertyName"
oPropDescr.[ReadOnly] = True
Exit Select
End Select


3. OnPropertyChange is called each time a property is modified. Any custom validation can
be done here.
Following code example shows how to validate the value of a property on change in the property
OnPropertyChange(ByVal oBusinessObject As BusinessObject, ByVal
CollAllDisplayedValues As ReadOnlyCollection(Of PropertyDescriptor),
ByVal oPropToChange As PropertyDescriptor, ByVal oNewPropValue As
PropertyValue, ByRef sErrorMessage As String) As Boolean

sInterfaceName =
sPropertyName = oPropToChange.[Property].PropertyInfo.Name

'Check the property value.
If sErrorMessage.Length > 0 Then
bOnPreLoad = False
Exit For
End If

To Do Record Messages
A content writer developing a symbol must write the code to create the output objects. In some
cases, the given set of input values might be invalid or semi-valid. In such a case, the content
writer can create a To Do Record (TDR) associated with the symbol occurrence. The TDR
causes the symbol to be added to the To Do List with a message. An error message would be
displayed for an invalid set of inputs. A warning message would be displayed for a semi-valid set
of inputs.
Prior to Version 2011 R1 (9.1), a TDR for a symbol requires the message to be defined in a
codelist table. The codelist table name and codelist index must be passed into the function by
raising an exception that creates the TDR. The existing exception classes are:
SymbolErrorException and SymbolWarningException. The exception contains the data that is
needed to create a TDR. This method of creating a TDR is still supported, but is deprecated and
should no longer be used when writing new .NET symbols.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 29

Creating .NET Symbols

Posting errors from .NET symbols using exceptions has an important drawback in that after the
exception is raised, the remaining code within the .NET symbol is not executed. This does not
work well for warnings which need to continue execution after the warning is posted.
Beginning in Version 2011 R1 (9.1), a TDR with a string message can be created by setting the
new ToDoListMessage property on the base class of the symbol. The new messages are
uniquely identified by the combination of the message module name and the message number.
A message module is a logical collection of messages. The names of modules must be unique
across the entire product. Every message is identified with a message number. Message
numbers must be unique within a module.
The recommended conventions are:
 Each component defines one or more message modules. Each message module
corresponds to a resource file containing localized messages.
 Customers who add error messages for their custom content should use message module
names that identify the company name (for example, AcmeErrorMsgs).
 Use the resource ID as the message number.
A new property has been added to the CustomSymbolDefinition base class. To create a TDR,
the symbol code must set this new property and should not raise an exception.
public abstract class CustomSymbolDefinition
public ToDoListMessage ToDoListMessage
get { return m_oTDLMessage; }
set { m_ oTDLMessage = value; }

The data type of the new property is a class as shown below.

public class ToDoListMessage
// Constructors
// Construct a very simple ToDoListMessage specifying only type and message text.
// This constructor is intended for custom content writers that do not localize
// their messages. A default module name and message number are supplied by this
// constructor.
// ArgumentException is raised if an empty string is passed for text.
public ToDoListMessage(ToDoMessageTypes type, string text)
// Construct a simple ToDoListMessage when the objectToUpdate is not needed.
// This constructor is intended for most application developers and content writers
// who localize their messages and provide a help topic.
// ArgumentException is raised if an empty string is passed for moduleName or text.
public ToDoListMessage(ToDoMessageTypes type, string moduleName, int number, string text)
// Construct a ToDoListMessage including an objectToUpdate.
// This constructor is intended for the rare case where an object to update that is
// different from the symbol must be specified.
// ArgumentException is raised if an empty string is passed for moduleName or text.
// ArgumentNullException is raised if objectToUpdate is Null.
public ToDoListMessage(ToDoMessageTypes type, string moduleName, int number, string text,
BusinessObject objectToUpdate)
// Properties
// The Type property identifies the message as an error or a warning.
public property ToDoMessageTypes Type { get; }
// The ModuleName property identifies a logical grouping of messages.
// Each component/customer defines their own module name.
// Module names must be unique across the product.
public property string ModuleName { get; }
// The Number property identifies a specific message within a module.
// The combination of module name and message number uniquely identifies the message.
public property int Number { get; }
// The Text property holds the localized message text including any contextual data.
public property string Text { get; }
// The ObjectToUpdate property holds a reference to the object to be updated when
// the user clicks on the Update command in the To Do List dialog.
// If the object to update is not specified, the symbol occurrence itself is updated.
public property BusinessObject ObjectToUpdate { get; }

// Describes the possible types of to do messages.

public enum ToDoMessageTypes
// The symbol failed to compute the output objects.
ToDoMessageError = 1,

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 30

Creating .NET Symbols
// The symbol encountered problems while computing the output objects.
ToDoMessageWarning = 4,

Sample Usage
To create an error To Do Record:
string strMessageModule = “EquipProcessMsgs”;
int nMessageNumber = 5;
string strMessageText = ”Unable to construct tank geometry due to conflicting parameter values”;
oSymbol.ToDoListMessage = new ToDoListMessage(ToDoMessageTypes.ToDoMessageError, strMessageModule, nMessageNumber,

To create a warning To Do Record:

string strMessageModule = “StructStairMsgs”;
int nMessageNumber = 43;
string strMessageText = ”Warning: stair pitch is too steep”;
oSymbol.ToDoListMessage = new ToDoListMessage(ToDoMessageTypes. ToDoMessageWarning, strMessageModule, nMessageNumber,

Checking the Status of Nested Symbols

There are 3D APIs to place and update a nested symbol from an outer symbol. You must check
the status of the nested symbol after an update to see if the update resulted in success, failure,
or warning.
A read-only property called ToDoListMessage is available in SymbolOccurrence. After calling
update() on the nested symbol, this property needs to be checked to know the status of the
update. When the symbol updates successfully, this property is null. When the Update() results
in a warning or error, the ToDoListMessage property is not null. The following example shows
how to check the status of Update().
Dim oBox As SymbolOccurrence
oBox = New SymbolOccurrence(oConnection,
"SP3DBallValve,Ingr.SP3D.Piping.NetBox", "", True)

oBox.SetInputDouble("Xmax", 0.6)
oBox.SetInputDouble("Ymax", 0.6)
oBox.SetInputDouble("Zmax", 1.1)

'Check the status of update
Dim oBoxTDLMsg As ToDoListMessage
oBoxTDLMsg = oBox.ToDoListMessage
If Not oBoxTDLMsg Is Nothing Then
'Create a ToDoList Message on outer symbol
ToDoListMessage = New ToDoListMessage(oBoxTDLMsg.Type,
End If
If the outer symbol does not check the status of Update() for the nested symbol, and therefore
does not create a ToDoListMessage on itself, no To Do record is created. No To Do record is
created on the inner symbol because the Update() method on the inner symbol does not create
a To Do record.
Any symbol occurrence (outer or inner) created using 3DAPI has the property
‘ToDoListMessage’ which can be used in 3DAPI.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 31

Creating .NET Symbols

If there are any existing .NET symbols that use nested symbols, they need to be modified to
check the status of nested symbols after Update(). In case there is an error, appropriate action
(such as creating a ToDoListMessage on outer symbol as shown in the example above) needs
to be taken.

Creating .NET Symbols using the Symbol Wizard

To help you create new symbols, the Symbol Wizard is delivered with the software. The wizard
is an executable, runs as a stand-alone application, and is delivered as follows:
{Product Path}\Core\Container\Bin\Assemblies\Release\SymbolWizard.exe
For more information see its integrated context sensitive (F1) help.
The wizard implementation is language neutral. It uses style sheet templates and XML
transformation to generate a .NET symbol definition for any programming language (VB.NET,
C#.) needed by the symbol author. The style sheet templates are delivered as follows:
{Product Path}\CommonApp\SOM\Client\Services\SymbolWizard\Templates
One VB.NET style sheet for each Solution, Project, AssemblyInfo, and the Symbol class is
delivered, but these can be replaced with other programming language templates.

The workflow for using the wizard to create a new symbol consists of the following steps:
1. Identify the .NET symbol project and location.
2. Specify either a new or existing project in which to add the .NET symbol.
3. Provide a Namespace and the symbol class name. Define inputs to the symbol in the inputs
grid. See the section on Naming of the Symbol Definition for naming guidelines.
4. Select aspects defined by the symbol.
5. Define outputs for each aspect.
On finish, the new .NET Symbol class is created in the target project.

Useful Tips for Symbol Definition Coding

Application-specific Symbol Definition Base Classes
By default, the symbol class created by the wizard inherits from CustomSymbolDefinition.
Smart 3D provides application and business object-specific symbol definition base classes
which provide some useful functionality; for example, StructureSymbolDefinition,
LadderSymbolDefinition, and so forth. A symbol should inherit from one of these base classes
to help implement all the necessary behavior on the symbol.

As previously mentioned, the SymbolGeometryHelper provides a useful API to create
geometry primitives for symbol output. Some of these functions include: CreateCylinder(),
CreateCone(), CreateCircularTorus(), and so forth.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 32

Creating .NET Symbols

Migrating an Existing Symbol to .NET

You should consider the following questions when making decisions for migrating existing COM
content to .NET:
1. Do I have access to VB6, VC++, or Visual Studio in which to develop?
2. Does the symbol need to run in a 64 bit version of the application yet?
3. Are there features of .NET or the new 3D API in which I need to take advantage?
If some or all of the above are requirements, then you should consider migrating the symbol to
This following section provides guidelines on how to migrate an existing symbol to .NET.

Migration Wizard
The Symbol Wizard allows symbol authors to create new symbols or migrate selected symbol
definitions to .NET.

Workflow for using the Symbol Wizard for migrating existing Symbols is:
1. Identify the .NET Symbol Project and location.
a. Specify either a new project in which for the .NET Symbol to be created or add the
Symbol to an existing project.
2. Provide a Namespace and the new Symbol class name. See the section on Naming of the
Symbol Definition for naming guidelines.
3. Identify the existing symbol(s) to be migrated
a. Select a .dll which contains existing symbols.
b. Select one or more required existing symbols from the list of available symbols.
On finish, the new .NET Symbol class will be added to the new or existing project.

Migrated .NET Symbol Class

The migrated .NET Symbol class inherits the following information from the old symbol:
 Inputs
 Aspects
 Outputs
 A new Symbol Definition format of the ConstructOutputs() method stub will be provided
where the logic needs to be added to create the necessary outputs for each aspect.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 33

Creating .NET Symbols

Creating a Custom Assembly

Custom Assembly represents an extension of a 3D symbol where more than geometry can be
produced as outputs. You can include other first class business objects, such as nozzles on
equipment or structural members in an equipment foundation. The Custom Assembly inherits
from the base symbol definition class so the same deployment and advanced extensions exist
for the Custom Assembly.

Defining a Custom Assembly

Defining a Custom Assembly implies inheriting from an application provided by the Smart 3D
Custom Assembly base class such as EquipmentAssemblyDefinition,
FootingCustomAssemblyDefinition, or EquipmentFoundationCustomAssemblyDefinition.
These base classes provide a basis for working with the business object and existing Smart 3D
user interface.

Defining Assembly Outputs

Assembly outputs are declared as fields of your Custom Assembly:
' Declare assembly outputs
<AssemblyOutput(1, "Pier")> _
Public m_Pier As AssemblyOutput
<AssemblyOutput(2, "Grout")> _
Public m_Grout As AssemblyOutput
The field variable must be declared Public and have a defining attribute providing it with a
unique index and name. Omitting the defining attribute from the output simply ignores the
declared output.

Creating / Evaluating Assembly Outputs

Construction and modification of assembly outputs occurs in the EvaluateAssembly method.
This method is invoked immediately following the symbol’s ConstructOutputs method. All
parameter inputs and symbol outputs are available for you to access when manipulating the
assembly outputs.

Creating Assembly Output

You create assembly outputs by setting the declared field assembly output’s field variable
Output property to a persistent business object. EvaluateAssembly is invoked when the
outputs are to be created and anytime the assembly needs to be evaluated. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the developer to determine whether the output is already generated. A typical
pattern for creating an assembly output might appear as:
If (m_NozzleSuction.Output Is Nothing) Then
m_NozzleSuction.Output = ConstructNozzleSuction(oSP3DConnection)
End If
The code always checks whether the output already exists and only constructs the output when
it is Nothing. Failure to make this check results in an exception indicating that the output
already exists.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 34

Creating .NET Symbols

Modify Assembly Outputs

As noted earlier, output will already exist with subsequent invocations of the EvaluateAssembly
method. To modify the output, cast the output to the constructed business object class and
manipulate the object:
<AssemblyOutput(2, SPSSymbolConstants.Pier)> _
Public m_oPierAssemblyOutput As AssemblyOutput

Public Overrides Sub EvaluateAssembly()

Dim oPierComponent As FoundationComponent = Nothing

' construct the pier (if not generated yet)

If m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output Is Nothing Then
oPierComponent = CreateComponent(SPSSymbolConstants.Pier)
m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output = oPierComponent
oPierComponent = DirectCast(m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output,
End If

oPierComponent.Origin = New Position(1, 2, 3)


Optional Assembly Outputs

Even though an assembly output has been declared, it does not imply that you must create an
output. Not constructing an output indicates the output is not required. Additionally, if an output
already exists you can remove the output:
If m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output Is Nothing Then
End If
Now using this code, the output no longer exists. When the evaluation method is invoked again,
you can decide whether to construct the output again.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 35

Creating .NET Symbols

Accessing Object Inputs

While constructing and evaluating the assembly outputs, access to the object inputs may be
required; such as the structural member where the footing is to be placed. These inputs must
be retrieved from the business object using the Occurrence property on the Custom Assembly:
'accessing the footing business object
Dim oFooting As Footing = DirectCast(Occurrence, Footing)
Direct casting of the occurrence to the specific business object provides access to the object-
specific properties which would include the inputs (supported members and supporting
members in the example above).

Allowing End-Users to Delete Assembly Outputs

By default an end-user will not be able to remove the assembly outputs of a Custom Assembly
without removing the parent business object. To allow independent removal of an output, you
must set the property CanDeleteIndependently to True. By setting this property to True,
within your EvaluateAssembly method, an end-user will be able to delete your assembly output
independently of the parent business object. By allowing this behavior, the object construction is
slightly complicated because a check now will be necessary to determine whether the user has
deleted your output. The object construction checks would now appear as:
' Construct the pier (if not generated yet).
Dim oPierComponent As FoundationComponent = Nothing
If m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output Is Nothing Then
If Not m_oPierAssemblyOutput.HasBeenDeletedByUser Then
m_oPierAssemblyOutput.CanDeleteIndependently = True
oPierComponent = CreateComponent("Pier")
m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output = oPierComponent
End If
oPierComponent = DirectCast(m_oPierAssemblyOutput.Output,
End If
Notice the additional check as to whether the output was deleted by the user with the
HasBeenDeletedByUser property. This property will be true when the output existed at one
time and was explicitly removed by the user. Also, notice the line of code that set the
CanDeleteIndependently property to True, which allowed the end-user to delete the assembly
output in the first place.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 36

Creating .NET Symbols

Dynamic Outputs
Similar to a symbol, Custom Assembly provides for dynamic outputs (that is, outputs whose
count may vary dynamically at runtime). An example of this might be the structural member legs
of an equipment foundation. Declaring a dynamic output can appear similar to the following:
'Declaring a dynamic structural member leg output.
<AssemblyOutput(1, "FoundationMemberlegs”)> _
Public m_objFoundationLegs As AssemblyOutputs
The definition of a field variable of type AssemblyOutputs with same AssemblyOutput defining
attribute as present for singularly declared assembly outputs. AssemblyOutputs inherits from
List<BusinessObject>; hence, AssemblyOutptus is a collection (i.e., list) of BusinessObjects.
The code within the EvaluateAssembly method would add and subtract business objects from
this list based on the needed count:
<InputString(2, "FoundationShape", "Foundation Shape", "Rectangle")> _
Public m_sFoundationShape As InputString

<AssemblyOutput(1, "FoundationLegs")> _
Public m_objFoundationLegs As AssemblyOutputs

'Evaluate assembly outputs.

Public Overrides Sub EvaluateAssembly()
Dim iLegCount As Integer
iLegCount = 0

If m_sFoundationShape.Value = "Rectangle" Then

iLegCount = 4
ElseIf m_sFoundationShape.Value = "Hexagon" Then
iLegCount = 6
End If

' Current leg count.

Dim iCurrentLegCount As Integer
iCurrentLegCount = m_objFoundationLegs.Count

Dim iCnt As Integer

If iCurrentLegCount = iLegCount Then ' No change.
ElseIf iCurrentLegCount < iLegCount Then ' Need to add some legs.
For iCnt = iCurrentLegCount + 1 To iLegCount
m_objFoundationLegs.Add(New Member(...
Else ' remove some legs
For iCnt = iCurrentLegCount To iLegCount + 1 Step -1
End If

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 37

Creating .NET Symbols

Bulkloading a Custom Assembly

Bulkloading a Custom Assembly varies slightly from bulkloading a symbol definition:

The Custom Assembly ProgID (in this case, assembly .dll name with custom assembly class
name and its namespace), defined in the Definition field of a bulkloaded spreadsheet, indicates
a Custom Assembly.
When this field is present in the spreadsheet for items such as equipment, footings, equipment
foundations, etc., it is expected that the Definition field should be completed with the name of a
Custom Assembly. The SymbolDefinition is left blank (that is, this field is ignored).

Creating and Scheduling Custom Batch Jobs

To use custom batch jobs in Smart 3D, you must follow these steps:
1. Create a custom batch job that you can schedule, and run it through the Smart 3D batch
2. Register the custom batch job so that the administrator can configure queues for the job.
3. Submit the custom batch job through a custom command.

Creating a Custom Batch Job

Create a custom batch job by creating a new class in the job that implements IBatchCommand.
IBatchCommand Interface:
In the new class that implements IBatchCommand interface, define two methods:
 Initialize - Initializes all the arguments that are submitted to Intergraph Batch Server. It also
initializes all the variables using the .xml file that is generated after submitting the job to IBS.
 Execute - Executes the custom batch job process. You must implement the custom batch
job in this method.
For more information on defining the Initialize and Execute methods, see the Visual
Studio integrated reference documentation on BatchCommand.cs.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 38

Creating .NET Symbols

Configuring the Queues for Custom Batch Jobs

To configure a queue for a custom batch job, you must retrieve the command ProgID, job name,
and job ProgID and copy them into the CustomBatchJobsDetails.xml file, located in [Product
Below is the sample format of the CustomBatchJobsDetails.xml. If this file does not exist, then
create a new file in the below format.
<JobType>Check Database Integrity</JobType>
<JobDescription>To check the S3D database integrity and
ultipleUpdate </JobProgId>
 JobType - Defines the name of the job. The name should be unique.
 JobDescription - Defines the job description.
 JobProgId - Defines the ProgID created for the custom batch job.
 IsModelSpecific - Defines the type of job. Set IsModelSpecific to True to specify the job as
a model-specific job, and set IsModelSpecific to False to specify the job as a site-specific
Custom batch jobs can only be created for models, so set IsModelSpecific to
Register this custom batch job so that the administrator can configure queues for the job in
Project Management.

Scheduling a Custom Batch Job

You can schedule the custom batch job using the Schedule Data Consistency check dialog
When you submit a job for any custom batch commands in .NET, you must first define a
JobCreator class, which allows the API to display the Schedule Data Consistency check
dialog box. The JobCreator class also allows you to submit the batch job to the Intergraph
Batch Server.
The Schedule Data Consistency check dialog box provides information to the Intergraph
Batch Server, such as the queue on which the batch job is submitted, scheduling properties, and
mail notification options.
1. Create a JobCreator class to use the following APIs to submit a custom batch job:
 Initialize - Initializes the job.
 ShowSchedule - Opens the Schedule Data Consistency Check Dialog Box (on page
After the above APIs are defined, the Schedule Data Consistency Check dialog box

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 39

Creating .NET Symbols


2. After selecting all the inputs, click OK.

The Ok_Clicked event handler displays, allowing you to create the required inputs to
execute the batch job in .xml format.
3. In the OK_Clicked handler, call the AddBatchRequest method, which takes command line
arguments in .xml format.
4. Create an .xml file with all the required inputs for the job and save your changes.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 40

Creating .NET Symbols

Schedule Data Consistency Check Dialog Box

Specifies the queue on which the job is run.
Run job
Specifies how often the job is run.
Run on (time)
Specifies the time to run the job.
Defines further options for scheduling the job.
Run on (date)
Specifies the date on which to run the job. Use this option if you want the job to be run once.
Notify the Job Status when
Select Job Start to receive the job status at the job start, Job Completion to receive the job
status once it is complete, or Job Abort to receive the job status when it is aborted.
Specifies the email addresses to which the Job Status notifications are sent.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 41


Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

Using Solid Edge, you can do the following:
 Model different types of equipment representations.
 Use the equipment representations for different types of interference checking.
 Combine multiple representations for a single piece of equipment component into an
assembly file.
Solid Edge symbols are only supported by the software when they are used to create
equipment. Solid Edge symbols are not supported by Smart 3D for other tasks.
The Occurrence Name suffix of each part identifies the representation or aspect for the part.
You can find the available aspects listed in the Aspect Code sheet of the AllCodeLists.xls
workbook. The following table lists the common Solid Edge file names, associated aspects, and
example occurrence names. The assembly (.asm) files store the aspects. An assembly file
contains all the representations. You list the .asm file name on the part class sheet in the Excel
workbook. The Occurrence Name of a .par file defines the aspects in an assembly file.

Codelist Representation File Name Occurrence Name

Value Example Example

0 Simple physical MySymbol1.par MySymbol1_0.par:1

0 Simple physical MySymbol2.par MySymbol2_0.par:1

4 Detailed physical MySymbol3.par MySymbol3_4.par:1

6 Operation MySymbol4.par MySymbol4_6.par:1

7 Maintenance MySymbol5.par MySymbol5_7.par:1

8 Reference MySymbol6.par MySymbol6_8.par:1


The suffix in the Occurrence Name represents the aspect. The software assumes
that the aspect is Simple physical if you do not specify an aspect or if you specify any
characters other than the codelist values in the suffix of the Occurrence Name.
To control the sizes of the parts, define dimension variables and user-defined variables in Solid
Edge. Map the user-defined variables to Smart 3D properties in the Equipment.xls workbook.
Each part class sheet in the workbook must contain a column for each user-defined variable in
Solid Edge.
For a dimension to be a driving variable, define it as a user-defined variable in Solid Edge, and
then define that variable as an occurrence property using the syntax oa:AttributeName in the
Equipment.xls workbook.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 42

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

You cannot move nozzles on parts within Smart 3D. When you model the parts, you can use a
macro to define nozzles, or ports, in Solid Edge. The macro assigns a type and a name to each
port. For more information, see Create Solid Edge parts and assemblies for use in Smart 3D (on
page 43).
See Also
Create Solid Edge parts and assemblies for use in Smart 3D (on page 43)
Create Smart 3D reference data for use with Solid Edge components (on page 45)
Load and revise Smart 3D reference data (on page 48)
Place and modify Solid Edge components in Smart 3D (on page 49)

Create Solid Edge parts and assemblies for use in

Smart 3D
Smart 3D places Solid Edge assemblies. These files use a .asm extension. You must store
these files on a shared network drive so that multiple users can access them through Smart 3D.
Typically, the file location is:
\\[Server Name]\Symbols\SolidEdgeParts
1. Name the part files in the Solid Edge assemblies used in Smart 3D using the following

Example File Name Smart 3D Display

Aspect Representation

MySymbol_0.par Simple Physical

MySymbol_4.par Detailed Physical

MySymbol_5.par Insulation

MySymbol_6.par Operation

MySymbol_7.par Maintenance

This example uses the assembly file name MySymbol.asm.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 43

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

2. Create a named variable in the Solid Edge variable table of the part to define any Smart 3D-
driven dimension.

3. If necessary, add ports (nozzles) to the Solid Edge parts. Use the following convention for
Smart 3D to recognize the ports:
Pipe or HVAC nozzles - cylindrical protrusion
Foundation ports - right triangular protrusion
Electrical connections - square or rectangular protrusion
a. In Solid Edge, click Applications > Macros > Run Macro.
b. Run the [Product Folder]\Equipment\Client\Bin\SEDefinePort.exe macro.
c. Follow the prompts to select and define each port.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 44

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

Create Smart 3D reference data for use with Solid

Edge components
All Smart 3D reference data is contained within the Catalog database. You create and modify
reference data by using Excel spreadsheets. Then, use the Bulkload Reference Data
application to post those changes from the spreadsheets to the Catalog database.

CustomInterfaces Worksheet
Specifies the parametric variable name as defined in the Solid Edge part. List all parameters
that to be controlled by Smart 3D. You can reuse parameters from other parts if they all
have the same type. You must add any parameters that do not already exist.
Indicates whether you can modify this property.
1 - True. Indicates that the property cannot be modified.
0 - False. Indicates that the property can be modified.
Indicates whether the attribute displays on the Properties dialog box for the equipment item
1 - True. Indicates that the attribute displays on the Properties dialog box.
0 - False. Indicates that the attribute does not display on the Properties dialog box.
Specifies the expected unit of measure for this parameter.
Specifies the type of parameter that you are entering. For example, Distance, Area, Angle,
and so on.
Specifies the internal database storage type for the parameter. This is typically Double for
non-whole numbers or Integer for whole numbers, but other values can be required for
particular cases.
Specifies the name of the parameter as displayed in Smart 3D. Spaces are allowed.
Specifies the property category on which the variable displays in Smart 3D. If you leave this

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 45

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

field blank, Smart 3D displays the variable in the Standard category.

Specifies the interface name for the object. Smart 3D retrieves object properties through
interfaces. You can reuse properties of existing interfaces for any number of equipment
types. You can add attributes to existing interfaces. If necessary, you can define new
interfaces with new attribute properties. After you create an interface or attribute, you cannot
delete or modify it.

Part Class Definition Worksheet

This worksheet is named with the part class, such as SolidEdgePump.
This row specifies the definition of all the attributes used by the equipment component. The
following columns in the Definition row are required:
 PartClassType
 SymbolDefinition
 UserClassName
 OccClassName
 Additional attributes required for each equipment type
Specifies the type of Smart 3D object that you are defining. For an equipment class, this is

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 46

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

Specifies the path to the Solid Edge assembly file in the symbols share for the Smart 3D
project. Use the following format:
SE2GSCAD.SEsymbol|SolidEdgeParts\[File Name].asm
Specifies the class name displayed in Smart 3D. Spaces are allowed. In the following
example, the labels Pump and Tank come from this column.

Specifies the class name that Smart 3D uses internally for the equipment class. You cannot
use spaces in this column.
Additional required attributes
 Add a column in the Definition row for each parameter used from the
CustomInterfaces worksheet.
 Type the Solid Edge variable enclosed in angle brackets (<>) after each
 Precede AttributeName with the InterfaceName for any attributes that occur in more
than one interface. Use the following format:
 InterfaceName::AttributeName<SEParameterName>
 To make an attribute modifiable from within Smart 3D, precede that attribute with OA:.
This makes the attribute an occurrence attribute. Use the following format:
 OA:InterfaceName::AttributeName<SEParameterName>
Port attributes, such as size, rating, and end preparation cannot be
occurrence attributes.
 Define NozzleType and Nozzle(n):ID for ports (nozzles). These values must match the
definitions from Solid Edge.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 47

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

This row sets the order in which you enter data for individual part components. It also adds
values for standard items such as nozzles and generic part data such as weight and center
of gravity.
Start and End
These rows indicate the extent of the part data for individual components

R-Hierarchy Worksheet
This worksheet describes the hierarchy of the folders in the Equipment node of the Catalog.
Defines the name of a parent folder. These folders must be traceable through
RelationDestination back to the CatalogRoot value.
Defines the name of a child folder placed under the folder described in RelationSource.

ClassNodeType Worksheet
This worksheet defines the names displayed in Smart 3D.
Specifies the internal Smart 3D name for a folder. Smart 3D does not display this name.
Specifies the name for ObjectName. Smart 3D does display this name.

Load and revise Smart 3D reference data

Use Bulkload Reference Data to load the completed Smart 3D reference data workbook into
the Smart 3D Catalog database.
1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph Smart 3D > Database Tools > Bulkload
Reference Data.
The Bulkload dialog box displays.
2. Click Add to locate the Excel workbook.
3. Specify the Bulkload mode to use to load the workbook.
Append to existing catalog - Adds any new records from the workbook that do not
currently exist in the database. This option does not modify or delete any existing data in the
database. Use this option when you are initially loading data into the Catalog.
Add, modify, or delete records in existing catalog - Adds, modifies, or deletes records
from the database that have been marked for action in the workbook. This option does not
act on any records that are not marked for action in the workbook. Use this option to add,
modify, or delete data on a row-by-row basis. Type A, M, or D in the first column of each row
to change in the database.
 A - Adds the contents of the row to the Catalog if it does not currently exist.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 48

Creating Symbols in Solid Edge

 D - Deletes the contents of the row from the Catalog, if possible.

 M - Modifies the row to match the current contents of the worksheet, if possible.
Create flavors - Creates a cached copy of each size of a component in the Catalog
database. If you select this option, you are not required to have Solid Edge loaded on your
computer to place Solid Edge components that exist in the Catalog. If you do not have Solid
Edge loaded on your computer, you cannot modify Solid Edge components regardless of
whether or not they are flavors.
Depending on the selected Bulkload mode, the dialog box displays the appropriate boxes.
4. Complete the rest of the boxes on the dialog box, and click Load.

Place and modify Solid Edge components in Smart

You place Solid Edge equipment in Smart 3D the same way you place any other equipment
item. If the Solid Edge equipment was loaded as a flavor, Smart 3D places the equipment item
directly from the model cache. In this case, Solid Edge does not start. If the Solid Edge item was
not loaded as a flavor, then Solid Edge starts and closes during the placement of the part. If you
modify a Solid Edge item, Solid Edge opens and closes.
Smart 3D caches symbols in the model when you place them. That way, Smart 3D only needs
to store each type of equipment in memory once. If you use Solid Edge to modify the symbol,
you must flush the cache to get the latest version of the Solid Edge assembly file. Use the
Update Symbol custom command to perform this operation.
1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
The Custom Commands dialog box displays.
2. Select Update Symbol in the Command names list.
If Update Symbol does not display in the list, do the following:
a. Click Add.
The Edit Custom Command dialog box displays.
b. Type SymbolTestCmds.CUpdateSymboldefinition in the Command Progid box.
c. Type Update Symbol in the Command name box.
d. Click OK.
3. Click Run.
The Update dialog box displays.
4. Click Select from Combo Box.
5. Select the symbol from the Symbol Definition Name list.
6. Click OK or Apply.
Smart 3D updates the symbol definition to the latest version of the Solid Edge assembly file.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 49


Troubleshooting Symbols
While unlikely, symbols placed in a model can become corrupted or have problems. This section
describes how to test symbols, what can cause symbols to become corrupt, and what you can
do to fix corrupt symbols.
In addition to the symbols delivered with the software, Intergraph provides symbols and symbol
fixes on the Intergraph Smart Support ( web site. These
symbols are available on the product page under Downloads > Smart 3D > Content.

In This Section
Debugging Symbols with .NET ...................................................... 50
Testing Symbols ............................................................................ 52
Sources of Errors ........................................................................... 54
Error Investigation Methods ........................................................... 55

Debugging Symbols with .NET

Use Microsoft Visual Studio debugging tools to debug symbols. You must have the latest
Programming Resources software and Microsoft Visual Studio installed on the computer. For
information on how to install the Programming Resources, please refer to the Smart 3D
Installation Guide.

Add the following folders to your PATH environment variable:
 C:\Program Files\Smart3D\Core\Runtime
 C:\Program Files\Smart3D\GeometryTopology\Runtime

Preparing to Debug a Symbol

Before you can debug a symbol, you must ensure that there is entry for that symbol in the
CustomSymbolConfig.xml or SystemSymbolConfig.xml file.
The Update Custom Symbol Configuration (UCSC) command looks at the symbols in the
SharedContent folder and makes entries in the SymbolConfig.xml files. Entries for symbols that
you have created in the SharedContent\Custom Symbols folder are added to the
SharedContent\Xml\CustomSymbolConfig.xml file. Entries for symbols supplied by
Intergraph are added to the SharedContent\Xml\SystemSymbolConfig.xml file.

Debugging a Symbol .NET Project

1. In .NET, open the project to debug.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 50

Troubleshooting Symbols

2. Click Project and select the project you want to debug. For example, in the following image
select HSSmartPart Properties (Alt+7).

3. Click Debug and select Start external program.

4. Click Browse and navigate to S3DHost.exe.
5. Open the code page for the symbol and add break points.

6. Press F5 to run the project.

Smart 3D opens. Create a new session file or open an existing session file and place the
symbol. The control is passed to .NET at the break point and the normal .NET debug commands
such as Step Into and Step Over can be used.
When symbols are placed for the first time in the model, a cache is created in
the Model database and the actual symbol code will not run a second time or beyond. Please

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 51

Troubleshooting Symbols

refer to Edit Symbol Occurrence (on page 53) for information on how to force the execution of
symbol code for debugging purposes.
See Also
Testing Symbols (on page 52)

Testing Symbols
Two custom commands are delivered with the software to help symbol designers:
 Locate an existing symbol and change the inputs. During the design phase of symbol
creation, it can be very time consuming trying to use the full application to test a symbol,
especially if it requires multiple bulkloading to the catalog. For more information, see Edit
Symbol Occurrence (on page 53).
 Update a symbol definition from a list of symbol definitions in the active connection, or
update an object given an Object ID (Database ID) and an Interface ID. This issue can arise
when the symbol is cached and you want to test a change in the code. If there already is an
existing symbol available for the set of input parameters, then the changed symbol code will
not run. For more information, see Update Symbol (on page 52).
See Also
Troubleshooting Symbols (on page 50)

Update Symbol
This utility calls the update mechanism on a symbol definition or other object so that the
software will recalculate any symbols connected to the object.

 You must understand the consequences of trying to recalculate an object. Errors can occur
when the context is incomplete in allowing one or more related objects to recalculate. This
error can occur when one object is read-only or missing.
 A symbol definition may have thousands of symbols connected to it. Each symbol will
recalculate if an update is called on the definition. This utility is not designed to handle it and
should be used in small models.

Symbols Tab
Key in
Select this option to key in the symbol definition name to update in the Symbol Definition
Name. Use this option if you have more than 10 to 15 symbols in the model.
Select from Combo Box
Select this option to select the symbol to update in the Symbol Definition Name. Use this
option only if your model is very small, 10 to 15 symbols.
Symbol Definition Name
Displays all the symbol definitions available in the model from which you can select one to
update. You can also type the symbol definition name to update, for example:
Apply or OK

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 52

Troubleshooting Symbols

Click to update the selected symbol definition and cause each symbol of that definition to

Object Tab
Select the object to update.
Select which interface on the selected object to update.
Apply or OK
Click to recalculate the selected object interface.

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Command ProgID box, type SymbolTestCmds.CUpdateSymbolDefinition
4. In the Command name box, type a name for the utility. We recommend you type Update
Symbol or Object Test Command for the command name.
5. Click OK.
6. Select Update Symbol or Object Test Command from the list of command names, and then
click Run.
7. Select the symbol or key in the symbol to update.
8. Click Apply.
See Also
Testing Symbols (on page 52)

Edit Symbol Occurrence

This utility edits an existing symbol occurrence in the model.
This command assumes the person using it is the symbol designer who knows
what the valid inputs for the symbol are. This command does not check input parameter values
that you type as it cannot determine valid inputs for the symbol.

Displays all the input parameter of the selected symbol.
 Index - Displays the index number of the input parameter.
 Name - Displays the name of the input parameter.
 ByRef - Indicates if the parameter is passed by a reference.
 Value - Type a value for the parameter.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 53

Troubleshooting Symbols

Displays the graphic elements that are inputs for the selected symbol.
Displays the display aspects that the symbol supports.

1. Click Tools > Custom Commands.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Command ProgID box, type SymbolTestCmds.CEditSymbolOccurence.
4. In the Command name box, type a name for the utility. We recommend you type Edit
Symbol Occurrence for the command name.
5. Click OK.
6. Select Edit Symbol Occurrence from the list of command names, and then click Run.
7. Select the symbol in the model.
8. Test the input parameters as needed.
See Also
Testing Symbols (on page 52)

Sources of Errors
Symbols can be broken in the model because of an incorrect bulk load operation. The most
common bulkloading mistakes are:
 Deleting the symbol definition, flavor manager, or flavor in the catalog when the symbol still
exists in the model.
 Setting incorrect parameter values in the catalog. For example, setting a pipe diameter to be

Synchronize Model with Catalog

After bulkloading is complete or if symbol definitions have been changed and the major version
number of the definition increased, you must run the Tools > Synchronize Model with Catalog
command in the Project Management task for all models that use the catalog or changed

Symbols Folder
The software expects to find the symbol DLL files in a single folder, usually located under the
SharedContent folder. This symbols folder is specified when the catalog database is created.
Doing any of the following can cause symbol problems:
 An incorrect symbols folder is specified when the catalog database is created.
 The symbols folder is moved after the catalog database is created.
 The catalog database is backed up and then restored to a different server, but the symbols
folder is not copied to the new server.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 54

Troubleshooting Symbols

 Using different custom symbol folders for the different clients of the server.

Usage of Cached/Non-cached Symbols

The default method is to cache symbols whenever possible. A symbol definition that has a non-
parametric input (for example, a part) will not be cached even if all the other inputs are
parameters. However, if a custom method (CMcache) is written to convert the part into a
parameter, then the symbol will be cached.
To make this change from a non-cached to cached for the case where non-cached symbols
have already been placed in the model, the major version number of the symbol definition must
be increased and the Tools > Synchronize Model with Catalog command in the Project
Management task run. If this is not done, then the change in the way the part input is treated
results in an error as the symbols already placed in the model are expecting a part, and not a
parameter, and will fail to compute.

Multiple Outputs with Same Name

A .NET symbol with duplicate output names is not allowed. When such a symbol is placed in the
model, the transaction will be aborted. Check the Core error log file for errors. If there are
existing .NET symbol occurrences that have duplicate output names, they cannot be
recomputed. For information on how to resolve the error, please refer to the Symbol has outputs
with duplicate names topic in Smart 3D Database Integrity Guide.

Software Updates
Errors can occur if the server and the client software are not the same software version. All the
symbols must be the same version to guarantee compatibility. The best method for ensuring that
the symbols are the same on the clients and the server is to use the symbol definition download
feature by placing the symbols in CAB files. For more information, see Distributing Symbols
See Also
Troubleshooting Symbols (on page 50)

Error Investigation Methods

For errors received on the definition:
 Check for incomplete or wrong definition.
 Check for wrong versions of a symbol definition.
 Check for input mismatches.
 Check for output mismatches.
 Check for properties mismatches.
For errors received on symbols:
 Check for unsynchronized data.
 Use the database integrity check in the Project Management task.
See Also
Troubleshooting Symbols (on page 50)

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 55


Symbol Validation Tool

The Symbol Validation Tool verifies that symbols are defined in a valid manner. The tool
identifies an invalid definition such as defining two outputs with the same name. You should also
run the Symbol Validation Tool after you modify a symbol to verify that the new symbol is
compatible with the old symbol.
The Symbol Validation Tool is delivered in [Product Folder]\ProjectMgmt\Tools\Bin. You can
run the Symbol Validation Tool with or without Smart 3D, but if you want to validate symbol
definitions in a model database, you must have Smart 3D.

What do you want to do?

 Verify a single symbol definition (on page 56)
 Compare multiple symbol definitions (on page 58)
 Run comparisons from the command line (on page 59)

Verify a single symbol definition

1. Double-click [Product Folder]\ProjectMgmt\Tools\Bin\SymbolValidationTool.exe.
2. Click Open Symbol .
3. Select Symbol definition in DB if the symbol to check is in the database.
Select Dll or XML if you have the symbol source files.
4. Define the database connection information, or select the DLL or XML file to open.
5. Select the ProgID to open, and then click OK.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 56

Symbol Validation Tool

The symbol definition displays.

Any errors in the symbol display in the bottom list view.

6. Click Compare with Symbol .
7. Select Symbol definition in DB if the symbol to compare against is in the database.
Select Dll or XML if you have the symbol source files.
8. Define the database connection information, or select the DLL or XML file to open.
9. Select the ProgID to open, and then click OK.
The symbol definition displays.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 57

Symbol Validation Tool

The tool highlights differences between the two symbol definitions. The left pane is the basis
of the comparison. The right pane is the symbol that the tool is validating. The bottom list
view displays all the differences that were found.

Compare multiple symbol definitions

1. Click Open multiple symbols .
2. Select Symbols from model database if the symbols to check are in the database.
Select Open symbol directory if you have the symbol source files.
The tool pulls and validates all symbol definitions from the model database or from the
defined folder, including sub folders.

3. Select one or more symbols from the list, and then click View Details

4. Click Compare with Multiple Symbols to compare multiple symbols.

The tool displays all the matching ProgIDs in the basis list and new list. If you have changed
ProgIDs, use the ProgID Mapping File box to enter the XML file name that contains the
mapped names.
5. Select from the displayed list of symbol definitions that were compared to view the details of
the comparison results.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 58

Symbol Validation Tool

Run comparisons from the command line

You can also run the Symbol Validation Tool from the command line using a parameter file as
an input argument. However, the command line option only compares list to list and generates a
report. You cannot show the details of each symbol definition or define a ProgID mapping file.

Example 1: Compare files to files

Basis Symbols:
New Symbols:
Report File:D:\test\sample.xlsx

Example 2: Compare database to files

Basis Symbols:
New Symbols:
Report File:D:\test\sample.xlsx

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 59


Design Aid Symbols

The software delivers many symbols to help in the design of your model. For example, you may
want to make sure that a worker can reach a valve operator or that a tractor trailer has enough
room to maneuver.

In This Section
SP3D15TonCraneAsm .................................................................. 60
SP3D42inPalletAsm ...................................................................... 61
SP3D5350cRailcarAsm ................................................................. 62
SP3D55GallonDrumAsm ............................................................... 63
SP3D5TCarryDeckCraneAsm ....................................................... 64
SP3DWasteAsm ............................................................................ 65
SP3DForkTruckAsm ...................................................................... 66
SP3DSixFootWorkerAsm .............................................................. 67
SP3DTractorTruckAsm .................................................................. 68
SP3DTruckTrailerAsm ................................................................... 69
SP3DWeighScaleAsm ................................................................... 71

Description: 15-ton crane
Symbol Name: SP3D15TonCraneAsm.C15TCraneSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 15 Ton Crane_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D15TonCraneAsm.C15TCraneSym
Inputs = 0
Outputs = 17
Output = "BodyBox" Description = "BodyBox"
Output = "BodyFrontPyramid" Description = "BodyFrontPyramid"
Output = "BodyBackPyramid" Description = "BodyPoly"
Output = "BodyCenterCyl" Description = "BodyCenterCylinder"
Output = "BodySideCyl" & (iCount - 4) Description = "BodySideCyl " & (iCount - 4)
Output = "BodyWheel" & (iCount - 6) Description = "BodyWheel " & (iCount - 6)
Output = "BodyFrontTri" Description = "BodyFrontTriangle "
Output = "BodyBackTri" Description = "BodyBackTriangle"
Output = "BodyWheelWell" Description = "BodyWheelWell"
Output = "BodyDish" & (iCount - 24) Description = "BodyDish " & (iCount - 24)
Output = "BodyBoxes" Description = "BodyBoxes"
Output = "BoomBasePyramid" Description = "BoomBasePyramid"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 60

Design Aid Symbols

Output = "BoomBaseBox" Description = "BoomBaseBox"

Output = "BoomBasePyramid" Description = "BoomBasePyramid"
Output = "BoomBox" Description = "BoomBox"
Output = "BoomHookBox" Description = "BoomHookBox"
Output = "BoomHook" Description = "BoomHook"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: 42"x42"x5" pallet
Symbol Name: SP3D42inPalletAsm.C42inPalletSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 42" Pallet_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D42inPalletAsm.C42inPalletSym
Outputs = 5
Output = "TopSlat" & iCount Description = "Top Slat " & iCount
Output = "BottomSlat" & iCount Description = "Bottom Slat " & iCount
Output = "Brace" & iCount Description = "Vertical Brace " & iCount
Output = "Point" Description = "Common Point"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 61

Design Aid Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Railcar - 5350C
Symbol Name: SP3D5350cRailcarAsm.C5350cRailcarAsm
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 5350c Rail car_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D5350cRailcarAsm.C5350cRcarSym
Inputs = 0
Outputs = 5
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Wheel" & iCount - 1 Description = "Wheel " & iCount
Output = "Vent" & iCount - 1 Description = "Vent " & iCount
Output = "Dome" & iCount - 1 Description = "Dome " & iCount
Output = "planeForDump" & iCount - 1 Description = "planeForDump " & iCount

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 62

Design Aid Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: 55 gallon drum
Symbol Name: SP3D55GallonDrumAsm.C55GDrumSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 55 Gallon Drum_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D55GallonDrum.C55GDrumSym
Outputs = 5
Output = "BodyDrum" Description = "Body Drum"
Output = "BodyRing1" Description = "Body Ring"
Output = "BodyRing2" Description = "Body Ring"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 63

Design Aid Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: 5 ton carry deck crane
Symbol Name: SP3D5TCarryDeckCraneAsm.C5TCDCraneSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 5 Ton Carry Deck Crane_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D5TCarryDeckCraneAsm.C5TCDCraneSym
Outputs = 30
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 64

Design Aid Symbols

Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish"

Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: 750 gallon dumpster, for disposal of liquids
Symbol Name: SP3DWasteAsm.CWasteSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: 750 Gallon Dumpster_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWasteAsm.CWasteSym
Inputs = 1
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = ""
Outputs = 1
Output = "Body" Description = "Body"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 65

Design Aid Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Fork truck
Symbol Name: SP3DForkTruckAsm.CFTruckSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: Fork Truck_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DForkTruck.CForkTruck
Outputs = 31
Output = "leftFrontTireWheel" Description = "Left Front Tire Wheel"
Output = "rightFrontTireWheel" Description = "Right Front Tire Wheel"
Output = "leftRearTireWheel" Description = "Left Rear Tire Wheel"
Output = "rightRearTireWheel" Description = "Right Rear Tire Wheel"
Output = "mainBodyPart" Description = "Main Body Part"
Output = "rearBodyPart" Description = "Rear Body Part"
Output = "steeringColumnHousing" Description = "Steering Column Housing"
Output = "steeringColumnShaft" Description = "Steering Column Shaft"
Output = "steeringWheel" Description = "Steering Wheel"
Output = "seatBottom" Description = "Seat Bottom"
Output = "seatBack" Description = "Seat Back"
Output = "leftFork" Description = "Left Fork"
Output = "rightFork" Description = "Right Fork"
Output = "forkUpperCrossOver" Description = "Fork Upper Cross Over"
Output = "forkLeftUpright" Description = "Fork Left Upright"
Output = "forkRightUpright" Description = "Fork Right Upright"
Output = "forkLeftBumper" Description = "Fork Left Bumper"
Output = "forkRightBumper" Description = "Fork Right Bumper"
Output = "forkGrill" Description = "Fork Grill"
Output = "leftRearPost" Description = "Left Rear Post"
Output = "rightRearPost" Description = "Right Rear Post"
Output = "leftFrontPost" Description = "Left Front Post"
Output = "rightFrontPost" Description = "Right Front Post"
Output = "leftTopFramePiece" Description = "Left Top Frame Piece"
Output = "rightTopFramePiece" Description = "Right Top Frame Piece"
Output = "frontTopFramePiece" Description = "Front Top Frame Piece"
Output = "rearTopFramePiece" Description = "Rear Top Frame Piece"
Output = "mufflerLargePart" Description = "Muffler Large Part"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 66

Design Aid Symbols

Output = "mufflerSmallPart" Description = "Muffler Small Part"

Output = "PositionPoint" Description = "Position Point"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Six foot worker
Symbol Name: SP3D6FootWorkerAsm.C6FWorkerSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: Six foot worker_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D6FootWorkerAsm.C6F6WorkerSym
Outputs = 33
Output = "head" Description = "Head"
Output = "leftEye" Description = "Left Eye"
Output = "hat" Description = "Hat"
Output = "hatBrim" Description = "Hat Brim"
Output = "neck" Description = "Neck"
Output = "rightEye" Description = "Right Eye"
Output = "shoulders" Description = "Shoulders"
Output = "leftShoulderJoint" Description = "Left Shoulder Joint"
Output = "rightShoulderJoint" Description = "Right Shoulder Joint"
Output = "leftUpperArm" Description = "Left Upper Arm"
Output = "rightUpperArm" Description = "Right Upper Arm"
Output = "leftElbowJoint" Description = "Left Elbow Joint"
Output = "rightElbowJoint" Description = "Right Elbow Joint"
Output = "leftForearm" Description = "Left Forearm"
Output = "rightForearm" Description = "Right Forearm"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 67

Design Aid Symbols

Output = "leftHand" Description = "Left Hand"

Output = "rightHand" Description = "Right Hand"
Output = "torsoBottom" Description = "Torso Bottom"
Output = "lowerMiddle" Description = "Lower Middle"
Output = "upperMiddle" Description = "Upper Middle"
Output = "torsoTop" Description = "Torso Top"
Output = "leftThigh" Description = "Left Thigh"
Output = "rightThigh" Description = "Right Thigh"
Output = "leftKnee" Description = "Left Knee"
Output = "rightKnee" Description = "Right Knee"
Output = "lowerLeftLeg" Description = "Lower Left Leg"
Output = "lowerRightLeg" Description = "Lower Right Leg"
Output = "leftAnkle" Description = "Left Ankle"
Output = "leftAnkle" Description = "Left Ankle"
Output = "leftFoot" Description = "Left Foot"
Output = "rightFoot" Description = "Right Foot"
Output = "controlPoint" Description = "Control Point"
Output = "defaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Tractor Trailer Truck body
Symbol Name: SP3DTractorTruckAsm.CTTruckSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidesAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aides
Part Number: Tractor Trailer Truck_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DTractorTruckAsm.CTTruckSym

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 68

Design Aid Symbols

Inputs = 1
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = ""
Outputs = 9
Output = "Cyli" Description = "Cyli"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Dome" Description = "Dome"
Output = "Pyra" Description = "Pyra"
Output = "Torus1" Description = "Torus"
Output = "Torus2" Description = "Torus"
Output = "Torus3" Description = "Torus"
Output = "Torus4" Description = "Torus"
Output = "BodyPoint" Description = "Body Point"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: 40 foot tank trailer
Symbol Name: SP3DTruckTrailerAsm.CTTrailerSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidsAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aids
Part Number: 40ft Tank Trailer_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DTruckTrailerAsm.CTTrailerSym
Inputs = 1
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = ""
Outputs = 62
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBottomPyra" Description = "Trailer Bottom Pyra"
Output = "TrailerTireCyli" Description = "Trailer Tire Cyli"
Output = "TrailerTireCyli" Description = "Trailer Tire Cyli"
Output = "TrailerTireCyli" Description = "Trailer Tire Cyli"
Output = "TrailerTireCyli" Description = "Trailer Tire Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 69

Design Aid Symbols

Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"

Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyRtor" Description = "Trailer Body Rtor"
Output = "TrailerBodyRtor" Description = "Trailer Body Rtor"
Output = "TrailerBodyRtor" Description = "Trailer Body Rtor"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Rtor"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyDish" Description = "Trailer Body Dish"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyBox" Description = "Trailer Body Box"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCyli" Description = "Trailer Body Cyli"
Output = "TrailerBodyCtor" Description = "Trailer Body Ctor"
Output = "TrailerBodyCtor" Description = "Trailer Body Ctor"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 70

Design Aid Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Weigh scale
Symbol Name: SP3DWeighScaleAsm.CWScaleSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: GenericAidsAsm
User Class Name: Generic Aids
Part Number: Weigh Scale_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWeighScaleAsm.CWScaleSym
Outputs = 7
Output = "Base" Description = "Base"
Output = "Step" Description = "Step"
Output = "Back" Description = "Back"
Output = "Neck" Description = "Neck"
Output = "Head" Description = "Head"
Output = "Meter" Description = "Meter"
Output = "Arrow" Description = "Arrow"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 71


Designed Equipment and Volumes

The Shapes.xls workbook contains the reference data for the creation of designed equipment
within the Equipment and Furnishings task and primitive volumes within the Space Management
task. You can customize the Excel workbooks that are delivered with the software to create or
customize any aspect of the shapes used in your model. The sheets that are unique to
Shapes.xls are described below. For more information on common sheets, see the Reference
Data Guide accessible from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.

Common Properties
Each sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook is comprised of common and unique properties. The
common properties are listed in the order that they appear, from left to right, on the worksheet.
Unique properties are discussed in the individual worksheet topics.
Specifies the part number for the shape. The software uses the part number at placement
when the part name is automatically generated.
All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.
Type a description for the shape.
Type the symbol definition for the shape.
You can use the IJUAPalletteInfo virtual interface available in the Shapes.xls
workbook to specify the location of the shape icon in the palette.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 72

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

In This Section
CircularTori Sheet .......................................................................... 73
Datum Shape Sheet ...................................................................... 74
Eccentric Pyramid .......................................................................... 74
EccentricCone Sheet ..................................................................... 74
EccentricRectPrism Sheet ............................................................. 75
EccentricTransitionEle Sheet ........................................................ 75
HexagonalSolid Sheet ................................................................... 75
Octagonal Solid Sheet ................................................................... 76
Platform1 Sheet ............................................................................. 76
Platform2 Sheet ............................................................................. 76
RectangularSolid Sheet ................................................................. 77
RectangularTorus Sheet ................................................................ 77
RtCircularCone Sheet .................................................................... 77
RtCircularCylinder Sheet ............................................................... 78
SemiElliptical Head Sheet ............................................................. 78
SP3DRoadCross ........................................................................... 78
SP3DRoadTee............................................................................... 79
Sphere Sheet ................................................................................. 80
TransitionElement Sheet ............................................................... 81
TriangularSolid Sheet .................................................................... 81
TruncatedRectPrism Sheet ........................................................... 81
TruncatedSphere Sheet ................................................................ 82

CircularTori Sheet
The CircularTori sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the circular torus shape that you
want to place in your Catalog data. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 73

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

Datum Shape Sheet

Eccentric Pyramid
The Eccentric Pyramid sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the Eccentric Pyramid
shape that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

EccentricCone Sheet
The EccentricCone sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the eccentric cone shapes that
you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 74

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

EccentricRectPrism Sheet
The EccentricRectPrism sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the eccentric rectangular
prism shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

EccentricTransitionEle Sheet
The EccentricTransitionEle sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the eccentric transition
element shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

HexagonalSolid Sheet
The HexagonalSolid sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the hexagonal solid shapes
that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Dimension D will override Dimension B and C.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 75

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

Octagonal Solid Sheet

The OctagonalSolid sheet in the Equipment.xls workbook defines the octagonal solid shapes
that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Dimension D will override Dimension B and C.

Platform1 Sheet
The Platform1 sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines a primary platform shape that you
want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed Equipment
and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Platform2 Sheet
The Platform2 sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines a secondary platform that you want in
your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed Equipment and
Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 76

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

RectangularSolid Sheet
The RectangularSolid sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the rectangular solid shapes
that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

RectangularTorus Sheet
The RectangularTorus sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the rectangular torus shapes
that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

RtCircularCone Sheet
The RtCircularCone sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the circular cones shapes that
you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 77

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

RtCircularCylinder Sheet
The RtCircularCylinder sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the right circular cylinder
shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

SemiElliptical Head Sheet

The SemiElliptical Head sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the semi-elliptical head
shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

Description: road intersection
Symbol Name: SP3DRoadCross.CRoadCross
Workbook: Shapes.xls
Workbook Sheet: RoadCross
User Class Name: Road Cross
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRoadCross.CRoadCross

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 78

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

Number of Inputs = 3
Input name = "RoadWidth" Description = "Road Width"
Input name = "RoadDepth" Description = "Depth of Road"
Input name = "RoadRadius" Description = "Radius to the inner wall"
Number of Outputs = 15
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Left side plane"
Output = "Plane2" Description = "Down side plane"
Output = "Plane3" Description = "Right side plane"
Output = "Plane4" Description = "Top side plane"
Output = "TurnSurface1" Description = "Left Corner Top curved Portion"
Output = "TurnSurface2" Description = "Right Corner Top curved Portion"
Output = "TurnSurface3" Description = "Right Corner Bottom curved Portion"
Output = "TurnSurface4" Description = "Left Corner Bottom curved Portion"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Road Cross bottom surface"
Output = "RoadCrossTop" Description = "Road Cross Top surface"
Output = "CrossCenterPoint" Description = "Center Point of Cross"
Output = "Point1" Description = "Road Cross Point 1"
Output = "Point2" Description = "Road Cross Point 2"
Output = "Point3" Description = "Road Cross Point 3"
Output = "Point4" Description = "Road Cross Point 4"
Number of Aspects = 1
Supported AspectId = SimplePhysical

Description: tee shaped road intersection
Symbol Name: SP3DRoadTee.CRoadTee
Workbook: Shapes.xls
Workbook Sheet: RoadTee
User Class Name: Road Tee
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRoadTee.CRoadTee

Number of Inputs = 3
Input = "RoadWidth" Description = "Road Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 79

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

Input = "RoadDepth" Description = "Depth of Road"

Input = "RoadRadius" Description = "Radius to the inner wall"
Number of Outputs = 12
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Left side plane"
Output = "Plane2" Description = "Down side plane"
Output = "Plane3" Description = "Right side plane"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Road bottom surface"
Output = "RoadTop" Description = "Road Top surface"
Output = "HeaderSide" Description = "Header Side Plane"
Output = "BranchSide1" Description = "Branch curved side at point 1"
Output = "BranchSide2" Description = "Branch curved side at point 2"
Output = "TeeCenter" Description = "Center of Tee"
Output = "HeaderPoint1" Description = "Road Tee Point 1 along Header"
Output = "HeaderPoint2" Description = "Road Tee Point 2 along Header"
Output = "BranchPoint3" Description = "Road Tee Point 3 along Branch"
Number of Aspects = 1
Supported AspectId = SimplePhysical

Sphere Sheet
The Sphere sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the spheres that you want in your
catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed Equipment and Volumes
Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 80

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

TransitionElement Sheet
The TransitionElement sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the eccentric transition
element shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

TriangularSolid Sheet
The TriangularSolid sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the triangular solid shapes that
you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Dimension B will override Angle D.

TruncatedRectPrism Sheet
The TruncatedRectPrism sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the truncated rectangular
prism shapes that you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in
Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 81

Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes

TruncatedSphere Sheet
The TruncatedSphere sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the truncated spheres that
you want in your catalog. In addition to the common properties discussed in Designed
Equipment and Volumes Shapes (on page 72), the following properties must be defined:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 82


Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle

In This Section
Circle Sheet ................................................................................... 83
Ellipse Sheet .................................................................................. 83
Hexagon Sheet .............................................................................. 84
IBeam Sheet .................................................................................. 84
Nozzle Orientations ....................................................................... 85
Rectangle Sheet ............................................................................ 87
Road Sheet .................................................................................... 88
Sector Sheet .................................................................................. 88
TrapezeC Sheet............................................................................. 88
TrapezeR Sheet............................................................................. 89
Triangle Sheet ............................................................................... 89

Circle Sheet
The Circle sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the circle prismatic cross-section sketch

Ellipse Sheet
The Ellipse sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the ellipse prismatic cross-section sketch

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 83

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

Hexagon Sheet
The Hexagon sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the hexagon prismatic cross-section
sketch shapes.

IBeam Sheet
The IBeam sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the IBeam prismatic cross-section sketch

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 84

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

Nozzle Orientations

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 85

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 86

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

Rectangle Sheet
The Rectangle sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the rectangle prismatic cross-section
sketch shapes.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 87

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

Road Sheet
The Road sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the road prismatic cross-section sketch

Sector Sheet
The Sector sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the sector prismatic cross-section sketch

TrapezeC Sheet
The TrapezeC sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the TrapezeC prismatic cross-section
sketch shapes.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 88

Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations

TrapezeR Sheet
The TrapezeR sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the TrapezeR prismatic cross-section
sketch shapes.

Triangle Sheet
The Triangle sheet in the Shapes.xls workbook defines the triangle prismatic cross-section
sketch shapes.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 89


Equipment Symbols
The software uses symbols to represent the different equipment items in the model. The items
are defined on the equipment parts catalog sheets. When defining the parts in the sheets, look
at the symbol that represents the item to verify the dimension that you are defining is correct.
For more information on defining equipment items, see the Equipment and Furnishings
Reference Data Guide, available from the Help > Printable Guides command in the software.
In addition to the symbols delivered with the software, you can create your own symbols that
you can use in your model. For more information about creating symbols, refer to Creating Part
Occurrence Symbols in Visual Basic.
In the software, equipment symbols are defined in terms of different dimensions. By modifying
the dimensions of the equipment symbols delivered with the software, you can easily create
customized equipment items and add them to the Catalog database.

In This Section
Air Handling Equipment ................................................................. 91
Electrical Equipment ...................................................................... 124
Exchangers .................................................................................... 179
Doors, Manholes, and Hatches ..................................................... 227
Horizontal and Spherical Vessels and Tanks ................................ 253
Instrument Equipment.................................................................... 269
Material Transfer Equipment ......................................................... 282
Miscellaneous Equipment .............................................................. 319
Process Equipment........................................................................ 330
Pumps ............................................................................................ 339
Vertical Vessels and Tanks ........................................................... 379

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 90

Equipment Symbols

Air Handling Equipment

This section contains air handling equipment.

EQAirCurtain .................................................................................. 91
EQAxialFan .................................................................................... 92
EQCentrifugalFan .......................................................................... 93
EQCirculatingFan .......................................................................... 95
EQFanCoilUnit ............................................................................... 96
EQFreshAirHU ............................................................................... 97
EQModularAHU ............................................................................. 99
EQPowRoofVent ............................................................................ 100
EQTangentialFan........................................................................... 101
SP3DAirDistribAssemblyAsm ........................................................ 102
SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm ....................................................... 103
SP3DBlowerHPBAsm .................................................................... 104
SP3DCenFanBIAAsm.................................................................... 105
SP3DForDr2AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 107
SP3DForDr3AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 109
SP3DForDr4AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 110
SP3DIndDr2AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 112
SP3DIndDr3AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 113
SP3DIndDr4AirCoolerBayAsm ...................................................... 115
SP3DRoofVentACXAsm ................................................................ 116
SP3DRoofVentATBAsm ................................................................ 117
SP3DSingleFrDrAirCoolerAsm ...................................................... 118
SP3DSingleIndDrAirCoolerAsm .................................................... 120
SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm ............................................................ 121
SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm ............................................................. 122
SP3DWallVentAWXAsm ............................................................... 123

Description: Air Curtain Assembly
Symbol Name: EQAirCurtain.AirCurtainSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: AirCurtain
User Class Name: Air Curtain
Part Number: AirCurtain-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQAirCurtain.AirCurtainSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "CurtainLength", "Curtain Length"
Input and description = "CurtainWidth", "Curtain Width"
Input and description = "CurtainDepth", "Curtain Depth"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 91

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"

Output and description = "Output3_", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4_", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Axial Fan Assembly
Symbol Name: EQAxialFan.AxialFanSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: AxialFan
User Class Name: Axial Fan
Part Number: AxialFan-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQAxialFan.AxialFanSym
Inputs = 7
Input = "CasingDiameter" Description = "Casing Diameter"
Input = "CasingLength" Description = "Casing Length"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Support Width"
Input = "PorttoPP" Description = "Port To Placement Point"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "Base Plate Width"
Outputs = 19
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6_" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7_" Description = "Output 7"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 92

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"

Output = "Output9_" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10_" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12_" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13_" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14" Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15_" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16_" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17" Description = "Output 17"
Output = "Output18" Description = "Output 18"
Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Centrifugal Fan Assembly
Symbol Name: EQCentrifugalFan.CentFanSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: CentrifugalFan
User Class Name: Centrifugal Fan
Part Number: CentrifugalFan-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQCentrifugalFan.CentFanSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "CasingWidth" Description = "Casing Width"
Input = "CasingDepth" Description = "Casing Depth"
Input = "HPorttoPP" Description = "Horizontal Port To Placement Point"
Input = "VPorttoPP" Description = "Vertical Port To Placement Point"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 93

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "Base Plate Thickness"

Input = "NozzleLength" Description = "Nozzle Length"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "Base Plate Width"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "Base Plate Length"
Outputs = 9
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2_" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6_" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7_" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 94

Equipment Symbols

Description: Circulating Fan Assembly
Symbol Name: EQCirculatingFan.CircFanSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: CirculatingFan
User Class Name: Circulating Fan
Part Number: CirculatingFan-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQCirculatingFan.CircFanSym
Inputs = 7
Input = "DamperDiameter" Description = "Damper Diameter"
Input = "DamperThickness" Description = "Damper Thickness"
Input = "CasingThickness" Description = "Casing Thickness
Input = "CasingWidth" Description = "Casing Width"
Input = "CasingDepth" Description = "Casing Depth"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 7
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 95

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Fan Coil Unit
Symbol Name: EQFanCoilUnit.FanCoilUnitSym
Workbook: Air Handling Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: FanCoilUnit
User Class Name: Fan Coil Unit
Part Number: FanCoilUnit-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFanCoilUnit.FanCoilUnitSym
Inputs = 8
Input = "CasingLength" Description = "Casing Length"
Input = "CasingWidth" Description = "Casing Width"
Input = "CasingDepth" Description = "Casing Depth"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Fan Diameter"
Input = "FanLength" Description = "Fan Length"
Input = "CasEndtoFCenter" Description = "Casing End to Fan Center"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 9
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 96

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"

Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Fresh Air Handling Unit Assembly
Symbol Name: EQFreshAirHU.FAHandlingUnitSym
Workbook: Air Handling Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: FreshAirHUnit
User Class Name: Fresh Air Handling Unit
Part Number: FreshAirHandlingUnit-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFreshAirHU.FAHandlingUnitSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "CasingWidth" Description = "Casing Width"
Input = "CasingLength" Description = "Casing Length"
Input = "BodyHeight" Description = "Body Height"
Input = "BasetoH1" Description = "Base to Hvac Port1"
Input = "EndtoH1" Description = "End to Hvac Port1"
Input = "H2toE" Description = "Hvac Port2 to Electric Port"
Input = "H2toH3" Description = "Hvac Port2 to Hvac Port3"
Input = "H1Length" Description = "Hvac Port1 Length"
Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "Base Plate Thickness"
Input = "P1toP2X" Description = "Piping Port1 to Piping Port2 in X"
Input = "PPtoP2" Description = "Placement Point to Piping Port2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 97

Equipment Symbols

Input = "H1toP1Z" Description = "Hvac Port1 to Piping Port1 in Z"

Input = "H2Length" Description = "Hvac Port2 Length"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "Base Plate Width"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "Base Plate Length"
Outputs = 9
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6_" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7_" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 98

Equipment Symbols

Description: Modular Air Handling Unit Assembly
Symbol Name: EQModularAHU.MAirHandlingUSym
Workbook: Air Handling Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: ModularAirHUnit
User Class Name: Modular Air Handling Unit
Part Number: ModularAirHandlingUnit-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQModularAHU.MAirHandlingUSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "CasingLength" Description = "Curtain Length"
Input = "CasingWidth" Description = "Curtain Width"
Input = "CasingDepth" Description = "Curtain Depth"
Input = "Port1toPPZ" Description = "[ZP1] - Port 1 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "Port3toPPZ" Description = "[ZP3] - Port 3 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "Port3toPPY" Description = "[YP3] - Port 3 to Placement Point along Y"
Input = "Port2toPPX" Description = "[XP2] - Port 2 to Placement Point along X"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 6
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 99

Equipment Symbols

Description: Power Roof Ventilator Assembly
Symbol Name: EQPowRoofVent.PowRoofVentSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: PowRoofVent
User Class Name: Power Roof Ventilator
Part Number: PowRoofVent-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQPowRoofVent.PowRoofVentSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "VentHeight" Description = "Ventilator Height"
Input = "VentHeight1" Description = "Ventilator Height1"
Input = "VentBaseWidth" Description = "Ventilator Base Width"
Input = "VentDiameter" Description = "Ventilator Diameter"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 100

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Tangential Fan Assembly
Symbol Name: EQTangentialFan.TFanSym
Workbook: Air Moving Devices.xls
Workbook Sheet: TangentialFan
User Class Name: Tangential Fan
Part Number: TangentialFan-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQTangentialFan.TFanSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "CasingDiameter" Description = "Casing Diameter"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "BodyLength" Description = "Body Length"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Support Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 9
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6_" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7_" Description = "Output 7"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 101

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"

Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DAirDistribAssemblyAsm.VVADASym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VVAirDistribAssemAsm
User Class Name: Variable Volume Air Distribution Assembly
Part Number: VVADA 001A-E, VVADA 001A_IMP-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 7
Input = "BasicAsmWidth" Description = "Width of the Basic Assembly"
Input = "BasicAsmHeight" Description = "Height of the basic Assembly"
Input = "BasicAsmLength" Description = "Length of the basic assembly"
Input = "HeatingCoilLength" Description = "Length of the heating coil"
Input = "MultiOutletLength" Description = "Length of the multi outlet"
Input = "InletDia" Description = "Inlet Diameter"
Input = "MultiOutletDia" Description = "MultiOutlet Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 102

Equipment Symbols

Number of Outputs = 4
Output = "BasicAsmHVACNozzle" Description = "HvacPort on the basic assembly"
Output = "BasicAssembly" Description = "Box representing the Basic Assembly"
Output = "HeatingCoil" Description = "Box representing the Heating Coil"
Output = "MultiOutlet" Description = "Box representing the Multi-Outlet"

Symbol Name: SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm.BD40CSym
Workbook: Axial Roof Ventilator BD40C Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm
User Class Name: Upblast Axial Roof Ventilator BD40C
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm.BD40CSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "OutsideDiameterofFan", "A- Outside Diameter of Fan"
Input and description = "InsideDiameterofFan", "B-Inside Diameter of Fan"
Input and description = "HeightofSupportCylinder", "C- Height of Support Cylinder"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "E-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "TotalBodyHeight", "G-Total Body Height"
Input and description = "TopBodyHeight", "H-Top Body Height"
Input and description = "BottomBodyHeight", "L-Bottom Body Height"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "BottomSmallCylinder", "Bottom Small Cylinder"
Output and description = "BottomCylinder", "Bottom Cylinder"
Output and description = "TopCylinder", "Top Cylinder"
Output and description = "MotorCover", "Motor Cover"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 103

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DBlowerHPBAsm.HPBSym
Workbook: High Pressure Blower Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DBlowerHPBAsm
User Class Name: High Pressure Blower HPB
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DBlowerHPBAsm.HPBSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "BottomtoCenter", "A-Bottom to Center"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofOutletFlange", "B- Center to End of Outlet Flange"
Input and description = "CentertoOutletCenter", "D-Center to Outlet Center"
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "H-Face to Face"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofInlet", "J-Center to End of Inlet"
Input and description = "SmallShaftLength", "K-Small Shaft Length"
Input and description = "InsideInletDiameter", "L-Inside Inlet Diameter"
Input and description = "HousingWidth", "M-Housing Width"
Input and description = "DistanceBaseCentertoHole", "T- Distance Base Center to Hole"
Input and description = "DistanceBaseCentertoEnd", "U- Distance Base Center to End"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "SD-Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "BodyCylinder", "Body Cylinder"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 104

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "OutletBox", "Outlet Box"

Output and description = "InletCylinder", "Inlet Cylinder"
Output and description = "ShaftCylinder", "Shaft Cylinder"
Output and description = "NozzleCone", "Nozzle Cone"
Output and description = "BottomBase", "Bottom Base"
Output and description = "BasePlate", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DCenFanBIAAsm.BIASym
Workbook: Centrifugal Fan BIA SWSI Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DCenFanBIAAsm
User Class Name: Centrifugal Fan BIA SWSI
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 105

Equipment Symbols

Inputs = 15
Input and description = "BottomtoCenterofFan", "A-Bottom to Center of Fan"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofOutlet", "B-Center to End of Outlet"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofHousing", "C- Center to End of Housing"
Input and description = "HeightofOutlet", "D-Height of Outlet"
Input and description = "CentertoFrontofHousing", "E- Center to Front of Housing"
Input and description = "CentertoTopofFan", "F-Center to Top of Fan"
Input and description = "CentertoBottomofFan", "G-Center to Bottom of Fan"
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "H-Face to Face"
Input and description = "ThicknessofInlet", "J-Thickness of Inlet"
Input and description = "InletDiameter", "L-Inlet Diameter"
Input and description = "WidthofOutlet", "M-Width of Outlet"
Input and description = "BaseLength", "P-Base Length"
Input and description = "HalfBaseWidth", "U-Half Base Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "BodyHousing_", "Body Housing"
Output and description = "OutletBox", "Outlet Box"
Output and description = "ShaftCylinder", "Shaft Cylinder"
Output and description = "BottomBase_", "Bottom Base"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 106

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DForDr2AirCoolerBay.CSFD2AirCoolBay
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FDAirCooler2BayAsm
User Class Name: Forced Draft 2 Cooler Bay
Part Number: ForcedDraftAirCooler2Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DForDr2AirCoolerBay.CSFD2AirCoolBay
Inputs = 17
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 107

Equipment Symbols

Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"

Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced Draft Air Cooler Bay "
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 108

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DFD3AirCoolerBayAsm.CFD3ACoolBSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FDAirCooler3BayAsm
User Class Name: Forced Draft 3 Cooler Bay
Part Number: ForcedDraftAirCooler3Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFD3AirCoolerBayAsm.CFD3ACoolBSym
Inputs = 18
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool2toCool3CentoCen" Description = "Cooler2 to Cooler3 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced Draft Air Cooler Bay "

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 109

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DFD4AirCoolerBayAsm.CFD4ACoolBSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FDAirCooler4BayAsm
User Class Name: Forced Draft 4 Cooler Bay
Part Number: ForcedDraftAirCooler4Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFD4AirCoolerBay.CFD4ACoolBSym
Inputs = 19
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool2toCool3CentoCen" Description = "Cooler2 to Cooler3 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool3toCool4CentoCen" Description = "Cooler3 to Cooler4 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 110

Equipment Symbols

Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"

Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced Draft Air Cooler Bay "
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 111

Equipment Symbols

Description: Induced Draft 2 Air Cooler Bay
Symbol Name: SP3DInDr2AirCoolerBayAsm.CSID2ACoolBSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: IDAirCooler2BayAsm
User Class Name: Induced Draft 2 Cooler Bay
Part Number: InducedDraftAirCooler2Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInDr2AirCoolerBayAsm.CSID2ACoolBSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Induced Draft Air Cooler Bay"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 112

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Induced Draft 3 Air Cooler Bay
Symbol Name: SP3DInDr3AirCoolerBayAsm.CSID3ACoolBSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: IDAirCooler3BayAsm
User Class Name: Induced Draft 3 Cooler Bay
Part Number: InducedDraftAirCooler3Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInDr3AirCoolerBayAsm.CSID3ACoolBSym
Inputs = 18
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool2toCool3CentoCen" Description = "Cooler2 to Cooler3 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 113

Equipment Symbols

Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"

Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Induced Draft Air Cooler Bay"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 114

Equipment Symbols

Description: Induced Draft 4 Air Cooler Bay
Symbol Name: SP3DInDr4AirCoolerBayAsm.CFSID4ACoolBSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: IDAirCooler4BayAsm
User Class Name: Induced Draft 4 Cooler Bay
Part Number: InducedDraftAirCooler4Bay_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInDr4AirCoolerBayAsm.CFSID4ACoolBSym
Inputs = 19
Input = "Cool1toCool2CentoCen" Description = "Cooler1 to Cooler2 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool2toCool3CentoCen" Description = "Cooler2 to Cooler3 Center to Center"
Input = "Cool3toCool4CentoCen" Description = "Cooler3 to Cooler4 Center to Center"
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Induced Draft Air Cooler Bay"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 115

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DRoofVentACXAsm.VentACXSym
Workbook: Roof Exhauster ACX Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DRoofVentACXAsm
User Class Name: Centrifugal Downblast Roof Exhauster
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRoofVentACXAsm.VentACXSym
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "A-Outside Diameter1"
Input and description = "BodyHeight", "B-Body Height"
Input and description = "BottomCylinderHeight", "C-Height of Bottom Cylinder"
Input and description = "TopCylinderDiameter", "D-Top Cylinder Diameter"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "E-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HE-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "BottomSmallCylinder", "Bottom Small Cylinder"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 116

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "BottomCylinder", "Bottom Cylinder"

Output and description = "TopCylinder", "Top Cylinder"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DRoofVentATBAsm.VentATBSym
Workbook: Roof Exhauster ATB Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DRoofVentATBAsm
User Class Name: Centrifugal Upblast Roof Exhauster
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRoofVentATBAsm.VentATBSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "A-Outside Diameter1"
Input and description = "BodyHeight", "B-Body Height"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "E-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "BottomSmallCylinder", "Bottom Small Cylinder"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 117

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "BottomCylinder", "Bottom Cylinder"

Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Single Forced Draft Cooler
Symbol Name: SP3DSglFrDrAirCoolerAsm.CSFDAirCSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleFrDrAirCoolerAsm
User Class Name: Single Forced Draft Cooler
Part Number: SingleForcedDraftAirCooler_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSglFrDrAirCooler.CSFDAirCSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 118

Equipment Symbols

Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"

Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced Draft Air Cooler Bay "
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 119

Equipment Symbols

Description: Single Induced Draft Cooler
Symbol Name: SP3DSglInDrAirCoolerAsm.CSIDAirCSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleIndDrAirCoolerAsm
User Class Name: Single Induced Draft Cooler
Part Number: SingleInducedDraftAirCooler_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSglInDrAirCoolerAsm.CSIDAirCSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Input = "InletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Input = "OutletNozzLength" Description = "Inlet Nozzle Length"
Outputs = 11
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "Fan" Description = "Fan"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced Draft Air Cooler Bay "

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 120

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm.FanTASym
Workbook: Direct Drive Tubeaxial Fan TA Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm
User Class Name: Tubeaxial Fan TA
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm.FanTASym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "L-Length of Fan"
Input and description = "FlangeDiameter", "A-Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FanInsideDiameter", "C-Fan Inside Diameter"
Input and description = "BodyThickness", "T-Body Thickness"
Input and description = "NozzleLength", "E-Height of Angle Ring"
Input and description = "FlangeThickness", "F-Thickness of Angle Ring"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 121

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 1
Output and description = "BodyCylinder", "Body Cylinder"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm.BIUBSym
Workbook: Utility Blower BIUB Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm
User Class Name: Utility Blower BIUB
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm.BIUBSym
Inputs = 18
Input and description = "OutsideHeightofHousing", "A- Outside Height of Housing"
Input and description = "OutsideWidthofHousing", "B- Outside Width of Housing"
Input and description = "InletDiameter", "C-Inlet Diameter"
Input and description = "CentertoBottom", "D-Center to Bottom"
Input and description = "DischargeFlangeWidth", "DX- Discharge Flange Width"
Input and description = "BottomBoxWidth", "GC-Bottom Box Width"
Input and description = "Length", "H-Length"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofOutletNozzle", "HA- Center to End of Outlet Nozzle"
Input and description = "CentertoTopofOutlet", "HC-Center to Top of Outlet"
Input and description = "CentertoBackSideofHousing", "HE-Center to Back Side of Housing"
Input and description = "CentertoEndofHousing", "HJ- Center to End of Housing"
Input and description = "CentertoTopofOutletNozzle", "HN- Center to Top of Outlet Nozzle"
Input and description = "DistInlettoCenterofHousing", "J- Dist. Inlet to Center of Housing"
Input and description = "FacetoCenterofHousing", "P- Face to Center of Housing"
Input and description = "CentofFantoCentofDisch", "Q- Cent.of Fan to Cent.of Disch"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "SD-Shaft Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 122

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"

Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "BodyCylinder", "Body Cylinder"
Output and description = "BodyBox_", "Body Box"
Output and description = "ShaftCylinder", "Shaft Cylinder"
Output and description = "SmallBottomBox", "Small Bottom Box"
Output and description = "BasePlate", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DWallVentAWXAsm.VentAWXSym
Workbook: Wall Exhauster AWX Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DWallVentAWXAsm
User Class Name: Centrifugal Wall Exhauster
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWallVentAWXAsm.VentAWXSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "FacetoFace", "A-Outside Diameter"
Input and description = "BodyHeight", "B-Body Height"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "E-Base Plate Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 123

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HX-Hole Bolt X Location"

Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HY-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "BottomSmallCylinder", "Bottom Small Cylinder"
Output and description = "BottomCylinder", "Bottom Cylinder"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Electrical Equipment
This section contains electrical related equipment such as lights, panels, switches, and so forth.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 124

Equipment Symbols

Lighting .......................................................................................... 126
EQGroundIWell.............................................................................. 155
EQGroundRod ............................................................................... 156
EQPushButtonStation .................................................................... 158
EQWeldingReceptacle................................................................... 159
SP3DDisconnectSwitchAsm .......................................................... 161
SP3DElecContSwitch .................................................................... 162
SP3DElecEnclosureAsm ............................................................... 163
SP3DElecJunctionBox ................................................................... 164
SP3DElecSpeaker04Asm .............................................................. 165
SP3DElecSpeaker05Asm .............................................................. 166
SP3DElecTransformer ................................................................... 167
SP3DElectricalMotor...................................................................... 168
SP3DElecVarFreqDrive ................................................................. 170
SP3DElecWPFixture...................................................................... 171
SP3DInstTransAsm ....................................................................... 172
SP3DMultiCableTransit ................................................................. 173
SP3DPullPitAsm ............................................................................ 174
SP3DReceptacleAsm .................................................................... 176
SP3DSwitchGearAsm.................................................................... 177

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 125

Equipment Symbols

This electrical equipment section contains the available lighting symbols.

EQEmergncyDualLight .................................................................. 126
EQLightingFixtureBTER ................................................................ 128
EQStanchionMountGlobe .............................................................. 129
SP3DElecBayLightAsm ................................................................. 131
SP3DElecFluoFix ........................................................................... 132
SP3DElecHBFixture ...................................................................... 133
SP3DElecLBFixture ....................................................................... 134
SP3DElecLiEquip01Asm ............................................................... 135
SP3DElecLiPendantAsm ............................................................... 136
SP3DElectLight01Asm .................................................................. 137
SP3DEmergencyBeaconAsm ........................................................ 138
SP3DFluoLightFixWORAsm .......................................................... 139
SP3DFluorescentLightAsm ........................................................... 140
SP3DHandrailMtFluoFixAsm ......................................................... 141
SP3DHighMastFloodLightAsm ...................................................... 142
SP3DLightingFixtureBHARAsm .................................................... 144
SP3DLightingFixtureBHAsmTy1 ................................................... 145
SP3DLightingFixtureBHDRAsm .................................................... 146
SP3DLightingFixtureBTARAsm ..................................................... 147
SP3DLightingFixtureBTDRAsm ..................................................... 148
SP3DSlipFitterFloodLightAsm ....................................................... 150
SP3DStanchionFluoTyAAsm ......................................................... 151
SP3DStanchionFluoTyBAsm ......................................................... 152
SP3DStreetLightAsm ..................................................................... 154

Description: Ballast Tank With Enclosed Reflector Lighting Fixture
Symbol Name: EQEmergncyDualLight.DualLtSym
Workbook: Emergency Dual Flood Light.xls
Workbook Sheet: EmergncyDualLight
User Class Name: Emergency Dual Flood Light
Part Number: Emergency Dual Flood Light - E01, Emergency Dual Flood Light - E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQEmergncyDualLight.DualLtSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "BoxWidth" Description = "Box Width"
Input = "BoxDepth" Description = "Box Depth"
Input = "BoxHeight" Description = "Box Height"
Input = "LightDia" Description = "Light Diameter"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "DistBtwLights" Description = "Distance between Lights"
Input = "LightLength" Description = "Light Length"
Input = "Offset" Description = "Offset"
Input = "LightAngle" Description = "LightAngle"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 126

Equipment Symbols

Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt X Location"

Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "MaintenanceDepth" Description = "Maintenance Depth"
Input = "MaintenanceHeight" Description = "Maintenance Height"
Input = "CPx" Description = "Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Base" Description = "Base"
Output = "Support1" Description = "Support 1"
Output = "Support2" Description = "Support 2"
Output = "Light1" Description = "Light1"
Output = "Light2" Description = "Guard"
Output = "CirclularPlanes_" Description = "Circlular Planes"
Output = "ConnectionPoint_" Description = "Connection Point 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "MaintenanceBox" Description = "Maintenance Box"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 127

Equipment Symbols

Description: Ballast Tank With Enclosed Reflector Fixture Assembly
Symbol Name: EQLightingFixtureBTER.BTDRSym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture Ballast Tank Enclosed Reflector.xls
Workbook Sheet: BTERFixture
User Class Name: Ballast Tank with Enclosed Reflector Fixture
Part Number: BTERFixture01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQLightingFixtureBTER.BTDRSym
Inputs = 5
Input = "TankDia" Description = "Tank Diameter"
Input = "EncloserLength" Description = "Encloser Length"
Input = "GuardLength" Description = "Guard Length"
Input = "ReflectorBottomDia" Description = "Reflector Bottom Diameter"
Input = "ReflectorLength" Description = "Reflector Length"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "BallastTank" Description = "Ballast Tank"
Output = "BallastTankSupport" Description = "Ballast Tank Support"
Output = "Reflector_" Description = "Reflector"
Output = "GuardHorizWire1" Description = "Guard"
Output = "GuardHorizWire2" Description = "Guard"
Output = "GuardHorizWire3" Description = "Guard"
Output = "Guard_" Description = "Guard"
Output = "ConduitPort" Description = "Conduit Port"
Output = "CablePort" Description = "Cable Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 128

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Stanchion Mounted Globe and Guard with Standard Dome
Symbol Name: EQStanchionMountGlobe.GuardStDomeSym
Workbook: Stanchion Mounted Globe and Guard with Standard Dome.xls
Workbook Sheet: StanchionMountGlobe
User Class Name: Stanchion Mounted Globe and Guard with Standard Dome
Part Number: StanchionMountGlobe-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQStanchionMountGlobe.GuardStDomeSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "ReflectorAngle" Description = "Reflector Angle"
Input = "GlobeOffsetfromStanchion" Description = "Globe Offset from Stanchion"
Input = "GlobeCenterfromStanchion" Description = "Globe Center from Stanchion"
Input = "GlobeCentertoStanchionCenter" Description = "Globe Center to Stanchion Center"
Input = "StanchionMountThk" Description = "Stanchion Mount Thickness"
Input = "GlobeHeight" Description = "Globe Height"
Input = "ReflectorHeight" Description = "Reflector Height"
Input = "StanchionDiameter" Description = "Stanchion Diameter"
Input = "ReflectorDiameter" Description = "Reflector Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 129

Equipment Symbols

Input = "ReflectorOffsetfromStanchion" Description = "Reflector Offset from Stanchion"

Input = "ReflectorHeightfromBase" Description = "Reflector Height from Base of Stanchion"
Input = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 14
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "PoleBody" Description = "Pole Body"
Output = "StanchionMount1" Description = "StanchionMount1"
Output = "StanchionMount2_" Description = "StanchionMount2"
Output = "Globe1" Description = "Globe1"
Output = "Globe2" Description = "Globe2"
Output = "Globe3" Description = "Globe3"
Output = "Reflector" Description = "Reflector"
Output = "Guard1" Description = "Guard1"
Output = "Guard2" Description = "Guard2"
Output = "Guard_" Description = "Guard_"
Output = "ConduitNozzle" Description = "Conduit Nozzle"
Output = "CableNozzle" Description = "Cable Nozzle"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 130

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecBayLightAsm.BayLightSym
Workbook: Bay Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BayLightFixture
User Class Name: Bay Light Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecBayLightAsm.BayLightSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "FixtureHeight", "Fixture Height"
Input and description = "FixtureWidth", "Fixture Width"
Input and description = "BoxHeight", "Box Height"
Input and description = "BoxWidth", "Box Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 131

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 7
Output and description = "FixtureTopBox", "Fixture TopBox"
Output and description = "FixtureCylindricalJoint", "Fixture CylindricalJoint"
Output and description = "FixtureCover", "Fixture Cover"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "ElectricalFixtureControlPoint", "Control Point of Electrical Fixture"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeomfactory", "Reference Geom factory"

Description: fluorescent light fixture
Symbol Name: SP3DElecFluoFix.ElecFluoFix
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FluorescentFixture
User Class Name: Fluorescent Fixture
Part Number: FluoFixture01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecFluoFix.ElecFluoFix
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "Length of the Fixture",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 132

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "Depth of the Fixture",

Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "Width of the Fixture",
Outputs = 9
Output and description = "TopCover", "Top Cover of the fixture"
Output and description = "SideCoverRight", "The Side Cover at the Right Hand Side"
Output and description = "SideCoverLeft", "The Side Cover at the Left Hand Side"
Output and description = "FrontCover", "Front Parabolic Cover"
Output and description = "RearCover", "Rear Parabolic Cover"
Output and description = "FluorescentTube1", "Fluorescent Tube"
Output and description = "FluorescentTube2", "Fluorescent Tube"
Output and description = "FluorescentTube3", "Fluorescent Tube"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Wire-Inlet"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Wallpack Aspect Description"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecHBFixture.ElecHighBayFixture
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HighBayFixture
User Class Name: High Bay Fixture
Part Number: HighBayFixture01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecHBFixture.ElecHighBayFixture
Inputs = 2
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "lamp height", 0
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "lamp width", 0
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "TopBox", "Top Box housing the conduit port"
Output and description = "MiddleBox", "Box between the TopBox and CylindricalJoint"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 133

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "CylindricalJoint", "The portion leading to the bulb holder"
Output and description = "LampCover", "The portion consisting of the lamp and glass cover"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Wire-Inlet: Nozzle"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "ElecHighBayFixture Aspect Description"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecLBFixture.ElecLBFixture
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: LowBayFixture
User Class Name: Low Bay Fixture
Part Number: LowBayFixture01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecLBFixture.ElecLBFixture
Inputs = 2
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "lamp height", 0
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "lamp width", 0
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "TopBox", "Top Box housing the conduit port"
Output and description = "MiddleBox", "Box between the TopBox and CylindricalJoint"
Output and description = "CylindricalJoint", "The portion leading to the bulb holder"
Output and description = "TopLampCover", "The top portion consisting of the lamp cover"
Output and description = "Cylindrical Interface", "Interface between the Top Lamp Cover and
Bottom Lamp Cover"
Output and description = "BottomLampCover", "The Bottom portion consisting of the lamp

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 134

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Wire-Inlet: Nozzle"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "HighBay Aspect Description"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecLiEquip01Asm.ElLightingEquipSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalEquipAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Lighting Equipment
Part Number: ElectricalEquip01_E, ElectricalEquip02_E, ElectricalEquip03_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecLiEquip01Asm.ElLightingEquipSym
Inputs = 1
Outputs = 4
Output = "LightMount" Description = "Light Mount"
Output = "LightSupport" Description = "Light Support"
Output = "Cylinder" Description = "Light Case"
Output = "Snout" Description = "Light"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 135

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DElecLiPendantAsm.ElecLightingPSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalPendantAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Lighting Pendant
Part Number: ElectricalPendant01_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecLiPendantAsm.ElecLightingPSym
Inputs = 2
Input = "FixtureDrop" Description = "Drop from ceiling/beam to bottom"
Input = "FixtureDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Light"
Outputs = 4
Output = "LightMount" Description = "Light Mount"
Output = "LightSupport" Description = "Light Support"
Output = "Snout" Description = "Light"
Output = "ConduitPort" Description = "Conduit Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 136

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DElectLight01Asm.ElectricalLightSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalLightAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Light
Part Number: ElectricalLight01_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElectLight01Asm.ElectricalLightSym
Inputs = 1
Input = "FixtureHeight" Description = "Height of Fixture"
Outputs = 4
Output = "LightPole" Description = "Light Pole"
Output = "Box" Description = "Light Support"
Output = "LightCase" Description = "Light Case"
Output = "Snout" Description = "Light"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 137

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DEmergencyBeaconAsm.EBSym
Workbook: Emergency Beacon Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EmergencyBeacon
User Class Name: Emergency Beacon Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DEmergencyBeaconAsm.EBSym
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "CylinderDia", "Cylinder Diameter",
Input and description = "BeaconLength", "Beacon Length", 0
Input and description = "BeaconHeight", "Beacon Height",
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Cylinder1", "Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "Cylinder2", "Cylinder 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 138

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Box", "Box"

Output and description = "Cylinder3", "Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "Cylinder4", "Cylinder 4"
Output and description = "SemiEllipsoid", "Semi Ellipse"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Output and description = "EmergencyBeaconControlPoint", "Control Point of Emergency
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: fluorescent light fixture without a reflector
Symbol Name: SP3DFluoLightFixWORAsm.LightFixSym
Workbook: Sample Data for Fluorescent Lighting Fixture without Reflector.xls
Workbook Sheet: FluoLightFixtureWOR
User Class Name: Fluorescent Lighting Fixture without Reflector
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFluoLightFixWORAsm.LightFixSym
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "FixtureLength", "Fixture Length"
Input and description = "FixtureWidth", "Fixture Width"
Input and description = "FixtureHeight", "Fixture Height"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "FixtureBody", "Body of the fixture"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "Conduit Port 1"
Output and description = "ConduitPort2", "Conduit Port 2"
Output and description = "CablePort1", "Cable Port 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 139

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "CablePort2", "Cable Port 2"

Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: fluorescent light fixture
Symbol Name: SP3DFluorescentLightAsm.FluoLightSym
Workbook: Fluorescent Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: FluorescentLightFixture
User Class Name: Fluorescent Light Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFluorescentLightAsm.FluoLightSym
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "FixtureLength", "Fixture Length"
Input and description = "FixtureWidth", "Fixture Width"
Input and description = "FixtureHeight", "Fixture Height"
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "FluorescentFixBody", "Body of the fixture"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 140

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: handrail mounted fluorescent light fixture
Symbol Name: SP3DHandrailMtFluoFixAsm.LightFixSym
Workbook: Handrail Mount Fluorescent Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HandrailMountFluoFix
User Class Name: Handrail Mounted Fluorescent Lighting Fixture
Part Number: HandrailMountFluoFix-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHandrailMtFluoFixAsm.LightFixSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "Length", "L-Length"
Input and description = "Width", "W-Width"
Input and description = "Depth", "D-Depth"
Input and description = "Wattage", "Wattage"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "LightFixture1", "Light Fixture Body 1"
Output and description = "LightFixture2", "Light Fixture Body 2"
Output and description = "LightFixture3", "Light Fixture Body 3"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "ConduitNozz", "Cable Nozzle"
Output and description = "CableTrayNozz", "Conduit Nozzle"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 141

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: high mast flood light
Symbol Name: SP3DHighMastFloodLightAsm.MFldLightSym
Workbook: High Mast Flood Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HighMastFloodLight
User Class Name: High Mast Flood Light Fixture
Part Number: HighMastFloodLight-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHighMastFloodLightAsm.MFldLightSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "PoleHeight", "A-Pole Height"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter1", "D1-Pole Diameter 1"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter2", "D2-Pole Diameter 2"
Input and description = "MountPlateLength", "PL-Mount Plate Length"
Input and description = "MountPlateWidth", "PW-Mount Plate Width"
Input and description = "MountPlateThickness", "PT-Mount Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "FixtureHeight", "P1-Fixture Height"
Input and description = "FixtureWidth", "P2-Fixture Width"
Input and description = "FixtureLength", "P3-Fixture Length"
Input and description = "BoxHeight", "P4-Box Height"
Input and description = "BoxWidth", "P5-Box Width"
Input and description = "BoxLength", "P6-Box Length"
Input and description = "Wattage", "Wattage"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 142

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 11
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "MountPlate", "Mount Plate Body"
Output and description = "PoleBody1", "Pole Body 1"
Output and description = "PoleBody2 ", "Pole Body 2"
Output and description = "PoleBody3", "Pole Body 3"
Output and description = "PoleBody4", "Pole Body 4"
Output and description = "Light1", "Light Fixture 1"
Output and description = "Light2", "Light Fixture 2"
Output and description = "Light3", "Light Fixture 3"
Output and description = "ConduitNozz", "Conduit Nozzle"
Output and description = "CableNozz", "Cable Nozzle"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 143

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DLightingFixtureBHARAsm.BHARSym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture BHAR Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BHARFixture
User Class Name: Ballast Housing With Angle Reflector Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLightingFixtureBHARAsm.BHARSym
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "HousingDia", "Housing Diameter"
Input and description = "HousingLength", "Housing Length"
Input and description = "GuardLength", "Guard Length"
Input and description = "GuardDia", "Guard Diameter"
Input and description = "ReflectorBottomDia", "Reflector Bottom Diameter"
Input and description = "ReflectorLength1", "Reflector Length 1"
Input and description = "ReflectorLength2", "Reflector Length 2"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BallastTank", "Ballast Tank"
Output and description = "BallastTankSupport", "Ballast Tank Support"
Output and description = "Reflector", "Reflector"
Output and description = "Guard_", "Guard"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 144

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: light with guard housing
Symbol Name: SP3DLightingFixtureBHAsmTy1.BHTy1Sym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture BH Type 1 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BHFixtureType1
User Class Name: Ballast Housing Type 1 Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLightingFixtureBHAsmTy1.BHTy1Sym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "HousingDia", "Housing Diameter"
Input and description = "HousingLength", "Housing Length"
Input and description = "GuardLength", "Guard Length"
Input and description = "GuardDia", "Guard Diameter"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BallastHousing", "Ballast Housing"
Output and description = "GuardRib1", "Guard Rib 1"
Output and description = "GuardRib2", "Guard Rib 2"
Output and description = "GuardRib3", "Guard Rib 3"
Output and description = "GuardRib4", "Guard Rib 4"
Output and description = "GuardRib5", "Guard Rib 5"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 145

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "GuardRib6", "Guard Rib 6"

Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Output and description = "Guard1", "Guard Torus 1"
Output and description = "Guard2", "Guard Torus 2"
Output and description = "Guard3", "Guard Torus 3"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DLightingFixtureBHDRAsm.BHDRSym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture BHDR Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BHDRFixture
User Class Name: Ballast Housing With Dome Reflector Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLightingFixtureBHDRAsm.BHDRSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "HousingDia", "Housing Diameter"
Input and description = "HousingLength", "Housing Length"
Input and description = "GuardLength", "Guard Length"
Input and description = "GuardDia", "Guard Diameter"
Input and description = "ReflectorBottomDia", "Reflector Bottom Diameter"
Input and description = "ReflectorLength", "Reflector Length"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 146

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BallastTank", "Ballast Tank"
Output and description = "BallastTankSupport", "Ballast Tank Support"
Output and description = "Reflector", "Reflector"
Output and description = "Guard_", "Guard"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DLightingFixtureBTARAsm.BTARSym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture BTAR Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BTARFixture
User Class Name: Ballast Tank With Angle Reflector Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLightingFixtureBTARAsm.BTARSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "TankDia", "Tank Diameter"
Input and description = "TankLength", "Tank Length"
Input and description = "GuardLength", "Guard Length"
Input and description = "ReflectorBottomDia", "Reflector Bottom Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 147

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "ReflectorLength1", "Reflector Length 1"

Input and description = "ReflectorLength2", "Reflector Length 2"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BallastTank", "Ballast Tank"
Output and description = "BallastTankSupport", "Ballast Tank Support"
Output and description = "Reflector", "Reflector"
Output and description = "Guard_", "Guard"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DLightingFixtureBTDRAsm.BTDRSym
Workbook: Lighting Fixture BTDR Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: BTDRFixture
User Class Name: Ballast Tank With Dome Reflector Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLightingFixtureBTDRAsm.BTDRSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "TankDia", "Tank Diameter"
Input and description = "TankLength", "Tank Length"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 148

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "GuardLength", "Guard Length"

Input and description = "ReflectorBottomDia", "Reflector Bottom Diameter"
Input and description = "ReflectorLength", "Reflector Length"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BallastTank", "Ballast Tank"
Output and description = "BallastTankSupport", "Ballast Tank Support"
Output and description = "Reflector", "Reflector"
Output and description = "Guard_", "Guard"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 149

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSlipFitterFloodLightAsm.FldLightSym
Workbook: Slip Fitter Flood Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SlipfitterFloodLightFix
User Class Name: Slip fitter Flood Light Fixture
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSlipFitterFloodLightAsm.FldLightSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "FixtureHeight", "Fixture Height",
Input and description = "FixtureWidth", "Fixture Width", 0
Input and description = "FixtureLength", "Fixture Length",
Input and description = "BoxHeight", "Box Height",
Input and description = "BoxWidth", "Box Width",
Input and description = "BoxLength", "Box Length",
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Fixture", "Fixture"
Output and description = "Cylinder1", "CylindricalJoint 1"
Output and description = "Cylinder2", "CylindricalJoint 2"
Output and description = "Box", "Box"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 150

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: stanchion fluorescent light
Symbol Name: SP3DStanchionFluoTyAAsm.FluorescentASym
Workbook: Stanchion Fluorescent Type A Handrail Mount Light Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: StanchionFluoTyA
User Class Name: Stanchion Fluorescent Light A (Handrail or Pole Mounted)
Part Number: StanchionFluoTyA-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DStanchionFluoTyAAsm.FluorescentASym
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "PoleHeight", "A-Pole Height"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter", "PD-Pole Diameter"
Input and description = "Angle", "C-Angle"
Input and description = "Wattage", "Wattage"
Input and description = "Length", "L-Length"
Input and description = "Width", "W-Width"
Input and description = "Depth", "D-Depth"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "PoleBody", "Pole Body"
Output and description = "PoleCurveBody", "Pole Curve Body"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 151

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Cylinder1atTop", "Cylinder 1 atTop"

Output and description = "Cylinder2atTop", "Cylinder 2 atTop"
Output and description = "Box", "Bottom Curve at Light Position"
Output and description = "CurveObject", "Center Curve at Light Position"
Output and description = "TopBox", "Top Curve at Light Position"
Output and description = "ConduitNozzle", "Conduit Nozzle"
Output and description = "CableNozzle", "Cable Nozzle"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: stanchion fluorescent light
Symbol Name: SP3DStanchionFluoTyBAsm.FluorescentBSym
Workbook: Stanchion Fluorescent Type B Handrail Mount LIght Sample Data .xls
Workbook Sheet: StanchionFluoTyB
User Class Name: Stanchion Fluorescent Light B (Handrail or Pole Mounted)
Part Number: StanchionFluoTyB-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DStanchionFluoTyBAsm.FluorescentBSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "PoleHeight1", "P1-Pole Height 1"
Input and description = "PoleHeight2", "P2-Pole Height 2"
Input and description = "PoleHeight3", "P3-Pole Height 3"
Input and description = "Offset", "P4-Offset"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter", "PD-Pole Diameter"
Input and description = "Length", "L-Length"
Input and description = "Width", "W-Width"
Input and description = "Depth", "D-Depth"
Input and description = "Wattage", "Wattage"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 152

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 11
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "PoleBody1", "Pole Body 1"
Output and description = "PoleBody2", "Pole Body 2"
Output and description = "PoleCurveBody", "Pole Curve Body"
Output and description = "Cylinder1atTop", "Cylinder 1 atTop"
Output and description = "Cylinder2atTop", "Cylinder 2 atTop"
Output and description = "Light1", "Light Fixture 1"
Output and description = "Light2", "Light Fixture 2"
Output and description = "Light3", "Light Fixture 3"
Output and description = "ConduitNozzle", "Conduit Nozzle"
Output and description = "CableNozzle", "Cable Nozzle"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 153

Equipment Symbols

Description: street light
Symbol Name: SP3DStreetLightAsm.StreetLightSym
Workbook: Street Light Fixture Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: StreetLight
User Class Name: Street Light Fixture
Part Number: StreetLight-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DStreetLightAsm.StreetLightSym
Inputs = 12
Input and description = "PoleHeight", "A-Pole Height"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter1", "D1-Pole Diameter 1"
Input and description = "PoleDiameter2", "D2-Pole Diameter 2"
Input and description = "Angle", "C-Angle"
Input and description = "MountPlateLength", "PL-Mount Plate Length"
Input and description = "MountPlateWidth", "PW-Mount Plate Width"
Input and description = "MountPlateThickness", "PT-Mount Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "ExtensionLength", "B-Extension Length"
Input and description = "Length", "L-Length"
Input and description = "Width", "W-Width"
Input and description = "Depth", "D-Depth"
Input and description = "Wattage", "Wattage"
Outputs = 9
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "MountPlate", "Mount Plate Body"
Output and description = "PoleBody", "Pole Body"
Output and description = "PoleCurveBody", "Pole Curve Body"
Output and description = "Light1", "Light 1"
Output and description = "Light2", "Light 2"
Output and description = "Light3", "Light 3"
Output and description = "ConduitNozzle", "Conduit Nozzle"
Output and description = "CableNozzle", "Cable Nozzle"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 154

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Ground Inspection Well Assembly
Symbol Name: EQGroundIWell.InspectionWellSym
Workbook: Ground Inspection Well.xls
Workbook Sheet: GrndInspWell
User Class Name: Ground Inspection Well
Part Number: GrndInspWell-E01, GrndInspWell-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQGroundIWell.InspectionWellSym
Inputs = 7
Input = "BottomDiameter" Description = "[A] – Bottom Diameter"
Input = "TopDiameter" Description = "[B] – Top Diameter"
Input = "WellHeight" Description = "[C] – Well Height"
Input = "OriginOffset" Description = "[D] – Origin Offset"
Input = "CPx" Description = "[CPx] - Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "[CPy] - Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "[CPz] - Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 5
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 155

Equipment Symbols

Output = "MainBody" Description = "MainBody"

Output = "BottomPlane" Description = "Bottom Plane"
Output = "TopPlane" Description = "Top Plane"
Output = "NozzleCylinder" Description = "Nozzle Cylinder"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Ground Rod
Symbol Name: EQGroundRod.GroundRodSym
Workbook: Ground rod.xls
Workbook Sheet: GroundRod
User Class Name: Ground Rod
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQGroundRod.GroundRodSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "GroundRodLength", "[A] – Ground Rod Length"
Input and description = "GroundRodDiameter", "[B] – Ground Rod Diameter"
Input and description = "CPx", "[CPx] - Control Point Location along X"
Input and description = "CPy", "[CPy] - Control Point Location along Y"
Input and description = "CPz", "[CPz] - Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "MainBody", "MainBody"
Output and description = "Head", "Head"
Output and description = "Toe", "Toe"
Output and description = "ToePlane", "Toe"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 156

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 157

Equipment Symbols

Description: Push Button Station Assembly
Symbol Name: EQPushButtonStation.PushButtonStSym
Workbook: Push Button Station.xls
Workbook Sheet: PushButtonStation
User Class Name: Push Button Station
Part Number: PushButtonStation-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQPushButtonStation.PushButtonStSym
Inputs = 18
Input = "ReceptacleWidth" Description = "Receptacle Width"
Input = "ReceptacleDepth" Description = "Receptacle Depth"
Input = "ReceptacleHeight" Description = "Receptacle Height"
Input = "ColumnWidth" Description = "Column Width"
Input = "ColumnDepth" Description = "Column Depth", 0
Input = "ColumnHeight" Description = "Column Height"
Input = "ReceptacleLocation" Description = "Receptacle Location"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateDepth" Description = "Baseplate Depth"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "MaintenanceWidth" Description = "Maintenance Width"
Input = "MaintenanceHeight" Description = "Maintenance Height"
Input = "MaintenanceDepth" Description = "Maintenance Depth"
Input = "CPx" Description = "Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Control Point Location along Z"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 7
Output = "Base" Description = "Base"
Output = "ColumnBox" Description = "Column Box"
Output = "Receptacle" Description = "Receptacle"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description =, "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "MaintenanceBox" Description = "Maintenance Box"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 158

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Welding Receptacle Assembly
Symbol Name: EQWeldingReceptacle.WeldReceptacleSym
Workbook: Welding Receptacle.xls
Workbook Sheet: WeldingReceptacle
User Class Name: Welding Receptacle
Part Number: WeldingReceptacle-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQWeldingReceptacle.WeldReceptacleSym
Inputs = 17
Input and description = "Width", "Width"
Input and description = "Depth", "Depth"
Input and description = "Height", "Height"
Input and description = "Thickness", "Thickness"
Input and description = "Depth1", "Depth 1"
Input and description = "Height1", "Height 1"
Input and description = "Diameter", "Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 159

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "Width2", "Width 2"

Input and description = "Height2", "Height 2"
Input and description = "MaintenanceWidth", "Maintenance Width"
Input and description = "MaintenanceHeight", "Maintenance Height"
Input and description = "MaintenanceDepth", "Maintenance Depth"
Input and description = "CPx", "Control Point Location along X"
Input and description = "CPy", "Control Point Location along Y"
Input and description = "CPz", "Control Point Location along Z"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Base1", "Base 1"
Output and description = "Base2", "Base 2"
Output and description = "Cylinder", "Cylinder"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "DefaultSurface"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "MaintenanceBox", "Maintenance Box"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 160

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DDisconnectSwitchAsm.DisContSwSym
Workbook: Electrical Disconnect Switch Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: DisConnectSwitchAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Disconnect Switch
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DDisconnectSwitchAsm.DisContSwSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "Height of ElecEquipment",
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "Width of ElecEquipment",
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "Length of ElecEquipment",
Input and description = "SwitchLeverHeight", "Height of SwitchLever",
Input and description = "SwitchLeverWidth", "Width of SwitchLever",
Input and description = "SwitchLeverLength", "Length of SwitchLever",
Outputs = 22
Output and description = "DisContSwitchBody", "DisConnectSwitch Body"
Output and description = "ProjectedKnob", "ProjectedKnob Body"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "ConduitPort1"
Output and description = "CablePort1", "CablePort1"
Output and description = "CenterPos1", "FaceCenter Position1"
Output and description = "CenterPos2", "FaceCenter Position2"
Output and description = "CenterPos3", "FaceCenter Position3"
Output and description = "CenterPos4", "FaceCenter Position4"
Output and description = "CenterPos5", "FaceCenter Position5"
Output and description = "CenterPos6", "FaceCenter Position6"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Edge 1"
Output and description = "Edge2", "Edge 2"
Output and description = "Edge3", "Edge 3"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Edge 4"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Edge 5"
Output and description = "Edge6", "Edge 6"
Output and description = "Edge7", "Edge 7"
Output and description = "Edge8", "Edge 8"
Output and description = "Edge9", "Edge 9"
Output and description = "Edge10", "Edge 10"
Output and description = "Edge11", "Edge 11"
Output and description = "Edge12", "Edge 12"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 161

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical Description"

Description: Siemens Control Switch
Symbol Name: SP3DElecContSwitch.ElecContSwitch
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ControlSwitch
User Class Name: Electrical Control Switch
Part Number: ControlSwitch01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecContSwitch.ElecContSwitch
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "Electrical Equipment Height", 0.
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "Electrical Equipment Width", 0.
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "Electrical Equipment Length", 0.
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface on the side to be supported"
Output and description = "ProjectedBody", "Projected Body"
Output and description = "Surface2", "Surface on other side"
Output and description = "ProjectedKnob", "Projected Knob"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 162

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecEnclosureAsm.CElecEnclosureSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElecEnclosureAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Enclosure
Part Number: BA106E 42309-1_E, BA106E 483611- 1_E, BA106E 423013-1_E, BA106E
483617-1_E, ElecEnclosure 42309-1_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecEnclosureAsm.CElecEnclosureSym
Inputs = 3
Input = "BasicAsmHeight" Description = "Enclosure Height"
Input = "BasicAsmWidth" Description = "Enclosure Width"
Input = "BasicAsmLength" Description = "Enclosure Depth"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 163

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 7
Output = "EnclosureBody" Description = "Enclosure Body"
Output = "ConduitPort1" Description = "Conduit Port 1"
Output = "ConduitPort2" Description = "Conduit Port 2"
Output = "ConduitPort3" Description = "Conduit Port 3"
Output = "ConduitPort4" Description = "Conduit Port 4"
Output = "CableTrayPort" Description = "Cable Tray Port"
Output = "EnclosureOp" Description = "Enclosure Operation"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Operation

Symbol Name: SP3DElecJunctionBox.ElecJunctionBox
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: JunctionBox
User Class Name: Junction Box
Part Number: JunctionBox01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecJunctionBox.ElecJunctionBox
Inputs = 1
Input and description = "FacetoCenter", "Distance from the Outer end of Nozzle to the center
of Junction Box",
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "CylinderBody", "Cylindrical Body of the Junction Box"
Output and description = "Cylinder1", "Cylinder housing nozzles"
Output and description = "Cylinder2", "Cylinder housing nozzles"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "Nozzle1"
Output and description = "ConduitPort2", "Nozzle2"
Output and description = "ConduitPort3", "Nozzle3"
Output and description = "ConduitPort4", "Nozzle4"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 164

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "CablePort1", "Cable Port1"

Output and description = "CablePort2", "Cable Port2"
Output and description = "CablePort3", "Cable Port3"
Output and description = "CablePort4", "Cable Port4"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Junction Box Aspect Description"

Symbol Name: SP3DElecSpeaker04Asm.ElectricalSp04Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalSpeakerAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Speaker
Part Number: ElectricalSpeaker04_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecSpeaker04Asm.ElectricalSp04Sym
Inputs = 1
Input = "SpeakerHeight" Description = "Size of Speaker"
Outputs = 4
Output = "Stand1" Description = "Stand 1"
Output = "Stand2" Description = "Stand 2"
Output = "Intercom" Description = "Intercom box"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction Volume"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 165

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Symbol Name: SP3DElecSpeaker05Asm.ElectricalSp05Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalSpeakerAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Speaker
Part Number: ElectricalSpeaker05_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecSpeaker05Asm.ElectricalSp05Sym
Inputs = 1
Input = "SpeakerHeight" Description = "Size of Speaker"
Outputs = 4
Output = "RailMount" Description = "Hand rail mount"
Output = "Case" Description = "Case Cylinder"
Output = "Speaker1" Description = "Speaker 1"
Output = "Speaker2" Description = "Speaker 2"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 166

Equipment Symbols

Description: Grainger Catalog Part No 4RM79
Symbol Name: SP3DElecTransformer.ElecTransformer
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalTransformer
User Class Name: Electrical Transformer
Part Number: ElectricalTransformer01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecTransformer.ElecTransformer
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "Electrical Equipment Height"
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "Electrical Equipment Width"
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "Electrical Equipment Length"
Outputs = 12
Output and description = "BaseofTransformer", "Base of Transformer"
Output and description = "BodyofTransformer", "Body of Transformer"
Output and description = "TopofTransformer", "Top of Transformer"
Output and description = "TransformerCoil", "Transformer Coil"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "Conduit Port 1"
Output and description = "ConduitPort2", "Conduit Port 2"
Output and description = "ConduitPort3", "Conduit Port 3"
Output and description = "ConduitPort4", "Conduit Port 4"
Output and description = "CablePort1", "Cable Port1"
Output and description = "CablePort2", "Cable Port2"
Output and description = "CablePort3", "Cable Port3"
Output and description = "CablePort4", "Cable Port4"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 167

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Description: NEMA Part No T & U Frame 182
Symbol Name: SP3DElectricalMotor.ElectricalMotor
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElectricalMotor
User Class Name: Electrical Motor
Part Number: ElectricalMotor01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElectricalMotor.ElectricalMotor
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "MotorLength", "Motor Length", 0.35
Input and description = "MotorDiameter", "Motor Diameter", 0.
Input and description = "ShaftLength", "Shaft Length", 0.
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "Shaft Diameter", 0.02

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 168

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 8
Output and description = "CylBody", "Cylindrical Body of Motor"
Output and description = "Dome1", "Dome 1"
Output and description = "Dome2", "Dome 2"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "MotorBase", "Base of Motor"
Output and description = "CableBox", "Box for wires and cables"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 169

Equipment Symbols

Description: KoolFog Catalog Part
Symbol Name: SP3DElecVarFreqDrive.ElecVarFreqDrive
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VariableFrequencyDrive
User Class Name: Electrical Variable Frequency Drive
Part Number: VariableFrequencyDrive01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecVarFreqDrive.ElecVarFreqDrive
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "Electrical Equipment Height", 0.
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "Electrical Equipment Width", 0.
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "Electrical Equipment Length", 0.
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface on the side to be supported"
Output and description = "ProjectedBody", "Projected Body"
Output and description = "Surface2", "Surface on other side"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 170

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DElecWPFixture.ElecWallpackFixture
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: WallPackFixture
User Class Name: Wall Pack Fixture
Part Number: WallpackFixture01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElecWPFixture.ElecWallpackFixture
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentLength", "distance between the lamp surface and wall"
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentHeight", "lamp height"
Input and description = "ElecEquipmentWidth", "lamp width"
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "BaseBox", "Base box of the wallpack"
Output and description = "TopBox", "The portion housing the bulb holder"
Output and description = "LampCover", "The portion consisting of the lamp and glass cover"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port Wire-Inlet: Nozzle"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "WallpackFixture Aspect Description"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 171

Equipment Symbols

Description: instrument transmitter assembly symbol
Symbol Name: SP3DInstTransAsm.InstTransSym
Workbook: Instrument Transmitter Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: InstTransmitterAsm
User Class Name: Instrument Transmitter
Part Number: InstTransmitterAsm-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInstTransAsm.InstTransSym
Inputs = 2
Input = "InstrumentTubeLength" Description = "Instrument Tube Length"
Input = "InstrumentTubeDiameter" Description = "Instrument Tube Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "InstrumentTubeBody" Description = "Instrument Tube Body"
Output = "TubeCylinderBody" Description = "Tube Cylinder Body"
Output = "ConduitNozzle" Description = "Conduit Nozzle"
Output = "CableNozzle" Description = "Cable Nozzle"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 172

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DMultiCableTransit.MCableTransit
Workbook: Sample Data for MultiCableTransit.xls
Workbook Sheet: MultiCableTransit
User Class Name: Cable Tray Multi Cable Transit
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DMultiCableTransit.MCableTransit
Inputs = 9
Input = "Width" Description = "MCT Width"
Input = "Depth" Description = "MCT Depth"
Input = "Length" Description = "MCT Length"
Input = "PortOffset" Description = "Port Offset"
Input = "Thickness" Description = "Thickness"
Input = "PartitionsAlongWidth" Description = "Partitions Along Width"
Input = "PartitionsAlongDepth" Description = "Partitions Along Depth"
Input = "VerticalPortOffset" Description = "Vertical Port Offset"
Input = "HorizontalPortOffset" Description = "Horizontal Port Offset"
Outputs = 11
Output = "UpperBody" Description = "Upper Part of Body"
Output = "BottomBody" Description = "Bottom Part of Body"
Output = "LeftBody" Description = "Left Part of Body"
Output = "RightBody" Description = "Right Part of Body"
Output = "PartitionsAlongWidth_" Description = "Partitions Along Width"
Output = "PartitionsAlongDepth_" Description = "Partitions Along Depth"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "MaintBox1" Description = "Maintenance Box1"
Output = "MaintBox2" Description = "Maintenance Box2"
Output = "Hole" Description = "Hole"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 173

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = EquipmentHole

Description: Pullpit or Manhole Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DPullPitAsm.PullPitSym
Workbook: Pullpit or Manhole Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: PullpitorManhole
User Class Name: Pullpit or Manhole
Part Number: PullpitorManhole-01-E; PullpitorManhole-02-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPullPitAsm.PullPitSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "PullBoxHeight" Description = "A-Height"
Input = "PullBoxWidth" Description = "B-Width"
Input = "PullBoxLength" Description = "C-Length"
Input = "PullBoxThickness" Description = "D-Thickness"
Input = "PullBoxHole1Height" Description = "E-First Hole Height"
Input = "PullBoxHole1Width" Description = "F-First Hole Width"
Input = "PullBoxHole1Offset" Description = "G-First Hole Vertical Offset"
Input = "PullBoxHole1ThruStart" Description = "First Hole Penetrates Start"
Input = "PullBoxHole1ThruEnd" Description = "First Hole Penetrates End"
Input = "PullBoxHole2Height" Description = "H-Second Hole Height"
Input = "PullBoxHole2Width" Description = "I-Second Hole Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 174

Equipment Symbols

Input = "PullBoxHole2Offset" Description = "J-Second Hole Vertical Offset"

Input = "PullBoxHole2ThruStart" Description = "Second Hole Penetrates Start"
Input = "PullBoxHole2ThruEnd" Description = "Second Hole Penetrates End"
Outputs = 1
Output = "DefaultSurface"
Description = "DefaultSurface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 175

Equipment Symbols

Description: Electrical Receptacle
Symbol Name: SP3DReceptacleAsm.ReceptacleSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ReceptacleAsm
User Class Name: Electrical Receptacle
Part Number: Receptacle01_E, Receptacle02_E, Receptacle03_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DReceptacle.Receptacle
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "BasicAsmHeight", "Receptacle Height", 0.
Input and description = "BasicAsmWidth", "Receptacle Width", 0.
Input and description = "BasicAsmLength", "Receptacle Length", 0.
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface on the side to be supported"
Output and description = "ProjectedBody", "Projected Body"
Output and description = "Surface2", "Surface on other side"
Output and description = "ConduitPort", "Conduit Port"
Output and description = "CablePort", "Cable Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 176

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSwitchGearAsm.SwitchGearSym
Workbook: Switch Gear Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SwitchGearAsm
User Class Name: Switch Gear
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSwitchGearAsm.SwitchGearSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "SwitchGearHeight", "Height of the SwitchGear",
Input and description = "SwitchGearWidth", "Width of the SwitchGear",
Input and description = "SwitchGearLength", "Length of the SwitchGear",
Input and description = "XboltHole", "XboltHole", 0
Input and description = "YboltHole", "YboltHole",
Outputs = 34
Output and description = "SwitchGearBody", "SwitchGear Body"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "ConduitPort 1"
Output and description = "ConduitPort2", "ConduitPort 2"
Output and description = "ConduitPort3", "ConduitPort 3"
Output and description = "ConduitPort4", "ConduitPort 4"
Output and description = "CablePort1", "CablePort 1"
Output and description = "CablePort2", "Cable Port 2"
Output and description = "CablePort3", "Cable Port 3"
Output and description = "CablePort4", "Cable Port 4"
Output and description = "CableTrayPort1", "CableTrayPort 1"
Output and description = "CablePort5", "CablePort 5"
Output and description = "STFndPort1", "Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "CableCircle1", "CableCircle1"
Output and description = "CenterPos1", "FaceCenter Position1"
Output and description = "CenterPos2", "FaceCenter Position2"
Output and description = "CenterPos3", "FaceCenter Position3"
Output and description = "CenterPos4", "FaceCenter Position4"
Output and description = "CenterPos5", "FaceCenter Position5"
Output and description = "CenterPos6", "FaceCenter Position6"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Edge 1"
Output and description = "Edge2", "Edge 2"
Output and description = "Edge3", "Edge 3"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Edge 4"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Edge 5"
Output and description = "Edge6", "Edge 6"
Output and description = "Edge7", "Edge 7"
Output and description = "Edge8", "Edge 8"
Output and description = "Edge9", "Edge 9"
Output and description = "Edge10", "Edge 10"
Output and description = "Edge11", "Edge 11"
Output and description = "Edge12", "Edge 12"
Output and description = "SwitchGearBodyOp", "SwitchGear Body Operation", Operation
Output and description = "SwitchGearDoorSwingOp1", "SwitchGear Door Swing Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 177

Equipment Symbols

CCWise", Operation
Output and description = "SwitchGearDoorSwingOp2", "SwitchGear Door Swing Operation
CWise", Operation
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical Description"
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation Description", Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 178

Equipment Symbols

This section contains the different types of exchanger symbols that are available.

EQAbsRefrigMachine .................................................................... 179
EQCenCompChiller ....................................................................... 181
EQCoolingTower ........................................................................... 183
EQPlateHeatEx .............................................................................. 184
EQRecCompChiller ....................................................................... 186
EQScrwCompChiller ...................................................................... 187
SP3DDouPipeExchangerAsm ....................................................... 189
SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm ................................................. 190
SP3DE_305HorShTubeExchAsm ................................................. 192
SP3DE_307KettleHeatXchAsm ..................................................... 194
SP3DE_310VerShTubeExchAsm ................................................. 196
SP3DE_320DouPipeExchAsm ...................................................... 198
SP3DE_325PlateExchAsm ........................................................... 200
SP3DFallFilmSTExAsm ................................................................. 202
SP3DFrExEndTypeACDN ............................................................. 203
SP3DFrExEndTypeB ..................................................................... 204
SP3DFrExEndTypeQ..................................................................... 204
SP3DHeatXAsm ............................................................................ 205
SP3DHoriShellTubeExchangerAsm .............................................. 206
SP3DHorSTExch02Asm ................................................................ 208
SP3DHorSTExch03Asm ................................................................ 209
SP3DHorSTExch04Asm ................................................................ 212
SP3DKettleExchangerAsm ............................................................ 213
SP3DKettleExchNestedAsm ......................................................... 215
SP3DPlAndFrExch01Asm ............................................................. 217
SP3DPlAndFrExch02Asm ............................................................. 219
SP3DPlAndFrExch03Asm ............................................................. 221
SP3DPlateExchangerAsm ............................................................. 223
SP3DVertShellTubeExchangerAsm .............................................. 224

Description: Absorption-type Refrigerating Machine Assembly
Symbol Name: EQAbsRefrigMachine.AbsorptionSym
Workbook: Heat Transfer Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: AbsRefMachine
User Class Name: Absorption-type Refrigerating Machine
Part Number: AbsTypeRefrigerationMachine-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQAbsRefrigMachine.AbsorptionSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "BodyLength", "Body Length"
Input and description ="BodyHeight", "Body Height"
Input and description = "BodyWidth", "Body Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 179

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "Port1toPPZ", "Port1 to PP along Z"

Input and description = "PorttoPPY", "Port to PP along Y"
Input and description = "Port2toPort1", "Port2 to Port1"
Input and description = "Port3toPort2", "Port4 to Port3"
Input and description = "Port4toPort3", "Port3 to Port2"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Bolt Hole Y"
Input and description ="SuptoSupDist", "Support to support distance"
Input and description = "BasePlateWidth", "Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "BasePlateLength", "Base Plate Length"
Outputs = 31
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3_", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4_", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6_", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7_", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9_", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10_", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "Output12_", "Output 12"
Output and description = "Output13_", "Output 13"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output 14"
Output and description = "Output15_", "Output 15"
Output and description = "Output16_", "Output 16"
Output and description = "Output17", "Output 17"
Output and description = "Output18_", "Output 18"
Output and description = "Output19_", "Output 19"
Output and description = "Output20", "Output 20"
Output and description = "Output21_", "Output 21"
Output and description = "Output22_", "Output 22"
Output and description = "Output23", "Output 23"
Output and description = "Output24_", "Output 24"
Output and description = "Output25_", "Output 25"
Output and description = "Output26", "Output 26"
Output and description = "Output27_", "Output 27"
Output and description = "Output28_", "Output 28"
Output and description = "Output29", "Output 29"
Output and description = "Output30", "Output 30"
Output and description = "Output31", "Output 31"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 180

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Centrifugal Compressor Chiller
Symbol Name: EQCenCompChiller.CCChillerSym
Workbook: Refrigeration Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: CenCompChiller
User Class Name: Centrifugal Compressor Chiller
Part Number: CenCompChiller-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQCenCompChiller.CCChillerSym
Inputs = 12
Input = "ChillerLength" Description = "Chiller Length"
Input = "ChillerWidth" Description = "Chiller Width"
Input = "ChillerHeight" Description = "Chiller Height"
Input = "PorttoCenterline" Description = "Port to Centerline"
Input = "PorttoPortYOffset" Description = "Port to Port Y Offset"
Input = "CenterlinetoEnd" Description = "Centerline to End"
Input = "Port4toPPZ" Description = "[ZP4] - Port 4 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "Port3toPPZ" Description = "[ZP3] - Port 3 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "Port2toPPX" Description = "[XP2] - Port 2 to Placement Point along X"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 181

Equipment Symbols

Input = "Port1toPPZ" Description = "[ZP1] - Port 1 to Placement Point along Z"

Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 28
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8_" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9_" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11_" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14_" Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15_" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17_" Description = "Output 17"
Output = "Output18_" Description = "Output 18"
Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19"
Output = "Output20_" Description = "Output 20"
Output = "Output21_" Description = "Output 21"
Output = "Output22" Description = "Output 22"
Output = "Output23_" Description = "Output 23"
Output = "Output24_" Description = "Output 24"
Output = "Output25" Description = "Output 25"
Output = "Output26_" Description = "Output 26"
Output = "Output27_" Description = "Output 27"
Output = "Output28" Description = "Output 28"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 182

Equipment Symbols

Description: Cooling Tower Assembly
Symbol Name: EQCoolingTower.TowerSym
Workbook: Heat Transfer Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: CoolingTower
User Class Name: Cooling Tower
Part Number: CoolingTower-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQCoolingTower.TowerSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "TowerWidth", "[A] - Tower Width"
Input and description = "TowerDepth", "[B] - Tower Depth"
Input and description = "TowerHeight1", "[C] - Tower Height 1"
Input and description = "TowerHeight2", "[D] - Tower Height 2"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X] - Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "Output1", "Output 1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edge_", "BasePlateEdges"
Output and description = "Point_", "Points on BasePlate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 183

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Plate Heat Exchanger Assembly
Symbol Name: EQPlateHeatEx.PHExchangerSym
Workbook: Heat Transfer Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlateHeatExchanger
User Class Name: Plate Heat Exchanger
Part Number: PlateHeatExchanger-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQPlateHeatEx.PHExchangerSym
Inputs = 12
Input and description = "SuptoSupDis", "[STS] - Support to Support Distance"
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "[HL] - Heat Exchanger Length"
Input and description = "NozzleLength", "[NL] - Nozzle Length"
Input and description = "ExchangerWidth", "[HW] - Heat Exchanger Width"
Input and description = "PorttoPortYOffset", "[YO] - Port to Port Y-Offset"
Input and description = "PorttoPortZOffset", "[ZO] - Port to Port Z-Offset"
Input and description = "Port3toPPZ", "[ZP3] - Port 3 to Placement Point along Z"
Input and description = "ExchangerHeight", "[HH] - Heat Exchanger Height"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"
Input and description = "BasePlateLength", "Base Plate Length"
Input and description = "BasePlateWidth", "Base Plate Width"
Outputs = 25
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 184

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output3_", "Output 3"

Output and description = "Output4_", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6_", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7_", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9_", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10_", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "Output12_", "Output 12"
Output and description = "Output13_", "Output 13"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output 14"
Output and description = "Output15_", "Output 15"
Output and description = "Output16_", "Output 16"
Output and description = "Output17", "Output 17"
Output and description = "Output18_", "Output 18"
Output and description = "Output19_", "Output 19"
Output and description = "Output20", "Output 20"
Output and description = "Output21_", "Output 21"
Output and description = "Output22_", "Output 22"
Output and description = "Output23", "Output 23"
Output and description = "Output24", "Output 24"
Output and description = "Output25", "Output 25"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 185

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Reciprocating Compressor Chiller Assembly
Symbol Name: EQRecCompChiller.RCChillerSym
Workbook: Refrigeration Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: RecCompChiller
User Class Name: Reciprocating Compressor Chiller
Part Number: RecCompChiller-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQRecCompChiller.RCChillerSym
Inputs = 12
Input = "ChillerLength" Description = "[CL] - Chiller Length"
Input = "ChillerWidth" Description = "[CW] - Chiller Width"
Input = "ChillerHeight" Description = "[CH] - Chiller Height"
Input = "PorttoPortZOffset1" Description = "[ZO1] - Port to Port Z-Offset1"
Input = "PorttoPortZOffset2" Description = "[ZO2] - Port to Port Z-Offset2"
Input = "PorttoPortYOffset" Description = "[YO] - Port to Port Y-Offset"
Input = "Port2toPPZ" Description = "[ZP2] - Port 2 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "CenLinetoPP" Description = "[CP] - Center line to Placement Point"
Input = "Port1toPPY" Description = "[YP1] - Port 1 to Placement Point along Y"
Input = "Port4toPPY" Description = "[YP4] - Port 4 to Placement Point along Y"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 186

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 13
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points"
Output = "STFdnPort" Description = "Foundation Port"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Screw Compressor Chiller Assembly
Symbol Name: EQScrwCompChiller.SCChillerSym
Workbook: Heat Transfer Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ScrwCompChiller
User Class Name: Screw Compressor Chiller
Part Number: ScrewCompChiller-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 187

Equipment Symbols

ProgID: EQScrwCompChiller.SCChillerSym
Inputs = 15
Input = "ChillerLength" Description = "[CL] - Chiller Length"
Input = "ChillerHeight" Description = "[CW] - Chiller Width"
Input = "SuptoSupDist" Description = "[SS] - Support to Support Distance"
Input= "Sup2toPort4" Description = "[S2P4] - Support 2 to Port 4"
Input = "PorttoPortXOffset" Description = "[XO] - Port to Port X-Offset "
Input = "Port1toPPY" Description = "[YP1] - Port 1 to Placement Point along Y"
Input = "Port1toPPZ" Description = "[ZP1] - Port 1 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "PorttoPortZOffset" Description = "[ZO] - Port to Port Z-Offset"
Input = "Port4toPPZ" Description = "[ZP4] - Port 4 to Placement Point along Z"
Input = "ChillerCyl1Dia" Description = "[CD1] - Chiller Cylinder 1 Diameter"
Input = "ChillerCyl2Dia" Description = "[CD2] - Chiller Cylinder 2 Diameter"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "[BPL] - Base Plate Length
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "[BPW] - Base Plate Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 29
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13_" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14_ " Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15_" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16_" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17_" Description = "Output 17"
Output = "Output18_" Description = "Output 18"
Output = "Output19_" Description = "Output 19"
Output = "Output20_" Description = "Output 20"
Output = "Output21_" Description = "Output 21"
Output = "Output22_" Description = "Output 22"
Output = "Output23_" Description = "Output 23"
Output = "Output24_" Description = "Output 24"
Output = "Output25_" Description = "Output 25"
Output = "Output26" Description = "Output 26"
Output = "Output27" Description = "Output 27"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output29" Description = "Output 29"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 188

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DDouPipeXAsm.CSDPipeXSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: DoublePipeExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Double Pipe Exchanger
Part Number: DoublePipeExchanger01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DDouPipeXAsm.CSDPipeXSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "BlockEndFromPP" Description = "Dist from BlockEnd to PP"
Input = "PipeEndFromPP" Description = "Dist from PipeEnd to PP"
Input = "PipeCentoCen" Description = "Dist from Pipe Cen to Cen"
Input = "PipeDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Pipe"
Input = "BlockLength" Description = "Block Length"
Input = "BlockHeight" Description = "Block Height"
Input = "BlockWidth" Description = "Block Width"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Bundle Pulling Length"
Input = "Support1CenFromPP" Description = "Dist from Support1 Cen to PP"
Input = "SupportCentoCen" Description = "Support Cen to Cen"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 189

Equipment Symbols

Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Height of Support"

Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Thickness of Support"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Width of Support"
Outputs = 5
Output = "Pipe1" Description = "Pipe1"
Output = "Pipe2" Description = "Pipe2"
Output = "Block" Description = "Block"
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "BundlePulling"
Output = "DouPipeExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Double Pipe
Exchanger "
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Description: Complex Horizontal Cylinder Equipment Assembly (E240)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm.CompHorCylSym
Workbook: E240 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E240CompHorCylEqpAsm
User Class Name: Complex Horizontal Cylinder Vessel (E240)
Part Number: E240CompHorCylEqpAsm01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm.CompHorCylSym
Inputs = 29
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 190

Equipment Symbols

Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"

Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "BootHorLocation" Description = "Boot Horizontal Location"
Input = "BootVertLocation" Description = "Boot Vertical Location"
Input = "BootDiameter" Description = "Boot Diameter"
Input = "BootAngularLocation" Description = "Boot Angular Location"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel CenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "First Support Location"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "Second Support Location"
Input = "ThirdSupportLocation" Description = "Third Support Location"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "StiffenerRadius" Description = "Stiffener Radius"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input = "CPx" Description = "P5-Box Width"
Input = "CPy" Description = "P6-Box Length"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Wattage"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 15
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "BootVessel" Description = "Boot vessel"
Output = "BootDome" Description = "Boot Dome"
Output = "Support_" Description = "Supports"
Output = "Stiffner_" Description = "Stiffners for Supports"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges for Supports"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points on Each face of Supports"
Output = "EqpFoundatioPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort3" Description = "Foundation Port 3"
Output = "ComplexHorCylEqpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Output = "InsBootVessel" Description = "InsulatedVessel Left Elliptical Head"
Output = "InsBootDome" Description = "InsulatedVessel Right Elliptical Head"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 191

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_305HorShTubeExchAsm.HorShTExchSym
Workbook: E305 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E305HorShTubeExchAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger (E305)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 40
Input and description = "FrontEndType", "Front End Type"
Input and description = "RearEndType", "Rear End Type"
Input and description = "ExchangerDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter",
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length", 2
Input and description = "ExchangerFlangeTk1", "Exchanger Flange Thickness 1", 0
Input and description = "ExchangerFlangeTk2", "Exchanger Flange Thickness 2", 0
Input and description = "ExpansionJointDiameter", "Expansion Joint Diameter",
Input and description = "ExpansionJointPosition", "Expansion Joint Position",
Input and description = "ExpansionJointThickness", "Expansion Joint Thickness",
Input and description = "BundleFlangeDia", "Bundle Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "BundleFlangeTk", "Bundle Flange Thickness",
Input and description = "BundlePullingLength", "Bundle Pulling Length",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 192

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length",

Input and description = "BotSupportCenFromPP", "Bottom Support Center from Placement
Input and description = "BottomSupportCentoCen", "Bottom Support Center to Center",
Input and description = "BottomSupportHeight", "Bottom Support Height",
Input and description = "Support1Thickness", "Support 1 Thickness",
Input and description = "Support2Thickness", "Support 2 Thickness",
Input and description = "TopSupportHeight", "Top Support Height",
Input and description = "TopSupportCenFromPP", "Top Support Center from Placement
Input and description = "TopSupportCentoCen", "Top Support Center to Center",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2", "Front End Flange Thickness 2",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3", "Front End Flange Thickness 3", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length 1",
Input and description = "FrontEndLength2", "Front End Length 2",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeDia", "Rear End Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk1", "Rear End Flange Thickness 1",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk2", "Rear End Flange Thickness 2", 0
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk3", "Rear End Flange Thickness 3",
Input and description = "RearEndLength", "Rear End Length",
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "FrontEndDiameter", "Front End Diameter",
Input and description = "RearEndDiameter", "Rear EndDiameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Input and description = "FP1XboltHole", "FP1 Bolt X Hole Location", 0
Input and description = "FP1YboltHole", "FP1 Bolt Y Hole Location", 0
Input and description = "FP2XboltHole", "FP2 Bolt X Hole Location", 0
Input and description = "FP2YboltHole", "FP2 Bolt Y Hole Location",
Outputs = 18
Output and description = "ExchangerCyl", "Exchanger Body Cylinder"
Output and description = "ExchangerRearFlange", "Exchanger Rear Flange"
Output and description = "ExchangerFrontFlange1", "Exchanger Front Flange1"
Output and description = "ExchangerFrontFlange2", "Exchanger Front Flange 2"
Output and description = "Expansion_", "Expansion Joint"
Output and description = "Supports_", "Supports"
Output and description = "Point1_", "Top Support Position1"
Output and description = "Point2_", "Top Support Position2"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges of Support1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "EqpFoundation Port1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "EqpFoundation Port2"
Output and description = "ExchangerCylIns", "Exchanger Body Cylinder Insulation"
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndCylIns", "Exchanger Front End Cylinder Insulation"
Output and description = "ExchRearEndCylIns", "Exchanger Rear End Cyl Insulation"
Output and description = "ExpansionJtIns_", "Expansion Joint"
Output and description = "BundlePulling", "BundlePulling"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Horizontal Shell and Tube
Output and description = "HorShTubeExControlPoint", "Control Point of Horizontal Shell and
Tube Exchanger"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 193

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Kettle Heat Exchanger Assembly (E307)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_307KettleHeatXchAsm.KettleExchSym
Workbook: E307 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E307KettleHeatXchAsm
User Class Name: Kettle Heat Exchanger (E307)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_307KettleHeatXchAsm.KettleExchSym
Inputs = 37
Input and description = "FrontEndType", "Front End Type"
Input and description = "VesselHeadType", "Rear End Type"
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length"
Input and description = "ExchangerNeckLength", "Exchanger Neck Length "
Input and description = "ExchangerNeckDiameter", "Exchanger Neck Diameter"
Input and description = "ExchangerTaperLength", "Exchanger Taper Length"
Input and description = "ExchangerDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter"
Input and description = "ExchangerFlangeTk1", "Exchanger Flange Thickness 1"
Input and description = "BundleFlangeDia", "Bundle Flange Diameter",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 194

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "BundleFlangeTk", "Bundle Flange Thickness",

Input and description = "BundlePullingLength", "Bundle Pulling Length"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length"
Input and description = "BotSupportCenFromPP", "Bottom Support Center from Placement
Input and description = "BottomSupportCentoCen", "Bottom Support Center to Center"
Input and description = "BottomSupportHeight", "Bottom Support Height"
Input and description = "Support1Thickness", "Support 1 Thickness"
Input and description = "Support2Thickness", "Support 2 Thickness"
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1"
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2", "Front End Flange Thickness 2"
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3", "Front End Flange Thickness 3"
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length 1"
Input and description = "FrontEndLength2", "Front End Length 2"
Input and description = "FrontEndDiameter", "Front End Diameter"
Input and description = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter", "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input and description = "EndHeadConeHeight", "End Head Cone Height"
Input and description = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius", "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input and description = "EndHeadDomeradius", "End Head Dome Radius"
Input and description = "EndHeadFlangedThick1", "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input and description = "EndHeadFlangedThick2", "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input and description = "EndHeadSphericalRadius", "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Input and description = "FP1XboltHole", "FP1 Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "FP1YboltHole", "FP1 Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input and description = "FP2XboltHole", "FP2 Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "FP2YboltHole", "FP2 Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input and description = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter", "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 16
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface of Kettle Exchange"
Output and description = "ExchangerBody", "Exchanger Body"
Output and description = "ExTaperBody", "Exchanger Taper Body"
Output and description = "ExneckBody", "Exchanger Neck Portion"
Output and description = "ExchangerFlange", "Exchanger Flange"
Output and description = "BundleFlange", "Bundle Flange"
Output and description = "Support1", "Support 1"
Output and description = "Support2", "Support 2"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges for Supports"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Foundation Port 2"
Output and description = "ExBodyInsul", "ExchangerBody Insulation"
Output and description = "ExTapBodyInsul", "Exchanger Taper Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ExneckBodyInsul", "Exchanger Neck Portion Insulation"
Output and description = "BundlePullCylin", "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Output and description = "KettleExchangerControlPoint", "Control Point of Kettle Exchanger"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 195

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_310VerShTubeExchAsm.VerShTExchSym
Workbook: E310 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E310VerShTubeExchAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Shell Tube Exchanger (E310)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_310VerShTubeExchAsm.VerShTExchSym
Inputs = 34
Input and description = "FrontEndType", "Front End Type"
Input and description = "RearEndType", "Rear End Type"
Input and description = "ExchangerDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter",
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length", 4
Input and description = "ExchangerFlangeTk1", "Exchanger Flange Thickness 1", 0
Input and description = "ExchangerFlangeTk2", "Exchanger Flange Thickness 2", 0
Input and description = "ExpansionJointDiameter", "Expansion Joint Diameter",
Input and description = "ExpansionJointPosition", "Expansion Joint Position", 4.5
Input and description = "ExpansionJointThickness", "Expansion Joint Thickness",
Input and description = "BundleFlangeDia", "Bundle Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "BundleFlangeTk", "SBundle Flange Thickness",
Input and description = "BundlePullingLength", "Bundle Pulling Length", 4
Input and description = "SupportAngularLocation", "Support Angular Location", 45

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 196

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "NumberOfSupports", "Number Of Supports", 4

Input and description = "SupportDepth", "Support Depth",
Input and description = "SupportFromOrigin", "Support From Origin", 3.25
Input and description = "SupportTopWidth", "Support Top Width",
Input and description = "SupportBottomWidth", "Support Bottom Width",
Input and description = "SupportThickness", "Support Thickness",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2", "Front End Flange Thickness 2",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3", "Front End Flange Thickness 3", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length 1", 2.5
Input and description = "FrontEndLength2", "Front End Length 2", 2
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeDia", "Rear End Flange Diameter",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk1", "Rear End Flange Thickness 1",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk2", "Rear End Flange Thickness 2", 0
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk3", "Rear End Flange Thickness 3",
Input and description = "RearEndLength", "Rear End Length", 2.5
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "FrontEndDiameter", "Front End Diameter",
Input and description = "RearEndDiameter", "Rear End Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 9
Output and description = "VerShTubeExControlPoint", "Control Point of Vert Shell Tube
Exchanger Component"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "ExchangerBody", "Exchanger Body"
Output and description = "ExpansionJoint", "Expansion Joint"
Output and description = "Support_", "Supports"
Output and description = "Surface_", "Surface"
Output and description = "ExchanBodyIns", "Exchanger Body Ins"
Output and description = "ExpansionJointIns", "Expansion Joint Ins"
Output and description = "BundlePulling", "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 197

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_320DouPipeExchAsm.XchSym
Workbook: E320 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E320DouPipeExchAsm
User Class Name: Double Pipe Exchanger (E320)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_320DouPipeExchAsm.XchSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "BlockEndFromPP", "Block End from Placement Point", 2
Input and description = "PipeEndFromPP", "Pipe End from Placement Point",
Input and description = "PipeCentoCen", "Pipe Center to Center",
Input and description = "PipeDiameter", "Diameter of Pipe",
Input and description = "BlockLength", "Block Length",
Input and description = "BlockHeight", "Block Height",
Input and description = "BlockWidth", "Block Width",
Input and description = "BundlePullingLength", "Bundle Pulling Length",
Input and description = "Support1CenFromPP", "Support 1 Center from Placement Point",
Input and description = "SupportCentoCen", "Support Center to Center",
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Height of Support",
Input and description = "SupportThickness", "Thickness of Support",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 198

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Width of Support",

Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Hole Bolt X Location",
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Hole Bolt Y Location",
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Pipe1", "Pipe 1"
Output and description = "Pipe2", "Pipe 2"
Output and description = "Block", "Block"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges of Block"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points on each face of Block"
Output and description = "Supports_", "Support 1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "EqpFoundation Port1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "EqpFoundation Port1"
Output and description = "DouPipeExchangerControlPoint", "Control Point of Double Pipe
Output and description = "BundlePulling", "BundlePulling"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 199

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DE_325PlateExchAsm.PlateExchSym
Workbook: E325 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E325PlExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Plate Exchanger (E325)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "BotPlate1toPP", "Bottom Plate 1 to Placement Point"
Input and description = "Plate1Height", "Plate 1 Height",
Input and description = "Plate1Thickness", "Plate 1 Thickness",
Input and description = "PlatesWidth", "Plates Width"
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length",
Input and description = "ExchangerHeight", "Exchanger height"
Input and description = "ExchangerWidth", "Exchanger Width",
Input and description = "Plate2Height", "Plate 2 Height",
Input and description = "Plate2Thickness", "Plate 2 Thickness",
Input and description = "RodsLength", "Rods Length",
Input and description = "RodsDiameter", "Rods Diameter",
Input and description = "BotSidePlatetoRod2Cen", "Bottom Side Plate to Rod 2 Center",
Input and description = "RodsCentoCen", "Rods Center to Center"
Input and description = "SidePlateThickness", "Side Plate Thickness",
Input and description = "SidePlateWidth", "Side Plate Width",
Input and description = "FP1XboltHole", "FP1 Bolt X Hole Location",
Input and description = "FP1YboltHole", "FP1 Bolt Y Hole Location",
Input and description = "FP2XboltHole", "FP2 Bolt X Hole Location",
Input and description = "FP2YboltHole", "FP2 Bolt Y Hole Location",
Outputs = 32
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane 1"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Plane2", "Plane 2"
Output and description = "Plane3", "Plane 3"
Output and description = "Plane4", "Plane 4"
Output and description = "Plane5", "Plane 5"
Output and description = "ExchangerBody", "Exchanger Body"
Output and description = "Plate2", "Plate 2"
Output and description = "Rod1", "Rod 1"
Output and description = "Rod2", "Rod 2"
Output and description = "SidePlate", "Side Plate"
Output and description = "CenterPos1", "FaceCenter Position1"
Output and description = "CenterPos2", "FaceCenter Position2"
Output and description = "CenterPos3", "FaceCenter Position3"
Output and description = "CenterPos4", "FaceCenter Position4"
Output and description = "CenterPos5", "FaceCenter Position5"
Output and description = "CenterPos6", "FaceCenter Position6"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Edge 1"
Output and description = "Edge2", "Edge 2"
Output and description = "Edge3", "Edge 3"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Edge 4"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Edge 5"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 200

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Edge6", "Edge 6"

Output and description = "Edge7", "Edge 7"
Output and description = "Edge8", "Edge 8"
Output and description = "Edge9", "Edge 9"
Output and description = "Edge10", "Edge 10"
Output and description = "Edge11", "Edge 11"
Output and description = "Edge12", "Edge 12"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "EqpFoundation Port1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "EqpFoundation Port2"
Output and description = "PlateExchangerCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Plate
Exchanger Component"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 201

Equipment Symbols

Description: Falling Film Shell Tube Exchanger
Symbol Name: SP3DFallFilmSTExAsm.FallingFShTubeExSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FallFilmVSTExchAsm
User Class Name: Falling Film Shell Tube Exchanger
Part Number: FallFilmVertShellTubeExch01_E, FallFilmVertShellTubeExch02_E,
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFallFilmSTExAsm.FallingFShTubeExSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Outer Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselHeight", "Front Head Height"
Input and description = "VesselHeight1", "Exchanger Shell Height"
Input and description = "DomeHeight", "Front Head Bonnet Height"
Input and description = "VesselStartPoint", "Control Point to Dome Center point or Tan point of
front head"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "FrontHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Front Head Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeTop", "Top Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeBottom", "Bottom Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "RearHeadFlangeTop", "Top Flange on Rear Head side"
Output and description = "RearHeadFlangeBottom", "Bottom Flange on Rear Head side"
Output and description = "RearHeadMiterBottom15degBody", "Rear Head Miter Bottom 15
degree portion"
Output and description = "RearHeadMiterBottom30degBody", "Rear Head Miter Bottom 30
degree portion"
Output and description = "RearHeadMiterTop30degBody", "Rear Head Miter Top 30 degree
Output and description = "RearHeadMiterTop15degBody", "Rear Head Miter Top 15 degree
Output and description = "RearHeadMiterTopCyl", "Rear Head Miter Top Cylinder portion"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point on Vessel Axis"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 202

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Exchanger front end type A/C/D/N nested symbol, called from kettle exchanger.
Symbol Name: SP3DFrExEndTypeACDN.FrExchEndTypeACDN
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFrExEndTypeACDN.FrExchEndTypeACDN
Inputs = 8
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 203

Equipment Symbols

Description: Exchanger front end type B nested symbol, called from kettle exchanger.
Symbol Name: SP3DFrExEndTypeB.FrExchEndTypeB
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFrExEndTypeB.FrExchEndTypeB
Inputs = 6
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Description: Exchanger front end type Q nested symbols, called from kettle exchanger
Symbol Name: SP3DFrExEndTypeQ.FrExchEndTypeQ
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFrExEndTypeQ.FrExchEndTypeQ
Inputs = 6
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndDiameter" Description = "FrontEndDiameter P33"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 204

Equipment Symbols

Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter"

Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Symbol Name: SP3DHeatXAsm.CHeatXSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: CoolersAsm
User Class Name: Heat Exchanger
Part Number: HEXCH 001A, HEXCH 001A_IMP

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 205

Equipment Symbols

Description: ExchX
Symbol Name: SP3DHoriShellTubeXAsm.CHSTXSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HSTExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger
Part Number: HorizontalShellTubeExchanger-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriShellTubeXAsm.CHSTXSym
Inputs = 31
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P2"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Thick P3"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Dia P4"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Left FlangeThick P5"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk2" Description = "Exchanger Right FlangeThick P6"
Input = "ExpansionJointPosition" Description = "Expansion Joint Position P7"
Input = "ExpansionJointThickness" Description = "Expansion Joint Thickness P8"
Input = "ExpansionJointDiameter" Description = "Expansion Joint Diameter P9"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Exchanger End Length P10"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Cen From Origin P11"
Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Cen to Cen between Support P12"
Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support1 Thickness P13"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support2 Thickness P14"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "Bottom Support Height P15"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length P16"
Input = "TopSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Top Support Cen From Origin P17"
Input = "TopSupportCentoCen" Description = "Top Support Cen to Cen P18"
Input = "TopSupportHeight" Description = "Top Support Height P19"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "Front End Flange Diameter P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Front End Flange Tk 1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "RearEndFlangeDia" Description = "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P41"
Input = "RearEndLength" Description = "Rear End Length P42"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk2" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P43"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk3" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P44"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "ExchangerBody"
Output = "FrontEndBody" Description = "FrontEndBody"
Output = "RearEndBody" Description = "RearEndBody"
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "BundlePulling"
Output = "ExchangerInsul" Description = "Exchanger Insullation"
Output = "FrontEndInsul" Description = "Front End Insulation"
Output = "RearEndInsul" Description = "Rear End Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 206

Equipment Symbols

Output = "HoriShellTubeExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Horizontal

Shell and Tube Exchanger"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 207

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DHorSTExch02Asm.HShellTubeExch02Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HSTExchanger02Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger 02
Part Number: HoriShellTubeExchanger02 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorSTExch02Asm.HShellTubeExch02Sym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter", 1
Input and description = "VesselLength", "Exchanger Length", 9.906
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Exchanger Tangent to Tangent Length", 8.9662
Input and description = "VesselLength1", "Front Head Length", 0.
Input and description = "VesselStartPoint", "Distance of Control Point from Tangent", 0.
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Thickness", 0
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width",
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height ", 1
Input and description = "FirstSupportLocation", "First Support Location ", 1
Input and description = "SecondSupportLocation", "Second Support Location", 6.96
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "FrontHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Front Head Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeTop", "Top Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeBottom", "Bottom Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "RearHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "ExchangerSupport1", "Exchanger support1"
Output and description = "ExchangerSupport2", "Exchanger support2"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "ControlPoint at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 208

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DHorSTExch03Asm.HShellTubeExch03Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HSTExchanger03Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger 03
Part Number: HoriShellTubeExchanger03 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorSTExch03Asm.HShellTubeExch03Sym
Inputs = 31
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Exchanger Tangent to Tangent Length"
Input and description = "VesselLength", "Front Head Length"
Input and description = "VesselStartPoint", "Distance of Control Point from Tangent"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "FirstSupportLocation", "First Support Location"
Input and description = "SecondSupportLocation", "Second Support Location"
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness(E)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateThickness", "Backing Plate Thickness(T)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateWidth", "Backing Plate Width(H)"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 209

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "StiffnerThickness", "Stiffner Thickness(D)"

Input and description = "StiffnerThickness1", "Stiffner Thickness(DG)"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition", "Nozzle A Position along length"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition1", "Nozzle B1 Position along length"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition2", "Nozzle B2 Position along length"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition3", "Nozzle C Position along length"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition4", "Nozzle D Position along length"
Input and description = "RadialPosition", "Nozzle A Length"
Input and description = "RadialPosition1", "Nozzle B1 Length"
Input and description = "RadialPosition2", "Nozzle B2 Length"
Input and description = "RadialPosition3", "Nozzle C Length"
Input and description = "RadialPosition4", "Nozzle D Length"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation", "Nozzle A Orientation"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation1", "Nozzle B1 Orientation"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation2", "Nozzle B2 Orientation", 3.1416
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation3", "Nozzle C Orientation", 3.1416
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation4", "Nozzle D Orientation"
Outputs = 21
Output and description = "FrontHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Front Head Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeTop", "Top Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeBottom", "Bottom Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "RearHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "Support1SaddlePlate", "Support1 Saddle Body"
Output and description = "Support1StiffnerPlate", "Support1 Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate1", "Support1 Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate2", "Support1 Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support2SaddlePlate", "Support2 Saddle Body"
Output and description = "Support2StiffnerPlate", "Support2 Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate1", "Support2 Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate2", "Support2 Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "A", "Nozzle A"
Output and description = "B1", "Nozzle B1"
Output and description = "B2", "Nozzle B2"
Output and description = "C", "Nozzle C"
Output and description = "D", "Nozzle D"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "ControlPoint at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 210

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 211

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DHorSTExch04Asm.HShellTubeExch04Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HSTExchanger04Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger 04
Part Number: HoriShellTubeExchanger04 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorSTExch04Asm.HShellTubeExch04Sym
Inputs = 16
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Exchanger Tangent to Tangent Length"
Input and description = "VesselLength", "Front Head Length"
Input and description = "VesselStartPoint", "Distance of Control Point from Tangent"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "FirstSupportLocation", "First Support Location"
Input and description = "SecondSupportLocation", "Second Support Location"
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness(E)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateThickness", "Backing Plate Thickness(T)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateWidth", "Backing Plate Width(H)"
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness", "Stiffner Thickness(D)"
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness1", "Stiffner Thickness(DG)"
Outputs = 20
Output and description = "FrontHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Front Head Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeTop", "Top Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlangeBottom", "Bottom Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "RearHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "Support1SaddlePlate", "Support1 Saddle Body"
Output and description = "Support1StiffnerPlate", "Support1 Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate1", "Support1 Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate2", "Support1 Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate3", "Support1 Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "Support1BackingPlate4", "Support1 Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support2SaddlePlate", "Support2 Saddle Body"
Output and description = "Support2StiffnerPlate", "Support2 Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate1", "Support2 Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate2", "Support2 Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate3", "Support2 Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "Support2BackingPlate4", "Support2 Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "ControlPoint at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 212

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: SP3DKettleXAsm
Symbol Name: SP3DKettleXAsm.CKXSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: KettleHeatExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Kettle Heat Exchanger
Part Number: KettleHeatExchanger 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DKettleXAsm.CKXSym
Inputs = 22
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 213

Equipment Symbols

Input = "ExchangerNeckLength" Description = "Exchanger Neck Length P2"

Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter P3"
Input = "ExchangerTaperLength" Description = "Exchanger Taper Length P4"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P5"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Bundle Flange Thickness P6"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Bundle Flange Diameter P7"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Flange Thickness P8"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Bundle Pulling Length P9"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Center FromPP P10"
Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Bottom SupportCentertoCenterP11"
Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support 1 Thickness P12"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support 2 Thickness P13"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "BottomSupportHeight P14"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength P15"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 10
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "ExchangerBody"
Output = "ExTaperBody" Description = "ExchangerTaperBody"
Output = "ExneckBody" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion"
Output = "ExFrontEnd" Description = "Exchanger Front End"
Output = "ExBodyInsul" Description = "ExchangerBody Insulation"
Output = "ExTapBodyInsul" Description = "ExchangerTaperBody ins"
Output = "ExneckBodyInsul" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion ins"
Output = "BundlePullCylin" Description = "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Output = "ExFrontEndIns" Description = "Ex front end Ins"
Output = "KettleExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Kettle Exchange"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 214

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance

Description: Kettle Heat Exchanger (Variable Head Options)
Symbol Name: SP3DKettleXNestedAsm.CKXNSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: KettleExchNestedAsm
User Class Name: Kettle Heat Exchanger (Variable Head Options)
Part Number: KettleExchNested01_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DKettleXNestedAsm.CKXNSym
Inputs = 24
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerNeckLength" Description = "Exchanger Neck Length P2"
Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter P3"
Input = "ExchangerTaperLength" Description = "Exchanger Taper Length P4"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P5"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Bundle Flange Thickness P6"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Bundle Flange Diameter P7"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Flange Thickness P8"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Bundle Pulling Length P9"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Center FromPP P10"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 215

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Bottom SupportCentertoCenterP11"

Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support 1 Thickness P12"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support 2 Thickness P13"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "BottomSupportHeight P14"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength P15"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33 of Type A/C/D/N or B"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "FrontEndDiameter" Description = "FrontEndDiameter P33 of Type Q"
Input = "FrontEndType" Description = "FrontEnd Type A/C/D/N or B or Q"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 12
Output = "ExchangerRHSEnd" Description = "Exchanger Right Hand Side End"
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "Exchanger Body"
Output = "ExTaperBody" Description = "Exchanger Taper Body"
Output = "ExneckBody" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion"
Output = "ExchangerFlange" Description = "Exchanger Flange"
Output = "BundleFlange" Description = "Bundle Flange"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface of Kettle Exchanger Component"
Output = "KettleExchangerCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Kettle
Exchanger Component"
Output = "ExBodyInsul" Description = "ExchangerBody Insulation"
Output = "ExTapBodyInsul" Description = "Exchanger Taper Body Insulation"
Output = "ExneckBodyInsul" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion Insulation"
Output = "BundlePullCylin" Description = "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 216

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DPlAndFrExch01Asm.PlateNFrameEx01Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlateFramExchanger01Asm
User Class Name: Plate and Frame Exchanger 01
Part Number: PlateFrameExchanger01 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlAndFrExch01Asm.PlateNFrameEx01Sym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "EquipmentXLength", "Equipment Length",
Input and description = "EquipmentYLength", "Equipment Width",
Input and description = "EquipmentZLength", "Equipment Height", 0
Input and description = "FrontPlateThickness", "Front Plate Thickness", 0
Input and description = "RearPlateThickness", "Rear Plate Thickness", 0
Input and description = "PlatePackLength", "Plate Pack Length", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceY", "Control Point to start of front plate along width", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceZ", "Control Point to start of front plate bottom along

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 217

Equipment Symbols

Height", 0
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Clamp Length", 0
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Clamp Width",
Input and description = "SupportThickness", "Clamp Thickness",
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Hole Location along Length",
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Hole Location along Width", 0
Outputs = 18
Output and description = "FrontPlate", "Front Plate Body"
Output and description = "PlatePack", "Plate Pack Body"
Output and description = "RearPlate", "Rear Plate Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod1", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod2", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod3", "Internal Rod3 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod4", "Internal Rod4 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod5", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod6", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "Support1", "Horizontal Support1"
Output and description = "Support2", "Horizontal Support2"
Output and description = "Support3", "Vertical Support for Horizontal Supports"
Output and description = "SupportClamp1", "Support Clamp1"
Output and description = "SupportClamp2", "Support Clamp2"
Output and description = "SupportClamp3", "Support Clamp3"
Output and description = "ExchangerFoundationPort", "Exchanger Foundation Port"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 218

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Piping Aspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlAndFrExch02Asm.PlateNFrameEx02Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlateFramExchanger02Asm
User Class Name: Plate and Frame Exchanger 02
Part Number: PlateFrameExchanger02 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlAndFrExch02Asm.PlateNFrameEx02Sym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "EquipmentXLength", "Equipment Length", 1
Input and description = "EquipmentYLength", "Equipment Width",
Input and description = "EquipmentZLength", "Equipment Height", 2.244
Input and description = "FrontPlateThickness", "Front Plate Thickness",
Input and description = "RearPlateThickness", "Rear Plate Thickness",
Input and description = "PlatePackLength", "Plate Pack Length", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceY", "Control Point to start of front plate along width", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceZ", "Control Point to start of front plate bottom along
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Clamp Length",
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Clamp Width",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 219

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "SupportThickness", "Clamp Thickness", 0.

Input and description = "XboltHole", "Hole Location along Length", 0
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Hole Location along Width",
Outputs = 22
Output and description = "FrontPlate", "Front Plate Body"
Output and description = "PlatePack", "Plate Pack Body"
Output and description = "RearPlate", "Rear Plate Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod1", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod2", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod3", "Internal Rod3 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod4", "Internal Rod4 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod5", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod6", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod7", "Internal Rod3 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod8", "Internal Rod4 Body"
Output and description = "Support1", "Horizontal Support1"
Output and description = "Support2", "Horizontal Support2"
Output and description = "Support3", "Vertical Support for Horizontal Supports"
Output and description = "SupportClamp1", "Support Clamp1"
Output and description = "SupportClamp2", "Support Clamp2"
Output and description = "SupportClamp3", "Support Clamp3"
Output and description = "SupportClamp4", "Support Clamp4"
Output and description = "SupportClamp5", "Support Clamp5"
Output and description = "ExchangerFoundationPort", "Exchanger Foundation Port"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 220

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlAndFrExch03Asm.PlateNFrameEx03Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlateFramExchanger03Asm
User Class Name: Plate and Frame Exchanger 03
Part Number: PlateFrameExchanger03 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlAndFrExch03Asm.PlateNFrameEx03Sym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "EquipmentXLength", "Equipment Length",
Input and description = "EquipmentYLength", "Equipment Width",
Input and description = "EquipmentZLength", "Equipment Height", 1
Input and description = "FrontPlateThickness", "Front Plate Thickness", 0
Input and description = "RearPlateThickness", "Rear Plate Thickness", 0
Input and description = "PlatePackLength", "Plate Pack Length", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceY", "Control Point to start of front plate along width", 0
Input and description = "CPtoFaceZ", "Control Point to start of front plate bottom along
Height", 0

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 221

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 20
Output and description = "FrontPlate", "Front Plate Body"
Output and description = "PlatePack", "Plate Pack Body"
Output and description = "RearPlate", "Rear Plate Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod1", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod2", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod3", "Internal Rod3 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod4", "Internal Rod4 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod5", "Internal Rod1 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod6", "Internal Rod2 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod7", "Internal Rod3 Body"
Output and description = "InternalRod8", "Internal Rod4 Body"
Output and description = "Support1", "Horizontal Support1"
Output and description = "Support2", "Horizontal Support2"
Output and description = "Support3", "Vertical Support for Horizontal Supports"
Output and description = "SupportClamp1", "Support Clamp1"
Output and description = "SupportClamp2", "Support Clamp2"
Output and description = "SupportClamp3", "Support Clamp3"
Output and description = "ExchangerFoundationPort", "Exchanger Foundation Port"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Support"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Piping Aspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 222

Equipment Symbols

Description: PlateExch No1
Symbol Name: SP3DPlateExchanger.CSPlateExchanger
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlateExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Plate Exchanger
Part Number: PlateExchanger01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlateExchanger.CSPlateExchanger
Inputs = 15
Input = "BotPlate1toPP" Description = "Dist from Bottom of Plate1 to PP"
Input = "Plate1Height" Description = "Height of Plate1"
Input = "Plate1Thickness" Description = "Thickness of Plate1"
Input = "PlatesWidth" Description = "Width of Plate"
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Length of Exchanger"
Input = "ExchangerHeight" Description = "Height of Exchanger"
Input = "ExchangerWidth" Description = "Width of Exchanger"
Input = "Plate2Height" Description = "Height of Plate2"
Input = "Plate2Thickness" Description = "Thickness of Plate2"
Input = "RodsLength" Description = "Length of Rod"
Input = "RodsDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Rod"
Input = "BotSidePlatetoRod2Cen" Description = "Dist from Bottom of Side Plate to Rod2
Input = "RodsCentoCen" Description = "Rods Centre to Centre dist"
Input = "SidePlateThickness" Description = "Thickness of Side Plate"
Input = "SidePlateWidth" Description = "Width of Side Plate "
Outputs = 9
Output = "Plate1" Description = "Plate1"
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "ExchangerBody"
Output = "Plate2" Description = "Plate2"
Output = "Rod1" Description = "Rod1"
Output = "Rod2" Description = "Rod2"
Output = "SidePlate" Description = "SidePlate"
Output = "DefaultSurface1" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "DefaultSurface2" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "PlateExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Plate Exchanger"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 223

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Vertical Shell Tube Exchanger
Symbol Name: SP3DVertShellTubeXAsm.CVSTubeXSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VSTExchangerAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Shell Tube Exchanger
Part Number: VerticalShellandTubeExchanger-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVertShellTubeXAsm.CVSTubeXSym
Inputs = 29
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P2"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Thick P3"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Dia P4"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Left FlangeThick P5"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk2" Description = "Exchanger Right FlangeThick P6"
Input = "ExtensionJointPosition" Description = "Extension Joint Position P7"
Input = "ExtensionJointThickness" Description = "Extension Joint Thickness P8"
Input = "ExtensionJointDiameter" Description = "Extension Joint Diameter P9"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Exchanger End Length P10"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location P11"
Input = "NumberOfSupport" Description = "Number Of Supports P12"
Input = "SupportDepth" Description = "Support Depth P13"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 224

Equipment Symbols

Input = "SupportFromOrigin" Description = "Support From Origin P14"

Input = "SupportTopWidth" Description = "Support Top Width P15"
Input = "SupportBottomWidth" Description = "Support Bottom Width P16"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness P17"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "Front End Flange Diameter P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Front End Flange Tk 1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "RearEndFlangeDia" Description = "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P41"
Input = "RearEndLength" Description = "Rear End Length P42"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk2" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P43"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk3" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P44"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "ExchangerBody"
Output = "FrontEndBody" Description = "FrontEndBody"
Output = "RearEndBody" Description = "RearEndBody"
Output = "ExchanBodyIns" Description = "Exchanger Body Ins"
Output = "FrontEndBodyIns" Description = "Front End Body Ins"
Output = "RearEndBodyIns" Description = "Rear End Body Ins"
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Output = "VertShellTubeExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vert Shell
Tube Exchanger "
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 225

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 226

Equipment Symbols

Doors, Manholes, and Hatches

This section contains doors, manholes, and hatches.

EQDblInspectionDoor .................................................................... 227
EQRectManhole ............................................................................ 229
EQSingInspectionDoor .................................................................. 232
EQWatertightDoorHw .................................................................... 233
EQWatertightDoorLvr .................................................................... 235
SM3DHatchCoverAsm................................................................... 236
SP3DDoorsAsm............................................................................. 237
SP3DHatchCoverAsm ................................................................... 248
SP3DManholeAsm ........................................................................ 250
SP3DManHoleCoverAsm .............................................................. 251

Description: Double Inspection Door Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDblInspectionDoor.DIDoorSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: DoubleInspDoor
User Class Name: Double Inspection Door
Part Number: DoubleInspDoor-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDblInspectionDoor.DIDoorSym
Inputs = 11
Input = "DoorWidth" Description = "[W] - Door Width"
Input = "DoorDepth" Description = "[D] - Door Depth"
Input = "CutoutWidth" Description = "[CW] - Cutout Width"
Input = "CutoutDepth" Description = "[CD] - Cutout Depth"
Input = "LockingHandleLength" Description = "[LHL] - Locking Handle Length"
Input = "LockingHandleHeight" Description = "[LHH] - Locking Handle Height"
Input = "LockingHandleAngle" Description = "[Theta] - Locking Handle Angle"
Input = "HingeDimension1" Description = "[HD1] - Hinge Dimension 1"
Input = "HingeDimension2" Description = "[HD2] - Hinge Dimension 2"
Input = "Height" Description = "[H] - Height"
Input = "SafetyGuardThickness" Description = "[SGT] - Safety Guard thickness"
Outputs = 40
Output = "SafetyGuard_" Description = "Safety Guard"
Output = "DoorFrame_" Description = "Door Frame"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Door1_" Description = "Door1"
Output = "Door2_" Description = "Door2"
Output = "DoorHandle1_" Description = "Door Handle1"
Output = "DoorHandle2_" Description = "Door Handle1"
Output = "LockingHandleCylinder1_" Description = "Locking Handle Cylinder1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 227

Equipment Symbols

Output = "LockingHandleCylinder2_" Description = "Locking Handle Cylinder2"

Output = "StableHandleCylinder1" Description = "Stable Handle Cylinder1"
Output = "RotatableHandleCylinder1" Description = "Rotatable Handle Cylinder1"
Output = "StableHandleCylinder2" Description = "Stable Handle Cylinder1"
Output = "RotatableHandleCylinder2" Description = "Rotatable Handle Cylinder1"
Output = "Bolt1Thread" Description = "Bolt1 Thread"
Output = "Bolt1Head" Description = "Bolt1 Head"
Output = "Bolt2Thread" Description = "Bolt2 Thread"
Output = "Bolt2Head" Description = "Bolt2 Head"
Output = "DoorBox1" Description = "Door Box1"
Output = "DoorHinge1a_" Description = "Door Hinge1a"
Output = "DoorHinge1b_" Description = "Door Hinge1b"
Output = "DoorBox2" Description = "Door Box1"
Output = "DoorHinge2a_" Description = "Door Hinge2a"
Output = "DoorHinge2b_" Description = "Door Hinge2b"
Output = "Hinge1Nut" Description = "Hinge 1 Nut"
Output = "Hinge2Nut" Description = "Hinge 2 Nut"
Output = "DoorBox3" Description = "Door Box3"
Output = "DoorHinge3a_" Description = "Door Hinge3a"
Output = "DoorHinge3b_" Description = "Door Hinge3b"
Output = "DoorBox4" Description = "Door Box4"
Output = "DoorHinge4a_" Description = "Door Hinge4a"
Output = "DoorHinge4b_" Description = "Door Hinge4b"
Output = "Hinge3Nut" Description = "Hinge 3 Nut"
Output = "Hinge4Nut" Description = "Hinge 4 Nut"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output = "Hole" Description = "Hole", EquipmentHole
Output = "InspectionDoorOp1" Description = "Inspection Door1 Operation", Operation
Output = "InspectionDoorOp2" Description = "Inspection Door2 Operation", Operation
Output = "Centerline1" Description = "Centerline1", Centerline
Output = "Centerline2" Description = "Centerline2", Centerline
Aspects = 5
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "DIDoorHole", "Double Inspection Door Hole", EquipmentHole
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation", Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 228

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Symbol Name: EQRectManhole.RectManholeSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQRectManhole.RectManholeSym
Inputs = 77
Input = "ManholeWidth" Description = "[A] - Manhole Width"
Input = "ManholeLength" Description = "[B] - Manhole Length"
Input = "BottomConcreteThk" Description = "[DB] - Bottom Concrete Thickness"
Input = "WallsConcreteThk" Description = "[DW] - Walls Concrete Thickness"
Input = "ManholeInternalHeight" Description = "[HI] - Manhole Internal Height"
Input = "LeanConcreteOffset" Description = "[Y] - Lean Concrete Offset"
Input = "LeanConcreteThk" Description = "[T] - Lean Concrete Thickness"
Input = "GroundLevel" Description = "[Zoff] - Ground Level"
Input = "Clearance" Description = "[CL] - Clearance"
Input = "ManholeCoverOpt" Description = "[MCO] - Manhole Cover Option"
Input = "CoverShape" Description = "[CS] - Cover Shape"
Input = "CoverWidth" Description = "[CW] - Cover Width"
Input = "CoverDepth" Description = "[CD] - Cover Depth"
Input = "CoverXOffset" Description = "[CX] - Cover X Offset"
Input = "CoverYOffset" Description = "[CY] - Cover Y Offset"
Input = "CoverThk" Description = "[G] - Cover Thickness"
Input = "PartialOpeningCoverThk" Description = "[G1] - Partial Opening Cover Thickness"
Input = "SteelCoverPlateThk" Description = "[SCPT] - Steel Cover Plate Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 229

Equipment Symbols

Input = "EntranceShape" Description = "[ES] - Entrance Shape"

Input = "EntranceHoleWidth" Description = "[EHW] - Entrance Hole Width"
Input = "EntranceHoleDepth" Description = "[EHD] - Entrance Hole Depth"
Input = "EntranceXOffset" Description = "[EX] - Entrance X Offset"
Input = "EntranceYOffset" Description = "[EY] - Entrance Y Offset"
Input = "VentDirection" Description = "[VD] - Vent Direction (+X, -X, +Y, or -Y)"
Input ="VentHorizontalOffset" Description = "[VH] - Vent Horizontal Offset"
Input = "VentVerticalOffset" Description = "[VZ] - Vent Vertical Offset"
Input = "PortonFace1" Description = "[PF1] - Port on Face 1"
Input = "PortonFace1XOffset" Description = "[PF1X] - Port on Face 1 X Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace1YOffset" Description = "[PF1Y] - Port on Face 1 Y Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace1ZOffset" Description = "[PF1Z] - Port on Face 1 Z Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace1Angle1" Description = "[PF1A1] - Port on Face 1 Angle 1 (In XY plane)"
Input = "PortonFace1Angle2" Description = "[PF1A2] - Port on Face 1 Angle 2 (In YZ plane)"
Input = "PortonFace2" Description = "[PF2] - Port on Face 2"
Input = "PortonFace2XOffset" Description = "[PF2X] - Port on Face 2 X Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace2YOffset" Description = "[PF2Y] - Port on Face 2 Y Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace2ZOffset" Description = "[PF2Z] - Port on Face 2 Z Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace2Angle1" Description = "[PF2A1] - Port on Face 2 Angle 1 (In XY plane)"
Input = "PortonFace2Angle2" Description = "[PF2A2] - Port on Face 2 Angle 2 (In YZ plane)"
Input = "PortonFace3" Description = "[PF3] - Port on Face 3"
Input = "PortonFace3XOffset" Description = "[PF3X] - Port on Face 3 X Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace3YOffset" Description = "[PF3Y] - Port on Face 3 Y Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace3ZOffset" Description = "[PF3Z] - Port on Face 3 Z Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace3Angle1" Description = "[PF3A1] - Port on Face 3 Angle 1 (In XY plane)"
Input = "PortonFace3Angle2" Description = "[PF3A2] - Port on Face 3 Angle 2 (In YZ plane)"
Input = "PortonFace4" Description = "[PF4] - Port on Face 4"
Input = "PortonFace4XOffset" Description = "[PF4X] - Port on Face 4 X Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace4YOffset" Description = "[PF4Y] - Port on Face 4 Y Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace4ZOffset" Description = "[PF4Z] - Port on Face 4 Z Offset from Inside
Input = "PortonFace4Angle1" Description = "[PF4A1] - Port on Face 4 Angle 1 (In XY plane)"
Input = "PortonFace4Angle2" Description = "[PF4A2] - Port on Face 4 Angle 2 (In YZ plane)"
Input = "WaterLevel" Description = "[WL] - Water Level"
Input = "SoftRockLevel" Description = "[SRL] - Soft Rock Level"
Input = "HardRockLevel" Description = "[HRL] - Hard Rock Level"
Input = "ReinforcementRatio" Description = "[RR] - Reinforcement Ratio"
Input = "Ratio2" Description = "[R2] - Ratio 2"
Input = "LeanConcreteVol" Description = "[LCV] - Lean Concrete Volume"
Input = "ManholeConcreteVol" Description = "[MCV] - Manhole Concrete Volume"
Input = "ExcavationVol" Description = "[EV] - Excavation Volume"
Input = "InteriorSA" Description = "[ISA] - Interior Surface Area"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 230

Equipment Symbols

Input = "ExteriorSA" Description = "[ESA] - Exterior Surface Area"

Input = "ExteriorSAbelowGround" Description = "[ESAG] - Exterior Surface Area below
Input = "ExcavationVolatWL" Description = "[EVW] - Excavation Volume at Water Level"
Input = "ExcavationVolatSRL" Description = "[EVS] - Excavation Volume at Soft Rock Level"
Input = "ExcavationVolatHRL" Description = "[EVH] - Excavation Volume at Hard Rock Level"
Input = "Reinforcement" Description = "[R] - Reinforcement"
Input = "LeanConcreteSA" Description = "[LCSA] - Lean Concrete Surface Area"
Input = "Backfill" Description = "[Bf] - Backfill"
Input = "ExcavatedMaterial" Description = "[EEM] - Evacuation of Excavated Material"
Input = "HeightfromTop" Description = "[HT] - Reference Height from Top"
Input = "HeightfromBottom" Description = "[HB] - Reference Height from Bottom"
Input = "OverallHeight" Description = "[OH] - Overall Height"
Input = "SteelManfMatWt" Description = "[SMMW] - Steel Manufactured Material Weight"
Input = "CICoverWtLD" Description = "[CICWL] - Cast Iron Cover Weight (Light Duty)"
Input = "CICoverWtHD" Description = "[CICWH] - Cast Iron Cover Weight (Heavy Duty)"
Input = "ConcreteCoverWt" Description = "[CCW] - Concrete Cover Weight"
Input = "CoverType" Description = "[CT] - Cover Type"
Input = "CoverMaterial" Description = "[CM] - Cover Material"
Outputs = 1
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 231

Equipment Symbols

Description: Single Inspection Door Assembly
Symbol Name: EQSingInspectionDoor.SIDoorSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleInspDoor
User Class Name: Single Inspection Door
Part Number: SingleInspDoor-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQSingInspectionDoor.SIDoorSym
Inputs = 11
Input and description = "DoorWidth", "[W] - Door Width"
Input and description = "DoorDepth", "[D] - Door Depth"
Input and description = "CutoutWidth", "[CW] - Cutout Width"
Input and description = "CutoutDepth", "[CD] - Cutout Depth"
Input and description = "LockingHandleLength", "[LHL] - Locking Handle Length"
Input and description = "LockingHandleHeight", "[LHH] - Locking Handle Height"
Input and description = "LockingHandleAngle", "[Theta] - Locking Handle Angle"
Input and description = "HingeDimension1", "[HD1] - Hinge Dimension 1"
Input and description = "HingeDimension2", "[HD2] - Hinge Dimension 2"
Input and description = "Height", "[H] - Height"
Input and description = "SafetyGuardThickness", "[SGT] - Safety Guard thickness"
Outputs = 29
Output and description = "SafetyGuard_", "Safety Guard"
Output and description = "Door_", "Door Panel"
Output and description = "DoorFrame_", "Door Frame"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "DoorHandle_", "Door Handle"
Output and description = "LockingHandleCylinder1_", "Locking Handle Cylinder1"
Output and description = "LockingHandleCylinder2_", "Locking Handle Cylinder2"
Output and description = "StableHandleCylinder1", "Stable Handle Cylinder1"
Output and description = "RotatableHandleCylinder1", "Rotatable Handle Cylinder1"
Output and description = "StableHandleCylinder2", "Stable Handle Cylinder1"
Output and description = "RotatableHandleCylinder2", "Rotatable Handle Cylinder1"
Output and description = "Bolt1Thread", "Bolt1 Thread"
Output and description = "Bolt1Head", "Bolt1 Head"
Output and description = "Bolt2Thread", "Bolt2 Thread"
Output and description = "Bolt2Head", "Bolt2 Head"
Output and description = "DoorBox1", "Door Box1"
Output and description = "DoorHinge1a_", "Door Hinge1a"
Output and description = "DoorHinge1b_", "Door Hinge1b"
Output and description = "DoorBox2", "Door Box2"
Output and description = "DoorHinge2a_", "Door Hinge2a"
Output and description = "DoorHinge2b_", "Door Hinge2b"
Output and description = "Hinge1Nut", "Hinge 1 Nut"
Output and description = "Hinge2Nut", "Hinge 2 Nut"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "Hole", "Hole", EquipmentHole
Output and description = "InspectionDoorOp", "Inspection Door Operation", Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 232

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Centerline1", "Centerline1", Centerline

Output and description = "Centerline2", "Centerline2", Centerline
Aspects = 5
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "SIDoorHole", "Single Inspection Door Hole", EquipmentHole
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation", Operation
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Watertight Door with Handwheel
Symbol Name: EQWatertightDoorHwAsm.WtDHandwheelSym
Workbook: WaterTight Doors.xls
Workbook Sheet: WatertightDoorHw
User Class Name: Watertight Door with Handwheel
Part Number: WatertightDoorHw-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQWatertightDoorHwAsm.WtDHandwheelSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "Width" Description = "Width"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "DoorLeafWidth" Description = "Door Leaf Width"
Input = "DoorLeafHeight" Description = "Door Leaf Height"
Input = "CutWidth" Description = "Cut Width"
Input = "CutHeight" Description = "Cut Height"
Input = "Thickness" Description = "Thickness"
Input = "DoorLeafThickness" Description = "Door Leaf Thickness"
Input = "Radius" Description = "Radius"
Input = "Height1" Description = "Height 1"
Outputs = 15
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 233

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"

Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6_ " Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12", EquipmentHole
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14" Description = "Output 14", Operation
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "EquipmentHole", "Equipment Hole", EquipmentHole
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation", Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 234

Equipment Symbols

Description: Watertight Door with Lever Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQWatertightDoorLvr.WtDLeverSym
Workbook: WaterTight Doors.xls
Workbook Sheet: WaterTightDoorLvr
User Class Name: Watertight Door with Lever
Part Number: WatertightDoorLvr-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQWatertightDoorLvr.WtDLeverSym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "Width", "Width"
Input and description = "Height", "Height"
Input and description = "DoorLeafWidth", "Door Leaf Width"
Input and description = "DoorLeafHeight", "Door Leaf Height"
Input and description = "CutWidth", "Cut Width"
Input and description = "CutHeight", "Cut Height"
Input and description = "Thickness", "Thickness"
Input and description = "DoorLeafThickness", "Door Leaf Thickness"
Input and description = "Radius", "Radius"
Input and description = "Height1", "Height 1"
Outputs = 29
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Output1, "Output 1
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3_", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4_", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5_", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6_", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Output and description ="Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "Output12", "Output 12", EquipmentHole
Output and description = "Output13", "Output 13"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output 14", Operation
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "EquipmentHole", "Equipment Hole", EquipmentHole

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 235

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Operation", "Operation", Operation

Description: hatch cover
Symbol Name: SM3DHatchCoverAsm.HatchCoverSym
Workbook: Marine Hatch Cover Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: MHatchCoverAsm
User Class Name: Marine Hatch Cover
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SM3DHatchCoverAsm.HatchCoverSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "CoverLength", "Cover Length"
Input and description = "CoverWidth", "Cover Width"
Input and description = "CoverThickness", "Cover Thickness"
Input and description = "CoverHeight", "Cover Height"
Input and description = "CornerRadius", "Corner Radius"
Input and description = "DistBetBoltHoles", "Space between Bolt Holes"
Input and description = "HoleLength", "Hole Length"
Input and description = "HoleWidth", "Hole Width"
Input and description = "HoleThickness", "Hole Thickness"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "InnerPlate", "Inner Plate"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolts"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 236

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "OuterPlate_", "Outer Plate"

Output and description = "BottomPlate_", "Bottom Plate"
Output and description = "BottomPart_", "Bottom Part"
Output and description = "Hole", "Hole", EquipmentHole
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "HatchCoverHole", "Hatch Cover Hole"

Description: door and window
Symbol Name: SP3DDoorsAsm.Doors_1_Sym
Workbook: DoorsEquipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: RollupDoorsAsm, OverheadDoorsAsm, SlidingDoorsAsm,
SwDoorsSimpleAsm, SwDoorsDoubleAsm, LoadingDocksAsm, ResidDoorsAsm,
ResidWindowsAsm, LouversAsm
User Class Name: Loading Docks, Louvers, OverHead Doors, Residential Doors, Residential
Windows, Roll-up Doors, Sliding Doors, Swing Doors (Double), Swing Doors (Simple)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DDoorsAsm.Doors_1_Sym
Number of Inputs = 26
Input = "DoorType" Description = "Type of Door"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 237

Equipment Symbols

Input = "OpeningRatio" Description = "Opening rate of Door"

Input = "Kinematics" Description = "Kinematics"
Input = "Push" Description = "Push"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height of Door"
Input = "Width" Description = "Width of Door"
Input = "CTLength" Description = "Top Casement Length"
Input = "CTWidth" Description = "Top Casement Width"
Input = "CTThickness" Description = "Top Casement Thickness"
Input = "CTEdge" Description = "Top Casement Edge"
Input = "CBLength" Description = "Bottom Casement Length"
Input = "CBWidth" Description = "Bottom Casement Width"
Input = "CBThickness" Description = "Bottom Casement Thickness"
Input = "CBEdge" Description = "Bottom Casement Edge"
Input = "CLLength" Description = "Left Casement Length"
Input = "CLWidth" Description = "Left Casement Width"
Input = "CLThickness" Description = "Left Casement Thickness"
Input = "CLEdge" Description = "Left Casement Edge"
Input = "CRLength" Description = "Right Casement Length"
Input = "CRWidth" Description = "Right Casement Width"
Input = "CRThickness" Description = "Right Casement Thickness"
Input = "CREdge" Description = "Right Casement Edge"
Input = "PannelThickness" Description = "Thickness of the Door panel"
Input = "Xposition" Description = "Door X Position Door"
Input = "Yposition" Description = "Door Y Position Door"
Input = "Zposition" Description = "Door Z Position Door"
Number of Outputs = 12
Output = "LeftCasementFace_" Description = "Face Of Left Casement Strip"
Output = "LeftCasementStrip" Description = "Left Casement Strip"
Output = "RightCasementFace_" Description = "Face Of Right Casement Strip"
Output = "RightCasementStrip" Description = "Right Casement Strip"
Output = "TopCasementFace_" Description = "Face Of Top Casement Strip"
Output = "TopCasementStrip" Description = "Top Casement Strip"
Output = "BottomCasementFace_" Description = "Bottom Of Top Casement Strip"
Output = "BottomCasementStrip" Description = "Bottom Casement Strip"
Output = "PannelSolidFace_" Description = "Face Of Panel Solid"
Output = "PannelSolid_" Description = "Panel Solid"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Mating Surface"
Output = "CutoutCurve" Description = "Cutout Complex lineString"
Number of Aspects = 2
Supported AspectId = SimplePhysical
Supported AspectId = Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 238

Equipment Symbols

General Example

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 239

Equipment Symbols

Door Double Swing Left

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 240

Equipment Symbols

Door Rollup

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 241

Equipment Symbols

Door Rollup Narrow

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 242

Equipment Symbols

Door Single Swing Left

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 243

Equipment Symbols

Door Sliding Left

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 244

Equipment Symbols

Door Swing Both

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 245

Equipment Symbols

Door Swing Up

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 246

Equipment Symbols


Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 247

Equipment Symbols

Window Swing Left

Description: equipment hatch cover
Symbol Name: SP3DHatchCoverAsm.HatchCoverSym
Workbook: Hatch Cover Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HatchCoverAsm
User Class Name: Hatch Cover
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHatchCoverAsm.HatchCoverSym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "CoverLength", "Cover Length"
Input and description = "CoverWidth", "Cover Width"
Input and description = "CoverThickness", "Cover Thickness"
Input and description = "CoverHeight", "Cover Height"
Input and description = "DistBetBoltHoles", "Space between Bolt Holes"
Input and description = "HoleLength", "Hole Length"
Input and description = "HoleWidth", "Hole Width"
Input and description = "HoleThickness", "Hole Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 248

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "InnerPlate", "Inner Plate"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolts"
Output and description = "OuterPlate_", "Outer Plate"
Output and description = "BottomPlate_", "Bottom Plate"
Output and description = "BottomPart_", "Bottom Part"
Output and description = "Hole", "Hole", EquipmentHole
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "HatchCoverHole", "Hatch Cover Hole", EquipmentHole

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 249

Equipment Symbols

Description: Manhole-E Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DManholeAsm.ManholeSym
Workbook: Sample Data for Manhole.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManholeAsm
User Class Name: Manhole
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DManholeAsm.ManholeSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "BaseHeight", "Manhole Base Height", 2.4384
Input and description = "ConeHeight", "Manhole Eccentric Cone Height", 0.
Input and description = "BaseDiameter", "Manhole Base Diameter", 1.
Input and description = "ConeTopDiameter", "Manhole Cone Top Diameter", 1
Input and description = "BaseBottoNozzleHeight", "Height from the Manhole Base to Drain
Nozzle", 0.
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "BaseCylinder", "Base Cylinder"
Output and description = "EccentricCone", "Eccentric Cone"
Output and description = "ConnectPoint1", "Connect Point 1"
Output and description = "ConnectPoint2", "Connect Point 2"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 250

Equipment Symbols

Description: man hole cover
Symbol Name: SP3DManHoleCoverAsm.MHCoverSym
Workbook: Manhole Cover Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManholeCoverAsm
User Class Name: Manhole Cover
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DManHoleCoverAsm.MHCoverSym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "CoverLength", "Cover Length"
Input and description = "CoverWidth", "Cover Width"
Input and description = "CoverThickness", "Cover Thickness"
Input and description = "CoverHeight", "Cover Height"
Input and description = "DistBetBoltHoles", "Space between Bolt Holes"
Input and description = "HoleLength", "Hole Length"
Input and description = "HoleWidth", "Hole Width"
Input and description = "HoleThickness", "Hole Thickness"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "InnerPlate", "Inner Plate"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolts"
Output and description = "OuterPlate_", "Outer Plate"
Output and description = "BottomPart_", "Bottom Part"
Output and description = "Handle_", "Handles"
Output and description = "Hole", "Hole", Equipment Hole
Aspects = 2

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 251

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Aspect = "MHCoverHole", "Man Hole Cover Hole", Equipment Hole

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 252

Equipment Symbols

Horizontal and Spherical Vessels and Tanks

This sections contains all horizontal vessels and horizontal tank symbols that are available.

SP3DComplexHorCylVesselAsm .................................................. 253
SP3DE_230SphVesselAsm .......................................................... 255
SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm ................................................. 256
SP3DE_245Asm ............................................................................ 258
SP3DE_245SimpHorCylEqpAsm .................................................. 260
SP3DHorDrWiSaddleAsm ............................................................. 261
SP3DHoriVesselEndsAsm ............................................................ 263
SP3DSphericalVesselAsm ............................................................ 265
SP3DStorageTankAsm ................................................................. 266

Symbol Name: SP3DComplexHorCylVesselAsm.CCHCVesselSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ComplexHorCylVesselAsm
User Class Name: Complex Horizontal Cylindrical Vessel
Part Number: ComplexHorizontalCylindricalVessel-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DComplexHorCylVesselAsm.CCHCVesselSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "Vessel Length"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "BootHorLocation" Description = "Boot Horizontal Location"
Input = "BootVertLocation" Description = "Boot Vertical Location"
Input = "BootDiameter" Description = "BootDiameter"
Input = "BootAngularLocation" Description = "BootAngularLocation"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "VesselCenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "FirstSupportLocation"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "SecondSupportLocation"
Input = "ThirdSupportLocation" Description = "ThirdSupportLocation"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "SupportThickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength"
Input = "StiffenerRadius" Description = "StiffenerRadius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "InsulationThickness"
Outputs = 14
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "Boot" Description = "Boot"
Output = "Support1" Description = "Support1"
Output = "Support2" Description = "Support2"
Output = "Support3" Description = "Support3"
Output = "Stiffner1" Description = "Stiffner1"
Output = "Stiffner2" Description = "Stiffner2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 253

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Stiffner3" Description = "Stiffner3"

Output = "DefaultSurface1" Description = "DefaultSurface1"
Output = "DefaultSurface2" Description = "DefaultSurface1"
Output = "DefaultSurface3" Description = "DefaultSurface1"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "InsulatedVessel"
Output = "InsulatedBoot" Description = "InsulatedBoot"
Output = "ComplexHorCylVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 254

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DE_230SphVesselAsm.SphVesselSym
Workbook: E230 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E230SphVesselAsm
User Class Name: Spherical Vessel (E230)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_230SphVesselAsm.SphVesselSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselCenterHeight", "Vessel Center Height"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "SupportThickness", "Support Thickness"
Input and description = "NumberOfSupports", "Number Of Supports"
Input and description = "SupportAngularLocation", "Support Angular Location"
Input and description = "SupportRadialLocation", "Support Radial Location"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "InsulatedBody", "Insulated Body"
Output and description = "SphericalVesselCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Spherical
Vessel Component"
Output and description = "Vessel", "Vessel"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Support_", "Support"
Output and description = "Edge_", "Edge"
Output and description = "Point1_", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2_", "Point2"
Output and description = "Surface_", "Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 255

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Complex Horizontal Cylinder Equipment Assembly (E240)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm.CompHorCylSym
Workbook: E240 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E240CompHorCylEqpAsm
User Class Name: Complex Horizontal Cylinder Vessel (E240)
Part Number: E240CompHorCylEqpAsm01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm.CompHorCylSym
Inputs = 29
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 256

Equipment Symbols

Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"

Input = "BootHorLocation" Description = "Boot Horizontal Location"
Input = "BootVertLocation" Description = "Boot Vertical Location"
Input = "BootDiameter" Description = "Boot Diameter"
Input = "BootAngularLocation" Description = "Boot Angular Location"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel CenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "First Support Location"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "Second Support Location"
Input = "ThirdSupportLocation" Description = "Third Support Location"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "StiffenerRadius" Description = "Stiffener Radius"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input = "CPx" Description = "P5-Box Width"
Input = "CPy" Description = "P6-Box Length"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Wattage"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 15
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "BootVessel" Description = "Boot vessel"
Output = "BootDome" Description = "Boot Dome"
Output = "Support_" Description = "Supports"
Output = "Stiffner_" Description = "Stiffners for Supports"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges for Supports"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points on Each face of Supports"
Output = "EqpFoundatioPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort3" Description = "Foundation Port 3"
Output = "ComplexHorCylEqpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Output = "InsBootVessel" Description = "InsulatedVessel Left Elliptical Head"
Output = "InsBootDome" Description = "InsulatedVessel Right Elliptical Head"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 257

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_245Asm.CE_245Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: E245Asm
User Class Name: Simple Horizontal Cylindrical Vessel
Part Number: SHCV-01-L4000xD1500-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_245Asm.CE_245Sym
Inputs = 8
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "VesselLength"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "VesselDiameter"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "VesselCenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "FirstSupportLocation"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "SecondSupportLocation"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "SupportThickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "InsulationThickness"
Outputs = 7
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 258

Equipment Symbols

Output = "VesselLEH" Description = "Vessel Left Elliptical Head"

Output = "VesselREH" Description = "Vessel Right Elliptical Head"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "InsulatedVessel"
Output = "InsulatedVesselLEH" Description = "InsulatedVessel Left Elliptical Head"
Output = "InsulatedVesselREH" Description = "InsulatedVessel Right Elliptical Head"
Output = "SimpleHorCylVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel "
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 259

Equipment Symbols

Description: Simple Horizontal Cylindrical Vessel Assembly (E245)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_245SimpHorCylEqpAsm.HorCylSym
Workbook: E245 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E245SimHCylVesselAsm
User Class Name: Simple Horizontal Cylindrical Vessel (E245)
Part Number: E245SimHCylVesselAsm01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_245SimpHorCylEqpAsm.HorCylSym
Inputs = 23
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel CenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "First Support Location"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "Second Support Location"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "EndHead Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "CPx" Description = "P5-Box Width"
Input = "CPy" Description = "P6-Box Length"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Wattage"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "Support_" Description = "Supports"
Output = "Surface_" Description = "Surfaces for Supports"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges for Supports"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points on Each face of Supports"
Output = "EqpFoundatioPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "SimpleHorCylVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel Component"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 260

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: horizontal drum with saddle
Symbol Name: SP3DHorDrWiSaddleAsm.HDrumWithSaddleSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorizontalDrumAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Drum with Saddle
Part Number: HorizontalDrum 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorDrWiSaddleAsm.HDrumWithSaddleSym
Inputs = 16
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Internal Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input and description = "FirstSupportLocation", "First Support Location"
Input and description = "SecondSupportLocation", "Second Support Location"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length(B)"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height From Vessel Center to base of
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width(G)"
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness(E)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateThickness", "Backing Plate Thickness(T)"
Input and description = "BackingPlateWidth", "Backing Plate Widt(H)"
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness", "Stiffner Thickness(D)"
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness1", "Stiffner Thickness(DG)"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 261

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "StiffnerSpacing", "Stiffner Spacing(C)"

Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location-X (F)"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location-Y (A)"
Outputs = 25
Output and description = "DrumBody", "Drum body as Cylinder"
Output and description = "DrumHead", "Drum head"
Output and description = "DrumHead1", "Drum Head 1"
Output and description = "SaddlePlate", "Saddle Body"
Output and description = "SaddlePlate1", "Second Saddle Body"
Output and description = "StiffnerPlate", "Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "StiffnerPlate1", "Second saddle Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate1", "Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "BackingPlate2", "Second Saddle Center Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate3", "Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "BackingPlate4", "Saddle Saddle Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "BackingPlate5", "Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate6", "Second saddle Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate7", "Center Support Plate3"
Output and description = "BackingPlate8", "Second saddle Center Support Plate3"
Output and description = "BackingPlate9", "Center Support Plate4"
Output and description = "BackingPlate10", "Second saddle Center Support Plate4"
Output and description = "BackingPlate11", "Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate12", "Second saddle Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Second Foundation Port"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "HoriLine", "Horizontal Line"
Output and description = "DrumIns", " Drum Insulation"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 262

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Vessel Assembly (Variable head Options)
Symbol Name: SP3DHoriVesselEndsAsm.HoriVesselEndsSym
Workbook: Horizontal Vessel Nested Heads Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SimpHorCylNestedEndsAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Vessel (Variable head Options)
Part Number: SimpHorCylNestedEndsAsm-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriVesselEndsAsm.HoriVesselEndsSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "End1Type" Description = "End1 Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "End2 Type"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 263

Equipment Symbols

Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"

Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 2
Output = "ObjHoriVessel" Description = "ObjHoriVessel"
Output = "ObjHoriVesselIns" Description = "ObjHoriVesselIns"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 264

Equipment Symbols

Description: Spherical Vessel
Symbol Name: SP3DSphericalVesselAsm.CSVesselSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SphericalVesselAsm
User Class Name: Spherical Vessel
Part Number: SphericalVessel01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSphericalVesselAsm.CSVesselSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "VesselDiameter"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "SupportAngularLocation"
Input = "NumberOfSupports" Description = "NumberOfSupports"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "VesselCenterHeight"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "SupportThickness"
Input = "SupportRadialLocation" Description = "SupportRadialLocation"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "SupportHeight"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "InsulationThickness"
Outputs = 3
Output = "InsulatedBody" Description = "InsulatedBody"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "SphericalVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Spherical Vessel "

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 265

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Description: Storage Tank
Symbol Name: SP3DStorageTankAsm.CSTankSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: StorageTankAsm
User Class Name: Storage Tank
Part Number: Tank 001A-E, Tank 001A_IMP-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DStorageTankAsm.CSTankSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "parVesselLength of the Tank"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Diameter of the Tank"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 266

Equipment Symbols

Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support parVesselLength of Block of Tank"

Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height of Block of Tank"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness of Block of Tank"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation thickness of body"
Outputs = 16
Output = "TankBodyCylinder" Description = "Tank Body Cylinder"
Output = "LeftEndCap" Description = "Left Elliptical End Cap"
Output = "RightEndCap" Description = "Right Elliptical End Cap"
Output = "Support1" Description = "Support 1"
Output = "Support2" Description = "Support 2"
Output = "DefaultSurface1" Description = "Default Surface 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface2" Description = "Default Surface 2"
Output = "ConnectPort1" Description = "Connect Port 1"
Output = "ConnectPort2" Description = "Connect Port 2"
Output = "FoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "FoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "TankEnvelope" Description = "Tank Envelope"
Output = "RightEndCap" Description = "Right End Cap"
Output = "Cylinder" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "LeftEndCap" Description = "Left End Cap"
Output = "TankServicesControlPoint" Description = "Tank Services Control Point"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 267

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 268

Equipment Symbols

Instrument Equipment
This section contains the available instrument equipment.

EQCCTVCamera ........................................................................... 269
EQDualTransmitter ........................................................................ 270
EQLShapeMount ........................................................................... 271
EQPointFlammableGD .................................................................. 273
EQStraightMount ........................................................................... 274
EQTripleStanchion......................................................................... 276
EQWinterizedInEncl....................................................................... 277
SP3DInstrStandDouCol ................................................................. 279
SP3DInstrStandSinCol .................................................................. 280
SP3DInstrStdWallMount ................................................................ 281

Description: Close Circuit TV Camera
Symbol Name: EQCCTVCamera.CCTVCamSym
Workbook: CCTV Camera.xls
Workbook Sheet: CCTVCamera
User Class Name: CCTV Camera
Part Number: CCTVCamera-E-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 15
Input = "CamLength" Description = "[CL] - Camera Length"
Input = "CamHeight" Description = "[CH] - Camera Height"
Input = "CamWidth" Description = "[CW] - Camera Width"
Input = "XOffset" Description = "[X] - X Offset"
Input = "YOffset" Description = "[Y] - Y Offset"
Input = "ZOffset" Description = "[Z] - Z Offset"
Input = "CamAngle1" Description = "[A] - Camera Angle 1"
Input = "CamAngle2" Description = "[B] - Camera Angle 2"
Input = "BrkLength" Description = "[BL] - Bracket Length "
Input = "BrkWidth" Description = "[BW] - Bracket Width"
Input = "BrkHeight" Description = "[BH] - Bracket Height"
Input = "PortOffset" Description = "[PO] - Port Offset"
Input = "CPx" Description = "[CPx] - Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "[CPy] - Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "[CPz] - Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 6
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Bracket" Description = "Bracket"
Output = "Camera" Description = "Camera"
Output = "SupportPart1" Description = "Support Part 1"
Output = "SupportPart2" Description = "Support Part 2"
Output = "CameraOperation" Description = "Camera Operation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 269

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation"

Description: Column Mounted Dual Transmitter Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDualTransmitter.DTrnsmtrSym
Workbook: Column Mounted Dual Transmitter.xls
Workbook Sheet: DualTransmitter
User Class Name: Column Mounted Dual Transmitter
Part Number: ColumnMountedDualTransmitter - E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDualTransmitter.DTrnsmtrSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "ColumnHeight" Description = "Column Height"
Input = "DistanceBtwColumns" Description = "Distance Between Columns"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "PipeDiameter" Description = "Pipe Diameter"
Input = "CPDistance" Description = "Connection Point Distance"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Baseplate Height"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X bolt Hole"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y bolt Hole"
Outputs = 12
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Base1" Description = "Base 1"
Output = "SpportPipe1" Description = "Support Pipe 1"
Output = "SpportPipe2" Description = "Support Pipe 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 270

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Column1" Description = "Column 1"

Output = "Column2" Description = "Column 2"
Output = "ConnectionPoint1" Description = "Connection Point 1"
Output = "ConnectionPoint2" Description = "Connection Point 2"
Output = "ConnectionPoint3" Description = "Connection Point 3"
Output = "ConnectionPoint4" Description = "Connection Point 4"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- L-Shape
Symbol Name: EQLShapeMount.LMountSym
Workbook: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- L Shape.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeMounted_LShape
User Class Name: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- L Shape
Part Number: InlinePipeMountedSupport-Lshape-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQLShapeMount.LMountSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "Diameter" Description = "Diameter"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "Extension" Description = "Extension"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 271

Equipment Symbols

Input = "CPDistance" Description = "Connection Point Distance"

Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Baseplate Height"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X bolt Hole"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y bolt Hole"
Outputs = 8
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Base1" Description = "Base 1"
Output = "SupportPipe1" Description = "Support Pipe 1"
Output = "SupportPipe2" Description = "Support Pipe 2"
Output = "ConnectionPoint1" Description = "Connection Point 1"
Output = "ConnectionPoint2" Description = "Connection Point 2"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 272

Equipment Symbols

Description: Point Flammable Gas Detector
Symbol Name: EQPointFlammableGD.GasDetectorSym
Workbook: Point Flammable Gas Detector.xls
Workbook Sheet: PointFlamblGDetector
User Class Name: Point Flammable Gas Detector
Part Number: PointFlamblGDetector-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQPointFlammableGD.GasDetectorSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "Length" Description = "Length"
Input = "MiddleDiameter" Description = "Middle Diameter"
Input = "EndDiameter" Description = "End Diameter"
Input = "PortXOffset" Description = "Port Y Offset"
Input = "PortYOffset" Description = "Port X Offset"
Input = "PortZOffset" Description = "Port Z Offset"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Support Width"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "SupportDepth" Description = "Support Depth"
Input = "CuvetteDiameter" Description = "Cuvette Diameter"
Input = "OffsetalongX" Description = "Offset along X"
Input = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 5
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Support" Description = "Support"
Output = "DetectorBody" Description = "Detector Body"
Output = "Cuvette" Description = "Cuvette"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 273

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- Straight Assembly
Symbol Name: EQStraightMount.StMountSym
Workbook: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- Straight.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeMounted_Straight
User Class Name: In-line Pipe Mounted Support- Straight
Part Number: InlinePipeMountedSupport-Straight-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQStraightMount.StMountSym
Inputs = 8
Input = "Diameter" Description = "Diameter"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "CPDistance" Description ="Connection Point Distance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 274

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Baseplate Height"

Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X bolt Hole"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y bolt Hole"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Base1" Description = "Base 1"
Output = "SpportPipe1" Description = "Support Pipe 1"
Output = "ConnectionPoint1" Description = "Connection Point 1"
Output = "ConnectionPoint2" Description = "Connection Point 2"
Output = "ConnectionPoint3" Description = "Connection Point 3"
Output = "ConnectionPoint4" Description = "Connection Point 4"
Output = "ConnectionPoint5" Description = "Connection Point 5"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 275

Equipment Symbols

Description: Triple Stanchion Assembly
Symbol Name: EQTripleStanchion.TripleStanSym
Workbook: Triple Stanchion.xls
Workbook Sheet: TripleStanchion
User Class Name: Triple Stanchion
Part Number: TripleStanchion-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQTripleStanchion.TripleStanSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "ColumnHeight" Description = "Column Height"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "Length1" Description = "Length 1"
Input = "Length2" Description = "Length 2"
Input = "PipeDiameter" Description = "Pipe Diameter"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateDepth" Description = "Baseplate Depth"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X bolt Hole"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y bolt Hole"
Outputs = 8
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Base1" Description = "Base 1"
Output = "SupportPipe1" Description = "Support Pipe 1"
Output = "SupportPipe2" Description = "Support Pipe 2"
Output = "SupportPipe3" Description = "Support Pipe 3"
Output = "HorizontalSupport" Description = "Horizontal Support"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 276

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Winterized Instrument Enclosure Assembly
Symbol Name: EQWinterizedInEncl.WInsstEnclSym
Workbook: Winterized Instrument Enclosure.xls
Workbook Sheet: WinterizedInstEncl
User Class Name: Winterized Instrument Enclosure
Part Number: WinterizedInstEncl-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQWinterizedInEncl.WInsstEnclSym
Inputs = 20
Input = "EnclosureWidth" Description = "[EW] - Enclosure Width"
Input = "EnclosureDepth" Description = "[ED] - Enclosure Depth"
Input = "EnclosureHeight" Description = "[EH] - Enclosure Height"
Input = "StanchionDiameter" Description = "[SD] - Stanchion Diameter"
Input = "StanchionHeight" Description = "[SH] - Stanchion Height"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "[BW] - Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateDepth" Description = "[BD] - Baseplate Depth"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 277

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "[BT] - Baseplate Thickness"

Input = "PortOffset" Description = "[PO] - Port Offset"
Input = "MaintenanceWidth1" Description = "[MW1] - Maintenance Width 1"
Input = "MaintenanceWidth2" Description = "[MW2] - Maintenance Width 2"
Input = "MaintenanceDepth1" Description = "[MD1] - Maintenance Depth 1"
Input = "MaintenanceDepth2" Description = "[MD2] - Maintenance Depth 2"
Input = "MaintenanceHeight1" Description = "[MH1] - Maintenance Height 1"
Input = "MaintenanceHeight2" Description = "[MH2] - Maintenance Height 2"
Input = "BoltHoleX" Description = "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input = "BoltHoleY" Description = "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "CPx" Description = "[CPx] - Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "[CPy] - Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "[CPz] - Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 9
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Baseplate" Description = "Box"
Output = "Edge_" Description = "Edge_"
Output = "Point_" Description = "Point_"
Output = "Stanchion" Description = "Cylinder 1"
Output = "Enclosure" Description = "Cylinder 2"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "MaintenanceBox" Description = "Maintenance Box"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 278

Equipment Symbols

Description: Double Column Floor Instrument stand made from 3in SCH40 pipe.
Symbol Name: SP3DInstrStandDouCol.InStandDouCol
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: InstrumentStandDouble
User Class Name: Instrument Stand Double Colum
Part Number: InstrumentStandDouCol01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInstrStandDouCol.InStandDouCol
Inputs = 1
Input and description = "InstrumentStandHeight", "InstrumentStandHeight"
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "BasePlate", "Base Plate of Stand"
Output and description = "ColumnBody1", "Column Body"
Output and description = "ColumnBody2", "Column Body"
Output and description = "ColumnBody3", "Column Body"
Output and description = "ColumnBody4", "Column Body"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 279

Equipment Symbols

Description: Single Column Floor Instrument stand made from 3in SCH40 pipe.
Symbol Name: SP3DInstrStandSinCol.InStandSinCol
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: InstrumentStandSingle
User Class Name: Instrument Stand Single Column
Part Number: InstrumentStandSinCol01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInstrStandSinCol.InStandSinCol
Inputs = 1
Input and description = "InstrumentStandHeight", "InstrumentStandHeight"
Outputs = 3
Output and description = "BasePlate", "Base Plate of Stand"
Output and description = "ColumnBody", "Column Body"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 280

Equipment Symbols

Description: Wall Mount Single Column Instrument Stand made from 3in SCH40 Pipe
Symbol Name: SP3DInstrStdWallMount.InstrStdWallMount
Workbook: Electrical Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: InstrumentStandWallMount
User Class Name: Instrument Stand Wall Mount Single Column
Part Number: InstrumentStandWallMount01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DInstrStdWallMount.InstrStdWallMount
Inputs = 3
Input = "InstrumentStandHeight" Description = "InstrumentStandHeight"
Input = "PipeHorztlDimension" Description = "Pipe Horizontal Dimension"
Input = "PipeDiameter" Description = "Pipe Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "BasePlate" Description = "Base Plate of Stand"
Output = "ColumnBody1" Description = "Column Body"
Output = "ColumnBody2" Description = "Column Body"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 281

Equipment Symbols

Material Transfer Equipment

The following material transfer equipment are available.

EQ2RFlatRtIdler ............................................................................ 282
EQ3RInlCrIdler .............................................................................. 284
EQ3RInlTrIdler ............................................................................... 285
EQ2RInvVeeIdler ........................................................................... 287
EQ3ROffCrIdler ............................................................................. 288
EQ3ROffTrIdler .............................................................................. 290
EQ1RCrIdler .................................................................................. 292
EQ1RRtIdler .................................................................................. 293
EQ1RTrRtIdler ............................................................................... 294
EQ2RVeeRtIdler ............................................................................ 296
EQConveyorDriveTy1 .................................................................... 298
EQConveyorDriveTy2 .................................................................... 301
EQConveyorPulley ........................................................................ 303
EQConveyorPulleyAsm ................................................................. 304
EQDblActuatorSEP........................................................................ 305
EQDblActuatorTP .......................................................................... 306
EQDual3RIdler ............................................................................... 307
EQRopeSheaveTy1 ....................................................................... 309
EQScraperType1 ........................................................................... 311
EQScraperType2 ........................................................................... 315
EQScrewTakeUp ........................................................................... 318

Description: Two Roll Flat Return Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ2RFlatRtIdler.TwoRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: TwoRollFlatRtIdler
User Class Name: Two Roll Flat Return Idler
Part Number: TwoRollFlatReturnIdler-340mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ2RFlatRtIdler.TwoRollSym
Inputs = 15
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "Roller Length"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "Bolt Centers"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Length" Description = "Length"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "Base Width"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "Roller Diameter"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "Bolt to Edge"
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 282

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"

Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 21
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Roller1" Description = "Roller 1"
Output = "Roller2" Description = "Roller 2"
Output = "Base" Description = "Base"
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Plane 1"
Output = "Plane2" Description = "Plane 2"
Output = "Support1" Description = "Support 1"
Output = "Support2" Description = "Support 2"
Output = "Support3" Description = "Support 3"
Output = "Support4" Description = "Support 4"
Output = "FoundationPlane1" Description = "Foundation Plane 1"
Output = "FoundationPlane2" Description = "Foundation Plane 2"
Output = "FoundationPoints1_" Description = "Foundation Points 1"
Output = "FoundationPoints2_" Description = "Foundation Points 2"
Output = "FoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "FoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "Bolt_" Description = "Bolt_"
Output = "PackingObj_" Description = "Packing Object_"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point"
Output = "Centerline1" Description = "Center line1"
Output = "Centerline2" Description = "Center line2"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 283

Equipment Symbols

Description: Three Roll Inline Carry Idler
Symbol Name: EQ3RInlCrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ThreeRInlCarryIdler
User Class Name: Three Roll Inline Carry Idler
Part Number: ThreeRollInlineCarryIdler-500mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ3RInlCrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Inputs = 15
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "[RL]-Roller Length"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "[RD]-Roller Diameter"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "[BW] - Base Width"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Angle" Description = "[A]-Angle"
Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "[BE] -Bolt to Edge"
Input = "Length" Description = "[L] -Length"
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y]-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs =

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 284

Equipment Symbols

Description: Three Roll In-line Trainer Idler
Symbol Name: EQ3RInlTrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ThreeRInlTrainerIdler
User Class Name: Three Roll Inline Trainer Idler
Part Number: ThreeRollInlineTrainerIdler-500mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ3RInlTrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Inputs = 21
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "[RL]-Roller Length"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "[RD]-Roller Diameter"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "[BW] - Base Width"
Input = "GuideRollDiameter" Description = "[GRD]-Guide Roll Diameter"
Input = "GuideRollXOffset" Description = "[GX]-Guide Roll X-Offset"
Input = "Height1" Description = "[H1]-Height 1"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Height2" Description = "[H2]-Height 2"
Input = "ClearanceLength" Description = "[CL]-Clearance Length"
Input = "ClearanceHeight" Description = "[CH]-Clearance Height"
Input = "Angle" Description = "[A]-Angle"
Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "[BE] -Bolt to Edge"
Input = "Length" Description = "[L] -Length"
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y]-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 38
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14" Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17" Description = "Output 17"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 285

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Output18" Description = "Output 18"

Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19"
Output = "Output20" Description = "Output 20"
Output = "Output21" Description = "Output 21"
Output = "Output22" Description = "Output 22"
Output = "Output23" Description = "Output 23"
Output = "Output24" Description = "Output 24"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output26" Description = "Output 26"
Output = "Output27" Description = "Output 27"
Output = "Output28" Description = "Output 28"
Output = "Output29" Description = "Output 29"
Output = "Output30" Description = "Output 30"
Output = "Output31" Description = "Output 31"
Output = "Bolt_" Description = "Bolt_"
Output = "PackingObj_" Description = "Packing Object_"
Output = "Output32" Description = "Output 32"
Output = "Output33" Description = "Output 33"
Output = "Output34" Description = "Output 34", Centerline
Output = "Output35" Description = "Output 35", Centerline
Output = "Output36" Description = "Output 36", Centerline
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 286

Equipment Symbols

Description: Two Roll Inverted V Return Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ2RInvVeeIdler.ITwoRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: TwoRollInvertedVIdler
User Class Name: Two Roll Inverted V Return Idler
Part Number: TwoRollInvertedVIdler-1200mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ2RInvVeeIdler.ITwoRollSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "Roller Length"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "Bolt Centers"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Length" Description = "Length"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "Base Width"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "Roller Diameter"
Input = "Angle" Description = "Angle"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole X"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Bolt Hole Y"
Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "Bolt To Edge"
Input = "Thickness" Description = "Thickness"
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBLD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 20
Output = "Roller1" Description = "Roller 1"
Output = "Roller2" Description = "Roller 2"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "TrangularBox" Description = "Triangular Box"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Box Points_"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "FoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "FoundationPort2" Description = "Foundation Port 2"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point"
Output = "Centerline1" Description = "Center line1"
Output = "Centerline2" Description = "Center line2"
Output = "Bolt_" Description = "Bolt_"
Output = "PackingObj_" Description = "Packing Object_"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 287

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline"

Description: Three Roll Offset Carry Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ3ROffCrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ThreeROffCarryIdler
User Class Name: Three Roll Offset Carry Idler
Part Number: ThreeRollOffsetCarryIdler-500mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ3ROffCrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "[RL]-Roller Length"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "[RD]-Roller Diameter"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "[BW] - Base Width"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Angle" Description = "[A]-Angle"
Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "[BE] -Bolt to Edge"
Input = "Length" Description = "[L]-Length"
Input = "Offset1" Description = "[O1]-Offset 1"
Input = "Offset2" Description = "[O2]-Offset 2"
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y]-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 288

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 29
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14" Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output18" Description = "Output 18"
Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19"
Output = "Output20" Description = "Output 20"
Output = "Output21" Description = "Output 21"
Output = "Output22" Description = "Output 22"
Output = "Output23" Description = "Output 23"
Output = "Bolt_" Description = "Bolt_"
Output = "PackingObj_" Description = "Packing Object_"
Output = "Output24", "Output 24"
Output = "Output25", "Output 25"
Output = "Output26", "Output 26"
Output = "Output27", "Output 27"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 289

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline"

Description: Three Roll Offset Trainer Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ3ROffTrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ThreeROffTrainerIdler
User Class Name: Three Roll Offset Trainer Idler
Part Number: ThreeRollOffsetTrainerIdler-350mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ3ROffTrIdler.ThreeRollSym
Inputs = 23
Input = "RollerLength" Description = "[RL]-Roller Length"
Input = "RollerDiameter" Description = "[RD]-Roller Diameter"
Input = "BoltCenters" Description = "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "[BW] - Base Width"
Input = "GuideRollDiameter" Description = "[GRD]-Guide Roll Diameter"
Input = "GuideRollXOffset" Description = "[GX]-Guide Roll X-Offset"
Input = "Height1" Description = "[H1]-Height 1"
Input = "IdlerHeight" Description = "Idler Height"
Input = "Height2" Description = "[H2]-Height 2"
Input = "ClearanceLength" Description = "[CL]-Clearance Length"
Input = "ClearanceHeight" Description = "[CH]-Clearance Height"
Input = "Angle" Description = "[A]-Angle"
Input = "Offset1" Description = "[O1]-Offset 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 290

Equipment Symbols

Input = "Offset2" Description = "[O2]-Offset 2"

Input = "BoltToEdge" Description = "[BE] -Bolt to Edge"
Input = "Length" Description = "[L] -Length",
Input = "BeltWidth" Description = "Belt Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y]-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "BoltLenght1" Description = "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input = "BoltLenght2" Description = "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input = "BoltDiameter" Description = "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input = "PackingThickness" Description = "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 38
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output 5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output 6"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13" Description = "Output 13"
Output = "Output14" Description = "Output 14"
Output = "Output15" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17" Description = "Output 17"
Output = "Output18" Description = "Output 18"
Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19"
Output = "Output20" Description = "Output 20"
Output = "Output21" Description = "Output 21"
Output = "Output22" Description = "Output 22"
Output = "Output23" Description = "Output 23"
Output = "Output24" Description = "Output 24"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output26" Description = "Output 26"
Output = "Output27" Description = "Output 27"
Output = "Output28" Description = "Output 28"
Output = "Output29" Description = "Output 29"
Output = "Output30" Description = "Output 30"
Output = "Output31" Description = "Output 31"
Output = "Bolt_" Description = "Bolt_"
Output = "PackingObj_" Description = "Packing Object_"
Output = "Output32" Description = "Output 32"
Output = "Output33" Description = "Output 33"
Output = "Output34" Description = "Output 34"
Output = "Output35" Description = "Output 35"
Output = "Output36" Description = "Output 36"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 291

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline"

Description: Single Roll Carry Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ1RCrIdler.SingleRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleRCarryIdler
User Class Name: Single Roll Carry Idler
Part Number: SingleRCarryIdler-600mm-E01, SingleRCarryIdler-600mm-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ1RCrIdler.SingleRollSym
Inputs = 14
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "IdlerHeight", "[IH] - IdlerHeight"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description = "RollerDiameter", "[RD] - Roller Diameter"
Input and description = "RollerLength", "[RL] - Roller Length"
Input and description = "BracketThickness", "[BT] - Bracket Thickness"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Y Bolt Hole"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "BoltToEdge", "[BE] - Base to Edge"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "[BtW] - Belt Width"
Input and description = "BoltLenght1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "BoltLenght2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 292

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "[MBLD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"

Input and description = "PackingThickness", "[PT] - Packing Thickness"

Description: Single Roll Return Idler Assembly, Belt Width 595mm
Symbol Name: EQ1RRtIdler.SingleRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleRollRtIdler
User Class Name: Single Roll Return Idler
Part Number: SingleRollRtIdler-595mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ1RRtIdler.SingleRollSym
Inputs = 14
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description = "RollerDiameter", "[RD] - Roller Diameter"
Input and description = "RollerLength", "[RL] - Roller Length"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Y Bolt Hole"
Input and description = "IdlerHeight", "[IH] - IdlerHeight"
Input and description = "BracketThickness", "[BT] - Bracket Thickness"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X]-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "BoltToEdge", "[BE] - Base to Edge"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "[BtW] - Belt Width"
Input and description = "BoltLenght1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "BoltLenght2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "[MBLD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "PackingThickness", "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 14
Output and description = "Roller", "Roller"
Output and description = "Bracket1_", "Bracket1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 293

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Bracket2_", "Bracket2"

Output and description = "Plate1_", "Plate1"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Plate2_", "Plate2"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints1_", "Equipment Foundation Points1"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints2_", "Equipment Foundation Points2"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Equipment Foundation Port1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Equipment Foundation Port2"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolt_"
Output and description = "PackingObj_", "Packing Object_"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "Centerline1", "Centerline", Centerline
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Single Roll Trainer Return Idler Assembly, Belt Width 595mm
Symbol Name: EQ1RTrRtIdler.SingleRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SingleRollTrRtIdler
User Class Name: Single Roll Trainer Return Idler
Part Number: SingleRollTrRtIdler-595mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ1RTrRtIdler.SingleRollSym
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "Height2", "[H2] - Height2"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description = "RollerDiameter", "[RD] - Roller Diameter"
Input and description = "RollerLength", "[RL] - Roller Length"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 294

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "Height1", "[H1] - Height 1"

Input and description = "GuideRollXOffset", "[GX] - Guide Roll X-Offset"
Input and description = "GuideRollDiameter", "[GRD] - Guide Roll Diameter"
Input and description = "ClearanceLength", "[CL] - Clearance Length"
Input and description = "ClearanceHeight", "[CH] - Clearance Height"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X] - Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input and description = "IdlerHeight", "[IH] - Idler Height"
Input and description = "BoltToEdge", "[BE] - Bolt Edge"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "[BtW] - Belt Width"
Input and description = "BoltLenght1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "BoltLenght2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "PackingThickness", "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 24
Output and description = "Roller", "Roller"
Output and description = "GuideRoll1", "GuideRoll1"
Output and description = "GuideRoll2", "GuideRoll2"
Output and description = "Plate1_", "Plate1"
Output and description = "Plate2_", "Plate2"
Output and description = "Plate3_", "Plate2"
Output and description = "Plate4_", "Plate2"
Output and description = "Plate5_", "Plate5"
Output and description = "Plate6_", "Plate6"
Output and description = "Plate7_", "Plate7"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "LeftPlane", "LeftPlane"
Output and description = "RightPlane", "RightPlane"
Output and description = "FoundationPort1Plane", "FoundationPort1Plane"
Output and description = "FoundationPort2Plane", "FoundationPort2Plane"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints1_", "Foundation Points1"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints2_", "Foundation Points2"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Equipment Foundation Port1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Equipment Foundation Port2"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolt_"
Output and description = "PackingObj_", "Packing Object_"
Output and description = "MaintenanceBox_", "MaintenanceBox"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 295

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Two Roll V Return Idler Assembly
Symbol Name: EQ2RVeeRtIdler.TwoRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: TwoRollVRtIdler
User Class Name: Two Roll V Return Idler
Part Number: TwoRollVReturnIdler-380mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQ2RVeeRtIdler.TwoRollSym
Inputs = 17
Input and description = "RollerLength", "Roller Length"
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "BoltCenters"
Input and description = "Height", "Height"
Input and description = "Length", "Length"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "Base Width"
Input and description = "Height1", "Height1"
Input and description = "RollerDiameter", "Roller Diameter"
Input and description = "Angle", "Angle"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Bolt Hole Y"
Input and description = "IdlerHeight", "Idler Height"
Input and description = "BoltToEdge", "Bolt to Edge"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "Belt Width"
Input and description = "BoltLenght1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "BoltLenght2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "PackingThickness", "[PT] - Packing Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 296

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 32
Output and description = "Roller1", "Roller 1"
Output and description = "Roller2", "Roller 2"
Output and description = "FoundationPlane1", "Foundation Plane 1"
Output and description = "FoundationPlane2", "Foundation Plane 2"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "RtPlane", "Right Plane"
Output and description = "LtPlane", "Left Plane"
Output and description = "RtSupportCyl1", "Right Support Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "RtSupportCyl2", "Right Support Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "LtSupportCyl1", "Left Support Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "LtSupportCyl2", "Left Support Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "BaseRtOuterPlane1", "Base Right Outer Plane 1"
Output and description = "BaseLtOuterPlane1", "Base Right Outer Plane 2"
Output and description = "BaseRtOuterPlane2", "Base Left Outer Plane 1"
Output and description = "BaseLtOuterPlane2", "Base Left Outer Plane 2"
Output and description = "BaseRtTopPlane", "Base Right Top Plane"
Output and description = "BaseLtTopPlane", "Base Left Top Plane"
Output and description = "BaseRtTriPlane1", "Base Triangular Right Plane 1"
Output and description = "BaseLtTriPlane1", "Base Triangular Left Plane 1"
Output and description = "BaseRtTriPlane2", "Base Triangular Right Plane 2"
Output and description = "BaseLtTriPlane2", "Base Triangular Left Plane 2"
Output and description = "BaseRtEndPlane", "Base Right End Plane"
Output and description = "BaseLtEndPlane", "Base Left End Plane"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints1_", "Foundation Points1"
Output and description = "FoundationPoints2_", "Foundation Points2"
Output and description = "FoundationPort1", "Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "FoundationPort2", "Foundation Port 2"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolt_"
Output and description = "PackingObj_", "Packing Object_"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "Centerline1", "Center line1", Centerline
Output and description = "Centerline2", "Center line2", Centerline
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 297

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Conveyor Drive Type 1 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQConveyorDriveTy1.CDriveType1Sym
Workbook: ConveyorDriveType1.xls
Workbook Sheet: ConveyorDriveType1
User Class Name: Conveyor Drive Type1
Part Number: ConveyorDriveType1-E-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQConveyorDriveTy1.CDriveType1Sym
Inputs = 39
Input and description = "BaseLen", "[BL] - Base Length"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description ="CenShaftToBaseFront", "[CS-BF] - Centre Shaft to Base Front"
Input and description = "CenShaftToSuppPad", "[CS-SP] - Centre Shaft to Support Pad"
Input and description = "DriveCLToConveyorCL", "[DC-CC] - Drive Centerline to Conveyor
Input and description = "ElecPortDepth", "[EPD] - Electrical Port Depth"
Input and description = "ElecPortHeight", "[EP-H] - Electrical Port Height"
Input and description = "ElecPortHorzOffset", "[EPHO] - Electrical Port Horizontal Offset"
Input and description = "ElecPortWidth", "[EPW] - Electrical Port Width"
Input and description = "GBShaftCenToFront", "[GSC-F] - Gearbox Shaft Centre to Front"
Input and description = "GBShaftCenToRear", "[GSC-R] - Gearbox Shaft Centre to Rear"
Input and description = "GearboxWidth", "[GW] - Gearbox Width"
Input and description = "GearboxHeight", "[GH] - Gearbox Height"
Input and description = "HSCGuardBreadth", "[HCG-B] - High Speed Coupling Guard

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 298

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "HSCGuardWidth", "[HCG-W] - High Speed Coupling Guard Width"
Input and description = "HSCGuardHeight", "[HCG-H] - High Speed Coupling Guard Height"
Input and description = "LSCLen", "[LSCL1] - Low Speed Coupling Length"
Input and description = "LSCDrivenBore1", "[LSC1B1] - Low Speed Coupling Driven Side Bore
Input and description = "LSCDrivenDia2", "[LSC1D2] - Low Speed Coupling Driven Side
Diameter 2"
Input and description = "LSCDrivenDia3", "[LSC1D3] - Low Speed Coupling Driven Side
Diameter 3"
Input and description = "LSCDriveBore1", "[LSC2B1] - Low Speed Coupling Drive Side Bore1"
Input and description = "LSCDriveDia2", "[LSC2D2] - Low Speed Coupling Drive Side
Diameter 2"
Input and description = "LSCDriveDia3", "[LSC2D3] - Low Speed Coupling Drive Side
Diameter 3"
Input and description = "MoTorLen", "[ML] - Motor Length"
Input and description = "MotorDia", "[MD] - Motor Diameter"
Input and description = "OutputShaftDia", "[OSD] - Output Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "OutputShaftLen", "[OSL] - Output Shaft Length"
Input and description = "SuppPadLen", "[SPL] - Support Pad Length"
Input and description = "SuppPadThk", "[SPT] - Support Pad Thickness"
Input and description = "SuppPadWidth", "[SPW] - Support Pad Width"
Input and description = "BotBaseToCenDrive", "[BB-CD] - Bottom Base to Center Drive"
Input and description = "TopBaseToCenDrive", "[TB-CD] - Top Base to center Drive"
Input and description = "MaintenanceLen", "[MTL] - Maintenance Length"
Input and description = "MaintenanceDia", "[MTD] - Maintenance Diameter"
Input and description = "PointXLocation", "[PX] - Point X Location"
Input and description = "PointYLocation", "[PY] - Point Y Location"
Input and description = "PointZLocation", "[PZ] - Point Z Location"
Input and description = "BoltHoleX", "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "BoltHoleY", "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 21
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "OutputShaft", "Output Shaft"
Output and description = "LSCDrivenPart1", "LSC Driven Part1"
Output and description = "LSCDrivenPart2", "LSC Driven Part2"
Output and description = "LSCDrivenPart3", "LSC DrivenPart 3"
Output and description = "LSCDrivePart1", "LSC Drive Part1"
Output and description = "LSCDrivePart2", "LSC Drive Part2"
Output and description = "LSCDrivePart3", "LSC Drive Part3"
Output and description = "GearBox1", "Gear Box1"
Output and description = "GearBox2", "Gear Box2"
Output and description = "GearBoxBase", "Gear Box Base"
Output and description = "HSCGuard", "HSC Guard"
Output and description = "Motor", "Motor"
Output and description = "MotorBase", "Motor Base"
Output and description = "ElectricalBox", "Electrical Box"
Output and description = "Baseplate", "Baseplate"
Output and description = "SupportPlate", "Support Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Eqp Foundation Port"
Output and description = "Centerline1", "Centerline 1", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 299

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Centerline2", "Centerline 2", Centerline

Output and description = "MaintenanceCyl", "Maintenance Cylinder"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 300

Equipment Symbols

Description: Conveyor Drive Type 2 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQConveyorDriveTy2.CDriveType2Sym
Workbook: Conveyor DriveType2
Workbook Sheet: ConveyorDriveType2
User Class Name: Conveyor Drive Type2
Part Number: ConveyorDriveType2-E-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQConveyorDriveTy2.CDriveType2Sym
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "ShoulderEndDiameter", "ShoulderEndDiameter"
Input and description = "ShoulderDiameter", "ShoulderDiameter"
Input and description = "ShoulderTotalLength", "ShoulderTotalLength"
Input and description = "ReducerDiameterStart", "ReducerDiameterStart"
Input and description = "ReducerDiameterEnd", "ReducerDiameterEnd"
Input and description = "ShoulderBlockLength", "ShoulderBlockLength"
Input and description = "ReducerThickness", "ReducerThickness"
Input and description = "TorqueArmPlatethickness", "TorqueArmPlatethickness"
Input and description = "TorqueArmPlateHeight", "TorqueArmPlateHeight"
Input and description = "TorqueArmPlateWidth1", "TorqueArmPlateWidth1"
Input and description = "TorqueArmPlateWidth2", "TorqueArmPlateWidth2"
Input and description = "MotorAdapterLength", "MotorAdapterLength"
Input and description = "MotorDiameter1", "MotorDiameter1"
Input and description = "MotorDiameter2", "MotorDiameter2"
Input and description = "MotorLength", "MotorLength"
Input and description = "MaintenanceLength", "MaintenanceLength"
Input and description = "MaintenanceHeight1", "MaintenanceHeight1"
Input and description = "MaintenanceHeight2", "MaintenanceHeight2"
Input and description = "MaintenanceWidth", "MaintenanceWidth"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "Output1", "Shoulder End"
Output and description = "Output2", "Shoulder"
Output and description = "Output3", "Torque Arm"
Output and description = "Output4", "Reducer 1"
Output and description = "Output5", "Circle 1"
Output and description = "Output6", "Reducer 2"
Output and description = "Output7", "Circle 2"
Output and description = "Output8", "Motor"
Output and description = "Output9", "Motor End"
Output and description = "Output10", "Torque Arm Bottom"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "MaintenanceBox", "Maintenance Box"
Output and description = "Centerline1", "Centerline 1", Centerline
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 301

Equipment Symbols

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 302

Equipment Symbols

Description: Conveyor Pulley Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQConveyorPulley.PulleySym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ConveyorPulley
User Class Name: Conveyor Pulley
Part Number: SDConveyorPulley-1500mm-E01, SDConveyorPulley-1500mm-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQConveyorPulley.PulleySym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "PulleyLength", "[PL] - Pulley Length"
Input and description = "PulleyDiameter", "[PD] - Pulley Diameter"
Input and description = "Length1", "[L1] - Length 1"
Input and description = "Length2", "[L2] - Length 2"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "[SD] - Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "BearingCenters", "[BC] - Bearing Centers"
Input and description = "LaggingThickness", "[LT] - Lagging Thickness"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "Belt Width"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "Output1", "Output 1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "Output12", "Output 12", Centerline
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 303

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Conveyor Pulley Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQConveyorPulleyAsm.PulleyAsmSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ConveyorPulleyAsm
User Class Name: Conveyor Pulley Assembly
Part Number: SDConveyorPulleyAsm-1500mm-E01, SDConveyorPulleyAsm-1500mm-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQConveyorPulleyAsm.PulleyAsmSym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "PulleyLength", "[PL] - Pulley Length"
Input and description = "PulleyDiameter", "[PD] - Pulley Diameter"
Input and description = "DriveEx1", "[DE1] – Drive Extension 1"
Input and description = "DriveEx2", "[DE2] - Drive Extension 2"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "[SD] - Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "BearingCenters", "[BC] - Bearing Centers"
Input and description = "LaggingThickness", "[LT] - Lagging Thickness"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "Belt Width"
Input and description = "BPName", "Bearing Part Name"
Input and description = "SPName", "Sole Plate Part Name"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "Output1", "Output 1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 304

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output12", "Output 12", Centerline

Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Double Acting Actuator, Single Ended Piston Rod Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDblActuatorSEP.DASnglPistSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: DAActuatorSEPistRod
User Class Name: Double Acting Actuator Single Ended Piston Rod
Part Number: DblActActuatorSEPistRod-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDblActuatorSEP.DASnglPistSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "CylinderLength1", "Cylinder Length 1"
Input and description = "CylinderLength2", "Cylinder Length 2"
Input and description = "CylinderLength3", "Cylinder Length 3"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter1", "Cylinder Diameter 1"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter2", "Cylinder Diameter 2"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter3", "Cylinder Diameter 3"
Input and description = "ShaftLength", "Shaft Length"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "CenterToEnd", "Center to End"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Output1", "Output1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output4"
Output and description = "Output5_", "Output5"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 305

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output6", "Output6"

Output and description = "Output7", "Output7", Centerline
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Double Acting Actuator Piston Rod Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDblActuatorTP.DAThrPistSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: DAActuatorThruPistRod
User Class Name: Double Acting Actuator through Piston Rod
Part Number: DblActActuatorThruPistRod-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDblActuatorTP.DAThrPistSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "CylinderLength1", "Cylinder Length 1"
Input and description = "CylinderLength2", "Cylinder Length 2"
Input and description = "CylinderLength3", "Cylinder Length 3"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter1", "Cylinder Diameter 1"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter2", "Cylinder Diameter 2"
Input and description = "CylinderDiameter3", "Cylinder Diameter 3"
Input and description = "ShaftLength", "Shaft Length"
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "Shaft Diameter"
Input and description = "CenterToEnd", "Center to End"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "Output1", "Output1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 306

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output3", "Output3"

Output and description = "Output4", "Output4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output7"
Output and description = "Output8_", "Output8_"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output10"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Dual Three Roll Idler Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDual3RIdler.DThreeRollSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: DualThreeRollIdler
User Class Name: Dual Three Roll Idler
Part Number: DualThreeRollIdler-1500mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDual3RIdler.DThreeRollSym
Inputs = 17
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "RollerDiameter", "[RD] - Roller Diameter"
Input and description = "RollerLength", "[RL] - Roller Length"
Input and description = "Length", "[L] - Length"
Input and description = "BoltToEdge", "[BE] - Bolt to Edge"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description = "IdlerHeight", "[IH] - Idler Height"
Input and description = "Offset", "[G] - Offset"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 307

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "Angle", "[A] - Angle"

Input and description = "BaseToFrmBot", "[BFB] - Base to Frame Bottom"
Input and description = "BeltWidth", "Belt Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "[X] - Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "[Y] - Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input and description = "BoltLenght1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "BoltLenght2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "PackingThickness", "[PT] - Packing Thickness"
Outputs = 34
Output and description = "Output1", "Output 1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "Output12", "Output 12"
Output and description = "Output13", "Output 13"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output 14"
Output and description = "Output15", "Output 15"
Output and description = "Output16", "Output 16"
Output and description = "Output17", "Output 17"
Output and description = "Output18", "Output 18"
Output and description = "Output19", "Output 19"
Output and description = "Output20", "Output 20"
Output and description = "Output21", "Output 21"
Output and description = "Output22", "Output 22"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Equipment Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Equipment Foundation Port 2"
Output and description = "Bolt_", "Bolt_"
Output and description = "PackingObj_", "Packing Object_"
Output and description = "CenOutput1", "Output 1", Centerline
Output and description = "CenOutput2", "Output 2", Centerline
Output and description = "CenOutput3", "Output 3", Centerline
Output and description = "CenOutput4", "Output 4", Centerline
Output and description = "CenOutput5", "Output 5", Centerline
Output and description = "CenOutput6", "Output 6", Centerline
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 308

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Description: Rope Sheave, Type 1 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQRopeSheaveTy1.RopeSheaveT1Sym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: RopeSheaveTy1
User Class Name: Rope Sheave Type 1
Part Number: RS1-SD300mm-RD12mm-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQRopeSheaveTy1.RopeSheaveT1Sym
Inputs = 11
Input and description = "RopeDiameter", "Rope Diameter"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "CenterToFrameEnd", "Center to Frame End"
Input and description = "SheaveDiameter", "Sheave Diameter"
Input and description = "FrameThickness", "Frame Thickness"
Input and description = "CenterToSheave", "Center to Sheave"
Input and description = "SheaveThickness", "Sheave Thickness"
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Bolt Hole X location "
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Bolt Hole Y location"
Outputs = 19
Output and description = "Output1", "Output 1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 309

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"

Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Output and description = "Output11", "Output 11"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Output13_", "Output 13_"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output 14"
Output and description = "Output15", "Output 15"
Output and description = "Output16", "Output 16"
Output and description = "Output17", "Output 17"
Output and description = "Output18", "Output 18"
Output and description = "Output19", "Output 19"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 310

Equipment Symbols

Description: Scraper Type 1 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQScraperType1.ScraperType1Sym
Workbook: Scraper Type 1.xls
Workbook Sheet: ScraperType1
User Class Name: Scraper Type 1
Part Number: EQScraperType1-E-0X
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQScraperType1.ScraperType1Sym
Inputs = 27
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "[BC] - Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "BaseLength", "[BL] - Base Length"
Input and description = "BladeSupportHeight", "[BSH] - Blade Support Height"
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "[BT] - Base Thickness"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "[BW] - Base Width"
Input and description = "BladeWorkingPointOffset", "[BWO] - Blade Working Point Offset"
Input and description = "CutoutDepth1", "[CD1] - Cutout Depth 1"
Input and description = "CutoutDepth2", "[CD2] - Cutout Depth 2"
Input and description = "CutoutWidth", "[CW] - Cutout Width"
Input and description = "MaintenanceAspectPosition", "[MAP] - Maintenance Aspect Position"
Input and description = "MountingBoltLength1", "[MBL1] - Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "MountingBoltLength2", "[MBL2] - Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "MountingBoltDiameter", "[MBD] - Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "OrigintoCenterofSupport", "[OCS] - Origin to Center of Support"
Input and description = "OrigintoPlateOpening", "[OPT] - Origin to Plate Opening"
Input and description = "OrigintoTopofSupport", "[OTS] - Origin to Top of Support"
Input and description = "PlateThickness", "[PT] - Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "ScraperBladeHeight", "[SBH] - Scraper Blade Height"
Input and description = "ScraperBladeWidth", "[SBW] - Scraper Blade Width"
Input and description = "SupportCenters", "[SC] - Support Centers"
Input and description = "ShaftHeight", "[SH] - Shaft Height"
Input and description = "TorsionBarLength", "[TBL] - Torsion Bar Length"
Input and description = "TopofNuttoBottomofNut", "[TNBN] - Top of Nut to Bottom of Nut"
Input and description = "TopofSupporttoBottomofSupport", "[TSBS] - Top of Support to Bottom
of Support"
Input and description = "Configuration", "Configuration"
Input and description = "BoltHoleX", "[X] - Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "BoltHoleY", "[Y] - Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 69
Output and description = "Output1", "Scraper Blade"
Output and description = "Output2", "Torsion Bar"
Output and description = "Output3", "Shaft 1"
Output and description = "Output4", "Shaft 2"
Output and description = "Output5", "Nut 1"
Output and description = "Output6", "Nut 2"
Output and description = "Output7", "Nut 3"
Output and description = "Output8", "Nut 4"
Output and description = "Output9", "Nut 5"
Output and description = "Output10", "Nut 6"
Output and description = "Output11", "Nut 7"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 311

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output12", "Nut 8"

Output and description = "Output13", "Connecting Box 1"
Output and description = "Output14", "Connecting Box 2"
Output and description = "Output15", "Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output16", "Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output17", "Top of Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output18", "Bottom of Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output19", "Top of Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output20", "Bottom of Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output21", "Base Plate 1"
Output and description = "Output22", "Base Plate 2"
Output and description = "Output23", "Mounting Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "Output24", "Mounting Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "Output25", "Mounting Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "Output26", "Mounting Cylinder 4"
Output and description = "Base1Points1", "Base 1 Point 1"
Output and description = "Base1Points2", "Base 1 Point 2"
Output and description = "Base1Points3", "Base 1 Point 3"
Output and description = "Base1Points4", "Base 1 Point 4"
Output and description = "Base1Points5", "Base 1 Point 5"
Output and description = "Base1Points6", "Base 1 Point 6"
Output and description = "Base2Points1", "Base 2 Point 1"
Output and description = "Base2Points2", "Base 2 Point 2"
Output and description = "Base2Points3", "Base 2 Point 3"
Output and description = "Base2Points4", "Base 2 Point 4"
Output and description = "Base2Points5", "Base 2 Point 5"
Output and description = "Base2Points6", "Base 2 Point 6"
Output and description = "Base1Edges1", "Base 1 Edge 1"
Output and description = "Base1Edges2", "Base 1 Edge 2"
Output and description = "Base1Edges3", "Base 1 Edge 3"
Output and description = "Base1Edges4", "Base 1 Edge 4"
Output and description = "Base1Edges5", "Base 1 Edge 5"
Output and description = "Base1Edges6", "Base 1 Edge 6"
Output and description = "Base1Edges7", "Base 1 Edge 7"
Output and description = "Base1Edges8", "Base 1 Edge 8"
Output and description = "Base1Edges9", "Base 1 Edge 9"
Output and description = "Base1Edges10", "Base 1 Edge 10"
Output and description = "Base1Edges11", "Base 1 Edge 11"
Output and description = "Base1Edges12", "Base 1 Edge 12"
Output and description = "Base2Edges1", "Base 2 Edge 1"
Output and description = "Base2Edges2", "Base 2 Edge 2"
Output and description = "Base2Edges3", "Base 2 Edge 3"
Output and description = "Base2Edges4", "Base 2 Edge 4"
Output and description = "Base2Edges5", "Base 2 Edge 5"
Output and description = "Base2Edges6", "Base 2 Edge 6"
Output and description = "Base2Edges7", "Base 2 Edge 7"
Output and description = "Base2Edges8", "Base 2 Edge 8"
Output and description = "Base2Edges9", "Base 2 Edge 9"
Output and description = "Base2Edges10", "Base 2 Edge 10"
Output and description = "Base2Edges11", "Base 2 Edge 11"
Output and description = "Base2Edges12", "Base 2 Edge 12"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Equipment Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Equipment Foundation Port 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 312

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "MaintenanceBox", "Maintenance Box"

Output and description = "EqpControlPoint1", "Contol Point 1"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint2", "Contol Point 2"
Output and description = "Hole1", "Hole 1", EquipmentHole
Output and description = "Hole2", "Hole 2", EquipmentHole
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 313

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "ScraperHole", "ScraperHole", EquipmentHole

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 314

Equipment Symbols

Description: Scraper Type 2 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQScraperType2.ScraperType2Sym
Workbook: Scraper Type2.xls
Workbook Sheet: ScraperType2
User Class Name: Scraper Type 2
Part Number: EQScraperType2-E-01, EQScraperType2-E-02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQScraperType2.ScraperType2Sym
Inputs = 30
Input and description = "BoltCenters", "Bolt Centers"
Input and description = "BaseLength", "Base Length"
Input and description = "BladeSupportHeight", "Blade Support Height"
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "Base Thickness"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "Base Width"
Input and description = "BladeWorkingPointOffset", "Blade Working Point Offset"
Input and description = "CutoutDepth1", "Cutout Depth 1"
Input and description = "CutoutDepth2", "Cutout Depth 2"
Input and description = "CutoutWidth", "Cutout Width"
Input and description = "MaintenanceAspectPosition", "Maintenance Aspect Position"
Input and description = "MountingBoltLength1", "Mounting Bolt Length 1"
Input and description = "MountingBoltLength2", "Mounting Bolt Length 2"
Input and description = "MountingBoltDiameter", "Mounting Bolt Diameter"
Input and description = "OrigintoCenterofSupport", "Origin to Center of Support"
Input and description = "OrigintoPlateOpening", "Origin to Plate Opening"
Input and description = "OrigintoTopofSupport", "Origin to Top of Support"
Input and description = "PlateThickness", "Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "ScraperBladeCenters", "Scraper Blade Centers "
Input and description = "ScraperBladeHeight", "Scraper Blade Height"
Input and description = "ScraperBladeRow1Width", "Scraper Blade Row 1 Width "
Input and description = "ScraperBladeRow2Width", "Scraper Blade Row 2 Width "
Input and description = "SupportCenters", "Support Centers"
Input and description = "ShaftHeight", "Shaft Height"
Input and description = "TorsionBarLength", "Torsion Bar Length"
Input and description = "TorsionBarStubLength", "Torsion Bar Stub Length "
Input and description = "TopofNuttoBottomofNut", "[TNBN] - Top of Nut to Bottom of Nut"
Input and description = "TopofSupporttoBottomofSupport", "Top of Support to Bottom of
Input and description = "Configuration", "Configuration"
Input and description = "BoltHoleX", "Bolt Hole X"
Input and description = "BoltHoleY", "Bolt Hole Y"
Outputs = 43
Output and description = "Output1", "Scraper Blade"
Output and description = "Output2", "Torsion Bar Stub 1"
Output and description = "Output3", "Torsion Bar Stub 2"
Output and description = "Output4", "Torsion Bar 1"
Output and description = "Output5", "Scraper Blade 2"
Output and description = "Output6", "Torsion Bar 2"
Output and description = "Output7", "Rectangular Connection 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 315

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output8", "Rectangular Connection 1"

Output and description = "Output9", "Shaft 1"
Output and description = "Output10", "Shaft 2"
Output and description = "Output11", "Nut 1"
Output and description = "Output12", "Nut 2"
Output and description = "Output13", "Nut 3"
Output and description = "Output14", "Nut 4"
Output and description = "Output15", "Nut 5"
Output and description = "Output16", "Nut 6"
Output and description = "Output17", "Nut 7"
Output and description = "Output18", "Nut 8"
Output and description = "Output19", "Connecting Box 1"
Output and description = "Output20", "Connecting Box 2"
Output and description = "Output21", "Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output22", "Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output23", "Top of Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output24", "Bottom of Connecting Flange 1"
Output and description = "Output25", "Top of Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output26", "Bottom of Connecting Flange 2"
Output and description = "Output27", "Base Plate 1"
Output and description = "Output28", "Base Plate 2"
Output and description = "Output29", "Mounting Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "Output30", "Mounting Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "Output31", "Mounting Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "Output32", "Mounting Cylinder 4"
Output and description = "Base1Points_", "Base 1 Points"
Output and description = "Base2Points_", "Base 2 Points"
Output and description = "Base1Edges_", "Base 1 Edges"
Output and description = "Base2Edges_", "Base 2 Edges"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort1", "Equipment Foundation Port 1"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Equipment Foundation Port 2"
Output and description = "MaintenanceBox", "Maintenance Box"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint1", "Contol Point 1"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint2", "Contol Point 2"
Output and description = "Hole1", "Hole 1", EquipmentHole
Output and description = "Hole2", "Hole 2", EquipmentHole
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 316

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "ScraperHole", "ScraperHole", EquipmentHole

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 317

Equipment Symbols

Description: Screw Take up Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQScrewTakeUp.ScrewTakeUpSym
Workbook: Material Handling Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: ScrewTakeUp
User Class Name: Screw Take Up
Part Number: ST-PB-SD125-E-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQScrewTakeUp.ScrewTakeUpSym
Inputs = 12
Input and description = "TakeUpTravel", "Take Up Travel"
Input and description = "OriginToCargEnd", "Origin to Carriage End"
Input and description = "CarriageLength", "Carriage Length"
Input and description = "MountingCenters", "Mounting Centers"
Input and description = "BoltToEnd", "Bolt to End"
Input and description = "Height", "Height"
Input and description = "PartNumber", "Part Number"
Input and description = "HalfWidth", "Half Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input and description = "PBBaseLength", "Plummer Block Base Length"
Input and description = "OperationHt", "Operation Height"
Outputs = 19
Output and description = "Output1", "Output1"
Output and description = "Output2", "Output2"
Output and description = "Output3", "Output3"
Output and description = "Output4_", "Output4_"
Output and description = "Output5_", "Output5_"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output9"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "DefaultSurface"
Output and description = "Output11_", "Output11_"
Output and description = "Output12_", "Output12_"
Output and description = "Output13", "Output13"
Output and description = "Output14", "Output14"
Output and description = "Output15", "Output15"
Output and description = "Output16", "Output16"
Output and description = "Output17", "Output17", Operation
Output and description = "Output18", "Output18", Centerline
Output and description = "Output19", "Output19", Centerline
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 318

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Operation", "Operation", Operation
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Miscellaneous Equipment
This section contains miscellaneous equipment symbols including symbols for doors, windows,
instrument stands, and civil engineering needs.

EQFloorDrain1 ............................................................................... 320
EQFloorDrain2 ............................................................................... 321
EQFloorDrain3 ............................................................................... 322
SP3DCatchBasinAsm .................................................................... 323
SP3DCatchBasinTypeFAsm ......................................................... 324
SP3DGradeRingAsm ..................................................................... 326
SP3DPFLevTransAsm................................................................... 327
SP3DWearPlateAsm ..................................................................... 328

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 319

Equipment Symbols

Description: Floor Drain Type 1 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQFloorDrain1.FDType1Sym
Workbook: Floor Drains.xls
Workbook Sheet: FloorDrainType1
User Class Name: Floor Drain Type 1
Part Number: FloorDrainType1-2in-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFloorDrain1.FDType1Sym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "FloorDrainHeight", "Floor Drain Height"
Input and description = "StrainerHeight", "Strainer Height"
Input and description = "FloorDrainOutsideDia", "Floor Drain Outside Diameter"
Input and description = "StrainerDiameter", "Strainer Diameter"
Input and description ="FloorDrainBottomDia", "Floor Drain Bottom Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "StrainerBody", "Strainer Body"
Output and description = "FloorDrain", "Floor Drain"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 320

Equipment Symbols

Description: Floor Drain Type 2 Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQFloorDrain2.FDType2Sym
Workbook: Floor Drains.xls
Workbook Sheet: FloorDrainType2
User Class Name: Floor Drain Type 2
Part Number: FloorDrainType2-2in-E, FloorDrainType2-3in-E, FloorDrainType2-4in-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFloorDrain2.FDType2Sym
Inputs = 5
Input = "FloorDrainHeight" Description = "A-Floor Drain Height"
Input = "StrainerHeight" Description = "B-Strainer Height"
Input = "FloorDrainOutsideDia" Description = "C-Floor Drain outside Diameter"
Input = "StrainerDiameter" Description = "D-Strainer Diameter"
Input = "FloorDrainBottomDia" Description = "E-Floor Drain bottom Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "FloorDrainBody" Description = "FloorDrainBody"
Output = "Strainer" Description = "Strainer"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 321

Equipment Symbols

Description: Floor Drain Type 3 Equipment Assembly - X inch Drain
Symbol Name: EQFloorDrain3.FDType3Sym
Workbook: Floor Drains.xls
Workbook Sheet: FloorDrainType3
User Class Name: Floor Drain Type 3
Part Number: FloorDrainType3-Xin-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFloorDrain3.FDType3Sym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "FloorDrainHeight", "A-Floor Drain Height"
Input and description = "DomeRadius", "B-Strainer Dome Radius"
Input and description = "FloorDrainOutsideDia", "C-Floor Drain outside Diameter"
Input and description = "FloorDrainOpeningDia", "D-Floor Drain opening Diameter"
Input and description = "FloorDrainBottomDia", "E-Floor Drain bottom Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "FloorDrainBody", "FloorDrainBody"
Output and description = "Strainer", "Strainer"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 322

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Catch Basin Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DCatchBasinAsm.CBasinSym
Workbook: Sample Data for Catch Basin.xls
Workbook Sheet: CatchBasinAsm
User Class Name: Catch Basin
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DCatchBasinAsm.CBasinSym
Inputs = 3
Input = "BasinHeight" Description = "Catch Basin Height", 1
Input = "BasinDiameter" Description = "Catch Basin Diameter", 1
Input = "BasinBottoNozzleHeight" Description = "Height from the Catch Basin Base to Drain
Nozzle", 0.
Outputs = 4

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 323

Equipment Symbols

Output = "BasinCyl" Description = "Basin Cylinder"

Output = "ConnectPoint1" Description = "Connect Point 1"
Output = "ConnectPoint2" Description = "Connect Point 2"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Catch Basin Type F Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DCatchBasinTypeFAsm.CBasinFSym
Workbook: Sample Data for Catch Basin type F.xls
Workbook Sheet: CatchBasinTyFAsm
User Class Name: Catch Basin Type F
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DCatchBasinTypeFAsm.CBasinFSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "BasinHeight", " Catch Basin Height", 1
Input and description = "BasinWidth", "Catch Basin Width", 0
Input and description = "BasinDepth", "Catch Basin Depth", 0
Input and description = "BasinBottoNozzleHeight", "Height from the Catch Basin Base to Drain
Nozzle", 0.
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "BasinCyl", "Basin Cylinder"
Output and description = "ConnectPoint1", "Connect Point 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 324

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "ConnectPoint2", "Connect Point 2"

Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 325

Equipment Symbols

Description: GradeRing-E
Symbol Name: SP3DGradeRingAsm
Workbook: Sample Data for Grade Ring.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DGradeRingAsm
User Class Name: Grade Ring
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 3
Input = "RingHeight" Description = "Grade Ring Height", 0.
Input = "RingOuterDia" Description = "Grade Ring Outer Diameter", 1
Input = "RingInnerDia" Description = "Grade Ring Inner Diameter", 0.
Outputs = 4
Output = "GradeRing" Description = "Grade Ring"
Output = "ConnectPoint1" Description = "Connect Point 1"
Output = "ConnectPoint2" Description = "Connect Point 2"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 326

Equipment Symbols

Description: Pressure transmitter assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DPFLevTransAsm.PFLevTransmitterSym
Workbook: Pressure Transmitter Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: PresTransmitterAsm
User Class Name: Pressure Level Transmitter
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPFLevTransAsm.PFLevTransmitterSym
Inputs = 7
Input = "BasePlateHeight" Description = "Base Plate Height"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "Base Plate Width"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "Base Plate Length"
Input = "MountFixtureHeight" Description = "Mount Fixture Height"
Input = "MountFixtureDiameter" Description = "Mount Fixture Diameter"
Input = "InstrumentTubeLength" Description = "Instrument Tube Length"
Input = "InstrumentTubeDiameter" Description = "Instrument Tube Diameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "BasePlateBody" Description = "BasePlate Body"
Output = "MountFixtureBody" Description = "Mount Fixture Body"
Output = "InstrumentTubeBody" Description = "Instrument Tube Body"
Output = "TubeCylinderBody" Description = "Tube Cylinder Body"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 327

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Wear plate assembly symbol
Symbol Name: SP3DWearPlateAsm.CSP3DWearPlateSym
Workbook: Wear Plate Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DVarWearPlateAsm
User Class Name: Variable Wear Plate Assembly
Part Number: VarWearPlate01_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWearPlateAsm.CSP3DWearPlateSym
Inputs = 20
Input and description = "PlateThickness", "PlateThickness", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner01X", "Plate Corner 01 X", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner01Y", "Plate Corner 01 Y", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner02X", "Plate Corner 02 X", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner02Y", "Plate Corner 02 Y", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner03X", "Plate Corner 03 X", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner03Y", "Plate Corner 03 Y", 12
Input and description = "PlateCorner04X", "Plate Corner 04 X", 12

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 328

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "PlateCorner04Y", "Plate Corner 04 Y", 12

Input and description = "NumberOfBolts", "Number Of Bolts"
Input and description = "BoltDiameter", "Bolt Diameter",
Input and description = "BoltStandout", "Bolt Standout", 0
Input and description = "Bolt01X", "Bolt 01 X", 12
Input and description = "Bolt01Y", "Bolt 01 Y", 12
Input and description = "Bolt02X", "Bolt 02 X", 12
Input and description = "Bolt02Y", "Bolt 02 Y", 12
Input and description = "Bolt03X", "Bolt 03 X", 12
Input and description = "Bolt03Y", "Bolt 03 Y", 12
Input and description = "Bolt04X", "Bolt 04 X", 12
Input and description = "Bolt04Y", "Bolt 04 Y", 12
Outputs = 1
Output and description = "Output" & N, "Output" & N, 1
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "SimplePhysical", 1

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 329

Equipment Symbols

Process Equipment
This section contains process equipment.

SP3DE_206FHeaterCyl ................................................................. 330
SP3DE_207FHeaterCabin ............................................................ 332
SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm ................................................... 334
SP3DE_262FlareStack .................................................................. 335
EQDustCollector ............................................................................ 337

Description: Fired Heater - Cylindrical Type
Symbol Name: SP3DE_206FHeaterCyl.CylSym
Workbook: Sample Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: E206FHeaterCyl
User Class Name: Fired Heater - Cylindrical Type (E206)
Part Number: E206FiredHeaterCyl01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_206FHeaterCyl.CylSym
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "BaseHeight", "P1-Base Block Height"
Input and description = "Body3Height", "P2-Body3 Height"
Input and description = "Transition2Height", "P3-Transition2 Height"
Input and description = "Body2Height", "P4-Body2 Height"
Input and description = "Transition1Height", "P5-Transition1 Height"
Input and description = "Body1Height", "P6-Body1 Height"
Input and description = "BaseDiameter", "P7-Base Block Diameter"
Input and description = "Body3Width", "P8-Body3 Width"
Input and description = "Body2Diameter", "P9-Body2 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body1Diameter", "P10-Body1 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body3Depth", "P11-Body3 Depth"
Input and description = "TransitionAngle", "P12-Transition Angle"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "P13-Support Width"
Input and description = "SupportDepth", "P14-Support Depth"
Input and description = "SupportStartAngle", "P15-Support Start Angle"
Input and description = "NoofHoriStiff", "P16-Number of Horizontal Stiffners"
Input and description = "SupportExtension", "P17-Support Extension"
Input and description = "SupportNo", "P18-Number of Supports"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 18
Output and description = "Body3", "Body3"
Output and description = "Transition1", "Transition1"
Output and description = "Body2", "Body2"
Output and description = "Transition2_", "Transition2"
Output and description = "Rectangularblock", "Rectangular Block"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face"
Output and description = "BaseBlock_", "Base block"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 330

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Stiffner_", "Stiffners around the base cylinder"

Output and description = "Leg_", "Legs that are created around the base for support"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "FireHeaterControlpoint", "Contol Point of the Fired Heater"
Output and description = "InsBody3", "Body3"
Output and description = "InsTransition1", "Transition1"
Output and description = "InsBody2", "Body2"
Output and description = "InsTransition2_", "Transition2"
Output and description = "InsRectangularblock", "Rectangular Block"
Output and description = "InsBaseBlock", "Base Block"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 331

Equipment Symbols

Description: Fired Heater - Cabin Type
Symbol Name: SP3DE_207FHeaterCabin.CabinSym
Workbook: Sample Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: E207FHeaterCabin
User Class Name: Fired Heater - Cabin Type (E207)
Part Number: E207FiredHeaterCabin01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_207FHeaterCabin.CabinSym
Inputs = 25
Input and description = "BaseHeight", "Base Height"
Input and description = "Body3Height", "Body3 Height"
Input and description = "Transition2Height", "Transition2 Height"
Input and description = "Body2Height", "Body2 Height"
Input and description = "Transition1Height", "Transition1 Height"
Input and description = "Body1Height", "Body1 Height"
Input and description = "SupportExtension", "Support Extension"
Input and description = "BaseWidth", "Base Width"
Input and description = "Body3Width", "Body3 Width"
Input and description = "Body2Diameter", "Body2 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body1Diameter", "Body1 Diameter"
Input and description = "NoofHoriStiff", "No. of Horizontal Stiffners"
Input and description = "BaseDepth", "Base Depth"
Input and description = "Body3Depth", "Body3 Depth"
Input and description = "DepthtoSupport", "Depth to Support Distance"
Input and description = "DistBtSuppsAlongWidth", "Distance Between Supports along Width"
Input and description = "SuppNoAlongWidth", "Support No. along Width"
Input and description = "WidthtoSupport", "Width to Support Distance"
Input and description = "DistBtSuppsAlongDepth", "Distance Between Supports along Depth"
Input and description = "SuppNoAlongDepth", "Support No. along Depth"
Input and description = "SupportDepth", "Support Depth"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 18
Output and description = "Body3", "Body3"
Output and description = "Transition1", "Transition1"
Output and description = "Body2", "Body2"
Output and description = "Transition2_", "Transition2"
Output and description = "Rectangularblock", "Rectangular Block"
Output and description = "BaseBlock_", "Base block"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "Stiffner_", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "Support_", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "FireHeaterControlpoint", "Contol Point of the Fired Heater"
Output and description = "InsBody3", "Body3"
Output and description = "InsTransition1", "Transition1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 332

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "InsBody2", "Body2"

Output and description = "InsTransition2", "Transition2"
Output and description = "InsRectangularblock", "Rectangular Block"
Output and description = "InsBaseBlock_", "Rectangular Block"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 333

Equipment Symbols

Description: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment with Legs
Symbol Name: SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm.SVCylLegsSym
Workbook: Sample Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: E215SimVerCylLegsAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment with Legs (E215)
Part Number: E215SimVerCylLegsAsm01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm.SVCylLegsSym
Inputs = 22
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location"
Input = "NumberofSupports" Description = "Number of Supports"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportReferencePoint" Description = "Support Reference Point"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "VesselThickness" Description = "Vessel Thickness"
Input = "MaintBodyDia" Description = "Maintenance Body Diameter"
Input = "MaintBodyLength" Description = "Maintenance Body Length"
Input = "BlockAngularLocation" Description = "Block Angular Location"
Input = "SupportType" Description = "Support Type"
Outputs = 16
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns" Description = "Insulated VesselCylBody"
Output = "SimVerCylEqpLegControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple Vertical
Cylinder with Equipment Legs"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "HeaderPart1" Description = "Header Part 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "Planes_" Description = "Leg Support"
Output = "Edge_" Description = "Edge"
Output = "Point1_" Description = "Left Face Point"
Output = "Point2_" Description = "Right Face Point"
Output = "Point3_" Description = "Front Face Point"
Output = "Point4_" Description = "Back Face Point"
Output = "Point5_" Description = "Bottom Face Point"
Output = "Point6_" Description = "Top Face Point"
Output = "Maint_CylBody" Description = "Maintenance Cylinder Body"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 334

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Maint_Block" Description = "Maintenance Block"

Output = "Support_" Description = "Leg Supports"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Description: flare stack derrick
Symbol Name: SP3DE_262FlareStack.FSDerrickSym
Workbook: Sample Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: E262FlareStackDerrick
User Class Name: Flare Stack - Derrick Type (E262)
Part Number: E262FlareStackDerrickType01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_262FlareStack.FSDerrickSym
Inputs = 17
Input and description = "Thickness", "P1-Thickness"
Input and description = "Body1Diameter", "P2-Body 1 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body2Diameter", "P3-Body 2 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body3Diameter", "P4-Body 3 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body4Diameter", "P5 -Body 4 Diameter"
Input and description = "Body1Height", "P6-Body 1 Height"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 335

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "TaperBody1Height", "P7-Taper Body 1 Height"

Input and description = "Body2Height", "P8-Body 2 Height"
Input and description = "TaperBody2Height", "P8-Taper Body 2 Height"
Input and description = "Body3Height", "P10-Body 3 Height"
Input and description = "Body4Height", "P11-Body 4 Height"
Input and description = "PlateThickness", "P12-Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "StackHeight", "P13-Stack Height"
Input and description = "StackBotSide", "P14-Stack Bottom Side"
Input and description = "StackTopSide", "P15-Stack Top Side"
Input and description = "NoOfStacks", "P16-Number of Stacks"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 27
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BottomPlate", "Bottom Plate"
Output and description = "Body1", "Body 1"
Output and description = "TaperBody1", "Taper Body 1"
Output and description = "Body2", "Body 2"
Output and description = "TaperBody2", "Taper Body 2"
Output and description = "Body3", "Body 3"
Output and description = "Plate1", "Plate 1"\
Output and description = "Plate2", "Plate 2"
Output and description = "Body4Part1", "Body 4 Part 1"
Output and description = "Body4Part2", "Body 4 Part 2"
Output and description = "Body4Part3", "Body 4 Part 3"
Output and description = "StackPlane_", "Stacks"
Output and description = "StackCornerEdge_", "Stack Corner Edges"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "InsBottomPlate", "Insulated Bottom Plate"
Output and description = "InsBody1", "Insulated Body 1"
Output and description = "InsTaperBody1", "Insulated Taper Body 1"
Output and description = "InsBody2", "Insulated Body 2"
Output and description = "InsTaperBody2", "Insulated Taper Body 2"
Output and description = "InsBody3", "Insulated Body 3"
Output and description = "InsPlate1", "Insulated Plate 1"
Output and description = "InsPlate2", "Insulated Plate 2"
Output and description = "InsBody4Part1", "Insulated Body 4 Part 1"
Output and description = "InsBody4Part2", "Insulated Body 4 Part 2"
Output and description = "InsBody4Part3", "Insulated Body 4 Part 3"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 336

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Description: Dust Collector Assembly
Symbol Name: EQDustCollector.DCollectorSym
Workbook: Dust Collector.xls
Workbook Sheet: DustCollector
User Class Name: Dust Collector
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQDustCollector.DCollectorSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "BodyHeight", "Body Height"
Input and description = "HPorttoPort", "Horizontal Port to Port"
Input and description = "VPorttoPort", "Vertical Port to Port"
Input and description = "ChamberDiameter", "Chamber Diameter"
Input and description = "CollectorHeight", "Collector Height"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 337

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Output2", "Output 2"

Output and description = "Output3", "Output 3"
Output and description = "Output4", "Output 4"
Output and description = "Output5", "Output 5"
Output and description = "Output6", "Output 6"
Output and description = "Output7", "Output 7"
Output and description = "Output8", "Output 8"
Output and description = "Output9", "Output 9"
Output and description = "Output10", "Output 10"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 338

Equipment Symbols

This section contains standard, horizontal, and vertical pumps.

EQFloorTransmissionPump .......................................................... 339
EQHoriPumpOH2Asm ................................................................... 342
SP3DE_405HoriRotEqpAsm ......................................................... 344
SP3DE_410VerRotEqAsm ............................................................ 346
SP3DHCPumpWFNDNozAsm ...................................................... 347
SP3DHorCenJktPumpAsm ............................................................ 349
SP3DHoriPumpBB1Asm ............................................................... 351
SP3DHoriPumpBB2Asm ............................................................... 353
SP3DHoriPumpBB3Asm ............................................................... 355
SP3DHoriPumpBB5Asm ............................................................... 357
SP3DHoriPumpOH2Asm ............................................................... 359
SP3DHorizontalPumpAsm ............................................................ 361
SP3DHorRotEqpADvrAsm ............................................................ 363
SP3DPumpAsm ............................................................................. 365
SP3DPumpMAsm .......................................................................... 366
SP3DPumpUnitHCAsm ................................................................. 367
SP3DStdPump............................................................................... 369
SP3DVerPumpVS1Asm ................................................................ 371
SP3DVerPumpVS6Asm ................................................................ 372
SP3DVerRotatingEquipmentAsm .................................................. 375
SP3DVerticalPumpAsm ................................................................. 376
SP3DVertPumpOH3Asm ............................................................... 377

Description: Floor Transmission Pump Equipment Assembly
Symbol Name: EQFloorTransmissionPump.TransPumpSym
Workbook: Floor Transmission Pump Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: FloorTransPump
User Class Name: Floor Transmission Pump
Part Number: FloorTransPump-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFloorTransmissionPump.TransPumpSym
Inputs = 30
Input = "BoxWidth" Description = "A-Box Width"
Input = "CenterlineToSuctFace" Description = "CS-Centerline to Suction Face"
Input = "CenterlineToDischFace" Description = "CD-Centerline to Discharge Face"
Input = "CenterlineToNozz3Face" Description = "CNF3-Centerline to Nozzle3 Face"
Input = "OverallWidth" Description = "OW-Overall Width"
Input = "PumpHeight" Description = "PH-Pump Height"
Input = "PumpDiameter Description = "PD-Pump Diameter"
Input = "OverallLength" Description = "OL-Overall Length"
Input = "Body1Height" Description = "H1-Body1 Height"
Input = "Body2Height" Description = "H2-Body2 Height"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 339

Equipment Symbols

Input = "Body3Height" Description = "H3-Body3 Height"

Input = "Body4Height" Description = "H4-Body4 Height"
Input = "CenToNozzle" Description = "CN-Center to Nozzle"
Input = "CenToNozzle3" Description = "CN3-Center to Nozzle3"
Input = "CenToHorzBeamZ" Description = "CHBZ-Center to Horizontal Beam Z"
Input = "DistBetBeams" Description = "DHB-Distance between Horizontal beams"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "SH-Support Height"
Input = "CenToHorzBeamY" Description = "CHBZ-Center to Horizontal Beam Z"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "BL-Base Plate Length"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "BW-Base Plate Width"
Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "BT-BasePlateThickness"
Input = "MaintenanceHeight" Description = "MH-Maintenance Height"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "HE-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "VerticalBeamSection" Description = "Vertical Beam Section"
Input = "VerticalSectRefStand" Description = "Vertical Section Reference Standard"
Input = "HorzBeamSection" Description = "Horizontal Beam Section"
Input = "HorzSectRefStand" Description = "Horizontal Section Reference Standard"
Input = "MemberMaterial" Description = "Member Material"
Input = "MemberMaterialGrade" Description = "Member Material Grade"
Outputs = 23
Output = "Body1Part1" Description = "Body1 Part1"
Output = "Body1Part2" Description = "Body1 Part2"
Output = "Body1Part2" Description = "Body1 Part2"
Output = "Body2" Description = "Body2"
Output = "Body3Part1" Description = "Body3 Part1"
Output = "Body3Part2" Description = "Body3 Part2"
Output = "Body4Part1" Description = "Body4 Part1"
Output = "Body4Part2" Description = "Body4 Part2"
Output = "Body4Part3" Description = "Body4 Part3"
Output = "Body4Part4" Description = "Body4 Part4"
Output = "Body4Part5" Description = "Body4 Part5"
Output = "Web1" Description = "Web 1"
Output = "Web2" Description = "Web 2"
Output = "BasePlate1" Description = "Baseplate 1"
Output = "BasePlate2" Description = "Baseplate 2"
Output = "BasePlate3" Description = "Baseplate 3"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Equipment Foundation Port1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort2" Description = "Equipment Foundation Port2"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort3" Description = "Equipment Foundation Port3"
Output = "Envelope" Description = "Envelope"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 340

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 341

Equipment Symbols

Description: Horizontal Pump Type OH2-B
Symbol Name: EQHoriPumpOH2Asm.PumpOH2Sym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Symbol OH2.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpOH2AsmB
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type OH2-B
Part Number: Horizontal Pump OH2-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQHoriPumpOH2Asm.PumpOH2Sym
Inputs = 21
Input = "SuctiontoDischargeDistance" Description = "Z-SuctiontoDischargeDistance"
Input = "BaseplateBottomtoDischargeFace" Description = "H-
Input = "DischargeCLtoSuctionFace" Description = "e-DischargeCLtoSuctionFace"
Input = "PumpSuctionFacetoCoupling" Description = "P-PumpSuctionFacetoCoupling"
Input = "CouplingtoMotorEnd" Description = "K-CouplingtoMotorEnd"
Input = "BaseplateLength" Description = "L-Length of Baseplate"
Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "BU-Height of Baseplate"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "B-Width of Baseplate"
Input = "OffsetfromSuctiontoCLofBase" Description = "O-OffsetfromSuctiontoCLofBaseplate"
Input = "CouplingLength" Description = "y-CouplingLength"
Input = "BaseplateBottomtoSuctionCL" Description = "h1-BaseplateBottomtoSuctionCL"
Input = "MotorDia" Description = "D-Diameter of Motor"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input = "CPx" Description = "Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Control Point Location along Z"
Input = "X1" Description = "X1"
Input = "Offset1" Description = "Offset 1"
Input = "Offset2" Description = "Offset 2"
Input = "PumpLength" Description = "Pump Length"
Outputs = 23
Output = "BodyBaseplate1" Description = "BodyBaseplate1"
Output = "BodyBaseplate2" Description = "BodyBaseplate2"
Output = "BodyBaseplate3" Description = "BodyBaseplate3"
Output = "BodyBaseplate4" Description = "BodyBaseplate4"
Output = "BodyBaseplate5" Description = "BodyBaseplate5"
Output = "BodyBaseplate6" Description = "BodyBaseplate6"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "BodyCylinder1" Description = "BodyCylinder1"
Output = "BodyCylinder2" Description = "BodyCylinder2"
Output = "BodyCylinder3" Description = "BodyCylinder3"
Output = "BodyCylinder4" Description = "BodyCylinder4"
Output = "BodyCylinder5" Description = "BodyCylinder5"
Output = "BodyCylinder6" Description = "BodyCylinder6"
Output = "SupportBox" Description = "SupportBox"
Output = "LeftSupport" Description = "Left Support"
Output = "RightSupport" Description = "Right Support"
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 342

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Box2" Description = "Box 2"

Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "PumpOrigin" Description = "Control Point"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges For Base Plate"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points For Base Plate"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 343

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DE_405HoriRotEqpAsm.HorRotatEqpSym
Workbook: E405 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E405HorRotatingAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Rotating Equipment (E405)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_405HoriRotEqpAsm.HorRotatEqpSym
Inputs = 20
Input and description = "BaseLength", "Length of Base"
Input and description = "BaseWidth1", "Width1 of Base"
Input and description = "BaseWidth2", "Width2 of Base"
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "Thickness of Base"
Input and description = "DistBaseLeftToDischarge", "Dist between Base Left to Centerline of
Input and description = "DistEqpLeftToDischarge", "Dist between Eqp Left to Centerline of
Input and description = "DistEqpRightToDischarge", "Dist between Eqp Right to Centerline of
Input and description = "EqpWidth1", "Width1 of Equipment"
Input and description = "EqpWidth2", "Width2 of Equipment"
Input and description = "EqpDepth1", "Depth1 of Equipment",
Input and description = "EqpDepth2", "Depth2 of Equipment"
Input and description = "RotEqpLength", "Length of Rotating Equipment"
Input and description = "RotEqpDiameter", "Diameter of Rotating Equipment"
Input and description = "DriverLength", "Length of Driver"
Input and description = "DriverWidth1", "Width1 of Driver"
Input and description = "DriverWidth2", "Width2 of Driver"
Input and description = "DriverHeight", "Height of Driver",
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 30
Output and description = "Equipment", "Equipment"
Output and description = "Driver", "Driver"
Output and description = "RotEquip", "Rotating Equipment"
Output and description = "SupportBodyTopPlane", "Support Body Top Plane"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane1", "Support Body side plane1"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane2", "Support Body side plane2"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane3", "Support Body side plane3"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane4", "Support Body side plane4"
Output and description = "CenterPos1", "FaceCenter Position1"
Output and description = "CenterPos2", "FaceCenter Position2"
Output and description = "CenterPos3", "FaceCenter Position3"
Output and description = "CenterPos4", "FaceCenter Position4"
Output and description = "CenterPos5", "FaceCenter Position5"
Output and description = "CenterPos6", "FaceCenter Position6"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Edge 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 344

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "Edge2", "Edge 2"

Output and description = "Edge3", "Edge 3"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Edge 4"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Edge 5"
Output and description = "Edge6", "Edge 6"
Output and description = "Edge7", "Edge 7"
Output and description = "Edge8", "Edge 8"
Output and description = "Edge9", "Edge 9"
Output and description = "Edge10", "Edge 10"
Output and description = "Edge11", "Edge 11"
Output and description = "Edge12", "Edge 12"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "EqpFoundation Port"
Output and description = "InsulatedEqp", "Insulated Equipment"
Output and description = "HorRotEqpADvrCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Horizontal
Rotating Equipment And Driver Component"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 345

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DE_410VerRotEqAsm.VerlRotatingEqSym
Workbook: E410 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E410VerRotatingAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Rotating Equipment (E410)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_410VerRotEqAsm.VerlRotatingEqSym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "BottomBodyHeight1", "Bottom Body Height1",
Input and description = "BottomBodyHeight2", "Bottom Body Height2",
Input and description = "BottomBodyDiameter", "Bottom Body Diameter",
Input and description = "ShaftLength", "Shaft Length",
Input and description = "ShaftDiameter", "Shaft Diameter",
Input and description = "TaperBodyHeight", "Taper Body Height",
Input and description = "TopBodyHeight", "Top Body Height",
Input and description = "TopBodyDiameter", "Top Body Diameter",
Input and description = "BundlePullingLength", "Bundle Pull Length",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "InsulationThickness",
Outputs = 18
Output and description = "InsTopBody", "Insulation for Top Body"
Output and description = "InsTaperBody", "Insulation for Taper Body"
Output and description = "InsBottomBody", "Insulation for Bottom Body"
Output and description = "MaintEquipment", "Maintenance for Equipment"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Surface at Bottom"
Output and description = "TopSurface", "Surface at Top"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Top Edge of Top Body"
Output and description = "Edge2", "Bottom Edge of Top Body"
Output and description = "Edge3", "Top Edge of Bottom Body"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Bottom Edge of Bottom Body"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Top Edge of the Shaft"
Output and description = "Edge6", "Bottom Edge of the Shaft"
Output and description = "TopBody", "Top Body"
Output and description = "TaperBody", "Taper Body"
Output and description = "BottomBody", "Bottom Body"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under Bottom Body"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "VerRotatingEquipmentCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Vertical
Rotating Equipment Component"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 346

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Centrifugal Pump with Flush, Drain, Purge bearing nozzle
Symbol Name: SP3DHCPumpWFNDNozAsm.HCPWithFlushNDNSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorCFPumpAsm
User Class Name: Horiz Centrifugal Pump with Flush and Drain Nozzles
Part Number: HorCFPump01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "DisNozzletoFace", "CL Discharge Nozzle to Face", 0.6
Input and description = "DisNozzletoChFace", "CL Discharge Nozzle to Chamber Face", 0.37
Input and description = "DischargetoFaceSuction", "CL of Discharge to Face of Suction
Nozzle", 0.12
Input and description = "BaseplatetoSuction", "Bottom of Pump Baseplate to CL of Suction",

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 347

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "PumptoFaceDisNozzle", "CL of Pump to Face of Discharge Nozzle",
Input and description = "DisNozzletoFaceBaseplate", "CL of Discharge Nozzle to Right Face
of Support", 0.
Input and description = "MotorLength", "Motor Length", 0.62
Input and description = "CouplingLength", "Coupling Length", 0.09
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Total Length", 1.
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Total Height", 0.
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Total Width", 0.
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt X Hole Location", 0.
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Y Hole Location", 1.
Outputs = 24
Output and description = "MotorBody", "Motor Body"
Output and description = "MotorEllipticalCap1", "Motor Elliptical Rear Cap"
Output and description = "MotorEllipticalCap2", "Motor Elliptical Near Cap"
Output and description = "Coupling", "Shaft coupling"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder1", "Pump Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder2", "Pump Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder3", "Pump Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder4", "Pump Cylinder 4"
Output and description = "SupportBodyPlaneTop", "Support Body Top Plane"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane1", "Support Body side plane1"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane2", "Support Body side plane2"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane3", "Support Body side plane3"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane4", "Support Body side plane4"
Output and description = "SupportBodyRefPlane1", "Support Body Reference Plane 1"
Output and description = "SupportBodyRefPlane2", "Support Body Reference Plane 2"
Output and description = "SupportBox1", "support under the pump discharge nozzle"
Output and description = "SupportBox2", "support under the intermediate chamber"
Output and description = "SupportBox3", "support under the motor"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "DrainBend", "Bend of the Drain Nozzle"
Output and description = "DrainBendCyl", "Cylinder of the Drain Nozzle"
Output and description = "PumpControlPoint", "Point at origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 348

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Centrifugal Pump with Flush, Drain, lantern, jacket In and out nozzle
Symbol Name: SP3DHorCenJktPumpAsm.HCentrifugalJPSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorCFJacketedPumpAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Centrifugal Jacketed Pump
Part Number: HorCFJacketedPump01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorCenJktPumpAsm.HCentrifugalJPSym
Inputs = 14
Input and description = "DisNozzletoFace", "CL Discharge Nozzle to Face"
Input and description = "DisNozzletoChFace", "CL Discharge Nozzle to Chamber Face"
Input and description = "DischargetoFaceSuction", "CL of Discharge to Face of Suction
Input and description = "BaseplatetoSuction", "Bottom of Pump Baseplate to CL of Suction"
Input and description = "PumptoFaceDisNozzle", "CL of Pump to Face of Discharge Nozzle"
Input and description = "DisNozzletoFaceBaseplate", "CL of Discharge Nozzle to Right Face
of Support"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 349

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "MotorLength", "Motor Length"

Input and description = "CouplingLength", "Coupling Length"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Total Length"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Total Height"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Total Width"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input and description = "BaseType", "Type of Support Base: PolyShield or Structure Steel"
Outputs = 24
Output and description = "MotorBody", "Motor Body"
Output and description = "MotorEllipticalCap1", "Motor Elliptical Rear Cap"
Output and description = "MotorEllipticalCap2", "Motor Elliptical Near Cap"
Output and description = "Coupling", "Shaft coupling"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder1", "Pump Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder2", "Pump Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder3", "Pump Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder4", "Pump Cylinder 4"
Output and description = "SupportBodyTopPlane", "Support Body Top Plane"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane1", "Support Body side plane1"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane2", "Support Body side plane2"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane3", "Support Body side plane3"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane4", "Support Body side plane4"
Output and description = "SupportBodyRefPlane1", "Support Body Reference Plane 1"
Output and description = "SupportBodyRefPlane2", "Support Body Reference Plane 2"
Output and description = "SupportBox1", "support under the pump discharge nozzle"
Output and description = "SupportBox2", "support under the intermediate chamber"
Output and description = "SupportBox3", "support under the motor"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "DrainBend", "Bend of the Drain Nozzle"
Output and description = "DrainBendCyl", "Cylinder of the Drain Nozzle"
Output and description = "PumpControlPoint", "Point at origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 350

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Pump Type BB1 Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DHoriPumpBB1Asm.BB1PumpSym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Type BB1 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorPumpBB1Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type BB1
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpBB1Asm.BB1PumpSym
Inputs = 16
Input and description = "PumpFacetoDischargeCL", "Y- Center to Impeller Shaft Front End"
Input and description = "PumpCouplingFacetoDischargeCL", "W-Center to Impeller Shaft Rear
Input and description = "CouplingtoMotorEnd", "CMax- Motor Shaft Front End to Motor Rear
Input and description = "PumpCLtoDischargeFace", "T- Pump Centerline to Discharge Face"
Input and description = "PumpCLtoSuctionFace", "U- Pump Centerline to Suction Face"
Input and description = "PumpCLtoDischargeCL", "Z- PumpCenterline to Discharge
Input and description = "PumpCLtoSuctionCL", "S- PumpCenterline to Suction Centerline"
Input and description = "ImpellerDiameter", "D-Impeller Diameter"
Input and description = "DistBetweenShaftEnds", "HT- Distance Between Shaft Ends"
Input and description = "BaseplateLength", "HB-Baseplate Length"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 351

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "BaseplateWidth", "HA-Baseplate Width"

Input and description = "BaseplateHeight", "Baseplate Height"
Input and description = "BaseplateBottomtoPumpCL", "HD-Baseplate Bottom to Pump
Input and description = "FoundationPortStartPoint", "HR- Center to Foundation Port Start"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "HE-Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "HF-Bolt Y Hole Location"
Outputs = 29
Output and description = "MotorCylinderBody", "Motor Cylinder Body"
Output and description = "MotorShaftBody1", "Motor Shaft Body1"
Output and description = "MotorShaftBody2", "Motor Shaft Body2"
Output and description = "PumpShaftBody", "Pump Shaft Body"
Output and description = "CouplingCylinder", "Coupling Cylinder Body"
Output and description = "ImpellerCylinder", "Impeller Cylinder"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder1", "Pump Cylinder1"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder2", "Pump Cylinder2"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder3", "Pump Cylinder3"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder4", "Pump Cylinder4"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder5", "Pump Cylinder5"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder6", "Pump Cylinder6"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder7", "Pump Cylinder7"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder8", "Pump Cylinder8"
Output and description = "CouplingCylinder2", "Coupling Cylinder"
Output and description = "PumpSupport1_", "Pump Support1"
Output and description = "PumpSupport2_", "Pump Support2"
Output and description = "MotorSupport1_", "Motor Support1"
Output and description = "MotorSupport2_", "Motor Support2"
Output and description = "SupportPlate1", "Support Plate1"
Output and description = "SupportPlate2", "Support Plate2"
Output and description = "SupportPlateDome1", "SupportPlateDome1"
Output and description = "SupportPlateDome2", "SupportPlateDome2"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "BasePlate"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Baseplate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points For Baseplate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "PumpOrigin", "Control Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 352

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DHoriPumpBB2Asm.BB2PumpSym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Type BB2 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorPumpBB2Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type BB2
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpBB2Asm.BB2PumpSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "ImpellerDiameter", "D-Motor Diameter",
Input and description = "DischargeNozLoc", "Z-Center Line to Discharge Center Line",
Input and description = "SuctionNozLoc", "S-Center Line to Suction Center Line", 0
Input and description = "CenterToNozzFace", "X-Height Of Nozzle Face From Center",
Input and description = "ShaftFrontEnd", "Y-Center to Impeller Shaft Front End",
Input and description = "CouplingStart", "W-Center to Impeller Shaft Rear End",
Input and description = "CoupEndToMotorEnd", "CMAX- Motor Shaft Front End to Motor Rear
Input and description = "CouplingLength", "DBSE-Distance Between Shaft Ends", 0
Input and description = "SupportBottomLoc", "HC-Center to Base Plate Bottom",
Input and description = "FounPortStartPoint", "HR-Center to Foundation Port Start",
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "HG-Base Plate Height",
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "HA-Base Plate Width",
Input and description = "SupportLength", "HB-Base Plate Length", 1

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 353

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HE-Hole Bolt X Location",

Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location", 0.9
Outputs = 25
Output and description = "ShaftFrontEnd", "Shaft Front End"
Output and description = "Flange1", "Flange 1"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder1", "Pump Cylinder 1"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder2", "Pump Cylinder 2"
Output and description = "Flange2", "Flange 2"
Output and description = "PumpCylinder3", "Pump Cylinder 3"
Output and description = "Flange3", "Flange 3"
Output and description = "Flange4", "Flange 4"
Output and description = "ShaftRearEnd", "Shaft Rear End"
Output and description = "CouplingFlange1", "Coupling Flange 1"
Output and description = "Coupling", "Coupling"
Output and description = "CouplingFlange2", "Coupling Flange 2"
Output and description = "MotorFlange", "Motor Flange"
Output and description = "MotorFrontHead", "Motor Front Head"
Output and description = "MotorBody", "Motor Body"
Output and description = "MotorRearHead", "Motor Rear Head"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "MotorSupport", "Motor Support"
Output and description = "PumpSupport_", "Pump Support"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Control Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 354

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Horizontal Pump Type BB3 Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DHoriPumpBB3Asm.BB3PumpSym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Type BB3 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorPumpBB3Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type BB3
Part Number: HorPumpBB3Asm01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpBB3Asm.BB3PumpSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "PumpFacetoDischargeCL" Description = "Y- Center to Impeller Shaft Front End"
Input = "PumpCouplingFacetoDischargeCL" Description = "W-Center to Impeller Shaft Rear
Input = "SuctionCLtoDischargeCL" Description = "X- Suction Centerline to Discharge
Input = "CouplingtoMotorEnd" Description = "CMAX- Motor Shaft Front End to Motor Rear
Input = "PumpCLtoDischargeFace" Description = "T- Pump Centerline to Discharge Face"
Input = "PumpCLtoSuctionFace" Description = "U- Pump Centerline to Suction Face"
Input = "PumpCLtoDischargeCL" Description = "R- Pump Centerline to Discharge
Input = "PumpCLtoSuctionCL" Description = "S- Pump Centerline to Suction Centerline"
Input = "ImpellerDiameter" Description = "D-Impeller Diameter"
Input = "BaseplateLength" Description = "HB-Baseplate Length"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "HA-Baseplate Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 355

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Baseplate Height"

Input = "BaseplateBottomtoPumpCL" Description = "HD-Baseplate Bottom to Pump
Input = "FoundationPortStartPoint" Description = "HR- Center to Foundation Port Start"
Input = "DistBetweenShaftEnds" Description = "DBSE- Distance Between Shaft Ends"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Outputs = 23
Output = "MotorCylinderBody" Description = "Motor Cylinder Body"
Output = "MotorShaftBody1" Description = "Motor Shaft Body1"
Output = "MotorShaftBody2" Description = "Motor Shaft Body2"
Output = "ShaftCoupling" Description = "Shaft Coupling"
Output = "Cylinder" Description = "Cylinder Coupling"
Output = "PumpCylinder1" Description = "Pump Cylinder1"
Output = "PumpCylinder2" Description = "Pump Cylinder2"
Output = "PumpCylinder3" Description = "Pump Cylinder3"
Output = "PumpCylinder4" Description = "Pump Cylinder4"
Output = "CouplingCylinder" Description = "Coupling Cylinder"
Output = "PumpSupport1" Description = "Pump Support1"
Output = "PumpSupport2" Description = "Pump Support2"
Output = "MotorSupport1" Description =, "Motor Support1"
Output = "Impellerbody1" Description = "Impellerbody1"
Output = "Impellerbody2" Description = "Impellerbody2"
Output = "ImpellerbodyPlate" Description = "Impeller body Plate"
Output = "BasePlate_" Description = "BasePlate"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Edges_" Description = "Edges For Baseplate"
Output = "Points_" Description = "Points For Baseplate"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "PumpOrigin" Description = "Control Point at the Origin"
Output = "PumpSupport2_" Description = "Pump Support2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 356

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpBB5Asm.BB5PumpSym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Type BB5 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorPumpBB5Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type BB5
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpBB5Asm.BB5PumpSym
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "MotorDiameter", "D-Motor Diameter"
Input and description = "CenterToNozzFace", "NH-Height Of Nozzle Face From Center"
Input and description = "DischargeToSuction", "X- Discharge Axis to Suction Axis"
Input and description = "ImpShaftFrontEnd", "Y-Center to Impeller Shaft Front End"
Input and description = "ImpShaftRearEnd", "W-Center to Impeller Shaft Rear End"
Input and description = "DistBetShaftEnds", "DBSE- Distance Between Shaft Ends"
Input and description = "MotorShaftToEnd", "CMAX-Motor Shaft Front End to Motor Rear End"
Input and description = "PumpSupTopWidth", "PMAX- Pump Support Top Width"
Input and description = "DismantlingLength", "EX- Dismantling Length"
Input and description = "BasePlateBottom", "HD-Center to Base Plate Bottom"
Input and description = "CenToFouPortStart", "HR-Center to Base Plate Start"
Input and description = "BasePlateWidth", "HA-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "BasePlateLength", "HB-Base Plate Length"
Input and description = "BasePlateHeight", "BD-Base Plate Height"
Input and description = "JunBoxHeight", "JH-Junction Box Height"
Input and description = "JunBoxWidth", "JW-Junction Box Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 357

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "JunBoxLength", "JL-Junction Box Length"

Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HE-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 25
Output and description = "ShaftFrontEnd", "Shaft Front End"
Output and description = "FrontEndCyl", "Front End Cylinder"
Output and description = "Flange1", "Flange 1"
Output and description = "ImpellerPart1", "Impeller Part 1"
Output and description = "ImpellerPart2", "Impeller Part 2"
Output and description = "ImpellerPart3", "Impeller Part 3"
Output and description = "Flange2", "Flange 2"
Output and description = "RearEndCyl", "Rear End Cylinder"
Output and description = "ShaftRearEnd", "Shaft Rear End"
Output and description = "CouplingFlange1", "Coupling Flange 1"
Output and description = "Coupling", "Coupling"
Output and description = "CouplingFlange2", "Coupling Flange 2"
Output and description = "MotorFlange", "Motor Flange"
Output and description = "Motor", "Motor"
Output and description = "MotorSupport", "Motor Support"
Output and description = "MotorBox", "Motor Box"
Output and description = "Shaft", "Shaft"
Output and description = "PumpSupport_", "Pump Support"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points On Each Face Of Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output and description = "MaintenanceCylinder", "Maintenance Cylinder"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 358

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Description: Horizontal Pump Type OH2
Symbol Name: SP3DHoriPumpOH2Asm.OH2PumpSym
Workbook: Horizontal Pump Symbol OH2 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpOH2Asm
User Class Name: Horizontal Pump Type OH2
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoriPumpOH2Asm.OH2PumpSym
Inputs = 19
Input and description = "SuctiontoDischargeDistance", "Z-SuctiontoDischargeDistance"
Input and description = "BaseplateBottomtoDischargeFace", "H-
Input and description = "DischargeCLtoSuctionFace", "e-DischargeCLtoSuctionFace"
Input and description = "PumpSuctionFacetoCoupling", "P-PumpSuctionFacetoCoupling"
Input and description = "CouplingtoMotorEnd", "K-CouplingtoMotorEnd"
Input and description = "BaseplateLength", "L-Length of Baseplate"
Input and description = "BaseplateHeight", "BU-Height of Baseplate"
Input and description = "BaseplateWidth", "B-Width of Baseplate"
Input and description = "OffsetfromSuctiontoCLofBase", "O-
Input and description = "CouplingLength", "y-CouplingLength"
Input and description = "BaseplateBottomtoSuctionCL", "h1-BaseplateBottomtoSuctionCL"
Input and description = "MotorDia", "D-Diameter of Motor"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt X Hole Location"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 359

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Y Hole Location"

Input and description = "CPx", "Control Point Location along X"
Input and description = "CPy", "Control Point Location along Y"
Input and description = "CPz", "Control Point Location along Z"
Input and description = "X1", "X1"
Input and description = "DND", "Discharge Nominal Diameter"
Outputs = 35
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate1", "BodyBaseplate1"
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate2", "BodyBaseplate2"
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate3", "BodyBaseplate3"
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate4", "BodyBaseplate4"
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate5", "BodyBaseplate5"
Output and description = "BodyBaseplate6", "BodyBaseplate6"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "DefaultSurface"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder1", "BodyCylinder1"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder2", "BodyCylinder2"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder3", "BodyCylinder3"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder4", "BodyCylinder4"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder5", "BodyCylinder5"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder6", "BodyCylinder6"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder7", "BodyCylinder7"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder8", "BodyMotor"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder9", "BodyCylinder9"
Output and description = "BodyCylinder10", "BodyCylinder10"
Output and description = "SupportBox", "SupportBox"
Output and description = "Baseplate1", "Baseplate 1"
Output and description = "Baseplate2", "Baseplate 2"
Output and description = "Baseplate3", "Baseplate 3"
Output and description = "Baseplate4", "Baseplate 4"
Output and description = "Baseplate5", "Baseplate 5"
Output and description = "Baseplate6", "Baseplate 6"
Output and description = "Baseplate7", "Baseplate 7"
Output and description = "Baseplate8", "Baseplate 8"
Output and description = "Baseplate9", "Baseplate 9"
Output and description = "Baseplate10", "Baseplate 10"
Output and description = "Baseplate11", "Baseplate 11"
Output and description = "Baseplate12", "Baseplate 12"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Output and description = "PumpOrigin", "Control Point"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Edges For Base Plate"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points For Base Plate"
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Contol Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 360

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Centrifugal Pump
Symbol Name: SP3DHorizontalPumpAsm.CHPumpSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorizontalCentPumpAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Centrifugal Pump
Part Number: HCPump01 1 1/2"x1"_E, HCPump02 2"x1"_E, HCPump03 3"x1 1/2"_E,
HCPump04 3"x2"_E, HCPump05 8"x4"_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorizontalPumpAsm.CHPumpSym
Inputs = 15
Input = "DisNozzletoFace" Description = "CL Discharge Nozzle to Face"
Input = "DischargetoFaceSuction" Description = "CL of Discharge to Face of Suction Nozzle"
Input = "BaseplatetoSuction" Description = "Bottom of Pump Baseplate to CL of Suction"
Input = "OffsetDisNozzletoPump" Description = "Offset of Discharge Nozzle from CL of

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 361

Equipment Symbols

Input = "PumptoFaceDisNozzle" Description = "CL of Pump to Face of Discharge Nozzle"
Input = "DisNozzletoFaceBaseplate" Description = "CL of Discharge Nozzle to Face of
Input = "WidthBaseplate" Description = "Width of Pump Baseplate"
Input = "LengthBaseplate" Description = "Length of Pump Baseplate"
Input = "HeightBaseplate" Description = "Height of Pump Baseplate"
Input = "FaceBaseplatetoAnchorBolt" Description = "Face of Baseplate to CL of Anchor Bolt"
Input = "ShafttoAnchorBolt" Description = "CL of Pump Shaft to CL of Anchor Bolt"
Input = "FronttoBackAnchorBolt" Description = "CL Dimension from Front to Back Anchor
Input = "BaseplatetoMotor" Description = "End of Pump Baseplate to End of Pump Motor"
Input = "ElecBoxPosition" Description = "Electrical Box Position"
Input = "HousingDiameter" Description = "Housing Diameter"
Outputs = 19
Output = "BodyCylinder1" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder1"
Output = "BodySnou" Description = "Body of Pump Snou"
Output = "BodyCylinder2" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder2"
Output = "BodyCylinder3" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder3"
Output = "BodyDish1" Description = "Body of Pump Motor Dish1"
Output = "BodyCylinder4" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder4"
Output = "BodyDish2" Description = "Body of Pump Motor Dish2"
Output = "BodyPyramid1" Description = "Body of Pump Motor Pyramid"
Output = "BodyPyramid2" Description = "Body of Pump Pyramid"
Output = "SuctionNozzle" Description = "Suction Nozzle"
Output = "DischargeNozzle" Description = "Discharge Nozzle"
Output = "PumpOrigin" Description = "Pump Origin"
Output = "BodyBaseplate1" Description = "Top Plane of Pump Baseplate"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Pump"
Output = "BodyBaseplate2" Description = "Side Plane of Pump Baseplate"
Output = "BodyBaseplate3" Description = "Side Plane of Pump Baseplate"
Output = "BodyBaseplate4" Description = "Side Plane of Pump Baseplate"
Output = "BodyBaseplate5" Description = "Side Plane of Pump Baseplate"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Dimension Input Name Properties Dialog Box

A DisNozzletoFace A - Center Line Discharge Nozzle to

Face of Coupling

B DischargetoFaceSuction B - Center Line of Discharge to Face of

Suction Nozzle

D BaseplattoSuction D - Bottom of Pump Base Plate to

Center Line of Suction

X PumptoFaceDisNozzle X - Center Line of Pump to Face of

Discharge Nozzle

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 362

Equipment Symbols

Z DisNozzletoFaceBaseplat Z - Center Line of Discharge Nozzle to

e Face of Base Plate

F OffsetDisNozzletoPump F - Offset of Discharge Nozzle From

Center Line of Pump

C FaceBaseplatetoAnchorBo C - Face of Base Plate to Center Line

lt of Anchor Bolt

HE ShafttoAnchorBolt HE - Center Line of Pump Shaft to

Center Line of Anchor Bolt

HF FronttoBackAnchorBolt HF - Center Line of Dimension from

Front to Back Anchor Bolt

E BaseplatetoMotor E - End of Pump Base Plate to End of

Pump Motor

HH DiameterAnchorBolt HH - Diameter of Anchor Bolts

ElecBoxPosition Electrical Box Position 1=Top


Description: HorRotEqp No1
Symbol Name: SP3DHorRotEqpADvrAsm.CSHREqpDSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: HorRotEqpADvrAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Rotating Equipment
Part Number: HorizontalRotatingEqpADvr-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorRotEqpADvrAsm.CSHREqpDSym
Inputs = 18
Input = "BaseLength" 'P1 Description = "Length of Base"
Input = "BaseWidth1" 'P2 Description = "Width1 of Base"
Input = "BaseWidth2" 'P3 Description = "Width2 of Base"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 363

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BaseThickness" 'P4 Description = "Thickness of Base"

Input = "DistBaseLeftToDischarge" 'P5 Description = "Dist between Base Left to Centreline of
Input = "DistEqpLeftToDischarge" 'P6 Description = "Dist between Eqp Left to Centreline of
Input = "DistEqpRightToDischarge" 'P7 Description = "Dist between Eqp Right to Centreline
of Discharge"
Input = "EqpWidth1" 'P8 Description = "Width1 of Equipment"
Input = "EqpWidth2" 'P9 Description = "Width2 of Equipment"
Input = "EqpDepth1" 'P10 Description = "Depth1 of Equipment"
Input = "EqpDepth2" 'P11 Description = "Depth2 of Equipment"
Input = "RotEqpLength" 'P12 Description = "Length of Rotating Equipment"
Input = "RotEqpDiameter" 'P13 Description = "Diameter of Rotating Equipment"
Input = "DriverLength" 'P14 Description = "Length of Driver"
Input = "DriverWidth1" 'P15 Description = "Width1 of Driver"
Input = "DriverWidth2" 'P16 Description = "Width2 of Driver"
Input = "DriverHeight" 'P17 Description = "Height of Driver"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 11
Output = "InsulatedEqp" Description = "Insulated Equipment"
Output = "Equipment" Description = "Equipment"
Output = "Driver" Description = "Driver"
Output = "RotEquip" Description = "Rotating Equipment"
Output = "SupportBodyTopPlane" Description = "Support Body Top Plane"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane1" Description = "Support Body side plane1"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane2" Description = "Support Body side plane2"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane3" Description = "Support Body side plane3"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane4" Description = "Support Body side plane4"
Output = "HorRotEqpADvrControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Horizontal Rotating
Equipment And Driver"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 364

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Description: Centrifugal Pump
Symbol Name: SP3DPumpAsm.CPumpSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpAsm
User Class Name: Pump
Part Number: PUMP 001A-E, PUMP 001A_IMP-E, CPump002A8x6-E, PUMP 001AM-E,
PUMP 001A_IMPM-E, CPump002A8x6M-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgId = SP3DPumpAsm.CPumpSym
Inputs = 8
Input = "ImpellerWidth"
Input = "ShaftLength"
Input = "MotorWidth"
Input = "ImpellerDiameter"
Input = "ShaftDiameter"
Input = "MotorDiameter"
Input = "SupportLength"
Input = "BasePlateThickness"
Outputs = 7
Output = "ImpellerCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing impeller of Pump"
Output = "ShaftCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing shaft of Pump"
Output = "MotorCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing motor of Pump"
Output = "PipeNozzle1" Description = "PipingPort1 of Pump"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 365

Equipment Symbols

Output = "PipeNozzle2" Description = "PipingPort2 of Pump"

Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "EqpFoundationPort of Pump"
Output = "PumpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Pump Skid"

Description: Centrifugal pump
Symbol Name: SP3DPumpMAsm.CPumpMSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpAsm
User Class Name: Pump
Part Number: PUMP 001AM-E, PUMP 001A_IMPM-E, CPump002A8x6M-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgId = SP3DPumpMAsm.CPumpMSym
Inputs = 8
Input = "ImpellerWidth"
Input = "ShaftLength"
Input = "MotorWidth"
Input = "ImpellerDiameter"
Input = "ShaftDiameter"
Input = "MotorDiameter"
Input = "SupportLength"
Input = "BasePlateThickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 366

Equipment Symbols

Outputs = 7
Output = "ImpellerCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing impeller of Pump"
Output = "ShaftCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing shaft of Pump"
Output = "MotorCylinder" Description = "Cylinder representing motor of Pump"
Output = "PipeNozzle1" Description = "PipingPort1 of Pump"
Output = "PipeNozzle2" Description = "PipingPort2 of Pump"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "EqpFoundationPort of Pump"
Output = "PumpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Pump Skid"

Description: Horizontal Centrifugal Pump SLM-AVO
Symbol Name: SP3DPumpUnitHCAsm.CPumpUHCSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpUnitHCAsm
User Class Name: Horiz Centrifugal Pump With StructureSteel or Polyshield Base
Part Number: Pump01 3x2x8-E, Pump02 3x2x8-E, Pump03 1.5x1X6-E, Pump04 3x1.5x8-E,
Pump05 3x2x13-E, Pump06 1.5x1X6-E, Pump07 3x2x8 Flush/Drain threaded-E, Pump08 3x2x8
Flush/Drain threaded-E, Pump09 1.5x1x6 Flush/Drain threaded-E, Pump10 3x1.5x8 Flush/Drain
threaded-E, Pump11 3x2x13 Flush/Drain threaded-E, Pump12 1.5x1x6 Flush/Drain threaded-E,
Pump13 80x50x8-E, Pump14 80x50x8-E, Pump15 40x25X6-E, Pump16 80x40x8-E, Pump17
80x50x13-E, Pump18 40x25X6-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 367

Equipment Symbols

ProgID: SP3DPumpUnitHCAsm.CPumpUHCSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "DisNozzletoFace" Description = "CL Discharge Nozzle to Face"
Input = "DisNozzletoChFace" Description = "CL Discharge Nozzle to Chamber Face"
Input = "DischargetoFaceSuction" Description = "CL of Discharge to Face of Suction Nozzle"
Input = "BaseplatetoSuction" Description = "Bottom of Pump Baseplate to CL of Suction"
Input = "PumptoFaceDisNozzle" Description = "CL of Pump to Face of Discharge Nozzle"
Input = "DisNozzletoFaceBaseplate" Description = "CL of Discharge Nozzle to Right Face of
Input = "MotorLength" Description = "Motor Length"
Input = "CouplingLength" Description = "Coupling Length"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Total Length"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Total Height"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Support Total Width"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input = "BaseType" Description = "Type of Support Base: PolyShield or Structure Steel"
Outputs = 24
Output = "MotorBody" Description = "Motor Body"
Output = "MotorEllipticalCap1" Description = "Motor Elliptical Rear Cap"
Output = "MotorEllipticalCap2" Description = "Motor Elliptical Near Cap"
Output = "Coupling" Description = "Shaft coupling"
Output = "Shaft" Description = "Shaft"
Output = "PumpCylinder1" Description = "Pump Cylinder 1"
Output = "PumpCylinder2" Description = "Pump Cylinder 2"
Output = "PumpCylinder3" Description = "Pump Cylinder 3"
Output = "PumpCylinder4" Description = "Pump Cylinder 4"
Output = "SupportBodyTopPlane" Description = "Support Body Top Plane"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane1" Description = "Support Body side plane1"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane2" Description = "Support Body side plane2"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane3" Description = "Support Body side plane3"
Output = "SupportBodySidePlane4" Description = "Support Body side plane4"
Output = "SupportBodyRefPlane1" Description = "Support Body Reference Plane 1"
Output = "SupportBodyRefPlane2" Description = "Support Body Reference Plane 2"
Output = "SupportBox1" Description = "support under the pump discharge nozzle"
Output = "SupportBox2" Description = "support under the intermediate chamber"
Output = "SupportBox3" Description = "support under the motor"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "DrainBend" Description = "Bend of the Drain Nozzle"
Output = "DrainBendCyl" Description = "Cylinder of the Drain Nozzle"
Output = "PumpControlPoint" Description = "Point at origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 368

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Description: Standard Centrifugal Pump, 250mm suction, 200mm discharge
Symbol Name: SP3DStdPump.StdPumpServices
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 12
Input = "Length of the Pump"
Input = "Diameter of the Pump"
Input = "ImpellerWidth"
Input = "ShaftLength"
Input = "MotorWidth"
Input = "ImpellerDiameter"
Input = "ShaftDiameter"
Input = "MotorDiameter"
Input = "Dim of the Block of Pump"
Input = "SupportLength"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 369

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BasePlateThickness"
Input = "Thickness of Base Plate"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 370

Equipment Symbols

Description: vertical suspended, single casing pump
Symbol Name: SP3DVerPumpVS1Asm.VS1PumpSym
Workbook: Vertical Pump Type VS1 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: VerPumpVS1Asm
User Class Name: Vertical Pump Type VS1
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerPumpVS1Asm.VS1PumpSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "BaseBotToDischarge", "A-Bottom of Base to Discharge"
Input and description = "HeadLength", "B-Length of Head or Driver Stand"
Input and description = "MotorLength", "C-Length of Motor"
Input and description = "ColumnLength", "D-Length of Pump or Column"
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "E-Thickness of Base"
Input and description = "ColumnDiameter", "F-Diameter of Column"
Input and description = "HeadDiameter", "G-Diameter of Head or Driver Stand"
Input and description = "MotorDiameter", "H-Diameter of Motor"
Input and description = "BasePlateWidth", "J-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "DischProjection", "K-Projection of Discharge"
Input and description = "PullEnvolopeLen", "L-Length of Pull Envelope
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HE-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "CircularEdge", "Circular Edge"
Output and description = "Column", "Column"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Base Plate Edges"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points on Base Plate"
Output and description = "Head", "Head"
Output and description = "Motor", "Motor"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "Envelope", "Envelope", Operation
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Control Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 371

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Operation", "Physical", Operation

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Description: vertical suspended, double casing pump
Symbol Name: SP3DVerPumpVS6Asm.VS6PumpSym
Workbook: Vertical Pump Type VS6 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: VerPumpVS6Asm
User Class Name: Vertical Pump Type VS6
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerPumpVS6Asm.VS6PumpSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "BaseBotToDischarge", "A-Bottom of Base to Discharge"
Input and description = "BaseBotToSuction", "B-Bottom of Base to Suction"
Input and description = "HeadLength", "C-Length of Head or Driver Stand"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 372

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "MotorLength", "D-Length of Motor"

Input and description = "BarrelLength", "E-Length of Pump or Barrel"
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "F-Thickness of Base"
Input and description = "BarrelDiameter", "G-Diameter of Barrel"
Input and description = "HeadDiameter", "H-Diameter of Head or Driver Stand"
Input and description = "MotorDiameter", "J-Diameter of Motor"
Input and description = "BasePlateWidth", "K-Base Plate Width"
Input and description = "DischProjection", "L-Projection of Discharge"
Input and description = "SuctionProjection", "M-Projection of Suction"
Input and description = "PullEnvolopeLen", "P-Length of Pull Envelope"
Input and description = "XBoltHole", "HE-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input and description = "YBoltHole", "HF-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "CircularEdge", "Circular Edge"
Output and description = "Column", "Column"
Output and description = "BasePlate_", "BasePlate"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Edges_", "Base Plate Edges"
Output and description = "Points_", "Points on Base Plate"
Output and description = "Head", "Head"
Output and description = "Motor", "Motor"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Equipment Foundation Port"
Output and description = "Envelope", "Envelope", Operation
Output and description = "EqpControlPoint", "Control Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 373

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Operation", "Physical", Operation

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 374

Equipment Symbols

Description: Vertical Rotating Equipment
Symbol Name: SP3DVerRotEqpAsm.CVREqpSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VRotatingEquipAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Rotating Equipment
Part Number: VerticalRotatingEquipment-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerRotEqpAsm.CVREqpSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "BottomBodyHeight1" Description = "BottomBodyHeight1"
Input = "BottomBodyHeight2" Description = "BottomBodyHeight2"
Input = "BottomBodyDiameter" Description = "BottomBodyDiameter"
Input = "ShaftLength" Description = "ShaftLength"
Input = "ShaftDiameter" Description = "ShaftDiameter"
Input = "TaperBodyHeight" Description = "TaperBodyHeight"
Input = "TopBodyHeight" Description = "TopBodyHeight"
Input = "TopBodyDiameter" Description = "TopBodyDiameter"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "BundlePullingLength"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "InsulationThickness"
Outputs = 6
Output = "InsEquipment" Description = "InsEquipment"
Output = "MaintEquipment" Description = "MaintEquipment"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface at Bottom"
Output = "TopDefSurface" Description = "DefSurface at Top"
Output = "Equipment" Description = "Equipment"
Output = "VerRotatingEquipmentControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Ver Rotating
Equipment "
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 375

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance

Description: Vertical Centrical Pump 001
Symbol Name: SP3DVerticalPumpAsm.CVPumpSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VerticalPumpAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Pump
Part Number: VCPump001_E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerticalPumpAsm.CVPumpSym
Inputs = 11
Input = "FaceSuctiontoFaceDischarge" Description = "Face of Suction to Face of Discharge"
Input = "PumpShafttoFaceSuction" Description = "CL of Pump Shaft to Face of Suction
Input = "WidthPumpShaftHousing" Description = "Width of Pump Shaft Housing"
Input = "NozzletoBottomPumpBase" Description = "CL of Nozzles to Bottom of Pump Base"
Input = "NozzletoBottomPumpShaft" Description = "CL of Nozzles to Bottom of Pump Shaft
Input = "BottomShafttoTopMotor" Description = "Bottom of Shaft Housing to Top of Motor"
Input = "DiameterPumpMotor" Description = "Diameter of Pump Motor"
Input = "HeightPumpShaftHousing" Description = "Height of Pump Shaft Housing"
Input = "BottomPumpBasetoBottomShaft" Description = "Bottom of Pump Base to Bottom of

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 376

Equipment Symbols

Input = "ShaftDiameter" Description = "Shaft Diameter"

Input = "ElecBoxPosition" Description = "Electrical Box Position"
Outputs = 13
Output = "BodyBox" Description = "Body of Pump Box"
Output = "BodySnout1" Description = "Body of Pump Snout 1"
Output = "BodyCylinder1" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder1"
Output = "BodyCylinder2" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder2"
Output = "BodyCylinder3" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder3"
Output = "BodyCylinder4" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder4"
Output = "BodySnou2" Description = "Body of Pump Snout 2"
Output = "BodyCylinder5" Description = "Body of Pump Cylinder5 - Motor"
Output = "BodyDish" Description = "Body of Pump Dish"
Output = "BodyPyramid" Description = "Body of Pump Pyramid"
Output = "SuctionNozzle" Description = "Suction Nozzle"
Output = "DischargeNozzle" Description = "Discharge Nozzle"
Output = "PumpOrigin" Description = "Pump Origin"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Vertical Pump Type OH3
Symbol Name: SP3DVertPumpOH3Asm.OH3PumpSym
Workbook: Vertical Pump Symbol OH3 Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: PumpOH3Asm
User Class Name: Vertical Pump Type OH3
Part Number: Vertical Pump OH3-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVertPumpOH3Asm.OH3PumpSym
Inputs = 12
Input = "MotorHeight" Description = "MotorHeight"
Input = "MotorDiameter" Description = "MotorDiameter"
Input = "BaseplateBottomtoMotorFace" Description = "BaseplateBottomtoMotorFace"
Input = "BaseplateBottomtoDischargeCL" Description = "BaseplateBottomtoDischargeCL"
Input = "CLofPumptoSuctionFace" Description = "CLofPumptoSuctionFace"
Input = "CLofPumptoDischargeFace" Description = "CLofPumptoDischargeFace"
Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Height of Baseplate"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Width of Baseplate"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 377

Equipment Symbols

Input = "BaseplateLength" Description = "Length of Baseplate"

Input = "XboltHole" Description = "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Input = "MotorWithdrawal" Description = "MX- Motor Withdrawal Distance"
Outputs = 48
Output = "BodyCylinder1" Description = "BodyCylinder1"
Output = "BodyCylinder2" Description = "BodyCylinder2"
Output = "BodyCylinder3" Description = "BodyCylinder3"
Output = "BodyDish1" Description = "BodyDish1"
Output = "BodyDish2" Description = "BodyDish2"
Output = "Baseplate1" Description = "Baseplate 1"
Output = "Baseplate2" Description = "Baseplate 2"
Output = "Baseplate3" Description = "Baseplate 3"
Output = "Baseplate4" Description = "Baseplate 4"
Output = "Baseplate5" Description = "Baseplate 5"
Output = "Baseplate6" Description = "Baseplate 6"
Output = "BodyCylinder5" Description = "BodyCylinder5"
Output = "BodyCylinder6" Description = "BodyCylinder6"
Output = "BodyCylinder7" Description = "BodyCylinder7"
Output = "BodyCylinder8" Description = "BodyCylinder8"
Output = "BodyCylinder9" Description = "BodyCylinder9"
Output = "BodyCylinder10" Description = "BodyCylinder10"
Output = "BodyCylinder11" Description = "BodyCylinder11"
Output = "BodyCylinder12" Description = "BodyCylinder12"
Output = "Baseplate7" Description = "Baseplate 7"
Output = "Baseplate8" Description = "Baseplate 8"
Output = "Baseplate9" Description = "Baseplate 9"
Output = "Baseplate10" Description = "Baseplate 10"
Output = "Baseplate11" Description = "Baseplate 11"
Output = "Baseplate12" Description = "Baseplate 12"
Output = "SuctionNozzle" Description = "SuctionNozzle"
Output = "DischargeNozzle" Description = "DischargeNozzle"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "PumpOrigin" Description = "Control Point"
Output = "Point1" Description = "Point 1"
Output = "Point2" Description = "Point 2"
Output = "Point3" Description = "Point 3"
Output = "Point4" Description = "Point 4"
Output = "Point5" Description = "Point 5"
Output = "Point6" Description = "Point 6"
Output = "Edge1" Description = "Edge 1"
Output = "Edge2" Description = "Edge 2"
Output = "Edge3" Description = "Edge 3"
Output = "Edge4" Description = "Edge 4"
Output = "Edge5" Description = "Edge 5"
Output = "Edge6" Description = "Edge 6"
Output ="Edge7" Description = "Edge 7"
Output = "Edge8" Description = "Edge 8"
Output = "Edge9" Description = "Edge 9"
Output = "Edge10" Description = "Edge 10"
Output = "Edge11" Description = "Edge 11"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 378

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Edge12" Description = "Edge 12"

Output = "MaintMotor" Description = "Motor Maintenance"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Vertical Vessels and Tanks

This section contains all the vertical vessel symbols that are available.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 379

Equipment Symbols

E270ConicalRoofTank ................................................................... 380
E271DomeRoofTank ..................................................................... 383
E272FloatRoofTank ....................................................................... 384
SP3DCESVVessel2PlatfAsm ........................................................ 386
SP3DComplexVesselAsm ............................................................. 389
SP3DE_205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm............................................. 391
SP3DE_210SimVerCylSkirtAsm ................................................... 393
SP3DE_215Asm ............................................................................ 394
SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm ................................................... 396
SP3DSpiralStairTankAsm ............................................................. 397
SP3DVerDrumWiLegsAsm ............................................................ 399
SP3DVertVesselEndsAsm ............................................................ 400
SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm .............................................................. 402

Description: Conical Roof Tank Assembly (E270)
Symbol Name: E270ConicalRoofTank.ConicalSym
Workbook: Sample Equipments.xls
Workbook Sheet: E270ConicalRoofTank
User Class Name: Conical Roof Tank (E270)
Part Number: E270ConicalRoofTank01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: E270ConicalRoofTank.ConicalSym
Inputs = 20
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselHeight" Description ="VesselHeight"
Input = "P3", Description ="P3"
Input = "VesselRingLocation" Description = "Vessel Roof Location"
Input = "DistBetRings" Description ="Distance Between Rings"
Input = "VesselRingThickness"Description = "Vessel Ring Thickness"
Input = "VesselRingDiameter"Description =Vessel Ring Diameter"
Input = "RingThickness"Description = "Ring Diameter"
Input = "NumberOfVesselRings"Description = "Number Of Vessel Rings"
Input = "InsulationThickness"Description ="Insulation Thickness"
Input = "AnchorHeight"Description ="Anchor Height"
Input = "AnchorWidth"Description ="Anchor Width"
Input = "OpeningHeight"Description = "Opening Height"
Input = "OpeningWidth"Description = "Opening Width"
Input = "OpeningLocation"Description ="Opening Location"
Input = "NumberOfBolts"Description = "Number Of Bolts"
Input = "NumberOfOpenings"Description ="Number Of Openings"
Input = "OpeningAngle"Description =Opening Angle"
Input = "AnchorBoltAngle", "Anchor Bolt Angle"
Input = "BasePlateThickness"Description =, "Base Plate Thickness"
Outputs = 12
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description ="Default Surface"
Output = "VesselBody", Description ="Vessel Body"
Output = "VesselRing_", Description = "VesselRing"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 380

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Ring"Description = "Ring"

Output = "Roof"Description =Roof"
Output = "BasePlate"Description ="Base Plate"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1"Description ="Foundation Port 1"
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns"Description = "Insulated VesselCylBody"
Output = "BasePlateInsulation"and Description = "Base PlateInsulation"
Output = "RoofInsulation", and description ="Roof Insulation"
Output = "VesselRingInsulation_"Description = "VesselRing Insulation"
Output = "ControlPoint"Description ="Control Point"
Aspects = 3

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 381

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 382

Equipment Symbols

Description: Conical tank roof, dome tank roof, and floating tank roof symbols.
Symbol Name: E271DomeRoofTank.DomeSym
Workbook: SampleEquipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: E271DomeRoofTank
User Class Name: DomeSym
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: E271DomeRoofTank.DomeSym
Inputs = 20
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "VesselHeight"
Input = "RoofRadius" Description = "Roof Radius",
Input = "VesselRingLocation" Description = "Vessel Ring Location",
Input = "DistBetRings" Description = "DistBetRings",
Input = "VesselRingThickness" Description = "Vessel Ring Thickness"
Input = "VesselRingDiameter" Description = "Vessel Ring Diameter"
Input = "RingThickness" Description = "Ring Diameter",
Input = "NumberOfVesselRings" Description = "Number Of Vessel Rings"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "AnchorHeight" Description = "Anchor Height"
Input = "AnchorWidth" Description = "Anchor Width"
Input = "OpeningHeight" Description = "Opening Height"
Input = "OpeningWidth" Description = "Opening Width"
Input = "OpeningLocation" Description = "Opening Location"
Input = "NumberOfBolts" Description = "Number Of Bolts"
Input = "NumberOfOpenings" Description = "NumberOfOpenings"
Input = "OpeningAngle" Description = "Opening Angle"
Input = "AnchorBoltAngle" Description = "Anchor Bolt Angle"
Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "Base Plate Thickness"
Outputs = 12
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "VesselBody" Description = "Vessel Body"
Output = "VesselRing_" Description = "VesselRing"
Output = "Ring" Description = "Ring"
Output = "Roof" Description = "Roof"
Output = "BasePlate" Description = "Base Plate"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns" Description = "Insulated VesselCylBody"
Output = "BasePlateInsulation" Description = "Base Plate Insulation"
Output = "RoofInsulation" Description = "Roof Insulation"
Output = "VesselRingInsulation_" Description = "VesselRing Insulation"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Insulation" Description = "Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 383

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "RefGeometry" Description = "ReferenceGeometry"

Aspect = "Physical" Description = "Physical"

Description: Conical tank roof, dome tank roof, and floating tank roof symbols.
Symbol Name: E272FloatRoofTank.FloatSym
Workbook: Sample Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: E272FloatRoofTank
User Class Name: Float Roof Tank (E272)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: E272FloatRoofTank.FloatSym
Inputs = 20
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "VesselHeight"
Input = "RoofPosition" Description = "Roof Position"
Input = "VesselRingLocation" Description = "Vessel Ring Location"
Input = "DistBetRings" Description = "DistBetRings"
Input = "VesselRingThickness" Description = "Vessel Ring Thickness"
Input = "VesselRingDiameter" Description = "Vessel Ring Diameter"
Input = "RingThickness" Description = "Ring Diameter"
Input = "NumberOfVesselRings" Description = "Number Of VesselRing"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "AnchorHeight" Description = "Anchor Height"
Input = "AnchorWidth" Description = "Anchor Width"
Input = "OpeningHeight" Description = "Opening Height"
Input = "OpeningWidth" Description = "Opening Width"
Input = "OpeningLocation" Description = "Opening Location"
Input = "NumberOfBolts" Description = "Number Of Bolts"
Input = "NumberOfOpenings" Description = "NumberOfOpenings"
Input = "OpeningAngle" Description = "Opening Angle"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 384

Equipment Symbols

Input = "AnchorBoltAngle" Description = "Anchor Bolt Angle"

Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "Base Plate Thickness"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "VesselBody" Description = "Vessel Body"
Output = "VesselRing_" Description = "Vessel Ring"
Output = "Ring" Description = "Ring"
Output = "Roof" Description = "Roof"
Output = "BasePlate" Description = "Base Plate"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns" Description = "Insulated VesselCylBody"
Output = "BasePlateInsulation" Description = "Base Plate Insulation"
Output = "VesselRingInsulation_" Description = "VesselRing Insulation"
Output = "ControlPoint" Description = "Control Point"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Insulation" Description = "Insulation"
Aspect = "RefGeometry" Description = "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Physical" Description = "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 385

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DCESVVessel2PlatfAsm.CPlatformSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: CESVVessel2PlatfAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Vessel With Platforms
Part Number: CESVVessel2Platf1-E, CESVVessel2Platf2- E, CESVVessel2Platf3-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DCESVVessel2PlatfAsm.CPlatformSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "Shell Height P2"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Shell Diameter P3"
Input = "SkirtTopDiameter" Description = "Support Top Diameter P5"
Input = "SkirtBottomDiameter" Description = "Support Bottom Diameter P6"
Input = "SkirtHeight" Description = "Skirt Height P7"
Input = "VesselStartHeight" Description = "Vessel Start Height P4"
Input = "PlatformWidth" Description = "Platform Width"
Input = "PlatformHeight" Description = "Platform Height"
Input = "PlatformRadius" Description = "Platform Radius"
Input = "PlatformAngle" Description = "Platform Angle"
Outputs = 24
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel Shell"
Output = "Support" Description = "Truncated Cone Support "
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Plat1Plane1" Description = "Plat1Plane1"
Output = "Plat1Plane2" Description = "Plat1Plane2"
Output = "Plat1Revolution1" Description = "Plat1Revolution1"
Output = "Plat1Revolution2" Description = "Plat1Revolution2"
Output = "Plat1TopSurface" Description = "Plat1TopSurface"
Output = "Plat1BottomSurface" Description = "Plat1BottomSurface"
Output = "Plat1Line1" Description = "Plat1Line1"
Output = "Plat1Line2" Description = "Plat1Line2"
Output = "Plat1Line3" Description = "Plat1Line3"
Output = "Plat1Line4" Description = "Plat1Line4"
Output = "Plat2Plane1" Description = "Plat1Plane1"
Output = "Plat2Plane2" Description = "Plat1Plane2"
Output = "Plat2Revolution1" Description = "Plat1Revolution1"
Output = "Plat2Revolution2" Description = "Plat1Revolution2"
Output = "Plat2TopSurface" Description = "Plat1TopSurface"
Output = "Plat2BottomSurface" Description = "Plat1BottomSurface"
Output = "Plat2Line1" Description = "Plat1Line1"
Output = "Plat2Line2" Description = "Plat1Line2"
Output = "Plat2Line3" Description = "Plat1Line3"
Output = "Plat2Line4" Description = "Plat1Line4"
Output = "CESimVerVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple Vertical
Vessel with Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 386

Equipment Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 387

Equipment Symbols

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 388

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DComplexVesselAsm.CCVesselSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: E205Asm
User Class Name: Complex Vertical Vessel
Part Number: E205_1-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DComplexVesselAsm.CCVesselSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "SupportHeight1" Description = "Skirt Height"
Input = "SupportDiameter1" Description = "Diameter of Skirt"
Input = "DomeHeight1" Description = "Bottom Dome"
Input = "VesselHeight1" Description = "Bottom Cyl Height"
Input = "VesselDiameter1" Description = "Bottom Tank Diameter"
Input = "SupportHeight2" Description = "Section 2 "
Input = "DomeHeight2" Description = "Section 2"
Input = "VesselHeight2" Description = "Section 2"
Input = "VesselDiameter2" Description = "Section 2"
Input = "SupportHeight3" Description = "Section 3"
Input = "VesselHeight3" Description = "Section 3"
Input = "VesselDiameter3" Description = "Section 3"
Input = "SupportHeight4" Description = "Section 4"
Input = "VesselHeight4" Description = "Section 4"
Input = "VesselDiameter4" Description = "Section 4"
Input = "DomeHeight4" Description = "Section 4"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness input for Insulation aspect"
Outputs = 24
Output = "Section1Support" Description = ""
Output = "Section1Dome" Description = ""
Output = "Section1Tank" Description = ""
Output = "Section2Support" Description = ""
Output = "Section2Dome" Description = ""
Output = "Section2Tank" Description = ""
Output = "Section3Support" Description = ""
Output = "Section3Tank" Description = ""
Output = "Section4Support" Description = ""
Output = "Section4Tank" Description = ""
Output = "Section4Dome" Description = ""
Output = "CVMaintenance" Description = ""
Output = "CVOperation" Description = ""
Output = "CVInsulation" Description = "Insulation for Section1"
Output = "CVInsulation2" Description = "Insulation for Section2"
Output = "CVInsulation3" Description = "Insulation for Section3"
Output = "CVInsulation4" Description = "Insulation for Section4"
Output = "CVInsulation5" Description = "Insulation for Section2 Support"
Output = "CVInsulation6" Description = "Insulation for Section3 Support"
Output = "CVInsulation7" Description = "Insulation for Section4 Support"
Output = "CVInsulation8" Description = "Insulation for Section4 Dome"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 389

Equipment Symbols

Output = "ConPoint" Description = "ConnectPoint1"

Output = "ConPoint2" Description = "ConnectPoint2"
Output = "ComplexVesselControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex Vessel "
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 390

Equipment Symbols

Description: Complex vertical cylindrical equipment with skirt assembly.
Symbol Name: SP3DE_205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm.CVCESym
Workbook: E205 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm
User Class Name: Complex Vertical Vessel (E205)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm.CVCESym
Inputs = 43
Input = "VesselHeight1" Description = "Vessel Height 1"
Input = "VesselDiameter1" Description = "Vessel Diameter 1"
Input = "SupportHeight1" Description = "Support Height 1"
Input = "VesselHeight2" Description = "Vessel Height 2",
Input = "VesselDiameter2" Description = "Vessel Diameter 2"
Input = "SupportHeight2" Description = "Support Height 2"
Input = "VesselHeight3" Description = "Vessel Height 3"
Input = "VesselDiameter3" Description = "Vessel Diameter 3"
Input = "SupportHeight3" Description = "Support Height 3"
Input = "VesselHeight4" Description = "Vessel Height 4"
Input = "VesselDiameter4" Description = "Vessel Diameter 4"
Input = "SkirtHeight" Description = "Skirt Height"
Input = "SkirtTopDiameter" Description = "Skirt Top Diameter"
Input = "SkirtBottomDiameter" Description = "Skirt Bottom Diameter"
Input = "VesselReferencePoint" Description = "Vessel Reference Point"
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type 1"
Input = "End3Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type 2"
Input = "EndHead1ConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head1 Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHead1ConeHeight" Description = "End Head1 Cone Height"
Input = "EndHead1KnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head1 Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHead1Domeradius" Description = "End Head1 Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHead1FlangedThick1" Description = "End Head1 Flanged Thick1"
Input = "EndHead1FlangedThick2" Description = "End Head1 Flanged Thick2"
Input = "EndHead1SphericalRadius" Description = "End Head1 Spherical Radius"
Input = "EndHead2ConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head2 Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHead2ConeHeight" Description = "End Head2 Cone Height"
Input = "EndHead2KnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head2 Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHead2Domeradius" Description = "End Head2 Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHead2FlangedThick1" Description = "End Head2 Flanged Thick1"
Input = "EndHead2FlangedThick2" Description = "End Head2 Flanged Thick2"
Input = "EndHead2SphericalRadius" Description = "End Head2 Spherical Radius"
Input = "EndHead3ConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head3 Cone Top Diameter",
Input = "EndHead3ConeHeight" Description = "End Head3 Cone Height"
Input = "EndHead3KnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head3 Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHead3Domeradius" Description = "End Head3 Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHead3FlangedThick1" Description = "End Head3 Flanged Thick1"
Input = "EndHead3FlangedThick2" Description = "End Head3 Flanged Thick2"
Input = "EndHead3SphericalRadius" Description = "End Head3 Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 391

Equipment Symbols

Input = "EndHead1FlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head1 Flange Diameter"

Input = "EndHead2FlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head2 Flange Diameter"
Input = "EndHead3FlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head3 Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 19
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Cylider1" Description = "Cylinder 1"
Output = "Support1" Description = "Support 1"
Output = "Cylider2" Description = "Cylinder 2"
Output = "Support2" Description = "Support 2"
Output = "Cylider3" Description = "Cylinder 3"
Output = "Support3" Description = "Support 3"
Output = "Cylider4" Description = "Cylinder 4"
Output = "Skirt" Description = "Skirt"
Output = "SurfaceAtBottomOfSkirt" Description = "Surface at Bottom of Skirt"
Output = "CircularFoundationPort" Description = "Circular Foundation Port"
Output = "InsCylider1" Description = "Insulated Cylinder 1"
Output = "InsSupport1" Description = "Insulated Support 1"
Output = "InsCylider2" Description = "Insulated Cylinder 2"
Output = "InsSupport2" Description = "Insulated Support 2"
Output = "InsCylider3" Description = "Insulated Cylinder 3"
Output = "InsSupport3" Description = "Insulated Support 3"
Output = "InsCylider4" Description = "Insulated Cylinder 4"
Output = "ComplexVCylEqpSkControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Vertical Cylindrical Equipment With Skirt"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical" Description = "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation" Description = "Insulation"
Aspect = "RefGeom" Description = "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 392

Equipment Symbols

Description: Simple vertical cylindrical equipment with skirt assembly (E210)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_210SimVerCylSkirtAsm.VCylSkirtSym
Workbook: E210 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E210SimVCylEqpSkirtAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment with Skirt (E210)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_210SimVerCylSkirtAsm.VCylSkirtSym
Inputs = 17
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "SkirtTopDiameter" Description = "Support Top Diameter"
Input = "SkirtBottomDiameter" Description = "Support Bottom Diameter"
Input = "SkirtHeight" Description = "Skirt Height"
Input = "SupportReferencePoint" Description = "Support Reference Point"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 6
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "SupportSkirt" Description = "Support Skirt"
Output = "EqpFoundatioPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "VesselwithSkirtEqpControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vessel with Skirt"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 393

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_215Asm.CE_215Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SimpleVerCylEqpLegsAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment With Legs
Part Number: SimpleVerticalCylindricalEqpLegs-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_215Asm.CE_215Sym
Inputs = 9
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "Shell Height P2"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Shell Diameter P3"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "SupportAngularLocation"
Input = "NumberOfSupports" Description = "NumberOfSupports P5"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "SupportHeight P6"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength P7"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "SupportThickness P8"
Input = "VesselStartPoint" Description = "Vessel Start Point P9"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 4
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel (Shell)"
Output = "VesselInsul" Description = "Vessel Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 394

Equipment Symbols

Output = "SimpleVerCylEqpLegsControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of

SimpleVerCylEqpLegs "
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface SimpleVerCylEqpLegs "
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 395

Equipment Symbols

Description: Simple vertical cylindrical equipment with legs assembly (E215)
Symbol Name: SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm.SVCylLegsSym
Workbook: E215 Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: E215SimVerCylLegsAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment with Legs (E215)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm.SVCylLegsSym
Inputs = 24
Input = "End1Type" Description = "Vessel Front Head Type"
Input = "End2Type" Description = "Vessel Rear Head Type"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location"
Input = "NumberofSupports" Description = "Number of Supports"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportReferencePoint" Description = "Support Reference Point"
Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "VesselThickness" Description = "Vessel Thickness"
Input = "MaintBodyDia" Description = "Maintenance Body Diameter"
Input = "MaintBodyLength" Description = "Maintenance Body Length"
Input = "BlockAngularLocation" Description = "Block Angular Location"
Input = "SupportType" Description = "Support Type"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 16
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns" Description = "Insulated VesselCylBody"
Output = "SimVerCylEqpLegControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple Vertical
Cylinder with Equipment Legs"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "HeaderPart1" Description = "Header Part 1"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Foundation Port 1"
Output = "Planes_" Description = "Leg Support"
Output = "Edge_" Description = "Edge"
Output = "Point1_" Description = "Left Face Point"
Output = "Point2_" Description = "Right Face Point"
Output = "Point3_" Description = "Front Face Point"
Output = "Point4_" Description = "Back Face Point"
Output = "Point5_" Description = "Bottom Face Point"
Output = "Point6_" Description = "Top Face Point"
Output = "Maint_CylBody" Description = "Maintenance Cylinder Body"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 396

Equipment Symbols

Output = "Maint_Block" Description = "Maintenance Block"

Output = "Support_" Description = "Leg Supports"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = RefGeometry
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Symbol Name: SP3DSpiralStairTankAsm.SpiralStairEqSym
Workbook: Spiral Stair Tank Equipment Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SpiralStairTankAsm
User Class Name: Spiral Staircase Storage Tank
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSpiralStairTankAsm.SpiralStairEqSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input and description = "StartElevation", "Start Elevation"
Input and description = "EndElevation", "End Elevation"
Input and description = "StartAngle", "Start Angle"
Input and description = "AngleBetSupports", "Angle between Supports"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 397

Equipment Symbols

Input and description = "RampAngle", "Ramp Angle"

Input and description = "SupportVerticalDistance", "Support Vertical Distance"
Input and description = "SupportVerticalSpacing", "Support Vertical Spacing"
Input and description = "SpiralDirection", "Spiral Direction"
Input and description = "DisplaySpiralPoints", "Display Spiral Points"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt X Hole Location"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Y Hole Location"
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "ObjStorageTank", "ObjStorageTank"
Output and description = "Point1_", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2_", "Point2"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Foundation Port under support"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 398

Equipment Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DVerDrumWiLegsAsm.VDrumWithLegsSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VerticalDrumAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Drum with Legs
Part Number: VerticalDrum 01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerDrumWiLegsAsm.VDrumWithLegsSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Internal Diameter",
Input and description = "VesselTantoTan", "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input and description = "CPtoSupport", "Control Point to Support"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Input and description = "SupportOrientation", "Support Orientation"
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length"
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "BackingPlateThickness", "Backing Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "BackingPlateDepth", "Backing Plate Depth"
Input and description = "LengthBaseplate", "Length Base plate"
Input and description = "WidthBaseplate", "Width Base plate"
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location- X"
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location-Y"
Outputs = 24
Output and description = "DrumBody", "Drum body as Cylinder"
Output and description = "DrumHead", "Drum head"
Output and description = "DrumHead1", "Drum Head 1"
Output and description = "BackingPlate1", "Saddle Body"
Output and description = "BackingPlate2", "Second Saddle Body"
Output and description = "BackingPlate3", "Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate4", "Second saddle Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support1", "Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "Support2", "Second Saddle Center Support Plate"
Output and description = "Support3", "Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "Support4", "Saddle Saddle Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "BasePlate1", "Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "BasePlate2", "Second saddle Middle Support Plate"
Output and description = "BasePlate3", "Center Support Plate3"
Output and description = "BasePlate4", "Second saddle Center Support Plate3"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort", "Center Support Plate4"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort2", "Second saddle Center Support Plate4"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort3", "Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "EqpFoundationPort4", "Second saddle Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "VesselAxisLine", "Line on the Vessel axis"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 399

Equipment Symbols

Output and description = "DefaultSurface1", "Line on the Vessel axis"

Output and description = "DrumIns", " Drum Insulation"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Description: Vertical vessel assembly (variable head options)
Symbol Name: SP3DVertVesselEndsAsm.VertVesselEndsSym
Workbook: Vertical Vessel Nested Heads Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SimpVerCylNestedEndsAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Vessel (Variable Head Options)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVertVesselEndsAsm.VertVesselEndsSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "End1Type" Description = "End1 Type"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 400

Equipment Symbols

Input = "End2Type" Description = "End2 Type"

Input = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter" Description = "End Head Cone Top Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadConeHeight" Description = "End Head Cone Height"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "EndHeadDomeradius" Description = "End Head Dome radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick1" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 1"
Input = "EndHeadFlangedThick2" Description = "End Head Flanged Thickness 2"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "EndHeadFlangeDiameter" Description = "End Head Flange Diameter"
Outputs = 3
Output = "ObjVertVessel" Description = "Vertical Vessel"
Output = "ObjVertVesselIns" Description = "Insulated Vertical Vessel"
Output = "VerticalVesselEndsControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vertical Vessel
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 401

Equipment Symbols

Description: Simple Vertical Vessel with Skirt
Symbol Name: SP3DVesselWSkirtAsm.CVesselWSSym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: VesselwithSkirtAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Vessel with Skirt
Part Number: SVVWSE210-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVesselWSkirtAsm.CVesselWSSym
Inputs = 5
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Skirt height"
Input = "SkirtDiameter" Description = "Skirt Diameter at Base"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Cylindrical Portion of Tank"
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "Height of Cylindrical Portion of Tank "
Input = "DomeHeight" Description = "Vertical Axis Height of Domes"
Outputs = 9
Output = "SupportSkirt" Description = "Cone"
Output = "Tank" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "TopDome" Description = "Revolved quarter Ellipse"
Output = "BottomDome" Description = "Revolved quarter Ellipse"
Output = "OperationEnv" Description = ""
Output = "MaintenanceEnv" Description = ""
Output = "InsulationEnv" Description = ""
Output = "FoundationPort8" Description = "Foundation Port 8"
Output = "VesselwithSkirtControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vessel with Skirt"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 402

Equipment Symbols

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 403


Equipment Components
The EquipmentComponents.xls workbook contains the reference data for the creation of
equipment components within the Equipment and Furnishings task and primitive volumes within
the Space Management task. You can customize the Excel spreadsheets that are delivered with
the software to create or customize any aspect of the components used in your model. The
sheets that are unique to EquipmentComponent.xls are described below. For more
information on common sheets, see the Reference Data Guide accessible from the Help >
Printable Guides command in the software.

Common Properties
Each sheet in the EquipmentComponent.xls workbook is comprised of common and unique
properties. The common properties are listed in the order that they appear, from left to right, on
the worksheet. Unique properties are discussed in the individual worksheet topics.
PartNumber - Specifies the part number for the component. The software uses the part number
at placement when the part name is automatically generated.
All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.
PartDescription - Type a description for the component.
SymbolDefinition - Type the symbol definition for the component.

In This Section
Equipment Bodies.......................................................................... 405
Instrument Components ................................................................ 435
Material Handling Components ..................................................... 438
Platforms ........................................................................................ 441
Supports ........................................................................................ 451
Vessel Heads ................................................................................. 480
SP3DFOlTorusMiterAsm ............................................................... 495
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellComp ....................................................... 496
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellCompAsm ................................................ 499
SP3DHeatExHeadCompAsm ........................................................ 500
SP3DHeatExMiterHeadCompAsm ................................................ 501
SP3DHeatExShellCompAsm ......................................................... 502
SP3DManWayDBotHCAsm ........................................................... 503
SP3DManWayDHorCovAsm ......................................................... 504
SP3DManWayDVerCovAsm ......................................................... 505
SP3DRecTorusMiterAsm .............................................................. 506
SP3DRndTorusMiterAsm .............................................................. 507
SP3DSpiralStairTankComp ........................................................... 508
SP3DSwGearSectCompAsm ........................................................ 509
SP3DVOlTorusMiterAsm ............................................................... 511

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 404

Equipment Components

Equipment Bodies
The section contains the equipment component bodies symbols that are available.

SP3DE_205CompAsm .................................................................. 405
SP3DE_210CompAsm .................................................................. 407
SP3DE_215CompAsm .................................................................. 408
SP3DE_230CompAsm .................................................................. 410
SP3DE_240CompAsm .................................................................. 411
SP3DE_245CompAsm .................................................................. 414
SP3DE_305CompAsm .................................................................. 415
SP3DE_307CompAsm .................................................................. 418
SP3DE_310CompAsm .................................................................. 419
SP3DE_320CompAsm .................................................................. 422
SP3DE_325CompAsm .................................................................. 423
SP3DE_332CompAsm .................................................................. 424
SP3DE_334CompAsm .................................................................. 426
SP3DE_405CompAsm .................................................................. 428
SP3DE_410CompAsm .................................................................. 429
SP3DExShellBodyCompAsm ........................................................ 431
SP3DHDrVesAlXCompAsm .......................................................... 432
SP3DHorDrumCompAsm .............................................................. 433
SP3DVerDrumCompAsm .............................................................. 434

Symbol Name: SP3DE_205CompAsm.CE_205CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E205_VVesselMTComAsm
User Class Name: Complex Vertical Cylindrical Equipment Skirt Component (E205)
Part Number: E205-Vertical Tank with Skirt (multi- stage)-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_205CompAsm.CE_205CSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "VesselHeight1" Description = "Vessel Height 1"
Input = "VesselDiameter1" Description = "Vessel Diameter 1"
Input = "SupportHeight1" Description = "Support Height 1"
Input = "VesselHeight2" Description = "Vessel Height 2"
Input = "VesselDiameter2" Description = "Vessel Diameter 2"
Input = "SupportHeight2" Description = "Support Height 2"
Input = "VesselHeight3" Description = "Vessel Height 3"
Input = "VesselDiameter3" Description = "Vessel Diameter 3"
Input = "SupportHeight3" Description = "Support Height 3"
Input = "VesselHeight4" Description = "Vessel Height 4"
Input = "VesselDiameter4" Description = "Vessel Diameter 4"
Input = "SkirtHeight" Description = "Skirt Height"
Input = "SkirtTopDiameter" Description = "Skirt Top Diameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 405

Equipment Components

Input = "SkirtBottomDiameter" Description = "Skirt Bottom Diameter"

Input = "VesselReferencePoint" Description = "Vessel Reference Point"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 4
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "InsulatedVessel"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface of Complex Vertical Cylindrical
Equipment Skirt Component"
Output = "ComplexVCylEqpSkCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Vertical Cylindrical Equipment Skirt Component"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 406

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_210CompAsm.CE_210CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E210_VVesselComAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment Skirt Component (E210)
Part Number: E210-Vertical Tank-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_210CompAsm.CE_210CSym
Inputs = 7
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "Shell Height P2"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Shell Diameter P3"
Input = "SkirtTopDiameter" Description = "Support Top Diameter P5"
Input = "SkirtBottomDiameter" Description = "Support Bottom Diameter P6"
Input = "SkirtHeight" Description = "Skirt Height P7"
Input = "VesselStartHeight" Description = "Vessel Start Height P4"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "TopDome" Description = "Top Dome of Equipment"
Output = "BottomDome" Description = "Bottom Dome of Equipment"
Output = "VesselBody" Description = "Vessel Body"
Output = "TopDomeIns" Description = "Insulation for Top Dome of Equipment"
Output = "BottomDomeIns" Description = "Insulation for Bottom Dome of Equipment"
Output = "VesselBodyIns" Description = "Insulation for Vessel Body"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface at the Bottom"
Output = "VesselwithSkirtCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vessel with Skirt
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 407

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_215CompAsm.CE_215CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E215_SimVCyEqLegCompAsm
User Class Name: Simple Vertical Cylindrical Equipment With Legs Component (E215)
Part Number: E215-Vertical Tank with Legs-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_215CompAsm.CE_215CSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "Shell Height P2"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Shell Diameter P3"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location P4"
Input = "NumberOfSupports" Description = "Number Of Supports P5"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height P6"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length P7"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness P8"
Input = "VesselStartPoint" Description = "Vessel Start Point P9"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 408

Equipment Components

Outputs = 8
Output = "VesselTopEllipBody" Description = "Vessel Top Elliptical Body"
Output = "VesselCylBody" Description = "Vessel cylindrical body"
Output = "VesselBottomEllipBody" Description = "Vessel Bottom Elliptical Body"
Output = "VesselTopEllipBodyIns" Description = "Vessel Top Elliptical Body Insulation"
Output = "VesselCylBodyIns" Description = "Vessel cylindrical body Insulation"
Output = "VesselBottomEllipBodyIns" Description = "Vessel Bottom Elliptical Body Insulation"
Output = "SimVerCylEqpLegCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple
Vertical Cylinder Equipment Legs Component"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Simple Vertical Cylindrical
Equipment Legs"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 409

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_230CompAsm.CE_230CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E230_SphVesselComAsm
User Class Name: Spherical Equipment Component (E230)
Part Number: E230-Spherical Tank-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_230CompAsm.CE_230CSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location"
Input = "NumberOfSupports" Description = "Number Of Supports"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel Center Height"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportRadialLocation" Description = "Support Radial Location"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 4
Output = "InsulatedBody" Description = "Insulated Body"
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "SphericalVesselCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Spherical
Vessel Component"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 410

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_240CplxAsm.CE_240CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E240_ComHorCylCompAsm
User Class Name: Complex Horizontal Cylindrical Equipment Component (E240)
Part Number: E240-Horizontal Cylindrical Tank-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_240CplxAsm.CE_240CSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "Vessel Length P2"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter P3"
Input = "BootHorLocation" Description = "Boot Horizontal Location P4"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 411

Equipment Components

Input = "BootVertLocation" Description = "Boot Vertical Location P5"

Input = "BootDiameter" Description = "Boot Diameter P6"
Input = "BootAngularLocation" Description = "Boot Angular Location P7"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel Center Height P8"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "First Support Location P9"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "Second Support Location P10"
Input = "ThirdSupportLocation" Description = "Third Support Location P11"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness P12"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length P13"
Input = "StiffenerRadius" Description = "Stiffener Radius P14"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Cylindrical Vessel Body"
Output = "LHSDome" Description = "Left Hand Side Dome"
Output = "RHSDome" Description = "Right Hand Side Dome"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Output = "InsLHSDome" Description = "Insulation for Left Hand Side Dome"
Output = "InsRHSDome" Description = "Insulation for Right Hand Side Dome"
Output = "ComplexHorCylEqpCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Complex
Horizontal Cylindrical Vessel Component"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Complex Horizontal Cylindrical
Vessel Component"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 412

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 413

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_245CompAsm.CE_245CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E245_HVesselComAsm
User Class Name: Simple Horizontal Cylindrical Equipment Component (E245)
Part Number: E245-Horizontal Cylindrical Tank-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_245CompAsm.CE_245CSym
Inputs = 8
Input = "VesselLength" Description = "Vessel Length"
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselCenterHeight" Description = "Vessel CenterHeight"
Input = "FirstSupportLocation" Description = "First Support Location"
Input = "SecondSupportLocation" Description = "Second Support Location"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Vessel" Description = "Vessel"
Output = "VesselLEH" Description = "Vessel Left Elliptical Head"
Output = "VesselREH" Description = "Vessel Right Elliptical Head"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "SimpleHorCylVesselCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Simple
Horizontal Cylinder Vessel Component"
Output = "InsulatedVessel" Description = "Insulated Vessel"
Output = "InsulatedVesselLEH" Description = "InsulatedVessel Left Elliptical Head"
Output = "InsulatedVesselREH" Description = "InsulatedVessel Right Elliptical Head"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 414

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_305CompAsm.CE_305CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E305_HorShTubeExCompAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Shell Tube Exchanger Component1 (E305)
Part Number: E305-Horizontal Shell & Tube Exchanger-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_305CompAsm.CE_305CSym
Inputs = 31
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P2"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Thick P3"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 415

Equipment Components

Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Dia P4"

Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Left FlangeThick P5"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk2" Description = "Exchanger Right FlangeThick P6"
Input = "ExpansionJointPosition" Description = "Expansion Joint Position P7"
Input = "ExpansionJointThickness" Description = "Expansion Joint Thickness P8"
Input = "ExpansionJointDiameter" Description = "Expansion Joint Diameter P9"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Exchanger End Length P10"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Cen From Origin P11"
Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Cen to Cen between Support P12"
Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support1 Thickness P13"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support2 Thickness P14"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "Bottom Support Height P15"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length P16"
Input = "TopSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Top Support Cen From Origin P17"
Input = "TopSupportCentoCen" Description = "Top Support Cen to Cen P18"
Input = "TopSupportHeight" Description = "Top Support Height P19"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "Front End Flange Diameter P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Front End Flange Tk 1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "RearEndFlangeDia" Description = "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P41"
Input = "RearEndLength" Description = "Rear End Length P42"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk2" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P43"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk3" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P44"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 27
Output = "ExchangerCyl" Description = "Exchanger Body Cylinder"
Output = "ExchangerRearFlange" Description = "Exchanger Rear Flange"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange1" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange1"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange2" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange 2"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange1" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange1"
Output = "ExchFrontEndCyl" Description = "Exchanger Front End Cylinder"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange2" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange2"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange3" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange3"
Output = "ExchRearEndFlange1" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange1"
Output = "ExchRearEndCyl" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Cyl"
Output = "ExchRearEndFlange2" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange2"
Output = "ExchRearEndFlange3" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange3"
Output = "ExchangerCylIns" Description = "Exchanger Body Cylinder Insulation"
Output = "ExchangerRearFlangeIns" Description = "Exchanger Rear Flange Insulation"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange1Ins" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange1Insulation"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange2Ins" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange 2Insulation"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange1Ins" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange1Insulation"
Output = "ExchFrontEndCylIns" Description = "Exchanger Front End Cylinder Insulation"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange2Ins" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange2 Insulation"
Output = "ExchFrontEndFlange3Ins" Description = "Exchanger Front End Flange3 Insulation"
Output = "ExchRearEndFlange1Ins" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange1 Insulation"
Output = "ExchRearEndCylIns" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Cyl Insulation"
Output = "ExchRearEndFlange2Ins" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange2 Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 416

Equipment Components

Output = "ExchRearEndFlange3Ins" Description = "Exchanger Rear End Flange3 Insulation"

Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "BundlePulling"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Horizontal Shell and Tube
Exchanger Component"
Output = "HorShTubeExCompControlPoint" ''Same name is to be used in
CPhysical Description = "Control Point of Horizontal Shell and Tube Exchanger Component"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 417

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_307CompAsm.CE_307CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E307_KettleExchCompAsm
User Class Name: Kettle Heat Exchanger Component (E307)
Part Number: E307-Kettle Exchanger-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_307CompAsm.CE_307CSym
Inputs = 22
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerNeckLength" Description = "Exchanger Neck Length P2"
Input = "ExchangerNeckDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Neck Diameter P3"
Input = "ExchangerTaperLength" Description = "Exchanger Taper Length P4"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P5"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Bundle Flange Thickness P6"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Bundle Flange Diameter P7"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Flange Thickness P8"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Bundle Pulling Length P9"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Center FromPP P10"
Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Bottom SupportCentertoCenterP11"
Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support 1 Thickness P12"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support 2 Thickness P13"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "BottomSupportHeight P14"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "SupportLength P15"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "FrontEndFlangeDia P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 17
Output = "ExchangerRHSEnd" Description = "Exchanger Right Hand Side End"
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "Exchanger Body"
Output = "ExTaperBody" Description = "Exchanger Taper Body"
Output = "ExneckBody" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion"
Output = "ExchangerFlange" Description = "Exchanger Flange"
Output = "BundleFlange" Description = "Bundle Flange"
Output = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlange" Description = "Exchanger Front End Right Hand Side
Output = "ExFrontEndBody" Description = "Exchanger Front End Body"
Output = "ExFrontEndBodyIFlange" Description = "Exchanger Front End Body Intermediate
Output = "ExchFrontEndLHSFlange" Description = "Exchanger Front End Left Hand Side
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface of Kettle Exchanger Component"
Output = "KettleExchangerCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Kettle
Exchanger Component"
Output = "ExBodyInsul" Description = "ExchangerBody Insulation"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 418

Equipment Components

Output = "ExTapBodyInsul" Description = "Exchanger Taper Body Insulation"

Output = "ExneckBodyInsul" Description = "Exchanger Neck Portion Insulation"
Output = "ExFrontEndIns" Description = "Exchanger front end Insulation"
Output = "BundlePullCylin" Description = "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_310CompAsm.CE_310CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E310_VerShTubeExCompAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Shell Tube Exchanger Component (E310)
Part Number: E310-Vertical Shell & Tube Exchanger-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_310CompAsm.CE_310CSym
Inputs = 29
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ExchangerDiameter" Description = "Exchanger Diameter P2"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Thick P3"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 419

Equipment Components

Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Dia P4"

Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Left FlangeThick P5"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk2" Description = "Exchanger Right FlangeThick P6"
Input = "ExtensionJointPosition" Description = "Extension Joint Position P7"
Input = "ExtensionJointThickness" Description = "Extension Joint Thickness P8"
Input = "ExtensionJointDiameter" Description = "Extension Joint Diameter P9"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Exchanger End Length P10"
Input = "SupportAngularLocation" Description = "Support Angular Location P11"
Input = "NumberOfSupports" Description = "Number Of Supports P12"
Input = "SupportDepth" Description = "Support Depth P13"
Input = "SupportFromOrigin" Description = "Support From Origin P14"
Input = "SupportTopWidth" Description = "Support Top Width P15"
Input = "SupportBottomWidth" Description = "Support Bottom Width P16"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Support Thickness P17"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "Front End Flange Diameter P30"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Front End Flange Tk 1 P31"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "FrontEndLength2" Description = "FrontEndLength2 P33"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk2" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2 P34"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeTk3" Description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3 P35"
Input = "RearEndFlangeDia" Description = "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk1" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P41"
Input = "RearEndLength" Description = "Rear End Length P42"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk2" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P43"
Input = "RearEndFlangeTk3" Description = "Rear End Flange Tk P44"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 9
Output = "ExchangerBody" Description = "ExchangerBody"
Output = "FrontEndBody" Description = "FrontEndBody"
Output = "RearEndBody" Description = "RearEndBody"
Output = "ExchanBodyIns" Description = "Exchanger Body Ins"
Output = "FrontEndBodyIns" Description = "Front End Body Ins"
Output = "RearEndBodyIns" Description = "Rear End Body Ins"
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "Bundle Pulling Cylinder"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Horizontal Shell and Tube
Exchanger Component"
Output = "VerShTubeExCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vert Shell Tube
Exchanger Component"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 420

Equipment Components

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 421

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_320CompAsm.CE_320CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E320_DouPipeExchCompAsm
User Class Name: Double Pipe Exchanger Component (E320)
Part Number: E320-Double Pipe Exchanger-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_320CompAsm.CE_320CSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "BlockEndFromPP" Description = "Dist from BlockEnd to PP"
Input = "PipeEndFromPP" Description = "Dist from PipeEnd to PP"
Input = "PipeCentoCen" Description = "Dist from Pipe Cen to Cen"
Input = "PipeDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Pipe"
Input = "BlockLength" Description = "Block Length"
Input = "BlockHeight" Description = "Block Height"
Input = "BlockWidth" Description = "Block Width"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Bundle Pulling Length"
Input = "Support1CenFromPP" Description = "Dist from Support1 Cen to PP"
Input = "SupportCentoCen" Description = "Support Cen to Cen"
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Height of Support"
Input = "SupportThickness" Description = "Thickness of Support"
Input = "SupportWidth" Description = "Width of Support"
Outputs = 6
Output = "Pipe1" Description = "Pipe1"
Output = "Pipe2" Description = "Pipe2"
Output = "Block" Description = "Block"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "DouPipeExchangerControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Double Pipe
Exchanger "
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "BundlePulling"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 422

Equipment Components

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_325CompAsm.CE_325CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E325_PlateExchgerCompAsm
User Class Name: Plate Exchanger Component (E325)
Part Number: E325-Plate Exchanger-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_325CompAsm.CE_325CSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "BotPlate1toPP", "Dist from Bottom of Plate1 to PP"
Input and description = "Plate1Height", "Height of Plate1",
Input and description = "Plate1Thickness", "Thickness of Plate1",
Input and description = "PlatesWidth", "Width of Plate"
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Length of Exchanger",
Input and description = "ExchangerHeight", "Height of Exchanger"
Input and description = "ExchangerWidth", "Width of Exchanger",
Input and description = "Plate2Height", "Height of Plate2",
Input and description = "Plate2Thickness", "Thickness of Plate2",
Input and description = "RodsLength", "Length of Rod",
Input and description = "RodsDiameter", "Diameter of Rod",
Input and description = "BotSidePlatetoRod2Cen", "Dist from Bottom of SidePlate to Rod2

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 423

Equipment Components

Input and description = "RodsCentoCen", "Rods Centre to Centre dist"

Input and description = "SidePlateThickness", "Thickness of SidePlate",
Input and description = "SidePlateWidth", "Width of Side Plate ",
Outputs = 12
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane 1"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "Plane2", "Plane 2"
Output and description = "Plane3", "Plane 3"
Output and description = "Plane4", "Plane 4"
Output and description = "Plane5", "Plane 5"
Output and description = "ExchangerBody", "Exchanger Body"
Output and description = "Plate2", "Plate 2"
Output and description = "Rod1", "Rod 1"
Output and description = "Rod2", "Rod 2"
Output and description = "SidePlate", "Side Plate"
Output and description = "PlateExchangerCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Plate
Exchanger Component"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_332CompAsm.CE_332CSym

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 424

Equipment Components

Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E332_IDAirCoolerComAsm
User Class Name: Induced Draft Air Cooler Component (E332)
Part Number: E332-Air Cooler-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_332CompAsm.CE_332CSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"
Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"
Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Outputs = 10
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "InducedDraftAirCoolerCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Induced
Draft Air Cooler Bay Component"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 425

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DE_334CompAsm.CE_334CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E334_FDAirCoolerComAsm
User Class Name: Forced Draft Air Cooler Component (E334)
Part Number: E334-Air Cooler-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_334CompAsm.CE_334CSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "CoolerWidth" Description = "Width of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerLength" Description = "Length of Cooler"
Input = "CoolerHeight" Description = "Height of Cooler"
Input = "PlenumLength" Description = "Length of Plenum"
Input = "PlenumHeight" Description = "Height of Plenum"
Input = "InletBlockLength" Description = "Inlet Block Length"
Input = "BlockToptoCoolTop" Description = "Dist Block Top to Cooler Top "
Input = "InletBlockHeight" Description = "Inlet Block Height"
Input = "CoolLeftfromPP" Description = "Cooler Left from PP"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 426

Equipment Components

Input = "NoOfFans" Description = "Number of Fans"

Input = "Fan1CentoPP" Description = "Dist from Fan1 Cen to PP"
Input = "FansCentoCen" Description = "Fans Center to Center"
Input = "FanDiameter" Description = "Diameter of Fan"
Input = "FanHeight" Description = "Height of Fan"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane1" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 1"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane2" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 2"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane3" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 3"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane4" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 4"
Output = "CoolerBodyPlane5" Description = "Cooler Body Plane 5"
Output = "CoolerLeftBox" Description = "Cooler Left Box"
Output = "CoolerRightBox" Description = "Cooler Right Box"
Output = "PlenumBox" Description = "Plenum Box"
Output = "ForcedDraftAirCoolerCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Forced
Draft Air Cooler Bay Component"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 427

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DE_405CompAsm.CE_405CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E405_HorRotEqpComAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Rotating Equipment And Driver Component (E405)
Part Number: E405-Horizontal Rotating Equipment-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_405CompAsm.CE_405CSym
Inputs = 18
Input and description = "BaseLength", "Length of Base"
Input and description = "BaseWidth1", "Width1 of Base",
Input and description = "BaseWidth2", "Width2 of Base",
Input and description = "BaseThickness", "Thickness of Base",
Input and description = "DistBaseLeftToDischarge", "Dist between Base Left to Centerline of
Input and description = "DistEqpLeftToDischarge", "Dist between Eqp Left to Centerline of
Input and description = "DistEqpRightToDischarge", "Dist between Eqp Right to Centerline of
Input and description = "EqpWidth1", "Width1 of Equipment",
Input and description = "EqpWidth2", "Width2 of Equipment",
Input and description = "EqpDepth1", "Depth1 of Equipment",
Input and description = "EqpDepth2", "Depth2 of Equipment",
Input and description = "RotEqpLength", "Length of Rotating Equipment",
Input and description = "RotEqpDiameter", "Diameter of Rotating Equipment",
Input and description = "DriverLength", "Length of Driver",
Input and description = "DriverWidth1", "Width1 of Driver",
Input and description = "DriverWidth2", "Width2 of Driver",
Input and description = "DriverHeight", "Height of Driver",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "InsulatedEqp", "Insulated Equipment"
Output and description = "Equipment", "Equipment"
Output and description = "Driver", "Driver"
Output and description = "RotEquip", "Rotating Equipment"
Output and description = "SupportBodyTopPlane", "Support Body Top Plane"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Support Body Bottom Plane"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane1", "Support Body side plane1"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane2", "Support Body side plane2"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane3", "Support Body side plane3"
Output and description = "SupportBodySidePlane4", "Support Body side plane4"
Output and description = "HorRotEqpADvrCompControlPoint", "Control Point of Horizontal
Rotating Equipment And Driver Component"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 428

Equipment Components

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DE_410CompAsm.CE_410CSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: E410_VerRotEqpCompAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Rotating Equipment Component (E410)
Part Number: E410-Vertical Rotating-E-ECEquipment-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DE_410CompAsm.CE_410CSym
Inputs = 10
Input = "BottomBodyHeight1" Description = "BottomBodyHeight1"
Input = "BottomBodyHeight2" Description = "BottomBodyHeight2"
Input = "BottomBodyDiameter" Description = "BottomBodyDiameter"
Input = "ShaftLength" Description = "ShaftLength"
Input = "ShaftDiameter" Description = "ShaftDiameter"
Input = "TaperBodyHeight" Description = "TaperBodyHeight"
Input = "TopBodyHeight" Description = "TopBodyHeight"
Input = "TopBodyDiameter" Description = "TopBodyDiameter"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "BundlePullingLength"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "InsulationThickness"
Outputs = 6
Output = "InsEquipment" Description = "Insulation for Equipment"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 429

Equipment Components

Output = "MaintEquipment" Description = "Maintenance for Equipment"

Output = "TopSurface" Description = "Surface at Top"
Output = "Equipment" Description = "Equipment"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface at Bottom"
Output = "VerRotatingEquipmentCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Vertical
Rotating Equipment Component"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 430

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DXShellBodyCompAsm.CXSBCSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: HSTExchBodyComAsm
User Class Name: Exchanger Shell Body
Part Number: ExchangerShellBodyE-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DXShellBodyCompAsm.CXSBCSym
Inputs = 23
Input = "ExchangerLength" Description = "Exchanger Length P1"
Input = "ChannelDiameter" Description = "Channel Diameter P2"
Input = "BundleFlangeTk" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Thick P3"
Input = "BundleFlangeDia" Description = "Exchanger End Flange Dia P4"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk1" Description = "Exchanger Left FlangeThick P5"
Input = "ExchangerFlangeTk2" Description = "Exchanger Right FlangeThick P6"
Input = "ExpansionJointPosition" Description = "Expansion Joint Position P7"
Input = "ExpansionJointThickness" Description = "Expansion Joint Thickness P8"
Input = "ExpansionJointDiameter" Description = "Expansion Joint Diameter P9"
Input = "BundlePullingLength" Description = "Exchanger End Length P10"
Input = "BotSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Bot Support Cen From Origin P11"
Input = "BottomSupportCentoCen" Description = "Cen to Cen between Support P12"
Input = "Support1Thickness" Description = "Support1 Thickness P13"
Input = "Support2Thickness" Description = "Support2 Thickness P14"
Input = "BottomSupportHeight" Description = "Bottom Support Height P15"
Input = "SupportLength" Description = "Support Length P16"
Input = "TopSupportCenFromPP" Description = "Top Support Cen From Origin P17"
Input = "TopSupportCentoCen" Description = "Top Support Cen to Cen P18"
Input = "TopSupportHeight" Description = "Top Support Height P19"
Input = "FrontEndFlangeDia" Description = "Front End Flange Diameter P30"
Input = "FrontEndLength1" Description = "FrontEndLength1 P32"
Input = "RearEndFlangeDia" Description = "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "ExchangerCyl" Description = "Exchanger Body Cylinder"
Output = "ExchangerRearFlange" Description = "Exchanger Rear Flange"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange1" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange1"
Output = "ExchangerFrontFlange2" Description = "Exchanger Front Flange 2"
Output = "ExchangerCylIns" Description = "Exchanger Body Cylinder Insulation"
Output = "BundlePulling" Description = "BundlePulling"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface Exchanger Shell Component"
Output = "ExchShellCompControlPoint" Description = "Control Point of Exchanger Shell
Aspects = 4
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 431

Equipment Components

Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Description: 2:1 Elliptical Head Horizontal Drum Along X- Axis
Symbol Name: SP3DHDrVesAlXCompAsm.HoriDrumVAlongXSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: HDrumAlongXAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Drum Vessel along X-Axis
Part Number: HDrumAlongXaxis 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHDrVesAlXCompAsm.HoriDrumVAlongXSym
Inputs = 3
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Drum Body"
Output = "Dish1" Description = "Drum End1"
Output = "Dish2" Description = "Drum End2"
Output = "Point" Description = "Point"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Plane"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Drum Body"
Output = "InsulatedDish1" Description = "Insulated Drum End1"
Output = "InsulatedDish2" Description = "Insulated Drum End2"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 432

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Description: 2:1 Elliptical Head Horizontal Drum
Symbol Name: SP3DHorDrumCompAsm.HorizontalDrumSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: HDrumAsm
User Class Name: Horizontal Drum
Part Number: HDrum 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorDrumCompAsm.HorizontalDrumSym
Inputs = 3
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Drum Body"
Output = "Dish1" Description = "Drum End1"
Output = "Dish2" Description = "Drum End2"
Output = "Point" Description = "Point"
Output = "Plane" Description = "Default Plane"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Drum Body"
Output = "InsulatedDish1" Description = "Insulated Drum End1"
Output = "InsulatedDish2" Description = "Insulated Drum End2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 433

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Description: 2:1 Elliptical Head Vertical Drum
Symbol Name: SP3DVerDrumCompAsm.VerticalDrumSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: VDrumAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Drum
Part Number: VDrum 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVerDrumCompAsm.VerticalDrumSym
Inputs = 3
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tangent to Tangent"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Cylinder" Description = "Drum Body"
Output = "Dish1" Description = "Drum End1"
Output = "Dish2" Description = "Drum End2"
Output = "Point" Description = "Point"
Output = "Plane" Description = "Plane"
Output = "InsulatedBody" Description = "Insulated Body"
Output = "InsulatedDish1" Description = "Insulated Drum End1"
Output = "InsulatedDish2" Description = "Insulated Drum End2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 434

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Instrument Components
The following instrument equipment component symbols are available.

ECInstrSunshade ........................................................................... 435

Description: Instrument sunshade assembly
Symbol Name: ECInstrSunshade.SunshadeSym
Workbook: Instrument Sunshade.xls
Workbook Sheet: SunShade
User Class Name: Instrument Sunshade
Part Number: InstrumentSunshade-E-01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: ECInstrSunshade.SunshadeSym

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 435

Equipment Components

Inputs = 10
Input = "SunshadeWidth" Description = "Sunshade Width"
Input = "SunshadeDepth" Description = "Sunshade Depth", 0
Input = "SunshadeHeight" Description = "Sunshade Height", 0
Input = "Extension" Description = "Extension", 0
Input = "SupportHeight" Description = "Support Height"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width", 0
Input = "BaseplateHeight" Description = "Baseplate Height", 0
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness", 0
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X bolt Hole", 0
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y bolt Hole"
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Base1" Description = "Base 1"
Output = "SupportPipe1" Description = "Support Pipe 1"
Output = "SupportPipe2" Description = "Support Pipe 2"
Output = "Plate1" Description = "Plate 1"
Output = "Plate2" Description = "Plate 2"
Output = "Plate3" Description = "Plate 3"
Output = "Plate4" Description = "Plate 4"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 436

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 437

Equipment Components

Material Handling Components

This section contains material handling equipment component symbols.

ECPlummerBlock........................................................................... 438
ECSolePlate .................................................................................. 440

Description: Plummer Block Housing equipment component symbol
Symbol Name: ECPlummerBlock
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: ECPlummerBlock.PBlockSym
Inputs = 11
Input = "BaseLength" Description = "Base Length"
Input = "BoltCentersALength" Description = "Bolt Centers along Length"
Input = "HousingHeight" Description = "Housing Height"
Input = "CenterToBase" Description = "Center to Base"
Input = "BaseHeight" Description = "Base Height"
Input = "HousingWidth" Description = "Housing Width"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "Base Width"
Input = "BoltCentersAWidth" Description = "Bolt Centers along Width"
Input = "ClearanceHeight" Description = "Clearance Height"
Input = "4BoltHoles" Description = "Four Bolts Holes", False
Input = "ShaftDiameter" Description = "Shaft Diameter"
Outputs = 19
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Output2" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3_" Description = "Output 3_"
Output = "Output4_" Description = "Output 4_"
Output = "Output5_" Description = "Output 5_"
Output = "Output6_" Description = "Output 6_"
Output = "Output7" Description = "Output 7"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output 8"
Output = "Output9" Description = "Output 9"
Output = "Output10" Description = "Output 10"
Output = "Output11" Description = "Output 11"
Output = "Output12" Description = "Output 12"
Output = "Output13_" Description = "Output 13_"
Output = "Output14_" Description = "Output 14_"
Output = "Output15" Description = "Output 15"
Output = "Output16" Description = "Output 16"
Output = "Output17" Description = "Output 17", Centerline
Output = "Output18" Description = "Output 18", Centerline
Output = "Output19" Description = "Output 19", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 438

Equipment Components

Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 439

Equipment Components

Description: sole plate
Symbol Name: ECSolePlate
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: ECSolePlate.SolePlateSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "[C] - Base Plate Width"
Input = "CenterToBlock" Description = "[D] - Center to Block"
Input = "ShaftDiameter" Description = "[SD] - Shaft Diameter"
Input = "BlockHeight" Description = "[K] - Block Height"
Input = "BlockLength" Description = "[L] - Block Length"
Input = "BasePlateThick" Description = "[N] - Base Plate Thickness"
Input = "CenToBPEnd" Description = "[B] – Center to Base Plate End"
Input = "NumberOfSlots" Description = "[4s] - 4 Number of Slots (Default - 2)"
Input = "SlotLength" Description = "[E] - Slot Length"
Input = "SlotWidth" Description = "[F] - Slot Width"
Input = "CenToSlot" Description = "[A] - Center to Slot"
Input = "DistBetSlots" Description = "[Q] - Distance between Slots"
Input = "ClearanceLength" Description = "[CL] - Clearance Length "
Input = "ShimThickness" Description = "Shim Thickness"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X] - Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y] - Hole Bolt Y Location"
Outputs = 9
Output = "Output1_" Description = "Output 1"
Output = "Output2_" Description = "Output 2"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output 3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output 4"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort1" Description = "Equipment Foundation Port 1"
Output = "CenOutput1" Description = "Centerline Output 1", Centerline
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Output = "MaintOutput1" Description = "Maintenance Output 1"
Output = "MaintOutput2" Description = "Maintenance Output 2"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Centerline", "Centerline", Centerline
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 440

Equipment Components

This section contains the platform equipment components.

SP3DPlatformAsm ......................................................................... 441
SP3DPlatformTypeACompAsm ..................................................... 442
SP3DPlatformTypeBCompAsm ..................................................... 443
SP3DPlatformTypeCCompAsm .................................................... 444
SP3DPlatformTypeDCompAsm .................................................... 445
SP3DPlatformTypeECompAsm ..................................................... 446
SP3DPlatformTypeFCompAsm ..................................................... 447
SP3DPlatformWithHoleAsm .......................................................... 448
SP3DVesselPlatformAsm .............................................................. 449

Description: Vessel Platform 01
Symbol Name: SP3DPlatform.CPlatformSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlatformAsm
User Class Name: Vessel Platform
Part Number: Vessel Platform 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatform.CPlatformSym
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "PlatformWidth", "Platform Width"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height or Thickness"
Input and description = "PlatformAngle", "Platform Total Angle"
Input and description = "ClearancefromVessel", "Clearance between Vessel and the Platform"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness for the Vessel"
Outputs = 9
Output and description = "PlatformBody", "Body of the Platform"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point on Tower"
Output and description = "TopLine1", "Top line1 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopArc2", "Top Arc2 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopLine2", "Top Line2 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopArc1", "Top Arc1 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopSurface", "Top Surface of the Platform"
Output and description = "BottomSurface", "Bottom Surface of the Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 441

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeAAsm.PlatformTypeASym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeAAsm.PlatformTypeASym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 442

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeBAsm.PlatformTypeBSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeBAsm.PlatformTypeBSym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "EqpDimension5", "Equipment Dimension P5"
Input and description = "EqpDimension6", "Equipment Dimension P6"
Input and description = "IsCornerSkewed", "Is Curve Skewed: 0 if skewed, else otherwise"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "Line5", "Line 5"
Output and description = "Line6", "Line 6"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 443

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeCAsm.PlatformTypeCSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeCAsm.PlatformTypeCSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "EqpDimension5", "Equipment Dimension P5"
Input and description = "EqpDimension6", "Equipment Dimension P6"
Input and description = "EqpDimension7", "Equipment Dimension P7"
Input and description = "IsCornerSkewed", "Is Corned Skewed: 0 if skewed, else otherwise"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 9
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "Line5", "Line 5"
Output and description = "Line6", "Line 6"
Output and description = "Line7", "Line 7"
Output and description = "Line8", "Line 8"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 444

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeDAsm.PlatformTypeDSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeDAsm.PlatformTypeDSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "EqpDimension5", "Equipment Dimension P5"
Input and description = "EqpDimension6", "Equipment Dimension P6"
Input and description = "EqpDimension7", "Equipment Dimension P7"
Input and description = "IsCornerSkewed", "Is Corned Skewed: 0 if skewed, else otherwise"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 11
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "Line5", "Line 5"
Output and description = "Line6", "Line 6"
Output and description = "Line7", "Line 7"
Output and description = "Line8", "Line 8"
Output and description = "Line8", "Line 9"
Output and description = "Line10", "Line 10"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 445

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeEAsm.PlatformTypeESym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeEAsm.PlatformTypeESym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "EqpDimension5", "Equipment Dimension P5"
Input and description = "EqpDimension6", "Equipment Dimension P6"
Input and description = "EqpDimension7", "Equipment Dimension P7"
Input and description = "EqpDimension8", "Equipment Dimension P8"
Input and description = "IsCornerSkewed", "Is Corned Skewed: 0 if skewed, else otherwise"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 13
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "Line5", "Line 5"
Output and description = "Line6", "Line 6"
Output and description = "Line7", "Line 7"
Output and description = "Line8", "Line 8"
Output and description = "Line8", "Line 9"
Output and description = "Line10", "Line 10"
Output and description = "Line11", "Line 11"
Output and description = "Line12", "Line 12"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 446

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformTypeFAsm.PlatformTypeFSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformTypeFAsm.PlatformTypeFSym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "EqpDimension1", "Equipment Dimension P1"
Input and description = "EqpDimension2", "Equipment Dimension P2"
Input and description = "EqpDimension3", "Equipment Dimension P3"
Input and description = "EqpDimension4", "Equipment Dimension P4"
Input and description = "EqpDimension5", "Equipment Dimension P5"
Input and description = "EqpDimension6", "Equipment Dimension P6"
Input and description = "PlatformAngle", "Platform Angle P9"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height"
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Line1", "Line 1"
Output and description = "Line2", "Line 2"
Output and description = "Line3", "Line 3"
Output and description = "Line4", "Line 4"
Output and description = "Line5", "Line 5"
Output and description = "Line6", "Line 6"
Output and description = "ProjBody", "Body of Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 447

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Description: Platform with hole for pipe
Symbol Name: SP3DPlatformWithHoleAsm.CPlatformWHSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PlatformwithholeAsm
User Class Name: Vessel Platform With Hole for Pipe
Part Number: Platformwithholeforpipe01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DPlatformWithHoleAsm.CPlatformWHSym
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "PlatformWidth", "Platform Width"
Input and description = "PlatformHeight", "Platform Height or Thickness"
Input and description = "PlatformAngle", "Platform Total Angle"
Input and description = "ClearancefromVessel", "Clearance between Vessel and the Platform"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness for the Vessel"
Input and description = "OpeningDiameter", "Pipe Hole Opening Diameter"
Input and description = "RotationY", "Pipe Position Angle from the North"
Input and description = "PlatformHoletoCenter", "Hole (Pipe passage) to the Vessel Center"
Outputs = 12
Output and description = "PlatformTopSurface", "Body of the Platform"
Output and description = "PlatformHole", "Body of the Platform"
Output and description = "PlatformBottomSurface", "Body of the Platform"
Output and description = "PlatformBody", "Body of the Platform"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point on Tower"
Output and description = "TopLine1", "Top line1 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopArc2", "Top Arc2 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopLine2", "Top Line2 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopArc1", "Top Arc1 of the Platform"
Output and description = "TopSurface", "Top Surface of the Platform"
Output and description = "BottomSurface", "Bottom Surface of the Platform"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 448

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Vertical Vessel Platform
Symbol Name: SP3DVesselPlatformAsm.CVPlatformSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: VVesselPlatformAsm
User Class Name: Vertical Vessel Platform
Part Number: VerticalVesselPlatform-001-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVesselPlatformAsm.CVPlatformSym
Inputs = 32
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "PlatformWidth1" Description = "Platform Width1"
Input = "PlatformHeight1" Description = "Platform Height or Thickness"
Input = "Angle1" Description = "Angle1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 449

Equipment Components

Input = "Angle2" Description = "Angle2"

Input = "ProjectionDistance" Description = "ProjectionDistance"
Input = "Orientation" Description = "Orientation"
Input = "PlatformType" Description = "PlatformType"
Input = "NoofSections" Description = "NoofSections"
Input = "Angle3" Description = "Angle3"
Input = "PlatformWidth2" Description = "Platform Width2"
Input = "PlatformHeight2" Description = "Platform Height2 or Thickness"
Input = "NumberofHoles1" Description = "NumberofHoles1"
Input = "HoleAngle1" Description = "HoleAngle1"
Input = "HolePosition1" Description = "HolePosition1"
Input = "HoleRadius1" Description = "HoleRadius1"
Input = "HoleAngle2" Description = "HoleAngle2"
Input = "HolePosition2" Description = "HolePosition2"
Input = "HoleRadius2" Description = "HoleRadius2"
Input = "HoleAngle3" Description = "HoleAngle3"
Input = "HolePosition3" Description = "HolePosition3"
Input = "HoleRadius3" Description = "HoleRadius3"
Input = "NumberofHoles2" Description = "NumberofHoles2"
Input = "HoleAngle4" Description = "HoleAngle4"
Input = "HolePosition4" Description = "HolePosition4"
Input = "HoleRadius4" Description = "HoleRadius4"
Input = "HoleAngle5" Description = "HoleAngle5"
Input = "HolePosition5" Description = "HolePosition5"
Input = "HoleRadius5" Description = "HoleRadius5"
Input = "HoleAngle6" Description = "HoleAngle6"
Input = "HolePosition6" Description = "HolePosition6"
Input = "HoleRadius6" Description = "HoleRadius6"
Outputs = 1
Output = "TopLine1" Description = "TopLine1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 450

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

This section contains support equipment components.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 451

Equipment Components

ECAnchBoltsAO ............................................................................ 452
ECBasePlate ................................................................................. 453
SP3DCenWebSaddleCompAsm ................................................... 454
SP3DClPiGuiSLCompAsm ............................................................ 456
SP3DHorOffsetSaddleCompAsm .................................................. 457
SP3DLiftLugBPCompAsm ............................................................. 458
SP3DLiftLugFVCompAsm ............................................................. 460
SP3DParSaddleCompAsm ............................................................ 461
SP3DSaddleSupCompAsm ........................................................... 462
SP3DSkirtAsm ............................................................................... 463
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeACompAsm ................................................... 465
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeBCompAsm ................................................... 466
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeCCompAsm .................................................. 468
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeDCompAsm .................................................. 469
SP3DSupportLegsCompAsm ........................................................ 471
SP3DSupportLugAsm.................................................................... 473
SP3DTestSkirt ............................................................................... 473
SP3DVesselSkirtCompAsm .......................................................... 475
SP3DWeldPiGMLCompAsm ......................................................... 476
SP3DWeldPiGSLCompAsm .......................................................... 477
SP3DWeldTySMLCompAsm ......................................................... 478
SP3DWeldTySSLCompAsm ......................................................... 479

Description: Conical tank roof, dome tank roof, and floating tank roof symbols.
Symbol Name: ECAnchBoltsAO.ABAccessOpeningSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: ECAnchBoltsAO.ABAccessOpeningSym
Inputs = 11
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "AnchorHeight" Description = "Anchor Height"
Input = "AnchorWidth" Description = "Anchor Width"
Input = "OpeningHeight" Description = "Opening Height"
Input = "OpeningWidth" Description = "Opening Width"
Input = "OpeningLocation" Description = "Opening Location"
Input = "NumberOfBolts" Description = "Number Of Bolts"
Input = "NumberOfOpenings" Description = "Number Of Openings"
Input= "OpeningAngle" Description = "Opening Angle"
Input = "AnchorBoltAngle" Description = "Anchor Bolt Angle"
Input = "BasePlateThickness" Description = "Base Plate Thickness"
Outputs = 6
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Cylinder_" Description = "Cylinder"
Output = "Anchor_" Description = "Anchor"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 452

Equipment Components

Output = "Bolt1_" Description = "Bolt1"

Output = "Bolt2_" Description = "Bolt2"
Output = "Opening_" Description = "Anchor Opening"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical" Description = "Physical"

Description: Base plate symbol.
Symbol Name: ECBasePlate.BasePlateSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: BasePlateSym
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: ECBasePlate.BasePlateSym
Inputs = 4
Input= "Diameter" Description = "Diameter"
Input = "PlateHeight" Description = "PlateHeight"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "Depth" Description = "Depth"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 453

Equipment Components

Outputs = 8
Output = "Output1" Description = "Output1"
Output = "Leg_" Description = "Leg"
Output = "Output3" Description = "Output3"
Output = "Output4" Description = "Output4"
Output = "Output5" Description = "Output5"
Output = "Output6" Description = "Output6"
Output = "Leg1" Description = "Leg1"
Output = "Output8" Description = "Output8"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical" Description = "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation" Description = "Insulation"

Description: Center Web Saddle Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DCenWebSaddleCompAsm.CenWebSym
Workbook: Center Web Saddle Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: CenWebSaddle
User Class Name: Center Web Saddle
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DCenWebSaddleCompAsm.CenWebSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "A-Baseplate Length"
Input = "CenToSaddleBottom" Description = "B-Center to Saddle Bottom"
Input = "BackingPlateThick" Description = "C-Backing Plate Thickness"
Input = "BasePlateThick" Description = "D-Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "E-Hole Bolt X Location"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 454

Equipment Components

Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "F-Baseplate Width"

Input = "RibWidth" Description = "G-Rib Width"
Input = "BackingPlateWidth" Description = "H-Backing Plate Width"
Input = "WebThick" Description = "J-Web Thickness"
Input = "RibThick" Description = "L-Rib Thickness"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "M-Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "NoOfRibs" Description = "Number of Ribs"
Input = "SaddleAngle" Description = "Saddle Angle"
Outputs = 6
Output = "BackingPlate" Description = "Backing Plate"
Output = "Web" Description = "Web"
Output = "Rib_" Description = "Rib"
Output = "Baseplate" Description = "Baseplate"
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 455

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DClPiGuiSLCompAsm.CPGuideFoSmallLSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeguideClampedAsm
User Class Name: Clamped Pipe Guide for Small Lines
Part Number: PipeguideClampedE-EC01EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DClPiGuiSLCompAsm.CPGuideFoSmallLSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Tower Diameter"
Input and description = "PipeCLtoTowerCL", "Pipe CenterLine to Tower CenterLine-Y"
Input and description = "TowertoGuideBase", "Tower Outer shell to Guide Base-K"
Input and description = "PipeOD", "Pipe Outer Diameter"
Outputs = 21
Output and description = "Saddle1", "Saddle1 Body"
Output and description = "Saddle2", "Saddle2 Body"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport1", "Top Trapezoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport2", "Bottom Trapezoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport3", "Box Type portion fits in Clamps"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate1", "Guide saddle support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport1", "Tower circular support"
Output and description = "GuideSupport2", "Top guide plate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport3", "Guide Clamp Plate"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate2", "Guide support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "ZClamp1A", "Left Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp1B", "Left Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2A", "Right Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2B", "Right Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "Bolt1", "Left Bolt"
Output and description = "Bolt2", "Right Bolt"
Output and description = "Defaultsurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "PipeAxisLine", "Line on the Pipe axis"
Output and description = "VesselAxisLine", "Line on the Vessel axis"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Point on the Vessel axis"
Output and description = "PipeAxisPoint", "Point on the Pipe axis"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 456

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Horizontal Offset Web Saddle XX Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DHorOffsetSaddleCompAsm.OffSaddleSym
Workbook: Offset Web Saddle Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: HoriOffsetWebSaddle
User Class Name: Horizontal Offset Web Saddle
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHorOffsetSaddleCompAsm.OffSaddleSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "BasePlateLength" Description = "A-Baseplate Length"
Input = "CenToSaddleBottom" Description = "B-Center to Saddle Bottom"
Input = "BackingPlateThick" Description = "C-Backing Plate Thickness"
Input = "BasePlateThick" Description = "D-Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "E-Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "BasePlateWidth" Description = "F-Baseplate Width"
Input = "RibWidth" Description = "G-Rib Width"
Input = "BackingPlateWidth" Description = "H-Backing Plate Width"
Input = "WebThick" Description = "J-Web Thickness"
Input = "RibThick" Description = "L-Rib Thickness"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "NoOfRibs" Description = "Number of Ribs"
Input = "SaddleAngle" Description = "Saddle Angle"
Outputs = 6
Output = "BackingPlate" Description = "Backing Plate"
Output = "Web" Description = "Web"
Output = "Rib_" Description = "Rib"
Output = "Baseplate" Description = "Baseplate"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 457

Equipment Components

Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"

Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under support"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Lifting Lug with Backing Plate for Drums,Vessel
Symbol Name: SP3DLiftLugBPCompAsm.LLWithBackingPlSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: LiftingLugBackPlateAsm
User Class Name: Lifting Lugs with Backing Plate
Part Number: LiftingLugwithBackingPlate 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLiftLugBPCompAsm.LLWithBackingPlSym
Inputs = 12
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Shell Outside Diameter"
Input = "VesselLugOffset" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Control Point Offset"
Input = "LugBasePlateWidth" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Base Plate Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 458

Equipment Components

Input = "LugBasePlateLength" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Base Plate Length"

Input = "LugBasePlateThickness" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Base Plate Thickness"
Input = "LugGussetHeight" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Gusset Height"
Input = "LugGussetWidth" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Gusset Width"
Input = "LugGussetThickness" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Gusset Thickness"
Input = "LugGussetSpacing" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Gusset Spacing"
Input = "LugBoltSlotEccentricity" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Bolt Slot Eccentricity"
Input = "LugBoltDiameter" Description = "Vessel Support Lug Bolt Diameter"
Input = "NumberOfLugs" Description = "Number of Lugs"
Outputs = 34
Output = "Lug1_PlaneOuput1" Description = "Lug1_PlaneOuput 1"
Output = "Lug1_PlaneOuput2" Description = "Lug1_PlaneOuput 2"
Output = "Lug1_PlaneOuput3" Description = "Lug1_PlaneOuput 3"
Output = "Lug1_PlaneOuput4" Description = "Lug1_PlaneOuput 4"
Output = "Box1" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra1" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra2" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Lug2_PlaneOuput1" Description = "Lug2_PlaneOuput 1"
Output = "Lug2_PlaneOuput2" Description = "Lug2_PlaneOuput 2"
Output = "Lug2_PlaneOuput3" Description = "Lug2_PlaneOuput 3"
Output = "Lug2_PlaneOuput4" Description = "Lug2_PlaneOuput 4"
Output = "Box3" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra3" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra4" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Lug3_PlaneOuput1" Description = "Lug3_PlaneOuput 1"
Output = "Lug3_PlaneOuput2" Description = "Lug3_PlaneOuput 2"
Output = "Lug3_PlaneOuput3" Description = "Lug3_PlaneOuput 3"
Output = "Lug3_PlaneOuput4" Description = "Lug3_PlaneOuput 4"
Output = "Box5" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box6" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra5" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra6" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Lug4_PlaneOuput1" Description = "Lug4_PlaneOuput 1"
Output = "Lug4_PlaneOuput2" Description = "Lug4_PlaneOuput 2"
Output = "Lug4_PlaneOuput3" Description = "Lug4_PlaneOuput 3"
Output = "Lug4_PlaneOuput4" Description = "Lug4_PlaneOuput 4"
Output = "Box7" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box8" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra7" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Pyra8" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Point" Description = "Drum Point"
Output = "Plane" Description = "Default Plane"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 459

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Lifting Lugs for Drums,Vessel
Symbol Name: SP3DLiftLugFVCompAsm.LLugsForVesselSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: LiftingLugAsm
User Class Name: Lifting Lugs for Vessel
Part Number: LiftingLug 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DLiftLugFVCompAsm.LLugsForVesselSym
Inputs = 2
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tan to Tan"
Outputs = 6
Output = "Box1" Description = "Lifting Lug"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Lifting Lug"
Output = "Box3" Description = "Lifting Lug"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Lifting Lug"
Output = "Point" Description = "Lifting Lug Point"
Output = "Plane" Description = "Default Plane"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 460

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger parametric Saddle
Symbol Name: SP3DParSaddleCompAsm.ParametricSaddlSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: SaddleParametricAsm
User Class Name: Parametric Saddle
Part Number: Heat Exchanger Saddle 1-EC, Heat Exchanger Saddle 2-EC, Heat Exchanger
Saddle 3-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DParSaddleCompAsm.ParametricSaddlSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "SupportLength", "Support Length(B)",
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height From Vessel Center to base of
Input and description = "SupportWidth", "Support Width(G)",
Input and description = "CPtoSaddle", "Distance of saddle center from the CP of vessel", 1
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness(E)", 0
Input and description = "BackingPlateThickness", "Backing Plate Thickness(T)", 0
Input and description = "BackingPlateWidth", "Backing Plate Widt(H)",
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness", "Stiffner Thickness(D)", 0
Input and description = "StiffnerThickness1", "Stiffner Thickness(DG)", 0
Input and description = "StiffnerSpacing", "Stiffner Spacing(C)",
Input and description = "XboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location-X (F)",
Input and description = "YboltHole", "Bolt Hole Location-Y (A)",
Outputs = 12
Output and description = "SaddlePlate", "Saddle Body"
Output and description = "StiffnerPlate", "Ends Support Plate"
Output and description = "BackingPlate1", "Center Support Plate1"
Output and description = "BackingPlate2", "Center Support Plate2"
Output and description = "BackingPlate3", "Middle Support Plate"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 461

Equipment Components

Output and description = "BackingPlate4", "Center Support Plate3"

Output and description = "BackingPlate5", "Center Support Plate4"
Output and description = "BackingPlate6", "Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "FoundationPort", "Foundation Port"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Reference Surface at the bottom of vessel"
Output and description = "VesselAxisLine", "Reference Line passes through center of Vessel"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Reference Point on axis of vessel at Support
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Description: Saddle Support
Symbol Name: SP3DSaddleSupCompAsm.SaddleSupportSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: SaddleSupportsAsm
User Class Name: Saddle Support
Part Number: SaddleSupports01-EC, SaddleSupports02-EC, SaddleSupports03-EC,
SaddleSupports04-EC, SaddleSupports05-EC, SaddleSupports06-EC, SaddleSupports07-EC,
SaddleSupports08-EC, SaddleSupports09-EC, SaddleSupports10-EC, SaddleSupports11-EC,
SaddleSupports12-EC, SaddleSupports13-EC, SaddleSupports14-EC, SaddleSupports15-EC,
SaddleSupports16-EC, SaddleSupports17-EC, SaddleSupports18-EC, SaddleSupports19-EC,
SaddleSupports20-EC, SaddleSupports21-EC, SaddleSupports22-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSaddleSupCompAsm.SaddleSupportSym
Inputs = 12
Input = "NominalShellDiameter" Description = "NominalShellDiameter"
Input = "A" Description = "A"
Input = "B" Description = "B"
Input = "D" Description = "D"
Input = "DG" Description = "DG"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 462

Equipment Components

Input = "E" Description = "E"

Input = "G" Description = "G"
Input = "J" Description = "J"
Input = "T" Description = "T"
Input = "VesselDesignPressureH" Description = "VesselDesignPressureH"
Input = "VesselDesignPressureR" Description = "VesselDesignPressureR"
Input = "VesselHeight" Description = "VesselHeight"
Outputs = 2
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box 1"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Box 2"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: Skirt with Diameter and Tan to Tan Occurrences
Symbol Name: SP3DSkirtAsm.CSkirtSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: SkirtAsm
User Class Name: Skirt
Part Number: Skirt 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSkirtAsm.CSkirtSym
Inputs = 2
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "VesselDiameter"
Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tan to Tan"
Outputs = 4
Output = "Snout" Description = "Drum Support Skirt"
Output = "Point" Description = "Skirt Point"
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Default Plane Top"
Output = "Plane2" Description = "Default Plane Bottom"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 463

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Dimension Input Name Property Page Name

A Vessel Diameter Vessel Diameter

B Vessel Tangent to Tangent Skirt Height

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 464

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeACompAsm.TypeASym
Workbook: Skirt Base Plate Type A Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SkirtBasePlateAComp
User Class Name: Skirt Base PlateType A with Gussets
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeACompAsm.TypeASym
Inputs = 12
Input and description = "SkirtInsideDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "SkirtThickness", "Skirt Thickness", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtHeight", "Skirt Height", 0
Input and description = "A", "A", 0.
Input and description = "B", "B", 0.
Input and description = "C", "C", 0.
Input and description = "D", "D", 0.
Input and description = "E", "E", 0.0
Input and description = "H", "H", 0.
Input and description = "T", "T", 0.
Input and description = "BoltSize", "Bolt Size", 0.0
Input and description = "NumberOfBolts", "Number of Bolts", 4
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "CircularBase", "Circular Base"
Output and description = "Skirt", "Vessel Skirt"
Output and description = "Support_", "Support"
Output and description = "FoundationPort", "FoundationPort"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 465

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeBCompAsm.TypeBSym
Workbook: Skirt Base Plate Type B Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SkirtBasePlateBComp
User Class Name: Skirt Base PlateType B with Cap Plate and Gussets
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeBCompAsm.TypeBSym
Inputs = 14
Input and description = "SkirtInsideDiameter", "Vessel Diameter", 0.
Input and description = "A", "A", 0.
Input and description = "B", "B", 0.
Input and description = "C", "C", 0.
Input and description = "D", "D", 0.
Input and description = "E", "E", 0.
Input and description = "F", "F", 0.
Input and description = "H", "H", 0.
Input and description = "T1", "T1", 0.
Input and description = "T2", "T2", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtHeight", "Skirt Height", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtThickness", "Skirt Thickness", 0.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 466

Equipment Components

Input and description = "BoltSize", "Bolt Size", 0.

Input and description = "NumberOfBolts", "Number of Bolts", 4
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "CircularBase", "Circular Base"
Output and description = "VesselSkirt", "Vessel Skirt"
Output and description = "Support_", "Support"
Output and description = "FoundationPort", "FoundationPort"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 467

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeCCompAsm.TypeCSym
Workbook: Skirt Base Plate Type C Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SkirtBasePlateCComp
User Class Name: Skirt Base PlateType C with Cap Plate and Offset Gussets
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeCCompAsm.TypeCSym
Inputs = 15
Input and description = "SkirtInsideDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "SkirtThickness", "Skirt Thickness", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtHeight", "Skirt Height", 0
Input and description = "A", "A", 0.
Input and description = "B", "B", 0.
Input and description = "C", "C", 0.
Input and description = "D", "D", 0.
Input and description = "E", "E", 0.0
Input and description = "F", "F", 0.
Input and description = "H", "H", 0.
Input and description = "T1", "T1", 0.
Input and description = "T2", "T2", 0
Input and description = "BoltSize", "Bolt Size", 0
Input and description = "G", "G", 0.
Input and description = "NumberOfBolts", "Number of Bolts", 4
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "CircularBase", "Circular Base"
Output and description = "Skirt", "Vessel Skirt"
Output and description = "Support_", "Support"
Output and description = "FoundationPort", "FoundationPort"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 468

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeDCompAsm.TypeDSym
Workbook: Skirt Base Plate Type D Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SkirtBasePlateDComp
User Class Name: Skirt Base PlateTypeD with Top Ring and Gussets
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSkirtBaseTypeDCompAsm.TypeDSym
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "SkirtInsideDiameter", "Vessel Diameter", 0.
Input and description = "A", "A", 0.
Input and description = "B", "B", 0.
Input and description = "C", "C", 0.
Input and description = "D", "D", 0.
Input and description = "E", "E", 0.
Input and description = "H", "H", 0.
Input and description = "T1", "T1", 0.
Input and description = "T2", "T2", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtHeight", "Skirt Height", 0.
Input and description = "SkirtThickness", "Skirt Thickness", 0.
Input and description = "BoltSize", "Bolt Size", 0.
Input and description = "NumberOfBolts", "Number of Bolts", 4

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 469

Equipment Components

Outputs = 6
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "CircularBase", "Circular Base"
Output and description = "VesselSkirt", "Vessel Skirt"
Output and description = "Support_", "Support"
Output and description = "TopRing", "Top Ring"
Output and description = "FoundationPort", "FoundationPort"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 470

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DSupportLegsCompAsm.SupportLegsSym
Workbook: Support Legs Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SupportLegsAsm
User Class Name: Support Legs
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSupportLegsCompAsm.SupportLegsSym
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "SupportAngularLocation", "SupportAngularLocation"
Input and description = "NumberOfSupports", "NumberOfSupports"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "SupportHeight",
Input and description = "SupportLength", "SupportLength",
Input and description = "SupportThickness", "SupportThickness",
Input and description = "SupportRadialLocation", "SupportRadialLocation",
Input and description = "StartHeight", "StartHeight",
Outputs = 7
Output and description = "Supports_", "ObjVertVesselSupport"
Output and description = "Point1_", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2_", "Point2"
Output and description = "Edge1_", "Edge1"
Output and description = "Edge2_", "Edge2"
Output and description = "Edge3_", "Edge3"
Output and description = "Edge4_", "Edge4"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 471

Equipment Components

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 472

Equipment Components

Description: Support Lug with Diameter and Height Occurrences
Symbol Name: SP3DSupportLugAsm.CSLugSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: SupportLugAsm
User Class Name: Support Lug for Vessel
Part Number: Support Lug01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSupportLugAsm.CSLugSym
Inputs = 2
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "VesselDiameter"
Input = "VesselLugOffset" Description = "Drum Support Lug Offset"
Outputs = 6
Output = "Box1" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box3" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Support Lug"
Output = "Point" Description = "Drum Point"
Output = "Plane" Description = "Default Plane"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DTestSkirt.CTestSkirt
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DTestSkirt.CTestSkirt

Number of Inputs = 2

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 473

Equipment Components

Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "VesselDiameter"

Input = "VesselTantoTan" Description = "Vessel Tan to Tan"
Number of Outputs = 4
Output = "Snout" Description = "Drum Support Skirt"
Output = "Point" Description = "Skirt Point"
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Default Plane Top"
Output = "Plane2" Description = "Default Plane Bottom"

Number of Aspects = 1
Supported AspectId = SimplePhysical

Dimension Input Name Property Page Name

A Vessel Diameter Vessel Diameter

B Vessel Tangent to Tangent Skirt Height

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 474

Equipment Components

Description: Vessel Skirt
Symbol Name: SP3DVesselSkirtAsm.CVSkirtSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: VesselSkirtAsm
User Class Name: Skirt of Vessel
Part Number: VesselSkirt01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVesselSkirtAsm.CVSkirtSym
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "SkirtBottomDiameter", "Skirt Bottom Diameter"
Input and description = "SkirtHeight", "Skirt Height"
Input and description = "SupportHeight", "Support Height"
Input and description = "SupportDiameter", "Support Diameter"
Input and description = "BasePlateThickness", "Base Plate Thickness"
Input and description = "BasePlateDiameter", "'BasePlate Diameter' "
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "Skirt", "Skirt"
Output and description = "BasePlate", "Base Plate"
Output and description = "Gusset", "Gusset"
Output and description = "AnchorPlate", "Anchor Plate"
Output and description = "SupportIns", "Support Insulation"
Output and description = "SkirtIns", "Skirt Insulation"
Output and description = "OriginPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "VerticalLine", "Vertical Line"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at the Top"
Output and description = "BotDefaultSurface", "Default Surface at the Bottom"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 475

Equipment Components

Symbol Name: SP3DWeldPiGMLCompAsm.WPGuideFMediumLSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: Pipeguide8to24inAsm
User Class Name: Welded Pipe Guide for Medium Lines
Part Number: Pipeguide8to24in 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWeldPiGMLCompAsm.WPGuideFMediumLSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Tower Diameter",
Input and description = "PipeCLtoTowerCL", "Pipe CenterLine to Tower CenterLine-Y",
Input and description = "TowertoGuideBase", "Tower Outer shell to Guide Base-K",
Input and description = "PipeOD", "Pipe Outer Diameter",
Outputs = 20
Output and description = "Saddle", "Saddle Body"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport1", "Top Trapizoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport2", "Bottom Trapizoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport3", "Box Type portion fits in Clamps"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate1", "Guide saddle support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport1", "Tower circular support"
Output and description = "GuideSupport2", "Top guide plate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport3", "Guide Clamp Plate"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate2", "Guide support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "ZClamp1A", "Left Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp1B", "Left Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2A", "Right Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2B", "Right Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "Bolt1", "Left Bolt"
Output and description = "Bolt2", "Right Bolt"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "VerticalPipeLine", "Reference line on Pipe"
Output and description = "RadialTowerLine", "Reference line on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "PipePoint", "Point at Pipe Axis"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 476

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DWeldPiGSLCompAsm.WPGuideFoSmallLSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeguideUpto6inAsm
User Class Name: Welded Pipe Guide for Small Lines
Part Number: PipeguideUpto6in 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWeldPiGSLCompAsm.WPGuideFoSmallLSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Tower Diameter",
Input and description = "PipeCLtoTowerCL", "Pipe CenterLine to Tower CenterLine-Y",
Input and description = "TowertoGuideBase", "Tower Outer shell to Guide Base-K",
Input and description = "PipeOD", "Pipe Outer Diameter",
Outputs = 20
Output and description = "Saddle", "Saddle Body"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport1", "Top Trapizoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport2", "Bottom Trapizoidal Saddle Support"
Output and description = "SaddleSupport3", "Box Type portion fits in Clamps"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate1", "Guide saddle support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport1", "Tower circular support"
Output and description = "GuideSupport2", "Top guide plate"
Output and description = "GuideSupport3", "Guide Clamp Plate"
Output and description = "SupportCenterPlate2", "Guide support CenterPlate"
Output and description = "ZClamp1A", "Left Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp1B", "Left Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2A", "Right Z-Clamp Inner Box"
Output and description = "ZClamp2B", "Right Z-Clamp Outer Box"
Output and description = "Bolt1", "Left Bolt"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 477

Equipment Components

Output and description = "Bolt2", "Right Bolt"

Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "VerticalPipeLine", "Reference line on Pipe"
Output and description = "RadialTowerLine", "Reference line on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "PipePoint", "Point at Pipe Axis"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "PipingAspect Description"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DWeldTySMLCompAsm.WTSupForMediumLSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeguideMediumAsm
User Class Name: Welded Type Support for Medium Lines
Part Number: PipeguideMedium 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWeldTySMLCompAsm.WTSupForMediumLSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "PipeCLtoTowerCL", "Pipe CenterLine to Tower CenterLine-Y"
Input and description = "TowertoGuideBase", "Tower Outer shell to Guide Base-K"
Input and description = "PipeOD", "Pipe Outer Diameter"
Outputs = 17
Output and description = "PipeSideSaddle", "Pipe Side Saddle guide"
Output and description = "Plate1", "Plate 1"
Output and description = "Plate2", "Plate 2"
Output and description = "Plate3", "Plate 3"
Output and description = "Plate4", "Plate 4"
Output and description = "Plate5", "Plate 5"
Output and description = "VesselSideSaddle", "Vessel side Saddle guide"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 478

Equipment Components

Output and description = "Plate6", "Plate 6"

Output and description = "Plate7", "Plate 7"
Output and description = "Plate8", "Plate 8"
Output and description = "Plate9", "Plate 9"
Output and description = "Plate10", "Plate 10"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "VerticalPipeLine", "Vertical Line on Centreline of Pipe"
Output and description = "RadialTowerLine", "Radial line on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point on Tower"
Output and description = "PipePoint", "Point on Pipe CentreLine"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DWeldTySSLCompAsm.WTSupForSmallLiSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: PipeguideSmallAsm
User Class Name: Welded Type Support for Small Lines
Part Number: PipeguideSmall 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DWeldTySSLCompAsm.WTSupForSmallLiSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter", 1
Input and description = "PipeCLtoTowerCL", "Pipe CenterLine to Tower CenterLine-Y", 1
Input and description = "TowertoGuideBase", "Tower Outer shell to Guide Base-K", 0
Input and description = "PipeOD", "Pipe Outer Diameter", 0
Outputs = 17
Output and description = "PipeSideSaddle", "Pipe Side Saddle guide"
Output and description = "Plate1", "Plate 1"
Output and description = "Plate2", "Plate 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 479

Equipment Components

Output and description = "Plate3", "Plate 3"

Output and description = "Plate4", "Plate 4"
Output and description = "Plate5", "Plate 5"
Output and description = "VesselSideSaddle", "Vessel side Saddle guide"
Output and description = "Plate6", "Plate 6"
Output and description = "Plate7", "Plate 7"
Output and description = "Plate8", "Plate 8"
Output and description = "Plate9", "Plate 9"
Output and description = "Plate10", "Plate 10"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface Reference plane on Tower"
Output and description = "VerticalPipeLine", "Vertical Line on Centreline of Pipe"
Output and description = "RadialTowerLine", "Radial line on Tower"
Output and description = "TowerPoint", "Point on Tower"
Output and description = "PipePoint", "Point on Pipe CentreLine"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Vessel Heads
This section contains the equipment component vessel heads.

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 480

Equipment Components

SP3DEqpEnd2TO1CompAsm ....................................................... 481
SP3DEqpEndConeCompAsm ....................................................... 482
SP3DEqpEndDomeCompAsm ...................................................... 483
SP3DEqpEndFLGDCompAsm ...................................................... 484
SP3DEqpEndFnDCompAsm ......................................................... 485
SP3DEqpEndHemiCompAsm ....................................................... 486
SP3DEqpEndTORCCompAsm ..................................................... 487
SP3DEqpEndTORSCompAsm ...................................................... 488
SP3DFrEnExTyACDNCompAsm .................................................. 489
SP3DFrEnExTyBCompAsm .......................................................... 490
SP3DFrEnExTyQCompAsm .......................................................... 491
SP3DREnExTyLNPW1CompAsm ................................................. 492
SP3DREnExTyMSTUW2CompAsm .............................................. 493
SP3DREnExTyQCompAsm .......................................................... 494

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEnd2TO1CompAsm.End2TO1Sym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: End2TO1CompAsm
User Class Name: End Type 2TO1 Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 2
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "End2TO1Head", " End2TO1Head"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "End2TO1HeadIns", " End2TO1HeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 481

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndConeCompAsm.EndConeSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndConeCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type Cone Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter", "End Cone Top Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadConeHeight", "End Head Cone Height",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "EndConeHead", "EndConeHead"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2", "Point2"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "Circle2", "Circle2"
Output and description = "Plane2", "Plane2"
Output and description = "EndConeHeadIns", " EndConeHeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 482

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndDomeCompAsm.EndDomeSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndDomeCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type Dome Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadDomeradius", "End Head Dome Radius",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "EndDomeHead", "Vertical Vessel EndEndDomeHead"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "EndDomeHeadIns", "EndDomeHeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 483

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndFLGDCompAsm.EndFLGDSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndFLGDCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type FLGD Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadFlangedThick1", "End Head Flanged Thickness 1",
Input and description = "EndHeadFlangedThick2", "End Head Flanged Thickness 2",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "EndFLGDHead1", "EndFLGDHead1"
Output and description = "EndFLGDHead2", "EndFLGDHead2"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2", "Point2"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "Circle2", "Circle2"
Output and description = "Plane2", "Plane2"
Output and description = "EndFLGDHead1Ins", "EndFLGDHead1Ins"
Output and description = "EndFLGDHead2Ins", "EndFLGDHead2Ins"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 484

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndFnDCompAsm.EndFnDSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndFnDCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type F&D Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 2
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "EndF&DHead", "EndF&DHead"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "EndF&DHeadIns", "EndF&DHeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 485

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndHemiCompAsm.EndHemiSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndHemiCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type Hemi Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 2
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "EndHemiHead", "EndEndHemiHead"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "EndHemiHeadIns", "EndEndHemiHeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 486

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndTORCCompAsm.EndTORCSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndTORCCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type TORC Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadConeTopDiameter", "End Head Top Diameter",
Input and description = "EndHeadConeHeight", "End Head Height",
Input and description = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius", "End Head Knuckle Radius",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "ObjRevolution1", "ObjRevolution1"
Output and description = "EndTORCHead", "EndTORCHead"
Output and description = "Point1", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2", "Point2"
Output and description = "Circle1", "Circle1"
Output and description = "Plane1", "Plane1"
Output and description = "Circle2", "Circle2"
Output and description = "Plane2", "Plane2"
Output and description = "ObjRevolution1Ins", "ObjRevolution1Ins"
Output and description = "EndTORCHeadIns", "EndTORCHeadIns"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 487

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Description: End TORI Spherical Equipment Component Assembly
Symbol Name: SP3DEqpEndTORSCompAsm.EndTORSSym
Workbook: Equipment Ends Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: EndTORSCompAsm
User Class Name: End Type TORS Component
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, Aspects:
Inputs = 4
Input = "VesselDiameter" Description = "Vessel Diameter"
Input = "EndHeadSphericalRadius" Description = "End Head Spherical Radius"
Input = "EndHeadKnuckleRadius" Description = "End Head Knuckle Radius"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 7
Output = "ObjRevolution1" Description = "ObjRevolution1"
Output = "ObjRevolution2" Description = "ObjRevolution2"
Output = "Point1" Description = "Point1"
Output = "Circle1" Description = "Circle1"
Output = "Plane1" Description = "Plane1"
Output = "ObjRevolution1Ins" Description = "ObjRevolution1Ins"
Output = "ObjRevolution2Ins" Description = "ObjRevolution2Ins"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 488

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Symbol Name: SP3DFrEnXACDNCompAsm.CFXACDNSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: FrontEndTypeACDNAsm
User Class Name: Exchanger Front End Type A/C/D/N
Part Number: FrontEndTypeACDN 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter P30",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1 P31", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32",
Input and description = "FrontEndLength2", "Front End Length2 P33",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk2", "Front End Flange Thickness 2 P34",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk3", "Front End Flange Thickness 3 P35", 0
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBody", "Exchanger Front End Body"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBodyIFlange", "Exchanger Front End Body Intermediate
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndLHSFlange", "Exchanger Front End Left Hand Side

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 489

Equipment Components

Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand
Side FlangeInsulation"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Front End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBodyIFlangeIns", "Exchanger Front End Body
Intermediate Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndLHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Front End Left Hand
Side Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "FrEndExchTypeACDNControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DFrEnXBCompAsm.FEXBSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: FrontEndTypeBAsm
User Class Name: Exchanger Front End Type B
Part Number: FrontEndTypeB 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter P30",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1 P31", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32",
Input and description = "FrontEndLength2", "Front End Length2 P33",
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBody", "Exchanger Front End Body"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndDome", "Exchanger Front End Dome"
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 490

Equipment Components

Side Flange Insulation"

Output and description = "ExFrontEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Front End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndDomeIns", "Exchanger Front End Dome Insulation"
Output and description = "FrEndExchTypeBControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Symbol Name: SP3DFrEnXQCompAsm.CFEXQSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: FrontEndTypeQAsm
User Class Name: Exchanger Front End Type Q
Part Number: FrontEndTypeQ 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 6
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeDia", "Front End Flange Diameter P30",
Input and description = "FrontEndFlangeTk1", "Front End Flange Thickness 1 P31", 0
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32",
Input and description = "FrontEndDiameter", "FrontEndDiameter P33",
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBody", "Exchanger Front End Body"
Output and description = "ExchFrontEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Front End Right Hand
Side FlangeInsulation"
Output and description = "ExFrontEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Front End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "FrEndExchTypeQControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 491

Equipment Components

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Exchanger Rear End Type L/N/P/W1 01
Symbol Name: SP3DREnXLNPW1CompAsm.REXLNPW1Sym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: RearEndTypeLNPW1Asm
User Class Name: Exchanger Rear End Type L/N/P/W1
Part Number: RearEndTypeLNPW1 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 9
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32",
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length P1", 4
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeDia", "Rear End Flange Diameter P40",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk1", "Rear End Flange Thickness 1 P41", 0
Input and description = "RearEndLength", "Rear End Length P42",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk2", "Rear End Flange Thickness 2 P43",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk3", "Rear End Flange Thickness 3 P44", 0
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExRearEndBody", "Exchanger Rear End Body"
Output and description = "ExRearEndBodyIFlange", "Exchanger Rear End Body Intermediate
Output and description = "ExchRearEndLHSFlange", "Exchanger Rear End Left Hand Side
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand
Side Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "ExRearEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Rear End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ExRearEndBodyIFlangeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Body
Intermediate Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "ExchRearEndLHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Left Hand Side
Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "ReEndExTypeLNPW1ControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 492

Equipment Components

Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Description: Exchanger Rear End Type MSTUW2 01
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: RearEndTypeMSTUW2Asm
User Class Name: Exchanger Rear End Type MSTUW2
Part Number: RearEndTypeMSTUW2 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32"
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length P1"
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeDia", "Rear End Flange Diameter P40"
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk1", "Rear End Flange Thickness P41"
Input and description = "RearEndLength", "Rear End Length1 P42"
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter P43"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExRearEndBody", "Exchanger Rear End Body"
Output and description = "ExRearEndDome", "Exchanger Rear End Dome"
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand
Side Flange Insulation"
Output and description = "ExRearEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Rear End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ExRearEndDomeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Dome Insulation"
Output and description = "ReEndExTypeMSTUW2ControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 493

Equipment Components

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Exchanger Rear End Type Q 01
Symbol Name: SP3DREnXQCompAsm.REXQSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: RearEndTypeQAsm
User Class Name: Exchanger Rear End Type Q
Part Number: RearEndTypeQ 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
Inputs = 8
Input and description = "FrontEndLength1", "Front End Length1 P32",
Input and description = "ExchangerLength", "Exchanger Length P1", 4
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeDia", "Rear End Flange Diameter P40",
Input and description = "RearEndFlangeTk1", "Rear End Flange Thickness P41", 0
Input and description = "RearEndLength", "Rear End Length1 P42",
Input and description = "RearEndDiameter", "RearEndDiameter P43",
Input and description = "ChannelDiameter", "Channel Diameter",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlange", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand Side
Output and description = "ExRearEndBody", "Exchanger Rear End Body"
Output and description = "ExchRearEndRHSFlangeIns", "Exchanger Rear End Right Hand
Side FlangeInsulation"
Output and description = "ExRearEndBodyIns", "Exchanger Rear End Body Insulation"
Output and description = "ReEndExTypeQControlPoint", "Control Point"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 494

Equipment Components

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: flat oval torus miter (PDS U863)
Symbol Name: SP3DFOlTorusMiterAsm.FOlTorusMiterSym
Workbook: Sample Data Torus Miter Equipment Components.xls
Workbook Sheet: FlatOvlTorMiter
User Class Name: Flat Oval Torus Miter
Part Number: FlatOvalTorusMiter
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFOlTorusMiterAsm.FOlTorusMiterSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "MiterBendRadius" Description = "Bend Radius"
Input = "NoOfSegments" Description = "Number of Segments"
Input = "MiterBendAngle" Description = "Bend Angle"
Input = "MiterWidth" Description = "Width"
Input = "MiterDepth" Description = "Depth"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 9
Output = "RefPlane" Description = "Reference plane"
Output = "RefPlane1" Description = "Reference plane 1"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "Point" Description = "Reference Point"
Output = "ObjHoriLine" Description = "Reference Horizontal Line"
Output = "ObjVertLine" Description = "Reference Vertical Line"
Output = "ObjDefSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "RefSurface" Description = "Reference Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 495

Equipment Components

Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Description: EquipComp Exchanger Shell With Option Two Heads.
Symbol Name: SP3DHeatEx2EndShellComp.CHEx2ShellSym
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHeatEx2EndShellComp.CHEx2ShellSym
Inputs = 77
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Outer Diameter"
Input and description = "VesselHeight", "Shell Body Height"
Input and description = "CPtoFace", "Control point to Shell Top flange"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition", "Nozzle C Position w.r.t Control Point"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation", "Nozzle C Orientation"
Input and description = "RadialPosition", "Nozzle C Length"
Input and description = "Offset", "Nozzle C Offset"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 496

Equipment Components

Input and description = "NozzlePosition1", "Nozzle D Position w.r.t Control Point"

Input and description = "NozzleOrientation1", "Nozzle D Orientation"
Input and description = "RadialPosition1", "Nozzle D Length"
Input and description = "Offset1", "Nozzle D Offset"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition2", "Nozzle F1 Position w.r.t Control Point"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation2", "Nozzle F1 Orientation"
Input and description = "RadialPosition2", "Nozzle F1 Length"
Input and description = "Offset2", "Nozzle F1 Offset"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition3", "Nozzle F2 Position w.r.t Control Point"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation3", "Nozzle F2 Orientation"
Input and description = "RadialPosition3", "Nozzle F2 Length"
Input and description = "Offset3", "Nozzle F2 Offset"
Input and description = "NozzlePosition4", "Nozzle F3 Position w.r.t Control Point"
Input and description = "NozzleOrientation4", "Nozzle F3 Orientation"
Input and description = "RadialPosition4", "Nozzle F3 Length"
Input and description = "Offset4", "Nozzle F3 Offset"
Input and description = "Npd", "NPD"
Input and description = "EndPreparation", "End Preparation"
Input and description = "ScheduleThickness", "Schedule Thickness"
Input and description = "EndStandard", "End Standard"
Input and description = "PressureRating", "Pressure Rating"
Input and description = "FlowDirection", "Flow Direction"
Input and description = "PortIndex1", "Port Index1"
Input and description = "Npd1", "NPD1", 150 ''
Input and description = "EndPreparation1", "End Preparation1"
Input and description = "ScheduleThickness1", "Schedule Thickness1"
Input and description = "EndStandard1", "End Standard1"
Input and description = "PressureRating1", "Pressure Rating1"
Input and description = "FlowDirection1", "Flow Direction1"
Input and description = "PortIndex2", "Port Index2"
Input and description = "Npd2", "NPD2"
Input and description = "EndPreparation2", "End Preparation2"
Input and description = "ScheduleThickness2", "Schedule Thickness2"
Input and description = "EndStandard2", "End Standard2"
Input and description = "PressureRating2", "Pressure Rating2"
Input and description = "FlowDirection2", "Flow Direction2"
Input and description = "PortIndex3", "Port Index3"
Input and description = "Npd3", "NPD3", 25 '
Input and description = "EndPreparation3", "End Preparation3"
Input and description = "ScheduleThickness3", "Schedule Thickness3"
Input and description = "EndStandard3", "End Standard3"
Input and description = "PressureRating3", "Pressure Rating3"
Input and description = "FlowDirection3", "Flow Direction3"
Input and description = "PortIndex4", "Port Index4"
Input and description = "Npd4", "NPD4"
Input and description = "EndPreparation4", "End Preparation4"
Input and description = "ScheduleThickness4", "Schedule Thickness4"
Input and description = "EndStandard4", "End Standard4"
Input and description = "PressureRating4", "Pressure Rating4"
Input and description = "FlowDirection4", "Flow Direction4"
Input and description = "PortIndex5", "Port Index5"
Input and description = "Npd5", "NPD5"
Input and description = "EndPreparation5", "End Preparation5"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 497

Equipment Components

Input and description = "ScheduleThickness5", "Schedule Thickness5"

Input and description = "EndStandard5", "End Standard5"
Input and description = "PressureRating5", "Pressure Rating5"
Input and description = "FlowDirection5", "Flow Direction5"
Input and description = "Id1", "Id1", "C"
Input and description = "Id2", "Id2", "D"
Input and description = "Id3", "Id3", "F1"
Input and description = "Id4", "Id4", "F2"
Input and description = "Id5", "Id5", "F3"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType", "Npd Unit Type"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType1", "Npd Unit Type1"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType2", "Npd Unit Type2"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType3", "Npd Unit Type3"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType4", "Npd Unit Type4"
Input and description = "NpdUnitType5", "Npd Unit Type5"
Outputs = 10
Output and description = "ShellFlange", "Shell Flange"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "ShellBottomFlange", "Shell Bottom Flange"
Output and description = "C", "Nozzle A1"
Output and description = "D", "Nozzle A2"
Output and description = "F1", "Nozzle B1"
Output and description = "F2", "Nozzle B2"
Output and description = "F3", "Nozzle E1"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Reference Point on axis of vessel at Control
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Reference Surface at the CP of vessel"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 498

Equipment Components

Description: Exchanger Shell With Option Two Heads
Symbol Name: SP3DHeatX2EndShellCompAsm.CHX2SSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ExchangerShellAsm
User Class Name: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger- Parametric Shell Option Two Heads
Part Number: ExchangerShell 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHeatX2EndShellCompAsm.CHX2SSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Outer Diameter", 1.
Input and description = "VesselHeight", "Shell Body Height", 7.30885
Input and description = "CPtoFace", "Control point to Shell Top flange", 1
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter", 0.
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness", 0.
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "ShellFlange", "Shell Flange"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "ShellBottomFlange", "Shell Bottom Flange"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Reference Point on axis of vessel at Control
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Reference Surface at the CP of vessel"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 499

Equipment Components

Description: Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger parametric Head
Symbol Name: SP3DHeatXHeadAsm.CHeatXHSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: HeadParametricAsm
User Class Name: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger- Parametric Head
Part Number: Heat Exchanger Head 1-EC, Heat Exchanger Head 2-EC, Heat Exchanger Head
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHeatXHeadAsm.CHeatXHSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter"
Input and description = "CPtoHeadTangent", "Distance of Tangent from Control Point"
Input and description = "CPtoFace", "Flange Start Point from Control Point"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "FrontHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Front Head Body"
Output and description = "FrontHeadFlange", "Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ControlPoint", "Control Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 500

Equipment Components

Description: Exchanger Miter Head Parametric
Symbol Name: SP3DHeatXMiterHeadAsm.CHXMHSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ExchangerMiterHeadAsm
User Class Name: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger- Parametric Miter Head
Part Number: ExchangerMiterHead 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHeatXMiterHeadAsm.CHXMHSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Outer Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Input and description = "CPtoFace", "Control point to Miter flange"
Outputs = 8
Output and description = "MiterFlange", "Flange on Miter"
Output and description = "MiterBottom15degBody", "Rear Head Miter Bottom 15 degree
Output and description = "MiterBottom30degBody", "Rear Head Miter Bottom 30 degree
Output and description = "MiterTop30degBody", "Rear Head Miter Top 30 degree portion"
Output and description = "MiterTop15degBody", "Rear Head Miter Top 15 degree portion"
Output and description = "MiterTopCyl", "Rear Head Miter Top Cylinder portion"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Reference Surface at the CP of vessel"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Reference Point on axis of vessel at Control
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 501

Equipment Components

Description: Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger parametric Shell
Symbol Name: SP3DHeatXShellAsm.CHeatXSSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ShellParametricAsm
User Class Name: Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger- Parametric Shell
Part Number: Heat Exchanger Shell 1-EC, Heat Exchanger Shell 2-EC, Heat Exchanger Shell
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHeatXShellAsm.CHeatXSSym
Inputs = 5
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Exchanger Diameter"
Input and description = "CPtoFace", "Flange Start Point from Control Point"
Input and description = "CPtoShellTangent", "Distance of Tangent from Control Point"
Input and description = "FaceDiameter", "Flange Diameter"
Input and description = "FaceThickness", "Flange Thickness"
Outputs = 5
Output and description = "ShellHeadFlange", "Bottom Flange on Front head side"
Output and description = "ShellBodyCyl", "Cylindrical Exchanger Shell Body"
Output and description = "RearHeadBonnet", "Elliptical Front Head Bonnet Body"
Output and description = "ExchangerPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface at Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 502

Equipment Components

Description: ManWay Davit Bottom Horizontal Cover
Symbol Name: SP3DManWayDBotHCAsm.MDavitBHoriCoverSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManWayDavitBHCoverAsm
User Class Name: ManWay Davit Bottom Horizontal Cover
Part Number: ManWayDavitBHCover 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DManWayDBotHCAsm.MDavitBHoriCoverSym
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "CentertoDavitCover", "Nozzle Position",
Input and description = "DomeHeight1", "Dome Height 1",
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness", 0
Outputs = 16
Output and description = "Manhole", "Nozzle with Length"
Output and description = "CoverBody", "Blind Flange"
Output and description = "BotSupPlate", "Bottom Support Plate"
Output and description = "BotDavitSup", "Channel Plate attached to bottom flange"
Output and description = "TopDavitSup1", "Vertical Plate attached to Top Flange"
Output and description = "TopDavitSup2", "Vertical Plate attached to Top Flange"
Output and description = "DavitPin", "Davit Pin"
Output and description = "HexNut", "Hex Nut at the bottom of davit"
Output and description = "OriginPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "RefLine", "Reference Line"
Output and description = "PipeAxisLine", "Pipe Axis Line"
Output and description = "VesselAxisPoint", "Vessel Axis Point"
Output and description = "RefSurface", "Reference Surface"
Output and description = "MaintEnv", "Maintenance Envelope"
Output and description = "NozzleIns", "Insulation"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "Reference Geometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 503

Equipment Components

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Description: ManWay Davit Horizontal Cover
Symbol Name: SP3DManWayDHorCovAsm.MDavitHoriCoverSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManWayDavitHCoverAsm
User Class Name: ManWay Davit Horizontal Cover
Part Number: ManWayDavitHCover 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DManWayDHorCovAsm.MDavitHoriCoverSym
Inputs = 3
Input and description = "CentertoDavitCover", "Center to Davit Cover"
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 19
Output and description = "Manhole", "Nozzle with Length"
Output and description = "BlindFlange", "Blind Flange"
Output and description = "CotterPinBox", "Cotter Pin of Box Shape"
Output and description = "CotterPinRod", "Cotter Pin Vertical Rod"
Output and description = "DavitHoriRod", "Davit Horizontal Rod"
Output and description = "DavitTorusRod", "Davit Torus Rod"
Output and description = "DavitPin", "Davit Pin"
Output and description = "HexNut", "Hex Nut"
Output and description = "DavitTopSup1", "Davit Top Support 1"
Output and description = "DavitTopSup2", "Davit Top Support 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 504

Equipment Components

Output and description = "DavitVertSup", "Davit Vertical Support"

Output and description = "OriginPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "HoriLine", "Horizontal Line"
Output and description = "VerticalLine", "Vertical Line"
Output and description = "VesselPoint1", "Point on Vessel axis 1"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface1", "Default Surface 1"
Output and description = "MaintEnv", "Maintenance Envelope"
Output and description = "NozzleIns", "Insulation Envelope"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"

Description: ManWay Davit Vertical Cover
Symbol Name: SP3DManWayDVerCovAsm.MDavitVertCoverSym
Workbook: EquipmentComponent.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManWayDavitVCoverAsm
User Class Name: ManWay Davit Vertical Cover
Part Number: ManWayDavitVCover 01-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DManWayDVerCovAsm.MDavitVertCoverSym
Inputs = 4
Input and description = "CentertoDavitCover", "Outer Face of manhole cover to center of
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Tower Vessel Outer Diameter"
Input and description = "DavitHinge", "Davit Hinge Position"
Input and description = "InsulationThickness", "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 16
Output and description = "Manhole", "Nozzle 1"
Output and description = "ManholeCover", "ManHole Cover"
Output and description = "EyeBolt", "Eye Bolt"
Output and description = "HexNut", "Hexagonal Nut for EyeBolt"
Output and description = "DavitArmTop", "Davit Arm Top"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 505

Equipment Components

Output and description = "DavitArmCurved", "Davit Arm Curved"

Output and description = "DavitArmCollar", "Davit Arm Collar"
Output and description = "DavitArmBot", "Davit Arm Bottom"
Output and description = "HingePlate", "Hinge Plate"
Output and description = "MaintenaceEnvelope", "Maintenance Envelope"
Output and description = "OriginPoint", "Point at origin"
Output and description = "VesselRadialLine", "Vessel Radial Line"
Output and description = "VesselAxisLine", "Vessel Axial Line"
Output and description = "DefaultSurface", "Default Surface"
Output and description = "RefSurface", "Reference Surface"
Output and description = "NozzleIns", "Insulation"
Aspects = 4
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "Physical"
Aspect = "Insulation", "Insulation"
Aspect = "ReferenceGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"
Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Description: rectangular torus miter (PDS U861)
Symbol Name: SP3DRecTorusMiterAsm.RecTorusMiterSym
Workbook: Sample Data Torus Miter Equipment Components.xls
Workbook Sheet: RecTorusMiter
User Class Name: Rectangular Torus Miter
Part Number: RectangularTorusMiter
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRecTorusMiterAsm.RecTorusMiterSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "MiterBendRadius" Description = "Bend Radius"
Input = "NoOfSegments" Description = "Number of Segments"
Input = "MiterBendAngle" Description = "Bend Angle"
Input = "MiterWidth" Description = "Width"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 506

Equipment Components

Input = "MiterDepth" Description = "Depth"

Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 9
Output = "RefPlane" Description = "Reference plane"
Output = "RefPlane1" Description = "Reference plane 1"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "Point" Description = "Reference Point"
Output = "ObjHoriLine" Description = "Reference Horizontal Line"
Output = "ObjVertLine" Description = "Reference Vertical Line"
Output = "ObjDefSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "RefSurface" Description = "Reference Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Description: round torus miter (PDS U860)
Symbol Name: SP3DRndTorusMiterAsm.RndTorusMiterSym
Workbook: Sample Data Torus Miter Equipment Components.xls
Workbook Sheet: RoundTorusMiter
User Class Name: Round Torus Miter
Part Number: RoundTorMiter
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DRndTorusMiterAsm.RndTorusMiterSym
Inputs = 5
Input = "MiterBendRadius" Description = "Bend Radius"
Input = "NoOfSegments" Description = "Number of Segments"
Input = "MiterBendAngle" Description = "Bend Angle"
Input = "MiterCylinderDia" Description = "cylinder dia"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 507

Equipment Components

Outputs = 9
Output = "RefPlane" Description = "Reference plane"
Output = "RefPlane1" Description = "Reference plane 1"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "Point" Description = "Reference Point"
Output = "ObjHoriLine" Description = "Reference Horizontal Line"
Output = "ObjVertLine" Description = "Reference Vertical Line"
Output = "ObjDefSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "RefSurface" Description = "Reference Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Symbol Name: SP3DSpiralStairTankComp.SpiralStairCSym
Workbook: Spiral Stair Tank Equipment Comp Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SpiralStairTankComp
User Class Name: Spiral Stair with Points
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSpiralStairTankComp.SpiralStairCSym
Inputs = 10
Input and description = "VesselDiameter", "Vessel Diameter"
Input and description = "StartElevation", "Start Elevation"
Input and description = "EndElevation", "End Elevation"
Input and description = "StartAngle", "Start Angle"
Input and description = "AngleBetSupports", "Angle between Supports"
Input and description = "RampAngle", "Ramp Angle"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 508

Equipment Components

Input and description = "SupportVerticalDistance", "Support Vertical Distance"

Input and description = "SupportVerticalSpacing", "Support Vertical Spacing"
Input and description = "SpiralDirection", "Spiral Direction"
Input and description = "DisplaySpiralPoints", "Display Spiral Points"
Outputs = 2
Output and description = "Point1_", "Point1"
Output and description = "Point2_", "Point2"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Symbol Name: SP3DSwGearSectCompAsm.SGearSectionSym
Workbook: Switch Gear Sections Component Sample Data.xls
Workbook Sheet: SP3DSwGearSectionAsm
User Class Name: Switch Gear Sections
Part Number: SwitchGearSection-EC
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSwGearSectCompAsm.SGearSectionSym

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 509

Equipment Components

Inputs = 3
Input and description = "SwitchGearHeight", "Height of the SwitchGear"
Input and description = "SwitchGearWidth", "Width of the SwitchGear"
Input and description = "SwitchGearLength", "Length of the SwitchGear"
Outputs = 33
Output and description = "SwitchGearBody", "SwitchGear Body"
Output and description = "ConduitPort1", "ConduitPort 1"
Output and description = "ConduitPort2", "ConduitPort 2"
Output and description = "ConduitPort3", "ConduitPort 3"
Output and description = "ConduitPort4", "ConduitPort 4"
Output and description = "CablePort1", "CablePort 1"
Output and description = "CablePort2", "Cable Port 2"
Output and description = "CablePort3", "Cable Port 3"
Output and description = "CablePort4", "Cable Port 4"
Output and description = "CableTrayPort1", "CableTrayPort 1"
Output and description = "CablePort5", "CablePort 5"
Output and description = "CableCircle1", "CableCircle1"
Output and description = "CenterPos1", "FaceCenter Position1"
Output and description = "CenterPos2", "FaceCenter Position2"
Output and description = "CenterPos3", "FaceCenter Position3"
Output and description = "CenterPos4", "FaceCenter Position4"
Output and description = "CenterPos5", "FaceCenter Position5"
Output and description = "CenterPos6", "FaceCenter Position6"
Output and description = "Edge1", "Edge 1"
Output and description = "Edge2", "Edge 2"
Output and description = "Edge3", "Edge 3"
Output and description = "Edge4", "Edge 4"
Output and description = "Edge5", "Edge 5"
Output and description = "Edge6", "Edge 6"
Output and description = "Edge7", "Edge 7"
Output and description = "Edge8", "Edge 8"
Output and description = "Edge9", "Edge 9"
Output and description = "Edge10", "Edge 10"
Output and description = "Edge11", "Edge 11"
Output and description = "Edge12", "Edge 12"
Output and description = "SwitchGearBodyOp", "SwitchGear Body Operation", Operation
Output and description = "SwitchGearDoorSwingOp1", "SwitchGear Door Swing Operation
CCWise", Operation
Output and description = "SwitchGearDoorSwingOp2", "SwitchGear Door Swing Operation
CWise", Operation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 510

Equipment Components

Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical Description"
Aspect = "Operation", "Operation Description", Operation

Description: vertical oval torus miter (PDS U862)
Symbol Name: SP3DVOlTorusMiterAsm.VOlTorusMiterSym
Workbook: Sample Data Torus Miter Equipment Components.xls
Workbook Sheet: VerOvlTorMiter
User Class Name: Vertical Oval Torus Miter
Part Number: Vertical Oval Torus Miter
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DVOlTorusMiterAsm.VOlTorusMiterSym
Inputs = 6
Input = "MiterBendRadius" Description = "Bend Radius"
Input = "NoOfSegments" Description = "Number of Segments"
Input = "MiterBendAngle" Description = "Bend Angle"
Input = "MiterWidth" Description = "Width"
Input = "MiterDepth" Description = "Depth"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 9
Output = "RefPlane" Description = "Reference plane"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 511

Equipment Components

Output = "RefPlane1" Description = "Reference plane 1"

Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "ObjSurface" Description = "Object Surface"
Output = "Point" Description = "Reference Point"
Output = "ObjHoriLine" Description = "Reference Horizontal Line"
Output = "ObjVertLine" Description = "Reference Vertical Line"
Output = "ObjDefSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "RefSurface" Description = "Reference Surface"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 512


Fire and Safety Symbols

The software delivers many fire and safety symbols to help in the design of your model.
In addition to the symbols delivered with the software, you can create your own symbols that
you can use in your model. For more information about creating symbols, refer to Creating Part
Occurrence Symbols in Visual Basic.

In This Section
EQFlameDetector .......................................................................... 514
EQGasBeacon ............................................................................... 515
EQHorn .......................................................................................... 516
EQInfFlameDetector ...................................................................... 518
EQLineofSightGasDetector ........................................................... 519
EQManualPullStation..................................................................... 521
EQSmokeDetector ......................................................................... 522
SidePEductor ................................................................................. 524
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy1 ............................................................... 525
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy2 ............................................................... 526
SP3D3WFireHydrant ..................................................................... 526
SP3D3WFireHydrantTy2 ............................................................... 527
SP3D90DegSiamese ..................................................................... 528
SP3DElevFireMonitor .................................................................... 529
SP3DEyeWash .............................................................................. 530
SP3DFireHydWMonTy1 ................................................................ 532
SP3DFireHydWMonTy2 ................................................................ 533
SP3DFireMonitor ........................................................................... 534
SP3DFlCrossWFireHydOutlet ....................................................... 536
SP3DFlTeeWFireHydOutlet .......................................................... 537
SP3DFoamChamber ..................................................................... 538
SP3DFoamChamberTy1 ............................................................... 539
SP3DFoamChamberTy2 ............................................................... 540
SP3DHoseRackSt ......................................................................... 541
SP3DSafetyShower ....................................................................... 542
SP3DSafShower01Asm ................................................................ 543
SP3DSafShower02Asm ................................................................ 544
SP3DSafShower03Asm ................................................................ 545
SP3DSafShower04Asm ................................................................ 546
SP3DSafShower05Asm ................................................................ 547
SP3DSafShower06Asm ................................................................ 548
SP3DSafShower07Asm ................................................................ 549
SP3DSafShower08Asm ................................................................ 550
SP3DSafShower09Asm ................................................................ 551
SP3DSiamese ............................................................................... 552
SP3DSpraySprinkler ...................................................................... 553

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 513

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: Flame Detector
Symbol Name: EQFlameDetector.FlameDetectorSym
Workbook: Flame Detector.xls
Workbook Sheet: FlameDetector
User Class Name: Flame Detector
Part Number: FlameDetector-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQFlameDetector.FlameDetectorSym
Inputs = 16
Input = "DetectorDiameter1" Description = "[D1] - Detector Diameter 1"
Input = "DetectorDiameter2" Description = "[D2] - Detector Diameter 2"
Input = "DetectorLength" Description = "[DL] - Detector Length"
Input = "DetectorAngle" Description = "[DA] - Detector Angle"
Input = "Offset1" Description = "[O1] - Offset 1"
Input = "Offset2" Description = "[O2] - Offset 2"
Input = "PortOffset" Description = "[PO] - Port Offset"
Input = "PortAngle" Description = "[PA] - Port Angle"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "[BT] - Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "BaseplateLength" Description = "[BL] - Baseplate Length"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "[BW] - Baseplate Width"
Input = "XBoltHole" Description = "[X] - Hole Bolt X Location"
Input = "YBoltHole" Description = "[Y] - Hole Bolt Y Location"
Input = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 8
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "BasePlate" Description = "BasePlate"
Output = "SidePlate1_" Description = "SidePlate1"
Output = "SidePlate2_" Description = "SidePlate2"
Output = "Detector" Description = "Detector"
Output = "ConeSurface1" Description = "ConeSurface1"
Output = "ConeSurface2" Description = "ConeSurface2"
Output = "FoundationPort" Description = "FoundationPort"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 514

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Gas Beacon-Strobe
Symbol Name: EQGasBeacon.StrobeSym
Workbook: Gas Beacon – Strobe.xls
Workbook Sheet: GasBeacon
User Class Name: Gas Beacon -Strobe
Part Number: GasBeacon-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQGasBeacon.StrobeSym
Inputs = 9
Input = "MountHeight" Description = "[A] – Mount Height"
Input = "HousingHeight" Description = "[B] – Housing Height"
Input = "StrobeHeight" Description = "[C] – Strobe Height"
Input = "GuardHeight" Description = "[D] – Guard Height"
Input = "MountWidth" Description = "[E] – Mount Width"
Input = "PortZLocation" Description = "[F] – Port Z Location"
Input = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 7
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "BasePlate" Description = "BasePlate"
Output = "HousingBody" Description = "Housing Body"
Output = "Strobe1" Description = "Strobe1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 515

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "Strobe2" Description = "Strobe2"

Output = "HorizGuardWire" Description = "Horizontal Guard Wire"
Output = "Guard_" Description = "Guard_"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Horn
Symbol Name: EQHorn.HornSym
Workbook: Horn.xls
Workbook Sheet: Horn
User Class Name: Horn
Part Number: Horn-E01, Horn-E02, Horn-E03
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQHorn.HornSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "HornLength" Description = ""
Input = "HornRearDiameter" Description = ""
Input = "HornFrontDiameter" Description = ""
Input = "CentertoBracketEnd" Description = ""
Input = "BracketHeight" Description = ""
Input = "CentertoHornFrontEnd" Description = ""
Input = "HornReartoType1CableEntries" Description = ""
Input = "HornReartoType2CableEntries" Description = ""
Input = "Type2CableEntriesRequirement" Description = ""
Input = "TwoType1CableEntries" Description = ""
Input = "TwoType2CableEntries" Description = ""

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 516

Fire and Safety Symbols

Input = "AngleofType1CableEntries" Description = ""

Input = "AngleofType2CableEntries" Description = ""
Outputs = 10
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "Bracket1" Description = "Bracket 1"
Output = "Bracket2" Description = "Bracket 2"
Output = "Bracket3" Description = "Bracket 3"
Output = "BracketSupp1" Description = "Bracket Support 1"
Output = "BracketSupp2" Description = "Bracket Support 2"
Output = "RearCylinder" Description = "Rear Cylinder"
Output = "EllipticalHorn" Description = "Elliptical Horn"
Output = "InnerCone" Description = "Inner Cone"
Output = "CircularPlane" Description = "Circular Plane"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 517

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: Infrared Flame Detector
Symbol Name: EQInfFlameDetector.InfraredFDSym
Workbook: Infrared Flame Detector.xls
Workbook Sheet: InfFlameDetector
User Class Name: Infrared Flame Detector
Part Number: InfFlameDetector-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQInfFlameDetector.InfraredFDSym
Inputs = 11
Input = "BaseHeight" Description = "[A] - Base Height"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "[B] - Base Width"
Input = "DetectorDia" Description = "[C] - Detector Diameter"
Input = "Length1" Description = "[D] - Length1"
Input = "Length2" Description = "[E] - Length2"
Input = "Diameter2" Description = "[F] - Diameter2"
Input = "PortOffset" Description = "[G] - Port Offset"
Input = "MaintenanceLength" Description = "[ML] - Maintenance Length"
Input = "CPx" Description = "[CPx] - Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "[CPy] - Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "[CPz] - Control Point Location along Z"
Outputs = 6
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "DefaultSurface"
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Cylinder 1"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Cylinder 2"
Output = "MaintenanceBox" Description = "Maintenance Box"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 3
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 518

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspect = "Maintenance", "Maintenance"

Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Description: Line of Sight Gas Detector
Symbol Name: EQLineofSightGasDetector.LStGasDtrSym
Workbook: Line of Sight Flammable Gas Detector.xls
Workbook Sheet: LineofSightGasDetector
Part Number: LineofSightGasDetector- E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQLineofSightGasDetector.LStGasDtrSym
Inputs = 14
Input = "DetectorLength" Description = "Detector Length"
Input = "DetectorWidth" Description = "Detector Width"
Input = "DetectorHeight" Description = "Detector Height"
Input = "HousingHeight" Description = "Housing Height"
Input = "PortOffset" Description = "Port Offset"
Input = "BaseplateLength" Description = "Baseplate Length"
Input = "BaseplateWidth" Description = "Baseplate Width"
Input = "BaseplateThickness" Description = "Baseplate Thickness"
Input = "XboltHole" Description = "X Bolt Hole"
Input = "YboltHole" Description = "Y Bolt Hole"
Input = "CPx" Description = "Control Point Location along X"
Input = "CPy" Description = "Control Point Location along Y"
Input = "CPz" Description = "Control Point Location along Z"
Input = "Offset" Description = "Offset"
Outputs = 7
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 519

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "BasePlate" Description = "Base Plate"

Output = "ColumnBox" Description = "Column Box"
Output = "HousingBox" Description = "Housing Box"
Output = "TruncatedCyl" Description = "Truncated Cylinder"
Output = "EqpFoundationPort" Description = "Foundation Port under Support"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = ReferenceGeometry

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 520

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: Manual Pull Station
Symbol Name: EQManualPullStation.PullStationSym
Workbook: Manual Pull Station.xls
Workbook Sheet: ManualPullStation
User Class Name: Manual Pull Station
Part Number: ManualPullStation-E01
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQManualPullStation.PullStationSym
Inputs = 7
Input and description = "BaseDepth" Description = "Base Depth"
Input and description = "PullStationDepth" Description = "PullStationDepth"
Input and description = "PullStationHeight" Description = "Pull Station Height"
Input and description = "PullStationWidth" Description = "Pull Station Width"
Input and description = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input and description = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input and description = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 4
Output and description = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output and description = "BasePlate" Description = "BasePlate"
Output and description = "MainPlate_" Description = "Main Plate"
Output and description = "MPHole_" Description = "Main Plate Hole"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 521

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"

Description: Smoke Detector
Symbol Name: EQSmokeDetector.SmokeDetectorSym
Workbook: Smoke Detector.xls
Workbook Sheet: SmokeDetector
User Class Name: Smoke Detector
Part Number: SmokeDetector-E01, SmokeDetector-E02
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: EQSmokeDetector.SmokeDetectorSym
Inputs = 13
Input = "ProtectorDiameter" Description = "Protector Diameter"
Input = "SensorChamberHt" Description = "Sensor Chamber Height"
Input = "ControllerHousingHt" Description = "Controller Housing Height"
Input = "AirMonitorHeight" Description = "Air Monitor Height"
Input = "ControllerWidth" Description = "Controller Width"
Input = "YOffset" Description = "Y Offset"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 522

Fire and Safety Symbols

Input = "XOffset" Description = "X Offset"

Input = "ProtectorThickness" Description = "Protector Thickness"
Input = "PortXOffset" Description = "PortXOffset"
Input = "PortZOffset" Description = "PortZOffset"
Input = "CPx" Description = "CPx"
Input = "CPy" Description = "CPy"
Input = "CPz" Description = "CPz"
Outputs = 11
Output = "DefaultSurface" Description = "Default Surface"
Output = "ProtectorPlate" Description = "ProtectorPlate"
Output = "Support_" Description = "Support"
Output = "AirParticleMonitor" Description = "Air Particle Monitor"
Output = "SensorChamber" Description = "Sensor Chamber"
Output = "ControllerConnector1" Description = "Controller Connector"
Output = "ControllerConnector2" Description = "Controller Connector"
Output = "ControllerHousing" Description = "Controller Housing"
Output = "HousingCover1" Description = "Housing Cover"
Output = "HousingCover2_" Description = "Housing Cover"
Output = "EqpControlPoint" Description = "Contol Point at the Origin"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = "Physical", "Physical"
Aspect = "RefGeometry", "ReferenceGeometry"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 523

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: side proportioning eductor
Symbol Name: SidePEductor.SideProportioningE
Workbook: Sample Data for JIS Fittings.xls
Workbook Sheet: EductorPDB2026
User Class Name: Side Proportioning Eductor (Part Design Basis 2026)
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SidePEductor.SideProportioningE
Inputs = 6
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Input = "BranchFacetoCenter" Description = "Branch Face to Center"
Input = "BranchOffsetFrmInlet" Description = "Branch Offset from Inlet"
Input = "BranchOffsetFrmOutlet" Description = "Branch Offset from Outlet"
Input = "DrainOffsetFrmInlet" Description = "Drain Offset from Inlet"
Outputs = 8
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Output = "InsStrainer" Description = "Insulation for Strainer"
Output = "InsBranch" Description = "Insulation for Branch"
Output = "InsPort1" Description = "Insulation for Port 1"
Output = "InsPort2" Description = "Insulation for Port 2"
Output = "InsPort3 " Description = "Insulation for Port 3"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Part Design Basis 2026

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 524

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: 2-way fire hydrant type 1
Symbol Name: SP3D2WFireHydrantTy1.C2WFireHydrantTy1
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: 2-Way Fire Hydrant Type 1
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D2WFireHydrantTy1.C2WFireHydrantTy1
Inputs = 9
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BottomtoCenter" Description = "BottomtoCenter"
Input = "GradetoCenter" Description = "GradetoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoGrade" Description = "WaterOutlettoGrade"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"
Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Input = "Rotation" Description = "Rotation"
Outputs = 4
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "HydrantBody"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "WaterOutlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "WaterOutlet2"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 525

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: 2-way fire hydrant type 2
Symbol Name: SP3D2WFireHydrantTy2.C2WFireHydrantTy2
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: 2-Way Fire Hydrant Type 2
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D2WFireHydrantTy2.C2WFireHydrantTy2
Inputs = 5
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"
Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "HydrantBody"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "WaterOutlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "WaterOutlet2"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: dry barrel type fire hydrant
Symbol Name: SP3D3WFireHydrant.CFireHydrant
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: FireHydrant
User Class Name: Dry Barrel Type Fire Hydrant

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 526

Fire and Safety Symbols

Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D3WFireHydrant.CFireHydrant
Inputs = 9
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BottomtoCenter" Description = "BottomtoCenter"
Input = "GradetoCenter" Description = "GradetoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoGrade" Description = "WaterOutlettoGrade"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"
Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Input = "HandwheelAngle" Description = "Rotation"
Outputs = 5
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "HydrantBody"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "WaterOutlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "WaterOutlet2"
Output = "WaterOutlet3" Description = "WaterOutlet3"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: fire hydrant
Symbol Name: SP3D3WFireHydrantTy2.C3WFireHydrantTy2
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D3WFireHydrantTy2.C3WFireHydrantTy2
Inputs = 5
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 527

Fire and Safety Symbols

Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"

Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Outputs = 5
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "HydrantBody"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "WaterOutlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "WaterOutlet2"
Output = "WaterOutlet3" Description = "WaterOutlet3"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: This symbol consists of a nozzle with length, body cylinder, and two outlets
Symbol Name: SP3D90DegSiamese.C90DegSiamese
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3D90DegSiamese.C90DegSiamese
Inputs = 4
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "CentertoEnd" Description = "CentertoEnd"
Input = "OutletLength" Description = "OutletLength"
Input = "OutletDiameter" Description = "OutletDiameter"
Outputs = 3
Output = "Outlet1" Description = "Outlet1"
Output = "Outlet2" Description = "Outlet2"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1 with Length"
Aspects = 1

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 528

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: elevated fire monitor
Symbol Name: SP3DElevFireMonitor.CElevFireMonitor
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DElevFireMonitor.CElevFireMonitor
Inputs = 14
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BaseBtoCenter" Description = "BaseBtoCenter"
Input = "BaseTtoCenter" Description = "BaseTtoCenter"
Input = "BaseWidth" Description = "BaseWidth"
Input = "BaseTtoHinge" Description = "BaseTtoHinge"
Input = "BodyTtoHinge" Description = "BodyTtoHinge"
Input = "BodyBtoHinge" Description = "BodyBtoHinge"
Input = "BodyLtoCenter" Description = "BodyLtoCenter"
Input = "BodyRtoCenter" Description = "BodyRtoCenter"
Input = "BodyWidth" Description = "BodyWidth"
Input = "ConnBodyDiameter" Description = "Connecting Body Diameter"
Input = "CannonLength" Description = "CannonLength"
Input = "CannonDiameter" Description = "Cannon Diameter"
Input = "Rotation" Description = "Rotation"
Outputs = 5
Output = "MonitorBody" Description = "Monitor Body"
Output = "CannonBody" Description = "Cannon Body"
Output = "ConnBody" Description = "Connecting Body"
Output = "BaseBody" Description = "Base Body"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 529

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: eye wash station
Symbol Name: SP3DEyeWash.CEyeWash
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Eye Wash Station
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DEyeWash.CEyeWash
Inputs = 10
Input = "Height1" Description = "Height1"
Input = "Height2" Description = "Height2"
Input = "Height3" Description = "Height3"
Input = "WashDepth" Description = "WashDepth"
Input = "BaseDiameter" Description = "BaseDiameter"
Input = "BaseThickness" Description = "BaseThickness"
Input = "WashDiameter" Description = "WashDiameter"
Input = "StemDiameter" Description = "StemDiameter"
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1toCenter"
Input = "InletLength" Description = "InletLength"
Outputs = 5
Output = "ShowerCone" Description = "ShowerCone"
Output = "Stem" Description = "Stem"
Output = "Inlet" Description = "Inlet"
Output = "Base" Description = "Base"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 530

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 531

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: fire hydrant with monitor nozzle
Symbol Name: SP3DFireHydWMonTy1.CFireHydWMonTy1
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Fire Hydrant with Monitor Nozzle
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFireHydWMonTy1.CFireHydWMonTy1
Inputs = 14
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1toCenter"
Input = "BottomtoCenter" Description = "BottomtoCenter"
Input = "GradetoCenter" Description = "GradetoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoGrade" Description = "WaterOutlettoGrade"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"
Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"
Input = "FlangeOutlettoCenter" Description = "FlangeOutlettoCenter"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face2toCenter"
Input = "Rotation" Description = "Rotation"
Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Input = "MonitorOutletDiameter" Description = "MonitorOutletDiameter"
Input = "FlangeWidth" Description = "FlangeWidth"
Input = "FlangeDiameter" Description = "FlangeDiameter"
Outputs = 7
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "Hydrant Body"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "Water Outlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "Water Outlet2"
Output = "MonitorHorzBody" Description = "Monitor Horizontal Body"
Output = "MonitorElbow" Description = "Monitor Elbow"
Output = "MonitorFlange" Description = "Monitor Flange"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 532

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: fire hydrant
Symbol Name: SP3DFireHydWMonTy2.CFireHydWMonTy2
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFireHydWMonTy2.CFireHydWMonTy2
Inputs = 10
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1toCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoTop" Description = "WaterOutlettoTop"
Input = "HydrantDiameter" Description = "HydrantDiameter"
Input = "FlangeOutlettoCenter" Description = "FlangeOutlettoCenter"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face2toCenter"
Input = "WaterOutlettoCenter" Description = "WaterOutlettoCenter"
Input = "WaterOutletDiameter" Description = "WaterOutletDiameter"
Input = "MonitorOutletDiameter" Description = "MonitorOutletDiameter"
Input = "FlangeWidth" Description = "FlangeWidth"
Input = "FlangeDiameter" Description = "FlangeDiameter"
Outputs = 7
Output = "HydrantBody" Description = "Hydrant Body"
Output = "WaterOutlet1" Description = "Water Outlet1"
Output = "WaterOutlet2" Description = "Water Outlet2"
Output = "MonitorHorzBody" Description = "Monitor Horizontal Body"
Output = "MonitorElbow" Description = "Monitor Elbow"
Output = "MonitorFlange" Description = "Monitor Flange"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 533

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: fire monitor
Symbol Name: SP3DFireMonitor.CFireMonitor
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: ElevatedFireMonitorType1, ElevatedFireMonitorType2, Monitor
User Class Name: Fire Monitor
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFireMonitor.CFireMonitor
Inputs = 11
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BodyTtoCenter" Description = "BodyTtoCenter"
Input = "BodyBtoCenter" Description = "BodyBtoCenter"
Input = "BodyLtoCenter" Description = "BodyLtoCenter"
Input = "BodyRtoCenter" Description = "BodyRtoCenter"
Input = "BodyWidth" Description = "BodyWidth"
Input = "CannonLength" Description = "CannonLength"
Input = "CannonDiameter" Description = "CannonDiameter"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "Diameter" Description = "Diameter"
Input = "Length" Description = "Length"
Outputs = 3
Output = "MonitorBody" Description = "Body of Monitor"
Output = "CannonBody" Description = "Body of Cannon"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 534

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Part Design Basis 375

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 535

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: flanged cross with fire hydrant outlet
Symbol Name: SP3DFlCrossWFireHydOutlet.CFCWFHOutlet
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Flanged Cross with Fire Hydrant Outlet
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFlCrossWFireHydOutlet.CFCWFHOutlet
Inputs = 4
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1 to Center"
Input = "Face3toCenter" Description = "Face3to Center"
Input = "Face5toCenter" Description = "Face5to Center"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 8
Output = "InsulationBody1" Description = "Insulation Body1"
Output = "InsulationBody2" Description = "Insulation Body2"
Output = "InsulationBody3" Description = "Insulation Body3"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Output = "PNoz4" Description = "Nozzle 4"
Output = "PNoz5" Description = "Nozzle 5"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 536

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: flanged tee with fire hydrant outlet
Symbol Name: SP3DFlTeeWFireHydOutlet.CFTWFHOutlet
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Flanged Tee with Fire Hydrant Outlet
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFlTeeWFireHydOutlet.CFTWFHOutlet
Inputs = 4
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1 to Center"
Input = "Face3toCenter" Description = "Face3to Center"
Input = "Face4toCenter" Description = "Face4 to Center"
Input = "InsulationThickness" Description = "Insulation Thickness"
Outputs = 7
Output = "InsulationBody1" Description = "Insulation Body1"
Output = "InsulationBody2" Description = "Insulation Body2"
Output = "InsulationBody3" Description = "Insulation Body3"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Output = "PNoz4" Description = "Nozzle 4"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Insulation

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 537

Fire and Safety Symbols

Description: Foam chamber
Symbol Name: SP3DFoamChamber.CFoamChamber
Workbook: Sample Data for Foam Chamber.xls
Workbook Sheet: FoamChamberPDB780, FoamChamberPDB781
User Class Name: Foam Chamber (Part Data Basis - 780), Foam Chamber (Part Data Basis -
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFoamChamber.CFoamChamber
Inputs = 5
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1toCenter"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face2toCenter"
Input = "BodyDiameter" Description = "BodyDiameter"
Input = "Height" Description = "Height"
Input = "Offset" Description = "Offset"
Outputs = 3
Output = "CylinBody" Description = "Cylinder Body"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1 with Length"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2 with Length"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Part Design Basis 780

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 538

Fire and Safety Symbols

Part Design Basis 781

Description: Foam chamber
Symbol Name: SP3DFoamChamberTy1.CFoamChamberTy1
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFoamChamberTy1.CFoamChamberTy1
Inputs = 5
Input = "Face1toCenter" Description = "Face1toCenter"
Input = "Face2toCenter" Description = "Face2toCenter"
Input = "BodyToptoCenter" Description = "BodyToptoCenter"
Input = "BodyBottoCenter" Description = "BodyBottoCenter"
Input = "BodyDiameter" Description = "BodyDiameter"
Outputs = 3
Output = "CylinBody" Description = "Cylinder Body"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1 with Length"
Output = "PNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2 with Length"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 539

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: foam chamber
Symbol Name: SP3DFoamChamberTy2.CFoamChamberTy2
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name:
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DFoamChamberTy2.CFoamChamberTy2
Inputs = 13
Input and description = "Face1toCenter", "Face 1 to Center", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberWidth", "Foam Chamber Width", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberLength1", "Foam Chamber Length 1", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberHeight1", "Foam Chamber Height 1", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberHeight2", "Foam Chamber Height 2", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberHeight3", "Foam Chamber Height 3", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberCyltoCenter", "Foam Chamber Cylinder to Center", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberInletWidth", "Foam Chamber Inlet Width", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberInletHeight1", "Foam Chamber Inlet Height 1", 0
Input and description = "FoamChamberInletHeight2", "Foam Chamber Inlet Height 2", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberCylDia1", "Foam Chamber Cylinder Diameter 1", 0.
Input and description = "FoamChamberCylThickness", "Foam Chamber Cylinder Thickness",
Input and description = "FoamChamberCylDia2", "Foam Chamber Cylinder Diameter 2", 0.
Outputs = 6
Output and description = "oTrapezoid1", "oTrapezoid1", 1
Output and description = "oTrapezoid2", "oTrapezoid2", 1
Output and description = "oTrapezoid3", "oTrapezoid3", 1
Output and description = "oCylinderCapped1", "oCylinderCapped1", 1
Output and description = "oCylinderCapped2", "oCylinderCapped2", 1
Output and description = "Nozzle1", "Nozzle1", 1

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 540

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = "SimplePhysical", "SimplePhysicalAspect Description", 1

Description: hose rack station
Symbol Name: SP3DHoseRackSt.CHoseRackSt
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: HoseRackStation
User Class Name: Hose Rack Station
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DHoseRackSt.CHoseRackSt
Inputs = 6
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "Face to Center- D1"
Input = "PortVOffset" Description = "Port Vert Offset"
Input = "PortHOffset" Description = "Port Hori Offset"
Input = "StationLength" Description = "Station Length"
Input = "StationHeight" Description = "Station Height"
Input = "StationWidth" Description = "Station Width"
Outputs = 2
Output = "Box" Description = "Box"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 541

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: safety shower
Symbol Name: SP3DSafetyShower.CSafetyShower
Workbook Sheet:
User Class Name: Safety Shower
Part Number:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafetyShower.CSafetyShower
Inputs = 12
Input = "Height1" Description = "Height1"
Input = "Height2" Description = "Height2"
Input = "Height3" Description = "Height3"
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BaseDiameter" Description = "BaseDiameter"
Input = "BaseThickness" Description = "BaseThickness"
Input = "ShowerSupLength" Description = "ShowerSupLength"
Input = "Rotation" Description = "Rotation"
Input = "ShowerDiameter" Description = "ShowerDiameter"
Input = "WashHeight" Description = "WashHeight"
Input = "WashSupLength" Description = "WashSupLength"
Input = "WashDiameter" Description = "WashDiameter"
Outputs = 8
Output = "Stem" Description = "Stem"
Output = "ShowerBase" Description = "ShowerBase"
Output = "ShowerSupLength" Description = "ShowerSupLength"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 542

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "Shower" Description = "Shower"

Output = "WashSupLength" Description = "WashSupLength"
Output = "EyeWash" Description = "EyeWash"
Output = "Inlet" Description = "Inlet"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1 with Length"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower01Asm.SafetyShower01Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower01-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower01Asm.SafetyShower01Sym
Outputs = 7
Output = "Box" Description = "Shower Base"
Output = "Cylinder" Description = "Shower Stem"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Shower head"
Output = "Cone" Description = "Shower Support"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 543

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower02Asm.SafetyShower02Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower02-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower02Asm.SafetyShower02Sym
Outputs = 4
Output = "ShowerBase" Description = "Shower Base"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Shower Head"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 544

Fire and Safety Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower03Asm.SafetyShower03Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower03-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower03Asm.SafetyShower03Sym
Outputs = 11
Output = "ShowerBase" Description = "Shower Base"
Output = "ShowerVSupport" Description = "Shower Vert. Support"
Output = "ShowerHSupport" Description = "Shower Horz. Support"
Output = "DishAttachSupport" Description = "Dish Attach Support"
Output = "Cone" Description = "Base Support"
Output = "CTorus" Description = "Shower Support Bend"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Shower Head"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PipingNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 545

Fire and Safety Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower04Asm.SafetyShower04Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower04-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower04Asm.SafetyShower04Sym
Outputs = 11
Output = "ShowerBase" Description = "Shower Base"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"
Output = "Cone" Description = "Shower Base Support"
Output = "VerticalSupport" Description = "Vertical Support"
Output = "HorizontalSupport" Description = "Horizontal Support"
Output = "CTorus" Description = "Support Bend"
Output = "HeadSupport" Description = "Head Support"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Shower Head"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PipingNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 546

Fire and Safety Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower05Asm.SafetyShower05Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower05-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower05Asm.SafetyShower05Sym
Outputs = 11
Output = "ShowerBase" Description = "Shower Base"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"
Output = "Cone" Description = "Shower Support"
Output = "VerticalSupport" Description = "Vertical Support"
Output = "CTorus" Description = "Support Bend 1"
Output = "HorizontalSupport" Description = "Horizontal Support"
Output = "CTorusSupportBend2" Description = "Support Bend 2"
Output = "HeadSupport" Description = "Head Support"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Shower Head"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Aspects = 2
Aspect = Maintenance
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 547

Fire and Safety Symbols

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower06Asm.SafetyShower06Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower06-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower06Asm.SafetyShower06Sym
Outputs = 18
Output = "Support" Description = "Support Cone"
Output = "Spine" Description = "Spine Cylinder"
Output = "Elbow" Description = "Elbow CTor"
Output = "Arm" Description = "Arm Cylinder"
Output = "Wrist" Description = "Wrist CTor"
Output = "Neck" Description = "Neck Cylinder"
Output = "Head" Description = "Head Dish"
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box 1"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Box 2"
Output = "Box3" Description = "Box 3"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Box 4"
Output = "Box5" Description = "Box 5"
Output = "Box6" Description = "Box 6"
Output = "Box7" Description = "Box 7"
Output = "Box8" Description = "Box 8"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "Obstruction" Description = "Obstruction"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 548

Fire and Safety Symbols

Aspects = 2
Aspect = SimplePhysical
Aspect = Maintenance

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower07Asm.SafetyShower07Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower07-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower07Asm.SafetyShower07Sym
Outputs = 17
Output = "Cone" Description = "Base Cone"
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Spine Cylinder"
Output = "CTor1" Description = "Elbow CTor"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Arm Cylinder"
Output = "CTor2" Description = "Wrist CTor"
Output = "Cylinder3" Description = "Neck Cylinder"
Output = "Dish" Description = "Dish Head"
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box 1 "
Output = "Box2" Description = "Box 2"
Output = "Box3" Description = "Box 3"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Box 4"
Output = "Box5" Description = "Box 5"
Output = "Box6" Description = "Box 6"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 549

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "Box7" Description = "Box 7"

Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PipingNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower08Asm.SafetyShower08Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower08-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower08Asm.SafetyShower08Sym
Outputs = 16
Output = "Cone " Description = "Support Cone"
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Spine Cylinder"
Output = "CTor1" Description = "Elbow CTor"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Arm Cylinder"
Output = "CTor2" Description = "Wrist CTor"
Output = "Cylinder3" Description = "Neck Cylinder"
Output = "Dish " Description = "Dish Head"
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box1"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 550

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "Box2" Description = "Box2"

Output = "Box3" Description = "Box3"
Output = "Box4" Description = "Box4"
Output = "Box5" Description = "Box5"
Output = "Box6" Description = "Box6"
Output = "Box7" Description = "Box7"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Symbol Name: SP3DSafShower09Asm.SafetyShower09Sym
Workbook: Equipment.xls
Workbook Sheet: SafetyShowerAsm
User Class Name: Safety Showers
Part Number: SafetyShower09-E
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSafShower09Asm.SafetyShower09Sym
Outputs = 15
Output = "Box1" Description = "Box1"
Output = "Box2" Description = "Box2"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 551

Fire and Safety Symbols

Output = "Box3" Description = "Box3"

Output = "Box4" Description = "Box4"
Output = "Box5" Description = "Box5"
Output = "Cylinder1" Description = "Cylinder 1"
Output = "Dish1" Description = "Dish 1"
Output = "CTor1" Description = "CTor1"
Output = "Cylinder2" Description = "Cylinder2"
Output = "CTor2" Description = "CTor2"
Output = "Cylinder3" Description = "Cylinder3"
Output = "Dish2" Description = "Dish2"
Output = "PipingNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Output = "PipingNoz2" Description = "Nozzle 2"
Output = "PipingNoz3" Description = "Nozzle 3"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: siamese hydrant
Symbol Name: SP3DSiamese.CSiamese
Workbook Sheet:
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSiamese.CSiamese
Inputs = 4
Input = "FacetoCenter" Description = "FacetoCenter"
Input = "BodyDiameter" Description = "BodyDiameter"

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 552

Fire and Safety Symbols

Input = "OutletLength" Description = "OutletLength"

Input = "OutletDiameter" Description = "OutletDiameter"
Outputs = 4
Output = "BodyCylinder" Description = "BodyCylinder"
Output = "OutletLet1" Description = "OutletLet1"
Output = "OutletLet2" Description = "OutletLet2"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1 with Length"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Description: sprinkler
Symbol Name: SP3DSpraySprinkler.CSpraySprinkler
Workbook: Piping Catalog.xls
Workbook Sheet: Sprinkler
User Class Name: Spray Sprinkler
Inputs, Outputs, and Aspects:
ProgID: SP3DSpraySprinkler.CSpraySprinkler
Inputs = 2
Input = "FacetoFace" Description = "Face to Face"
Input = "SprinklerDiameter" Description = "Sprinkler Diameter"
Outputs = 2
Output = "Cone" Description = "Cone Sprinkler"
Output = "PNoz1" Description = "Nozzle 1"
Aspects = 1
Aspect = SimplePhysical

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 553

Fire and Safety Symbols

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 554

Custom Foul Check • 27
2 Custom Mirror • 28
Custom Property Management • 28
2D Symbols • 15 Custom Weight and Center of Gravity
(COG) • 25
3D Symbols • 15 D
Datum Shape Sheet • 74
A Debugging Symbols with .NET • 50
Accessing Object Inputs • 36 Defining a Custom Assembly • 34
Add a Preview Graphic to Parts using Defining Assembly Outputs • 34
Bulkload • 18 Defining Ports on Symbols • 16, 21
Air Handling Equipment • 91 Deploying the Symbols • 22
Allowing End-Users to Delete Assembly Design Aid Symbols • 60
Outputs • 36 Designed Equipment and Volumes Shapes
• 72
Documentation Comments • 13
B Doors, Manholes, and Hatches • 228
Bulkloading a Custom Assembly • 38 Dynamic Outputs • 25, 37
Bulkloading the Piping Symbol • 23
Bulkloading the Symbol • 23
E270ConicalRoofTank • 383
C E271DomeRoofTank • 386
Checking the Status of Nested Symbols • E272FloatRoofTank • 387
31 ECAnchBoltsAO • 456
Circle Sheet • 83 ECBasePlate • 457
CircularTori Sheet • 73 Eccentric Pyramid • 74
Compare multiple symbol definitions • 58 EccentricCone Sheet • 74
Configuring the Queues for Custom Batch EccentricRectPrism Sheet • 75
Jobs • 39 EccentricTransitionEle Sheet • 75
Create Smart 3D reference data for use ECInstrSunshade • 439
with Solid Edge components • 45 ECPlummerBlock • 442
Create Solid Edge parts and assemblies for ECSolePlate • 444
use in Smart 3D • 43 Edit Symbol Occurrence • 53
Creating .NET Symbols • 20 Electrical Equipment • 124
Creating .NET Symbols using the Symbol Ellipse Sheet • 83
Wizard • 32 EQ1RCrIdler • 294
Creating / Evaluating Assembly Outputs • EQ1RRtIdler • 295
34 EQ1RTrRtIdler • 296
Creating a Custom Assembly • 34 EQ2RFlatRtIdler • 283
Creating a Custom Batch Job • 38 EQ2RInvVeeIdler • 288
Creating an Advanced Symbol • 24 EQ2RVeeRtIdler • 298
Creating and Scheduling Custom Batch EQ3RInlCrIdler • 285
Jobs • 38 EQ3RInlTrIdler • 286
Creating Assembly Output • 34 EQ3ROffCrIdler • 289
Creating Symbols in Solid Edge • 42 EQ3ROffTrIdler • 291
Custom Evaluation of Origin and EQAbsRefrigMachine • 179
Orientation • 26

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 555


EQAirCurtain • 91 Equipment Bodies • 408

EQAxialFan • 92 Equipment Components • 407
EQCCTVCamera • 270 Equipment Symbols • 90
EQCenCompChiller • 181 EQWatertightDoorHw • 234
EQCentrifugalFan • 93 EQWatertightDoorLvr • 236
EQCirculatingFan • 95 EQWeldingReceptacle • 159
EQConveyorDriveTy1 • 300 EQWinterizedInEncl • 278
EQConveyorDriveTy2 • 303 Error Investigation Methods • 55
EQConveyorPulley • 305 Exchangers • 179
EQConveyorPulleyAsm • 306
EQCoolingTower • 183 F
EQDblActuatorSEP • 307
EQDblActuatorTP • 308 Fire and Safety Symbols • 518
EQDblInspectionDoor • 228
EQDual3RIdler • 309 H
EQDualTransmitter • 271 Hexagon Sheet • 84
EQDustCollector • 340 HexagonalSolid Sheet • 75
EQEmergncyDualLight • 126 Horizontal and Spherical Vessels and
EQFanCoilUnit • 96 Tanks • 254
EQFlameDetector • 519
EQFloorDrain1 • 323
EQFloorDrain2 • 324
EQFloorDrain3 • 325 IBeam Sheet • 84
EQFloorTransmissionPump • 342 Instrument Components • 439
EQFreshAirHU • 97 Instrument Equipment • 270
EQGasBeacon • 520
EQGroundIWell • 155 L
EQGroundRod • 156 Lighting • 126
EQHoriPumpOH2Asm • 345 Load and revise Smart 3D reference data •
EQHorn • 521 48
EQInfFlameDetector • 523
EQLightingFixtureBTER • 128
EQLineofSightGasDetector • 524 M
EQLShapeMount • 272 Material Handling Components • 442
EQManualPullStation • 526 Material Transfer Equipment • 283
EQModularAHU • 99 Migrated .NET Symbol Class • 33
EQPlateHeatEx • 184 Migrating an Existing Symbol to .NET • 33
EQPointFlammableGD • 274 Migration Wizard • 33
EQPowRoofVent • 100 Miscellaneous Equipment • 322
EQPushButtonStation • 158 Modify Assembly Outputs • 35
EQRecCompChiller • 186
EQRectManhole • 230 N
EQRopeSheaveTy1 • 311
EQScraperType1 • 313 Naming of the Symbol Definition • 22
EQScraperType2 • 317 Nozzle Orientations • 85
EQScrewTakeUp • 321
EQScrwCompChiller • 187 O
EQSingInspectionDoor • 233 Octagonal Solid Sheet • 76
EQSmokeDetector • 527 Optional Assembly Outputs • 35
EQStanchionMountGlobe • 129
EQStraightMount • 275
EQTangentialFan • 101
EQTripleStanchion • 277

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 556


P SP3DClPiGuiSLCompAsm • 460
SP3DComplexHorCylVesselAsm • 254
Place and modify Solid Edge components
SP3DComplexVesselAsm • 392
in Smart 3D • 49
SP3DDisconnectSwitchAsm • 161
Placing the Symbol • 23
SP3DDoorsAsm • 238
Platform1 Sheet • 76
SP3DDouPipeExchangerAsm • 189
Platform2 Sheet • 76
SP3DE_205CompAsm • 408
Platforms • 445
SP3DE_205CompVerCylEqpSkAsm • 394
Preface • 13
SP3DE_206FHeaterCyl • 333
Prismatic Shapes and Nozzle Orientations •
SP3DE_207FHeaterCabin • 335
SP3DE_210CompAsm • 410
Process Equipment • 333
SP3DE_210SimVerCylSkirtAsm • 396
Providing a Graphical Preview • 17
SP3DE_215Asm • 397
Pumps • 342
SP3DE_215CompAsm • 411
SP3DE_215SimVerCylLegsAsm • 337, 399
R SP3DE_230CompAsm • 413
Rectangle Sheet • 87 SP3DE_230SphVesselAsm • 256
RectangularSolid Sheet • 77 SP3DE_240CompAsm • 414
RectangularTorus Sheet • 77 SP3DE_240CompHorCylEqpAsm • 190,
Road Sheet • 88 257
RtCircularCone Sheet • 77 SP3DE_245Asm • 259
RtCircularCylinder Sheet • 78 SP3DE_245CompAsm • 417
Run comparisons from the command line • SP3DE_245SimpHorCylEqpAsm • 261
59 SP3DE_262FlareStack • 338
SP3DE_305CompAsm • 418
SP3DE_305HorShTubeExchAsm • 192
S SP3DE_307CompAsm • 421
Schedule Data Consistency Check Dialog SP3DE_307KettleHeatXchAsm • 194
Box • 41 SP3DE_310CompAsm • 422
Scheduling a Custom Batch Job • 39 SP3DE_310VerShTubeExchAsm • 196
Sector Sheet • 88 SP3DE_320CompAsm • 426
SemiElliptical Head Sheet • 78 SP3DE_320DouPipeExchAsm • 198
SidePEductor • 529 SP3DE_325CompAsm • 427
SM3DHatchCoverAsm • 237 SP3DE_325PlateExchAsm • 200
Sources of Errors • 54 SP3DE_332CompAsm • 429
SP3D15TonCraneAsm • 60 SP3DE_334CompAsm • 430
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy1 • 530 SP3DE_405CompAsm • 432
SP3D2WFireHydrantTy2 • 531 SP3DE_405HoriRotEqpAsm • 347
SP3D3WFireHydrant • 532 SP3DE_410CompAsm • 433
SP3D3WFireHydrantTy2 • 533 SP3DE_410VerRotEqAsm • 349
SP3D42inPalletAsm • 61 SP3DElecBayLightAsm • 131
SP3D5350cRailcarAsm • 62 SP3DElecContSwitch • 162
SP3D55GallonDrumAsm • 63 SP3DElecEnclosureAsm • 163
SP3D5TCarryDeckCraneAsm • 64 SP3DElecFluoFix • 132
SP3D90DegSiamese • 534 SP3DElecHBFixture • 133
SP3DAirDistribAssemblyAsm • 102 SP3DElecJunctionBox • 164
SP3DAxRoofVentBD40CAsm • 103 SP3DElecLBFixture • 134
SP3DBlowerHPBAsm • 104 SP3DElecLiEquip01Asm • 135
SP3DCatchBasinAsm • 326 SP3DElecLiPendantAsm • 136
SP3DCatchBasinTypeFAsm • 327 SP3DElecSpeaker04Asm • 165
SP3DCenFanBIAAsm • 105 SP3DElecSpeaker05Asm • 166
SP3DCenWebSaddleCompAsm • 458 SP3DElectLight01Asm • 137
SP3DCESVVessel2PlatfAsm • 389 SP3DElecTransformer • 167

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 557


SP3DElectricalMotor • 168 SP3DHoriPumpBB2Asm • 356

SP3DElecVarFreqDrive • 170 SP3DHoriPumpBB3Asm • 358
SP3DElecWPFixture • 171 SP3DHoriPumpBB5Asm • 360
SP3DElevFireMonitor • 535 SP3DHoriPumpOH2Asm • 362
SP3DEmergencyBeaconAsm • 138 SP3DHoriShellTubeExchangerAsm • 206
SP3DEqpEnd2TO1CompAsm • 485 SP3DHoriVesselEndsAsm • 264
SP3DEqpEndConeCompAsm • 486 SP3DHorizontalPumpAsm • 364
SP3DEqpEndDomeCompAsm • 487 SP3DHorOffsetSaddleCompAsm • 461
SP3DEqpEndFLGDCompAsm • 488 SP3DHorRotEqpADvrAsm • 366
SP3DEqpEndFnDCompAsm • 489 SP3DHorSTExch02Asm • 208
SP3DEqpEndHemiCompAsm • 490 SP3DHorSTExch03Asm • 209
SP3DEqpEndTORCCompAsm • 491 SP3DHorSTExch04Asm • 212
SP3DEqpEndTORSCompAsm • 492 SP3DHoseRackSt • 547
SP3DExShellBodyCompAsm • 435 SP3DIndDr2AirCoolerBayAsm • 112
SP3DEyeWash • 536 SP3DIndDr3AirCoolerBayAsm • 113
SP3DFallFilmSTExAsm • 202 SP3DIndDr4AirCoolerBayAsm • 115
SP3DFireHydWMonTy1 • 538 SP3DInstrStandDouCol • 280
SP3DFireHydWMonTy2 • 539 SP3DInstrStandSinCol • 281
SP3DFireMonitor • 540 SP3DInstrStdWallMount • 282
SP3DFlCrossWFireHydOutlet • 542 SP3DInstTransAsm • 172
SP3DFlTeeWFireHydOutlet • 543 SP3DKettleExchangerAsm • 213
SP3DFluoLightFixWORAsm • 139 SP3DKettleExchNestedAsm • 215
SP3DFluorescentLightAsm • 140 SP3DLiftLugBPCompAsm • 462
SP3DFoamChamber • 544 SP3DLiftLugFVCompAsm • 464
SP3DFoamChamberTy1 • 545 SP3DLightingFixtureBHARAsm • 144
SP3DFoamChamberTy2 • 546 SP3DLightingFixtureBHAsmTy1 • 145
SP3DFOlTorusMiterAsm • 499 SP3DLightingFixtureBHDRAsm • 146
SP3DForDr2AirCoolerBayAsm • 107 SP3DLightingFixtureBTARAsm • 147
SP3DForDr3AirCoolerBayAsm • 109 SP3DLightingFixtureBTDRAsm • 148
SP3DForDr4AirCoolerBayAsm • 110 SP3DManholeAsm • 251
SP3DForkTruckAsm • 66 SP3DManHoleCoverAsm • 252
SP3DFrEnExTyACDNCompAsm • 493 SP3DManWayDBotHCAsm • 508
SP3DFrEnExTyBCompAsm • 494 SP3DManWayDHorCovAsm • 509
SP3DFrEnExTyQCompAsm • 495 SP3DManWayDVerCovAsm • 510
SP3DFrExEndTypeACDN • 203 SP3DMultiCableTransit • 173
SP3DFrExEndTypeB • 204 SP3DParSaddleCompAsm • 465
SP3DFrExEndTypeQ • 204 SP3DPFLevTransAsm • 330
SP3DGradeRingAsm • 329 SP3DPlAndFrExch01Asm • 217
SP3DHandrailMtFluoFixAsm • 141 SP3DPlAndFrExch02Asm • 219
SP3DHatchCoverAsm • 249 SP3DPlAndFrExch03Asm • 221
SP3DHCPumpWFNDNozAsm • 350 SP3DPlateExchangerAsm • 223
SP3DHDrVesAlXCompAsm • 436 SP3DPlatformAsm • 445
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellComp • 500 SP3DPlatformTypeACompAsm • 446
SP3DHeatEx2EndShellCompAsm • 503 SP3DPlatformTypeBCompAsm • 447
SP3DHeatExHeadCompAsm • 504 SP3DPlatformTypeCCompAsm • 448
SP3DHeatExMiterHeadCompAsm • 506 SP3DPlatformTypeDCompAsm • 449
SP3DHeatExShellCompAsm • 507 SP3DPlatformTypeECompAsm • 450
SP3DHeatXAsm • 205 SP3DPlatformTypeFCompAsm • 451
SP3DHighMastFloodLightAsm • 142 SP3DPlatformWithHoleAsm • 452
SP3DHorCenJktPumpAsm • 352 SP3DPullPitAsm • 174
SP3DHorDrumCompAsm • 437 SP3DPumpAsm • 368
SP3DHorDrWiSaddleAsm • 262 SP3DPumpMAsm • 369
SP3DHoriPumpBB1Asm • 354 SP3DPumpUnitHCAsm • 370

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 558


SP3DReceptacleAsm • 176 SP3DVerRotatingEquipmentAsm • 378

SP3DRecTorusMiterAsm • 511 SP3DVerticalPumpAsm • 379
SP3DREnExTyLNPW1CompAsm • 496 SP3DVertPumpOH3Asm • 380
SP3DREnExTyMSTUW2CompAsm • 497 SP3DVertShellTubeExchangerAsm • 224
SP3DREnExTyQCompAsm • 498 SP3DVertVesselEndsAsm • 403
SP3DRndTorusMiterAsm • 512 SP3DVesselPlatformAsm • 453
SP3DRoadCross • 78 SP3DVesselSkirtCompAsm • 479
SP3DRoadTee • 79 SP3DVesselwithSkirtAsm • 405
SP3DRoofVentACXAsm • 116 SP3DVOlTorusMiterAsm • 516
SP3DRoofVentATBAsm • 117 SP3DWallVentAWXAsm • 123
SP3DSaddleSupCompAsm • 466 SP3DWasteAsm • 65
SP3DSafetyShower • 548 SP3DWearPlateAsm • 331
SP3DSafShower01Asm • 549 SP3DWeighScaleAsm • 71
SP3DSafShower02Asm • 550 SP3DWeldPiGMLCompAsm • 480
SP3DSafShower03Asm • 551 SP3DWeldPiGSLCompAsm • 481
SP3DSafShower04Asm • 552 SP3DWeldTySMLCompAsm • 482
SP3DSafShower05Asm • 553 SP3DWeldTySSLCompAsm • 483
SP3DSafShower06Asm • 554 Sphere Sheet • 80
SP3DSafShower07Asm • 555 Supports • 455
SP3DSafShower08Asm • 556 Symbol Validation Tool • 56
SP3DSafShower09Asm • 557 Symbols • 14
SP3DSiamese • 558
SP3DSingleFrDrAirCoolerAsm • 118 T
SP3DSingleIndDrAirCoolerAsm • 120
SP3DSixFootWorkerAsm • 67 Testing Symbols • 52
SP3DSkirtAsm • 467 To Do Record Messages • 29
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeACompAsm • 469 TransitionElement Sheet • 81
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeBCompAsm • 470 TrapezeC Sheet • 88
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeCCompAsm • 472 TrapezeR Sheet • 89
SP3DSkirtBaseTypeDCompAsm • 473 Triangle Sheet • 89
SP3DSlipFitterFloodLightAsm • 150 TriangularSolid Sheet • 81
SP3DSphericalVesselAsm • 266 Troubleshooting Symbols • 50
SP3DSpiralStairTankAsm • 400 TruncatedRectPrism Sheet • 81
SP3DSpiralStairTankComp • 513 TruncatedSphere Sheet • 82
SP3DSpraySprinkler • 559
SP3DStanchionFluoTyAAsm • 151 U
SP3DStanchionFluoTyBAsm • 152 Understanding the Geometry • 20
SP3DStdPump • 372 Update Symbol • 52
SP3DStorageTankAsm • 267 Useful Tips for Symbol Definition Coding •
SP3DStreetLightAsm • 154 32
SP3DSupportLegsCompAsm • 475
SP3DSupportLugAsm • 477
SP3DSwGearSectCompAsm • 514
SP3DSwitchGearAsm • 177 Verify a single symbol definition • 56
SP3DTestSkirt • 477 Vertical Vessels and Tanks • 382
SP3DTractorTruckAsm • 68 Vessel Heads • 484
SP3DTruckTrailerAsm • 69
SP3DTubeaxialFanTAAsm • 121 W
SP3DUtilBlowerBIUBAsm • 122 What's New in Equipment Symbols • 13
SP3DVerDrumCompAsm • 438 Workflow • 33
SP3DVerDrumWiLegsAsm • 402 Writing Code for the .NET Symbol • 22
SP3DVerPumpVS1Asm • 374
SP3DVerPumpVS6Asm • 375

Equipment 3D Symbols Reference 559

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