Professional Military Education) Cap Peru
Professional Military Education) Cap Peru
Professional Military Education) Cap Peru
Vol. 13
Duraid Jalili
Introduction: The Need for Non-Western Perspectives in the
Field of Military Pedagogy ................................................................. 9
Colonel Ulysses Prada
The Impact of Political-Military Relations on the Professional
Training of the Uruguayan Armed Forces ........................................... 49
Ho Shu Huang
‘Outsiders Inside’: Experiences of Privately Contracted
Educational Staff in the Singapore Armed Forces ............................... 113
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8 Contents
Dr. Jowati Juhary
The Role of Military Pedagogy in Creating Internationalised
Leaders of Character: The Malaysian Way ......................................... 145
List of Figures .................................................................................... 221
List of Tables ...................................................................................... 223
Contributor Biographies ..................................................................... 225
The role of the military in Latin America has been shaped by a strong
tradition of interference in domestic politics. In this scenario, the armed
forces surpass their natural function of national territorial defence,
maintaining internal order and assisting in emergency situations, and
instead become leaders capable of defining the destiny of their countries.
The available studies of this phenomenon usually focus on the perspective
of civil-military relations, without examining the influence of military ped-
agogy and civilian academia. In Peru alone, out of 76 presidents between
1821 (national independence) and 2016, 51 have been army officers; and
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66 Serrano and Liendo
between 1900 and 2016, out of 29 rulers, 13 have been army officials
and graduates of the Escuela Militar de Chorrillos (Chorrillos Military
School), including Ollanta Humala Tasso, the democratic leader elected
between 2011 and 2016.
This chapter seeks to promote analysis and debate on military pedagogy
and the civilian academe within the framework of civil-military relations in
Peru, as a way of properly examining politico-military leadership in Latin
America. To achieve this, we will approach the role of military pedagogy
from its historical perspective and how it has evolved from the Republican
warlordism (caudillismo) of the 19th century to the military profession-
alism of the 20th century.1 This includes an analysis of the evolution of the
Peruvian military educational system, the ways in which military pedagog-
ical priorities change, and the internal and external conflicts faced by the
military throughout its history that have affected this dynamic. This pro-
cess will also help us discover the nature and implications of the “Military
Professionalism” and “Professional Militarism” that has been developing
in the Peruvian Army, in the sense outlined by Frederick Nunn (1983,
xi). Finally, we will propose some points of view on the circumstances in
which military leadership in defence affairs can help to improve the coop-
eration required to face regional security challenges.
1 The main focus of this study revolves around the historical and political role of
the army. In the case of the navy and air force, the particularities of their scope
and impact would require a far broader study that would not necessarily affect
the conclusions of this project.
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Military Pedagogy and Civilian Academia in Peru 67
were defined by the political interaction between military warlords and the
nascent liberal-political leadership. Almost all presidents in this interval
were army officials (1821–1872).
In line with this scenario, military education was reduced to the con-
tinuity of some military ordinances from the vice-regal administration,
the intellectual self-preparation of the individual officer, and the experi-
ence gained from participation in conflicts for the defence of the warlords’
hegemonic interests, the consolidation of liberal-political power and the
defence of the borders of the new republic. Furthermore, civilian acad-
emies provided absolutely no military subjects; a scenario that would be
repeated throughout the nation’s history. Between 1879–1883, the Guerra
del Pacífico (War of the Pacitic), which pitted Chile against Bolivia and
Peru, produced a military defeat and the loss of Peruvian territory. In spite
of the signing of a peace treaty with Chile (the Treaty of Ancón) in 1883,
the continued occupation of Peruvian territories and the sense of conflict
between Peru and Chile until the border treaty of 1929 became a deter-
mining factor in consolidating the idea of a Peruvian republic that had
not yet been assimilated, and a national culture of militarism and military
pedagogy in Peru.
The military pedagogy of the Peruvian Army now followed the ‘French
model’ based on the spirit of the French Foreign Legion, which also pro-
vided the necessary chiefs and instructors (Masterson, 1991, pp.23–29).
These changes meant that the educational system was modernized to
the highest European standards, and career progression was structured
around a strong cult of values and military hierarchy, displacing the model
espoused by military warlordism. The military professionalism founded in
the Escuela Militar de Chorrillos was centred around a strict philosophy
of behavioural and cognitive learning, which was reinforced throughout
an officer’s career.
The deep dedication this engendered towards military knowledge,
together with the evolution of officers’ duties in rural areas and their
increased awareness of military, political and social issues and realities,
produced a whole generation of officers with high intellectual abilities,
many of whom continued their studies in Europe. This development
of military professionalism forged an efficient, solid and well-trained
institution, capable of projecting national power to protect national
borders and contributing to the process by which the Republic of Peru
was formed (as we will consider later in the chapter). In parallel to this,
the constant lack of logistical resources, weapons and equipment would
serve to consolidate a spartan and austere character for the officer corps,
who originated mainly from illustrious middle classes from the interior
of the country.
The wars with Colombia (1932) and Ecuador (1941), validated and
reinforced the usefulness of these schools, whilst at the same time raising
new requirements. The subjugation of the populist insurrection of the
Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (Popular Revolutionary
American Alliance) in 1932, the end of the Second World War and the
emergence of internationalised revolutionary communism, evidenced the
need to face new transnational and asymmetrical dimensions of conflict.
These new challenges led to the creation of a new academic institution
by the army staff, called the Centro de Altos Estudios Militares (Centre
for Advanced Military Studies – CAEM). This centre was oriented to the
study and analysis of the national reality in all areas of national affairs
at the political and strategic levels of national defence. At the end of the
Second World War, the French mission was replaced by a U.S. military
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Military Pedagogy and Civilian Academia in Peru 69
This conception of the ‘national level’ that goes beyond the military ped-
agogical sphere and projects itself upon the overarching strategic scenario
of the state, with the purpose of “creating and disseminating knowledge
in the areas of development, security and national defence” as well as
forming national leaders “with the capacity to make proposals for change
which contribute to the general well-being and strengthening of national
identity”, was enshrined in the mission and vision of the CAEM (Lazo
Lazo, 2016, p.28). These reforms were influenced by the French military,
as General Carmen Marín had himself studied in France in both the École
Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles (as a military engineer)
and the École de Guerre in Paris.
However, in 1968 civil-military relations went through a complex
period with the establishment of the so-called Gobierno Revolucionario
de la Fuerza Armada (Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces).
Led by an army general, Juan Velasco Alvarado, they established between
1968–1975 a socialist, authoritarian military regime, in which the legis-
lative power was abolished, the judiciary was subject to the military gov-
ernment, freedom of the press was suppressed, civil rights were restricted,
and selective persecution was carried out against those who opposed gov-
ernmental decisions, regardless of their ideology (Planas, 2016). Although
it is true that the CAEM became the fundamental pillar of intellectual
support and strategic political decisions for the government, the Velasco
regime’s poor management of General Carmen Marín’s original doctrine,
undermined the mutually beneficial points of contact that existed between
the military institutions in charge of military pedagogy and the civilian
During this period, the military government nationalized the extractive
industries (i.e. oil, gas and mining) that had been exploited by transnational
companies and expropriated ownership of the agricultural complexes that
had formed the basis of local aristocratic power. Unlike the anti-communist
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Military Pedagogy and Civilian Academia in Peru 71
militarism seen elsewhere in Latin America, the armed forces, and particu-
larly the Peruvian Army, took control of the entire system of public admin-
istration. This movement was signalled as the emergence of a new form
of reformist officer (Kruijt and Tello, 2003, p.71). Yet, at this time, civil-
military relations acquired a new duality. On the one hand, there existed a
serious conflict of interest regarding political, economic and social control
between the armed forces and the traditional political class that had held
power since national independence. On the other hand, the army deployed
an effective strategy of ‘social mobilization and participation’ across the
working class and the poorer sectors of society who had been removed
from politics and kept away from the benefits available to social and eco-
nomic elites up until that point, which allowed it to build a significant base
of popular support.
In 1975, a coup d’état brought about a change in the leftist orientation
of the Velasco government, eventually leading to a harmonious transfer
of command in 1980 from the Gobierno Revolucionario de la Fuerza
Armada to the constitutional powers. Once again, the mandate of the mil-
itary was reduced to the sphere of national defence and security. However,
the next decade brought with it significant challenges for the role of the
army and priorities for military education. In 1981, a serious military con-
frontation with Ecuador broke out, forcing the army to alter programs
and curricula related to the study and use of military weapons. This
conflict was conducted by the armed forces almost independently of the
recently formed democratic government. In December 1982, the new gov-
ernment was forced to install “political-military commands” to deal with
an armed insurrection, which evolved into the Marxist-Maoist-Leninist
terrorist organization known as the Partido Comunista del Perú - Sendero
Luminoso (Communist Party of Peru - Shining Path - PCP-SL). Then,
in 1985, the Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (Túpac Amaru
Revolutionary Movement – MRTA) emerged, which was connected with
the Castroist guerrilla movements in Latin America and which forced the
geographical expansion of the political-military commands even further.
By 1990, Peru was a failed state facing an increasing threat from the
PCP-SL and the MRTA, ongoing risks of a military confrontation on
the northern border with Ecuador, declared as an “ineligible borrower”
by the International Monetary Fund, while fighting to deal with a grave
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72 Serrano and Liendo
“was based on a ‘new social contract’ between the state, law enforcement agencies
and the rural population (peasant patrols and self-defence committees), together
with the urban population (citizens who supported law enforcement agencies
with information and demonstrations to repudiate terrorism), isolating the
subversives and undermining the support they had in a sector of the population.
This was possible in turn, with a state policy where strategic and operational
intelligence was privileged, but also - unlike in the 1980s - an approach carried
out by the armed forces and the national police of gaining support from the
poorer population through humanitarian assistance, social aid and security,
rather than violence or the indiscriminate use of force.”
By 1997 the terrorist groups had been defeated and Peru was no longer a
failed state. Although a new border conflict with Ecuador began in 1995,
known as the Cenépa War, President Fujimori was able to sign the Brasilia
Act with Ecuador in 1998, which paved the way for peace, by definitively
delimiting the border between Peru and Ecuador. At this historical stage,
military pedagogy in Peru was almost exclusively oriented towards the
external defence of the border with Ecuador, and the internal defence
against terrorist organizations. Consequently, the army educational system
prioritized tactical and operational military components related to their
external and internal conflicts which inherently diminished the focus on
strategic and geopolitical education, and training on state administration.
Unfortunately, the government’s success came at a social and ethical
cost. Firstly, as noted by Serrano, “there were reprehensible excesses in
the fight against terrorism” including, in certain places and times, a dirty
or clandestine war contrary to human rights, “but this was never part
of the national strategy, nor of a state policy backed by the population”
(2009, xli–xlii). Secondly, the strategy of ‘Low Intensity Conflict’ was a
matter for the hardened Fujimorist political leadership, the armed forces
and the intelligence services, with almost no contribution from the civilian
academe. Thus, the few opportunities for collaboration between military
and civilian educational institutions were extinguished and the spaces and
opportunities for germinating civilian academic initiatives in the fields of
security and national defence were reduced even more.
One positive development in the area of civil-military integration did
occur during this time. From 1995 onwards, army officers incorporated
courses from outside of the military system into their studies. In the first
case of this, the army and the Escuela Superior de Negocios (Superior
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74 Serrano and Liendo
courses in administration and teaching, officers have, for the first time,
been able to approach national realities with an academic perspective sep-
arate from the military barracks.
One notable example of this is the Centro del Derecho Internacional
Humanitario y Derechos Humanos de las Fuerzas Armadas (Centre for
International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights of the Armed Forces),
which is considered as one of the “Academic Bodies of the Defense Sector”
(CDIH-DDHH, n.d.). This centre has focused its efforts on becoming a
leading institution for international humanitarian law and human rights
training for military and civilian personnel of the Peruvian Armed Forces
(including the army, navy and air force), as well as the national police force,
civil professionals of the judiciary and the Public Ministry or Prosecutor’s
Office, and other international officials (Viviano Carpio, 2016).
Unfortunately, despite these tentative advances, there are still serious
challenges facing military education. Firstly, studies in military affairs
(especially geopolitical and military strategic studies) are still lacking in
civilian academia and staff courses remain focused on joint operations
between the military services and confined to the operational level (which
limits officers’ abilities in understanding and designing strategic responses
to regional security challenges). Secondly, there is still not enough historical
perspective to gauge the damage that may have been caused to the fragile,
positive evolution of the civil-military relationship by the negative out-
come of the 2011–2016 government of President Ollanta Humala Tasso.
Specifically, Humala is a former army officer with the rank of Lieutenant
Colonel. Yet serious questions remain regarding his image and role as a
former head of state and his military lineage. One of his brothers (Antauro,
a former army officer with the rank of Major), for example, was impris-
oned through the civilian judicial system, for having conducted a failed
and bloody military coup in January 2005 against the democratically
elected government led by Alejandro Toledo. Significant criticisms have
also been levelled against Humala for the systematic attacks he engaged in
against his political opponents during his time in government.
Most notably, however, one year after leaving government, the Peruvian
judiciary implemented a preventative detention order for Humala and his
wife, for the alleged crime of “money laundering in tort of the Peruvian
state” and belonging to “a criminal organization that goes beyond
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76 Serrano and Liendo
As this chapter has demonstrated, in order to comprehend the dynamics of
divorce and challenges facing military pedagogy and the civilian academe
in matters related to national security and defence in Peru, it is necessary
to examine military leadership in the nation’s domestic and foreign politics
from the beginnings of the republic (1821) to the present day. Specifically,
from the military warlordism of the 19th century to the present, there have
been significant fluctuations in military education reform, which have been
influenced heavily by the different approaches of successive governments
regarding the role of the armed forces and the importance of educating
military officers at the strategic level. Although the participation of army
officers in the civilian academe has gradually increased and has become a
requirement for the assignment of military posts and promotions, civilian
academies have not developed initiatives for studies in national security
and defence beyond those related to democratic control of the armed
forces and respect for human rights. This scenario is a by-product of civil-
military distrust resulting from human rights atrocities committed by mil-
itary officers and recurrent corruption at the highest levels of government
throughout Peru’s modern history.
Contemporary threats, such as organized international crime, drug
production and trafficking, terrorism, large-scale forced population
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78 Serrano and Liendo
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(Accessed 30 November 2017).
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Nexo de la Cultura Nacional y la Inteligencia Estratégica, pp.xxxvi–
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Stokes, S.C. (1996). Economic Reform and Public Opinion
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Military Education
A Cross-Cultural Survey