Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Name: Amal Ibrahim Abdullah Grade Level: CCSS Math Strand: Comparison of
Grade 4\2 decimal numbers and order of
decimal numbers
CCSS Standards: Fractions and Decimals
teacher books Page 675
student book(s) Page 676 to 677
worksheets/ papers For each student have worksheet
teacher materials Book, paper, marker
student materials/ Small board, pencils, book
technology -
other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
word glossary definition image
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Good morning grade 4, How are you, Today I have many interesting activities and I hope you pay
attention with me and if you have any question you may raise your hand. Do you know what the name of
our lesson today? It's called Comparison of decimal numbers and order of decimal numbers.
- I will stick on the board some papers about the comparing between the animals
and the numbers, then I will say for the students imagine we have a crocodile
and the crocodile look at some animals ( insect, bear ), ( tiger, bird ), and I will
say for the students the crocodile want to eat the biggest animals who will eat,
the students will say the answer by using less than, greater than, equal to., 10
also I will stick two different numbers and the students should say what is the Minutes
biggest number or what is the smallest number, also they will compare
between the number if it's have the same number they will say it's equal to.
( 5 Minutes)
- I will give each group one paper include two boxes one box they have two
compare between two numbers and write the answers, and the second box
have two picture one picture about the car but the second picture about the
truck then the students should compare between two picture and say what is
the biggest picture by using less than, greater than, equal to.( 5 Minutes)
- The second activity also I will give each group one worksheet about the order
the decimal numbers from the biggest to smallest number, also from the
smallest to biggest number then we will discuss together about the answers.
(5 Minutes )
- The third activities I will give each group three cards include word problems
about the Comparison of decimal numbers and order of decimal numbers, and
each group should write the answer on the card. After that we will discuss
about the answers. (5 Minutes)
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):
- -I will give each student a worksheet that includes the questions of Comparison
of decimal numbers and order of decimal numbers, each students should
answer the questions individually, this strategy to check if the students 10
understand the lesson. ( 5 Minutes ) Minutes
Greater than
Less than