Udl Template
Udl Template
Udl Template
Planning Phase
Instructional Arrangements:
Independent: Exit ticket, Pre-Assessment
2 Whole groups: Pre-Assessment discussion
3 Small groups: Profile activity
Instructional Strategies:
Checking for understanding: Emoticon understanding check sheet.
Pre-assessment: Question worksheet (individual and small group)
Exit ticket: 3-2-1 what did you learn
Social & Physical Environment:
The room will be arranged with tables in small groups so that the students can answer their
pre-assessment questions individually and then discuss them in one of two groups with the
co-teachers. The small group set-up will also be beneficial when the students get into three
groups to discuss the student profile activity. We will encourage for people to discuss with
others in their group, but they could also take notes individually and gather information for
themselves if they are less comfortable participating verbally. The students will be able to ask
clarifying questions at any time throughout the lesson.
Implementation Phase
What specific tasks will each co-teacher do before and during the lesson?
- Before the lesson we created all of the materials needed for our students and printed
out copies for those who want to write by hand. We also created a Google doc folder
with all of the handouts so that the students who prefered to use their computer to
write and take notes could do so.
- During the class the students will split into two groups while we parallel teach they
will take around 8 to 10 minutes to complete individually. We will then lead a
discussion about the answers to the pre-assessment. Next, we will count off the
students by three to form three small groups in which the students will go over
student profiles without teacher intervention. They will share their scenario and their
suggestions/solutions with us and their peers. The scenarios should take about 5
minutes to complete and 10 minutes to discuss.
- After we have taught the lesson/content, we will leave a couple minutes at the end of
our time for the audience to complete their exit ticket. The exit ticket is a 3-2-1
worksheet with a rate your understanding on the back. With this feedback we can
gauge their understanding of the lesson and what they took from the lesson. We take
the last couple minutes of class to complete this.