507 39 Solutions-Instructor-manual Ch5 SM DRCS

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The key takeaways from the document are the design procedures and calculations for reinforced concrete beams, lintels and deep beams as per Indian code IS 456.

The steps involved in designing a RC beam section are determining the bending moment, checking for cracking and serviceability limit states, calculating steel and concrete stresses, and detailing of reinforcement.

The cracking moment of a RC beam section is calculated based on modulus of rupture of concrete. The ultimate moment capacity is calculated using stress blocks as per IS 456 or ACI considering steel yield and concrete crushing.

Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N.




Exercise 5.1 (Calculation of cracking moment of section)

Assuming that concrete is uncracked, compute the bending stresses in the extreme fibres of the
beam having a size of 500 x 250 mm as shown in Fig. 5.59 for a bending moment of 120 kNm.
Assume concrete of grade 30 MPa. Also determine the cracking moment of the section.

Fig. 5.59


Bending stress:
I g  bd 3 /12
= 250 x 5003/12 = 2.604 x 109 mm4
My 120  106  250
f    11.52MPa
Ig 2.604  109
Bending stress in extreme fibre,
f I
Cracking moment of the section, M cr  cr g = fcr Z with fcr = 0.7√fck = 0.7√30 = 3.83 MPa
3.83  2.604  10 9
Hence M cr  = 39.89 x 106 MPa > 120 x 106 MPa
Hence the beam will crack under the applied moment.
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Exercise 5.2 (Determination of under or over reinforced section)

Determine whether the section shown in Fig. 5.59 is under or over-reinforced with fck = 30
N/mm2, fy = 500 N/mm2, and with (a) Ast = 1140 mm2, (b) Ast = 1415 mm2, (c) Ast = 2413 mm2,
(d) Ast = 3217 mm2


To determine whether the section is over or under-reinforced one has to calculate the Maximum
permitted area of steel.

From Table 5.5, For Fe 500 steel, we get

18 .87 f ck 18 .87  30
pt , lim    1.132
fy 500
Ast,lim = 1.132 x 450 x 250/100 = 1273.5 mm2

(a) Ast = 1140 mm2 < Ast,lim, Hence under-reinforced

(b) Ast = 1415 mm2 > Ast,lim, Hence over-reinforced
(c) Ast = 2413 mm2, > Ast,lim, Hence over-reinforced
(d) Ast = 3217 mm2 > Ast,lim, Hence over-reinforced

Let us investigate case (b) further, by assuming that the steel has yielded.
x 0.87 f y Ast 0.87  500  1415
As per Eqn 5.18(a) u    0.5066
d 0.36 f ckbd 0.36  30  450  250
Hence xu = 0.5066 x 450 = 227.9 mm
dx 450  227.9  f 
Hence, Stress in steel, f s  700  700  682.18   y  434.78
x 227.9  1.15 
It shows that the reinforcement has yielded. Due to the extra strain of 0.002 considered in the IS
code equation for Ast,lim, this section is considered as over-reinforced.

Exercise 5.3 (Analysis of singly reinforced Rectangular section-IS and ACI methods)

Determine the nominal ultimate moment strength of the beam section shown in Fig. 5.59, with
Ast = 4 numbers 20 dia = 1257 mm2, fy = 415 MPa and fck = 30 MPa. (a) Use parabolic-
rectangular stress block as per IS 456, (b) use equivalent rectangular stress block as in ACI 318.


(a) Using parabolic-rectangular stress block as per IS 456

19 .82 f ck 19 .82  30
pt , lim    1.433 , Ast , lim  1.433  450  250 / 100  1612 mm 2  Ast
fy 415

Hence the beam is under-reinforced.

Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Assuming tension steel yields, compute tensile and compressive forces:

T= Ast fst = 0.87Ast fy = (0.87) (1257) 415 = 453840 N
C = 0.36 fck b xu = (0.36) (30) (250) xu = 2700 xu N

Equating T and C and solving for xu,

xu = 453840/2700 = 168 mm
Lever arm z = d-0.416 xu = 450-0.416(168) = 380.1 mm
Hence Mn = (453,840) (380.1) 10-6 = 172.5 kNm

(b) Using equivalent rectangular stress block as in ACI 318.

Compute tensile and compressive forces:
T= Astfst = 0.87Astfy = 0.87 (1257) 415 = 453,840 N

C = 0.45 fck b a = (0.45) (30) (250) a = 3375a N

Equating T and C and solving for a,
a = 453,840/3375 =134.47 mm
Lever arm z = d-a/2 = 450 - 134.47/2 = 382.76 mm
Mn = Tz = 0.87 fy Ast (d-0.5a)= (453,840) (382.76) 10-6 = 173.71 kNm

Note that the above value of Mn = 173.71 kNm compares well with the value of 172.5 kNm,
calculated using the parabolic-rectangular stress block of IS 456.

Exercise 5.4 (Capacity of singly reinforced Rectangular section)

Determine whether the section having the dimensions given below can withstand a factored
applied bending moment of 310 kNm: b= 230 mm, D = 600 mm, effective cover = 40 mm, Ast
=3 # 25 dia = 1473 mm2, fy = 500 MPa and fck = 35 MPa.


With effective concrete cover of 40 mm, d = 600-40 = 560 mm

18 .87 f ck 18 .87  35
pt , lim    1.321, Ast , lim  1.321  560  230 / 100  1701 .5mm 2  Ast
fy 500
Hence the beam is under-reinforced.
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

 f A   500  1473   6
M n  0.87 f y Ast d 1  y st   0.87  500  1473 5601  10  300.2kNm
 f ckbd   35  560  230 
Let us just check the capacity of the beam for concrete failure
M n,lim  0.138 fckbd 2  0.138  35  230  5602 106  348.38kNm
This confirms that the failure by steel yielding governs.
Since Mn (300.2 kNm) is less than the applied moment Mu (310 kNm), the cross-section is not
adequate and unsafe.

Exercise 5.5 (Analysis of Over-reinforced Rectangular beam)

Calculate the maximum moment that the beam with b = 250 mm, d = 400 mm, and Ast= 1600
mm2, can sustain. Assume fck = 20 MPa and fy =415 MPa


19 .82 f ck 19 .82  20
pt , lim    0.955 , Ast , lim  0.955  400  250 / 100  955 mm 2  Ast
fy 415
Hence the section is over-reinforced.

Step 1 : Assume tension reinforcement yielded and calculate xu

xu 0.87 f y Ast 0.87  415  1600 x 

As per Eqn 5.18(a)    0.802 >  u   0.479 , Which
d 0.36 f ckbd 0.36  20  400  250  d  lim
shows that the tension reinforcement has not yielded.
Trail value of xu = 0.802 x 400 = 320.8 mm

Step 2: Determine stress in steel

400  xu 400  320 .8

Strain in steel = 0.0035  0.0035  8.64  10  4  1.44  10  3
xu 320 .8
Stress in steel,
f s  8.64  10 4  2  10 5  172 .8MPa
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step3: Recalculate xu
0.36 f ckbxu  As f s

280000  700 xu
i.e., 0.36  20  250  xu  1600 
xu2  622 .22 xu  248889  0
The above is a quadratic equation in xu. Solving we get,
x  x 
xu = 276.83 mm,  u   0.692 >  u   0.479
d   d  lim
Strain in steel =
400  xu 400  276 .83
0.0035  0.0035  1.557  10  3  1.44  10  3
xu 276 .83
From Table 5.2, stress in steel = 299.8 N/mm2  415 / 1.15  360.9 N / mm2
Note: One more iteration may be required to determine the exact value of xu

Step 4: Calculate Moment capacity

M n  f s Ast d  0.416 xu   299 .8  1600 400  0.416  276 .83 10 6  136 .63 kNm

Exercise 5.6 (Analysis of rectangular beam with a steel plate)

Find the ultimate moment capacity of a rectangular beam with b = 250 mm, d = 400 mm, Ast =
942 mm2, which has been found to be inadequate to carry a factored moment of 135 kNm and
hence repaired by gluing a steel plate of thickness 3 mm and size 175 mm (yield strength 250
N/mm2) at the bottom of the beam, as shown in Fig. 5.60. Assume fck = 20 MPa and fy = 415

Fig. 5.60

Step 1: Determine stresses in steel plate and reinforcement

Area of the plate Ap = 3 x 175 = 525 mm2

Area of steel bars = 942 mm2
Now, C = T1+T2
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Assume that both the steel bars and the plate yield

0.36 fck b xu =Ast fy/1.15 + Ap fyp/1.15

0.36 x 20 x 250 xu = 942 x 415/1.15 + 525 x 250 /1.15
xu = 252.26 mm

Check for steel yielding

 xu 
 
As per Table 5.5,  d  lim for fy = 415 N/mm2 = 0.479
Hence xu,lim = 0.479 x 400 = 191.6 mm < 252.26 mm
xu > xu,lim Hence, it shows that the beam is over reinforced.
However, let us check the stresses in steel

d  xu (400  252 .26 )

Strain in the steel bars, f st  0.0035  0.0035  2.05  10  3
xu 252 .26

Stress in steel (from Table 5.2) = 329.6 N/mm2 (< 415/1.5 = 360.8) N/mm2
This shows that the steel bars do not yield
Strain in steel plate
d  xu (451 .5  252 .26 )
f sp  0.0035 p  0.0035  2.76  10  3
xu 252 .26
Hence, the stress in steel plate = 2.26 x 10-3 x 2 x 105 = 452 N/mm2 > 250/1.15 N/mm2
The steel plate yields.

Step 2: Second cycle for xu

Recalculate xu

0.36 fck b xu =Ast fst + Ap fyp/1.15

0.36 x 20 x 250 xu = 942 x 329.6 + 525 x 250 /1.15
xu = 235.9 mm

Check for steel yielding

xu > xu,lim=191.6 Hence, it shows that the beam is over reinforced.

However, let us check the stresses in steel
d  xu (400  235 .9)
Strain in the steel bars, f st  0.0035  0.0035  2.43  10  3
xu 235 .9
Stress in steel (from Table 5.2) = 343 N/mm2 (< 415/1.5 = 360.8) N/mm2
This shows that the steel bars do not yield
Strain in steel plate
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

d p  xu (451 .5  235 .9)

f sp  0.0035  0.0035  3.2  10  3
xu 235 .9
Hence, the stress in steel plate = 3.2 x 10-3 x 2 x 105 = 639 N/mm2 > 250/1.15 N/mm2
The steel plate yields.

Step 2: Third cycle for xu

Recalculate xu

0.36 fck b xu =Ast fst + Ap fyp/1.15

0.36 x 20 x 250 xu = 942 x 343 + 525 x 250 /1.15
xu = 242.9 mm
Let us take the average of the two previous values as xu = (242.9 + 235.9)/2 = 239.4 mm
d  xu (400  239 .4)
Strain in the steel bars, f st  0.0035  0.0035  2.35  10  3
xu 239 .4
Stress in steel (from Table 5.2) = 340.6 N/mm2 (< 415/1.5 = 360.8) N/mm2

Calculation of Ultimate moment capacity

Taking moment about the concrete force C, we get

M n  T1 (d  0.416 xu )  T2 (d p  0.416 xu )
M n  340 .6  942 (400  0.416  239 .4)  0.87  250  525 (451 .5  0.416  239 .4)
Mn = (96.38 + 40.18) x 106 Nmm = 136.56 kNm.

Exercise 5.7 (Analysis of trapezoidal section)

Find the ultimate moment capacity of a reinforced concrete trapezoidal section as shown in Fig.
5.61, with Ast =1963 mm2. The beam has a top width of 500 mm, depth of 550 mm and width at
the level of centroid of reinforcement as 300 mm. Assume fck = 20 MPa and fy =415 MPa

Fig. 5.61

Step 1: Compute xu

Assume tension steel has yielded

0.36 fck Ac = 0.87 fy As
0.36 x 20 Ac = 0.87 x 415 x 1963
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

0.87  415  1963

Ac  = 98,436.2 mm2
0.36  20
Ac = Average width  xu mm2

1  200  (550  xu ) 
Average width = 500   300  
2  550 
= 800  0.3636(550  xu )
= (-0.1818xu + 500)
Hence, Ac = (-0.1818xu + 500)xu = 98,436.2
Expanding we get,
0.1818xu2- 500xu+ 98,436.2 = 0
xu2 – 2,750.28 xu + 541,453 = 0
2,750 .28  2,750 .28 2  4  541,453
xu = = 213.44 mm

Step 2: Check for εs

d-xu = 550 – 213.44 =336.56 mm

0.0035 (d  xu ) 0.0035  336 .56

s   = 0.0055 > 0.0038
xu 213 .44
Hence the tension steel yields

Hence OK.

Step 3: Check T = C

T = 0.87 f y Ast  0.87 x 415 x 1963 x 10-3 = 708.74 kN

C = 0.36 fck Ac = 0.36 x 20 x 98,436.2 x 10-3 =708.74 kN
Hence OK

Step 4: Find centre of compression and leaver arm

Width b of beam at neutral axis = b = 300 + (200/550) (550-213.44) = 422.39 mm

Let CG be y from top fibre, then
h  a  2b  213 .44  500  2  422 .39 
y    103 .73 mm
3 a b  3  500  422 .39 
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 5: Calculate Mn

z = 550 – 103.73 = 446.27 mm

Mn = Tz = 708.74 0.4463 = 316.3 kNm

Check using SP 16

500  300
Average breadth =  400 mm
A  100 1963 100
With d = 500, s   0.892%
bd 550  400
From Table 2 of SP 16  Mu/bd2 = 2.755
Hence, Mn = 2.62 x 400 x 5502 x 10-6 = 317 kNm ≈ 316.3 kNm

Exercise 5.8 (Analysis of cross-shaped section)

Find the ultimate moment capacity of the cross-section shown in Fig.5.62, with Ast = 1847 mm2.
Assume fck= 35 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2

Fig. 5.62

Step 1: Compute xu

Assuming tension steel has yielded,

0.36 fck Ac = 0.87 fy Ast

0.36 x 35 x Ac = 0.87 x 415 x 1847

Hence Ac = 52,925.3 mm2

Since Ac is greater than 250 mm x 125 mm =31,250 mm2 (top portion of the beam shown in Fig.
5.62), let us assume that the neutral axis distance is below the top portion, at a distance equal to

x2 x 530 + 250 x 125 = 52,925.3

x2 = 40.9 mm

Therefore, xu = 125 + 40.9 = 165.9 mm

Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 2: Check yielding of steel

Assuming a cover of 50 mm, d = 125 + 140 + 350 – 50 = 565 mm

xu 165.9
  0.294  ( xu / d )lim  0.479
d 565

Hence tension steel will yield.

Step 3: Compute Mn

Taking moment about tension force, T

Mn = C1y1 + C2y2
C1 = 0.36 x 35 x 125 x 250/1000 = 393.75 kN
y1 = 565 – 125/2 = 502.5 mm

C2 = 0.36 x 35 x 530 x 40.9 / 1000 = 273.13 kN

y2 = 565 – 125 – 40.9/2 = 419.55 mm

Mn = 393.75 x 502.5/1000 + 273.13 x 419.55/1000 = 312.45 kNm

Exercise 5.9 (Design of singly reinforced rectangular concrete)

Design a singly reinforced concrete beam of width 300 mm, subjected to an ultimate moment of
250 kNm. Assume fck = 30 MPa and fy =415 MPa.[Ans: d = 460 mm, Ast required = 1852 mm2]


Step 1: Determine depth of beam

From Eqn. 5.28
7.2M u 7.2  250  106
d   447.2mm
f ckb 30  300
Provide d = 460 mm with cover as 40 mm, Thus D = 460 + 40 = 500 mm.

Step 2: Check for xu/d [Eqn. (5.29a)]

 xu   6.68 M u   6.68  250  10 6 
   1.2  1.44    1.2  1.44   0.4496 < 0.479
d   f ckbd 2   30  300  460 2 
The value of (xu/d) is less than the value of (xu/d)lim = 0.479 for Fe 415 steel. Thus, the section is
under-reinforced and also the depth provided is more than the balanced section.
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 3: Determination of Area of reinforcement

 x 
z  d 1  0.416 u   460 1  0.416  0.4496   373 .96 mm
 d 
Mu 250  106
Ast   = 1852 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  373.96

Provide 4 nos. 25 mm dia. bars with Ast = 1963 mm2

Also provide 2 nos 10 mm dia. hanger rods. The designed beam is shown in the above figure.

Check for Minimum area of steel:

A 0.85
Minimum area s t 
bwd fy
Ast,min = 0.85 x 300 x 460/415 = 282.7 mm2 < 1963 mm2, hence safe.
According to ACI 318 eqn.,
As 0.224 f c k 1.4
 
bwd fy fy
Ast,min = 0.224 x 300 x 460 x √30 / 415 = 408 mm2
Or 1.4 x 300 x 460 / 415 = 466 mm2 < 1963 mm2.

Hence the beam is safe.

Check for Maximum area of steel:

f  30
pt , lim  19.82 ck   19.82   1.433 > pt = 1.422
 f  415
 y
Hence Ok.
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Check for ductility:

Assuming tension steel is yielding,

0.87 f y Ast 0.87  415  1963
xu    218 .75 mm
0.36 f ckb 0.36  30  300
Using strain compatibility,
 d  xu  460  218.75 
 st    cu     0.0035  0.00386  0.005
 u 
x  218 .75 
The strain is greater than tensile yield strain, = 415/(200 Hence the steel
will yield but the section will have limited ductility. Note that as per IS 456 the strain in steel
should be greater than 0.0038 only, to consider it as ductile.

Exercise 5.10 (Design of singly reinforced rectangular beam)

Design a singly reinforced concrete beam subjected to an ultimate moment of 350 kNm. Assume
fck = 35 N/mm2, fy = 415 N/mm2. In this beam, due to architectural considerations, the width has
to be restricted to 250 mm. [Ans: d = 550 mm, Ast required = 2173 mm2]


Step 1 : Calculate depth of beam

7.2M u 7.2  350  106
d=   536.7mm
f ckb 35  250

Provide d = 600 mm and cover = 50 mm; hence D = 550 mm

Step 2: Check (xu/d) exceed (xu/d)lim

 6.68M u   
 1.44  6.68  350  10
(xu/d) = 1.2   1.44  = 1 . 2  
 f ckbd 2  
 35  250  550 2 

= 0.454 < 0.479. Hence it is under-reinforced.

Step 3: Calculate Ast

 x 
z  d 1  0.416 u   550 1  0.416  0.454  = 446.1 mm
 d 
Mu 350  106
Ast   = 2173 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  446.1

Provide 4 Nos. 25 mm bars and 1 No. 20 mm bar and (Area provided = 1963 + 314 = 2277 mm2)
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Note that the six bars cannot be provided in one level and hence has to be provided in two levels
as shown in the above figure. When providing rods in two layers, we have to check whether the
assumed effective depth is still maintained. Assuming a spacer bar of 25 mm, and clear cover of
25 mm, the effective depth provided for this bar arrangement is 600-25-25-12.5 = 537.5 mm. let
us check whether this effective depth is adequate to resist the external moment.

 f A   415  2277 
M n  0.87 f y Ast d 1  y st   0.87  415  2277  537.51    10 6
 f ckbd   35  250  537.5 

= 353.1 kNm > Mu = 350 kNm.

Hence the provided effective depth is adequate.

Exercise 5.11 ( Design of singly reinforced rectangular section using design aids)

Design a singly reinforced concrete beam of width 230 mm, subjected to an ultimate moment of
200 kNm. Assume fck = 30 MPa and fy = 250 MPa, using design tables of SP 16.


Step 1: Determine depth of beam

From Eqn. 5.28
6.71M u 6.71 200  106
d   441mm
f ckb 30  230
Provide d = 475 mm with cover as 40 mm, Thus D = 475 + 40 = 515 mm.

Step 2: Check for xu/d [Eqn. (5.29a)]

 xu   6.68 M u   6.68  200  10 6 
   1.2  1.44        0.4372 < 0.531
30  230  475 2 
1.2 1.44
d   f ckbd 2  
The value of (xu/d) is less than the value of (xu/d)lim = 0.531 for Fe 250 steel. Thus, the section is
under-reinforced and also the depth provided is more than the balanced section
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 3: Determination of Area of reinforcement

The area of steel may be determined from the design charts as given below:
Calculate Mu /bd2 = 200 x106/(230 x 4752) = 3.854
Choose Table 4 of SP 16, For Mu /bd2 = 3.854, we obtain pt = 2.166 for fy = 250 N/mm2 and fck =
30 N/mm2. Hence Ast = 2.166 x 475 x 230 /100 = 2366 mm2
Provide 5 nos. 25 mm dia. bars with Ast = 2454 mm2
The other steps are similar to Exercise 5.9.

Exercise 5.12 (Design of Over-reinforced Rectangular Beam)

Design a singly reinforced concrete beam, subjected to an ultimate moment of 130 kNm. Assume
M 20 concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Due to architectural considerations, the breadth and
overall depth of beam are restricted to 230 mm and 450 mm respectively. Assume effective
cover as 50 mm.


Step1: Confirmation of over or under reinforced beam

Calculate Mn limit for concrete failure
Effective depth, d = 450-50 = 400 mm
Mn = 0.138 x 20 x 230 x 4002 =101.56 kNm
Since Mu > Mn, the beam is over-reinforced and not recommended to be used by IS 456. Any
how we shall design it as over-reinforced to explain the steps involved.

Step 2: Determine the depth of neutral axis

 xu   6.68 M u   6.68  130  10 6 
   1.2  1.44        0.69
20  230  400 2 
1.2 1.44
d   f ckbd 2  
Note that (xu/d) is greater than 0.479 (the limiting value)
xu = 0.69 x 400 =276 mm

Step 3: Calculate εs and fs

d   400 
 s  0.0035  1  0.0035  1  1.572  103
 u
x   276 
 1.572  1.444  2
From Table 5.2, fs = 288.7 + (306.7 – 288.7)   =301.09 N/mm
 1.630  1.444 

Step 4: Calculate the required area of steel

Ast fs = 0.36 fck b xu

Ast 301.09 = 0.36 20 230 276
Hence Ast = 1518 mm2. Provide 4 numbers 22 mm bars with area = 1520 mm2
The designed beam section is shown in the following figure
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Fig. 5.48
Once again it is stressed that the above design is not acceptable, and it is preferable to design it
as doubly reinforced beam.

Exercise 5.13 (Analysis of singly reinforced beam using design aids)

Determine the value of ultimate uniformly distributed load, wu that can be carried by the beam
shown in Fig. 5.63, using design aids. Use M 25 concrete and Fe 415 grade steel and assume Ast
= 1383.8 mm2.

Fig. 5.63

pt = 1383.8 x 100/(550 x 230) = 1.094

From Table 3 of SP 16, Mu/bd2 = 3.227, for Fe 415 steel and M25 concrete
Hence Mu = 3.227 x 230 x 5502 = 224.52 x 106 Nmm
The maximum moment at mid span = wuL2/8
Equating the above two, we get, wu = 224.52 x 106 x 8 /40002 = 112.26 N/m

Exercise 5.14 (Analysis of doubly reinforced rectangular beam)

Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced beam section with the
following data: b = 300 mm, d = 550 mm, d’= 50 mm, Ast = 4 #32 mm dia bars (3217 mm2), Asc
= 2 # 25 mm bars (982 mm2), fy = 250 MPa and fck =20 MPa.
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian


For Fe 250, (xu, max/d ) lim = 0.531, hence xu,max = 0.531 x 550 = 292.05 mm
Assuming fsc = fst = 0.87 fy and considering force equilibrium,
Cc + Cs =Tu
Cc = 0.36 fck b xu = 0.36  20  300  xu = 2160 xu
Cs = (0.87 fy -0.447fck)Asc = (0.87  250  0.447  20)  982  204,806N
Tu = 0.87 f y Ast  0.87  250  3217  699 ,698 N
Hence 2160 xu + 204,806 = 699,698, or xu = 229.12 mm < xu, max
Thus the assumption fst = 0.87 fy is justified.
(x  d ')
 sc  0.0035 u  0.0035
229 .12  50   0.00274    0.87  250  0.00109
2  10 5
xu 229 .12
Thus the assumption fsc = 0.87 fy is justified
Ultimate moment of resistance
Mn = Cc (d-0.416 xu) + Cs (d-d’)
= [( 2160  229 .12 )  (550  0.416  229 .12 )  204 ,806  (550  50 )]  10
= 327.43 kNm

Exercise 5.15 (Analysis of doubly reinforced rectangular beam)

Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced beam section with the
following data (see figure below): b = 350 mm, d = 550 mm, d’= 60 mm, Ast = 5 #32 mm dia
bars (4021 mm2), Asc = 3 # 25 mm bars(1473 mm2), fy = 415 MPa and fck = 30 MPa


The given values are as follows:

b = 350 mm, d = 550 mm, d’ = 60 mm, d’/d = 0.109, fck = 30 MPa, fy = 415 MPa
Ast (5 nos. 32 mm bars) = 4021 mm2, Asc (3 nos. 25 mm bars) = 1473 mm2

Step 1: Calculate xu
Let us assume as first trail, xu = xu,lim
0.0035 0.0035
xu  d 550  263 .5mm
0.0055  0.87 f y / Es 0.0055  0.87  415 / 2  10 5
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

0.0035 ( xu  d ' ) 0.0035 (263 .5  60 )

Step 2: Calculate  sc    0.00270
xu 263 .5
Corresponding value of fsc (from Table 5.2) =350.26 MPa
fcc = 0.447 fck = 0.447 x 30 = 13.41 MPa
fst = 0.87fy = 0.87 x 415 = 361.05 MPa

Step 3: Compute xu
0.87 f y Ast  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc 361 .05  4021  (350 .26  13 .41)  1473
xu    252 .8mm
0.36 f ckb 0.36  30  350
Since xu < xu,lim, the section is under reinforced. Let us now assume xu = 252.8 and
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the value of xu converges
0.0035 ( xu  d ' ) 0.0035 (252 .8  60 )
 sc    0.002669
xu 252 .8

Since the above value is close to the previous value of εsc, no further iteration is necessary.
The moment of resistance of the section may be computed as
M n  0.36 f ckbxu (d  0.416 xu )  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc (d  d ' )
 [0.36  30  350  252 .8  (550  0.416  252 .8)  (350 .26  13 .41)  1473  (550  60 )] / 10 6
= 425.09 + 243.13 = 668.2 kNm

Exercise 5.16 (Analysis of doubly reinforced rectangular beam using design aids)

Determine the ultimate moment capacity of a doubly reinforced concrete beam 250 mm wide by
520 mm depth. This beam is provided with 2 # 20 mm bars on the compression side and 2 # 28
mm and 1 #25 mm bars on the tension side. Adopt M30 concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Assume
effective concrete cover, d’ = 40 mm. Use Design aids.


Given: d= 520 -40 = 480 mm, b= 250 mm, Ast = 2- #28 + 1-#25 = 1231+491 = 1722 mm2, Asc =
2 #20 = 628 mm2
d’/d = 40/520 = 0.077, choose the next higher value of 0.10
Step 1: Calculate pt /fck and pc /fck
pt /fck = 1722 x 100 /(250 x 480 x 30) = 0.0478
pc /fck = 628 x 100 /(250 x 480 x 30) = 0.0174
From Table C.10, referring to column corresponding to pt /fck = 0.04 and 0.05, and pc/fck =0.01,
Coefficient for 0.0478 = 0.1266 + (0.1520-0.1266)x (0.0478-0.04)/(.01) = 0.1464
From Table C.10, referring to column corresponding to pt /fck = 0.04 and 0.05, and pc/fck =0.02,
Coefficient for 0.0478 = 0.1304 + (0.1587-0.1304)x (0.0478-0.04)/(.01) = 0.1525
Hence, we get for linear interpolation
Mn /(fckbd2) = 0.1464 +(0.1525-0.1464)/(0.02-0.01) x (0.0174 - 0.01) = 0.1509
Hence Moment capacity of the section,
Mn = 0.1509 x 30 x 250 x 4802 / 106 = 260.75 kNm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Exercise 5.17 (Design of doubly reinforced rectangular beam)

A rectangular reinforced concrete beam of overall size 200 x 450 mm is subjected to a factored
moment of 160 kNm. Compute the required reinforcement, assuming effective cover for
compression and tension reinforcement as 50 mm. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 grade steel.


The given data are as follows:

b= 200 mm, D = 450 mm, fck = 20 MPa, fy = 415 MPa, Applied Moment = 160 kNm
Assume d’ = 50 mm, Hence d = 450-50 = 400 mm

Step 1: Calculate the limiting neutral axis depth:

xu,lim = 0.479 x 400 = 191.6 mm

Step 2: Calculate Mu,lim and pt,lim for singly reinforced section

Mn,lim= 0.138fckbd2 = 0.138 x 20 x 200 x 4002/106= 88.32 kNm
pt,lim = 19.82 x fck/fy =19.82 x 20/415 = 0.96
Hence, Ast1 = 0.96 x 200 x 400 /100 = 768 mm2

Step 3: Check Mn,lim >Mu

Since Mn,lim = 88.32 kNm < Mu = 160 kNm, a doubly reinforced beam is required.
The additional moment of resistance required to be resisted by the beam is
Mu2 = 160-88.32 = 71.68 MPa

Step 4: Compute Ast2 and Asc

Mu2 71.68  106

Ast 2    567 mm2
0.87 f y (d  d ' ) 0.87  415  (400  50)
Compute total tensile steel, Ast = Ast1 + Ast2 = 768 + 567 = 1135 mm2
Provide 4 # 20 diameter bars (area provided =1256 mm2)
The compression steel can be calculated as
M u2
Asc 
( f s c  f cc )( d  d ' )
Strain at the level of centroid of compression steel.
( x  d ' ) 0.0035 (191 .6  50 )
 sc  0.0035 u   0.002587
xu 191 .6
From Table 5.2, for a strain of 0.002769, fsc = 347.53 MPa
Stress in concrete at the level of centroid of compression steel is
fcc = 0.447 fck = 0.447 x 20 = 8.94 MPa
71 .68  10 6
Thus Asc   605 mm 2
347 .53  8.94 (400  50 )
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Provide 3 # 16 mm diameter rods as compression steel (Asc provided = 603.2 mm2)

Step 5: Check for ductility

1256 603.2
pt provided =  100  1.57 ; pc provided =  100  0.754
200  400 200  400

0.87 f y 0.87  415

pc,lim = ( pt  pt , lim ) = (1.57  0.96)  0.65 < pc =0.754
f sc  0.447 f ck 347.53  0.447  20
Hence the section is under-reinforced and hence OK

The designed beam is shown in the above figure.

Step 6: Check for deflection (see Chapter 12 for more details)

Areaofstee lrequired 1135
fs = 0.58 fy = 0.58  415  = 217.5 MPa
Areaofstee lprovided 1256
kt  =
[0.225  0.00322 f s  0.625 log10 (1 / pt )]
=1/1.043 =0.958
[0.225  0.0032  217 .5  0.625 log10 (1 / 1.57 )
pc 0.754
kc  1  1  1.20  1.5
pc  3.0 0.754  3.0
(L/d)max = 20 x 0.958 x 1.20 = 22.99
Assuming the length as 5.5 m,
Actual (L/d) = 5500/400 = 13.75 < 22.13
Hence the beam is safe with regard to deflection considerations.

Exercise 5.18 (Design of doubly reinforced rectangular beam using design aids)

Design the doubly reinforced concrete beam of Exercise 17 using design aids.


The given data are as follows:

b= 200 mm, D = 450 mm, fck = 20 MPa, fy = 415 MPa, Applied Moment, Mu = 160 kNm
Assume d’ = 50 mm, Hence d = 450-50 = 400 mm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 1: Calculate the parameters given in the tables

(d’/d) = 50/400 = 0.125, (Mu/ bd2) = 160 x 106/(200 x 4002) = 5.0

Step 2: Find pt and pc from design aids

Using Table 50 of SP 16
Under the column (d’/d) = 0.1, we get
pt = 1.645 and pc = 0.725
Under the column (d’/d) =0.15, by interpolating we get
pt = 1.686 and pc = 0.789
Hence, by interpolating for (d’/d) =0.125, we get pt = 1.6655 and pc = 0.757
Ast = (1.6655/100) x 200 x 400 = 1332.4 mm2 (As against 1135 mm2 in Exercise 5.17)
Provide 3 - #20 + 1 - #25 bars (area provided =1432.5 mm2)

Asc = (0.757/100) x 200 x 400 = 605.6 mm2

Provide 3 - #16 mm diameter rods as compression steel (Asc provided = 603.2 mm2)

Step 3: Check for Minimum area of steel:

A 0.85
Minimum area s t 
bwd fy
Ast,min = 0.85 x 200 x 400/415 = 164 mm2 < 1432.5 mm2, hence safe.

Exercise 5.19 (Analysis of cantilever beam)

Find the maximum cantilever span Lc for the beam shown in Fig. 5.64 and subjected to a
factored uniformly distributed load of 15 kN/m2 and a factored point load 50 kN acting at the tip
of the cantilever. Assume fck = 25 MPa and fy = 415 MPa.

Fig. 5.64


Note that the tension steel is at the top of beam- it is because the cantilever action will result in
tension at top (-ve moment) and compression at the bottom of the beam at the support. Similar –
ve moment will occur at the support of continuous beams.

Assume an effective cover of 50 mm for tension and compression steel. Hence d’ = 50 mm and
d = 550-50 = 500 mm.
Ast = 2 - #28 + 2 - #22 = 1232 +760 =1992 mm2, Asc = 2 # 20 = 628 mm2, α = 628 /1992 = 0.315
< 0.4
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 1: Check for under or over-reinforced For Fe 415 steel, xu,max/d = 0.479. Hence xu,max =
0.479 x 500 =239.5 mm
Assuming both tension and compression steel yield,

f st Ast  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc 0.87  415  1992  (0.87  415  0.447  25 )  628

xu  
0.36 f ckb 0.36  25  200

= 277.5 mm > 239.5 mm

Hence the assumption of tension steel yielding is not correct and it is an over reinforced section.
Now the value of xu has to be determined using the iterative procedure, as discussed in section
5.6.2 (case 2) of the text.

 st  0.0035 (d  xu / xu )  0.0035 (500  277 .5 / 277 .5  0.00281

From Table 5.2, fst = 351.8 + (360.9-351.8)/(3.81-2.76) x(2.81-2.76) = 352.23 MPa

Recalculate xu

f st Ast  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc 352 .23  1992  (0.87  415  0.447  25 )  628

xu  
0.36 f ckb 0.36  25  200
= 267.73

Since the difference between the current value of xu and the previous value of 277.5 mm is only
3.5% we need not iterate further.

Step 2: Check for yielding of compression steel

 sc  0.0035 (1  d ' / xu )  0.0035 (1  50 / 267 .73)  0.00285
Since εsc < εy (=0.0038), Compression steel does not yield. Hence we should compute the correct
value of xu iteratively by using strain compatibility.

Step 3: Determination of xu
From Table 5.2, fsc = 351.8 + (360.9-351.8)/(3.81-2.76) x(2.85-2.76) = 352.58 MPa
f A  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc 352 .23  1992  (352 .58  0.447  25 )  628
xu  st st   270 .6
0.36 f ckb 0.36  25  200
 sc  0.0035 (1  d ' / xu )  0.0035 (1  50 / 270 .6)  0.00285 (same as calculated earlier)
Hence take xu as 270.6 mm

Step 4: Determine Mn
M n  0.36 f ckbxu (d  0.416 xu )  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc (d  d ' )
= [0.36  25  200  270 .6  (500  0.416  270 .6)  (352 .58  13 .41)  628  450 ] / 10
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

= 284.56 kNm

Step 5: Equate internal and external moments to find Lc

The external moment due to the udl and point load is
w L2 15 L2c
M u  u c  Pu Lc   50 Lc  284 .56
2 2
Solving the above quadratic equation on Lc we get,
Lc = 3.67 m
Note: Such over-reinforced beams should not be used in practice. For this case, pt should be
1.887(Ast =1887 mm2) and pc should be 0.733 (Asc = 733 mm2) to resist the applied moment.

Exercise 5.20 (Analysis of singly reinforced isolated T-beam)

Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of an isolated T-beam, shown in Fig. 5.65,
assuming fck = 20 MPa and Grade 415 steel.

Fig. 5.65


Given: bf = 850 mm, Df = 100 mm, bw = 250 mm, d = 530 mm, Ast = 6 # 16 = 1206 mm2,
fy = 415 MPa, fck = 20 MPa

Step 1: Check the position of neutral axis

xu,lim = 0.479 d = 0.479 x 530 = 253.87 mm
Assume that the neutral axis coincides with the bottom fibre of the flange, i.e. xu = Df
Total compression in flange = 0.36 fckbfDf
= 0.36 x 20 x 850 x 100/103 = 612 kN
Total tension in steel = 0.87 fy Ast = 0.87 x 415 x 1206/103 = 435.43 kN
Since total compression in flange is greater than the tension in steel, the neutral axis is within the

Step 2: Calculate xu
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Equating compression and tension, we get

0.36 fckbfxu = 0.87 fy Ast

0.87 f y Ast0.87  415  1206

Thus, xu   = 71.15 mm < Df =100 mm
0.36 f ckb f 0.36  20  850
Hence the assumption that the neutral axis is within the flange is confirmed.
Also xu < xu,lim
Hence the section is under-reinforced

Step 3: Calculate ultimate moment of resistance

M n  0.87 f y Ast (d  0.416 xu )
= 0.87  415  1206  (530  0.416  71 .15 )  10 = 217.89 kNm
Alternate Approximate values

(1) Approximate formula

M n  0.87 f y Ast (d  0.5D f )  0.87  415  1206  (530  100 / 2) = 209 kNm
The above formula may be used to get a preliminary estimate of the capacity.

Exercise 5.21(Analysis of isolated singly reinforced T-beam)

Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of the isolated T-beam of the previous exercise,
assuming Ast = 1884 mm2, fck = 20 MPa and Grade 415 steel.


Given: Df = 100 mm, bw = 250 mm, bf = 850 mm, d = 530 mm, Ast = 6 # 20 = 1884 mm2,
fy = 415 MPa, fck = 20 MPa

Step 1: Check the position of neutral axis

xu,lim = 0.479 d = 0.479 x 530 =253.87 mm
Assume that the neutral axis coincides with the bottom fibre of the flange, i.e. xu = Df
Total compression in flange = 0.36 fckbfDf
= 0.36 x 20 x 850 x 100/103 = 612 kN
Total tension in steel = 0.87 fy Ast = 0.87 x 415 x 1884/103 = 680.22 kN
Since total compression in flange is less than the tension in steel, the neutral axis is in the web.

Step 2: Calculate xu
Assuming stress is uniform in the flange,
0.87 f y Ast  0.447 f ck D f (b f  bw ) 0.87  415  1884  0.447  20  100  (850  250 )
xu  
0.36 f ckbw 0.36  20  250
= 79.9 < Df = 100 mm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Hence our assumption that the Neutral axis coincides with the bottom fibre of flange is not valid.
Let us now, calculate xu, assuming that the compressive stress in the flange is non-uniform.
Replacing Df with yf , with yf = 0.15 xu + 0.65 Df
Now, the neutral axis depth is calculated as

0.87 f y Ast  0.447 f ck  0.65D f (b f  bw )

xu 
0.36 f ckbw  0.447 f ck  0.15(b f  bw )
0.87  415  1884  0.447  20  0.65  100  (850  250 )
 = 127.3 mm
0.36  20  250  0.447  20  0.15  (850  250 )
xu > Df = 100 mm; Also (3/7) xu = 54.56 mm < Df.
Hence neutral axis is in web and the stress block in flange is non-linear.
yf = 0.15 xu + 0.65 Df = 0.15 x 127.3 + 0.65 x100 =84.1 mm

Step 3: Check the beam is under-reinforced

xu,lim = 0.479 d = 0.479 x 530 =253.87 mm
Since xu < xu,lim, the section is under reinforced.

Step 4: Calculate Mn

 x  x   y 
M n  0.36f ck  u 1 - 0.416 u  b w d 2  0.447f ck (b f - b w )y f  d - f 
 d  d   2
127 .3  127 .3   84 .1 
0.36  20  1  0.416   250  530  0.447  20  (850  250 )  84 .1   530 

530  530   2 

= 109.3 x 106 + 220.1 x 106 Nmm = 329.4 kNm

Exercise 5.22 (Analysis of isolated singly reinforced T-beam)

Determine limiting moment of resistance by concrete failure of a T-beam with the following
dimensions: Df = 125 mm, bw = 250 mm, bf = 1000 mm, Ast = 2454 mm2, and d = 550 mm,
Assume Fe 415 steel and M 25 concrete.


Given: Df = 125 mm, bw = 250 mm, bf = 1000 mm, d = 550 mm, Ast = 2454 mm2,
fy = 415 MPa, fck = 25 MPa
D f 125 b f 1000
  0.227,  4
d 550 bw 250
M u , lim
From Table 58,  0 .4
bw d 2 f ck
Hence Mu,lim  0.4  250  5502  25 /106 = 756.25 kNm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Exercise 5.23 (Design of singly reinforced T-beam)

Determine the area of required steel for the T-beam with the following dimensions: Df = 150
mm, bw = 250 mm, bf = 1200 mm, and d = 550 mm. It is required to carry a factored moment of
750 kNm. Assume Fe 415 steel and M 25 concrete.


Step 1: Determine neutral axis depth and lever arm depth

 
1.44  6.68M u   1.2  1.44  6.68  750  10  =0.2578
 1.2  
d 
 f ck b f d 2   25  1200  5502 
xu = 0.2578 x 550 = 141.73 mm < 150 mm
Hence the neutral axis is within the flange.

Leaver arm depth

 x 
z  d 1  0.416 u   550 1  0.416  0.2578  = 491 mm
 d 

Step 2: Determine area of steel

Mu 750  106
Ast   = 4230.7 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  491
Approximate value of Ast
Mu 750  106
Ast   = 4373 mm2
0.87 f y (d  D f / 2) 0.87  415  (550  75)
The above formula may be used to get a preliminary estimate of the area of steel.

Exercise 5.24 (Design of singly reinforced T-beam)

Design the T-beam with the following dimensions: Df = 120 mm, bw = 230 mm, bf = 1000 mm.
It is required to carry a factored moment of 400 kNm. Assume Fe 415 steel and M 25 concrete


Step 1: Assume depth

Let us select a depth of beam as 400 mm and a clear cover of 25 mm. assuming 20 mm rods,
effective depth = 400-25-10 = 365 mm

Step 1: Calculate Approximate Ast

Assume a lever arm z equal to the larger of 0.9d = 328.5 mm or d - 0.5 Df = 305 mm. Hence
adopt z = 328.5 mm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Mu 400  106
Ast,app =  = 3372 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  328.5

Step 2: Check location of neutral axis

xu,max = 0.479 x 365 = 174.84 mm > Df
Assuming neutral axis at the bottom layer of flange, i.e. at 120 mm from top fibre of beam
M u , lim  0.36 f ckb f D f (d  0.416 D f )
= 0.36  25  1000  120  (365  0.416  120 ) / 10 = 340.28 kNm < Mu = 400 kNm

Hence xu > Df and the NA is below the flange and in the web

Step 3: Determine neutral axis depth and lever arm depth

M n  Cuw (d  0.416 xu )  Cuf (d  y f / 2)
Where Cuw and Cuf are the compressive force contribution of web and flange respectively
Cuw = 0.362 fckbwxu = 0.362  25  230  xu = 2081.5 xu
Cuf = 0.447fck(bf-bw)yf = 0.447  25  (1000  230)  y f = 8604.75 yf
Also, yf = 0.15xu + 0.65 Df = 0.15 xu + 78
Substituting the above values and equating with the external moment, we get
400  10 6  2081 .5 xu (365  0.416 xu )  8604 .75 (0.15 xu  78 )[365  (0.15 xu  78 ) / 2]
Simplifying we get
400  10 6  962 .7 xu2  1130 ,177 .9 xu  218 .8  10 6
Or xu2  1174 xu  188 ,220  0
Solving the above quadratic eqn., we get, xu = 191.6 mm
yf = 0.15 xu + 0.65 Df = 0.15 191.6  0.65 120  106.74 mm

Note: xu (191.6 mm) is slightly greater than xu,max (174.84). Hence it is slightly over-reinforced.
It may be necessary to increase the depth to 450 mm. Let us assume that the steel yields and
continue the calculation.

Step 4: Calculate Ast

Equating the tensile and compression forces, we get

0.87 f y Ast  0.36 f ckbw xu  0.447 f ck y f (b f  bw )
0.36  25  230  191.6  0.447  25  106.74  (1000  230)
Hence Ast =
0.87  415
= 3642 mm (as against Ast,app = 3372 mm2)

There is a difference of only 8% between the approximate and exact value and hence that value
can be used for preliminary design.

Provide 3 # 32 mm dia.(2413 mm2) and 3 # 25 dia bars(1473 mm2); Total area provided = 3886
mm2). Note that as the bars have to be provided in two layers, it will reduce the effective depth.
Using a spacer of 28 mm bar, centroid distance of bars from bottom fibre,
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

( (
= 69.42 mm
Effective depth provided = 400 – 69.42 = 330.8
400-32-32-14 = 322 mm

Hence area of steel should be increased by using

Mu 400  106
Ast,app =  = 3721 mm2 < 3886 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  (0.9  330.8)

Hence the provided area is sufficient. The designed section is shown below.

Exercise 5.25 (Analysis of T-beam with compression steel)

Calculate the ultimate moment of resistance of a T-beam with the following dimensions: Df =
150 mm, bw = 250 mm, bf = 800 mm, d = 415 mm, d’ = 35 mm, Ast = 6 # 28 dia. bars, Asc = 2 #
22 dia. bars. Assume Fe 415 steel and M 20 concrete.


Step 1: Calculate xu
Assuming 28 mm cover, total cover for tension steel = 28 +28 + 14 = 70 mm,
Hence D = 415 +70 = 485 mm
Ast = 6 # 28 =3695 mm2 ; Asc = 2 # 22 = 760 mm2
Assuming that both tension and compression steel yields,
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

0.36fckbfxu = 0.87fy(Ast-Asc)
0.87  415  (3695  760)
Thus, xu  = 183.97 mm > Df
0.36  20  800
Hence the neural axis is in the web.

Step 2: Check strain in steel

From the strain diagram, we calculate the strains in tension and compression steel as
0.0035  (415  183.97)
 st  = 0.0044 > 0.0038
Assume that tension steel yields.
0.0035  (183.97  35)
 sc  =0.0028
Hence, we get from Table 5.2,
( MPa
Step 3: Second iteration for xu
0.87 f y Ast  0.29(b f  bw ) D f fck  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc
xu 
0.36 fckbw  0.067 f ck (b f  bw )
( (
= =234.43 mm
Strain in tension steel:
0.0035  (415  234.43)
 st  = 0.0027
Hence, we get from Table 5.2,
( MPa
Strain in compression steel
0.0035  (234.43  35)
 sc  =0.00298
Hence, we get from Table 5.2,
( MPa
Step 4: Third iteration for xu
f A  0.29(b f  bw ) D f f ck  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc
xu  st st
0.36 f ckbw  0.067 f ck (b f  bw )
( (
= =218.24 mm
Strain in tension steel:
0.0035  (415  218.24)
 st  = 0.00316 < 0.0038
Hence, we get from Table 5.2,
( MPa
Strain in compression steel
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

0.0035  (218.24  35)

 sc  =0.00294
Hence, we get from Table 5.2,
( MPa
f st Ast  0.29(b f  bw ) D f f ck  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc
xu 
0.36 f ckbw  0.067 f ck (b f  bw )
( (
= = 225.65 mm
The difference between the current value of xu and the previous value is small. Hence let us take
xu as (225.65 + 218.24)/2 = 221.95 mm

Step 5: Calculate Mu

M u  0.36 f ckbw xu (d  0.416 xu )  0.447 f ck (b f  bw ) y f (d  0.5 y f )  ( f sc  f cc ) Asc (d  d ' )

With y f  0.15 xu  0.65 D f  0.15  221 .95  0.65  150  130 .8mm
( ( (
=128.91 + 224.84 + 99.47 = 453.22 kNm

Note: such over-reinforced beams are not recommended in practice by IS 456.

Exercise 5.26 (Design of T-beam)

Design a T-beam spanning 6 m, supporting a one-way slab of thickness 140 mm, and subjected
to a live load of 3.5 kN/m2 and a dead load (due to floor finish, partition, etc) of 1.2 kN/m2, in
addition to its self weight. Assume Fe 415 steel and M25 concrete and the centre to centre of
beams as 4 m.


Given: L0 = 6 m, Df = 140 mm, fy = 415 MPa, fck = 25 MPa

Step 1: Fix the dimensions of the beam

Assume bw = 250 mm.
Effective flange width (as per Clause 23.1.2 of IS 456)
L 6000
b f  0  bw  6 D f   250  6  140 = 2090 mm
6 6
Check: bw + c/c of beams = 250 + 3000 = 3250 mm > 2090 mm; hence bf = 2090 mm
Let us assume that the overall depth as L/15,
Thus, D = 6000/15 = 400 mm; let us adopt D = 450 mm
Again assuming an effective cover of 50 mm, d = 400 mm
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 2: Determination of B.M.

Distributed live load from slab, wLL= 3.5 x 4 = 14 kN/m

Dead load due to slab = 25 kN/m3 x 0.14 = 3.5 kN/m2
Total dead load = 3.5 +1.2 = 4.7 kN/m2
wDL = 4.7 x 4 = 18.8 kN/m
Dead load due to the self weight of web of beam
= 25 kN/m3 x 0.25 x (0.45 - 0.14) = 1.94 kN/m
Factored load =wu = 1.5 (14 + 18.8 + 1.94) = 52.11 kN/m
Factored Moment Mu = wuL2/8 = 52.11 x 62 / 8 = 234.5 kNm

Step 3: Determine approximate Ast

Approximate lever arm z is larger of

(a) 0.9 d = 0.9 x 400 = 360 mm
(b) D - Df/2 = 400-140/2 = 330 mm
Hence app. z = 360 mm
Mu 234.5  106
Approximate Ast =   1804 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  360
Let us assume that we are going to provide 25 mm bars (4 nos); assuming 8 mm diameter
stirrups, and 25 mm clear cover (note that clear cover should not be less than the diameter of
Actual d = 450 - 8 - 25 - 25/2 = 404.5 mm

Step 4: Calculate neutral axis depth

Let us assume that the neutral axis lies within flange. Using Eqn. (5.60)
Mu 234.5  106
m   0.0762 ; β = 0.416
0.36 f ckb f d 2 0.36  25  2090  404.52
xu 1  1  4m 1  1  1.664  0.0762
Hence,    0.0788
d 2 0.832
Thus, xu = 0.0788 x 404.5 = 31.87 mm < Df = 140 mm
Hence neutral axis is within the flange.

Step 5: Determine Ast

 x 
Leaver arm distance, z = d 1  0.416 u   404 .5  (1  0.416  0.0788 ) = 391.2 mm
 d 
Mu 234.5  106
Ast    1660 mm2 < App. Ast = 1804 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  391.2
Provide 2 nos. 25 dia. and 2 nos. 22 dia bars in a single row (Ast provided = 1741 mm2).
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Exercise 5.27 (Design of T-beam with compression steel)

Design a T-beam of with 1300 mm width of flange, 120 mm depth of flange, 300 mm width of
web and 550 mm effective depth to carry a factored bending moment of (a) 650 kNm and (b) 800
kNm. Assume M25 concrete and Fe 415 steel


Case (a); Mu =650 kNm

Given: bf = 1300 mm, Df = 120 mm, bw = 300 mm, d = 550 mm, fy = 415 MPa, fck = 25 MPa

Step 1: Check for location of neutral axis:

Assuming neutral axis is within flange, depth of neutral axis
xu 1  1  1.664 m Mu 650  106
 and m =   0.1837
d 0.832 0.36 f ckb f d 2 0.36  25  1300  5502
xu 1  1  1.664  0.1837
Hence,   0.2
d 0.832
Thus, xu = 0.2 x 500 =110 mm < Df
Hence neutral axis is within the flange.

Step 5: Determine Ast

 x 
Leaver arm distance, z = d 1  0.416 u   550  (1  0.416  0.2) = 504.24 mm
 d 
Mu 650  106
Ast    3570 mm2
0.87 f y z 0.87  415  504.24
Provide 3 nos. 32 dia. and 2 nos. 28 dia bars in two rows (Ast provided = 2413 + 1232 = 3645

Case (b) Mu = 800 kNm

Step 1: Check for location of neutral axis:

Assuming neutral axis is within flange, depth of neutral axis
xu 1  1  1.664 m Mu 800  106
 and m =   0.226
d 0.832 0.36 f ckb f d 2 0.36  25  1300  5502
xu 1  1  1.664  0.226
Hence,   0.2525
d 0.832
Thus, xu = 0.2525 x 550 =138.88 mm > Df =120 mm

Hence neutral axis is in the web.

Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Step 2: Calculate the moment of resistance of flange

 y 
M f  0.447 f ck (b f  bw ) y f  d  f 
 2 
D 110
Since f   0.22 > 0.2, yf = 0.15 xu +0.65 Df = 0.15 x 138.88 +0.65 x 120 = 98.83 mm
d 500
M f  0.447  25  (1300  300)  98.83  (550  98.83/ 2) /106 = 552.86 kNm

Step 3: Calculate moment taken by web and limiting moment of web

Mw = Mu - Mf = 800 - 552.86 = 247.14 kNm
For Fe 415 grade steel Mw,lim = 0.138 fck bw d2= 0.138  25  300  5502 /106 = 313 kNm
Mw,lim > Mw. Hence the beam may be designed as singly reinforced.

Step 4: calculate Area of steel

Mf Mw
Ast   , with yf =98.83 mm
0.87 f y (d  0.5 y f ) 0.87 f y z
 x 
z  d 1  0.416 u   550 (1  0.416  0.2525 )  492.23 mm
 d 
552 .86  10 6 247 .14  10 6
Ast  
0.87  415  (550  0.5  98 .83) 0.87  415  492 .23
= 3058.9 + 1390.6 = 4449.5 mm2
Provide 6 numbers of 32 dia. in two rows (Ast provided = 4825 mm2)

Exercise 5.28 (Design of Deep beam)

Design a simply supported, 270 mm thick reinforced concrete vertical deep beam of height 3.5
m, which is supported over 500 mm wide piers having clear spacing of 4.5 m. The beam carries
service superimposed load of 200 kN/m. Assume M20 grade concrete and steel of grade Fe 415.


For Fe 415 steel, fst = 0.87 x 415 = 361.05 MPa

Effective span L = Smaller of c/c distance between supports = 4.5 + 0.5 = 5.0 m
And 1.15 x 4.5 = 5.175 m
Hence L = 5.0m

Deep beam parameters:

Thickness of beam, t = 270 mm

Depth of beam = 3.5 m, Assume effective depth as 3150 mm
Aspect ratio L/D = 5/3.5 = 1.429 < 2.0
L/b = 5/0.27 = = 18.52 < 60
Ld/b2 = 5 x 3.15/0.272 = 216 < 250
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Hence lateral buckling is prevented. Also, L/D is with in the range 1.0 to 2.0
Hence, Lever arm z = 0.2(l +2D) = 0.20 ( 5 + 2 3.5) = 2.4 m
Factored dead load wu,d = 1.5 x (25 x 3.5 x 0.27) = 35.4 kN/m
Factored superimposed load wu,t = 1.5 x 200 = 300 kN/m
Total factored load wu = wu,d + w = 335.4 kN/m

For simply supported deep beam:

Maximum bending moment Mu = (335.4 x 52)/8 = 1048.13 kN/m
Mu 1048 .13  10 6
Hence, Ast  =  1210 mm 2
0.87 f y Z 0.87  415  2400
Consider 6-#16 mm bars (Ast = 1206 mm2)
1206  100 0.24 f ck 0.24  20
Percentage of steel pt   0.128   100   100  0.26%
270  3500 fy 415

The steel considered is less than the minimum specified. Hence we should provide at least 0.26 x
270 3500/ 100 = 2457 mm2. Hence, Provide 4-#20 mm and 6- #16 mm bars (Ast provided =
1257 + 1206 = 2463 mm2)

Zone or depth of placement = 0.25D – 0.05L = 0.25 x 3500 – 0.05 x 5000 = 625 mm
Distribute 6-#16 mm bars within a depth of 625 mm from the bottom fibre of the beam with
nominal cover of 50 mm.
The bars should be anchored into the support and minimum embedment length as per code (see
Chapter 7),
0.8 f st db
0.80 Ld 
4 bd
0.8  361.05  20
=  752mm
4  1.92
For 16 mm bars it is 602 mm
Embed the bars beyond the face of each support by 450 mm (assuming a cover of 50 mm) and
provide 90o hook to obtain anchorage length of 7555 mm. Alternatively, mechanically anchored
headed bars, with a head size with area three times the bar area (see Section 7.6.2), with

Thus, 20 = 400 mm for 20 mm bars and 320 mm for 16 mm bars.

Stagger the heads to avoid congestion. The arrangement with headed bars is shown in Figure

Nominal horizontal and vertical reinforcements (provided as per ACI 318):

Vertical/horizontal steel per metre length/height of beam,

0.25  270  1000
Ast , v   675mm2
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Provide 10 mm bars vertical and horizontal bars @ 230 mm c/c on both the faces (Ast provided =
682 mm2/m). The maximum spacing lesser of d/5 = 3150/5 = 630 mm or 300 mm. Hence the
provided spacing is satisfactory.

Check for shear is not necessary as per clause 29.1(b) of IS 456:2000. The designed beam is
shown below.

Reinforcement details of deep beam

Note: More accurate design of deep beams are made using the strut-and-tie method (see
Appendix B)

Exercise 5.29

Design a lintel for a window opening of span 1.5 m. The thickness of the wall is 230 mm and the
height of the brickwork above the lintel is 1.1 m. Length of the wall on either side of the lintel is
more than half the span of the lintel. Use Fe 415 steel and M20 concrete.

Step 1: Calculate effective span

Assume the depth of lintel as 100 mm. With an effective cover of 25 m, effective depth, d = 75
mm, breadth of lintel = thickness of wall = 230 mm

Effective span = clear span + half width of bearing on either side or

= clear span + effective depth = 1.5 + 0.075 = 1.58 m

Step 2: Calculate B.M

Load on lintel
Weight of brickwork = 20 kN/m3
Height of apex of triangle = effective span / 2 = 1.58/2 = 0.79 m
Design of RC Structures © Oxford University Press India DR. N. Subramanian

Since the height of brickwork above lintel is 1.1 m and there is sufficient length of wall on either
side of the lintel, arch action is possible.

Self weight of lintel, w = 0.23 x 0.10 x 25 = 0.58 kN/m

Weight of triangular brickwork, W = (1.58 x 0.79) /2 x 0.23 x 20 = 2.87 kN
Bending moment M = wl2/8 + WL/6
= 0.58 x 1.582/8 + 2.87 x 1.58/6
= 0.94 kNm
Factored design moment, Mu = 1.5 x 0.94 = 1.41 kNm
M u 1.41  10 6
  1.09 N/mm2
bd 2
230  75 2

From Table 2 of SP 16, we get for the above value of Mu/bd2, pt = 0.324
0.324  75  230
Hence Ast   56mm2
Balanced area of steel,
pt,lim = 19.82 fck/fy
= 19.82 x 20/415
= 0.965
Hence, Ast,lim = 0.965 x 75 x 230/100 =166 mm2
Provide 2 # 8 dia bar
Area provided = 100.5 mm2 < Ast,lim
Provide 2 nos. 6 mm dia hanger bars and also minimum shear reinforcement (see chapter 6 for

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