External Coatings For Corrosion Protection of Steel Pipes and Components
External Coatings For Corrosion Protection of Steel Pipes and Components
External Coatings For Corrosion Protection of Steel Pipes and Components
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Page 2 of 20
Rev 0 Issue
Pages 20
Appendix “A” – Pages 9
Appendix “B” – Pages 10
Appendix “C” – Pages 14
Appendix “D” – Pages 14
Appendix “E” – Pages 9
Appendix “F” – Pages 10
Appendix “G” – Pages 11
Appendix “H” – Pages 11
Appendix “I” – Pages 12
February 2004
This specification replaces the following Company Functional Specifications:
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 European standard ............................................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 ISO and National Organisations ......................................................................................... 6
1.3.3 Standards of other Organisations ....................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 Laws and decrees............................................................................................................... 8
1.4 DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... 9
1.6 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................... 10
2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Storage areas.................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Handling ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 COATING MATERIAL STORAGE AND PRESERVATION.............................................. 10
2.3 CRITERIA FOR COATING SYSTEM SELECTION.......................................................... 11
2.4 QUALIFICATION OF THE COATING............................................................................... 11
2.5 SURFACE PREPARATION .............................................................................................. 12
2.5.1 Abrasive materials ............................................................................................................ 14
2.5.2 Steel imperfections ........................................................................................................... 14
2.6 COATING MATERIAL APPLICATION.............................................................................. 14
2.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 14
2.8 CUT BACK ........................................................................................................................ 15
2.9 MARKING ......................................................................................................................... 15
COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................ 15
2.10.1 Handling ............................................................................................................................ 15
2.10.2 Storage.............................................................................................................................. 15
2.10.3 Delivery ............................................................................................................................. 16
This Specification is formed by a general part in which the requirements, common to all
coatings and systems, are described and by 9 Appendixes, identified with letter “A” to “I“. In
each Appendix the requirements for a specific coating or coating system, and for a specific
method of application, are described.
This Specification defines the minimum functional requirements related to coating works,
including supply, characterisation, inspection and testing of protective coatings intended to be
applied on the exterior surfaces of steel pipes, including sealines, pipelines, and buried pipes,
etc. and related components and fittings as band, valves, etc.
According to the requirements of this specification, a “Project Technical Specification” shall be
prepared, which must include consideration of the following factors:
• The intended service of the pipes (sealine, buried, temperature, etc.);
• The specific needs of the project;
• The coating system selected;
• The application method.
Based on the requirements of Project Technical Specification, the Contractor shall prepare a
“Working Procedure” in which methods concerning each work and activity (e.g. abrasive
blasting, coating application, cleaning, coating systems selected, inspections, etc.) must be
described in detail. Since the performance of the coating can be significantly affected by the
quality of work execution (e.g. surface preparation, application of various coats, procedures
and inspections) the requirements that must be implemented during intermediate steps of
coating operations, should also be described.
Before coming into force, the “Working Procedure” shall be approved by the Company.
As a general rule, recommendations and instruction listed in Product Data Sheets published by
Coating Manufacturers shall be followed. Possible conflicts and/or discrepancies between
Products Data Sheets and this specification shall be submitted to the Company for resolution,
and approval for all changes shall be obtained.
In Figure 1 the general scheme for the development of the coating project is reported for
information only.
Functional Specification
20550 PIP.COR.FUN. List of Company's
Rev.0 qualified systems
Operative Service
Project Technical
Evaluation of the Coating system
PROJECT Temperature Specification
requirements selection
No Contractor
• Coating Manufacturer: The manufacturer or supplier of the coating material intended to
be applied on the pipes or components.
• Coating material: The liquid, liquefiable, mastic, powder or any other composition
and material intended to be applied on the pipes or
• Coating system: The complete number and type of coats applied to a substrate
in a predetermined order.
• Coating: The liquid, liquefiable, mastic, powder or any other composition
and material that after application to a substrate, is converted
into a solid protective adherent film.
• Cut-back: The pipe surface (dimension) to be left bare (uncoated) at both
ends of each pipe.
• Dry-spray: Phenomenon that may occur during paint application by spray.
Dry particles (dusting) of atomised paint fall over areas already
coated or to be coated, but not yet dried, making surface rough
and matt. If overcoated can cause possible adhesion problem.
• Material Safety Data Document published by Coating Manufacturer.
• Product Data Sheet: Document published by Coating Manufacturer describing
product characteristics, use, application and storage
• Stripe–coat: Additional coat of paint applied usually by brush on difficult-to-
reach areas and on weld seams, edges, bolts, nuts, etc, to
provide specified film thickness.
• Substrate: Solid surface intended to be coated or lined with the specified
coating system.
• Thermo-Hygrometric Environmental conditions detected during coating work.
2.1.2 Handling
All stacking operations shall be performed using suitable lifting equipment (such as cranes,
overhead or other lift trucks) with adequate slings and hooks. Hooks for lifting pipes from their
ends shall be equipped with a rubber or copper sheathing in order to avoid damages to pipe
and end bevels.
Suspended pipes shall be provided with appropriate side guide ropes to the lifting equipment,
to prevent the traverse of the pipes.
During handling operation the pipes shall not knock or bump against other obstacles or pipes.
The positioning of the pipes on those already stacked shall be performed with greatest care.
Slings and hooks shall also neither strike nor scrape the pipes.
Suitable flat wooden supports shall be positioned on the ground. The first and last wooden
supports shall be positioned at least at 0,5 m from the pipe end.
c) Coating materials shall be protected from direct sun, frost and rain, stored in a thermally
controlled store with constant temperature in the range of +15 to +25°C;
d) The coating materials store shall be located at a proper distance from any significant heat
source and from any area where free flames, welding works, and tools causing sparks are
e) Containers and packages shall not be placed nor stored on wet or damp surfaces, nor in
areas where flood can occur;
f) All products that become altered for any reason or show the container and/or package
partially or totally destroyed and/or damaged shall be removed from the store, not used for
the coating work and properly disposed of;
g) Coating materials shall be stored and used in a manner that assures that products are
used within their storage limits (shelf-life), and those stored first are the first used.
Figure 2
Schematic process for the pre-qualification and qualification of coating materials and coating system
ENI Data
Document for pre-
qualification of each
coating material and
Negative (Positive or
Steel samples
Lab test
Negative (Positive or
Coating materials
and coating systems
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Page 14 of 20
Preparation grade will conform to the specified requirements of specific coating materials listed
in the Appendixes and in any case according to standard ISO 8501-1.
Profile of abrasive blasted surface shall conform to the specified requirement listed in the
Appendix for the specific coating system and measured according to standard ISO 8503 or to
NACE RP 0287.
All pipes shall be identified with specific and unique markings.
The Contractor shall restore any original markings that may have been removed by the coating
process, according to Company instructions.
Markings shall be applied using indelible paint.
2.10.1 Handling
Handling shall be carried out using suitable equipment, provided with the proper protective
sheathing, in order to avoid damages to the pipes and/or to the coating. Use of steel ropes or
slings or any equipment, which could damage the coating and the ends, shall be prohibited.
All personnel involved in the handling operations shall be of proven experience and adequately
Handling operations and equipment shall strictly comply with the applicable safety rules and
At completion of coating work the minimum time before handling, storage and loading of
coated pipes shall be fully in accordance with the instructions reported in Product Data Sheet
published by the Coating Manufacturer, to the specific requirements mentioned in the relevant
Appendix and any particular instruction provided by the Company.
2.10.2 Storage
Area(s) intended for the storage of the pipes and components shall meet the following
a) They shall be at least 30 m away from any type of electric power cable. The distance shall
be measured along the ground from the vertical projection to the ground of the nearest
b) Shall be free from any kind of vegetation (e.g. grass, weed, shrubs, etc). A surrounding
area of sufficient width to prevent fire spreading to the pipe stacks shall also be free of
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Page 16 of 20
c) Shall be free of prominent stones and other foreign matter that may damage the coatings;
d) Shall be levelled, in order to allow uniform loading of the supports and ensure stack
e) Shall have sufficient load bearing capacity to prevent pipe sinking into contact with the
f) Shall never be directly exposed to salt water spray.
Stacks of coated pipes and components intended to be stored for a long period shall be
protected from the action of ultraviolet radiation and direct heat.
Stacks shall have a maximum height of 3 m, excluded the dimensions of bottom and
intermediate supports. In consideration of the type of the ground (cement slab, compressed
rock, soil, etc) the support shall provide sufficient distance from the ground and shall be
sufficient in size and number to avoid permanent deformation and to provide proper load
As a general rule, the maximum allowable number of rows is as follows:
• For pipes of diameter up to 12" (323 mm): No. 6;
• For pipes with diameter between 14" (355 mm.) and 20" (508 mm.): No. 4;
• For pipes with diameter between 22" (558 mm.) and 28" (711 mm.): No. 3;
• For pipes with diameter between 30" (762 mm.) and 36" (915 mm.): No. 2;
• For pipes with diameter over 36" (915 mm.): No. 1.
2.10.3 Delivery
Coated pipes and components shall be visually inspected before delivery, and any damage
shall be repaired according to the requirements reported in the Appendix for the specific
Handling of coated pipes for loading shall be done fully in accordance with the requirement of
previous item 2.9.1.
Loading of pipes and components in the factory or in the field shall be done with particular care
to avoid damages to the pipes, components and to the coating during transportation.
Pipes having a diameter under 80 mm (3 in) shall be shipped in bundles strapped in at least 4
or 5 points using strong, possibly non metallic, straps at least 25 mm wide.
Careful visual inspections shall be performed after transportation, and all pipes and
components showing damages and/or surface defects shall be properly repaired according to
the requirements of the Appendix for the specific coating.
Coating flattened due to stacking on wooden bearing pieces shall retain at least 67% of their
former thickness, or repairs shall be made.
All coating materials, solvents, curing agents, etc. shall report on their containers, data
required by local laws and rules, and shall be accompanied by the related Material Safety Data
Contractor must comply with all Requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality
Assurance that are defined in the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements
Specification” attached to the invitation to bid.
Before starting any coating work the Contractor shall submit for approval to the Company the
procedures relevant to the qualification tests and to the proposed methods of execution of the
works, applicable for the specific coating process.
All coating materials shall be delivered to the job site in their original containers with intact
labels and seals. The containers shall be provided with identifying documents clearly stating
their content and shelf life.
4.5.1 Contractor
The Contractor shall nominate the inspector responsible for performing quality control
functions according to the Quality Control Plan (QCP). The inspector shall have adequate
experience of the specific coating process. A statement of the inspector’s name and a listing of
appropriate experience shall be included with the QCP when submitted for approval, and shall
be subject to the approval of the Company.
The Contractor’s inspector shall perform all necessary QC checks and tests to ensure that
work complies with the requirements of the approved QCP and with the Company’s
If no original serial number can be found or traced for any pipe or component, the Contractor
shall assign a special serial number or sequence of serial numbers to such items.
Furthermore, the product and material safety data sheets for each product used shall be
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “A” - Page 2 of 9
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to European Standard EN 10289 (Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore
pipelines – External liquid applied epoxy and epoxy-modified coatings), the content of which
must be considered an integral part of this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coating are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, supply and
application of liquid epoxy and epoxy-modified tar-free coating to external surfaces of steel
pipes and components for onshore and offshore services as defined in Item 1 of standard EN
The coating system assumed by this Appendix is the Type 3: -20°C to +80°C, thickness class
“C” (1.500 µm) of standard EN 10289.
qualified and approved by the Company. The Company reserve the right to attend and inspect
the tests execution.
If the formulation of one or all coating materials forming a coating system is changed after the
qualification test, the new coating material and coating system shall be re-qualified.
Two levels of tests are requested:
a) Coating materials characterisation tests;
b) Coating system characterisation tests.
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
containers bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coating material (Part A);
b) Name of the curing agent (Part B);
c) Coating Manufacturer name;
d) Colour of the coating material;
e) Batch number of each component (Part A, Part B);
f) Manufacturing date.
• Curve of curing reaction with temperature scan from ambient temperature to the end
of reaction;
• Glass Transition (Tg) temperature;
• Scan speed (°C/min);
• Temperature at the beginning of the reaction, max temperature at the end of the
reaction and heat content;
e) Shore “D” according to standard ISO 868 in consideration of the time in isothermal
condition at 5, 15, 25, 35 and 40°C.
For all data provided, the Coating Manufacturer must report the method and standard used,
the figure assured and related acceptable deviations.
All data and documentation provided by Coating Manufacturer shall be included as part of the
final test report prepared by the laboratory.
For each Batch Number three samples shall be drawn: one will be used for the analysis, while
the other two will be kept, for a time not exceeding the shelf life reported on the product data
sheet, for possible further checks.
For two-pack products, the tests shall be performed both for the base and the curing agents.
The selected laboratory must test the coating material in order to verify the accuracy and
consistency of the data for physical properties provided by the Coating Manufacturer,
including, but not limited to:
• Viscosity;
• Density;
• Solids by Volume;
• Solids by Weight;
• Infra-Red Scans (Finger printing).
Where dimensions of steel samples reported in this item differ from those reported in the
standard EN 10289, the requirements laid in the standard EN 10289 shall apply.
Samples shall be cleaned and coated with the complete coating system listed in this Appendix,
according to all requirements provided by items 5 and 6 of this Appendix and Functional
Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 including but not limited to inspections, controls
and testing reports of each working step.
The coating application shall be performed using the same method (brush, spatula, airless
spray, etc.) for which the qualification is required and to the same application parameters (e.g.
The coated samples may be tested immediately after complete curing or suitably stored.
However the tests must be executed within 3 months from the preparation of the samples.
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Standard/Method Acceptance criteria
Dry Film Thickness EN 10289 Annex A Min 1.500 µm (Class “C”) – Max 1.800 µm
Appearance and continuity EN 10289 Item 7.4 Free of defects as per standard EN 10289
• At –5°C, 4,5 J
Impact test EN 10289 Annex C
• At +23°C, 10 J
Hardness Shore “D” ISO 868 As per Coating Manufacturer data
EN 10289 Annex B
Holiday detection Free from holidays
Adhesion test – • Rating 2 at (23 ±2)°C
EN 10289 Annex D
Resistance to removal • Rating 4 at max service temp. ±2°C
EN 24624 Not less than 10 MPa at (23 ±2)°C, using
Adhesion test Pull-off method
ISO 4624 pneumatic instrument
• 8 mm max at (23 ±2)°C per 28 days
Cathodic Disbonding EN 10289 Annex E
• 8 mm max at (60 ±2)°C per 2 days
Specific electrical insulation EN 10289 Item 7.11 • Rs = 107 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 days
resistance and Annex F • Rs = 104 at Tmax service ±2°C per 30 days
Adhesion test after immersion
EN 10289 Annex G Rating 2 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 hours
in tap water
• 0,2 mm at (23 ±2)°C
Indentation resistance EN 10289 Annex H • 30% of initial measured thickness at max
service temp ±2°C
10 MPa after cooling using pneumatic
Thermal ageing EN 10289 Annex J
No variations of the values demonstrated by
Infrared scan
the Coating Manufacturer.
ISO 62
Water absorption 1% max
ASTM D 570
≤195 mg weight loss after 1000 cycles with
ASTM D4060
Abrasion resistance abrasive wheels CS-17 and 1000 g applied
Taber Test
load as average of at least 3 test specimens.
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 50°C; it shall be checked at least
three times for every work shift (at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in
the production line.
The preheat temperature can be checked using either temperature indicating crayons or
contact thermometers. All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production
5.3.1 Wet Film Thickness (WFT) and Dry Film Thickness (DFT)
Wet film thickness shall be measured in accordance with standard ISO 2808.
Calibration of DFT gauges and measurement method shall be carried out according to
standard SSPC-PA2.
The Contractor shall properly protect these end areas and the pipe bevel, that must remain
perfectly clean and free from any traces of paint.
Once the coating operations are completed cut-back areas shall be protected from corrosion
by applying a temporary protection, easily removable by brushing.
The type of this temporary protection, if not specified in the order or other contract documents,
must be approved by the Company’s Representative.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN Rev. 0 must
be carefully followed.
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “B” - Page 2 of 10
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to the European Standard EN 10290 (Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore
pipelines – External liquid applied polyurethane and polyurethane-modified coatings), the
content of which must be considered an integral part of this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coating are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, supply and
application of liquid polyurethane and polyurethane-modified tar-free coating to external
surface of steel pipes and components for onshore and offshore services as defined in Item 1
of standard EN 10290.
The coating system assumed by this Appendix is the Type 3: -20°C to +80°C, thickness class
“B” (1.500 µm) of standard EN 10290.
If the formulation of one or all coating materials forming a coating system is changed after the
qualification test, the new coating material and coating system shall be re-qualified.
Two levels of tests are requested:
a) Coating materials characterisation tests
b) Coating system characterisation tests
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
containers bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coating material (Part A);
b) Name of the curing agent (Part B);
c) Coating Manufacturer name;
d) Colour of the coating material;
e) Batch number of each component (Part A, Part B);
f) Manufacturing date.
Where dimensions of steel samples reported in this item differ from those reported in the
standard EN 10290, the requirements laid in the standard EN 10290 shall apply.
Samples shall be cleaned and coated with the complete coating system listed in this Appendix,
according to all requirements provided by items 5, and 6 of this Appendix and Functional
Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 including but not limited to inspections, controls
and testing reports of each working step.
The coating application shall be performed using the same method (brush, spatula, airless
spray, etc.) for which the qualification is required and to the same application parameters (e.g.
The coated samples may be tested immediately after complete curing or suitably stored.
However the tests must be executed within 3 months from the preparation of the samples.
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Standard/Method Acceptance criteria
Dry Film Thickness EN 10290 Annex A Min. 1.500 (Class “B”) – Max. 1.800 µm
Appearance and continuity EN 10290 Item 7.4 Free of defects as per standard EN 10290
Impact test EN 10290 Annex C • At –5°C, 4,5 J At +23°C, 10 J
Hardness Shore “D” ISO 868 As per Coating Manufacturer data
EN 10290 Annex B
Holiday detection Free from holiday
Adhesion test – • Rating 3 at (23 ±2)°C
EN 10290 Annex D
Resistance to removal • Rating 4 at max service temp. ±2°C
Not less than 10 MPa at (23 ±2)°C, using
Adhesion test: Pull-off EN 24624-ISO 4624
pneumatic instrument.
• 8 mm max at (23 ±2)°C per 28 days
Cathodic Disbonding EN 10290 Annex E
• 10 mm max at (60 ±2)°C per 2 days
Specific electrical insulation EN 10290 Item 7.11 • Rs = 107 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 days
resistance and Annex F • Rs = 104 at max service temp ±2°C per 30 days
Adhesion test after
EN 10290 Annex G Rating 2 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 hours
immersion in tap water
• 0,2 mm at (23 ±2)°C
Indentation resistance EN 10290 Annex H • 30% of initial measured thickness at max
service temp ±2°C
Thermal ageing EN 10290 Annex J 10 MPa after cooling using pneumatic instrument
No variations of the values demonstrated by the
Infrared scan
Coating Manufacturer.
ISO 62
Water absorption 1% max
ASTM D 570
1. Pipes:
• S = 0,020 at 0 ± 2°C
EN 10290 Item 7.15 • S = 0.030 at 23 ± 2°C
and Annex K 2. Fitting:
• S = 0,005 at 0 ± 2°C
• S = 0.010 at 23 ± 2°C
Elongation EN 10290 Item 7.17 10%
≤ 195 mg weight loss after 1000 cycles with
ASTM D4060
Abrasion resistance abrasive wheels CS-17 and 1000 g applied load
Taber Test
as average of at least 3 test specimens.
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 50°C; it shall be checked at least
three times for every work shift (at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in
the production line.
The preheat temperature can be checked using either temperature indicating crayons or
contact thermometers. All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production
5.3.1 Wet Film Thickness (WFT) and Dry Film Thickness (DFT)
Wet film thickness shall be measured in accordance with standard ISO 2808.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “B” - Page 9 of 10
Calibration of DFT gauges and measurement method shall be carried out according to
standard SSPC-PA2.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “C” - Page 2 of 14
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 3
1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to the European Standard EN 10288 (Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore
pipelines - External two layers extruded polyethylene based coatings), the content of which
must be considered an integral part of this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coating are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for the qualification, supply and
application of factory applied external three layers extruded polyethylene based coatings for
the external surfaces of steel pipes and components for onshore and offshore services as
defined in Item 1 of standard EN 10288.
Table 1
Characteristic Method Acceptance Criteria
Gel time @ 180°C Heating plate (DIN 55990 T8) 80 + 10 s Max
Specific gravity Standard method 1,20 – 1,60
Powder: 20 g
Moisture content Temperature: 105°C 0,5% (max.)
Time: 30 minutes
Glass Transition (Tg) Differential heat analysis
∆ Tg < -5°C
2,5° per diameter
Bend test DIN 53452
No holiday
Table 2
Characteristic Standard Acceptance Criteria
Melt flow rate ISO 1133 1 to 6 g/10 min
Density ISO 1183 0,93 to 0,95
Breaking strength ≥ 12 MPa
ASTM D 638
Elongation at break ≥ 600 %
Shore D hardness ASTM 2240 ≥ 35
Brittle point ASTM 746 - 60°C
VICAT Softening point (9,8 N) ASTM 1525 > 90°C
Melting point ASTM 3418 > 120°C
Table 3
Characteristic Standard Acceptance Criteria
Melt flow rate ISO 1133 0,25 to 3 g/10 min
Density ISO 1183 0,94 to 0,96
Carbon Black content ASTM D 1603 ≥ 2.0%
Tensile strength at yield at 23°C ASTM D 638 ≥ 17 MPa
Elongation at break at 23°C ASTM D 638 > 600%
Shore D hardness ASTM D 2240 ≥ 50
Water Absorption ASTM D 570 ≤ 0,05% 24 h
VICAT Softening point (9,8 N) ASTM D 1525 > 110°C
Melting point ASTM D 3418 > 110°C
Brittle point MA 17238 < -20°C
Specific resistance DIN 30670 ≥ 108 Ω at (23±2)°C per 100 days
Table 4
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
containers bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coatings material (primer, adhesive and extruded polyethylene);
b) Coating Manufacturer name;
c) Colour of the coating material;
d) Batch number of each component (primer, adhesive and extruded polyethylene);
e) Manufacturing date.
For all data provided, the Coating Manufacturer must report the method and standard used,
the figure assured and related acceptable deviations.
All data and documentation provided by Coating Manufacturer shall be included as part of the
final test report prepared by the laboratory.
For each Batch Number three samples shall be drawn: one will be used for the analysis, while
the other two will be kept, for a time not exceeding the shelf life reported on the product data
sheet, for possible further checks.
The selected laboratory must test the coating material in order to verify the accuracy and
consistency of the data for physical properties provided by the Coating Manufacturer.
• Pipe sections: Length 700 mm, Diameter 150-300 mm (6-12”), Wall Thickness 4 mm
For each test, 2 sets of 3 samples shall be prepared. One set shall be used for the test, while
one shall be identified and kept for possible checks and controls.
Where dimensions of steel samples reported in this item differ from those reported in the
standard EN 10288, the requirements laid in the standard EN 10288 shall apply.
Samples shall be cleaned and coated with the complete coating system listed in this Appendix,
according to all requirements provided by items 5, and 6 of this Appendix and Functional
Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0, including but not limited to inspections, controls
and testing reports of each working step.
The coating application shall be performed using the same method for which the qualification
is required and according to the same application parameters (e.g. thickness).
The coated samples may be tested immediately after complete curing or suitably stored.
However the tests must be executed within 3 months from the preparation of the samples.
Table 6
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Standard/Method Acceptance criteria
Dry Film Thickness EN 10288 Annex A As per standard EN 10288 Table 2.
Appearance and continuity EN 10288 Item 8.2 Free of defects as per standard EN 10288
EN 10288
Impact resistance 5 J per mm coating thickness
Annex C
EN 10288 Annex B
Holiday detection Free from holiday
30 mm max at (23 ±2)°C per 28 days
Cathodic Disbonding EN 10288 Annex J 30 mm max at (60 ±2)°C per 2 days
30 mm max at (40±2)°C per 7 days
Specific electrical insulation
EN 10288 Annex F Rs = 108 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 days
0,3 mm at (23 ±2)°C
Indentation resistance EN 10288 Annex E
0,5 mm at (60 ±2)°C
EN 10288 At (23 ±2)°C Min Average 60, Average 80
Peel Force (N/10 mm)
Annex D At (80 ±2)°C Min Average 15, Average 20
EN 10288
Elongation at break ≥ 350 % at (23 ±2)°C
Annex G
Resistance to ultraviolet EN 10288 A ≥ 50%
irradiation Annex H.1 0,65 ≤ ∆ MFR ≤ 1,35
EN 10288 0,65 ≤ ∆ MFR ≤1,35 at (100 ±2)°C per 2400
Thermal stability
Annex H.2 hours
EN 10288
Flexibility ≥3% at (23 ±2)°C
Item 8.14
Hardness Shore “D” ASTM D 2240 ≥ 50
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 50°C; it shall be checked at least
three times for every work shift (at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in
the production line.
All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production certificate.
5.3.4 Cooling
When the coating process is completed, the pipe shall be sprayed with fresh water in order to
cool it to a temperature of 60°C (±10°C).
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Appendix “C” - Page 11 of 14
The pipe surface shall be left bare (uncoated) at both ends of the pipe for 150 (± 20) mm
distance from the ends and the coating shall be beveled at the cut back forming a bevel angle
of ≤ 30° unless otherwise specified. For fittings and components cut back shall be specified
and approved by the Company’s Representative.
The Contractor shall properly protect these end areas and the pipe bevel, that must remain
perfectly clean and free from any traces of paint.
Once the coating operations are completed cut-back areas shall be protected from corrosion
by applying a temporary protection, easily removable by brushing.
The type of this temporary protection, if not specified in the order or other contractual
documents, must be approved by the Company’s Representative.
The Contractor shall repair all coating defects and damages that may occur during or after
construction or shipping.
Coating used to repair the defects and damages shall be supplied by the same Coating
Manufacturer of the original coating system.
Any repair shall be performed according to item 10 of standard EN 10288 and method
submitted to the Company for approval before the beginning of the production.
5.5.2 Inspection
The repaired area shall be 100% inspected with a holiday detector set to 10 kV per mm of
coating thickness according to the methods defined in Appendix B of standard EN 10288.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.
the Production Quality Tests (PQT) necessary to fully meet the provisions of Functional
Specification 20550.PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 and of this Appendix. The following activities, but
not limited to, must be listed:
a) Description of the activity;
b) Description of the test;
c) Applicable reference documents;
d) Applicable check procedures and methods;
e) Acceptability criteria;
f) Frequency of the checks;
g) Persons required to be present at the inspections.
According to Table 8 of standard EN 10288 and the requirements of this Appendix, the
Contractor shall perform during the works progress and at completion of the coating works all
inspections and tests reported in the following Table 7.
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “D” - Page 2 of 14
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 3
1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
For testing and acceptance criteria only, this Appendix refers to the European Standard EN
10288 (Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines – External two layers
extruded polyethylene based coatings).
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, supply and
application of factory applied external three layers extruded polypropylene based coatings for
the external surface of steel pipes and components for onshore and offshore pipelines
transporting oil, gas or water.
Table 1
Characteristic Method Acceptance Criteria
Gel time @ 180°C Heating plate (DIN 55990 T8) 80 + 10 s Max
Specific gravity Standard method 1.20 – 1.60
Powder: 20 g
Moisture content Temperature: 105°C 0.5% (max.)
Time: 30 minutes
Glass Transition (Tg)
Differential heat analysis ∆ Tg < -5°C
2,5° per diameter
Bend test DIN 53452
No holiday
The 2nd layer (Adhesive) shall be formed by a polymer intended to provide adhesion between
the primer and 3rd layer (extruded polypropylene)
The extruded adhesive shall meet the requirements listed in the Table 2:
Table 2
Characteristic Standard Acceptance Criteria
Melt flow rate ISO 1133 1 to 12 g/10 min
Density ISO 1183 0,90 to 0,92
Breaking strength ≥ 20 MPa
ASTM D 638
Elongation at break ≥ 400%
Shore D hardness ASTM 2240 ≥ 57
Brittle point ASTM 746 - 20°C
VICAT Softening point (9,8 N) ASTM 1525 > 120°C
Melting point ASTM 3418 > 130°C
Table 3
Characteristic Standard Acceptance Criteria
Melt flow rate ISO 1133 0,6 to 4 g/10 min.
Density ISO 1183 0,9 to 0,92
Carbon Black content ASTM D 1603 0%
Tensile strength at yield at 23°C ASTM D 638 ≥ 20 MPa
Elongation at break at 23°C ASTM D 638 > 400%
Shore D hardness ASTM D 2240 ≥ 60
Water Absorption ASTM D 570 ≤ 0,05% 24 h
VICAT Softening point (9,8 N) ASTM D 1525 > 135°C
Melting point ASTM D 3418 > 150°C
Brittle point MA 17238 < -20°C
Specific resistance DIN 30670 ≥ 108 Ω at (23±2)°C per 100 days
Table 4
The Coating Manufacturer shall arrange, at its own expenses, all tests required by this
Appendix. The tests shall be performed and suitably reported by independent laboratory,
qualified and approved by the Company. The Company reserve the right to attend and inspect
the tests execution.
If the formulation of one or all coating materials forming a coating system is changed after the
qualification test, the new coating material and coating system shall be re-qualified.
Two levels of tests are requested:
a) Coating materials characterisation tests;
b) Coating system characterisation tests.
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
containers bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coatings material (primer, adhesive and extruded polypropylene);
b) Coating manufacturer name;
c) Colour of the coating material;
d) Batch number of each component (primer, adhesive and extruded polypropylene);
e) Manufacturing date.
For all data provided, the Coating Manufacturer must report the method and standard used,
the figure assured and related acceptable deviations.
All data and documentation provided by Coating Manufacturer shall be included as part of the
final test report prepared by the laboratory.
For each Batch Number three samples shall be drawn: one will be used for the analysis, while
the other two will be kept, for a time not exceeding the shelf life reported on the product data
sheet, for possible further checks.
The selected laboratory must test the coating material in order to verify the accuracy and
consistency of the data for physical properties provided by the Coating Manufacturer.
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Standard/Method Acceptance criteria
Dry Film Thickness EN 10288 Annex A As per value of Table 4 of this Appendix
Appearance and
EN 10288 Item 8.2 Free of defects
Impact resistance EN 10288 Annex C 7 J per mm coating thickness
EN 10288 Annex B
Holiday detection Free from holiday
• 30 mm max at 23 (±2)°C per 28 days
• 30 mm max at 60 (±2)°C per 2 days
Cathodic Disbonding EN 10288 Annex J
• 40 mm max at max service temperature per
28 days
Specific electrical
EN 10288 Annex F Rs = 108 at (23 ±2)°C per 100 days
insulation resistance
• 0,2 mm at (23 ±2)°C
Indentation resistance EN 10288 Annex E
• 0,4 mm at (60 ±2)°C
• At (23 ±2)°C Min Average 80, Average 100
Peel Force (N/10 mm) EN 10288 Annex D • At (100 ±2)°C Min Average 30, Average 40
• At (120 ±2)°C Min Average 15, Average 20
Elongation at break EN 10288 Annex G ≥ 400% at (23 ±2)°C
Resistance to ultraviolet EN 10288 A ≥ 50%
irradiation Annex H.1 0,65 ≤ ∆ MFR ≤ 1,35
EN 10288 0,65 ≤ ∆ MFR ≤1,35 at (100 ±2)°C per 2400
Thermal stability
Annex H.2 hours
Flexibility EN 10288 Item 8.14 ≥3% at (23 ±2)°C
Hardness Shore “D” ASTM D 2240 ≥ 60
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 50°C; it shall be checked at least
three times for every work shift (at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in
the production line.
All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production certificate.
5.3.4 Cooling
When the coating process is completed, the pipe shall be sprayed with fresh water in order to
cool it to a temperature of 60°C (±10°C).
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
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Appendix “D” - Page 11 of 14
The pipe surface shall be left bare (uncoated) at both ends of the pipe for 150 (±20) mm
distance from the ends and the coating shall be beveled at the cut back forming a bevel angle
of ≤ 30° unless otherwise specified. For fittings and components cut back shall be specified
and approved by the Company’s Representative.
The Contractor shall properly protect these end areas and the pipe bevel, that must remain
perfectly clean and free from any traces of paint.
Once the coating operations are completed cut-back areas shall be protected from corrosion
by applying a temporary protection, easily removable by brushing.
The type of this temporary protection, if not specified in the order or other contractual
documents, must be approved by the Company’s Representative.
The Contractor shall repair all coating defects and damages that may occur during or after
construction or shipping.
Coating used to repair the defects and damages shall be supplied by the same Coating
Manufacturer of the original coating system.
Any repair shall be performed according to item 10 of standard EN 10288 and method
submitted to the Company for approval before the beginning of the production.
5.5.2 Inspection
The repaired area shall be 100% inspected with a holiday detector set to 10 kV per mm of
coating thickness according to the methods defined in Appendix B of standard EN 10288.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
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Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “D” - Page 12 of 14
Table 7
Nature and frequency of testing and control
Properties Test method Acceptance Criteria Frequency
Surface condition before blasting - Every pipe
Steel imperfection ISO 8501-3 Grade P3 Every pipe
Dimensions, shape and properties of abrasive blasting 150 µS/cm
ASTM D-4940- Twice per shift
material Chloride content < 25 ppm
Cleaning before abrasive blasting SSPC-SP1 Free of oil, grease, etc. Every pipe
Degree of abrasive blasting ISO 8501-1 Sa 2,5 Every pipe
Degree of cleanliness (dust level) ISO 8502-3 < Class 2 First 10 pipes and 4 time per shift
Roughness of the blast cleaned surface - 60 ≤Rz ≤ 80 µm Once per shift
Relative Humidity and Dew Point ISO 8502-4 RH < 85% 4 time per shift
Steel temperature 3°C above dew point 4 time per shift
As per Coating
Temperature of heating before coating IR camera recording Every pipe
Appearance and continuity Visual Free of defects Every pipe
Thickness of the primer EN 10288 Annex A As per requirement First 10 pipes and 1 per hour
Thickness of the coating system EN 10288 Annex A As per requirement First 10 pipes and 1 per hour
Cut back Visual As per requirement Every pipe
Holiday detection EN 10288 Annex B As per requirement Every pipe
Impact resistance EN 10288 Annex C As per requirement Once per week
2 Tests once per shift at 23°C
Peel force EN 10288 Annex D As per requirement
2 Tests once per week at 60°C
Indentation resistance EN 10288 Annex E As per requirement Once per week
Electrical insulation resistance EN 10288 Annex F As per requirement To be agreed at pre-job meeting
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
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Appendix “D” - Page 14 of 14
Table 7
Nature and frequency of testing and control
Properties Test method Acceptance Criteria Frequency
Elongation at break EN 10288 Annex G As per requirement To be agreed at pre-job meeting
Resistance to ultraviolet irradiation EN 10288 Annex H.1 As per requirement To be agreed at pre-job meeting
Thermal stability EN 10288 Annex H2 As per requirement To be agreed at pre-job meeting
Cathodic disbonding EN 10288 Annex J As per requirement To be agreed at pre-job meeting
Eni S.p.A.
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This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “E” - Page 2 of 9
1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................. 3
1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS.................................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 and
for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in the
Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to the European Standard EN 12068 (External organic coating for the corrosion protection
of buried or immersed steel pipelines used in conjunction with cathodic protection: Tapes and
Shrinkable materials) the content of which must be considered an integral part of this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and application
of the coatings are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, supply and
application of Plastic Tape or Shrinkable sleeves coating to external surfaces of steel pipes and
components for buried or immersed services as defined in Item 1 of standard EN 12068.
approved by the Company. The Company reserve the right to attend and inspect the tests
If the formulation of one or all coating materials forming a coating system is changed after the
qualification test, the new coating material and coating system shall be re-qualified.
Two levels of tests are requested:
a) Coating materials characterisation tests;
b) Coating system characterisation tests.
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
containers bearing the coating manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coatings material;
b) Coating manufacturer name;
c) Colour of the coating material;
d) Batch number of each component;
e) Manufacturing date.
The Coating Manufacturer shall also supply a sufficient number of test samples (e.g. pipe) as
defined in the next paragraph.
The laboratory shall perform the necessary coating work on the samples (surface preparation,
application, inspection and reporting) fully in accordance with the requirements of Functional
Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 and this Appendix. If the laboratory is unable to
perform the coating work, it shall be the Coating Manufacturer’s duty to perform the work in
another suitable location provided that the Company is informed and the requirements of
Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 and this Appendix are carefully followed.
The selected laboratory shall supervise, record and report all coating work steps. The Company
reserve the right to attend during preparation of samples.
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Standard Method Acceptance criteria
Test Type Max Temp
EN 12068 Cathodic Disbonding Peeling tape on tape Peeling from pipe
Impact Resistance, At 23°C 30/50/HT Appendix H ≥ 15 J ≥ 15 J ≥ 15 J
Indentation Resistance
2 2 2
At 23°C 30 10,0 N/mm 10,0 N/mm 10,0 N/mm
Appendix G 2 2 2
At operating Tmax 50/HT 10,0 N/mm 10,0 N/mm 10,0 N/mm
residual thickness ≥0,6 mm ≥0,6 mm ≥0,6 mm
Specific electrical insulation resistance
8 2 8 2 8 2
Rs 100 30/50/HT Appendix J ≥ 10 Ωm ≥ 10 Ωm ≥ 10 Ωm
2 2 2
Rs 100/ Rs 70 ≥ 0,8 Ωm ≥ 0,8 Ωm ≥ 0,8 Ωm
Cathodic Disbonding
At 23°C 30/50/HT Appendix K ≤ 10 mm ≤ 10 mm ≤ 10 mm
At operating Tmax 50/HT ≤ 25 mm ≤ 25 mm ≤ 25 mm
Peel resistance tape on tape
Internal tape on internal tape and external tape on internal
At 23°C 30/50/HT ≥1,0 N/mm ≥1,5 N/mm ≥1,5 N/mm
Appendix B
At operating Tmax 50/HT ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm
External tape on external tape
At 23°C 30/50/H ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm
At operating Tmax 50/HT ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm ≥ 0,2 N/mm
Peeling resistance of the tape
From steel pipe
At 23°C 30/50/HT ≥0,5 N/mm ≥0,75 N/mm ≥1,0 N/mm
At operating Tmax 50/HT Appendix C ≥ 0,05 N/mm ≥ 0,075 N/mm ≥ 0,1 N/mm
From coating applied on shop
At 23°C 30/50/HT ≥ 0,4 N/mm ≥ 0,4 N/mm ≥ 0,4 N/mm
At operating Tmax 50/HT ≥ 0,04 N/mm ≥ 0,04 N/mm ≥ 0,04 N/mm
Lap shear strength
At 23°C 30/50/HT Appendix D ≥ 0,05 N/mm
≥ 0,05 N/mm
≥ 0,05 N/mm
2 2 2
At operating Tmax 50/HT ≥ 0,05 N/mm ≥ 0,05 N/mm ≥ 0,05 N/mm
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “E” - Page 7 of 9
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Standard Method
Test Type Classes Acceptance criteria
EN 12068
Thermal ageing, relation between
125 ≥ B100/B0 ≥ 0,75
• Resistance to scratch
B100/B70 ≥ 0,8
125 ≥ E100/E70 ≥ 0,75
• Elongation to break
All classes Appendix E E100/E70 ≥ 0,8
P100/PT ≥ 0,75
• Resistance to peeling tape on tape
P100/P70 ≥ 0,8
A100/AT ≥ 0,75
• Resistance to peeling on steel pipe
A100/A70 ≥ 0,8
UV radiation resistance, relation between
Class UV
• Elongation to break Appendix F 125 ≥ EX/E0 ≥ 0,75
• Resistance to scratch 125 ≥ BX/B0 ≥ 0,75
Low- temperature flexibility
Class L No delamination
At –20°C Appendix N
Class VL No cracking or scratch
Below –20°C
No variation compared to the
Microbiologic resistance All classes Appendix M
not buried samples
The pipe or component shall be preheated to at least 5°C above the dew point to remove the
presence of moisture prior to surface cleaning.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0.
must be carefully followed.
• Steel imperfection;
• Degree of cleanliness;
• Coating thickness;
• Holyday detection;
• Peel force;
• Etc.
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “F” - Page 2 of 10
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to the NACE Standard RP 0394 “Application, Performance, and Quality Control of
Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe Coating”, the content of which must be
considered an integral part of this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coating are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum requirements for qualification, supply and application of
fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings to the external surfaces of steel pipes and components
for onshore and offshore service as defined in Section 1 of NACE standard RP0394.
If the formulation of one or all coatings materials forming a coating system is changed after the
qualification test, the new coating material and coating system shall be re-qualified.
Two levels of tests are requested:
a) Coating materials characterisation tests;
b) Coating system characterisation tests.
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original containers bearing
the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coating material;
b) Coating Manufacturer name;
c) Colour of the coating material;
d) Batch number of each product;
e) Manufacturing date.
Table 1
Epoxy Powder Properties
Property Test Method Acceptance criteria
Density As per Coating Manufacturer’s specification ± 3,5%
Appendix B
Table 2
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Acceptance criteria
Cathodic Disbonding (24 h) Appendix H Max. radius: 8 mm
Cathodic Disbonding (28 d) Appendix H Max. radius: 10 mm
Chemical Resistance Appendix I No blistering
Cross-Section Porosity Appendix J Rating of 1 to 3
Interface Porosity Appendix K Rating of 1 to 4
Flexibility Appendix K No cracks, tears or delamination
Impact Resistance Appendix L 1,5 J min
Strain Polarization Appendix M No cracking
Thermal Analysis (Differential Scanning As per Coating Manufacturer’s
Appendix E
Calorimetry) recommendations
Hot Water Soak Appendix N A rating of 1 to 3, inclusive
Abrasion Appendix O Max. 300 mg
Penetration ASTM G 17 at 93°C Less than 10%
Table 3
Production test Requirements
Test Method
Test Acceptance Criteria
Cathodic Disbonding (24 h) Appendix H Max radius: 12mm(1)
Flexibility Appendix K No cracks, tears, or delamination(1)
Hot water Soak Appendix N Rating of 1 to 3, inclusive (1)
Interface Contamination Appendix P Max 30%(2)
Cross-Section Porosity Appendix J Rating of 1 to 3, inclusive (2)
Thermal Characteristics Appendix E Tg of 5°C, max or 95% conversion H minimum (3)
Impact Resistance Appendix L 1,5 J minimum (3)
(1) The failure of this tests shall be grounds for rejection of all pipe coated after the previous acceptable test and prior to
the next acceptable test result.
(2) The failure of this test shall be grounds for requiring changes to the application process parameters.
(3) This test is required only when specified by the Company.
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The preheat temperature shall be kept between 35°C and 50°C; it shall be checked at least
three times for every work shift (at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in
the production line.
All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production certificate.
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.
Table 4
Inspection during work progress
Test Test method Frequency
Surface Preparation ISO 8501-1 Continuously
Surface Profile ISO 8503-1 Once per four hour
Surface Inspection - Each pipe
Application Temperature - Each pipe
Application criteria - Systematically during any application
3 location on each pipe
(The acceptance criteria of the test shall be in
Coating Thickness -
accordance with the provisions of item
of standard NACE RP0394)
Each pipe
(The acceptance criteria of the test shall be in
Holiday inspection NACE RP0490
accordance with the provisions of item
of standard NACE RP0394)
At minimum one sample for each of the lots
Production Test Rings - defined in paragraph 8.3.4 of standard NACE
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This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “G” - Page 2 of 11
APPENDIX “G”....................................................................................................................................... 1
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 3
1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for qualification and application of
the coating are defined reported.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for pre-qualification, supply and
application of anticorrosion filling mass of polyurethane base, that shall be applied immediately
before pipe laying for refilling and protection of the weld of the steel pipes and component.
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent or thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
container bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coating material (Base, Hardener, Filler, Accelerator);
b) Coating Manufacturer name;
c) Colour of the coating material;
d) Batch number of each component (Base, Hardener, Accelerator);
e) Manufacturing date.
Curve of curing reaction with temperature scan from ambient temperature to the end
of reaction;
Glass Transition (Tg) temperature;
Scan speed (°C/min);
Temperature at the beginning of the reaction, max temperature at the end of the
reaction and heat content.
For all data provided, the Coating Manufacturer must report the method and standard used,
the figure assured and related acceptable deviations.
All data and documentation provided by Coating Manufacturer shall be included as part of the
final test report prepared by the laboratory.
For each Batch Number three samples shall be drawn: one will be used for the analysis, while
the other two will be kept, for a time not exceeding the shelf life reported on the product data
sheet, for possible further checks.
The tests shall be performed both for the base and the curing agents.
The selected laboratory must test the coating material in order to verify the accuracy and
consistency of the data for physical properties provided by the Coating Manufacturer.
Test to be performed on coated steel samples
Test Type Standard/Method Acceptance criteria
Compression strength ASTM D 695 45 Mpa
25 cm specimen immerged in sea
No loss in properties. No
Sea water resistance water for 1000 hours at temperatures
significant water absorption
varying from 18°C to 40°C
Cylindrical specimen, 60 mm.
Impact resistance diameter 60 mm. high, under a 5 kg No breaks – No cracks
sphere falling from 1,5 m
Cubic specimen, 60 mm side,
exposed to 10 cycles as follows No variation in any one
Resistance to temperature
dimension, no loss in
changes 1 hour in 90°C
1 hour in 0° C refrigerator
Thermal resistance Cubic specimen, 60 mm side, No variation in any one
dimensional stability exposed 4 hours at 135°C dimension
Apparent density ASTM D 1622 1500 Kg/m3 ± 1,5 %
Cathodic disbonding ASTM G8 Max 9 mm
Tensile strength ASTM D 638 Average 11 MPa
Resistance to bacterial No variation compared to
attack the not buried samples
De-moulding time ≤ 5 min.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “G” - Page 8 of 11
The equipment used for preheating the pipes shall be approved by the Company.
If the Contractor uses for preheating purposes free open flames in direct contact with the pipe
surface, the surface shall be kept in motion in respect to the flame at a minimum rate of 10
mm/s, along a helically winding path. The flame shall also be adjusted in its combustion ratio
so that soot or other combustion products are not deposited on the metal.
All measures shall be taken and developed by the Contractor in order to avoid possible
stoppages of the line resulting in the steel being brought to uselessly or damagingly high
The pipe shall be preheated to at least 5° C above the dew point to remove the presence of
moisture prior to surface cleaning; it shall be checked at least three times for every work shift
(at start, middle, and end) and whenever stoppages occur in the production line.
All temperature measurements shall be recorded on the production certificate.
5.3.1 General
Coatings shall be applied fully in accordance with the Coating Manufacture’s
recommendations and to the specific functional requirements reported in item 2.6 of Functional
Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0.
The filling mass shall be introduced in the mould by extrusion equipment that automatically
doses and mixes the components, or by direct casting from a container of the previously dosed
and thoroughly stirred component mix.
The extrusion equipment shall include all the component suitable to perform a correct
application according to the Coating Manufacturer recommendation
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0.
must be carefully followed.
Table 2
Nature and frequency of testing and control
Properties Test method Acceptance Criteria Frequency
Surface condition before blasting - Every weld joint
Steel imperfection ISO 8501-3 Grade P3 Every weld joint
Dimensions, shape and properties of abrasive blasting 150 µS/cm
ASTM D-4940- Twice per shift
material Chloride content < 25 ppm
Cleaning before abrasive blasting SSPC-SP1 Free of oil, grease, etc. Every weld joint
Degree of abrasive blasting ISO 8501-1 Sa 2,5 Every pipe
Degree of cleanliness (dust level) ISO 8502-3 < Class 2 First 10 weld joint and 4 time per shift
Roughness of the blast cleaned surface - 60 ≤Rz ≤ 80 µm Once per shift
Relative Humidity and Dew Point ISO 8502-4 RH < 85% 4 time per shift
Steel temperature 3°C above dew point 4 time per shift
As per Coating
Temperature of heating before coating IR camera recording Every weld joint
Appearance and continuity Visual Free of defects Every weld joint
Thickness of the coating system - As per requirement First 10 pipes and 1 per hour
Eni S.p.A.
Exploration & Production Division
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “H” - Page 2 of 11
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coatings are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, selection, supply
and application of the external weld field joint coatings.
The coatings for weld field joint coatings shall ensure the suitable corrosion protection and
coating continuity to the steel pipes surface left bare (uncoated) during coating application on
shop. They are applied when pipes are joined by welding to form pipelines used for onshore or
offshore oil, gas or water transportation.
Heat-shrinkable materials
Polymeric plastic tapes
Fusion-bonded epoxy powder
Injection applied polypropylene
Injection applied polyurethane
Liquid epoxy resin (tar free)
Liquid polyurethane (tar free)
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “H” - Page 4 of 11
f) Application procedures;
g) Material Safety Data Sheet of each component;
h) Name and address of the laboratory where the tests will be performed;
i) Reference list of the major projects reporting at least the following information: name of
the project, name of the customer, name of the applicator, year in which the work was
performed, length and dimension of the pipeline coated, coating type applied on the
Characterisation tests
Heat-shrinkable materials As per Appendix “E” requirements
Polymeric plastic tapes As per Appendix “E” requirements
Fusion-bonded epoxy powder As per Appendix “F” requirements
Injection applied polypropylene As per Appendix “D” requirements
Injection applied polyurethane As per Appendix “G” requirements
Liquid epoxy resin (tar free) As per Appendix “A” requirements
Liquid polyurethane (tar free) As per Appendix “B” requirements
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvents and thinners to be tested shall be delivered and stored in
original container bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following
a) Coating manufacturer name;
b) Name and complete identification of product including factory origin;
c) Reference to applicable coating standards;
d) Colour of the coating material;
e) Batch number of each component;
f) Manufacturing date.
For two-pack products, the tests shall be performed both for the base and the curing agents.
The selected laboratory must test the coating material in order to verify the accuracy and
consistency of the data for physical properties provided by the Coating Manufacturer for each
coating as required in Table 2.
4.1.1 General
Surface preparation shall be performed in accordance with Coating Manufacturer
recommendations and with the requirements of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN.
Rev.0 and related applicable Appendix.
At the time of coating application, the surface to be coated shall be dry, clean and free of any
foreign material and contaminants.
Any steel and welding imperfection shall be removed to comply with the grade P2 of standard
ISO 8501-3. After removal of the steel imperfections, the thickness of the steel pipe shall
comply with the minimum tolerance requirements of the pipe standard.
Heat-shrinkable materials ≥ 100 mm
Polymeric plastic tapes ≥ 70 mm
Fusion-bonded epoxy powder ≥ 50 mm
Injection applied polypropylene ≥ 70 mm
Injection applied polyurethane ≥ 70 mm
Liquid epoxy resin (tar free) ≥ 50 mm
Liquid polyurethane (tar free) ≥ 50 mm
4.2.1 Wet Film Thickness (WFT) and Dry Film Thickness (DFT)
Where applicable, Wet Film Thickness and Dry Film Thickness for each type of coating
provided by this appendix shall be in accordance with Coating Manufacturer
Suitable heating system and process shall be used to obtain the proper adhesion of the field
joint coating on the shop-applied coating.
The additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained
in the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation
to Bid.
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.
case all data concerning each inspection step, or the reasons for that it has not been
performed, shall be permanently recorded in report or logbook.
Table 4
Inspection during the work progress
Test Method of test Frequency
Surface preparation ISO 8501-1 Each weld joint
Roughness of the blast cleaned surface of Checks number to be agreed with the
ISO 8503-1
the weld joint Company
Temperature of the surface to be coated - Each weld joint
Three times per shift and any time the
Thermo-hygrometric condition -
condition changed
Application criteria - Systematically during any application
Visual inspection of the coating - Each weld joint
Inspection of the thickness - Once per shift
Holiday detection test NACE RP 0274 Each weld joint
Checks number to be agreed with the
Adhesion test DIN 30671
Checks number to be agreed with the
Cathodic disbonding DIN 30671
Eni S.p.A.
Exploration & Production Division
Documento riservato di proprietà di Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. Esso non sarà mostrato a Terzi né utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali è stato inviato.
This document is property of Eni S.p.A. Divisione Agip. It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
Eni S.p.A. 20550 PIP.COR.FUN
Rev. 0 - February 2004
Exploration & Production Division
Appendix “I” - Page 2 of 12
APPENDIX “I”......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................ 3
1.4 REFERENCE STANDARDS............................................................................................... 3
This Appendix is an integral part of the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
and for no reason can be used separately. All requirements, standards and articles reported in
the Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 are fully applicable to this Appendix.
It refers to the following European Standards:
• EN 253 (District heating pipes – Preinsulated bonded pipe system for directly buried hot
water networks – Pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and
outer casing of polyethylene)
• EN 448 (District heating pipes – Preinsulated bonded pipe system for directly buried hot
water networks – Fitting assemblies of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation
and outer casing of polyethylene)
Moreover, the Company’s additional functional requirements for pre-qualification and
application of the coating are defined.
This Appendix defines the minimum functional requirements for qualification, supply and
application for straight lengths and fittings assemblies (e.g. bends, T-pieces, reducers and
anchor) of prefabricated thermal insulated pipe-in-pipe assemblies, comprising as steel service
pipe from DN 20 to DN 1200, rigid polyurethane foam insulation and an outer casing of
polyethylene as defined in item 1 of standard EN 253 and item 1 of standard EN 448.
Table 1
Requirements of liquid Primer
Characteristic Acceptable Criteria
Dry film Thickness Not less than 150 µm
Solid by weight (for liquid epoxy primer) ≥ 90
Minimum operating temperature 120°C
Table 2
Requirements of Polyurethane Rigid Foam for pipe assembly and fittings
Characteristic Standard Units Acceptable Criteria
EN 253 item % Closed cells
Cells structure ≥ 88
4.4.2 content
EN 253 item
Foam density Kg/m3 ≥ 60
EN 253 item
Compressive strength MPa ≥ 0,3
Water absorption at EN 253 item
% Volume ≤ 10
elevated temperature 4.4.5
Table 3
Requirements of Polyethylene Outer Casing for pipe assembly and fittings
Characteristic Standard Acceptable Criteria
Density EN 253 item ≥944 Kg/m3
Black content EN 253 item 2,5 % ± 0,5
0,58 g/10 min
Melt flow rate EN 253 item
(when tested according to EN 1133)
≥ 20 min
Thermal stability EN 253 item
(when tested according to EN 278)
Characteristic Standard Acceptable Criteria
In accordance with Table 5 of standard
Thickness EN 253 item
EN 253 but never less than 3 mm
Appearance EN 253 item Free of defects
Elongation at break EN 253 item ≥ 350%
Heat reversion EN 253 item ≤ 3%
Long- term mechanical 2000 h with tensile stress of 4,0 MPa at
EN 253 item
properties 80°C
Stress crack resistance EN 253 item ≥ 300 h
3.3.1 Labelling
Each coating material, solvent and thinner to be tested shall be delivered and stored in original
container bearing the Coating Manufacturer’s label, clearly showing following information:
a) Name of the coatings material (primer, polyurethane rigid foam, and polyethylene outer
b) Coating Manufacturer name;
c) Batch number of each component (primer, polyurethane rigid foam, and polyethylene
outer casing);
d) Manufacturing date.
Table 4
Information and data to be provided by Coating Manufacturer
Polyurethane Polyethylene
Item Primer
Rigid Foam Outer Casing
Product Data Sheet (PDS) Yes Yes Yes
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Yes Yes Yes
Date of issue of PDS Yes Yes Yes
Date of issue of MSDS Yes Yes Yes
Name of Manufacturer Yes Yes Yes
Name and type of the product Yes Yes Yes
Factory of origin Yes Yes Yes
Batch number Yes Yes Yes
Shelf life Yes Yes Yes
Physical state of delivered product Yes Yes Yes
Packaging Yes Yes Yes
Storage condition Yes Yes Yes
Viscosity Yes No No
Density Yes No Yes
Solid by volume Yes No No
Finger printing Yes No No
Viscosity Yes No No
Cells structure No Yes No
Foam density No Yes No
Compressive strength No Yes No
Water absorption at elevated temperature No Yes No
Black content No No Yes
Melt flow rate No No Yes
Thermal stability No No Yes
Long- term mechanical properties No Yes Yes
Appearance No No Yes
Elongation at break No No Yes
Heat reversion No No Yes
Stress crack resistance No No Yes
The Coating Manufacturer shall also supply a sufficient number of pipe sections and as
defined in the next paragraph. The laboratory shall perform the necessary coating work on the
samples (surface preparation, application, inspection and reporting) fully in accordance with
the requirements of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0 and this Appendix.
If the laboratory is unable to perform the coating work, it shall be the Coating Manufacturer’s
duty to perform the work in another suitable location provided that the Company is informed
and the requirements of Functional Specification and Appendix are carefully followed. The
selected laboratory shall supervise, record and report all the steps of the coating work.
The Company reserve the right to attend during preparation of samples.
Requirements of Pipe Assembly and Fitting Assemblies
Characteristic Standard Acceptance Criteria
Increase in diameter of the casing pipe EN 253 item 5.4.1 ≤ 2%
Centre line deviation As per Table 7 of EN 253
Shear strength EN 253 item 5.4.4 As per Table 8 of EN 253
Thermal conductivity EN 253 item 5.4.5 ≤ 0,033 W/(m x K)
Impact resistance EN 253 item 5.4.6 No visible cracks
Creep behavior EN 253 item 5.4.7 Radial displacement ≤ 2,5 mm
The length, of the casing pipe at the ends of the fittings and valves shall not be less than 200
Tolerances of the main fitting dimensions
≤ 300 ± 10 mm ± 20 mm
> 300 ± 25 mm ± 50 mm
Additional requirements for Quality Management and/or Quality Assurance are contained in
the applicable “Quality and Execution Requirements Specification” attached to the Invitation to
The provisions reported in item 4 of Functional Specification 20550 PIP.COR.FUN. Rev. 0
must be carefully followed.