Lesson Planner Observation One
Lesson Planner Observation One
Lesson Planner Observation One
A: Standards
B. Objectives
i. Learning Objective/Goal: The students will apply and build on their knowledge of
fractions to learn how to write an improper fraction as a mixed number.
ii. Language Objective: Students will construct a mixed number from an improper fraction
by applying the strategies they have learned.
C. Assessments:
D. Lesson Resources/Materials:
Math notebook
Glue stick
Math notes (print out, attached below)
Fractions game materials (gameboard, instructions/answers template)
Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggYdPef3Nuk
2) Tell students that they will be turning improper fractions into mixed numbers.
1. Students will work learn how to turn improper fractions into mixed numbers without using a
number line or models as a visual representation, and using division instead.
EX. _11_
6 11 divided by 6 = 1 with a remainder of 5 11/6 = 1 5/6
3. Students will work independently and practice turning an improper fraction into a mixed
number without using a visual representation, and using division instead.
EX. _9_
8 9 divided by 8 = 1 with a remainder of 1 9/8 = 1 1/8
*Supporting EL Students:
Eliciting vocabulary terms throughout instruction through class discourse and thorough explanations.
Summarize/Orchestrate Discussion: Select students to share their work under the document camera.
Allow students to conduct their work with or without utilizing visual representation.
Teacher is looking for
o Students who display a solid understanding of the mathematical concept.
o Students whose drawn representations math their written work.
o Students who have neat work and legible handwriting
o Students who can explain their work
Closure (10_minutes):
Students will re-visit the objective as they work in groups of three to play a fraction game
o Game requires students to add two fractions and turn the sum, which will be an
improper fraction, into a mixed number.
3. Language Demands:
Sample sentence frames:
o I turned this improper fraction into a mixed number by
4. Language Objective: Students will construct a mixed number from an improper fraction by
applying the strategies they have learned.
5. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach the
specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent