Lesson Planner Observation One

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Grade: 4th Content Area: Mathematics

Group Size: 29 Lesson Length: 40-45 minutes

Part 1: Planning for the Lesson

A: Standards

i. Key Content Standard: Number and Operations Fractions

4.NF.3c - Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous
understandings of operations on whole numbers.
3. Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b.
c. Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators, e.g., by
replacing each mixed number with an equivalent fraction, and/or by
using properties of operations and the relationship between addition and

B. Objectives

i. Learning Objective/Goal: The students will apply and build on their knowledge of
fractions to learn how to write an improper fraction as a mixed number.

ii. Language Objective: Students will construct a mixed number from an improper fraction
by applying the strategies they have learned.

C. Assessments:

i. Informal assessment strategies:

Assessment Strategy Evidence of Student Learning

Instruct students to complete practice
problems on their own. Teacher will
Students have correctly solved the given
walk around and monitor students while
problem, through visual representation
they work and have students present their
and/or written work.
work under the doc cam (either through
selection or picking equity sticks).

ii. Written assessment:

Following the lesson, each individual student will complete a diagnostic on Front Row Math to
determine their understanding of the mathematical concept. Teacher will collect the data
through online results and utilize the data to plan future lessons and determine instruction for
small group intervention.

D. Lesson Resources/Materials:
Math notebook
Glue stick
Math notes (print out, attached below)
Fractions game materials (gameboard, instructions/answers template)
Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggYdPef3Nuk

Part 2: Instructional Sequence - Engaging Students in the Learning Process

Introduction (5_ min.):

1) Play improper fractions YouTube video (Stop at 1:21)

Connecting to prior knowledge from the previous lesson
*Supporting EL Students:
Video reviews key vocabulary terms (e.g., numerator, improper fraction, mixed number)
*Supporting all students:
Students think-pair-share to re-define the vocabulary terms.

2) Tell students that they will be turning improper fractions into mixed numbers.

Body of the Lesson (25-30 minutes):

Launch: Instruct students through class notes in their math notebook.

Students will add this lesson to their table of contents
Students will glue the notes template into their math notebook
Teacher will facilitate an interactive lesson to build on student knowledge

1. Students will work learn how to turn improper fractions into mixed numbers without using a
number line or models as a visual representation, and using division instead.

EX. _11_
6 11 divided by 6 = 1 with a remainder of 5 11/6 = 1 5/6

2. Play improper fractions YouTube video (Resume at 1:22, stop at 1:43)

3. Students will work independently and practice turning an improper fraction into a mixed
number without using a visual representation, and using division instead.

EX. _9_
8 9 divided by 8 = 1 with a remainder of 1 9/8 = 1 1/8

*Supporting EL Students:
Eliciting vocabulary terms throughout instruction through class discourse and thorough explanations.

Summarize/Orchestrate Discussion: Select students to share their work under the document camera.
Allow students to conduct their work with or without utilizing visual representation.
Teacher is looking for
o Students who display a solid understanding of the mathematical concept.
o Students whose drawn representations math their written work.
o Students who have neat work and legible handwriting
o Students who can explain their work

Closure (10_minutes):
Students will re-visit the objective as they work in groups of three to play a fraction game
o Game requires students to add two fractions and turn the sum, which will be an
improper fraction, into a mixed number.

Part 3: Incorporating Academic Language

1. Rich learning task(s) related to the content learning objective.

With scaffolding, students will explore the ways to turn an improper fraction into a mixed number.

2. Language Function: Construct

3. Language Demands:

Vocabulary: numerator, denominator, fraction, improper fraction, mixed number, remainder.

Sample sentence frames:
o I turned this improper fraction into a mixed number by

4. Language Objective: Students will construct a mixed number from an improper fraction by
applying the strategies they have learned.

5. Language Support: What instructional strategies will you use during your lesson to teach the
specific language skill and provide support and opportunities for guided and independent

Instruction Guided Practice Independent Practice

Modeling Oral sentence frames Written sentence frames (on
notes template)

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