Entrepreneurship QB
Entrepreneurship QB
Entrepreneurship QB
Unit I:
1. Entrepreneurship
2. Evolution of entrepreneurship
3. Approaches to entrepreneurship
4. Process approach
5. 21st century trends in entrepreneurship
1. What do you understand by the term ‘entrepreneur’? Give the main characteristics of an
2. Explain the concept of entrepreneur. How does an entrepreneur differ from managers?
3. Explain the main functions performed by the entrepreneurs?
4. What is meant by intrapreneur? How do you distinguish intrapreneur from entrepreneur?
5. Define the term entrepreneur. Comment on the statement that entrepreneurs are made not
6. What is entrepreneurship? Distinguish between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?
7. Give an account of the evolution and growth of industrial entrepreneurship in India.
8. Write an essay on the growth of entrepreneurship in India.
9. Discuss various approached to entrepreneurship?
10. What are the twenty first century trends in entrepreneurship.
Unit II
1. Opportunities identification
2. Entrepreneurial imagination and creativity
3. Nature of creativity process
4. Methods to initiate venture
5. Franchise
6. Disadvantages of franchise
7. Focus groups
8. Brain storming
9. Problem inventory analysis
10. Attribute listing
1. What is the nature of patents, the rights they provide and the process for filing patents
2. What is a trademark. Discuss the purpose and procedure of filing trademark
3. What is a copy right and how to file for a copy right.
4. What are the different procedures that can protect a venture’s trade secrets?
5. What are the various pitfalls in trademarking. How to avoid
6. Explain the process of formulating business plan.
7. What are challenges of new venture startups.
8. What are the critical factors for new venture development.
9. How do you evaluate the new venture development.
10. What is feasibility criteria approach. Explain
Unit V
1. Strategic planning
2. Strategic positioning
3. Business stabilization
4. Market development strategies
5. Product development strategies