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Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

For Comments Only

Draft Indian Standard
(Sixth Revision of IS 648)
ICS 77.140.40
Not to be reproduced without the permission of Last date of receipt of comments is 31 August 2014
BIS or used as STANDARD
Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee, MTD 4

This Indian Standard (Sixth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division

This standard was first published in 1955 and subsequently revised in 1962, 1970, 1980, 1994 and 2006. While
reviewing this standard in the light of experience gained during these years, the Committee decided to revise it to
bring in line with the present practices being followed by the Indian industry and overseas standards of cold rolled
non- oriented electrical steel sheet and strip.
a. In this revision the following modifications have Title of the standard has been changed to “Cold rolled non-
oriented steel sheets and strips-Fully processed type – Specification”
b. Amendment No.1, 2 3 , 4 & 5 have been incorporated
c. Scope of the standard has been modified. Silicon free , hot rolled coils / sheets insulated or un insulated ,
semi processed electrical steel sheet have been deleted
d. A new clause on references has been incorporated
e. Number of grades and designation has been redefined

For all the tests specified in this standard (chemical/physical/others), the method as specified in relevant ISO /
IEC / JIS / ASTM standard may also be followed as an alternate method.

A conversion factor table is given in Annex A for information.

The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of standard is given in Annex C.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:
1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard .
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W


1.1. This standard covers the requirement for non - oriented electrical steel with silicon content up to 3.5
percent, cold rolled, both insulated and uninsulated, fully processed electrical steel and strip primarily intended for
static and rotating machines operating at power frequencies.

1.2. This Standard defines grades of cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip in nominal
thicknesses of 0.35mm, 0.5mm, 0.65mm and 1.00 mm.

1.3. If required and agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the typical, physical and
mechanical properties of the steel sheets/strips shall be supplied by the manufacturer to the purchaser.


The following standards contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revisions and
parties to agreements based on these standards are encouraged to investigate the possibility of 'applying the
most recent editions of the standards
IS No. Title

649: 1997 Methods of testing steel sheets for magnetic circuits of power electrical
apparatus (second revision)
8910 : 2010 General technical delivery requirements for steel and steel products
13795 (Part I) : 1993 Glossary of terms relating to special alloys: Part 1 Soft magnetic materials.

For the purpose of this standard the following definitions in addition to those given in IS 1885(Part 1) shall supply.

3.1 Electrical Steel Sheet/Strip - Electrical steel/ strip is a material used for making cores for rotating electrical
machines and static apparatus.

3.2 Non-oriented Electrical Steel Sheet/Strip - Steel sheet/strip having substantially the same magnetic and
electrical characteristics in all direction of the plane of the sheet.

3.3 Cold Rolled Electrical Steel Sheet/Strip - Electrical steel sheet/strip which is reduced to final gauge after
cold rolling.

3.4 Silicon Steel - Electrical steel made with deliberate alloying addition of silicon.

3.5 Fully Processed Material - Material which does not require further processing by the purchaser to give the
specified properties.

3.6 Sheet - A cold rolled flat product in rectangular section of thickness below 5 mm and supplied in straight
lengths. The width is at least 100 times the thickness and the edges can be mill, trimmed and sheared.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

3.7 Strip - A cold rolled flat product approximately in rectangular cross-section of thickness normally 12mm or
below with mill, rolled trimmed or sheared edges and supplied in coil form.

3.7.1 Wide Strip - Cold Rolled strip of width normally equal to or greater than 600 mm.
3.7.2 Narrow Strip – Cold rolled strip of width normally less than 600 mm.

3.8 Coil Interleaves- Laps at the junctions between sub-coils for the purpose of building up larger continuous

3.9 Coil Butt Welds- Butt welds at the junctions between sub-coils for the purpose of building up larger
continuous coils.

3.10 Batch - A single charge of the product of one or more cast heat treated together with similar quality grading.

3.11 Stacking Factor - A numeric, less than unity and usually expressed as a percentage, which is defined as the
ratio of the uniform solid height of the magnetic material in a laminated core to the actual height (core build up)
when, measured under a specified pressure S is thus equal to the ratio of the volume of magnetic material in a
uniform laminated core to the overall geometric volume in the core

3.12 Flatness (Wave Factor) - The property of a sheet or of a length of strip which is characterized by the wave
factor, that is, by the relation of the height of the wave to its length.
3.13 Insulated Sheet - Insulated sheet shall mean electrical sheets in sheet/strip form coated on both sides with
organic or inorganic or combined organic and inorganic materials to provide interlinear insulation resistance.
3.14 Density - The ratio of mass to the volume of a magnetic material, in kg/m3.
3.15 Anisotropy of Losses - The anisotropy losses is the difference between the specific loss measured at right
angles and parallel to the direction of the rolling expressed as percentage to the sum of two total specific losses

P, percent =

P = anisotropy of losses;
= total specific loss P at 1.5Teslaperpendicular to the direction of rolling; and
= total loss P at 1.5Tesla parallel to the direction of rolling.

3.16 Edge camber – Greatest distance between a longitudinal edge of the sheet and the line joining the two extremities of
the measured length of this edge.

3.17 Number of Bends – Number of alternate bends possible before the appearance in the base metal of the crack visible
to the naked eye; it constitutes an indication of the ductility of the material.

3.18 Internal Stresses – Stresses which are characterized by a deviation in the relation to the line of cutting.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

This standard covers the grades listed in Table 1, with the forms and condition of supply as specified in IS 8910.
The grades are classified according to the maximum value of total loss at a polarization of 1.5T and according to
the nominal thickness (0.35, 0.50, 0.65 and 1.00mm).


One hundred times the nominal thickness of material in mm, in
Material Symbol C for Cold Rolled

Guaranteed value of Total Specific Loss (Core Loss). A value

100 times the iron loss, at a frequency 50 Hz and a maximum
flux density of 1.5 Tesla.

A = One hundred times the nominal thickness of the product, in mm.
B = Material Symbol C for Cold Rolled.
C = One hundred times the maximum value of specific total loss in W/kg at 1.5 Tesla , 50 Hz.
A sheet or strip of 0.50 mm thickness, tested at 1.5 Tesla, 50 Hz and specific total loss 2.70 W/kg shall be designated as 50C270.
6.1. Condition of Delivery
6.1.1. The product shall be supplied in the fully processed condition.

6.1.2. The material can be supplied either without insulation or with insulation on one or both sides. If the
material is supplied with insulation, the nature of the insulation, its properties and stacking factor and their
verification shall be agreed at the time of ordering.

6.1.3. The thickness of the material supplied for each grade shall be as given in Table 1. If the material is
required in thicknesses other than those specified in Table 1, these may be supplied as per the properties
mutually agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

6.1.4. The sizes of the strips and sheets supplied in coil or in cut length shall be subject to mutual agreement
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

6.1.5. When the material is supplied in coils, the following shall be considered as preferred dimensions of the
coils for all the grades specified in this standard: Internal diameter 400/430/450/510/610.

6.1.6. When supplied in cut length form, the packet mass shall not be more than 3.5 tones 0r mutually agreed
between manufacturer & supplier.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

6.1.7. Interleaves and Welds - Strips can occasionally exhibit welds or interleaves, resulting from the removal
of defective zones subject to prior agreement between the parties. If necessary, marking of welds or interleaves
may be agreed on at the time of ordering. Small grade coils may be joined together by butt welding to form larger continuous coils in which case the
welds shall be marked as for interleaves. The supplier shall ensure that the welds are made in such a manner as
not to damage areas of the coils adjacent to the weld. The edges of parts welded together shall not be so much out of alignment at to affect the further
processing of the material.

6.1.8. Stability Coils shall be sufficiently tightly wound to prevent collapse to an extent that would prelude their
being mounted on a mandrel appropriate to the ordered.

6.2. Chemical Composition - The chemical composition of steel is left to the manufacturer's discretion.
However, the chemical composition may be provided, if agreed to between manufacturer and the purchaser at the
time of placing the order.

6.3. Surface Condition

6.3.1. The surface shall be smooth and clean, free from grease and rust (the same should not be confused with
some coloration of insulation coating inherent in manufacturing process). Dispersed defects such as scratches,
blisters, aesthetic type physical damages, etc, are permitted if they are within limits of thickness tolerance and not
detrimental to method of working or correct use of supplied material. The limit, classification and disposition shall
be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

6.3.2. When an insulation coating is present on the surface of the material, it shall be sufficiently adherent so
that it does not become detached during cutting operations. During an alternating bend test, the coating shall not
detach after a bend of 90°. If the coating becomes detached during the test, the piece from which the sample was
taken shall be subjected to shearing test. During the test, it shall not be admissible for large pieces of the coating
to become detached. However, the slight chipping of this coating at the shearing edges shall be tolerated.


7.1. Magnetic Characteristics

7.1.1. Magnetization Test

A.C. magnetization test - The Minimum specified values of A.C. Magnetization for magnetic field strengths H of
2500 AT/M , 5000 AT/M , 10000 AT/M shall be given in Table 1.
The A.C. Magnetisation shall be determined in an alternating magnetic field (expressed as a peak value) at 50 Hz
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W
7.1.2. Total Specific Loss/Core Loss The specified values of maximum total specific loss at 50 Hz to be guaranteed at 1.5 T shall be as given
in Table 1. They apply.
– for the thicknesses 0.35 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.65 mm to aged test pieces
– for the thickness 1.00 mm to non-aged test pieces
– The values of the specific total loss at 1.0 T given in Table 1 are for information only.
NOTE — the ageing shall be carried out as specified in IS 649. The test sample shall be prepared and tested as described in IS 649 at a peak magnetic flux density of
1.5 T at 50 Hz. Wherever relevant the samples shall be annealed in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations before testing. The ageing shall be carried out as specified in IS 649 or this may be replaced by an accelerated ageing
with duration of24 h at a temperature of 225°C. Anisotropy of losses

If required by the purchaser the anisotropy of losses should be tested. The maximum values of Table 1 should are
guaranteed. If agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall supply characteristics
curves for properties agreed upon mutually. If agreed to between purchaser and the manufacturer, the manufacturer should also give information for
the following properties to the purchaser on request:
a. Typical electrical resistivity values for each grade, and
b. Typical thermal conductivity values for each grade.
7.2. Surface Insulation Characteristics
7.2.1. Unless otherwise specified, fully processed cold rolled electrical sheets shall be supplied without coating,
they shall be coated with either organic or inorganic material as specified by the purchaser. The description of the
coatings is given Annexure B.

7.2.2. The coating .should has uniform color throughout the surface of the coil tightly adherent to both sides.

7.2.3. If insulated material is required for subsequent annealing this should be stated by purchaser on his
enquiry and order. The coating supplied shall withstand annealing under condition specified by the supplier.

7.2.4. Material when supplied with insulation, the nature of the insulation and its properties shall be subject to
mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

7.2.5. Method of measurement of insulation resistance shall be as per IS 649.

7.2.6. Thermal Effect on Coating - If agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, twelve specimens of
the coated strip shall be clamped together under a pressure of 1 N/mm2 approximately and heated in a laboratory
oven at a temperature of 150°Cfor a period of7 days. After cooling to the room temperature the insulation surface
resistance (two sides coated) shall be not less than the minimum specified values as mutually agreed between
manufacturer and purchaser.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

7.2.7. Resistance to Solvents and Cleanliness - If agreed between the user and the manufacturer, the
specimens shall be kept in a container filled with boiling trichloroethylene or xylene for 5 min. After removal and
cooling to room temperature, the film should not get. Soft enough so that it can be wiped off.


8.1. Thickness Tolerances

8.1.1. The nominal thickness of the material are 0.35 mm , 0.50 mm , 0.65 mm & 1.00 mm.The allowable
tolerance on the nominal thickness within the same acceptable unit shall be ± 8 percent of the nominal value for
thicknesses 0.35 mm and0.50 mm and ± 6.0 % percent of the nominal value for thicknesses 0.65 mm and 1.00
mm. The additional thickness due to welds, with respect to the measured thickness of the steel sheet or strip shall
not exceed 0.050 mm.

8.1.2. The difference in thickness in a direction perpendicular to the direction of rolling shall not exceed 0.020
mm for thicknesses of 0.35 mm and 0.50 mm and 0.030 mm for thicknesses of 0.65 mm and 1.00mm, the
measurements being made at least 30 mm from the edges. This measurement shall be made using a micrometer
with an accuracy of 0.001 mm. These tolerances apply only to materials with a width greater than 150mm. For
narrow strip other agreements may be reached.

8.1.3. The height of the weld if any and edge burr shall not exceed 50 microns.

8.2. Width Tolerances

8.2.1. This tolerance is applicable to widths less than or equal to 1250 mm. For the width tolerances a
distinction is made between material supplied with edges in the as rolled condition and material delivered with
trimmed edges. For materials supplied with as rolled edges and / or width above 1250 mm the tolerances on
nominal width should be the subject of agreement while ordering.

8.2.2. For material supplied with trimmed edges, the tolerances of Table 2 shall apply.

8.2.3. For materials supplied with as rolled edges and / or widths above 1250 mm the tolerance on nominal
width be a subject of agreement while ordering
Table 2 Width Tolerance
(Clause 8.2)
All Dimensions in mm
Nominal Width “l” Tolerance
mm mm
l ≤ 150
150 < l ≤ 300
300 < l ≤ 600
600 < l ≤ 1000
1000 < l ≤ 1250
Note: - As per agreement, width Tolerance can be –ve or +ve or both –ve and +ve subject to tolerance band as given
in above table.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W
+ 0 .5
8.3. Length Tolerance - The tolerance on length of sheets in relation to length ordered shall be
 0.0
percent but subject to maximum value of 6 mm.

8.4. Tolerances on sizes other than those covered under 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 shall be subject to an agreement
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

8.5. Tolerance on Shape

8.5.1. Out of Squareness - Out of square, tolerances shall not be more than 1 percent of the length and the

8.5.2. Edge Camber - Verification of Edge camber applies only to material supplied with trimmed edges, and
width greater than 30 mm.
The edge camber shall not exceed for a measuring length of 2 m
– 2.00 mm for a nominal width l > 150 mm
– 4.00 mm for a nominal width l , 30 < l≤ 150

8.5.3. Residual Curvature - The verification of residual curvature does not apply to material of width less than
or equal to 100 mm. A requirement concerning residual curvature can be specified by agreement when ordering
in this cast, the distance between the bottom edge of the test specimen and the supporting plate shall not exceed
35 mm for the products of thicknesses 0.35 mm, 0.50 mm and 0.65 mm. For the thickness 1.00 mm, this distance
shall be subject to an agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.

8.6. Flatness (Wave Factor) - This tolerance is applicable to material of width more than 100 mm. The wave
factor, expressed as a percentage, shall not exceed 2 percent.

8.7. Sheet and Strip for Specific Purposes - Material required to tolerances other than those specified in 8.1
and 8.6 shall be subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.


9.1. Stacking Factor - The surface quality of the uninsulated cold rolled sheet/Strip and when measured in
terms of stacking factor as specified in IS 649 shall comply with minimum values given in Table 1 for
Uninsulated and for insulated it is an agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.

9.2. Bend Test - The bend test shall be carried out as specified in IS649.The test piece shall withstand the
number of bends as given in Table I. The radius of jaws shall be 5.0 mm.

10. Inspection & Testing

10.1 General - Each mother coil (acceptance Unit) is around 17 MT (Including coils greater than 17 MT,
depending on width of material) or the remaining fraction thereof of the same grade and the same nominal
thickness. Different acceptance units can be adopted by special agreement.
Except by special agreement, the same rules apply to the inspection of suitability for cutting, surface insulation
resistance and tolerances of shape and dimensions.
When the products are delivered in the form of slit coils, the test results applying to the mother coil of acceptance
shall apply.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

10.2. Selection of samples - Test samples shall be taken from each acceptance unit. The first internal turn
and last external turn of the coils shall be considered as wrapping and not as representative of the quality of the
rest of the coil. The selection shall be made from the first internal or external turns, excluding the wrapping turn
and outside any welding zones or interleaves. In the case of sheets, the selection shall be made preferably from
the upper part of the bundle.

10.3. Preparation of test specimens

10.3.1. Magnetic properties - For the measurement of A.C. Magnetisation polarization and Total specific loss /
core loss using the 25 cm Epstein frame, the test specimen shall consist of a minimum of Epstein test strips as
per IS 649 having the following dimensions
– length 280 mm to 320 mm, the lengths being equal within a tolerance of  0.5 mm;
– width 30 mm  0.2 mm
Half of the strips shall be cut parallel to direction of rolling and other half perpendicular, giving even distribution
across the width of the material. The test strips shall be carefully cut without deformation. Cutting or punching
shall be carried out only with well sharpened tools.

10.3.2. Insulation Resistivity - Each test specimen shall be formed from a single sheet or length of strip. The
width and length of the test specimen shall be respectively greater than the width and length of the contact
assembly. This measurement is destructive; the test specimen can only be used once. To obtain a representative
result, test specimens shall be taken from the full sheet width.

10.4. Geometrical characteristics and tolerances - For the measurement of thickness, width, flatness and
edge camber, the test specimen shall consist of a sheet or a 2 m length of strip .
+ 2,5
For the measurement of the residual curvature, the test specimen shall consist of a sample (500 ) mm in
length and of width equal to the delivery width of the sheet or strip.

11.1. Should a test sample fail, two further samples shall be selected at random from the same batch of
material and tested in a same manner.

11.2. If either of both of the retest samples on testing indicates that the core loss is greater than maximum loss
specified for the respective grade, the batch represented by these samples shall be taken as not complying with
the requirements of that grade.

The sheets/strips shall be suitably packed in metal protected containers lined with water-proof material from rust
during transit. The method of packing shall be subject to the approval by the purchaser before shipment from
manufacturer's works.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

13.1. Every bundle/coil of sheet/strip shall be legibly marked with the following:
a. Manufacturer's name
b. Grade and thickness
c. Gross and net mass (at the top of bundle)
d. Cast number or identification mark by which the sheets/strips may be traced to the cast from which
they were made
e. Type of coating, if coated.

13.2. BIS Certification Marking

13.2.1 The material shall be marked with the Standard Mark.

13.2.2 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and
the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of conditions under which the license for use of the
Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian


The manufacturer shall provide with each consignment, a test certificate giving the following as per the
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of placing the order
a. Grade
b. Nominal Dimension (Thickness / Width / Length(If supplied in Sheet form)
c. Density
d. Specific total loss for each coil / packet
t. A.C. magnetization;
g. Anisotropy
h. Number of bends
i. Stacking factor
j. Insulation resistance, if coated
j. Chemical composition
k. Insulation thickness
l. Adherence
e. Resistance to solvent
f. Thermal effect

While placing an order for cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip (fully processed type) covered
by this standard, the purchaser should specific. clearly the following
a. Grade of electrical steel sheet/strip required (see Table I)
b. The length, width and thickness of sheets or the width, thickness, maximum and minimum
acceptable mass and internal diameter of coils required (see Table 1, 6.1.5, 8.2 and 8.3)
c. The number of interleaves and/or butt welds acceptable in a coil (see
d. Type of coating and nominal thickness
e. Any optional test required; and
f. Any special requirements (see 4, 6.1.4, 8.4,8.7 and 10.1).
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

Table 1: Designation of Electrical Steel Grades

(Clauses: 4,6.1.3,,, & 9.2)
Maximum Specific total loss Minimum A.C
Maximum Minimu Minim Conventi
Nomi W/Kg Magnetisation in T
m um onal
Steel nal anisotropy of
1.0 T 1.5 T Nos Density
Name Thick 2500 5000 10000 loss % at 1.5 stackin
A/M A/M A/M T g of
ness 3
50Hz 50Hz 60Hz Factor bends Kg/dm
35C230 0.95 2.30 2.90 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
35C235 0.95 2.35 2.97 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
35C250 1.00 2.50 3.14 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
35C270 0.35 1.10 2.70 3.36 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 0.95 2 7.65
35C300 1.20 3.00 3.74 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 3 7.65
35C330 1.30 3.30 4.12 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 3 7.65
35C360 1.45 3.60 4.55 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 3 7.65
50C250 1.05 2.50 3.21 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
50C270 1.10 2.70 3.47 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
50C290 1.15 2.90 3.71 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±17 2 7.60
50C310 1.25 3.10 3.95 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±14 3 7.65
50C330 1.35 3.30 4.20 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±14 3 7.65
50C350 1.50 3.50 4.45 1.50 1.60 1.70 ±12 5 7.65
50C400 1.70 4.00 5.10 1.53 1.63 1.73 ±12 5 7.70
50C470 2.00 4.70 5.90 1.54 1.64 1.74 ±10 10 7.70
0.50 0.97
50C530 2.30 5.30 6.66 1.56 1.65 1.75 ±10 10 7.70
50C600 2.60 6.00 7.53 1.57 1.66 1.76 ±10 10 7.75
50C630 2.80 6.30 7.90 1.58 1.68 1.76 ±10 10 7.75
50C700 3.00 7.00 8.79 1.60 1.69 1.77 ±10 10 7.80
50C800 3.60 8.00 10.06 1.60 1.70 1.78 ±10 10 7.80
50C900 3.80 9.00 11.31 1.61 1.70 1.78 ±10 10 7.80
50C940 4.20 9.40 11.84 1.62 1.72 1.81 ±10 10 7.85
50C1000 4.40 10.00 11.90 1.62 1.72 1.81 ±10 10 7.85
65C310 1.25 3.10 4.08 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±15 2 7.60
65C330 1.35 3.30 4.30 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±15 2 7.60
65C350 1.50 3.50 4.57 1.49 1.60 1.70 ±14 2 7.60
65C400 1.70 4.00 5.20 1.52 1.62 1.72 ±14 2 7.65
65C470 2.00 4.70 6.13 1.53 1.63 1.73 ±12 5 7.65
0.65 0.97
65C530 2.30 5.30 6.84 1.54 1.64 1.74 ±12 5 7.70
65C600 2.60 6.00 7.71 1.56 1.66 1.76 ±10 10 7.75
65C700 3.00 7.00 8.98 1.57 1.67 1.76 ±10 10 7.75
65C800 3.60 8.00 10.26 1.60 1.70 1.78 ±10 10 7.80
65C1000 4.40 10.00 12.77 1.61 1.71 1.80 ±10 10 7.80
100C600 2.60 6.00 8.14 1.53 1.63 1.63 ±10 2 7.60
100C700 3.00 7.00 9.38 1.54 1.54 1.64 ±8 3 7.65
100C800 1.00 3.60 8.00 10.70 1.56 1.56 1.66 ±6 0.98 5 7.70
100C1000 4.40 10.00 13.39 1.58 1.58 1.68 ±6 10 7.80
100C1300 5.80 13.00 17.34 1.60 1.60 1.70 ±6 10 7.80
Note :
I. Properties tested and reported at 60Hz shall conform to the specified values of above table when tested in importing country at 50 Hz
II. A.C. Magnetisation can be checked and reported in any value between 2500 to 10000 A/m as per mutual agreement apart from above (at
2500 , 5000 and 10,000)
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W
III. In case any grade that is not covered in Table-1 can be considered if the grade designation as defined in clause 4 is followed & properties
are certified based on the values in Table 1 to the nearest thickness and then the next best grade within the table.

Annexure A
Conversion Factor
Term To From Conversion Factor

Tesla (Wb/m²) Gauss 10⁴

Magnetic flux density (Β)
Gauss Tesla (Wb/m²) 10⁻⁴
Ampere-turns/meter Oersted 0.0126
Oersted Ampere-turns/meter 79.6
Magnetic field strength (H)
Ampere-turns/meter Ampere - turns/inch 0.0254
Ampere-turns/meter Ampere - turns/cm 0.01
Watt/kg Watt/pound 0.4536
Watt/pound Watt/kg 2.205
Core Loss
Watts/kg at 60 Hz(1.5T) Watts/kg at 50 Hz(1.5T) 0.79
Watts/lb at 60 Hz(1.5T) Watts/kg at 50 Hz(1.5T) 1.74
Centimetre Inch 0.3937
Length (l)
Inch Centimetre 2.54
Square cm Square inch 0.155
Area (A)
Square inch Square cm 6.45
cm³ Cubic inch 0.061
Volume (V)
Cubic inch cm³ 16.4
gm Ounce 0.0353
Kg pound 2.205
Mass (m)
Ounce gm 28.35
Pound Kg 0.4536
N/mm² Kg/mm² 0.102
Tensile strength (Rm)
Kg/mm² N/mm² 9.81

ºC ºF x 1.8 + 32
Temperature (T)
ºF ºC x 0.556 - 17.8
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

(Clause 7.2.1)
Classification of surface insulations of electrical steel sheet, strip and laminations

Insulation description – Characteristics – Typical application, limits of use
C-0 Oxide that is formed naturally on the steel surface during mill processing. This oxide layer is thin, tightly
adherent, and provides sufficient insulating quality for most small cores. The oxide layer will withstand
normal stress-relief annealing temperatures. The insulation quality is affected by the oxidizing potential of
the user’s anneal, that is, the oxidized surface conditio n may be enhanced by controlling the atmosphere
to be more or less oxidizing to the surface.
It is not appropriate to assert a maximum acceptable Franklin test current (Insulation resistivity) for this
C-1 An oxide layer that is created on the surface of the steel laminations by contact with an oxidizing furnace
atmosphere at the end of the user’s heat treatment cycle. This oxide layer is usually bluish to grey in
colour. This oxide layer is primarily relevant to steel sheet, strip and laminatio ns in the semi-processed
state. It is not appropriate to specify the surface insulation resistance for this type of insulation.
C-2 An inorganic insulation coating predominantly comprised of magnesium silicate.
It is formed on the surface of grain oriented electrical steel by the reaction of the annealing separator with
the steel surface during high temperature annealing. This coating is often referred to as “mill glass” or
“glass“, even though the coating is not technically a glass. This coating is very abrasive. Steels coated
with C-2 only are not typically used for stamped laminations. The primary application of this coating is for
materials used in wound core transformers. This coating will withstand normal stress-relief annealing
temperatures .It is not appropriate to specify the surface insulation resistance for this type of coating.
C-3 An organic varnish/enamel coating that is applied to the steel surface.
It is preferably used for fully processed non-oriented electrical steels. It may be appropriate to specify the
surface insulation resistance for this type of coating. This coating generally improves the Punchability of
the steel and, hence, is quite suitable for stamped laminations.
This coating may adversely affect weldability and will not withsta nd normal stress relief annealing
temperatures. The coating is normally suitable for operating temperatures up to about 180 °C. The user
should take into account any problems due to coating off-gassing during welding or exposure of the steel
coated with this type of coating to elevated temperatures (>180°C) .
C-4 A coating formed by phosphating or some other chemical treatment of the steel surface followed by a
curing treatment at elevated temperature. This type of coating is used in applications requiring moderate
levels of surface insulation resistance. This type of coating will withstand normal stress-relief annealing
temperatures but some reduction of the surface insulation resistance may result. It may be appropriate to
specify the surface insulation resistance for this type of coating.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W
Insulation description – Characteristics – Typical application, limits of use
C-5 Inorganic or mostly inorganic coating similar to C-4, to which ceramic fillers or film-forming inorganic
components have been added to increase the insulating ability of the coating. The coating typically is a
phosphate, chromate, or silicate coating, or combination thereof. Such coatings are applied to the steel
surface and cured by heating. The coatings can be applied to grain-oriented electrical steels, nonoriented
electrical steels, and cold rolled motor lamination steels. A C-5 coating may be applied over top of a C-2
coating for applications in which extra surface insulation is required, for example, sheared laminations of
grain-oriented electrical steel for cores of power transformers.
C-5 coatings are used for applications requiring a high-surface resistivity. It is appropriate to designate a
maximum Franklin test current for this type of coating before stress-relief annealing. The required
Franklin test current is subject to agreement between the producer and user. The coating will withstand
stress-relief annealing up to 1550°F (840°C) in neutral or slightly reducing furnace atmospheres, but
some reduction in surface insulation resistivity may occur during the anneal. The coating will withstand
burn-off treatments at 600-1000°F (320-540°C) used to remove stator winding insulation during rebuilding
of motors. The coating can be used in air-cooled or oil-immersed cores.
In some cases, organic components may be added to C-5 coatings to enhance Punchability. The
applications, use, and properties of such coatings are similar to those of inorganic C-5 coatings. The user
should consult the producer if there are particular concerns with coating off-gassing during welding or
elevated temperature exposure of the coated steel.
C-6 Organic-based coating to which inorganic fillers have been added to increase the insulating ability of the
coating. The coating is applied to the steel surface and cured by heating. C-6 coatings typically are used
for fully processed nonoriented electrical steels. It is appropriate to designate a maximum Franklin test
current for this type of coating. The required Franklin test current is s ubject to agreement between the
producer and user. The coating will withstand burn-off treatments used to remove stator winding
insulation during rebuilding of motors, done at 600-1000°F (320-540°C), but is not considered to be a
coating that will withstand normal stress-relief annealing. The coating generally improves the Punchability
of the steel, and hence, is suitable for stamped laminations.
The user should take into account any problems due to coating decomposition or off -gassing during
welding or exposure of the steel coated with this type of coating to elevated temperatures (>180 °C)
The surface insulation resistance may be determined according to I S 649
Any requirement for this property and the corresponding method of evaluation should be agreed be tween the steel producer and the purchaser.
Doc:MTD 4(5262)W

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