Nasa HDBK 1002
Nasa HDBK 1002
Nasa HDBK 1002
This official draft has not been approved and is subject to modification.
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DRAFT 2—NASA-HDBK-1002—APRIL 2, 2012
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DRAFT 2—NASA-HDBK-1002—APRIL 2, 2012
This Handbook is published by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a
guidance document to provide guidelines and recommendations for defining, developing, analyzing,
evaluating, testing, and operating the Fault Management (FM) element of flight systems. It
establishes a process for developing FM throughout the lifecycle of a mission and provides a basis
for moving the field toward a formal and consistent FM methodology to be applied on future
The NASA Science Mission Directorate’s Discovery and New Frontiers Program Office and by
the Office of the Chief Engineer’s NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) co-sponsored
the development of this Handbook as an initial step toward an Agency-wide FM Handbook. As
a result, the initial focus addresses FM required for science missions. It is recognized that FM is
relevant to all NASA Directorates, and that ultimately this Handbook should address the needs of
the Agency. In preparation for this broadened scope, the authors have strived to develop an
outline that identifies FM-related needs and goals for all Directorates, with the intent that the
content for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate and the Human Exploration and
Operations Mission Directorate will be completed in a future revision of this Handbook.
NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service
Support Centers, approve this Handbook for use.
Requests for information, corrections, or additions to this Handbook should be submitted via
“Feedback” in the NASA Standards and Technical Assistance Resource Tool at
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1.! SCOPE&...............................................................................................................................................&7!
1.1! Relevance!.....................................................................................................................................................................!7!
1.2! Purpose!.........................................................................................................................................................................!9!
1.3! Applicability!.............................................................................................................................................................!10!
1.4! Intended!Audience!................................................................................................................................................!11!
2.! APPLICABLE&DOCUMENTS&.......................................................................................................&13!
2.1! General!.......................................................................................................................................................................!13!
2.2! Government!Documents!....................................................................................................................................!13!
2.3! NonBGovernment!Documents!..........................................................................................................................!14!
2.4! Order!of!Precedence!.............................................................................................................................................!14!
3.! ACRONYMS&AND&DEFINITIONS&...............................................................................................&15!
3.1! Acronyms!and!Abbreviations!...........................................................................................................................!15!
3.2! Definitions!................................................................................................................................................................!18!
4.! PROCESS&........................................................................................................................................&21!
4.1! Activities!....................................................................................................................................................................!23!
4.2! Summary!of!Work!Products!.............................................................................................................................!39!
5.! REQUIREMENTS&DEVELOPMENT&..........................................................................................&45!
5.1! Writing!Fault!Management!Requirements!.................................................................................................!45!
5.2! Fault!Management!Requirement!Categories!.............................................................................................!49!
5.3! Fault!Management!Driving!Requirements!.................................................................................................!55!
5.4! Requirements!Development!and!FlowBDown!...........................................................................................!63!
6.! DESIGN&AND&ARCHITECTURE&.................................................................................................&69!
6.1! Fault!Management!Objectives!and!Requirements!..................................................................................!70!
6.2! Mission!Characteristics!.......................................................................................................................................!73!
6.3! Fault!Management!Architectures,!Design!Features,!and!Approaches!............................................!77!
6.4! MissionBSpecific!Fault!Management!Considerations!.............................................................................!77!
7.&! ASSESSMENT&AND&ANALYSIS&.................................................................................................&97!
8.! VERIFICATION&AND&VALIDATION&.........................................................................................&98!
8.1! Fault!Management!V&V!Process!Overview!................................................................................................!98!
8.2! Fault!Management!V&V!Guidance!...............................................................................................................!105!
9.! OPERATIONS&AND&MAINTENANCE&....................................................................................&109!
10.&! REVIEW&AND&EVALUATION&..............................................................................................&110!
10.1! !Fault!Management!Concept!Review!..........................................................................................................!114!
10.2! Fault!Management!Architecture!Requirements!Review!...................................................................!117!
10.3! Fault!Management!Preliminary!Design!Review!....................................................................................!120!
10.4! Fault!Management!Critical!Design!Review!..............................................................................................!122!
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10.5! Fault!Management!Test!Readiness!Review!.............................................................................................!124!
10.6! Fault!Management!Launch!Readiness!Review!......................................................................................!125!
10.7! Fault!Management!Critical!Event!Readiness!Review!.........................................................................!126!
10.8! Relevant!Questions!for!Fault!Management!Reviews!..........................................................................!127!
A.1! Purpose!...................................................................................................................................................................!134!
A.2! Reference!Documents!.......................................................................................................................................!134!
B.1! Purpose!and/or!Scope!......................................................................................................................................!137!
C.1& Purpose!and/or!Scope!......................................................................................................................................!145&
C.2& Concepts!.................................................................................................................................................................!147&
C.3& Fault!Management!Functions!and!Definitions!.......................................................................................!157&
C.4& Guiding!Principles!..............................................................................................................................................!162&
D.1& Purpose!and/or!Scope!......................................................................................................................................!168&
D.2.& ORGANIZATION,!ROLES,!AND!RESPONSIBILITIES!.............................................................................!168&
E.1& Purpose!and/or!Scope!......................................................................................................................................!178&
F.1& PURPOSE!................................................................................................................................................................!179&
F.2& FM!LESSONS!LEARNED!CATEGORIES!.......................................................................................................!179&
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Fault Management (FM) is an engineering activity; it is the part of systems engineering (SE)
focused on the detection of faults and accommodation for off-nominal behavior of a system, as
well as a subsystem that has to be designed, developed, integrated, tested and operated. FM
encompasses functions that enable an operational system to prevent, detect, isolate, diagnose,
and respond to anomalous and failed conditions interfering with intended operations. From a
methodological perspective, FM includes processes to analyze, specify, design, verify, and
validate these functions. From a technological perspective, FM includes the hardware and
control elements, often embodied in software and procedures, of an operational system by which
the capability is realized and a situation awareness capability such as caution/warning functions
to notify operators and crew of anomalous conditions, hazards, and automated responses. The
goal of FM is the preservation of system assets, including crew, and of intended system
functionality (via design or active control) in the presence of predicted or existing failures.
FM has emerged and developed along several paths in response to NASA’s mission needs (e.g.,
deep space vs. earth orbiters vs. human spaceflight) as reflected by the different approaches used
in many organizations (e.g., JPL vs. GSFC vs. JSC), and by the ongoing activities to gain
community consensus on the nomenclature. In fact, the term “fault management” is in itself
something of a misnomer—the discipline of FM is concerned with failures in general and not
just faults (which are failure causes rooted within the system as described in section 4).
However, present use of the term “fault management” is synergistic with usage in the field of
network management, where the International Organization for Standardization1 (ISO) defines
FM as “the set of functions that detect, isolate, and correct malfunctions….” Likewise, the
above-stated goal of FM (i.e., preservation of system assets and intended system functionality in
the presence of failures) is consistent with the ISO-stated goal of having “a dependable/reliable
system in the context of faults.”
1.1 Relevance
International Organization for Standardization. Information Technology — Multimedia Middleware — Part 6:
Fault management, ISO/IEC 23004-6:2008. Geneva, 2008.
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and the targeted operating domain. Within NASA, FM is crucial to the development of crewed
and robotic systems,2 to the development of flight controls and maintenance of aircraft and
spacecraft, and to the procurement, contractual oversight, and acceptance of commercial launch
vehicles and orbital transportation services. NASA’s historical concerns regarding FM are
summarized in sections 1.1.1-1.1.4.
While FM is a necessary element of project design and SE, it is not always identified as a
system-level discipline within NASA projects. Often it is included only as an additional, loosely
defined duty for subsystem engineers, which creates cultural and organizational threats to a
cohesive and comprehensive FM (see subsequent paragraphs in this section and Appendix B).
When FM is identified as a distinct element, it has been given a variety of different titles
including Fault Protection, Health Management, Redundancy Management, Fault Detection and
Response, Safing, and others (see Appendix C). Regardless of the titles assigned in the past, the
activities required to preserve the intended system functionality and to ensure reliable operations
even in the presence of failures are similar across missions, and span the mission lifecycle (see
section 4). FM follows an SE process, addressing the off-nominal design and responses to
failures (see figure 2, FM Process as Part of SE Process). Mission and system characteristics,
such as risk posture, response latency, fault tolerance requirements, and reliability requirements,
drive the development process and the design, as described in section 4.
This handbook provides guidance for designing, developing, verifying, validating, and operating
the FM element of a system within the context of NASA program and project life cycles, which
produce derived requirements in accordance with existing systems engineering practices that
flow down through the NASA organizational hierarchy. The guidance in this handbook is not
meant to be prescriptive; instead, it is meant to be general enough to enable the reader to adapt
the process to a particular mission and to each NASA Center. During system design and
realization, FM activities take place within the context of the systems engineering technical
processes enumerated in NPR 7123.1A and shown in Figure 1.
NASA’s robotic systems include terrestrial and non-terrestrial systems including aircraft, dirigibles, submersibles,
rovers, rockets, satellites, space stations, space probes, telescopes, and other in situ platforms.
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1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Handbook is to integrate the collective knowledge and experience of FM
lessons learned and best practices across the NASA community, FFRDCs, universities, and
commercial partners, into guidance and recommendations that give footing for an Agency-wide,
disciplined approach to FM. The goals of this Handbook are to:
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• Articulate the purpose, process, work products, potential pitfalls, and recommended
practices, and take advantage of FM lessons learned for each major development
activity in the FM lifecycle – Sections 5-10, Appendix G.
This Handbook provides guidance and recommendations for defining, developing, analyzing,
evaluating, testing, and operating the FM element of flight systems. This Handbook provides a
process for developing FM throughout the lifecycle of a mission. It also provides the
fundamental concepts and terminology needed to understand the FM discipline; captures the
typical pitfalls experienced on missions when FM is not appropriately addressed; provides
exemplars for how to write FM requirements; supplies the basic building blocks of FM
architectures; provides techniques for assessing and analyzing FM designs, gives insights into
the unique needs of FM during the verification and validation (V&V) phase; addresses FM
operational considerations; and delineates reviews and evaluation criteria to ensure that a flight
system’s FM design is suitable for a mission, is staffed appropriately, and is progressing on
schedule. Where appropriate, this Handbook provides recommended work products to be
developed, technical and progress metrics, and lessons learned related to the particular
development phase. This Handbook captures high-level concepts and FM fundamentals that are
relevant to and common across all missions. Therefore, it is recommended that this Handbook
be used in conjunction with Center-specific institutional best practices documents.
1.3 Applicability
NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev. 1, Systems Engineering Handbook. Washington, DC, 2007.
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This Handbook, or portions thereof, may be referenced in contract, program, and other Agency
documents for guidance. When this Handbook contains procedural or process requirements, they
may be cited in contract, program, and other Agency documents for guidance.
This Handbook serves the needs of FM practitioners and lead engineers by coalescing collective
experience and recommended practices from across NASA and industry. However, the
information contained herein is not for FM practitioners alone. This Handbook is intended for
use by a variety of FM stakeholders during diverse program/project formulation and execution
activities. These stakeholders include the following:
• Stakeholders with management and oversight roles, e.g., program and project
management, safety & mission assurance (S&MA).
Table 1, Relevant Sections for Handbook Stakeholders, relates these stakeholders and their
activities to the relevant sections of this Handbook.
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2.1 General
The documents listed in this section are applicable to the guidance in this Handbook.
2.1.1 The latest issuances of cited documents shall apply unless specific versions are
The applicable documents are accessible via the NASA Standards and Technical Assistance
Resource Tool at or may be obtained directly from the Standards
Developing Organizations or other document distributors.
Fesq, Lorraine (ed) NASA White Paper Report: Spacecraft Fault Management
Workshop Results for the Science Mission Directorate
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The National Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics: Foundation for the Future,
Academies Press 2006
(Steering Committee for the Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics,
National Research Council)
Joint Planning and Next Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Plan
Development Office
This Handbook provides guidance for defining, developing, analyzing, evaluating, testing, and
operating FM functions of flight systems, but does not supersede nor waive established Agency
requirements/guidance found in other documentation.
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AC alternating current
ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
BFCS backup flight control system
C&W caution and warning
C3I Command, Control, Communication, and Information
CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation
CDR critical design review
CERR critical event readiness review
CFE critical failure effect
ConOps concept of operations
CONTOUR Comet Nucleus Tour
D&C display and control
DFMR design for minimum risk
EDAC error detection and correction
EDL entry, descent, and landing
ESMD Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
ET external tank
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCR failure containment region
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, and Response
FEPP failure effect propagation path
FFRDCs Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
FM fault management
FMARR fault management architecture requirements review
FMCDR fault management critical design review
FMCERR fault management critical event readiness review
FMCR fault management concept review
FMEA failure modes and effects analysis
FMECA failure modes and effects criticality analysis
FMLRR fault management launch readiness review
FMPDR fault management preliminary design review
FMTRR fault management test readiness review
FRB Failure Review Board
FRR flight readiness review
FTA fault tree analysis
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
g gravity
GN&C guidance, navigation, and control
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
HGA high gain antenna
HITL hardware-in-the-loop
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TBR To be reviewed
TRL Technology Readiness Level
TRR test readiness review
TTC time to criticality
T-VAC thermal-vacuum
V&V Verification and Validation
VHA vehicle health assurance
WIRE Wide-Field Explorer
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3.2 Definitions
Abort: The action to prematurely terminate a mission prior to reaching its mission
Critical Failure Effect: A failure effect, which if it occurs, will irrevocably compromise
one or more system objectives.
Error: The difference between the desired (ideal) state or behavior and the estimated
state or behavior.
Failure Response: An action taken to attempt to retain or regain the system’s ability to
control the system state in reaction to a failure.
Failure Tolerance: The ability to perform a function in the presence of any of a specified
number of coincident, independent failure causes of specified types.
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Fault Management: The engineering discipline that encompasses practices that enables
an operational system to contain, prevent, detect, isolate, diagnose, respond to, and recover from
conditions that may interfere with nominal mission operations.
Knowledge Error: The deviation between the estimated state and the ideal expected state.
Model Adjustment: Modifying the model of the system upon which expectations of
future states and behaviors are based.
Root Cause: In the chain of events leading to a failure, the first fault or environmental
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State: The value(s) of a set of physical or logical state variables at a specified point in
System State: The set of all states in the system at a specified point in time.
Time to Criticality: The time it takes for failure effects to propagate from the failure
mode to the critical failure effect.
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The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the FM process that should be a part of
any NASA flight program. This section provides a standard process in terms of a set of
terminology and work products to properly develop FM capabilities. Key activities that are part
of the FM process include conceptual design development, requirements development,
architecture and design, assessment and analysis, V&V, and operations and maintenance. An
overview of each of these activities is provided in this section, followed by detailed descriptions
in the subsequent sections of this Handbook.
Table 3 provides an overview of the mission phases as well as the associated reviews that require
FM participation; FM-specific reviews are discussed in detail in section 8.
Recommended Practice: FM matures in parallel with the nominal system and subsystems
developments. The FM function cannot wait until the system is defined and be added post-facto.
FM matures in parallel with the system and subsystems.
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Fault Management Development Process
Pre-Phase A: Phase A: Phase B: Phase C: Phase D: Phase E:
Concept Studies Concept & Tech Development Preliminary Design & Tech Completion Final Design & Fabrication System Assy, Integration, Test, & Launch Ops & Sustainment
Conceptual Design Development Architecture & Design
[section 4.2.1] [sections 4.2.3, 6]
Outputs Outputs
! " FM Concept Document ! " FM Architecture Document
! " FM Dev & Analysis Plan ! " FM Design Spec/Document
! " FM Tech Plan/Assessment
FM Process
! " FM Formal Document
FM Review
Other Systems Engineering PRA/FTA/ESD/ETA
Mission Technical Concept Hazard Analysis Subsystems Operations
Mission Requirements Fault & Failure Containment Region Analysis Subsystem Requirements Concept of Operations
System Definition Failure Response Analysis Subsystem Design Contingency Procedures
SMA Requirements
Risk Classification
Trade Study Results
External Interfaces
Figure 2—FM Process as Part of SE Process
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4.1 Activities
FM conceptual design occurs in pre-phase A or early in phase A and is an iterative process that
takes place simultaneously with, and is dependent on, the definition of mission requirements to
ensure the customer’s needs are met. The first step in the conceptual design is to define the FM
boundary or scope, and to ensure that the size and complexity of the FM system matches the
available resources and risk posture for the mission. The FM boundary is defined in the FM
Concept Document and should encompass all elements of the system (i.e., hardware, software,
and operations), all phases of the mission, all aspects of operating the system, the environment
within which the system is required to operate, and the risk posture for the mission. All FM
requirements should be cleanly derived from and traced back to the mission concept and risk
assumptions outlined in the FM Concept Document.
The FM Concept Document is also used to provide a guiding focus for FM team members as
well as to get buy-in on the FM ConOps from project management. The FM Concept Document
contains the FM design principles that describe how FM will be applied, specifically to the given
mission. The FM lead engineer develops FM ConOps and design principles by conducting
science and engineering trade studies to develop a conceptual FM design that will be capable of
detecting, preventing, correcting, and recovering from anomalies and failures that affect the
ability to meet the mission goals and objectives of the customer within the resource constraints
of the mission. The FM lead engineer works closely with system and subsystem engineers as
they develop their requirements, conceptual design, and architecture in order to develop the FM
requirements, conceptual design, and architecture in parallel. As programmatic assumptions
and/or the development of mission requirements are refined, the conceptual FM design may
undergo modifications. The conceptual-design development activity results in a baseline mission
FM architecture that meets the goals and objectives of the mission and is capable of being
implemented within the resources allocated to the project. Examples of the types of design
principles that should be covered in the FM Concept Document include the sections that follow.
The first component of an FM philosophy is a complete analysis of the key mission design
characteristics in order to identify unique mission challenges and unique advantages. Capturing
distinctive mission design elements is critical in successful systems development, since it focuses
the engineering team’s mind on what needs to be done differently in comparison to past
missions. At the same time, capturing the mission’s risk category and approach ensures that FM
will provide all required, and no unnecessary, risk mitigations.
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Critical events refer to planned mission events (e.g., launch, orbit insertion, flybys, docking) or
unexpected failure conditions that require a timely response to preserve level 1 mission science
and/or the spacecraft itself (and a crew, if applicable). These events usually require a fail-
operational response from onboard FM (as opposed to a fail-safe response). Compiling the list
of critical events and understanding the constraints imposed by these events is important since
the design of FM is driven by the need to survive these critical events.
One of the most common methods to reduce mission risk (or improve mission reliability) is to
add redundancy. Most often, redundancy is thought of in terms of hardware; however,
functional/analytic and information redundancy should be considered. All NASA-sponsored
missions with space payloads are required to adhere to the NASA Procedural Requirements
(NPR) 8705.4, Risk Classification for NASA Payloads, which provides general guidance on the
acceptability of single-point failure based on the mission risk classification. While guidance on
single-point failures implies some direction on redundancy, the document leaves it to the
engineering team to decide how best to implement redundancy requirements. The FM lead
engineer uses the NPR as guidance regarding whether the mission will be fully redundant,
selectively redundant, or non-redundant (i.e., single string); using trade studies, the FM lead
engineer determines whether hardware, functional/analytic, or information redundancy is
acceptable and, for hardware redundancy, determines the required level of cross strapping
between components.
The spacecraft safing strategy is perhaps the most important design decision that the FM lead
engineer makes to reduce mission risk. The term “safing” refers to a goal change from the
current mission goal to another set of usually degraded goals (preserving some goals while
jettisoning others) in order to preserve system assets. Depending on the type of mission, safing
could be autonomous, ground initiated, or crew initiated. The safing strategy should present the
following information to guide the FM system development process: 1) the safing strategy
should clearly present the safe mode(s) and objectives; 2) the safing strategy should clearly state
what classes of failure causes are expected to result in safing; 3) the strategy should show how a
safing response will “safe” the vehicle from all identifiable situations, such as loss of attitude or
loss of power, regardless of the cause, and even when faults cannot be hypothesized to cause
these situations; 4) the safing strategy should show that “safety shall not be compromised” by the
same credible fault that led to Safe [Mode] activation.4 Further, it is important to realize that for
each of these cases, there is an implied requirement on the operations team to be capable of
diagnosing and recovering from these cases.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. GSFC-STD-1000E, Rules for the Design, Development, Verification, and
Operation of Flight Systems. Greenbelt, MD, 2009. Rule No. 1.17.
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Pitfall: Projects often fail to adequately define and communicate mission attributes/concepts
and function-preservation goals as a guiding philosophy. As lower level FM decisions are
made, they need to be made within the context of guiding FM philosophy and principles.
Pitfall: Inheriting an FM system from a mission with a different level of complexity. FM
systems typically experience significant growth in complexity and cost late in the development
cycle, often late enough to result in launch delays or delayed completion of all FM capabilities
after launch. In particular, selecting a heritage system from a more complex mission for
inheritance beyond the architecture level, or possibly design level, on a less complex mission
may have unintended consequences on implementation, test, and operations. The time to analyze
code or hardware paths may be significantly increased. The availability of options in the
inherited approach may lead to acceptance of increased and unnecessary complexity. Even
assumptions intended to simplify implementation and verification (e.g., stubbing out unnecessary
paths) can actually increase the overall implementation resource requirements (e.g., by
requiring additional verification to prove that all unnecessary or invalid responses have been
adequately removed and that unwanted paths could not unintentionally be invoked).
If any new technology is identified during the FM conceptual design development, the FM lead
engineer documents it in the FM Technology Plan/Assessment. This new technology could be in
the form of new FM technology required to protect mission functionality or new technology that
supports FM development. This document defines the process for utilizing a new technology in
the FM system or development. The assessment should include the technology descriptions, the
plan to mature the technologies to technology readiness level (TRL) 6 by the PDR and fallback
plans in the event the technologies do not reach TRL 6 by PDR.
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FM requirements development begins in phase A, with final requirements being completed prior
to the CDR. The FM requirements development/definition activity draws from the mission
requirements that are derived by the Mission System Engineer (MSE) during the proposal phase
as well as the S&MA requirements. The FM lead engineer, with the support of the SE team,
examines initial project information to assess customer need and intent. FM requirements should
be captured in the FM Requirements Document, which should present the FM requirements as a
set of clear and concise mission-level engineering requirements allocated to systems (i.e., flight,
ground, payload, and launch vehicle), and subsystems (i.e., hardware, software, mission
operations, and crew, where appropriate).
The development of the FM requirements is an iterative process that takes place simultaneously
with, and is dependent on, the development of the mission technical concept, the FM concept,
and the fault tolerance, safety, reliability, and availability requirements. FM requirements are
developed, analyzed, and refined by using the output of scenario analysis, operational mode
development, fault analysis (usually begun in phase A and refined throughout phases B and C),
and mission science and engineering trade studies. The input of these outside sources are used to
formulate a series of mission-level FM requirements (see figure 3, Example FM Requirements
Document Sections and Relationships to External Documents); these requirements usually begin
with “The mission shall…” and define situations for which FM is responsible, the potentially bad
things that should not happen, and the principles of the FM architecture developed in phase A.
The requirements should not be one-to-one with faults identified in the FMEA process; rather,
they should strive to demonstrate a reduction of potential faults into a smaller “failure symptom
set” of required activities that the FM has to perform, required situations the system has to
survive that handle all faults and failures in the analysis, and specific functions that are being
protected/preserved without regard to the set of potential failure causes. In addition,
requirements should not just be developed directly from the failure modes and effects analysis.
Instead, requirements should describe a system-wide “safety net” that handles situations missed
by failure modes and effects analyses. These “safety net” requirements may come from scenario
analysis, operational mode development, engineering judgment, and lessons learned, but the
primary driver for a “safety net” is the set of system functions that have to be preserved for a
given mission/system. Finally, the FM lead engineer should consider requirements for test
capabilities (e.g., fault injection in flight hardware and test benches) to ensure that test
environments accommodate verification of individual FM software modules and failure scenario
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Mission SMA
Requirements Document Requirements Document
FM Requirements Document
Critical Sequences
FM Requirements
Single Point Failure Exemption List /
Fault Tolerance List Launch Vehicle Payload FM Ground Flight
FM Requirements Requirements FM Requirements FM Requirements
Power FM Req.
MOPs FM Req.
Vehicle Health MOPs Flight Rules SW CSCI Reqs
Mgmt Spec & Constraints
HW Specs
Once the mission-level FM requirements are developed, they are further broken down and,
allocated to the various systems (e.g., flight, ground, payload), and then allocated to subsystems.
The allocation of lower level FM requirements may be in whole (where one area takes full
responsibility for the requirement) or in part (where multiple areas are required to take ownership
in which the whole of all parts addresses the system-level requirement). During the allocation
activity, the FM lead engineer works with other leads to determine the best and least risk area to
take each requirement. Waiting too long to do this activity may deny allocation of requirements
to certain areas, resulting in a less than optimal application of the prior FM experience and
knowledge to the system design.
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The FM lead engineer begins developing the overall FM functions within the system in phase B,
with the final design being completed prior to CDR. The development of the preliminary FM
architecture and design is an iterative process that takes place simultaneously with, and is
dependent on, the refinement of the FM requirements and the nominal system architecture and
design. This activity results in refined technical FM functions within the system with the
functionality and performance necessary to meet the goals and objectives of the mission within
the resources allocated to the project.
During phase B, the preliminary design serves to expose the effects of multiple requirements
interacting/interfering with one another (or otherwise negatively affecting the rest of the system)
and to help define the mission ConOps. Under the direction of the FM lead engineer, functional
analysis is performed and FM activities are allocated to transform the conceptual design
developed in phase A into a technical system. The FM design process refines the FM
requirements into a design that describes how failure conditions will be identified and what
recovery steps will be taken. The FM lead engineer works with the SE and design teams to
determine how each FM requirement should be implemented. This process may uncover
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Pitfall: Failure to consider test fidelity and resources early on in design planning. When
planning for an FM design, test platforms, a"sufficient"number"of"test"platforms"and"adequate"
systems"fidelity"have"to"be"planned"early"in"the"program"because"designing and building test
assets takes time, and they need to be ready for early flight software testing. If it is discovered
that there are inadequate test assets and fidelity at FM testing, it may be too late to avert a major
schedule delay and cost growth. Suggestion: Build extra test assets and maximize fidelity as
experience has shown that it will be used during the FM test “hump.”
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lesson Learned #0345) Mars Observer (MO), lack of system-level
fault testing. “From the analyses performed after the MO mission failure, it became apparent
that the MO fault protection suffered from a lack of top-down SE in approach and design. Most
fault protection was in the category of low-level redundancy management. It was also
determined that the MO fault protection software was never tested on the flight spacecraft before
launch. Design fault protection to detect and respond to excessive attitude control errors, use
reaction control system (RCS) thrusters to control these errors, and always test fault protection
software on the flight spacecraft before launch.”
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lesson Learned #1063) Lack of top-down SE in FM design
introduces risk. Lack of SE in the International Space Station (ISS) caution and warning (C&W)
system design resulted in initiating a high-priority SE review of the C&W system to define a path
for development and implementation of fully integrated alarm, situation assessment,
countermeasure functions, and crew actions.
The FM detailed design is finalized during phase C and consists of the allocation of FM
functions to the different areas of the system and the proof that this allocation works at the
system-level to lower the applicable risks of the overall system (e.g., risks of loss of mission
(LOM) or loss of crew (LOC)). The detailed FM design is captured in the FM Design
Specification/FM Design Document. Throughout phase C, the fidelity of the FM Design
Specification/FM Design Document increases from descriptions of high-level interactions (i.e.,
between subsystems or between subsystem and ground) to detailed diagrams describing
coordinated activities in terms of system/component states and detection, isolation, and
reconfiguration schemes/algorithms for addressing faults and failures. The focus of this design
activity is to identify adverse interactions, to define a system-level design that can implement the
FM requirements, and to determine the adequacy of FM coverage. Ideally, the FM lead engineer
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should “drive” the overall design and has ownership of the FM design. However, it is
recognized that FM is a distributed function and that there will be overlap between information
in the FM Design Specification/FM Design Document and individual subsystem specifications;
however, these individual subsystem specifications should obtain information from and reference
the FM Design Specification/FM Design Document.
To complete the FM detailed design, several existing products are updated based on the
maturation of the overall design and several new products have to be created to capture all the
activities of the planned FM system.
First, the fault analysis (e.g., FMEA) and scenario analysis (e.g., PRA) are refined based on
modifications within the flight system and the FM Analysis Products associated with the “as-
designed” system are created; this enables the revisiting of the single point failure (SPF)
exemptions list/design for minimum risk (DFMR) list (or the fault tolerance list in the case of
single string or limited redundancy system architectures), which should be finalized prior to the
mission/project CDR.
Second, the FM Requirements Document is revised based on new fault/scenario analysis, new
requirements, and/or increasing maturity of the FM concept. All allocation requirement sections
within that document should be completed such that all mission-level FM requirements have
been fully allocated to systems, and all systems-level FM requirements have been fully allocated
to subsystems.
Third, modeling the system functions in a top-level fault tree or success tree and identifying the
functional locations of the FM mechanisms, provides a means to assess the completeness of the
FM design. The redundancy mechanisms identified in the tree specify the types of failures and
faults that the FM mitigates, and just as importantly, cannot mitigate. When probabilistically
summed, this provides a way for the FM practitioner to support the system probabilistic risk
assessment (PRA). This information is needed by the system chief engineer and project manager
to determine what risks are being mitigated by FM, and just as important, what risks are not
being addressed by the current design.
Finally, the FM Design Specification/FM Design Document is updated with detailed descriptions
and diagrams of the failure monitors and responses (if this approach is taken) and includes the
assumptions, failure potential, potential hidden states within each design description,
monitor/response prioritization (if applicable), and isolation and interaction prevention logic.
The document contains the safing/abort design description, failure detection, isolation, and
recovery algorithms, time critical sequences design descriptions, ConOps for the use of
redundancy, and ConOps for pre-launch, ascent, post-launch and ground interaction, including
diagnostics, repair, and recovery strategies, as appropriate.
Teams and individuals outside the FM team implement the majority of FM requirements, thus
the act of forming a system-level FM design is a difficult activity with interaction between the
FM team and other design and implementations teams. Again, it is difficult to avoid duplicate
information with a distributed system, but the FM documentation (i.e., FM Requirements
Document and FM Design Specification/FM Design Document) takes precedence and subsystem
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documentation should refer to and reference the FM documentation. To ensure the success of
the FM design and ensure that design and implementations of allocated FM requirements are
suitable, the FM lead engineer has to perform oversight of the design and implementation of FM
within all the allocated areas of the system. This oversight activity, which starts in phase C and
continues until the implementation is complete, is a difficult and active role similar to the role
defined in phase A of driving the architecture toward lower risk.
In this role, the FM lead engineer strives to understand the designs and implementations of
allocated FM requirements sufficiently to do the following:
a. Question the implementations.
b. Understand the ramifications of the implementation on the system-level FM design.
c. Search for potential hazardous interactions between subsystem and system designs.
For example, many times subsystem leads cannot implement their subsystems as the FM
requirements intended (e.g., due to cost, schedule, or technology limitations). Another example
is the creation of new failure modes or revelation of new vulnerabilities based on the design or
implementation of subsystems. In any case, performing oversight means the FM lead engineer
has to actively work to provide the downstream effect of the design/implementation decisions,
potentially define a new design/implementation that provides less risk at the system level, or take
on new requirements to modify the FM concept and refer the potential change(s) to engineering
review boards to discuss and approve cost and schedule changes.
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Assessment and analysis supporting the FM effort may be performed by the FM team or by other
teams depending on the project organization. A number of different analyses (including, but not
limited to those listed in table 7, Summary of Inputs/Outputs of the Assessment and Analysis
Activity) are used during the conceptual design development, requirements development, and
preliminary design in phases A–C to identify possible faults/failures to be protected against and
to identify possible response interactions or responses that may negatively impact another part of
the system. Many of these analyses are iterative processes that take place simultaneously with,
and are dependent on, the development of the mission technical concept and the FM conceptual
design; these analyses are continually refined as more information about the system becomes
available. The results of these analyses are used by the FM lead engineer to assist in the
development of the requirements and the preliminary FM design.
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To answer these questions, the FM lead engineer relies on assessment and analysis products to
develop an understanding of failure scenarios as they propagate through the system. Various
tools and techniques can be used to do the following:
This information allows the FM lead engineer to focus on failures that can propagate outside a
system boundary, prioritize limited resources (both processes and development), and devise
mitigations to alleviate identified concerns. These tools can also be used to reassess the
implemented FM functions through updating with failure data discovered in test or on-orbit.
Table 7 provides a summary of the inputs (i.e., documents, products, and activities) that feed into
the assessment and analysis activities as well as the outputs (i.e., documents, products, and
activities) of the assessment and analysis activity.
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The FM V&V activity is started early in phase B and continues through phase D. In general, the
FM lead engineer is responsible for the performance of the V&V of the system-level FM
requirements and has oversight of the FM requirements allocated to various systems and
subsystems. For the V&V of allocated requirements, the FM lead engineer has to evaluate the
planning and procedures of the teams implementing the FM requirements and executing the
The FM V&V Plan addresses the approach and risk posture to be taken for FM V&V. The plan
documents guidelines, goals, and process steps for FM V&V actions. The planning effort should
include test planning, plans for simulator development, test-bed certification, and identification
of test assets and required fidelity. One important part of this definition is the identification and
development of the FM Incompressible Test List (usually included in the FM V&V Plan). This
list is a set of FM V&V actions that focuses on validating the core functionality of the FM
system through realistic scenarios performed at the highest level of integration and defines the
agreement between project management and FM on a list of tests that have to be completed
successfully prior to launch. The incompressible test list may include both system and
subsystem-level tests and defines the test venue (e.g., system, test bed, high fidelity simulator).
It should be noted that the incompressible test list referred to here is the FM part of the overall
project incompressible test list.
Additional support documentation is generated as part of the FM V&V process. First, the FM
Verification Matrix describes the verification method(s) for each requirement and is created
based on the completed FM Requirements Document. This matrix becomes the checklist for the
FM lead engineer to ensure that all requirements have been verified. The verification method
should specify who (NASA, contractor, etc.) is responsible for the test, what is needed for the
test, and in what test bed or environment the test is to be performed. Second, the FM Validation
Matrix is used to determine the set of failure scenarios and the validation method(s) for each
failure scenario. Finally, for V&V performed by test or demonstration (at the system-level), 1)
test procedures are developed with regard to the "Test what you fly, fly what you test" best
practice, and 2) after test execution, test results are analyzed to determine if re-testing or
regression testing is necessary and test reports are written. For V&V performed by analysis or
inspection (at the system-level), reports or memos are written. Once the V&V assessment is
complete, the FM lead engineer ensures that the V&V matrices are completed with the results of
the V&V actions. At this point, the FM lead engineer determines and documents any necessary
design changes or requirement waivers.
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Table 8, Summary of Inputs/Outputs of the V&V Activity, provides a summary of the inputs
(i.e., documents, products, and activities) that feed into the V&V activities as well as the outputs
(i.e., documents, products, and activities) of the V&V activity.
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Starting in phase A and continuing through phase C, the FM lead engineer works with operations
staff to enumerate operational constraints and procedures that flow from the FM design or that
will affect the FM requirements. By doing this, the FM lead engineer can understand the scope
of the FM operations effort and can begin to understand the level of complexity and operability
being imposed on operations. Conversely, operability considerations should flow back to the
FM design as well as the overall system design. In addition, performing this activity in
phases A-C enables the entire FM design (flight and ground) to be developed at the same time,
enabling efficiency while also minimizing the possibility of design gaps. The FM lead engineer
works with operations staff to develop detailed operations constraints and contingency
procedures that implement the requirements allocated to ground and flight operations. Typically,
contingency procedures are work products owned by the operations team; however, the FM team
has significant input into these procedures and works with the operations team on their
development. The development of the contingency procedures is an iterative design activity that
uses the FM Requirements Document, FM Design Specification/FM Design Document, and
engineering judgment to produce line-by-line procedures for interacting with the system during
an unplanned or off-nominal event. The development of contingency procedures should start in
phase C and may last into the early parts of phase E, if project schedules allow procedures and
constraints required for later mission activities to be finalized during phase E. For ground
operations and flight crew operations, these plans also include maintenance and repair
procedures, including diagnostics as applicable to the system.
In phase D, the operations portion of the FM design can be completed in detail due to the
increased fidelity of the implementation as well as complete command/telemetry dictionaries;
and the FM team can complete the preparation of the FM system for operations. The FM team
captures the day-to-day operation of the FM system from the vehicle operator’s point-of-view in
the FM Operations Plan. This plan addresses all mission phases, sequences, and modes when the
FM system is used (e.g., pre-launch, launch, post-launch flight); FM transitions resulting from
changes of phases, sequences, and modes; what needs to be done to perform check-out of the FM
system; and plans for how to recover from safe modes or other off-nominal situations.
Finally, during phase E, the FM lead engineer supports activities, such as flight testing,
calibration support, health and status monitoring, command script support, data handling support,
and general support of science and program activities. The FM lead engineer is also involved
with diagnosis and response to critical on-orbit anomalies and failures with the goal being to
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support mission operations with solutions during off-nominal situations and gradually transfer
oversight of FM from the FM team to the operations team.
As described in detail in the previous sections, various work products are developed during the
FM process to support and describe the overall FM process. Table 10, FM Work Products,
provides a list of work products to be produced during the various phases of the FM process.
Not all of the work products listed in table 10 will be produced for a given mission. The risk
posture of the mission drives the FM complexity and formality and, therefore, the cost and
schedule. In addition, the document tree for a given project/program may dictate whether an FM
work product is a separate document or is included as a part of another system-level document.
It is recommended that projects have dedicated FM staffing in phase A. However, depending on
the size of the program, the FM lead engineering position may not be staffed until phase B; in
this case, phase A work products would be performed by a systems engineer.
Although the FM Design Specification/FM Design Document and the FM Requirement Document are shown as
inputs to the operations and maintenance activity, FM interacts with operations early in the FM process during both
the development of the FM concept and FM requirements.
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Pitfall: Budget and schedule deficiencies. Failure to adequately budget and schedule for
documentation, reviews, and spacecraft-level test preparation resources can lead to FM lagging
the rest of the design instead of maturing in parallel with the system and subsystems. Addressing
FM after the nominal system has been designed forces the FM system to become an added-on
capability (which results in brittle designs that are difficult to test) rather than an integral part of
the system.
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Note that the FM team may not be the developers of specific test
procedures or perform the identified analyses, but in these cases,
the FM team should have oversight of the test procedure
generation process, and signature authority on the relevant
procedures and analysis reports.
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There is a saying that a project is no better than its requirements. Vague FM requirements are
particularly problematic, because of the immaturity of the discipline and its historically
inconsistent assumptions and expectations. Experience in robotic missions and reports in NASA
Lessons Learned have shown that vague requirements carry the risk of omissions, inconsistent
assumptions, and fragmented interpretation and implementation throughout the flow-down. In
contrast, explicit, detailed FM requirements enables a clean, consistent flow-down and
interpretation which allows for less design iterations, less disconnects and a more efficient V&V
process resulting in lower lifecycle costs, and higher availability and robustness. Incomplete
top-level FM requirements can force lower level subsystems and projects to make assumptions
about key aspects of FM, posing a risk to the program level product (e.g., in terms of cost,
schedule, safety and robustness). This section identifies some requirement categories to illustrate
the breadth of issues that should be addressed. FM practitioners can use these recommendations
and examples to develop better up-front FM requirements, which will facilitate a smoother and
more deterministic FM implementation, with ultimately better coverage and effectiveness.
The requirements and lessons learned captured in this section are collected from past NASA
projects, and can help engineers and project managers assess the completeness and adequacy of
their FM requirements. This section contains recommended FM requirements by describing
example requirements, requirement types and rationale with some FM requirement flow down,
based on other FM-intensive NASA projects. Note that this Handbook does not address the
specific tailoring needed for any single program/project. The FM practitioner cannot simply cut
and paste the example requirements shown here or from any other source. Actual requirements
development requires a great deal of thinking, deliberation, and working through scenarios,
implementations, and mission objectives (note, refer to section 6.1 for an overall mission risk
posture and related requirement impacts discussion).
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Know the top-level mission class, risk posture (see section 6.1) and baseline assumptions on
what the FM design is supposed to do; if that is not known, have discussions with program
management and system engineers to build an initial consensus factoring in mission class,
duration, critical events, and autonomous periods without ground contacts (if un-crewed). If
other team members are not familiar with FM, a historical tutorial can help educate them. The
FM risk posture should be consistent with allocated or at least available resources of all types:
Personnel, budget, test beds, development, test time, etc.
Recommended Practice: Derive FM requirements from the mission concept and mission risk
posture. The FM requirements have to be clearly derived from the mission concept and risk
posture and signed off at all levels, to control “requirements creep” as the project nears
operation. Architecture and design decisions should trace directly to the FM requirements,
based on a careful consideration of the complete FM life cycle.
Most missions have heritage analogs, either in mission class and objectives or in specific
hardware and software. Research similar mission requirements and evaluate them for
completeness or holes. Note older missions tend to have fewer FM requirements than newer
missions, mostly because the discipline is still maturing. Also, note that even if there is a
heritage mission in terms of hardware and/or software that does not mean the heritage is
applicable for the new mission. Early FM reviews should include heritage reviews in parallel or
shortly after requirements are written (and before requirements are locked down) to ensure
applicability. If a mission has new areas without precedent, focus extra effort in making sure the
FM aspect and perspective of any areas are covered sufficiently.
Pitfall: Be careful of heritage requirements. It is recommended to have centralized, top-down
FM requirements defined in response to a mission’s risk posture and unique objectives (as
opposed to inheriting FM requirements without re-analysis); inherited requirements tend to be
ill-fitted to new missions, and alone, bottom-up requirements development tends toward a
disorganized set of distributed requirements with a difficult implementation, V&V, and ultimately
performance shortfalls.
Next make an FM category list (see table 11, FM Requirement Categories) and expand it into
subcategories until a list of candidate requirements is produced. As mentioned previously, it is
typical to use other mission’s example FM requirements and categories to initiate this process.
In order to determine and evaluate the FM requirements, the first step is to look for gaps while
reviewing the categories and functional areas. Second, consider the system design. Think of all
the hardware and software: What if it failed and what hardware, software, and functional
redundancy are required? On this note, it is good to have FM architecture functional analysis at
least started to aid in writing FM requirements. Finally, ensure that institutional policies,
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When a set of FM requirements has been written, a checklist of things to consider when writing
FM requirements is provided in the next sections. (Adapted from the NASA SE Handbook,
Appendix C: How to Write a Good Requirement—a reiteration of the requirements validation
checklist but populated with FM unique content instead of general system engineering content.)6 Clarity
Ensure FM requirements have one unique concept per requirement, as combination requirements
are hard to split out at V&V time.
FM requirements are complex and the process of capturing all requirement rationales can be
difficult as rationale paragraphs often get lost in requirements tools. However, the information is
important and should be captured. With definitions used internally to a requirement (e.g., critical
units), it is recommended that those be in-line with the requirement; or if there are many
definitions, a separate glossary can be maintained. The risk is that a casual review will miss the
subtleties of the term without the short explanation at the same place.
If all failure causes are the subject of a requirement, then the phrase “failure causes” should be
used in writing the requirement instead of “faults.” If the requirement pertains to internal causes,
then the word “fault” is appropriate. Completeness
b. Capture TBD (To be Determined) and TBR (To be Reviewed) items in a complete
listing maintained with the requirements. For example, if a system is being designed around a
top-level critical, limiting constraint in a fault scenario such as power, rates, or thermal
constraints, perform systems iteration as the design progresses. Compliance
Also, see the NASA SE Handbook, sections 4.2 (Technical Requirements Definition) and 4.2 (Requirements
47 of 203
DRAFT 2—NASA-HDBK-1002—APRIL 2, 2012 Consistency Traceability Correctness
a. Are the FM requirements technically feasible given the program budget, schedule,
and risk posture? Functionality
Are all the FM functions covered? At a minimum, failure detection, fault isolation (location),
containment and response should be covered (see section 4.2 for a list of recommended FM
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a. Are all required FM performance specifications and margins listed (e.g., consider
timing, throughput, storage size, latency, accuracy, and precision)?
c. Are the tolerances overly tight or overly loose? Are the tolerances defendable and
cost-effective? Ask, “What is the worst thing that could happen if the required tolerance,
persistence, or threshold was doubled or tripled?” Also ask, “What is the worst thing that could
happen if the required tolerance, persistence, or threshold was one half or one tenth?” Interfaces
Are all the FM interfaces covered? Applicable items are FM hardware and software interfaces,
FM Command, Control, Communication, and Information (C3I) interfaces, as well as test and
operational interfaces. Maintainability
Are there FM requirements for maintainability, be it flight code, ground procedures, threshold
analysis models, or test files and revalidation scripts? This is particularly applicable for long
duration missions or a product line that is gradually modified over time (e.g., components
becoming obsolete or unavailable and so replaced with newer components or designs—the FM
implications of a seemingly small change may be disproportionately large). Verifiability
Ensure the FM requirements are verifiable. It is recommended to think of and document the
V&V venue and method while writing and revising the FM requirements, as this will avoid
rework later.
FM requirements can be organized into categories for assessment, discussion, and understanding.
Table 11, FM Requirements Categories, displays a set of FM requirement categories that can be
used by programs and projects to assist in the determination of requirements completeness.7
There are more categories and a lower level of subcategories, but the list shown in table 11 is an
adequate set showing the typical areas of concern with respect to FM requirements. This set of
requirements categories can also be used to develop a checklist to support the goal of
requirements completeness.
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allow for less design iterations and disconnects, as well as a more efficient V&V process.
Implicit or general requirements are not recommended as lower levels and subsystems may
interpret these requirements in different ways, causing mismatched expectations, inconsistent
implementations, and high likelihoods of missed functionality, which introduce a high level of
risk to overall mission success.
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Category Included Topics Comments
2.5 Failure Effect Failure effect propagation also relates to the fail
Propagation safe and failure tolerance categories, but it is
important to have baseline requirements on what
failure effects are allowed to be since it can
affect the design.
2.6 Fault Isolation Refer to Topic 2.4 in this table.
2.7 Failure Mitigation
2.8 Failure Notification Relates to messages about critical failure
conditions and system responses
2.9 Fault Prevention
2.10 Failure Response Responses retain (masking) functionality,
(Recovery, recover functionality, or change system goals to
Reconfiguration) achievable objectives.
Performance 3.1 False Negatives
(Undetected Faults)
3.2 False Positives False positives (or false triggers) focus on the
mitigations and levels of robustness against false
positives, i.e., accidental triggering of fault
monitors. Most missions have this occur at least
once. How it is dealt with can be as important
to mission success as other key aspects. Note
there is a related opposite category, false
negatives (undetected failures).
3.3 Acceptable Failure Sub-category of failure tolerance which includes
Effects the subset of design features where acceptable
failure effects for cases that can have a wide
variety of acceptable outcomes from a given
standpoint, may have tight constraints from a
mission perspective or other considerations.
3.4 Availability Places time constraints on system safing modes
and recovery responses.
3.5 Consumables Knowing upfront what the allowable
consumable depletion is in the presence of a
fault can often be a key design driver in the
sizing of consumable tanks, batteries, and cycle
3.6 Degraded Safing modes, changed system goals
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Category Included Topics Comments
3.7 Do No Harm Ensuring that FM design mechanisms improve
reliability, and do not create conditions worse
than the failure effects that they mitigate
3.8 Irreversible Action
3.9 Operability This category includes only the subset of design
features that affect operability. An FM
implementation can meet all requirements but be
very difficult to operate (in terms of prediction,
reconstruction, real time, and non-real time
telemetry) without clear requirements on
operability. An operations section is not
required, but it serves as a place to formalize
expectations in FM operations.
3.10 Reliability One of the drivers of required risk levels.
Design 4.1 Design Feature Design feature is a category for any requirement
that places a specific FM design requirement on
the design. For larger distributed projects with
contracted-out FM implementation, this is a
good way to set specific expectations of the FM
design, which can prevent much unnecessary
and possibly prolonged contract re-negotiations
as well as ambiguous or unclear expectations as
to what feature the customer is expecting from
the FM implementation.
4.2 Response Time This category focuses on response time—or
TTC for any area of the FM design.
4.3 Safe Mode
4.4 Sanity Checking
4.5 Degrade Modes Degraded modes include the safe mode
example. Safe mode is a core FM defined safety
mode for most unmanned missions and
unmanned mission phases, but can also apply to
manned phases and other degraded modes.
4.6 Fault Containment Limits the effects of FEPPs within computing
Regions—Software systems
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Category Included Topics Comments
4.7 Fault Containment This category includes the subset of design
features that address fault containment; i.e., the
identification of FCRs and the requirement for
containment of complex failure conditions.
Note this is effectively a sub category of Failure
4.8 Time to Criticality FM mitigations have to operate faster than the
TTC for each function to be protected.
4.9 Parameter This category includes only the subset of design
Determination features that affect the determination of FM
parameters, which can include threshold,
persistence, mode, phase, and hardware
configuration dependency.
Process 5.1 Analysis Analysis requirements ideally should be part of
an FM planning or practices document, but if
that is not a contract deliverable, it can be better
to formalize them as requirements.
5.2 Operations An operations section is not required, but it
serves as a place to formalize expectations in
FM operations.
5.3 Testing A test section is not required, but it serves as a
place to formalize initial expectations in FM
Pitfall: Requirements Formulation. It is important to know if a set of requirements appears to
be incomplete based on historical precedence. Some questions to ask in determining
• Is the number of top-level FM requirements less than expected when compared to
other programs/projects of similar size/complexity?
• Are the FM requirements spread out among multiple documents?
• Are the FM requirements vague, ambiguous, too general, implicit, or abstract?
• Do most of the lower level FM requirements have insufficient detail and is flow-down
• Do the FM requirements address all of the FM functions? If not, they are likely
missing something.
Some key FM requirement categories are high-level fault tolerance policy, aspects of overall
reliability, required functionality in the presence of a failure, redundancy management
guidelines/approaches, failure effect propagation, allocation of fault classes (e.g., flight versus
ground, random part failure, operator faults, design faults, transient versus permanent failures),
use of redundant hardware, fault containment (see section 5.1).
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Recommendation: The project FM requirement set should include key aspects of off-nominal
strategy. Some examples are as follows:
• What is the required functionality in the presence of a failure?
• What is the required response time given TTC (e.g., 0.1 sec, 1 sec, 1 orbit) for various
• What are the performance requirements in the presence of a failure?
Refer to section 5.1 above for a list of FM requirement categories that can help identify
requirement deficiencies and omissions in the requirement set.
The existence of an appropriately broad set of FM requirements is proof that the necessary
thought has been put into the preliminary design, the development of the architectural principles,
and nominal/off-nominal ConOps. Absence of this broad set indicates that design and analysis
areas may be under-explored.
This section focuses on identifying key driving requirements. While section 5.2 discussed key
requirements in many different areas, what sets this list apart as a noteworthy subset is that these
few requirements completely drive the system design, the FM architecture as implemented in
hardware, software, and operations.
Table 12, FM Mission Classes and Requirement Considerations, lists some FM requirement
considerations of various mission classes (refer to section 6.1 for additional discussion).
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Table 13, FM Driving Requirement Areas and Examples, provides some of the typical driving
FM requirements. This is not necessarily complete and does not account for unique project type
requirements, but provides insights into driving requirements identified on numerous missions of
various mission classes.
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Pitfall: Writing a small number of general high-level (or implicit) FM requirements (e.g.,
“protect against faults,” or “do FM”) in order to provide an implementer (i.e., a supplier or an
in-house development team) with greater design freedom. While seeming like a way to reduce
paperwork or to allow designers to design unencumbered, it has many downsides, such as the
• Causing open-ended designs that can arbitrarily be declared finished, when, in fact
the product is substandard. This can be especially difficult when projects are
contracted out and resources are tight. The converse can also be true (typically with
lower-mission classes). Poorly defined limits on the desired fault tolerance can allow
designers to over-design, and end up with a system that is more complex or costly
than strictly necessary to meet mission needs.
• Subsystem design implementations can become inconsistent and may not work
together or with the system FM design. The resulting interface and behavioral issues
are usually only caught in system test, when the cost for making changes to the design
is much more severe than in the design phase.
Also, note a type of general requirement is a vague requirement. It may have more detail than a
typical “general requirement,” but a vague requirement can have many different, equally valid,
interpretations. The example “protect against faults” does not define what a fault is, whether it
includes environmental effects, such as SEUs, and whether it is single- or multiple-fault tolerant.
Any of a number of solutions could be designed which meet this vague requirement.
Pitfall: Requirements are too specific. Writing too many low-level specific FM requirements
(e.g., “have a monitor X with response Y”) in order to give an implementer (supplier or in-
house) a very deterministic foundation upon which to implement, can seem like a way to reduce
the uncertainty and to achieve a desired product, but it has many downsides such as:
• Design realities inevitably change through the project lifecycle, and even cookie
cutter designs end up requiring unforeseen modifications that can cause specific
requirements to break. In a dynamic design environment, precious resources can be
spent continually fixing requirements instead of focusing on the implementation at the
proper level.
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Recommended Practice: Determine top-level requirement strategy. There are two main
strategies to writing top-level requirements. For “in-house” designs where all designers are co-
located and work to similar design principles and project practices, fewer number of general
requirements may be sufficient, with the expectation that the detailed derived requirements will
be in-family (i.e., like previous projects with similar systems and mission profiles, if applicable),
and their implementation and interactions will be well-understood. (Note this strategy has risk,
but in a constrained budget environment with limited FM team resources, this strategy can free
up time that would be spent on detailed requirements and V&V matrices, for design, and
For “out-of-house” subcontracted designs where detailed requirements documents and interface
requirements documents (IRDs) are essential for capturing all requirements and design
assumptions, the requirement writers and designers cannot make assumptions on implemented
design, especially when a contractor is responding to incentive contract realities.
Option Two (phase specific): Carry mission-phase-unique specifics down from top-level,
mission-level requirements, such as the following:
• Phase A shall be single fault tolerant (note this would imply Project A).
• Phase B shall be two fault tolerant (note this would imply Project B).
Pitfall: Institutions disagree about which faults and failures require protection (i.e., scope of
FM). Some institutions traditionally guard against only the most likely failures i.e., (a
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probabilistic approach) while others take a “possibility over probability,” and thus try to
account for all possible/credible failures. Given different tacit assumptions about FM’s scope, it
is not surprising that institutions have differing interpretations of the oft-used “single fault
tolerance” policy. In the past, differences in policy interpretation have created friction within
projects during FM performance and review. This has been most prevalent in projects where
multiple institutions share responsibility for FM, and in projects lacking a clearly stated and
agreed upon interpretation of “single fault tolerance,” for example. Since FM typically is not
identified as a proposal evaluation criterion, contractors often assume that a simple “safing”
response is sufficient, and will cost the effort based on that assumption. This introduces conflict
if the customer was expecting an FM system capable of handling critical events (i.e., fail-
operational capabilities), which then leads to contract renegotiations and is a factor
contributing to FM-induced cost overruns.
Pitfall: Use of probability in FM design. Selecting faults based on probability can result in a
system being less robust than expected, because experience has shown that low probability and
unconsidered items are often the items that fail in-flight. Both the values and the uncertainties
associated with probability estimates are frequently and significantly underestimated.
Background: The Constellation Program FM Team determined that Constellation projects were
using LOC/LOM probability metrics to help choose which faults to monitor and predict.
Experiences from past in-flight failures has shown that most failures are in unexpected places
and can be caused by design (software and hardware), parts and manufacturing faults often
completely invalidating the upfront perceived reliability numbers for those components. Sole use
of fault probabilities to decide which faults to protect against can lead to holes in the design and
to a lower level of robustness than expected.
Recommendation: All electrical faults and all protectable mechanical faults8 should be
considered credible and appropriately protected against for the mission risk posture; since
experience has shown that low probability items can fail in-flight. In addition, all critical active
functions need a safety net protection to protect against unknown fault mechanisms. Example: It
is often appropriate to not directly detect and respond to many low-level complex failure modes
at the subsystem level, if it can be completely demonstrated that an adequate higher level safety
net will meet mission FM requirements with no interaction or slow response time issues. Be
careful when giving up lower level protection as safety nets have their limits and can get
confused, especially in multiple or cascading failure event scenarios.
Pitfall Applicability: This pitfall is applicable to all projects attempting to use probabilistic
methods to architect and selectively scope a FM design. Projects should design FM systems with
clear top down principles and policies and protect core health and safety functions, especially
electrical and redundant moving mechanical assemblies, regardless of the probability of failure,
because design and manufacturing faults can often render those probabilities inaccurate in
For mechanical item classes that cannot be or are not readily able to be made redundant, factors of safety or Design
For Minimum Risk (DFMR) practices are used to reduce credibility.
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The FM team has to provide inputs early (early phase B) regarding what the FM fidelity
requirements are for test resources, as well as FM test resource allocation to test platforms, using
the FM Verification Matrix. Detailed input from the developers is required to determine the test-
bed requirements. Issues that need resolution include:
a. Concept: Fault injection requirements are required so that test-bed venues (be it
simulators, emulators, engineering models or flight hardware) are able to test the FM software
(or hardware or firmware). The injection requirements should be broken down by
sensor/actuator/subsystem and by FMEA failure modes of computers, interface buses, sensors,
actuators, dynamics models (including deployment dynamics and propulsion), environment,
power, thermal, instruments, radio frequency (when applicable) and harness (if not covered
elsewhere). The injection of some faults may require intrusion into the
sensor/actuator/subsystem, or may be damaging to the hardware. As such, the verification of the
failure monitoring, fault identification, and failure response may need to occur on separate test
beds at differing times of development. Not all fault injection can occur at system integration.
a. Concept: FM functional fidelity requirements ensure that the test-bed venues (be it
simulators, emulators engineering models or flight hardware) are able to test the FM (software,
hardware or firmware) with sufficient functional fidelity. Example: A project may have planned
to provide an open loop thermal power simulation at the simulator level to save resources, and
the monitoring and response timing is non-critical.
b. Example Requirement: The thermal software simulator test-bed shall have the
following models:
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c. Concept: FM timing fidelity requirements ensure that the test-bed venues (be it
simulators, emulators engineering models or flight hardware) are able to test the FM (software,
hardware or firmware) with sufficient timing fidelity. Example: A project may have planned to
provide an open loop guidance simulation at the simulator level to save resources, but the FM
testing requires a highly accurate closed loop model to V&V key system scenarios. Fidelity
examples include flight code treatment, interface bus treatment, simulated units and model
commonality, and subsystem models and commonality.
It should not be assumed that ground operations software meets these requirements. Test-bed
operations supporting automation have differing requirements for scripting tests, pass or fail
verification, and recording the results. Also, test-bed operations can require the proper
initialization of the external test environment, such as proper power, thermal, pressure, and bus
b. Example Requirement: The Project’s software simulation test bed shall be able to
do the following:
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management center and a prime contractor, the FM Requirements Document may be split in this
manner, e.g., higher level requirements at level 2 customer level, and the middle- level
contractor-specific items at level 3, with level 4 having the detailed subsystem FM content.
Often, there is not just one FM requirements document as the only home for FM content. For
example, some programs have embedded FM requirements in interface control document (ICDs)
or IRDs. The system FM lead engineer should be responsible for one driving document that can
be flowed down clearly to lower levels, and that document can be at different levels depending
on the organization structure and the program size.
The following recommended practices and pitfalls are to be applied in the development and
flow-down of FM requirements.
Recommended Practice: Centralize FM requirements. It is recommended that emphasis is
placed on FM requirements flow-down, traceability, and consistency.
Recommended Practice: Methods to strengthen requirements statements and flow-down. If
FM requirements are found to be lacking, and it is impractical to recommend a requirement
rework or reassessment at a later project phase (PDR or CDR), below are a few methods for
optimizing a given a set of requirements. The following items identify options that will enable a
project to improve the FM requirements given the existing set.
• Search for gaps and overlaps. Scrub existing requirements for gaps, overlaps and
other inconsistencies. Create a virtual roll-up document and identify holes.
• Determine the limiting constraints. Analyze and determine the limiting constraints
for requirements, and especially families of similar requirements, and establish
consensus among all parties.
• Consider targeted additions. Where major omissions exist, consider adding new
requirements or adding clarifications to existing requirements. This can be particularly
helpful for key requirements that have extensive, implicit aspects—breaking them out
explicitly can clarify and simplify the flow down as well as the FM"V&V.""A"requirements"
• Clarify ambiguity. Where major ambiguity exists, and requirement modification or
clarification is not feasible, establish consensus among all parties to the agreed upon
interpretation and ensure that it is included in the V&V compliance matrix.
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lesson Learned #1385) Lack of requirements to contractor led to
loss of Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) mission. Few requirements were imposed by NASA
regarding the way contractors documented or performed work on CONTOUR, creating
opportunities for contractors to adopt nonstandard engineering practices.
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Recommendation: Projects should establish clear and appropriate requirements for performing
and documenting engineering work.
Recommendation: When terms or words are ambiguous, consider having in-line short definitions
after the requirement to elaborate concepts more clearly. Alternatively, if appropriate, define
the problematic terms in a project-approved glossary, if this glossary is used to enforce
consistent interpretation.
Lesson Learned: Fault tolerance requirements should be clearly defined in appropriate Agency-
level design standards and variance accepted only when accompanied by appropriate risk trades
and supporting technical rationale.
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language (SysML) diagramming activity would have quickly cleared up misunderstandings and
led to correct and complete requirements.
Recommendation: Design and verification of kinematically complex systems, such as spacecraft
appendage control, should observe the following principles:
Reaffirm the importance of precision in requirements language.
Recommended Practice: Identify institutional policies, practices, and principles. If a standard
project policy, practice, or principle is effectively a requirement, then it should be formalized to
minimize the potential for requirements creep.
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lesson Learned #1162) Space Shuttle potential common mode
failure, potential for hydraulic lines in close proximity to each other—common cause failure
mode requirements. Redundant hydraulic lines for the three orbiter hydraulic systems are not
adequately separated to preclude loss of all hydraulic power in the event of a single catastrophic
failure of adjacent hardware.
Recommendation: Provide the same degree of separation of redundant critical hydraulic lines
as is given to redundant critical electrical wiring.
FM Lesson Interpretation: This lesson is applicable to all projects. Projects should establish
FM principles and SPF guidelines, analyses, and requirements that can prevent these types of
design disconnects.
Recommended Practice: Clearly identify goals. If a project has minimum requirements but
wants to design to goals that are beyond the minimum requirements, these can be handled in a
few ways, as follows:
a. If the plan is to design a robust system, but be able to fall back to the minimum
requirements in a severe case, then the goal value should be spelled out in all requirements,
along with the minimum required value. Note this can vary with the requirement area.
Example: The vehicle shall fully reconfigure from any failure (excluding those listed on the SPF
list) in X seconds, with a goal of Y seconds.
b. If the plan is to design to bare minimum requirements only, but to document goal
performance, then it is better to leave the goals out of the requirement system and instead,
separately show actual performance margins via a separate V&V process on a best-effort basis,
or in a margins management document, expanded to include certain performance margins.
Recommended Practice: Minimize overlapping requirements. If a top-level FM requirement
and an IRD or other specification document covers the same subject, find the limiting constraint
and formalize it clearly to avoid confusion downstream.
Table 14, FM Requirement Counts, provides sample FM requirements counts from a selection of
recent NASA projects of various classes (see table 12 in section 5.3e). These numbers are
included to provide insight, and to offer a rough order of magnitude comparison for a candidate
project. The key concern is not the exact number of requirements per se, but that more
requirements are usually synonymous with more detailed FM phase-specific scenarios and
robustness formulation and investigation at the system level.
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To address this issue, the ISS developed a requirements document, SSP 50038B, Computer-
Based Control System Safety Requirements, specifying mission independent safety requirements
for initial boot sequences, bus and interface control, safe commanding, and anomalous
conditions. Having a minimal set of mission-independent hardware and software safety
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requirements allowed the low level development to proceed without negatively impacting the
top-down mission-level requirements.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) addressed the problem by defining a minimum set of
safety requirements for each instrument and bus system. This defined a minimum set of safety
monitoring and commanding to be available for use by the mission-level FM requirements.
Some examples of these instrument and bus requirements follow.
• Each instrument was designed to allow power to be removed at any time without
instrument damage.
• Each instrument was to provide a safe command that would initiate safing within the
• Each interface or bus was to provide a reset function to reset the interface or bus to a
known safe state.
• Each instrument, interface, and bus was to provide monitoring and telemetry
sufficient to identify their specific failures.
Allowing the engineers to design to the above requirements, they were able to proceed with the
low-level design work, and provided valuable information to the FM team.
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While FM systems may vary widely from application to application, there are a handful of
mission attributes that drive the needs of the operational FM. As mission designers and FM
engineers define the mission and system, a number of priorities and constraints will arise that
drive the FM design, including the application of redundancy, fault containment approaches, and
hardware and software architectural choices. There will be features of the mission definition that
clearly map to the FM effort, such as the mission risk posture and fault tolerance requirements.
There will be mission and system characteristics that impact the FM design in less immediate
ways, but that are common players in the decisions of the FM team.
The FM engineer will have the task of identifying goals, events, and constraints that have to be
protected to accomplish the nominal mission, from which the engineer will derive the priorities
of the FM system. Other features of the mission will constrain how the FM system can
effectively meet those priorities, and will therefore constrain how the FM engineer can
implement protective functions. To deploy FM throughout the system, the FM engineer will
need to define hardware, software, and operational architectures that allow the implementation of
protective functions that meet the priorities of the FM system. Figure 4, Mission Requirements
and FM Design, illustrates the process of deriving FM requirements from mission attributes, and
flowing them down to the architecture and design of operational FM.
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Developing an early understanding of how these mission and system design choices drive the
FM design from the top level down to the hardware and software architectures will help FM
engineers define the correct set of strategies and functions to protect critical mission goals. It
also will help project managers appreciate the scope of FM for their system and allocate
appropriate resources to the effort. This section will guide the FM engineer to identify mission
characteristics that drive the needs for FM, and will provide architectural considerations and
building blocks that can be used to develop an FM design that will meet the needs of the mission.
Two key steps in the mission definition determine the mission risk posture. First, the choice of
mission classification, per NASA NPR 8705.4, defines the project's tolerance for risk, which in
turn drives the FM approach to identifying and correcting failures. Low-risk missions require an
FM approach that addresses the maximal set of possible failures and mitigations, while a higher
tolerance for risk allows trades for smaller mitigated fault sets or riskier failure response
Second, the writing of fault tolerance requirements determines the risk tolerance approach for the
mission in response to the mission class definition. Low risk missions will tend to have single-
or even multiple-fault tolerance requirements across the entire system, usually against full
mission success (e.g., “no single fault shall cause an LOM science return below full mission
success.”). Single fault tolerance requirements tend to result in the highest quality, most
expensive FM approach, with high quality parts requirements, full redundancy, thorough fault
and failure containment, and extensive operational FM that can protect all functions against
Higher risk tolerance missions have more room to define how risk is distributed. Fault tolerance
requirements may be mixed or targeted: Single fault tolerance for core health and safety
functions (e.g., pointing, power production), but not for science instruments or ancillary
functions; partial fault tolerance with selective redundancy; smaller mitigated fault sets; lower-
quality parts that are more prone to failure. Certain operational risks may also be more
acceptable, where a low-risk class A mission might perform extensive analysis to show
robustness to a failure condition in flight, a class C mission may choose to accept the risks and
deal with the condition only if it arises.
For these higher risk missions, the FM engineer emphasizes managing risk and resources versus
driving risk to a minimum. Risk is traded against resources to meet a tight cost constraint, rather
than attempting to drive down the risk of failure at all costs. The FM team has to work closely
with S&MA and project management to trade the likelihood and impact of failures to find the
best places to apply limited resources. Table 12 in section 5.3 summarizes the mission types and
risk tolerance for mission classes as defined in NASA NPR 8705.4 Risk Classification for NASA
Payloads, and provides some applicable fault tolerant requirements and approaches that may be
driven by the selection of the mission class.
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Pitfall: FM is subject to changing priorities toward cost and risk over the course of system
development, and implementation and operations. FM complexity and cost can in part be
traced to changing assumptions about the level of risk acceptable for a mission. Early in the
project lifecycle, the primary concern is cost, which is reflected in low FM staffing levels and a
late start to FM development. As projects near launch, however, project priority often switches
to risk, which places additional strain on the FM system and designers. Should a failure occur
during operations, e.g., a loss of redundancy, this too can impact risk posture going forward.
Recommended Practice: Maintain a fault tolerance and risk policy statement that clearly
articulates the project's risk posture and approach to mitigating failures. A fault tolerance
requirement that reflects the project's policy is necessary, but requirements are terse statements
that often cannot capture the full range of nuances of a risk policy. A more detailed statement of
project philosophy will help mediate disagreements about requirements interpretation later, and
keep the FM effort focused.
Before FM can be defined for the mission, the goals, functions, and resources that need to be
protected need to be identified. Any mission will include certain functions, events, or assets that
are critical to achieving the mission’s goals. Characteristics of the mission design will also levy
implicit fault tolerance requirements. For example, availability or up-time requirements that
flow from a science mission design will place a restriction on how much science operation time
loss can be allowed when responding to a failure.
In general, the objective is to identify design drivers that place priorities on the FM functions of
the system. Does the system need to autonomously recover full functionality and return
immediately to executing mission goals (fail operational), or can the designers rely on more fail-
safe strategies that allow operators to assess failures and implement thoughtful recovery actions?
Does the system need to accommodate several FM strategies over the course of the mission, or
can a single configuration work for all cases?
The FM engineer and mission designers should identify mission-level science, engineering, and
service requirements that are central to the mission and define what it means for those
requirements to be compromised. The following are important considerations:
• Science return requirements: Full versus minimum mission return. Are there
opportunities for graceful degradation within mission requirements?
• One-time events and irreversible events that are critical to system health, such as
critical deployments, orbit insertions, repair, maintenance, retrieval, landings,
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docking: Can the event be cancelled and retried, or is there only one chance to get it
Example: Consider a mission to perform a comet flyby. The primary objective of the mission
centers on the encounter, which is a short, one-time event during which all science data is
collected. The system has to remain operational or recover functionality quickly during the
encounter to ensure that sufficient data is taken to meet the mission science goals. When paired
with long ground-in-the-loop response times and a single fault tolerance requirement, this will
drive an FM approach that is capable of fully autonomous recovery of most or all system
functionality during the critical event.
Example: A contrasting mission would be a survey that has coverage or up-time requirements
(e.g., “collect data over 95 percent of the surface of the earth five times”), but no critical science
events. The up-time requirement may map to a maximum allowable downtime, but it will likely
be acceptable to limit onboard autonomous or automated responses to actions that contain failure
effects and protect system health (fail-safe strategy), and allocate recovery actions to operators
on a longer time-scale.
Many systems will have critical constraints, safety requirements, or finite resources that become
priorities for FM. It is important to identify any unique resources or constraints that FM has to
protect to maintain system health, safety of equipment or crew, or mission objectives. What
conditions will violate a constraint or compromise a resource? Some examples are listed below.
• Consumables or other limited resources that directly support the mission (e.g.,
• Critical payload (e.g., sample return) that requires certain environments or other
restrictions to protect integrity (e.g., temperature constraints, atmospheres, forces).
• Safe onboard survival conditions when there is a crew, and protection of resources
minimally needed for the crew to access an acceptable safe haven.
In most cases, protection of a resource will place a critical constraint on a system. For example,
a cryogenic telescope will require the protection of cryogen by keeping sunlight or other heat
sources out of the telescope bore-sight, which places a pointing constraint on the system. The
same constraint, however, may also exist by itself. A telescope may have a sun-pointing
constraint to protect optics and detectors, resulting in a similar priority for FM, as does the
cryogenic constraint. A critical payload poses similar challenges as a finite resource. If the
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mission is to transport a payload (e.g., sample return), the system will have a set of functions or
environmental conditions that have to be maintained to protect the integrity of the payload.
In addition to the above specific goals and constraints, a system design may also require that
certain functions are continuously or near-continuously available. There may be functions that
support the protection of one of the above constraints, or a minimal set of functionality required
to keep the system safe while waiting for operators to perform a recovery (the safing design). If
the system design includes limited redundancy, this set of functions will be an ideal place to
apply physical or functional redundancy.
When identifying modes of operation and critical events, it may become clear that different
phases or events have different FM needs, which places another priority on the FM design:
flexibility to implement different fault response strategies for different modes of operation.
Where a mission with a single phase or mode of operation can implement static FM, a mission
that has disparate phases will have multiple sets of FM, or FM functions that are reconfigurable
depending on the activity.
Example: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): Single mode of operation (fly) with similar, though
varying goals (takeoff, land, navigate); most functions can be covered with a single FM strategy.
Example: Mars Rover: Four distinct mission phases with disparate goals (launch, cruise,
landing, surface operations); disparate FM strategies.
In addition to identifying the priorities of the FM task, the FM engineer will analyze the system
architecture to find the mission characteristics that will drive the allocation of FM functions. In
order to meet the priorities, FM functions will need to be distributed through the system, and the
mission design places constraints on how or where those functions can be implemented.
A common driver of the allocation of FM function is response latency, particularly for deep
space systems, or missions that have infrequent contact with the ground. Response latency,
paraphrased from section 4.1.6, is the time from the occurrence of a fault to the correction of the
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failure condition. In general, a response has to be clear or contain the failure effects before the
failure propagates to a CFE; it has to be faster than the TTC of the failure. Because fault
response can be implemented in multiple steps or in several different parts of the system, there
may be several response latencies to consider. For instance, if the FM strategy includes software
autonomous response that contains a failure by powering off an assembly, and then waits for
ground operators to recover the function to continue with mission goals, there are two response
latencies with different impacts. First, the time before the software response is a latency that
impacts health and safety goals of the system—that response has to be designed to complete
before a CFE permanently impacts health and safety. The second response latency is the time
for operators to return the system to full functionality, and that response has to complete before
affected mission goals are compromised by the loss of function—science observations are lost,
too much time is spent in a mode of operation that consumes resources, and so on.
The response latency is built from the various mission and system characteristics that impact the
execution of each of the core FM functions. Figure 5, FM Functions shows the set of FM
functions identified in section 4.2.
(1) Observation latency: The duration from the occurrence of a fault to when the failure
effects become observable.
(2) Detection latency: The duration from the observable failure effect to when a
detection mechanism detects (and possibly identifies) the failure.
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(3) Decision latency: The duration to diagnose the failure, decide on a response, and start
execution of the response.
(4) Response execution time: The duration during execution of recovery activities.
(5) Recovery time: The duration from response completion to when failure effects are no
longer present and mission/system status is restored to nominal.
For any system, there may be many elements that are capable of detecting, diagnosing, and
responding to failures, including ground operators, ground software, crew, flight software, flight
firmware, and flight hardware. For each element of the system that may implement one or more
of the above FM functions, the response latency will be built from the characteristics of the
systems involved.
In order for ground operators to implement some portion of the FM control loop, the entire
information path from the point of failure to the eyes of the operator and back should be
considered, and is often the longest response latency in the system. For example, a deep space
mission may need to account for the following when assessing the ground response time:
• Data generation: The latency to observable failure effects, including data generation
frequency (a telemetry value may be generated on a slow cycle).
• Data storage.
• Communications schedule: May be hours or days from the time data is generated and
stored to the time it is played back for transmission.
• Data transmission latencies: Bandwidth available for the data volume, round-trip
light time, bent-pipe transmission schemes in which data is stored and forwarded over
another link.
• Analysis and display: Time to trend, display, or assess telemetry, including applying
persistence and filtering to failure detection.
• Organizational and human response time: Time to understand, discuss, plan, generate
commands, and approve transmission of a response.
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• Ground response execution time: Time it takes for operators to execute a response
• Onboard response execution time: Time for the target software or hardware to
receive and process commands.
• Recovery time.
In the same example mission, an autonomous response implemented in flight software will have
significantly lower response latency:
• Data generation: The latency to observable failure effects, including data generation
frequency (a telemetry value may be generated on a slow cycle).
• Recovery time.
Similar lists of sources of latency can be generated for each system that performs failure
detection and response, tracing the path from the fault to the monitoring system and back.
When assessing the priorities of the FM system to protect particular functions, goals, or
resources, the response latencies for the involved systems become key parameters in designing
FM strategies. For example, in a deep space mission with limited computing resources, it may
be desirable to take advantage of the flexibility of human-in-the-loop response, but the latency is
intolerable. Where to split flight versus ground responsibility for failure detection, diagnosis,
containment, and recovery is a common trade for robotic missions, and a common example of
trades that will also consider hardware, software, crew, and operators as places to implement FM
functions. Systems far from Earth, with a long round-trip light time and infrequent
communications with the ground cannot rely on operators to intervene before the TTC for most
failures. An event can be started and completed before data even reaches Earth. In these
systems, the mission has to rely heavily on sophisticated autonomous or automated functions to
execute the nominal event, to recover full functionality after a failure, and to survive after the
event to return critical data. Conversely, an earth-orbiting system with frequent ground contacts
can rely more heavily on ground interaction, and may be able to limit onboard automation.
Similar considerations will be relevant when FM functions can be distributed through hardware
or software, or across multiple interacting systems.
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The decision of where to implement FM functions is, therefore, a trade against the mission
characteristics that impact execution of FM. The mission design can be adjusted to support
preferred FM strategies if the assessment is started early and performed proactively. Similarly,
detection and response designs within the software and hardware are subject to the parameters of
the system design; FM designers should be aware of the impact of the mission and hardware
design on FM functions, and raise concerns where necessary to ensure that adequate resources
are available to meet the priorities of the mission.
The scope and complexity of FM requirements imposed on a vehicle are strongly influenced by
the mission’s risk posture, the mission type, included phases, and some operational
considerations. There are associated implications on strategies for achieving acceptable
probability of LOM, LOV, LOC (if applicable), and/or an acceptable level of safety risk to the
vicinity in which the vehicle operates. These factors are addressed in the following subsections,
except for the range of NASA mission-risk postures, which are addressed in sections 5.3
and 6.1.1. Section 6.4.1 provides some tables that summarize relationships of mission
characteristics to the primary FM design considerations, with more detail provided in subsequent
sections. NASA mission types are identified in section 6.4.2 along with discussion of mission
type-specific considerations that drive FM design. Sections 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 provide some detail
about possible mission phases and operational considerations respectively that impact FM
design. Finally, other mission-specific considerations that affect FM design are addressed in
section 6.4.5.
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NASA develops a variety of vehicles that operate in space, in the air, and on planetary surfaces.
The details associated with a mission type and its intended range of operational environments
can have a significant impact on the necessary FM capabilities. The following subsections
review a representative set of NASA vehicle mission types, along with some applicable FM
design considerations.
Robotic missions do not have humans onboard the vehicle, but may still have ground-based
humans involved in the mission (and FM) decision loop. LOM is the paramount FM
consideration for robotic space vehicles, with high FM importance also placed on LOM and
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On a vehicle with a crew, LOC is the paramount FM consideration with high FM importance
also placed on loss of mission or loss of vehicle.
One vehicle is deemed to interact with another vehicle when success of a mission or a particular
activity becomes interdependent. During such interactions, one vehicle relies on another for
specific services and has to respond to either its own failures or those known to exist on the
interacting vehicle with insight regarding how they affect, or are affected by, the multivehicle
interaction. Among the possible reasons for vehicle interactions are making a large velocity
change burn, acquiring rendezvous targeting data, achieving latched docking, propellant transfer
or obtaining power beamed from a generation platform. In the large velocity-change burn
example, a vehicle with a crew may have to plot contingency separation maneuvers in the event
that a propulsion vehicle is at risk of catastrophic failure, or the vehicle with crew may provide
auxiliary attitude control during a burn if the propulsion vehicle fails to provide adequate control
authority. For rendezvous and docking, the FM responses on a vehicle would first have to
preclude risk that faults on either vehicle could jeopardize the safety of either vehicle due to
collision, and secondarily would seek to limit risk to mission success. In the beamed power
example, FM would have to act to prevent a spacecraft failure from enabling damage by
incoming beamed energy that is not properly received.
In some cases, successful rendezvous and docking may be critical to assuring safety on a vehicle
with a crew. This would be the case when a crew is transferring to a return vehicle after a human
lunar/planetary landing mission. Under these circumstances, a vehicle with crew may need
unique FM capabilities to overcome the adverse effects of faults, not just on the currently
inhabited vehicle, but also on the interacting vehicle. Note that when two vehicles with crew
interact, those interactions may require means for successful communication between crew
members on both spacecraft, especially when there are significant failures.
Each vehicle designed for a mission type will have to operate in one or more mission phases.
The nature of vehicle activities pursued in a specific mission phase, and the environment in
which it occurs, determine both what onboard equipment is essential to successful completion of
that mission phase, and the TTC for component faults that may occur during that mission phase.
Consequently, the FM design requirements for a vehicle are a union of the requirements
associated with all the mission phases to be accomplished by a vehicle. Phase-related mission
categories are discussed in section, and specific vehicle mission phases are addressed in
sections–5. Some vehicle FM capabilities likely to be required for specific mission
phases are identified in applicable subsections.
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Missions can be categorized, in part, by the number and types of mission phases. Some specific
phase-related mission categories are addressed in the following subsections. Fixed-Phase
A fixed-phase flight vehicle system is one that maintains the same phase during mission
operations. A vehicle with this mission feature does not have to change FM strategy modes
based upon the sequence of the mission timeline. Examples of such flight system may be an on-
station geosynchronous Earth orbit space vehicle or a flight element needed only during launch
of a rocket for a given phase of ascent (e.g., a launch abort system). All FM requirements
imposed on a fixed-phase vehicle system remain in effect for the duration of operation of the
applicable flight system. Multiphase
A multiphase mission/system is one that has to change its FM modes of response to events based
on the differing phases for the given mission. The nature of required FM responses in a given
mission phase are typically tied to the TTC metric. For example, the response to a failure on a
crew transport vehicle during orbit phasing will be very different than the response during re-
entry or touchdown because the time it takes for the consequences of a fault to become critical to
mission or vehicle safety is generally much longer when on orbit than during an entry, descent,
and landing sequence. Multifunction
A multifunction mission/system is one that has two or more different functions that have to be
coordinated. An example is a science mission that provides means for a variety of science-
related functions that have to be managed in a way that is compatible with mission objectives
while avoiding functional conflicts (e.g., a rover at a designated scientific target that has different
operational and FM restrictions when grinding a rock surface as compared to imaging its current
surroundings). In this scenario, spacecraft health has to be maintained while accomplishing
observation coordination. For some missions, power usage and data throughput limits may come
into play to decide if one function is more important than another function. Strategies for
coordinating multiple functions of a given mission may dictate some required mission phases.
Space vehicles have to provide FM capabilities for mission phases during which they are active.
That may, or may not include mission phases when the vehicle is a payload rather than a freely
operating system. For example, a crewed space vehicle may be active throughout ascent atop a
booster to have the situational awareness required in the event that there is need to initiate an
abort. In contrast, many robotic space vehicles are mostly inactive payloads during their ascent
to space. A space vehicle’s FM design has to accommodate capability requirements only for the
mission phase(s) during which it is active. The following subsections identify some typical
space vehicle mission-phases, and some FM capabilities and/or issues unique to each of the
identified mission phases.
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Space vehicles experience a powered ascent flight phase when leaving earth or departing the
surface of another celestial body. During powered ascent, a vehicle will experience variable
acceleration (possibly up to 8 g’s), and the composite ascent system will undergo rapid changes
in mass properties that affect control characteristics. In addition, if the ascent occurs in a
sensible atmosphere, then there will be time-dependent aerodynamics forces acting on the
vehicle, and lateral wind effects. The acceleration, rapidly changing system dynamics, and time-
varied control characteristics that occur during powered ascent can make the TTC for a
propulsion, navigation, or control fault very short—generally too short for ground control
interaction or even onboard interaction by a crew (if humans are onboard). This means that the
FM system has to be capable of rapid fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration for all
subsystems critical to successful powered ascent.
For a robotic vehicle, the primary objectives are as follows: First, to prevent harm to people or
facilities on the ground; and second, to prevent LOM. If the first primary objective above is
threatened, then destruction of the vehicle in a zone that can safely handle resulting debris may
be preferred to impaired mission continuation that poses risk to people or facilities on the
ground. If the secondary objective above is unavoidable, then either destruction of the vehicle or
a goal change such as diverting the vehicle elsewhere (perhaps to a lower than intended orbit), is
recommended. NASA’s Range Safety policy is defined in in NASA NPR 8715.5, Range Safety
For a vehicle with a crew, if significant threats to people or facilities on the ground develop or it
is not possible to prevent LOM, then transition to an abort phase will occur (with aborts
discussed in section Note that it is typical for a vehicle with a crew to navigate its own
state during powered ascent so it has independent means to determine if an abort is necessary,
enabling transition to an abort without relying on getting state data transferred from the boost
vehicle. For short TTC failures, however, the abort determination process may be autonomous
without crew input. The determination of the need for an abort and the abort type is a special
class of FM functionality.
Pitfall: Powered ascent. Responsibility for executing powered ascent FM when there is a crew
onboard has to be carefully partitioned between the launch vehicle and the spacecraft with the
crew. The FM on the spacecraft with the crew has to be able to initiate an abort if there is a
serious booster failure, regardless of whether there is notification from the booster regarding the
failure. However, the abort trigger conditions for the FM on the vehicle with the crew also have
to avoid inadvertently initiating an abort when one is not actually merited by booster and/or
spacecraft conditions.
Recommended Practice: Powered Ascent FM #1. Implement automatic, very short response
time FDIR for all subsystems critical to successful powered ascent.
Recommended Practice: Powered Ascent FM #2. Provide means for disposal of vehicles within
a zone that can tolerate debris if"significant"threats"to"people"or"facilities"on"the"ground"
develop"or when LOM cannot be prevented. This"disposal"may"zone"may"be"land,"sea,"or"space.
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A vehicle already placed into orbit may need to make significant changes to its orbit to enable
realization of mission objectives. This will be accomplished by propulsion systems embedded in
or attached to the vehicle. Part of the applicable FM functionality will be used to determine if
necessary orbit changes have been realized. When they are not properly realized, the subsystem
causing that fault has to be identified and isolated, with reconfiguration that not only applies an
alternate subsystem to achieve the required orbit change, but when TTC is short, also provides
means to determine new orbit change strategies that can recover mission objectives.
When the TTC for a failed orbit change is long, then ground control can provide the means to
determine revised orbit change strategies. This may be the case when there will be cyclic
opportunities to accomplish the desired orbit change over hours or days. However, some orbit
changes cannot be postponed, which may be the case for a vehicle requiring orbit circularization
after ascent to an unstable, low-perigee insertion orbit. In these short TTC cases, a failure to
achieve a desired orbit change on an initial attempt will require rapid reconfiguration to a
substitute subsystem that can enable the needed orbit change to occur, supported by onboard
logic to determine how to apply the reconfigured vehicle capabilities to accomplish the necessary
mission orbit characteristics.
Pitfall: Orbit Insertion and Phasing FM. Automatic FM response to an orbit insertion and
phasing propulsion failure has to avoid taking actions that cause irreversible loss or
degradation of the mission when a detected failure is recoverable in a timely manner.
Recommended Practice: Orbit insertion and phasing FM. Provide onboard means to rapidly
determine new orbit change strategies when FM fault recovery actions and TTC force use of
alternate propulsion systems.
RPOD is a series of maneuvers to bring one space vehicle into proximity, and then to attach itself
to another space vehicle. (The term “proximity operations” is coming into frequent usage to
describe robotic science operations near a primitive body. This section does not address such
robotic mission scenarios yet.) After completing attached operations, RPOD can be reversed with
the detachment and departure of a vehicle to go on to separate mission objectives (e.g., to return
to Earth). The FM requirements on a vehicle during RPOD vary as a function of distance from a
target vehicle and on whether the target vehicle has a crew.
At long range from the target, the primary FM objective is to prevent a failure from causing
LOM. Relative navigation states have to be maintained, and rendezvous maneuvers have to be
executed. TTC is generally long, so a failure during an applicable rendezvous step can be
diagnosed by ground control where recovery steps can also be formulated.
Proximity operations have a much shorter TTC. Wrong actions resulting from component faults
risk a collision of the maneuvering vehicle with the target within minutes. An FM system has to
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provide means to detect and respond to failures with at least enough resulting vehicle capability
to remove itself safely from the vicinity of the target vehicle.
During the docking phase, the maneuvering vehicle is in very close proximity to the target, and
has to maintain very small relative velocities, along with very precise relative attitudes.
Mechanical systems have to enable proper latching of the two vehicles. The TTC is very short
(seconds), with collision a possible result of unmitigated faults. FM has to rapidly restore any
fault-based loss of critical state information or control capability.
Note that berthing is an alternative to docking. In a berthing scenario, the arriving vehicle will
go into free drift with relative rates nulled in close proximity to the target vehicle to allow a
mechanical appendage to grab the arriving vehicle and subsequently to facilitate attachment of
the two vehicles. In a berthing scenario, the target vehicle takes over much of the overall FM
responsibility after the arriving vehicle is in free drift.
If the target vehicle has a crew, then preventing the risk of LOC due to collision during
proximity and docking operations is a primary concern. It is not enough for FM to restore
vehicle capabilities lost due to failures. The FM will have to facilitate termination of a
rendezvous and safe separation of vehicles if the remaining fault tolerance of the maneuvering
vehicle is too low. An exception to this rule may apply if the rendezvous is itself critical to
avoiding LOC.
Pitfall: RPOD FM. Unmanned vehicles performing rendezvous with a vehicle that has a crew
will be expected to provide means for rendezvous/docking override by the crew. Sufficient FM
situational awareness has to be made available to the crew, or there is risk that the crew will
terminate a rendezvous due to a benign, but poorly understood fault or rendezvous trajectory
Recommended Practice: RPOD FM #1. When the spacecraft is not at risk of either a collision
with the target or causing docking collar damage, and a detected fault violates rules for
completing the rendezvous, then a FM response should facilitate backing off to a safe hold point
where reconfiguration options might enable another rendezvous attempt.
Recommended Practice: RPOD FM #2. If a detected fault in close proximity to the target
violates docking rules or cannot be overcome by rapid reconfiguration, then FM has to quickly
coordinate a safe separation maneuver to an acceptable distance and separated orbit condition.
Once that has been achieved, application of the previous Recommended Practice rule can be
Many space vehicles experience extended phases of free, unpowered flight, either in orbit or on
an interplanetary trajectory. Some orbital spacecraft pursue their entire missions in such a phase.
Under these flight circumstances, the TTC for most failures can be very long. There are possible
failures that can have short TTCs during free flight in space (e.g., attitude control problems that
allow unacceptable thermal stress on parts of the vehicle or that interfere with vehicle power-
generation capability). For a free flight in space phase, FM response to failures with long TTCs
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may be a vehicle default into a safe mode, awaiting ground control diagnosis and rectification of
the cause of the failure. Furthermore, some rudimentary onboard FM control capabilities can be
incorporated into a safe mode to prevent short TTC failure effects (e.g., providing for sun
pointing in the safe mode to maintain power generation capability).
Recommended Practice: Free Flight in Space. Always provide a safe mode option as a default
FM response for when a detected failure is not directly addressed by a pre-determined fault
isolation (and possibly reconfiguration) capability. A safe mode provides the ground or onboard
crew with the time needed to formulate an effective failure response. To enable ground-directed
recovery, commands from the ground have to be accepted and transmission of data as directed
by the ground has to be accommodated when in the safe mode.
Space vehicles that complete a docking operation may have extended operations mated to
another space vehicle. Docked space vehicles generally rely on only one of the vehicles for orbit
maneuver capability and orientation control (the active vehicle). The other docked vehicle
operates in a passive state. The passive vehicle may also draw power and attitude knowledge
from the active vehicle. In this scenario, an active vehicle operates much like a vehicle in a free-
flight-in-space mission phase with similar FM design considerations (but with account for mass
property effects of the mated vehicle on the stack control authority). A passive, mated vehicle
will have many components in hibernation without active FM, but may also have some in warm
standby mode, with long TTCs due to faults since they are not actively contributing to the mated
stack functionality. Some “passive” mated vehicle systems may still actually be partly active
during mated flight to sustain the intended function of the “passive” vehicle during docked
operations (e.g., ISS visiting vehicles with a pressurized cargo volume in which the station crew
can work may require active air circulation components).
Entry from space, as well as the descent to the surface, and safe landing are very dynamic flight
phases whether involving a return of a vehicle to Earth or landing on another celestial body.
Entry occurs during descent to a celestial body with a sensible atmosphere. Peak g-levels during
entry can vary from less than 3 g’s (e.g., Shuttle return to Earth), to 100s of g’s (e.g., the Galileo
probe entry at Jupiter). Descent can be under parachute, or guided aerodynamic flight at a planet
with an atmosphere. Descent uses propulsive thrust when landing on a body without an
atmosphere, or as an alternative pre-landing descent capability on a body with an atmosphere.
G-levels during descent vary from that of the ambient celestial body g-field level to somewhat
higher values, but with possible transient accelerations that are substantially higher when there is
an atmosphere due to wind gust effects or due to parachute deployment dynamic effects.
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Landing involves management of terminal touchdown devices under the following range of
scenarios: Flared wheeled landing; splashdown; thruster “thump down”; airbag impacts; flared
parachute landings; and thrusted deceleration to touchdown.
Failures during EDL have times of criticality ranging from short (seconds) to very short
(milliseconds) depending on the specific vehicle dynamics. The general implication is that all
FM capabilities for all flight-critical components during the EDL phases have to be onboard the
vehicle and fully automated.
During an entry, dynamics of a healthy vehicle can vary substantially from nominal expected
behavior both because of uncertainty in vehicle aerodynamics models and because of statistical
variability in atmospheric characteristics. Consequently, FM methods used for failure detection
and isolation during entry have to be robust enough to distinguish failure effects despite sensed
vehicle behaviors that can be quite variable.
During descent under parachutes, FM failure detection and fault isolation methods have to avoid
triggering false failure indications due to wind gust or parachute deployment-induced transient
accelerations. Each phase of parachute deployment has to occur under proper dynamic pressure
and Mach number conditions, which imposes FM requirements aimed at assuring sustained and
accurate measurements of the states used to sequence parachute deployment events. During
propulsive braking descent, special FM requirements will apply to the thrust control, including
the throttle management, to assure that a safe vehicle velocity as a function of altitude always is
During landing, special attention has to be applied to the monitoring of states that sequence
controlled touchdown events, with FM-related reliability and robustness requirements on the
applicable state measurement devices and landing system actuators. These components may
include ground-relative altitude sensing devices, thrust cutoff indicators, and mechanical landing
mechanism deployment devices (e.g., for landing gear drop, or airbag inflation). Vehicle
orientation control at terminal touchdown may also be critical, requiring appropriate ground-
relative attitude (and altitude) sensing and control redundancy with time-critical FM
management of any associated component faults.
Pitfall: EDL from Space FM. Analytic detection of propulsion failures can be very difficult
during atmospheric entry when there are sizable uncertainties in atmospheric properties and
vehicle aerodynamics.
Recommended Practice: EDL from Space FM. Because there is little tolerance to error during
EDL, all fault sensitive functionality has to be either highly reliable, or redundant with rapid
reconfiguration capability.
Air vehicles include powered aircraft, gliders, and balloons. They operate in a sensible
atmosphere, but can deploy/takeoff from the ground, air, or space. All air vehicles may apply
FM to achieve the desired probability of mission success, but air vehicles that fly over the Earth
have to also apply FM to assure safety of people and facilities on the ground. The following
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subsections identify typical air vehicle mission-phases, and some FM capabilities and/or issues
unique to each of the identified mission phases.
Winged air vehicles that self-deploy from the ground have their own takeoff propulsion that
carries them though a lifting ascent to their operational flight condition. Winged gliding vehicles
need aid to deploy, carried to their release condition by a powered vehicle. Balloons that use
buoyant lift from a lighter-than air gas are released from the ground or in the air to find
equilibrium drift conditions.
A winged, powered aircraft has to use FM during takeoff (or during deployment following entry
from space) to assure safe transition to flight. For a vehicle that takes off from Earth, possible
takeoff abort or expedited return to landing criteria should be managed by an FM system to
overcome problems that may occur during takeoff acceleration and climb-out. For a powered
vehicle deployed following entry from space, FM will have to address extremely short TTC
failures that can occur during very dynamic transition from an entry vehicle payload to an
airborne, powered-flight vehicle.
A glider already released for its mission has to assess its own behavior to determine how well it
is managing its potential energy to achieve flight objectives. Based on a glider’s energy state, an
onboard FM system has to discriminate when the vehicle can accomplish a safe flight completion
or direct safe early termination of the gliding mission instead. FM actions also have to account
for the state of a glider’s control actuation devices.
For balloons deployed from Earth, a ground crew manages the deployment sequence, with the
vehicle’s onboard FM focus usually pertaining to the payload. Earth-based balloon FM
facilitates successful payload mission execution, despite failures, and provides for safe payload
recovery when the mission terminates. FM may also be used to manage systems that prevent an
Earth-based balloon payload from landing in a location that is unsafe to people or facilities on
the ground.
For balloons deployed to other planetary bodies, there will likely be a balloon/payload
deployment sequence from a carrier vehicle during a carrier descent phase. There may be
redundancy in components that are critical to successful balloon deployment and that have very
short TTC after failure. For those components, applicable FM will have to be part of an
automatic, onboard system.
Recommended Practice: Air vehicle takeoff or deployment FM. Because there is little
tolerance to error during takeoff or deployment of an air vehicle, all failure-sensitive
functionality has to be either highly reliable or redundant, with rapid reconfiguration capability.
The mission operations phase for most NASA air vehicles involves cruise for a powered, winged
vehicle; glide for an unpowered, winged vehicle; and drift for a balloon.
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During cruise, a powered winged vehicle may have short TTC for propulsion and stabilization
effector faults (seconds), but may have longer TTCs for navigation errors. However, TTC for
navigation errors on Earth-based air vehicles may also be constrained by limits to aircraft
situational awareness uncertainty that impacts the accuracy of path management in the airspace.
For an Earth-based aircraft, onboard FM will require automatic means to address fault effects for
any critical subsystems deemed to have short TTC, while faults that have criticality times in
excess of 30–60 seconds may be managed by ground-based mission operators. Ground operator
intervention is not an option for FM of any critical component on a cruising air vehicle in a
planetary exploration application because of communication time lags that are large compared to
faulted component TTC.
FM considerations for a gliding vehicle are similar to that for a cruising vehicle, but with the
additional consideration that navigation faults have shorter TTC because navigation errors eat
into glider energy management margins.
For drifting balloons, FM focuses on facilitating successful payload operations, with the TTC of
many payload faults restricted only by the impact of the resulting loss of productive payload
function time. Remaining mission life is impacted by the balloon integrity and the status of the
buoyant gas supply. Subject to a compromised balloon condition, an FM response option for a
recoverable payload could be ejection, to assure its safe return for future use. FM for the
payload functionality during flight may be handled like an unmanned space vehicle in coasting
flight, with extensive reliance on ground operators.
Recommended Practice: Winged vehicle cruise or glide FM #1. Because there is little
tolerance to loss of control effects on a winged air vehicle, and for loss of navigation in Earth air
space, all failure-sensitive functionality during cruise or glide has to be either highly reliable, or
redundant with rapid reconfiguration capability.
Recommended Practice: Winged vehicle cruise or glide FM #2. During cruise of a powered
winged vehicle, FM can treat a multiengine propulsion system as redundant since cruise thrust
requirements are much less than for takeoff.
Recommended Practice: Drifting balloon FM. Provide a safe mode as a default FM response
when a detected failure is not directly addressed by a predetermined fault isolation and possibly
reconfiguration capability. The safe mode should maintain the vehicle in a stable condition long
enough to allow ground mission personnel to formulate an effective failure response. To enable
ground-directed recovery, commands from the ground have to be accepted and transmission of
data as directed by the ground has to be accommodated when in the safe mode.
All winged vehicles that seek an intact landing at designated sites have tight control requirements
and bounded descent corridors that dictate response effectiveness and timeliness requirements
for FM. The control requirements aim to maintain vehicle stability, and to keep the vehicle
within corridor bounds that enable safe touchdown at a designated location. For landings on
Earth, this has to be done without airspace violations, without hazards to external facilities, and
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without risk to people on the ground. For a terrestrial aircraft, a controlled crash into an
acceptable terrain location may be a better FM option than continued cruise flight that risks
vehicle control loss with associated hazards to ground locations. An airplane used in planetary
exploration may not have the same FM design constraints, possibly allowing an uncontrolled
crash landing at the mission end. FM during aircraft landing will have to cover all effectors and
navigation systems critical to successful terminal decent and landing. Short TTC for faults
impacting landing system components mandates that the FM occur automatically onboard the
Landing for a balloon payload aims to assure that it touches down intact. On Earth, the payload
landing should occur in a safe, defined location where payload recovery can occur. FM
requirements for landing pertain only to descent system components that directly contribute to
proper payload touchdown conditions. Short TTC for faults affecting payload descent system
landing-related components mandates that the FM occur automatically onboard the landing
Air snatch intercepts descending reentry vehicles by air vehicle capture of parachute lines, and
has the potential to reduce impact loads and contamination risks. Air snatch can also be
performed away from populated areas, which reduces risk from impact of the vehicle, payload,
and exposure to hazardous materials such as propellants and pyrotechnics.
Recommended Practice: Winged aircraft landing FM. Because there is little tolerance to
error during winged aircraft landing, all fault sensitive functionality has to be either highly
reliable or redundant with rapid reconfiguration capability. This is especially true for all
elements of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) subsystems, including applicable
avionics and effectors.
NASA surface vehicles operate on the ground of other celestial bodies. They are emplaced on a
surface following a propulsive and/or aerodynamic descent. They can be stationary or mobile,
and may operate intact in their landed configuration, or they may be released/deployed from
within a carrier shell. The TTC for faults on surface vehicles is likely to be shorter for mobile
vehicles than for stationary vehicles, influenced in part by the nature of possible surface obstacle
hazards. Some of the applicable FM considerations are addressed in the following subsections.
Deployment of a surface vehicle may be simple or complex. If a surface vehicle is not contained
in a protective landing cocoon, then initial post-landing deployment may focus on specific
appendages. These may include power systems (e.g., solar panels or radioisotope thermoelectric
generators), communication antennas, observational devices, and robotic manipulation
components. If a surface vehicle is contained within a landing shell, then many parts of the
surface vehicle that are folded to fit within the cocoon may have to be extricated, and then
opened or extended. Deployment steps generally result in successful latching of opened or
extended components. Often, specific steps in a deployment sequence depend on success of the
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prior steps. Consequently, fault in execution of each deployment step has to be detected, and
rectification action taken before subsequent deployment steps can be safely attempted. Release
and/or capture latches associated with deployment may require redundancy when the function of
an individual latch can affect the success of the mission. In some instances, redundant latching
may be attempted in parallel, where success with any one latch will enable success of that
deployment step. In that instance, it may be necessary to determine if latching is accomplished,
but may not be necessary to detect a fault in a particular redundant component. If only one latch
at a time in a redundant set can be exercised, then detection of a latching fault is necessary to
determine if a redundant component has to be exercised.
Recommended Practice: Surface Vehicle Deployment FM. Provide either a) highly reliable or
b) redundant deployment mechanisms and associated latching for each step of vehicle
deployment, with means to verify the status during each of those steps. Include safe-hold modes
to enable ground-directed recovery where possible during deployment for use when
unanticipated faults are detected or when completion of an essential deployment step cannot be
verified. Commands from the ground have to be accepted and transmission of data as directed
by the ground has to be accommodated when in safe mode. Stationary Surface Vehicle Operations
Stationary operations of deployed surface vehicles may still require some onboard FM
functionality. High data rate communications systems need to track either orbiting relay
platforms or Earth. Failures of tracking elements need to be detected onboard so either a
redundant component can be activated, or a lower bandwidth, less directional communication
channel can be enabled to maintain critical data links. If the vehicle has robotic manipulators,
then there will likely be unique FM requirements associated with either direct or functional
component redundancy that prevent LOM due to manipulator component faults.
Recommended Practice: Stationary Surface Vehicle FM. Provide a safe mode that puts the
vehicle in a protective state as a default FM response when a detected fault is not directly
addressed by a pre-determined fault isolation and possibly reconfiguration capability. The safe
mode should prevent vehicle damage and"minimize"usage"of"(or"allow"generation"of)"vehicle"
power while ground mission personnel formulate an effective fault response. To enable ground-
directed recovery, commands from the ground have to be accepted and transmission of data as
directed by the ground has to be accommodated when in the safe mode.
A robotic surface mobility vehicle has the option of terminating motion to provide ample time
for assessment of necessary response to a detected fault. This would be comparable to a “safe
mode” FM response used by a coasting spacecraft. The use of onboard, automated FM
functionality on a robotic surface mobility vehicle is influenced by the relative value of the TTC
for specific classes of faults. When the TTC is shorter than expected communication gap
durations and/or communication signal time lags, then an automated FM capability is indicated
over ground control response to a detected vehicle fault.
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Recommended Practice: Surface Mobility Vehicle FM. Provide a safe mode that puts the
vehicle in a protective, stationary state as a default FM response when a detected fault is not
directly addressed by a pre-determined fault isolation and possibly reconfiguration capability.
The safe mode should maintain the vehicle in a benign stationary condition, with"power"
minimized"and/or"generated"if"possible, while ground mission personnel formulate an effective
fault response. To enable ground-directed recovery, commands from the ground have to be
accepted and transmission of data as directed by the ground has to be accommodated when in
the safe mode. Aborts
Space vehicles with crew have an FM priority to assure crew safety. Aborts are a special
contingency form of FM response when the nature of a detected fault precludes FM restoration
of nominal functionality, and the TTC of a fault precludes using a safe mode to provide
opportunity to evaluate the fault implications. Flight phases where special abort modes are
appropriate include powered ascent flight (launches), rendezvous operations (with respect to
either another spacecraft or a small celestial body) when collision is a risk, and powered descent
for extraterrestrial landings. Abort modes may also be invoked in response to a malfunction of a
second vehicle’s propulsion system that is used for a large velocity change burn applied to a
space vehicle with crew (e.g., during Earth escape burns). Reentry to Earth is not a candidate for
an abort, since it is generally an irreversible mission phase once initiated. However, transition
from controlled entry to ballistic entry is an option for a capsule spacecraft following some major
vehicle faults, but still, reentry continues in that scenario.
Aborts are initiated when a non-recoverable major fault occurs. Examples include when there is
a major fault in an ascent propulsion system, or when full trajectory control can no longer be
assured during rendezvous. Aborts may apply unique contingency systems (e.g., an ascent
escape tower for a capsule, a launch abort system (LAS)), or may just apply alternative software
functionality to systems that were already in use (as would generally be the case during a
rendezvous abort).
In addition to preventing LOC during aborts, an FM system will be required to prevent harm to
people and facilities on the ground. During aborts, special means may be applied to separate a
passenger compartment/vehicle from an ascent booster to allow the booster to be destroyed in a
safe zone while the crew attempts a survivable return. There may be unique control effector-
related FM requirements during aborts to assure the highest possible likelihood of safe crew
return given that LOM is already a given.
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Recommended Practice: Abort capability implementation #2. Whenever an abort mode may
arise due to a fault on a second vehicle attached to a spacecraft carrying a crew, include
independent means for the crew and the spacecraft carrying them to determine the health of the
combined system function, providing sufficient insight to determine when a crew should initiate
an abort.
Automated robotic space vehicle operations provide a programmed set of sequences (including
those related to FM) in the flight computer that are triggered by mission phase changes,
detected/recognized events, or ground/crew command. Human-in-the-Loop
Autonomous vehicle operations provide the capability to determine a vehicle’s own course of
action independent of ground intervention, including in response to the vehicle’s own assessment
of sensed external factors. This assessment may be done by machine and/or by onboard crew.
Onboard FM capabilities may be part of autonomous operations, including both fault detection
and responses. Autonomous FM capabilities will be needed on a robotic vehicle when TTC for
faults and/or communication constraints preclude reliance on ground controller intervention. On
a vehicle with a crew, the following FM design considerations apply:
• When the TTC for a fault is too short for crew response, then automated FM
functionality is provided.
• When the TTC allows for crew intervention, automated functionality may still be
provided to limit crew workload.
• Generally, all onboard FM functionality will provide means for human oversight as
well as intervention or override.
FM capabilities can be fully integrated into a vehicle’s autonomous ConOps. Means for vehicle
FM autonomy can be provided in combination with means for ground intervention and override
of the vehicle’s FM system when warranted, with the associated requirement for the vehicle to
provide necessary telemetry to the ground to enable fully informed intervention or override by
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ground personnel. The benefit of vehicle FM autonomy is that the vehicle is not dependent on
the ground (with an associated time-delayed and possibly intermittent communication link) to
address certain anticipated fault scenarios.
The ground role in the operations of robotic vehicles includes mission support, either in the form
of commands or responses to failures. Ground operations may also take the raw data acquired
onboard a vehicle and analyze it to provide necessary FM-related event response to a vehicle that
does not have that FM capability onboard, or is in a configuration where such onboard FM
authority is not granted.
An FM role for vehicles with crew may include procedural advice to the crew. However, ground
operations may take the raw data and analyze it in more detail than is possible onboard, to help
the crew or vehicle FM capability to determine the appropriate FM-related event response. This
ground operations role may be applied under circumstances where the required event response
analysis exceeds the onboard processing capabilities and/or puts too much workload burden on
the crew.
The planned role for ground interaction in vehicle FM operations must always account for
communication restrictions involving gaps, delays, and/or communication link bandwidth limits.
The latency associated with the ground detecting and responding to failures and the limits in the
fidelity of data available to the ground are fundamental mission characteristics driving the
required scope for in-flight FM autonomy. Where the ground is able to respond to failures
quickly with high confidence in providing a proper response, little FM autonomy is needed to
protect system health. However, as ground-in-the-loop response latency increases to the point
that it exceeds the TTC of certain faults, then additional FM autonomy will be necessary to
mitigate those failures as needed.
• Delays in Ground Access to Spacecraft Data: This includes the effects of contact
schedules that are driven by spacecraft-to-ground-receiver visibility considerations;
downlink time that is affected by signal transit times and bandwidth; data latency
based on onboard data management protocols; and latencies in the ground’s received-
data handling system.
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• Delays in Response Data Uplink: This includes ground system uplink data
processing and command execution latencies (that may include uplink data validity
checks); the effects of contact schedules that are driven by spacecraft-to-ground-
receiver visibility considerations; and uplink time that is affected by signal transit
times and bandwidth.
Telemetry bandwidth is a major factor in determining ground confidence regarding insight into
vehicle faults and resulting responses. Bandwidth limits can affect both the fidelity and
completeness of supplied vehicle data needed to analyze the spacecraft and associated fault
Hybrid refers to blending more than one kind of capability. Hybrid operations apply to robotic
vehicles that have to accommodate both human intervention (i.e., via ground operations) as well
as automated intervention during various parts of the mission. In the context of vehicles with
crew, hybrid operations apply when there is a mix of means for machine and human mission
management (from the ground or onboard). An FM system design for a vehicle with hybrid
capabilities has to provide paths for ground operations and/or onboard crew to preempt or
override onboard FM processes and actions. Overrides
Vehicles generally are required to provide means for override of suspect automatic FM
responses. This can be accomplished by the ground control, by onboard crew, or by crew at a
remote in-space location (e.g., the ISS).
Space vehicles with crew have requirements to provide means for crew interaction and/or
intervention in FM functionality. Providing means for crew interaction necessitates dedicated
D&C functionality. The granularity and scope of the onboard D&C and associated crew access
to FM functionality may not be as comprehensive as is available to ground control facilities
based on display limitations and crew workload constraints.
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In addition to the risk posture, mission type, and mission phase consideration discussed
previously, some other mission-unique factors can influence FM requirements and design
choices. A few of those factors and their FM implications are discussed in the following
Opportunities to launch spacecraft to other celestial bodies are constrained by the relative orbital
placement of Earth and the target destination. Launches to a targeted lunar intercept may happen
about one day a month. Launch to a planetary intercept may be possible during an interval
lasting only weeks that occurs only once over a period of years. Each day that a launch window
exists for these destinations, the launch window will be available for minutes. When launching
on an Earth orbit rendezvous mission, an opportunity to launch lasts minutes each day, with
many days precluded because of adverse expected lighting conditions during rendezvous. The
following recommended FM practices can limit the likelihood that spacecraft faults and FM
design complexity will prevent a constrained-window launch from occurring.
Reentry from orbit nominally occurs at a time that is nearly fixed upon initiation of maneuvers
toward a de-orbit initiation point. Delay of de-orbit can only occur if the vehicle has the
resources, such as propellant and power, and configuration, such as operational system
components needed to continue its operation until another specific de-orbit opportunity is
reached (which may be up to a day later). Also, a de-orbit sequence has to be completed after
the orbit perigee has dropped below a critical point. A reentry sequence following a trajectory
from deep space has to complete its execution at the designated time (which is determined when
the trajectory toward the reentry target is initiated).
Recommended Practice: FM functionality for de-orbit and reentry from deep space. For
either reentry following a trajectory from deep space, or for de-orbit, the onboard FM system
should have access to redundancy for components critical to reentry and/or de-orbit success,
and should also have rapidly responsive, autonomous FM functionality with respect to the
critical, redundant components.
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A Backup Flight Control System (BFCS) is an FM design option for vehicles with crew that can
provide protection against unanticipated faults with the primary avionics and software system, as
well as the primary system’s dedicated redundant components that may render the primary
system unable to prevent LOC. The possibility of common mode faults that could
simultaneously take out redundant primary system elements is a typical justification for
considering a BFCS as part of FM. Potential sources of common mode faults include systematic
component design flaws, major software functionality bugs, or accidents that simultaneously
damage numerous vehicle components. The following are some of the considerations to address
in deciding whether to include a BFCS:
• The added safety provided by including a BFCS should be deemed to exceed the
safety gain that could be realized by applying the same resources to make the primary
system more reliable. That requires consideration of how much primary system
reliability gain can be realized, and at what cost, by more thorough component
screening and testing; better system protection against environmental risks; more
complete integrated hardware/software systems testing; and further physical
separation of components with functional overlap.
• Inclusion of a BFCS would require that all aspects of its design be as independent as
possible from the primary system. The software should be independently developed,
coded, and verified. To the extent possible, processing and sensing resources should
be distinct from the primary system. Also, while it will be impractical to have
separate effectors, separate command paths to the effectors may be warranted. To
realize all of these BFCS design factors, the BFCS developers should be a personnel
team independent of the primary system development team. Consideration has to be
given as to whether that is practical. Note also that an independent BFCS
development team would have to coordinate the integration of a BFCS design into the
vehicle with the overall vehicle integration team, which adds some work burden also
to the vehicle integration team, too.
Measures also must be taken to prevent inadvertent, and possibly irreversible, in-flight selection
of BFCS operations. The BCFS, as its name implies, represents back-up functionality, but must
be invoked only in well-specified, agreed-on circumstances.
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[This section will be expanded in later releases. The plan is to include the following topics.]
1. Quantitative versus Qualitative Analysis
1.1.Safety Net
1.2.Quantitative Buy-Down
1.3.Qualitative “Patch-Up”
1.4.Analysis for Design versus Verification/Validation
2. LOC, LOM, and Availability
2.1.Fault Management Control Loop Effectiveness
2.2.Single and Multiple-Fault Criteria
2.3.Failure Effect Propagation
2.4.Latent Faults and Failure Effect Interaction
3. Failure Scenarios
3.1.Failure Scenario Criteria
3.2.Failure Scenario Usage
4. Detection
4.2.False Positive
4.3.False Negative
5. Isolation and Identification (Diagnosis)
5.2.Isolation FP/FN
5.3.Isolation for Repair and Recovery
5.4.Identification for Root Cause Analysis
6. Failure Response Decision
7. Failure Response
7.1.Race Conditions
7.2.Response Interactions
8. Prognostics
8.1.Remaining Useful Life
9. Models
9.1.Goal Tree/Success Tree
9.2.Fault Tree
9.3.Discrete Events and State Machines
9.4.Directed Graphs
9.5.Physics-Based Models
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FM V&V is part of the overall set of actions performed on a system. It is the set of V&V actions
addressing system behavior in off-nominal situations. FM verification proves that the system
design responds to failures as specified by system requirements, and FM validation proves that
the reactions of the system preserve the assets and the intended functions. FM verification is an
essentially bottoms-up, design-specific approach, and FM validation is essentially a top-down,
intent-specific, system-wide approach.
Verification is the process of proving that a system conforms to its set of requirements.9 The
requirements are often in the form of a formal requirements specification for the system. In
addition, requirements can be levied from other sources such as ICDs and IRDs.
Validation is the process of proving that a system conforms to the set of stakeholder
expectations, as captured in the project/program ConOps document.10 This process shows that
the system is capable of accomplishing the desired system-level behavior under realistic nominal
and off-nominal conditions and determines the effectiveness and suitability of the product for use
in operations. It is focused on scenarios that exercise the system and analysis of the suitability of
the resulting behavior without tracing specifically to system requirements.
This section describes FM V&V with respect to a “system”—both because system validation is a
primary concern, and because the approach and process steps described here can be applied to
any definition of “system.” This is based on a given system boundary regardless of whether the
defined system is a part, component, board, subsystem, vehicle, facility or combination of
vehicles and facilities (e.g., a system of systems).
FM V&V is historically problematic, with many examples of inadequate resources (people, time,
and budget) and/or unexpected problems. Many factors contribute to these issues, but the
problem can be traced to a general lack of appreciation of system complexity. When considering
a system, there are significantly more ways the system can fail (contingency paths) than ways it
can succeed (nominal paths). Since the typical effort and planning for FM V&V is a small
subset of the overall system V&V effort, it should not be surprising that these issues and
inadequacies continue to occur. This section of the FM Handbook is intended to describe
processes and best practices to enable managers and engineers to better define, scope and
execute FM V&V.
The following section presumes familiarity with the system V&V process as described in the
NASA SE Handbook. The process description here is intended to integrate and extend the ideas
captured in the NASA SE Handbook, capturing differences, and providing more detail into FM
V&V concerns and issues. The following subsections contain recommended practices, pitfalls,
NASA SE Handbook, Section 5.3 (Product Verification).
NASA SE Handbook, Section 5.4 (Product Validation).
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and lessons learned specific to FM V&V, organized by the five V&V activities as defined in the
NASA SE Handbook.
The execution of any FM V&V effort is preceded by a planning effort to determine and
document the approach and risk posture to be taken for FM V&V. This effort is a subset of
system V&V planning and should be undertaken at the same time. The material in the FM V&V
plan has to be consistent with the project/program V&V plan. The FM V&V plan documents
guidelines, goals, and process steps for FM V&V activities, as shown in the FM Process diagram
in Figure 2. The planning effort should include test planning, plans for simulator development,
test-bed certification, and identification of test assets and required fidelity. Often, necessary test
resources and fidelity identified during FM V&V planning drives the scope of system V&V test
assets, such as the number, fidelity, and fault injection capabilities of various test platforms. In
some cases, this effort has required half of the total test asset planning time.
One key result of the FM planning effort is the determination of the scope of off-nominal
scenarios to be considered in FM V&V, particularly for FM validation. The ability of the set of
defined V&V actions to “cover” adequately the identified failure space, the as-implemented FM
design, and the intended off-nominal behavior is a cost/risk trade that has significant implications
to the project schedule and risk posture. Decisions on the approach and amount of V&V
coverage should be made and documented early in the project lifecycle so that specific plans can
be developed and costs estimated. Frequently, this aspect of FM V&V is given insufficient
attention, and results in the cost and schedule impacts/overruns often seen during system test.
Pitfall: The Bump. Many projects have experienced a significant increase in resources
required to complete system-level FM V&V. This has been termed “the bump.” Prepare for the
FM V&V “bump” during testing by adequately planning the FM testing and accounting for
integration issues, such as unplanned interactions or unexpected system behaviors. The size of
the “bump” will be affected by the particular integration flow and the choice of system
architecture and selected FM mechanisms.11 The graphic in figure 7 illustrates a typical
situation of planned effort (see black line) compared to the actual effort required (red line).
Future versions of this Handbook will address these points in more detail.
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Figure 7—“The Bump” in Required FM Resources
Recommended Practice: FM V&V plan contents. Include the following material in the FM
V&V Plan: guidelines of verification approach, required test venues, approach for determining
fault injection requirements, intended level of fidelity of models in test venues, scope of off-
nominal scenarios for FM validation, coverage guidelines for FM validation (document
resulting/intended risk posture), and policy on verification completeness.
The results of the FM V&V planning effort should be documented in a formal project document.
Depending on the size and document tree of a given project, the FM V&V material may appear
in a separate FM V&V document, or be included in the project V&V planning document. Either
option is acceptable, as long as there is a document that contains the FM V&V planning
Recommended Practice: Pass/Fail criteria. When establishing pass/fail criteria for FM tests
and demonstrations, the criteria should include the expected condition of all health-critical and
mission-critical objectives. If these conditions are not part of the physical hardware or
simulation used for the test or demonstration, analysis should be used to assess their behavior.
This makes clear whether a given result during a test necessitates a retest.
Recommended Practice: Account for sufficient resources. Use the FM validation matrix to
develop an estimate of the resources needed for performing off nominal (FM) V&V. See
section 8.2.1 for additional discussion on the development of a FM validation matrix.
Recommended Practice: Begin system validation planning early. System validation planning
for FM should begin during the design phase. The act of developing system-level validation tests
often reveals inconsistencies in FM design and assumptions, such that the act of developing
validation tests itself is a good early-on check (i.e., paper test) of the system. FM system
engineers can still influence subsystem designs to ensure that they meet overall FM goals and
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identify inconsistencies and potential defects before they progress into the formal test program.
Additionally, the FM engineers can determine if sufficient monitoring capability (e.g., test points,
software telemetry interfaces) will be available during testing to validate the design.
Recommended Practice: Generate an “incompressible test list.” By the beginning of the test
program, the test plan should have an “incompressible test list” which is, as it sounds, the
absolute bare minimum list of tests that have to be run to qualify the design. Additionally, a
standard set of FM regression tests (FM regression suite) should be generated when changes to
the design (whether hardware or software) are made. (A further option is a minimal regression
suite when just FM parameter changes are made. These are usually determined on a case-by-
case basis, but identifying these upfront can stave off last minute disagreements.)
FM V&V implementation takes the FM V&V planning products and develops the specifics of
the FM V&V approach. The difference in effort between one program and the next is dependent
on the way in which the program has developed the FM requirements. In some programs, FM
requirements are very specific and document each allocated FM function—in this case, the set of
verification actions will be many. In other programs, the set of FM requirements is broad,
perhaps referencing a lower level document or a database—in this case, the set of verification
actions will be smaller. Depending on how the verification actions are performed, and the way
in which the FM requirements are stated, the set of validation actions will vary as well.
The first step is the development of the V&V matrices, as illustrated in figure 8,
Implementation—V&V Matrices.
Recommended Practice: Develop an FM system validation matrix. Identify system tests that
validate system performance (“Is the system doing the right thing?”). These tests should focus
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on system behavior and mitigate system risk. The plan should also include the test platform and
resources needed for each test. Reviewing existing subsystem verification plans can help identify
uncovered areas. The plan should then be developed into FM validation procedures. This
notion of a validation matrix differs slightly from the description of the validation matrix in the
NASA SE Handbook. The FM validation matrix is intended to be an extension of the validation
matrix described in that document by including failure scenarios in the system validation matrix.
For simplicity, this document refers to the FM portion of this validation matrix as the “FM
validation matrix.”
Recommended Practice: Prioritize requirements from a test perspective. Not all requirements
are equally important.
Recommended Practice: Method selection. While testing is typically viewed as the most
desirable method for V&V, other methods may allow a more cost-effective solution that still
meets the required risk posture. The selection of which method to use has to be weighed
carefully in order to make use of V&V resources wisely. For example, analysis may be a more
effective approach than development of complicated fault injection capabilities. PhysicsLbased"
design"of"highly"discriminatory"tests.""Future versions of this Handbook will provide additional
information to guide FM practitioners in determining appropriate V&V method selection.
Pitfall: Incremental verification. Verification is usually performed “early” in the test program.
Thus, it follows that low-level subsystem verification is often only exercised on individual
subsystems in a standalone environment. External interfaces and external stimuli"are"either"
are potential problems that cannot be discovered from verification testing since there are likely
to be dependent subsystem and system interactions that are not apparent to the developer of the
Pitfall: Limitations of testing. When a requirement reads, “The system shall perform response
action A,” a verification test is developed to prove that the response action is taken under a
specific set of conditions usually at the discretion of the verification engineer. In reality, there
may be a number of scenarios due to initial conditions and the external effects of other
subsystems where the requirement would not be met. However, the verification approach is
typically “prove that requirement X is satisfied under conditions where we expect it to be met”
as opposed to “find a condition where Requirement X is not satisfied.” Once the requirement is
provably met (perhaps under only a single initial condition), the box is checked off
(“requirement verified”), despite"the"possibility"that"the"requirement"may"not"be"met"under"
other"conditions. Then verification progresses to the next requirement. Avoid incomplete
verification of requirements by considering all the scenarios under which the requirement is
expected to be met. Additional tests and/or analyses may be necessary.
Pitfall: Verification by allocation. When the “Verification by Allocation” approach is used,
system verification is reduced to a bookkeeping exercise of tracking higher-level requirements by
checking off boxes as lower level subsystem requirements are verified. This approach is greatly
flawed. If system A is made up of two subsystems B and C and both subsystems are fully verified,
it is not enough to claim that system A is now verified by way of the “checkbox.” Requirements
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can be allocated to lower level subsystems, but verification should not be allocated. Instead,
perform verification of higher-level requirements by testing the combined system. This may
require unique test equipment and facilities to support testing of the integrated product. In
practice, this becomes more difficult for a multitier system of systems because as you move up
the chain to higher-level integrated systems, (1) the requirements typically become less specific;
and (2) the resources required to perform the test become more substantial. This is where
validation can play a key role since validation can ensure that the allocation of requirements
was correct.
Recommended Practice: Prioritize validation tests. Identify an approach to prioritize the suite
of validation tests giving highest priority to those that mitigate the most significant risks. As
schedule and resource pressures build, there may be a need to reduce the amount of planned
testing. By defining a methodical approach to assigning priorities to tests, this can be used to
define a minimum set of tests required to certify FM (i.e., incompressible test list). In the end, an
agreement between the FM SE team and project management has to be reached to establish
minimum criteria to ensure that the FM team will perform sufficient testing and project
management will not reduce testing in the face of schedule pressure without understanding the
effect on risk. See sections 8.2.1–2 for specific recommendations on selection and prioritization
of validation tests.
Recommended Practice: "Gremlin.""Establish"a"role"within"the"FM"V&V"(or"Project"V&V)"effort"
The V&V actions are performed per the associated FM V&V plans. As a part of performing
each test or demonstration action, a test report is written to document compliance and deviations
from test objectives. The test report also lists any problem reports generated during the test.
Inspection and analysis actions are documented in inspection memos and analysis reports. These
activities, while performed to verify and validate FM functionality, are typical for execution of
all V&V programs. More detail on the processes and outputs may be found in the NASA SE
Handbook, sections (Verification Process Activities) and (Validation Process
Recommended Practice: Use formal modeling. Leverage the ability of formal models and
model checkers to perform some aspects of FM V&V, leaving a small number of validation cases
for testing on flight hardware. Formal modeling is much more important for FM V&V than for
V&V of nominal system behavior due to the exceptionally large number of possible failure
scenarios, and for assessing the propagation of failure effects, which can only be done
incompletely in tests and demonstrations. Formal models and simulations allow the exploration
of many more states than are possible by test.
Recommended Practice: Leverage features of system architecture. Utilize system architectural
features that allow well-behaved extrapolation of test cases by analysis. This enables test results
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from a given failure scenario to be extended to other failure scenarios that share the same
architectural feature, increasing the coverage of the failure space, and grounding the analysis in
actual test results.
Recommended Practice: Perform parameter reviews. FM functionality is directly tied to a
variety of parameters, such as failure or anomaly thresholds, weights that link responses to
detections, and delay times associated with failure response TTC issues. Different behaviors
often can result from changed parameter values, and thus parameters have to be rigorously
reviewed, analyzed, and tested in V&V tests.
Pitfall: Integration issues. Integration of FM functionality is typically more problematic than
nominal functions due to its far-reaching effects on the system behavior. When planning FM
tests, or demonstrations in flight system testing, provide additional schedule margin to account
for integration difficulties.
Recommended Practice: Develop tools to assess pass/fail criteria. In situations where there
are a large number of FM test cases to assess, it is useful to develop tools or other means to
assess automatically pass/fail criteria for each test. This enables a more effective test program
by allowing FM practitioners to prioritize test review, focusing first on the tests that did not pass
the automated checks. Developing such capability has the additional benefit of requiring
success criteria for the tests to be crisply defined.
Recommended Practice: Automated testing. Use scripting and other similar means to
automate FM testing. The large number of failure scenarios makes it very difficult to cover a
significant fraction of these cases through testing. However, by incorporating automated testing
practices to run (and provide initial assessments of) tests, the overhead associated with each test
can be reduced, allowing many more test cases to be run. As an example, the Cassini Saturn
Orbit Insertion sequence had tens of system tests, but to ensure the core attitude control FM
logic worked with the Saturn Orbit Insertion (SOI) sequence, over 3000 tests were run in an
automated environment. The upfront investment of developing the automated testing capability
saved many work years of test effort, and in fact allowed an intractable problem to be
successfully solved.
Recommended Practice: Perform failure scenario walk-throughs. Walk-throughs of failure
scenarios can be very effective in the identification of problems with processes and FM
responses, before these problems are found in test.
Recommended Practice: Validation independence. The team performing validation testing
should be independent of the team that developed the design.
Upon completion of the V&V activities, assessment of the V&V actions is performed.
Assessment in this context includes updating of the FM V&V matrices to record the completion
of the V&V actions, as well as identifying any design changes or waivers needed. Frequently,
the FM V&V results are also summarized separately in specific documents (e.g., an FM
verification report and an FM validation report). As with the FM V&V execution step,
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additional detail on this aspect of V&V is in the NASA SE Handbook, sections
(Verification Process Activities) and (Validation Process Activities).
The following sections capture guidance along specific FM V&V topic areas.
The goal of FM validation is to develop proof that the system reacts as intended to the set of
possible failures. FM validation consists of a set of actions that shows the behavior of the system
in off-nominal situations. To perform FM validation, the FM practitioner needs both a definition
of intent, and a definition of the failure space for the system.
The specification of intent is typically defined as a set of objectives for each system activity over
the mission timeframe. Each objective is described in terms of performance of a system function
(in a specified timeframe), and is categorized into one of three categories, as follows: First,
safety-critical; second, mission-critical; or third, noncritical. This description of intent is ideally
determined and documented as part of the standard SE or S&MA process, but the FM
practitioner may need to collect and document this information.
Selection of the set of failure scenarios for FM validation has historically been a subjective and
qualitative activity. Unlike the determination of the set of requirements for a verification matrix,
the determination of the set of failure scenarios is not straightforward. This is due to the large
size of the failure space, and the multitude of ways in which it can be organized. For systems of
moderate complexity, the set of failure scenarios to consider could number in the thousands. As
a rough rule-of-thumb, the number of failure scenarios expected in a given system is about an
order of magnitude smaller than the number of failure modes.12
The set of possible off-nominal scenarios (failure scenarios) is the combination of all the unique
failure conditions (the set of identified failure modes in the system, reduced to the smaller
number of unique failure effects (since many failure modes produce the same
effects/symptoms)), multiplied by the set of different system configurations over time. This
generates a large set of failure scenarios, and for the vast majority of projects, the full set is not
enumerated. In addition, it is impossible to know if all possible failure modes have been
identified for systems of even moderate complexity. It is extremely likely (nearly certain) that
unidentified failure modes exist for such systems -- the unknown unknowns. Nevertheless, in
theory there exists a set of failure scenarios based on the combination of unique failure
conditions and system configuration over time. Each of these failure scenarios can be analyzed
The number of failure scenarios may vary from this rule, depending on whether the mission has a small number of
mission activities, or a large number of varied activities.
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to determine the associated failure effects (of each specific failure mode for each configuration
and point in time).
Because of the large size of this set, it would be unreasonable to develop a validation plan and
facilities to assess all the identified failure scenarios (or even, depending on the size of the
project, to develop such a list). However, there are some approaches to reduce the set of failure
scenarios to be assessed. Of relevance is that many scenarios have significant similarities to
other scenarios, and these similarities can be used to extend the results of a given validation
action. An FM practitioner can identify the small differences between scenarios, determine the
effects of these differences (in many cases, this is simple and straightforward); and then state
that, based on completion of the validation for “scenario A,” that by similarity and analysis of the
differences, “nearby scenarios” (e.g., B, C, and D) can be considered validated as well.
At issue is the method by which to identify a set of “important” failure scenarios that provide
sufficient evidence that the system responds correctly to off-nominal situations. This is typically
described as having sufficient coverage. In most cases, identification of this set of failure
scenarios is based on the engineering judgment of the FM practitioner. This results in a set of
failure scenarios that cannot be assessed quantitatively, and whose quality is in great part
determined by the quality and experience of the FM practitioner. Furthermore, it is difficult to
assess whether the identified set of the selected failure scenarios meets the risk mitigation
posture of the project.
These issues may be addressed by using a top-down approach to the selection of failure
scenarios. Specifically, the set of failure scenarios to be used for validation can be identified as
Since many projects use top-down failure analyses (e.g., FTA, PRA, success-tree analysis), this
information is typically readily available, especially for mission-critical activities. For example,
an FTA is usually performed for mission-critical activities. The branches of the FTA contain
conditions that threaten the successful completion of the activity. These conditions ought to be
used to define the set of failure scenarios to be considered for that activity. A set of failure
scenarios prioritized from a well-defined top-down failure analysis will provide appropriate
coverage of off-nominal behavior (since the top-down analysis illustrates the failure
dependencies, while the set of identified causes for the off-nominal behavior is from the
bottoms-up analyses). While the unique behaviors can only be determined from the
characteristics of the design, the top-down, scenario-based approach provides a basis to assess
coverage against the mission goals and objectives, which is one point of validation.
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While a top-down approach provides the information to select a set of failure scenarios for
validation, the set so defined has to be “mappable” to the project risk posture, and match the
resources of the project. Furthermore, there are distinctions that make certain failure scenarios
more valuable in the reduction of project risk. For these reasons, it is also necessary to define a
set of priorities for the failure scenarios. By delineating specific criteria in the definition of these
priorities, a project provides the mapping between the set of failure scenarios and the stated risk
posture. The criteria that define each priority level are typically definitions of coverage across a
set of items, for example, time- and event-based items, such as critical events, mission phases,
and mission activities; and design-based items, such as subsystems, hardware, or FM
monitors/responses. Since validation is, foremost, an action to determine whether the system
meets expectations (proof that “you have what you need”), it is more important than an
assessment of “what you have.” It is important to have activity or objective coverage
(particularly mission-critical activity coverage) at a higher priority than design coverage (e.g.,
coverage of mission objectives ought to be a higher priority than coverage of all FM
monitors/responses). For example, the four-tier priority scheme follows:
The utilization of test beds for FM V&V is both beneficial and problematic. The benefits of
using a test bed instead of the flight unit are greater visibility, additional time available, and an
enhanced ability to inject faults. However, when using a test bed instead of a flight article, there
is a greater reliance on modeling and analysis to determine the results of a given failure scenario.
Models of hardware many times do not react in flight-like ways during failure scenarios. This
section contains a set of recommended practices to assist in the planning and use of test beds in
Recommended Practice: Include all subsystems in test beds. FM test models should include all
subsystems (often power and thermal are short-changed causing many last minute or on-orbit
surprises and anomalies). If there are insufficient resources for complete power subsystem
hardware, then at a minimum, a detailed, high-fidelity, fully validated power simulation should
be implemented. Thermal subsystems usually have to be simulated on test beds, but are
validated in thermal-vacuum (T-VAC) testing. The test scope should not be partitioned into
subsystems. FM is a system function, and all subsystems need to be fully involved irrespective of
the organizational structure.
Recommended Practice: Test-bed sparing. If there is only one hardware test bed, it should
have sufficient spares in case units are reworked during the design process. Projects are
recommended to have at least one dedicated hardware test bed for FM testing.
Recommended Practice: Hardware-in-the-Loop (HITL) testing. A project should have at least
one dedicated HITL test bed for FM software development and multiple high fidelity fully
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[This section will be expanded in later releases. The plan is to include the following topics.]
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Phase A
2.1 System Operation Guidelines
2.2 Develop FM operations approach
3.0 Phase B
3.1 FM Concept of Operations
3.2 Revise FM Operations Approach
3.3 Develop Operations Requirements
4.0 Phase C
4.1 Refine Operations Requirements
4.2 Detailed Operations Design
4.3 Response to Allocated FM functionality (result of flight/ground split)
5.0 Phase D
5.1 Operations V&V
5.2 Definition of Operating Constraints (e.g., flight rules)
5.3 Operator/Operations Team Certification
5.4 Contingency Planning
6.0 Phase E
6.1 Vehicle Operation
6.2 Anomaly Resolution
6.3 Updating System Behavior
6.4 Critical Events
6.5 Lessons Learned
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To adequately review and evaluate FM functions within a system, three levels of reviews are
recommended. FM is expected to be a topic in major program/project lifecycle reviews (i.e.,
MCR, MDR, SRR, PDR, CDR, SIR, and CERR, in accordance with NASA NPR 7123.1A,
NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements; and NPR 7120.8, NASA Research
and Technology Program and Project Management Requirements) and system- and subsystem-
level technical reviews (for those systems/subsystems that have been allocated FM functions). In
addition, there should be dedicated FM technical reviews throughout the lifecycle to ensure an
acceptable approach, plan, and FM design has been selected, FM meets the specified
requirements, FM is ready for integration and test, and FM is ready for critical events.
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lessons Learned #1743) Mars Exploration Rover (MER). The Mars
Polar Lander (MPL) 1999 mission failure encouraged the MER project management to impose a
healthy skepticism towards success. The MER project continuously demanded proof that the
system would work, rather than assuming that risks were acceptable unless shown to the
Dedicated FM technical reviews serve a number of purposes:
a. Mind-Set: In FM reviews, the participants, review board, and agenda are dedicated
to asking “What if?” and “What is the required performance in the presence of a failure?” In
non-FM focused reviews, there is little time for more than an occasional failure scenario walk-
through as failure scenarios are a “tax” on a traditional nominal content-focused review schedule.
b. Content: FM review agendas have many specialized FM-centric topics covering the
entire scope of a project’s off-nominal behavior. It is a systems agenda, but key subsystems,
such as flight software, GN&C, and power, are covered so that the interaction between the
subsystem FM and systems FM can be fully appreciated and potential crosscutting issues can be
realized. It is a unique opportunity and necessary step to formulating an integrated FM picture of
the project.
c. Logistics: Having all FM issues presented in one place allows a review board
consisting of FM experts in the NASA community to be assembled and to attend a focused,
concise (1–2 day) review. Logistically, it can be difficult to assemble a 5–10 member review
board of FM experts to attend a long (1–2 week) program/project review plus additional key
system- and subsystem-level reviews. This issue also applies to the FM personnel on the project.
Often, the FM personnel are too busy to be able to attend weeks of reviews, so they will not be
able to participate in the FM-related discussions when they occur. Issues can be written down,
but that is a poor substitute for a vigorous back and forth discussion between subject matter
d. Completeness: A review of FM in piece parts makes it hard for anyone not in
attendance at all presentations to integrate all the discussions and to identify gaps in the content.
With no dedicated forum to walk through omissions and scenarios, it is almost certitude that
items will be missed.
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f. NASA Lessons Learned: In the past, unmanned missions sometimes would hold
informal FM reviews or critical event reviews. After years of experience and reflection on
factors that led to failures and factors that supported the successes, the FM review process
evolved. In recent projects, the FM review was the key forum where difficult system issues were
discussed by FM experts, lead system engineers, and institutional chief engineers. Outcomes
from such reviews were instrumental in identifying and correcting key disconnects as early in the
design process as possible. The relatively high rate of success of recent missions has shown this
process yields products that are more robust; and conversely, experience has shown that there
will be gaps and holes without this FM-centric process.
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lessons Learned #1612) Assessing the human capital and facilities
required for new Moon/Mars missions. Bad habits (those contributing to failures) are not “un-
learned” if personnel are not involved in thorough postmortem reviews of failed projects. The
successes and failures of more recent missions, such as the X–vehicle programs and planetary
exploration missions (such as MER), should be reviewed. In particular, understanding the
successes should be a priority.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general guidance on project-level lifecycle reviews, and it
should be consulted for general entrance and success criteria for technical reviews. The purpose
of this section is to provide a minimum set of recommended FM technical reviews for a
successful low-risk program.
Table 20, Summary of Recommended Major Milestone Reviews, outlines the minimum list of
recommended reviews for FM and provides a brief description of the review and the duration
and timeframe for the review. For class C or class D missions, where the project team is
relatively small, combining these dedicated FM reviews with associated project- or system-level
reviews could be considered. However, all the FM-specific entrance criteria and success criteria
listed for the various reviews should still be covered and careful consideration should be given
prior to the removal, combining, or tailoring of FM reviews for a specific project.
Sections 10.1–7 detail the reviews listed in table 20 by providing the following for each review:
Note that additional reviews focused more on “quality control” than on the FM process, may also
be useful based on project scope and specifics. These further reviews include the following:
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FM Concept The FMCR examines the FM boundary, or 0.5–1 day Prior to project
Review scope, to ensure that the size and complexity MCR
(FMCR) of FM matches the available resources and
risk posture for the mission. The FMCR also
examines the FM ConOps, the safing
strategy, and the critical events list.
FM The FMARR examines both the architecture 1–2 days Prior to project
Architecture/ and mission- and system-level FM SRR/MDR
Requirements requirements to ensure that the architecture
Review and requirements are in-line with each other
(FMARR) and that the coverage provided by the
requirements is sufficient and will satisfy
mission requirements.
FM Preliminary The FMPDR demonstrates that the 1–2 days Prior to project
Design Review preliminary design meets program PDR
(FMPDR) requirements for FM with acceptable risk and
within the constraints allocated. The
FMPDR also demonstrates that the failure
modes and effects of the preliminary system
have been adequately analyzed and that an
agreement has been reached between the FM
team and the project on the set of FM policy
and single fault tolerance exemptions. In
addition, it ensures that all of the subsystem
hardware/software is in place to support the
FM requirements and architecture and is
sufficient to support FM during critical
FM Critical The FMCDR demonstrates that the maturity 1–2 days Prior to project
Design Review of the design is such that the implementation CDR
(FMCDR) of FM mechanisms is ready to proceed. The
FMCDR determines that the V&V plan, FM
system-level test plan, and operability of the
FM system are consistent with project
constraints and overall risk level.
Duration of review varies based on NASA mission class and amount of FM coverage at project, system, and
subsystem technical reviews.
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FM Test The FMTRR ensures that the FM system- 0.5–1 day Prior to project
Readiness level test plan is consistent with the program SIR/TRR
Review schedule and that all FM test procedures are
(FMTRR) ready for testing. The FMTRR also provides
an opportunity to confirm that subsystem
testing, results, and issues up to this point do
not affect the FM system-level design.
FM Launch The FMLRR assesses the adequacy of FM 0.5–1 day Prior to launch
Readiness V&V performed to date, in order to
Review determine if the system has sufficient FM
(FMLRR) maturity to launch.
FM Critical The FMCERR reviews are held, as 0.5–1 day Prior to critical
Event necessary, to verify the readiness of FM to events
Readiness support specific mission-critical event
Reviews operations. These reviews focus on the
(FMCERR) mission-critical event operational timeline,
the predicted behavior of the various
platform subsystems, the predicted responses
of FM during the event, and any operational
constraints imposed by the FM functions.
The FMCR examines the proposed FM concept including the definition of the FM boundary or
scope, and ensures that the size and complexity of FM matches the available resources and risk
posture for the mission. The design principles (e.g., unique mission design characteristics,
critical events, redundancy philosophy, safing strategy) which describe how FM will be applied
specifically to the given mission should be reviewed as well as the concept of FM operations
(i.e., the FM ConOps), applicable technologies (along with the associated TRL estimates), and
overall work plan, schedule and resources for FM. It is important that this review be held during
phase A, prior to MDR.
Since concepts affect the way systems are architected/designed, built, and operated, it is of
crucial importance to establish, define, and communicate this concept early during mission
formulation. This review is primarily motivated by recognizing and appreciating that having a
system concept that supports both nominal functionality and off-nominal (FM) functionality is
important to practical aspects of defining the overall system design. Knowledge of the FM
functions within the system, commonly shared among the overall team, will support a greater
understanding of how those functions will interact with the host space platform system so that
overall complexity can be minimized and undesired interactions can be avoided.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All concept
reviews should confirm that the preliminary set of requirements satisfactorily provides a system
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that will meet the mission objectives, with a technical plan that is sufficient to proceed to the
next phase, and with cost and schedule estimates that are credible.
Pitfall: Use of legacy code in FM design. Flight software source code is sometimes
grandfathered in for use in a new program. This can be good and bad. The good part is there is
a lot of testing completed and many bugs have been worked out. The bad part is that if there are
undiscovered bugs, they are carried through to the next program. Also, there is a significant risk
of new bugs related to interface, compiler or system differences, especially since heritage code
rarely gets a detailed review and the experts that know the code the best are often not available
to participate, or too much time has passed to recall logic subtleties well.
Recommended Practice: Hold detailed FM code and logic reviews. Cross-checking the FM
code and logic against the FM description for completeness and correctness can alleviate issues,
such as undiscovered bugs and bugs related to interfaces.
Table 21, FMCR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides FM-specific entrance and success
criteria for the FMCR. Table 28, FM Milestone Review Questions, provides relevant questions
for reviews.
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The FMARR examines both the architecture and mission- and system-level FM requirements to
ensure that the architecture and requirements are in-line with each other and that the coverage
provided by the requirements is sufficient to satisfy mission requirements. Reviewing the system
architecture in terms of both its nominal and off-nominal (FM) functionality is important, so that
complexity can be minimized and undesired interactions can be avoided. Critical information
that should be reviewed includes, but is not limited to, the list of time-critical and/or mission-
critical events that are design drivers for the FM functions within the system, lists of both
hardware and software (both in flight and ground systems) that are envisioned to be needed by
FM for diagnostics, expected ground response time to failures, and degree of ground interaction
allowed/desired in failure responses. This review should be held during mid-to-late Phase B,
prior to PDR. Note that larger programs may wish to have separate requirements and
architecture reviews.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews. These general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews, as follows:
a. All architecture and requirements reviews should confirm that there is a sound
process for the allocation of requirements at all levels.
d. Preliminary approach for how requirements will be verified and validated has been
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f. The system and subsystem design approaches and ConOps exist and are consistent
with the requirements set.
Table 22, FMARR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides the FM-specific entrance and success
criteria for the FMARR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
Lesson Learned: (NASA Lessons Learned #1385) CONTOUR Mishap Investigation, reliance
of CONTOUR project on analysis by similarity. Projects should conduct inheritance reviews
(i.e., analyses by similarity) early in the project lifecycle and should assure that the analysis
properly evaluates the inherited item's capabilities and prior use against all mission-critical
requirements. The board felt that inadequate oversight was especially dangerous in combination
with nonstandard engineering practices.
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The FMPDR demonstrates that the FM preliminary design meets program requirements for FM
with acceptable risk and is within the technical constraints and programmatic resources
allocated. The FMPDR also demonstrates that the system has been adequately analyzed for
potential faults and that an agreement has been reached between the FM team and project
management on a clear and well defined set of faults that has to be managed. This design review
should be held prior to the mission-level PDR. Some programs may wish to hold a pre-PDR
peer review prior to the FMPDR; this may include limited review of fault analysis if separate
reviews are not held.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All PDRs
should confirm the following:
• That the top-level requirements are agreed upon, finalized, and consistent with the
preliminary design.
• The flow-down of verifiable requirements is complete.
• The preliminary design is expected to meet the requirements at an acceptable level of
• Adequate technical interfaces are consistent with the overall technical maturity and
provide an acceptable level of risk.
Table 23, FMPDR Entrance and success Criteria, provides the FM-specific entrance and success
criteria for the FMPDR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
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The FMCDR demonstrates that the maturity of the design is appropriate and consistent across all
subsystems such that implementation of FM in multiple subsystems can proceed. FMCDR
determines that the verification plan, FM system-level test plan, and operability (i.e., the
ConOps) of the FM functions within the system are consistent with project constraints and
overall program risk level. This design review should be held prior to the mission-level CDR.
Some programs may wish to hold a pre-CDR peer review prior to the FMCDR.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All critical
design reviews should confirm that the detailed design meets the requirements with adequate
margins and at an acceptable level of risk, interface control documents are appropriately matured
to proceed with fabrication, assembly, integration and test, the V&V requirements and plans are
complete, and the testing approach is comprehensive.
Table 24, FMCDR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides entrance and success criteria for the
FMCDR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
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The FMTRR ensures that the FM system-level test plan is consistent with the program schedule
and that all test procedures are ready for use in the test environment. The FMTRR also provides
an opportunity to confirm that subsystem testing, results, and issues up to this point do not affect
the FM system-level design. This review should be held prior to end of phase C.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All test
readiness reviews should confirm that test plans are complete and approved, that identification
and coordination of required test resources are complete, and that previous component,
subsystem, and system test results form a satisfactory basis for proceeding into planned tests.
Table 25, FMTRR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides entrance and success criteria for the
FMTRR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
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The FMLRR verifies the completeness of all testing, analysis, demonstrations, and contingency
procedures ensuring that the FM functions within the system have sufficient maturity to launch.
This review should be held prior to launch.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews, and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All launch
readiness reviews should confirm the following:
Table 26, FMLRR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides entrance and success criteria for the
FMLRR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
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The FMCERR reviews are held as necessary to verify the readiness of FM to support specific
mission-critical event operations. Such mission-critical events would include, but not be limited
to, orbital insertion propulsive maneuvers, rendezvous and docking operations, EDL operations,
and flyby maneuvers. These reviews focus on the mission-critical event operational timeline, the
predicted behavior of the various platform subsystems, and the predicted responses of FM during
the event. Any operational constraints imposed by the FM functions within the system should be
identified. All changes to the FM nominal configuration (e.g., a change to a fault detection
threshold level) will be defined and supported with analytical, simulation, and test results. All
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changes to the event timeline to accommodate FM configuration changes (both pre-event and
post-event) will also be identified and incorporated into the final operational timeline.
The NASA SE Handbook provides general entrance and success criteria for program technical
reviews and these general guidelines should be applied to FM-specific reviews. All critical event
readiness reviews should confirm that the critical event design complies with the requirements
and that the preparation for the critical event, including V&V, is thorough.
Table 27, FMCERR Entrance and Success Criteria, provides entrance and success criteria for the
FMCERR; table 28 provides relevant questions for reviews.
A set of relevant questions for FM milestone reviews is listed in table 28, FM Milestone Review
Questions. These questions have a dual purpose. First, these questions identify specific detailed
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areas for reviewers to probe. Second, the questions serve to provide another means to expose
and highlight the underlying nature and the detailed aspects of the specific FM functions within
the system being reviewed.
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Applicable FM
# FM Question
17 Can a problem in a primary unit cause the same failure in its FMARR, FMPDR,
backup? FMCDR
Can a device damage its neighbors?
19 Does the FM design allow in-flight upgrades and/or in-flight FMARR
repair by crew?
20 Is telemetry sufficient for all critical events? Is telemetry FMARR, FMPDR,
sufficient to distinguish among all known fault modes? FMCDR, FMCER
21 Are multiple safeguards available during early operation? FMARR
22 Has FM been shown to be adequate? FMLRR
23 Do the tests independently confirm development results? FMLRR, FMCER
24 Have predictions been analytically established before testing? FMCDR, FMTRR
25 Can a simple test be used to crosscheck an elaborate test? FMTRR
26 Has all test data been reviewed for trends, oddities, “out-of- FMLRR
family” values, and other indicators of anomalies?
27 Are all test anomalies fully understood? FMLRR
Have the test articles been fully inspected before and after
29 Do the tests cover all operating modes? FMLRR
30 Does the acceptance test plan screen for anticipated failure FMPDR, FMCDR
31 Is the test equipment compatible with the test conditions? FMTRR
32 Does the system being tested represent the flight configuration? FMTRR
(Test as you fly.)
33 Does the test inject sufficient off-nominal conditions to ensure FMTRR
the equipment is robust?
What processes and standards are used in the design, analysis,
and testing program?
35 Have all the functional, performance, and interface relationships FMARR, FMPDR,
that exist between the various spacecraft's subsystems been FMCDR, FMTRR
rigorously searched out, recognized, identified, described,
defined, and documented?
36 Were all flight environments fully accounted for in the design? FMPDR, FMCDR
37 What process was employed to validate/verify the flight FMPDR, FMCDR
What dispersions were considered?
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Applicable FM
# FM Question
38 What testing and analyses were employed to define the flight FMPDR, FMCDR
What is the pedigree of these tests and analyses?
39 Does the FM system design provide sufficient coverage for FMARR, FMPDR,
typical hardware anomalies (e.g., malfunctioning valves, shorted FMCDR
connecter pins, malfunctioning pyros, battery under-/over-
charging, computer upset, etc.)? What device-level protections
40 Are launch integration and all ground crew operations FMCDR, FMLLR
thoroughly planned?
41 Is the selection and location of the FM sensors/instrumentation, FMARR, FMPDR,
as well as the associated display and alarms, sufficient to FMCDR
correctly and timely detect critical failures/events?
42 Have redundancy switching analyses been performed to ensure a FMPDR, FMCDR
fail-safe transfer between multiple, or redundant, controllers?
Have these analyses determined the effects on the redundancy
switching process by considering all credible failure paths, such
as part/component failures, start-up transients, latch-ups,
overvoltage conditions, and electro-magnetic interference
What provisions are there in the FM system design to preclude
glitches in one unit will not propagate across interfaces?
43 Can the onboard computer be safely reset? FMARR, FMPDR,
Can executable software be uploaded even if the computer locks FMCDR
Does the FM system architecture include a backdoor receiver
with a default mode to overcome a computer lockup?
44 Do the FM system tests accurately simulate time-dependent, FMTRR
especially start-up, behavior?
45 Is the power supplied to the FM system test bed monitored and FMTRR
recorded for abnormal transient voltage and current in the event
of anomalies or failures?
46 Can unexpected time-dependent circuit behavior be FMARR, FMPDR,
accommodated by the FM system design? FMCDR
47 Is there a requirement for the FM system to accommodate the FMARR
case where serial safety devices (e.g., thruster inhibits) fail
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Applicable FM
# FM Question
48 Will unexpected inputs cause the software to freeze or loop FMARR, FMPDR,
endlessly? FMCDR
Does the flight software ignore spurious inputs through filtering
or limit checking?
Does the flight software deliberately ignore faults if there is no
possible recovery?
Is the flight software precluded from resetting in response to
input errors and to send error messages in telemetry instead?
49 What happens if the software stops executing (hangs)? FMPDR, FMCDR
50 Can the computer experience a fault during boot up? FMPDR, FMCDR
Will it be possible to diagnose computer problems remotely?
52 Is all critical FM software under configuration control? FMCDR, FMTRR
53 How are FM software database parameters verified and placed FMCDR, FMTRR
under configuration control?
54 Are FM command scripts, both for ground test and in-space FMTRR, FMLRR,
operations, formally controlled? FMCER
55 Will testing exercise all logic branches? How will you know? FMTRR
56 How are reused or modified FM software codes verified? FMPDR, FMCDR
57 What is the plan to test FM flight software with high-fidelity FMCDR, FMTRR
hardware in the loop, in the flight configuration?
58 Has an analysis been performed to determine if a signal arriving FMPDR, FMCDR,
earlier or later than expected can trigger unintended FM FMTRR
59 Will recovery from a computer crash return the system to the FMARR, FMPDR,
last known good state? FMCDR
60 What is the plan for independent verification of the fault FMARR, FMPDR,
protection logic? FMCDR
61 Does the FM design consider all operational possibilities? FMARR
62 How will the autonomous FM system and the ground system FMARR
both be provided with correct and timely information? How will
synchronization of state information between flight and ground
be maintained?
63 Is the autonomous FM independent of all hardware and software FMARR
that might be involved in either causing/diagnosing a fault so
that the system itself can survive major anomalies?
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Applicable FM
# FM Question
64 Has a comprehensive and iterative architectural development FMARR
process been conducted early in the system lifecycle that
includes considerations, such as all potential hardware/software
faults and degradations, safe hold/safe haven modes, and
“design for test”?
65 Have the GN&C analyses of all the spacecraft dynamics (e.g., FMPDR, FMCDR
aerodynamics, flexibility, damping, gyro dynamics, plume
impingement, moving mechanical assemblies, fluid motion, and
changes in mass properties) been factored in the FM design and
parameters (especially fault monitors)?
66 Will the truth model used in the spacecraft’s GN&C high- FMARR, FMPDR,
fidelity FM verification simulations be developed independently FMCDR
from the simulation models developed/used by the GN&C
design team?
67 Will sufficient FM HITL testing be performed to ensure proper FMARR, FMPDR,
and expected flight hardware-to-flight software interactions in FMCDR, FMTRR
all operational modes, during mode transitions, and during all
mission-critical events?
68 What basis or criterion has been relied upon to determine if the FMARR
top-level FM system architecture is complete?
69 What functionality is the FM system architecture intended to FMARR
70 What was the rationale for selecting either centralized or FMARR
distributed FM system architecture?
71 What was the philosophy for allocating between centralized FM FMARR, FMPDR,
functions and distributed FM functions? FMCDR
72 If there is a distributed FM architecture, how will interactional FMARR, FMPDR,
problems be addressed? FMCDR
73 Will the FM mechanisms operate fast enough to be effective at FMARR, FMPDR,
mitigating failures? FMCDR
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A.1 Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to provide guidance and is made available in the reference
documents listed below.
Department of Defense
MIL-STD-1629A. (1980). Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode Effects and Criticality
Analysis. Washington, DC.
134 of 203
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NPR 7120.5D. (2007). NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements.
Washington, DC.
NPR 8725.1-DRAFT. (2010). Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Requirements for NASA
Programs and Projects. Washington, DC.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide for NASA Managers and Practitioners. (2002).
Washington, DC.
SSP 50038 Rev. B. (1995). Computer-Based Control System Safety Requirements. (ISS).
Washington, DC.
Cheng, P. (ed). (2005). TOR-2005(8617)-4204, 100 Questions for Technical Review. The
Aerospace Corporation.
Avizienis, A.; Laprie, J.C.; Randell, B.; Landwehr, C. (2004). “Basic Concepts and Taxonomy
of Dependable and Secure Computing.” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure
Computing 1(1): 11–33.
Dvorak, D. (ed). (2009). NASA Study on Flight Software Complexity. Pasadena, CA: NASA
Office of Chief Engineer /NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Federal Aviation Administration. 2010 National Aviation Research Plan. Washington, DC,
2010. Regulatory and Guidance Library:
135 of 203
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Hogan, S. (ed). (2009). TOR-2009 (8591)-14, Effective Fault Management Guidelines. The
Aerospace Corporation.
Johnson, S.; Day, J. (2010). “Conceptual Framework for a Fault Management Design
Methodology” (AIAA Paper #: 227006). AIAA Infotech@Conference. Atlanta,
Lamport, L.; Shostak, R.; Pease, M. (1982). “The Byzantine Generals Problem.” ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 4(3): 382–401. 1982.
Rasmussen, R. “GN&C Fault Protection Fundamentals.” (2008). 31st Annual AAS Guidance
and Control Conference. Breckenridge, CO.
Vaughan, D. (1996). The Challenger Launch Decision. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
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Further, aeronautics research missions are unique in that, unlike other NASA missions,
aeronautics missions do not build entire aircraft. Instead, these missions generally focus on
providing technologies that can be applied by aircraft manufacturers and operators, and
integrating them into existing flight platforms of opportunity for test and evaluation. Existing
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulatory guidelines and advisories define the
airworthiness standards to which current aircraft shall adhere. These regulations require that
aircraft certification applicants conduct a safety analysis to assess the consequences of all system
failures that may occur. The safety analysis has to also identify the items in place to mitigate or
prevent system failures. A complete list of aviation regulatory, certification and safety
information documents may be found at the FAA’s Regulatory and Guidance Library.17
Practitioners are encouraged to refer to these documents to gain a more complete view of aircraft
applicable FM system requirements. Historically, NASA has made significant aeronautics FM
Federal Aviation Administration. 2010 National Aviation Research Plan. Washington, DC, 2010.
Steering Committee for the Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics, National Research Council. Decadal Survey of
Civil Aeronautics: Foundation for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2006.
Joint Planning and Development Office. Next Generation Air Transportation System Integrated Plan.
Washington, DC, 2004.
Federal Aviation Administration. Regulatory and Guidance Library:
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Modern aviation has an exemplary safety record due to an extensive culture of FM that is
emphasized at all levels. NASA’s emphasis on aviation safety research is to address faults that
continue to be problematic, such as aircraft icing, and perform research that enables the safe
implementation of new technologies, such as studying the degradation process for lightweight
composite components. Via a dual-pronged approach to improve FM in the existing aviation
system and to address anticipated FM needs offered by technological trends, aeronautic missions
provide a research base for continued improvement in aviation safety. Historically, NASA
research has also led in the development of fault tolerant computing for commercial aircraft
safety, including formal design and analysis methods, software quality assurance, and Byzantine
fault-tolerant computing systems. These methods are now common in today’s commercial
aviation systems.
The challenge for vehicle health assurance (VHA) in aviation safety is to improve the health
state assessment of an aircraft through the development of advanced health management
capability (i.e., FM) in order to determine, predict, mitigate, and manage the state of degradation
for current and future aircraft. Presently, VHA is primarily reactive, consisting mainly of health
monitoring, but is transitioning to a more predictive (i.e., prognostic) capability. Future VHA
will provide real-time health assessment during standard operating conditions as well as during
upset events, so that an on-line FM capability incorporating both real-time system information
and off-line aircraft records will predict and seek to mitigate system failures.
B.1.1.4 Reliability Over a Long Lifetime With a High Number of Flight Cycles
Hallion, Richard (ed). NASA/SP-2010-570, NASA’s Contributions to Aeronautics. Washington, DC, 2010.
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Aircraft are highly complex systems required to operate over thousands of flight cycles while
being subjected to a broad range of loads and operating conditions. Over time, aircraft
components can degrade and experience failures. To minimize the occurrence and impact of
such failures, aircraft operators depend on health management (i.e., FM) systems. These systems
should be designed to minimize false alarms while being robust to the range of deterioration
levels and operating conditions that a vehicle can experience over its lifetime.
The stellar safety and reliability record of modern aviation is largely due to the wealth of
knowledge compiled since the advent of flight. Furthermore, aircraft are typically not deployed
as single vehicle designs, but rather as a fleet of aircraft. Recent advances in data acquisition and
archival capabilities provide additional data sources to analyze and mine, thus helping to better
understand aircraft failure modes and risks. This information collectively provides a large
knowledge base to draw upon and enables FM designers to account for aircraft failure modes and
FM-related flight critical information needs to be delivered to any pilot operating the vehicle in a
vast range of possible conditions. Thus, the operational FM should include the ability to
properly present data to pilots and ground personnel in order to allow their appropriate response
to a range of conditions. Aeronautics missions have taken an inter-disciplinary approach that
builds on coordinated insights into human performance and technological capability. This
approach is especially important given the focus on designing for safety because choices of
mitigating risk via a mix of technology, procedures, or training can have long-term and profound
impacts on many aspects of aviation operations.
Human exploration missions discussed here specifically refer to crew launches to LEO/ISS and
potential missions beyond LEO. FM derives from a NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) that
governs human-rating of space systems (NPR 8705.2B, Human-Rating Requirements for Space
Systems). A human-rated system accommodates human needs, utilizes human capabilities (i.e.
human in the loop), controls hazards with sufficient certainty to be considered safe for human
operations, and provides the capability to safely recover from emergency situations.
What we mean by “Human-Rating” a space system comes directly from the NPR, and is driven
by three fundamental tenets: 1) human-rating is the process of evaluating and assuring that the
total system can safely conduct the required human missions; 2) human-rating includes the
incorporation of design features and capabilities that accommodate human interaction with the
system to enhance overall safety and mission success; 3) human-rating includes the incorporation
of design features and capabilities to enable safe recovery of the crew from hazardous
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There was a major change in 2007 in the core requirement for redundancy for human rating. Up
to that point the basic requirement for redundancy was for two-failure tolerance against
catastrophic events. In the case of the Space Shuttle, the core avionics system had four identical
processors operating in a voting architecture with a fifth processor, identical in hardware, but
with a different load of software, developed by a different organization.
The following new requirement was driven by the need to provide the safest possible vehicle(s)
while recognizing that for systems designed to go beyond LEO the impact of imposing a blind
two failure tolerance requirement would impact the limited technical resources of mass, volume,
and power to a large degree. Efforts involving engineering, safety and mission assurance and the
crew office resulted in the following new requirement [3]:
1) The space system shall provide failure tolerance to catastrophic events, with the specific level
of failure tolerance (1, 2 or more) and implementation (similar or dissimilar redundancy) derived
from an integrated design and safety analysis.
While taking some pressure off technical resources, this requirement puts much greater
responsibility on systems engineering to develop a system design, based on integrated analyses at
the system level, that provides the highest level of safety and acceptable mission risks. The
emphasis is on the overall system level supporting all capabilities including similar systems,
dissimilar systems, cross-strapping, or functional interrelationships that “ensure minimally
acceptable system performance despite failures.”
Since space systems always have mass and volume constraints, the level and type of redundancy
(similar or dissimilar) is an important and often controversial aspect of system design. Since
redundancy does not, by itself, make a system safe, it is the responsibility of the engineering and
safety teams to determine the safest possible system design given the mission requirements and
constraints. The culture of human systems engineering believes in common mode failures (based
on experience from Shuttle), more than the robotic community and therefore often try to
implement dissimilar redundancy. It is also highly desirable that the space flight system
performance degrades in a predictable fashion to allow sufficient time for failure detection and,
when possible, system recovery even when experiencing multiple failures.
From a FM point of view, the following requirements provide the high-level definitions and
guidance for design of human-rated spacecraft [3]. These are very similar to requirements for
robotic systems except for the need to include the crew in the loop. The system design is
required to provide situational awareness and control by the crew wherever possible. Finding the
best allocation of FM functionality between automated (no human involvement), autonomous
(no ground but crew engagement) and ground operations is a major challenge.
1. The space system shall provide the capability to detect and annunciate faults that affect
critical systems, subsystems, and/or crew health. Rationale: A fault is defined as an
undesired system state. A failure is an actual malfunction of a hardware item’s intended
function. The definition of the term “fault” envelopes the word “failure,” since faults
include other undesired events such as software anomalies and operational anomalies. It
is necessary to alert the crew to faults (not just failures) that affect critical functions.
2. The space system shall provide the capability to isolate and recover from faults that
would result in a catastrophic event or an abort. Rationale: This capability is not intended
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to imply a 'fault tolerance capability' or expand upon the 'failure tolerance capability'.
The intent is to provide isolation and recovery from faults where the system design (e.g.
redundant strings or system isolation) enables the implementation of this capability.
3. The crewed space system shall provide the capability for the crew to manually override
higher-level software control/automation (such as configuration change and mode
change) when the transition to manual control of the system will not cause a catastrophic
Science missions conduct exploratory science enabled by access to space. Science missions
develop and deploy crewless robotic space systems (e.g., satellites, probes, rovers, platforms, and
telescopes) in collaboration with NASA centers, Federally Funded Research and Development
Centers (FFRDCs), universities, and commercial partners. Here, the historical concern of FM
has been the preservation of components and functionality sufficient to complete science
acquisition (e.g., data, physical artifacts) and successful transfer to Earth. FM in this context has
certain characteristics and interconnected features and challenges, such as those in the following
Deployment costs of space systems are strongly coupled to system mass. Given cost and mass
constraints, science missions often employ functional and informational redundancies instead of
hardware-identical redundancy. The reliance on functional and informational redundancies
increases the coupling among components, the complexity of controllers, and the difficulty of
overall system analysis.
A science mission’s flight system may take years to reach its destination. Once there, the flight
system may take more years to complete its scientific objectives, or there may be a single, time-
limited opportunity (e.g., a flyby) to complete its science observations. Furthermore, space is a
harsh operating environment having low pressure, high radiation, and extreme temperature
fluctuations, while surviving the launch into space subjects the vehicle to significant dynamic
environments. Lifetime and environmental factors dictate that individual components, and the
overall system, have to be reliable if mission objectives are to be achieved. Attaining the
required reliability over a mission’s lifetime is difficult, a situation aggravated by limitations on
the use of hardware-identical redundancy. Usually, conservatism is applied in component
selection to assure confidence in reliability estimates based on prior usage. Even so, many
science missions’ flight systems should be able to tolerate some unrecoverable failures and
continue to operate with degraded functionality and performance. An attendant difficulty,
particularly for deep space missions, is the absence of any possibility to perform direct hardware
maintenance or upgrading. Any needed evolution of functionality, whether related to faults or
not, can be accomplished only through software.
B.1.3.3 FM Autonomy
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Every science mission’s flight system requires a degree of FM autonomy. For Earth orbiting
satellites, mission parameters, such as long time to criticality, combined with short
communication latencies and frequent communication opportunities allow most FM functions to
be performed on Earth by human operators and advisory systems. For deep space missions, long
light-time delays, Deep Space Network (DSN) constraints, system resource constraints (e.g.,
battery state of charge), and timing of critical activities (e.g., entry, descent, and landing) often
preclude human operator intervention, and thus dictate extensive FM autonomy. Both types of
flight systems require FM that can contain the effects of failures and preserve functionality
critical to keeping the system safe until operators can respond.
Science mission flight systems are intrinsically complex, and with each successful mission,
NASA’s ambitions for these systems grow. These new ambitions lead to systems of increasing
complexity, which have several characteristics, as follows: Structural complexity (e.g., the
number of interconnected components comprising a system); behavioral complexity (e.g., the
variety of behaviors required and the delegation of control authority to the system itself);
distributed complexity (e.g., the coordinated control of physically decoupled assets such as in
formation flying and swarm missions); and operational complexity (e.g., reliance on interactions
between disparate systems and teams to exercise operational control), as is the case with space
network-centric operational concepts. System complexity has increased recently due to (1)
greater capability demands coupled with the need to minimize mass and power and hence the use
of information and functional redundancy, and (2) the requirement to place many of these
functions onboard for autonomous operations to reduce costs and to ensure mission success
despite long communication latencies.
The validity of FM activities (e.g., analysis, design, and control) is predicated on models of the
causal relations between system and environment. These models are, in effect, the base
assumptions upon which FM is built. The ability of system engineers and FM practitioners to
validate their models is severely constrained by the inability to replicate the operational
environment (i.e., space) on Earth, and the fact that the deployed system is generally one-of-a-
kind for which previous models have limited applicability. For most Earth orbiting systems,
environmental models are sufficient given previous validation against in situ observations, but
for deep space and planetary science systems, the operating environments often are poorly
characterized. For both system types, the behavioral characteristics of new components and
configurations may diverge from model-based expectations. Therefore, FM should be resilient
both to failures and to modeling inaccuracies.
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Many highly diverse institutions (e.g., NASA centers, FFRDCs, universities, and commercial
companies) implement systems that incorporate FM. Each institution has a unique culture and
unique experiences with system faults and environmentally induced failures. As a result, each
institution has a distinct set of FM policies and ideals based on their corporate experience and
lessons learned. In turn, these policies and ideals affect the execution of FM—the policies and
ideals become institutional rationale for how FM should be performed. If these policies and
ideals are not documented and communicated to other institutions, there exists the potential for
conflicting assumptions, goals, and guidelines between the program and project offices, system
integrator(s), and subcontractors, which may not be discovered until late in a mission’s lifecycle
when its impact will be greatest. These documentation and communication issues hinder FM
reuse and the accumulation of design principles and lessons learned within a NASA program
(e.g., where successive flight systems are built by different partnering institutions). The
remainder of this section summarizes several observed challenges arising from institutional
differences and, where possible, provides guidance for their mitigation.19,20
Decisions affecting FM philosophy, design, and concept of operations (ConOps) are steeped in
institutional culture and experience but the supporting rationale is rarely made explicit. The
institutional principles and justifications driving early, foundational design decisions are too
often opaque to customers and reviewers outside of the organization. When asked about the
impetus for key decisions, FM practitioners have referred to such factors as institutional fears,
heritage principles, heritage architectures, and inherited conceptions of FM scope, timeliness,
and criticality. These factors vary between institutions and sometimes conflict. For example,
one institution avoids firing spacecraft thrusters while out of ground contact, which directly
conflicts with another institution’s avoidance of negative acquisition (i.e., lack of contact with a
spacecraft during a planned communication period, which necessitates autonomous thruster
firing). Such conflicts between institutional principles and preferences are not inherently bad.
However, unnecessary risk is introduced by the absence of inspectable rationale for their
appropriateness, applicability, and impact on a given project.
Institutions disagree about which faults and failures require protection (i.e., scope of FM). Some
institutions traditionally guard against the most likely failures, while others take a “possibility
over probability” stance, and thus try to account for all possible (or credible) failures. Given
different assumptions about FM’s scope, it is not surprising that institutions have differing
interpretations of the “single fault tolerance” requirement. In the past, differences in policy
interpretation have created friction within projects during FM performance and review. This has
been most prevalent in projects where multiple institutions share responsibility for FM, and in
projects lacking a clearly stated and agreed upon interpretation of “single fault tolerance,” for
Fesq, Lorraine (ed). NASA White Paper Report: Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop Results for the Science
Mission Directorate, Pasadena, CA: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2009.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board. Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report, Vol.1. Washington,
DC, 2003.
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example. Since FM is not typically identified as a proposal evaluation criterion, suppliers may
assume that a simple “safing” response is sufficient, and will cost the effort based on that
assumption. This introduces conflict if the customer was expecting FM to handle critical events
(i.e., fail-operational capabilities), which then leads to contract renegotiations and is a factor
contributing to FM-induced cost over-runs.
B.1.5.3 Institutions Disagree About the Appropriate Role and Scope of Testing
Most projects perform unit-level testing on assemblies or modules as they become available, and
perform high-level verifications as the system is integrated on an engineering model or real
hardware to the extent possible. However, managing institutions diverge regarding the degree of
high-level testing to be performed. Industry tends to focus on unit- and integration-level testing
and requirements verification. NASA centers and FFRDCs often go a step further by performing
a significant number of scenario-based tests for a more rigorous validation of the system design.
Disagreements regarding the sufficiency of system tests have been cited as a past source of
friction between collaborating institutions—usually due to one institution expecting another to
perform more complete testing but not delineating those expectations early on.
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The purpose of this appendix is to provide the underlying concepts and guiding principles that
define and shape the FM field.
FM addresses the off-nominal states and conditions of a system, and must be developed in
parallel to the nominal system design as shown in Figure 9. For a system to fulfill its goals and
objectives, systems engineers define its functions. These mission functions should be analyzed
to determine if the risk of their failure is acceptable, given the system design for that function.
Where the risks of failure for a function are unacceptable, FM engineers design and deploy
capabilities to preserve or recover that function, or to select one or more alternate goals that
either do not require the failed function, or require less stringent performance.
expected behavior
Technical Assessment
assessment Components assessment
results Software results
failure effects
V&V results
Failure' failure effects Components
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In general, risks to mission functions are mitigated by one of five FM strategies, illustrated in
figure 10, FM Strategies. In failure prevention, actions are taken to ensure that failures will not
• Operational Failure Avoidance: Predict that a failure will occur in the future and take
action to prevent it from happening, generally through repair, replacement, or
operational changes that reduce the failure’s probability or delay its occurrence.
In failure tolerance, failures are allowed to occur, but their effects are mitigated or accepted.
• Failure Masking: Allow a lower level failure to occur, but mask its effects so that it
does not affect the higher level system function.
• Goal Change: Allow a failure to compromise the system function, and respond by
changing the system’s goals to new, usually degraded goals that can be achieved.
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Failure Failure
Prevention Tolerance
Pitfall: Failure to Consider Alternatives. It is easy to concentrate on one type of failure, e.g.,
random part failure, or one FM strategy, e.g., design-time fault avoidance, to the exclusion of all
else. Different FM strategies are appropriate for different failure modes and mission types;
different FM strategies are appropriate for different mission phases (design vs. implementation
and operations). Selection of FM strategies, and ultimately the FM architecture and design,
needs to consider the full mission life cycle, the required mission functionality, the available
mission resources across the mission life cycle, and the accepted risk posture for the mission.
FM draws from systems theory and SE by treating flight, ground, and operations as a collection
of interacting parts whose relationships are open to analysis. This treatment is necessary because
failures in one element of a system can propagate and have further failure effects in other,
seemingly unrelated elements of the system, creating unexpected emergent behavior. FM also
uses concepts from control theory by treating the active management of failures (e.g., detection,
isolation, mitigation) as a problem of estimation and control.
C.2 Concepts
FM has evolved independently at multiple institutions and has a wide variety of interested
stakeholders (see table 1). This section captures concepts and definitions for key terms that
provide a common framework behind the guidelines and the best practices throughout this
Handbook. The topics covered include the following:
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A fault is an internal cause of failure. Faults and failures are connected by their relationship as
cause and effect. However, a “cause” from one perspective is often seen as an “effect” from
another perspective, which is the event to be explained by a deeper cause. A root cause is the
first event in a failure event chain; a proximate cause is the last causal event in a failure event
chain. There can be several interacting root causes, or several interacting proximal causes, that
together produce the failure. These concepts are intimately linked in a hierarchical and recursive
fashion. Figure 11, Fault/Failure Event Chain, shows the conceptual relationship of faults,
failures, and root causes.
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A well-known example of this is the Columbia shuttle accident.21 In the initial investigation into
the cause(s) of the accident, the event to be explained was the breakup of the orbiter. This was
soon explained by the weakening of the wing due to overheating, traced to a deeper cause, the
external tank (ET) foam falling off during ascent and punching a hole in the wing’s leading edge
Reinforced Carbon-Carbon. For many, this was “the physical explanation,” or “the physical
cause” of the accident. For ET designers, and for the Columbia Accident Investigation Board,
this cause was an effect that needed to be explained. In this example, as well as many others, a
high-level cause is seen as a failure effect from a lower level, for which explanation is needed.
The root cause is defined as the first fault or environmental cause in the chain of events used to
explain a failure. It is frequently true that there is more than one root cause for a mishap, so
“root cause” in this sense implies that the failure investigation finds several paths of events that
eventually combine to create the ultimate system failure. The first events of each of these paths
are the root causes. Root causes lead to effects, some of which are identified as “proximate”
causes, or causes that immediately precede the final failure in a chain of events. Contributing
factors are just that, other considerations (possibly anomalies) that—while they do not represent
unacceptable performance—allow a fault to occur, make a fault more likely to occur, or
exacerbate the consequences of a fault.
Columbia Accident Investigation Board. Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report, Vol.1. Washington,
DC, 2003.
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“Fault” is often used to describe the detected occurrence of undesirable performance. In this
sense, a fault is an event to be explained. It may be the result of a failure, or it may be an
indicator of a potential future failure. Alternately, analysis may determine that the event (fault)
is simply an anomaly that does not materially affect system performance. From this perspective,
FM engineering has the responsibility for defining the (hardware, software, and operations)
processes to detect the event, and the ability to either tolerate or respond to the detected
Pitfall: Contradictory Use of Fault and Failure in Requirements. Cause and effect are
inherently relative terms. This is addressed in FM terminology by identifying failure with effect
(the thing observed) and fault with cause (the explanation for the thing observed). However,
requirements are often written with contradictions between causes and effects, and hence
between the words fault and failure. For the unwary, this can lead to different interpretations of
requirements, and to latent faults in the design that can lead to catastrophic failure of the system
in operations. The FM practitioner will frequently encounter confusion and arguments about
causes and effects because of this conceptual and terminological confusion. The FM
practitioner needs to define and use these terms consistently on a program; it is highly
recommended to use the definitions in this Handbook.
There is some historical terminology that the FM designer and operator should be aware of.
Terms such as “fault diagnosis” could be described more accurately as “failure-cause diagnosis,”
because in-depth investigation may find that there was no design flaw or operator error. “Fault
diagnosis” is historical shorthand, but the FM designer needs to be aware that causes are from
both inside and outside the system boundary. Another issue is with “failure detection.” Given
the formal distinction between “faults” and “failures,” the phrase “Fault Detection, Isolation, and
Response” should be “Failure Detection, Fault Isolation, and Failure Response.” However, this
is cumbersome, and so the historical phrase is used.
C.2.2 Anomalies
Failures, not anomalies, are the primary focus of FM. However, the FM practitioner should
consider the potential for anomalies as well as possible failure modes. Anomalies can be used as
predictors for future faults, as in the case of an increase in temperature that is within the normal
operating range but approaches the limiting value. Anomalies in one area can also lead to faults
in other areas, as in the case of an increase in temperature in a component that causes
overheating and failure of a neighboring component. However, anomalies that affect the FM
functions themselves should be identified and, if possible, mitigated. FM capabilities should
ideally remain independent and functional during all anomalies.
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The placement of the system boundary is an essential concept for FM. The system boundary
defines the bound of responsibility and/or interest, beyond which the team or engineer is not
required to control faults. Outside of the boundary lies the environment, which the system
cannot alter, but within which the system has to execute its mission. This can be a particular
challenge when characteristics of the operating environment (and their effects on the behavior of
the system) are at least partly unknown. Although the environment lies outside of the system,
the FM practitioner has to understand the interactions of the system across the boundary to the
environment to ensure the system functions properly within the environment. If the
“environment” includes another engineered system, then the FM designer should work with the
practitioners across that boundary to coordinate the design and operations across the boundary,
though other teams or engineers are responsible for changes on the other side of the system
FM functionality is typically distributed across multiple elements of the system and multiple
phases of use, with specific (and often redundant) capabilities assigned to hardware, software,
and operational elements. All hardware, software, procedures, and personnel that are required
for implementing, testing, and operating the mission are to be included within the FM boundary
of the system. It may be acceptable for a subsystem designer, who is responsible for only a few
(but not all) functions in the full FM scope of responsibility, to set his or her boundary at their
subsystem boundary, as s/he is responsible only for items inside the boundary. However, the
system-level FM designer has to address the entire FM scope, and should set the system
boundary to encompass all mechanisms that perform FM functions.
Finally, the FM designer should carefully define and document the system boundary conditions
that define the environment within which the system has to correctly execute its function(s).
These boundary conditions not only define the physical environment (e.g., thermal, radiation,
wind, landing surface), but the risk posture accepted for each mission, and the operating
environment (e.g., time delays necessitating autonomous operations) within which the mission
has to execute. This documented system boundary underpins the FM requirements and design,
and helps control cost growth late in the development cycle.
System operation is characterized by changes to the system’s states. The state of a system is
defined by the value(s) of a set of physical or logical state variables at a specified point in time.
The time evolution of states is called “behavior.” Off-nominal operation of the system can be
identified by monitoring these states and behaviors and comparing them to expected and
intended states and behaviors, as defined by informal or formal models of the system. The
failure/anomaly detection functions of FM perform these operations.
FM detection functions (failure detection and anomaly detection) can monitor either states or
behaviors, or both. When these functions observe states in a single snapshot of time, then they
monitor states. An example of this is human inspection of a photograph of a structure to identify
a crack or deformity, or of the structure directly. For this detection mechanism to determine that
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a failure (a crack or deformity) exists, there is no need for a “three strike” or “persistence”
counter” to determine whether an observation is valid. Other detection mechanisms typical of
real-time systems use such counters, to reduce the probability of a false positive detection. In
this case, the failure detection mechanism is not just a single snapshot of a system’s state (the
attitude errors) at a single point in time; it uses multiple points to verify that the state is
persistent. Although less common, FM detection functions can also monitor the time evolution
(behavior) of a system.
FM detection mechanisms never directly observe the true (actual) states or behaviors of the
system. Rather, the system contains mechanisms to measure certain phenomena, and these
measurements will have some degree of precision, or conversely, some inherent inaccuracy. For
observations of continuous phenomena, such as pressure, temperature, voltage, attitude, position,
and the like, the numerical value provided will have uncertainty both in value and in time. In the
best case, the precision will coincide with the significant figures of the digital measurement
provided. More typically, the deviations between the actual state value and the measured value
will be larger than this, to an amount that depends on the characteristics of the measurement
In addition to the inherent inaccuracy in any measurement, there is always the possibility of a
failure that corrupts the data being observed, and thus other redundant measurement(s) or
observation(s) can be used to determine if the digital measurement is accurate. Measurements
are used in the FM detection and diagnosis functions to determine the true state with high
probability, but no individual measurement by itself directly indicates the true state.
C.2.5 Redundancy
Redundancy is a fundamental aspect of FM designs and takes different forms based on the
potential type of fault. Mistakes in design can become common-mode/design or systemic faults,
in manufacturing they become “random part failure,” and in operations they are considered
“operator error.”
There are four different approaches to redundancy, as follows: First, hardware identical; second,
functional; third, informational; and fourth, temporal. Each of these approaches is better suited
to handling different types of failures (e.g., common-mode/design faults, random part failure, or
human error). When redundancy is included in the FM design, the full FM system analysis
needs to consider the effectiveness of the approach in the FM design, limitations on it, and the
mechanism(s) controlling the redundancy as part of the justification of the design.
Hardware-identical redundancy can be used to mitigate random failures and expected lifetime
limitations. A typical example of this type of mitigation is the inclusion of five identical reaction
wheel assemblies, when a minimum of three is required for operations. However, while the
hardware-identical redundancy mitigates random part failure in any of the redundant strings, it
cannot mitigate a “common cause failure,” a design flaw or manufacturing/assembly flaw
common among all of the redundant strings. Hardware identical redundancy also can be utilized
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both for failure detection and for failure responses. The voting mechanism in the triply
redundant computing system is a mechanism for detecting failures in one of the computers and a
fault isolation mechanism in that it determines the location of the originating fault as somewhere
in the string that does not compare, and not in other strings.
Information redundancy utilizes extra information to detect and potentially to respond to certain
types of failures. The most common example is error detection and correction codes (EDAC).
In EDAC, extra bits are added to a message, such that if a cosmic ray or some other phenomenon
causes one or more bits to flip (a single event upset (SEU)), then the receiving device can use the
extra, redundant information to reconstruct the original message, in effect, “unflipping” the bit(s)
that had been changed. In this example, information redundancy is used for detection, isolation,
and response.
Temporal redundancy refers to the practice of repeating a function should it fail upon a single
execution. A typical example is the use of several measurements over time of the same state
variable, because any single measurement could be corrupted by an SEU. Another common
example in computer processing is the checkpoint-rollback capability, when a series of
computations have produced suspect results. In the checkpoint-rollback, the computer state is
reverted (rolled back) to the computer state at a previous point in time that had been stored for
potential future use (the checkpoint), and then re-started from the checkpoint to re-compute the
original set of calculations.
FM is effective only if its responses execute fast enough to mitigate the effect of the failures to
which each FM response applies. There is therefore a race condition between the latencies of the
failure detection, fault isolation, and failure responses and the temporal evolution of the failure
effects as they propagate through the system. Obviously, if the fault detection, isolation, and
response (FDIR) latencies are such that the response completes only after the system function is
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lost, then the FM mechanism in this case is only partially effective at best and useless at worst.
This race condition has to be assessed for every FM mechanism that is included in the system. If
humans are performing FM functions, then they are part of the FM mechanism and have to be
included in the assessment.
FM is designed to mitigate failure effects, which spread from their point of origin at the fault (or
in Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) terminology, the “failure mode”) along one or
more failure effect propagation paths (FEPPs) through the system. Along these paths, the
physics of the failure effects can change. For example, a mechanical fault in a liquid propulsion
system valve can cause changes to the liquid pressure and quantity downstream of that valve. In
turn, this abnormal pressure can lead to inappropriate temperatures of the fluid, and assuming for
this example that this drives a turbine, to an incorrect turbine speed. The incorrect turbine speed
may in turn create an off-nominal power level if the turbine is used to generate electrical power,
which in turn affects avionic and mechanical components that depend on that power. If some of
those components drive a hydraulic power system, then the hydraulic power levels will be
incorrect, which in turn could cause a thrust-vector control actuator to lock up.
This example illustrates that there can be multiple effects of a single fault, and that it is not at all
obvious how quickly these effects will propagate and to what ultimate effects. The temporal
evolution of how they spread, and their relative effects, depends on the physics of each of the
devices or the materials and mechanisms that propagate the effects. The timing and effects can
also depend not just on the failure mode, but also on the specific physics of that failure mode,
such that one failure mode as identified in the FMEA could have several possible effects and
failure effect propagation times associated with those effects.
The point in an FEPP when a failure stops propagating is called a “failure containment
boundary.” A set of boundaries that stop a related set of failure effects define a “failure
containment region” (FCR) or “failure containment zone” because the failure effects are
contained within this region or zone. Containment of failures can be the result of passive designs
or of active FM mitigations. Collectively, the placement of these boundaries and the definition
of FCRs is a key aspect of designing FM architecture.
Historically, the analysis of FEPPs and effects has been underdeveloped. Recent efforts in this
area, through methods such as directed graph modeling, have shown that both FMEAs and top-
down fault tree analyses (FTAs) have significant gaps, and the informal methods used by FM
designers have been only partially effective in addressing these gaps. Formal analysis of FEPPs
shows promise to close these gaps.
In general, failures start with some relatively innocuous cause, and then over time, whether
milliseconds or decades, propagate to create effects that grow increasingly more serious.
Ultimately, if not contained and/or mitigated, these effects may cause loss of life, the system, or
the mission.
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The “Critical Failure Effect” (CFE) is defined as a failure effect, which if it occurs, irrevocably
compromises one or more system or mission objectives. The term “time to criticality” (TTC) is
defined as the amount of time it takes for failure effects to propagate from the failure mode along
FEPPs to the CFE. In general, the goal of the FM designer is to set the failure containment
boundary far enough “upstream” (closer to the causal mechanism), that the failure responses can
complete within the TTC and before the CFE can occur.
The TTC is not always the point in time when the mission actually fails. Rather, it is based on
some intermediate effect, which if it occurs, has irrevocably compromised the mission, even if
that ultimate mission failure or degradation will occur sometime further in the future. Consider a
loss of propellant failure scenario in the cruise phase of a planetary probe. The effects of the
propellant loss may not be ultimately manifested for months or years when the vehicle has to
perform orbit operations to gather science data. The relevant time to measure for FM is the CFE,
which in this case is “the amount of time, given the rate of loss of propellant based on the current
(and projected) leak size, when there will be not enough propellant to meet mission objectives.”
When several CFEs occur for a given fault, then the CFE of relevance is the one to which the
failure effects propagate soonest.
Pitfall: Worst Case Analysis. A “worst case analysis” may not actually capture the worst case.
For example, a severe “leak” in a propulsion system, which is often identified as the worst-case
leak, is often much easier to detect than a smaller leak, and if the FM is improperly designed, the
spacecraft could lose excessive propellant before the smaller (and seemingly less dangerous)
leak is detected.
The FM responses that are designed to mitigate the failure effects described in the previous
sections should always operate fast enough to do so successfully. Several latencies have to be
addressed, including sensor latencies (the measured value can have significant delays in
reflecting the actual value of the measured physical phenomenon), data transmission latencies,
computer processing cycle times, detection algorithm latencies such as “three-strike counters,”
decision latencies, and finally the latencies of the responses themselves. For each FM
mechanism, these latencies have to be summed and compared to the time propagation of the
failure effects to the critical effect they are intended to address.
As noted previously, the specific point in time by which the FM response has to complete is
generally the time at which the CFE occurs. For example, in the case of a crew abort from an
exploding launch vehicle, the abort has to be completed fast enough so that the crew vehicle is
removed from the debris field of the exploding launch vehicle. This means that the ignition of
the launch abort system has to occur early enough that the latencies of the solid rocket thrust and
crew capsule acceleration are accounted for, and that the resulting crew capsule speed and
trajectory are such as to enable successful escape from the debris field. In the prediction of when
an aircraft’s structure is no longer sufficient to ensure successful flight, the TTC is measured in
decades, not milliseconds. The FM system has to detect failures at a low enough level of
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functionality and early enough to prevent the spread of those low-level failures to larger-scale
system failures, and the response has to be complete before the CFE.
Pitfall: FM Performance. The FM designer has to design, and then prove, that detection,
diagnosis, and response operate faster than the TTC (time from failure effect initiation to the
CFE). If the FM control loop is not fast enough, then the FM designer has to determine the
relative probabilities for success and failure of the FM control loop against the various failure
effects it is designed to mitigate.
Fault tolerance and failure tolerance are synonyms, defined as “the ability to perform a function
in the presence of any of a specified number of coincident, independent failure causes of
specified types.” Fault tolerance is unusual in that it is the ability to tolerate failures, but also is
tied to the idea of a certain number of faults that cause failures that have to be tolerated. There
have been many debates as to whether the term should really be fault tolerance, because it is a
specified number of causes whose effects have to be tolerated, or failure tolerance, because it is
the effects of the faults that have to be tolerated. The “answer” is that it is both, because 1) there
are a specified number of causes; but 2) it is their effects that have to be tolerated. Thus, the
terms fault or failure tolerance are both acceptable.
As noted previously, failure tolerance and failure prevention are recursive, hierarchical concepts.
Fault tolerance at a low level (or closer to the failure cause location) can enable failure
prevention at a higher level (or further “downstream” from the causal location).
A given failure tolerance mechanism is valid only against certain types or classes of faults. For
example, the triplex voting system handles regular “random part failures.” This is a general
characteristic of failure tolerance, that it is only valid against certain faults and failures, but not
others. Specification of failure tolerance, without identifying what is being tolerated, is not only
incomplete, but potentially dangerous, as it can mislead designers and managers into believing it
is effective against all faults and failures, which is incorrect.
The locations of the failure tolerance mechanisms generally define the boundaries of an FCR.
These regions are the zones in which certain failures, tied to certain classes of faults, can
propagate, but not beyond the boundary of the FCR. FM designers, particularly for computing
systems, often apply the FCR concept in the design process.
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Automation (such as, function X is automated or automatic) refers to the allocation of system
functions to machines (hardware or software) versus humans. If a function is implemented
wholly by machines, then the function is fully automated, and conversely if implemented wholly
by humans, then the function is not automated at all. Many functions are implemented by a mix
of humans and machines in their implementation, and thus are identified as “partly automated.”
Autonomy refers to the relative locations and scope of decision-making and control functions
between two locations within a system or across the system boundary. It is also frequently
described as the “locus of control.” Autonomy is relative in the sense that it is to be defined with
respect to a specified location inside or outside the system, and then assessing the decision-
making and control capabilities of other parts of the system with respect to that location. The
most common example is the comparison of the flight segment versus the ground segment for a
given system. The more decision-making and control capability that exists in the flight segment
instead of the ground segment, the more autonomous the flight segment is said to be, from the
perspective of the ground segment. For a robotic spacecraft, the flight segment usually consists
of the spacecraft, so the most common autonomy comparison is between the spacecraft and the
ground segment. For a crewed vehicle, an important autonomy comparison is between the
ground segment and the joint vehicle-crew combination (the flight segment). One can also
assess the relative autonomy of a vehicle from the perspective of the crew that is on the vehicle.
The more decision-making and control authority that resides in the vehicle, as in cases where the
crew cannot respond quickly enough to certain failures, then the vehicle is said to be autonomous
from the crew for those decisions.
FM is closely linked to the concepts of automation and autonomy. Like many other functions,
one can design the system with varying levels of FM automation and autonomy. Decisions
regarding the application of automation and autonomy to FM functions are a trade between flight
and ground segment complexity, flight and ground resource availability, response time
requirements, and the risk posture of the mission. For example, a small, low-cost, low Earth
orbit (LEO) mission may not be able to justify the need for a sophisticated onboard, automated
FM system, while round-trip communication delays may force a deep space mission to
implement autonomous onboard management of faults during critical operations (e.g., orbit
insertion). On the other hand, it may be more cost-effective over the total life cycle of a small,
low cost mission to automate FM capabilities (whether autonomously onboard or on the ground)
to allow for “lights out” operation. These, and other considerations, need to be included in the
requirements, architecture, and design of the FM system.
This section describes each of the operational FM functions shown in figure 12, Operational FM
Functions.22 These functions are active during the operational phase of the mission. The intent
of FM is to preserve as much system functionality as possible, given the nature of the fault(s) to
which it is responding and the risk posture of the mission. Preservation may mean that
functionality is not compromised, or that functionality can be recovered when it has been
compromised. If the system function cannot be preserved, an option may be to change the goal
Note: Prognosis is not included in the diagram shown in figure 12, and is not yet addressed in this Handbook.
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to another achievable goal that does not require that system function. The FM functions all
contribute to the goal of preserving system functionality, though not all of the functions are
always activated with any given failure. For example, it is frequently true that a failure response
(failure recovery or goal change) may be initiated without the specific failure cause being
identified. This is often the case, for example, when a spacecraft enters a “safe” state, thereby
changing its goal from science data collection to asset preservation. There may be a later
analysis to identify the failure cause, after the vehicle has implemented an autonomous response.
When FM is needed to preserve functionality, it is the task of the FM designer to develop and
implement mechanisms utilizing the relevant FM functions. The FM mechanisms deployed may
include more than one function, or one function could be performed by more than one
mechanism. For example, in a triplex voting computer system (known as triple modular
redundancy), the triplex voting scheme includes failure detection, fault isolation, failure response
determination, and failure recovery all in a single mechanism.
C.3.1 Detection
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that a failure exists” and “deciding that an anomaly exists,” are straightforward extensions of the
definitions of failure and anomaly.
Detection usually contains three sub-functions. The first is the implementation of a threshold of
some kind to separate unacceptable/unexpected from acceptable/expected states and behaviors.
The second is a filtering mechanism to determine if the threshold function is a false positive.
This is often performed through mechanisms such as a “three-strike” counter or some other
persistence evaluation to determine if the change in the measurement from previous
measurements is valid and not corrupted by measurement noise or a SEU. Third, if the filtering
mechanism determines that the measurement is valid, then notification of failure/anomaly is sent
to other FM functions and/or other functions that need to know that a failure has occurred.
Failure detections can be based on knowledge of specific, known failure states and behaviors
based on FMEA-identified failure modes, or they can be designed based on knowledge of what
level of function compromise is unacceptable for achievement of the function’s objective,
regardless of the underlying failure mechanisms.
C.3.2 Diagnosis
Diagnosis is the term that encompasses the two FM functions of fault isolation and fault
identification. It can be considered as a composite function that aims to determine the location
and mechanism of the underlying failure cause(s).
Both fault isolation and identification are measured via ambiguity groups, which are groupings
of components that cannot be distinguished from each other based on the detection signature
provided by the detection functions. That is, if a specific set of detections occur, the underlying
failure cause may exist in one of several possible components, and it is impossible to determine,
with the given data, exactly which component contains the causal mechanism.
Fault isolation is the process of determining where the causal mechanism of a failure exists. The
FM usage of the phrase “fault isolation” as a diagnostic function should not be confused with the
use of the same phrase as a mechanism to prevent failure effects or causal mechanisms from
spreading from one location to another (a common usage in electrical applications and electrical
engineering). In FM terminology, preventing failure effects or causal mechanisms from
spreading to another location is called “fault containment” or “failure containment.”
The term fault isolation is historically used in FM and its predecessors, but includes determining
the location not just of faults (causes of failure inside the system boundary), but also of
environmental failure causes. It would be somewhat better termed “failure cause isolation,”
though for historical reasons we hold to the commonly used term “fault isolation.” The fault
isolation function determines the location of the failure cause, whether internal or external to the
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Fault identification, sometimes called “fault characterization,” is the function of determining the
possible causes of a failure or anomaly. Its implementation sometimes operates similarly to the
fault isolation function in that automated diagnosis tools use similar techniques of forward and
backward tracing of failure effects to determine the location of faults as it does to determine the
possible failure modes that cause the observed failure. As with fault isolation, fault identification
seeks for causes that can be inside the system boundary (faults), or outside the boundary in the
It is frequently true that fault identification is not necessary for an effective failure response to be
implemented. Often it only matters that the component in which the fault exists is removed from
active use regardless of the particular failure mode in that component.
C.3.3 Decision
Decision is the FM function of determining the correct failure response to mitigate the current or
predicted failure. It includes several key sub-functions, as follows: First, determining the
compromises to system functionality that are occurring, how the failure could propagate, and
how the compromised capabilities affect the system’s ability to meet mission goals; second,
identifying response options and determining the likely outcomes; third, selecting which
response(s) to initiate; and fourth, notifying the system to implement the response(s).
C.3.4 Response
Failure response is a term that refers to three FM actions taken in response to a failure, as
follows: First, goal change; second, failure recovery; and third, failure masking actions in
response to a failure.
Goal change is defined as an action that alters the system’s current goals. In the FM context, a
goal change is activated to attempt to regain the system’s ability to control the system state
(achieve some function) in reaction to a failure. The most typical FM goal change is “safing.”
Usually the goal change is to a “degraded goal” or a subset of the system’s original goals. For
example, with spacecraft safing, the current science objectives may be abandoned while the
spacecraft maintains the goals of ensuring a power-positive system and a communications link
with Earth. In the case of a human-rated launch vehicle, an ascent abort abandons the goal of
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achieving orbit, but protects the goal of keeping the crew safe. To do this, it specifies a different,
achievable goal—to return the crew capsule and crew back to Earth.
Goal changes occur for many reasons, not just for FM. It is therefore not exclusively an FM
function, but is shared with many other vehicle and mission functions and capabilities such as
mission planning and operations, operational modes, and vehicle configuration controls.
Failure recovery is defined as an action taken to restore functions necessary to achieve existing
or redefined system goals after a failure. In some cases, operations after recovery may be
identical to operations prior to the failure, with no change of goals or functions. This would be
the case for failover to an identical redundant hardware component or a computer reboot.
However, in some cases, recovery to normal operation may require a new goal (one different
from the original goal) for the system. An example of this would be turning off instruments to
continue operations in a lower power configuration.
Failure recovery has been a label often applied to in-flight operational systems, and can be an
autonomous recovery by the flight system or require intervention by the ground to achieve full
recovery. However, failure recovery may also include maintenance or supportability actions as a
part of the failure recovery. An example is a launch vehicle scrub. The failure recovery in this
case may include repair and/or replacement of the failed component, reloading propellant tanks,
and recycling the launch sequence to a point where it can be restarted.
Failure masking is a variant of failure response in which failure effects are “hidden” from the rest
of the system. The failure masking mechanism by definition prevents failure effects from
moving past the mechanism, and thus it forms a FCR boundary dynamically. This can involve
changing the system configuration to remove a failed component from active operation, or,
alternatively, this can involve changing a goal to remove the need for a failed function. In the
event that failure analysis proves that the failure response was inappropriate or unnecessary,
failure masking can trap a fault without invoking any specific response, though possibly still
reporting the occurrence. This is the case in a voting scheme in which a failed component is
outvoted by other components and any effects from the failed component do not pass the FCR
FM practitioners use a variety of models and modeling practices, particularly for analysis of the
performance and effectiveness of the FM design. These formal models, along with models of the
system are produced by the various system designers and operators and are the basis for
expectations of how the system will behave under failure conditions. Over the life of the
program, these models often change as the system designers and operators learn how the system
actually behaves in testing and operations. The FM practitioner has to plan for the adjustment of
models based on operational experience, and the expected and observed degradation of
performance over time. In addition, because these adjustments can lead to changes in what is
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The most obvious example of model adjustment is upon diagnosis of anomalies. When
anomalies occur, they are by definition unexpected, and an investigation is launched to
understand where and what the causal mechanism might be for the unusual behavior. If the
investigation is successful, then the anomaly is classified as either normal, expected behavior, as
a degradation of function, or as a failure. In any case, there is a modification of the system
model, so that future occurrences of this behavior will no longer be considered anomalous (or if
they are rare, they will be very briefly considered unexpected in future occurrences, and then
quickly resolved to be either failure or normal system behavior).
Pitfall: Normalization of Deviance. Adjustment of a model has to be done with care. The FM
practitioner should be wary of what has been called23 “normalization of deviance,” anomalies
or anomalous behaviors that become classified over time as expected behaviors instead of
remaining anomalies or unacceptable failures. The danger is one of complacency, that routine
acceptance of anomalies can cause the FM practitioner to lose sight of the potential impacts of
anomalies or faults that are danger signals of potentially much more catastrophic consequences,
as was the case for both the Challenger and Columbia accidents.
a. Statement of Principle: Design, analyze, verify, and validate FM with respect to the
system’s failure modes in parallel with development of the nominal system behaviors.
Vaughan, D. 1996. The Challenger Launch Decision. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
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Pitfall: Heritage FM Systems. FM designs often are inherited from previous missions without
consideration of the applicability to the current mission of the heritage FM capabilities at each
level (FM concept, architecture, design, implementation, and operations). FM is not “one size
fits all.” Do not assume that previous use or familiarity with a heritage FM design
automatically conveys applicability to the current mission. Mission complexity and mission risk
postures vary greatly. A heritage FM system from one application may or may not be suitable
for another. The FM implementation for a 15-year flagship mission or a deep space mission
with long return time delays will be more complex than that for a 1-year Explorer class mission
in LEO. A simple mission with a single-string hardware design may require more onboard
automation to meet mission goals and, therefore, a more complex software design, that a larger
mission with significant hardware redundancy. FM requirements for human space flight are
more extensive than for robotic “proof of concept” missions. In considering FM heritage, pay
close attention to mismatches in inherent complexity and risk.
A typical problem with FM design is the incorrect specification of the system boundary that
leaves the mission operators as “outside the system.” It is common that for a full FM loop from
detection through response and recovery, the mission operators and/or crew (for human
spaceflight missions) perform essential FM functions. Likewise, for a subsystem or component,
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it is common for subsystem organizations to draw their “system boundary” at the subsystem
boundary. Although this is acceptable for them, the system FM designer has to allocate the
subset of FM functions to that subsystem, and has to perform the full analysis using all the FM
mechanisms, including those outside the subsystem boundary.
Finally, in the event of a major failure or loss of mission functionality, it may become important
to a Failure Review Board (FRB) to distinguish between internal and external failures and assign
responsibility for the resulting failure. For those failures whose cause is internal to or within the
expected operating environment of the system, the system could potentially have been designed,
implemented, or operated differently, and hence the system designers, builders, and operators (if
part of the system) are likely responsible for faults that occur. However, for failures caused by
unexpected conditions in the environment (e.g., the solar storm of the millennium or
micrometeorite damage), it is possible that the design was done properly, and the mission just
had bad luck in that the environment still caused failure. In either case, the careful
documentation of the system boundary provides the FRB with the information required to
understand the mission and its environment and can guide analysis of faults and failures and
assignment of responsibility.
Where the risks of failure for a function are unacceptable, FM is deployed to preserve or recover
that function, or to select a new goal that does not require the failed function. To do this, identify
functions that support mission goals, and analyze them to determine if the risk of failure of this
function, given the system design for that function, is consistent with the project’s defined risk
posture. Deploy FM to improve the dependability of that function or to change the goal to an
acceptable, achievable objective. In general, risks to functions are mitigated by one of five of the
following strategies: Design-time fault avoidance; operational failure avoidance; failure
masking; failure recovery; or goal change.
The FM design has to account for incomplete human understanding of the system’s failure
behavior, and for large uncertainties in probabilistic estimates, for failures of complex systems
even when, or particularly when, these uncertainties have not been estimated. Humans can and
do create systems beyond their full capability to understand. Aerospace systems exhibit this kind
of complexity due to their disciplinary depth, large number of components, heterogeneity, and
behavioral interactivity. It is impossible to know if all possible failure modes have been
identified for systems of even moderate complexity.
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Most FM mechanisms are designed against explicit, known failure causes, but the inherent
incompleteness of knowledge implies that that some FM functions have to be deployed to protect
system functions, independent of known specific failure causes that can affect those functions.
These act as a “safety net” against non-predicted failure causes. Because these causes are not
known, the FM designer can only be sure that the FM function will detect a problem affecting
function, but cannot be certain that the corresponding responses will be fast enough to respond
effectively in all cases. Detection capability is nearly assured because detection functions only
need to detect deviation from nominal behavior without any knowledge of how that deviation
occurred. However, analysis of the effectiveness of the failure response mechanisms implies the
need to assess the race condition of the response versus the failure effects, and the failure effects
cannot be known with certainty unless the causal mechanisms are understood.
Pitfall: Random Part Failure Bias. Assessments of databases that trace failures to causes
indicate that the percentage of system failures attributable to human faults is quite high,
approximately 80-90 percent. The FM designer should not bias the design to focus on
“hardware random part failure,” but has to ensure that the full scope of the FM functionality
includes software design and operational faults, since these are also likely causes of failure.
a. Statement of Principle: Design and operate FM to preserve system assets when the
risks of loss of that asset are unacceptable with respect to the goals of the mission. As with
preservation of functions, FM may be defined independently from known specific failure causes
that can affect the system mechanisms and assets.
For example, it is appropriate in many emergencies for the system to abandon some of its current
functions to preserve assets for the long run. Spacecraft safing is the most important example.
During cruise phase of a planetary mission, it is acceptable to abandon some current functions
while preserving those functions that protect the vehicle and its assets by shedding loads,
stopping the current mission activity, reducing functions to the very smallest and simplest set to
enable pointing back to Earth so that mission operators can diagnose the fault and recover from
the failure. This can be done because those stopped functions typically are not crucial to the
long-term mission goal, in comparison to preserving mechanisms and assets for when they are
needed in the science-gathering phase of the mission. The functions are restarted upon failure
recovery and then are available at the appropriate mission time.
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In the zeal to preserve functionality and assets, it is easy for the FM practitioner to be caught in a
spiral of trying to protect the protection. Even the most simplistic case, where in the process of
detecting and responding to a fault the FM design introduces an alternate fault path, the FM
practitioner may be doing nothing more than increasing the overall complexity of the system.
Each FM detection/response should be carefully evaluated to ensure it does not increase the risk
posture of the mission, and that the benefit of the preservation of function or assets outweighs the
increase in system complexity.
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modeling the FM implementation, show all redundancy mechanisms against specific classes of
faults and/or failures.
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The development of adequate and effective FM requires the coordination of engineering, S&MA,
and operations organizations. Each organization has a specific role and brings specific expertise
to the development of a robust and safe system. The organization(s) responsible for FM
development should have cognizance over all system elements that perform FM functions, and
should interface with other FM-related organizations (e.g., integration and test (I&T), S&MA).
If the responsible organization has cognizance over only a subset, then there are increased risks
of gaps and inconsistencies in the overall FM methodology and design.24 These risks are greater
when program and project organizations are distributed amongst different institutions.
Unfortunately, responsibility for FM is typically diffused throughout multiple project elements and organizations.
For example, some projects delegate FM to existing system engineers who have to balance this additional duty with
their other nominal systems engineering activities—usually to FM’s detriment. Other projects delegate FM to a
separate engineering team (sometimes as a distinct subsystem). This project structure results in greater attention to
issues of FM but runs the risk of isolating FM from the overall systems engineering effort. Still other projects
delegate to subsystems without systems-level, engineering-led coordination. In most NASA projects, there is no
single project-level system engineer with responsibility and authority over FM.
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To ensure adequate FM, an organizational structure that enables and promotes integration of FM
processes across the entire program/project, with clear lines of communication between and
allocation of roles and responsibilities across SE, FM, and the various subsystem disciplines
should be defined. Furthermore, FM development cost and schedule as a formal engineering
discipline should be estimated and tracked.
Figure 13, Example Organization of FM Roles within a Program Structure, shows an idealized
organization of FM roles within a generic tightly coupled or large single-project program (or
system of systems) structure. The organization is hierarchical, with roles and responsibilities
allocated among identified organizational elements. Figure 14, Example Organization of FM
Roles within a Project Structure, elaborates the organization of FM roles in the project structure
of a typical robotic mission.
FM requires detailed knowledge of subsystem and component design (bottom-up knowledge; e.g., for failure
analysis and failure detection design) as well as knowledge of overall system design and operational concept (top-
down knowledge). Thus, there is a degree of confusion within projects—and a lack of consensus across institutions
and projects—about where responsibility for FM ought to reside in a project’s organizational structure.
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Implementation of FM is distributed across various deployments and system elements, e.g., flight
and ground segments, hardware, software, and operations. Like SE, FM practitioners need
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visibility into the nominal functionality of the entire system, in order to identify and plan for
potential failures. In addition, FM can force trades at various levels and across multiple
subsystems. Therefore, mission-development organizational structures and delegations of roles,
responsibilities, and authority have to allow trades to be clearly communicated and resolved
across traditional subsystem and engineering disciplines.
In the organizational structures illustrated above, FM responsibilities are defined and organized
as a subset of SE responsibilities at each level in the organization. This ensures the appropriate
scope for development and allocation of FM functions. Typical SE roles and responsibilities are
performed with respect to FM by a hierarchical team of engineers specifically focused on FM,
led by a project FM lead engineer. For a system-of-systems program, a program lead engineer
coordinates FM work with the level 3 FM lead engineers, and between other level 2
organizations. The level 3 FM lead engineers perform similar coordination and design activities;
each FM lead engineer has cognizance and authority to assess and allocate FM functions to
project, system, or subsystem elements (depending on the level in the program hierarchy). The
appropriate level of management resolves conflicts between peer organizations; e.g., in the case
of level 2 organizations, either the program manager or the chief engineer resolves conflicts.
• A team (or set of teams) is identified within the engineering organization as the focal
point for FM analysis, design, and V&V.
The three observed properties reflect three principles for success in an organization, as follows:
First, the organization’s authority should match the scope of its responsibility or area of concern;
second, the organization should have vertical structure and interfaces; and third, the organization
should have horizontal integration with other interdependent organizations. These aspects are
further described in the sections that follow.
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An organization’s authority should match the scope of its responsibility or area of concern. For
the organization responsible for FM, this means that its authority should include the set of
possible system elements to which FM functions may be allocated, and cover all categories of
possible design solutions. The team(s) responsible for FM functionality at each level in the
organization should have cognizance over all aspects of FM allocation and design solutions, to
prevent gaps, conflicts, and inconsistencies in the performance of FM. If there are multiple FM
teams, these teams should be well coordinated, with formal interfaces and descriptions of roles
and responsibilities.
An organization should have vertical structure and interfaces. These interfaces should extend to
organizations with similar responsibilities or areas of concern at both higher and lower levels in
the program structure. Communication and coordination between organizations is typically
achieved through leadership teams at each level (e.g., design teams to communicate and
coordinate design), where each leadership team includes representatives from higher and lower
levels. With respect to FM design and development, FM design teams should be formed to deal
with issues at each level and these teams should have representatives from higher and lower
levels (e.g., system representatives participating in subsystem design teams and subsystem
representatives participating in the system FM design team). Without these teams, FM issues
bubbling up from lower levels or flowing down from higher levels have no obvious forum for
resolution—this can result in inconsistent issue resolution, ignorance of identified concerns, and
ultimately gaps, overlaps, and inconsistencies in the practice and realization of FM.
Lesson Learned: Interactions with subsystem and S&MA engineers are paramount to
assessing potential system failures and defining FM requirements. In identifying and
developing mission failure modes, some institutions tend to use a combination of FM failure
analyses, safety, reliability, and mission assurance analyses, and subsystem engineer interviews.
Other institutions use heritage failure modes updated with subsystem interviews, with some use
of failure modes and effects analyses when available. A cavalier attitude toward the assessment
of potential system failures (or toward specifying the scope and behavior of FM) does not to lead
to success. For example, one project took a loose approach to the definition of the FM portion
of the flight system—relying heavily on software architecture with no specific FM requirements,
fault set, or definition of system behavior—and found that the resulting system had too many
flaws to be operable. Moreover, the lack of system requirements to verify meant that small flaws
were discovered too late when testing was more expensive and corrective action was more
disruptive. Since many failures are caused by interactions of several component faults (where
the components could be hardware, software, or people/procedures), or are created by the
interaction of several components, each of which alone appears “fault-free,” a purely bottom-up
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or heritage component-based assessment will miss a significant fraction of the most dangerous
faults. Top-down and bottom-up assessments involving subsystem, system, S&MA and
operations engineers, combined with “middle out” approaches by FM engineers (such as
directed graph analysis and event-sequence-based failure scenario analyses), are all needed.
Pitfall: Lack of clearly defined relationships and binding processes between FM and other
independent organizations causes problems in FM design, implementation, and validation. In
particular, a poorly defined relationship with, or the late involvement of S&MA in FM
development, has resulted in significant cost and schedule impacts and, in some cases, resulted
in an inadequate FM design.
The previous principles and suggested program/project organization structures are intended to
recognize and promote FM as a system-level activity to be engineered in parallel with the
nominal design.26
Pitfall: Inadequate, system-level consideration of FM during early project phases often
causes unplanned cost and schedule growth during project development. Project schedules
often aim toward the most compact and compressed means to perform the range of functions
needed to engineer, build, and test the intended system. Similarly, plans for V&V tend to
represent a concise and fixed schedule that assumes everything will proceed successfully,
accommodating anomalies and failures in system design and in the V&V process through overall
schedule margin. However, by design, tests should push the system toward failure to see how it
responds, which increases the likelihood of anomalies and uncovers design mistakes. In
addition, system-level I&T is the best opportunity to understand and characterize how the system
Fesq, Lorraine (ed). NASA White Paper Report: Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop Results for the Science
Mission Directorate, Pasadena, CA: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2009.
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operates as a whole. Therefore, this phase of the project lifecycle ought to be a primary
recipient of resources, schedule, and staffing. Unfortunately, because the phase is late in the
lifecycle, projects often “cut corners” to decrease resource and schedule consumption.
Inadequate consideration of FM during project planning and early development phases
contributes to insufficient V&V test plan coverage and resources; correcting deficiencies in FM
test coverage drives, in part, late lifecycle cost and schedule growth. For example, one project
allocated and planned for a constant FM staffing level of 0.5 full-time equivalents (FTE). In
actuality, the project’s FM staffing level peaked at more than 14 FTEs during system-level I&T
(see figure 15, Unplanned “Bump” in FM Staffing Observed on Recent Missions).
Discrepancies of similar magnitude between planned and actual FM staffing requirements have
been observed on a number of NASA projects.27 This unplanned demand for increased staffing
impacts budget, increases schedule risk, and introduces logistical and efficiency challenges—
specifically, by burdening existing staff with the training of new staff.
Within a project, the FM lead engineer is responsible for the cooperative design of flight and
ground elements used to detect, contain, diagnose, and respond to anomalous and failure
conditions within the system. The primary goal of the FM lead engineer is to reduce risks to
mission and safety objectives within program resources and constraints; and by providing
The generally observed pattern is that FM is initially viewed as a side responsibility of a single system engineer,
increases to a full time responsibility as the mission progresses, and eventually requires an entire team to deal with
problems, testing, launch, and early activation and checkout.
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• Be the team leader for the FM development function.
• Coordinate for the FM team interactions and interfaces between FM and other
teams—e.g., SE, S&MA, and other subsystems.
• Write and/or oversee the generation and execution of the FM Development and
Analysis Plan, the FM Verification and Validation Plan, and the FM Operations Plan
(see section 6).
• Lead the architecture development, design evaluations, and trade studies necessary to
develop the FM approach and overall mission concept of operations (ConOps).
• Participate in all system requirements and design activities (including subsystem trade
studies) that affect the FM approach.
• Ensure the preservation of flight system assets; i.e., ensure that safe mode is “safe”
regardless of the fault, and that onboard, automated actions respond to off-nominal
situations appropriately regardless of what caused the anomaly.
• Define the mission and system (and, occasionally, subsystem)-level requirements and
capabilities necessary to implement the fault tolerance, detection, diagnosis, and
recovery activities for the mission.
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• Validate the overall system performance during off-nominal operations through the
design, development, and execution of system-level scenario testing.
• Ensure adequate tools, processes, and techniques for use in the design, development,
testing and operation of the FM system.
Lesson, Learned: (NASA Lessons Learned #1381) Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO). “It is
beneficial for a project to have a single point of contact (POC) whose job is continuously to ask
the healthy question, ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ Formal analysis methods, such as FTA,
FMEA, and FEPP analysis, should be employed in analyzing potential hazards and concerns.”
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The purpose of this appendix is to provide templates for the work products identified in this
Handbook. These templates are presented as guidance for flight system missions.
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The purpose of this appendix is to provide a list of lessons learned that will guide FM practitioners and avoid repeating past lessons. The
NASA Lessons Learned database28 was mined for lessons relevant to FM. The lessons identified in this appendix were extracted from
this database and are categorized to expose the higher level issues plaguing this field. All paragraphs in this appendix are direct quotes
from the NASA Lessons Learned database.
1063 International Space Description: Lack of Systems Engineering in ISS Caution and Warning Initiate a high-priority systems
Station (ISS) Program (C&W) System Design engineering review of the C&W
NASA Lessons Learned Database:
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1385 Comet Nucleus Tour LL II-2: Inadequate systems engineering process and specification of
(CONTOUR) Mishap requirements. The board cited the fact that few requirements were
Investigation: imposed by NASA regarding the way contractors document or
performed work on CONTOUR, creating opportunities for contractors to
adopt nonstandard engineering practices.
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F.2.2 Projects Need a System-Level FM Engineer Who Continually Asks, “What could possibly go wrong?”
1381 ProSEDS Risk Review Description: Following the MCO mishap, the ProSEDS team decided to
(MCO) perform an in-depth review of the MCO mishap report to gather lessons
learned and recommendations that could help prevent NASA from
repeating past mistakes.
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F.2.3 A Rigorous Approach to FM with Experienced Designers is Key to a Successful Complex Mission
F.2.4 Projects Need FM Related Reviews to Ensure FM Completeness, Consistency, and Minimum Risk
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1385 Comet Nucleus Tour LL Item II-1: Reliance of CONTOUR project on analysis by similarity. #II-1: Projects should conduct
(CONTOUR) Mishap inheritance reviews (i.e., analyses by
Investigation LL Item II-3: Inadequate review functions similarity) early in the project
The board felt that inadequate oversight was especially dangerous in lifecycle and should assure that the
combination with nonstandard engineering practices. analysis properly evaluates the
inherited item's capabilities and prior
use against all mission-critical
1612 Cost Estimating: LL 2a: Bad habits (those contributing to failures) are not ‘un-learned’ if #1a: The successes and failures of
(HQ) Assessing the Human personnel are not involved in thorough postmortem reviews of failed more recent missions, such as all the
Capital and Facilities projects. X-vehicle programs and planetary
Required for New exploration missions (such as MER),
Moon-Mars Missions should be reviewed. In particular,
understanding the successes should
be a priority.
F.2.5 FM Fault Responses Need to Handle All States; FM Fault Responses Should Not be Allowed to Interrupt Critical
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0343 Mars Observer Abstract: Following the loss of the Mars Observer spacecraft, simulations
Inappropriate Fault showed that a postulated propellant breach would have caused angular
Protection Response accelerations that could have inhibited downlink and caused multi-axis gyro
Following saturation. In this case, fault protection features of flight software would
Contingency Mode have inhibited all momentum unloading and prevented the stabilization of
Entry due to a the spacecraft.
Postulated Propulsion
Subsystem Breach Ensure that fault protection takes proper action regardless of spacecraft
state. Fault responses should not be allowed to interrupt critical
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F.2.7 Test Beds Need Flight Spare to Test Fault Scenarios and In-Flight Spacecraft Fault Recovery Procedures
0284 In-Flight Spacecraft Abstract: Voyager 2 suffered two potentially mission-catastrophic in-
Fault Recovery) flight faults that were recoverable due to the availability of spare
(Voyager 2) spacecraft hardware that was used to test workaround solutions.
Maintain a functionally identical, properly configured, test bed of spare
spacecraft hardware and associated support equipment, enabling detailed
analysis of in-flight faults and candidate corrective actions.
F.2.8 FM Operations Knowledge Should be Maximized, Procedures Should be Complete and Operations Complexity Should
be Minimized for Minimum Operational Risk
0664 SOHO Mission Description: Loss of Contact with the Solar Heliospheric Observatory
Interruption Joint (SOHO) Spacecraft
Investigation Board LL: The Board finds that the loss of the SOHO spacecraft was a direct
result of operational errors, a failure to adequately monitor spacecraft
status, and an erroneous decision which disabled part of the onboard
autonomous failure detection. Further, following the occurrence of the
emergency situation, the Board finds that insufficient time was taken by
the operations team to fully assess the spacecraft status prior to initiating
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0391 Galileo Spacecraft Description: The Galileo mission twice experienced difficulties with
Safing Recovery recovery from safing errors due to a lack of a formal safing recovery
Anomalies plan and to software/documentation that had not been kept current on
spacecraft states. Maintain and update an anomaly recovery plan, log
spacecraft event updates, take care in reusing previously successful
command packages, and identify nonstandard ground system
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F.2.9 FM Telemetry Should be Reviewed to Ensure Sufficient Visibility to Diagnose All Anomalies
0560 Galileo Scan Platform LL 1: Establish “First, do no harm” as the overriding principle guiding
Anomaly at Ida both fault protection design and the ground response to in-flight
Encounter anomalies.
1277 Ground Support Description: A critical cable connection fault was not observed during A review of fault detection settings
Equipment (GSE) final checkout at the pad, due to insufficient flags in the ground support and telemetry in ground support and
Fault Detection equipment. The problem resulted in a loss of a prime side instrument. flight operations equipment should
Robustness be incorporated into peer reviews.
LL: Important faults can be missed, if the GSE does not flag them to the
F.10 FM Parameters/Configuration for Mission Events Should have Extra Scrutiny to Minimize the Risk of False Trips and
Mission Failure
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0422 Particles Generated by LL: Always take the precaution of placing the spacecraft in roll inertial Provide at least an hour's protection
Pyrotechnic Events and disabling any Canopus-loss fault protection software at and period following these events before
(1967/76) (Viking following a pyrotechnic event. At these times particles are shocked returning the spacecraft to normal roll
Orbiter) loose from parts of the spacecraft, from whence they drift through the control.
Canopus tracker field of view.
Bright objects resulting from a pyro
event may also adversely affect other
devices such as science instruments.
A one-hour delay in operating these
devices should be considered.
F.2.11 Mission-Critical Events Should have Extra FM Scrutiny and Hardware/Software Robustness to Minimize the Risk of
Mission Failure
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0939 MPL Uplink Loss Timer Abstract: Prelaunch tests and verification of software and hardware used
Software/Test Errors to switch to a redundant string should include assumed failures in either
(1998) string during all mission phases. MPL did not verify the ability of the
Lander to switch to the redundant uplink string after landing assuming a
failure in the primary string had occurred during earlier entry, descent
and landing phases. Post mission testing of the uplink loss timer
function demonstrated that an undetected logic error prevented the
reconfiguration from the failed uplink hardware string to the backup
string. Recognize that transitions to another mission phase are high-risk
sequences and that database changes that impact logic decisions should
be retested.
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F.2.13 FM Hardware Keep-out Zones Should be Understood and Embedded in Software to Avoid Hardware Damage and Error
2044 MRO Articulation Abstract: An articulating solar array collided with the MRO spacecraft
Keep-Out Zone due to inadequate definition and verification/validation of system-level
Anomaly design requirements for implementing the appendage's keep-out zone in
flight software. Mechanical resistance by the blanket caused motor rate
errors that onboard fault protection interpreted as failure of both
redundant gimbal motors, and fault protection commanded a warm reset
of the flight computer and entry into safe mode. Construct models to
ensure requirements discovery is complete, provide a robust appendage
motion backstop capability, ensure precision in requirements language,
and never ask control laws to exceed your control authority.
F.2.14 Robustness and Reliability of Single Point Failure Items Should be Scrutinized to Minimize Risk, Especially with Late
Design Changes
0913 Space Mechanisms Abstract: Studies have shown that mechanical failures are more frequent
Reliability (JPL) and more likely to significantly affect mission success than are
electronic failures. Spaceflight mechanisms are usually unique designs
that lack the years of testing and usage common to electrical devices and
in general cannot be designed with the same level of block of functional
redundancy, or graceful degradation, common with electronic circuit
design. The lesson provides a recommended checklist that contains 92
measures for enhancing the reliability, ease of fabrication, testability,
maintainability, and robustness of mechanical designs.
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0492 Galileo High Gain Description: The Galileo spacecraft High Gain Antenna (HGA) was to #3: Hardware should be inherently
Antenna (HGA) open like an umbrella, but it never reached the fully deployed position. robust or redesigned to
Failure (1991) The failure was attributed to an inherited design of the rib retention accommodate major changes in
mechanism. Recommendations involved the design of preloaded spacecraft system design, changes in
mechanisms, lubricant selection and use, hardware robustness, and fault spacecraft handling or the mission
tolerant design of one-shot, non-redundant, mechanisms. profile. Inheritance, design and peer
reviews should fully consider the
LL: Design changes intended to improve the reliability of inherited effect of such changes on known
hardware may introduce new failure mechanisms. The mission impact failure mechanisms.
of such design changes may best be understood through a ’physics of
failure’ approach to reliability analysis. #4: One-shot, non-redundant,
mechanisms should be designed for
simplicity and fault tolerance—
particularly where the mechanisms
are preloaded prior to long-term
storage, or where they endure
extended periods under atmospheric
and vacuum conditions prior to
0364 Galileo Retro Description: Galileo design optimizations over the years exacerbated A thorough analysis should be
Propulsion Module interactions between spacecraft power and the propellant tanks. During conducted before changes are made
and Pyro Power the cruise phase, high power and heat dissipation near the propellant to one or more of the flight project
System Interaction tanks combined with an enhanced tank load to increase the tank elements late in the development
pressure. cycle where the test program is well
advanced or actually may be
LL: Design of the various elements of a flight project (trajectories, completed for some of the elements.
science, mission operations, spacecraft design, spacecraft integration and This analysis should be conducted in
test, etc.) is usually conducted in parallel. Although the designs are not concert with designers of the other
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conducted independently, there are always subtle but significant elements. If discovered after
interactions that can occur within one of the elements or between several changes are made, these interactions
elements. and couplings may (1) reduce the
flexibility to make later changes
necessary to recover from failures,
or (2) negate the opportunity to
enhance future science return, or (3)
require complicated and costly
operational workarounds.
0362 Magellan Radio Abstract: Loss of Magellan high rate X-band telemetry data was traced #1: Consider using a fault tree
Transmitter A to moisture contamination due to a subcontractor's failure to use dry gas matrix during the design phase to
Modulation Failure in the repackaging of an operational amplifier. identify critical telemetry
parameters needed to analyze
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1162 Space Shuttle Program Description: SPF identification needs to take into account unit Provide the same degree of
placement and proximity. separation of redundant critical
hydraulic lines as is given to
LL: Redundant hydraulic lines for the three orbiter hydraulic systems redundant critical electrical wiring.
are not adequately separated to preclude loss of all hydraulic power in
the event of a single catastrophic failure of adjacent hardware.
0311 STS-56 High Rate LL 3: Functional redundancy is highly desirable for any single point
Data Channel Failure failure subsystem. If functional redundancies for single point failure
Impact to ATMOS modes cannot be supplied, work-arounds should be established before
Experiment (payload the start of the mission.
high rate data failure)
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2041 MRO Spaceflight Abstract: A few months into its mission, MRO began experiencing
Computer Side Swap unexpected side swaps to the redundant flight computer that placed the
Anomalies [Export spacecraft into safe mode. The problem was traced to subtle
Version] inconsistencies between the MRO design implementation of an ASIC
device and a known limitation of that device. Users of the RAD750
spaceflight computer should assure that the “PPCI Erratum 24” ASIC
defect cannot cause excessive accumulation of uncorrectable SDRAM
memory errors, and that the system architecture has robust error
recovery capabilities.
LL: The “Erratum 24” defect in the PPCI bridge ASIC represents a
subtle failure mechanism for spacecraft employing a RAD750 SFC
architecture that can be overcome by an operational workaround, but is
best prevented through flight system design measures.
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0369 Flight Software Description: During a walk-through of the Galileo Spacecraft System #1: A flight project should invoke a
Deadly Embrace fault protection implementation a possible “deadly embrace” in the flight software policy that specifies that no
(Galileo) software was uncovered. A deadly embrace is a continuous software single parameter error or single
looping operation that may preclude the achievement of an acceptable spacecraft malfunction can lead to a
spacecraft state. “deadly embrace” in the flight
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0559 Redundant Abstract: When a new mission software release was uploaded to the
Verification of Critical spacecraft, the in-flight upload failed to include a software patch that had
Command Timing been written to fix a defective countdown timer. Because an
(1995) independent “watchdog timer” was planned, but never implemented due
to constrained project resources, the thrusters continued to fire after the
desired shutdown time and the mission was terminated.
Recommendations centered on the need for rigorous software
configuration management, a watchdog timer to terminate operations,
and test-bed verification of in-flight software updates.
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F.2.18 Vehicle Interfaces Should be Subject to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis to Avoid Flight Hardware Damage
0397 Viking Spacecraft Description: While on the launch pad, Viking experienced an
Anomalous Power anomalous power turn-on that resulted in a total discharge of the
Turn-On spacecraft batteries. Failure analysis had not detected that discrete
failure of a relay located in support equipment could have caused the
problem. All interfaces with the spacecraft should be subject to failure
mode analysis, status indicators or alarms should be used, and the
spacecraft should not be left unattended unless periodic monitoring is
0626 Inadvertent Powering Description: During final assembly of the Deep Space 2 (DS2) Mars
of the Deep Space 2 Microprobes, each of the two flight probes was inadvertently powered.
Mars Microprobe The design of the mechanical switches was found to permit inadvertent
(1998) ground paths during assembly, which could cause loss of mission due to
undetected battery depletion prior to launch. System design must
address hardware performance during assembly and test as well as
during flight. Safing devices should be operational throughout assembly
and test operations. Design analyses such as FMEA, SCA, and FTA
must examine the electrical implications of mechanical/packaging
design decisions.
1529 Ensure Test Abstract: When a GSE power meter registered zero due to an AC power
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Monitoring Software glitch, the test monitoring and control software interpreted this as a loss
Imposes Limits to of power and increased the test level past the maximum rating of the test
Prevent Overtest article. This ground test error could have damaged flight hardware.
(2003) (MRO) Perform FMEA on test equipment to identify all potential GSE-induced
failure modes. Either program the test control software or insert a
limiting hardware device to prevent overtest.
F.2.19 Do not Enable FM on Unused Components, Otherwise False FM Trips can Occur
0409 Voyager Gyro Swap Abstract: Because the Voyager failure protection logic was
During Launch Phase unnecessarily enabled during launch, transient gyro outputs triggered a
(1977) series of alarming ’gyro swaps.’ Careful attention should be given to
preclude the possibility of spurious inputs triggering unwanted events
when the protection logic is enabled.
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In 2008, the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD), Planetary Science Division,
commissioned the first NASA FM Workshop29 in response to a number of technical and
programmatic issues surrounding FM experiences on recent missions. The workshop was held
April 2008 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Although the workshop was to address a pattern of
problems occurring across several planetary missions, the participants concluded that the
challenges of adequate FM are present to a degree in all space missions. A primary
recommendation from the workshop was the development of an FM Handbook that would
benefit not only planetary missions but also all NASA missions. Both the NASA Chief Engin
and the NASA Constellation Program Chief Architect endorsed the development of an FM
Fesq, Lorraine (ed). NASA White Paper Report: Spacecraft Fault Management Workshop Results for the Scie
Mission Directorate, Pasadena, CA: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 2009.
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Part of the research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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