Calapa c2 s3 Anna Johnson
Calapa c2 s3 Anna Johnson
Calapa c2 s3 Anna Johnson
Step 3: Act
Video Clip Annotation Organizer
Use the optional annotation organizer to draft annotations that can later be entered into the Pearson
ePortfolio system. You will NOT be able to submit the annotation organizer as evidence ; you must enter
your annotations into the system in order to complete your submission.
Complete a row of the table below for each annotation. Provide the following for each clip segment the
annotation is addressing:
Video clip number
Time stamp (start/end time for the clip)
One of the following annotation titles:
o Developing Shared Norms
o Documenting Agreements and Decisions
o Building Consensus
o Responding to Individual and Collective Feedback
o Maintaining Focus and Energy
o Monitoring for Progress
A brief rationale that explains the decisions that you made in your facilitation
Add rows as necessary.