When To Salute - Military Protocol Guide To Showing Respect

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CAPP 151 April 2009



CAP Pamphlet 151 April 2009

How & Why CAP Practices
Air Force-Style Customs & Courtesies


The Salute. Coming to attention when an officer enters a room.

Shaking hands when meeting someone. These are all examples of
customs and courtesies. They are small, but important expressions of
politeness and mutual respect. Customs and courtesies are found
throughout society at large, but Air Force-style customs and courtesies
are especially important in CAP because they re-enforce the Core
Values and bring us closer to our parent service.

Respect on Display. When we render military-style customs and cour-

tesies, the Core Value of Respect is on display. Air Force traditions like
the salute, and everyday American customs – even friendly greetings
like, “Good afternoon, sir” – symbolize our commitment to a sense of
teamwork that is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

Human Dignity. CAP believes that all persons have dignity simply by
their being human. That dignity is what makes all persons worthy of
respect, regardless of their age, race, gender, religion, or position in CAP.

Similar Values. Air Force leaders are
glad to partner with CAP members, in
part because the two organizations
share similar values.

A Two-Way Street. Because all people should be respectful, the Core

Value of Respect is a two-way street. Even our National Commander
treats the most junior cadet as he or she would like to be treated. A
person’s rank does not give them license to be rude, over-bearing, or
boastful. Likewise, when a junior renders
military courtesies to a senior, it is
done as a sign of respect for the GOAL
officer’s position. Military customs Defend the Core Value of
and courtesies are never marks of Respect as being an ideal that
inferiority because they do not aim should guide CAP members’
to humiliate. Rather, Air Force-style interactions with one another.
customs and courtesies make CAP
service special and patriotic.

Assume Good Faith. A respectful person assumes others operate in

good faith, unless he or she has a compelling reason to believe otherwise.
The principle calls for CAP members to assume their fellow members
are trying to help the CAP mission, not pursue personal gain. Mistakes
can happen, but in assuming good faith, you give other persons the
benefit of the doubt and do not automatically question their motives.

All military customs and courtesies are rooted in basic politeness and
respect. To the newcomer, they seem strange at first. People are often
embarrassed the first time they try to salute. But with a just a little bit
of study, practice, and mentoring comes understanding and confidence.

Cadets. By nature of the Cadet

GOAL Program’s training goals, Air Force
Describe when and how to traditions are a vital part of cadet life.
render basic military customs Cadets will be held to a high standard
& courtesies in how well they observe Air Force-
style customs and courtesies.

Senior Members. For senior members, the rendering of customs and

courtesies is expected when wearing a military-style uniform (all
uniform combinations except the polo shirt and blazer). Regardless,
CAP encourages all members to take part in something larger than
themselves by participating in these rich traditions.

What follows is a brief tutorial in how to render Air Force-style

customs and courtesies properly and proudly. This guide focuses on
the fundamentals. For more information, see the Air Force Drill &
Ceremonies Manual, available at the CAP website.

Rank & Special Situations in CAP

In the military tradition, unit commanders will usually be the highest

ranking individuals in a unit. In CAP, that is quite often not the case,
and it can make for some confusing scenarios when it comes to
customs and courtesies.

For example, in CAP, a captain may command a squadron that includes

majors and colonels as its members. An aircraft may be commanded
by a captain, and crewed by two majors. Or perhaps a cadet NCO is
leading a drill team that includes her cadet commander, a cadet major.
Situations like these are common in CAP.

Still, the lower ranking officer should

initiate the salute. And looking at
the matter from the other side, the A Focus on Fundamentals
higher ranking officer should Connoisseurs of the finer points
respect the junior officer’s position. of military customs and courte-
sies will notice that this guide
As discussed in Part 1 of this guide, takes some modest liberties in
customs and courtesies are not explaining what can be a very
technical subject.
marks of personal superiority or
inferiority. Rather, they are symbols This guide values simplicity. It
of our respect for one another. only introduces CAP members
to basic military customs and
Customs and courtesies should be
courtesies. Therefore, the guide
extended freely and cheerfully, sacrifices hyper-accuracy to focus
regardless of how unusual a situa- on the fundamentals.
tion may seem.


Key Principle

When outdoors and in uniform, cadets salute military officers, CAP

senior members, and cadet officers higher in rank than themselves.
Senior members salute military officers and other CAP officers higher
in rank than themselves.

Finer Points
• Salutes are normally exchanged only outdoors. Indoors, salute
officers only when formally reporting (ie: when called forward to
receive an award).
• The junior person initiates the salute a fair distance from the
senior person such that the senior has time to return the salute.
• Offer a greeting such as, “Good morning, ma’am,” when exchang-
ing salutes.
• When in formation, do not salute unless commanded to present
arms. The commander salutes for the unit if an officer approaches.

Middle finger touches outside corner
of right eyebrow, hat visor, or glasses,
with palm titled slightly toward face

History of
ert the Salute
to The salute originated in
, elb
e the age of chivalry.
aig Etiquette dictated that
should two friendly

wn center of torso
knights meet, each would
raise his helmet visor,
show his face, and greet
Upper arm is parallel the other. A knight also
with ground would salute with his right

hand. Because swords


es were carried in the right

H a hand, offering a salute
was a sign of trust. Even
after firearms made
armor obsolete, the salute
Rest of body
remains at continued to serve as the
attention proper greeting between
soldiers. The salute remains
a sign of friendship and

• When in uniform, salute officers upon recognition, regardless of

what the officer is wearing. For example, uniformed cadets salute their
squadron commander even if that commander is in civilian attire. In
such instances, the commander typically would verbally acknowledge
the salute, but not return it.

• On some installations, such as Maxwell AFB, home of CAP

National Headquarters, it is common to see military officers from
friendly nations. It is customary for CAP members to salute these
international officers as a sign of goodwill.

• When in doubt, salute. Anyone may render a salute at any time if

they believe one is warranted.


Key Principle

It is customary for all members to come to attention when the

commander enters the room.

Finer Points

• If an officer who is higher ranking than anyone present enters the

room, the first person to notice commands, “Room, ATTENTION.” If
only senior members or officers are present, the first to notice the
commander uses the more cordial, “Ladies and gentlemen, the com-
mander” instead.
• In a classroom, conference setting, or work environment, these
customs are usually relaxed.

Juniors & Seniors
What is a junior? What
is a senior? Is the
“senior” always a CAP
senior member? Is a
“junior” always a cadet?
Not necessarily. These
terms are a shorthand
for identifying the higher
ranking and the lower
ranking person in any
setting where the mem-
bers are rendering cus-
toms and courtesies.


Key Principle

The junior walks on the senior’s left.

Finer Points

• The right is the place of honor. This stems from antiquity when
warriors carried swords, usually on their right side. Being positioned on
the right of the juniors, the senior would be able to draw a sword and
defend the formation.

• During uniform inspections, the senior walks on the left. This

positions the senior closest to the troops, with the best vantage point
for conducting the inspection.



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Key Principle

When directed to formally report to an officer, follow these steps:

1. In an office setting, knock on the commander’s door and wait for

permission to enter.

2. Walk toward the commander and halt 2 paces in front of them.

3. Salute and report, “Sir / Ma’am, (Grade) (Name) reporting as


4. Wait for the officer to return the salute.

5. Remain at attention, unless instructed otherwise.

6. When the meeting is over, the officer will say, “Dismissed.”

7. Come to attention (if not already),and take one step backward.

8. Salute and wait for the officer to return the salute.

9. Perform an about face and exit the area.

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Finer Points

• When being called forward to receive an award, it is customary

to report to the officer and then turn to face the audience as photos
are taken.

• Accept certificates with your left hand – “take with your left,
shake with your right.”

• When a large number of people will be reporting to an officer

(such as during a graduation ceremony), the event organizers may
simplify the reporting procedure to speed the ceremony along. In such
cases, the custom is to salute the officer, accept the certificate, shake
hands, and move along.


Key Principle

When in civilian attire, the CAP polo shirt, or blazer combination,

stand at attention and salute by placing your right hand over your
heart while reciting the pledge.

When in a military-style uniform, stand at attention and remain silent.

Finer Points

• If outdoors in civilian attire, remove your hat when reciting the


• The pledge is not normally recited when CAP members are in

formation. Reciting the pledge when in military-style uniform, let alone
when assembled in a formation, is somewhat redundant – the uniform
and all the other trappings of national service are themselves symbols
of a special devotion to America.

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Key Principle

The junior person is introduced to the senior.

Finer Points

• Cadets are introduced to senior members

• CAP members are introduced to distinguished visitors

• Lower ranking officers are introduced to higher ranking officers

• Men are introduced to women

• Younger people are introduced to older people

• Offer a firm handshake when meeting someone new



Key Principle

The table below outlines basic rules for honoring the colors when the
National Anthem or To the Colors plays.


INDOORS Face the flag or music Face the flag or music,

and stand at attention stand at attention, place
right hand over heart
OUTDOORS Face the flag or music Face the flag or music,
and salute stand at attention, place
right hand over heart


Finer Points

• If the colors march by, stand at attention and salute, when wear-
ing a military-style uniform. If wearing civilian attire, stand at attention
and place your right hand over your heart.

• It is not customary to salute stationary flagstaffs, except when

the National Anthem or To the Colors plays.

• When driving a vehicle on a military base, halt the car as a sign of

respect when Retreat, the National Anthem, or To the Colors plays.

• When arranging flags in a headquarters or conference setting,

place the American flag to the audience’s left. Place the CAP, state, or
local flag to the audience’s right. (Another way of describing this
arrangement is to say the U.S. flag is always to its own right.)


Key Principle

Address superior officers as “Sir” or “Ma’am.”

Finer Points

• Cadets address fellow cadet airmen and NCOs by grade and last
name (ie: Airman Curry, Sergeant Arnold).

• Cadets address cadet officers and senior members by grade or as

“Sir” or “Ma’am.”

• Senior members may address cadets by grade or simply by the

noble title, “Cadet.”

• Air Force and senior member non-commissioned officers and

airmen are addressed by grade and last name (ie: Sergeant Levitow).

• Chaplains are commonly referred to by title and last name (ie:

Chaplain Baldwin).


C/AB Cadet Airman Basic Airman Cadet

C/Amn Cadet Airman Airman Cadet
C/A1C Cadet Airman First Class Airman Cadet
C/SrA Cadet Senior Airman Airman Cadet
C/SSgt Cadet Staff Sergeant Sergeant Cadet
C/TSgt Cadet Technical Sergeant Sergeant Cadet
C/MSgt Cadet Master Sergeant Sergeant Cadet

C/SMSgt Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Sergeant Cadet

C/CMSgt Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Chief Cadet
C/2d Lt Cadet Second Lieutenant Lieutenant Cadet
C/1st Lt Cadet First Lieutenant Lieutenant Cadet
C/Capt Cadet Captain Captain Cadet
C/Maj Cadet Major Major Cadet
C/Lt Col Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Cadet
C/Col Cadet Colonel Colonel Cadet

SM Senior Member Senior Member

FO Flight Officer Flight Officer
TFO Technical Flight Officer Flight Officer
SFO Senior Flight Officer Flight Officer

2d Lt Second Lieutenant Lieutenant

1st Lt First Lieutenant Lieutenant
Capt Captain Captain
Maj Major Major
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel Colonel
Col Colonel Colonel
Brig Gen Brigadier General General
Maj Gen Major General General

United States OL
Peachtree City Air Force Auxil
Falcon Field Co iary
PO Box 2765 mposite Squadro
Peachtree City n
GA 30269

3 January 2009
Sheriff Steve Ho
100 Court Stree
Peachtree City,
GA 30269
Dear Sheriff Ho
Thank you for
allowing Depu
demonstrate the ty Victor Cote
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our cadets last ewy, to
Seeing Deputy weekend.
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With thanks,

Squadron Comm P


Key Principle

Send thank you notes to people who have made a special effort to
support CAP – guest speakers, donors, and representatives from other
agencies, for example. Thank anyone who has personally assisted you
or your unit in a meaningful way.

Finer Points

• Be Timely: Send notes within 2-weeks of receiving support.

• Be Brief: Never use more than 1 notecard or sheet of paper.

• Stay On-Topic: Do not ask for another favor or additional help.

• Be Sincere: Cite a specific reason why you are thankful. Explain

how the support has made a difference to you or your unit.

• Properly Route the Note: For an added effect, address the note to
the person’s superior and have your superior sign it.

• Proofread: Take time to make sure the note is free of errors.

• Include a Memento: A unit patch or photo makes a nice addition.


1. In CAP, military-style customs and courtesies

a. are practiced because ranking officers deserve certain privileges.
b. emphasize that officers are more valued than newcomers.
c. stem from simple politeness and the Core Value of Respect.

2. Which of the following is TRUE about the salute?

a. Salutes are normally exchanged only outdoors and when reporting.
b. The junior initiates the salute within 10 paces of the senior.
c. When in doubt, refrain from offering a salute.

3. Everyone present is an officer, and the wing commander is about to

enter the room. Someone should command,
a. “Room, ATTENTION.”
b. “Ladies and gentlemen, the commander.”
c. “FALL IN.”

4. A lieutenant is walking with a major. The lieutenant should walk

a. to the right of the major.
b. to the left of the major.
c. one pace behind the major.

5. You are wearing the CAP blazer combination and in a moment

people will recite the pledge of allegiance. What do you do?
a. Salute and recite the pledge.
b. Stand at attention and remain silent.
c. Place your right hand over your heart and recite the pledge.

6. When outdoors and in a military-style uniform, you hear the

National Anthem, so you face the music and
a. salute.
b. place your right hand over your heart.
c. stand at attention.

7. As a 2d Lt, you should address a C/Maj as

a. “sir” or “ma’am.”
b. “cadet.”
c. by first name.
(1)C (2)A (3)B (4)B (5)C (6)A (7)B

CAPP 151 April 2009

This pamphlet describes how the Core Value of Respect guides how
CAP cadets and officers interact with one another. It provides easy to
understand, authoritative guidance on how to render basic Air Force-
style customs and courtesies. It will be especially helpful to new senior
members and cadets.

Special thanks to the members of Peachtree City - Falcon Field Composite

Squadron, Georgia Wing, who served as models in the majority of this
guide’s photos.

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