HR Department Monthly Metrics Report

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HR Department Monthly Metrics Report

Metrics of

New Hires

Cost per Hire (External Costs) + (Internal Costs) / Total # of Hires in a Time Period.
(See ANSI/SHRM Cost-per-Hire Standard for examples of each)

Time to Fill Total days elapsed to fill requisitions / # Hired

Turnover Rate (# of separations during month/Avg. # of employees during month) x


Turnover Cost Total of the costs of separation + vacancy + replacement + training

Vacancy Rate (Total number of vacant positions as of today / Total number of


as of today) x 100

Vacancy Cost Total of the costs of temporary workers + independent contractors +

other outsourcing + overtime - wages and benefits not paid to vacant

Absence Rate [(# Days Absent in Month) / (Avg. # employees in Month)

x (# workdays)] x 100

Workforce End of Period Headcount / Beginning of Period Headcount

Growth Rate

Recruiting Cost Ratio (External Costs) + (Internal Costs) / Total of First-Year

Compensation of Hires in a Time Period * 100 (See page 18 of
the ANSI/SHRM Cost-per-Hire Standard for more information)

# Employees Trained (Name of training, if applicable)

Training Total training cost / # of employees


Training (ROI) ( Total Benefit – Total Cost) x 100


# of WC Incidents

Workers' (Number of injuries and/or illnesses per 100 FTE ∕ Total hours
worked by
Compensation Incident
all employees during the calendar year) x 200,000


HR Expense HR Expense / Total Operating Costs

HR Expense per HR Costs (include indirect costs, if applicable) / Regular Headcount


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