Mitutoyo - U-Wave - PRE1484 - 2018
Mitutoyo - U-Wave - PRE1484 - 2018
Mitutoyo - U-Wave - PRE1484 - 2018
Wireless data transmission system
for calipers and micrometers
Wireless communication protocol IEEE 802. 15. 4 Standard caliper with
U-WAVE-TC (buzzer type) and connection unit
Modulation method DS-SS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
Communication distance Approx. 20 m (within visible range)
Communication speed 250 kbps
Communication frequency 2,4 GHz conform to ZigBee (ISM: universal frequency band)
User band 15 channels (2,405 to 2,475GHz at intervals of 5 MHz)
OS compatibility Windows® 2000 Professional (≥SP4), Windows® XP Professional
(≥SP2), Windows® XP Home Edition (≥SP2), Windows Vista®,
Windows® 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows® 8, 8.1, 10 (32bit, 64bit) Left: U-WAVE-TC with connection unit
Right: U-WAVE-TM with connection unit
U-WAVE-T (Transmitter)
No. Model Measuring Instrument* Remarks Data reception Battery Life
indication (CR-2032 Battery)
264-620 U-WAVE-TC 100, 150, 200, 300 mm IP67 caliper/standard caliper IP67 type LED 400.000 transmissions
264-621 U-WAVE-TC 100, 150, 200, 300 mm IP67 caliper/standard caliper Buzzer type Buzzer/LED 400.000 transmissions
264-622 U-WAVE-TM COOLANT PROOF (IP65) micrometer IP67 type LED 400.000 transmissions
264-623 U-WAVE-TM COOLANT PROOF (IP65) micrometer Buzzer type Buzzer/LED 400.000 transmissions
02AZF310 Connection unit IP67 caliper/COOLANT PROOF (IP65) micrometer Waterproof type – –
02AZF300 Connection unit Standard caliper Standard type – –
* Please contact Mitutoyo or distributor for further details
U-WAVE-R (Receiver)
No. Remarks Software Number of U-WAVE-R Number of U-WAVE-T USB cable Dimensions Mass
units that can be units that can be length (WxDxH) [g]
connected to PC connected [m] [mm]
02AZD810D U-WAVE-R + software U-WAVE PAK Up to 16 Up to 100 1 140 x 80 x 31,6 130