Taskalfa FAQ Ports List
Taskalfa FAQ Ports List
Taskalfa FAQ Ports List
Description: Because of several requests from the field we created a ports list with description and possible
TCP Both 445 CIFS ON/OFF Open Opened on model supporting SMB print over IPv6
TCP Both 4000 ThinPrint ON/OFF Close Supported from GeminiMFP. Activation is required to use ThinPrint.
TCP Both 5358 WSD-Print/Scan (SSL) ON/OFF Close Not supported yet. (Reserved for future use)
Open when Fiery board is
TCP v6 9040 Thrift (EFI: ERPD) Close
TCP Both 9061 RFB (SSL/TLS) ON/OFF Close Remote Panel
TCP Both 9080 REST ON/OFF Open ON/OFF switch was added from NewA3
TCP Both 9081 REST (SSL/TLS) ON/OFF Open ON/OFF switch was added from NewA3
TCP Both 9090 KM-WSDL ON/OFF Open ON/OFF switch was added from Matsuri/Alphard
TCP Both 9091 KM-WSDL (SSL/TLS) ON/OFF Open ON/OFF switch was added from Matsuri/Alphard
TCP Both 9096 eSCL (SSL/TLS) ON/OFF Open Supported from Perseus.
TCP Both 9097 GCP Privet ON/OFF Close ON/OFF switch was added from 6th A4 Printer
UDP Both 5353 Multicast DNS (Bonjour) ON/OFF Close Only IPv4 is opened on VxWorks