University of Minadanao Peñaplata College Island Garden City of Samal
University of Minadanao Peñaplata College Island Garden City of Samal
University of Minadanao Peñaplata College Island Garden City of Samal
Norie E. Bustamante
BEED-Generalist III Student
NOVEMBER 6, 2017
First and foremost I would like to thank the almighty God for guiding me always
because without him this portfolio I won’t be able to finish this. I am very thankful to
you my Lord for giving me strength and to make these things successfully.
Thank you also to the UMPC for giving us the opportunity to conduct a Field
Study regarding the Technology in the Learning Environment to our cooperating
school, the Mambago-A Elementary School with the guidance of our FS3L Professor,
Mr. Jovenil R. Bacatan. Sir, thank you for your guidance and support and for sharing
your knowledge with us. I really appreciate all your advises being told to us.
And most especially to Mambago-A Elementary School, to the principal, Mr.
Dennis Pacaña and to his Faculty staff for their warm welcome. They gave us the
information that we need. They do their best just to share their knowledge about
technology integration and also gave us advice that would help us when we are in
the field of teaching someday. To the Principal and Faculty Staff, thank you very
Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to my dearest husband for supporting
me morally and financially. And also for the sacrifice, you made just to let me fulfill
my ambition. Thank you for being so supportive.
I. Title Page 1
II. Acknowledgement 2
III. Table of Contents 3
IV. Students’ Resume 4
V. Statement of Purpose 5
VI. Organization of the Portfolio Entries 6
1. EPISODE 1 – The School’s Learning Resource Center 7-12
2. EPISODE 2 – Bulletin Board Display 13-17
3. EPISODE 3 – Slideshow (Slide Presentation) 18-22
4. EPISODE 4 – Tools of the Trade (Teaching Aids Bank) 23-26
5. EPISODE 5 – Technology Integration in the Classroom 27-30
6. EPISODE 6 – My E-World 31-34
7. EPISODE 7 – On-Line Learning Through MOOCS 35-42
VII. Personal Reflection 43
VIII. Comments of the Faculty 44
IX. Rubrics of the Portfolio 45-46
X. Self Rating Competency Checklist
For Student’s Use 46-47
For Faculty Use 47-48
XI. References 49
XII. Letter 50
Letter to the Director 51
Norie E. Bustamante
Prk.4, Aundanao,IGacOS
Personal Data
Sex: Female
Height: 4’9”
Weight: 51 kls.
Citizenship: Filipino
SY 1997-1998
SY 2002-2003
The purpose of this portfolio is to show how far I can achieve the goals in my
Field Study 3 in which is to develop and utilize appropriate technologies that are
being used in the teaching-learning process. It is also a compilation of all documents
and evidence that we gather during our Field Study (Technology in the Learning
Environment) in Mambago A Elementary School. We observed the teachers on what
methods and strategies they applied in facilitating their class lesson with the
integration of technology to meet their objectives.
Making of this portfolio is not only for the completion of the requirement in
Field Study 3 but also serves as an evaluation for all FS student on how they
understand the purpose of this kind of requirement. And also on how they
understand why we need to do this and on how we relate it to ourselves as a future
The contents and organization of this portfolio are based on the syllabus
provided and the entries and evidence are based on the observation we conducted
on our cooperating school. The purpose of the observation we did was to determine
or examine the different methods and strategies, teaching theories and teaching
principles used by the teachers using the different kinds of learning resources and to
know on how they integrate the technologies to achieve their learning goals.
The purpose of this portfolio is guided by the following objectives:
1. Select the teaching materials that are most appropriate for the learners.
2. Apply principles of technology integration in the teaching-learning process.
3. Develop and utilize and evaluate technology-based instructional materials.
4. Utilize ICT as a tool for lifelong learning.
2. Audio Resources Speaker and amplifier are Speaker and amplifier are
useful enough for the useful in an educational
Portable Speaker
students to hear the video presentation inside
Amplifier sound of the video being the classroom especially
played. when the class consist of 35
students and above. It can
help students to hear clearly
the sound of the video
they’ve watched.
My Analysis
The learning materials are well arranged according to their functions and uses.
Dictionaries, magazines, and pocketbooks have their own shelves to place on. Books
have its own place and arranged neatly according to the subject. ICT resources also
have its own room. It is well -lighted and well- ventilated.
All learning materials are free to use not only to the teachers but also to the
students. Guidelines and procedures are easy to follow and the learning resources
are accessible in their school. Using technology in a class discussion is the effective
way to catch the attention of the learner especially when you make your class more
interesting and when your goal is to have a meaningful learning. But the problem
was the lacking of ICT resources, the computers are not enough to cater the number
of students in one class. And when the teacher wants to use PowerPoint to
introduce his/her lesson, they have to wait first till other class finished. They take
turns in using the projector because it has only one available since the other
projector is not in good condition.
I can suggest that the school should find ways to have additional computers that
can cater all the students in school, and also provide an additional projector to be
used by the teachers. I can also suggest that their bulletin board should contain
more information so that the audience will be contented for the information that
they want to know. For example, their transparency board, they should put all the
information that they wanted to show to the audience.
My Reflections/Insights
The computers, laptop, and the projector caught my attention the most because
nowadays using this technology is very rampant. It can make lessons more
interesting to the learner since you can add some effects that can catch the
attention of your learners. Also, students can use computers to make their projects
and teachers can use this for making their lessons. Laptop and projector will be
useful for both teachers and students. Teachers can use this technology through
presenting their lesson with the use of PowerPoint and for a student they can have
the visual of their lessons.
I am not confident enough to use these gadgets because I am still learning on
how to manipulate this thing and also I am still exploring some ways and techniques
on how to operate a desktop and still learning on how to use its different application
and its function since I am still new with these gadgets because during my time
computers are not use in school. Unlike today, computers are everywhere and that’s
why I need more guidance and practice in using computer and laptop.
My Learning Portfolio
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your
Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
My Analysis
The board display design reflects the likes and interests of its target audience
because it was the students' outputs being displayed on the bulletin board. It
encourages and motivates the learner to perform well because their output is being
recognized. The language is clear and simple that made the learners understand
For me, the purpose of the board display is mainly to give importance and
recognize the output of each learner and to show that their participation in the class
activity is important. In my opinion, it was effective. All I can suggest for the
enhancement of the display board is that it should be more durable and with a little
design on it that would make more attractive. And the display should be properly
Board Title: Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Content Resources:
Colored papers
Plastic cover
My Reflections/Insights
The skills that a teacher should have To be able to come up with effective board
displays,is that the teacher should be realistic, creative, patience,confident and love.
It is very important to be realistic in making a board display. The display board you
made should be connected to the reality so that the viewers will be interested. Aside
from being realistic, a teacher should also creative add more attraction to the
viewers. Next was be patience, confident and add more love in making this bulletin
board because it is not that easy to design this board display to become an eye
catching to the learners. It should be attractive, no grammatical errors, spelling
errors and it should be close to reality so that your display board seems to be real
and that the learners can relate it to their real life experiences.Since creativity make
a bulletin board more attractive to the student.
The skills that I need to improve is being creative and confident. This skills are
my weaknesses because I am lack of confidence as well as creativity. And the only
way to enhance this skills I should have more practice to overcome this weaknesses
and develop more confident and creativity because practice can only makes perfect.
My learning Portfolio
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
My Analysis
One of the good features of my slide presentation is the graphics specifically the
webbing that signifies as a concrete example of how to create an integrated unit
design. Another is the information being present in the PowerPoint which is the
topic of the presentation that will be going to impart to the students. To give an
enhancement of the PowerPoint I am applying animation in every slide and using
simple but elegant font design to make the text clear to view and also I am using a
background color which is not contrasted with the font color. Animation played an
important role in my presentation because it can give a sense of attraction to the
learners. It can also catch the attention of the learner. All those features that I’ve
My Reflections/Insights
My Learning Portfolio
My Tools
Noting details
3. Read and write words with the long /a/ in simple stories
Observation Notes
There are a lot of materials that can be use to this topic in a resource center and
this material is appropriate to its grade level. There are books but some of materials
can be found already in the classroom like posters that shows honesty.
For me, the materials that I can produce related to this topic is a series of pictures
showing honesty because this topic valued this attitude and also flashcards that
contain the word having a long /a/ vowel sound.
My Analysis
The skills I have that help me prepare the materials is that I have a basic
knowledge of how to manipulate a laptop or computer although I am not so good at
it like others did. I am glad that through EDTECH subjects I acquired little knowledge
on how to do PowerPoint presentation that I will be using to my class someday.
Before I choose the topic I will make sure that the said topic would be fit to the
technology that I am going to use. Next thing to consider is the audience if the
technology and the topic would fit for them. And lastly, the presentation of the topic
shouldn’t make the audience bored.
One of the strategies that I will use is that I will make sure that all the materials
I’ve used can get the attention of my students so that they will not get bored and
they can get information through it. Before choosing the topic, I make sure that I
already have the knowledge about the topic.
The big ideas of this topic are the storytelling about the honest woodman since
this lesson values honesty; Noting details is also emphasizing in this lesson to know if
the learners listen well and understand the story: Lastly reading and writing long /a/
vowel in simple story so that the teacher will know if the learner really identify the
long /a/ vowel in a story.
My Reflections/Insights
My Learning Portfolio
Laptop and Poster
The teacher discusses the story then in every paragraph she take a pause then ask
questions to the students. She applies creative questioning and interactive learning
Appropriateness of
the teaching aids
Teaching Aids Used Strengths Weaknesses
My Analysis
My/ Reflections/Insights
If I were the teacher, I will teach the same lesson in the same group of
student and I will use the same learning approach that she did but one thing I do
that different to her is that I will let my student explore and engage to use
technology tools to collaborate with others and let them use technology tools
for drill and practice. I will teach them how to utilize technology tools to create
products, for example, I will let them make a reflection paper with the use of
word processor.
Just like the teacher that I’ve observed, I will impose a proper discipline to
my student. I would be a more productive teacher so that the students would
gain more learning from me. I will also prepare a plan B if in case the technology
that I’ve been using will have trouble. I will also consider the teaching strategy
and method that would fit my lesson and to the students in order for them to
have a meaningful learning. And for that my whole class would learn effectively
and so that their learning would connect to their real-life experiences
My Learning Portfolio
Class Observation
The lesson is all about the story entitled the “Honest Woodman”. The objectives
are: a. appreciate the importance of honesty; b. noting details in a given text; c. read
and write words with the long /a/ in a simple story.
The teacher emphasizing three important concepts. First is the behavior, the
story talks about a woodman who is very honest and because of that honesty the
fairy grant here a gift. Second is the noting details, the teacher tries to figure out if
the student knows the important details of the story. Lastly, read and write words
with the long /a/ in a simple story, the teacher wants to present the word with long
/a/ vowel through the simple story. The teacher wants to develop the listening,
talking and understanding skills of her students.
My Analysis
Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
1. appreciate the importance of honesty;
2. Note details in a given text;
3. Read and write words with the long /a/ in simple story.
Name and type of Describe the Put a check if the resource satisfies the Describe how you
electronic resource electronic criterion can use it if you
resource were to teach in
Acc Appr Clea Co Motiv Org
the class you
(author/publish urat opria r mpl ating aniz observed.
er/source e te ete ed It is a website By visiting this
with others.
My Reflections/Insights
My Learning Portfolio
instructional System
materials or
appropriate to
learners and
aligned to the
objectives of the
5. Planning, Develops and uses Performance
Assessing and a variety of assessment in the
Reporting appropriate virtual classroom
assessment Coursera
strategies to
monitor and
evaluate learning.
6. Community Establishes Instructional
Linkages learning Design and
environments that Technology:
respond to the Learning Theories Edx
aspirations of the
My Analysis
Objectives of the MOOC: The focus of the course is to examine the world of children
from 0 to 5 years and explore how they develop and learn in this critical stage.
Content Outline:
Module 2: Belonging
Module 3: Being
Module 4: Becoming
I picked this MOOC because I want to know more about how a child develop and
learn during their critical stage.
Provider: Edx
Students will learn about critique, and practice methods for analyzing
interaction in classrooms, developing tools to build more engaged, effective, and
equitable classroom communication.
Content Outline
I picked this MOOC because if you enroll in this course you can gain more
knowledge on how you analyze interactions in classrooms, develop tools to build
effective and equitable classroom communication.
Provider: Coursera
This course will enable teachers to see the importance of communication and
organization in managing virtual caseloads, and monitoring student learning
remotely through the effective use of learning management system features.
Content Outline
Week 3: Data Analysis and Grade book Management in the Virtual Classroom
I picked this MOOC because the courses of this provider is teacher friendly. Most
of the courses are related to teaching just like this course “ Performance Assessment
in the Virtual Classroom”, it talks about the correct procedure on how we assess the
performance of the learner.
My Reflections/Insights
MOOC is an online course which is open to all people and can access anytime
and anywhere. It helps me realize that technology nowadays played an important
role in learning. Through MOOCs I can learn more methods and strategies on how to
cater a learner having difficulties in learning during their critical stage. I can also
learn some important plan that effective to measures the performance and
assessment of the learners progress. As a lifelong learner, I can gain more knowledge
through this online courses because they have a lot of courses to offer. If you want
to widen your knowledge, the MOOC is the best website you can visit that gives
quality education. It can be guaranteed that all the knowledge that you can acquire
here can be used in your future career.
The knowledge and information I learned from the way the providers used
technology to teach in the Massive Open-Online Courses were that online learning
gives an opportunity to many people to have a good education. This is fit to those
people who haven’t an opportunity to go to school because of their busy lifestyle
and to those who can’t afford to pay for tuition fees. MOOCs have a guide or a
syllabus that indicates the content, objectives, activities, and assessment. They also
provide feedback on the performance of their participants.
As a learner, I prepare myself for MOOCs by finding a provider that will cater my
needs to gain a quality of learning. I will make sure that the provider that I am going
to choose can give me all the knowledge and information that I want to acquire. As a
teacher, if I have a chance to teach online I will make sure that I’ve mastered the
course that I am going to teach so that I can share more knowledge to my student.
Through that mastery, my student wouldn’t regret enrolling that particular course.
And also I must be more friendly so that the student won’t hesitate to ask a question
to the lesson that they don’t understand. I must also improve my communication
skill so that I can communicate my student clearly.
1. Coursera “We envision a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their
life by accessing the world’s best learning experience”.
Watch short video lectures, take interactive quizzes, complete peer graded
assessments, and connect with fellow learners and
Finish your course and receive formal recognition for your accomplishment with
an optional Verified Certificate.
We want to help you learn better and faster. That’s why we designed our
platform based on proven teaching methods verified by top researchers.Here are 4
key ideas that were influential in shaping our vision:
Effectiveness of online learning - classes with online learning have been shown
to produce sronger student outcomes that face-to-face only.
Mastery learning - to help learners fully understand a topic before moving onto
a more advanced topic.
Peer assessments - have been shown in many studies to result in accurate
feedback for the learner and a valuable learning experience for the grader.
Blended learning - has been shown in studies to increase student engagement,
attendance and performance.
2. FutureLearn
We’re a private company wholly owned by The Open University, with the
benefit of over 40 years of their experience in distance learning and online
We have 40 partners from the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
These include many of the best UK and international universities, as well as
institutions with a huge archive of cultural and educational material, such as the
British Council, the British Library, the British Museum, and the National Film and
Television School.
3. Open2 Study
At Open2Study, we’re big believers in the idea that connecting with other
students is a powerful way to learn. Unlike students from other platforms, about one
in five Open2Study students are not only completing their subjects, they’re also
It’s about giving students the best possible online education experience – and that’s
irrespective of the fact that it’s free.
It’s about finding the right topics at the right level, creating short easy to digest
videos and offering a classroom designed to give you everything you need at your
4. Edx
Our Story
With more than 90 global partners, we are proud to count the world’s leading
universities, nonprofits, and institutions as our members. EdX university members
top the QS World University Rankings® with our founders receiving the top honors,
and edX partner institutions ranking highly on the full list.
Our Mission
Our difference
Open edX is the open-source platform that powers edX courses and is freely
available. With Open edX, educators and technologists can build learning tools and
contribute new features to the platform, creating innovative solutions to benefit
students everywhere.
Every classroom has a learner having a multiple intelligences and learning styles.
As a future educator, I will always consider the potential and capabilities of the
learner so that I can make an effective instructional material for the lesson and for
the activity that I will be going to employ.
During our observation in our cooperating school, I learned things that will help
me in my future career. They share us their knowledge about the strategies and
methods on how to be an effective teacher. According to the teachers, choosing
appropriate materials in making an IM’s should first consider the availability of the
materials and it should be accurate and fit to the learners. The teacher should be
creative and innovative so that he/she can enhance his/her instructional material
that can catch the attention of the student. And not only that, the teacher should
also have a broad knowledge on the topic that he/she will be going to discuss. The
teacher should always bear in their mind that there are no single strategies that will
fit in teaching a diverse student. We need not only one strategy in every class
discussion but we must prepare several strategies that can be used during classes.
According to the principal in Mambago-A Elementary School, there are no best
instructional materials for the students to learn. He said that the teacher itself is the
best and the richest instructional material for learning. The teacher should always
make their lesson more meaningful and connect to the learners real life experiences.
An effective teacher can trigger the willingness of a learner to learn and can improve
the different intelligences that innate of each learner.And also as I go along with my
Nowadays, technology is one of the major factors that can affect the
teaching-learning process because through these it can make the teaching-learning
process easier, effective, and can help the students to be motivated.
My Learning Rubric
Learning All tasks were done All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Activities with outstanding tasks were done were done with of tasks were
quality; work with high quality. acceptable quality. done; or most
exceeds objectives were
expectations met but need
________________ ___________________
______________ ___________________