20740B ENU Companion
20740B ENU Companion
20740B ENU Companion
Installation, Storage, and Compute with
Windows Server 2016
Companion Content
ii Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
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Module 1
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads
Lesson 1: Introducing Windows Server 2016 2
Lesson 1
Introducing Windows Server 2016
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-3
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
Docker is a management tool that you can use to manage Windows and Hyper-V container
Question: What new features in Windows Server 2016 do you think will be useful in your organization?
Additional Reading: For more information about configuring firewall settings to support
remote management, refer to the procedure: “To configure MMC or other tool remote
management over DCOM” in the topic “Configure Remote Management in Server Manager” at:
1-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Preparing and installing Nano Server and Server Core
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Installing Nano Server 6
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-5
( ) PowerShell.exe
( ) Sconfig.cmd
( ) Taskmgr.exe
(√) PowerShell.exe
( ) Sconfig.cmd
( ) Taskmgr.exe
( ) All of the above
Nano Server does not provide for local management by using any of the preceding tools except
for Windows PowerShell. Even with Windows PowerShell, the support is only for a limited subset
of Windows PowerShell cmdlets. SConfig.cmd is deprecated in Windows Server 2016.
Taskmgr.exe is not available on Nano Server. You can use the Nano Server Recovery Console for
the basic configuration of the Windows Firewall rules and network settings.
Question: Which of the following commands do you use to initiate remote Windows PowerShell
( ) Enter-PSSession -Name
( ) Enter-PSRemote -Name
( ) Enter-PSSession -ComputerName
( ) Enter-PSRemote -ComputerName
( ) Enter-PSSession -Name
( ) Enter-PSRemote -Name
(√) Enter-PSSession -ComputerName
( ) Enter-PSRemote –ComputerName
Use the Enter-PSSession –ComputerName cmdlet to initiate remote Windows PowerShell.
Answer: Deploying Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience offers the best solution here.
It provides for the most roles and features, and enables local management to be performed.
1-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Question: One of your enterprise customers has a new branch office. You must deploy Windows
Server 2016 to support the local users at this new branch. The server will be managed remotely from IT
staff located in the head office. The server will support the DNS, DHCP, and AD DS server roles. Your
customer wants to minimize resource consumption on the server. Which Windows Server 2016 installation
option would be best?
Answer: Although Nano Server would be a good choice in terms of remote management, it does
not support the required roles, except for Domain Name System (DNS). Therefore, the logical
choice is Server Core.
Question: Your customer wants to run a web server based on IIS. The server must use as few hardware
resources as possible. Which Windows Server 2016 installation option would be best?
Answer: Of the available installation options for Windows Server 2016, Nano Server uses the
fewest hardware resources. It also supports the Internet Information Services (IIS) role, so this
would be the logical choice.
5. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command, and then press Enter.
6. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command, and then press Enter.
Import-Module c:\nano\NanoServerImageGenerator.psm1
7. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command, and then press Enter.
9. When the process is completed, on the taskbar, click File Explorer, navigate to C:\Nano, and then
examine the files listed.
10. Switch to NANO-SVR1.
11. In the User name box, type Administrator, and then press the Tab key.
12. In the Password box, type Pa55w.rd, and then press Enter.
13. In the Nano Server Recovery Console, observe that the computer name is NANO-SVR1 and that
the computer belongs to a workgroup. If Networking is not already selected use the up and down
arrow keys to select it, and then press Enter.
14. On the Ethernet adapter, press Enter. In Network Adapter Settings, notice that Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is providing the IP configuration.
Lesson 3
Preparing for upgrades and migrations
Question and Answers 8
Resources 8
Demonstration: Using MAP 8
1-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: Virtualization allows you to take advantages of separating roles onto different servers.
For example, you can more easily troubleshoot issues, you can better manage service uptime, and
so on. At the same time, you also gain the advantage of consolidating multiple roles onto fewer
computers. You must ensure that there are enough hardware resources on the virtualization
hosts to handle the various workloads.
In-place upgrades vs. server migration
Additional Reading: For more information on migration, refer to: “Install, Use, and
Remove Windows Server Migration Tools” at: http://aka.ms/p3xxrr
Additional Reading: For more information about using MDT as part of a complete
deployment solution, refer to: “Automate and manage Windows operating system deployments”
at: http://aka.ms/Mi7wfx
For more information about MDT, including the latest updates, refer to: “Microsoft Deployment
Toolkit” at: http://aka.ms/de2ej0
Reference Links: For more information about the Microsoft Assessment and Planning
(MAP) Toolkit, refer to: http://aka.ms/u7x2mf
Additional Reading: For more information about the Windows Server Migration Tools and
migration guides for specific roles and features, refer to: “Migrate Roles and Features to Windows
Server” at: http://aka.ms/mr3jqp
3. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, review the default window that
displays the Overview page.
4. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, in the left pane, click Cloud, and then
review the readiness information for the different cloud scenarios.
5. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, in the left pane, click Desktop, and
then review the readiness information for the different desktop scenarios.
6. Repeat step 4 for all remaining items in the left pane: Server, Desktop Virtualization, Server
Virtualization, Database, Usage Tracking, and Environment.
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-9
Perform inventory
1. On LON-CL1, in the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, in the left pane, click
Overview, and then, in the Overview page, click Create/Select database.
2. In Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit dialog box, ensure that Create an inventory
database is selected, in the Name box type INVENTORY, and then click OK.
a. On the Inventory Scenarios page, select the following check boxes, and then click Next:
Windows computers
Exchange Server
Lync Server
SQL Server
b. On the Discovery Methods page, select Use Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), and
Scan an IP address range, and then click Next.
c. On the Active Directory Credentials page, in the Domain field, type Adatum.com, and then, in
the Domain account field, type Adatum\Administrator. In the Password field, type Pa55w.rd,
and then click Next.
Note: You cancel the inventory procedure because the lab does not contain an
environment with older operating systems for MAP to discover. In the next step, you review the
test inventory that you import from the sample database in MAP.
2. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit dialog box, click Import, and then click Browse.
3. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit dialog box, navigate to C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit\Sample, on the right pane click
MAP_SampleDB.bak, and then click Open.
4. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit dialog box, in the Database Name box, type
MAPDEMO, and then click OK.
1-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
5. When the dialog box displays a message that the database has been successfully imported, click OK,
and then click Close.
6. In Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit window, click File, and then click Create/Select
7. In Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit dialog box, ensure that Use an existing database
is selected, select MAPDEMO, and then click OK.
8. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, review the default window that
displays the Overview page that includes inventory information loaded from the sample database.
Refresh the Overview page window, if necessary.
9. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, in the left pane, click Cloud, and then
review the readiness information for the different cloud scenarios that displays with inventory
information from the sample database.
10. In the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit console, on the left pane, click Desktop, and
then review the readiness information for the different desktop scenarios that displays with inventory
information from the sample database.
11. Repeat step 10 for all remaining items in the left pane: Server, Desktop Virtualization, Server
Virtualization, Database, Usage Tracking, and Environment.
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-11
Lesson 4
Migrating server roles and workloads
Question and Answers 12
Resources 12
1-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: You might want to migrate to a new forest as part of reorganizing your AD DS structure.
This is an opportunity to optimize and reduce complexity.
A cross-forest migration could also be necessary as part of a business merger or acquisition.
By performing a cross-forest migration, both the new and old structure will exist at the same
time, which will allow you to roll back to the previous structure if there are problems during
Additional Reading: For more information about determining which roles and features to
migrate, refer to the migration guides for Windows Server 2016 in “Migrate Roles and Features to
Windows Server” at: http://aka.ms/mr3jqp
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-13
Lesson 5
Windows Server activation models
Question and Answers 14
Resources 14
1-14 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: You should implement volume licensing based on KMS. This is because your
organization deploys different editions of Windows client operating systems and Windows Server
operating systems.
Question: Your organization’s IT infrastructure was upgraded from different editions of Windows client
operating systems and Windows Server operating systems to Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016,
respectively. What type of volume activation should you implement?
Answer: You should implement volume licensing based on Active Directory-based activation.
This is because your organization deploys Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 operating
systems, and AD DS-based activation is supported when the computers that are only running
Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.
Reference Links: For more information on VAMT, refer to: “Introduction to VAMT” at:
Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads 1-15
Answer: Use the -Guestdrivers switch when you intend to run Nano Server as a virtual machine
under Hyper V.
Question: When using the Nano Server Recovery Console, which two fundamental components can
you configure?
Answer: You can configure only networking and firewall settings on Nano Server by using the
Nano Server Recovery Console.
Question: Which role can you use to manage KMS?
Answer: You can use the Volume Activation Services role to manage KMS.
These tools were mentioned in this module.
DISM.exe • Used for image servicing and Start from a command prompt or
management Windows PowerShell console
Windows Server • Use for assistance in migrating Download from the Microsoft
Migration Tools from one version of Windows download center
Server to another version
Volume Activation • Use the VAMT to manage Multiple Download from the Microsoft
Management Tool Activation Keys (MAKs) download center
Windows PowerShell cmdlets are not available Make sure that the Windows PowerShell modules
(such as Server Manager) are loaded correctly.
You need a non-GUI interface method to shut Use Windows PowerShell or use the shutdown /r
down or restart a computer that is running command from a command prompt.
Server Core
You are unable to join a computer to the Verify DNS resolution and network connectivity
domain between the host and the domain controller. Verify
that the user account has necessary permissions to
join the domain.
1-16 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: To modify the startup settings of a physical computer to use the virtual hard drive for
Nano Server:
1. In an elevated command prompt, copy the current boot loader entry on the computer where
Nano Server will be running, and then use that to create a new entry with the bcdedit /copy
{current} /d “Nano Server” command.
2. Type bcdedit again, and then copy the GUID, including the braces ({ }), that appears in the
ID field of the newly copied boot loader entry.
3. Run these commands, replacing {GUID} with the copied GUID, including the braces:
a. bcdedit /set {GUID} device vhd=C:\NanoServer\NanoServer.vhd
b. bcdedit /set {GUID} osdevice vhd= C:\NanoServer\NanoServer.vhd
c. bcdedit /set {GUID} path \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe
4. Verify the setting is correctly set by going to System Properties. Select Startup and
Recovery settings. You should see that System startup lists Nano Server.
5. Alternatively, mount the NanoServer.vhd file in the file system by using drive G, and then
run bcdboot G:\Windows.
Configuring Local Storage 2-1
Module 2
Configuring Local Storage
Lesson 1: Managing disks in Windows Server 2
Lesson 1
Managing disks in Windows Server
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Demonstration: Configuring ReFS 4
Configuring Local Storage 2-3
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
The second part of the question focuses on switching to ReFS when upgrading to Windows
Server 2016. You might answer yes because it is more reliable, or you might answer no, because
you want to wait until it is used more widely in the market.
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to Frequently asked questions about the
GUID Partitioning Table disk architecture: http://aka.ms/sha5x0
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to How Basic Disks and Volumes Work:
Additional Reading:
Implementing ReFS
Additional Reading: For more information about ReFS, refer to Building the next
generation file system for Windows: ReFS: http://aka.ms/orvy9u
2. In the lower half of the display, scroll down and right-click Disk 2, and then click Online.
3. Repeat for Disk 3 and Disk 4.
6. Right-click the unallocated space on Disk 2, and then click New Simple Volume.
10. On the Format Partition page, in the Volume label text box, type New Volume, and then click
14. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, run the following command to view the sector information:
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, run the following command to view the sector information
about the ReFS volume:
3. Scroll back through the output to view the differences between the file system capabilities.
2-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Managing volumes in Windows Server
Question and Answers 7
Resources 7
Demonstration: Managing volumes 7
Configuring Local Storage 2-7
Answer: No, not all disks need the same tolerance. A common practice is to use RAID 1 for the
operating system volume and RAID 5 for the data volumes.
Extending and shrinking a volume
Additional Reading:
List disk
3. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Select disk 3
4. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Convert dynamic
5. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
6. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
assign letter=G
7. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
9. Click Action, and then click Refresh. Point out that you can see the newly created Drive G formatted
for NTFS.
3. On the Select Disks page, in the Available list, click Disk 4, click Add >, and then click Next.
5. On the Format Volume page, in the File system list, click ReFS.
6. In the Volume label text box, type Mirror, select the Perform a quick format check box, and then
click Next.
7. Click Finish to create your mirrored volume.
8. In the Disk Management dialog box, click Yes to convert the disk to dynamic.
Configuring Local Storage 2-9
• If you want to shrink a volume, defragment the volume first so you can reclaim more space from the
• Use the GPT partition table format for disks larger than 2 TB.
Review Questions
Question: What are the two disk types in Disk Management?
Answer: The two types of disks are basic and dynamic.
The following table lists the tools that this module references.
Answer: You could use some of the more common disk management cmdlets:
• Get-disk. Lists all available disks installed in the server computer.
• Clear-disk. Removes all partitions and volumes from the specified disk.
Question: Your current volume runs out of disk space. You have another disk available in the same server.
What actions in the Windows operating system can you perform to help you add disk space?
Answer: Your answers can include converting the disk to a dynamic disk, and extending the
volume with the second disk. You also can use the second disk as a mount point to move some
large files and reassign their path. You also could use links to move large files to the new volume,
and then create a link from their original location.
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-1
Module 3
Implementing enterprise storage solutions
Lesson 1: Overview of DAS, NAS, and SANs 2
Lesson 2: Comparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel over Ethernet 4
Lesson 3: Understanding iSNS, DCB, and MPIO 8
Lesson 1
Overview of DAS, NAS, and SANs
Question and Answers 3
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-3
( ) DAS
( ) NAS
( ) SAN
( ) Block-level storage
( ) File-level storage
(√) DAS
( ) NAS
( ) SAN
( ) Block-level storage
( ) File-level storage
In most cases, DAS has the lowest implementation costs. However, it has the least flexibility,
because the storage is not pooled, and it is difficult to reallocate.
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
A SAN provides block-level storage.
Lesson 2
Comparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel
over Ethernet
Question and Answers 5
Resources 5
Demonstration: Configuring an iSCSI target 5
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-5
Answer: Yes, you can. However, as a best practice, you should have a dedicated TCP/IP network
for iSCSI, so that other network traffic does not interfere with iSCSI communication, and so that
iSCSI communication does not interfere with the network traffic.
Question: When would you consider implementing diskless booting from iSCSI targets?
Answer: Answers will vary based on experience, but generally, you might consider this if you
want to implement virtualization technologies, such as a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), in
your organization.
iSCSI components
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to iSCSI Target Server Scalability Limits:
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to iSCSI Target Cmdlets in Windows
PowerShell: http://aka.ms/j1iomo
2. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Next.
4. On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select a server from the server pool is
selected, and then click Next.
5. On the Select server roles page, expand File and Storage Services (2 of 12 installed), expand File
and iSCSI Services (1 of 11 installed), select the iSCSI Target Server check box, and then click
4. In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location page, under
Storage location, click volume C:, and then click Next.
3-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
5. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name box, type iSCSIDisk1, and then click
6. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size box, type 5, ensure that GB is selected, and
then click Next.
7. On the Assign iSCSI target page, click New iSCSI target, and then click Next.
8. On the Specify target name page, in the Name box, type LON-DC1, and then click Next.
11. In the Type list, click IP Address, in the Value field, type, and then click OK.
14. On the Confirm selections page, review the parameters, and then click Create.
15. On the View results page, wait until the virtual disk is created, and then click Close.
16. In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS list, click New iSCSI Virtual
17. In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location page, under
Storage location, click volume C:, and then click Next.
18. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, type iSCSIDisk2, and then click Next.
19. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size box, type 5, ensure that GB is selected, and
then click Next.
20. On the Assign iSCSI target page, click LON-DC1, and then click Next.
21. On the Confirm selections page, review the parameters, and then click Create.
22. On the View results page, wait until the virtual disk is created, and then click Close.
2. In Server Manager, click the Tools menu, and then click iSCSI Initiator.
3. In the Microsoft iSCSI message box, click Yes.
4. In the iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog box, on the Targets tab, type LON-DC1, and then click
Quick Connect.
5. In the Quick Connect dialog box, under Discovered targets, click iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:lon-
dc1-lon-dc1-target, and then click Done.
6. In the iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog box, to close the dialog box, click OK.
2. In the Computer Management console, under the Storage node, click Disk Management.
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-7
Note: The new disks are added, but they all are currently offline and not formatted. These
are listed as Disk 11 and Disk 12.
Lesson 3
Understanding iSNS, DCB, and MPIO
Question and Answers 9
Demonstration: Configuring MPIO 9
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-9
( ) True
( ) False
(√) True
( ) False
You can use iSNS to manage both iSCSI and Fibre Channel storage.
Question: What is the maximum number of paths that Microsoft MPIO can have?
( )4
( )8
( ) 16
( ) 32
( )4
( )8
( ) 16
(√) 32
Microsoft MPIO is capable of identifying up to 32 paths.
2. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Next.
4. On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select a server from the server pool is
selected, and then click Next.
5. On the Select server roles page, click Next.
6. On the Select features page, select the Multipath I/O check box, and then click Next.
11. In Server Manager, on the menu bar, click Tools, and then click MPIO.
12. In the MPIO Properties dialog box, click the Discover Multi-Paths tab.
3-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
13. On the Discover Multi-Paths tab, select the Add support for iSCSI devices check box, and then
click Add. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.
14. After the computer restarts, sign in to LON-SVR1 with the user name Adatum\Administrator and
the password Pa55w.rd.
15. If necessary, open Server Manager.
16. In Server Manager, on the menu bar, click Tools, and then click MPIO.
Note: In the MPIO Properties dialog box, on the MPIO Devices tab, notice that additional
Device Hardware Id MSFT2005iSCSIBusType_0x9 is added to the list.
Lesson 4
Configuring sharing in Windows Server 2016
Question and Answers 12
Resources 12
Demonstration: Configuring SMB shares by using Server Manager
and Windows PowerShell 12
Demonstration: Configuring an NFS share by using Server Manager 14
3-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
( ) SMB 2.1
( ) SMB 3.0.2
( ) SMB 3.1.1
( ) SMB 3.2
( ) SMB 2.1
( ) SMB 3.0.2
(√) SMB 3.1.1
( ) SMB 3.2
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 use SMB 3.1.1 when communicating with other
computers that are running Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
Question: You cannot use Kerberos authentication with NFS shares because they require AD DS.
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
You can configure NFS shares to use Kerberos authentication.
What is SMB?
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to What’s New in SMB in Windows
Server: http://aka.ms/Uthhq2
2. In the SHARES area, click TASKS, and then click New Share.
3. In the New Share Wizard, on the Select the profile for this share page, in the File share profile
box, click SMB Share – Quick, and then click Next.
Implementing enterprise storage solutions 3-13
4. On the Select the server and path for this share page, select LON-SVR1, click Select by volume,
click D:, and then click Next.
5. On the Specify share name page, in the Share name box, type DemoShare, and then click Next.
6. On the Configure share settings page, select the Enable access-based enumeration check box,
and then click Next.
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Mkdir D:\Shares\DemoShare2
Get-SmbShare DemoShare | FL *
2. In File Explorer, in the address bar, type \\LON-SVR1\DemoShare, and then press Enter.
3. On LON-SVR1, at the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press
2. In the SHARES area, click TASKS, and then click New Share.
3. In the New Share Wizard, on the Select the profile for this share page, in the File share profile
box, click NFS Share - Quick, and then click Next.
4. On the Select the server and path for this share page, click LON-SVR1, click Select by volume,
click D:, and then click Next.
5. On the Specify share name page, in the Share name box, type DemoNfsShare, and then click
6. On the Specify authentication methods page, select Kerberos v5 authentication(Krb5), and then
click Next.
Answer: Although DAS can provide high performance, managing an expansive DAS environment
takes considerably more administrative time than centralized SAN storage.
Question: Which operating systems must you remove from your environment before you can disable
Answer: Windows versions that are older than Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 use
SMB1. Therefore, you cannot remove SMB1 from your environment before you remove those
operating systems completely from your environment.
The following table lists the tools that this module references.
File and Storage Services • Performing basic storage In Server Manager, under File
management tasks and Storage Services
• Examining storage
• Creating volumes
3-16 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: After you installed MPIO, you had to enable it for iSCSI. Then MPIO did not identify all
of the paths automatically. You needed to add the appropriate paths manually from the iSCSI
initiator to the iSCSI target.
Answer: No, only recently accessed files display. A few moments after a file is open or a file is
saved, the information that Get-SmbFileOpen provides does not include a file that is open in an
Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication 4-1
Module 4
Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication
Lesson 1: Implementing Storage Spaces 2
Lesson 1
Implementing Storage Spaces
Question and Answers 3
Resources 4
Demonstration: Configuring Storage Spaces 4
Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication 4-3
• Performance
• Simplicity of management
• Ability to scale
• Redundancy
Question: What storage technologies does your organization use?
• SANs
• Cloud-based storage
Question: What are the disadvantages of using Storage Spaces compared to using SANs or NAS?
Answer: Most SAN and NAS devices provide many of the same features as Storage Spaces. These
storage devices also provide redundancy, data tiering, and easy capacity expansion. Additionally,
they improve performance by removing all of the storage-related calculations from the server
and performing these tasks on dedicated hardware devices. This means that NAS and SAN
devices, and SAN devices in particular, are likely to provide better performance than using
Storage Spaces.
• Storage Spaces are easy to manage and do not require specialized equipment or expertise.
4-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
• In larger enterprises that currently are using SANs or NAS, the enhanced performance of
using the specialized hardware is likely to be a more important factor than the ease of use
and lower cost that Storage Spaces provides.
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to “Windows Server Catalog” at:
2. In Server Manager, in the left pane, click File and Storage Services, and then, in the Servers pane,
click Storage Pools.
3. In the STORAGE POOLS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down list, click New
Storage Pool.
4. In the New Storage Pool Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
5. On the Specify a storage pool name and subsystem page, in the Name text box, type
StoragePool1, and then click Next.
6. On the Select physical disks for the storage pool page, in the Physical disks list, select the first five
disks listed, and then click Next.
2. In the VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down list, click New Virtual
3. On the Select the storage pool page, click StoragePool1, and then click OK.
4. In the New Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
5. On the Specify the virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type Simple vDisk, and then click
6. On the Specify enclosure resiliency page, click Next.
7. On the Select the storage layout page, in the Layout list, select Simple, and then click Next.
8. On the Specify the provisioning type page, click Thin, and then click Next. You should mention
that this configures thin provisioning for that volume.
9. On the Specify the size of the virtual disk page, in the Specify size text box, type 2, and then click
11. On the View results page, wait until the task completes. Make sure that the Create a volume when
this wizard closes check box is selected, and then click Close.
12. In the New Volume Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
13. On the Select the server and disk page, under Disk, click the Simple vDisk virtual disk, and then
click Next.
14. On the Specify the size of the volume page, click Next to confirm the default selection.
15. On the Assign to a drive letter or folder page, click Next to confirm the default selection.
16. On the Select file system settings page, in the File system drop-down list, select ReFS, in the
Volume label text box, type Simple Volume, and then click Next.
18. On the Completion page, wait until the task completes, and then click Close.
4-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Managing Storage Spaces
Resources 7
Demonstration: Managing Storage Spaces by using Windows PowerShell 7
Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication 4-7
3. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to return a list of
storage pools with their current health and operational status:
4. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to return more
information about StoragePool1:
Get-StoragePool StoragePool1 | fl
5. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to return detailed
information about your virtual disks, including provisioning type, parity layout, and health:
Get-VirtualDisk | fl
6. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to return a list of
physical disks that can be pooled:
2. Open Server Manager, and, in the Storage Pool window, click Refresh to view the changes. Notice
the new virtual disk.
3. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to add a list of physical
disks that can be pooled to the variable:
4-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
4. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command, and then press Enter to add the physical
disks in the variable to StoragePool1:
5. To view the additional physical disks in Server Manager, open Server Manager, and then in the
Storage Pool window, click Refresh to view the changes. Notice the additional physical disks that are
visible in the pool.
Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication 4-9
Lesson 3
Implementing Data Deduplication
Question and Answers 10
Resources 10
Demonstration: Implementing Data Deduplication 10
4-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: Yes.
Feedback: Yes. In fact, this is common in scenarios in which you have a large amount critical data
that might not change very frequently. One specific scenario is a large-scale VDI deployment
using Hyper-V.
Answer: Yes.
Feedback: Yes, NTFS and ReFS support Data Deduplication.
Question: Can you enable Date Deduplication on volumes in which virtual machines are running and
apply it to those virtual machines?
Answer: Yes.
Feedback: Yes, you achieve the same level of optimization with running virtual machines as with
VMs that are not running and experience no degradation in performance.
3. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
6. On the Select server roles page, in the Roles list, expand File and Storage Services (4 of 12
7. Expand File and iSCSI Services (3 of 11 installed).
8. Select the Data Deduplication check box, and then click Next.
11. When the installation is complete, on the Installation progress page, click Close.
3. In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, click File and Storage Services, and then click Disks.
7. In the Allfiles (D:\) Deduplication Settings dialog box, in the Data deduplication list, click General
purpose file server.
8. In the Deduplicate files older than (in days) text box, type 1.
11. In the Allfiles (D:\) Deduplication Settings dialog box, click Add.
12. In the Select Folder dialog box, expand Allfiles (D:), and then click shares.
13. Click Select Folder, and then click OK.
3. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt window, type the following command, and then
press Enter:
Get-DedupStatus | fl
4. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt window, type the following command, and then
press Enter:
5. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt window, type the following command, and then
press Enter:
Get-DedupVolume |fl
6. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt window, type the following command, and then
press Enter:
Note: Because most the files on drive D are small, you may not notice a significant amount
of saved space.
Answer: You can use the Storage Spaces feature to create a storage pool of all five disks, and
then create a virtual disk with parity or mirroring to make it highly available.
Question: Your manager has asked you to consider the use of Data Deduplication within your storage
architecture. In what scenarios is the Data Deduplication role service particularly useful?
Answer: You should consider using deduplication for the following areas:
• File shares, including group content publication or sharing, user home folders, and profile
redirection for accessing offline files. With the release to manufacturing (RTM) version of
Windows Server 2012, you could save approximately 30 to 50 percent of your system’s disk
space. With the Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) support in Windows Server 2012 R2, the disk
savings can increase up to 90 percent in certain scenarios.
• Software deployment shares. This includes software binaries, images, and updates. You might
be able to save approximately 70 to 80 percent of your disk space.
• .vhd and .vhdx file libraries. This includes .vhd and .vhdx file storage for provisioning to
hypervisors. You might be able to save disk space of approximately 80 to 95 percent.
Some files cannot be read when the free disk To resolve this issue, do one of the following:
space on a deduplicated volume approaches • Run a Garbage Collection task to reclaim disk
zero. space.
• If there is not a recent memory map of the
files, copy files elsewhere.
• If there is a recent memory map of the files,
run Robocopy.exe in non-cached Read mode
to copy files elsewhere.
4-14 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: You require at least five disks. If you do not have five disks available in a disk pool, you
can only create a two-way mirrored virtual disk.
Question: You have a USB-attached disk, four SAS disks, and one SATA disk that are attached to a
Windows Server 2012 server. You want to provide a single volume to your users that they can use for file
storage. What would you use?
Answer: Answers will vary, but the most common answer might be to create a storage pool out
of the existing disks, and then create a virtual disk that spans all of the disks and has the largest
capacity possible. For reliability reasons, USB disks should not be part of a storage pool. However,
you can mix the disk types in a storage pool and create highly available disks using two-way or
three-way mirroring or parity for virtual disks.
Module 5
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines
Lesson 1: Overview of Hyper-V 2
Lesson 1
Overview of Hyper-V
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-3
( ) Nested virtualization
( ) Host resource protection
( ) Nested virtualization
( ) Host resource protection
Question: A colleague has suggested that you should abandon virtual machines and begin using
Windows Server containers instead. Explain why you should consider this carefully instead of
implementing immediately.
Answer: Windows Server containers do not offer the same level of isolation that virtual machines
do. All the containers share the same operating system kernel, thus creating the potential for a
single problem to affect multiple containers. However, the speed with which containers can be
created and started is a potential benefit.
What is Hyper-V?
Additional Reading: For a current list of supported guest operating systems, refer to
“Supported Windows guests: at: http://aka.ms/Geadun
Additional Reading: For more information about Windows Server containers, refer to
“Windows Containers” at: http://aka.ms/Kt23rj
5-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Installing Hyper-V
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Installing the Hyper-V role 5
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-5
Answer: No. Nested virtualization should be used only in scenarios in which it is needed, such as
a classroom lab where students are learning about Hyper-V. Most datacenters do not use nested
Question: To install the Hyper-V server role in Windows Server 2016, your server hardware must support
( ) True
( ) False
(√) True
( ) False
Previous versions of Hyper-V required second-level address translation (SLAT) only for clients’
operating systems, but in Windows Server 2016, SLAT is now a requirement.
13. On the Confirm installation selections page, select Restart the destination server automatically
if required, click Yes, and then click Install.
Note: Your computer might restart several times following installation of the Hyper-V
17. In Hyper-V Manager, click LON-HOST1, and then click Hyper-V Settings.
18. In the Hyper-V Settings for LON-HOST1 window, click each of the available options in the left pane,
and read the descriptions.
19. Click Cancel.
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-7
Lesson 3
Configuring storage on Hyper-V host servers
Question and Answers 8
Resources 8
Demonstration: Managing storage in Hyper-V 8
5-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
( ) Pass-through
( ) Dynamic
( ) Differencing
( ) Fixed
( ) Pass-through
(√) Dynamic
(√) Differencing
( ) Fixed
All of the options are available except pass-through.
Question: To use a virtual Fibre Channel adapter in a virtual machine, the Hyper-V host must have a
physical Fibre Channel adapter.
( ) True
( ) False
(√) True
( ) False
A physical Fibre Channel adapter in the Hyper-V host is required to access the Fibre Channel
SAN. The driver for the physical Fibre Channel adapter must also support virtualizations.
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to Server Message Block Overview:
Note: The drive letter for this path might vary depending on the configuration of the
physical host.
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-9
3. Click the Home tab, and then click the New Folder icon twice to create two new folders. Right-click
each folder and rename them:
7. On the Before You Begin page of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard, click Next.
8. On the Choose Disk Format page, select VHD, and then click Next.
9. On the Choose Disk Type page, select Differencing, and then click Next.
10. On the Specify Name and Location page, specify the following details, and then click Next:
o Name: LON-GUEST1.vhd
13. At the command prompt in the Windows PowerShell command-line interface, type the following
command to create a new differencing disk to be used with LON-GUEST2, and then press Enter:
15. In the Actions pane of the Hyper-V Manager console, click Inspect Disk.
16. In the Open dialog box, go to E:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\20740\Drives\LON-GUEST2\,
click LON-GUEST2.vhd, and then click Open.
17. In the Virtual Hard Disk Properties dialog box, verify that LON-GUEST2.vhd is configured as a
differencing virtual hard disk with E:\Program Files\Microsoft Learning\Base\Base17C-WS16-
1607.vhd as a parent, and then click Close.
5-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 4
Configuring networking on Hyper-V host servers
Question and Answers 11
Resources 11
Demonstration: Configuring Hyper-V networks 12
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-11
( ) Internal
( ) Private
( ) External
( ) NAT
( ) Internal
( ) Private
( ) External
(√) NAT
You should use a network address translation (NAT) switch when you need to allow a private
address space to access services on another network.
Question: You are configuring a virtual switch that will be used for virtual machines that are accessed by
clients. Which type of switch should you create?
( ) Internal
( ) Private
( ) External
( ) NAT
( ) Internal
( ) Private
(√) External
( ) NAT
You should create an external switch. An external switch is attached to a physical network card on
the Hyper-V host and allows clients on the physical network to communicate with the virtual
Additional Reading: For more information about RDMA and SET, refer to “Remote Direct
Memory Access (RDMA) and Switch Embedded Teaming (SET)” at: http://aka.ms/dzwmi9
5-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
2. In the Virtual Switch Manager dialog box, select New virtual network switch. Ensure that External
is selected, and then click Create Virtual Switch.
3. In the Virtual Switch Properties area of the Virtual Switch Manager dialog box, specify the
following information, and then click OK:
o External Network: Mapped to the host computer's physical network adapter. This varies
depending on the host computer.
4. In the Apply Networking Changes dialog box, review the warning, and then click Yes.
7. Under Create virtual switch, select Private, and then click Create Virtual Switch.
8. In the Virtual Switch Properties section, configure the following settings, and then click OK:
o Name: Private Network
Lesson 5
Configuring Hyper-V virtual machines
Question and Answers 14
Resources 14
Demonstration: Creating a virtual machine 15
5-14 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: You should avoid upgrading the virtual machine configuration version until you no
longer need to run the guest virtual machines on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Question: Which virtual machine characteristics must be present to support hot adding a virtual network
adapter? Choose all that apply.
( ) Generation 1 virtual machine
( ) Generation 1 virtual machine
To hot add a virtual network adapter, the virtual machine must be a Generation 2 virtual
Additional Reading: For more information about shielded virtual machines, refer to
“Guarded fabric and shielded VMs overview” at: http://aka.ms/m83kd3
Additional Reading: For detailed information about enabling and configuring discrete
device assignment, refer to “Discrete Device Assignment - Description and background” at:
Additional Reading: For detailed information about supported distributions for Linux and
FreeBSD, refer to “Supported Linux and FreeBSD virtual machines for Hyper-V on Windows” at:
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-15
2. On the Before You Begin page of the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next.
3. On the Specify Name and Location page, select Store the virtual machine in a different location.
Enter the following values, and then click Next:
o Name: LON-GUEST1
5. On the Assign Memory page, enter a value of 1024 MB, select the Use Dynamic Memory for this
virtual machine option, and then click Next.
6. On the Configure Networking page, select Private Network, and then click Next.
7. On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk page, choose Use an existing virtual hard disk.
10. Click the Start button, and then click the Windows PowerShell icon.
11. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, enter the following command to create a new
virtual machine named LON-GUEST2:
15. In the Settings for LON-GUEST2 on LON-HOST1 dialog box, click Automatic Start Action, and
then set the Automatic Start Action setting to Nothing.
16. In the Settings for the LON-GUEST2 dialog box, click Automatic Stop Action, and then set the
Automatic Stop Action setting to Shut down the guest operating system.
Lesson 6
Managing virtual machines
Question and Answers 17
Demonstration: Creating checkpoints 17
Demonstration: Using PowerShell Direct 18
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-17
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
A production checkpoint behaves more like a backup. When you restore a production
checkpoint, the virtual machine is in a stopped state.
Question: You can use PowerShell Direct from your workstation to access virtual machines running on a
Hyper-V host.
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
You can only use PowerShell Direct from the Hyper-V host on which the virtual machine is
3. Ensure that checkpoints are enabled and that Checkpoint Type is set to Production Checkpoints,
and then click OK.
4. To create a production checkpoint, in the Actions pane, click Checkpoint.
5. Click LON-GUEST1. In the Actions pane, click Settings, and then under Management, click
8. Click LON-GUEST1, and then in the Checkpoints pane, select the top checkpoint.
3. In the LON-GUEST1 on LON-HOST1 – Virtual Machine Connection dialog box, on the Hi there
page, click Next.
5. On the Customize settings page, in the Password and Reenter password text boxes, type
Pa55w.rd, and then click Finish.
6. In Hyper-V Manager, click LON-GUEST1. In the Actions pane, click Settings, and then click
Network Adapter.
7. Change the Virtual switch drop-down list box to Not connected, and then click OK.
9. Verify the lack of connectivity to LON-GUEST1 by typing the following command, and then pressing
Note: This command returns a message “Ping request could not find host LON-GUEST1”,
which is expected.
11. When you receive a prompt for credentials, use Administrator as the user name and Pa55w.rd for
the password. This will let you enter into a PSSession with LON-GUEST1.
12. Type the following command, and press Enter. after which LON-GUEST1 will restart:
15. Change the Virtual switch to Private Network, and then click OK.
16. Leave LON-HOST1 and all virtual machines running for the next module.
Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines 5-19
Answer: You should use static memory allocation in the following situations:
• When the guest operating system or application does not support dynamic memory.
• When the host operating system has limited memory resources and you need to ensure that
operating systems receive a fair allocation of memory.
Question: When should you use the .vhdx format instead of .vhd format?
Answer: When you are creating new virtual disks, the default option should be to select .vhdx-
formatted disks because of their better performance and better resilience to corruption. You
should use a .vhd-formatted disk only when you must check for compatibility with older Hyper-V
hosts or when creating a differencing drive for an existing .vhd-based image.
Question: You want to deploy a Hyper-V virtual machine's virtual hard disk on a file share. On which
operating system must the file server be running to support this configuration?
Answer: You can only deploy virtual hard disks to file shares that support SMB 3.0. The Windows
Server 2012 and newer operating systems support hosting SMB 3.0 file shares.
You should also monitor virtual machine performance carefully. One virtual machine that uses a
disproportionate amount of server resources can adversely affect the performance of all other virtual
machines that the Hyper-V server hosts.
The following table includes tools that are related to this module:
Answer: No. You can download the script for enabling nested virtualization once, and then run it
for as many virtual machines as you need. You should check regularly to see if the script has been
updated. If the script is updated, you can download a new copy.
Question: Why did adding a private network not create an additional virtual network adapter on LON-
Answer: A Hyper-V host cannot communicate on a private network, so a virtual network adapter
was not created on LON-HOST1. A virtual network adapter was created for the internal network
and the external network because the Hyper-V host can communicate on those types of
Deploying and managing Windows and Hyper-V containers 6-1
Module 6
Deploying and managing Windows and Hyper-V containers
Lesson 1: Overview of containers in Windows Server 2016 2
Lesson 1
Overview of containers in Windows Server 2016
Question and Answers 3
Deploying and managing Windows and Hyper-V containers 6-3
( ) A sandbox is a computer that is configured with containers. This can be a physical computer or a
virtual computer.
( ) A sandbox is the first layer of the container hierarchy.
( ) All changes that are made to a running container are stored in the sandbox.
( ) A sandbox is a management tool that you can use instead of the Windows PowerShell command-line
interface to manage your containers.
( ) A sandbox is a computer that is configured with containers. This can be a physical computer
or a virtual computer.
(√) All changes that are made to a running container are stored in the sandbox.
( ) A sandbox is a management tool that you can use instead of the Windows PowerShell
command-line interface to manage your containers.
6-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 3
Installing, configuring, and managing containers by
using Docker
Question and Answers 5
Resources 5
Demonstration: Deploying containers by using Docker 6
Deploying and managing Windows and Hyper-V containers 6-5
( ) True
( ) False
( ) True
(√) False
You can use Docker from the command line to manage both Hyper-V and Windows Server
containers in Windows Server 2016.
Additional Reading: For more information on other examples of Dockerfiles for Windows,
go to the Dockerfile for Windows Repository, refer to: http://aka.ms/kq8gak
Additional Reading: For more information on the complete list of Dockerfile instructions,
refer to Dockerfile reference: http://aka.ms/wrccuy
Additional Reading: For more information on docker build, including a list of all the build
options, refer to docker build: http://aka.ms/u29exr
Additional Reading: You can use several methods to optimize the Docker build process
and the resulting Docker images. For more information on how the Docker build process
operates and the tactics that you can use for optimal image creation with Windows containers,
refer to Optimize Windows Dockerfiles: http://aka.ms/nrgyui
Additional Reading: For more information about administering containers on Windows
Server by using Docker, refer to Windows Containers Quick Start: https://aka.ms/slvc18
Additional Reading: For more information on using the docker run command to define a
container’s resources at run time, refer to Docker run reference: http://aka.ms/Xjef2h
Additional Reading: For more information on registering a Docker ID, refer to Use Docker
Hub with Docker ID: http://aka.ms/ya2hoo
Additional Reading: For more information on the Docker repositories that the Docker Hub
supports and promotes, refer to Official repositories on Docker Hub: http://aka.ms/f7zl0h
Additional Reading: For more information on pushing a repository to the Docker Hub
registry, refer to Build your own images: http://aka.ms/iyggmz
Additional Reading: For more information on creating organizations and teams so that
you can delegate access to colleagues for shared image repositories, refer to Organizations and
teams in Docker Hub: http://aka.ms/wzbstk
6-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Additional Reading: For more information on using Docker Machine to create new Docker
host VMs in Azure for your Linux containers, refer to Use Docker Machine with the Azure driver:
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to Azure Resource Manager overview:
Additional Reading: For more information on using the Azure Container Service to deploy
Docker Swarm clusters, refer to Deploy an Azure Container Service cluster: http://aka.ms/F8azgy
Install Docker
1. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following to install Docker, and then press
2. At the “Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now” notification, type
Y, and then press Enter.
3. In the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following to install Docker, and then press
4. At the notification Are you sure you want to install software from DockerDefault, type Y, and
then press Enter.
5. Type the following to restart the computer, and then press Enter:
Restart-Computer -Force
Download an image
1. After VM restarts, sign in to LON-NVHOST2.
3. Type the following command, and then press Enter to view the images available on Docker Hub:
4. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following command to download the sample IIS
image, and then press Enter:
Deploying and managing Windows and Hyper-V containers 6-7
5. In the Windows PowerShell window, type the following to verify the downloaded image, and then
press Enter:
docker images
Note: This command runs the IIS image as a background service (-d). It also configures
networking such that port 80 of the container host maps to port 80 of the container.
2. Type the following to retrieve the IP address information of the container host.
Note: The IPv4 address of the Ethernet adapter named vEthernet (HNS Internal NIC). This is
the address of the new container. Make note of the IPv4 address of the Ethernet adapter named
Ethernet. This is the IP address of the container host.
4. In the address bar, type the following, and then press Enter:
docker ps
3. Type the following to stop the container, and then press Enter:
5. In the address bar, type the following, and then press Enter:
6-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
6. Observe that the default IIS page is no longer accessible. This is because the container is not running.
7. On LON-NVHOST2, in the Windows PowerShell command prompt window, type the following to
delete the container, and then press Enter:
docker rm <ContainerID>
Answer: Use the -Guestdrivers switch when you intend to run Nano Server as a VM
under Hyper-V.
Question: When using the Nano Server Recovery Console, which two fundamental components can you
Answer: You can configure only networking and firewall settings on Nano Server by using the
Nano Server Recovery Console.
Question: When configuring Windows Server containers, what Windows PowerShell cmdlet do you use to
create a container and what is the equivalent Docker command?
Unable to download package providers. Some • Verify that the container host is able to connect
errors include “bits transfers failed.” to the Internet.
• Software updates to providers might require
software updates to the container host. Run
Windows Update to ensure that the host is up-
• Because most of the repositories are available at
websites using SSL encryption, verify that the
user running the commands can verify the SSL
certificates. Ensure that any Group Policy to
“Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update”
has been disabled.
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-1
Module 7
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery
Lesson 1: Defining levels of availability 2
Lesson 1
Defining levels of availability
Question and Answers 3
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-3
Answer: High availability for applications includes components and technologies that need to be
redundant, and enable that application to work in case of failure of any of the computer
components. High availability includes scheduled maintenance tasks when an application might
not be online.
Answer: Continuous availability is a set of technologies and procedures that enable applications
to continue working in case of failure or planned downtime.
7-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Planning high availability and disaster recovery
solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Configuring live migration (optional) 5
Demonstration: Configuring storage migration (optional) 6
Demonstration: Implementing Hyper-V Replica (optional) 6
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-5
Answer: In Windows Server 2016, you can perform migration of virtual machines by using these
• Quick Migration.
• Live Migration.
• Hyper-V Replica.
Answer: Hyper-V Replica enables virtual machines running at a primary site, or a location or
host, to be replicated efficiently to a secondary site (a location or host) across a WAN or a LAN
link. Hyper-V Replica enables you to have two instances of a single virtual machine residing on
different hosts, one as the primary, or live, copy and the other as a replica, or offline copy. These
copies are synchronized on a regular interval, which is configurable in Windows Server 2016. You
also can fail over at any time.
Answer: Answers might vary. For example, you can use storage replication, which is one
alternative for failover clustering.
2. In Hyper-V Manager, right click LON-HOST1, and then click Hyper-V Settings.
3. In the Live Migrations pane, check Enable incoming and outgoing live migrations.
5. Under Incoming live migrations, review network connections settings to accept live migration
traffic. Select Use any available network for live migration.
6. Expand Live Migrations pane, select Advanced Features, and review the Authentication protocol
7. Under Performance options, review the settings and then click OK.
2. In Hyper-V Settings window, select Storage Migrations and set the simultaneous number of storage
migrations to 5.
3. In Hyper-V Manager, in the central pane, click LON-SVR1-B.
4. In the Actions pane, click Start. Wait until the virtual machine is fully started.
5. Switch back to the Hyper-V Manager console, and in the Actions pane, click Move.
6. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
7. On the Choose Move Type page, click Move the virtual machine's storage, and then click Next.
8. On the Choose Options for Moving Storage page, click Move all of the virtual machine’s data to
a single location, and then click Next.
9. On the Choose a new location for virtual machine page, click Browse.
10. Browse to C:\, create a new folder named VM, click Select Folder, and then click Next.
6. In the Authorization and storage section, click Allow replication from any authenticated server,
and then click Browse.
7. Click Computer, double-click Local Disk (C), and then click New folder. Type VMReplica for folder
name, and press Enter. Select the C:\VMReplica\ folder, and then click Select Folder.
9. In the Settings window, read the notice, and then click OK.
10. Click the Start screen, and then click the Control Panel.
11. In the Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Windows Firewall. Click Advanced
settings, and then click Inbound Rules.
12. In the right pane, in the rule list, find and right-click the Hyper-V Replica HTTP Listener (TCP-In)
rule, and then click Enable Rule.
13. Close the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console, and then close Windows Firewall.
15. On LON-HOST1, open Hyper-V Manager. Click LON-HOST1, and then right-click 20740B-LON-
19. In the Select Computer window, type LON-NVHOST2, click Check Names, click OK, and then click
20. On the Specify Connection Parameters page, review the settings, and ensure that Use Kerberos
authentication (HTTP) is selected, and then click Next.
21. On the Choose Replication VHDs page, ensure that 20740B-LON-SVR1-B.vhd is selected, and then
click Next.
22. On the Configure Replication Frequency page, from the drop-down list box select 15 minutes, and
then click Next.
23. On the Configure Additional Recovery Points page, select Maintain only the latest recovery
point, and then click Next.
24. On the Choose Initial Replication Method page, click Send initial copy over the network, select
Start replication immediately, and then click Next.
25. On the Completing the Enable Replication Wizard page, click Finish, and in the Enable
Replication for 20740B-LON-SVR1-B dialogue box, click Close.
26. Wait five to 10 minutes. You can monitor the progress of initial replication in the Status column in the
Hyper-V Manager console. When it completes (progress reaches 100 percent), ensure that 20740B-
LON-SVR1-B has appeared on LON-NVHOST2 in Hyper-V Manager.
29. Review the content of the window that appears, ensure that there are no errors, and then click Close.
30. On LON-NVHOST2, open Hyper-V Manager, and then verify that 20740B-LON-SVR1-B is turned
33. On LON-HOST1, in Hyper-V Manager, right -click 20740B-LON-SVR1-B, select Replication, and
then click Planned Failover.
34. In the Failover window, ensure that the option Start the Replica virtual machine after failover is
selected, and then click Fail Over.
Lesson 3
Backing up and restoring by using Windows Server
Question and Answers 9
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-9
Lesson 4
High Availability with failover clustering in Windows
Server 2016
Question and Answers 11
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-11
Answer: In a failover cluster, each node in the cluster has following properties:
• Has full connectivity and communication with the other nodes in the cluster.
• Is connected to a network through which client computers can access the cluster.
• Is connected through a shared bus or iSCSI connection to shared storage.
• Is aware of the services or applications that are running locally, and the resources that are
running on all other cluster nodes.
Question: What are the failover clustering components of a failover clustering solution?
• Node - A Windows Server 2016 computer that is part of a failover cluster, and has the
failover clustering feature installed.
• Service or application - A service that you can move between cluster nodes (for example, a
clustered file server can run on either node).
• Shared storage - External storage that is accessible to all cluster nodes.
• Quorum - The number of elements that must be online for a cluster to continue to run. The
quorum is determined when cluster nodes vote.
• Witness – A server that is participating in cluster voting when the number of nodes is even.
• Failover – The process of moving cluster resources from the first node to the second node, as
a result of node failure or administrator’s action.
• Failback - The process of moving cluster resources back from the second node to the first
node, as a result of firs node becoming again online or administrator’s action.
• If the service or application fails over from Node1 to Node2, when Node1 is again available,
the service or application will fail back to Node1.
• Clients - Computers that connect to the failover cluster, and are not aware which node the
service is running on.
Answer: For Live Migration both servers need to be online and actively participating in the Live
Migration. Clustering covers the unplanned downtime and outages scenario.
7-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
• Use new features in Hyper-V Replica to extend your replication to more than one server.
• Consider using Scale-Out File Server clusters as storage for highly available virtual machines.
• Implement VMM. VMM provides a management layer on top of Hyper-V and Failover Cluster
Manager that can block you from making mistakes when you manage highly available virtual
machines. For example, it can block you from creating virtual machines on storage that is inaccessible
from all nodes in the cluster.
Review Question
Question: In Windows Server 2016, must you implement CSV to provide high availability for virtual
machines in VMM?
Answer: No, you do not have to implement CSV to provide high availability. However, CSV
makes it much easier to implement and manage an environment where you have multiple
Hyper-V hosts that access multiple LUNs on shared storage.
The tools for implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V include:
Virtual machine failover fails after you The CSV home folder is located on the host-server
implement CSV and migrate the shared storage system drive. You cannot move it. If the host
to CSV. computers use different system drives, the failovers
will fail because the hosts cannot access the same
storage location. All failover cluster nodes should
use the same hard-drive configuration.
A virtual machine fails over to another node in All the nodes in a host cluster must have the same
the host cluster, but loses all network networks configured. If they do not, then the virtual
connectivity. machines cannot connect to a network when they
failover to another node.
Four hours after restarting a Hyper-V host that By default, virtual machines do not fail back to a
Overview of high availability and disaster recovery 7-13
Answer: You can use the Extended Replication feature to add a third host machine that can
replicate with passive copy and with configurable replication timeout.
Question: What is the difference between Live Migration and Storage Migration?
Answer: In Live Migration, you move the machine from one host to another. In Storage
Migration, you move virtual machine storage and, optionally, configuration files to another
location on the same server.
Implementing failover clustering 8-1
Module 8
Implementing failover clustering
Lesson 1: Planning a failover cluster 2
Lesson 1
Planning a failover cluster
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Demonstration: Verify a network adapter's RSS and RDMA
compatibility on an SMB server 3
Implementing failover clustering 8-3
Answer: Answers will vary but should include the dynamic quorum mode and dynamic witness.
These provide the highest level of cluster scalability in most standard configurations.
Question: Describe the steps for Cluster Operating System Rolling Upgrade.
Answer: The upgrade steps for each node in the cluster include:
1. Pause the cluster node and drain all the virtual machines that run on the node.
2. Migrate the virtual machines that run on the node to another node in the cluster.
3. Perform a clean installation to replace the cluster node operating system with Windows
Server 2016.
4. Add back the node that is now running the Windows Server 2016 operating system to the
5. Upgrade all nodes to Windows Server 2016.
Failover-cluster storage
Reference Links: For more information, refer to Deploy Clustered Storage Spaces:
Reference Links: For more information, refer to Failover Clustering Hardware
Requirements and Storage Options: http://aka.ms/kr8ahr
2. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following cmdlet, and then press Enter:
3. View the output, and then verify that the RssOnPortsSupported value for the network adapter is
4. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following cmdlet, and then press Enter:
5. View the output, and then verify that the RSS Capable value for the network adapter is True and the
RDMA Capable value for the network adapter is False.
8-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Creating and configuring a new failover cluster
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Creating a failover cluster 5
Demonstration: Reviewing the validation wizard 8
Demonstration: Creating a general file-server failover cluster 9
Demonstration: Configuring the quorum 10
Implementing failover clustering 8-5
Answer: File Services, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and Hyper-V.
Sequencing Activity
Question: The following steps are for clustering server roles. Arrange them in the correct order by
numbering each step.
Install the failover clustering feature. Use Server Manager or Windows PowerShell to install the
failover clustering feature on all computers that will be cluster members.
Verify the configuration, and create a cluster with the appropriate nodes. Use the Failover
Cluster Management snap-in to validate the configuration and to create a cluster with the
selected nodes.
Install the role on all cluster nodes. Use Server Manager to install the server role that you want
to use in the cluster.
Configure the application. Configure the options on the application that the cluster uses.
Test failover. Use the Failover Cluster Management snap-in to test failover by intentionally
moving the service from one node to another.
1 Install the failover clustering feature. Use Server Manager or Windows PowerShell to install the
failover clustering feature on all computers that will be cluster members.
2 Verify the configuration, and create a cluster with the appropriate nodes. Use the Failover
Cluster Management snap-in to validate the configuration and to create a cluster with the
selected nodes.
3 Install the role on all cluster nodes. Use Server Manager to install the server role that you want
to use in the cluster.
5 Configure the application. Configure the options on the application that the cluster uses.
6 Test failover. Use the Failover Cluster Management snap-in to test failover by intentionally
moving the service from one node to another.
3. In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, click File and Storage Services.
5. In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down list, select New
iSCSI Virtual Disk.
6. In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location page, under
Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
7. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk1, and then click
8. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure that GB is selected in
the drop-down list, and then click Next.
9. On the Assign iSCSI target page, click New iSCSI target, and then click Next.
10. On the Specify target name page, in the Name text box, type lon-svr1, and then click Next.
12. In the Select a method to identify the initiator dialog box, click Enter a value for the selected
type, and in the Type drop-down list, select IP Address. In the Value text box, type, and
then click OK.
14. In the Select a method to identify the initiator dialog box, click Enter a value for the selected
type, and in the Type drop-down list, select IP Address. In the Value box, type, and
then click OK.
18. On the View results page, wait until the creation is complete, and then click Close.
19. In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down list, select New
iSCSI Virtual Disk.
20. In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location page, under
Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
21. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk2, and then click
22. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure that GB is selected in
the drop-down list, and then click Next.
23. On the Assign iSCSI target page, click lon-svr1, and then click Next.
24. On the Confirm selections page, click Create.
25. On the View results page, wait until the creation is complete, and then click Close.
26. In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down list, select New
iSCSI Virtual Disk.
27. In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location page, under
Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
28. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk3, and then click
Implementing failover clustering 8-7
29. On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure that GB is selected in
the drop-down list, and then click Next.
30. On the Assign iSCSI target page, click lon-svr1, and then click Next.
31. On the Confirm selections page, click Create.
32. On the View results page, wait until the creation is complete, and then click Close.
4. In the IP address or DNS name text box, type, and then click OK.
8. On LON-SVR3, open Server Manager, click Tools, and then click iSCSI Initiator.
9. In the Microsoft iSCSI dialog box, click Yes.
10. In the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, click the Discovery tab, and then click Discover Portal.
11. In the IP address or DNS name text box, type, and then click OK.
12. Click the Targets tab, and then click Refresh.
13. In the Targets list, click iqn.1991-05.com.microsoft:lon-svr1-lon-svr1-target, and then click
14. Ensure that the Add this connection to the list of Favorite Targets check box is selected, and then
click OK two times.
15. On LON-SVR2, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Computer Management.
20. Right-click the unallocated space next to Disk 4, and then click New Simple Volume.
24. On the Format Partition page, in the Volume Label text box, type Data. Select the Perform a quick
format check box, and then click Next.
25. Click Finish.
Note: If a dialog box appears with a prompt to format the disk, click Cancel.
8-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
26. Repeat steps 17 through 25 for Disk 5 and Disk 6, using Data2 and Data3 respectively for volume
30. Select and right-click Disk Management, and then click Refresh.
31. Right-click Disk 3, and then click Online.
5. On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select a server from the server pool is
selected, and then click Next.
7. On the Select features page, in the Features list, select Failover Clustering.
8. In the Add features that are required for Failover Clustering window, click Add Features, and
then click Next.
10. When installation completes and you receive the Installation succeeded on LON-
SVR2.Adatum.com message, click Close.
4. In the Enter Name text box, type LON-SVR2, and then click Add.
7. Verify that Run all tests (recommended) is selected, and then click Next.
9. Wait for the validation tests to finish (it might take 5 to 7 minutes), and then on the Summary page,
scroll through the report. Verify that all tests completed without errors. Some warnings are expected.
4. In the Enter server name box, type lon-svr3, click Add, and then click Next.
5. On the Access Point for Administering the Cluster page, in the Cluster Name text box, type
6. In the Address text box, type, and then click Next.
5. On the Select Role page, click File Server, and then click Next.
6. On the File Server Type page, click File Server for general use, and then click Next.
7. On the Client Access Point page, in the Name text box, type AdatumFS, and then, in the Address
text box, type, and then click Next.
8. On the Select Storage page, select the Cluster Disk 2 check box, and then click Next.
2. In the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Get-ClusterQuorum | Get-Member
3. Review the command’s output to determine the viable options that you can configure.
4. In the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and then press Enter:
3. Right-click FSW, click Share with, and then click Specific people.
4. In the File Sharing dialog box, type Everyone, and then click Add.
Lesson 3
Maintaining a failover cluster
Question and Answers 12
Demonstration: Configuring CAU 12
8-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Question: You have an eight-node cluster that is running Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V. How would you
update each node on a schedule without downtime?
Answer: Answers might vary, but might include using CAU or self-updating mode. CAU allows
you to schedule a time and have the cluster failover, update, and restart the servers as necessary.
2. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, click Next.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Next.
4. On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select server from the server pool is selected,
and then click Next.
5. On the Select server roles page, click Next.
6. On the Select features page, in the list of features, expand Remote Server Administration Tools,
and then expand Feature Administration Tools.
7. Select Failover Clustering Tools, and then click Next.
10. On LON-DC1, on the Server Manager dashboard, click Tools, and then click Cluster-Aware
11. In the Cluster-Aware Updating window, in the Connect to a failover cluster drop-down list, select
Cluster1, and then click Connect.
12. In the Cluster Actions pane, click Preview updates for this cluster.
13. In the Cluster1-Preview Updates window, click Generate Update Preview List, and then click
Cancel to cancel the update process because the virtual machines are not connected to the Internet.
Note: In a real-world scenario, you should wait until the update preview list generates.
14. In the Cluster Actions pane, click Create or modify Updating Run Profile.
15. Review and explain the available options. Do not make any changes, and then click Close.
16. In the Cluster Actions pane, click Apply updates to this cluster, click Next three times and review
the information on each page, and then click Cancel.
Implementing failover clustering 8-13
Note: Emphasize that in real-world scenario one node of the cluster is in a waiting state,
while the other node is restarting after it updates.
18. On LON-SVR2, in the Server Manager dashboard, click Tools, and then click Cluster-Aware
19. In the Cluster-Aware Updating window, in the Connect to a failover cluster drop-down list, select
Cluster1, and then click Connect.
20. Click Configure cluster self-updating options.
23. In the Specify self-updating schedule area, click Weekly, in the Time of Day drop-down list, select
4:00 AM, and in the Day of the week drop-down list, select Sunday, and then click Next.
Lesson 4
Troubleshooting a failover cluster
Question and Answers 15
Demonstration: Reviewing the Cluster.log file 15
Implementing failover clustering 8-15
Answer: Network issues that can threaten failover clustering health include:
• Network latency.
• Network failures.
Question: What is the Cluster.log file, where is it located, and how can you can create it?
Answer: The Cluster.log file includes details about the cluster objects, such as resources, groups,
nodes, networks, network interfaces, and volumes. You can use this file for troubleshooting
cluster issues, and you can generate it on servers by using the Get-ClusterLog cmdlet in
Windows PowerShell. The default location of the Cluster.log file is
3. Open File Explorer, go to C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports, and then open the Cluster.log file.
4. Review the Cluster.log file.
5. Search the Cluster.log file for the words heartbeat and NETFT for network-related entries.
6. Search the Cluster.log file for the word ACCEPT for entries that pertain to accepted inbound
connections from remote endpoints.
7. Search the Cluster.log file for the word SV for entries that pertain to securing a route between
8-16 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 5
Implementing site high availability with stretch
Question and Answers 17
Demonstration: Implementing server-to-server storage replica 17
Implementing failover clustering 8-17
• Cross-site heartbeating. Added configuration for thresholds of nodes that are in different
• Preferred site configuration. The feature that controls the split-brain syndrome and role start
up preferences.
Question: You have only two datacenter locations with a Windows Server 2016 stretch cluster built across
both sites. What type of dynamic witness is best for this scenario?
( ) File-share witness
( ) Azure Cloud Witness
( ) Disk witness
( ) No witness
( ) File-share witness
(√) Azure Cloud Witness
( ) Disk witness
( ) No witness
A file-share witness would require a third datacenter location. A disk witness would require
shared local storage that is not available in this case, and we do not recommend not having a
Question: Can a node that runs Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 run in the same
Answer: Yes, this is part of the Cluster Operating System (OS) Rolling Upgrades feature that is
new to Windows Server 2016. We recommend that you move toward having the cluster on the
same operating system and not run it in mixed mode for an extended period.
4. On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select server from the server pool is selected,
and then click Next.
6. On the Select features page, in the list of features, select Storage Replica, click Add Features, and
then click Next.
8-18 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
8. When installation is complete, click Close, and then restart the virtual machine.
10. On LON-SVR1, in Windows PowerShell, type the following two commands, pressing Enter after each
MD c:\Temp
Test-SRTopology -SourceComputerName LON-SVR1 -SourceVolumeName M: -
SourceLogVolumeName N: -DestinationComputerName LON-SVR4 -DestinationVolumeName M: -
DestinationLogVolumeName N: -DurationInMinutes 2 -ResultPath c:\temp
11. Wait for the test to finish (it might take 5 to 7 minutes).
12. Open the report file located in C:\Temp folder. The report file is and HTML file which name starts
with TestSrTopologyReport, and includes current date. Review the report file data and verify that
you meet the Storage Replica requirements.
13. To configure server-to-server replication, at the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the
following command, and then press Enter:
14. To verify the replication source and destination state, at the Windows PowerShell command prompt,
type the following the three commands pressing Enter after each command:
15. To verify the number of the remaining bytes to be replicated on the destination server, at the
Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Review Questions
Question: What are some of the improvements in Windows Server 2016 failover clustering?
• Storage Replica
• Cloud witness
• VM resiliency
• Site-aware clusters
• Workgroup and multidomain clusters
Question: Why is it not a good idea, generally, to use a disk-only quorum configuration?
Answer: The failover cluster stops functioning if failure occurs on the logical unit numbers (LUNs)
that are used as the quorum disk. Even if all the other resources are available, including the disk
for the applications, nodes do not provide service when the quorum disk is not available. It
becomes a single point of failure.
Answer: When you use synchronous replication, the host receives a write-complete response
from the primary storage after the data writes successfully on both storage systems. If the data
does not write successfully to both storage systems, the application must attempt to write to the
disk again. When you use synchronous replication, both storage systems are identical.
When you use asynchronous replication, the node receives a write-complete response from the
storage after the data writes successfully on the primary storage. The data writes to the secondary
storage on a different schedule, depending on the hardware or software vendor’s
Answer: In Windows Server 2016, you can adjust cluster quorum settings so that nodes do, or do
not, have a vote when the cluster determines whether it has quorum.
8-20 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: Yes, you cannot provide an automatic failover in this configuration. To provide an automatic
failover, you must configure an Azure Cloud Witness.
The following table lists the tools that this module references.
Cluster-Aware Updating Managing Failover Cluster updates Failover Cluster Manager Console
Cluster Validation Wizard reports an error. Review the report that Cluster Validation Wizard
provides, and determine the problem.
Create Cluster Wizard reports that not all Review installed roles and features on cluster nodes.
nodes support the desired clustered role. The clustered role must be installed on each cluster
You cannot create a Print Server cluster. This is not supported in Windows Server 2012. You
should use other technologies to provide a highly
available print server.
Implementing failover clustering 8-21
Question: In which situations might it be important to enable failback of a clustered application during a
specific time?
Answer: Configuring the failback to a preferred node at a specific time is important when you
have to ensure that the failback does not interfere with client connections, backup windows, or
other maintenance tasks that a failback would interrupt.
Question: Do you perform failure-scenario testing for your high-available applications based on Windows
Server failover clustering?
Answer: Answers might vary. Every organization needs to do testing on a regular basis on their
high-availability configurations. Testing helps you ensure that high availability with failover
clustering has been configured properly and that applications, services, and data will be available
in different real-world scenarios.
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 9-1
Module 9
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 1: Overview of the integration of Hyper-V Server 2016 with
failover clustering 2
Lesson 1
Overview of the integration of Hyper-V Server 2016
with failover clustering
Question and Answers 3
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 9-3
Answer: All nodes in the cluster must be able to read and write to the same virtual hard disk
when hosting the VM.
Question: You have two clusters; one is a Windows Server 2016 cluster (Cluster1), and the other is a
mixed mode cluster of Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016 (Cluster2) that is in the process
of upgrading but has not finished. In addition, you have two VMs called VM1 and VM2. VM1 and VM2
occasionally need to migrate back and forth between Cluster1 and Cluster2. Should you upgrade the
configuration version on VM1?
Answer: No, mixed-mode clusters are still technically supported only by the Windows Server
2012 R2 configuration. If you upgrade the configuration version, the VM can no longer run on
9-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Implementing Hyper-V VMs on failover clusters
Question and Answers 5
Resources 5
Demonstration: Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V 5
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 9-5
Answer: If you use a shared hard virtual disk as cluster storage, you do not have to provide Fibre
Channel or iSCSI connection to the VMs.
Answer: Answers might vary. Students will most likely emphasize performance issues as a reason
for not deploying VMs on the SMB share.
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to Deploy a Guest Cluster Using a Shared
Virtual Hard Disk: http://aka.ms/isec0h
2. On LON-NVHOST3, on the desktop, on the taskbar, click the File Explorer icon.
3. In File Explorer, expand drive C:, expand Program Files, expand Microsoft Learning, expand
20740, expand Drives, expand 20740B-NANO-SVR1, and then click Virtual Hard Disks.
Note: The drive letter might be different depending on the physical machine.
4. In the details pane, move the 20740B-NANO-SVR1.vhd virtual hard disk file to the
C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1 location.
9-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
5. On LON-NVHOST3, in Failover Cluster Manager, click Roles, and then in the Actions pane, click
Virtual Machines.
8. In the New Virtual Machine Wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click Next.
9. On the Specify Name and Location page, in the Name text box, type TestClusterVM, click Store
the virtual machine in a different location, and then click Browse.
10. Browse to and select C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1, click Select Folder, and then click Next.
11. On the Specify Generation page, click Generation 1, and then click Next.
12. On the Assign Memory page, type 256, and then click Next.
13. On the Configure Networking page, leave the selection as Not Connected, and then click Next.
14. On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk page, click Use an existing virtual hard disk, and then click
16. Click Next, and then click Finish. If an error appears informing you that Microsoft Management has
stopped working, restart this task from step 1.
17. On the Summary page of the High Availability Wizard, click Finish.
19. On LON-NVHOST3, in the Settings for TestClusterVM dialog box, in the navigation pane, expand
Processor, and then click Compatibility.
20. In the right pane, select the Migrate to a physical computer with a different processor version
check box, and then click OK.
21. Right-click TestClusterVM, and then click Start.
Lesson 3
Key features for VMs in a clustered environment
Question and Answers 8
Demonstration: Configure drain on shutdown 8
9-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: Answers might vary, but most should include examples of when the network is not
important to production functions. For instance, if you have a backup network or test network
that can allow downtimes.
Question: What options do you need to enable VMMS to easily shut down a guest operating system
during a host-initiated shutdown?
(√) Automatic Stop Action, Shut down the guest operating system
Integrated Services needs to have the Operating system shutdown option installed. This allows
the VMMS process to initiate a guest operating system shutdown, which will easily shut down the
guest operating system instead of placing it in a saved state or abruptly turning off the guest
operating system.
3. Right-click TestClusterVM, click Move, click Live Migration, and then click Select Node.
4. Click LON-NVHOST4, and then click OK. Wait until the machine is migrated. You will see that the
Owner Node column will change the value when migration completes.
Note: If the only option is LON-NVHOST3, select LON-NVHOST3 and continue the lab.
6. Ensure that you can access and operate the VM after it is migrated to another host.
7. In Failover Cluster Manager, right-click TestClusterVM, and select Shut Down.
8. On LON- NVHOST3, select Windows Start, and then launch Windows PowerShell.
9. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 9-9
15. Observe TestClusterVM live migrate to LON- NVHOST3 from LON-NVHOST4 before shutting
9-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
• Use new features in Hyper-V Replica to extend your replication to more than one server.
• Consider using Scale-Out File Servers clusters as storage for highly available VMs.
• Implement VM Manager. VM Manager provides a management layer on top of Hyper-V and Failover
Cluster Manager that can stop you from making mistakes when you manage highly available VMs.
For example, it stops you from creating VMs on storage that is inaccessible from all nodes in the
Review Question
Question: Do you have to implement CSV to provide high availability for VMs in VMM in Windows Server
Answer: No. You do not have to implement CSV to provide high availability. However, CSV
makes it much easier to implement and manage an environment where you have multiple
Hyper-V hosts accessing multiple LUNs on shared storage.
Tools for implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V include:
• Failover Cluster Manager
• Hyper-V Manager
• VMM console
VM failover fails after implementing The CSV home folder is located on the host-server system
CSV and migrating the shared storage drive. You cannot move it. If the host computers use different
to CSV. system drives, the failovers will fail because the hosts cannot
access the same storage location. All failover cluster nodes
should use the same hard-drive configuration.
A VM fails over to another node in All the nodes in a host cluster must have the same networks
the host cluster, but loses all network configured. If they do not, then the VMs cannot connect to a
connectivity. network when they fail over to another node.
Four hours after restarting a Hyper-V By default, VMs do not fail back to a host computer after they
host that is a member of a host have migrated to another host. You can enable failback on
cluster, there are still no VMs running the VM properties in Failover Cluster Manager.
on the host.
Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V 9-11
Answer: When the network might not be important enough to disrupt the production process
and therefore would not warrant a move. For example, backup networks could go offline for a
node, and you might not want all VMs to attempt a move for that one network that goes offline.
Question: What is the difference between live migration and storage migration?
Answer: In live migration, you move the VM from one host to another; in storage migration, you
move VM storage, and optionally, configuration files to another location on the same server.
Implementing Network Load Balancing 10-1
Module 10
Implementing Network Load Balancing
Lesson 1: Overview of NLB 2
Lesson 1
Overview of NLB
Question and Answers 3
Implementing Network Load Balancing 10-3
Answer: A server failure is the failure of the actual hardware or software (operating system) of a
server. An application failure is a failure of software running on the server environment. NLB can
only detect server failure; it cannot detect application failure. This means that if a web application
fails, but the server remains operational, the NLB cluster will continue to forward traffic to the
cluster node that hosts the failed application. To create a truly high-availability application, you
will need to address both server and application failure. NLB addresses server failure. One way to
manage application failure is to implement a monitoring solution such as System Center
Operations Manager (Operations Manager). With Operations Manager, you can monitor the
functionality of applications. You also can configure Operations Manager to generate an alert or
even take action to fix a problem, if an application on a cluster node fails.
Question: How many nodes does NLB support in Windows Server 2016?
( )2
( )8
( ) 16
( ) 32
( ) 64
(√) 2
(√) 8
(√) 16
(√) 32
( ) 64
NLB supports any number of nodes between 2 to 32.
10-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Configuring an NLB cluster
Question and Answers 5
Demonstration: Deploying NLB 5
Demonstration: Configuring NLB affinity and port rules 6
Implementing Network Load Balancing 10-5
Question: When would you want to use port rules other than the default port rule?
Answer: You can use port rules to load balance different applications by using the same set of
hosts. For example, you might want to load balance all incoming requests on port 80 across all
the nodes in the cluster, and direct all incoming requests on port 5678 to a single host.
2. In the Server Manager console, click Tools, and then click Windows PowerShell ISE.
3. In the Windows PowerShell ISE window, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Note: If you receive warnings about the network connection to each server, ignore these.
4. In the Windows PowerShell ISE window, type the following command, and then press Enter:
5. In the Windows PowerShell ISE window, type the following command, and then press Enter:
6. In the Server Manager console, click Tools, and then click Network Load Balancing Manager.
9. Verify that nodes LON-SVR1 and LON-SVR2 display with the status of Converged for the LON-NLB
10. Right-click the LON-NLB ( cluster, and then click Cluster Properties.
11. In the LON-NLB ( Properties dialog box, on the Cluster Parameters tab, verify that the
cluster is set to use the Multicast operations mode.
12. On the Port Rules tab, verify that there is a single port rule with the following values:
o End: 65535
o Protocols: Both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
10-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
o Affinity: Single
2. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Mkdir c:\porttest
3. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
4. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
5. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
3. In the Network Load Balancing Manager console, right-click LON-NLB (, and then
click Cluster Properties.
4. In the LON-NLB( Properties dialog box, on the Port Rules tab, click Add.
5. In the Add/Edit Port Rule dialog box, type the following information, and then click OK:
o Port range: 80 to 80
o Protocols: Both
o Affinity: None
7. In the Network Load Balancing Manager console, right-click LON-NLB (, and then
click Cluster Properties.
o Protocols: Both
11. In the Network Load Balancing Manager console, right-click LON-SVR1 (Ethernet), and then click
Host Properties.
12. On the Port Rules tab, click the port rule that has 5678 as the Start and End value, and then click
13. In the Handling priority list, click 10.
14. Click OK twice to close both the Add/Edit Port Rule dialog box and the LON-SVR1(Ethernet)
Properties dialog box.
2. In Microsoft Hyper-V Manager, in the Virtual Machines list, right-click 20740B-LON-DC1, and then
click Revert.
3. In the Revert Virtual Machine dialog box, click Revert.
Lesson 3
Planning an NLB Implementation
Question and Answers 9
Resources 9
Implementing Network Load Balancing 10-9
Answer: Cluster nodes can be addressed both indirectly through the NLB cluster, and directly by
hosts. For example, a web application that uses the www.adatum.com address (an address used
by the cluster), will also accept traffic on port 80 directed at each individual cluster node. By
configuring Internet Information Services (IIS), you can ensure that the node will respond only to
the traffic that is directed at the cluster address rather than at the node address.
Question: Why should you use the principle of least privilege when assigning permission to NLB servers?
Answer: Application administrators rarely need local Administrator privilege on host servers. You
should ensure that application administrators have only the minimum permissions necessary to
carry out application administration tasks. In most scenarios, application administrators do not
need to perform NLB cluster management tasks.
Additional Reading: For more information, refer to Upgrading an Existing Network Load
Balancing Cluster: http://aka.ms/U4sqyq
10-10 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Answer: Nothing will happen because NLB only detects server failure and not the failure of a
particular application. In addition, approximately every fourth request to the application from
clients will not be served.
Question: You want to host the www.contoso.com, www.adatum.com, and www.fabrikam.com websites
on a four-node NLB cluster. The cluster IP address will be a public IP address, and each fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) is mapped in DNS to the cluster's public IP address. What steps should you take on
each node to ensure that traffic is directed to the appropriate site?
Answer: You must configure host headers for each site on each node. In addition, you must
ensure that host header configuration is identical.
Question: You have an eight-node Windows NLB cluster that hosts a web application. You want to ensure
that traffic from a client that uses the cluster remains with the same node throughout their session, but
that traffic from separate clients distributes equitably across all nodes. Which option do you configure to
accomplish this goal?
You receive a message about conflicting IP Along with verifying that the IP address does not
addresses when restarting an NLB host. already exist on the network, verify that all hosts are
using the same operation mode, either unicast or
NLB Manager is having trouble connecting to a NLB Manager pings the host to verify that it is
host. reachable. This might be blocked by the router or
firewall settings. Either enable Internet control
message protocol (ICMP) in the firewall or use NLB
Manager’s /noping option when starting
nlbmgr.exe from the command line.
Hosts start converging, but do not complete the If port rules were configured on different hosts, and
process. they are incompatible or conflict in some way, this
can prevent convergence. You will need to look at
each cluster host and verify that they have identical
port rules.
In addition, network problems such as hardware
issues or IP address conflicts also can cause
problems with convergence. Use the ping
Implementing Network Load Balancing 10-11
A default host is handling all the workload The most likely issue is a missing port rule. All traffic
instead of it being balanced across nodes in the not covered by port rules goes to the default host.
cluster. You should also verify that all nodes in the cluster
are converging successfully.
10-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Question: What steps would you take to ensure that LON-SVR1 always manages requests for web traffic
on port 5678, given the port rules that were established by the end of this set of exercises?
Answer: You will configure the host priority. You also will set the rule to use the single-host
filtering mode.
Module 11
Creating and managing deployment images
Lesson 1: Introduction to deployment images 2
Lesson 1
Introduction to deployment images
Question and Answers 3
Resources 4
Demonstration: Preparing a Windows Server 2016 Image in MDT 4
Creating and managing deployment images 11-3
Question: Categorize each item into the appropriate category. Indicate your answer by writing the
category number to the right of each item.
4 Allows you to create provisioning packages to customize images without having to re-image
7 Use the makeWinPEMedia /ufd command to create the bootable USB device.
Contains Windows SIM, Is a Windows Server 2016 Creates the Deployment Share.
which can be used to make server role. Uses task sequences to capture
answer files. Start computers from the and deploy images.
Allows you to create network using PXE. Needs Windows ADK as a
provisioning packages to Has both a deployment and prerequisite before using.
customize images without transport server role service.
having to re-image them.
Use the makeWinPEMedia
/ufd command to create the
bootable USB device.
11-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Additional Reading: For more information on Windows PowerShell DISM cmdlets, refer to
DISM Cmdlets: http://aka.ms/dtayll
1. On LON-SVR1, in the localhost Virtual Machine Connection window, click Media, point to DVD
Drive, and then click Insert Disk.
2. In the Open dialog box, browse to D:\Program files\Microsoft Learning\20740\Drives.
4. On LON-SVR1, click the Start button, and in the menu, scroll down the list of apps, expand
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, and then click the Deployment Workbench item.
5. In the Deployment Workbench console, click the Deployment Shares node.
6. Right-click the Deployment Shares node, and then click New Deployment Share.
7. In the New Deployment Share Wizard, on the Path page, in the Deployment share path field,
ensure that C:\DeploymentShare is listed in the Deployment share path text box. If it is not, enter
it into the text box, and then click Next.
8. On the Share page, notice the name of the deployment share (it is a hidden share), and then click
9. On the Descriptive Name page, note that this name, and not the path, will appear in the
Deployment Workbench, and then click Next.
10. Review the Options page, explaining what each option does.
11. Ensure that the Ask for a product key and Ask to set the local Administrator password check
boxes are cleared, and then click Next.
12. On the Summary page, click Next.
13. On the Confirmation page, click View Script. Explain that Notepad opens with the Windows
PowerShell cmdlets, to perform the action in a script named NewDP.ps1.
14. Explain that because the MDT 2013 Update 2 console uses a provider written in Windows
PowerShell, the corresponding script for each completed action is generally available. You can save
these scripts for documentation purposes, or to repeat similar actions on other systems, by changing
real value names.
15. Close Notepad without saving the script, and then click Finish.
4. In the MDT Deployment Share (C:\DeploymentShare) Properties dialog box, review the General
tab, discuss the settings that you configured by using the wizard. Point out that the Platforms
Supported settings are selected by default.
5. Click the Rules tab, and then explain that the rules are stored in the CustomSettings.ini file in the
Control folder, which is based directly on the options that you choose during the share creation.
6. Click Edit Bootstrap.ini. Explain that this file also is in the Control folder.
7. Close Notepad.
8. Click the Windows PE tab. Explain that these settings control the boot media’s creation. Review the
Features tab and the Drivers and Patches tab. Explain that you need to configure the settings
separately for both platform types.
9. Close the MDT Deployment Share (C:\DeploymentShare) Properties dialog box by clicking
2. In the Import Operating System Wizard, on the OS Type page, select the Full set of source files
option, and then click Next.
3. On the Source page, in the Source directory text box, type E:\, and then click Next.
4. On the Destination page, in the Destination directory name text box, type
WindowsServer2016x64, and then click Next.
5. On the Summary page, click Next.
6. On the Confirmation page, once again note the View Script button, but do not click it.
7. Click Finish.
8. In the Deployment Workbench console, ensure the Operating Systems folder is selected. Observe
the list of operating systems in the details pane. Go over the list with the class. You should have four
separate entries one each for the Standard and Datacenter versions, in both Core and GUI. Note that
the list will depend on the different versions found in the Install.wim file.
11-6 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Creating and managing deployment images by using
Question and Answers 7
Creating and managing deployment images 11-7
( ) Windows 7
( ) Windows 10
( ) Windows 2008
(√) Windows 7
(√) Windows 10
( ) Windows 2008
Lesson 3
Virtual machine environments for different workloads
Question and Answers 9
Demonstration: Assessing the computing environment by using the MAP toolkit 9
Creating and managing deployment images 11-9
Answer: Answers will vary. However, they should include a discussion of the Server Virtualization
assessment and the collection of performance metrics.
2. On the Data source page, in the Create or select a database section, in the Name text box, type
Demo, and then click OK.
3. In MAP, on the Overview page, on the left side, click Server Virtualization, and under the Steps to
complete section, click Collect inventory data.
4. In the Inventory and Assessment Wizard, on the Inventory Scenarios page, select the Windows
computers check box, and then click Next.
5. On the Discovery Methods page, ensure that Use Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is
selected, and then click Next.
6. On the Active Directory Credentials page, in the Domain text box, type Adatum, in the Domain
account text box, type administrator, in the Password text box, type Pa55w.rd, and then click
7. On the Active Directory Options page, ensure that Find all computers in all domains, containers,
and organizational units is selected, and then click Next.
9. In the Account Entry dialog box, in the Account name text box, type adatum\administrator, in the
Password text box, type Pa55w.rd, in the Confirm password text box, type Pa55w.rd, click Save,
and then click Next.
2. In the Performance Metrics Wizard, on the Collection Configuration page, ensure that the
Windows-based machines check box is selected, leave the default time, and then click Next.
3. On the Choose Computers page, ensure that Choose the computers from a list on the next step
of the wizard is selected, and then click Next.
4. On the Computer List page, select the check box next to Computer Name, which selects all the
computers, and then click Next.
5. On the All Computers Credential page, ensure that the adatum\administrator account is selected,
and then click Next.
8. Review the details on the metrics page, and then click Close.
Before you can work with MAP features, you must first cancel the running process that you initiated in a
previous step.
1. At the bottom-left of the MAP console screen, in the running task drop-down list box, click Cancel
processing, and then, in the pop-up window, click Yes.
2. In the Steps to complete section, click Create hardware configuration.
3. On the Choose Scenario page, click General Server Consolidation/Desktop Virtualization, and
then click Next.
5. In the Create new text box, type Server-Type1, and then click Next.
6. On the Infrastructure page, click Next.
7. On the CPU page, click each of the following attributes drop-down list boxes, and then assign the
following values:
o Manufacturer: Intel
8. Leave the L2, L3, Cache size, and Bus Speed (MHz) as default values, and then click Next.
9. On the Storage page, click Define IOPS and total available storage. In the Maximum disk I/O per
second (IOPS) text box, type 20000, in the Total available storage and (GB) text box, type 1800,
and then click Next.
10. On the Network and Memory page, in the Total Network throughput (Mbps) text box, type
4000, in the Amount of memory (GB) text box, type 128, and then click Next.
11. On the Summary page, review the settings, and then click Finish.
Creating and managing deployment images 11-11
2. In the details pane, scroll down to the Hardware Library section, and then select Hardware Library.
3. A table will appear showing the Configurations collected. Scroll through them and explain the data
collected. In the upper-left of the MAP console, click the back arrow.
4. Note that you could also run the Server Consolidation and Private Cloud Fast Track wizards,
which, due to time constraints, will not be done.
11-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
• Create folders in the Out-of-Box-Drivers node to organize all your vendor or model-specific drivers.
• Use Profile Selections to deploy only the required drivers to a given hardware configuration
• Build thin images and apply applications on demand through the applications node. This will allow
you to keep the application current as updates and patches are released, without having to rebuild
the image.
Review Question
Question: What could you do to bypass having to enter credentials to connect to the deployment share?
Answer: You could edit the Bootstrap.ini file to specify the path to the deployment share, and
to provide the proper credentials.
Mismatch between versions of MDT and Ensure that when you install MDT 2013 Update 2
Windows AIK or Windows ADK. that you also install the version of Windows ADK for
Windows 10. You do not have to uninstall the
earlier version. Running the ADK setup will update
the existing components of the ADK installation.
Cannot find lite-touch boot media in the Boot You first must run the Update Deployment Share
folder of the Deployment Share. Wizard. It will create all the items in the various
Deployment Share folders.
In MAP, when you click on most operations, you At the lower-left of the MAP console, next to the
receive a warning that states, “The task database name, the name of a task that is running
processor is currently busy. You cannot perform is displayed. Next to the task name, click the drop-
this operation while the task processor is down list box, and then either view the status of the
running. Please wait for the task processor to running task, or cancel it.
complete or cancel the task process before
retrying this operation.”
Creating and managing deployment images 11-13
Answer: A .wim file can contain multiple images. In the case of Windows Server 2016, you will
have a Standard and Datacenter version, with each version having a full GUI and a Core image.
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-1
Module 12
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine
Lesson 1: WSUS overview and deployment options 2
Lesson 2: Update management process with WSUS 4
Lesson 1
WSUS overview and deployment options
Question and Answers 3
Resources 3
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-3
Answer: Answers will vary depending on the students’ experiences. Some benefits are:
• Ability to deploy updates to non-production environments for testing.
Additional Reading: For more information about capacity requirements for WSUS servers,
refer to “Determine Capacity Requirements” at: http://aka.ms/qbj2o8
Additional Reading: For more information on determining capacity for WSUS servers,
refer to “Determine Capacity Requirements” at: http://aka.ms/Shljv4
12-4 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 2
Update management process with WSUS
Question and Answers 5
Resources 5
Demonstration: Deploying updates by using WSUS 5
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-5
Answer: Answers will vary depending on the students’ experience. Answers could include that
using Group Policy to configure Windows Updates helps to prevent configuration errors.
WSUS troubleshooting
Additional Reading: For more information on the downloadable tools and utilities for
WSUS and its components, refer to “Windows Server Update Services Tools and Utilities” at:
3. In the Status drop down list, click Any, and then click Refresh.
4. Right-click Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems
(KB3201845), and then click Approve.
5. In the Approve Updates window, in the All Computers drop-down list, select Approved for Install.
6. In the Approve Updates window, in the All Computers drop-down list, select Apply to Children.
7. Click OK, and then click Close.
Lesson 3
Overview of Windows PowerShell DSC
Question and Answers 7
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-7
Answer: Answers will vary based on the students’ experiences. Answers could include:
• By ensuring that computers with similar roles, such as file servers, have a common
• By ensuring that a system automatically returns to a desired state when undesired changes
12-8 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
Lesson 4
Overview of Windows Server 2016 monitoring tools
Question and Answers 9
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-9
Answer: Answers will vary based on the students’ experience, but could include:
• Task Manager, because it provides an overview of the resources that an application is using.
Lesson 5
Using Performance Monitor
Question and Answers 11
Demonstration: Capturing counter data with a data collector set 11
Demonstration: Configuring an alert 12
Demonstration: Viewing reports in Performance Monitor 13
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-11
Answer: If you do not establish the baseline performance, you will not be able to accurately
measure the change in performance that occurs when you add software or resources.
2. Click the Search button, and then type Perfmon in the Search Windows box.
4. In Performance Monitor, in the navigation pane, expand Data Collector Sets, and then click User
5. Right-click User Defined, point to New, and then click Data Collector Set.
6. In the Create new Data Collector Set wizard, in the Name text box, type LON-SVR1 Performance.
7. Click Create manually (Advanced), and then click Next.
8. On the What type of data do you want to include? page, select the Performance counter check
box, and then click Next.
9. On the Which performance counters would you like to log? page, click Add.
10. In the Available counters list, expand Processor, click % Processor Time, and then click Add >>.
11. In the Available counters list, expand Memory, click Pages/sec, and then click Add >>.
12. In the Available counters list, expand PhysicalDisk, click % Disk Time, and then click Add >>.
13. Click Avg. Disk Queue Length, and then click Add >>.
14. In the Available counters list, expand System, click Processor Queue Length, and then click Add
15. In the Available counters list, expand Network Interface, click Bytes Total/sec, click Add >>, and
then click OK.
16. On the Which performance counters would you like to log? page, in the Sample interval text
box, type 1, and then click Next.
17. On the Where would you like the data to be saved? page, click Next.
18. On the Create the data collector set? page, click Save and close, and then click Finish.
19. In Performance Monitor, in the results pane, right-click LON-SVR1 Performance, and then click
2. At the Windows PowerShell prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
3. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
12-12 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
4. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
5. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Del bigfile*.*
6. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Del \\LON-dc1\c$\bigfile*.*
9. In the Add Counters dialog box, in the Available counters list, expand Memory, click Pages/sec,
and then click Add >>.
10. Expand Network Interface, click Bytes Total/sec, and then click Add >>.
11. Expand PhysicalDisk, click %Disk Time, and then click Add >>.
12. Click Avg. Disk Queue Length, and then click Add >>.
13. Expand Processor, click %Processor Time, and then click Add >>.
14. Expand System, click Processor Queue Length, click Add >>, and then click OK.
15. In the Performance Monitor Properties dialog box, click OK.
16. On the toolbar, on the Change graph type icon, click the drop-down arrow, and then click Report.
2. Right-click User Defined, point to New, and then click Data Collector Set.
3. In the Create new Data Collector Set wizard, in the Name box, type LON-SVR1 Alert.
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-13
5. On the What type of data do you want to include? page, click Performance Counter Alert, and
then click Next.
6. On the Which performance counters would you like to monitor? page, click Add.
7. In the Available counters list, expand Processor, click %Processor Time, click Add >>, and then
click OK.
8. On the Which performance counters would you like to monitor? page, in the Alert when list,
click Above.
9. In the Limit text box, type 10, and then click Next.
10. On the Create the data collector set? page, click Finish.
11. In the navigation pane, expand the User Defined node, and then click LON-SVR1 Alert.
12. In the results pane, right-click DataCollector01, and then click Properties.
13. In the DataCollector01 Properties dialog box, in the Sample interval box, type 1, and then click the
Alert Action tab.
14. Select the Log an entry in the application event log check box, and then click OK.
15. In the navigation pane, right-click LON-SVR1 Alert, and then click Start.
2. In Event Viewer, in the navigation pane, expand Applications and Services Logs, expand Microsoft,
expand Windows, expand Diagnosis-PLA, and then click Operational.
3. Examine the log for performance-related messages. These have an Event ID of 2031. Leave Event
Viewer running.
2. Click the folder under LON-SVR1 Performance. The data collector set’s previous collection process
generated this report. You can change from the chart view to any other supported view.
3. If the report does not display, click the Refresh button on the toolbar, and then repeat step 2.
Lesson 6
Monitoring event logs
Question and Answers 15
Demonstration: Creating a custom view 15
Demonstration: Configuring an event subscription 15
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-15
Answer: Answers will vary based on the students’ experiences. You can use this time to discuss
the importance of regular monitoring to ensure a healthy environment.
2. In the navigation pane, expand Custom Views, expand Server Roles, and then click Web Server
(IIS). This is the Web Server role-specific custom view.
2. In the Create Custom View dialog box, select the Critical, Warning, and Error check boxes.
3. In the Create Custom View dialog box, in the Event logs drop-down list, expand Windows Logs,
and then select the System and Application check boxes. Click the mouse pointer back into the
Create Custom View dialog box, and then click OK.
4. In the Save Filter to Custom View dialog box, in the Name box, type Adatum Custom View, and
then click OK.
5. In Event Viewer, in the right pane, view the events that are visible within your custom view.
5. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
winrm quickconfig
7. In the Active Directory Users and Computers console, in the navigation pane, expand
Adatum.com, and then click Builtin.
8. In the results pane, double-click Administrators.
10. Click Add, and then in the Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog
box, click Object Types.
11. In the Object Types dialog box, select the Computers check box, and then click OK.
12-16 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
12. In the Select Users, Contacts, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter
the object names to select box, type LON-SVR1, and then click OK.
2. Click the Search button, and then type Cmd in the search box.
3. In the Best match list, click Command Prompt.
4. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
Wecutil qc
6. In the Select Computer dialog box, in the Enter the object name to select text box, type LON-DC1,
and then click OK.
7. In the Computers dialog box, click OK.
8. In the Subscription Properties – LON-DC1 Events dialog box, click Select Events.
9. In the Query Filter dialog box, in the Logged drop-down list, click Last 30 days.
10. Select the Critical, Warning, Information, Verbose, and Error check boxes.
11. In the Event logs drop-down list, select Windows Logs. Click the Query Filter dialog box, and then
click OK.
12. In the Subscription Properties – LON-DC1 Events dialog box, click OK.
• When monitoring, estimate the baseline system utilizations for each server. This will help you
determine whether the system is performing well or is exceeding capacity.
Review Questions
Question: Your manager has asked if all updates to the Windows operating system should be applied
automatically upon release. Do you recommend an alternative process?
Answer: You should test all updates before applying them in a production environment. That is,
you should first deploy updates to a set of test computers by using WSUS.
Question: Your organization implements several applications that are not Microsoft applications. A
colleague has proposed using WSUS to deploy application and operating system updates. Are there any
potential issues with using WSUS?
Answer: Yes. WSUS is an excellent tool for deploying updates for Microsoft applications such as
the Microsoft Office system and Windows operating system updates. However, WSUS does not
deploy updates for all Microsoft applications, and it does not deploy updates for non-Microsoft
applications. System Center 2012 Configuration Manager is a better choice when you need to
deploy updates for non-Microsoft applications.
Question: Why is WSUS easier to manage in an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain?
Answer: WSUS takes advantage of the AD DS organizational unit (OU) structure for deploying
client settings through Group Policy. You can also use Group Policy settings to configure client-
side targeting to determine the WSUS group membership of a client computer.
Answer: By monitoring server performance, you can perform capacity planning, identify and
remove performance bottlenecks, and assist with server troubleshooting.
Answer: By using alerts, you can react more quickly to any emerging performance-related
problems, perhaps before these potential problems start to affect users’ productivity.
12-18 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016
The following table lists the tools that this module references.
During monitoring, multiple sources are Collect as much information as possible about each
concurrently reporting different problems. reported problem. Although there might be multiple
issues, you will probably find a connection between
Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations 12-19
Answer: By collecting data in data collector sets, you can analyze and compare it against
historical data, and then derive conclusions regarding server capacity.