Electric Shock

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Electric Shock Rescue Procedure

Check for your safety - Check for your own safety and the safety of the casualty and bystanders.
Isolate the electricity:
Low voltage (240/415): Immediately switch off the electricity. If this is not practicable, pull or push the
casualty clear of the electrical contact using dry non-conducting material (wood, rope, clothing, plastic
or rubber). Do not use metal or anything moist.

High Voltage: Wait until the electricity is turned off.

Check for response, gently shake and loudly shout, if no response, then:

Step 1

Turn the casualty on their side as for

coma position. Open the mouth and
check for any obstructions. If
present,clear, and then open airway.
Step 2

Check breathing for 10

for breathing, look for check
movement, feel for breathing on
your hand.

Step 3
If no breathing-place the casualty on his/her back and give:
A Mouth to mouth resuscitation:

• Tilt head back and raise chin forward

• Pinch the casualty’s nose
• Place your mouth over the casualty’s mouth
• Blow into the casualty’s mouth

B Mouth to nose resuscitation:

• Close casualty’s mouth

• Lift and tilt chin
• Blow into the casualty’s
Nose. Give 5 quick breaths. Check
for breathing and circulation for 5 seconds.
If pulse is present, but not breathing, give 1
breath every 4 seconds until the casualty
starts to breathe or medical help arrives.
Note: For children under 2 years of age,
place your mouth over the
casualty’s nose and mouth.
Circulation - CPR
Step 4
Check carotid pulse for 5 seconds

If pulse absent:

Position hands on lower half of breastbone.

Step 5:
Single operator

Give 15 heart compressions in 10-12

seconds followed by 2 full breaths in
2 to 3 seconds.
Depress the breastbone 50mm at the
rate of 60 compressions per minute.
Two operators:

Give 5 heart compressions then a

quick breath without interrupting the
rhythm, at the rate of 60
compressions per minute.
Note: Check the pulse after the first
MINUTE and then every two minutes.
When the pulse returns, continue
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until
breathing returns.

Step 6
Coma position:

When the casualty’s pulse and natural

breathing returns, cease resuscitation and
move the casualty into the COMA position.
Keep a constant watch on the casualty, to
ensure they do not cease breathing again,
until trained assistance takes over.

Call 999 & Take patient to hospital

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