FerroCer Broure
FerroCer Broure
FerroCer Broure
FerroCer® Impact You’re living in a material world. Patent-pending design Low weight and compact size Find out more about FerroCer
Whether you’re a production man- Each FerroCer panel comprises a set FerroCer Impact panels are compliant Impact
modular wear panels ager, maintenance manager or of abrasion-resistant ceramic inserts with the manual handling require- To read some of our customer cases
procurement manager, you’re being enclosed in a matrix of malleable ments of occupational health and from hard-mineral mines around the
- Significantly longer wear life
measured on your ability to save steel. The matrix ensures only the top safety organisations. Weighing in at world and find out more about
- Reduced downtime money for your mine – and you’ve surface of the inserts is exposed only 5 kilos per panel (or 9 kilos per FerroCer, go to
probably overturned every stone in to material impact. The sides of the Edge panel) they have a compact, www.ferrocer.flsmidthminerals.com >
- Reduced maintenance and search of new ways to reduce costs. inserts are tapered within the matrix, easy-to-handle size. That makes them FerroCer Impact – Standard panel
operating costs At FLSmidth, we’ve got one more keeping the inserts in place and safer and easier to install than typical Get a free savings assessment
way to slash your maintenance and preventing material particles and bulky wear liners – and you only need We’ll come to your mine and help you
- Safer and easier to install production costs significantly, while fluids from damaging the panels. standard hand tools. calculate your potential maintenance
improving productivity and profitabil- and operating cost savings using
- Lowest total cost of ownership
ity over the long term. Reduced environmental FerroCer. Sign up for a savings
footprint assessment at
Lowest TCO wear liners The longer wear life of our FerroCer www.ferrocer.flsmidthminerals.com/
FerroCer® Impact modular wear panels translates into less material contactus >
panels are designed to offer the input, less waste and an improvement
longest possible wear life, helping in your environmental footprint.
you extend your production cycles
FerroCer Impact – Edge panel
and bring down your cost per ton. Smart FerroCer features
(after cutting to size)
From the moment they are installed, • Low weight and compact shape
hard-mineral mine operators can • Available in two sizes
reduce maintenance shut-downs, • Single-bolt installation Simple installation
operational downtime and operating • No specialised tools required Each panel is attached using a single
costs. This combined with easy • No installation training required countersunk bolt. An entire chute
installation and affordable pricing can be lined with the two types of
means that FerroCer wear panels FerroCer panels: the Standard panel
deliver the lowest total cost of covers most of the chute’s surface;
ownership (TCO) on the market. and the Edge panel is elongated to
cover the chute’s entry and exit
points. The panels can also be 2
FerroCer Impact FerroCer Impact trimmed to accommodate irregular
Standard panel Edge panel
shapes or corners.
Dimensions 150 x 150 x 44 mm 225 x 150 x 44 mm
Panels per m2 45 30
1. FerroCer Impact – Standard panel
Mounting method 1 x M16 bolt, nut, washer 1 x M16 bolt, nut, washer 2. FerroCer Impact – Edge panel
Copyright © 2017 FLSmidth A/S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth and FerroCer are registered trademark of FLSmidth A/S. This brochure makes no offers, represen-
tations or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time. www.flsmidth.com