Curriculum document is a comprehensive plan of any educational programme. It is also one of the
means for bringing about qualitative improvement in any programme. Under the Chairmanship of
Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary of Technical Education, Government of Haryana,
a one day workshop was organized at National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and
Research (NITTTR formerly TTTI), Chandigarh on 21st January, 2003 in which the senior officers
from Directorate of Technical Education/Board of Technical Education Haryana, Principals and
Head of Departments from polytechnics of Haryana and faculty from NITTTR, Chandigarh
participated and deliberated upon various issues, for bringing about qualitative improvement in the
technician education system in the state of Haryana. One of the out-standing and unanimous
decision of the above workshop was to review the curricula of all the diploma programmes being
offered in the State of Haryana especially with a view to include appropriate levels of courses in
applied sciences, mathematics, computers, engineering sciences and courses relevant to the
present day environment of changing technologies.
As a follow-up of the above workshop, this Institute took-up the revision of all the curricula of
various diploma programmes in Haryana and it was decided that to begin with, this institute would
work-out the course structure and detailed contents for the first year of various diploma
programmes to enable Haryana polytechnics to implement these from the current session 2003 –
2004 in order to catch up with the technological developments taking place in the industry/field
organizations including diploma programme in Industrial and Personnel Management.
A series of workshops were held at NITTTR, Chandigarh in the months of May-June 2003 and 1st
year curriculum of various diploma programmes was handed over to the Haryana Directorate for its
implementation from July 2003. This was followed by another series of workshops for revision of
2nd year and 3rd year curricula of all these courses.
The document is based on the feed back from industry/field organizations for wage and self-
employment opportunities for the diploma holders in Industrial and Personnel Management in
large, medium and small scale industries. While suggesting employment opportunities for the
diploma holders, the three sectors i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary sectors were kept in mind.
The entry qualification for this programme is 10+2. To improve upon overall development and
efficiency of the students, the contents of various subjects communication skills, present quality
standards, work culture etc. have been improved upon to suit present and future requirements by
enriching the curriculum by adding practical English communication, report presentation, computer
applications in business, e-commerce, e-business, case studies and student centered activities etc.
The document contains the study and evaluation scheme and detailed contents for all the three
years to enable the Haryana Polytechnics to implement the revised curriculum from the following
year itself.
While working out the detailed contents and study and evaluation scheme, the following important
elements have been kept in mind:
ii) Competency profile of the diploma holders with a view to meet the changing needs of
technological developments and requirements of the employment.
iii) Vertical and horizontal mobility of the students for their professional growth
iv) A rational approach for all the curricula of diploma programmes in engineering and
technology in the state of Haryana
The document is an outcome of the feedback received by this institute from the experts during the
workshop who represented industry, institutes of higher education, research and development
organizations, polytechnic faculty and NITTTR faculty.
The revised curriculum aims at developing desired professional, managerial and communication
skills as per the requirement of the world of work. We hope that this revision will prove useful in
turning out more competent diploma holders in Industrial and Personnel Management. The
success of this curriculum depends upon its effective implementation and it is expected that the
managers of polytechnic system including subject teachers will make efforts to create better
facilities, develop linkages with the world of work and foster conducive environment as per
recommendations made in the curriculum document.
Dr. KM Rastogi
Professor and Head
Curriculum Development Centre
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research
Sector 26, Chandigarh – 160 019
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and guidance received from the following persons:
i) Shri Dharam Veer, IAS, Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary, Technical
Education, Haryana for initiating this project of review of curriculum
ii) Director, Technical Education, Haryana for taking keen interest and support in the review of
this curriculum
iii) Dr. OP Bajpai, Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research,
Chandigarh for his support and academic freedom provided to Curriculum Development
iv) Dr. KM Rastogi, Professor and Head, Curriculum Development Centre, NITTTR,
Chandigarh for his sustained guidance and support in review of this curriculum
v) Shri RD Punia and Ms. Sadhna Jain, Joint Directors, Directorate of Technical Education,
Haryana for their keen interest and support in the review of this curriculum
vi) All the participants from industry/field organizations, polytechnics and other technical
institutions for their professional inputs
viii) Shri Mohan Lal, UDC, Curriculum Development Centre, NITTTR, Chandigarh for his
support and secretarial assistance in the conduct of review workshops at Chandigarh.
TN Thukral