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Interpersonal communication is a natural and necessary part of organizational life.

Yet, communicating effectively can be challenging because of our inherent nature to
assume, overreact to and misperceive what actually is happening. Poor
communication or lack of communication is often cited as the cause of conflict and
poor teamwork. In today’s team-oriented workplace, managing communication and
developing strategies for creating shared meaning are crucial to achieve results and
create successful organizations. The goal of the Communicating Skills course is to
produce civic-minded, competent communicators. To that end, students must
demonstrate oral as well as written communication proficiency. These include
organizational and interpersonal communication, public address and performance.
The objectives of this subject are understanding how communication works, gaining
active listening and responding skills, understanding the importance of body
language, acquiring different strategies of reading texts and increasing confidence by
providing opportunities for oral and written expressions


1. Communication Skills (12 Hrs)

1.1 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

1.2 Process of Communication
1.3 Barriers to Communication; Overcoming Strategies
1.4 Listening and Speaking Skills and Sub-Skills
(All topics should be in detail)

2. Grammar and Usage (12 Hrs)

2.1 Punctuation
2.2 Articles-a, an, the
2.3 Framing Questions
2.4 Verbs-Classification: Main Verb, Auxiliary Verb, Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
2.5 Word Formation

3. Writing Skills (10 Hrs)

3.1 Writing Paragraphs
3.2 Picture Composition

4. Reading Skills (14 Hrs)
Unseen comprehension passages (at least 5 passages).


(Note: The following contents are only for practice. They should not be included
in the final theory examination)

Developing Oral Communication Skills

 Greeting, Starting a Conversation

 Introducing Oneself
 Introducing Others
 Leave Taking
 Thanking, Wishing Well
 Talking about Oneself
 Talking about Likes and Dislikes


Looking into the present day needs of effective communication in every field, it is
imperative to develop necessary competencies in students by giving practical tips and
emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and its usage in addition to practical exercises. The
teacher should give report writing assignments, projects etc. while teaching this subject.


1. Communicating Effectively in English, Book-I by Revathi Srinivas; Abhishek

Publications, Chandigarh.
2. High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin; S. Chand &
Company Ltd., Delhi.
3. Communication Techniques and Skills by R. K. Chadha; Dhanpat Rai
Publications, New Delhi.


Topic No. Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted (%)

1 12 25
2 12 25
3 10 20
4 14 30
Total 48 100

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Library is a social institution which cater to the formal and informal informational
requirements of different sections of the society. The Diploma holders will
understand the concept of library, its relevance in relation to society, the laws that
govern the Library and information centres, role of professional organizations in the
overall development of libraries, information centres and the profession of


1. Concept of Library : Definition, need, Role and functions of Libraries. (8 hrs)

2. Information: Definition and its attributes (characteristics) (8 hrs)

3. Role of Library and Information Centres in the development of society. (6hrs)

4. Types of Libraries, objectives and functions (18 hrs)

- Academic (school, college, university)
- Special
- Public
- National

5. Five Laws of Library Science (14 hrs)

6. Library Legislation: (10 hrs)

Definition, need and scope. Current status of Library Legislation in India.


1. Visit to various types of libraries and information centers and preparing a brief
reports of such visits.
2. Involvement in activities like book exhibitions and book displays.
3. Educational Radio and TV programmes & Video films on library related
activities be arranged.


Students may be taken to various types of libraries for understanding the concept and
applications of various contents. History of libraries, underlying principles of library
science, Professional Associations and role of librarianship in the changing scenario
of ICT application to libraries are to be explained.


1. Dutta, D.N, Libraries and their uses: A guide for users, Calcutta. The world Press
Private Ltd.
2. Kumar PSG., Indian Library Chronology, New Delhi, Metropolitan, 1977
3. Mukerjee, AK, Librarianship: Its philosophy and history, Bombay, Asia, 1966
4. Khanna, JK, Library and Society, Ess Ess Publishers, New Delhi, 1987
5. Ranganathan, SR, Five laws of Library Science, Bombay Asia, 1963
6. Shokeen, NS and others ,Basic Principles of Library Science(Hindi) ; YK
Publishers, Agra, 1999
7. Sharma, SK Pushtkalaya Avam Samaj; Jain Publishers, Delhi
8. Saini O.P, Library and Society (Hindi) YK Publishers , Agra,2001
9. Krisan Kumar; Library Organization, Delhi, Vikas Publication.
10. Sharma,B.K. and others,Library & Information Science(Multiple choice
questions)Y.K.Publishers,Agra 2012.
11. Asundi,Y.K.,M C Q in Library Science, NA Prakashan, Bangalore,2003.


Topic No. Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted (%)

1 08 12
2 08 12
3 06 10
4 18 30
5 14 20
6 10 16
Total 64 100

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In the times to come libraries will be the centers for dissemination of information. In
order to do so knowledge about sources of information, methods of retrieval and
dissemination of information etc need to be given to the students. Hence this subject
is introduced in the curriculum.


1. Reference and Information Service: Concepts, definitions, need and importance.

(10 hrs)

2. Laws of library science and their implications for reference service (12 hrs)

3. Types of reference and information services (12 hrs)

- Library Orientation
- Ready reference service
- Long range reference service

4. Reference and information sources – characteristics and evaluation (10 hrs)

5. Qualities and qualifications of reference librarian (6 hrs)

6. Information Sources (with examples) (14 hrs)

 Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary


1. Evaluation of reference tools (available in the Library) in each category

2. Practice in answering of reference questions from the list in each category
3. Practice in answering short range and long range reference enquiries

Note: A proper record of practical work is to be maintained by each student.


The teachers should teach this subject by demonstration method and visits to various
types of libraries should be arranged.


1. Cheney, Frances Neel, Fundamental reference sources, Chicago ALA, 1971.

2. Guha, B., Documentation and its facets.
3. Ghosh GB and Banerjee BN, Trends of Information service in India, Calcutta.
The World Press Private Ltd 1974.
4. Krishan Kumar, Reference Service, New Delhi, Vikas Publishers, 1982
5. Kawatra PS, Fundamentals of Documentation, New Delhi; Sterling, 1980
6. Katz, William, Introduction to Reference Work, 7th Edition, 2 V, New York,
McGraw Hill, 1995 (Or latest edition)
7. Ranganathan SR, Reference Work and Its Tools, 2nd Ed. Calcutta, The World
Press Private Ltd, 1971
8. Shores Lovias, Basic Reference Sources, Chicago ALA, 1954
9. Winchell, Constance M, Gide to Reference Books 8th Edition, Chicago ALA,
10. Krishna Subramanyam, Scientific and Technical Information Resources, New
York, Marcel Dekker, 1981
11. Tripathi, SM., Reference and Information Service: New Dimensions (Hindi), ,
12. Khanna JK., Documentation and Information Services: Systems and
Techniques, YK Publishers, Agra, 1999
13 Shokeen, NS and others ,Basic Principles of Library Science(Hindi) ; YK
Publishers, Agra, 1999
14 Sharma,B.K. and others,Library & Information Science(Multiple choice
questions)Y.K.Publishers,Agra 2012.
15 Sundi,Y.K.,M C Q in Library Science, NA Prakashan, Bangalore,2003


Topic No. Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted (%)

1 10 16
2 12 18
3 12 18
4 10 16
5 06 10
6 14 22
Total 64 100


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The basic function of a library is to arrange books, periodicals and other reading
materials in helpful sequence to facilitate easy retrieval. Classification is the device
by which helpful sequence is obtained. The aim of this paper is to introduce the
universe of subjects and to develop skills in subject analysis and proficiency in
assigning classification number using Colon Classification.


1. Universe of Subject: Definition & purpose (4 hrs)

2. Subjects: Simple, Compound and Complex (6 hrs)

3. Library Classification: Definition, Need and Importance (8 hrs)

4. Knowledge classification vs Document Classification (8 hrs)

5. Species of Library Classification (12 hrs)

6. Salient features of Dewey Decimal Classification (10 hrs)


Classification of documents representing simple subject using Dewey Decimal

Classification (latest available edition).


Teachers should use demonstration method for teaching this subject, followed by the
practice by the students. Students may be taken to various types libraries for
understanding the concept and applications of various contents.


1. Balty, CD, Introduction to Colon Classification, Bombay, Asia, 1967.

2. Bhargava, GD and Sood SP, Colon Classification, Theory and Practice,
Ujjain, Vijay Prakashan, 1975.
3. Ranganathan SR, Colon Classification, 6th rev. ed. Bombay Asis, 1966.
4. Tripathi. SM and Shokeen NS; Fundamentals of Library Classification (Hindi)
YK Publishers, Agra, 1999 .

5. Sharma, UC, Shokeen, NS and others, Colon Classification Practice (Hindi):
YK Publishers Agra, 2003
6. Gautam JN and Niranjan Singh: Dewey Decimal Classification Practice
(Hindi): YK Publishers, Agra, 1998
7. Krishan Kumar, Theory of Library Classification, Ed.2, 1981
8. Raju AAN, Demimal, Universal Decimal and Colon Classification, Theory
and Practice, New Delhi, 1975.
9. Sachdeva, Mohinder Singh, Colon Classification, Theory and Practice, New
Delhi Sterling, 1975.
10. Sayers W. Introduction to Library Classification, Ed. 9, London Grafton,
11. Srivastava AP, Theory of Knowledge Classification in Libraries, New Delhi,
Lakshmi Book Store 1964.
12 Shokeen, NS and others ,Basic Principles of Library Science(Hindi); YK
Publishers, Agra, 1999
13. Sharma,B.K. and others,Library & Information Science(Multiple choice
questions)Y.K.Publishers,Agra 2012.
14. Asundi,Y.K.,M C Q in Library Science, NA Prakashan, Bangalore,2003


Topic No. Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted (%)

1 4 8
2 6 14
3 8 16
4 8 18
5 12 24
6 10 20
Total 48 100

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Besides classification, cataloguing is the most important techniques, which help quick
retrieval of documents. A catalogue is the bridge between the users and the
documents in library. Methods of cataloguing various types of book and serials by
different cataloguing codes have therefore, to be taught in order to catalogue
documents. Topics giving knowledge and skills of various types of catalogues,
cataloguing codes and their practices have been included in the subject.


1. Library catalogue: definition, need and functions (8hrs)

2. Physical forms of catalogue (8 hrs)

 Book form
 Sheaf form
 Card form
 Computerized form

3. Types of library catalogue (10hrs)

 Alphabetical catalogue
 Classified catalogue

4. Difference between classified catalogue and dictionary catalogue (6 hrs)

5. Kinds of entries and their parts: Main & added entries according to AACR-II.

6. Subjects headings: Sears list of subject headings (6hrs)


1. Cataloguing of books according to AACR–II: Single personal author, joint

authors, collaborators and pseudonym

Relevant theory instruction are to be given to the students during the practicals

2. At least five titles are to be given for each problem, for which students are to
keep a complete record.

Teachers should use demonstration method for teaching this subject, followed by the
practice by the students. Students may be taken to various types of libraries for
understanding the concept and applications of various contents.


2. Tripathi SM and Shokeen, NS; Fundamentals of Library cataloguing (Hindi);
YK Publishers, Agra, 1999
3. Shokeen NS, and others ; Cataloguing Practice: CCC and AACR-II (Hindi);
YK Publishers Agra, 2000
4. Girija Kumar and Krishan Kumar, Theory of Cataloguing 2nd Rev. Ed., New
Delhi, Vikas, 1977
5. Ranganathan, SR; Theory of Library catalogue, 1938
6. Ranganathan, SR; Classified Catalogue Code, 5th Ed., Bombay Asia
7. Ranganathan, SR, Cataloguing Practice, Assistant by G Bhattacharya, New
York, Asia, 1974
8. Sengupta, Benoyendra and Kesvan BS; Cataloguing: its Theory and Practice,
3rd Ed. Calcutta, The World, 1974
9. Krisan Kumar; AACR – 2, New Delhi, Vikas 1990
10. Gautam, JN, and Niranjan Singh, Advanced Cataloguing Practice: CCC and
AACR-2, YK Publishers, Agra, 1997
11. Shokeen, NS and others ,Basic Principles of Library Science(Hindi) ; YK
Publishers, Agra, 1999


Topic No. Time Allotted (Hrs) Marks Allotted (%)

1 08 15
2 08 15
3 10 20
4 06 15
5 10 25
6 06 10
Total 48 100

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Information technology has great influence on all aspects of our life. Primary purpose
of using computer is to make the life easier. Almost all work places and living
environment are being computerized. The subject introduces the fundamentals of
computer system for using various hardware and software components. In order to
prepare diploma holders to work in these environments, it is essential that they are
exposed to various aspects of information technology such as understanding the
concept of information technology and its scope; operating a computer; use of various
tools of MS Office/Open Office and internet form the broad competency profile of
diploma holders. This exposure will enable the students to enter their professions with
confidence, live in a harmonious way and contribute to the productivity.

Explanation of Introductory part should be dovetailed with practical work.
Following topics may be explained in the laboratory along with the practical
exercises. There will not be any theory examination.


1. Information Technology – its concept and scope, applications of IT, ethics and
future with information technology
2. Impact of computer and IT in society.-- Computer application in office, book
publishing, data analysis, accounting, investment, inventory control, graphics,
air and railway ticket reservation, robotics, military, banks, Insurance
financial transactions and many more
3. Generations of computer, block diagram of a computer, CPU, memory, data –
numeric data, alpha numeric data, processing of data.
4. Computers for information storage, information seeking, information
processing and information transmission, computer organization, computer
hardware and software; primary and secondary memory: RAM, ROM, PROM
etc. Input devices; keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc ; output devices ; VDU and
Printer(Impact and non-Impact printers), Plotter etc. Primary and Secondary
Storage (Auxiliary Storage), Secondary storage; magnetic disks – tracks and
sectors, optical disk (CD, CD-RW and DVD Memory)
5. Introduction to Operating Systems such as MS-DOS and Windows, difference
between DOS and Windows
6. Basics of Networking – LAN, MAN,WAN


1. Identify and list functions of various components and peripherals of given

2. Installation of operating system viz. * Windows XP, *Windows 2007 etc.
3. Installing a computer system by giving connection and loading the system
software and application software and various sources to install software
4. Exercises on entering text and data (Typing Practice)

5. Features of Windows as an operating system:

a) Start , shutdown and restore
b) Creating and operating on the icons
c) Opening, closing and resizing the windows
d) Using elementary job commands like – creating, saving, modifying,
renaming, finding and deleting a file , creating and operating on a folder
e) Introduction to all properties such as changing settings like, date, time,
calculator, colour (back ground and fore ground)
f) Using short cuts

6. Word Processing (MS Office/Open Office)

a) File Management:
Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents
in some different file(s)
b) Editing a document:
 Entering text, cut, copy, paste using toolbars
 Use of spell check
 PDF file and its conversion in different file formats (MS Word/Excel etc.)
 Scanning, editing and printing of a document

c) Formatting a document:

 Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the
appearance through bold/ italic/ underlined, highlighting a text,
changing case, using subscript and superscript, using different
underline methods
 Aligning of text in a document, justification of document ,Inserting
bullets and numbering
 Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks, line
 Use of headers, footers, inserting footnote, end note, use of comments

 Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images,
drawing tools
d) Tables and Borders:
 Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading
in tables, merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a
row in a table
 How to change docx file to doc file
 Print preview, zoom, page set up, printing options
 Using Find, Replace options

7. Spread Sheet Processing (MS Office/Open Office)

a) Starting Excel
Open worksheet, enter, edit data, formulae to calculate values, format
data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching between
different spread sheets
b) Menu commands:
Create, format charts, organize, manage data, solving problem by
analyzing data, creating graphs
c) Work books:
 Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save, rename), working in
work books
Editing a worksheet: copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deleting
cells, rows, columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells,
formatting worksheet
d) Creating a chart:
 Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart,
use chart to analyze data
 Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data in list
e) Formulas:
Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentage and auto sum

8. Power Point Presentation (MS Office/Open Office)

a) Introduction to PowerPoint
 How to start PowerPoint
 Working environment: concept of toolbars, slide layout, templates etc.
 Opening a new/existing presentation
 Different views for viewing slides in a presentation: normal, slide sorter

b) Addition, deletion and saving of slides
c) Insertion of multimedia elements
 Adding text boxes, importing pictures, tables and charts etc.
d) Formatting slides

 Text formatting, changing slide layout, changing slide colour

 Changing background, Applying design template
e) How to view the slide show?

 Viewing the presentation using slide navigator, Slide transition

 Animation effects etc.
9. Antivirus

a) What is virus and its types

b) Problems due to virus
c) Installation and updation of antivirus (anyone out of Kaspersky,
Mcafee, Norton, Quickheal etc).
d) How to scan and remove the virus

10. Internet and its Applications

a) Log-in to internet, introduction to search engine

Browsing and down loading of information from internet
b) Creating e-Mail Account
 Log in to e-mail account and Log out from e-mail account
c) Managing e-Mail
 Creating a message
 Sending, receiving and forwarding a message
 Attaching a file
 Deleting a message


Since this subject is practical oriented, the teacher should demonstrate the
capabilities of computers to students while doing practical exercises. The students
should be made familiar with computer parts, peripherals etc. and proficient in
making use of MS Office/Open Office in addition to working on internet. The
student should be made capable of working on computers independently. This subject

should be taught with the help of LCD projector, (while teaching a group) using
PowerPoint presentation slides.


1. Fundamentals of Computer by E Balagurusamy,Tata McGraw Hill Education

Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
2. Fundamentals of Computer by V Rajaraman; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
3. Fundamentals of Computer by Sumita Arora by Dhanpat Rai and Co , New Delhi
4. Computers Today by SK Basandara, Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd. Daryaganj,
New Delhi.
5. Internet for Every One by Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon; Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
6. A First Course in Computer by Sanjay Saxena; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Jungpura, New Delhi
7. Computer Fundamentals by PK Sinha; BPB Publication, New Delhi
8. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Leon and Leon; Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., Jungpura, New Delhi
9. Information Technology for Management by Henery Lucas; Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
10. MS Office by BPB Publications, New Delhi


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