.I Semester Syllabus: Rationale
.I Semester Syllabus: Rationale
.I Semester Syllabus: Rationale
Interpersonal communication is a natural and necessary part of organizational life. Yet,
communicating effectively can be challenging because of our inherent nature to assume,
overreact to and misperceive what actually is happening. Poor communication or lack of
communication is often cited as the cause of conflict and poor teamwork. In today’s team-
oriented workplace, managing communication and developing strategies for creating
shared meaning are crucial to achieving results and creating successful organizations. The
goal of the Communicating Effectively in English course is to produce civic-minded,
competent communicators. To that end, students must demonstrate oral as well as written
communication proficiency. These include organizational and interpersonal communication,
public address and performance.
Objectives of Course in Communicating Effectively in English for the First Year (I & II
Semesters) are:
Section II
Oral Communication Skills
Unit 1 Starting a Conversation 57
Unit 2 Introducing Oneself and Others 58
Unit 7 Spanish Tapas: The Small Plate with Big Flavour 124
Unit 8 Himalaya: Cultural Experience—Spiti 134
Unit 9 Paperless Payroll: Going Green Saves More Than Trees 149
Section IV
Writing Skills
Section V
Grammar and Usage
Applied Mathematics forms the backbone of engineering discipline. Basic elements of
permutations and combinations, trigonometry, vector, complex number and statistics
have been included in the curriculum as foundation course and to provide base for
continuing education to the students
1. Algebra (20 hrs)
1.1 Permutations and Combinations, Value of npr and ncr , its properties and
simple problems
1.3 Partial fractions (linear factors, repeated linear factors, non reducible
quadratic factors)
Applied physics includes the study of a large number of diverse topics all related to
things that go in the world around us. It aims to give an understanding of this world both
by observation and prediction of the way in which objects will behave. Concrete uses of
physical principles and analysis in various fields of engineering and technology are given
prominence in the course content. The role of Chemistry and chemical products in every
branch of engineering is expanding greatly. Now a days various products of chemical
industries are playing important role in the field of engineering with increasing number of
such products each successive years. The strength of materials, the chemical composition
of substances, their behaviour when subjected to different treatment and environment,
and the laws of heat and dynamic energy have entered in almost every activity of modern
life. Chemistry is considered as one of the core subjects for diploma students in
engineering and technology for developing in them scientific temper and appreciation of
chemical properties of materials, which they have to handle in their professional career.
Effort should be made to teach this subject through demonstration and with the active
involvement of students.
1.6 Dimensional equations and their applications, conversion from one unit to
another unit for density, force, pressure, work, power, energy, velocity,
2.8 Relation between linear and angular velocity and linear acceleration and
angular acceleration
3.3 Power: definitions and its SI units, calculation of power in simple cases
3.4 Energy: Definitions and its SI units: Types: Kinetic energy and Potential
energy, with examples and their derivation
5.2 Difference between heat and temperature on the basis of K.E. of molecules
5.3 Bimetallic and Platinum resistance thermometer: their merits and demerits
9. Electricity (2 hrs)
2. Water (6 hrs)
2.1 Hard and soft water, types of hardness and its causes, disadvantages of
hardness of water (i) in industrial use (ii) in boilers for steam generation.
2.2 Methods to remove hardness of water (i) Clark’s Process (ii) Permutit
Process (iii) Soda Lime process (iv) Ion-Exchange process. Simple
numerical problems related to soda lime process.
2.3 Definition of degree of hardness of water and the systems to express the
degree of hardness of water.
2.4 Qualities of water used for drinking purposes, treatment of river water to
make it fit for town supply
3. Solutions (4 hrs)
3.2 Strength of a solution (i) Normality (ii) Molarity (iii) Molality as applied
in relation to a solution.
4. Electrolysis (4 hrs)
4.4 Elementary account of (i) lead acid battery and (ii) Ni-Cd battery with
special reference to their reaction mechanisms.
5. Fuels (4 hrs)
5.3 Qualities of a good fuel and merits of gaseous fuels over those of other
varieties of fuels
5.4 Manufacture, composition, properties and uses of (i) Water gas (ii) Oil gas
(iii) Biogas
6. Corrosion (3 hrs)
6.2 Theories of corrosion i.e. (i) direct chemical action theory and (ii) electro
chemical theory
1. (a) Alloying
(b) Providing metallic coatings
2. Cathodic protections:
(a) Sacrificial
(b) Impressed voltage met hod
7. Lubricants (4 hrs)
2. To find volume of solid cylinder and hollow cylinder using a vernier caliper
5. Find the amount of chlorides in mg per liter in a sample of H2O with the help of a
solution of AgNO3
5. Simple Course in Electricity and Magnetism by CL Arora; S Chand and Co, New
9. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick and Halliday, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., New
2. Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. Rabindra and Prof. B.K. Mishra ; Kumar and
Kumar Publishers (P) Ltd. Bangalore-40
Drawing is said to be the language of engineers and technicians. Reading and
interpreting engineering drawing is their day-to-day responsibility. The course
is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in
preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretation
The student of Textile Technology after completion of their diploma have to work in
Textile Mills/Houses/Quality Control Centres and have to supervise various units in the
manufacture of textiles for which knowledge of textile raw materials is essential. Hence
this subject is essential for primary and elementary knowledge of the textile fibres.
3. Important varieties of cotton for coarse, medium and fine yarns (available in
India). Important varieties of wool and silk. Grading of cotton, wool and silk
(12 hrs)
8. Characteristics of fibre properties and their effect on yarn properties. (10 hrs)
Manual abilities to handle engineering materials with hand tools need to be
developed in the students. They will be using different types of tools/equipment
in different shops for fabrication purposes. Besides developing the necessary skills,
the students will appreciate the importance of quality and safety measures.
Note: 1. The students are supposed to come in proper workshop
dress prescribed by the institute. Wearing shoes in the workshop(s) is
compulsory. Importance of safety and cleanliness, safety measures
and upkeep of tools, equipment and environment in each of the
following shops should be explained and practiced. The students
should prepare sketches of various tools/jobs in their practical
2. The shops to be offered in I and II semester may be decided at
polytechnic level
3. The students should be taken to various shops (not included in
the curriculum) in the polytechnic in batches and should be given
knowledge of the various machines/equipment. Such as machine
shop, foundry shop, sheet metal shop, etc.
4. Students of Diploma in Chemical Engineering will undergo Shops 1 to 6
3. Welding Shop
3.1 Introduction to welding, type of welding, common materials that can be
welded, introduction to gas welding equipment, types of flame, adjustment of
flame, applications of gas welding. Welding tools and safety precautions
3.2 Introduction to electric arc welding (AC and DC), practice in setting current
and voltage for striking proper arc, precautions while using electric arc
welding. Applications of arc welding. Introduction to polarity and their use
3.3 Introduction to brazing process, filler material and fluxes; applications of
brazing. Use of solder. Introduction of soldering materials
3.4 Demonstrate and use of the different tools used in the welding shop
with sketches. Hand shield, helmet, clipping hammer, gloves, welding lead,
connectors, apron, goggles etc.
3.5 Demonstration of welding defects and Various types of joints and end
6. Electric Shop
6.1 Demonstration of tools commonly used in Electric Shop
6.2 Safety precautions , electric shock treatment
6.3 Demonstration of Common Electric material like: wires, fuses, ceiling roses,
battens, cleats and allied items
6.4 Demonstration of Voltmeter, Ammeter, Multimeter and Energy meter
Job: Wiring practice in batten wiring, plastic casing-capping and conduit
Job: Control of one lamp by one switch
Job: Control of one lamp by two switches Job: Control of one bell by one
switch Job: Assemble a Tube light
Job: Dismantle, study, find out fault, repair the fault, assemble and test
domestic appliances like electric iron, electric mixer, ceiling and table
fan, tube-light, water heater (geyser) and desert cooler
Job: Laying out of complete wiring of a house (Single-phase and Three-
7. Electronics Shop
7.1 Identification, familiarization, demonstration and use of the following
electronic instruments:
a) Multi-meter digital
b) Single beam simple CRO , function of every knob on the front
c) Power supply , fixed voltage and variable voltage, single output as
well as dual output.
7.2 Identification , familiarization and uses of commonly used tools; active and
passive components; colour code and types of resistor and potentiometers
7.3 Cut, strip, join and insulate two lengths of wires/cables (repeat with
different types of cables/ wires)
7.4 Demonstrate and practice the skill to remove components/wires by
7.5 Cut, bend, tin component, leads, inserts. Solder components e.g. resistor,
capacitor, diodes, transistors on a PCB
7.6 Wiring of a small circuit on a PCB/tag strip involving laying, sleeving and use
of identifier tags
7.7 Demonstrate the joining (or connecting) methods/mounting and
dismantling method, as well as uses of the items mentioned below:
a) Various types of plugs, sockets, connectors suitable for general-
purpose audio video use. Some of such connectors e.g. 2 and 3 pin
mains plug and sockets, Banana plugs, sockets and similar male and
female connectors and terminal strips.
b) Various types of switches such as: normal/miniature toggle, slide, push
button piano key, rotary, SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT, band selector,
multi-way Master Mains Switch.
7.8 Exposure to modern soldering and de-soldering processes (Field visits)
7.9 De-solder pump, remove and clean all the components and wires from a
given equipment, a PCB or a tag strip.