VT Bsa
VT Bsa
VT Bsa
R S Passi
Deputy Director
This document has been prepared based upon the evidences collected during
the investigation, opinion obtained from the experts and laboratory
examination of various components. Consequently, the use of this report for
any purpose other than for the prevention of such future accidents/incidents
could lead to erroneous interpretations.
1.14 FIRE 28
2.2 WEATHER 57
Aircraft Type Beechcraft Super King Air B 200
2. Nationality INDIAN
3. Registration VT - BSA
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Beechcraft Super King Air B-200 aircraft, VT-BSA belonging to BSF Air
Wing was involved in an accident on 22.12.2015 while operating a flight from IGI
Airport, New Delhi to Ranchi. The flight was under the command of a CPL holder
with another CPL holder as Second in Command. There were ten persons on
board including two flight crew members.
The flight crew contacted ATC Delhi for clearance to operate the flight to
Ranchi. The aircraft was cleared to Ranchi via R460 and FL210. Runway in use
was given as 28. After the ATC had cleared the aircraft for taxi, it had stopped for
some time while taxiing at taxiway E1. The pilot informed ATC that they will take
10 minutes delay for further taxi due to some administrative reasons. After a halt
of about 6 to 7 minutes, the pilot again requested ATC for taxi clearance and the
same was approved by the ATC. Thereafter, the aircraft was given take-off
clearance from runway 28. Shortly after take-off, the aircraft progressively turned
left with simultaneous loss of height. Finally it impacted terrain and came to final
rest in the holding tank of the water treatment plant of the airport. There was post
impact fire and the aircraft was destroyed. All passengers and flight crew were
fatally injured.
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Beechcraft Super King Air B-200 aircraft, VT-BSA belonging to BSF Air
Wing was involved in an accident on 22.12.2015 while operating a flight from IGI
Airport, New Delhi to Ranchi. The flight was under the command of a CPL holder
with another CPL holder as Second-in-Command. There were ten persons on
board including two flight crew members.
As per the scheduling procedure of the Operator, the flying programme for
22.12.2015 was approved by the ADG (Logistics) on the recommendation of the
DIG (Air) for VT-BSA on 21.12.2015. The programme included names of the
flight crew along with the sectors as given below:
The aircraft was taken out of hangar of the Operator at 0655 hrs on
22.12.2015 and parked outside the hangar for operating the subject flight. At
around 0745 hrs, the passengers reached the aircraft who were mainly technical
personnel supposed to carry out scheduled maintenance of Mi-17 helicopter of
the Operator at Ranchi. They were carrying their personnel baggage alongwith
tools and equipments required for the maintenance.
At around 0915 hrs the flight crew contacted ATC Delhi and requested for
clearance to operate the flight to Ranchi. The aircraft was cleared to Ranchi via
R460 and FL210. Runway in use was given as 28. At 0918 hrs the doors were
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closed and the flight crew had started carrying out the check list. After the ATC
issued taxi clearance, the aircraft had stopped for some time after commencing
taxiing. The pilot informed the ATC that they will take 10 minutes delay for further
taxi due to some administrative reasons. The taxi clearance was accordingly
cancelled. After a halt of about 6 to 7 minutes, the pilot again requested the ATC
for taxi clearance and the same was approved by the ATC. Thereafter, the
aircraft was given take-off clearance from runway 28. The weather at the time of
take-off was: Visibility 800 meters with Winds at 100o/ 03 knots.
Shortly after take-off and attaining a height of approximately 400 feet AGL,
the aircraft progressively turned left with simultaneous loss of height. It had taken
a turn of approximately 180o and impacted some trees before hitting the outside
perimeter road of the airport in a left bank attitude. Thereafter, it impacted ‗head
on‘ with the outside boundary wall of the airport. After breaking the outside
boundary wall, the wings impacted two trees and the aircraft hit the holding tank
of the water treatment plant. The tail portion and part of the fuselage overturned
and went into the water tank. There was post impact fire and the portion of the
aircraft outside the water tank was destroyed by fire. All passengers and crew
received fatal injuries due impact and fire. The ELT was operated at 0410 hours
UTC (0940 hours IST). The fire fighting team reached the site and extinguished
the fire. The bodies were then recovered from the accident site. 08 bodies were
recovered from the holding tank of the water treatment plant and bodies of both
pilots were recovered from the heavily burnt portion of the cockpit lying adjacent
(outside) to the wall of the holding tank of the water treatment tank.
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1.3 Damage to the aircraft
The boundary wall of the airport was broken due to the impact of the
aircraft. Also the outer portion of the water tank was damaged.
Licence CPL
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1.5.2 Co-Pilot
Age 38 years
Licence CPL
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The fuselage is fabricated from high strength aluminium alloy, with
appropriate use of steel and other materials. The structural design is based on
damage tolerance (fail-safe) principles using multiple load paths, bonded
doublers and small panel sizes on the primary structure. The fuselage is divided
into three subsections; an unpressurized nose section, a pressurized flight deck
and cabin section and an unpressurized tail section.
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The aircraft is equipped with retractable tricycle landing gear. The main
landing gear retracts forwards into each engine nacelle. The nose gear retracts
aft into the nose section. The landing gear is electrically controlled and
hydraulically actuated. It is enclosed by mechanically actuated doors. Engines
The aircraft is powered by two nacelle mounted PT6A-42 turboprop
engines rated to 850 SHP (on a standard day at sea level) manufactured by Pratt
& Whitney, Canada. The engine is free turbine; therefore the power requirements
during engine starting are relatively low. Engine starts may be made using the
aircraft battery or external power. Propellers
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The Aircraft was holding a valid Aero Mobile License No. A-073/006-RLO
(NR) at the time of accident. As on 22.12.2015 the aircraft had logged 4766:05
Airframe hours and2745 landings.
The aircraft and its Engines are being maintained as per the maintenance
program consisting of calendar period / flying Hours as per maintenance program
approved by DGCA.
For the investigation purposes aircraft log book, Engine log book,
Propeller log book, Journey Logbook and Radio log book were scrutinised for the
period from 13.04.2014 till 22/12/2015. The organisation was approved to carry
out Phase IV inspection (800 hours/24 months) and all lower inspections. The
last major inspection Phase IV (800 Hours/24 months) was carried out at
4596:15 A/F Hours on 18.09.2015. Subsequently all lower inspection were
carried out as and when due before the accident. The aircraft was grounded from
05.09.2014 to 13.04.2015 for Port engine change.
The engine was being maintained as per the Beechcraft phase inspection
program. The last overhaul was carried out in December 2009.
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Cycles Since New : 2,303
Hours Since Overhaul : 1,767
Cycles Since Overhaul : 958
The engine was being maintained as per the Beechcraft phase inspection
program. The last overhaul was performed at DGCA approved maintenance
organisation under work order # 11-53-04-01-09. 1st stage RGB gears (Timken
make) were installed during overhaul and were removed at 3,738 hrs since new
as per applicable Airworthiness Directive. These were replaced with new P&WC
The DGCA has issued two mandatory modifications on SKA B-200 aircraft
which were complied with. DGCA has issued two Mandatory Modifications on
Engines, out of which one is concerning Hot Section Inspection (HSI) and other
Rotor Component Service Life. The HSI is to be carried out as per AMP every
1800 hours. Till the date of accident, HSI was not due on any engine. A
Mandatory Modification on Propeller was also issued by DGCA which revises the
Time Between Overhaul (TBO) for propeller. The same was also complied with.
All the DGCA Mandatory Modifications pertaining to Aircraft, Engine and
Propellers has been complied with, and proper Log book entry has been made.
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observed that reverse on port is operation checked, found
faster than starboard engine. satisfactory.
29/06/2013 Throttle staggering RH engine control rigging carried
out. Duplicate inspection carried
out checked for safety and
locking. Operation checked
during ground run and found
08/07/2013 1. Port fuel flow gauge Fuel flow indicator (PORT)
unserviceable. replaced, operation checked
during ground run and found
2. During reverse thrust at VILK Reverse control adjusted,
(Lucknow) & VIDP (Delhi) the operation during ground checked
aircraft swung towards right side and found satisfactory.
after few seconds of normal Independent check of controls
reverse. carried out and found
19/11/2013 Power lever movement is jerky Centre console panel opened,
lubricated, checked for freedom
of movement and noise. Found
23/12/2013 Starboard torque meter gauge Starboard torque meter indicator
needle is jerky. connection removed, contact
cleaned and refitted. Operation
checked during ground run and
found satisfactory.
08/02/2014 1. During reverse thrust Rigging of port & Starboard
following observations are engine controls carried out,
made: controls checked for proper
a. Starboard reverse thrust is dimension security. Locking
higher than port reverse thrust. operation checked during ground
b. Thus overall reverse thrust is run, found satisfactory during
not stable. reverse. Duplicate inspection of
engine controls (Port &
Starboard) checked and found
01/04/2014 Prop lever staggering Prop control rigging carried out.
Checked for security of
attachment, clearance and
operation during ground run and
found satisfactory.
Torque indicator (Starboard) Torque indicator (Starboard)
jerky connection removed, cleaned
and refitted. Operation checked
during ground run and Found
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07/04/2014 1. Thorough rigging is required Propeller Governor (Port)
for both the engines to match replaced (S/N 2346806). Rigging
the parameters. of engine controls (Port &
Starboard) carried out as per
approved procedure. Checked
for proper attachment, locking
and operation of engine controls
and found satisfactory.
Independent check of controls
carried out and found
satisfactory. Checked operation
during ground run and found
07/08/2014 1. Power control lever and prop Sang not confirmed during
lever staggering. ground run. Aircraft cleared.
Subject to next flight report.
2. Right torque indicator flicker. Torque indicator connector
cleaned, refitted& checked
during ground run and found
30/08/2014 Propeller lever staggering Ground run carried out. Snag
was not confirmed. However port
propeller indicator found
intermittent. Connection of Prop
Governor and TachoGenerator
refitted. Ground run carried out
again and system found
19/05/2014 1. Starboard ITT gauge is Starboard ITT gauge removed,
unserviceable contact cleaned & refitted.
Operation checked during
ground run and found
2. Humming sound in port Port engine and its mounting
engine is heard. bolts were checked visually for
proper torque. During ground run
no unusual sound was observed.
All engine parameters were
normal and found satisfactory.
24/11/2015 Port condition lever detent slip Checked the port side condition
to fuel cut off may be checked lever for proper operation and
simultaneously the engine
controls. Ground run carried out,
operation and engine
parameters found satisfactory.
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There was a repetitive snag with respect to PROP lever and PROP
Governor. Subsequent to the replacement of PROP Port Governor and PORT
engine, the snag did not persist.
The Aircraft was equipped with Collins FCS-65 Automatic Flight Control
System Category 1 and Collin EFIS-85B (14) Electronic flight instrument system.
The Autopilot system if engaged controls the aircraft in two dimensions i.e.
lateral and vertical axis. It provides aural & visual indications regarding
engagement and disengagement. During the period of engagement of the
Autopilot, the various modes are Heading/NAV/APP/IAS/VS. In NAV mode the
aircraft navigates on the selected radial /GPS track, while in the APP mode the
Aircraft follows the ILS signals.
As per the section 2 of Instruction sheet of POH for B-200 Aircraft, the
Autopilot should not be used below 500ft AGL during climb and 200ft above AGL
during approach. Further the Autopilot or yaw damper is not be used during take-
off & landing. If the Autopilot is to be used during flight, autopilot pre- flight
checks must be conducted and found satisfactory prior to flight.
The switches should be selected OFF during engine start to protect the EFIS
system from low/transient voltages.
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Flight Control System (FCS)
The FCS consists of an autopilot computer, mode select panel, air data sensor,
three primary servos, a vertical reference and a trim servo. The system also
requires compass and navigation system inputs from the avionics system.
To engage the autopilot, press the AP ENG switch on the autopilot control
panel. If a red fault annunciator is illuminated (AP, TRIM), it requires pressing of
the AP ENG switch to clear the fault and pressing again to engage the autopilot.
If the fault does not clear, the autopilot will not engage.
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Yaw Damper Operation
The yaw is automatically engaged anytime the autopilot is engaged.
The rudder channel of the autopilot may be selected separately for yaw
damping by the YAW ENG switch on the autopilot panel.
Mode Selection
All modes with the exception of GA are selected by pressing the PUSH
ON/PUSH OFF switch on the mode control panel. Annunciators on the mode
control panel and mode annunciator panel indicate the selected mode of
The flight director system supplies steering commands for the pilot and the
autopilot. When the autopilot is engaged, the crew monitors autopilot
performance on the attitude director indicator. When the autopilot is not engaged,
the pilot flies the airplane manually in response to the attitude director indicator
commands. A lateral mode must be selected to bring the command bars into
view for manual flight director operation.
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features which allow the pilot or copilot to select alternate formats as a navigation
aid or in the event of specific failures. The operator is cautioned that the primary
displays (attitude and directional information) are required to be operational prior
to initiating flight in conditions for which these displays are required.
Climb Power SET
Yaw Damp ON
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In order to achieve the RPM of 1900, the PM reduces the torque to
approx. 1800 ft-lbs. by bringing the throttles little backwards.
1. Position pitch trim to the take-off position, turn ELEV TRIM switch on and engage
the autopilot. Check that YAW and AP annunciators are on.
2. With control wheel in the forward position and the autopilot engaged, operate
pilot then co-pilot pitch trim switches in both directions to ensure that the auto-
pilot disengages. The yaw damper remains engaged.
3. Centre the control wheel and engage the autopilot. Apply forward pressure on
control wheel. Note that pitch trim travels nose up and that the amber TRIM light
comes on. Apply rearward pressure on control wheel. Note that pitch trim travels
nose down and that the amber TRIM light comes on.
4. Hold the control wheel and disengage the autopilot by pressing the DISC
TRIM/AP YD button on the pilot‘s control column to the first level. Note that the
YAM DIS and AP DIS annunciators illuminate. Further press the DISC TRIM/AP
YD button. Note that the ELEC TRIM OFF annunciator illuminates. Cycle the
electric trim switch on the console, engage the autopilot, and repeat the check
using the copilot‘s DISC TRIM/AP YD switch.
5. Engage yaw damper. Note YAW annunciator is on. Check for additional
resistance to movement of rudder pedals. Disengage yaw damper.
6. Push the TEST button on the mode annunciator panel above the ADI to test the
7. Reset pitch trim to the take-off position.
8. Move all primary flight controls through their full travel in both directions. Verify
that controls move in proper direction and no restrictions to free movement are
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1.7 Meteorological Information:
The IGI Airport, New Delhi has got three runways which have orientation
09/27, 10/28 and 11/29. All the three runways are equipped with VOR/DME
approaches, ILS landing facility and PAPI on either side.
The Super King Air B-200 aircraft is equipped with ADF, VOR &ILS as
navigational aids. The aircraft was also equipped with GPS which was though not
primary navigational equipment.
1.9 Communications
There was always two ways communication between the ATC and the
aircraft. At the time of accident, the aircraft was under control of Delhi Tower.
The aircraft took-off from runway 28 of IGI Airport, New Delhi and hit the
outer boundary wall of the airport during crash landing. The main base of the
operator for fixed wing aircraft is at IGI airport. They have a hangar where all the
maintenance activities are carried out as per CAR 145. The operator also has an
operations office in the same hangar. The embarkation and disembarkation of
passengers and baggage is carried out in the area in front of the hangar. The
details of the IGI airport New Delhi are as follows:
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ATS Airspace:
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Met Services
Met Office Hour of service is 24 Hrs. TAF, Trend Forecast and Briefing is
The solid state CVR installed on the aircraft was manufactured by Loral
Data Systems Fairchildmodel A100S with part number S100-0080-00 and serial
number 00675. The CVR had heat damages and it remained in water for some
time. There was no obvious deformation to the CVR external housings a result of
impact forces. For read out purposes, the CVR unit was taken to Engineering
Laboratory, Operational Services Branch of Transportation Safety Board of
Canada in person by a member of the Committee of Inquiry and he had associated
in the readout process. CVR data and sonogram starting from take-off roll till end
of recording was provided to the Committee by TSB Canada.
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1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information
As per the evidences collected and inspection of the accident site the
aircraft primarily impacted the trees as was evident from the chopping off the trees
in the final phases of the path followed by the accident aircraft. The trees were
probably chopped off by the aircraft wings as the aircraft was at a high roll attitude.
There were rubbing marks observed on the outside perimeter road of the
airport and a part of wing tip was recovered beside the road indicating the
rubbing marks were of the aircraft wing tip.
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Thereafter, it impacted ‗head on‘ with the outside boundary wall of the
airport. After breaking the outside boundary wall, the aircraft, hit the holding tank
of the water treatment plant. The tail portion and part of fuselage overturned and
went into the holding tank. The portion of the aircraft outside the holding tank was
destroyed in fire.
1. Left Engine was found about 25 meters ahead of the main wreckage with
very little burn marks, however, burnt right engine was found along with
the main wreckage.
2. The Fuselage, Cabin, Cockpit was completely burnt.
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1. Propeller Blades of both the propellers are broken from the Hub. Since the
Blades were separated from the Hub the Pitch of the blades could not be
2. RH Engine was found completely burnt with Reduction Gear Box separated from
the engine and broken. However LH engine was comparatively less burnt but
Reduction Gear box of LH engine was also broken.
3. Both the engines were separated from main structure.
4. All the instruments were completely burnt and damaged. The
readings/indications cannot be ascertained.
5. Condition of the Engine before the event could not be ascertained by the control
levers in the cockpit as all the six levers were found burnt and friction lock
completely damaged. All the six levers (Power, Prop RPM and Condition) were
found loose.
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6. Landing Gears were found in extended condition. RH Ldg Down lock was in
place but LH Ldg down Lock was free but the actuator of both the Ldg gears
were in extended condition.
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Though wreckage was self-contained
but was disturbed to carry out rescue operation
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Battery for MI-172 helicopter being transported
Damaged Engine
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Horizontal & VerticalStabilizer
As per the post mortem report the cause of death of the PIC is given as
combined effect of cranio-cerebral damage, shock as a result of multiple ante
mortem injuries as described consequent upon blunt force/ impact and burn
injuries present over the body are post-mortem in nature. The pattern of injury is
consistent with air-crash victim as alleged and found in a pilot/co-pilot.
The cause of death for Co-pilot is given as shock due to polytrauma caused
by blunt external forces/impact. The pattern of injuries is consistent with an
aircrash victim as alleged and found in pilot/co-pilot. Burn injuries present over the
body are post-mortem in nature.
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1.14 Fire Condition
Severe impact damage was present on all Quick Engine Change (QEC)
components. The front portion of the reduction gearbox was separated from the
engine as well as the accessories gearbox as a result of the fracture of the inlet
case. The exhaust stacks were partially crushed but showed no impact damage
from exiting debris. Heavy impact damage was found on all major cases and
housings at the 6 o‘clock region. Examination of the propeller showed a complete
fracture of the hub, liberating all 4 blades, one blade exhibited heavy impact
damage with a portion of the tip fractured. One other blade showed ―S‖ shape
bending while the other 2 blades were relatively intact. All blades displayed
gouging of the leading edge and chord wise scoring.
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External Cases
Reduction Gearbox (RGB): The front housing mounting flange was partially
fractured. Impact damage was present at the bottom location.
Exhaust Duct: Heavy impact damage was observed at the 6 o‘clock location
causing secondary deformation on all other surfaces. The ―C‖ flange was partially
separated and circumferential cracking was found on the external housing
adjacent to the mounting flange.
Gas Generator Case (GGC): The bottom section suffered heavy impact
damage. Moderate de-formation of the compressor housing was also observed.
The case had to be mechanically cut during engine disassembly to allow for
removal of the combustion liners. A significant amount of organic dirt was found
behind the diffuser pipes.
Inlet Case: The inlet struts were fractured causing complete separation between
the inlet and oil tank. The oil tank itself exhibited impact damage with associated
cracks at various locations.
Accessory Gearbox (AGB): The AGB housing and diaphragm showed partial
fracture of the mounting flange at the 6 o‘clock position. Impact damage with
fracture of the various mounting pads was also noted.
Pneumatic Lines
Compressor Discharge Air (P3): The line was crushed adjacent to the rear
firewall and severed on both sides of the P3 filter. The fitting at the fuel control
was loose but still secured with lockwire.
Power Turbine Control (Py): The line was severed aft of the Propeller
Governor, forward of the Gas Generator firewall and forward of the fuel control.
Impact and bending damage was noted on all surfaces. The fittings were found
tight and secure.
Oil Filter: Oil filter was found to be Clean.
29 of 78 Disassembly Observations
The 1st stage compressor drive shaft to the AGB was found fractured.
Compressor Section
Compressor 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stage Discs and Blades: The 1st stage
blades exhibited severe impact damage to all leading edges resulting in bending
of the airfoils in the opposite direction of rotation. Light blade tip rubbing was also
noted. The visible portions of the 2nd stage blades showed light impact damage.
There was no evidence of blade fracture on any of the stages.
Compressor 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stage Stators and Shrouds: The 1st
stage stator showed impact damage on most vane leading edges. No evidence
of vane fracture found. Light scoring was noted on the 1 ststage shroud. The other
shrouds were not accessed.
Front Stub Shaft: The visible portion (turbine disk mating splines) appeared
No. 1 Bearing: The bearing was free to turn.
No. 2 Bearing and Air seals: The air seal and bearing were intact.
Combustion Section
Combustion Chamber Liner Outer: The liner was crushed at the location
corresponding to the impact damage found on the GGC. The liner was otherwise
in good condition with normal flame patterns observed.
Combustion Chamber Liner Inner: The liner was crushed at the location
corresponding to the impact damage found on the GGC. The liner was otherwise
in good condition with normal flame patterns observed.
Small Exit Duct: Intact.
Turbine Section
Compressor Turbine (CT) Guide Vane Ring: Intact. The inner shroud trailing
edge showed some scoring damage with associated heat discoloration.
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Compressor Turbine Shroud: Moderate rubbing was found on an arc of
approximately 120°. A small molten and re-solidified deposit was found on one of
the shroud which easily peeled off. The shroud housing was deformed inwards at
one location and had to be mechanically cut during disassembly to allow removal
of the CT disk.
Compressor Turbine: The disk and blades were intact. Blade tip rubbing
causing a slight rolled over material was noted. The blades exhibited scoring
damage in the blade fixing area on both sides. The downstream inner hub of the
disk as well as the 3 anti-rotation blocks on the balancing rim showed rubbing
causing the detachment of slivers. This rubbing was caused by contact with the
baffle of the 1ststage power turbine vane ring.
ITT Probes, Busbar, and Harness: The temperature probes were slightly bent.
The harness and busbar were intact.
Power Turbine (PT) Housing: distortion of the bolting flange was visible with
associated bolt fracture at 4 locations.
Power Turbine Guide Vane Ring and Interstage Baffle 1st stage: The outer
shroud was distorted inwards on the upstream side. Six vane airfoils were
cracked near the inner shroud. As a result of the outer shroud distortion, all vane
trailing edges were wrinkled. The upstream baffle exhibited circular scoring from
contact with the CT disk. The scoring was located on the centre portion of the
baffle and the outer edge. The downstream baffle also showed circular scoring
from contact with the 1ststage PT disk; damage located on the centre portion of
the baffle. The inner shroud (both upstream and downstream) was rubbed,
causing some rolled over material which small pieces had detached.
Power Turbine Shroud 1st stage: Light scoring from blade contact was noted.
Power Turbine 1st stage: The disk and blades were intact. Light tip rubbing was
observed on all blades. All blades exhibited rubbing marks on the airfoil leading
edge adjacent to the platform. This is the result of contact with the 1st stage PT
vane inner shroud. The blade fixings upstream side showed rubbing damage
from contact with the vane baffle.
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Power Turbine Guide Vane Ring and Interstage Baffle 2nd stage: Intact;
Power Turbine Shroud 2nd stage: Heavy rubbing from contact with the 2nd
stage PT blades was visible. This resulted from the deformation of the exhaust
case at impact.
Power Turbine 2nd stage: The blades showed heavy rubbing which resulted in
bending of the blades near the tip. The disk and blades were otherwise intact.
Reduction Gearbox
Rear Housing: Significant impact damage was visible on all surfaces. The
mounting flange was fractured and organic dirt obstructed the No. 3 & 4 bearing
oil scavenge port.
1st Stage Sungear: The mating splines appeared intact as seen through the
1st Stage Planet Gear Carrier: Structurally intact.
1st Stage Planet Gears: No evidence of pre-impact anomalies was found.
1st Stage Ring Gear: Dirty but intact.
2nd Stage Sun Gear and Flex Coupling: The coupling was dirty with organic
debris but appeared intact.
2nd Stage Planet Gear Carrier: The carrier and planet gears were free to turn.
No evidence of pre-impact anomalies was observed.
2nd Stage Planet Gears: No evidence of pre-impact anomalies observed.
2nd Stage Ring Gear: Dirty but intact.
No. 5 Bearing: Free to turn.
Propeller Shaft: Intact.
Nos. 6 and 7 Bearings: Free to turn.
Forward Housing: The mounting flange was fractured and impact damage was
observed at the 6 o‘clock position.
Accessory Gearbox
The AGB housing was partially separated from the inlet case and portions
of it were fractured. The AGB was opened and examination of the gears revealed
no pre-impact damage. The rear bearing to the fuel pump drive gear lost one of
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its rollers which were found inside the bearing cavity. Two pieces of metal were
retrieved from the AGB housing which originated from the rear flange of the
same bearing.
The remaining bearings were intact.
Fuel System
Fuel Pump: The pump mounting flange was fractured.
Fuel Control Unit (FCU): Severe impact damage was found resulting in the
fracture of the drive body flange
Flow Divider: The outlet drain portion was fractured at the coupling flange.
Fuel Nozzles: All nozzles exhibited organic dirt on the stem which is located
inside the air-blast sleeve. All nozzle tips were dirty and showed carbon deposits.
Air System:
Compressor Bleed Valves: Both valves were intact but dirty with organic debris.
Their pistons moved freely and some air resistance could be felt which is to be
expected if the diaphragm is still intact.
Oil System:
Propeller Governor: The governor lever was fractured off the top of the unit.
Overspeed Governor: Dirty but intact.
33 of 78 RIGHT HAND ENGINE External Condition
Severe impact damage was found on all engine components. Damage
from exposure to fire was also noted on most surfaces. The RGB as well as the
power turbine module were completely separated from the engine. The inlet case
was fractured resulting in complete separation of the AGB from the rest of the
engine. The exhaust stacks showed heavy impact deformation but no evidence
of impact from exiting debris was noted. Examination of the propeller showed a
complete fracture of the hub, liberating all 4 blades, two of the blades showed ―S‖
shape bending. One blade exhibited bending towards the face side with
significant impact wear at the tip. The other blade was relatively intact. All blades
displayed gouging of the leading edge and chord wise scoring.
External Cases
Reduction Gearbox: Covered with soot and organic debris. The mounting
flange was fractured at various locations. A portion of the housing itself was
fractured off at the 8 o‘clock position as a result of impact.
Exhaust Duct: Severe impact damage covered all surfaces. The case was
completely ripped apart behind ―A‖ flange allowing the PT module to exit the
Gas Generator Case (GGC): Heavy impact deformation and distortion was
observed on all surfaces. The complete circumference of the case had to be
mechanically cut just forward of the diffuser pipes to allow removal of the
combustion liner. A significant amount of organic dirt was found behind the
diffuser pipes.
Inlet Case: Fracture of all inlet struts occurred causing the oil tank and AGB to
completely separate from the engine. The case showed significant fire/impact
damage resulting in a large section of the case to fracture off, exposing the inside
of the oil tank, which was found covered in soot.
Accessory Gearbox: Cracking associated with fire exposure as well as impact
damage was visible on both the housing and diaphragm. The housing itself was
fractured (with a piece missing) in the area of the fuel pump drive.
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Power Control and Reversing Linkage
The linkage was separated from its mounting and bent. The FCU control
rod was fractured.
Pneumatic Lines
Compressor Discharge Air (P3): the fitting to the FCU was tight and secured.
The line was severed at the P3 filter housing.
Power Turbine Control (Py): The line was secured at the FCU. It was severed
at the rear and GGC firewalls. A portion of the line remained attached to the
propeller governor however the impact damage and deformation was present
and the fitting was found loose.
The 1st stage compressor disk showed the fracture of all 6 of its retaining
tie rods and the disk and blades, covered in fire residues, remained with the inlet
case. The AGB drive shaft was bent and the No. 1 bearing cover was fractured in
two pieces.
Compressor Section
Compressor 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stage Discs and Blades: All components were
covered with soot. Severe impact damage was found on the recovered 1st stage
blades (7 were missing from the disk).Blade tip rubbing resulting in bending of
the tips in the opposite direction of rotation was noted. The disk bolt holes
exhibited elongation at the point of bolt fracture which was in the opposite
direction of rotation. Bending of all blades in the opposite direction of rotation was
observed on the 2nd stage disk resulting from contact with its shroud.
Compressor 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Stage Stators and Shrouds: The 1st stage
stator exhibited severe impact damage as well as bending of all the vanes due to
35 of 78
contact with the adjacent spacer. The vane trailing edges were severely
deformed from rubbing with the 2nd stage blades. All vanes were accounted for.
Front Stub Shaft: The inner splines were intact.
No. 1 Bearing and Air seals: The bearing was intact.
No. 2 Bearing and Air seals: The bearing was axially displaced within its outer
race due to impact. It showed however no evidence of pre-impact anomalies.
Combustion Section
Combustion Chamber Liner: Distorted from impact (deformation of the GGC)
but it was in otherwise intact condition showing normal flame patterns.
Turbine Section
Compressor Turbine Guide Vane Ring: The vanes were intact. The inner
shroud showed scoring damage due to contact with the CT blades.
Compressor Turbine Shroud: The shroud housing was distorted and had to be
mechanically cut to allow for the removal of the CT disk. The shrouds exhibited
rubbing damage from contact with the CT blades. A thin layer of melted and re-
solidified material was found on some shrouds. This layer could be easily peeled
off and likely originated from the CT blade tips.
Compressor Turbine: All blades were in place. Blade tip rubbing was present
on all blades with associated rolled over material at the tip of each blade. The
edge of the blade platforms, at the leading edge showed scoring damage, due
contact with the inner shroud of the CT vane ring. The trailing edges of all blades
were damaged due contact with the inner shroud of the 1st stage PT vane ring.
The downstream face of the disk as well as the blade fixings and retaining rivets
exhibited scoring damage from contact with the PT vane ring baffle. Severe
36 of 78
scoring with associated deformation was observed on the disk centre hub and
anti-rotation lugs due to contact with the PT disk retaining nut and vane baffle.
ITT Probes, Busbar, and Harness: The temperature probes were either bent or
fractured. The bus bar and harness was intact.
Power Turbine Housing: Compressive deformation was observed in the T5
probe region. Scoring and multiple low energy impact marks were found on the
downstream portion of the housing.
Power Turbine Guide Vane Ring and Interstage Baffle 1st Stage: The vane
ring was fractured in multiple pieces. Only two portions of the inner shroud were
available for examination. The baffle remained stuck to the centre hub of the 1st
stage PT disk and it showed significant circular scoring damage from contact with
the CT disk.
Power Turbine Shroud 1st Stage: Obliterated by the fracture of the 1st stage
PT vane ring.
Power Turbine 1st Stage: All blades were fractured adjacent to the platform.
Examination of the fracture surfaces revealed dendritic features characteristic of
overload type fracture. No evidence of fatigue was found.
Power Turbine Guide Vane Ring and Interstage Baffle 2nd Stage: The
leading edge of all vanes exhibited impact damage due to the fracture of the 1st
stage PT blades. Significant impact damage was found on the trailing edge of the
vanes as well as the outer shroud.
Power Turbine Shroud 2nd Stage: The shroud was covered with small impact
marks and scoring caused by the fracture of the 1st stage PT blades. No
evidence of high energy impact was found.
Power Turbine 2nd Stage: A number of blades were fractured near the
platform. Some other blades were fractured at various locations with the airfoils.
All of the fracture surfaces exhibited features characteristic of overload with no
evidence of fatigue noted. The remaining blade tips exhibited severe rubbing
resulting in partial loss of the shrouded tips.
37 of 78
Reduction Gearbox
Rear Housing: Fracture of the bolting flange and housing was observed
adjacent to the oil scavenge ports.
1st Stage Sungear: The splines appeared intact when viewed through the
carrier. The inner diameter exhibited metal deposits and scoring from contact
with the propeller oil sleeve. The sungear was not removed.
1st Stage Planet Gear Carrier: Dirty. The outer edge of the carrier showed
scoring damage from contact with the 2nd stage planet gearshaft nuts. The
carrier thrust washer was fractured and recovered within the RGB housing.
1st Stage Planet Gears: Intact. The gears were free of movement.
1st Stage Ring Gear: Intact.
2nd Stage Sun Gear and Flex Coupling: Dirty but intact. The oil slingers were
2nd Stage Planet Gear Carrier: The carrier was intact. The planet gear shafts
retaining nuts exhibited scoring damage from contact with the 1st stage carrier.
2nd Stage Planet Gears: The gears were dirty but intact and free to move.
2nd Stage Ring Gear: Appeared intact.
Propeller Shaft: The propeller bolting flange was bent due impact. The oil
transfer sleeve showed significant circular scoring wear due contact with the 1st
stage sun gear.
Forward Housing: The mounting flange was fractured at various locations. A
portion of the housing itself was fractured off at the 8 o‘clock position as a result
of impact.
Accessory Gearbox
Disassembly of the gearbox showed no evidence of pre-impact anomalies to any
of the gears or bearings.
Ignition System
38 of 78
Exciter Box: Impact damaged and covered in soot. Both lead connectors were
fractured off the unit.
Ignition Leads: The leads were impact damaged.
Ignition Plugs: Intact.
Fuel System
Fuel Pump: The pump had separated from its AGB mounting pad and the drive
shaft was bent. Soot covered all surfaces.
Fuel Control Unit: Covered with fire residues. The P3/Py adapter was loose and
the control levers were bent.
Flow Divider: Dirty but appeared physically intact.
Fuel Nozzles: Many transfer tubes were either bent or dislodged as a result of
the structural deformation present on the GGC. All nozzles showed dirty tips. The
nozzle stems were covered with organic dirt.
Air System:
Compressor Bleed Valve: Both valves were covered in fire residues. The low
pressure valve piston moved freely. The piston from the high pressure valve was
not capable of movement and the diaphragm exhibited fire damage.
Oil System:
Propeller Governor: The unit was dirty with fire residues and the control lever
was fractured.
Overspeed Governor: The complete unit was fractured off its RGB mounting
1.17.1 General
39 of 78
in the flood and earthquake affected areas and any special task assigned by the
All flights are undertaken on behalf of the State for bonafide Government
duties as deemed appropriate by the Central Government and are not meant for
commercial or remuneration purpose.
As per the Manual, in addition to the Chief of Flight Safety, there shall be a
Chief of SMS who shall be responsible for carrying out all the functions of the
Safety Manager as per Doc 9859.
On the date of accident, the following Type qualified flight crew were
available with the Organisation for operating the B-200 aircraft:-
An Examiner with around 8000 hrs of total flying experience (referred to as
Examiner in the report.)
Two Pilots (deceased in the present accident) who were the General Duty
(GD) Officers of the Organisation and were selected through an in-house
selection process. They were trained at Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Udaan
Academy (IGRUA), Fursatgunj, U.P. to acquire their CPL and were then
inducted in the Air Wing (referred to as PF and PM in the report).
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One Pilot (CPL holder) who was the GD Officer of the Organisation and
had shifted to the Air Wing (referred to as 3rd GD Officer in the report).
One retired Air Force Officer who was holding the position of the Senior
Operations Officer (SOO) (referred to as SOO in the report).
1.17.2 Maintenance
a) On 21st September 2015, the aircraft made a suspected hard landing at Delhi
on the return journey from Kanpur to Delhi as reported by the AME on board.
The aircraft was inspected by the AME on duty. The pilot did not report any
defect in the PDR from Kanpur to Delhi. On this flight, the SOO was acting as
42 of 78
b) After a flight from Bhopal to Delhi on 24th November 2015, while taxing to
hangar the left engine was inadvertently shut down by PM who was the PIC
and the SOO was acting as Co- Pilot. The PIC reported in the PDR as ‗PORT
CHECKED‘. The aircraft was got checked by a senior AME and the AME on
board. Rectification carried out was:
I. Checked the port side condition lever for proper operation as per
procedure given in aircraft maintenance manual chapter 76-10-05
found satisfactory.
II. Port condition control catch Gate checked as per the procedure laid
down in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual Chapter 76-10-05. Found
III. Engine control checked for proper operation, free movement and
routing as per the procedure laid down in the aircraft maintenance
manual chapter 76-00-00. Found satisfactory.
IV. Operation ground run carried out to check the operation of the
System and Engine parameters. Found all parameters within the limit
and satisfactory.
c) On 13th Nov 2015, while returning from Suratgarh to Delhi, three pieces
of metallic weights, weighing 71 Kgs each with diameter of 8 inches and
height of 1 foot were carried in the aircraft. The flight was operated by 3rd
GD Officer as PIC and the SOO as Co- Pilot.
43 of 78
d) On 9th Dec 2015, a flight was operated from Ranchi to Delhi by the
flight crew with the SOO as PIC, an AME and a Cabin Crew. The PIC
reported NIL defects in the PDR. On 10th December, 2015 the aircraft
was due for 25Hrs Inspection, while carrying out the inspection, multiple
dents were observed on both sides of the Nose Avionics Compartment
Panels, which was reported by the Quality Manager to the Chief of
Flight Safety the same day. After obtaining clearance from the DGCA,
the dents were rectified on 14 th Dec 2015 by the AME.
44 of 78
It was noted that the PF was checked by Capt. Vikas Sharma (Type
Examiner) in November 2012 and was released to fly as PIC on B-200 aircraft.
During the same period, the 3rd GD Officer was also released by Capt. Vikas
Sharma to fly as PIC. At that time the Examiner of the Organisation was acting
as Chief of SMS but was not consulted by the Organisation prior to the above
two releases though both pilots had flown with him for more than 02 years.
It will be pertinent to note that Capt. Vikas Sharma was working with
another State Government, where the minimum flying experience required is
1000 hrs as co-pilot on multi-engine aircraft before release as PIC subject to
satisfactory assessment by the supervisory senior pilot/ Type Examiner. The
Examiner had intimated the hazard of low Type experienced pilots being
released as PIC to the DGCA on 22.03.2013 as Chief of SMS of the
Between November 2012 and April 2013, it is revealed that the Examiner
had flown as PIC with the PM. As per the Examiner, the roster was prepared by
the young pilots (GD Officers) and approved by the IG Air and that he (Examiner)
had no role to play. The scrutiny of the documents of the deceased flight crew
revealed that the Examiner had flown as PIC with both of them (PF and PM)
performing the duties of Co-Pilot. The Examiner had carried out the IR checks of
the PF, PM & the 3rd GD pilot. But these pilots never operated as PIC with the
Examiner pairing with them as Co-pilot/ Supervising Pilot.
45 of 78
There is no laid down procedure in the Organisation regarding ‗Flying
under Supervision‘. Prior to the induction of the GD Pilots in the Organisation;
after endorsement on B-200 aircraft the freshly endorsed Pilot was permitted to
fly as PIC only after attaining multi engine flying experience of at least 1000 hrs.
Thereafter, the Pilot would fly as PIC only with another Senior Captain/ Instructor/
Examiner on B-200 aircraft.
PIC/ release as PIC, explaining that there is no short cut to experience and type
of aircraft which pilot is flying.
CAPF pilots to fly as PIC/ release as PIC mentioning flying experience of these
pilots, number of occurrences etc.
On release of independent command on B-200 aircraft.
Soliciting intervention for appropriate steps to avoid any fatal accident in near
46 of 78
The weight and load data sheets for B-200 aircraft since April 2015 were
perused. In all data sheets, the weight of baggage in the aft cabin compartment is
calculated as 20 Kgs, irrespective of the number of passengers or sector. The
flights had been operated at one time or the other by all the Pilots qualified on
Type and operating as Pilot-in-Command. For all flights the baggage in the aft
cabin compartment cannot be always calculated as 20 Kgs – it appears
1.18 Additional information
The Committee was not provided with any documented system of flight
scheduling including that of the flight crew members. In order to understand the
procedures being followed by the Organisation, various approvals of flying
programme were reviewed and followed by interrogation of the then DIG (Air) &
Alternate Accountable Manager, Chief Engineer (Fixed Wing) and Deputy Chief
Engineer (Rotary Wing).
The then DIG (Air) in his statement stated that the procedure for
scheduling the flights was that the programme is received by the Duty Officer at
Air Operations Control Room (AOCR)in the IG (Air) Office at Palam. The Duty
Officer forwards the programme to the IG (Air) for his approval. In the absence of
the IG (Air), the DIG (Air) forwards the programme received from AOCR, Palam
to the ADG (Logistics) for his approval. Only after the approval is accorded by the
ADG (Logistics)/ IG (Air) the form containing the programme was resent to
AOCR Palam. The accidental flight was also approved by the ADG (Logistics) as
the IG (Air) was on temporary duty to Bhuj. The IG (Air) had instructed him (DIG
Air) to put up the file to the ADG (Logistics).
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During interrogation, the then DIG (Air) also provided a copy of the flying
programme which was forwarded by one of the deceased flight crew and carried
the name of the SOO as the other flight crew member. It was also mentioned in
the proposed flying programme that it had telephonic approval of the IG (Air).
As per the Deputy Chief Engineer (Rotary Wing) the transportation of men
and material for BSF Rotary Wing by BSF Fixed Wing aircraft is not a regular
feature, but on as and when requirement basis. The Deputy Chief Engineer
(Rotary Wing) after obtaining permission of the IG (Air) would forward the
requirements to the BSF Fixed Wing to use their services. In this particular case,
after taking permission from the IG (Air), the Fixed Wing was asked about the
details of the flight to Ranchi and the Rotary Wing was informed that the Fixed
Wing flight is scheduled in the morning of 22.12.2015. As the Deputy Chief
Engineer (Rotary Wing) was on official duty to Jodhpur from 21.12.2015, he
informed the In-charge, Movement Control Centre to route the gang, tools and
testers for transportation to Ranchi by the Fixed Wing on 22.12.2015.
The Chief Engineer Fixed Wing (DIG) stationed at Palam was specifically
asked about the reason for the flying programme for B 200 aircraft on 22.12.2015
being approved by the ADG (Logistics) on the recommendation of the DIG (Air).
This flying programme did not have signature or recommendations of the Duty
Officer, AOCR, Palam. Whereas, since April 2015 all flying programmes
originated from Duty Officer, AOCR, Palam and were approved by the IG (Air).
The CE stated that, based on the four incidents occurring on B 200 aircraft
on 21st September 2015,13th Nov 2015, 24th Nov 2015 and 09thDec 2015, the
Engineering Section, Palam considering them as as a flight safety issue had
raised a report on 11th December 2015 to the IG, Palam (Officer other than IG
Air), for taking immediate necessary action. The IG, Palam had referred the
matter to the ADG (Logistics).The Chief Engineer further stated that it seems in
the interest of flight safety and based on the report of IG, Palam a decision would
have been taken at the Head Quarters to detail the deceased flight crew in place
of the crew composition proposed by AOCR, Palam for the flight dated
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22.12.2015. In the revised crew composition, the SOO was replaced by the PF
for the flight dated 22.12.2015.
The Organization shall have division depending on its scope activity namely
Engineering, Operations, Quality and Safety Divisions, etc. Such divisions will
have competent person to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
The Organization shall have in their safety division adequately qualified
person to analyse incidents, defects, carry out internal safety audits and
monitor flight operation quality assurance by downloading flight data recorder
information. The head of safety division shall be approved in accordance with
CAR Section 5, Series F, Part I.
An Operator shall formulate and implement a safety management system
acceptable to the DGCA, which as a minimum:
a) Identifies safety hazards;
b) Provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the
safety level achieved;
c) Ensure that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable
level of safety takes place on a continual basis; and
d) Aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level of safety.
A safety management system shall clearly define lines of safety accountability
throughout the Operator‘s Organization, including a direct accountability for
safety on the part of senior management.
49 of 78
When operating VIP flights with fixed wing aircraft, the pilot-in-command shall
possess CPL or ATPL with at least 3000 hours including 2000 hours as PIC,
50 hours as PIC on type of aircraft to be flown and 50 hours of night flying
experience. In addition, the pilot should have a minimum of 30 hours as PIC
experience in the last 6 months including five hours on type in the last thirty
days of the intended flight. In case 30 hours recency during the last 6 months
is not met with, then in last 30 days, a satisfactory skill test (as required for
licence renewal) shall be carried out followed by 5 hours of PIC experience.
VIP flights shall always be operated with a multiple crew composition and the
PIC shall meet the requirements of 6.15, as the case may be.
Note 1: When a new type of aircraft is introduced in the fleet of State
Government/ undertaking, the experience of PIC on type
may be reduced with prior permission of DGCA, if the pilot
has adequate flying experience of similar type of aircraft.
The permit holder shall notify to the DGCA any accidents, incidents, major
defects or other significant occurrence as given in Car Section 5 series C part
I. Such information shall be provided to the DGCA (Attention: Director Air
Safety) by the quickest means but not later than 24 hours.
The Safety division shall follow proactive accident prevention procedures.
The permission holder shall monthly return to DGCA on the number of hours
flown by each aircraft of the fleet, defects encountered and reasons for
prolonged grounding of the aircraft, if any. Such returns will be sent to local
airworthiness office with a copy to the DGCA Hqrs (Attn: Director of Air
Transport). Permit as per CAR Requirement
50 of 78
to the subject Organisation and was pointed out during surveillance, the subject
Organisation had applied for issue of the Operating Permit in the year 2012.
51 of 78
An effective interface for knowledge sharing between regulator and stake
A safety promotion framework to support a sound safety culture.
52 of 78
1.18.4 Training & Flying information Pilots on B-200 Aircraft Since 2008
The details of all pilots trained on B-200 aircraft and their related flying
information on Type since 2008 is as follows:
53 of 78
1.18.6 Weight & Balance of Aircraft
54 of 78
1.19 Useful or Effective Investigation Techniques
2.1.1 General
No inspection was due on the aircraft prior to its release on the date of
The snags reported from April 2013 till the date of accident were
scrutinised. There was a repetitive snag with respect to the PROP lever and
PROP Governor. The snag was not reported after replacement of the PROP
(Port side) Governor. There was no reported defect requiring maintenance action
on the date of accident which could have contributed to the accident.
55 of 78
accident flight. It can be concluded that the aircraft was maintained properly and
it was airworthy to take the flight.
The left hand engine exhibited complete separation of the front half reduction
gearbox and accessories gearbox due to impact. Compressive impact damage
was mostly concentrated at the 6 o‘clock position. Impact damage and bending in
the opposite direction of rotation was noted on the 1st stage compressor blades.
Rotational signatures were visible on the compressor and 1st stage power
turbine disks, blades and adjacent stators. The 2nd stage disk showed extensive
blade tip rubbing and subsequent bending of the blade airfoils in the direction
opposite rotation.
The right hand engine showed complete separation of the power turbine module
and reduction gearbox as well as complete separation of the accessories
gearbox. Significant impact damage covered all surfaces of structural cases and
all external components.
Bending of airfoils on blades and vanes consistent with rotation at impact was
noted on the examined components of the compressor.
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2.1.3 Accessories investigation
Investigation of the engine accessories did not reveal any anomalies which could
have prevented the engine from operating properly before impact.
It is possible that the BOV leaks were caused by exposure to the post-crash fire.
The No. 2 engine OSG was damaged and material analysis of the fracture
surfaces confirmed that the fractures had occurred due to tensile overload. The
nature of the damage suggests that this was a consequence of the crash, not a
contributing factor.
There were no defects or damage evident that would have prevented normal
operation prior to the event.
2.2 Weather
The weather at the time of accident at Delhi was foggy with visibility
reported as 800 meters and winds of 3 knots. The previous METAR which was
available with the flight crew mentioned visibility of 600 meters. The visibility was
marginal and it is inferred that the marginal visibility was a contributory factor to
the accident.
Both the involved cockpit crew, i.e., the Pilot-in-Command and the Co-pilot
were qualified to operate B-200 aircraft. The Pilot-in-Command and the Co-pilot
were holding valid CPL license with Type endorsement.The Instrument Rating on
57 of 78
Type for both Pilots was current. The PF had a total flying experience of 964 hrs
including 77 hrs as PIC on Type and the PM had a total flying experience of 891
hrs including 196:35 as PIC on Type. Both Pilots had valid class I medical and
had undergone Proficiency Checks on Type as per the requirements. Both pilots
had undergone Pre-flight medical including breath-analyzer test before the flight
and were not under the influence of alcohol.
58 of 78
The pattern followed regarding the release of a Pilot to operate as PIC on
B-200 aircraft after obtaining endorsement was discussed by the Committee with
a number of Heads of Aviation operating B-200 aircraft within the country. The
Committee noticed that initially the Pilot gains between 500 to 1000 hours of
flying experience as Co-pilot and is then released to fly as PIC based on
satisfactory assessment by their Supervisory Senior Pilot/ Release Check by
Type Examiner. Furthermore, such newly released Pilot is initially paired with a
Senior Commander functioning as Pilot Monitoring and never with a freshly
endorsed/ low experience Co-pilot.
The Organisation had 05 Pilots qualified for One B-200 aircraft; therefore
the quantum of flying available to these pilots was not sufficient to maintain their
proficiency. The Organisation took up the matter with the MHA suggesting them
the ways to provide more flying experience to these pilots. The MHA while
agreeing to the recommendations made by the BSF Air Wing by allocating
minimum 15 hours per pilot per month for fixed wing also mentioned the
‗It is desired that the above mentioned minimum required flying hours to
the pilots shall be completed in normal execution of flying task. Any shortfall in
the above mentioned minimum required flying hours to the pilot should be met by
assigning extra flying/ sorties/ training hours. BSF Air Wing to plan coordinate
and execute the regular flying task in such a way that at any point of time the
requirement for allotting the additional training flying hours for recency / recurrent
training / validation for a pilot is minimized‘.
It was also conveyed that only in emergent cases for a pilot to maintain his
bare minimum necessary qualifications as per the existing norms of the DGCA or
the IAF, the additional flying hours may be allocated.
59 of 78
The Committee also perused the pay structure of the Organisational pilots
including their allowances vis-a-vis the actual flying hours flown by them. Flying
hours from the beginning are directly entitled for flying incentives for
Organisational Pilots, whereas the flight crew on deputation from the IAF are
entitled to flying pay, as well as, flying incentives.
2.5 Organisation
Both the PF and PM were current and qualified. There was no issue with
the aircraft which might have contributed to the accident. The question then
arises why a qualified crew in a well maintained smoothly running aircraft met
with an accident?
60 of 78
The Organisation seems to suffer from Complacency which can be
described as a loss of awareness of potential dangers. In the present case flying
undertaken by the flight crew wherein both, the PF and the PM, were neither
possessing adequate flying experience nor could mutually add or impart quality
flying experience in the real sense of the terms.
The combination of this flight crew was continued over other Type
qualified Pilots in the Organisation. Therefore, though the numbers of flying hours
flown by this flight crew were increasing, but whether it added to qualitative
improvement in their flying skills is questionable? All this while, the highly
experienced Examiner was meagrely rostered for the flights.
61 of 78
In aviation many tasks and operations are team affairs; no individual can
be made responsible for safe outcomes of all tasks. To create an effective safe
environment, it is necessary that the issues are discussed, clarified, agreed,
understood and duties assigned. However, in the event of an individual being
short in discharging the assigned duties, a situation may be created for unsafe
The Flight Safety Manual and the Safety Management System Manuals
have been prepared. The SMS Manual and the Safety Policy has been signed
and issued by the Accountable Manager. It appears, however that these
documents were prepared for fulfilling the regulatory requirements only.
Safety Training has been stated as a major way to achieve the goal of
Safety Promotion and is required to be provided to all staff with refresher courses
each year, but it was found that even initial training had not been imparted. So
much so, the Chief of Flight Safety had not undergone any Safety Training. The
safety duties are defined in the SMS Manual but in practice individuals were not
aware of their functions.
62 of 78
On the accident flight, the PF was rostered in place of the SOO though no
reasons for change could be traced as there was no documented procedure of
rostering available with the Organisation. Organizational practices develop over
time, through experiences and often under the influence of a specific
working culture. These practices can be good or bad; safe or unsafe; and they
are referred to as ‗the way we do things round here‘ before becoming Norms.
Such practices follow unwritten rules or behaviours, which often deviate from the
mandatory rules, procedures and instructions. These Norms are enforced
through peer pressure and by force of habit.
It is known, that most Norms are not designed to meet all circumstances
and therefore are not adequately tested against potential threats.
63 of 78
2.6 Weight & Balance of Aircraft
From the wreckage, personal baggage and tools and equipment were
retrieved and weighed. The weight of the personal baggage was around 152
Kgs. In addition
Battery: 22.8 Kgs
Test box Tool Kit: 16.6 Kgs
Mi Docs: 1 kg
2nd Battery (Mi) New: 23 Kgs
As per the UO.853/ Gen-MiscVol.II/RW/SAP/AW/BSF/2015 dated
21.12.2015 the following items were sent for Mi-17 servicing at Ranchi by B-200
Super King Aircraft.
64 of 78
11. PAMAS S-40 Fuel Particle Count tester Srl No. 400-1808 with complete
accessories and packing case.
The aircraft AUW was therefore far higher than what was reflected in Load &
Trim sheet.
The timings are in mm:ss prior to the crash.
The aircraft was loaded with lot of tools and equipments for carrying out
maintenance of Mi-172 helicopter. The above conversation indicates that the big
equipments like jack and other equipments were being adjusted below the seats
and in the aisle.
65 of 78
16:23 Thoda dekh lete hain is position pe
16:14 ACFT VT-BSA we will take 10 minutes delay for taxi sir due
administrative reasons
16:06 VT-BSA report ready for taxi and taxi instructions
16:00 Roger Sir, Wilco
10:52 VT-BSA request taxi now
The aircraft after taking permission from the ATC started taxiing which
however was stopped after about a minute and half of taxi clearance. (The
SMGCS recording revealed that the aircraft stopped on taxiway E1). The flight
crew discussed amongst themselves and decided to review the situation at that
location. Review was probably in view of the visibility prevailing at that time
particularly when the aircraft came in the open area away from the cluster of
hangars near their parking bay. Though, the flight crew cancelled the taxi
clearance citing administrative reasons at that point they carried out thorough
serviceability checks of the autopilot.
05:37 ACFT We will rotate at 110 and above, ok thik hai
03:53 120/06 knots so we will be getting tail winds
03:49 So we have to rotate after 120...
Thik hai
03:25 Oh ye bag kitna bada hai peechhe, kitna bada
The above conversation indicates the cockpit scenario when the flight
crew is discussing a very important phase and procedure, i.e., take-off and the
rotation speeds. At the same time their concentration was being diverted
probably due to the movement of heavy bags of technical staff in the cabin.
66 of 78
01:04 Callouts Speed - 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 95, 100
00:51 -----
00:47 What are you doing????
00:46 Chodo chodo
00:43 Please maintain direction
00:34 Right left ko ja raha hai
00:28 Ok, Leave it, engage, leave it
Ya leaving
00:21 Heading is not engaged
00:19 Not engaged I will take manual
00:12 Shit
00:08 ―BANKING‖ (Auto Alarm in the cockpit)
The timings are in mm:ss prior to the crash.
The above call outs, conversation and the warnings indicate that the Auto-
pilot was engaged just after the aircraft had lifted off (even the landing gear had
not been retracted). The heading mode was not engaged and probably both the
crew members presumed that the aircraft shall fly on the auto-pilot. The aircraft
however started turning left probably due to the existing left bank at the time of
engagement of the autopilot followed by multiple warnings.
The first three harmonics of the propeller sounds were visible. A strong,
consistent signal at approximately 133 Hz was visible in the first harmonic
67 of 78
This value corresponds to a propeller RPM of approximately 1995, which
is consistent with a take-off propeller shaft speed of 2000RPM and is in
conformity with the value given in aircraft type certificate data sheet. Some
fluctuation was noted during the last 15 seconds of the recording. These
fluctuations are limited to +/- 25 RPM (1.25% of nominal takeoff RPM). No split in
propeller RPM speed was observed between engines.
Spectrum analysis of the audio data was carried out in order to determine
if the propeller speeds were within normal range during the accident sequence.
As there was no CAM audio available in this case, the extra track was used for
the analysis.
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The first three harmonics of the propeller sounds were visible. A strong,
consistent signal at approximately 133 Hz was visible in the first harmonic
The B-200 aircraft was detailed for the purposes of transport of men and
material of Rotary Wing Division of the Organisation. After according approval for
operation of flight, the office of the IG (Air) is not in the picture for actual
operations. There were 06 technical persons of the Rotary Wing along with their
personal baggage (152 Kgs), tools and Equipment (63.4 Kgs).
On the day of the accident, the passengers reached the aircraft at 0215
UTC (0745 Hours IST). The expected Off Block Time was 0330 UTC (0900 hours
IST).The latest METAR which the flight crew had received was of 0330 hours
UTC (0830 hours IST) which indicated visibility of 600 meters with calm winds.
The progress strip was generated for this flight by ATC, Delhi. The flight was
cleared from Runway 28.
Initial flight level as co-ordinated with Area Control Centre (ACC) was FL 210
and flight level as per flight plan was FL 230.
The first call to the ATC was given at 0343 Hours UTC (0913 hours IST) and the
aircraft start-up was at 0344 hours UTC (0914 hours IST).
There were a total of 10 persons (including flight crew, an AME and cabin crew)
on board through security.
Initial taxi clearance was given at 0350 hours UTC (0920 hours IST) which was
then changed to 0357 hours UTC (0927 hours IST).
The departure clearance was given ‗after take-off from runway 28, turn right
heading 295 climb to FL 60, further with radar‘.
On the day and time of the flight, men and material board the aircraft with
no checks or supervision on the material being loaded including its weight. The
aircraft is cleared for operation by an approved AME on B-200 aircraft.
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As per the CVR readout and ATC tape transcript, the flight crew asked for
start-up clearance when the aircraft was parked in front of the hangar of the
Organisation. The general visibility at that time was 800 meters (improved from
the previous METAR value of 600 meters). Mid RVR was 1100 meters. The
location where the aircraft was parked is surrounded by hangars and parking
The start-up clearance was given and the flight crew carried out the start-
up checklist. Taxi clearance was obtained and the aircraft started taxiing from
their dispersal towards holding point of runway 28 via taxiway E1, E. The flight
crew after obtaining taxiing clearance had taxied the aircraft from their dispersal
towards taxiway E1. The aircraft stopped taxiing at E1 as revealed on the
SMGCS recording, and the flight crew informed the ATC for 10 minutes delay for
further taxi due to administrative reasons (the actual delay was of 07 minutes as
per the flight progress strip). The ATC had accordingly cancelled their taxi
The location (taxiway E1) where the aircraft had stopped is an open area
with full view of the runway 28 in the direction of the intended take off by the
subject aircraft. At this location one gets the actual feel of the existing visibility
conditions. The intra- cockpit recording of that moment reveals about the
discussion amongst the flight crew whether or not to continue the flight from that
point onwards? After deliberation, the flight crew decided to continue the flight. In
the mean time they discussed about checking the serviceability of the autopilot.
After obtaining permission of ten minutes delay for further taxiing due to
administrative reasons, the flight crew carried out serviceability checks of the
autopilot. These checks are to ensure that the autopilot gets engaged when
actions are taken to engage, and does not disengage unless specific inputs are
given to do so.
After completion of the autopilot checks, the flight crew again obtained taxi
clearance and taxied from taxiway ‗E1‘ to the holding point for runway 28 on
taxiway ‗E‘. The flight crew then carried out checklist and decided that during
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take-off roll they will rotate after 120 knots. The Tower then cleared the aircraft to
taxi via ‗E‘, line-up and wait on runway 28. The crew carried out ‗before take-off‘
checklist. The aircraft was then cleared for take-off. The speed call outs were
given followed by rotate call out after the aircraft attained a speed of 110 knots at
51 seconds before the crash. At 43 seconds before the crash, the PM asked the
PF to maintain direction as the aircraft was going left – right. At 21 seconds prior
to the crash, the PM realises that the heading mode of the autopilot is not
engaged followed by his attempt to fly the aircraft manually. Simultaneously, at
17 seconds prior to the crash there were successive warnings, i.e., of the
autopilot disengage alarm, altitude alert alarm, bank angle alarm and stall
warning alarm. At 08 seconds prior to the crash stall warning alarm came ON.
The alarm continued till the end along with Bank Angle warning from the
EGPWS. Soon afterwards the aircraft crashed.
The total PIC experience of the PF on the B-200 aircraft was 77:00 hours
and that of the PM was 196:35 hours as PIC. The PF was released as PIC after
620:35 hours of co-pilot experience on Type, while the PM was released as PIC
after 183 hours of co-pilot experience on Type. Most of the on Type experience
of these two flight crew was gained while flying amongst themselves. Despite
written instructions of the Accountable Manager that an experienced pilot should
be on board as the second pilot whenever the PF or PM were flying as PIC,
these low experienced pilots did not fly under supervision of an experienced pilot
while building their respective PIC experience.
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For operating the accident flight, it appears that the flight crew were not
confidant due to the poor foggy condition prevailing at the time of planned
departure. With an understanding that immediately after take-off, autopilot will be
engaged and the aircraft will fly away on the autopilot, the crew cancelled the taxi
clearance and carried out the serviceability checks of the operation of
(engagement/ disengagement) of the autopilot.
Just after lift-off, even without retracting the landing gear, the crew
engaged the autopilot but did not engage the ‗Heading Mode‘ of the autopilot.
This hurried and non-standard action by the flight crew by engaging the auto-pilot
immediately after lift-off reveals their eagerness to let the aircraft be flown by the
autopilot and underlines their inability to fly the aircraft manually until autopilot
engagement height was achieved. As per the Pilot Operating Handbook
procedure, after lift–off and establishing of positive rate of climb, the landing gear
is retracted. Thereafter the climb power is set and the autopilot should be
engaged only after attaining the height of 500 feet AGL. Engagement of the
autopilot without engaging the Heading Mode resulted in the aircraft turning left
probably due to the existing left bank or inadvertent manual input by the flight
crew at the time of engagement of the autopilot. The bank angle increased
progressively and beyond 45o, a situation the flight crew could not decipher
because of their disorientation. After disengagement of the autopilot, probability
exists that the flight crew had further increased the bank instead of taking
corrective action to decrease the bank. This allowed the bank angle to increase
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beyond 45o resulting in multiple altitude warning and stalling of the aircraft. The
aircraft crashed after turning almost 180o from the direction of the take-off.
3. Conclusions:
In the previous sections, in addition to the unsafe acts for the conduct of
the flight, the Committee has put forward the factual state of affairs as existing in
the Organisation on the date of accident and analysed the same particularly for
the actions or inactions which could have acted as precursor to the accident. In
the following section, active and latent failures identified within the functioning of
the various Departments of the Organisation are compiled that culminated into
the accident. The approach is based on broad human error framework to
investigate and analyse human factors aspects. The aim is not to attribute
blame; but to understand the underlying causal factors that lead to this accident.
3.1 Findings:
3.1.1 General
The defect records were scrutinized and there was no defect pending on the
aircraft prior to the accident-flight which could have contributed to the
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The PIC & the Co-pilot were holding valid license on the Type of the aircraft.
Both the flight crew held valid medical certificates.
The flight crew had undergone pre-flight medical examination at Delhi and
was normal. The BA test was negative.
It was observed that the Organisation has not established the Flight Safety
Department in true letter and spirit.
Though the flights were approved by the IG (Air) along with his clear
instructions for safe operations, there was no documented monitoring/
supervision of the operations at ground level to check if decisions taken by
the flight crew were otherwise.
The Chief of Flight Safety/ SMS is supposed to carry out all the proactive
safety oversight activities but is not trained on any of these aspects.
The existing structure of the Organisation is not as per the Manual of Air
Operations of the Organisation. The senior level Officials required for these
positions were either non-existent or were short of meeting the mandatory
Though the Organisation operates for Very Important Persons (as defined in
the DGCA CAR on the subject), that mandates higher experienced flight
crew; but the Organisation recruited flight crew from the scratch (CPL
holders) and permitted them to operate mutually unsupervised inspite of their
low Total/ Type flying experience.
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The Organisation was not issued authorisation (Operating Permit) to
undertake aircraft operations as required in the CAR on the subject.
There was lack of awareness of the effects of the actions of the Individuals
and Departments on the wider tasks in the Organisation. (Absence of risk
analysis and its mitigation).
The Organisation was working on NORMS instead of well laid down Systems
& Procedures.
The Safety & Quality Policies were existing on paper, but no documentary
evidence existed to prove that effective procedures for implementation of
these policies were followed.
Some isolated instructions were issued on the subject of planning of flights,
but the rostering of the flight crew rested with the junior most pilots without
supervision, which is an unsafe practice.
The B-200 aircraft was endorsed on the license of the involved flight crew,
which legally permits them to function as PIC on Type, but the Committee is
of the considered view that these pilots should have gained qualitative
experience with Type qualified Senior Pilot (acting as Co-pilot/ Supervising
pilot) including the one available in the Organisation – as is the general
The Flight Standards Directorate (FSD) of the DGCA had carried out
Surveillance Checks and Audits of the Organisation which included their flight
operations also. The findings during the present investigation by the
Committee either do not find mention in the reports of the FSD or there was
lack of effective action taken by the Organisation on the findings of the FSD.
There is no laid down procedure in the Organisation regarding ‗Flying under
Supervision‘ and accordingly no such flights were documented/ logged.
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3.1.4 Preconditions for Unsafe Acts (Latent)
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3.2 Probable Cause of the Accident:
4. Safety Recommendations:
1. The DGCA should amend the para 6.15 of CAR Sec 3 Air Transport Ser C
Part X dated 02nd June 2010 as follows:
o When operating VIP flights with fixed wing aircraft, the pilot-in-
command shall possess CPL or ATPL with at least 3000 hours out
of which 1000 hours on Multi/ Twin Engine aircraft including 2000
hours as PIC out of which 500 hrs as PIC on Multi/ Twin engine
aircraft, 100 hours as PIC on type of aircraft to be flown and 50
hours of night flying experience. In addition, the pilot should have a
minimum of 30 hours as PIC experience in the last 6 months
including five hours on type in the last thirty days of the intended
flight. In case 30 hrs. recency during the last 6 months is not met
with, then in last 30 days, a satisfactory skill test (as required for
licence renewal) shall be carried out followed by 5 hrs. of PIC
3. The Organisation should ensure that risk analysis is carried out for every
action and mitigation action is evolved. Ways and means be developed to
avoid false sense of safe operations.
4. The DGCA should carry out thorough regulatory audit of the organisation
and ensure that the Organisation meets at least all the requirements of
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