Aircraft Accident Investigation
Aircraft Accident Investigation
Aircraft Accident Investigation
Report 852-1056
© Commonwealth of Australia 1986
I S B N 064<4055'*5
Synopsl s 1
1. Factual Information
1.1 History of the flight 1
1.2 Injuries to persons 3
1.3 Damage to aircraft 3
1.4 Other damage 3
1.5 Personnel 1 nf ormatl on 3
1.6 Aircraft Information
1.6.1 History 4
1.6.2 Loading 4
1.6.3 Fuel considerations 4
1.6.4 Maintenance and serviceability 5 Attitude Instruments required for flight 6 Instrument unservlceablHty 6
1.7 Meteorologlcal Information 8
1.8 Aids to navigation 8
1.9 Communications 8
1.10 Aerodrome Information 9
1.11 Flight recorders
1.11.1 Cockpit Voice Recorder 9
1.11.2 Flight Data Recorder 10
1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information 11
1.12.1 Search and recovery 11
1.13 Medical and pathological Information
1.13.1 Medical reports 13
1.13.2 Pathology 13
1.14 Fire 13
1.15 Survival aspects 13
1.16 Tests and research
1.16.1 The crew The pilot 1n command 14 The co-pilot 14
1.16.2 The aircraft Structure 15 Engines 15 Control surfaces 16 Stabiliser trim 16
1.16.3 Other research Blrdstrlke 16
1.17 Additional Information
1.17.1 Criminal allegations 16
1.17.2 Recorded radar information 17
1.18 New Investigation techniques
1.18.1 Use of hypnosis 17
1.18.2 Pilot performance experiments 1n flight simulator..18
2 Analysis
2.1 General 19
2.2 The aircraft 19
2.3 The crew 20
2.4 Meteorological conditions 20
2.5 The accident sequence 20
2.5.1 Structural failure of the alrframe 21
2.5.2 Uncommanded elevator trim Inputs 21
2.5.3 Sabotage . 21
2.5.4 Collision with another aircraft or object 22
2.5.5 Pilot 1ncapac1tat1on 22
2.5.6 Suicide 22
2.6 Spatlal dlsorlentatlon 22
2.6.1 Simulation of flight Instrument unserv1ceabH1ty...23
3 Concl uslons 23
4 Relevant events and factors 25
5 Safety recommendations 25
A Standard Instrument Departure chart 26
B Flight Data Recorder presentation 27
C Transcript of Cockpit Voice Recorder Information...28
Note : All times shown are Australian Eastern Standard Time
(Greenwich Mean Time plus 10 hours), and are based
on the 24-hour clock:
IAI 1124 Westwlnd aircraft, registered VH-IWJ, was operating under a
current Certificate of Registration, the holder of which was Pel-Air
Aviation Pty Ltd (Pe1-A1r). The aircraft was operated by Pel-A1r and, at
the time of the accident, 1t was engaged on a regularly scheduled cargo
service. This service was operated under the terms of a current Charter
and Aerial Work Licence, and was flown on behalf of Ansett Air Freight, a
subsidiary of Ansett Transport Industries Pty Ltd. The particular flight,
designated Flight 474, was operated on 4 nights each week from Sydney to
Brisbane and Cairns, Queensland.
The aircraft had departed Cairns earlier In the evening and had flown via
Brisbane to Sydney, arriving at 2336 hours. The arriving crew reported
that the aircraft was performing normally. A total of 1350 litres of fuel
was added to the aircraft tanks and loading of general cargo was carried
out by Ansett A1r Freight personnel.
The flight plan submitted to Air Traffic Control (ATC) Indicated that the
flight would follow the normal Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) procedures.
The estimated time Interval to Brisbane was 70 minutes at planned Flight
Level 370 (approximate altitude of 37000 feet). The aircraft carried
sufficient fuel for 164 minutes of flight, and refuelling was planned to
take place at Brisbane prior to departure for Cairns.
Pel-Air Intended to use the flight to assess the performance of the
rostered co-p1lot, who was being considered for upgrading to command
status. He was to occupy the left hand control seat, while the right hand
seat occupant was the Chief Pilot of the company.
At 0033 hours the crew established radio contact on the Sydney ATC
Clearance Delivery frequency, and were given a "16 West Maitland One"
Standard Instrument Departure (SID). The flight pattern associated with
this clearance requires the aircraft to maintain heading after take-off on
Runway 16 until reaching a height of 500 feet, when a left turn is made to
intercept the 126 radial of the Sydney VOR (Very High Frequency
Omni-directional Range). At a position of 6 nautical miles by
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) from the aerodrome, a left turn onto
357 degrees is made 1n order to continue tracking with reference to the
West Haiti and VOR. A copy of the applicable SID chart is shown at
Appendix A.
Shortly before 0049 hours the crew contacted Sydney Control Tower, and the
aircraft was directed to taxy for a departure from Runway 16. At the time
the wind was light and variable. After receiving the appropriate
clearance, an evidently normal take-off was made, and at 0056 hours
contact was established with Sydney Departures Control. The pilot in
command advised that the aircraft was on climb to Flight Level 370 , and
requested the direct track to Brisbane. This was a standard request, to
allow the aircraft to proceed directly to the destination rather than
follow the various radio navigation aids along the route. Such a request
was normally granted by ATC if the general traffic situation permitted use
of the direct track, and provided the aircraft was equipped with a
suitable navigation system. VH-IWJ was fitted with a VLF/Omega navigation
system which was capable of direct tracking. After ascertaining this, the
Departures controller advised the aircraft that the direct track to
Brisbane would probably be available. The acknowledgment of this comment
was the last recorded transmission from the aircraft.
Shortly before 0059 hours the Departures controller broadcast the
clearance for the aircraft to track direct to Brisbane at the planned
cruising level. No response was received from the aircraft, although the
controller noted that radar returns were still visible on his screen.
Shortly afterwards, these returns faded, and the Distress Phase of Search
and Rescue procedures was Instituted at 0100 hours.
At about this time, a number of persons observed what appeared to be the
lights of an aircraft descending rapidly towards the sea. The lights
maintained their position relative to each other, indicating that the
aircraft was not rotating as It descended.
The aircraft had faded from the radar screen at a point about 11
kilometres south-east of Sydney Airport. A search of the area was
commenced using helicopters and boats. Wreckage Identified as being from
the aircraft was sighted by a helicopter at 0245 hours. Recovery of
pieces of the aircraft structure, freight and human remains was effected
by Police and Department of Aviation launches. The degree of destruction
indicated that the aircraft had struck the water while travelling at high
The bulk of the wreckage was presumed to be lying in about 85 metres of
water about 5 kilometres out to sea from Botany Bay. An Intensive search
was carried out by vessels from the Royal Australian Navy, later assisted
by a vessel from the NSW Department of Fisheries and Agriculture. Use was
made of various underwater detection devices. Search efforts were
hampered by persistent unfavourable sea conditions and no trace was found
of the wreckage. Operations were finally suspended towards the end of
November 1985. An Internationally recognised underwater location and
salvage expert was then employed, and the wreckage was ultimately located
and identified In 92 metres of water on 20 January 1986. Recovery of the
Flight Data and Cockpit Voice Recorders, the major portions of both
engines, and sundry other pieces of the aircraft structure, was effected
the following month.
The rate of turn system has three main components. These are:
(a) a sensor, which Is a gyro that senses the direction and rate of turn
of the aircraft and converts this Information Into electric current for
transmission to the rate of turn Indicator. This sensor 1s mounted
beneath the cabin floor.
(b) a rate of turn Indicator, which 1s a simple ammeter calibrated to
Indicate the degree and direction of turn of the aircraft. It achieves
this by responding to the electric current originating from the sensor
referred to above. It 1s mounted on the lower casing of the pilot's
(c) the Interconnecting wiring between the sensor and the Indicator.
After the first report of the unservlceablHty of the system the relevant
engineering staff carried out a number of checks and component changes to
rectify the fault. Three different Indicators and two different sensors
were fitted to the aircraft at different times during the period of the
reports. All of these units when fitted to other aircraft operated
correctly, but when fitted to VH-IWJ the rate of turn Indicator operated
1n the reverse sense. The engineering staff reported that they had
carried out continuity checks on the wiring between the two components and
those checks had confirmed that the aircraft was wired 1n accordance with
the aircraft wiring diagrams. Nevertheless, 1t was considered likely that
a fault had existed 1n the aircraft wiring, but the Investigation was
unable to determine the precise circumstances under which such a fault
might have occurred.
recording being obtained 15 seconds before the loss of reliable data from
the other parameters.
Estimates of the angles of bank achieved during the turn were computed.
During the Initial turn to the left the bank angle reached 20 degrees.
The aircraft then rolled to a wings level attitude before the angle of
bank rapidly Increased to the right, reaching 1n excess of 90 degrees.
The vertical acceleration force was normal until the point at which the
aircraft commenced the turn to the right. At this time It commenced to
Increase progressively, until shortly before Impact when the recorded
value exceeded the calibrated limit of 6g. The recorded Increase had been
1n the positive sense, I.e. following take-off the aircraft did not
encounter a vertical acceleration of less than the normal Ig.
The recorder was subject to annual and 1000 hour calibration checks. As
it was last calibrated on 20 February 1985 1t was within the annual limit.
However, the aircraft had flown a total of 1146 hours since that date. It
could not be established from the operator's records for how many of these
hours the particular recorder had been fitted to VH-IWJ, therefore its
calibration compliance status could not be determined. All recorded
information was found to be within required tolerances and the data
recovered was considered valid. Graphical presentation of the data 1s
shown at Appendix B.
The FDR was equipped with a ULB, which was mounted on the front of the FDR
casing. No signals had been received from this device during the search
operation. When the FDR was recovered, it was found that the ULB had been
disabled as a result of a localised heavy Impact, which distorted the case
of the unit and damaged the electronics module.
The first pieces of wreckage were recovered less than 3 hours after the
accident at a position 116 degrees magnetic and 7 nautical miles by DME
from the Sydney navigation aids. The largest part of the aircraft to be
recovered was the outer two-thirds of the right wing including the
tip-tank. From the appearance of the Items recovered on that morning It
was evident that the aircraft had contacted the surface of the sea at very
high speed and had been violently destroyed. On 20 January 1986 the
remainder of the wreckage was located on the seabed about 1.5 km from the
position where the floating debris had been recovered. Information
obtained via a video camera confirmed the degree of destruction suffered
by the aircraft at the time of Initial Impact. Despite the recovery of
various components from the seabed, 1t was not possible to establish the
precise attitude of the aircraft at the time 1t struck the water.
1.12.1 Search and Recovery
The Distress Phase of Search and Rescue (SAR) procedures had been declared
at 0100 hours. Within 9 minutes of the disappearance of VH-IWJ, another
Pel-A1r Westwlnd, which had been preparing to depart for Melbourne, was
despatched to the last observed position of VH-IWJ. This aircraft was 1n
the area a short time later but was unable to detect any trace of the
missing aircraft. Meanwhile, the Senior Operations Controller (SOC) at
Sydney Airport had arranged for three SAR equipped helicopters to assist
1n the search for the aircraft. The NSW Water Police supplied two
launches and the Department of Aviation crash launch was also requested to
assist. An offer of help was also received from the Royal Australian
Navy, with advice that a helicopter had been launched from a vessel which
was 1n the vicinity.
The first helicopter was 1n the designated search area within 43 minutes
of the aircraft's disappearance and was joined a short time later by the
other elements of the search effort. Debris was first located at 0245
hours and the launches were directed to that location. The flotsam
consisted of the outer section of the right wing; items of freight; seat
cushions; life jackets; oxygen masks and tank; portions of both elevators
and other small pieces of the aircraft structure. A small quantity of
human remains was also recovered.
A combination of eyewitness evidence, the recollection of the Departures
Controller as to the last observed radar position, and the location of the
flotsam, was used to determine the most probable position of the remainder
of the wreckage. At the request of the Department of Aviation the Royal
Australian Navy provided a mlnehunter vessel, which was to be used to
locate the wreckage. Suitable equipment was carried to permit the
reception of signals from the ULB. The vessel arrived on-stat1on at 1526
hours on the day of the accident and Immediately commenced a search
pattern, utilising the ULB signal receivers In addition to the hull
mounted sonar equipment. However, throughout the entire search operation,
no signals were received from the ULB.
Searching continued until the afternoon of 12 October when adverse weather
and sea conditions halted operations for 3 days. During this period a
side-scanning sonar device, which was more suitable for the task, was
obtained and fitted to the mlnehunter.
A number of sonar contacts had been made during the early stages of the
operation. Water depth In the area precluded the use of conventional
diving techniques to obtain positive Identification of the various
contacts. Use was therefore made of two remote operated vehicles (ROV).
These were capable of diving to the depths required, recording the
contacts via television cameras, and capable of carrying out limited
recovery operations.
Searching activities continued, however a combination of adverse sea
states and equipment unservlceablHty frustrated the effort. Naval
support was ultimately withdrawn, but side-scan mapping was continued,
using a research vessel, until 22 November. At this time the operation
was suspended because of the lack of success 1n positively locating the
Arrangements were made for an American expert In the field of underwater
search and recovery of crashed aircraft to travel to Australia, 1n order
to advise on the usefulness of further searching. As a result of this
visit, a Sydney based towing and salvage firm was contracted to continue
the operation. Specialist men and equipment were provided from the USA,
and the Royal Australian Navy again supplied a mlnehunter vessel. On 20
January 1986, the wreckage of VH-IWJ was located at a depth of 92 metres
in position 118 degrees magnetic and 7.3 nautical miles by DME from the
Sydney navigation aids. The wreckage formed an elliptical pattern, some
200 metres long and 50 metres wide, aligned in a direction of 3288M. The
location was within the original search area. It was evident that the
degree of fragmentation of the aircraft; the limitations of the sonar
equipment used; and the lack of local expertise 1n the Interpretation
of sonar Information had precluded Its earlier discovery.
Recovery of the wreckage was co-ordinated by the towing and salvage
company, with additional vessels provided by the RAN and the Department of
Transport. This particular operation was commenced on 20 February 1986,
and both the FDR and the CVR were recovered that afternoon. Major
portions of both engines and various pieces of the aircraft structure and
components were recovered during the following two days. However, the
principal recovery vessel dragged Its moorings during a period of adverse
weather, and the cost and effort required to re-moor the vessel was
considered to be uneconomic. All recovery activity ceased on 23 February
1.13.1 Medical Reports
Records maintained by the Department of Aviation showed that both crew
members had completed regular six-monthly medical examinations without
problems. The only Item of significance 1n Mr Haskett's records related
to a long standing mild electrical conduction defect of the heart, which
could cause an Irregularity of the heart beat. This conduction defect
could possibly have been associated with Ischaemlc heart disease, which
results from a restriction of blood vessels supplying the heart. Such a
condition places the person at a slightly greater risk of heart attack
than the average. No abnormality or Irregularity was noted during Mr
Haskett's last medical check, which was completed seven weeks prior to the
Mr Jackson had suffered a fractured skull in 1966, but there were no
associated problems arising from that particular Injury and he had no
significant medical history.
1.13.2 Pathology
There were Insufficient remains recovered for detailed pathological
examination. The autopsy was necessarily limited to the Identification of
the crew members.
1.14 FIRE
There was no fire associated with the development of the accident.
1.16.1 THE CREW The Pilot 1n Command
Comprehensive Interviews were conducted with all the company Westwind
pilots and various management personnel. Mr Haskett was evaluated by
other company pilots as having average manipulative and instrument flying
skills for his level of experience. However, they considered that he
excelled as an Instructor by virtue of his personality, lecturing
technique and thorough knowledge of the aircraft and its systems. He was
a loyal and hard working employee who disliked inefficiency and laziness,
and expected nothing less than 100% effort from other company personnel.
Several company pilots reported that on check flights, Mr Haskett in his
role of check and training pilot, would introduce simulated systems
failures at any stage of the flight. Which systems were Involved and the
extent of the failure was mostly graded to take into account the
experience of the pilot undergoing check. A point made by almost all of
the company pilots was that Mr Haskett could be relied upon to Introduce a
unique or obscure failure that had not been covered previously with the
candidate. It was also his habit to require the candidate to handle
simultaneous systems failures but this was also graded to the experience
of the particular pilot. An example of the types of simultaneous and
complex failures given related to the loss of various navigation and
attitude Instruments, coupled with an engine failure, while the pilot was
carrying out an instrument approach at night.
Mr Haskett expected the company co-pilots to demonstrate their ability to
safely control the aircraft by reference to the emergency FAI, following
simulated failure of the FAI on the right Instrument panel. Some command
pilots were expected to make use of the rate of turn indicator, following
simulated failures of both FAIs on the left panel. To prevent the pilot
obtaining attitude information from the co-pilot's FAI, this Instrument
was covered, or the cockpit lighting on that side was extinguished.
Some of the company pilots had been expected to cope with this emergency
exercise immediately after a take-off at night. The Co-Pilot
Mr Jackson had previously been based in Darwin with Pel-Air, where he
acted as pilot in command on Shorts 3-30 type aircraft. He had applied to
be transferred to Sydney when a vacancy became available. After arriving
1n Sydney to take up the position offered, he had apparently shown little
Interest in the company. He seemed to be having difficulty in reverting
from a pilot in command to a co-pilot, even though the company pilots
considered that the Westwind was a more desirable type to operate.
Company policy required a co-pilot to have accumulated a minimum of 500
hours on Westwinds before being eligible for command upgrading. When a
vacancy for a pilot 1n command had become available, Mr Jackson had lodged
an application for the position. He was to be the first co-p1lot to be
considered for the particular vacancy, because of his overall seniority 1n
the company.
Mr Jackson undertook an appraisal flight with Mr Haskett on 2 and 3
October 1985. Mr Haskett assessed his performance as unsatisfactory, on
the grounds of lack of knowledge of the various emergency procedures and
the aircraft systems. Counselling was given on these aspects by Mr
Haskett. Mr Jackson was also reminded that It was company policy to
permit a first-officer two attempts to upgrade to captain, and should the
second attempt be unsuccessful, the candidate remained as a co-pilot
Indefinitely. At the same meeting he was also counselled by the General
Manager on his overall attitude towards the company.
On 7 and 8 October, Mr Jackson had flown with another company check pilot,
who subsequently reported that In his opinion Mr Jackson had made
noticeable Improvement. However, he had still displayed some lack of
knowledge of various procedures, and the actions required in the event of
failures of some of the aircraft systems. During the flight Mr Jackson
was required to control the aircraft using the emergency FAI for attitude
guidance, following the simulated failure of the primary FAI. The check
pilot reported that Mr Jackson handled the exercise without difficulty,
and considered that he would make a suitable command pilot, following a
period of supervision.
Mr Jackson had recently been Informed of the unserv1ceabH1ty of the rate
of turn Indicator In VH-IWJ by one of the company pilots. The flight on
which the accident occurred was only the third occasion he had occupied
the left hand side control seat, and was the first occasion he had flown
VH-IWJ from that seat. It could not be determined whether Mr Haskett had
required him to fly using the rate of turn indicator during the appraisal
flight on 2 and 3 October. However, there was no doubt that Mr Jackson
had little or no recent experience In the use of this Instrument.
Mr Jackson had a disturbed sleep on the night preceding the accident
flight. This was evidently unusual for him as he was normally able to
relax quickly and he had adjusted well to the varying sleep patterns
Imposed on pilots who must work at night. He had spent most of the
previous day studying for the coming flight and he was aware that this was
probably his last chance to convince the Chief Pilot of his suitability
for upgrading. As he had not complained of any health problem, 1t Is
likely that this caused his unrest.
1.16.2 THE AIRCRAFT Structure
The section of right wing recovered on the morning of the accident was
examined and determined to have failed 1n upward bending overload. The
wing malnspar failed just Inboard of the rib at Wing Station (WS) 93. This
position was about 4.5 metres from the outer edge of the wlngtlp fuel
tank. There was no damage to the wing leading edge. However, the
trailing edge and the lower rear section of the tip-tank displayed damage
consistent with the wing striking the water trailing edge first. No
evidence of any pre-existing damage to the wing could be found. Engines
Examination of engine components confirmed that both engines were
operating at the time of Impact. The compressor blades of both engines
showed gross bending against the direction of rotation. This 1s
consistent with high rotational speed of the blades as they came Into
contact with the dlffuser casing. The combustion casing of the right
engine was torslonally buckled in the direction of rotation consistent
with gross braking loads as the compressor contacted the casing. The left
engine tailpipe was subjected to metallurgical examination to determine
Its temperature when buckled at Impact. This was determined to have been
1n excess of 500°C and Is also consistent with the engine operating at
high speed at Impact. Control Surfaces
Although sections of the both elevators were recovered 1n the same
location as the other flotsam on the morning of the accident, little else
of the control surfaces or systems was recovered. Due to the other
evidence available, 1t 1s considered however that these components were
not of causal significance. Stabiliser Trim
The horizontal stabiliser jack was recovered attached to a section of the
fuselage rear bulkhead and part of the support structure. The right hand
screwjack was broken at about half Its length and was missing. The left
hand screwjack rod end was torn from the horizontal stabiliser front spar
attachment point. The distance between rod ends on the left screwjack was
measured to determine the stabiliser position before Impact. It was
established by reference to the maintenance manual that the stabiliser was
In a position of -2.6 degrees, which was appropriate for the gross weight
and speed of the aircraft at the time.
1.16.3 OTHER RESEARCH B1rdstr1ke
The services of an ornithologist were enlisted to ascertain the likelihood
of the aircraft being disabled as a result of a blrdstrlke. The
Information obtained revealed that many species of migratory birds fly at
night, up to an altitude of about 20000 feet. Although over forty species
of shoreblrds migrate between Asia and Australia, mainly 1n October, there
1s greater movement across Australia from the northwest rather than down
the Eastern seaboard. The largest bird likely to be encountered off the
East Coast at night during October Is the Black Swan whose maximum weight
for an adult Is 8.75 kg. These are common in southeastern Australia and
travel considerable distances at night up to altitudes of 10000 feet. The
conditions prevailing at the time of the accident would not have Impeded
bird flight 1n any significant way.
After recovery and transcription of the CVR tape 1t was evident that the
aircraft had not suffered a blrdstrlke.
out with the co-operation of, but Independent from, the Bureau of A1r
Safety Investigation.
A comprehensive forensic examination carried out by the Police found no
evidence to support any suggestion that any criminal attempt was made
to destroy the aircraft or Its crew.
1.17.2 Recorded Radar Information.
When VH-IWJ became airborne from Runway 16, the Departures controller was
able to monitor Its progress on radar by reference to the primary return
from the skin of the aircraft, and a secondary return generated by a
transponder In the aircraft. A primary return 1s generated each time the
radar antenna at the Airport receives a skin paint from an aircraft, and
the array completes one rotation 1n approximately 6 seconds. The antenna
which receives secondary returns Is mounted on the Route Surveillance
Radar Installation, which takes about 12 seconds to complete each
rotation. Information relating to the position and.height of the aircraft
1s updated at this rate.
Considerable difficulty was experienced In determining the exact position
at which the returns from the aircraft faded from the radar screen. The
last recorded secondary return was received before the aircraft commenced
Its left turn at about the 6 DME position. However, the controller had
observed primary paints from the aircraft as 1t made the turn. The loss
of secondary radar Information during a turn 1s a known phenomenon,
occurring as the transponder antenna 1s shielded by the aircraft
structure. At the present time at the major airports 1n Australia, only
the secondary radar Information 1s recorded. As a result, the point at
which the controller assessed the aircraft returns had faded depended on
his recollections, and could not be positively verified. The likely area
1n which the aircraft struck the water was therefore unable to be defined
as accurately as desired. This 1n turn led to a dilution of the search
effort, with the available resources requiring to be spread over a larger
Investigation that the aircraft had rolled Into the descent, rather than
pitched nose-down from a wings-level attitude. This aspect provided
valuable assistance to the Investigation, at a time when there was
considerable doubt that the flight recorders would be recovered.
Following the recovery of the FDR, the sequence of events as described by
the witness was proved to be accurate. This was further confirmed by the
results of the experiments carried out 1n the flight simulator, as
described at Para 1.18.2.
A considerable amount of research has been carried out Into the use of
hypnosis during criminal Investigations. Similar research 1s being
undertaken for Its use in aircraft accident Investigations. There are
conflicting reports of the usefulness of the technique, as it has been
shown scientifically that hypnosis rarely enhances memory. However, there
is evidence that hypnotic Interviews are most likely to reveal significant
information when witnesses are genuinely motivated towards the use of the
technique. This was the first occasion in which hypnosis had been applied
in this country to assist an aircraft accident investigation, and the
results were encouraging.
1.18.2 Pilot Performance Experiments In Flight Simulator.
It became apparent during the investigation that the check pilot had
possibly simulated failures of all FAIs shortly after the aircraft was
established in a steady climb. This would leave the pilot flying the
aircraft with no direct attitude instrument reference, and commit him to
fly the aircraft with no gyro attitude Instrument, In an environment where
there were no external visual references. Such a task, while difficult,
should be within the capabilities of a properly trained pilot, providing
the remaining Instruments are functioning correctly. However, the rate of
turn indicator in this aircraft was operating In the reverse sense. The
effects on pilot performance under these demanding circumstances was
In order to obtain specific Information on the difficulties of maintaining
aircraft control under the described circumstances, a series of
experiments was carried out in a flight simulator. The results of the
experiments were then used to animate an aircraft image on the Bureau's
computer graphics system in order to observe the flight paths 1n three
dimensions and in real time.
The simulator used was a Boeing 707-338 model. It was configured with a
similar Instrument panel to that 1n VH-IWJ, except that the rate of turn
indicator was a separate Instrument with a considerably larger pointer.
For the purpose of the exercise, a 7 channel pen recorder was Installed,
and modifications were made to enable the sense of the rate of turn
Indicator to be reversed as desired.
The program for the experiment was devised by the Bureau's human
performance experts, 1n conjunction with flight recorder and simulator
specialists. The pilots used were 9 qualified Boeing 707 pilots. They
were each required to execute a take-off followed by a "16 West Maitland
One" departure from Sydney, with the Introduction of limited panel
operation shortly before the required turn at 6 DME. The exercise was
then repeated, but with the sense of the rate of turn indicator reversed
at the point of Introduction of the limited panel condition.
The results of the study showed that all of the pilots maintained adequate
control of the aircraft when the rate of turn Indicator was operating
correctly. However, with the sense of this Instrument reversed, 3 pilots
lost control and "crashed" the simulator. In each case, control was lost
after the commencement of the left turn, with the aircraft finally
executing a steep turn to the right. The final Impact was at an angle in
excess of 50 degrees nose down, and at an airspeed In excess of 500 knots.
None of the pilots made any attempt to reduce engine thrust, and all
Impacts were with climb thrust still applied.
The average time taken for the aircraft to descend from about 5000 feet to
sea level was 12 seconds. In addition, 4 other pilots entered a right
turn following their Initial turn to the left. These pilots were able to
retain control, and subsequently were able to turn again to the left. It
was noted that all pilots who turned to the right did so an average of 6
seconds after commencing the planned turn to the left. This finding was
of considerable interest, as it had been believed that with the turn
Indicator showing a right deflection when the left turn was commenced, the
pilot would naturally apply more left bank input to achieve the desired
result. It was therefore expected that if control were lost, it would
involve an Increasing bank to the left. The simulator experiments showed
unequivocally that this was not the case.
2.1 General
The Initial preparations for the flight were apparently normal. The
unserviceabllitles listed in the maintenance documentation relating to the
rate of turn Indicator and the altitude alerting system would not, in
themselves, have affected the ability of the crew to safely conduct the
flight. The take-off and Initial climb also appeared to be normal.
However, control of the aircraft was lost just over 2 minutes after
take-off, as a turn, which should have taken the aircraft left through 129
degrees, was commenced.
This analysis evaluates the relevant areas of the witness, engineering and
flight recorders evidence and examines the possible operational reasons
for the loss of control and the subsequent descent into the sea.
been achieved by the placing of a placard near the face of the Instrument,
or by the pulling and locking of the appropriate circuit breaker.
The examination of the wreckage recovered together with the Information
obtained from the FDR and CVR did not reveal any evidence to Indicate that
the aircraft was not capable of normal operation at the time of departure
from Sydney. Both engines were operating at high rotational speeds at the
time of Impact, and 1t was considered that the circumstances of the
accident were not consistent with those that might be expected with an
engine related problem.
(c) Sabotage
(d) Collision with another aircraft or object
(e) Pilot Incapacltatlon
(f) Suicide
(g) Spatial dlsorlentatlon
2.5.1 Structural Failure of the Alrframe.
The aircraft type did not have any history of structural problems. VH-IWJ
had been maintained 1n accordance with the approved schedules, and had
flown a lower number of hours than Its contemporaries In Australian
Eye witness evidence Indicated that the aircraft descended steeply but
without noticeable movement about the longitudinal axis. The landing
lights were visible, and formed the basis of this evidence. The lights
were located on the front of the wing tip fuel tanks, thus It was apparent
that neither wing had failed 1n flight. Portions of both elevators were
recovered In the main area of floating wreckage, Indicating that they had
been attached to the alrframe at or close to the point of Impact. In
addition, no sounds that could possibly be associated with an In-flight
structural failure were detected on the CVR tape, nor was there any
comment from the crew to Indicate a sudden control problem. None of the
components recovered showed any sign of failure other than by overload
2.5.2 Uncommanded Elevator Trim Inputs.
There are known cases of aircraft accidents resulting from a situation
known as "runaway elevator trim". Typically, the trim runs away to the
full nose-up or full nose-down position, leading to loss of control and/or
overload failure of the structure. None of these accidents have Involved
the Westwlnd type.
In the case 1n point, the most serious situation would result from a
nose-down trim Input. Such an Input would result 1n a strong negative "g"
acceleration as the aircraft pitched down. The FDR foil Indicated that
there was a progressive Increase In positive "g" loadings, and eye witness
evidence Indicated that the aircraft rolled, rather than pitched, Into the
descent. In addition, the horizontal stabiliser jack was found to be 1n
the mid-range of Its travel. Again, no comments were recorded from the
crew to Indicate such a problem occurred.
2.5.3 Sabotage.
The most likely methods for any sabotage attempt were considered to be an
explosive device or a toxic chemical or gas container concealed In the
freight. The Investigation disclosed no reason for any such attempt on
this aircraft or crew, and the CVR tape did not record sounds of an
on-board explosion or unusual comment from the crew. Forensic testing
carried out by the NSW Police Department also failed to reveal any
evidence to support a sabotage attempt.
2.5.4 Collision with Another Aircraft or Object.
The analysis of recorded radar Information together with evidence from the
various ATC personnel on duty indicated that no other aircraft was in the
area at the time. The sounds of a bird or other object striking the
aircraft with sufficient force to disrupt the structure would have been
recorded on the CVR tape. No such noises were recorded.
2.5.5 Pilot Incapacltatlon.
Both pilots were apparently In good general health, although on the
evening prior to the flight Mr Jackson had not slept as well as normal.
It was considered possible that one of the pilots may have suffered a
sudden illness or incapacity, such as a heart attack, and had slumped
forwards onto the controls. Such a movement would result 1n a similar
movement to a runaway trim situation, with a large negative "g" input. As
previously mentioned, the "g" forces were positive, and there was no
recorded comment or exclamation as might be expected if a crew member
collapsed. The majority of Pel-Air pilots also believed that if either
pilot slumped forward, the other had sufficient strength to pull him
clear of the controls.
2.5.6 Suicide.
No evidence was found to suggest that either or both pilots had
contemplated such an attempt.
2.6 Spatial Disorientation.
In the absence of any evidence to Indicate that the loss of control was
related to any of the previous considerations, it seems likely that the
accident resulted from the crew losing their awareness of the attitude of
the aircraft.
Spatial dlsbrientation describes a situation in which a pilot fails to
sense correctly the position, motion or attitude of his aircraft. It
results from a conflict of information from his senses, primarily those of
vision and balance. Alternatively, where there are Insufficient visual
cues, the information from the sense of balance is all that is available
to determine orientation. The sense of balance Is extremely unreliable
and, depending on the circumstances of flight, may provide erroneous
information to the pilot. If there is no visual means with which to
cross-check the Information from the balance senses, the pilot may be
unaware that it is in error. His perception of the aircraft orientation
in space may thus be Incorrect, and he will not be aware that this Is so.
Both pilots were qualified to operate the aircraft under Instrument
Meteorological Conditions. The night was dark, and there would have been
no visible horizon as the aircraft tracked out to sea. Under these
conditions the crew would have been required to monitor and control the
attitude of the aircraft solely by reference to the flight instruments.
The aircraft had a comprehensive array of Instruments, including two FAIs
on the left panel and one on the right. On a routine flight 1t would be
expected that if both indicators on the left side failed, or 1f the pilot
had difficulty with control, the pilot in the right seat would monitor the
situation or assume control If necessary. The FAIs were powered from
separate sources, and the simultaneous failure of all three was extremely
unlikely. No evidence was found to indicate that any of the FAIs had
failed for technical reasons.
It 1s difficult to conceive how two experienced pilots would lose control
of the aircraft 1n normal flight conditions if all the Instruments
usually available for attitude control were functioning properly.
2.6.1 Simulation of Flight Instrument Unservlceablllty.
Information recovered from the CVR indicated that soon after the required
checks following take-off had been completed and the aircraft was
established 1n a normal climb, the check pilot stated his intention to
simulate an emergency instrument situation. The simulation was probably
intended as a test of the ability of Mr Jackson to operate the aircraft
under limited Instrument conditions. Evidence obtained from other company
pilots indicated that Mr Haskett was known to Introduce such an exercise
by failing both FAIs on the left instrument panel. This would require the
pilot being checked to assess the attitude of the aircraft by integrating
the information presented by the remaining flight Instruments, 1n order to
give a mental picture of the position of the aircraft with reference to
the natural horizon. To counter any tendency on the part of the pilot to
glance at the FAI on the right Instrument panel for additional guidance,
Mr Haskett was known to cover this Instrument, or to turn the lighting
down on that side of the cockpit. Although this ensured that the pilot
flying the aircraft had no single attitude reference Instrument, 1t also
deprived Mr Haskett of an instant check of aircraft attitude. If he had
adopted such a procedure on this occasion, he lost the ability to readily
monitor Mr Jackson's performance of the task, because of the lack of a
natural or artificial horizon reference.
If the limited panel situation had been simulated as discussed above, Mr
Jackson would have had to make use of the rate of turn indicator 1n order
to assess the bank angle of the aircraft during the turn. Although he had
recently been informed by another company pilot of the defect in the
Instrument, it was likely that he Inadvertently overlooked It under the
high workload Involved as he concentrated on the handling of the aircraft.
It was apparent that the loss of control occurred shortly after the
planned turn to the left had been commenced, and followed a steep bank to
the right. It was likely that neither pilot was aware of the attitude of
the aircraft until it had reached an extreme point, possibly at or about
the inverted position and with the nose well below the horizontal. From
this position, there was evidently insufficient height remaining 1n which
the pilots could effect a recovery.
1. The pilots were correctly licenced and were suitably experienced and
qualified to undertake the flight.
2. There was no evidence that either pilot suffered any sudden Illness
or Incapacity which might have affected his ability to safely control
the aircraft.
3. The aircraft had been maintained 1n accordance with the approved
schedules, and there was nothing to suggest that It was not capable
of normal operation at the time of departure from Sydney Airport.
4. The weight and centre of gravity of the aircraft were estimated to be
within the limits specified In the approved Flight Manual.
5. The provision of air traffic control services was not a factor 1n the
6. There were no meteorological conditions that might have contributed
to the accident.
7. The aircraft was technically rendered un-a1rworthy by virtue of a
defect In the rate of turn indicator, which formed part of the FAI on
the left hand side Instrument panel. The presence of the defect had
been known for almost 12 months, and all attempts to rectify the
deficiency had been unsuccessful. The operating company had not made
application to have the defect Incorporated Into the approved
Permissible Unservlceability Schedule.
8. The operating company had made no effort to alert pilots to the
continuing presence of the above defect, by placarding or removing
the electrical power supply to the Instrument.
9. The presence of the defect did not compromise the ability of the
crews to operate the aircraft safely under normal conditions.
10. The pilot 1n command intended to use the flight to assess the
performance of the co-pilot, who was being considered for up-grading
to command status.
11. The pilot in command was known to simulate emergency Instrument
flight conditions while checking company pilots. These simulations
took the form of failures to the FAIs on the left instrument panel,
and the masking of the Indicator on the right by covering or the
removal of Instrument lighting.
12. It was likely that on this occasion that the simulated failures
referred to above were given shortly before the aircraft reached a
position of 6 DME from Sydney. At this time the pilot 1n command had
no external reference by which to monitor the attitude of
the aircraft in relation to the horizon.
13. Shortly after commencing a planned turn to the left at a height of
about 5000 feet, the aircraft entered a rapid turn to the right and
rolled, probably to a nose-down Inverted position, before entering a
steep descent.
14. The pilots did not recover control of the aircraft before impact with
the water.
15. Experiments conducted 1n a simulator confirmed that the observed
loss of control was typical of that which could occur when the pilot
had no single attitude reference Instrument, and at a time when the
rate of turn indicator was operating 1n the Incorrect sense.
Relevant Events and Factors.
1. There was a known malfunction of the rate of turn Indicator.
2. The pilot 1n command possibly simulated simultaneous failures of
all three flight attitude Indicators.
3. There were no external references by which the crew could assess the
attitude of the aircraft.
4. A loss of control of the aircraft occurred at a height of about 5000
5. The crew did not recover control of the aircraft prior to Impact
with the sea.
4.1 When the likely circumstances of the accident had been established,
the following recommendation was made to the Department of Aviation:
"That consideration should be given to prohibiting comprehensive
simulated flight Instrument failures while training and checking
at night and In non-Visual Meteorological Conditions."
The Department of Aviation subsequently advised that the recommendation
had been accepted, and appropriate steps had been undertaken to alert the
aviation Industry.
4.2 Because of the difficulty 1n determining the final flight path and
subsequently locating the wreckage of the aircraft, due 1n part to the
failure of the Underwater Locator Beacon on the Flight Data Recorder, and
the lack of recorded primary radar Information, the following
recommendations were also made to the Department of Aviation:
(a) "That consideration should be given to requiring the fitment of
Underwater Locator Beacons to Cockpit Voice Recorders as well
as to Flight Data Recorders In aircraft required to carry such
(b) "That consideration should be given to the provision of
suitable equipment to permit the recording of primary radar
Information from Terminal Area and Route Surveillance Radar
Deportment of Aviotion.Auttrolio RWY 16 NORTH
VOR 1)3.7
NDB 224
ACD 127.5
DME 39 SMC 121.7 122.3IA)
TWR 120.5 279.5
123.0 263.6
125.3 2B5.6