P&F Meeting Minutes 12.06.18
P&F Meeting Minutes 12.06.18
P&F Meeting Minutes 12.06.18
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Agenda Item: Apologies and Minutes of previous meeting Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Agenda Item: Business arising from previous meeting/ Presenter: Kate Thomas
Agenda Item: Correspondence Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Agenda Item: Treasurers Report Presenter: Alisha Friend
Agenda Item: Parish Report Presenter: Father John Conway
Agenda Item: Presidents Report Presenter: Kate Thomas
Agenda Item: Principals Report Presenter: Nick Gallon
Agenda Item: Uniform Shop Report Presenter: Annette Darlington
Agenda Item: Sub Committee Report Presenter:
Agenda Item: Unstarred items Presenter: Open
Agenda Item: General Business Presenter: Kate Thomas and
Rebecca Groves
Agenda Item: Meeting closure and Next meeting dates Presenter: Kate Thomas
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Agenda Items
Agenda item: Apologies and Minutes of previous meeting Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Discussion: Apologies from Cr Cherie Dalley, Stefania Kleynendorst. Recommended minutes
from meeting on 08/05/2018 be confirmed (Minutes had been circulated, uploaded on google
drive/ social media and emailed out).
Conclusions: Meeting Minutes from 08/05/2018 confirmed
Moved by: Clinton Pattison
Seconded by: Alisha Friend
Agenda item: Business arising from previous meeting/ Presenter: Kate Thomas
Discussion: Calico bags- The P&F thanked Megan Behn and Kate Thomas for all their time
and effort sourcing quotes on calico bags. Ideas: P&F to purchase the bags and give it to the
preps as they come through. Parents present at the P&F meeting said this is a good idea- as it
is all happening through Coles and Woolworths. Parents said that it also comes down to twitter
and the teachers in order to keep reminding the students to bring own bags. Kate said bag could
be used as for excursions, not just for stalls. Annette stated that the P&F need to look at if the
bag is functional.
Parents present at meeting concluded that the bags still need to be discussed- put on agenda
for discussion later. Need to make a decision for prep as its coming soon in October. Kate
suggested in principle support of the bags, make a $500/600 to go towards calico bags. Annette
stated that many parents prefer to buy $2 reusable bags from Woolworths than buy a P&F
calico bag. Seanne asked about what was included in the quotes for the price and advised that
bags quoted were expensive. Advised the P&F to get one colour print as it would be cheaper,
and she is able to get trade pricing. Kate asked Seanne to get firm figures for the calico bags at
the trade prices for the next meeting. Annette advised that the uniform shop don’t sell a lot of the
tuckshop bags, are they are only $8.
Tuckshop bags- Kirsty asked if the tuckshop bags can be put on QKR app?
No decision made on the Calico bag. To be put on the agenda for discussion later.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Email received from Megan Behn with calico bag quotes and information.
Email received from Megan Behn with information regarding Solar for Schools program; was put
on the agenda for discussion.
Email received from Julie Lawson requesting that Colgate Oral Hygiene waste recycling project
be put on the agenda.
Email received from Julie Lawson requesting that Kids pollination curriculum/ Bee Hive be put
on the agenda.
Email received from a parent wanting to remain anonymous, asking that a discussion for a
school dress be put on the agenda.
Father’s Day brochure received in pigeon hole; has been passed onto Fiona Barrett.
Email’s received by Susan Leigh from St Bernardine’s School regarding invoices, statements
and remittance advice/s; have been forwarded to Alisha Friend.
Email received from Susan Leigh from St Bernardine’s School stating that the P&F are no
longer allowed to use plastic bags for their events etc. Even if they are second hand.
P&F have been using social media to communicate with parents; informing of upcoming events/
Alisha advised P&F account balance was $47, 854.26 at the time of the P&F meeting.
Alisha enquired does she sign off on the audit report?
Stacey said she answered the questions last year, when Mirella was the treasurer. But
Mirella signed the report.
Stacey said get Mirella to answer the questions, and Alisha sign the documents.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Nick Gallon stated that Alisha is the official position, Alisha signs the report for 2018.
Stacey said audit report requires two signatures.
Kate enquired if the reporting and signing be done in Sept, so outgoing committee signs.
Stacey and Nick Gallon said no, has to be done in a business year.
Current P&F account balance $47, 854.26 as of the 12TH of June 2018.
Action items Person responsible Deadline
Sign Audit report Alisha
Attached is Father John Conway’s report on page 10 and 11.
P&F Facebook profile
o Increase in number of posts. Increase in engagement. Communication and
celebration. School Values. Thank you to Rebecca.
Energex Grant Submission:
o For funding of flexible learning spaces. $5000. Not successful.
Meeting with Cr Cherie Daley
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Attached is the Principals report on page 12.
Uniform shop report attached on page 13.
Annette advised has just been busy with jumpers.
The committee received and noted the report from the Uniform shop
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Annette stated that while they say they may want them, but will parents pay the price for
Kylie asked would the committee like her to look into it? Parents and friends present
stated yes.
Kylie stated that there was a lot of chatter on the parents Facebook, and that a lot of
parents said the dress would help with differentiating gender.
Annette said that there are rules in life that children need to learn and need to abide by.
They can’t wear what they want.
Seanne and Kylie said that their children think they look like a boy’s uniform
Another parent said she likes that there are no gender differences at the school. Is in
support of the current uniform, has tried to take gender equality.
Annette said she can ask as an option from her current suppliers for a quote.
Denita advised that originally the uniform was sent out to the parents for a choice. There
was a dress as a choice. Parents voted on the current uniform
A parent asked if there was “no room for change? Is that the decision here?”
Nick and Denita advised no, that they would put a survey out to parents with estimated
pricing to help give parents an idea.
Solar for schools- discussion:
Nick said that the school is currently doing buildings
Want to finish building and renovations first before solar
Gambling grant application:
Denita advised that Stacey had previously looked into it at the beginning of the year. But
it can no longer be done through the P&F, it has to be done through Catholic education.
Invitations to have other principals attend P&F meetings- discussion:
Denita suggested having them come 30mins before the meeting
General consensus was that it is a really good idea.
Nick said that we are a catholic school, so we would look at catholic schools in the area.
Catie advised only about 3 meetings left
Possible schools/ ideas floated around at meeting:
o Seaton
o St Francis
o St Laurence
Kate asked what the best way is to approach the principals- Nick said through the P&F
P&F to do something/ thank you to parents- discussion:
Rebecca said the P&F wanted to do something for the parents. Looking for ideas from
parents present. Using it as a way of creating a connection with the parents. Develops
conversation. E.g. Give muffin and coffee/ tea
Mischa said idea too expensive
Kirsty suggested doing in afternoon, many parents there in the afternoon in undercover
area. Annette suggested alternating doing one morning one term, in other term do in
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Heather suggested handing out flyer when doing the coffee and muffin days
Stacey said no, she did not like the idea. That if this is an expense, she would rather the
money go to school
Stacey stated that she wants the levy to go to school not to parents
Mischa and Heather said doing something for the parents would not get more parents to
the meetings. Both stated not a good idea to do something for parents.
Colgate Oral Hygiene waste recycling program discussion:
Rebecca presented Colgate Oral Hygiene waste recycling program on behalf of Julie
Lawson, who had emailed in the agenda item
St Bernardine’s is 45th on the list.
Mischa said we were not likely to win.
Parents said to put a reminder on social media for other parents to recycle their oral
hygiene items.
Kids pollination curriculum efforts/ stingless bee hive:
Rebecca presented Stingless beehive on behalf of Julie Lawson, who had emailed in the
agenda item
Denita advised the school has previously done this, the bees only lasted about 3 weeks
Some parents said they didn’t think many bees around, perhaps because of construction
Kate said we might need someone that knows about bees to help with the hive. Kate
advised that perhaps Julie Lawson could present and explain this idea better at the next
Proposal: Informal P&F meeting to happen one week prior to formal P&F meeting
Parents present thought it was a good idea
Megan suggested meeting in undercover area
Tuesday 7th of august discussed as possible trial.
Nick said be explicit of the reason to have it, so parents don’t come expecting it to be the
formal P&F meeting.
Heather stated she wanted to ask a quick question- Asked why the school only does Gala days
for sports? And why has the school ditched interschool sports?
Nick said because its huge number. Children have to leave here on a Friday and not
getting back until late/3pm. Sitting on side of oval waiting, getting board, teachers spread
out doing referees. Kids get more playing time- an hour every Friday to learn skills and
more time.
Heather stated she is very unhappy with the way that it is currently. Said her children are
very unhappy and shattered. Heather said currently the St Bernardine’s rugby team is
shocking, because they are versing each other.
Nick said that it is not a P&F thing, it is something that needs to be discussed with school.
Heather said Richard has said the same thing. Denita and Catie Kelly advised that it is a
school-based decision.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Heather stated she wants the beep test to be included in the children’s reports, and
where they stand against their peers.
Nick said happy to talk about it personally with Heather and explain further why the
change has happened.
Action items Person responsible Deadline
Survey to be sent out to parents St Bernardine’s School
Social media reminder- Colgate Rebecca
Organization of informal P&F Kate and Rebecca
meeting to occur on 7th of August
Agenda item: Meeting closure and Next meeting dates Presenter: Kate Thomas
Kate thanked everyone for coming.
Date of next P&F meeting: 14th August 2018
Meeting Closed
Time of closure:
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
ST Bernardine’s P&F Meeting
12 June 2018
New Arrival
Fr Jacob has arrived to spend the next six months here in the parish. It will add an
extra priest to the life of the parish.
Seminarian Jack
Jack is about to enter into the solitude of 30 Day Retreat, and so will be away from
the parish for the next month or so. No doubt he will return a much holier man of
A few weeks ago, we completed the Sacraments of First communion for the young
people of the parish. Now we enter into the preparation phase for the sacrament of
Confirmation, focussing upon Year 3 age group and any other older children who
have yet to be Confirmed.
Information about the Parent Meetings should already be available through the
School Communications process.
For further information contact our parish office.
5R’s Partnership
BCE once again is asking the question as to why Catholic families choose not to
send their children to local catholic Schools.
Market research has been started with Dr Stephen Holmes. A surveymonkey has
been established to assess the situation. Address:
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
Perhaps in connection with this enquiry, other things are also happening. Tomorrow,
Wednesday 13th June, I am attending a meeting in Brisbane with members of the
Building a Future Group from BCE. The purpose of this gathering is to plan for the
future for both Schools and for the life of the Church.
I do not know where it will lead, but we enter into this ‘Think Tank’ looking towards
new hope for the future.
The future for this area is quite significant when it comes to planning for new Schools
and new parishes in the Flagstone area. It is a wait-and-see exercise at this point
in time, but the next 10 years or so will see significant movement in the area.
What that will mean for St Bernardine’s Parish and School is unknown at this time.
We just wait and see.
Much is being planned for the Grounds of the Church at St Bernardine’s. Following
the marvellous work that was carried out to repair and replace the electrical cables
for both Church and School, (at enormous expense) we now have to begin
reclaiming the grounds through our landscaping plans.
These plans are in the pipeline at present and when we can find someone that the
parish can afford, we will begin to look at what can be done to reclaim the grounds
that John and Wayne look after so well.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
A number of our students received the sacrament of the Eucharist last week. The children have been
preparing for this important occasion and it was a great day for them on their faith journey.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 12/06/2018
Time: 7:04pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library
month Badge Hats Socks Jack Culottes Day Polo Sports Zip Tracksuit Sport Second
Shirt Shorts Shirt Shorts Jacket Pants Hand