11-12-14 Minutes

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Meeting Minutes

Delta Kappa Gamma

Alpha Lambda State
Gamma Chapter
November 12, 2014
Meeting chairpersons: Bobbie Fillioe and Karen James
1. Meeting was held at Sweet Carolines in West Rutland. It was called to order by Kathy Mello at 6:20 pm. Kathy
took on the role of greater to welcome all members upon arrival. The speaker was Nancy Heydinger, gave a
presentation about Girls on the Run/Girls on Track. The presentation focused on the goals and purpose of GOTR.
Marcia Barron, a coach for GOTR at Rutland Town, added her personal experience with the program.
2. Thought for the Day, was given by
3. Health Tip, was given by Maryann McDonough: Cardiac arrest amongst women.
4. Book Moment was given by Karen James; The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
5. Teaching Tip was given by Eileen Guyette: Big problem or small problem.
6. Recording Secretary: The minutes from the 10/7/14 minutes were corrected and accepted.
7. Corresponding Secretary: A card will go out to
8. Treasurers report: Given by Julie Fox. See attached
1. Membership: Linda Bania. Linda read the names of members who are no longer members as of the 2014-2015
membership year as required in the bylaws. They are as follows: Deborah Egan, Anne Marie Mero, Donna
Smyth, Marilyn Griffith, Michelle Suker, Judith Lawry and Patricia Forbes. New members are: Marianne T.
Stephan, 535 Middle Rd., North Clarendon, VT 05759, 802-236-2478, birthday - 7-23 and email
garden23@comcast.net. Abigail Peltier, P. O. Box 51, Chittenden, VT 05737, 802-770-4342, birthday - 8-30 and
email abigail.peltier@csj.edu. This will change our total membership to 68 active members, 3 reserve members
for a total of 71 members.
2. Scholarship (Student Teacher Award): Presented by Clair Molner
3. Soup Bowls for Hunger: Lynn Hier. More help is needed this year in order to meet our goal of $15,000.00. Carol
Bargagallo has created Gift cards for members to give donations to Soup Bowls in honor of someone. The card
can be filled in with the amount and sent to someone as a gift.
4. Student Teacher Award: Jane Sarno told the group that in early November, she sent reminder postcards to the
heads of departments, and that we have already received one application from a student at St. Joseph the
Provider. We hope to receive more before the deadline of December
5. World Fellowship: Linnie Laws and Lee Forte
6. Awards: Lynn Ryan: No report
7. Nominations: Donna Caggigie; no report.
8. Fine Arts: Karen James: The Thirty First Annual Christmas Concert will be Friday, December 12, 2014 at the
United Methodist Church, 71 Williams St., Rutland.
9. Vests/Shirts: contact Carol Barbagallo for purchase.
Carol Barbagallo has mailing address labels for Marion Thorpe. She will be turning 99 and DKG would like for her
to receive at least 99 cards for her birthday.
Herstory House- Carol Barbagallo reported that members working on this are waiting for the bathroom to be
painted. The software materials for the bathroom have been purchased and bathroom hardware is on order.

DATES TO REMEMBER: Next meeting will be Monday, March 9, 2015 at the American Legion. 5:00 Fellowship, 5:30 a
delicious dinner. This will be our annual business Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:29
Closing song was led by Mary Millett
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Guyette

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