CBCP Monitor April Vol22 n9
CBCP Monitor April Vol22 n9
CBCP Monitor April Vol22 n9
‘EVIL ACT’ Bishops seek justice for priest killed after Mass
File photo shows Fr. Mark Ventura blessing churchgoers after a Mass at the Poor Clare Monastery in Iguig Cagayan on August 11, 2015. MARIA TAN
By Roy Lagarde murdered at about 8:15am on of the Philippines (CBCP) has Mark Ventura.” advocacies and for helping the Agta
Sunday, April 29, after he celebrated condemned the priest’s murder, The bishops also appealed to the indigenous peoples in the province.
THE CATHOLIC hierarchy Mass at a gymnasium in Brgy. Peña offering their prayers for the victim, authorities “to act swiftly in going Prior to his new assignment, he
has demanded justice for Weste, at the outskirts of Gattaran for his bereaved family, and the after the perpetrators of this crime served as Rector of the Thomas
a young priest who was town. lay faithful of the Tuguegarao and to bring them to justice”. Aquinas Major Seminary in Aparri,
brutally killed in Cagayan The priest was reportedly baptizing archdiocese. Ventura is currently the director of Cagayan.
children when he was shot twice by “We condemn this evil act!” San Isidro Labrador Mission Station, Archbishop Sergio Utleg of
province, becoming the an unidentified gunman, who fled said Archbishop Romulo Valles, a post he just assumed early April, Tuguegarao also appealed to the
second cleric slain in four on a motorcycle driven by a waiting CBCP President. “We are totally in Mabuno village, also in Gattaran. authorities for a speedy investigation
months. accomplice. shocked and in utter disbelief to A priest for almost seven years, he into the priest’s murder and bring
Fr. Mark Ventura, 37, was The Catholic Bishops’ Conference hear about the brutal killing of Fr. was also known for his anti-mining Evil act / A7
Cardinal Tagle calls for CBCP: Let Sr. Fox continue serving the poor
policies to protect workers AS the clock is ticking for
Sr. Patricia Fox, Catholic
bishops appealed to the
government to revoke an
expulsion order it made
against the Australian nun.
Davao Archbishop Romulo
Valles, president of the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference
of the Philippines, asked the
government to let Fox stay
in the country “and continue
serving our people”.
“We sincerely make an
appeal that the authorities
may make a reconsideration
of their for Sr. Patricia Fox
Labor groups gather during a Labor Day rally in Manila to call for wage increase to leave the country,” Valles
and a stop to contractualization, May 1, 2018. PHOTO COURTESY OF DEFEND JOB PHILIPPINES said.
“We believe further that
ON the feast of Saint Joseph promote a more inclusive, she is moved to serve our
the Worker, Cardinal Luis responsible and equitable people by the love of Christ,”
Antonio Tagle of Manila has society, “we can overcome he said.
called for policies that protect obstacles and transform our The Bureau of Immigration
and defend the dignity of world of work into one that revoked the 71-year-old
work and the rights of is grounded on social justice, nun’s missionary visa on
workers. respect and love.” April 23 and gave her 30 days Sr. Patricia Fox wipes her tears as supporters give her flowers during a tribute at the launch of a campaign to defend her from
He said that by policies that Protect / A6 Serving / A6 what they call is a simple harassment by the Duterte administration, April 30, 2018. ROY LAGARDE
CBCP agency urges gov’t to tackle prison congestion Church’s migrant ministry sends
THE Catholic Church’s prison
ministry urged the government to
deprived of freedom, but the jails
should not deprive them of their
Last April 11, an inmate in the
overcrowded Pasay City jail died,
official to Kuwait for OFWs
address prisons congestion in the basic rights, among which is better while six others were rushed to the THE Philippine Catholic Church “To assist, be of service,
country following the death of an living condition in their cells,” hospital after fainting due to the has sent a priest to Kuwait to help and help our Filipino priests
inmate in an overcrowded detention Baylon said. heat in their cramped cells. provide pastoral care and reach there in Kuwait for our OFWs
facility. Recent records from the police’s Mr. Rodolfo Diamante, ECPPC out to Filipinos working in the (overseas Filipino workers),
Bishop Joel Baylon, who chairs Human Rights Affairs Office showed executive secretary, said there Gulf state, a bishop said. our ECMI executive secretary
the Episcopal Commission on that 13 out of its 17 regional offices were already laws to address the Bishop Ruperto Santos, will go there this May 1 to 31,”
Prison Pastoral Care (CBCP), have congested detention facilities. problem. chairman of the Episcopal he said.
decried the “unfortunate situation” Based on the March 31 data, the “What is needed is for the Commission for the Pastoral Care The bishop was referring to
wherein inmates are deprived of Calabarzon Police Regional Office administration to make it a priority,” of Migrants and Itinerant People, Scalabrinian missionary Fr.
their rights. has the highest congestion rate, he said. said the priest will also assess the Restituto Ogsimer who has been
“Prisoners too deserve to be with 78 of its 172 custodial centers According to him, some laws also needs of the Filipino chaplaincy working with ECMI since 2015.
treated humanely. They may be considered as overcrowded. Prison / A7 in Kuwait. OFWs / A6
A2 WORLD NEWS April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor
Catholic media must not fall behind in neurological condition that doctors
at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in
Liverpool, England have not been
in London, Washington, D.C., New
York and the Vatican, with pilgrims
gathering to pray the rosary in St.
Beware of Pelagianism
ANOTHER form of fake holiness mentioned in Pope Francis’ THE cold-blooded and pre-meditated people or they know that the police Tito Paez is still “under investigation.”
“Gaudete et exsultate” is what is known as Pelagianism that killing of the Catholic priest Fr. Mark and the intelligence community in our If the authorities cannot, or will not,
also includes its mitigated but still erroneous idea of holiness Ventura. 37, at about 8:15 am after country are inept – or even both! do their responsibilities, the people
that is labeled as semi-Pelagianism. It is a heretical doctrine celebrating mass at a gymnasium in How have we come to this? A culture should stand up. We should demand
attributed to a British theologian, Pelagius, who lived circa Brgy. Pena Weste in Gattaran town, of killing has been unleashed! If they that killings should stop, that human
360-418 AD. Cagayan, sends chills to the country. He can kill priests, they can kill anybody! rights be respected, that the big fishes
Pelagianism is the belief that holiness can be achieved
was killed as he was blessing children Talagang wala ng takot sa Diyos ang should be caught and made to answer.
mainly if not exclusively through man’s effort alone, with
and talking with choir members after pumapatay ng pari. Kung wala ng We cannot just stand by and let things
hardly any help of the divine grace. It goes against what St.
Paul said clearly that everything, especially sanctity itself, the mass. The killers knew full well that takot sa Diyos, kahit na ano maaari ng be.
“depends not on human will or exertion, but on God who he was a priest; they were bold enough gawin! A great blame can be thrown to We can connect this culture of
shows mercy.” (Rom 9,16) to kill in broad daylight in front of the thousands of extra judicial killings impunity to the case of Sr. Patricia
Not that human will and exertion are irrelevant in the pursuit people. The killers were so brazen! This that have been done in the name of Fox. Can the government just send
of holiness and everything that is good and proper to us. They happened four months after another the War on Drugs. So many so-called out missionaries on flimsy accusations
are, in fact, indispensable, but only as means, as evidence and priest, Fr. Tito Paez, was killed on Dec vigilante killings and killings by people without even due process? We can also
consequence of the working of God’s grace and his mercy. 4, 2017 in Nueva Ecija, again by raiding riding in tandem are just simply listed connect this culture of impunity with
This clarification is crucial especially nowadays when there in tandem assailants. “under investigation” and not one of the the pro warranto case of CJ Sereno.
is a lot of religious indifference, confusion and ignorance. We What is happening to our country? thousands has been solved. This sends Even the justices of the Supreme Court
may, in fact, see a lot of people who are doing a lot of good As of now it is still too early to find a strong message that the police is very cannot act with impunity that they
things, but still missing the real thing. And that’s simply the motives for the killing of Fr. Mark inept to solve crimes, if they themselves can do blatantly illegal decisions. The
because their idea of anything good is mainly subjective rather Ventura. What is clear, however, is that are not complicit in the killings. Supreme Court cannot bend the laws!
than objective. It depends on their own understanding of peace and order is getting out of hand. The police has to show that there is no Our present Constitution tells us
what is good rather than the good that truly comes from God. The killers are so bold because they culture of impunity. The criminals are that sovereignty ultimately resides on
Due to such understanding, the consequent actions would know that they cannot be caught, either to be brought to trial. Can the police do the people. Let the people now act and
not be truly inspired by the love that comes from God. They because they are protected by powerful this? I strongly doubt. The killing of Fr. stand up!
would simply come as a result of their own will and effort.
And a will and effort exercised in this way, that is, without
Human and joyful
God’s grace and inspiration, would only be proud and vain.
It is indeed very important that we examine closely the Living Mission
motives of our actions and the source from which they spring
as well as the end to which they proceed. That’s because we
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM evangelizers
can do many of what may look like good acts but which are
motivated by self-love, by pride and vanity, rather than by the
real love that comes from God alone and is lived only with God.
A Pelagian person is actually a very proud and vain person. THIS current year (2018) says: “That is how we have shepherd,’ who always cares private space?” (November
He is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, faking holiness through is focused on deepening to see ourselves: poised for his flock” (November 20, 20, 2015).
his seemingly good works that may include many acts of piety, our understanding and between our utter shame 2015). For another approach,
like praying in a showy way, making a lot of sacrifices, being appreciation of the vocation and our sublime dignity. Growth through Francis suggests examining
active in church functions, etc. of the clergy and all Dirty, impure, mean and Self-examination. All ourselves based on the “hymn
He personifies what St. Paul once said about the importance consecrated persons. Indeed, selfish, yet at the same time, Christians, including priests to charity” in Saint Paul’s
of charity in our lives and about how charity can be they are human individuals with feet washed, called and religious, need to first letter to the Corinthians.
distinguished from seemingly good works: “If I have the gift who are to be “in this world, and chosen to distribute the constantly examine their In addition, the pope has
of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, but not of this world”; they Lord’s multiplied loaves, conscience and style of frequently spoken about the
and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have need to be deeply aware of blessed by our people, life. Pope Francis speaks destructive effects of gossip.
love, I am nothing.” (1 Cor 13,2) both their “nothingness” loved and cared for. Only of “discerning every “The enemy of harmony in
A Pelagian person cannot stand the test of true love in spite / “humanness” as well as mercy makes this situation day how my vocation is a religious community … is
of the many good things he appears to be doing. This truth their “greatness” / “dignity.” bearable…. The mercy of growing” (December 2, the spirit of gossip…. There
was practically established by Christ in that encounter he had Even in their weaknesses God … is always ‘greater’ 2017). He offers a very brief is one image I like to use
with a rich young man. (cfr Mt 19,16-30)
they are to manifest the than our consciousness of our examination of conscience in describing the spirit of
The rich young man appeared to be doing a lot of good, to
overwhelming power and sinfulness” (June 2, 2016). for priests and religious: gossip. It is terrorism. Yes,
be following the commandments. But when Christ asked for
his whole heart by asking him to sell all he had and to just presence of the divine. The The priest or religious is to “Where is my heart? Among terrorism, because those
follow Christ, the rich young man went away sad. working of God’s grace within be “at the same time close to the people, praying with and who speak ill of others do
A Pelagian person, in the end, has his own self to love rather human limitations is indeed God and close to man; he is for the people, involved in not do so publicly…. Please,
than God. He can be exposed to be such when the true and a profound mystery! the ‘servant,’ who washes the their joys and sufferings, or bite your tongue in time”
ultimate demands of God’s love are made on him. Before Insights from Pope feet and makes himself close rather among the things of (December 2, 2017).
this, he somehow can be known when problems, difficulties, Francis. Our Holy Father to the weakest; he is the ‘good the world, worldly affairs, my Living Mission / A5
mistakes and failures he can experience in his life would make
him angry and frustrated, rather than willing to suffer.
Indeed, it’s time that we examine ourselves closely to see if Imitate the Candidly Speaking
traces of Pelagianism, so subtle in its ways, are marring our
desire and pursuit for holiness. Good Shepherd Fr. Roy Cimagala
IF we truly want to be good Christians, of a good Christian as a good shepherd cases will require a lot of creative and
we need to imitate Christ as the Good very slowly, and start to develop the patient interventions. Would we be
Shepherd. That is to say, that we have proper attitude, skills and virtues willing to tackle this challenge?
PROTAGONIST OF TRUTH, PROMOTER OF PEACE to learn to complicate our life to look to fulfil it. Definitely, we need to be To be a good shepherd would require
for those who are lost. We just cannot strongly identified with Christ, first of that we should always be observing
Pedro Quitorio be contented with taking care of those all, and then go through the details of people and following or, even better,
Editor-in-Chief who are already somehow safe in how to meet this requirement. be promptly in the know with regard
the flock which, definitely, is already Do we know what is to be lost, to events, trends, fashions, signs of the
Nirva’ana E. Delacruz Ron Ramos a complicated matter. especially in the context of today? times.
Associate Editor Design Artist
We have to complicate our life some It’s easy to identify those who openly We should sharpen our skills of
more, willing to leave behind our consider themselves as atheists, discerning and assessing the moral
Roy Lagarde Mercedita Juanite
News Editor Circulation Manager comfort and convenience readily. agnostics, heretics, etc., as lost. But there quality of a person’s actuations or status,
Christ, in describing himself as the are those who may appear to be very and of the different situations in life. We
Christine Paguirigan Marcelita Dominguez Good Shepherd, said that he was willing pious, very saintly but actually are also need to be ready with the appropriate
Managing Editor Comptroller to lay down his life for his sheep. (cfr lost, even to a greater degree, because criteria with which to judge these things.
Jn 10,11-18) The immediate context of of their most deceptive inconsistency in So you can just imagine the
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the
CBCP - Media Office with editorial and business offices those words was in order to protect his their Christian life. amount of prayer and study needed to
at 3rd Floor, CBCP Compound, 470 General Luna sheep. But we can readily say also that And there are those who are deeply attain this ideal.
Street, Intramuros, Manila. Email Address: cbcpmonitor@
areopaguscommunications.com, Business: (632) 404 - 1612.
his willingness to die for his sheep was trapped in some kind of addiction, If we truly care for people, we should
ISSN 1908-2940. meant also to look for the lost one. whether it be in drugs, alcohol, sex, the arrive at that point where we get to
We need to process this requirement internet, games, gambling, etc. These Candidly Speaking / A7
CBCP Monitor April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 OPINION A5
Faith by numbers
And That’s The Truth Life Matters
Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS By Carlos Antonio P. Palad
Protecting our OFWs every form of rejection.” (From Gaudete et Exsultate, # 101)
In practice, taking these words seriously would lead to the
Duc in Altum pro-life advocacy (as it currently stands) being strengthened,
Atty. Aurora A. Santiago not weakened! If we are truly to be “clear and firm”, then our
defense of the unborn must be vocal, public, and unambiguous.
If we are truly to be “passionate” in defense of the unborn, then
we should perseveringly oppose laws that legalize the various
forms of deliberate abortion, even when our advocacy seems
Dateline: Las Vegas, rescuing distressed Filipino with rainbow colors, one as they used to be. Streets to bear little or no fruit. (It is important to keep in mind that
Nevada workers in Kuwait. Kuwait would think the hotel owners were either dark or poorly- the fight against abortion covers not only surgical or medical
THE whole country was alleged that the embassy’s are majority stockholders of lit, it is scary to walk in the abortions, but also the use of abortifacient contraceptives.
shocked in February with action violated its law and the power provider. In the evening, not many people These prevent the implantation of the fertilized ovum, thus
the news that the body of an sovereignty. same manner, all the streets stroll anymore in the evening. killing a life already formed in the womb.) The RH Law, alas,
Overseas Filipino Worker All the diplomats were fully lighted as evening Hotels converted American has set the stage for the more aggressive and widespread
(OFW) in Kuwait, Joanna of a country have the falls, it was as bright as breakfast to continental. promotion of such contraceptives by the government. We
Demafelis, was found in a responsibility to protect its daytime. Thousands of people Lunch and dinner buffet Filipino pro-lifers then, should take heart from these words by
freezer in Kuwait. Demafelis citizens residing, working or were walking and strolling now cost a fortune. Hotel the Pope, in the same way that we drew encouragement from
was reported missing for over visiting the country where the streets 24/7; there was hopping is expensive, hotels his exhortations to protect and defend the family during his
a year. The incident prompted he is on tour of duty. It is traffic of people along the charge parking fee now, first 2015 visit to our country. That he chose to remind us again to
President Rodrigo Duterte only incumbent upon the sidewalks, and vehicles on hour for free but the next be clear and firm in defending the unborn in the context of an
to ban the deployment of Filipino diplomats in Kuwait the streets, especially in Las hour is $9.00 plus a dollar exhortation devoted to holiness is also a consolation for us. It
Filipino workers to Kuwait. to protect all Filipinos in Vegas Strip. In one of my after every 2 hours. What is is an affirmation that the defense of the dignity and sanctity
Repatriation was ordered by that country, lest they be flights from New York to more, there are many vacant of life is a path to holiness!
the Philippines for those who blamed and cursed by all the L.A., the pilot announced parking spaces in the hotels. That the defense of the unborn should go hand in hand
would like to come home. The Filipinos for not being able that if we would look down At the rate things are going, with the defense of the lives of the marginalized is only
ban is still in force. to protect Filipino citizens. from our window, we could is Vegas driving away its logical, because both involve the sanctity of the right to
According to the Repatriating the OFW’s see Vegas. True enough, the customers (the high roller life—the greatest right, the primordial right, without which
Department of Foreign would mean unemployment fully lighted city can be seen individuals) and tourists? all other rights become are eventually deprived of strength
Affairs, there is approximately for most of them. We hope from the plane’s height. Not Well, only the Las Vegas and meaning. The case of the late Alfie Evans, which recently
260,000 Filipinos working and pray that everything everybody who went to this Government (which collects shocked the world, provided an opportunity for the Pope
in Kuwait, about 170,000 will be resolved amicably city play at the casino; they taxes from the businessmen) to exercise leadership in the defense of the sanctity of life.
of whom are household between the two countries. went hotel hopping with their and the businessmen would There is no space here for a detailed narration of the case,
helpers. A Memorandum of *** children, to see the famous know if they made the right which as of this writing is only days old and on which so little
Understanding was supposed The first time I visited attraction each hotel offered. business decision. material is available online. Suffice it to recall that the Pope
to be signed between the two Las Vegas in 1993, I was There was no problem in *** gave his full support to the efforts of Alfie’s parents to seek
governments to protect OFW awe-struck by its beauty and parking since every hotel Congratulations to Bishop further treatment for him abroad. Not only did Pope Francis
due to the reported abuse and splendor. It was still the same offers free parking. There Pablo Virgilio “Ambo” repeatedly write and speak out publicly in support of the
deaths of OFW. in Summer of 2014, the last were free American buffet David and the clergy of the parents, he ordered the president of the Vatican’s Bambino
Last week, the country time I was here when our breakfast while buffet lunch Diocese of Kalookan for their Gesu hospital in Rome, Dr. Mariella Enoc, to do everything she
was again shocked when the family, with my 96-year old and dinner were cheap. successful pilgrimage and could to bring little Alfie to that hospital. Dr. Enoc personally
Kuwait Government declared mother, went on a road trip Fast forward. There is great retreat at the Holy Land. The went to Liverpool to give her support to the parents, while the
Renato Villa, the Philippine for almost a month from difference today. Vegas might retreat was very memorable Pope’s intervention helped push the Italian government to
Consul in that country, as West Coast (Los Angeles) to either have been hit by the and fruitful considering that grant Alfie Evans Italian citizenship, in order to expedite his
persona non grata, meaning, the East Coast (New York and crunch of economic crisis, or Bishop Ambo is a Biblical immediate transfer to the Bambino Gesu hospital. While the
the Consul will be expelled Canada). I remember that it wants more profit at lesser Scholar and can tell and British establishment proved deaf to the Pope and the Italian
from Kuwait. The order during my first visit, I tagged business expense? Gone explain every event and step
Life Matters / A7
also came with the arrest of Vegas as the city that never are the brightly-lit hotels. of the way where Jesus and
three Filipino diplomats. The sleeps, next to New York. The The attractions were also the Holy Family walked. It Living Mission / A4
decision was made with the city was so beautiful both by reduced to a limited time, has been my dream to have
release of a video showing the daytime and nighttime. All some even stopped them. Bishop Ambo as the Chaplain Joy in Ministry. Recall ourselves to be robbed of the
Philippine embassy officials hotels were brightly lighted Hotels are not as attractive of my Holy Land Pilgrimage. that the first major document joy of evangelization!” (EG
issued by Pope Francis was 83).
Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy Evangelizing through
Whatever of the Gospel). For Francis,
“The joy of the Gospel fills
Joy. For Pope Francis, every
priest and religious should
the hearts and lives of all be a true apostle, “a person
Fr. Francis Ongkingco who encounter Jesus…. With who transmits joy everywhere
Christ joy is constantly born he goes. A heart filled with
anew…. I wish to encourage God is a happy heart that
the Christian faithful to radiates an infectious joy; it is
EVERYONE loves a good surprise! The no longer have a deep and lasting show, and more. These naturally please embark upon a new chapter immediately evident! So let us
best and most memorable surprises impact. This is because many surprises the senses and entertain us. Prayer, of evangelization marked by not lose that joyful, humorous
come from the people we love the focus on the things that are given rather however, does not attempt to achieve this joy” (EG 1). and even self-deprecating
most. This often happens on special than on the person himself/herself. this. Hidden in Francis’ spirit which makes people
occasions such as birthdays, wedding This is a one of the consequences of our So how can prayer surprise us? Evangelii Gaudium amiable even in difficult
anniversaries. and others drawn from hyper-materialistic world. Our experience of life’s many material are several creative situations. How beneficial
each family’s unique traditions or If you and I are longing to discover surprises are captured by our five expressions that remind us is a good dose of humor!”
customs. a new and lasting surprise, it can be senses. These are internally composed of the centrality of joy in (December 22, 2014).
A surprise can be described as an discovered in and through prayer. Pope and engraved as cherished memories in our apostolate. “There are “Like every other
unexpected celebration for someone, Francis stressed that, “Without prayer, our minds and hearts. The result is some Christians whose lives seem missionary disciple, the priest
highlighted by giving a valuable thing there can be no surprise!” sort of spiritual or soulful experience like Lent without Easter” [and religious] makes the
or by hosting an event. But what is One wonders what surprise(s) prayer that we treasure more than the material (EG 6). “An evangelizer message joyful by his whole
celebrated is not the gift or event but could offer. In such a silent and secluded surprise (i.e. gift, food or card) itself. must never look like being” (April 13, 2017). Pope
a person. The material elements are activity, is it possible to be swept away Prayer still requires our five external someone who has just come Francis concludes: “Let us be
mere tokens of honor representing love, and awakened to something exhilarating, senses, but we have to exercise them to back from a funeral” (EG realists, but without losing
appreciation, gratitude, or recognition unforgettable, and converting? aid the senses of the soul and prepare us 10). Christians must avoid our joy, our boldness and our
of a particular virtue(s) in the individual. The means and effort required to for the surprises that prayer and other anything that “turns us into hope-filled commitment. Let
Although people will never lose the pray undoubtedly cannot compete spiritual engagements offer. querulous and disillusioned us not allow ourselves to be
thrill and fun of receiving surprises, we with a fireworks display, a multi-media Naturally, the surprise doesn’t come pessimists, ‘sourpusses’” robbed of missionary vigor!”
are seeing that most of these occasions presentation, a dance or theatrical Whatever / A7 (EG 85). “Let us not allow (EG 109).
A6 LOCAL NEWS April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor
Walk for Life: Journey together Northern Samar parish holds courage-
themed youth camp
New Archbishop of Jaro: ‘I will walk with you’ country only shows the losing
respect for life and “God’s gift”
alarm over the “crackdown”
of church people, including
Sr. Patricia Fox, whom the
THE 6th Archbishop of the Metropolitan
Speaking to thousands government recently ordered
See of Jaro has officially taken the reins
gathered for the episcopal to leave the Philippines for
as head shepherd of the more than two
ordination of Bartolome allegedly participating in
million Catholic faithful in the country’s
Santos, Jr., in Malolos City political activities.
fifth oldest diocese.
on April 30, he said that it’s The Carmelite priests said
Bishop Jose Romeo Orquejo Lazo,
“saddening” that some people that “these dastardly acts
former bishop of the Diocese of San Jose
no longer value life as a gift of evil has no place” in the
de Antique, was canonically installed
from God. country.
by his predecessor, Jaro Archbishop-
“It’s sad that a priest was “We appeal to our
Emeritus Angel N. Lagdameo, in a
killed in Tuguegarao. And government and to the
solemn Eucharistic celebration and
even if he’s not a priest… a authorities that the
canonical installation on April 17 at the
person. Isn’t he a gift from perpetrators of this dastardly
Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral.
God? Is it that easy nowadays act be brought to justice,”
According to Cebu Archbishop Jose S.
to just kill and throw someone they said.
Palma, the new archbishop’s episcopal
motto ‘Vobiscum Ambulare’ (To walk Solemn entrance and installation of Archbishop Jose Lazo at the St. Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Candidly Speaking / A4
with you), signifies the archbishop’s National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Iloilo City, April 17, 2018. VINCENT VALENCIA
desire to “walk with” the faithful of know their strengths and lost, we should also see to it
Jaro. “He wants to be considered as a Pope’s decision to send him to Jaro. He Gabriele Giordano Caccia thanked weaknesses. Somehow we that we don’t lose those who
companion in a journey; one who walks also thanked Lagdameo for his “selfless Lagdameo for his 18 years of service in would be able to monitor the are already safe in the flock.
with us,” said the prelate. “The shepherd service” to the archdiocese. Jaro. In a message read by his secretary, developments of their lives. So this means that we have
is one who affirms his love for Jesus “I will miss you. But I have to share Msgr. Gabriel Viola, the papal nuncio We have to understand then to have the right priorities in
and because of that love, he loves the my love to the other clergy of Jaro. This thanked Lagdameo for “his service to that to be immersed in God organizing our day.
flock,” he added referring to the bishop’s is what we are called for—sharing our the Church, the poor and the common is to be immersed also in the We cannot sacrifice our
foremost task. love. It is in sharing that we set God’s good.” lives of people. We cannot prayer life, our family life,
love and kindness,” Lazo told his former “May the blessing of the successor live in a cocoon. As Pope our professional life, just
Message of joy, thanksgiving priests in Antique. The archbishop of Peter encourage and inspire, Your Francis always reminds us, to search for the lost. Or
He also exhorted the faithful of Jaro likewise assured his priests in Jaro of Excellency, as you take your ministry as we need to reach out to the better said, we just have to
during his homily to “thank God for his presence as the Church celebrates Archbishop of Jaro leading the flock in peripheries. know how to put all these
His tremendous love for sending His the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated the work of the New Evangelization as For sure, to be a good competing goals together.
shepherd to the local Church of Jaro.” Persons. you build on the heritage passed on to shepherd, we should be I suppose this is the reason
He noted that the sending coincided Lazo also emphasized to the lay you by your august successors,” added willing to get dirty, to be truly why to be truly Christian, to be
with the celebration of Good Shepherd faithful their being the “crown of glory of the nuncio. patient and hopeful in spite of truly a saint, one would really
Sunday. the Church.” “Without you, we will not Bishops, priests, religious men and the difficulties and the likely need to be heroic, making
Lagdameo, in his message after be here,” he said. He ended with a strong women, and lay faithful from Jaro, setbacks we will experience extraordinary sacrifices when
the turnover of the cathedra and the assurance of God’s accompanying neighboring dioceses, and other parts along the way. the need arises. It cannot be
bishop’s staff, assured Lazo of the presence in the archdiocese. “He is of the country attended the canonical And what makes things any other way. We need to
faithful’s love for the bishop. trying to tell us, ‘I am with you. I will installation. more exciting is that while we know how to undertake great
“He will surely be loved,” said not leave you orphans.’ Be assured of Prior the installation, the new should be ready to look for the sacrifices.
Lagdameo. His love; He is always there,” the prelate archbishop was welcomed by his new
In his message, Archbishop Romy, as said. flock in a ceremony held at the cathedral Life Matters / A5
the bishop is fondly called, expressed joy and at the St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary government’s entreaties, the forces, or in the name of
and thanksgiving for God’s goodness, Building on the heritage on April 16. (Leonil T. Salvilla/ Pope’s personal intervention respecting political and
love, mercy, and compassion and for the Meanwhile, Papal Nuncio Archbishop CBCPNews) remains one of the most cultural “pluralism”. We must
striking demonstrations in continue our struggle, even if
Whatever / A5
recent decades of the Catholic the teaching that we share is
at one go! Like any surprise, As one patiently gains the more at rest. One creates I cannot really describe it, Church’s commitment to increasingly unpopular even
we are recipients of an habit of prayer, he discovers space with identity and or say that I always experience defending the sanctity of life. among many Catholics. We
unexpected gift, thus we the first surprise: silence. It substance. it, but as one journeys through For Filipino Catholics, can do nothing less for if we
must be patient and enter the isn’t simply the absence of With silence, serenity, and this spiritual adventure, he then, one essential practical fail to defend the sanctity of
portal of spiritual encounter noise. What is surprising is space come the surprises becomes more sensitive that response to Gaudete et life, there will be really nothing
through prayer. that silence has something of personal awareness and he or she is not (and never) Exsultate is to refuse silence left to defend. Not even the
Entering prayer is no soulfully delicious in it. examination. This may all alone. or accommodation in the cherished “rights” (some real,
mysterious activity. The simple With silence come other seem like we are just talking This is the most wonderful face of the apparent triumph but others artificial) that so
effort to maintain silence, find surprises: serenity and space. to ourselves, but more and surprise: there is Someone of secularist ideologies or many people nowadays like
a space and topic to bring to Since there is a concerted more we become aware of the giving us what the “world anti-life and anti-family laws to invoke in order to reject
prayer is already sufficient effort to remove unnecessary most beautiful surprise when cannot give.” And if we allow in our country. We cannot Church teachings will be safe:
to groove us into it. What is distractions in our spiritual we pray: presence! Him to guide and show us, be silent in the name of in the long run, there will be
important is to have a clear dialogue, one’s mind, heart, There is Someone with us our life would become a finding “common ground” in no human rights without the
mindset: “I want to pray!” and passions begin to be while we pray! surprising conversion. the face of adverse political right to life remaining safe.
A8 PEOPLE, FACTS, AND PLACES April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor