CBCP Monitor April Vol22 n9

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THE NEWS SUPPLEMENT Bavarian bishops respond Bishop prays for conversion of priest’s killers Message of Pope Francis for the
OF COUPLES FOR CHRIST to push for more public crosses World Communications Day

‘EVIL ACT’ Bishops seek justice for priest killed after Mass

File photo shows Fr. Mark Ventura blessing churchgoers after a Mass at the Poor Clare Monastery in Iguig Cagayan on August 11, 2015. MARIA TAN

By Roy Lagarde murdered at about 8:15am on of the Philippines (CBCP) has Mark Ventura.” advocacies and for helping the Agta
Sunday, April 29, after he celebrated condemned the priest’s murder, The bishops also appealed to the indigenous peoples in the province.
THE CATHOLIC hierarchy Mass at a gymnasium in Brgy. Peña offering their prayers for the victim, authorities “to act swiftly in going Prior to his new assignment, he
has demanded justice for Weste, at the outskirts of Gattaran for his bereaved family, and the after the perpetrators of this crime served as Rector of the Thomas
a young priest who was town. lay faithful of the Tuguegarao and to bring them to justice”. Aquinas Major Seminary in Aparri,
brutally killed in Cagayan The priest was reportedly baptizing archdiocese. Ventura is currently the director of Cagayan.
children when he was shot twice by “We condemn this evil act!” San Isidro Labrador Mission Station, Archbishop Sergio Utleg of
province, becoming the an unidentified gunman, who fled said Archbishop Romulo Valles, a post he just assumed early April, Tuguegarao also appealed to the
second cleric slain in four on a motorcycle driven by a waiting CBCP President. “We are totally in Mabuno village, also in Gattaran. authorities for a speedy investigation
months. accomplice. shocked and in utter disbelief to A priest for almost seven years, he into the priest’s murder and bring
Fr. Mark Ventura, 37, was The Catholic Bishops’ Conference hear about the brutal killing of Fr. was also known for his anti-mining Evil act / A7

Cardinal Tagle calls for CBCP: Let Sr. Fox continue serving the poor
policies to protect workers AS the clock is ticking for
Sr. Patricia Fox, Catholic
bishops appealed to the
government to revoke an
expulsion order it made
against the Australian nun.
Davao Archbishop Romulo
Valles, president of the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference
of the Philippines, asked the
government to let Fox stay
in the country “and continue
serving our people”.
“We sincerely make an
appeal that the authorities
may make a reconsideration
of their for Sr. Patricia Fox
Labor groups gather during a Labor Day rally in Manila to call for wage increase to leave the country,” Valles
and a stop to contractualization, May 1, 2018. PHOTO COURTESY OF DEFEND JOB PHILIPPINES said.
“We believe further that
ON the feast of Saint Joseph promote a more inclusive, she is moved to serve our
the Worker, Cardinal Luis responsible and equitable people by the love of Christ,”
Antonio Tagle of Manila has society, “we can overcome he said.
called for policies that protect obstacles and transform our The Bureau of Immigration
and defend the dignity of world of work into one that revoked the 71-year-old
work and the rights of is grounded on social justice, nun’s missionary visa on
workers. respect and love.” April 23 and gave her 30 days Sr. Patricia Fox wipes her tears as supporters give her flowers during a tribute at the launch of a campaign to defend her from
He said that by policies that Protect / A6 Serving / A6 what they call is a simple harassment by the Duterte administration, April 30, 2018. ROY LAGARDE

CBCP agency urges gov’t to tackle prison congestion Church’s migrant ministry sends
THE Catholic Church’s prison
ministry urged the government to
deprived of freedom, but the jails
should not deprive them of their
Last April 11, an inmate in the
overcrowded Pasay City jail died,
official to Kuwait for OFWs
address prisons congestion in the basic rights, among which is better while six others were rushed to the THE Philippine Catholic Church “To assist, be of service,
country following the death of an living condition in their cells,” hospital after fainting due to the has sent a priest to Kuwait to help and help our Filipino priests
inmate in an overcrowded detention Baylon said. heat in their cramped cells. provide pastoral care and reach there in Kuwait for our OFWs
facility. Recent records from the police’s Mr. Rodolfo Diamante, ECPPC out to Filipinos working in the (overseas Filipino workers),
Bishop Joel Baylon, who chairs Human Rights Affairs Office showed executive secretary, said there Gulf state, a bishop said. our ECMI executive secretary
the Episcopal Commission on that 13 out of its 17 regional offices were already laws to address the Bishop Ruperto Santos, will go there this May 1 to 31,”
Prison Pastoral Care (CBCP), have congested detention facilities. problem. chairman of the Episcopal he said.
decried the “unfortunate situation” Based on the March 31 data, the “What is needed is for the Commission for the Pastoral Care The bishop was referring to
wherein inmates are deprived of Calabarzon Police Regional Office administration to make it a priority,” of Migrants and Itinerant People, Scalabrinian missionary Fr.
their rights. has the highest congestion rate, he said. said the priest will also assess the Restituto Ogsimer who has been
“Prisoners too deserve to be with 78 of its 172 custodial centers According to him, some laws also needs of the Filipino chaplaincy working with ECMI since 2015.
treated humanely. They may be considered as overcrowded. Prison / A7 in Kuwait. OFWs / A6
A2 WORLD NEWS April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor

Vatican Briefing Bishop: With historic Inter-Korean

Pope asks Catholics to pray the rosary for
Summit, ‘God answered our prayers’
peace each day in May LOCAL bishops called the Inter-Korean Korean summit, which God has made Leading up to Friday’s summit,
Pope Francis prayed that the hopes for peace Summit an answered prayer after the in response to our prayers and efforts, Bishop Peter Lee Ki-heon, president of
strengthened by the meeting of the leaders of leaders of the two Koreas signed a peace will be more energized by the unification the Korean bishops’ Committee for the
North and South Korea will not be dashed, and he agreement on April 27. ministry and private exchanges that the Reconciliation of the Korean People,
urged Catholics during the month of May to pray In a historic first, North Korean Korean Catholic Church has promoted called on Catholics to be united in prayer
the rosary for peace. North Korean leader Kim dictator Kim Jong Un crossed the during that time,” Archbishop Kim through “a Movement to Pray the Holy
Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae- military demarcation line within the continued. Rosary for Peace” each day at 9 p.m.
in made a “courageous commitment” April 27 to Demilitarized Zone that has divided the The April 27 declaration included a “Through these prayers, something
ongoing dialogue to achieve “a Korean peninsula Korean peninsula since 1953 to meet commitment to increased exchanges, miraculous is happening in this land by
free of nuclear weapons,” Pope Francis said April with South Korean President Moon Jae- visits, and cooperation between the the help of God for whom nothing will
29 after leading some 30,000 people in praying the In on southern soil. two Koreas to promote a sense of be impossible,” he wrote on April 25.
“Regina Coeli.” “I pray to the Lord that the hopes During the summit, both leaders unity, including the reunion of families Bishop Lee called the Inter-Korean
for a future of peace and more brotherly friendship signed the Panmunjeom Declaration separated during the Korean War. Summit “a miracle that could be
will not be disappointed and that the collaboration stating that “there will be no more war The Korean archbishop noted that unimaginable even six month ago”
may continue bringing good fruits for the beloved on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new the Catholic Church in South Korea has and credited “first and foremost” the
Korean people and the whole world,” the pope said. era of peace has begun.” actively engaged in private exchanges “desperate prayers of the faithful.”
(CNS) Within the joint statement, both and cooperation efforts with North “God answered our prayers with this
Korean leaders agreed to “the common Korea in the past through the bishops’ valuable opportunity,” said Bishop Lee,
goal of realizing, through complete National Reconciliation Committee and who continued to urge more prayers for
Curiosity can lead to dangerous paths, denuclearization, a nuclear-free Korean Caritas International Korea. the Korean Peninsula.
Peninsula” and to actively pursue “Since 1965, the Korean Catholic Pope Francis also said that he was
pope says
further meetings with the United States, Church has been praying for the personally praying for the Inter-Korean
Although a healthy curiosity can lead to new
and possibly China, to establish a more true peace of the two Koreas and the summit during his general audience
discoveries, too much curiosity can open the door to
permanent peace. reconciliation and reconciliation of the on Wednesday, April 25. He asked the
dangerous things that harm the soul, Pope Francis
“The Panmunjom Declaration for nation on June 25 every year,” wrote faithful to join him in praying to the
said. New technologies in the virtual world and
Peace, Prosperity and Reunification Kim, who currently serves as chairman Father of peace “for the people of Korea,
innovations in communications such as cellphones
on the Korean Peninsula is a historical of the Korean bishops’ conference. those in the South and those in the
can lead children to “find so many awful things”
event that opens the era of reunification “Until the day when complete peace is North.” The pope called on “those who
because “there isn’t a discipline in that curiosity,”
of the Korean peninsula and is a gospel established on the Korean peninsula and have direct political responsibilities to
the pope said in his homily April 30 during morning
of hope on this earth,” Archbishop divided peoples are united, the Catholic have the courage of hope by becoming
Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae. “We must help
Kim Hee-Jung of Gwangju wrote in a Church of Korea will accompany the ‘artisans’ of peace” and “to continue with
young people to live in this world” so their desire to
statement April 27. journey for reconciliation of the people trust along the path they have begun for
know may not become compulsive curiosity, which
“I expect that the fruits of this inter- in unity,” promised the archbishop. the good of all.” (CNA / EWTN News)
would make them “prisoners to this curiosity,” he
said. (Junno Arocho Esteves/CNS)
German bishops to meet with Vatican officials on
Pope unites two Canadian dioceses under
Archbishop Prendergast
Pope Francis has united the Diocese of Alexandria-
intercommunion topic
Cornwall with the Archdiocese of Ottawa “in the person THE Vatican confirmed bishops’ conference, that president of the conference’s for Protestant spouses in
of the bishop,” Archbishop Terrence Prendergast Monday that a delegation of the Congregation for the doctrinal commission, Bishop interdenominational
of Ottawa, indicating the situation may change in six German bishops and one Doctrine of the Faith had Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of marriages can be decided on
the future. A permanent change would have been priest will meet with Vatican rejected a planned proposal Speyer and Bishop Rudolf the level of a national bishops’
accomplished by merging the Diocese of Alexandria- officials, including the head by the conference to publish Voderholzer of Regensburg. conference, or if rather, “a
Cornwall with the Archdiocese of Ottawa. Instead, of the CDF, later this week guidelines permitting non- Bishop Gerhard Feige decision of the Universal
the Vatican announced April 27 that the two would to discuss the issue of the Catholic spouses of Catholics of Magdeburg, president Church” is required in the
be joined under Archbishop Prendergast, “archbishop reception of the Eucharist to receive the Eucharist in of the commission for matter.
of Ottawa (and) also bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall.” by non-Catholic spouses of some limited circumstances. ecumenism of the German The letter was also signed
The formula indicates that diocesan structures could Catholics. In February, Cardinal bishops’ conference and Fr. by Archbishop Ludwig Schick
continue to operate independently for the time being. The meeting will take place Marx, announced that the Hans Langendorfer, general of Bamberg, Bishop Gregor
(Cindy Wooden/CNS) May 3 with Archbishop Luis conference would publish a secretary of the conference Hanke of Eichstätt, Bishop
Ladaria Ferrer, prefect of pastoral handout for married will also take part. Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg,
the Congregation for the couples that allows Protestant It was reported April 18 Bishop Stefan Oster of
Community life can be form of evangelization, Doctrine of the Faith and Fr. spouses of Catholics “in by CNA and other media Passau, Bishop Rudolf
pope tells brothers Hermann Geissler, head of individual cases” and “under that the CDF had raised Voderholzer of Regensburg,
A truly fraternal community, one that welcomes all the department’s doctrinal certain conditions” to receive objections about the German and Bishop Wolfgang Ipolt
and settles differences lovingly and patiently, is itself section. Holy Communion, provided bishops’ proposal; sources of Görlitz.
a witness to the Gospel, Pope Francis told members The German delegation, they “affirm the Catholic faith close to the congregation had The Code of Canon Law
of the general chapter of the Montfort Brothers of St. which includes Cardinal in the Eucharist.” confirmed this to CNA. already provides that in
Gabriel. A true Christian community “attracts and Reinhard Marx of Munich The announcement Last month, seven German the danger of death or if
evangelizes each day; it is contagious,” the pope told and Freising and Cardinal concerned a draft version of bishops, led by Cardinal “some other grave necessity
the brothers April 27. “Those who see how we live are Rainer Maria Woelki of the guidelines, which were Woelki, sent a letter to the CDF urges it,” Catholic ministers
sensitive to our way of being, of accepting different Cologne, will also meet adopted “after intensive and to the Pontifical Council licitly administer penance,
points of view, of facing tensions and resolving them with Cardinal Kurt Koch, debate” during a Feb. 19- for Promoting Christian Unity Eucharist, and anointing of
with delicacy, charity and humility.” The Brothers of president of the Pontifical 22 general assembly of the asking for clarification on the the sick to Protestants “who
St. Gabriel is a religious order primarily dedicated to Council for Promoting German bishops’ conference matter, appending a copy of cannot approach a minister
teaching; it has about 1,200 members and novices. Christian Unity and Fr. under the leadership of the drafted guidelines. The of their own community and
Living in community and serving one another can Markus Graulich, under- Cardinal Marx, who is the signatories did not consult who seek such on their own
make daily life “easier and more joyful,” the pope told secretary of the Pontifical conference chairman. beforehand with Cardinal accord, provided that they
them. (Cindy Wooden/CNS) Council for Legislative Texts. The German delegation Marx. manifest Catholic faith in
The meeting takes place will also include Bishop Felix The seven bishops respect to these sacraments
following reports, later Genn of Munster, as well as reportedly asked whether the and are properly disposed.”
denied by the German both the president and vice- question of Holy Communion (CNA / EWTN News)
Vatican finance watchdog reports ongoing
progress in oversight
The Vatican’s financial watchdog agency has
reported continued progress in oversight, reporting
State Department removes ‘reproductive rights’
and cooperation in its efforts to prevent suspected
money laundering and the financing of terrorism. In
its annual report for 2017, the Financial Intelligence
section from human rights report
Authority (AIF) confirmed a “robust reporting THE U.S. State Department has section of each country’s report, titled
system and an effective application of the regulatory removed the term “reproductive rights” “Discrimination, Societal Abuses,
framework of the Holy See and the Vatican City from its annual human rights report, and Trafficking in Persons.” The new
State.” The agency, which oversees transactions drawing praise from pro-life leaders section appears under the subsection for
made through the Vatican bank, also continued a who say that the phrase had become “women” and features reports of coerced
“pro-active approach to cooperate and exchange a thinly veiled reference to abortion. abortion, involuntary sterilization
information with its foreign counterparts to fight “‘Reproductive rights’ has long been procedures, and “other coercive
illicit financial activities,” it said in its report, a euphemism for destroying human life population control methods.” There
released to the public April 27. However, as the in the womb,” said Lila Rose, founder are also links to maternal mortality
agency continues to hand over reports of suspicious and president of the pro-life group figures as well as the prevalence of
activity to the required authorities, very few cases Live Action. contraceptives in a country.
have led to indictments and prosecutions by the “A phrase that sounds like In the report for China, for
office of the promoter of justice at the Vatican City empowerment is a really only code for instance, there are several paragraphs
State’s tribunal. (Carol Glatz/CNS) the subjugation of preborn children.” highlighting instances of forced
The U.S. Country Reports on Human abortions and sterilizations. China
Rights Practices for 2017 were released current has a two-child policy that
Pope to host ecumenical prayer for peace in the last week, and now feature statistics prohibits couples from having more
Middle East on “coercion in population control” than two children.
Pope Francis will travel to Bari, the southern instead of “reproductive rights.” “As in prior years, population control The Trump Administration has
Italian Adriatic port city, July 7 to host a day of Michael G. Kozak, a senior official policy continued to rely on social drawn praise for several other pro-
reflection and ecumenical prayer for peace in the with the Bureau of Democracy, Human pressure, education, propaganda, life policies over the last year. In his
Middle East. The pope intends to invite the heads Rights, and Labor, said in a press and economic penalties, as well as on first days after taking office, Trump
of Christian churches and communities in the briefing that the changes are “not a measures such as mandatory pregnancy re-implemented the Mexico City
Middle East to join him, the Vatican said April diminishment of women’s rights or a examinations and, less frequently, Policy, which states that foreign non-
25, announcing the pope’s plans. The Vatican did desire to get away from it,” but rather coerced abortions and sterilizations,” governmental organizations may not
not release a list of those who would be invited. were done in order “to stop using a term reads the report. receive federal funding if they perform
Describing Bari as a “window to the East” and noting that has several different meanings that Kristan Hawkins, president of or promote abortions as a method of
that it preserves the relics of St. Nicholas, venerated are not all the ones we intend.” Students for Life of America, told CNA family planning.
by both Catholics and Orthodox, the Vatican said Previously, the “reproductive that she thinks the State Department Additionally, Trump appointed
the pope chose the city as an appropriate place to rights” section of the report included was correct in making this change, pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the
reflect on and pray about “the dramatic situation in information about the legality of and that abortion is an “inappropriate Supreme Court.
the Middle East, which afflicts so many brothers and abortion within a country as well as indicator of human rights.” The president also addressed the
sisters in the faith.” The ongoing violence in Syria the availability of contraception. The “Likewise, it is making the right 2018 March for Life in Washington,
obviously is one of the top concerns and an issue “Reproductive Rights” section was first decision in recognizing the way abortion D.C. via a live video feed. The previous
for which Pope Francis has made repeated appeals. included under the Obama presidency is used as a tool of coercion. The decision year, Vice President Mike Pence became
(Cindy Wooden/CNS) in the report that was released in 2012. to do so further reflects the importance the first sitting vice president to speak
The new “Coercion in Population of having a pro-life administration such in person at the March for Life rally.
Control” section is under a larger as this one,” said Hawkins. (CNA/EWTN News)
CBCP Monitor April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 NEWS FEATURES A3

Bavarian bishops respond to Alfie Evans dies amid outpouring

of prayer, support
push for more public crosses
A RECENT decision by the Cardinal Reinhard of the government’s their background, faith,
government of Bavaria Marx, who as recently decision. ability, or gender.”
to mandate that a cross as 2015 asserted that The accusation In a similar vein,
be displayed in all state crosses should be that the government Bishop Voderholzer of
buildings has garnered displayed in classrooms would attempt to the Bavarian diocese of
global attention, while and courtrooms, roundly misappropriate the cross Regensburg asserted that:
prompting both criticism criticized the April or designate it as a purely “the cross is the epitome
and praise from local decision to display them cultural symbol was flatly of Western culture. It is
Catholic bishops. in public entranceways. rejected by Söder, a the expression of a culture
The requirement that Speaking to Munich’s Lutheran who hails from of love, compassion
every entrance to state Süddeutsche Zeitung the Protestant region of and affirmation of
buildings display up a newspaper, the archbishop Franconia in northern life. It belongs to the
Christian cross – though said that the cross is “a Bavaria. “Of course, foundations of Europe.”
not necessarily in the sign of opposition to the cross is primarily Its public presence -
form of a crucifix – was violence, injustice, sin and a religious symbol,” which in traditionally
announced by the office of death, but not a sign [of Söder told German news Catholic Bavaria is near
Markus Söder, Bavaria’s exclusion] against other media. However, the ubiquitous - should be
premier. The directive people.” The cross can be premier continued, the seen as such, welcomed
to hang the crosses by 1 misunderstood as purely cross, in the wider sense, and appreciated, he said. Alfie Evans. COURTESY OF ALFIE’S ARMY OFFICIAL FACEBOOK
June has sparked a public a cultural symbol, he said, also carries with it basic This is the reason,
debate in Germany, and thus misused by the foundations of a secular Voderholzer said, LIVERPOOL, England— Ailing for a number of hours, until doctors
tapping into deeper angst state. state. Christians have placed toddler Alfie Evans, whose plight has administered oxygen and hydration.
about culture, values It is not up to the state This aspect was also crosses atop the peaks tugged at the world’s heartstrings They later administered nutrition
and Christian roots in to explain what a cross emphasized by Catholic of Bavarian mountains: throughout the past week, died as well, after the boy went almost
a country divided by means, the Cardinal commentator Birgit “Not the national flag or in the early hours of Saturday 24 hours without food, according
questions of heritage, emphasized, saying that Kelle in an editorial other symbols of human morning after being removed from to Alfie’s father.
religion and identity. Bavaria’s government has for the newspaper Die rule, as others might have life support. Life support was again removed
The move has come triggered “division, unrest Welt: “Every Muslim, liked to see at other times, In an April 28 Facebook post, from Alfie after a last-minute
under criticism from and adversity” with the every atheist, and every but the cross. It should be Alfie’s father, Tom Evans, said: appeal by his parents was struck
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, move. other believer can feel widely visible, the cross, “My gladiator lay down his shield down Wednesday. After the ruling,
Archbishop of Munich Bavarian Premier safe under this cross, the sign of salvation and and gained his wings at 02:30... the toddler’s parents released a
and Freising, while being Markus Söder and other which does not constitute life in which Christ is absolutely heartbroken. I love you statement thanking the doctors and
welcomed by Bishop politicians of the state’s a claim to power, but heaven and earth, God my guy.” hospital staff who cared for their
Rudolf Voderholzer of governing CSU party a commitment to treat and reconciled people, Just shy of two years old, Alfie had son, saying they wanted to “build
Bavaria’s Regensburg disagreed with Cardinal each person equally and victims and perpetrators.” been in what physicians described bridges” with Alder Hey.
diocese. Marx’s interpretation decently, regardless of (CNA / EWTN News) as a “semi-vegetative state” due Rallies in support of Alfie’s parents
to a mysterious degenerative have been held throughout the week

Catholic media must not fall behind in neurological condition that doctors
at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in
Liverpool, England have not been
in London, Washington, D.C., New
York and the Vatican, with pilgrims
gathering to pray the rosary in St.

digital age, pope says able to properly diagnose. He had

been hospitalized since December
of 2016.
Peter’s Square each night leading
up to the toddler’s death.
Pope Francis has also been
Although Italian officials earlier outspoken about supporting the
VATICAN— In an age when this week granted Alfie citizenship child’s parents.
technology is ever-evolving, and a Vatican-linked hospital The pope, who met with Alfie’s
Catholic news organizations must offered to take the toddler for father last week, has offered public
be willing to adapt to effectively further diagnosis and treatment, UK prayers for Alfie and his family
proclaim the Gospel to all, Pope courts repeatedly refused to allow several times, including at a general
Francis said. the transfer, ruling that it is not in audience and in several Twitter
Speaking to directors and the child’s best interest. posts.
employees of Avvenire, the daily With permission of the court, but “Moved by the prayers and
newspaper of the Italian bishops’ against the will of Alfie’s parents, immense solidarity shown little
conference, the pope said that the Tom Evans and Kate James, the Alfie Evans, I renew my appeal that
use of new digital platforms not only hospital earlier this week removed the suffering of his parents may be
requires significant technological Alfie’s ventilator and withheld food heard and that their desire to seek
updates but also a willingness to and water from the child. new forms of treatment may be
accept that “the attachment to the Although the toddler was only granted,” he said on Twitter. (Elise
past may prove to be a dangerous expected to live for a few minutes, Harris/CNA)
temptation.” he was able to breathe on his own
“Authentic servants of tradition
are those who, while keeping
memory alive, know how to discern
Facing criminal trial, Pell will remain on
the signs of the times and open new
paths,” he said May 1. Pope Francis greets the crowd during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 25.
leave of absence from Vatican position
Marking the feast of St. Joseph PAUL HARING/CNS
the Worker and International CARDINAL George Pell will remain
Workers’ Day, which is a public “pastoral ministry of applause, to or gain clients” but rather to educate on a leave of absence from his
holiday in Italy and many other a dumbing down of thought and their readers “to think, to judge” for Vatican position as he faces charges
countries, Pope Francis noted that to a widespread disorientation of themselves. of “historic sexual offenses” in his
Jesus’ foster father was a “man of opinions that are not in agreement.” “Catholic communicators avoid home country of Australia, the
silence,” which at first “may seem The example set forth by St. rigidities that stifle or imprison,” Vatican has announced.
the opposite of a communicator.” Joseph, he added, is a reminder for he said. “They do not cage the Holy The full detail and nature of
But, he said, Catholic journalists all Christians working in the field of Spirit, but seek to let it fly, to let the charges has not been publicly
and news organizations must realize communications to “recover a sense it breathe within the soul. They revealed, and it’s unknown when
that “only by shutting down the of healthy slowness, tranquility and never allow reality to give way to the trial will begin. The decision to
noise of the world and our own patience.” appearances, beauty to vulgarity, go to trial came after a month-long
gossip will it be possible to listen, “With his silence, he reminds social friendship to conflict. They preliminary hearing in Melbourne.
which remains the first condition us that everything begins from cultivate and strengthen every Pell is accused of misconduct
of every communication.” listening, from transcending oneself sprout of life and goodness.” dating back decades, during his first
Particularly in today’s world where in order to be open to another Pope Francis encouraged years as a priest until he became the
“the speed of information surpasses person’s word and history,” the Avvenire’s directors, journalists Archbishop of Melbourne. He has
our capacity of reflection,” he said, pope said. and employees to be heralds of the been accused of groping two boys
church members are exposed “to the Recalling the words of Blessed Gospel and, like St. Joseph, be true at a swimming pool in the city of
impact and influence of a culture of Paul VI, Pope Francis said that guardians who protect society’s Ballarat during the 1970s, as well
haste and superficiality” and risk Catholic newspapers shouldn’t just well-being and dignity. (Junno as assaulting two members of a Cardinal George Pell. MATTHEW RAREY
reducing the church’s mission to a report news to “make an impression Arocho Esteves/CNS) choir at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in
Melbourne during the 1990s. More cardinal to face a criminal trial
precise details about the charges for sexual misconduct. In 2013,
Pope asks Catholics to pray the rosary for peace each day in May were not made public. Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien
The majority of the charges resigned from his position as
VATICAN— Pope Francis against the cardinal were dismissed Archbishop of St. Andrews and
prayed that the hopes during the preliminary hearing. Edinburgh following allegations of
for peace strengthened The cardinal pleaded not guilty predatory sexual misconduct. The
by the meeting of the to the charges of historical sexual Vatican subsequently announced
leaders of North and offense and surrendered his that O’Brien would not exercise
South Korea will not be passport. The charge of “historical the rights and duties of a cardinal.
dashed, and he urged sexual offense” indicates that the He did not participate in the 2013
Catholics during the alleged crimes happened decades conclave that elected Pope Francis.
month of May to pray ago. Australian law prohibits details The allegations against O’Brien
the rosary for peace. of the charges from being publicly were not reported to involve minors,
North Korean leader disclosed. and he did not face criminal charges.
Kim Jong Un and South Pell was appointed by Pope O’Brien died March 19.
Korean President Moon Francis to be the Prefect of the Lawyers representing Pell insist
Jae-in made a “courageous Secretariat for the Economy in that the charges against him
commitment” April 27 2014. He has been on leave of are “impossible” and that he is
to ongoing dialogue absence from this position since innocent. Pell himself has repeatedly
to achieve “a Korean 2017, when he returned to Australia proclaimed his innocence, saying
peninsula free of nuclear Pope Francis recites the rosary at the Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love in Rome May 1. PAUL HARING/CNS to face the accusations against him. that he finds sexual abuse to be
weapons,” Pope Francis Pell was the Archbishop of Sydney “abhorrent.”
said April 29 after leading collaboration may continue Francis told the crowd praying particularly for from 2001-2014, and Archbishop of “I’m looking forward, finally, to
some 30,000 people in bringing good fruits for the gathered in St. Peter’s peace in Syria and the Melbourne from 1996-2001. having my day in court,” said Pell
praying the “Regina beloved Korean people and Square that he would whole world,” the pope Pell was first accused of sexual in June 2017. “I’m innocent of these
Coeli.” the whole world,” the pope begin the month with a said. “I invite you to misconduct in 2002, but no charges. They are false.”
“I pray to the Lord that said. visit to Rome’s Shrine of spiritually join me and charges were filed at that time. In It is unclear whether Pell will
the hopes for a future of Noting that May is Divine Love and lead a to prolong for the whole 2013, police in Australia began an resign from his position in the
peace and more brotherly a month the Catholic recitation of the rosary month of May praying the investigation into him, before filing Vatican when the case goes to trial,
friendship will not be Church dedicates to Mary there. rosary for peace.” (CNS) charges last year. or whether his resignation will be
disappointed and that the in a special way, Pope “We will recite the rosary Pell is reported to be the first accepted. (CNA)
A4 OPINION April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor


The killing of a shepherd

with ‘odor of the sheep’
NOBODY knows the motive of the murder of Fr. Mark
Ventura. All are conjectures, as yet. Whatever it was, it must
have been too serious to provoke the perpetrators to resort
to killing him in cold blood, amid a Sunday crowd, while,
reportedly, he was blessing the children after celebrating
the Mass.
Fr. Mark was rector of Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary
in Aparri, Cagayan before he was assigned last month as the
director of San Isidro Labrador Mission Station in Mabuno
Village, in Gattaran. In his barely seven years of priesthood,
he was known for his anti-mining advocacy and for helping
the indigenous people in Cagayan.
One can just surmise that, like an authentic prophet, he
must have preached and lived the Gospel too substantially to
rouse the anger of his perpetrators. The hurt hurled by his
prophetic voice may have afflicted too deep those who thought
that killing him would stop their distress. They are wrong. As
Church history bears, killing the prophets strengthens and
multiplies all the more the proclaimers of the Gospel message.
The archdiocese of Tuguegarao in a recent statement
appealed to the authorities “especially to the PNP Task Force”


to act swiftly in going after the perpetrators of this crime
and to bring them to justice.” But being a country with the
pervasive culture of impunity, this call is going to fall on deaf
ears—especially at this Duterte government when killing has
been used to advance political agenda. But, again, this is
wrong. Even though, for instance, the war on drugs or any
other government-backed hype succeeds, which is actually
very unlikely, it will still be a gross and horrible failure if the
means towards it is the murder of its own citizens.
Fr. Mark has succeeded in delivering the Gospel message. Culture of killing Panaghoy
His blood has been poured into the chalice of the blood of
martyrs. In the words of Pope Francis, he was a shepherd
with the “odor of the sheep.”
unleashed Bp. Broderick Pabillo

Beware of Pelagianism
ANOTHER form of fake holiness mentioned in Pope Francis’ THE cold-blooded and pre-meditated people or they know that the police Tito Paez is still “under investigation.”
“Gaudete et exsultate” is what is known as Pelagianism that killing of the Catholic priest Fr. Mark and the intelligence community in our If the authorities cannot, or will not,
also includes its mitigated but still erroneous idea of holiness Ventura. 37, at about 8:15 am after country are inept – or even both! do their responsibilities, the people
that is labeled as semi-Pelagianism. It is a heretical doctrine celebrating mass at a gymnasium in How have we come to this? A culture should stand up. We should demand
attributed to a British theologian, Pelagius, who lived circa Brgy. Pena Weste in Gattaran town, of killing has been unleashed! If they that killings should stop, that human
360-418 AD. Cagayan, sends chills to the country. He can kill priests, they can kill anybody! rights be respected, that the big fishes
Pelagianism is the belief that holiness can be achieved
was killed as he was blessing children Talagang wala ng takot sa Diyos ang should be caught and made to answer.
mainly if not exclusively through man’s effort alone, with
and talking with choir members after pumapatay ng pari. Kung wala ng We cannot just stand by and let things
hardly any help of the divine grace. It goes against what St.
Paul said clearly that everything, especially sanctity itself, the mass. The killers knew full well that takot sa Diyos, kahit na ano maaari ng be.
“depends not on human will or exertion, but on God who he was a priest; they were bold enough gawin! A great blame can be thrown to We can connect this culture of
shows mercy.” (Rom 9,16) to kill in broad daylight in front of the thousands of extra judicial killings impunity to the case of Sr. Patricia
Not that human will and exertion are irrelevant in the pursuit people. The killers were so brazen! This that have been done in the name of Fox. Can the government just send
of holiness and everything that is good and proper to us. They happened four months after another the War on Drugs. So many so-called out missionaries on flimsy accusations
are, in fact, indispensable, but only as means, as evidence and priest, Fr. Tito Paez, was killed on Dec vigilante killings and killings by people without even due process? We can also
consequence of the working of God’s grace and his mercy. 4, 2017 in Nueva Ecija, again by raiding riding in tandem are just simply listed connect this culture of impunity with
This clarification is crucial especially nowadays when there in tandem assailants. “under investigation” and not one of the the pro warranto case of CJ Sereno.
is a lot of religious indifference, confusion and ignorance. We What is happening to our country? thousands has been solved. This sends Even the justices of the Supreme Court
may, in fact, see a lot of people who are doing a lot of good As of now it is still too early to find a strong message that the police is very cannot act with impunity that they
things, but still missing the real thing. And that’s simply the motives for the killing of Fr. Mark inept to solve crimes, if they themselves can do blatantly illegal decisions. The
because their idea of anything good is mainly subjective rather Ventura. What is clear, however, is that are not complicit in the killings. Supreme Court cannot bend the laws!
than objective. It depends on their own understanding of peace and order is getting out of hand. The police has to show that there is no Our present Constitution tells us
what is good rather than the good that truly comes from God. The killers are so bold because they culture of impunity. The criminals are that sovereignty ultimately resides on
Due to such understanding, the consequent actions would know that they cannot be caught, either to be brought to trial. Can the police do the people. Let the people now act and
not be truly inspired by the love that comes from God. They because they are protected by powerful this? I strongly doubt. The killing of Fr. stand up!
would simply come as a result of their own will and effort.
And a will and effort exercised in this way, that is, without
Human and joyful
God’s grace and inspiration, would only be proud and vain.
It is indeed very important that we examine closely the Living Mission
motives of our actions and the source from which they spring
as well as the end to which they proceed. That’s because we
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM evangelizers
can do many of what may look like good acts but which are
motivated by self-love, by pride and vanity, rather than by the
real love that comes from God alone and is lived only with God.
A Pelagian person is actually a very proud and vain person. THIS current year (2018) says: “That is how we have shepherd,’ who always cares private space?” (November
He is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, faking holiness through is focused on deepening to see ourselves: poised for his flock” (November 20, 20, 2015).
his seemingly good works that may include many acts of piety, our understanding and between our utter shame 2015). For another approach,
like praying in a showy way, making a lot of sacrifices, being appreciation of the vocation and our sublime dignity. Growth through Francis suggests examining
active in church functions, etc. of the clergy and all Dirty, impure, mean and Self-examination. All ourselves based on the “hymn
He personifies what St. Paul once said about the importance consecrated persons. Indeed, selfish, yet at the same time, Christians, including priests to charity” in Saint Paul’s
of charity in our lives and about how charity can be they are human individuals with feet washed, called and religious, need to first letter to the Corinthians.
distinguished from seemingly good works: “If I have the gift who are to be “in this world, and chosen to distribute the constantly examine their In addition, the pope has
of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, but not of this world”; they Lord’s multiplied loaves, conscience and style of frequently spoken about the
and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have need to be deeply aware of blessed by our people, life. Pope Francis speaks destructive effects of gossip.
love, I am nothing.” (1 Cor 13,2) both their “nothingness” loved and cared for. Only of “discerning every “The enemy of harmony in
A Pelagian person cannot stand the test of true love in spite / “humanness” as well as mercy makes this situation day how my vocation is a religious community … is
of the many good things he appears to be doing. This truth their “greatness” / “dignity.” bearable…. The mercy of growing” (December 2, the spirit of gossip…. There
was practically established by Christ in that encounter he had Even in their weaknesses God … is always ‘greater’ 2017). He offers a very brief is one image I like to use
with a rich young man. (cfr Mt 19,16-30)
they are to manifest the than our consciousness of our examination of conscience in describing the spirit of
The rich young man appeared to be doing a lot of good, to
overwhelming power and sinfulness” (June 2, 2016). for priests and religious: gossip. It is terrorism. Yes,
be following the commandments. But when Christ asked for
his whole heart by asking him to sell all he had and to just presence of the divine. The The priest or religious is to “Where is my heart? Among terrorism, because those
follow Christ, the rich young man went away sad. working of God’s grace within be “at the same time close to the people, praying with and who speak ill of others do
A Pelagian person, in the end, has his own self to love rather human limitations is indeed God and close to man; he is for the people, involved in not do so publicly…. Please,
than God. He can be exposed to be such when the true and a profound mystery! the ‘servant,’ who washes the their joys and sufferings, or bite your tongue in time”
ultimate demands of God’s love are made on him. Before Insights from Pope feet and makes himself close rather among the things of (December 2, 2017).
this, he somehow can be known when problems, difficulties, Francis. Our Holy Father to the weakest; he is the ‘good the world, worldly affairs, my Living Mission / A5
mistakes and failures he can experience in his life would make
him angry and frustrated, rather than willing to suffer.
Indeed, it’s time that we examine ourselves closely to see if Imitate the Candidly Speaking
traces of Pelagianism, so subtle in its ways, are marring our
desire and pursuit for holiness. Good Shepherd Fr. Roy Cimagala

IF we truly want to be good Christians, of a good Christian as a good shepherd cases will require a lot of creative and
we need to imitate Christ as the Good very slowly, and start to develop the patient interventions. Would we be
Shepherd. That is to say, that we have proper attitude, skills and virtues willing to tackle this challenge?
PROTAGONIST OF TRUTH, PROMOTER OF PEACE to learn to complicate our life to look to fulfil it. Definitely, we need to be To be a good shepherd would require
for those who are lost. We just cannot strongly identified with Christ, first of that we should always be observing
Pedro Quitorio be contented with taking care of those all, and then go through the details of people and following or, even better,
Editor-in-Chief who are already somehow safe in how to meet this requirement. be promptly in the know with regard
the flock which, definitely, is already Do we know what is to be lost, to events, trends, fashions, signs of the
Nirva’ana E. Delacruz Ron Ramos a complicated matter. especially in the context of today? times.
Associate Editor Design Artist
We have to complicate our life some It’s easy to identify those who openly We should sharpen our skills of
more, willing to leave behind our consider themselves as atheists, discerning and assessing the moral
Roy Lagarde Mercedita Juanite
News Editor Circulation Manager comfort and convenience readily. agnostics, heretics, etc., as lost. But there quality of a person’s actuations or status,
Christ, in describing himself as the are those who may appear to be very and of the different situations in life. We
Christine Paguirigan Marcelita Dominguez Good Shepherd, said that he was willing pious, very saintly but actually are also need to be ready with the appropriate
Managing Editor Comptroller to lay down his life for his sheep. (cfr lost, even to a greater degree, because criteria with which to judge these things.
Jn 10,11-18) The immediate context of of their most deceptive inconsistency in So you can just imagine the
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the
CBCP - Media Office with editorial and business offices those words was in order to protect his their Christian life. amount of prayer and study needed to
at 3rd Floor, CBCP Compound, 470 General Luna sheep. But we can readily say also that And there are those who are deeply attain this ideal.
Street, Intramuros, Manila. Email Address: cbcpmonitor@
areopaguscommunications.com, Business: (632) 404 - 1612.
his willingness to die for his sheep was trapped in some kind of addiction, If we truly care for people, we should
ISSN 1908-2940. meant also to look for the lost one. whether it be in drugs, alcohol, sex, the arrive at that point where we get to
We need to process this requirement internet, games, gambling, etc. These Candidly Speaking / A7
CBCP Monitor April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 OPINION A5

Faith by numbers
And That’s The Truth Life Matters
Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS By Carlos Antonio P. Palad

I DON’T understand why supposedly

prayerful, polite, educated, civilized
condo buyers are Chinese investors,
and that is also why condominium
number from 1 to 10.”
He said, “Four, the dreaded number.” Called to holiness?
persons would forward chain messages
(via Messenger) that urge you to pray,
and then to pass on the same prayer to a
developers build high rises without a
fourth floor. In fact, their elevators skip
the fourth floor. The Chinese believe
Easy, I quipped: four ends of the cross,
proof of God’s love for us, reaching out
to all four corners of the earth, east,
Uphold the value
number of people in order to be divinely
rewarded. Here’s just one example:
“4” is an “unlucky number” because it
sounds like the word for “death”. My
west, north, south. “Eight?” Infinity—
on and on and on, like the love of God.
of human life
“jesus christ is giving you mystery to broker friend observes “Nag-uunahan “Six?” Mary, the six-point star Star of ON April 9, the Holy See published Pope Francis’ third
take care of your family, you will give yung mga intsik sa units with number Israel. “Three?” The Indwelling Trinity. apostolic exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate. In this document,
good news after 29 minutes nag try ako 8 because for them it’s a very lucky “Five?” Jesus’ wounds on the cross. the Pope aims to “repropose the call to holiness in a practical
totoo, swerte daw ang makabasa nito number. In fact the units on the 8th I interrupted our little game by way for our own time, with all its risks, challenges and
kya pinasahan kita. Panginoon tulungan floor sell fastest, and sometimes even playfully volunteering related opportunities” (# 2). It places great focus on the way in which
mo kami na malutas ang aming mga at a higher price.” Interesting to note information using his own science: “everything can be accepted and integrated into our life in
problema, bukas andyan na yong good that many elevators also skip the 13th “Our house stands on a rock, supported this world, and become a part of our path to holiness” (# 26).
news. Please sacrifice huwag mo tong floor, “13” being believed as an unlucky by 12 concrete posts—12 apostles. From Not surprisingly it touches on the importance of the pro-life
buburahin hanggat di mo naipapasa sa number, this time by Americans. the street level to living room entrance apostolate, because the defense of the unborn, the innocent,
25 na tao. start now.” There’s also one It is reported that the United States you climb 39 steps—the 39 lashes Jesus and the defenseless is a grave and pressing matter nearly
that urges you to make a wish and then loses about a billion dollars on a Friday, suffered. Our house is a simple box— everywhere in the world today. How can it not concern any
pray just one Hail Mary, but it ends the 13th. The normally acquisitive four corners for the ground floor plus 4 Christian who loves his brethren?
with “send this novena to 30 persons American wouldn’t want to make a corners for the second floor equals eight Unfortunately, many international news outlets presented
including me. Don’t break the chain, major purchase—car, house, boat, etc.— corners, infinity, remember? Our street the document as if it weakened the Church’s opposition to
you wish will not be granted.” And there or sign a major contract on a Friday that address is number 41: “4” represents abortion, contraception, and immoral bioethical practices
are so amny others similar in purpose falls on the 13th of the month. “It’s bad M (as in Mary), the 13th letter of the (euthanasia, so-called therapeutic cloning, IVF, etc.) in favor
and in tone. luck”, a thought that has magnified into alphabet, 1+3=4; and “1” represents J of focusing on other social issues, such as immigration. Now,
There’s no doubt the sender means a phobia that has seemed to affect the (as in Jesus or Joseph), the 10th letter of the Pope may want the Church to pay more attention, and
well (I close my eyes to the ridiculous rest of the civilized world, including the alphabet, 1+0=1. You want more of perhaps give the same level of importance, to immigration and
claims), but I can’t help wondering: numerologists. my superstitions? So don’t try to scare other social issues such as poverty. However, this should not
why the particular numbers 25, 29, 30, One numerologist I know is a devout me with yours!” be interpreted to mean that the Church is now weakening its
or sometimes 18, 9 12, et al. Have the Catholic, but who sincerely, really It would be nice to study biblical opposition to abortion and its stance on bioethical issues. The
superstitions about numbers crept into sincerely believes there are “auspicious numerology but really, I believe we don’t Pope’s actual words on the importance of opposing abortion
our consciousness, too, like for instance dates” for making big decisions or need such knowledge to rise above the should be read:
the Chinese? Or is there something moves. He once cautioned me against petty threats of chain messages, or to “Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs
about their beliefs that needs to be flying on a certain date I had decided to brush aside the sincere but unnecessary to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a
“adjusted” by proper catechism? fly. I didn’t listen to him because, as I anxieties of our “psychic” friends. Just human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each
A broker friend of mine complains teasingly spoke his language, “I have my as all roads lead to Rome, for me all person, regardless of his or her stage of development. Equally
that “It’s very difficult to sell condo units own superstitions about numbers. No numbers lead to Jesus. Then I can sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born,
with numbers that end in “4” because, number is a bad number for me; they all embrace as His will whatever comes. the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the
as she rightly concludes, majority of bring me good luck. Try me. Pick any And that’s the truth. vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia,
the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and

Protecting our OFWs every form of rejection.” (From Gaudete et Exsultate, # 101)
In practice, taking these words seriously would lead to the
Duc in Altum pro-life advocacy (as it currently stands) being strengthened,
Atty. Aurora A. Santiago not weakened! If we are truly to be “clear and firm”, then our
defense of the unborn must be vocal, public, and unambiguous.
If we are truly to be “passionate” in defense of the unborn, then
we should perseveringly oppose laws that legalize the various
forms of deliberate abortion, even when our advocacy seems
Dateline: Las Vegas, rescuing distressed Filipino with rainbow colors, one as they used to be. Streets to bear little or no fruit. (It is important to keep in mind that
Nevada workers in Kuwait. Kuwait would think the hotel owners were either dark or poorly- the fight against abortion covers not only surgical or medical
THE whole country was alleged that the embassy’s are majority stockholders of lit, it is scary to walk in the abortions, but also the use of abortifacient contraceptives.
shocked in February with action violated its law and the power provider. In the evening, not many people These prevent the implantation of the fertilized ovum, thus
the news that the body of an sovereignty. same manner, all the streets stroll anymore in the evening. killing a life already formed in the womb.) The RH Law, alas,
Overseas Filipino Worker All the diplomats were fully lighted as evening Hotels converted American has set the stage for the more aggressive and widespread
(OFW) in Kuwait, Joanna of a country have the falls, it was as bright as breakfast to continental. promotion of such contraceptives by the government. We
Demafelis, was found in a responsibility to protect its daytime. Thousands of people Lunch and dinner buffet Filipino pro-lifers then, should take heart from these words by
freezer in Kuwait. Demafelis citizens residing, working or were walking and strolling now cost a fortune. Hotel the Pope, in the same way that we drew encouragement from
was reported missing for over visiting the country where the streets 24/7; there was hopping is expensive, hotels his exhortations to protect and defend the family during his
a year. The incident prompted he is on tour of duty. It is traffic of people along the charge parking fee now, first 2015 visit to our country. That he chose to remind us again to
President Rodrigo Duterte only incumbent upon the sidewalks, and vehicles on hour for free but the next be clear and firm in defending the unborn in the context of an
to ban the deployment of Filipino diplomats in Kuwait the streets, especially in Las hour is $9.00 plus a dollar exhortation devoted to holiness is also a consolation for us. It
Filipino workers to Kuwait. to protect all Filipinos in Vegas Strip. In one of my after every 2 hours. What is is an affirmation that the defense of the dignity and sanctity
Repatriation was ordered by that country, lest they be flights from New York to more, there are many vacant of life is a path to holiness!
the Philippines for those who blamed and cursed by all the L.A., the pilot announced parking spaces in the hotels. That the defense of the unborn should go hand in hand
would like to come home. The Filipinos for not being able that if we would look down At the rate things are going, with the defense of the lives of the marginalized is only
ban is still in force. to protect Filipino citizens. from our window, we could is Vegas driving away its logical, because both involve the sanctity of the right to
According to the Repatriating the OFW’s see Vegas. True enough, the customers (the high roller life—the greatest right, the primordial right, without which
Department of Foreign would mean unemployment fully lighted city can be seen individuals) and tourists? all other rights become are eventually deprived of strength
Affairs, there is approximately for most of them. We hope from the plane’s height. Not Well, only the Las Vegas and meaning. The case of the late Alfie Evans, which recently
260,000 Filipinos working and pray that everything everybody who went to this Government (which collects shocked the world, provided an opportunity for the Pope
in Kuwait, about 170,000 will be resolved amicably city play at the casino; they taxes from the businessmen) to exercise leadership in the defense of the sanctity of life.
of whom are household between the two countries. went hotel hopping with their and the businessmen would There is no space here for a detailed narration of the case,
helpers. A Memorandum of *** children, to see the famous know if they made the right which as of this writing is only days old and on which so little
Understanding was supposed The first time I visited attraction each hotel offered. business decision. material is available online. Suffice it to recall that the Pope
to be signed between the two Las Vegas in 1993, I was There was no problem in *** gave his full support to the efforts of Alfie’s parents to seek
governments to protect OFW awe-struck by its beauty and parking since every hotel Congratulations to Bishop further treatment for him abroad. Not only did Pope Francis
due to the reported abuse and splendor. It was still the same offers free parking. There Pablo Virgilio “Ambo” repeatedly write and speak out publicly in support of the
deaths of OFW. in Summer of 2014, the last were free American buffet David and the clergy of the parents, he ordered the president of the Vatican’s Bambino
Last week, the country time I was here when our breakfast while buffet lunch Diocese of Kalookan for their Gesu hospital in Rome, Dr. Mariella Enoc, to do everything she
was again shocked when the family, with my 96-year old and dinner were cheap. successful pilgrimage and could to bring little Alfie to that hospital. Dr. Enoc personally
Kuwait Government declared mother, went on a road trip Fast forward. There is great retreat at the Holy Land. The went to Liverpool to give her support to the parents, while the
Renato Villa, the Philippine for almost a month from difference today. Vegas might retreat was very memorable Pope’s intervention helped push the Italian government to
Consul in that country, as West Coast (Los Angeles) to either have been hit by the and fruitful considering that grant Alfie Evans Italian citizenship, in order to expedite his
persona non grata, meaning, the East Coast (New York and crunch of economic crisis, or Bishop Ambo is a Biblical immediate transfer to the Bambino Gesu hospital. While the
the Consul will be expelled Canada). I remember that it wants more profit at lesser Scholar and can tell and British establishment proved deaf to the Pope and the Italian
from Kuwait. The order during my first visit, I tagged business expense? Gone explain every event and step
Life Matters / A7
also came with the arrest of Vegas as the city that never are the brightly-lit hotels. of the way where Jesus and
three Filipino diplomats. The sleeps, next to New York. The The attractions were also the Holy Family walked. It Living Mission / A4
decision was made with the city was so beautiful both by reduced to a limited time, has been my dream to have
release of a video showing the daytime and nighttime. All some even stopped them. Bishop Ambo as the Chaplain Joy in Ministry. Recall ourselves to be robbed of the
Philippine embassy officials hotels were brightly lighted Hotels are not as attractive of my Holy Land Pilgrimage. that the first major document joy of evangelization!” (EG
issued by Pope Francis was 83).
Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy Evangelizing through
Whatever of the Gospel). For Francis,
“The joy of the Gospel fills
Joy. For Pope Francis, every
priest and religious should
the hearts and lives of all be a true apostle, “a person
Fr. Francis Ongkingco who encounter Jesus…. With who transmits joy everywhere
Christ joy is constantly born he goes. A heart filled with
anew…. I wish to encourage God is a happy heart that
the Christian faithful to radiates an infectious joy; it is
EVERYONE loves a good surprise! The no longer have a deep and lasting show, and more. These naturally please embark upon a new chapter immediately evident! So let us
best and most memorable surprises impact. This is because many surprises the senses and entertain us. Prayer, of evangelization marked by not lose that joyful, humorous
come from the people we love the focus on the things that are given rather however, does not attempt to achieve this joy” (EG 1). and even self-deprecating
most. This often happens on special than on the person himself/herself. this. Hidden in Francis’ spirit which makes people
occasions such as birthdays, wedding This is a one of the consequences of our So how can prayer surprise us? Evangelii Gaudium amiable even in difficult
anniversaries. and others drawn from hyper-materialistic world. Our experience of life’s many material are several creative situations. How beneficial
each family’s unique traditions or If you and I are longing to discover surprises are captured by our five expressions that remind us is a good dose of humor!”
customs. a new and lasting surprise, it can be senses. These are internally composed of the centrality of joy in (December 22, 2014).
A surprise can be described as an discovered in and through prayer. Pope and engraved as cherished memories in our apostolate. “There are “Like every other
unexpected celebration for someone, Francis stressed that, “Without prayer, our minds and hearts. The result is some Christians whose lives seem missionary disciple, the priest
highlighted by giving a valuable thing there can be no surprise!” sort of spiritual or soulful experience like Lent without Easter” [and religious] makes the
or by hosting an event. But what is One wonders what surprise(s) prayer that we treasure more than the material (EG 6). “An evangelizer message joyful by his whole
celebrated is not the gift or event but could offer. In such a silent and secluded surprise (i.e. gift, food or card) itself. must never look like being” (April 13, 2017). Pope
a person. The material elements are activity, is it possible to be swept away Prayer still requires our five external someone who has just come Francis concludes: “Let us be
mere tokens of honor representing love, and awakened to something exhilarating, senses, but we have to exercise them to back from a funeral” (EG realists, but without losing
appreciation, gratitude, or recognition unforgettable, and converting? aid the senses of the soul and prepare us 10). Christians must avoid our joy, our boldness and our
of a particular virtue(s) in the individual. The means and effort required to for the surprises that prayer and other anything that “turns us into hope-filled commitment. Let
Although people will never lose the pray undoubtedly cannot compete spiritual engagements offer. querulous and disillusioned us not allow ourselves to be
thrill and fun of receiving surprises, we with a fireworks display, a multi-media Naturally, the surprise doesn’t come pessimists, ‘sourpusses’” robbed of missionary vigor!”
are seeing that most of these occasions presentation, a dance or theatrical Whatever / A7 (EG 85). “Let us not allow (EG 109).
A6 LOCAL NEWS April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor

Media camp to promote ‘thinking,

speaking, living’ Christ Bishop prays for conversion
of priest’s killers
IN celebration of the 52nd led by Bishop Antonio
World Communications R. Tobias, DD, on World
Day (WCD) on May 13, Communications Day itself.
Ascension Sunday, the The entire celebration is
Diocese of Novaliches aligned to the theme of Pope
Social Communications and Francis’ WCD message.
WHILE murder in itself
Media Ministry (SocComm Pope Paul VI first celebrated
is reprehensible, a prelate
Nova) will host its 2nd World Communications
prays for the conversion of
Communications Camp Day on May 6, 1967 after
the murderers of Fr. Mark
meant to renew the faithful’s the release of his decree
Ventura, a clergy of the
commitment to communicate On The Media Of Social
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Christ. Communications or Inter
who was shot on Sunday after
“The SocCom Camp is a Mirifica in 1963 that defined
celebrating Mass in Gattaran,
renewal of our Christian the importance of social
commitment to think, commu nic at ions in t he
“While we strongly condemn
speak, write and live Christ,” Catholic Church, especially
this heinous act done to
said SocComm Novaliches in addressing social issues.
a brother-priest at such a
director Fr. Ambrosio Nonato The SocComm Nova camp
young age in ministry (think
Legaspi, explaining the event was first launched on May
of the many people he could
to be held at the La Mesa 19 to 20, 2017 at the Notre
have still served and touched
Ecopark on May 4 to 5. Dame De Vie Retreat House
through his priestly life and
The event is largely inspired / Mother of Life Center in
ministry but are now deprived
by Pope Francis’ 52nd WCD San Agustin, Quezon City.
of it because of his brutal
message, which delved on This year’s camp is expected
murder!) we plead for God’s
“The Truth Will Set You Free to be a bigger gathering in
mercy and grace of conversion
(Jn 8:32), Fake News And lieu of concurrent sessions
for the perpetrators of Fr.
Journalism For Peace”. that range from the
Mark’s untimely death!,” said
“Truth is not just revealing basics of newswriting and San Carlos Bishop Gerardo Alminaza gives a talk to members of the clergy. NIRVA DELACRUZ
San Carlos Bishop Gerardo
things that are hidden,” said photography to broadcasting
Alminaza in a recent Facebook the motive(s) for such contrary to the dignity of the of his brutal killing. We
the priest in reference to the and events coverage to be
post. crime would even make human being, to the golden appeal to the conscience
Pope’s message for the year. given by speakers from
He also stressed the the sacrilegious act of rule, and to the holiness of of all responsible for this
“Truth is living Christ, the EWTN, Communications
specially serious offense of murdering Fr. Mark even the Creator.” unconscionable evil act!,”
Light that conquered the Foundation Asia (CFA),
killing not just any ordinary more grievous!,” said the The prelate also extended he said.
Father of Lies,” he stressed. Trapik.Com, among others.
person but a priest. chairman of the CBCP his “fraternal solidarity” to While the motive behind
Designed to promote the It is expected to gather
“It is already grave to Episcopal Commission on Tuguegarao Archbishop Sergio his murder has yet to be
importance of celebrating SocComm coordinators
deliberately kill a human Seminaries. Utleg and his clergy, specially identified, Ventura was
World Communications Day, and members from nine
person! How doubly grave it Quoting the Catechism to the slain priest’s family. known to be actively involved
the camp is held annually out of 12 vicariates of
is to kill a cleric or consecrated of the Catholic Church, “We join them in earnest in anti-mining advocacy
a week before Ascension Novaliches. Attendees of
person! Alminaza noted that prayer for the eternal repose work, leading some to draw
Sunday. the camp are then given the
The context or the deliberate ending of of Fr. Mark and for the swift the connection. (Nirva
The camp kicks off a week- privilege to attend more
circumstances as well as a person’s life is “gravely investigation and resolution Delacruz)
long diocesan celebration, ministry formation during
followed by the camp exhibit, the year, which includes
which displays “masterpieces” the National Media Couples told: ‘Marital crisis is an opportunity to grow in love’
submitted by participants Convention in Davao from
during the camp, and ends Aug. 6 to 9. (Minnie THIS year’s marriage encounter
with a commissioning Mass Agdeppa/CBCPNews) weekend seminar (MEWS) presenting
priest, Fr. Ricardo “Bobby” Sta. Cruz of
Lay church workers told to resign St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish,
Aborlan, Palawan, told couples to “see
if they run in brgy polls the moment of crisis [in marriage] as a
moment of grace.”
“When you and your spouse are facing
LAY church officials and
a very tough situation, consider this
workers will be stripped of
‘crisis’ as God’s way of making your
their posts if they will run
relationship stronger,” added the priest.
in the forthcoming barangay
“Pray and discern as you get reconnected
and Sangguniang Kabataan
to each other and put God at the center
elections, a bishop has
of your lives.”
Bishop Honesto Ongtioco
Love, a decision
of Cubao, in a pastoral
In an interview, Sta. Cruz said that Pastoral team, Fr. Bobby Sta. Cruz as well as one of the presenting couples, Belar and Cynthia Cruz, gave sessions
statement, said those on marriage and family at this year’s marriage encounter weekend seminar, held in Meycauayan City, Bulacan
problems in marriage are normal, but
running for elected posts from April 13 to 15. RAINIER POLICARPIO
couples should understand that divorce
will be considered resigned
is “never an answer.” He stressed, marriage and family, as well as the entails huge responsibility, deepens
to stop perceptions that the
“Remember this: what’s important is not importance of putting God at the “center genuine love, and requires absolute
institution will be used for Cubao Bishop Honesto Ongtioco. PHOTO what’s lost but what’s left. Let the hands of their relationship.” understanding.”
of God do the work for you.” The said MEWS for Class 17, organized
“We wish to guard the
He also reiterated that what the world Every marriage is sacred by the Marriage Encounter Prayer
Church against possible Despite this, the
needs now are “God-centered marriages The event also emphasized the divine Community of the Parish of the National
accusation of critics for bishop said the church is
and prayerful couples”. “Always find nature of marriage. Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Marilao,
undue advantage of lay encouraging lay people to
time to pray together as a family and as “Each union is blessed by God and Bulacan, was held at St. Joseph House
candidates, who might be play an active role in partisan
a couple,” said Sta. Cruz. every couple must value the sanctity of of Serenity in Meycauayan, Bulacan,
perceived of using the Church politics.
The priest also shared insights about marriage,” said one of the presenting from April 13 to 15, 2018. (Myraine
for partisan exercise,” he “This is in line with the
understanding oneself, one’s spouse, couples, Belar and Cynthia Cruz. “It Carluen-Policarpio/CBCPNews)
said. mission of the Church to
The prelate said those who renew the political affairs Protect / A1
will lose the election can according to Gospel
reapply for their positions principles and values,” he According to him, work “Thus genuine working contractualization. It is exploting their labor
in the parish or diocesan said. is more than just doing conditions are fostered not Ending contractualization without gibing them
organizations but are subject Ongtioco added that they something for money, but simply by transactions but or endo (end of contract) security.”
to parish priest approval. are even asking them to use about how we share in the by a covenant relationship is among the key campaign In Cebu City, Duterte signed
On the other hand, those a set of guidance in their creative activity of God between partners who promises of President an executive order (EO) that
elected and still want to participation in the political “Work is fundamentally respect and protect Rodrigo Duterte. bans unlawful contracting an
serve in their parish cannot life such as the pursuit of what happens to the human everyone’s dignity. In a Manila Auxiliary Bishop sub-contracting.
serve as an official of any the common good and the person: the active mind, the covenant relationship there Broderick Pabillo, however, But labor groups said
church organizations but as promotion of social justice. sweaty brow, the fractured is no room for exploitation,” said Duterte has failed the existing labor laws already
ordinary member only. (CBCPNews) hand, the aching back, the he said. workers. contain the prohibition,
grumbling stomach, the Various groups marked “He did not fulfil his adding that what is needed
Serving / A1 anxious heart, the zealous Labor Day with protests across promise to end endo,” is a policy that prohibits all
spirit, the dreams fulfilled,” the country, demanding wage he said. “Endo is a great forms of labor contracting.
to leave the country for being marginalized sectors”. Tagle said. hike and a stop to illegal injustice to the workers. (CBCPNews)
an “undesirable alien”. Fr. Rudy Abao, lead
The agency also warned of convenor of SWPC, said OFWs / A1
deporting Fox in case of non- the move is not only an
compliance of its order. attack against Fox but also Pastoral work in the Middle East
Lawyer Jobert Pahilga, “a suppression of the poor Currently, there are three Filipino
Fox’s counsel, decried the Filipinos whom she has priests assigned in different churches in
haste of the BI order and wholeheartedly served”. Kuwait, including Fr. Ruben Barrameda,
denying the nun of her right “We demand the Duterte and Franciscan Fathers Ramon Atanacio
to due process. government to hands off Sister and Alfredo Nicua.
He added that they were Fox and other foreigners who The priests are assigned in three
prepared to bring the case to uphold human rights and churches: the Holy Family Cathedral in
even to the Supreme Court if basic welfare of the Filipino Kuwait City, St. Therese in Salmiya, and
needed. people,” he said. Our Lady of Arabia in Almadhi.
Fox said she was surprised “Helping the poor and “They also celebrate Masses at the
over the decision, reiterating needy has nothing to do Philippine embassy and in shelter
that she did not violate the with partisan politics, but a homes, hear confessions, and do
terms of her missionary visa. humane universal dee and counseling,” said Santos.
“I hope I would be given due a basic teaching of Jesus,” Kuwait is home to more than 250, 000
process and would be given Abao added. Filipino expatriates, mostly working as
a chance to explain what my Immigration authorities domestic workers.
missionary work is,” she said. arrested and detained Fox,
A network of church who is the regional superior PH-Kuwait relations
organizations led by the of the Sisters of Our Lady of Santos also expressed hope that
Solidarity With the Poor Sion congregation, on April the remaining issues between the
Fr. Restituto Ogsimer, executive secretary of the CBCP’s Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants
and Itinerant People. FILE PHOTO
Campaign (SWPC) also 16 over alleged involvement Philippines and Kuwait will finally be
criticized the government’s in “illegal political activities”. resolved. employers. OFWs from Kuwaiti homes.
decision to deport Fox She was release on President Rodrigo Duterte earlier This week, however, Kuwait lodged “It is our prayers and hope that
who, for the last 27 years, April 17 pending further ordered a deployment ban to a diplomatic protest for violation of everything will be arranged peacefully in
“dedicated herself alongside investigation. (Roy Kuwait after the death of a domestic its sovereignty after the Philippine an amicably and diplomatically,” Santos
with the oppressed and Lagarde/CBCPNews) helper allegedly at the hands of her government rescued allegedly abused said. (CBCPNews)
CBCP Monitor April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 DIOCESAN NEWS A7

Walk for Life: Journey together Northern Samar parish holds courage-
themed youth camp

to protect life, strengthen family

FOCUSING on the theme the Philippines’ 2018 theme
courage, the 1st Parish Youth focusing on the clergy and
Camp (PYC) of the Our Lady consecrated persons.
of the Assumption Parish of Between 300 to 500 youth
BAGUIO City– Amid the this town kicked off yesterday, from the 26 barangays of
‘culture of death’ in our April 28. Lavezares are participating in
nation, a Catholic bishop “Young people need to this year’s PYC.
called on the faithful to “to be courageous in times of The camp is taking place
stand up, walk and journey God’s call,” said Raymart within the parish church’s
together to protect life and Capending, parish youth grounds as well as in the
strengthen the family”. coordinator. town’s central elementary
In a statement given The event’s theme was taken school. The delegates will stay
on April 28, as thousands from the book of prophet for three days and two nights
marched in Baguio City for Isaiah, “Do not fear for I have and will undergo a series of
the “Walk for Life”, Bishop summoned you by name, you meaningful activities.
Victor Bendico emphasized are mine.” (43:1) The organizers partnered
as “every Christian’s “PYC calls for the young with barangay officials,
responsibility” to follow people in the parish to serve particularly the Committee on
the example of the Good the church with courage,” Youth and Sports Development,
Samaritan who “recognized shared Annjill Dineros, one as well as the Barangay Pastoral
the dignity in the other of the organizers. Council, which shouldered
person and cared for the life Capending, who heads the the meals during the event,
of the victim”. Lavezares Catholic Youth accommodations, and
“We are called to be mature Ministry (LCYM), added other forms of assistance.
in faith and allow our faith to that this year’s theme is also (Carl Jamie Bordeos/
be the principle of life, and anchored on the Church in CBCPNews)
not simply a description. We
‘walk for life’ to uphold what Prison / A1
life truly means as taught to
us by Christ,” Bendico said. need to be revised after the and implementors are too
Employing a mnemonic Congress ‘watered down” the preoccupied in attending to
device to underline his Bishop Victor Bendico joins other participants of the “Walk for Life” in Baguio City, April 28. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO real intention of the authors their concerns,” he added.
point the Bishop declared, of the measure such as the He also stressed the need
“Our nation is embracing morality’. “HumaneVitae” be dissolved if the parties so and we give due respect to Release on Recognizance Law for the Supreme Court to
a culture of ‘DEATH’: was promulgated in July wish. We recognize that there them and recognize their or the Pre-Trial Release Law. rule on the constitutionality
a culture of Divorce, 1968, fifty years ago, but the are marriages with difficult dignity. Given their special “They should really of the implementing rules
Euthanasia, Abortion, truth it contains holds true situations but there are legal circumstances, there is a need make it retroactive and not and regulations of a law
Total Population Control today,” he pointed out. remedies in our Civil and to Iook into their pastoral prospective,’ Diamante said. where inmates can earn time
(through Contraceptives) and The bishop also cited Canon Laws.” care of which the Church in “It is just unfortunate deductions for good behavior.
Homosexual Union.” George Arthur Akerlof, a the Philippines must look that our policy makers (CBCPNews)
Nobel laureate in Economics Same-sex union at but ‘Gender politics and
Contraception in 2001, who confirmed Side by side with the move societal reconstruction’ is Evil act / A1
In the case of contraception, through empirical evidence to legalize divorce in our not the answer,” Bendico the perpetrators to justice. away?” Tagle said in his homily
Bendico recalled Blessed that the widespread use of country, the bishop also stressed. “We condemn in strongest at the Basilica Minore of the
Pope Paul VI who wrote the contraceptives has led to brought attention to the on- terms this brutal and cowardly Immaculate Conception.
encyclical “Humane Vitae” higher rates of divorce, single going debate in Congress on Life-changing event act,” Utleg said. The cardinal said
(Of Human Life) which parenthood, abortion, drug a petition that seeks to pave The bishop challenged “There have been too many the emerging culture is
presents the teachings of the abuse and other social evils. the way for same-sex unions his flock to “take on murders already done with “transactional” that people
Church on contraception in under House Bill 6595. measures so that the ‘Walk impunity in our country by reject others who are no
the light of the Christian view Divorce bill The petition is challenging for Life’ will not simply assassins riding in tandem. longer useful to them.
of the dignity of the human The bishop also called the certain provisions of the be a big event but a life- May this be the last,” he “Maybe other people would
person and the meaning of people’s attention to House Family Code on marriage, changing event which added. say that he’s not a gift but a
marriage. Bill 7303 which Congress particularly Articles 1 and compels us to act and do In December 2017, Fr. hindrance. Let’s bring back
“Pope Paul VI prophesied is working on to usher in a 2, which uphold marriage something for the other: Marcelito Paez, 72, was killed the God’s gift perspective,”
that the widespread use of “Divorce Law”. between a man and a woman. for our families, for our by still unidentified gunmen he said. You don’t throw away
contraception would ‘lead “The ‘Divorce Bill’, he “We recognize that neighborhood and for our in Jaen, Nueva Ecija. gifts. Gifts are treasures.”
to conjugal infidelity and explained, “portends that there are those who have country.” (Fr. Mickey For his part, Cardinal Luis The Order of the
the general lowering of marriages for any reason can homosexual orientations Cardenas/CBCPNews) Antonio Tagle lamented that Carmelite’s Justice and
the surge of killings in the Peace Commission expressed

New Archbishop of Jaro: ‘I will walk with you’ country only shows the losing
respect for life and “God’s gift”
alarm over the “crackdown”
of church people, including
Sr. Patricia Fox, whom the
THE 6th Archbishop of the Metropolitan
Speaking to thousands government recently ordered
See of Jaro has officially taken the reins
gathered for the episcopal to leave the Philippines for
as head shepherd of the more than two
ordination of Bartolome allegedly participating in
million Catholic faithful in the country’s
Santos, Jr., in Malolos City political activities.
fifth oldest diocese.
on April 30, he said that it’s The Carmelite priests said
Bishop Jose Romeo Orquejo Lazo,
“saddening” that some people that “these dastardly acts
former bishop of the Diocese of San Jose
no longer value life as a gift of evil has no place” in the
de Antique, was canonically installed
from God. country.
by his predecessor, Jaro Archbishop-
“It’s sad that a priest was “We appeal to our
Emeritus Angel N. Lagdameo, in a
killed in Tuguegarao. And government and to the
solemn Eucharistic celebration and
even if he’s not a priest… a authorities that the
canonical installation on April 17 at the
person. Isn’t he a gift from perpetrators of this dastardly
Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral.
God? Is it that easy nowadays act be brought to justice,”
According to Cebu Archbishop Jose S.
to just kill and throw someone they said.
Palma, the new archbishop’s episcopal
motto ‘Vobiscum Ambulare’ (To walk Solemn entrance and installation of Archbishop Jose Lazo at the St. Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Cathedral, Candidly Speaking / A4
with you), signifies the archbishop’s National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Iloilo City, April 17, 2018. VINCENT VALENCIA
desire to “walk with” the faithful of know their strengths and lost, we should also see to it
Jaro. “He wants to be considered as a Pope’s decision to send him to Jaro. He Gabriele Giordano Caccia thanked weaknesses. Somehow we that we don’t lose those who
companion in a journey; one who walks also thanked Lagdameo for his “selfless Lagdameo for his 18 years of service in would be able to monitor the are already safe in the flock.
with us,” said the prelate. “The shepherd service” to the archdiocese. Jaro. In a message read by his secretary, developments of their lives. So this means that we have
is one who affirms his love for Jesus “I will miss you. But I have to share Msgr. Gabriel Viola, the papal nuncio We have to understand then to have the right priorities in
and because of that love, he loves the my love to the other clergy of Jaro. This thanked Lagdameo for “his service to that to be immersed in God organizing our day.
flock,” he added referring to the bishop’s is what we are called for—sharing our the Church, the poor and the common is to be immersed also in the We cannot sacrifice our
foremost task. love. It is in sharing that we set God’s good.” lives of people. We cannot prayer life, our family life,
love and kindness,” Lazo told his former “May the blessing of the successor live in a cocoon. As Pope our professional life, just
Message of joy, thanksgiving priests in Antique. The archbishop of Peter encourage and inspire, Your Francis always reminds us, to search for the lost. Or
He also exhorted the faithful of Jaro likewise assured his priests in Jaro of Excellency, as you take your ministry as we need to reach out to the better said, we just have to
during his homily to “thank God for his presence as the Church celebrates Archbishop of Jaro leading the flock in peripheries. know how to put all these
His tremendous love for sending His the Year of the Clergy and Consecrated the work of the New Evangelization as For sure, to be a good competing goals together.
shepherd to the local Church of Jaro.” Persons. you build on the heritage passed on to shepherd, we should be I suppose this is the reason
He noted that the sending coincided Lazo also emphasized to the lay you by your august successors,” added willing to get dirty, to be truly why to be truly Christian, to be
with the celebration of Good Shepherd faithful their being the “crown of glory of the nuncio. patient and hopeful in spite of truly a saint, one would really
Sunday. the Church.” “Without you, we will not Bishops, priests, religious men and the difficulties and the likely need to be heroic, making
Lagdameo, in his message after be here,” he said. He ended with a strong women, and lay faithful from Jaro, setbacks we will experience extraordinary sacrifices when
the turnover of the cathedra and the assurance of God’s accompanying neighboring dioceses, and other parts along the way. the need arises. It cannot be
bishop’s staff, assured Lazo of the presence in the archdiocese. “He is of the country attended the canonical And what makes things any other way. We need to
faithful’s love for the bishop. trying to tell us, ‘I am with you. I will installation. more exciting is that while we know how to undertake great
“He will surely be loved,” said not leave you orphans.’ Be assured of Prior the installation, the new should be ready to look for the sacrifices.
Lagdameo. His love; He is always there,” the prelate archbishop was welcomed by his new
In his message, Archbishop Romy, as said. flock in a ceremony held at the cathedral Life Matters / A5
the bishop is fondly called, expressed joy and at the St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary government’s entreaties, the forces, or in the name of
and thanksgiving for God’s goodness, Building on the heritage on April 16. (Leonil T. Salvilla/ Pope’s personal intervention respecting political and
love, mercy, and compassion and for the Meanwhile, Papal Nuncio Archbishop CBCPNews) remains one of the most cultural “pluralism”. We must
striking demonstrations in continue our struggle, even if
Whatever / A5
recent decades of the Catholic the teaching that we share is
at one go! Like any surprise, As one patiently gains the more at rest. One creates I cannot really describe it, Church’s commitment to increasingly unpopular even
we are recipients of an habit of prayer, he discovers space with identity and or say that I always experience defending the sanctity of life. among many Catholics. We
unexpected gift, thus we the first surprise: silence. It substance. it, but as one journeys through For Filipino Catholics, can do nothing less for if we
must be patient and enter the isn’t simply the absence of With silence, serenity, and this spiritual adventure, he then, one essential practical fail to defend the sanctity of
portal of spiritual encounter noise. What is surprising is space come the surprises becomes more sensitive that response to Gaudete et life, there will be really nothing
through prayer. that silence has something of personal awareness and he or she is not (and never) Exsultate is to refuse silence left to defend. Not even the
Entering prayer is no soulfully delicious in it. examination. This may all alone. or accommodation in the cherished “rights” (some real,
mysterious activity. The simple With silence come other seem like we are just talking This is the most wonderful face of the apparent triumph but others artificial) that so
effort to maintain silence, find surprises: serenity and space. to ourselves, but more and surprise: there is Someone of secularist ideologies or many people nowadays like
a space and topic to bring to Since there is a concerted more we become aware of the giving us what the “world anti-life and anti-family laws to invoke in order to reject
prayer is already sufficient effort to remove unnecessary most beautiful surprise when cannot give.” And if we allow in our country. We cannot Church teachings will be safe:
to groove us into it. What is distractions in our spiritual we pray: presence! Him to guide and show us, be silent in the name of in the long run, there will be
important is to have a clear dialogue, one’s mind, heart, There is Someone with us our life would become a finding “common ground” in no human rights without the
mindset: “I want to pray!” and passions begin to be while we pray! surprising conversion. the face of adverse political right to life remaining safe.
A8 PEOPLE, FACTS, AND PLACES April 30 - May 13, 2018 Vol. 22 No. 9 CBCP Monitor

New Bishop of Mati Pope appoints new bishop of Marbel

ordained, installed POPE Francis has appointed
Fr. Cerilo Casicas as the new
bishop of Marbel on April 28.
and educated at the Our Lady
of Perpetual Help Seminary
(OLPHS) in Koronadal City
Bishop-elect Casicas, 51, and at the Loyola School of
becomes the fourth bishop of Theology in Quezon City.
the diocese in South Cotabato He was ordained a priest
province. for the diocese of Marbel on
He succeeds Bishop October 27, 1994.
Dinauldo Gutierrez who After his ordination, he
stayed on after the retirement was named as the diocese’s
age of 75 until his successor chancellor until 1995 when he
was appointed. became the Dean of Studies
Gutierrez, 79, and former at OLPHS.
chairman of the church’s In 2003, he obtained a
National Secretariat for licentiate in dogmatic
Social Action, served the theology from the Pontifical
diocese for more than 35 Gregorian University in
years. Rome, wherein he also served
Bishop-elect Cerilo Casicas of the Diocese of Marbel.
Casicas, a priest of the as chaplain of the Filipino THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY

same diocese, is currently community there during his

the Director of Pastoral study years. professor at the University He spent a sabbatical
Formation and professor A year later, he attended of Notre Dame of Marbel year at the Trappist Abbey
Bishop Abel Apigo was ordained bishop on April 24 at the San Pedro Cathedral in at the Saint John Vianney German language courses from 2005 to 2006 and of Our Lady of Jordan in
Davao City. BRENDA MILAN Theological Seminary in at the Language Institute later became the vicar and Guimaras, and a few years as
Cagayan de Oro City. Kreuzberg in Bonn, Germany. pastor of the Jesus Good parish vicar of three different
THE sound of trumpets could man can say that he is worthy The new prelate was born in On his return to the Shepherd parish of Polomok parishes in General Santos
be heard echoing throughout of the gift of God,” he added. Duero, Bohol in March 1967 Philippines, he became until 2009. City. (CBCPNews)
the San Pedro Cathedral Bishop of Digos Guillermo
on April 24, to herald the
ordination of a new bishop,
who will be shepherding the
Afable and Bishop of Ipil
Julius S. Tonel, who were
both priests from the
New Iba bishop ordained in Malolos
local church of Mati. Archdiocese of Davao prior ON April 30, the Diocese of Malolos
In the presence of the to their appointment as rejoiced in the celebration of the episcopal
faithful, 41 bishops, and 257 bishops, also laid hands on ordination of Bishop Bartolome Gaspar
priests, Davao Archbishop the new bishop. Santos, Jr., 50, before his canonical
Romulo Valles ordained a installation as the fifth Bishop of Iba, as
priest from Calinan, Fr. Abel Episcopal symbols appointed by Pope Francis on Feb. 17.
Apigo, to the episcopacy. Apigo is the third diocesan Held at the Immaculate Conception
In his homily, the prelate priest from the Archdiocese Parish – Cathedral and Minor Basilica in
explained the role of Apigo of Davao who was ordained this town, the rite of episcopal ordination
when he was still rector of the bishop. was led by Manila Archbishop Luis
St. Francis Xavier Regional The new bishop also Antonio Cardinal Tagle, who also served
Major Seminary, saying received the different insignia as homilist and principal consecrator.
the first role of the rector is or symbols indicating his San Fernando Archbishop Florentino
“to feed” the seminarians, office as bishop, namely the G. Lavarias, who will be Santos’
to nourish their body but episcopal ring, the book of metropolitan prelate, and Malolos
also feed their souls with the Gospels, and the pastoral Bishop Jose Oliveros served as co-
“sound theology and sound staff. Minutes later, the consecrators. Officials from the Catholic
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle and other prelates greet newly-ordained Bishop Bartolome Santos, Jr., at the Malolos
spirituality.” ordaining prelates followed Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines Cathedral, April 30, 2018. ROY LAGARDE
by the other bishops gave (CBCP) led by CBCP president Romulo
Feeding a flock Apigo their kiss of peace. Valles graced the event. pastoral staff. The consecrators and the Central Seminary, Manila under the
Valles explained, however, Bishop Apigo has been Santos was led to the civic reception other bishops welcomed Santos to the Dominican friars.
that the new bishop’s role has a priest of 24 years and and public profession of faith by Oliveros, episcopate with a fraternal kiss. According to Sandigan: “Prior to his
now expanded. served as rector of St. joined by officials from the Apostolic According to Iba diocesan administrator appointment as the Vicar General of the
“He will no longer be Francis Xavier Regional Nunciature, Malolos Cathedral rector Fr. Daniel O. Presto, Santos is set to take Diocese of Malolos, the Bishop-Elect
feeding seminarians, now Major Seminary prior to Fr. Domingo Salonga, and Malolos vicar over the Diocese of Iba; a see without a was the Episcopal Vicar for the Religious
he will be feeding a flock,” his appointment on Feb. general Msgr. Pablo Legaspi, Jr. Bulacan bishop for almost four years, on May 25, from 2005 to 2013. This made him closer
he said. 10. He wasinstalled at the vice governor Daniel Fernando and on the Memorial of St. Venerable Bede to the nuns (both cloistered and active)
Valles also explained the Cathedral of San Nicolas de Malolos City mayor Christian Natividad, at the St. Augustine Cathedral Parish in and the religious and in particular, the
role of the bishop as a teacher, Tolentino in Mati City on and other local civil officials were also Iba, Zambales. Carmelite Sisters of the Holy Family
a shepherd, and a high priest. April 25. (John Frances present. Sandigan also noted that Santos’ in Tabe, Guiguinto, Bulacan where he
“It is so great a gift that no Fuentes/CBCPNews) motto, “Dives in Misericordia et Caritate regularly presided Holy Masses. Upon
Marian devotee Dei” (Rich in mercy and love of God) the announcement of his appointment as
According to a diocesan news release is taken from Ephesians 2:4, the same a new bishop, Msgr. Santos requested the
circulated through its social media verse from which he developed his thesis Carmelite Sisters to design and embroider
2 priests among bar passers platform Sandigan – Diocese of Malolos, for his licentiate studies. his ordination vestments. This only shows
seven parts highlighted the ordination how the nuns of the Diocese are spiritually
TWO Catholic priests Canon law, and Dawaton rite itself. Legaspi, who was recently ‘Spiritually united’ united with the Bishop-Elect especially
were among the 1,724 are both serving as appointed vicar general of the diocese, The date of Santos’ ordination was in prayers on his Episcopal Ordination
who passed the 2017 Bar chancellors in their replacing Santos, led the reading of the chosen to celebrate the memorial of which will take place in the Year of the
examinations. respective dioceses. papal bull. Tagle led Santos during the Pope St. Pius V, whose papacy was Clergy and the Religious.”
Fr. Romeo Dawaton of the Last year’s Bar exams Nine Promises of the Elect, the Litany from 1566-1572. A Doctor of the Santos is the second bishop coming
Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk held at the University of Supplication, the Laying on of Hands Church, the first Dominican pope is an from the clergy of Malolos since the
and Fr. Efren Bugayong of of Santo Tomas posted and Prayer of Ordination (where the inspiration to Santos as he instituted diocese’s canonical erection in 1962.
the Imus diocese hurdled a passing rate of 25.54 Book of Gospels are placed over the the Feast of Our Lady of Victory, Kalookan Bishop Emeritus Deogracias
the licensure test taken by percent. head of the bishop-elect), the Anointing his personal Marian devotion. He Iñiguez, Jr. was the first, ordained on Aug.
more than 6,748 aspiring Oath taking for the new of the Head, and the Handing of the is also an alumnus of the Pontifical 22, 1984, 34 years ago. (Kendrick Ivan
lawyers. bar passers will be on Book of Gospels, episcopal ring, miter, and Royal University of Santo Tomas Panganiban/CBCPNews)
Bugayong, a doctor in June 1. (CBCPNews)

Join the Father Michael McGivney Guild for free!

PPCRV welcomes Inting as new
Comelec commissioner THE Knights of Columbus been right at home in today’s
established the Father world. He was then and would
McGivney Guild to promote be today an eager apostle for
the Cause for canonization of the Gospel of life, and active in
our founder, Venerable Michael building a civilization of love.
J. McGivney (1852-1890). The Membership in the Guild
goal of the Guild is to spread the is open to anyone who wishes
good word about his holiness to share in this mission of
of life, to encourage devotion making known the life and
to his memory, and to seek his work of Father McGivney and
intercession before the throne of encouraging devotion to his
of God. The Guild serves as a memory. To join, fill out the
clearinghouse for information attached application and mail
about Father McGivney, his it to the address given. There
life and works, and any favors is no charge to enroll, and you
attributed to his intercession. need not be a member of the
THE Parish Pastoral Council handled a case decades ago Father McGivney is a unique Knights of Columbus.
for Responsible Voting before Inting when she was model today for both Catholic The Guild is anxious to To start your free membership and
(PPCRV) has welcomed the still an regional trial court laymen and priests because receive reports of favors receive the Guild newsletter, please
appointment of Court of judge. “I found her to be fair,” of his attention to the social received through Father complete the form below and return to:
Appeals Associate Justice he added. Father McGivney Office - Philippines,
Socorro Inting as the “Finally, her name Socorro,
ills and injustices of his day McGivney’s intercession. It is not
Commission on Elections’ meaning ‘succor,” heralds and his collaboration with the only miracles that are required Knights of Columbus Fraternal
newest commissioner. something positive for people of his parish. He was to move the cause forward, but Association of the Philippines, Inc.
Rene Sarmiento, PPCRV the institution. I wish her zealous for the life of union with witnesses to the power of the Center, Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana
national chairperson, said God’s best as a new Comelec God through prayer and the servant of God’s prayers before Sts., Intramuros, Manila 1004,
Inting’s long years in the commissioner,” he also said. sacraments, and would have the throne of God. Philippines
judiciary will be a “big Malacanang on April 19
contribution” to the poll confirmed President Rodrigo
Name/s: __________________________________________________________________________________________
body. Duterte’s appointment of
“Her being a woman will be Inting as poll commissioner. Complete Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________
a plus factor and will provide She will serve the poll body __________________________________________________________________________________________________
added dimension to her being until 2025, replacing former
a Comelec commissioner,” Comelec commissioner City/Province: _________________________ Country & Zip Code: ______________________________
he said. Arthur Lim who retired last
Sarmiento said he once February 2. (CBCPNews)

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