CBCP Monitor Vol23 No06

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Honesty in
gov’t still a
More priests face
crucial poll
issue —
kill threats
WHILE inflation, jobs
and economy are major
concerns, there’s one
issue that a Catholic
bishop still think is more
important today: honesty
in government.
Speaking at the National
Migrants’ Sunday
celebration, Bishop
Ruperto Santos of Balanga
reminded the public that
honesty and integrity are
the hallmarks of good
governance and leadership.
“Be honest in words
and deeds,” Santos said
in his homily during Mass
at Columban College in
Barreto, Olongapo City.
As head of the Church’s
migrants ministry, he
urged overseas Filipino
workers (OFWs) to choose
candidates who are “honest,
hardworking and helpful
like them”.
Saying that OFWs
are the backbone of the
economy, he urged them
to pick candidates for the
Fathers Albert Alejo, Robert Reyes and Flavie Villanueva are prayed over by nuns and lay leaders amid death threats they are receiving from unknown people, March 11. JOE TORRES/UCAN
May 13 elections who are
not tainted with graft and threatening to kill them. Flavio launched a program in 2016 Three Catholic priests have been
corruption. By Roy Lagarde
The priests also presented some to help families of victims of killings killed since December 2017, raising
“Pick those who will not excerpts from the death threats that in the drug war. alarm among Church officials.
take advantage of your they, Archbishop Socrates Villegas Called “Paghilom” (healing), Still, Reyes said such threats
remittances,” Santos said. BISHOPS and priests
who have been receiving and Bishop Pablo Virgilio David it is one of several church-based will not prevent them from doing
The prelate also defended had received. initiatives to bring hope to those their mission to protect the people
the Filipino workers over death threats have one Villanueva, who runs a center in the “peripheries” of the Church especially the oppressed.
influx of Chinese workers thing in common: they are for those who were widowed and and society. “We will continue to do this as
in the country. all critics of extrajudicial orphaned by the government’s “Why am I so passionate about servants of God and the people with
According to him, foreign killings in the country. bloody war on drugs, said that some this? I want to prove that there’s a mission to protect the rights and
employers would prefer At least three more priests came people may be felt “threatened” by hope for them (drug uses) and they welfare of our neighbors,” Reyes
Filipino workers. out Monday to reveal threats his cause. should not be killed,” he said. said.
“This is why I believe against them amid President “If helping them (drug war Alejo admitted that they are Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of
there is no truth to the Rodrigo Duterte’s continued orphans, widows) seems to already concerned about their Manila has earlier disclosed to
statement of some tirade against church leaders. be a threat to others because safety. Duterte that David and some priests
government officials that In a press conference at a it empowers and allows them “We came out not only because have been getting death threats.
Filipino workers are not seminary in Quezon City on March to speak the truth, then maybe the threats may come true but Villegas and David are two of the
qualified for the jobs,” he 11, Fathers Flavie Villanueva, Albert someone wants me to stop what also because of the possibility that most outspoken prelates against the
said. (CBCP News) Alejo and Robert Reyes said that I’m doing,” he said. allegations may be brought out after drug war and have been calling for
they have been sent messages A former drug user himself, we are killed,” he said. an end to killings.

Vatican official cites OFWs’ contributions Church eyes divesting from

‘dirty energy’, mining
to world evangelization TALKS are underway for “We can’t clearly stand
A VATICAN official has Catholic dioceses to withdraw for renewable energy if our
recognized the strategic from “dirty energy” holdings deposits are invested in such
role the overseas Filipino as a means of fighting climate industries,” Alminaza said.
workers play in the work of change, a bishop said. Asked if some church
evangelization. Bishop Gerardo Alminaza investments in mining are
Cardinal Fernando of San Carlos said there included, he said that “the
Filoni, Prefect of the needs for a “collective action” general moral guideline is
Congregation for the among bishops to address the for any business that are
Evangelization of problem. against our core values and
Peoples, said OFWs are He said the plan principles”.
missionaries of their faith underscored that the “So, for instance, we
among the peoples they environmental issue is collectively decide to pull out
live and work with. increasingly seen by church from a particular bank, it will
“Filipinos know how leaders as a deeply moral have an impact,” Alminaza said.
to evangelize in a very concern. Energy / A6

wonderful way, not only

here but everywhere in the Bishop urges prudence on
world,” Filoni told O Clarim,
a Church publication in
medical marijuana legalization
With an estimated 10 A CATHOLIC bishop urged
million Filipinos working Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, with Bishop Stephen Lee Bun Sang of lawmakers to exercise
abroad, he said that “they Macau in the diocese’s Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady. IVAN LEONG/O CLARIM prudence on the proposal
bring their witnesses to legalize medical use of
everywhere”. “And I’m sure the local Migrants’ Sunday on his pastoral visit. cannabis in the country.
“This is wonderful! It means church will take advantage March 10. For two days, on March Newly appointed military
no borders: fraternity,” said also for the testimony or the Government data 3 and 4, he presided over a Bishop Oscar Jaime
Filoni, who previously served witness they can do for their showed around 219,000 Mass at the Macau cathedral Florencio said different
as Apostolic Nuncio to the faith. They can bring love, Filipinos are working in attended by local Catholics studies must be considered
Philippines. they can bring joy, and also Hong Kong and about and a number of OFWs. carefully in tackling the issue
More than considering enrich the local church,” he 30,000 are in the He also took part in a of medical marijuana.
OFWs as migrant workers, added. neighbouring Macau. meeting with local priests, “There should be some
he explained that they can The cardinal’s statement Filoni was in the former the religious and seminarians prudent decisions by the
also share “the treasure of comes as the Philippine Portuguese enclave, now a of the diocese and visited authorities because they
their experience, of faith, of Catholic Church marked special administrative region the University of St. Joseph. are there to regulate what is
love”. the annual National of China, this week as part of (CBCP News) Prudence / A7 Bishop Oscar Jaime Florencio
A2 WORLD NEWS March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 CBCP Monitor

New Zealand bishops ‘horrified’ Vatican Briefing

by mosque shootings French cardinal, convicted of abuse cover-up,
meets pope
WELLINGTON, New As he announced he would do after he was convicted of
Zealand— The New Zealand covering up sexual abuse committed by a priest, French
Catholic Bishops Conference Cardinal Philippe Barbarin of Lyon met Pope Francis March
released a statement of 18 to hand in his resignation. The Vatican confirmed the
solidarity with the country’s meeting took place but gave no details and no immediate
Muslim population sign of whether the pope agreed that the 68-year-old cardinal
following terrorist attacks should step down. The cardinal’s lawyers have filed an
on two mosques in the city appeal of the conviction, which was handed down March 7
of Christchurch. At least 49 by a French court. Cardinal Barbarin was given a six-month
people were killed in a mass suspended sentence. The court found the cardinal guilty of
shooting on March 15. covering up abuse by Father Bernard Preynat at Lyon’s Saint-
“We hold you in prayer as Luc Parish, where he ran a large Catholic Scout group in the
we hear the terrible news of 1970s and 1980s. Although Cardinal Barbarin did not become
violence against Muslims at head of the Lyon archdiocese until 2002, it was alleged that he
mosques in Christchurch,” had known of the abuse at least since 2010. Cardinal Barbarin
the country’s six bishops suspended Father Preynat in 2015, and in 2016, the priest
wrote in a joint letter. was charged with abuse and rape; he is awaiting trial. (CNS)
The bishops said they
were “profoundly aware” of Pope: Imitate God by being merciful to others
the “positive relationships” Bishop Patrick Dunn of Auckland, New Zealand, carries flowers to place at Al-Jamie Mosque to memorialize victims of the
March 15 mosque attacks in Christchurch. With Bishop Dunn are Brother Brendan Ward, left, rector of Holy Cross Seminary, The season of Lent is a time for Christians to reflect on
New Zealand Catholics seminarians and clergy. CNS/MICHAEL OTTO, NZ CATHOLIC and practice the mercy of God toward others and not waste
enjoyed with their Muslim away sitting in judgment of others, Pope Francis said. Jesus’
neighbors. more than 40 people were were found in a car near posted to Twitter. command to “be merciful, just as your father is merciful” is
The shootings occured killed, was broadcast on the Al Noor mosque. These Cardinal Vincent Nichols a reminder for Christians that God always has shown them
during Friday afternoon Facebook Live, and the were disabled before they of Westminster expressed mercy even when they were at their worst, the pope said in his
prayers at the Al Noor and alleged attacker published could be detonated. similar sentiment. homily March 18 during morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae
Linwood mosques, and a manifesto on the internet. Other prominent “The news of the Marthae. “How many people say, ‘I have done such terrible
the bishops said they were An armed worshipper at Catholic figures expressed massacre in the New things. I have earned my place in hell, I can’t turn back.’ But
“particularly horrified” that the second mosque chased condolences to those Zealand mosques is deeply do they think about the mercy of God?” he asked. (Junno
the attacks coincided with away the gunmen, ending affected by the attack. shocking and has caused us Arocho Esteves/CNS)
acts of worship. the attack. Seven people “I share [Pope Francis’] all great pain. We pray for
“We are deeply saddened were killed in Linwood. deep sadness and grief the many victims, for the Corruption is a devastating cancer harming society,
that people have been killed Several people, including over the deadly violence in wounded and for the whole pope says
and injured, and our hearts an Australian national have Christchurch. No one should community, which has been The constant temptation and cancer of corruption is one of
go out to them, their families taken into police custody, have to fear something severely affected by this act the most devastating illnesses to befall society, Pope Francis
and wider community. We and one person has been like this, perpetrated as of terrorism,” said Nichols. said. Corruption causes considerable damage both ethically
wish you to be aware of our charged with murder. It is they worship. We cannot “May God free us and economically, he said in an audience March 18 with
solidarity with you in the unclear how many people tolerate hatred of or from these tragedies judges, administrators and staff from Italy’s court of audit, a
face of such violence,” said were involved in the attacks. prejudice against any of the and sustain the efforts kind of government accountability office with judicial powers.
the bishops. New Zealand police said Lord’s children,” said New of all those who work The pope told his audience that corruption, with its “illusion of
The attack at the Al that several improvised York archbishop Cardinal for peace, harmony and fast and easy gains, in reality impoverishes everyone, erasing
Noor mosque, in which explosive devices (IEDs) Timothy Dolan in a message coexistence.” (CNA) trust, transparency and integrity from the entire system.
Corruption disheartens individual dignity and shatters all

Northern Ireland anti-abortion law has saved good and beautiful ideals.” Public assets, he said, must be
safeguarded for the benefit of everyone, especially the poor.
(Carol Glatz/CNS)
100,000 lives, pro-lifers say Pope leads pilgrims in prayer for victims of
mosque attack
Pope Francis called on Christians to unite in prayer for the
victims of two mosque attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand,
that left 50 people dead and dozens wounded in one of the
worst mass shootings in the country’s history. “I am close to
our Muslim brothers and sisters and their entire community.
I renew my invitation to unite with them in prayer and
gestures of peace to counter hatred and violence,” the pope
said March 17 during his Sunday Angelus address. Around
the world, thousands have joined in praying for the victims
of the March 15 attack. The gunman, Brenton Tarrant, left a
74-page manifesto posted on social media, identifying himself
as a 28-year-old Australian and white nationalist who wanted
to avenge attacks in Europe perpetrated by Muslims. After
condemning the attack, Pope Francis bowed his head as he
led the thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square in
silent prayer for the dead and the wounded. (Junno Arocho

Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels dies at 85

Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels, retired archbishop
of Mechelen-Brussels, died March 14 at the age of 85. Pope
Francis expressed his condolences to Cardinal Danneels’
family, and the Belgian faithful and praised the late prelate’s
zeal for the church, especially during the Synod of Bishops on
Participants in a women’s march on Westminster highlighting 100,000 alive today because of Northern Ireland’s abortion laws, Feb. 26, 2019. BOTH LIVES MATTER VIA CNA the family in 2014 and 2015. Born June 4, 1933, in Kanegem,
Belgium, Cardinal Danneels was the oldest of six children.
BELFAST, Northe rn Ire land— Belfast Telegraph reports. government of their responsibility He was ordained a priest in 1957 and two years later became
Efforts to protect the unborn from Abortion is legally permitted in to uphold human rights in Northern chairman of the department of theology and spiritual director
legal abortion in Northern Ireland Northern Ireland only if the mother’s Ireland.” at the seminary in Bruges. In 1969, he became professor of
continue despite efforts to bypass self- life is at risk or if there is risk of The group welcomed the U.N. theology at Louvain University. Known as a lecturer and
governance and go directly through permanent, serious damage to her Committee on the Elimination of a liturgist, he was appointed by St. Paul VI as bishop of
the U.K. Parliament—efforts backed mental or physical health. Bills to Discrimination against Women report Antwerp in 1977. Two years later, he was named archbishop
by a U.N. committee and pro-abortion legalize abortion in cases of fatal fetal published March 11. of Mechelen-Brussels and subsequently created a cardinal by
rights politicians and groups. abnormality, rape, or incest failed in The U.N. committee charged St. John Paul II. At 49, Cardinal Danneels became the third
Last month pro-life advocates the Northern Ireland Assembly in there were “grave and systematic youngest member of the College of Cardinals in 1983. (Junno
marched on the U.K. Parliament 2016. violations of women’s rights” in the Arocho Esteves/CNS)
in Westminster opposing any Elective abortion is legal in the rest region and criticized the failure of
imposition of legal abortion on of the U.K. up to 24 weeks. the U.K. to “ensure women’s access Argentine bishops will ask pope to visit homeland
Northern Ireland. Ten women May has said abortion should to abortion services,” including In a letter commemorating the sixth anniversary of Pope
marchers each held a box remain a devolved issue for Northern decriminalization of abortion, on Francis’ election, the bishops of Argentina said they will ask
symbolizing 10,000 people they say Ireland, which has self-governing the grounds that it is a matter for the pope to visit his homeland. “In our next meeting with him,
have been born because of laws that powers. Northern Ireland authorities. The we will propose once again that he does not deprive himself of
protect the unborn from abortion. However, the Northern Ireland committee cited the 1998 Good the joy of visiting us,” the Argentine bishops said in statement
“100,000 people in Northern Assembly at Stormont is currently Friday Agreement, which requires released March 13 during their plenary assembly. The bishops
Ireland are alive today because suspended due to disagreements the Westminster Parliament to said they will meet with the pope during their “ad limina” visit
Northern Ireland did not accept the between the two major governing legislate as necessary to ensure that in May. In their letter, the Argentine bishops said the pope’s
same abortion law that was introduced parties: the anti-abortion Democratic the U.K.’s international obligations “peace and strength” encouraged them in confronting the
into Britain in 1967,” Dawn McEvoy, Unionist Party, which has traditionally are met with respect to Northern challenges facing the church today, especially the “sorrowful
co-founder of the Belfast-based group drawn support from Protestants, and Ireland. tragedy” of sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy.
Both Lives Matter, said Feb. 26. Sinn Fein, which has traditionally Northern Ireland’s abortion law (Junno Arocho Esteves/CNS)
“These people are our mothers, drawn support from Catholics but has been under increased pressure in
fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters has taken a strong turn towards recent years. Since abortion became Answering God’s call demands courage to take a risk,
and sons. Abortion pressure groups permissive abortion laws in recent legal after strong voter support in the pope says
have no mandate from us the people years. Republic, abortion advocates have Answering the Lord’s call demands the courage to take a
of Northern Ireland to impose The DUP is a member of May’s said “the North is next,” while pro- risk, but it is an invitation to become part of an important
abortion on Northern Ireland from coalition government in Westminster life advocates have said “The North mission, Pope Francis said. God “wants us to discover that
Westminster. We urge the British at a critical time in British politics, Protects.” each of us is called—in a variety of ways—to something grand,
Government to respect the people amid much controversy over the Labour Party MP Stella Creasy had and that our lives should not grow entangled in the nets of
of Northern Ireland and our elected U.K.’s exit from the European Union. intended to propose an amendment an ennui that dulls the heart,” the pope said. “Every vocation
representatives.” Amnesty International is backing to a draft domestic abuse bill to is a summons not to stand on the shore, nets in hand, but
On March 9, several hundred pro- changes to Northern Ireland abortion change abortion laws in Ireland, but to follow Jesus on the path he has marked out for us, for
abortion rights protesters paraded to law. the ruling Conservative government our own happiness and for the good of those around us,”
Belfast’s City Hall, calling for legal Grainne Teggart, Amnesty’s restricted the bill to England and he said in his message for the 2019 World Day of Prayer for
abortion in Northern Ireland. Some campaigns manager in Northern Wales. Vocations. The Vatican released the pope’s message March
marchers accused British Prime Ireland, called on the U.K. government Creasy has joined MPs from 9. The day, which was to be celebrated May 12, was dedicated
Minister Theresa May of violating to introduce “abortion reform” multiple parties and more than 70 to the theme: “The courage to take a risk for God’s promise.”
women’s rights. The demonstration legislation in Westminster without groups calling on the government to (Carol Glatz/CNS)
aimed to mark International Women’s delay. In a March 11 statement, she said remove the restriction, the Belfast
Day observed the previous day, the devolution “does not relieve the U.K. Telegraph reports. (CNA)
CBCP Monitor March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 NEWS FEATURES A3

Death threats won’t stop ‘wounded healer’ in Philippines

IN the Philippines, where offering a livelihood and after Father Villanueva received The president has
admission to having a history employment “to help restore phone calls threatening his slammed men of the cloth
of drug addiction can mean their self-worth.” life. It was also not the first with obscenities and words
a bullet in the head rather “As one goes through this time he had “visitations” by that, whether he means it or
than a stay in a rehabilitation process, one is able to realize unidentified men. not, seem to have become
center, drug dependents that there is life beyond the The priest traced the policy.
have chosen silence. streets,” explained the priest. threats back to 2016 when Despite the threats, Father
For Divine Word priest Father Villanueva recalled he sponsored a forum on Villanueva continues to stand
Flaviano Villanueva, a story, one of many that he the drug-related killings firm by his mission.
however, his past has become has encountered in his work. following President Rodrigo “I have a promised duty
a narrative that keeps him One Sunday, a person Duterte’s declaration of war and responsibility. I cannot
going in his mission to serve. approached the priest after against narcotics. remain preaching at the
In 1995, before he entered Mass and handed him a card. Human rights groups claim pulpit,” he said.
the priesthood, he hit rock The priest politely refused, that more 20,000 suspected “I am also being called to
bottom after a “short period” thinking that the man was drug users and small-time wash my feet just like how
of substance abuse. It became trying to sell him something. dealers have been killed in the Christ washed the dirty feet
a new beginning, he said. “Father, I’m not here to sell anti-illegal drugs campaign. of his disciples. This is what
“The catalyst need not Father Flaviano Villanueva of the Society of the Divine Word admits to having used his you anything,” said the man. “There were some I have vowed to do,” said the
experience as a former drug dependent to help give ‘second chances’ to drug addicts
always be the bright side of and their families. MARIA TAN/UCAN “I’m just giving you my government people who priest.
things,” he said. For him, it calling card to let you know came to us and told us that He said death will not stop
was when he realized that Eventually, however, it 2015 to help Manila’s street that I was here for six we should have not done him serving the poor, nor will
his drug taking was getting worked for him “with God’s dwellers. months, following, falling it,” said Father Villanueva, it close the doors on second
the best of him as a person. grace.” The St. Arnold Janssen in line, eating and taking a referring to opening the chances that he offers to drug
He said his relationships He decided to leave his Kalinga Cente r be came bath, listening to you,” the center. addicts and their families.
were then crumbling. home in the Philippine his way of responding and man added. Instead of remaining “It comes from my own
“Nothing was going well for capital and went to the providing “something more “Now I’m an assistant silent, the priest became experience of my God,” he
me. I felt that there was more provinces where he worked concrete and better” to supervisor. This is my card more active in helping the said.
to life than sex, drugs, and as a lay missionary. alleviate the lives of the poor. to prove that I am already poor through his Paghilom, “I know how my God has
rock ‘n’ roll,” he said. In the middle of the The center aims to recreate employed, and I am here to literally “healing,” program. been compassionate [and]
The moment of “realities of life” in the and empower lives by thank you.” “I cannot close my eyes understanding. How my God
discernment prompted the villages, Father Villanueva offering food and a clean Not all visits to the center, and leave the widows and has been so forgiving, and
future missionary priest to found himself at a crossroads shower to the homeless. however, are as pleasant as orphans of drug war victims how he has blessed me with
look for the meaning of life where he opted to enter the “The second phase that of the grateful man. uncared for,” he said. the gift of priesthood,” the
far from what he was used to. convent. is about reclaiming their On Feb. 22, the center’s Father Villanueva’s, and priest said.
“I told myself that I would In 2006, the former drug self-respect,” said Father security cameras caught a many other church leaders’, He said he could do no
go cold turkey, but if it didn’t addict became a priest. Villanueva, adding that the masked man casing out the attempts to help the poor, less that become a “wounded
work then I would subject After ten years as a center’s “clients” are given area and trying to get into the however, seems to have healer to the wounded
myself to professional help,” missionary priest he the opportunity to study. priest’s office. touched an open wound in around me.” (Marielle
he said. established a center in This phase, he said, is The incident happened days the Duterte administration. Lucenio/UCAN)

What’s next for Cardinal Pell? Number of priests declined

MELBOURNE, Australia— On
March 13, Cardinal George Pell
was sentenced to six years in prison
for first time in decade,
following his conviction on five
charges of sexual abuse of minors.
He will be eligible for parole in three
Vatican says
years and eight months.
While the passing of sentence
normally marks the end of a case,
Pell’s situation is far from resolved.
Although he remains in prison,
his appeal is expected to be heard
in June. Meanwhile in Rome, a
canonical process is due to be held
to examine the same charges against
him. Cardinal George Pell outside the Hotel Quirinale in Rome, March 3, 2016. ALEXEY GOTOVSKIY/CNA
For the time being, Pell remains
a prisoner of the state and a Pell may well be officially underway was crucial in overturning the
sitting cardinal—a combination in Rome, it is highly unlikely to conviction of Archbishop Philip
unprecedented in modern times. begin in earnest until he is either Wilson last year, when a judge
Commentators, both Catholic and vindicated by an Australian appeals found that the conviction was aimed
secular, continue to question how court or exhausts his appeal options. at the Church as an institution and
the jury reached their unanimous Back in Victoria, Pell’s legal did not reflect the evidence against
verdict on the evidence. At the team are basing their appeal to the Wilson.
same time, victims’ advocates are Supreme Court in Victoria in part With the threat of a second trial The percentage of Catholics in the world has remained steady, while the number of priests has decreased
demanding that Pell be removed on the “unreasonableness” of the lifted, it also seems unlikely the for the first time in almost a decade, according to Vatican statistics. TYLER ORSBURN/CNS
from the college of cardinals, and jury’s finding. appeal process could be subjected
even the clerical state, with the same “The verdicts are unreasonable to the same draconian media VATICAN— The percentage of total number of priests -- diocesan
haste used to deal with Theodore and cannot be supported, having restrictions that covered the first Catholics in the world has remained and religious order -- around
McCarrick. regard to the evidence, because on hearing of the case, allowing the steady, while the number of priests the world decreased, going from
In the middle of this situation, the whole of the evidence, including evidence against him to receive has decreased for the first time 414,969 in 2016 to 414,582 in 2017.
many have been left asking: what unchallenged exculpatory evidence the same scrutiny and criticism to in almost a decade, according to Ordinations of diocesan priests
is next for Cardinal Pell? from more than 20 Crown witnesses, which Pell has been subjected for Vatican statistics. continued to decline slowly from
Although the Vatican has it was not open to the jury to be decades. Meanwhile, the numbers of 6,577 in 2012 to 5,815 in 2017.
announced that a canonical process satisfied beyond reasonable doubt In the interim, despite calls from bishops, permanent deacons, lay The number of brothers in
will examine the charges against on the word of the complainant advocates and victims’ groups, missionaries and catechists have all religious orders continued a steady
Pell, those looking to McCarrick’s alone,” his lawyers wrote in their Rome seems unlikely to take any increased, it said. increase only in Africa, as Asia
case as an example are likely to find filing. further action regarding Pell in At the end of 2017, the worldwide continued a recent downturn that
it a false comparison. At the center of much of the the near-term. While the official Catholic population exceeded 1.3 began in 2016. The number of
McCarrick faced a litany of criticism of the decision against Pell Vatican response has remained billion, which continued to be religious brothers worldwide was
accusations and accusers—minors is the apparent lack of corroborating scrupulously respectful of the about 17.7 percent of the world’s down to 51,535 in 2017 from 52,625
and adults—stretching back evidence or testimony. Pell’s lawyers Australian courts, privately many population, said a statement in 2016.
decades. Cardinal Pell is facing a were not permitted to question the in Rome have expressed horror at published March 6 by the Vatican The number of women
single accuser in criminal court. wider reliability of his accuser, the verdict, including many of those press office. in religious orders showed an
While it looks likely he will also face despite the supposed second victim relieved to see Pell removed from The statement reported a handful ongoing downward trend of about
a lawsuit over allegations dating having died in 2014 after repeatedly his work reforming the Vatican of the statistics in the Statistical a 1.6 percent decrease each year
back to the 1970s and his time as a denying he had been abused. finances. Yearbook of the Church, which worldwide since 2013, the yearbook
priest in Ballarat, prosecutors have While the eight men and four Pope Francis will have no desire reported worldwide church figures showed. The slight increases in
already dropped plans for a criminal women were satisfied beyond or incentive to preempt Pell’s appeal as of Dec. 31, 2017. The press office Africa and Asia weren’t enough to
trial on these grounds. reasonable doubt of Pell’s guilt, or appear to vindicate a contentious also announced the publication of offset the reductions in Europe,
McCarrick, of course, never faced a previous jury returned a split verdict by removing him from the the 2019 “Annuario Pontificio,” the Americas and Oceania. Catholic
a day in civil court. Consequently, decision of 10-2 in favor of college of cardinals, still less run a volume containing information women’s orders went from having
there were no court documents acquitting Pell, multiple sources the risk of being seen to have hung about every Vatican office, as well more than 792,000 members in
or witness transcripts to consider told CNA, resulting in a mistrial. him out to dry if the appeal should as every diocese and religious order 2001 to just over 648,910 women
during the canonical process. Many have asked if the second prove successful. in the world. at the end of 2017.
Given the strength and volume verdict was a condemnation of the Before his incarceration, Pell According to the statistical The number of candidates for
of the accusations he faced, the Catholic Church in Australia, rather was under precautionary measures yearbook, the number of the priesthood—both diocesan
Congregation for the Doctrine of than Pell in particular. not to engage in public ministry or Catholics increased in every seminarians and members of
the Faith dealt with McCarrick Others have noted the decades of have contact with minors during his continent. But while that growth religious orders—showed a
using a stream-lined administrative media focus and vilification directed trial. Now, with Pell reportedly in in Africa and the Americas continued slight decline worldwide,
process. personally at Pell, but having solitary confinement for most of the kept pace with their respective decreasing from 116,160 at the end
Pell’s canon lawyers are likely nothing to do with the charges day, these measures are somewhat region’s population growth, Asia of 2016 to 115,328 at the end of
to argue for, even insist on, a full he faced. During the hour-long redundant. showed a 1.5 percent increase in 2017.
trial in Rome—itself a far lengthier televised reading of the sentence, According to Australian prison the number of Catholics while The number of permanent
process which could take at least as Judge Peter Kidd noted “it is fair authorities, prisoners are not the region’s population grew less deacons reported -- 46,894 -- was
long as Pell’s civil trial. to say that in some sections of permitted to lead religious than 1 percent. up 582 over the previous year. The
Before this can even begin, the the community [Pell is] a publicly services or have wine, meaning At the end of 2017, most of the vast majority -- 97.3 percent -- of
initial stages of the canonical process vilified figure.” that Pell cannot say Mass, even world’s Catholics (48.5 percent) the world’s permanent deacons live
involve a preliminary investigation “We have witnessed, outside privately, under his current were living in the Americas, followed in the Americas and in Europe.
charged with gathering readily- of this court and within our conditions. by Europe with 21.8 percent, Africa The number of lay missionaries
available information on the community, examples of a witch- With no definitive result in with 17.8 percent, 11.1 percent in worldwide increased by over 1,000
charges. This will almost certainly hunt or a lynch mob mentality in either the civil or canonical courts, Asia and 0.8 percent in Oceania. people to 355,800 and catechists
include the evidence used in court relation to you, Cardinal Pell. I and no further limits on Pell’s The yearbook showed the number were up by 34,000 people to 3.12
to convict Pell in Victoria, but utterly condemn such behavior,” freedom possible, what follows of bishops in the world continued million by the end of 2017.
Vatican investigators and Pell’s own Kidd said. now for his critics and supporters, its steady increase over the past six There were more than 15.6
canonists will be equally interested The extent to which this mob both in Rome and Australia— years, going from 5,133 in 2012 to million baptisms around the
in any new material that becomes mentality might have played a role and for Pell himself—is likely to 5,389 in 2017. world in 2017 and more than
available during his appeal. inside the court will likely feature be a long wait until June. (Ed For the first time in since 2010, 2.3 million Catholic weddings.
While a canonical process against in Pell’s appeal. Such a mentality Condon/CNA) the Vatican statement said, the (Carol Glatz/CNS)
A4 OPINION March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 CBCP Monitor


To kill a priest
HARPER Lee’s extremely popular “To Kill a Mockingbird”
which was published and translated into 40 languages and a
global readership of about 35 million, not to mention a Pulitzer
Prize, is weaved on a child’s awakening into harsh realities of
their times such as prejudice and racism—and therefore on a
careful development of human values and morals.
Not so with President Rodrigo Duterte and his administration.
His is blatant. He does his order to kill people without pretense,
surpassing even Marcos’ Martial Law when killings, EJKs and
disappearances where hidden with some veneer of alibis and
the pretext of law. In public gatherings, Duterte blurts out
his command to kill without batting an eyelash, as in recent
speeches where he orders even thugs to rob priests and kill
them if they resist. Just like that. This script is repeated ad
nauseam in his speeches since late last year, “These bishops
that you guys have, kill them. They are useless fools. All they
do is criticize.”
Few days ago, three priests came out in a press conference
to expose the death threats that have been hounding them.
Cardinal Tagle has reportedly disclosed to Malacañang that


priests and bishops have been receiving death threats.
But priests and bishops are sent on a mission. No amount of
death threats will ever make them flip. What is horrible is the
continuing killings of poor people that now reportedly counts
between twenty-five to thirty thousand, since the war on drugs
of the Duterte administration started. It is unimaginable how the
growing number of widows and orphans are going to make do with
their lives—bereft of social assistance and compassion because of
the drug-tagging stigma. The Duterte administration is winning
in the deeper war of reshaping public opinion that killing drug
users, even without the benefit of due process, is good, just and
Reclamation in Panaghoy
beneficial to the country. This is the more horrifying.
There is no mistaking that the culture of death and violence
Manila Bay Bp. Broderick Pabillo
is fast engulfing the country today. It brings with it the death
of integrity, honesty, human dignity and the other values that
a civilized society holds dear. If such should be the case, then
the breakdown of governance is just around the corner. Killing THE Reclamation of Manila Bay has The benefit to the ordinary people will country, and decisions are being done
the governed is the ultimate measure of failure that no amount been talked about for many years just be the trickle-down effect, which is here, and mostly, just for the good
of economic or even political gain will be able to redeem. now. It is made up many projects—at using the sweat of the ordinary common of Metro Manila. In fact this is one
various stages of conceptualizations workers to bring profit to the rich. argument that those who support
Transparency and accountability and even implementations—covering To reclaim the sea means that a lot federalism are bringing forth. They want
more than 600 hectares stretching to of filling materials will be used at a to spread development also to the other
IF we want our life to be good, we need to develop a keen sense several cities and provinces along the massive scale. Where will the land parts of the country so they clamor for
of transparency and accountability. These traits assure us that Manila Bay area. One thing that many come from? Either from the sea bed spreading projects outside of Manila.
we are on the right path. That is to say, we have nothing bad observed is the lack of transparency or from the land. In both cases the They want to take away political and
to hide, and more, we are seeing to it that we are responsible and consultation with the stakeholders, ecological balance of the sea and the business control from Manila. Are the
for what God has given us, making these God-given gifts especially the people to be affected by land will be altered. Remember, we reclamation projects around Manila
fruitful and productive. A good sense of transparency will the projects, such the small fisher folks, are speaking of more 600 hectares of Bay promoting Imperial Manila? Yes,
help us develop and sustain our integrity in life. It means that the farmers, and the residents along the reclaimed lands! Reclamation projects if business wants contiguous large track
everything that we do is good, that is, morally good. This sense shores of the bay. The small fisher folks are not environmental neutral. They of lands for their projects, they can no
of transparency can only take root when it is based on our faith will be displaced and their livelihood bring damage to the environment. longer get them in Metro Manila. But
in God who sets all the laws in our life, and therefore, all that affected. I do not know if they are being And again who will suffer? The poor there are large tracks of lands in the
is good for us. considered by the government which is farmers, the poor fisher folks, and the provinces. Why not spend their billions
Besides, God actually sees everything. Before him, nothing supposed to protect them. ordinary dwellers in those areas where and trillions to invest in those places,
can be hidden. We therefore have to adapt a lifestyle that would Reclamation projects are very the materials are to be taken from. The thus spread out development more
make us do everything in his presence. In fact, we are not simply expensive and so the partners are the massive displacement of land will affect evenly to other areas? By approving
meant to do things in his presence. It is more to do everything big businesses and even multinational many people and their livelihood. these projects, the government is
for God’s glory. Thus, when we do things without God in mind,
foreign groups. In such projects There are many complains about sending out a discordant signal with its
let us be warned that we are already doing things wrongly.
therefore the ones who will benefit are Imperial Manila, that is, that Metro criticism of Imperial Manila!
We should not base our sense of transparency on human,
natural and worldly criteria alone. These latter standards do the rich and the powerful. These are not Manila is syphoning the development Concentrating development to Metro
not capture all the good that is proper to us. At best, they may done for the good of the ordinary people. projects and the money of the whole Panaghoy / A6

just be silent about the finer nuances and consequences of

what is generally good for us. We have to remember that many
A letter lights a candle
mysteries shroud our understanding of things.
But what is bad is that our human laws and worldly standards And That’s The Truth in the dark
have started to go against God’s will. This, of course, can be due Teresa R. Tunay, OCDS
to our limitations in truly understanding God’s law. But it can also
be due to our sinfulness and malice. Nowadays, I believe it is the
latter that has led us to make laws that are openly against God’s
law. We can try to do something about this problem by teaching SOMETIMES my email translated from the French— all reprehensible cases when for the thousands of priests
the children to be transparent always, first to God, then to their inbox yields something so perhaps awkward in some real course! who sacrifice their lives
lawful authorities: their parents, teachers, elders, etc. And with precious that I feel it must parts but clear enough, with There are weighted and spend for millions of
the adults, let us remind them often of the importance and the
reach as many eyes and ears sentiments fully captured. and balanced journalistic children, adolescents and for
great many benefits that a working sense of transparency brings.
as possible. One example “Dear Brother Reporter: presentations, other the poor around the world.
The same with the sense of accountability. This has to be
inculcated in the children as early as when they can be understand is this one sent to me by I am a simple Catholic amplified, full of prejudice I think that your newspaper,
it. In the gospel, many are the references that talk about this my dear nuns at the Sœurs priest. I feel happy and proud and even hatred. I feel myself it does not interest him:
need for accountability. One is the parable of the talents where a de la Famille Missionnaire of my vocation. For 20 years a great pain for the immense 1) That I had to carry a lot
master gave his three servants different amounts to do business de Notre-Dame convent in I’ve lived in Angola as a harm that people who should of hungry children by roads
with while he went away. (cfr. Mt 25,14-30) The master asked for Cannes, France.It is a letter missionary. be signs of the love of God, mined because of the war
an accounting when he returned. We even have to account for from a priest, addressed I read in many means of be a dagger into the lives of in 2002 since Cangumbe to
the words we speak, as attested in this passage of St. Matthew’s to a journalist. I believe it communication, especially innocent beings. There are Lwena (Angola), because
gospel: “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account is what we sorely need to in your newspaper, the no words to justify such acts. neither the government could
for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be hear these days when media amplification of the theme There is no doubt that the do neither NGOs there were
justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (12,36-37) and various bashers seem of pedophile priests, that a Church can not be, if not on authorized;
St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans also said that “each of us all fangs and claws chasing morbid way, looking in detail the side of the weak, the poor. 2) That I had to bury dozens
will give an account of himself to God.” (14,12) And in his second after the Catholic Church. in the lives of priests, past For this reason, all measures of dead children because of
letter to the Corinthians, he said: “For we must all appear before After reading this letter in mistakes. that can be taken for the the movements of the war;
the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is its entirety, you might agree There is one, in a city in prevention and protection of 3) Whether we have saved
due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” (5,10) with what the Soeurs say of the United States in the the dignity of children will the lives of thousands of
We have to prepare for this judgment when we have to give it, “What more can be added? 70s, another in Australia in always be a top priority. people in Mexico through the
account of what we have done with what God has given us. All is said!” So allow me to the 80s, and so on, other But it is curious how little only existing health center in
Let’s remember that God has given us everything that is good print the letter here, Google- more recent ..... Certainly news and the lack of interest And That’s the Truth / A6
to us, even the way to recover our dignity as children of God
once we lose it due to our sins. He has given us life, talents, the
theological virtues, mercy, etc.
We should be ready to face God to give an accounting of our
Both delicate and tough Candidly Speaking
life with eagerness, not with fear.
Fr. Roy Cimagala

ESPECIALLY in discussing highly others can appreciate them properly. sport. In discussing issues, we may
contentious issues, like the political and Thus, more than digging deeper in have to compete intensely, especially
social ones, all parties involved should our views, what is more important is to in matters where no position or view
PROTAGONIST OF TRUTH, PROMOTER OF PEACE try to be both delicate and tough. This know how the people are, so that our can be considered as absolutely correct
is how we can conduct our discussions views may be accepted. Especially in since it is all a matter of opinion, but that
Pedro Quitorio in a way that is positive, fruitful and matters of opinion, we have to listen competition should never undermine
Editor-in-Chief constructive. to the other side always, because no the charity that ought to be lived by all.
We need to be delicate because more matter how different theirs are, no one This may require that we study the
Nirva’ana E. Delacruz Ron Ramos, Sky Ortigas than issues, what are involved are has the exclusive possession of what is issues well, trying as much as possible
Associate Editor Design Artists persons who should always be respected true, good and beautiful. Everyone has to cover all possible opinions that they
and loved in spite of our differences, something to offer. may trigger. That way we would be ready
Roy Lagarde Mercedita Juanite conflicts, mistakes and offenses. We And we also need to be tough, because to react properly when such different
News Editor Circulation Manager
have to try our best to understand them no matter how much we try to be nice opinions come out in the discussion.
Marcelita Dominguez and to treat them as best as we could. and charitable, we cannot help but Besides, it is always possible that we
Christine Paguirigan
Managing Editor Comptroller We just cannot think of how valid and commit mistakes and offenses in the can learn new things in the discussion
strong our views are without considering process, and we just have to resist being and should be quick to acknowledge
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the the people who have different opinions. too sensitive. More than that, we have whatever validity the different
CBCP - Media Office with editorial and business offices
at 3rd Floor, CBCP Compound, 470 General Luna We just cannot push our views by to be pro-active in understanding others arguments may offer. We have to be
Street, Intramuros, Manila. Email Address: cbcpmonitor@ bullying our way around. What we and quick to offer forgiveness when we open-minded and not too attached to
areopaguscommunications.com, Business: (632) 404 - 1612.
ISSN 1908-2940. should strive to do is to calibrate the get offended somehow. our views no matter how strongly we
presentation of our views such that the In a sense, we need always to be Candidly Speaking / A6
CBCP Monitor March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 OPINION A5

A blessing for every

By the Roadside Collection Box
Fr. Eutiquio ‘Euly’ Belizar, Jr. SThD
abuse? Nonsense or Fr. Jerome R. Secillano, MPA
perfect sense?
“But I say to you who are listening: of the state” who want to bring down the source one normally expects rationality
Love your enemies. Do good to those
who hate you. Bless those who curse
But some bishops and priests expressly
or humanity from. If the option of tit
for tat engineers a changing of hearts
Condemning terror:
you, and pray for those who slander
you. And to him who strikes you on the
share what many consider weird
behavior—praying for and blessing those
in abusers or persecutors, that would be
nothing short of miraculous.
‘’What has happened to
cheek, offer the other also. And from
him who takes away your coat, do not
who wish them ill, including the chief
executive. “Of course,” some critics are
Four, the counsel allows plenty of
room for a disciple’s creativity. Although
withhold even your tunic.” (Lk 6:27-29) wont to say, “That is expected of you, in “doing good” and “turning the other (Second of two parts)
the first place. You are people who preach cheek” are illustrated by Jesus himself
THE Roman Catholic Church, no doubt, the Gospel that teaches love of enemies, in word and action especially on his AN important question must be asked, does the “war on
is engulfed in an often distressing crisis doing good to haters and praying for way to Calvary, he does not necessarily terror” make us any safer? Critics argue that the “war on
locally and around the world. There are persecutors. Better walk your talk, or that limit us to what he literally does in the terror” has unfortunately left us less safe, with some going
the sex and authority abuse scandals is added ammunition against you.” Gospel. There are countless ways of as far as claiming that it is precisely the leading cause of
that seem to dog her heels with little On the other hand, inside or outside doing good and turning the other cheek, terrorism.
respite, for instance. In effect, she, the Christian purview, does this counsel as, for example, from a Maria Goretti Richard Clarke, a counter-terrorism expert who worked
mostly in the persons of her priests of Jesus make sense? I believe it does. forgiving her attacker, to a Pius X giving in the US National Security Council between 1992–2003,
and bishops, are at the receiving end of One, it frees us from being at the mercy generous financial aid to a person who highly criticized the Bush administration’s counter-terrorism
vilification and outright persecution. It of playing the game of the persecutor or made a career out of slandering him, strategy and the decision to invade Iraq. He writes: “Far from
is no secret that elements of the media abuser. If the abuser keeps on abusing, to a Maximillian Kolbe answering Nazi addressing the popular appeal of the enemy that attacked us,
and even political leaderships take turns why should we? If he habitually and inhumanity with the most human act Bush handed that enemy precisely what it wanted and needed,
at fixating the limelight on the abuses, verbally abuses, do not we fall into a trap of offering his life for a stranger, to proof that America was at war with Islam, that we were the
often to the neglect of the greater and of multiplying unnecessary negativity a Filipino bishop who continues to new Crusaders who came to occupy Muslim land.”
more numerous services that she does when we respond likewise? Naturally, pray and fast for a political leader who With scores of terrorist attacks happening around the
for mankind. The greater good she is when we need to defend ourselves or habitually lambasts and threatens his world, these seem to project that terrorists are winning the
responsible for is often overshadowed correct a distortion as well expose some kind. Discipleship, in other words, is not war on terror.
by the pall of evil her leaders are accused fake news, by all means let us. But we just drudgery; it is an art. Max Abrahms argues that terrorism never succeeds.
of, with or without justification. At can always do so by non-abusive ways. Finally, let us not forget, in the spirit Abrahms analyzed 28 groups designated as terrorist
almost every opportunity the leader of Two, at the core of every abusive of Lent which is the springtime of the organizations by the US State Department in 2001. He finds
the land gives free rein to his addiction language is hatred. This very antithesis spiritual life, the spiritual benefits. Luke that the groups only achieved 7 percent of their 42 policy
to cursing and threatening the lives and of God’s love that Jesus Christ has the evangelist tells us that following the objectives. Moreover, Abrahms suggests that his findings,
limbs of bishops and priests, sometimes revealed in his person and in his acts counsel entitles us to being counted “challenge the dominant scholarly opinion that terrorism is
even saying local cemeteries still have of suffering, dying and rising from the among the “blessed” instead of the strategically rational behavior.”
more than enough space for their dead for sinners subtly enters hearts “accursed” because “your reward will Further support for the idea that terrorism never succeeds
corpses. Hardly anyone remembers his even of Christ’s followers by way of our be great” (Lk 6:35). And what greater comes from Audrey Cronin’s research on the collapse of
constitutional duty to protect the life, frail humanity. But nothing contradicts reward would be than to be, in the terrorist groups. Cronin finds that terrorist groups fail to
liberty and security of all citizens of the who we are when we let it take the language of Luke and Matthew the achieve their objectives and that these groups only last
Republic, those of priests and bishops driver’s seat even as we read and listen evangelists, “true children of your between 5-9 years on average.
included. The standard reactions from to the Gospel. Following Jesus’ counsel heavenly Father, who causes his sun to Granting that terrorists will never win a protracted war
people range from simple shrugs to allows us to refuse the hate or send it rise on the good and the bad, and causes against their enemies, Robert Pape, professor of Political
silent indignation to additional abuse packing away, thus sparing our spirits it to rain on the just and be unjust” (Mt Science at the University of Chicago, sees an upside to terror
on top of the existing ones. of its deadly poison. That is true, this is 4:44-45; Lk 6:35). The whole point is attacks. He claims that suicide terrorism tends to be more
In most of these the hierarchy responds not purely a product of human effort. to illustrate that the way of the Lord effective at influencing policy.
with silence. Human as they are, bishops This is why this counsel must send us to is not the human way: “Therefore, be Recent research by Eric Gould and Esteban Klor support
and priests also feel enraged when they the depths of prayer and self-denial with merciful as your Father is also merciful” this view; they find that terrorist attacks connected to the
are unjustly cursed or accused of evils the sine-qua-non help of the Holy Spirit. (Lk 6:36). For us who live in a country Arab-Israeli conflict influence public opinion and “cause
through sweeping generalizations, often Three, responding to abuse or where human imperfection is almost Israelis to be more willing to grant territorial concessions to
running on little more than hearsay or persecution in kind has not been known revered as a virtue, where fake news is the Palestinians.”
distorted information. But from time to author conversion. I would humbly often more actively promoted than the Jakana Thomas, by focusing on other markers of success,
to time some priests and bishops also stand corrected if there is a contrary Good News, the Master words are clear: finds that in African conflicts between 1989-2010 “rebel
express their frustrations, anger and evidence. At least, in our experience, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is groups are both more likely to be granted the opportunity
fears, especially when real threats hound any perceived negative reaction from perfect” (Mt 5:48). to participate in negotiations and offered more concessions
them but get dismissed as “probably the hierarchy is mostly, if not always, In a world of vast deserts, it makes when they execute a greater number of terror attacks during
made up” or “coming from (priests’ or met with more generous doses of hate sense for us to find or provide or, better, civil wars.”
bishops’) personal enemies” or “enemies language and negative conduct by a become its oases. In the Philippines, the above-mentioned studies appear
to be true. The war waged by the Moro National Liberation

The Church’s tangible Front (MNLF) led to the creation of the Autonomous Region
of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), which according to critics is a
Pitik-Bulag failed experiment having been marred by rampant corruption
presence to the poor Fr. Wilfredo Samson, SJ
and bad governance.
By fighting the government and inflicting devastation in
Mindanao, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has
also been rewarded by the government with the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), which
LAST October, I moved to my I became the Church’s tangible homes in an overcrowded Bishop Ambo’s call to seriously heaven forbid, could become yet another failed experiment!
new assignment in the Diocese presence in the community. fifteen-square meter by four consider serving the poorest When we remove our shoes, belt, cap, and watch at the
of Kalookan. Responding to My presence brought instant dilapidated structure. of the poor. The challenge is airport or when we are frisked heavily by authorities upon
the invitation of Bishop Ambo joy and consolation to the I was commissioned to not new to us. In fact, Pope entering a mall or a building and possibly the church, these,
Virgilio David, the Jesuits community. Through the organize the community, but I Francis is inviting us relentlessly too, are clear signs that terrorists have indeed influenced the
gave a concrete yes to help existing mission stations in found myself spending most of to leave our comfort zones policy direction of our institutions.
the poorest of the poor in the Diocese of Kalookan, the my time listening to people and and go to “the peripheries.” In When asked what had gone wrong in Jolo and led to the
his diocese in the midst of poor no longer feel alone celebrating four Masses every the midst of EJKs and other bombing of the Cathedral and the death of innocent people,
increasing incidence of extra- and abandoned in their daily day. Their hunger for God’s injustices being done to the a Police Chief Superintendent from the Philippine National
judicial killings. He felt that struggles. The mission stations presence is manifested as they poor, we are challenged to Police (PNP) honestly admitted that there was a lapse in
the presence of the religious become a source of spiritual request for wake Masses, daily leave our comfort zones and intelligence-gathering and a failure to implement security
among the poor sectors of nourishment, inspiration, Masses, anointing of the sick take extra effort to assist the measures.
the Church could make a guidance, and protection. and house blessings. In the poor. More than financial and Here lies the irony. The government, before the bombing,
difference in the life of the As pastor of the Jesuit periphery, the Eucharist and material assistance, what the arrogantly claimed that Mindanao is much safer now because
forgotten, the powerless, and Mission Station, I never other Sacraments play a very poor need now is our presence of the imposition of martial law in the region. When asked
the abused. imagined presiding over three important role in nourishing and accompaniment. about it, the same Police Colonel could only quip that even
As pastor of Kaunlaran wake Masses in one evening. the spiritual life of the poor. The poor are deeply with the best security measures are taken, if the enemy
Village in Dagat-dagatan I never imagined celebrating But sad to say, in many places, wounded, ignored, and plans a surprise attack, there will always be casualties and
Avenue (now known as the Mass in alleys, shanties, and the poor have no easy access to oppressed. It’s time to help devastation.
Jesuit Mission Station), basketball courts. I never the Sacraments of the Church. them. I am overwhelmed by What happened in Jolo is a strong argument against plans
my first three months were thought of celebrating three I remember Bishop Ambo’s the complexity of the task (if ever there are any) to place the whole country under martial
physically draining but heart- Simbang Gabi Masses every day words, “Hindi lang nasa laylayan ahead of us. But each time I beg rule. The latter does not guarantee our safety. Worse, it may
moving. I deeply felt the beauty for nine days. I never thought it ng lipunan ang mahihirap. for guidance, the Lord simply expose us not just to terrorists but to ruthless leaders as well,
of my priestly vocation when I would be possible to baptize 40 Nasa laylayan din sila ng tells me ... “JUST BE THERE. who may try to annihilate our rights and dignity as citizens.
started living and working children in one sitting. And I Simbahan.” This pretty much BE MY PRESENCE. THAT’S To win the war on terror requires a multi-faceted
with the poor. As their pastor, never imagined blessing seven sums up the rationale behind ENOUGH FOR NOW.” Collection Box / A7

Faith and Culture Poetry for Lent

(Part II)
Cristina Montes

LAST column, I promised to share written about Peter’s denial of Jesus. The cock crows coldly.—Go, and “seen at almost fifty and scarce Not so the Sun and Moon
some of my favorite poems that were In the latter poem, the poet surmises manifest fifteen.” Which hid their faces in a starless
inspired by the events of Holy Week. what Jesus’ thoughts must have been A late contrition, but no bootless Finally, I’d like to share this moving sky,
One is G.K. Chesterton’s “The when He gazed at Peter when the fear! poem entitled “Good Friday” by A horror of great darkness at
Donkey.” The poem says he was cock crowed: For when thy final need is dreariest, Christina Rossetti. I am sure she broad noon –
born “when fishes flew and forests “I THINK that look of Christ might Thou shalt not be denied, as I am would not mind us making our own I, only I.
walked/and figs grew upon thorn/ seem to say— here; her prayer in this poem:
Some moment when the moon ‘Thou Peter! art thou then a My voice to God and angels shall “Am I a stone, and not a sheep, Yet give not o’er,
was blood.” He describes his own common stone attest, That I can stand, O Christ, beneath But seek Thy sheep, true Shepherd
“monstrous head” and “sickening Which I at last must break my Because I KNOW this man, let him Thy cross, of the flock;
cry”, and how he is “the tattered heart upon, be clear.’ To number drop by drop Thy Greater than Moses, turn and look
outlaw of the earth.” But despite his For all God’s charge to His high blood’s slow loss, once more
miseries, he has a wonderful secret: angels may John Donne wrote “Upon And yet not weep? And smite a rock.”
“Fools! For I also had my hour; Guard my foot better? Did I Annunciation and Passion Falling
One far fierce hour and sweet: yesterday on One Day”, which took place in Not so those women loved These are just a few poems among
There was a shout about my ears, Wash thy feet, my beloved, that the year 1608. In this profound Who with exceeding grief lamented so many that give words for the many
And palms before my feet.” they should run poem, John Donne refers to the Thee; unspoken thoughts and feelings
Quick to deny me ’neath the juxtaposition of life and death, to Not so fallen Peter, weeping arising in our souls as we meditate
Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s two morning sun? “the Angel’s Ave and Consummatum bitterly; on the events of Holy Week. May you
poems-in-tandem, “The Look” and And do thy kisses, like the rest, est,” of the Blessed Virgin “reclused Not so the thief was moved; all have a blessed Holy Week and a
“The Meaning of the Look,” were betray? at home, public at Golgotha” and Happy Easter!
A6 LOCAL NEWS March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 CBCP Monitor

Bishops move to end fees for Demeaning women not freedom

of speech, nun tells Duterte
church services A NUN has reminded
President Rodrigo Duterte
that freedom of expression
freedom to express myself,”
he said.
Duterte said he
MORE Catholic bishops are doesn’t give him the right to intentionally makes such
taking steps to eliminate fees degrade women. remarks to bring his female
for sacraments and other “That’s basic ethical norm critics “to the limits of
services. and yet he doesn’t know it?” despair”.
The latest to follow suit said Benedictine Sister Mary Sr. Mananzan said freedom
is Bishop Ruperto Santos John Mananzan. of speech is never a license to
of Balanga who ordered the The nun was reacting to mislead or recklessly hurt the
removal of fees for funeral Duterte’s statement that he feelings of other people.
masses and blessings in his has the right to joke about “Of course you can say
diocese. women which some groups what you want but you may
The move was an initial find to be misogynistic or not say libelous words and
step by the bishop to end the sexist. words injurious to others,”
practice of charging fees for In an event honoring she said.
church services. women law enforcers in The nun said Duterte
In a circular issued March Malacañang on March 11, should not be more surprised
12, he said the move was Duterte said that one cannot if more women become
necessary to console with take away from him his critical of him.
the grieving persons of the freedom of expression. “So you say insulting and
faithful departed. Sacraments, “We will make auditing of “to calibrate their finances” “You know, you women, demeaning words to women,
“Financial obligations from sacramentals the parishes, which of them towards the removal of you are depriving me of my then they have the right to
the perspective of the Church In 2015, Archbishop are ready and how to prepare arancel. freedom of expression… You criticize you, and condemn
are not of prime importance Socrates Villegas of Lingayen- barangay parishes,” he said. Fr. Roy Bellen of the criticize every sentence or what you say,” Sr. Mananzan
and must not be a burden to Dagupan scrapped the system “But as we will celebrate Manila archdiocese’s word I say, but that is my said. (CBCP News)
them,” Santos wrote. of charging fixed rates for our 50th year in 2025, it is communications office
He also ordered that no fees
for masses must be required by
sacraments and sacramentals
in the archdiocese.
our dream to our people that
there would be no arancel
said the target is to end the
arancel system by 2021,
Cardinal Tagle laments ‘destruction’
priests even for those in funeral
parlors and memorial chapels.
Instead, he wanted the
“Pananabangan” or spirit
system for sacraments in our
diocese,” Santos added.
the fifth centenary of the
arrival of Christianity in the
of trust in Syria
“We should not oblige of stewardship to function, Gradual implementation Philippines. THE destruction and visible of jihadist violence.
them either for the arancel, which means that parishes In other dioceses, “This hopefully can be impact of the Syrian war may Accompanied by Catholic
but we can be open for their will just accept whatever it is guidelines are also being a gauge of the faithful of only be the tip of the iceberg. prelates in Syria and Caritas
free will to give or donate for that parishioners can offer. set up for the uniform and their change of paradigm in Cardinal Luis Antonio workers, he saw people
the Church,” Santos said. A year later, the archdiocese gradual removal of the support the Church rather Tagle of Manila, who just living amid the rubbles and
The arancel system in the also stopped its parishes from arancel system. than thinking of ‘buying arrived back from Syria last destruction.
Church refers to the practice charging fix rates for issuing Bishops take everything the sacraments’ from the night, said the damages are According to him, the war
of giving stipends to priests canonical certificates. into consideration because Church,” he said. devastating but the war is has damaged the foundation
for specific church services. Bishop Santos said their their parishes have varying Saying that sacraments also destroying the people’s of relationships and
The bishop said the next plan is to start removing realities. are gifts from God, Pope trust. repairing it will be a greater
new statute must be fully arancel on baptism, weddings, In Manila, the country’s Francis has repeatedly urged “I saw firsthand the ravages challenge than rebuilding
implemented by April 21, confirmation and Masses in largest archdiocese, some churches to give services of war, not only buildings, infrastructure.
Easter Sunday. the few years to come. parishes have already started freely. (CBCP News) schools and houses but lives “How do you recover trust?
really. And the most painful As you rebuild the houses, are
Energy / A1 of all, the destruction of you also rebuilding trust?”
industries, it urged BPI “to for clean and affordable trust,” Tagle said. he asked.
right away divest them to electricity for consumers “People are saying ‘yes, we But Tagle added that he
support the renewable energy through key policy reforms. are returning to our villages was edified by how “people of
sector”. The “Malinis at Murang but with constant fear. We faith and selfless love” could
Based on the financial Kuryente” campaign will do not know whom to trust,’” help the “wounds of society”.
disclosures in the Global cascade through all dioceses he said. At a school he visited
Coal Exit List, BPI is among and parishes, schools The cardinal was speaking with about 1,800 pupils
the top banks providing and religious groups to at the launching of a new book cramped in temporary
support through loans and put pressure to financial which chronicles the history classrooms, Tagle saw how
underwritings to the country’s institutions to divest from of the Manila Cathedral on Caritas pastoral workers are
biggest coal developers. coal and invest to clean Saturday. engaging the children.
Caritas executive secretary energy. On Ash Wednesday, “Later on they (children)
Fr. Edwin Gariguez said Gariguez stressed that the president of Caritas would smile and say ‘thank
Bishop Gerardo Alminaza of San Carlos (center) leads various civil society organizations
the church is now being Caritas’ development funds Internationalis visited you, you have brought new
in launching an electoral campaign for “clean and affordable electricity” in Manila,
March 7. CBCP NEWS challenged to fully commit are raised to uplift the lives eastern Ghouta, a suburban light to our otherwise dark
to their advocacy for a coal- and dignity of the poor and area in southwestern Syria, existence,’” he said. (Roy
According to him, initial assuring that bishops “are free Philippines. the vulnerable. which for years was a symbol Lagarde / CBCPNews)
discussions on divestment united in principles”. “And the better way to do “Having them invested
started during the bishops’ For its part, Caritas that then is to ensure that our in coal and other extractive Candidly Speaking / A4
plenary meeting last January Philippines called on Bank of money deposited to financial industries is one way of killing
while “we are also dialoguing the Philippine Islands (BPI) institutions are not used to the people we are mandated feel about them. minority too much.
with each other”. to disclose where it invested fund dirty energy and other to protect. We cannot allow Courtesy and basic good Perhaps one concrete way
“We are waiting for the their funds. extractives,” he said. that from happening,” he manners should always of improving the current state
right time then we would And should there be The church officials made added. (Roy Lagarde / prevail in the discussion. of our public discussions
come out with a pastoral investments to dirty energy the statement during the CBCP News) Insults, name-calling, anger, is to review the way Public
letter as a body,” he said, such as coal and extractive launching of a campaign resentments, grudges and Speaking and Debate is given
the like should have no place as a subject in the schools.
in the exchange of views. We In those occasions where I
And That’s the Truth / A4 can be forceful in promoting attended the samples of the
an area of 90,000 km2 with or orphans of parents to the “Good News”, the New, been published in a blog and defending our views subject, the students seem
the distribution of food and AIDS in schools for the poor, which quietly began on in January 2011, and then without having to resort to to be trained more to score
seeds; vocational training centers, Easter morning. A tree again by zenit.org on May 24, these things. points than to seek what
4) What we could provide reception centers for HIV that falls makes more 2011, then in different news Politicians should is most beneficial to most
are education and schools in positive ...... etc ...... noise than a thousand agencies again in September follow this fundamental people, if not to all.
the last decade to more than 11) Or, especially, spending trees growing. and in October 2018. The rule and lead the way in That subject has to have
110,000 children; their lives in parishes and It makes much ado about Salesian author of the letter, giving good example in this a solid foundation on ethics
5) This remains uninspiring missions, motivating people a priest who commits a foul Fr. Lasarte is an Uruguayan department. We should that would precisely teach
that with other priests, we to live better and above all than for thousands who give missionary—perhaps the make acrimonious political courtesy and good manners,
had to rescue about 15,000 to love; their lives for thousands of original was written in debates a thing of the past. before the students are
people in the camps of 12) It is not news that poor and needy. Spanish and translated to Let’s open a new era in our trained to think and argue
the guerrillas after they my friend Father Marcus I do not pretend to French, I’m not sure, but the political discussions that their points.
surrendered, because the Aurelius, to save children apologize for the Church English translations I found is marked by charity and I even notice that in a local
Government of the UN Food during the war in Angola, and priests. vary only in some parts—the selfless pursuit for what noontime TV show, this kind
and n ‘not arrive; transported Kalulo in Dondo A priest is neither a hero spirit of the intention is is most beneficial to the of public speaking and debate
6) This is not a new and in returning from his nor a neurotic. It is simply intact. Why do you think common good or at least to is promoted. I am afraid this
interesting that a priest of mission, he was machine- a normal man who, with his the New York Times ignored the majority of the people is giving a bad influence on
75 years, Father Roberto, gunned in path; as Brother human nature seeks to follow it? Maybe because it is the without disadvantaging the our society.
through the city of Luanda, Francis with five ladies Jesus and to serve Him in his priest’s reaction, expressing Panaghoy / A4
healing the street children, catechists, are killed in an brothers. his feelings about the media
leading them to a shelter, so accident, going help the most There are miseries of feasting on priests’ abuses Manila is not good, not only will do to reclaimed areas is
they are detoxified of gasoline remote rural areas of the poverty and weaknesses while choosing to be blind to to the other provinces, but not studied that thoroughly.
they aspire earning a living as country; like all human beings; but the other good things other also to the people of the Should not this be a big
flame thrower; 13) That dozens of there is beauty and grandeur priests do. That was about Metropolis themselves. reason to move the projects
7) Literacy of hundreds of missionaries in Angola as in every creature ......... eight years ago—today Fr. The massive structures to safer grounds?
prisoners are not new; have died for lack of health Insist an obsession-born and Lasarte’swords still ring true, and businesses that will There are so many
8) other priests like facilities, because of simple persecutory manner on a and if mainstream media are be set up will attract more apprehensions about the big
Father Stephane, organizing malaria; painful topic, losing sight of too biased or cowardly to people to Metro Manila. scale reclamation projects
transition houses for young 14) What others have the whole of the work really give way to such expressions, This in turn will add up to along Manila Bay. These
mistreated, beaten, raped, to jumped in the air due to creates offensive cartoons of then surely social media can the population congestion, should be properly addressed
find refuge; mine by visiting their faithful; the Catholic priesthood, by rise to be fair and defend the resulting to more traffic, and explained to the people.
9) No more, that Father Indeed, in the cemetery of which I feel offended. truth. Fr. Lasarte’s signature more garbage, and more We do not want just any kind
Maiato, 80, visit the homes Kalulo are the tombs of the I ask you only journalist in the letter is followed by pollution! It can even result of development, especially
of the poor one by one first priests who arrived in friend, to seek the Truth, this quote: “My past, Lord, to more flooding. aggressive development
comforting the sick and the region ...... none exceeded Good and Beauty. This will I entrust to your mercy; my People are expecting that is being forced down
desperate; 40 years ..........; grow your profession. present to your love; My the Big One—the massive the throat of the public, a
10) It’s not news that 15) This is not a new one, In Christ, future in your providence.”If earthquake that Manila and development pushed only by
more than 6,000 among the that of following a “normal” P. Martin Lasarte SDB” even one-tenth of Catholic its surroundings experience big business interests with the
40,000 priests and religious priest in his daily work, Searching for the letter’s netizens would give space every 400 years or so. It can nod of a government which is
today have left their country its difficulties and joys, possible presence in the to this letter, they would be come any time. Underground not concerned with long term
and their families to serve spending his life quietly for internet I gathered that it lighting a candle in the dark, movements of the earth effects to the ordinary people
their brothers in a leper the community it serves. is indeed a letter sent to the proving the reality of God’s can trigger liquefaction, and to the environment. We
colony, hospitals, refugee The truth is that we are New York Times in April providence that Fr. Lasarte especially in areas where the want to know and be assured!
camps, orphanages for not looking to make the 2010 and which the paper is entrusting his future to. earth is not that compact. The above concerns are to be
children accused of sorcery news, if not simply bring ignored. It appears to have And that’s the truth. What damage liquefaction addressed!
CBCP Monitor March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 DIOCESAN NEWS A7

Mindanao faith groups seek to ‘La Virgen Milagrosa de

Badoc’ goes home to Japan
tackle 'emerging crises'
DAVAO City— Faith groups
in the southern Philippines
met recently to coordinate
efforts to address what
they described as emerging
humanitarian issues in
The gathering of local
church groups identified a
“rise in violent extremism,”
that needed a “coordinated
response” from various
church organizations.
The meeting, on March
12, also stressed the need
to address “environmental
concerns” affecting farming
and tribal communities.
Father Edwin Gariguez,
executive director of Caritas
Philippines, said the ongoing
armed conflict in Mindanao
has also displaced several
Mindanao communities.
The priest said initiatives Leaders of Church groups gather on March 12 to discuss areas of collaboration, especially during times of emergencies. MARK
of various church groups now SALUDES/UCAN
aim to “localize humanitarian
aid responses and recognize among churches has Minnie Ann Mata-Calub, Reverend Stephen
the capability of local been “tried and tested” in secretary-general of the Gualberto of the Philippine Bishop Renato Mayugba of Laoag holds the replica of “La Virgen Milagrosa de Badoc”
churches to respond to any that he gave to Archbishop Joseph Mitsuaki Takami of Nagasaki.
Mindanao. National Council of Churches Council of Evangelical
crisis.” He cited the work of local in the Philippines, said they Churches stressed the need
AFTER nearly 400 years, Thousands of Ilocanos
He said churches have churches in helping up to plan to establish structures, to strengthen the capacity of
“La Virgen Milagrosa de and devotees all over
organizations at local 500,000 people displaced by mechanisms and programs local church groups.
Badoc” went home to her the Philippines come to
level that can facilitate the terrorist gunmen attack through a “consultative He said church institutions
original family in Japan’s city Badoc seeking Our Lady’s
early intervention in any on the city of Marawi in May approach.” need training before being
of Nagasaki. intercession.
humanitarian crisis. 2017. “This will allow church provided a platform that will
Bishop Renato Mayugba of Bishop Mayugba’s visit
“Churches can respond “Christians and Muslims organizations to collaborate provide opportunities for
Laoag met with Archbishop in Nagasaki was expected
because they are part of came together to give aid relief and work together before, funding.
Joseph Mitsuaki Takami of as the starting point of a
the community and are and provide development during and after human- The network of church
Nagasaki on March 12 and relationship between the
attached to a larger religious work to displacement induced disasters or natural organizations is being
presented him with a gift: a Diocese of Laoag and the
conference that can provide victims,” Barnido said. calamities,” she said. supported by the Catholic
small replica of the image of Archdiocese of Nagasaki
training and equipment,” Father Gariguez said any Calub said collaboration Bishops’ Conference of the
La Virgen Milagrosa. with “La Virgen Milagrosa de
Father Gariguez said. response to a crisis could be would include the sharing of Philippines, National Council
The archbishop is expected Badoc” as the link.
Rey Barnido, executive stronger if faith-based groups information, resources and of Churches in the Philippines
to enthrone the image in the By the mandate of the
director of the non- come together and plan a the exchange of best practices and the Philippine Council
Nagasaki cathedral or display Holy See, the image was
government Duyog Marawi “systematic intervention” in in humanitarian responses of Evangelical Churches.
it in a museum dedicated pontifically crowned last May
group, said collaboration affected communities. and risk reduction. (Mark Saludes/UCAN)
to the hidden Japanese 31, 2018 by Cardinal Luís

Jolo vicariate warns against fake solicitation

Christians in Nagasaki. Antonio Tagle of Manila.
“I’m also here promoting Last Feb. 5, the church
devotion to Virgen Milagrosa of Badoc was declared as a
A CATHOLIC Church official is warning The Jolo cathedral was bombed last repair and medical expenses is $45,000 de Badoc-Nagasaki. Very Minor Basilica, also by the
the public against a scammer spreading Jan. 27 as around a hundred people with $8000 raised leaving $37,000 as warm welcome by the mandate of the Vatican, with
“solicitation letter” online supposedly were hearing Sunday Mass. The twin balance. If you’re touched to help relieve descendants of the hidden the presence of Cardinal
coming from the Apostolic Vicariate bombing claimed at least 23 lives and our brethren and help repair the house Christians,” Mayugba said. Thomas Aquinas Manyo
of Jolo, which is still reeling from the scores were injured. of God that has been left deteriorated. Contained in a box, the Maeda of Osaka.
deadly terror attack in January. The online letter reads as follows: Please notify me so i can give you details icon of the Blessed Virgin In his message, Cardinal
Jolo Apostolic Administrator Fr. Hello, of where to donate. Mary was found floating on Maeda said that there are
Romeo Saniel, OMI, clarified that they How are you? We’re soliciting for May God Bless, protect and guide you the shores between the Ilocos so many links between
have not initiated any fund raising for funds (donations) for The Cathedral always! towns of Badoc and Sinait in the Catholicism in the
the repair of their cathedral and the of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Jolo, Inori no uchini, 1620 along with the image of Philippines and Japan,
medical bills of the blast victims. Philippines that suffered an ISIS Fr. Torres crucified Christ. citing Madonna of Badoc as
He warned the public against a certain terrorist attack on the 20th of January A check with the Catholic Directory Fray Pedro Vivar, OSA, an example.
Victor Torres, who introduces himself as being Sunday as the Roman Catholic of the Philippines does not list Torres chronicled the discovery in After the Japan visit of
priest and asking people for donations. faithfuls gathered to worship, leaving as priest incardinated to any diocese 1764 and the report is extant Bishop Mayugba, replicas
“Please be informed that we have twenty worshipers dead at the spot or to the Missionary Oblates of Mary in the Augustinian archives of La Virgen Milagrosa de
nothing to do with this person who is and many others with life threatening Immaculate, the congregation doing in Valladolid, Spain. Badoc will also be brought to
soliciting funds for the victims of Jolo injuries needing immediate surgeries. missionary work in Jolo since 1939. In his documentation, Vivar Christuskirche in Heilbronn,
Cathedral,” Saniel said. The total estimated cost for the church (Rommel Lopez/CBCP News) wrote that the icons came Germany on May 25 and
from the hidden Japanese to Los Angeles, California

Construction of clergy home in Palawan underway Christians who jettisoned the

religious image into the sea
to escape iconoclasm and for
during summer this year.
Another replica will also
be enshrined in the Basilica
PUERTO PRINCESA of clergy house project since them to avoid persecution. of Santa Pudenziana, the
City—The Apostolic the early 2000s but was put The image of “La Virgen National Church of the
Vicariate of Puerto on hold because of budget Milagrosa” was enshrined in Filipinos in Rome and the
Princesa is currently constraints. the “Visita” of Badoc which Titular Church of Cardinal
building a house for the An estimated Php 40 became the house of the Maeda, later this year.
retired, aging, and sick million is needed for the Virgin in the next 400 years. (CBCP News)
priests of Palawan. completion of project, which
Bishop Socrates Mesiona according to Mesiona, will Collection Box / A5
said it is an “urgent need” at also serve as a transient
the moment. house for priests assigned to approach. Education should be detrimental to national
“We want to provide our far-flung areas. take a pre-eminent role in security and the safety of
priests a decent place to stay “We really have no sure this. Remember, terrorists, Filipinos.
when they retire,” he stressed budget, we just leave it God, before taking up arms, Strengthening inter-
out. praying that there will be many are first made to believe government cooperation and
The prelate explained that kind people who are kind in a cause that is ‘’worth’’ sharing intelligence data
majority of the priests in the enough to support the project,” Bishop Socrates Mesiona recently conducted an ocular inspection of the ongoing fighting for. Firing guns and are also vital to identifying,
construction of Clergy House in Tiniguiban, Puerto Princesa, a project of the vicariate. detonating bombs to inflict accosting, and arresting
vicariate are seniors with concluded the bishop. KATYA SANTOS
around 5 to 7 of them retiring injury are mere intended terrorists and their network.
soon. Clergy population independent city. “When the province was effects of indoctrination. To Using intelligence funds
Currently, there are 38 Palawan has a Based on records, when there divided into two vicariates, the counter this, governments properly and organizing
diocesan priests presently geographical area of was only one vicariate in the assignment of priests remained, should make education work community intelligence units
serving the vicariate. more than 14,000 square province, most of the young that’s why, most of the senior for peace and development. in barangays may also help.
kilometers. Around priests were assigned to the priests belong to Puerto It should be structured in In other words, funds must
Leap of faith 1,700 islands and islets islands towns, while the seniors Princesa,” Mesiona explained. such a way that the young not be used to clandestinely
Bishop Emeritus Pedro comprise the province were based in the capital or in (Katya A. Santos/CBCP may understand the folly of support the enemy with
Arigo initiated the building with 23 towns and 1 nearby municipalities. News) joining such groups and that hopes of generating more
true growth and development money in a protracted war
will not be achieved through against terror.
Prudence / A1
intimidation, armed conflict, Clearly, the war on terror
best for humanity,” he said. that we can use it without the rule of country does not even need a new or terroristic acts. will not be won by public
He urged authorities to examine the prudence,” Florencio added. legislation because present law allows The rise of ISIS and denunciations alone or by
impact of medical marijuana use in In a pastoral guidance issued in 2015, it already. ISIL gave us a glimpse of spiteful rhetorics promising
the general population and among the the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of He cited provisions of RA 9165, how technology works for the complete annihilation of
youth. the Philippines did not issue a blanket or the Comprehensive Dangerous the advancement of their the enemy. At the very least,
If the measure would benefit patients rejection of marijuana for medical Act of 2002, that defends the use cause. The internet became these only serve to assuage
suffering from debilitating medical purposes. of prohibited drugs in exceptional these groups’ most effective the feelings of a devastated
conditions, “then let us, by all means, The bishops said the Church allows cases. tool for recruitment and public whose insecurity
use it,” he said. the “compassionate” use of narcotics to President Rodrigo Duterte indoctrination. Stringent grows each day.
However, the bishop also warned of help terminally ill. on March 8 said he would not measures to regulate What has happened to
the possible misuse of marijuana once But the bishops said that the use approve the legalization of medical the use of social media humanity? This question
the bill is passed in Congress. of medical marijuana should only be marijuana, a reverse from his platforms should therefore will linger until we find the
In cannabis policy debates, whether considered when all other options have previous position. be in place. Authorities courage to address the enemy
legalization leads to abuse is a crucial been explored. Duterte warned that drug syndicates should have the capacity from within and implement
point of contention. Then CBCP President, Archbishop could use its legalization to sell to determine dangerous the right formula to defeat
“This is not also a blanket authority Socrates Villegas, previously said the prohibited substances. (CBCP News) sites and content that may terror in our midst.
A8 PEOPLE, FACTS, AND PLACES March 18 -31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 CBCP Monitor

Cardinal Quevedo turns Pope names new Auxiliary Bishop of

80, loses right to enter Lingayen-Dagupan archdiocese
into conclave POPE Francis has appointed
Fr. Fidelis Layog as Auxiliary
on April 29, 1996, Layog
spent the first four years
Catholic School (2014-2016).
Aside from being a parish
Bishop of the Archdiocese of of priesthood as Prefect of priest in Binmaley, he is also
Lingayen-Dagupan. Discipline at the at the Mary the Director of St. Columban
A priest of the same Help of Christians High Institute of Domalandan in
archdiocese, the bishop-elect School Seminary in Dagupan Lingayen, Pangasinan since
is currently serving at the Our City. 2017.
Lady of Purification Parish in In 2003, he also As auxiliary bishop, Layog
Binmaley, Pangasinan. obtained a degree in will assist Archbishop
The appointment was Biblical Theology from the Socrates Villegas in running
made public in Rome at 12 Pontifical University of St. the archdiocese.
noon (7:00 p.m. local time) Thomas in Rome. Archbishop Villegas said
on Saturday, March 18. Back in the diocese, after the appointment of Fr. Layog
Fr. Layog was born in years of study in Rome, he as auxiliary bishop “is a
Dagupan City on November was: sterling recognition of the
20, 1968. • Parish priest of the Holy maturity of our Catholic faith
He studied philosophy Family Parish in Sta. Barbara, and the richness of our local
at Mary Help of Christians Pangasinan (2006-2009) presbyterium”.
College Seminary and • Parish Priest of St. Peter Fr. Layog’s episcopal
theology at the Immaculate and Paul Parish in Calasiao, ordination will be on May
Conception School of Pangasinan and Vicar Forane 8, 2019 at the Cathedral of
Theology in Vigan City. (2011-2014) Saint John the Evangelist in Auxiliary Bishop-elect Fidelis Layog of
Cardinal Orlando Quevedo has turned 80 years old yesterday, reducing the number After his priestly ordination • Director of Mapandan Dagupan City. (CBCP News)
of cardinal electors to 122. MARIA TAN

Quevedo, the retired
archbishop of Cotabato, has
Cardinal Tagle participated
in the conclave that elected
Pope Francis in 2013.
Youngest bishop in PH ordained, installed
turned 80 on March 11, losing Quevedo was the eight BISHOP Rex Andrew Alarcon went back
his right to participate in a Filipino to be appointed a to his hometown in Daet, Camarines
papal election. cardinal in 2014 and the first Norte on Wednesday, not for a short
The cardinal marked his from Mindanao. visit, but to assume a vacant seat.
birthday by celebrating Mass The country only has In a ceremony, the Daet diocese
with bishops, as greetings three living cardinals today, welcomed its fourth bishop, as well as
poured in from around the including retired Cardinal the youngest in the Philippines.
world. Gaudencio Rosales, who is Alarcon will now lead more than half-
The celebration attracted now 86 years old. a-million Catholics in 30 parishes that
friends from across the There are now 223 reside in Camarines Norte province.
archdiocese and around the living cardinals, of whom The installation took place before
country. 122 are under the age of around 2,000 people at the Cathedral
“All I am and that I possess, 80 and therefore eligible to of the Most Holy Trinity.
all of them come from God,” participate in a conclave to “I want to accompany you. May we
he told mass goers and well- elect a new pope. walk together in the spirit of synodality
wishers at the Cotabato Cardinal Quevedo was in the heart of the Church,” Alarcon told
cathedral. Pope Francis’ special envoy the congregation.
Cardinal Quevedo is the to the 150th anniversary The installation took place a day after
first and remains to be the celebration of the “Hidden his episcopal ordination held at the
only Filipino cardinal named Christians of Japan” that was St. John the Evangelist Metropolitan
by Pope Francis so far. held in Nagasaki in March Cathedral in Naga City.
Voting for popes is barred 2015. Around a dozen bishops attended the
Bishop Rex Andre Alarcon receives the pastoral staff during his episcopal ordination at the Naga Cathedral, March
to cardinals over 79, leaving Unknown to many, the ceremony led by Archbishop Gabrielle 19. JOJO PRIETO/ARCHDIOCESE OF CACERES
the Philippines with lone pope also sent him to Caccia, the Apostolic Nuncio to the
representative — Cardinal beatify 17 martyrs of Laos Philippines, and Archbishop Adolfo After his theology studies at the archdiocese.
Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, in December 2016. (CBCP Tito Yllana, the Apostolic Nuncio to University of Santo Tomas in Manila, At 48, Alarcon is the youngest member
who is just 61. News) Australia. Alarcon was ordained a priest for the of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
Top local and national government Archdiocese of Caceres in 1996. the Philippines (CBCP).
New photo book chronicles leaders were also in attendance led by
Vice President Leni Robredo.
In 2001, he obtained his licentiate in
Church history at Pontifical Gregorian
There are two Filipino bishops
younger than Alarcon but they are based

Manila Cathedral history Pope Francis appointed Alarcon as the

bishop of Daet on Jan. 2.
University in Rome, Italy.
Since 2013, he has held the office of
in other countries. They are Bishop
Ryan Jimenez, 47, of Chalan Kanoa in
He succeeded Archbishop Gilbert superintendent of the Catholic schools Saipan, and Bishop Pedro Baquero, 48,
Garcera who was transferred to the of Caceres, member of the college of Kerema in Papa New Guinea. (Roy
Archdiocese of Lipa in February 2017. of consultors, and spokesman of the Lagarde/CBCP News)

Seminary installs bust of Ilocano bishop being pushed for sainthood

A THEOLOGY seminary during the time.
in Ilocos Sur has initiated History tells that by 1896,
a unique means of paying Spanish friars tortured nine
tribute to the Servant of clerics who were implicated
God Alfredo Verzosa, whose of active involvement in
sainthood is being pushed. free masonry and the
The Immaculate revolution. They were also
Conception School of humiliated in front of the
Theology of Vigan has decided seminarians that they may
to install a statue of the first not follow their example.
bishop from Northern Luzon. The clerics were later found
On Saturday, March 16, a innocent.
bust of Verzosa was installed While a student in Letran,
inside the seminary as a way Verzosa felt a sentiment of
to promote the cause of his restlessness, a Dominican
Papal nuncio Archbishop Gabriele Caccia receives a copy of the Manila Cathedral photo sainthood. friar advised him to return
book from Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle and former Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban, The image of Verzosa was to the seminary to attain his
president of the Manila Cathedral Foundation, March 9. CBCP NEWS enshrined at the seminary peace.
chapel after a Mass presided In one of his messages,
Nueva Segovia Archbishop Emeritus Ernesto Salgado blesses a bust of the Servant of
MANILA Cathedral has cathedral is the country’s over by Nueva Segovia the bishop recounted that God, Alfredo Verzosa, at the chapel of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology
launched a new book on “Mother Church”. Archbishop Emeritus Ernesto while in Manila, he was told in Vigan City on March 16, 2019. PHOTO COURTESY OF FR. EMAN QUINTOS
Saturday telling the story “Even Pope Francis Salgado. by her elder sister about
of the church from its himself said that the Manila During the celebration, 19 their mother waking up at visited parishes of his territory the Church on the matter,
foundations to the present Cathedral is the Mother seminarians from different night, kneeling and crying with zeal. He believed in the up to their death.
day. Church in the country being dioceses of northern Luzon as she prayed, which to the importance of catechism, an Verzosa is remembered
Containing facts, figures the first cathedral in the were also instituted to the presumption of the daughter inspiration from the pastoral as a charitable shepherd,
and events, “Manila Philippines,” said Malicdem. ministry of acolyte. was for the vocation of the problem he encountered as solicitous to the needs of
Cathedral: Restoring Present during the Archbishop Salgado later son who was absent from the priest in the north. the poor, strong with his
a Monument of Faith, launching were Archbishop blessed the image and seminary. From this, he founded the adherence to the faith despite
Architecture and History” Gabriele Caccia, the Apostolic exhorted everyone to pray Verzosa attributed his Missionary Catechists of the perils and never lost his hope
gives a glimpse of the Nuncio of the Philippines, that Bishop Verzosa be raised priestly vocation to the Sacred Heart (MCSH) in to God even in front of intense
structure through the years and Cardinal Luis Antonio soon to the honors of the prayers of his mother. He 1923. This would later inspire suffering. He died in 1954.
since its first establishment Tagle of Manila. altar. remarked, “Nonetheless, my his Auxiliary Bishop, the The process for
in 1581. Also in attendance were Verzosa was born in Vigan, mother won and she had the Venerable Alfredo Obviar to his beatification and
There are hidden gems the board and trustees of the Ilocos Sur on December 9, joy of seeing me a priest and found another congregation canonization is on its way at
like never-before-seen old Manila Cathedral-Basilica 1877 to a wealthy family of later on, a bishop.” of the same charism and the Vatican’s Congregation
architectural plans and Foundation, Inc., led by the Spanish City’s “Gremio de Verzosa was the first native name in a much later time. for the Causes of Saints.
photos of the post-war former Chief Justice Artemio Mestizos” (Mestizo Section). Filipino to have become a He, together with his The “Positio,” the official
rebuilding that have been Panganiban. He entered the Seminary of bishop from the University Auxiliary, became committed document of the Cause is
uncovered from the archives. The book was produced Vigan before the Philippine of Sto. Tomás. in the pastoral care of the being prepared for the review
Fr. Reginald Malicdem, the with the guidance of its Revolution against Spain, As a priest of Nueva Segovia, faithful, taking the courage of experts in Rome.
cathedral’s rector, said the editor, renowned heritage towards the end of the 19th he fought for the preservation even in front of the perils of Archbishop Salgado
photo book is “a combination architect Gerald Lico, Century. He later left the of Roman Catholicism amid the World War II. committed his retirement
of history and faith”. photographer Marc Henrich seminary to pursue a secular the Aglipayan schism at the Towards the end of the years in promoting the
“The book will be a lesson Go and with the support of course at the Colegio de San onset of the 20th century. 1940’s, there was an alleged Cause for Beatification and
of how the cathedral played The GT Foundation, Inc. Juan de Letrán in Manila At age 39, he was made apparition of the Virgin at Canonization of Verzosa.
an important role in the Copies are available at the which to him was caused bishop of Lipa in 1916, Lipa Carmel with reports For several years now, the
development of Christianity Manila Cathedral for P2,500. by a “repugnance to the which at that time covered of showers of rose petals. archbishop goes to parishes
in the Philippines,” he said. Malicdem said proceeds priesthood.” the provinces of Batangas, This was later judged as in the region and abroad
The rector said it’s from the book sale will go Historians presumed that Quezón, Laguna, Mindoro having no supernatural celebrating Masses and
significant not only for the to the maintenance of this negative sentiment might and Marinduque. basis by the Church. With giving talks to promote the
Church but also for the the cathedral. (CBCP have been caused by the On horseback and obedience, the two bishops sainthood cause. (CBCP
faithful considering that the News) injustices against Filipinos traversing the seas, Verzosa followed the disposition of News)
CBCP Monitor March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 PASTORAL CONCERNS B1

Pope Francis poses with seminarians from the Puglia region of southern Italy. VATICAN MEDIA

(2019 marks the 56th anniversary of The World Day of Prayer for Vocations that will be celebrated on May 12, the Good Shepherd Sunday.)

The courage to take a risk for

God’s promise
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 2019 World Day of Vocations

DEAR Brothers and Sisters, of routine” (Homily for the XXII World Day through the liturgy.  The liturgy introduces us paralyzes us before the great heights to which
for Consecrated Life, 2 February 2018).  And to God’s word and the grace of the sacraments; the Lord points us.  Always remember that to
After the lively and fruitful experience of the he immediately made them a promise: “I will from an early age, we are taught the art of those who leave their nets and boat behind,
Synod devoted to young people last October, make you fishers of men” (Mk1:17). prayer and fraternal sharing.  In the end, the and follow him, the Lord promises the joy of
we recently celebrated the Thirty-fourth The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God Church is our mother because she brings us a new life that can fill our hearts and enliven
World Youth Day in Panama City.  These two in our freedom; it is not a “cage” or a burden to new life and leads us to Christ.  So we must our journey.
great events allowed the Church to be atten- to be borne.  On the contrary, it is the loving love her, even when we see her face marred Dear friends, it is not always easy to discern
tive both to the voice of the Spirit and to the initiative whereby God encounters us and in- by human frailty and sin, and we must help our vocation and to steer our life in the right
life of young men and women, their questions vites us to be part of a great undertaking.  He to make her ever more beautiful and radiant, direction.  For this reason, there needs to be a
and concerns, their problems and their hopes. opens before our eyes the horizon of a greater so that she can bear witness to God’s love in renewed commitment on the part of the whole
Building on what I shared with the young sea and an abundant catch. the world. Church—priests, religious, pastoral workers
people in Panama, I would like to reflect, on God in fact desires that our lives not be- The Christian life thus finds expression in and educators—to provide young people in
this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, on how come banal and predictable, imprisoned by those decisions that, while giving a precise particular with opportunities for listening
the Lord’s call makes us bearers of a prom- daily routine, or unresponsive before deci- direction to our personal journey, also con- and discernment.  There is a need for a youth
ise and, at the same time, asks of us the cour- sions that could give it meaning.  The Lord tribute to the growth of God’s kingdom in ministry and a vocational promotion that
age to take a risk, with him and for him.  I will does not want us to live from day to day, our world.  I think of the decision to marry can open the way to discovering God’s plan,
do this by reflecting briefly with you on these thinking that nothing is worth fighting for, in Christ and to form a family, as well as all above all through prayer, meditation on God’s
two aspects—promise and risk—as they appear slowly losing our desire to set out on new those other vocations associated with work word, eucharistic adoration and spiritual ac-
in the Gospel account of the calling of the first and exciting paths.  If at times he makes us and professional life, with the commitment to companiment.
disciples by the sea of Galilee (Mk 1:16-20). experience a “miraculous catch”, it is because charity and solidarity, with social and political As was made clear several times during the
Two pairs of brothers—Simon and Andrew, he wants us to discover that each of us is responsibilities, and so forth.  These vocations World Youth Day in Panama, we should
and James and John—are going about their called—in a variety of ways—to something make us bearers of a promise of goodness, love always look to Mary.  Also in the story of
daily tasks as fishermen.  In this demanding grand, and that our lives should not grow and justice, not only for ourselves but also for this young woman, vocation was both a
work, they had learned the laws of nature, entangled in the nets of an ennui that dulls our societies and cultures, which need coura- promise and a risk.  Her mission was not
yet at times, when the winds were adverse the heart.  Every vocation is a summons not geous Christians and authentic witnesses of easy, yet she did not allow fear to prevail. 
and waves shook their boats, they had to defy to stand on the shore, nets in hand, but to the kingdom of God. “It was the ‘yes’ of someone prepared to be
the elements.  On some days, the catch of fish follow Jesus on the path he has marked out In encountering the Lord, some may feel the committed, someone willing to take a risk,
amply repaid their efforts, but on others, an for us, for our own happiness and for the good attraction of a call to the consecrated life or to ready to stake everything she had, with no
entire night’s work was not sufficient to fill of those around us. the ordained priesthood.  It is a discovery that more security than the certainty of know-
their nets, and they had to return to shore Embracing this promise naturally demands can excite and at the same time frighten us, ing that she was the bearer of a promise.  I
weary and disappointed. the courage to risk making a decision.  The since we feel called to become “fishers of men” ask each one of you: Do you see yourselves
Much of life is like that.  Each of us tries to first disciples, called by Jesus to be part of in the barque of the Church by giving totally of as bearers of a promise?  What promise do
realize his or her deepest desires; we engage something greater, “immediately left their ourselves in commitment to faithful service of I bear within my heart to take forward? 
in activities that we hope will prove enriching, nets and followed him” (Mk 1:18).  Re- the Gospel and our brothers and sisters.  Such Mary’s would undoubtedly be a difficult
and we put out on a “sea” of possibilities in the sponding to the Lord’s call involves putting a decision carries the risk of leaving everything mission, but the challenges that lay ahead
hope of steering the right course, one that will ourselves on the line and facing a great chal- behind to follow the Lord, to devote ourselves were no reason to say ‘no’.  Things would
satisfy our thirst for happiness.  Sometimes we lenge.  It means being ready to leave behind completely to him, and to share in his work.  get complicated, of course, but not in the
enjoy a good catch, while at others, we need whatever would keep us tied to our little Many kinds of interior resistance can stand same way as happens when cowardice
courage to keep our boat from being tossed by boat and prevent us from making a definitive in the way of making this decision, especially paralyzes us because things are not clear or
the waves, or we are frustrated at seeing our choice.  We are called to be bold and decisive in highly secularized contexts where there no sure in advance” (Vigil with Young People,
nets come up empty. in seeking God’s plan for our lives.  Gazing longer seems to be a place for God and for the Panama, 26 January 2019).
As with every call, the Gospel speaks of an out at the vast “ocean” of vocation, we cannot Gospel.  Places where it is easy to grow dis- On this World Day of Prayer for Voca-
encounter.  Jesus walks by, sees those fisher- remain content to repair our nets on the boat couraged and fall into the “weariness of hope” tions, let us join in prayer and ask the Lord
men, and walks up to them...  The same thing that gives us security, but must trust instead (Homily at Mass with Priests, Consecrated to help us discover his plan of love for our
happened when we met the person we wanted in the Lord’s promise. Persons and Lay Movements, Panama, 26 lives, and to grant us the courage to walk
to marry, or when we first felt the attraction I think primarily of the call to the Christian January 2019). in the path that, from the beginning, he has
of a life of consecration: we were surprised life which all of us received at Baptism.  It And yet, there can be no greater joy than chosen for each of us.
by an encounter, and at that moment we teaches us that our life is not a fluke but rather to risk one’s life for the Lord!  I would like to
glimpsed the promise of a joy capable of a gift: that of being God’s beloved children, say this especially to you, the young.  Do not
bringing fulfillment to our lives.  That day, by gathered in the great family of the Church.  It be deaf to the Lord’s call.  If he calls you to From the Vatican, 31 January 2019
the sea of Galilee, Jesus drew near to those is precisely in the ecclesial community that the follow this path, do not pull your oars into the Memorial of Saint John Bosco
fishermen, breaking through the “paralysis Christian life is born and develops, especially boat, but trust him.  Do not yield to fear, which FRANCIS 
B2 FEATURE March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 CBCP Monitor

Confronting the specter of a Philippine Divorce Law (IV)

Understanding Psychological Incapacity as a Cause of Marriage Nullity
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D.

AS most people know, a house bill for

divorce had already been passed. What may
have escaped most Catholics is that a similar
bill has been filed in the Senate. If that bill is
passed, we will be just a step short of divorce
finally being instituted in our country, the last
remaining state (aside from the Vatican) that
has no divorce law. Rather than fight that
bill—which has a valid pretension (to find a
solution for the situation of people trapped in
an irreparably broken marriage)—we might
instead convince the Senate to introduce
reforms in the present Family Code in order
to facilitate the declaration of nullity of most
of those irreparably broken marriages.
In other words, since the urgent problem
motivating our legislators—and all the pro-
divorce forces—to craft a divorce law seems
to be the extreme case of irreparably broken
marriages, if a way can be found to declare
the invalidity from the start of most of those
marriages, perhaps there would be no need
to legislate divorce. As a Spanish saying goes:
“Muerto el perro, se acabó la rabia” (With the
dog dead, that’s the end of its rabies).
In this installment of this long article, we
shall tackle the most important import of
the Philippine Family Code from the Code
of Canon Law: the so-called psychological
incapacity as a cause for invalid marriage.

Incapacity to Assume the Essential

Obligations of Marriage for Reasons of
a Psychic Nature. 1
Can.1095, 3° takes into consideration those
subjects whose psychic structure makes it The parish of St. Isidore the Farmer in Maslog, Eastern Samar holds the biggest mass wedding in the Diocese of Borongan, Nov. 29, 2018. ALREN BERONIO
impossible for them to bind themselves to the
essential obligations of marriage, regardless of non-fulfillment of obligations that had even with a psychic anomaly, if such anomaly of the conjugal union, in itself, is never a
their capacity to discern and deliberate over been validly assumed (which would then be does not make it impossible for him to assume proof of such incapacity in the contractants.
such obligations (the object of c.1095, 2°). irrelevant for the judgment of the validity of the essential obligations of marriage. The It is good to remember that incapacity does
This has been erroneously labeled— the marriage), or a case demonstrating the causes of a psychic nature that are commonly not refer to the ideal marriage, but to a valid
especially in the civil courts—as psychological absence of a valid matrimonial consent? In alleged can be grouped into the following: marriage—i.e., the possibility of establishing
incapacity, causing a misunderstanding of the the latter case, a posterior question would be: Mental illnesses: psychoses in its variations, a relationship that can be called matrimonial,
real ground of nullity and the object of proof Is the non-fulfillment due to a positive will neuroses, etc. even if in a minimum but sufficient level.”3
thereof. contrary to marriage or to one of its essential Psychosexual anomalies, which impede Finally, in his discourse in 1988,
The premise of Canon 1095, 3º is that one elements or properties (a case of simulation or the normal exercise of sexuality: sexual John Paul II warned against the danger of
cannot validly assume an obligation which exclusion dealt with in c.1101, 2°), or due to an hyperesthesia, some manifestations of shifting the focus of the incapacity from
he is incapable of fulfilling. Since marriage incapacity to assume the essential obligations masochism or sadism, homosexuality, trans- the impossibility of assuming the essential
is a natural institution (in fact all normal of marriage, which is the object of c.1095, 3°. sexualism and other sexual dysfunctions. obligations to that of the fulfillment of
human beings even have a right to contract Personality disorders: serious forms of such obligations. “The error can arise in
marriage), what c.1095, 3° states is that such I. Proof of Incapacity to Assume narcissism, anti-social personality with violent which the expert declares the incapacity of
incapacity to assume the essential obligations Essential Obligations of Marriage inclination, weak personalities easily led the contractant not with reference to the
of marriage can only be due to reasons of a Among the elements indicated by Rotal substance or other habits harmful to family minimum capacity that is sufficient for a valid
psychic nature. But not all psychic disorders jurisprudence for the proof of this incapacity life (e.g., pornography). consent, but with reference to the ideal of a full
cause such incapacity. What constitutes the are the following: maturity for a happy conjugal life.”4
ground for consensual invalidity—and what The defect should render the person II. Impossibility vs. Difficulty The core of the incapacity lies in the conjugal
needs to be proven in court—is not so much incapable of assuming or fulfilling the From all of these, it is clear that Rotal pact—the capacity to oblige oneself to the
the existence of a psychic abnormality but obligations that stem from the tria bona of jurisprudence distinguishes between a essential obligations of marriage—and not in
rather the incapacity to assume the essential marriage. mere difficulty for assuming or fulfilling the the ensuing conjugal life, because the reasons
obligations of marriage (albeit this latter is Rotal jurisprudence is unanimous in the essential marriage obligations and a real for the non-fulfillment of such obligations are
caused by a psychic anomaly). need for a grave cause, which gives rise to impossibility for doing so. varied and irrelevant to consensual capacity
According to this norm, those subjects who incapacity in the juridic sense, such that one John Paul II revealed the mens legislatoris or incapacity. We need to remember that the
do not have the self-dominion to assume can speak of incapacity only when there is a at the core of c.1095 in his discourses to success or failure of the conjugal life does
and respond to the essential matrimonial real impossibility for assuming the essential the Roman Rota. For example, in 1987 he not normally depend on the foundational
obligations, regardless of actually committing obligations of marriage. Slight vices, ill will affirmed: “A true incapacity can be conceived moment, but rather on the adequate response
themselves to such obligations through a and personality disorders that make inter- only in the presence of a serious form of to the ordinary problems of integration that
formal act, are incapable of giving a valid personal relationship difficult are not enough anomaly, which—regardless of how it is arise in the course of its development.
matrimonial consent: because nobody can to declare consensual incapacity; what is called—should substantially affect the capacity Thus, to declare marriage nullity due to
validly commit himself to something that he necessary is at least a moral impossibility for of understanding and/or willing of the consensual incapacity, it is not enough to prove
is intrinsically incapable of assuming. such relationship. contractant.”2 Further on he would affirm: the failure or unhappiness of matrimonial life;
Thus, in the case of a factual non-fulfillment The cause of nullity is always a serious “For the canonist, the principle should be there should be a causal link between the
of the essential marriage obligations, the psychic cause, i.e., it does not depend on the clear that only impossibility, and not the failure of marriage, the cause of the incapacity
determinant question is: Is it a case of simple will of the subject. On the other hand, the difficulty, of giving consent and fulfilling a and the vital process in which the incapacity
use of the term cause implies that it is not true community of life and love renders a is manifested. (To be continued)
1 For a more thorough discussion of this matter, vid. VV.AA., enough that a psychological anomaly exists, marriage null. On the other hand, the failure 3 Ibid.
Manual de Derecho Matrimonial Canónico, Madrid (2002), 2 Translated from the Italian version at http://w2.vatican.va/ 4 Translated from the Italian version, available at http://
pp.144-158; Pedro-Juan Villadrich, “Commentary to c.1095”, but that such anomaly should be the cause of
content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1987/february/documents/ w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/it/speeches/1988/january/
in VV.AA., Exegetical Commentary to the Code of Canon Law, the incapacity to assume in the juridic sense. A hf_jp-ii_spe_19870205_roman-rota.html (paragraph 7), documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_19880125_roman-rota.html (par. 9),
Midwest Theological Forum, Chicago (2004), pp.1234-1256. subject may still be capable of marital consent downloaded January 7, 2019. downloaded January 7, 2019.

Deacon’s posture at the epiclesis

(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum university, answers the following query: )
Q: My friends and I have been discussing and character of each part of the celebration. The British translation reflects the definitive ministerial role would usually require him
what the reason is that the deacon kneels “Where it is the practice for the people Latin version of the missal. The United States to remain standing except for during the
at the epiclesis of the Mass and not when to remain kneeling after the Sanctus until version determines a variant practice for the consecration.
the congregation kneels. I know that it is the end of the Eucharistic Prayer and before United States which has been duly approved For example, among his duties would be
specified in the General Instruction of the Communion when the priest says, Ecce Agnus by the Holy See as particular law. helping the priest with the missal during the
Roman Missal (GIRM), but we are interested Dei (This is the Lamb of God), this practice is In fact, it was after approving the petition of Eucharistic Prayer.
in the theological or symbolic reason if there laudably retained. With a view to a uniformity the U.S. bishops that the Holy See amended Likewise, if chalice palls are used, he would
is one. — M.T., Chicago in gestures and postures during one and the the original text to include the phrase: uncover any chalices immediately before the
same celebration, the faithful should follow “Where it is the practice for the people to epiclesis and would replace the palls after the
A: One of the causes for not finding any the directions which the deacon, lay minister, remain after the Sanctus until the end of the memorial acclamation.
particular theological or symbolic reasons or priest gives according to whatever is Eucharistic Prayer and before Communion He most certainly would have to be back
for this difference is probably that there are indicated in the Missal.” when the priest says Ecce Agnus Dei (This is on his feet before the end of the Eucharistic
none. In the United States, however, this same the Lamb of God), this practice is laudably Prayer so as to accompany the priest during
The reasons for the differences are primarily number reads: retained.” This means that if other bishops’ the final doxology by raising the chalice.
of a practical nature. “In the Dioceses of the United States of conferences desired to retain this practice, Finally, the deacon at the altar should
First of all, it must be observed that this America, they should kneel beginning after they were able to do so without having to never do any liturgical act while kneeling.
difference is only found in some countries the singing or recitation of the Sanctus (Holy, recur to the Holy See for permission. A hand should never appear from below the
such as the United States. Holy, Holy) until after the Amen of the With respect to the deacon the GIRM says: altar to change a page or remove a chalice
The GIRM in use in England and Wales Eucharistic Prayer, except when prevented on “179. During the Eucharistic Prayer, the pall.
says the following: occasion by ill health, or for reasons of lack of Deacon stands near the Priest, but slightly As mentioned the pall should be removed
“43. …. But they should kneel at the space, of the large number of people present, behind him, so that when necessary he may before the epiclesis or, if the presence of dust
consecration, except when prevented on or for another reasonable cause. However, assist the Priest with the chalice or the Missal. or insects requires it to be kept on as much as
occasion by reasons of health, lack of space, those who do not kneel ought to make a “From the epiclesis, until the Priest shows possible, the priest can remove it himself, just
the large number of people present, or some profound bow when the Priest genuflects the chalice, the Deacon usually remains as he can turn the page if necessary.
other good reason. Those who do not kneel after the Consecration. The faithful kneel kneeling. If several Deacons are present, one Therefore the deacon should only kneel
ought to make a profound bow when the after the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) unless of them may place incense in the thurible for during the consecration since his ministry
priest genuflects after the consecration. the Diocesan Bishop determines otherwise. the Consecration and incense the host and as deacon requires it.
Nevertheless, it is up to the Conference of “For the sake of uniformity in gestures the chalice at the elevation.” In some cases, such as the need to assist a
Bishops to adapt the gestures and postures and bodily postures during one and the same Therefore, the deacon basically follows frail elderly priest, or the need to sustain a
described in the Order of Mass to the culture celebration, the faithful should follow the the universal practice even though there is a microphone so the priest can be heard, then
and reasonable traditions of the people. The instructions which the Deacon, a lay minister, legitimate variation of posture for the people the deacon, and indeed another suitable
Conference, however, must make sure that or the Priest gives, according to what is laid in the United States. minister could remain standing even during
such adaptations correspond to the meaning down in the Missal.” This is because the deacon’s proper the consecration.
CBCP Monitor March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 FEATURE B3

Prayer beautifies
(Lk 9:28b-36)
By Bishop Pablo Virgilio David

THIS story of Jesus transfigured prayer, their words came alive like No one, but the Father could reveal
before his disciples is also in the they had literally leaped out of the to them the beauty of Jesus’ person:
Gospels of Mark and Matthew. But book. They spoke to him about his as the Christ, the Son of God. This
only Luke tells us that he was pray- exodus, his own mission in Jerusa- is my Son, my Beloved, listen to
ing when it happened. lem. He was teaching his disciples him! Analogously, I learned what
In another passage, in chapter 11, that Jerusalem was not anything to it meant to listen to the Father’s
Luke tells us the disciples were spy- be afraid of; it was in fact their route voice when I was a child, wanting
ing on him as he went into solitude to their freedom to live as children to win the “Hampas Palayok” (Hit
to pray. Afterwards, they ask Jesus of God. the Pot) game. My father gave me
to teach them how to pray. It means 2. Second, by being awakened the tip: “You will be blindfolded and
they knew that something wonderful from slumber. Prayer is what makes confused. You will hear many voices
happened to him when he prayed; faith possible. Pope Benedict once telling you what to do. Some of them
and they wanted to experience it defined faith as “the human re- are deliberately misleading you so
too. And it looks like Jesus took with sponse to the God who speaks to us; that their own children will win. Do
him Peter, James and John, his core a response of love to the God who not listen to them. You know my
group within the core of the twelve, loved us first.” It is a response! How voice, don’t you? Concentrate. Sort
precisely to mentor them in prayer. can we even know how to respond out the voices and find out which one
You see, prayer too is a discipline if we are not even aware that God is mine. Listen only to me. Then I
that has to be learned. And let’s is speaking to us? How can we even can guide you to hit the pot. You see,
admit it, we’re not always success- know how to love God if we have the discipline of prayer goes with the
ful in it. One of the signs of success not, first of all, been awakened to discipline of discernment. We tend
in prayer is what our Gospel today the love of God? In fact, the experi- to talk too much in prayer. Often,
is about: it makes us beautiful, often ence of being loved by God can be so we don’t even make sense. There is
without our knowing it. It gives us that dazzling, we do not even know how a point in prayer when we must learn
glow, that dazzle that a lot of vain peo- to respond, like the disciples who to shut up and just listen.
ple try to have by buying a lot of skin awkwardly propose to build tents. There you have them. Three
whiteners and other Belo products. 3. Third, by having the courage important beauty tips for spiritual
How, indeed, is one supposed to to enter into the dark clouds of grooming. One, soak in the Scrip-
pray? Let’s take it from Jesus: doubts and uncertainties in order tures. Two, be awakened from
1. First, by soaking in the Scrip- to learn how to be guided by God. slumber. Three, shut up and listen.
tures, and allowing God to speak to That is not possible if we do not And how do you know you’re getting
us through them. Luke says Moses know how to listen. It was not while trasfigured? Not by looking at a mir-
and Elijah were conversing with they were dazzled by the majestic ror. That beauty will be reflected in
Jesus. Moses, who represented the sight but rather when they were the eyes of the beholder, those who
Torah (Law), and Elijah, who repre- overshadowed by the dark cloud are disposed to see the Glory of God
sented the Nebi’im, the prophets. In that they heard the Father’s voice. in a person who is fully alive.

To be like our generous God

By Bishop Pablo Virgilio David

I call the Gospel from Mt 7:7-12 a Gospel of FISH. That’s the kind of mentality that will because it had gotten spoiled already. grass of the field, which grows today and is
assurance for people who worry too much. never experience a miracle. It is the obstacle The same was true when they prayed thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not
It is a Gospel that teaches us to have faith in to multiplication. They immediately called it for meat. God sent them quails. They also much more provide for you, O you of little
God as a Father who cares for us more than we NOTHING just because it did not seem very caught and cooked and feasted on them too faith? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we
can imagine. “Ask and you will receive, seek much. One of the important principles of much, such that many of them died from to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are
and you shall find, knock and the door shall multiplication is to begin with what is there overeating and were buried in a place called we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek.
be opened.” We have a generous God and we (not with what is not there), to be grateful for “kibroth hataavah”, which means, the graves Your heavenly Father knows that you need
are called to behave like Him. whatever little there is, to make the most of of avarice. them all. But seek first the kingdom [of God]
They say one of the reasons why there it, to share it with one another. St. Paul, in his 1st Letter to Timothy and his righteousness,* and all these things
are a lot of poor people in this world is not I remember I learned a song from my (6:10) says “avarice is the root of all evil.” will be given you besides. Do not worry about
really because of scarcity but rather because teacher in grade six, a song which I memorized Remember also how he addressed in his tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
of insecurity. Insecure people are those who and never forgot. It says, “What a beautiful sermon on the mount people who are (Mat 6:25-34)
tend to hoard; they tend to accumulate more country which we are living in, if we only could insecure? He said, “...Do not not be anxious The Gospel ends with a reformulation of
than they need. They don’t just save for the share and care enough, no one is gonna be sad. about your life, what you will eat [or drink], the so-called golden rule, which, in Confusian
rainy days; they save for many centuries. There’s enough for everyone’s need but not for or about your body, what you will wear. Is not philosophy says, “DO NOT DO UNTO
They would rather have faith in their ability everyone’s greed...” life more than food and the body more than OTHERS...” Jesus prefers to make it positive:
than in God’s providential care. And they In the Old Testament, there’s a passage clothing? Look at the birds in the sky; they “DO UNTO OTHERS...” It goes with a
live miserable lives because they don’t know about the Israelites being so hungry in the do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into proactive attitude, the attitude of the Father. It
what’s enough. desert, they prayed for food and God sent barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. is not enough to avoid causing evil on others. It
They are the kind of people who over them food which is called MANNA. But he Are not you more important than they? Can is important to consciously do what is good, to
calculate. Remember the disciples who wanted asked Moses to instruct the people not to get any of you by worrying add a single moment aspire not just for one’s own good, but for the
Jesus to dismiss the crowd while Jesus wanted more than what they need to eat for one day to your life-span? Why are you anxious about common good. To be like our God who made
to give them something to eat? Remember because there’s going to be more in the days clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers us to be like Him. To be disposed, not just to
how they answered Jesus when Jesus wanted to come anyway. Some of them were so afraid grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you ask but to give, not just to seek but to help
to know how much food they had? WE HAVE to get hungry they collected more and kept it. that not even Solomon in all his splendor was others find, not just to knock at other doors
NOTHING BUT FIVE LOAVES AND TWO The following day, they were food poisoned clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the but to open one’s doors to others.”

By Bishop Broderick Pabillo

Free for greater service
BY baptism we enter the fellowship of the ox while he is threshing,’ and ‘The
believers. We become members of the Church, laborer is worthy of his wages.’” (1 Tim
which is both a spiritual and a temporal entity. 5:17-18)
The Church is our family in the faith. Being
part of the family each one of us is to support it, How the Church is supported by the faithful
both materially and spiritually. The Catechism has evolved in history and is exercised in
of the Catholic Church states: “The faithful different ways:
have the duty of providing for the material • Before, in the Philippines during the
needs of the Church, each according to his Spanish period, by the Patronato Real
abilities.” (CCC #2043) The Code of Canon System. The Spanish crown materially
Law, which is the law of the Church, also says: supported the work of the missionaries.
“Christ’s faithful have the obligation to provide • In Germany even in our days, by taxes
for the needs of the Church, so that the Church taken by the government from the
has available to it those things which are faithful and given to their Church.
necessary for divine worship, for apostolic and • In the Philippines now, by the Arancel
charitable work and for the worthy support System, that is, fixed amount whether
of its ministers.” (CCL 222) These teachings seen as dues or donations, given for
are grounded on the Scriptures which tell us certain services rendered. The amount
that we support those who proclaim the Good is attached to the service requested.
News to us. • Many religious groups now in the
• “It is written in the law of Moses, Philippines now make use of the tithing
‘You shall not muzzle an ox while system or the pledge system to maintain Philippine Catholic bishops at their plenary assembly in January. ROY LAGARDE
it is treading out the grain.’ Is God their operations.
concerned about oxen, or is he not really We cannot avoid this perception in our meeting these obligations even if we
speaking for our sake? It was written for During the Second Plenary Council of the highly commercialized mentality. raise the amount to discourage “special”
our sake, because the plowman should Philippines in 1991, after much debate, the • Many poor are kept away or shy away considerations. They can always afford
plow in hope, and the thresher in hope body came out with this decree: “Tithing, after from receiving the services of the our “special baptisms” or “special
of receiving a share. If we have sown a good pastoral catechesis, shall be introduced Church because of the amount attached. marriages.”
spiritual seed for you, is it a great thing with the end in view of the gradual abolition of Although the amount does not comprise • This system of the arancel is open to
that we reap a material harvest from the Arancel System.” (PCP II decree 118) That all the expenses people put into the many abuses and misperception, even
you?” (1 Cor 9:9-11) was 28 years ago! celebrations, which has become a social in our parishes.
• “Let the elders who rule well be Why the move away from the Arancel event in the family, nonetheless they
considered worthy of double honor, System? add to the cost. Pope Francis asks that “in every Christian
especially those who work hard at • Many get the impression that the • People perceive favoritism towards community the poor feel at home. Would
preaching and teaching. For the services of the Church are for sale the rich because they have the means not this approach be the greatest and most
Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle because of the amount attached to it. to pay. The rich have no difficulty Free / B7
B4 FEATURE March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 CBCP Monitor

‘To follow Jesus is not a decision taken

once and for all, it is a daily choice.’
(Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the 23rd World Day for Consecrated Life, 2 February 2019, Vatican)

TODAY’S Liturgy shows Jesus who To better understand this call,

goes out to meet his people.  It is the seen today in the temple in the first
feast day of encounter: the newness days of Jesus’ life, we should move to
of the Child encounters the tradition the first days of his public ministry,
of the temple; the promise finds at Cana, where he transforms water
fulfillment; young Mary and Joseph into wine.  There too there is a call to
encounter the elderly Simeon and obedience, with Mary, who says: “Do
Anna.  Everything, therefore, meets whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5).  Do
as Jesus arrives. whatever.  And Jesus asks for
What does this mean for us?  something particular; he does not
Above all, that we too are called to suddenly do something new, does
welcome Jesus who comes to meet not produce the missing wine out
us.  To encounter him: the God of of nothing—he could have done so—
life is to be encountered every day but he asks for something concrete
of our lives; not now and then, but and demanding.  He asks them to
every day.  To follow Jesus is not a fill six great stone water jars for the
decision taken once and for all, it is ritual purification, which recalls the
a daily choice.  And we do not meet law.  That means pouring around
the Lord virtually, but directly, we six hundred litres of water from the
encounter him in our lives, in the well: time and effort, which seemed
concreteness of life.  Otherwise, pointless, because what was missing
Jesus becomes only a nice memory was not water but wine!  And yet,
of the past.  When we welcome precisely from those jars filled “up
him as the Lord of life, however, as to the brim” (v. 7), Jesus draws forth
the centre and the beating heart of new wine.  And so it is for us: God
everything, then he is alive and lives calls us to encounter him through
anew in us.  And what happened faithfulness to concrete things – God
in the temple also happens to us: is always encountered in concrete
around him everything meets, and things: daily prayer, Holy Mass,
life becomes harmonious.  With Pope Francis greets nuns and priests during a meeting with participants in an international congress organized by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Confession, real charity, the daily
Jesus we find again the courage to Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in Paul VI hall at the Vatican April 11, 2015. CNS/MASSIMILIANO MIGLIORATO, CATHOLIC PRESS PHOTO word of God, closeness, especially
carry on and the strength to remain to those most in need spiritually or
firm.  The encounter with the Lord living traditions: in the temple, has both a starting point and a was inspired to give thanks to God physically.  Concrete things, such
is the source.  It is important then according to the law, in the context destination point.  It begins with (cf. v. 38).  Two young people run as obedience to one’s superior and
to return to the source: to retrace of prophecy, in young and old the  call in the temple and arrives to the temple, called by the law; to the rule in the consecrated life. 
in our mind the decisive moments together (cf Lk  2:25-28, 34).  It is at the vision in the temple.  It is two elderly people moved by the If we put this law into practice with
of encounter with him, to renew our like this too in the consecrated life: a call that is twofold.  There is a first Spirit.  What does this twofold love—with love!—then the Spirit will
first love, perhaps writing down our it blossoms and flourishes in the call “according to the law” (v. 22).  It call, by the law and by the Spirit, come and bring God’s surprise, just
love story with the Lord.  This would Church; if it is isolated, it withers.  is the call of Joseph and Mary, who mean for our spiritual life and our as in the temple and at Cana.  Thus
be good for our consecrated life, It matures when the young and go to the temple to fulfill what the consecrated life?  It means that we the water of daily life is transformed
so that it does not become a time elderly walk together, when the law prescribes.  The text emphasizes are all called to a twofold obedience: into the wine of newness, and our
that passes by, but rather a time of young rediscover their roots and the this almost as a refrain, even four to the law— in the sense of what life, which seems to be more bound,
encounter. elderly welcome those fruits.  When times (cf. vv. 22, 23, 24, 27).  This is gives order to our lives—and to in reality becomes more free.  This
If we call to mind our original we walk alone, however, when we not something forced: Jesus’ parents the Spirit, who does new things in reminds me now of a humble sister
meeting with the Lord, we become remain fixated on the past or jump are not constrained to go or merely our lives.  And so the encounter who really had the charism of being
aware that it did not arise as ahead in trying to survive, then the to perform an external duty.  They with the Lord is born: the Spirit close to priests and seminarians. 
something private between us and consecrated life stagnates.  Today, go in response to God’s call.  Then reveals the Lord, but to welcome The other day the cause for her
God.  No, it blossomed in the context on the feast day of encounter, we ask there is a second call, according to him we need to persevere every beatification was introduced here
of a believing people, alongside for the grace to rediscover the living the Spirit.  It is the call of Simeon day.  Even the greatest charisms, if in the Diocese [of Rome].  She was
many brothers and sisters, at precise Lord amid a believing people, and to and Anna.  This too is stressed with lacking an ordered life, cannot bear a simple sister, not well known, but
times and places.  The Gospel tells allow the charism we have received insistence: three times, in the case fruit.  On the other hand, even the she had the virtue of obedience, of
us this, showing how the encounter to encounter today’s graces. of Simeon, it refers to the Holy Spirit best rules are not sufficient without faithfulness and of not being afraid
takes place within the people of The Gospel also tells us that (cf. vv. 25, 26, 27) and it concludes the freshness of the Spirit: the law of new things.  We ask the Lord,
God, in its concrete history, in its God’s encounter with his people with Anna the prophetess, who and the Spirit go together. Follow / B7

Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the participants at the

Conference on “Religions and the sustainable development goals
(SDGS): Listening to the cry of the earth and the poor”
Clementine Hall, Vatican, 8 March 2019
I GREET all of you gathered for always ask: Development of what? concrete responses to the cry of the
this International Conference on Development for whom? For earth and the cry of the poor. Concrete
Religions and the Sustainable too long the conventional idea commitments to promoting real
Development Goals. of development has been almost development in a sustainable way
entirely limited to economic growth. through processes open to people’s
Sustainability and Inclusion Indicators of national development participation. Concrete proposals
When we speak of sustainability, have been based on Gross Domestic to facilitate the development of
we cannot overlook how important it Product (GDP) indices. This has led those in need, making use of what
is to include and to listen to all voices, the modern economic system down Pope Benedict XVI recognized as
especially those usually excluded a dangerous path where progress is “the unprecedented possibility of
from this type of discussion, such assessed only in terms of material large-scale redistribution of wealth
as the voices of the poor, migrants, growth, on account of which we are on a world-wide scale” (ibid. 42).
indigenous people, the young. almost obliged to irrationally exploit Concrete economic policies that
I am pleased to see a variety of the environment and our fellow are focused on the person and
participants at this conference human beings. that can promote a more humane
bringing a wide range of voices, As my predecessor Saint Paul market and society (cf. ibid. 45, 47).
of opinions and proposals, which VI rightly highlighted, to speak Concrete economic measures that
can contribute to new paths of about human development means seriously take into consideration our
constructive development. It is referring to all people—not just a common home. Concrete ethical,
important that the implementation few—and to the whole person— civil and political commitments that Pope Francis meets March 8, 2019, at the Vatican with representatives of the world’s religious traditions
of the sustainable development not just the material dimension develop alongside our sister earth, and experts in the fields of development, the environment and health care. The group was meeting at
goals truly respect their original (cf. Populorum Progressio, 14). Any and never against her. the Vatican March 7-9 to discuss the contributions religions can make to achieving the U.N. Sustainable
Development Goals in a way that responds to the needs of the poor and respects the environment. CNS/
nature, which is inclusive and fruitful discussion of development, VATICAN MEDIA
participatory. therefore, should offer viable Everything is Connected
The 2030 Agenda and the models of social integration and I am also pleased to know that In this respect, the United Nations of development goals, this is not
Sustainable Development Goals, ecological conversion, because we the participants in this conference 2030 Agenda proposes integrating sufficient for a fair and sustainable
approved by more than 190 cannot develop ourselves as human are willing to listen to religious all the goals through the ‘five Ps’: world order. Economic and political
nations in September 2015, were beings by fomenting increased voices when they discuss the people, planet, prosperity, peace objectives must be sustained by
a great step forward for global inequality and degradation of the implementation of the sustainable and partnership.[2] I know that this ethical objectives, which presuppose
dialogue, marking a vitally “new and environment.[1] development goals. All those conference is also focusing on these a change of attitude: what the
universal solidarity” (Laudato Si’, Rejecting negative models, and involved in dialogue on this complex ‘five Ps’. Bible would call a change of heart.
14). Different religious traditions, proposing alternative ways forward, issue are invited in some way to go I welcome this unified approach Already Saint John Paul II spoke
including the Catholic tradition, applies not only to others, but beyond their areas of specialization to these goals, which can also help about the need to “encourage and
have embraced the objectives of also to us. We should all commit to find a shared response to the cry to save us from an understanding of support the ‘ecological conversion’”
sustainable development because ourselves to promoting and of the earth and of the poor. Those of prosperity that is based on the myth of (Catechesis, January 17, 2001).
they are the result of global implementing the development us who are religious need to open up unlimited growth and consumption This word is powerful: ecological
participatory processes that, on the goals that are supported by our the treasures of our best traditions (cf.  Laudato Si’, 106), where we conversion. Religions have a key
one hand, reflect the values of people deepest religious and ethical values. in order to engage in a true and depend only on technological role to play in this. For a correct
and, on the other, are sustained by Human development is not only an respectful dialogue on how to build progress for sustainability. There are shift towards a sustainable future,
an integral vision of development. economic issue or one that concerns the future of our planet. Religious still people who stubbornly uphold we must recognize “our errors, sins,
experts alone; it is ultimately a narratives, though ancient, are this myth, and who tell us that social faults and failures” which leads to
Integral Development vocation, a call that requires a free usually full of symbolism and contain and ecological problems will solve a “heartfelt repentance and desire
Nevertheless, proposing and responsible answer (cf. Benedict “a conviction which we today share, themselves simply by the application to change”; in this way, we will be
a dialogue on inclusive and XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 16-17). that everything is interconnected, of new technologies, without any reconciled with others, with creation
sustainable development also and that genuine care for our need for ethical considerations or and with the Creator (cf. Laudato
requires acknowle dging that Goals (Dialogue and own lives and our relationships profound change (cf. ibid. 60). Si’, 218).
“development” is a complex concept, Commitments) with nature is inseparable from An integral approach teaches If we want to provide a solid
which is often manipulated. When Solutions are what I hope will fraternity, justice and faithfulness us that this is not true. While it is foundation for the work of the
we speak of development we must emerge from this Conference: to others” (Laudato Si’, 70). certainly necessary to aim for a set Confidence / B7
CBCP Monitor March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 STATEMENTS B5


Ash Wednesday Alay Kapwa 2019

LENT is a special time for renewal to Caritas Manila for our Damayan
and conversion, a time to return relief assistance, emergency
to God. But it is not only a time response and humanitarian aid.
to intensify our prayer, but also Last year, 2018, Caritas Damayan
an occasion to think of others, extended help to the victims of
particularly those who are poor, typhoon Agaton, Joes and Ompong,
suffering or in need. In fact, the as wells as to the victims of numerous
Church has instructed us to practice fire disasters in Metro Manila. We
almsgiving—together with prayer also provided assistance to Marawi
and fasting—especially during rehabilitation, to the lumads of
Lenten season. (cf. Mk 6, 1-6, 6-8). Tandag, and to the affected families
The practice of almsgiving helps of Mayon eruption.
us to grow in charity and generosity. With the increasing number
It helps us, too, to recognize the Lord and magnitude of disasters and
Jesus in the poor and the needy. calamities being responded to by
It is a path that can lead to true Caritas Damayan, our Alay Kapwa
conversion: in drawing close to our funds get immediately depleted. It
brothers and sisters, we draw close is therefore our hope that we will
to God himself. be more generous in our almsgiving
For decades now, during the this season of Lent. Let us “not
Lenten season, we have been forget to do good and to share with
conducting our Alay Kapwa Lenten others, for with such sacrifices God
evangelization and fundraising is pleased.” (Heb 13,16).
program. The program is meant to May God bless you and reward you
support our social services to the for your kindness and generosity.
poor, especially those who suffer
during natural and human-caused +LUIS ANTONIO G. CARDINAL
A woman receives ashes on Ash Wednesday at the Baclaran Church, March 6, 2019. ELMARC LIM calamities. Funds raised during TAGLE
the second collection for the six Archbishop of Manila
THE Lenten season, which begins One of the charitable activities campaign. We hope to provide (6) Sundays of Lent (March 10,
today, Ash Wednesday, is a time of we have been promoting for several one hot and nutritious meal a day 2019-April 14, 2019) will be remitted March 12, 2019
mercy. It is “an acceptable time” (cf. years now, especially during the for 120 feeding days to at least
2 Cor 6,2) to allow ourselves to be season of Lent, is Pondo ng Pinoy’s 30,000 children. We appeal to
reconciled and to be renewed by the Hapag-Asa Integrated Nutrition your kind hearts. Please support
tenderness of the Father. It is a time
given to us to trace our steps to the
path from which we strayed. God’s
program. Hapag-Asa has been
helping to reduce malnutrition
prevalence among Filipino children.
Hapag-Asa. It only takes Php
1,200.00 for six months—or Php
10,00 per day—to nourish a hungry
SFIC Statement in Solidarity
merciful love is not asking anything
from us, but only that we return to
Mainly because of poverty, more than
three out of ten of our children are
and undernourished child.
This season of Lent, let us “re- with the Suffering Filipino
Him and to purify our hearts (cf. Jl now stunting in physical and mental center” our lives on God, who takes
2, 12-13). development due to prolonged the initiative to call us to conversion.
Now, in her great wisdom, the hunger. The development of their Let us deepen our relationship
Church invites us to verify the full potential will not be achieved with him, by practicing charity and
quality of our Lenten commitment unless they are cared for and fed helping those in need. Let us make
also in the light of charity. Indeed, with nutritious food. a difference in the lives of these
it is charity that must shine above Since it started in 2005, Hapag- hungry and malnourished children
all and fil our hearts, because Asa has helped in feeding more by donating whatever we save from
everything will end one day, with than tow million hungry and fasting to Hapag-Asa. Let us FAST
the exception of charity (cf. 1 Cor 13, malnourished children throughout TO FEED our needy children.
8)—a discreet, humble charity that the country. To sustain its gains, it May God continue to bless your
does not make any noise to draw has also capacitated the children’s generosity and charity.
attention to itself, but works quietly parents through values education,
and secretly (cf. Mt 6,1). To practice and skills and livelihood training.
charity is concrete proof that we are For Hapag-Asa to continue on +LUIS ANTONIO G. CARDINAL
striving to follow Jesus, and that we its mission to help these children, TAGLE
are making the gift of ourselves the Pondo ng Pinoy is once again Archbishop of Manila
active principle of Christian life. launching the FAST2FEED 2019 6 March 2019

Statement of the Bishop and the

Clergy of the Diocese of Cubao
“What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground!” - Genesis4”10

If God is with us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

AS we celebrate our 90 years of SFIC presence and ministry in the

Philippines, we, the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
of the Holy Mother of God (SFIC), affirm our charism as recognizing
the presence of God “in the poor, the little ones and the powerless.”
(SFIC Constitutions 3:16-17)
Mother Teresia van Miert, our Foundress, “was deeply moved by the
needs of the times in which she lived. Steeped in the Gospel and in the
life of St. Francis, she discovered ways to alleviate the sufferings of the
people in her surroundings.” (SFIC Constitutions 1:1-6)
Today, we are confronted with the pain and afflictions of our people
and our country: gross violation of the fundamental right to life
and human dignity, massive poverty and hunger, war and violence,
injustice and a culture of impunity, extra-judicial killings and summary
executions, graft and corruption, deceit and tyranny, systematic
It has now become ordinary that human dignity. Our faith calls us our priests in the Diocese of Cubao, dismantling of democratic guarantees, misogynistic tendencies, and
those things we hold to be inviolable to be prophets—to speak against all Fr. Robert Reyes, has received death a proposed charter change that further curtails our democratic rights,
and sacred have apparently kinds of injustice and to uphold the threats. We are deeply concerned destruction of our Mother Earth, verbal attacks on the Church and the
been trivialized. It has become commandments. Pope Francis said about shepherds who are threatened hierarchy, and blasphemy against God.
commonplace that traditional values in his homily, a prophet is someone when they exercise their role as Our Franciscan spirituality bids us “to heal the wounded, to bind up
we hold dear such as respect for who is not only “able to cry for his prophets. those who are bruised, and to reclaim the erring.” (SFIC Constitutions
life, honesty, truthfulness and the people but also capable of asking We call on those in authority to 1:26-28) Trusting in God’s mercy and compassion, we affirm our
dignity of the human person are risks to speak the truth.” (Morning help end these threats and promote solidarity with our poor, oppressed, exploited, marginalized, and
not threatened. Those people who Mass, April 17, 2018) a climate of peace, justice and violated sisters and brothers. Together with them, we shall protect,
promote and encourage a culture As a community of faith in Cubao, security. For those who are intent on defend and uphold the sacredness of LIFE, Human Dignity and Human
of violence and corruption remain we express our solidarity with doing violence to others, remember Rights! We pledge to care, protect and nurture our Common Home.
unchecked and are even encouraged the victims of injustice and their we are all children of God and each We kneel in awe at the majesty and supremacy of our God.
to thrive. Our people’s faith in families. We have provided pastoral life is precious and important in the Hand in hand, we shall actively support peoples’ organizations and
God has not only been belittled but care for drug surrenderees, and eyes of God, whether a bishop or a participate in movements that value and stand for truth, justice, peace
maligned and ridiculed. counseling services as well. We have tambay. As shepherds, we strike our and love. With one voice we acclaim the Sovereignty and Justice of our
Because of these, many widows given solace and scholarships for the own breasts, knowing that as your God. We remain steadfast in prayer for the well-being of our people
and orphans cry out for justice. orphaned children. As shepherds, pastors we sometimes fail in fulfilling and our country. With deep faith and certain hope, we pray for God’s
People feel unsafe and threatened. we will continue to do so. Now, our duty. However, we continue to Divine wisdom and compassion. Prayer can break the yoke of bondage
The young know what is right as we find ourselves threatened in strive to be faithful despite our and bring forth a release of God’s power, love and mercy.
has been taught to them, but they fulfilling our prophetic role. These weakness. Let us battle lies with NO TO TYRANNY!!! YES TO DEMOCRACY!!!
are now confused. Why? Because a threats to the life of our shepherds the truth, combat indifference “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not
different set of values and examples are not empty nor unfounded. Last with active involvement, overcome despairing;
are being pushed or promoted. Such year, three priests were brutally vulgarity with decency, and fight persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed” (2
a climate must call us to witness to murdered. Their blood at the altar for peace in the face of violence. Cor. 4:8-9)
our faith. God’s commandments sanctuary may have dried but its Together, we ask the guidance of the
are clear—“Thou shall not kill,” for stain still cries out for justice. Now, Blessed Virgin Mary, our patroness
their blood calls out to God. They the intensity of the threats have and mother, who was a woman of SR. JULIE SAGUIBO, SFIC
also say, “Thou shall not bear false escalated. More bishops and priests courage and fidelity, providing safe Provincial Superior
witness against thy neighbor,” for it have been threatened. And their environment for the life of our Lord 25 February 2019
diminishes the truth, honesty and fault? They spoke the truth. One of in his most vulnerable moments.
B6 REFLECTIONS March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 CBCP Monitor

Events as God’s Word on the need for The call to conversion

personal and communal repentance and fruitfulness
3rd Sunday of Lent, Year C, (Luke 13:1-9) 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year C, (Luke 13:1-9)
March 24, 2019 March 24, 2019
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB

FIG trees planted in vineyards not be taken to mean that He is

TODAY’S GOSPEL ON the Lord’s receive preferential treatment— either indifferent to what we do, or
reminders on the need for all to well-tilled soil, good manure, that He has become unable to check
repent (Luke 13:1-9), is part of protection from vandals and our misbehavior. It simply means
Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem (Luke animals. If for one year they do not that, in His love, and thanks to
9:51-19:27) in which he prepared bear fruit, they are without excuse. the intercession of Jesus, He
his disciples for their role after The decision of the owner of the gives us another chance. But a
his passion and death, while at vineyard in today’s Gospel passage day will come when we will have to
the same time continuing to teach to have the barren fig tree cut down account even for these additional
his listeners about the in-break is more than justified. Its poor signs of love.
of the Kingdom of God to which performance over three years had These are days of grace in the
all must respond. In the present definitely been very disappointing. Year of the Youth. They are also
pericope, which is part of Luke’s (See Lk 13:7.) days for an honest evaluation of our
travel narrative, Jesus’ teaching But barrenness is not a performance in the light of God’s
was occasioned by the calling of his the Jews saw the collapse of the likely some who were worse off defect that can be found only in patience and generosity, as well as
attention to two incidents. The first tower and Pilate’s heinous act no than those Pilate liquidated. On the trees. It can also be found in of His expectation. If we discover
refers to Pontius Pilate’s slaughter of differently. As in popular wisdom, contrary, he rejected the theology of people. Spiritual and moral that our life is so full of “leaves” but
Galileans whose blood he mingled they associated these with the those who inquired, and he refused barrenness means the absence lacks the fruits of piety, gratitude,
with the sacrifice. This incident is victims’ sins, or with their having to explain how in fact God acts. It of those dispositions and honesty, generosity, purity, sense
not attested in other gospels nor in broken the Lord’s command. Such makes no sense to question them actions which God has a right of responsibility, faith, hope, love
extra-biblical literature, although observation is found in both Old or justify them by the logic that if to expect from us. In spite of . . . we have only one thing to
that Pilate could have done this and New Testaments. In his talk people are struck by tragedies, it is the much care and love we have do: UNDERGO CONVERSION
is not out of his character. It is with Job who experienced tragedies because of some particular sins they received from Him, our response is and REFORM. In the first part
probable that these Galileans were and so much suffering, Eliphaz have committed. After all, Jesus often disappointing. of today’s Gospel, Jesus uses the
pilgrims in Jerusalem. They were said: “Reflect now, what innocent said that God himself “is good to the In most cases, it is not a matter of word “repent” twice, not only as an
likely in the forecourt of the priests person perishes? Since when are ungrateful and the wicked” (Luke laziness. We are very active. We do exhortation but also as a warning,
in the Temple , slaughtering their the upright destroyed? As I see it, 6:35 ). He affirmed, however, that many things. We may even give the for no one should abuse God’s
Passover lambs, when the soldiers those who plow for mischief and sin does spell disaster. That is why impression that we are achieving mercy and patience with impunity.
of Pilate came to liquidate them. In sow trouble, reap the same. By the he went on a journey to Jerusalem a lot . . . . Many of our actions, (See vv. 3 and 5.)
contrast with this deliberate murder breath of God they perish, and by the to challenge the people to listen to however, are just like pompous But he does more than just exhort
of Galileans was another incident, blast of his wrath the are consumed” his words and be converted to the leaves which suck most of our vital and warn us. He also intercedes
purely accidental, involving eighteen (Job 4:7-9). When the disciples saw Kingdom. They had to be taught energies. We are constantly in for us with the Father, and
persons who were killed when the a man who had been blind from of the way to peace. It was for this danger of forgetting that what offers us his help that we may
water reservoir of Siloam fell. Luke birth, they asked Jesus: “Rabbi, reason that he told them the parable matters is not how many things become “fruitful trees.” His
is probably referring to a tower that was it his sin or that of his parents of the fig tree (Luke 13:6-9). The tree we do, but rather, WHAT we do, teaching, his example, and his
formed part of the old wall of ancient that caused him to be born blind?” has been planted in the vineyard, but HOW and WHY we do it. We grace will produce the miracle, if
Jerusalem. (John 9:2). because it bore no fruit, the owner are expected to bear fruits of only we allow him to work in us and
How did the people of Jesus’ For Jesus, however, there is no decided to cut it down. But then the holiness by doing our duty to cooperate with him.
time interpret these tragedies? theological ground for such line gardener pleaded with him to leave the best of our ability and out This might be our last chance to
It would seem that our current of thinking. He ruled out the idea it for one year (Luke 13:7). of love for God and neighbor. finally start producing the long-
popular interpretation of disasters that a particular sinfulness brings What Luke is trying to put The Lord, God of course, is usually awaited fruits which will delight our
has not been an improvement about a particular tragedy. He did across may be stated in a more patient. But His patience should divine Master.
on theirs! When tragedies like not even countenance the logic that contemporary application. Our
these happen, we usually see them
as God’s punishment. When we
discover that we have a cancer, or
while we are all sinners, some are so
sinful that they deserve a particular
punishment. Indeed, one can even
country may be the most populated
Christian nation in the Far East ,
but it is also a nation of Christians
The merciful Father, always
our husband goes with another
woman, or our only child dies, or
assume that in Jerusalem at this
time, there were people who were
who are sinners. The effect of
our sinfulness can be seen in the ready to welcome us back
when an earthquake shakes cities more sinful than the 18 who died widening gap between the rich
and a volcano erupts, almost always probably because they were simply and the poor, in the way we do
4th Sunday of Lent, Year C, (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32)
we ask: what have we done to merit at the wrong time and at the wrong our politics, in the devaluation of Laetare Sunday, March 31, 2019
these happenings? In the Gospel, place, and that in Galilee there were the peso, and in the consumerist
Events / B7
By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB

God’s merciful love for the lost and the self-reighteous

4th Sunday of Lent, Year C, (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32)
March 31, 2019
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD
HOW DO WE TREAT the members so much as a kid goat to celebrate very holiness of God” (2 Cor 5:21).
of our community who do not be- with his friend, even though he That is why it is preferable to title
have according to the standard of never disobeyed his orders (Luke this story as a parable of a father’s
the dominant society? In today’s 15:29). Logically enough, he would love, instead of the parable of the
Gospel, we have an example of such not join a sinner in a party. The prodigal son, for the focus, no doubt
a person: a prodigal son who, selfish thinking and attitude of the elder about it, is God’s love for sinners. THE young man had reached a dead take him back . . . .
and extravagant, got his inheritance son is easily identified with those His love is so different from ours! end—a situation of humiliation he But every time, hope had
and squandered his money with of the Pharisees and Scribes. They It is worth emphasizing that God’s never thought he would find himself prevailed, and he had kept inching
whores and on dissolute living. Hav- criticized Jesus for welcoming sin- love is not only shown to the outcast in. Ending up as a guardian of pigs his way homeward, till he finally
ing become destitute, he even longed ners into his company, and eating of society, like the prodigal son. He was surely the last thing he could experienced the fondest and
to eat the husks that were fodder for with them. also loves the self-righteous, like the have envisioned on the day he left most sincere embrace in his
pigs, but no one gave him anything The second one is given by the Pharisees and the Scribes, whom the the house of his father with an life. He was back home, happy
(Luke 15:12-16). Philosophers might father. In the parable, the Father elder son represents. In the parable, unquenchable yearning for freedom in his father’s arms. He was
describe him as a short-lived epicu- of the two sons was so loving to his the elder son resents that his father, and happiness. there to stay, and not as a servant
rean—“Eat, drink and be merry for prodigal, younger son that he did not instead of punishing him for wan- That was a long time ago! Gone but as a son. The bondage of a life
tomorrow we die”—but we who have even allow him to finish his prepared tonness, gave his brother ring and were the days when he had found of sin, alienation, shame, and fear
no leisure for the abstract would call piece. What was important to him new clothes and threw a party for himself surrounded by swarms was over!
him profligate. Obviously, such a was that he was back, and so it was his coming back. It is as if he did not of friends, cheering noisily at his There may be a good deal of
man has nothing to contribute to time to hold feast. He overlooked like that his brother was entirely for-
prodigality. For a time, he really the “prodigal son” in each one of
progress and development. On the the sinfulness of his son; instead given. He was righteously indignant
thought that money and friends us. Often victims of our own un-
contrary, if his behavior were con- of severely reprimanding his son, that his father wholly welcomed his
ducted at a national level, he would he embraced him without any criti- wayward brother. When we are would have lasted for ever, and that wisdom, ambitions and pride, we
ruin the economy. We really have no cism, recriminations, but with total righteous, we are often jealous that they would have made him happy may have found ourselves broke
use for him. How do we treat people forgiveness and mercy. The fact is, God cares for sinners. But the truth . . . . Then, gradually he had come and without friends, rejected by
like him? In our society, we expect he had been longing for his son to is, we are no less sinful, because we to realize how “dear” (expensive!) all (after having been exploited by
him to be in jail, if merely to ignore come back (Luke 15:20a). And now are trapped in our own righteous- friends can become, and how selfish all), a shadow of what we used to
him would not suffice. Of course, he that he was back, it was time to put ness. That is why the father in the their “closeness” can be. When be, tempted to conclude that we
has nothing that we can be proud of; the past into oblivion and to make parable sought the elder brother, there is nothing more to be sucked, had reached a point of no return .
we would disinherit him for shaming merry: “Let us eat and celebrate too! He said that everything he had they vanish into the nothingness . . . But there is always hope, for as
us. Such is our usual thinking and because this son of mine was dead was his. Thus, he reminded the elder from which they had unexpectedly long as there is a merciful Father
attitude. But as Christians, how do and has come back to life. He was brother that everything the latter emerged in the days of abundance. . . waiting for our return and eager to
we deal with such a person? lost and is found” (Luke 15:23). had comes from him. Moreover, Betrayed, cheated, embrace us.
The parable, which is traditionally Such an attitude and behavior may what the elder brother needed was humiliated, abandoned by all Today’s parable should
known as the parable of the prodigal be, in our very human, all too hu- a lesson on fraternal charity and and disgusted with himself, remind us that the Father is
son, provides two answers we can man thinking, very inappropriate, forgiveness. the young man was on the always ready to embrace us
learn from. The first one is given by for we usually think that one must A community, of course, does not verge of despair. But the with love. For his part, our Kuya
the elder son. Having learned that first pay his debts before he could grow merely by following the rules compassionate and merciful Jesus, unlike the elder son in the
his profligate brother was back, he be accepted to the normal society. of society. There may be order, figure of his father and the parable, does not feel jealous or
did not even bother to see him, still But God’s behavior is different from which is the purpose of law, but that thought of the tranquil atmosphere grumble. Actually, he is the one who
less join the merrymaking. For him, ours. And that is how he wants us to would not create an atmosphere of his home dawned on his mind. volunteers to look for us to make
since his brother was unredeemable, behave and treat the sinful members that is conducive to authentic liv- That was like the piercing of rays of us “come to our senses,” break the
dissolute and sinful, the book should of our community. That explains ing. For a community grows when
light through thick, dark clouds . . . . chains of the enslavement to sin, and
be thrown at him. He should suf- why Jesus welcomed sinners and there is love, which law cannot give.
He realized that there could still be lead us back home—back to Him
fer the consequences of his action. ate with them. God is generous and Law without love is like a body
Having squandered his share of the extravagant in his love. Like the without spirit—it is dead. But when hope for him. where we belong.
estate and therefore having lost his father in the parable, he takes the there is love, there is also forgive- The young man rose and staggered With Jesus by our side, all
rights to partake what now belongs initiative in reconciling himself with ness and reconciliation, and the homeward, famished and covered temptation to lose courage and all
to him, why should he receive ring, sinners. Paul explicitly asserts: “It good of the beloved is sought. A with tattered rags, at times running, fear to be rejected by the Father
the finest robe and a new pair of is precisely in this that God proves society that kills its sinful members at times crawling . . . sometimes should vanish. In fact, “is it possible
shoes? Why give a party and kill his love for us: that while we were will end up killing itself—none will hesitating, gripped by the fear that that He who did not spare His own
the fatted calf? (Luke 15:22-23). still sinners, Christ died for us” be left, for we are all sinners. But he might be rejected as he had Son, but handed him over for the
Since he sinned seriously, he did not (Rom 5:8). In Christ, he even went when there is love and forgiveness rejected his father the day he had sake of us all, will not grant us all
deserve this royal welcome. There is to the extent of identifying himself among the brothers, even what left home. Many of those he met on things besides? . . .” (Rom 8:32)
simply no justice there, especially in with them: “For our sakes God made seems to be impossible emerges. A the road sneered at him or shouted Certainly not! He will surely and
view of the fact that his Father did him who did not know sin to be sin, new man, a new community looms to his face what a fool he was if he gladly welcome us back as His
not even give him, the elder brother, so that in him we might become the in the horizon. imagined that his father would still beloved children.
CBCP Monitor March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 SOCIAL CONCERNS B7

The Culture of Fear and Silence

By Fr. Shay Cullen

TWENTY young girls, some of them child sexual exploitation and street
only 14 years of age, were finally prostitution- open, blatant and
rescued from the Victory Hotel tolerated if not encouraged by local
that caters to foreign sex tourists authorities. It goes on today, day
in Mabacalat, Pampanga, a few and night. No one seems to care.
kilometers north of Angeles City by The Preda Foundation gave shelter
the anti-trafficking police unit in and therapy to the children. They
Camp Crame, Quezon City. It was recovered, changed and became
an open fact that child prostitution empowered to pursue their case in
was the daily routine there. court. The pimp and trafficker were
Apparently, few living in the area eventually convicted after a tough
of the sex industry considers the legal battle. The sex tourists as
commercial sexual exploitation always were never caught.
of youngsters a crime. They don’t Much of Philippine society is
feel or believe that it is morally sleepwalking in a moral mess of
repugnant, that it is wrong, that it ignorance, indifference and selfish
should be causing an outrage and living, ignoring the crimes against
should always be reported to the children since they are not their own.
police. If they did know about it, Many street kids- boys and girls- are
then no one acted to end it. Finally, arrested and incarcerated in foul
a non-government organization stinking jail cells for months without
investigated and brought in the care, help, therapy, education and
police from Camp Crame, the locals forced to eat bad food. The older
were not to be trusted it seems. boys sexually and physically abuse
These trading posts of sex slavery the youngest children ten to fifteen
that are peddling children and years old day by day. When they are
young women like chickens in rescued, they then tell their horrible
the market operate in the public and traumatic experience. Yet, who
eye with the jarring arrogance of really cares what they suffer?
impunity. They exploit the children Many (not all) politicians live
knowing that if caught they will have in a cocoon of ignorance and
an understanding prosecutor who denial. Local government units
appreciates gifts and generosity. are responsible for the child sexual
Marabella and Beth are two young exploitation on the streets of their
girls fourteen and fifteen years old. towns and cities. They lock children
Their parents separated and went in filthy, putrid and sub-human jails
off with new partners. Their children with steel bars and overcrowding
were left in the care of an aunt and call it Bahay Pag-asa (House
who introduced them to a human of Hope) and hope the children get
trafficker. She introduced them to “rehabilitated.”
foreign sex tourists in Angeles City. A proud Filipino nation ought
The deals were made on the street. not allow such abuse to continue.
They were sold like animals in the It is a denial of human dignity Fr. Kenneth Pius Hendricks, 77, be quashed in Bilaran. The most prolific child abusers
market. The girls were brought to and children’s rights. The nation has been living in the Philippines for Such is the fear and reverence are biological fathers and live-in
a nearby hotel, the manager and is judged by the way they treat the the past 37 years. He was arrested that holds the priest in awe as a partners or step-fathers. Incest is
staff turned a blind eye as the sex children. They must end the sex last December 5, 2018 and has representative of God and a false rampant. Blame the sex industry for
tourists rented the room and the slavery and the trading in human since been charged for the alleged belief that he could do no harm. corrupting Philippine family morals.
men sexually raped and abused the beings. Unless the true Filipinos multiple sexual abuse of minors in The same holds true for abusive They too are protected by the culture
children. It happens daily. who seem to be conditioned by Bilaran, Philippines. The amazing biological fathers. The more than of silence.
When the pimps gave them a public tolerance and apathy awake thing is that the arrest warrant fifty child victims were threatened It is also that same culture that
fraction of what the foreigners paid and believe in the dignity of every for Hendricks was issued by a US and warned by the priest never to allows the jailing of innocent
them, the teenagers got angry and child besides their own and care of Judge in Ohio, District Court, Judge tell anyone and that it is likely if they children and the sexual abuse of
they complained to a friend who others, the abuse will continue. This Stephanie Bowman, on Nov. 11, 2018 complained, their parents or other minors. It is a silence and inaction
went to the police. They arrested the extreme form of social corruption on charges of “engaging in illicit sex adults would not believe them. that has to be broken. We need
pimp and human trafficker. If the and moral degradation of the nation with a minor in a foreign country.” The Philippines is trapped in a people of courage and bravery to
children did not complain that they is not even on the agenda of the Somebody had broken the silence corrupt culture of cultivated silence speak out and expose the abusers
were cheated out of their money, politicians campaigning for election that protected him and reported it that had protected this alleged serial and rescue the children. That’s how
no one would have cared. This was this May 13. to the US authorities afraid it would child abuser for many of his 37 years. we can change the system.

Free / B3 Follow / B4

effective presentation of the good all the services of the Church for 2. Transparency in our churches through the intercession of Sister on the contrary, she arises, she
news of the kingdom?” (Evangelii free. As Church in the Philippines and organizations. The people will Bernardetta, to give all of us the praises God and speaks only of him
Gaudium, 199) He wrote that “the we affirm the decree of the PCP II gladly and generously support the grace to walk on this path. (cf. v. 38).  I would like to think that
worst discrimination which the to abolish the arancel and we strive Church and its activities when they The encounter which is born this woman knew how to “talk in a
poor suffer is the lack of spiritual that this be our situation by the time are made to feel that the Church is of the call culminates in vision.  good way”, and she could be a good
care. The great majority of the poor we celebrate the 500th anniversary their family. They know the situation Simeon says: “My eyes have seen patroness to call us to conversion
have a special openness to the faith; of the coming of the Christian faith of their family and its programs. your salvation” (Lk 2:30).  He sees from the evil of gossip, because
they need God and we must not fail in the country in 2021. 3. Improved services to the people the Child and he sees salvation.  He she went from one place to another
to offer them his friendship, his Required for this shift to happen? in our parishes. When the people feel does not see the Messiah who works saying only: “That’s him!  That’s the
blessing, his word, the celebration 1. Adequate catechesis both that they are welcomed, served, and miracles, but a small child.  He does baby! Go and see him!”  I imagine
of the sacraments and a journey for priests and lay faithful. This nourished by the Church, they will not see something extraordinary, but her like this, the woman next door.
of growth and maturity in the catechesis promotes support it. Jesus with his parents, who bring a This then is the consecrated life:
faith. (Evangelii Gaudium, 200) the spirituality of stewardship Let us courageously serve the pair of turtledoves or two pigeons praise which gives joy to God’s
In fact he emphatically stated: and evangelical poverty for all, Church and make the people be to the temple, which is the most people, prophetic vision that
“Our preferential option for the including the priests, because the responsible for the work of the humble offering (cf. v. 24).  Simeon reveals what counts.  When it
poor must mainly translate into a Church of the Poor embraces and Kingdom, trusting in the promise sees God’s simplicity and welcomes is like this, then it flowers and
privileged and preferential religious practices the spirit of evangelical of Jesus: “Seek first the Kingdom his presence.  He is not looking becomes a summons for all of us
care.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 200) We poverty; it combines detachment of God and his righteousness, and for anything else, is not asking or to counter mediocrity: to counter
manifest this preferential religious from possessions with profound all these things will be given you wanting for something more; it is a devaluation of our spiritual
care by making available to them trust to the Lord. besides.” (Mt 6:33) enough to see the Child and take life, to counter the temptation
him in his arms: “nunc dimittis, to reduce God’s importance, to
Confidence / B4 now let me depart” (cf. v. 29).  God, counter an accommodation to a
2030 Agenda, we must reject the new paths for a sustainable future. for your efforts in caring for our as he, is enough for him.  In God he comfortable and worldly life, to
temptation to look for a merely I will also be discussing this with my common home at the service of finds the ultimate meaning of his counter complaints—complaints!—
technocratic response to the brother bishops at the Synod for the promoting an inclusive sustainable life.  This is the vision of consecrated dissatisfaction and self-pity, to
challenges—this is not good—and be Pan-Amazon Region, at the end of future. I know that, at times, it can life, a vision that is simple and counter a mentality of resignation
prepared to address the root causes October this year. seem far too difficult a task. And yet, prophetic in its simplicity, where and “we have always done it
and the long-term consequences. “Human beings, while capable of we keep the Lord before our eyes this way”: this is not God’s way. 
Conclusions the worst, are also capable of rising and between our hands, and not Consecrated life is not about
Indigenous Peoples Dear brothers and sisters, today, above themselves, choosing again to serve anything else.  He is our survival, it is not about preparing
The key principle of all religions after three and a half years since what is good, and making a new life, he is our hope, he is our future.  ourselves for ars bene moriendi:
is the love of neighbour and the the adoption of the sustainable start” (Laudato Si’, 205). This is the Consecrated life consists in this this is the temptation of our days, in
care of creation. I wish to draw development goals, we must be change which present circumstances prophetic vision in the Church: it is the face of declining vocations.  No,
attention to a special group of even more acutely aware of the demand, because the injustice that a gaze that sees God present in the it is not about survival, but new
religious persons, namely importance of accelerating and brings tears to our world and to its world, even if many do not notice life.  “But… there are only a few
indigenous peoples. Although they adapting our actions in responding poor is not invincible. Thank you. him; it is a voice that says: “God is of us…”—it’s about new life.  It is
represent only five  per cent of the adequately to both the cry of the earth enough, the rest passes away”; it a living encounter with the Lord
[1]  When, for example, due to inequalities in the is praise that gushes forth in spite of in his people.  It is a call to the
world’s population, they look after and the cry of the poor (cf. Laudato distribution of power, the burden of immense debt
about twenty-two per cent of the Si’, 49) - they are connected. is placed on the shoulders of the poor and poor everything, as the prophetess Anna faithful obedience of daily life and
earth’s landmass. Living in areas The challenges are complex and countries, when unemployment is widespread despite shows.  She was a woman of great to the unexpected surprises from the
such as the Amazon and the Arctic, have multiple causes; the response, the expansion of trade or when people are simply age, who had lived for many years Spirit.  It is a vision of what we need
treated as a means for the growth of others, we
they help protect approximately therefore, must necessarily be need to question fully our key development model.
as a widow, but was not gloomy, to embrace in order to experience
eighty  per cent of the planet’s complex and well-structured, In the same way, when in the name of progress we nostalgic or withdrawn into herself; joy: Jesus.
biodiversity. According to UNESCO, respectful of the diverse cultural destroy the source of development—our common
home—then the dominant model must be called into Events / B6
“Indigenous peoples are custodians riches of peoples. If we are truly question. By questioning this model and re-examining
and practitioners of unique cultures concerned about developing an the world economy, participants in the dialogue on society that many are enthralled intrigues among the inhabitants
and relationships with the natural ecology capable of repairing the development will be able to find an alternative global to, to name a few. But as the (Luke 19:41-44). So, once again,
environment. They embody a wide damage we have done, no branch economic and political system. However, in order responsorial psalm says, the Lord we have to listen to God’s only
for this to happen, we must address the causes
range of linguistic and cultural of science or form of wisdom of the distortion of development, which is what in is kind and merciful (Ps 103:8). Son, who calls us to repentance
diversity at the heart of our shared should be overlooked, and this recent Catholic social teaching goes by the name of Instead of striking us down, he and to recognize his path to peace
humanity”.[3] I would also add includes religions and the languages “structural sins”. Denouncing such sins is already a has given us a period of grace. (Luke 19:41). Otherwise, we will
good contribution that religions make to the discussion
that, in a strongly secularized world, particular to them (cf. ibid. 63). A man of faith could weep, all perish as a nation like the
on the world’s development. Nonetheless, alongside
such peoples remind us all of the Religions can help us along the path this denunciation, we must also put forward feasible probably in the same way passengers of the Titanic who went
sacredness of our earth. This means of authentic integral development, ways of conversion to people and communities. that Jesus wept at the sight of down with the ship. The punch, in
that their voice and their concerns which is the new name of peace (cf. [2]  Cf. United Nations,  Transforming our world: the Jerusalem, because he could other words, is: while there is time,
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2015.
should be at the centre of the Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 26 [3] UNESCO, Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director- foresee what was to happen to the let us listen to Jesus and change
implementation of the 2030 Agenda March 1967, 76-77). General of UNESCO on the occasion of the International city after it rejected his message, our lives both as individuals and
and at the heart of the search for I express my heartfelt appreciation Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, 9 August 2017. what with the factions and as a nation.
B8 ENTERTAINMENT March 18 - 31, 2019 Vol. 23 No. 6 CBCP Monitor

Buhay San Miguel Brothers Matias

The Favourite
DIRECTOR: Yorgos Lanthimos
STARRING: Olivia Colman, Emma
TERIBOL OG Bladimer Usi
Stone, Rachel Weisz, Nicholas
Hoult, Joe Alwyn
WRITTEN BY: Deborah Davis,
Tony McNamara
PRODUCERS: Ceci Dempsey,
Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday, Yorgos
GENRE: Biography, Drama,
EDITED BY: Yorgos Mavropsaridis
Scarlet Films, Element Pictures,
Arcana, Film4 Productions,Waypoint
Entertainment society, and the rottenness

Buhay Parokya
DISTRIBUTED BY: Fox Searchlight in the human heart. The
Pictures Favourite shows that the
Kingdom, United States hunger for power recognizes 1. JESUS CHRIST
LANGUAGE: English no gender, palaces do not 2. ST. JOHN PAUL II
RUNNING TIME: 2 hours 6 minutes guarantee good manners or 3. SAINT PETER’S BASILICA
Technical assessment: 4.0 serious business, marriage
Moral assessment: 2.5 CINEMA
Rating: V18
proposals are accepted for
MTRCB rating: R13 political expediency; ambition
is justifiable motivation to
In early 18th century lie, to scheme, or to kill. The
England when the country was deeper messages dressed in
at a costly war against France, comedy are delivered by a
Duchess of Marlborough subliminally mood-setting
Sarah Churchill (Rachel soundtrack: Baroque and
Weisz) governs the country classical music keep the pace
on behalf of the gout-ridden, up and complements the
intellectually challenged, dialogue, while an ominous
and emotionally flaky Queen sound fills the dead air
Anne (Olivia Colman) to provoke the viewer’s
who’d rather raise ducks for imagination to hear what is
racing and play with her 17 unsaid. The traditional gender
rabbits — representing the 17 balance is tilted, with women
children she had lost either in wielding power whether in
the womb or in infancy — than the war room or the scullery,
run the army or keep tab while men amuse themselves
of taxes. Life seems snag racing ducks and pelting
free for the ruling tandem of losers with rotting fruit. In
Sarah and Anna —  t he men support of this viewpoint,
in high places acquiesce to Powell made the costumes
the two women’s will and speak: the women are garbed
whim regarding state affairs, in no-nonsensical black and
while the latter gleefully carry white and hardly any makeup,
on with their clandestine while the men sport colorful
love affair. Enter Abigail attire, elaborate wigs, pale
Hill (Emma Stone), Sarah’s faces but heavily rouged
impoverished younger cheeks, and shamelessly red
cousin who was dropped lipstick.
from nobility when her father So — who’s the favorite? Is it
lost her at a bet to a German Sarah who has been banished
in a card game. She seeks but is now apparently missed?
employment through Sarah Is it Abigail who now has the
at the palace, and is hired as a ear of the Queen and elevated
scullery maid. When Abigail’s to the rank of Keeper of the
poultice soothes Queen Privy Purse? Is Queen Anne a
Anne’s leg sores, Sarah allows victim of Sarah’s and Abigail’s
her in the royal chamber, manipulations, or is she the
on demand. Soon, as Sarah greatest manipulator of all?
is kept away by the politics Does it really matter who
of war, Abigail is spending made a puppet of whom, or
more time in the Queen’s who really is the favorite?
company, playing with her This dark comedy refuses to
rabbits, massaging her legs, give clear answers but rather
and eventually sharing her teases viewers to read body
bed — a perfect opportunity language and come to their
to regain her aristocratic own conclusions. The closing
standing. shot may be concealing a
The Favourite is a good lesson: Anne grabs Abigail by
story well told. While basing the hair tightly, as she would
the film on real life, director reining in a stubborn horse,
Lanthimos combines equal and harshly orders her to
parts drama, comedy, and massage her legs — she is the
history into one dish that queen, after all. The erstwhile
is both satirical and funny. triumphant Abigail is down
Deborah Davis’ and Tony on her knees, looking down
McNamara’s screenplay is while kneading the royal legs,
brought to life by the flawless but Anne does not moan from
acting of Colman, Weisz, and relief as before —  w ith sad, higit sa lahat, magkasama. bagama’t maka-minsa’y dapat na “hindi paglimot” sa pelikula ay parte lamang ng
Stone, but what Lanthimos reddening eyes she gazes at Ngunit tila hindi ito ang pawang hindi ito gaanong nakaraan. Patungkol ito sa kabuluhan at hindi ito ang
wants his audience to see is not the unknown. Both women mangyayari. Makalipas ang dama ng manonood. Kasabay hindi paglimot sa kasaysayan lahat-lahat. Sa pagmamahal
really the rivalry between two look trapped in a cage of their walong taon, magku-krus ng pagtatalo ng isip at at sa mga aral na dulot dapat laging isinalang-alang
women for the favors of the own machinations, while muli ang kanilang landas — sa damdamin ng pangunahing nito. Tama nga naman, sa ang maraming bagay at
third, but human foibles, the life goes on as usual for the pagkakataong ito, si Raf ay tauhan ay sabay din ang gitna ng palasak na “move- komplikasyon na nakapalibot
ridiculous norms of human rabbits. isa nang matagumpay at pagkalito sa mararamdaman on mentality”, bakit hindi dito. Kahanga-hanga si Tin
pilantropong doktor. Habang ng manonood. Pero natin balikan ang nakaraan bilang isang karakter na
Alone/Together si Tin nama’y nagta-trabaho maaring ito’y sinasadya din. hindi upang maghasik ng nagawang pairalin ang isip
bilang executive assistant ng Patungo ang pelikula sa galit or kawalang patawaran higit sa puso — na bagama’t
Director: Antoinette Jadaone
Lead Cast: Liza Soberano, isang may-ari ng NGO (Non- mga usaping kung ituring kundi upang matuto sa naging takot at mahina sa
Enrique Gil Government Organization). ay “mature” — trabaho, mga aral na nakapaloob simula ay nag-ipon ng tapang
Screenwriter: Antoinette Kalauna’y magkakaalaman obligasyong panlipunan, sa mga pangyayaring ito. at lakas upang harapin ang at
Jadaone na tila sila’y pinaghiwalay ambisyon, responsibilidad, Magkaiba ang paglimot at sundan ang mga pangarap.
Producer: Olivia Lamasan ng sanga-sangang mga pangarap at tunay na pagpapatawad. Sa hindi Si Raf naman ay kahanga-
Editor: Benjamin Gonzales
Tolentino pangyayari. Magkatuluyan kasiyahan. Bagama’t kung paglimot ay magagawa hanga rin na nagawang
Genre: Romance pa kaya sila sa bandang huli o tutuusi’y marami dito nating maging mas mabuting baguhin ang kanyang
Cinematographer: Neil Daza mas makabubuti sa kanilang ang parang “pilit’ at di pa tao  —   a t sa pangkalahatan buhay sa pamamagitan
Distributor: Star Cinema dalawa ang magkani- masyadong akma  —   a t ang ay makakabuo tayo ng mas din ng pagsusumikap.
Location: Philippines
Running Time: 110 minutes kaniyang landas? tila hindi kapani-paniwalang mabuting lipunan. Sinasabi Magandang halimbawa
Makasining at makabuluhan pagitan ng mga panahon rin ng pelikula na parating silang dalawa para sa mga
Technical assessment: 3.5 ang Alone/Together. Hindi o timeline, masasabi na may pag-asa at parating may kabataan — maliban lamang
Moral assessment: 3.0 ito yung tipikal na pelikulang ring mahusay ang pelikula pagkakataong bumangon sa isang pagkakamaling
CINEMA rating: VA kilig kahit pa ang sikat na sa tapang nitong maghain sa pagkakadapa. Hindi rin kanyang ginawa sa bandang
MTRCB rating: PG
tambalang LizQueen ang ng isang romance na may dapat panghinaan ng loob dulo ng pelikula — na tila
Pagtatagpuin ng sining ang ang magkakatuluyan bilang naririto. Tinalakay nito ang kakaibang sangkap. Dun pa na tuparin ang pangarap pinanindigan din naman
dalawang magkahiwalay magkasintahan. Punong- masalimuot na pag-ibig sa lamang, kahanga-hanga na dahil lang sa pagkakamali. niya kung kaya’t katanggap-
na mundo na noo’y mga puno silang dalawa ng gitna ng pangarap, ambisyon, ang pelikula. Ang sining ay sumasalamin tanggap na rin ito sa kabuuan.
college students pa lang na pangarap at ambisyon — sabay dangal at paninindigan. Maraming nais sabihin ang sa buhay  —   h indi perpekto Dahil sa mature na tema ng
sina Tin (Liza Soberano) nilang binuo ang kanilang Mahusay ang pagkakahalukay Alone/Together  —   n ariyang ngunit makabuluhan at may pelikula, nararapat lamang
at Raf ( Enrique Gil). pangarap na sila ay tatandang ng pelikula sa tamang ipaalala nito sa mga sariling pagkakakilanlan. Ang ito sa mga manonood na 14
Magiging close ang dalawa masaya, matagumpay at damdamin ng bawat tauhan manonood maya’t-maya ang pag-ibig gaya ng ipinakita sa gulang pataas.
A Supplement Publication of the Order of the Knights of Columbus and KCFAPI
CBCP Monitor Vol. 23, No. 06 March 18 - 31, 2019

Philippine Knights pray for

world’s persecuted Christians
THE Knights of Columbus
- Philippines prayed
for Christians suffering
persecution around the
world as they marked the
feast of St. Joseph, protector
of the Church, March 19.
The Filipino Knights unite with other
members of the Order worldwide
in grieving the violence that plague
churches across the globe.
Led by K of C Supreme Director Bro.
Jose Reyes, Jr., dozens gathered in
Manila to pray the rosary, culminating
a “Triduum Prayer for Peace”.
The Knights of Columbus Supreme
Council has chosen this intention
following the twin blasts that hit a
packed church in Sulu last Jan. 27.
The bombings of the Mount Carmel
Cathedral in Jolo City left at least 23
people dead, including two Knights, and
more than 100 were hurt.
Brothers Leo Herbolario of Fr. Emile
Buldoc Council 8181 and Reynaldo
Pescadera of Bishop Francis McSorley
Council 4552 were among those who
died in the attacks. Among the injured
were Oscar Asares, Arturo Ablay and
Vincent Unding, all of Council 8181,
and Roderick Hoe of Jolo Carmelite
Council 9419.
After hearing the incident, Supreme
Knight Carl Anderson immediately
ordered a worldwide prayer for the
victims of the church attacks.
“We are also offering this not only for
Mindanao but for all our persecuted The Knights of Columbus in the Philippines during the Triduum of Prayer for Peace from March 17 to 19, 2019. Top Photo: Luzon North and Luzon South Jurisdictions Bottom Left: Visayas Jurisdiction Bottom
Pray / C3 Right: Mindanao Jurisdiction

KC Philippines Update:

From L to R: Jeff Rovell, IT Specialist; Phillip Matias, Business Process Designer; Bro. Gerry T. Mission, Mindanao State Deputy; Bro. From L to R: : Luzon North State Deputy, Bro. Jose C. Reyes, Jr.; Membership Records Director Kevin Brady; Supreme Secretary
Jose C. Reyes, Jr, Luzon North State Deputy; Michael J. O’Connor, Supreme Secretary; Bro. Ramoncito A. Ocampo, Luzon South State Michael J. O’Connor; H.E. Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle; Luzon South State Deputy, Bro. Ramoncito A. Ocampo and Luzon South State
Deputy; Bro. Anthony P. Nazario, Visayas State Deputy and Kevin Brady, Membership Records Director from K of C Supreme Council. Secretary Bro. Bonifacio Martinez during their visit to the office of Cardinal Tagle last March 12, 2019.

From L to R: : Luzon North State Deputy, Bro. Jose C. Reyes, Jr.; Business Process Designer, Phillip Matias; Supreme Secretary Michael Relief Operations of Luzon South Jurisdiction last February 23, 2019 in Sagnay Camarines Sur and Tiwi, Albay.
J. O’Connor; Archbishop Romulo G. Valles, CBCP President; Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, Assistant Chaplain of Luzon Jurisdictions and
Luzon South State Secretary Bro. Bonifacio Martinez during their visit to the CBCP office last March 13, 2019.

KC Foundations:
The Board of Trustees of
the Knights of Columbus
Fr. George J. Willmann
Charities, Inc. has given
plaques of Gratitude and
Appreciation to Alysons’
Chemical Enterprises, Inc.
and to Bro. Arsenio Isidro
G. Yap for their continuous
support to the religious
scholarship projects of the

The Luzon North State Officers headed by Bro. Jose C. Reyes, Jr. and District Deputies during their annual renewal of marriage vows
held last February 21, 2019 at the Manila Grand Opera Hotel.
C2 March 18 - 31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 THE CROSS
Ramoncito A. Ocampo Jose C. Reyes, Jr.

President’s Chairman’s Message

Imitating St. Joseph as a Father

A Pro Life Advocacy: Walk for Life GOD chose Joseph, a good and humble like “Papa” as a family man. I was shy we can protect our children from evil-
man, to be the foster father of Jesus and but studious during my College days yet doers in today’s world just outside our
KNIGHTS of Columbus in the Philippines is one with the the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I was given recognition for outstanding homes, schools and workplaces. Let
Catholic Church’s Doctrine—Pro Life. An example of their He was a carpenter from Nazareth. He leadership. In like manner, our son us also strive to be faithful guardians
pro-life activity, which is practiced worldwide especially was a descendant of the House of David. Ljay is also kind-hearted to poor people, of our wives like St. Joseph was to our
by our brother knights wherever they are is the Walk for He was a Layman, a builder by trade, committed to do the tasks given to him Blessed Mother, Mary. In addition,
Life or others may call it as March for Life. specifically may have been a traditional in school and eventually in the office and let us go beyond our family circle in
Through the years, we brother knights had been more carpenter, but also a stone worker. He at home, he has turned out to be a father praying and helping those who suffer
aggressive in ensuring that our voices will be heard was also a visionary visited by angels and who disciplines with compassion our only from hopelessness, victims of abuse,
through the Catholic Churches (our parishes) on how we noted for his willingness to immediately granddaughter Leia. One thing my son especially women overseas workers
condemn the acts that are opposite to what our advocacy get up and do what God told him to do and I have in common is our religiosity driven by poverty, and other parents
is. A yearly walk or parade in pre-determined streets in his sleep. The meaning of the name having studied in Catholic schools who have become helpless in protecting
of municipalities/cities throughout the country is just Joseph is “whom the Lord adds.” and eventually becoming members of their children from drug addiction and
one of many ways our advocacy to promote life is being In our family, we have a member religious organizations that are Christ- other vices.
publicized. named Joseph in every generation: centered. May we as brother Knights be models
Thus, our strong opposition to abortion or any form of my father’s name is Jose and a Sr. was Majority of us became fathers or to other fathers by inviting them to
procedure that will put an end to the life of the unborn added to his name when I was born and heads of our respective families first, join our organization and live as good
should be a solid foundation next to our churches’ baptized Jose, Jr. When I got married, before we became members in the followers of Jesus in our daily life. May
dogma. That the teachings should reach all our brothers our first born was a son we named Joseph Knights of Columbus organization. So we always seek with humility the grace
and sisters on what and how it takes to promote life and he is now a father himself. In each of being a good father is a pre-requisite to from God to be faithful to him, instead
in accordance with our faith. With the aid of Knights us, we seem to have some characteristics being a good Knight. St. Joseph should of relying on our own efforts and worldly
of Columbus Supreme Council, we are able to provide in common with St. Joseph. I recall my be our model in enhancing our role as means to keep our family and community
assistance by way of Ultrasound Initiatives in different “Papa” as a quiet, kind and hard-working provider and protector of our family. close to God and be of service to others
councils. Since through ultrasound, many women choose man; and a good provider for the family. We as brother Knights, should implore in need through our parishes.
to keep their babies once they get the tangible picture of Maybe through heredity, I also became the intercession of St. Joseph so that Vivat Jesus!
life slowly forming within them.
We may have lots of differences, however why and how Ma. Theresa G. Curia
we gathered as one in promoting and fighting for what we
believe is right and for the good of all, makes us undivided.
And that life, being a God-given gift should be protected,
Curia Settings
promulgated and valued at any cost.
In the world of today where everything constantly Lent — Connect...Reconnect
changes we brother knights, are expected not just to
“go with the flow” but be initiators of changes for the
better. Not only that because something is mainstream,
means that is readily right (in accordance with our
belief and faith) on the other hand, not also because it is
different means it is wrong, what we need is the truthful LENT always begins by their dead the day after they laugh together? Tell our by people. We are indebted
discernment, to weigh things that, and will matter. For the reminding us, on Ash die, without putting chemicals stories and plans for the next to the earth, big time.
sake of promoting our advocacy, we can and we will with Wednesday, that all humans in their bodies. Therefore, week? Update each other However, we also know that
the guidance from above and our Founder, Fr. Michael are governed by the law of their remains join the earth with our news, breakthroughs, as humans, the ecosystem
J. McGivney. nature. What started as again, almost immediately, travel plans? also continues to exist because
Vivat Jesus! organic will end up organic. without destroying the fertility Do we decide to put off of our interventions. Our
If we came from dust, unto of the land. all cell phones when we are intelligence, our wisdom, our
Arsenio Isidro G. Yap dust we will return. I also understand why some around the table? inventions, our initiatives, our
But I heard this joke from a people opt to be cremated At work, do we listen to each learnings are able to improve
priest’s sermon: “Kung tayo’y after death. Their bodies other’s woes? Do we know the whole ecosystem too.
A Brother’s Insight totoong galing sa putik, bakit
marami sa atin ang plastic?”
become ashes and do not
have to be kept in cemented
who are in trouble, who are
grieving, and in pain? Who
We cannot survive without
love and without loving
Correct, there are people places. They can donate their are celebrating promotions, people and creation. There
who are called behind their coffins; they do not need to be new children, homecomings? is a symbiotic relatedness
backs as orocan, plastic ware, dressed in elegant, expensive Do we mentor the newbies in and needfulness, interactive
etc. Definitely, those types burial clothes. the office? Do we make the interchange of richness and
of people whom we brand Being plastic is a rich young recruits feel at home? flavor in life. Unfortunately,
I Love You Nanay as plastic, do not connect metaphor for the antithesis Do we visit the sick members we are not aware of our place
intimately with others. of the Christian demand for of the community? Do we stay and our role in the universe. If
I love you Nanay. You know naman di ba? Because they do not show their truth and being connected a bit outside the church after we are not aware, we cannot
Tuwang tuwa ako ng magka kilala kayo ni Tatay. Naging true colors to people, they with people, whether in life the service, to keep up with the appreciate. Then we do not
bunga ako ng inyong wagas na pagmamahalan. Laking cannot establish authentic or in death. latest? Is there time for family become grateful; neither do
pasasalamat ko sa Poong Maykapal na kayo ay pinagtagpo relationships of trust and love. We came into the world outreach? Do we volunteer to we realize our responsibility
na nag resulta sa aking pagkatao. We can even say: the plastic crying, and at the end of our neighbourhood activities? to give back, use well, enrich.
Nay, pahintulutan mo po akong alalahanin ang simula ng people pretend, deceive, lives, other people cry for us. But the intimate connection Mindfulness of what
aking buhay. Sa unang sandali palang ng pagtagpo ng similya divide, destroy group goals But they do cry if we have made should not be limited to people happens in the world, the
ni Tatay at ng inyong itlog, alam na ang aking magiging and group vision. They cannot our impact in their lives and alone, although that’s the most mystery and the beauty that
kasarian pati na ang aking DNA o pagiging pagkatao. Tatlong be the productive elements. therefore, they will miss us. important thing. We need to happens, with us as part of
araw pa bago ako makababa sa fallopian tube at dumikit sa Plastic wares are non- It means we have connected be connected also to Mother the symphony, is crucial for
iyong matris, alam ko nang ako’y lalaki at lalaking guwapo, biodegradable. No matter intimately with their lives Earth, to all of Nature’s living our lives deeply. Being
matalino at mapag mahal, lalo na sa iyo Nay at kay Tatay. how deeply we bury them and they feel the severance of various manifestations. aware, conscious, attentive...
Noong ika-apat na linggo, pumo porma na ang pisikal kong under the ground, they will the bond. If we have lived our One day, we shall go back makes us open ourselves up
anyo. Meron nakong magiging ulo, katawan at may maliliit not disintegrate nor be part lives sincerely connecting with to Mother Earth. Do we to the dynamo and energy
na umbok na magiging aking mga kamay at paa. Noong ika- of the earth-- ever. They others, especially even serving compost, do we sort garbage, around us. It makes us see
walong linggo, halata na ang aking tenga at mata. May maliit cannot be transformed into them, and really loving and watch our trashes, plant trees, how graceful our lives can
na umbok sa gitna ng aking mukha na magiging matangos dust and will forever remain interacting with people, they take care of a garden, clean be when we dance with the
kong ilong. Buo na rin ang aking mga braso, hita at binti, plastic, indestructible, forever cry when we die. the neighbourhood? universe.
ngunit wala pa akong mga kamay at paa. hazard to the environment. In our families, do we have I think Lent is telling us that I think this is what many
Noong ika-labing dalawang linggo, buong buo na ako Nay. They will obstruct the water solid, bonding, connecting we must be able to ask ourselves people say, is a way of
Dalawang pulgada na ako, nakakagalaw na at tumitibok na flow under the ground. And time with our family and renew our various facets contemplating life. This is part
ang aking puso. Masayang masaya ako Nay sa iyong matris. the smaller particles will kill members? Is it quality time and layers of connectedness: of the contemplative prayer in
Sagana ako sa nutrisyon dahil sa mga masustansyang the organisms on land and each time we are together? Or connectedness with ourselves, action. A contemplative life.
kinakain mo Nay. Maliit pa ako kaya siguro hinde mo pa especially at sea. is everyday a big rush to come with others, with society, with So Lent is telling us, ---
dama ang kalikutan ko. Plastics will not be able to and go? Do we spend our our past, present and future, Pause. Listen. Feel. Slow
Nadoble na ang aking laki noong ika labing-anim na linggo. connect with the earth, nor weekends, just sleeping away with nature, and eventually down. Think, rethink,
Mahigit apat na pulgada na ako at gumagalaw na ang aking be part of it, nor be part of the because our nights are busy with God. focus, refocus. Journalize,
mga mata, pakindat kindat para sa iyo Nay. Mukha na akong mission of the earth to sustain with our friends in gimmicks Obviously we cannot live document, find meaning,
maliit na baby at may fingerprints na rin ako. Lumalaki na and enrich life. and drinking spree? alone. We do not and must remember, celebrate and
Brother’s Insight / C3 Coming back to humans In our families, do we have not live for ourselves alone. commit ourselves to being
... after we die, because solid, bonding, connecting We cannot afford to do that. connected and reconnected.
we are dust, we will again time with our family Others also need us, but we No person is an island. No
ERRATUM reconnect with the earth, be members? Is it quality time need them more. All those person lives in isolation. We
IN the CBCP Monitor Vol. 23 No. 04 published last February 18, absorbed again by earth and each time we are together? Or connectedness matter for our are part of a huge dance,
2019, in the banner story, the word “Circle” was incorrectly written even fertilize the earth. I is everyday a big rush to come existence. symphony, harmony, energy
as “Council”. The correct banner title should read: “Philippine State now understand the wisdom and go? Do we spend our We cannot survive without which we call God, God’s
Deputies receive Circle of Honor Awards”. of the Muslim tradition of weekends, just sleeping away food from the earth, from presence, divine energy.
– The Editors burying their dead directly because our nights are busy the sellers, manufacturers. Feel the connectedness with
to the ground, wrapped in with our friends in gimmicks Food directly comes from the The Sacred, The Divine, The
cloths, not in coffins. Neither and drinking spree? earth, but they are planted, Transcendent, The Holy. And

do they enclose their dead in Do we make it a point to harvested, manufactured and live it with humans and the
cemented tombs. They bury pray together, eat together, delivered to our doorsteps whole of creation.

A Supplement Publication of the

Karlo Serviento
Order of the Knights of Columbus and KCFAPI

Editorial Board Pondering the Words

Jose C. Reyes, Jr. Ramoncito A. Ocampo
Chairman President
The Fast and the Feast
Ma. Theresa G. Curia Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III
Executive Vice President Spiritual Director

Mary Magdalene G. Flores ROMAN Catholics find Lent of great Last Ash Wednesday as we mark ashes importance of the Word of God. It is
Editor-in-Chief importance. It seems to be the most on our foreheads, we are reminded to the one that nurtures us. Not to take it
meaningful of all Liturgical Seasons repent and believe in the Gospel and that literally that it will feed us the food we
Jhon Lyndon D. Palafox, Juan Karlo S. Serviento because it focuses not only on the liturgy from ashes we are and to ashes we are need to survive like the Israelites when
Associate Editors itself but also on what the liturgy can to. The faithful are called to take part in God gave them their daily bread. But
Jerome P. De Guzman, Erwin John B. Mallari, Kris Jay Rolex A. Yngco
give our souls that will eventually make this glorious season. We are called. But spiritually, our needs will be satisfied,
Contributors our lives fruitful. As others may say, it only few respond to the call of the church inspired by Jesus Christ. Every word
is the season to FAST, GIVE and PRAY. which is merely Christ’s voice Himself. of God is a food, a food for our souls.
Without the process of purification, the One of the famous reminders for us We must have healthy souls. The body
The Cross is published monthly with its business at KCFAPI, General Luna cor. Sta.
Potenciana Sts., Intramuros, Manila with tel. no. (02) 527-22-23 to 27 (trunk line) local graces of the Resurrection will be of no Catholics is to Fast. Why? Because in is passing, but the soul is eternal.
200, 201. Email Address: kcfraternal@kofc.org.ph. Website: http://www.kofc.org.ph importance. the absence of food, we can see the Pondering the Words / C3
THE CROSS March 18 - 31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 C3

America’s Consensus on Life

Like Supreme Court decisions that upheld slavery and segregation, Roe V. Wade is based upon a lie
describe themselves as “pro- backlash across the country” end to the logic that produced rights” that we are “bound to The great moral issues of
choice.” against the “gruesome” logic it. Soon new laws embodied respect.” our day should transcend
The second is that about that sanctions unrestricted the view that African At the March for Life, I partisan politics. This is
2 in 3 Americans want the abortion throughout Americans were an inferior quoted one of America’s occurring today regarding
Supreme Court’s decision pregnancy and even the killing class of human beings “unfit great abolitionist leaders, abortion. The Marist Poll
in Roe v. Wade to be of a baby born alive after to associate with the white Wendell Phillips, who once survey finds majorities in both
reinterpreted by the Court to abortion. (Pope Francis has race.” Again, the country stated, “One and God makes a political parties reject such
allow states to restrict or ban used even stronger language split over geographical majority.” I added that it also extreme late-term abortion
abortion. in the past, saying abortion and partisan lines. And in helps to have the American laws.
Both findings are consistent is equivalent to hiring a hit another shameful decision, people on our side. One way to transcend
with what the Marist Poll has man.) the Supreme Court in Plessy v. At the Knights of partisanship is by insisting
found for more than a decade: Cardinal Dolan placed such Ferguson (1896), by a vote of Columbus Museum in New upon reality-based public
Strip away the labels often legislation in the context of 7-to-1, upheld segregationist Haven, Conn., we display policies. The approach of
used in the abortion debate, the Supreme Court’s 1857 “Jim Crow” laws. a photograph of Supreme the Supreme Court in Roe
and Americans by large Dred Scott decision upholding And again, many Americans Knight Luke Hart at the White v. Wade does the opposite,
numbers do not agree with the slavery. There, the Court wrote thought the matter settled. It House presenting President with the Court stating that it
Supreme Court’s mandate of a that Dred Scott and his wife, would take six more decades John F. Kennedy a copy of the did not have to “resolve the
“right” to abortion throughout Harriet, were members of an before the Supreme Court’s Pledge of Allegiance. During difficult question of when life
by Supreme Knight pregnancy. “inferior class of human beings” decision in Brown v. Board the 1950s, the Knights of begins.” But this is precisely
Carl A. Anderson Pro-abortion extremists who were “unfit to associate of Education (1954) and the Columbus led the effort to the question that must be
must be paying close with the white race” and “had Congress’s passage of the Civil have Congress add the words answered; otherwise, the
IN MY REMARKS to this year’s attention. Recently, there has no rights which the white man Rights Act of 1964 would wipe “under God” to the text. public discussion loses its
March for Life, I highlighted been a move in several states was bound to respect.” away this stain on America’s When I am asked, “What do moral center.
two findings from this year’s to lock in by statute abortion While many Americans laws. these words mean?” I answer There is bipartisan
Marist Poll on attitudes throughout pregnancy. believed the Court’s decision Neither Dred Scott nor Roe they mean at least this: As consensus among Americans
toward abortion. The first is Writing in the Wall Street had settled the slavery issue, v. Wade should have ever President Kennedy said at his on abortion. It is time that
that three in four Americans Journal (Feb. 8), Cardinal others did not. The nation been considered “settled” law, inauguration, as a nation we politics in Washington and
say abortion should be limited Timothy Dolan of New soon split along both partisan because both decisions were stand on the principle that “the elsewhere reflect not only that
to — at most — the first three York spoke out forcefully and geographical lines. based upon a lie — a lie that rights of man come not from consensus but the reality of
months of pregnancy. And against the “horror” of this The Civil War would end says there is an “inferior class the generosity of the state but the child before birth. Vivat
that includes 6 in 10 who “extremism.” He predicted “a slavery. But it did not put an of human beings” with “no from the hand of God.” Jesus!

The Gentle Warrior An INVITATION to become a

By James B. Reuter, SJ FELLOW

CHAPTER FIVE THE “Fr. George J. Willmann Fellows” was launched

by the Knights of Columbus Father George J. Willmann
The War Years than a Coffee Canteen. It time it was sheltering refugees Charities, Inc. last June 29, 1997 during the Centennial Birth
suddenly became a refugee of ten nationalities. Anniversary celebration of Rev. Fr. George J. Willmann,
During those stormy days center. An inter-island boat, “Displaced persons, they S.J. This fund-raising campaign finances the theological
— just after the Declaration of hopelessly overloaded with would call such refugees now. research expenses necessary to possibly raise Fr. Willmann
War, and before the Japanese passengers hoping to get out We had all the usual problems of
to the honors of the altar. Last December 7, 2015, Manila
invaded the Philippines — of Manila and back to their a DP refuge. Especially poverty.
Archbishop Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle has officially
when Manila was in a state homes in the provinces, struck Most especially, lack of food.”
of total confusion, George one of our own mines in the At Christmas time, in 1941, opened the Archdiocesan Process for the Causes of
Willmann and the Knights middle of Manila Bay, at night. the book of Horacio de la Beatification and Canonization of Fr. George J. Willmann.
of Columbus were doing an It went down. Hundreds Costa S.J.: “Light Cavalry” Membership to the Fr. Willmann Fellows is open to all
orderly, systematic job in the were lost, and there was no was scheduled for launching. Knights of Columbus councils, members, their families,
headquarters of the Knights, record even of their names. The book was printed, and friends and even to business institutions. As of December
at Santa Rita Hall on Taft But the survivors were drawn the copies were piled high 2018, more than 1,100 individuals and 36 institutions all
Avenue. When the city was in out of the water, covered in the Good Shepherd Press over the country have already joined this fellowship. Father
panic, and when everyone was with oil, some of them badly in Ermita. But the launching desolation. They knew that Willmann Fellows serve as co-sponsors in the work of
thinking of himself, George burned, some wounded by the never came off. A bomb fell the Japanese were coming spreading the good news about Fr. Willmann’s life, works
and the Knights were thinking explosion of the mine. on the Good Shepherd Press, in, and they knew that the
and holiness. Their donation is a lifetime subscription to the
of the American soldiers. Father Willmann’s sister, Ruth, and most of the copies were American Armed Forces had
The soldiers were trapped who was a Franciscan Missionary burned. A few were rescued by no way to move the military
initiative of the Knights of Columbus of promoting awareness
in an Open City. The war had of Mary, wrote of this: the young Jesuit Scholastics patients out of Manila. While on Father Willmann in order that authentic devotion to him
fallen on them, suddenly. “Three hundred survivors who were working on the the Scholastics were singing may be encouraged among the faithful, especially those
They were not really prepared were sent to the Knights of index. When the Japanese “Silent Night” in the military who need his intercession for God’s grace.
for it. They were doing their Columbus building under invaded the city, they used the hospital wards, the bombs We therefore cordially invite you and your loved ones
best. They were following Father Willmann’s care. He metal type for bullets. Horacio were booming outside. to join the Fr. Willmann Fellows. Aside from being an
orders. But their morale was had to supply, out of nothing, had worked on the book for Some of the Jesuit Superiors advocate in spreading the sanctity of Father Willmann
low. They were depressed. food, shelter, occupation, peace two full years. felt that there should be no and the graces that come with it, each Fellow is entitled to
George wrote, in his article and order. He brought order George said to him: ”Never caroling on that Christmas, receive the following items as memorabilia: (1) a Certificate
“The Knights Stayed on the out of chaos and survival out of mind, son. Look at all the good because it was too dangerous of Membership, (2) a lapel pin and (3) a pamphlet entitled
Job”: “Setting aside our youth imminent disaster, for all 300.” things you learned, when you to be out in the streets. But
program, we developed Santa George himself wrote of were writing that book! Maybe,
“A Quest for a Cause of Fr. George J. Willmann, S.J.”. We
Father Hurley, who was
Rita into a feverishly active this: in the years to come, you’ll get Superior of the Mission, made further urge you to fervently seek Fr. Willmann’s intercession
Coffee Canteen, open day and “Before the Japanese entry another chance!” This was the final decision. He said to in all your petitions for God’s graces and to report to the
night. With the aid of many into Manila, the Archbishop prophetic. After being ordained, the carolers: “The soldiers Foundation all blessings you may have received with the
K of C brothers and other had entrusted to the Knights Father de la Costa was sent need this. They feel pretty low. intercession of Fr. Willmann.
Catholic friends, this center the entire operation of Santa to Harvard, for a doctorate If you get into a bombing while
became extremely popular. Rita Hall. A large concrete in history. His dissertation you are on the road, get out of KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
The location was magnificent, building on Taft Avenue, was a history book: “The the car and dive into a ditch. FR. GEORGE J. WILLMANN CHARITIES, INC.
and the aroma of our Chase one of Manila’s principal Jesuits In The Philippines”. You’ll be safe, in a ditch.” The Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana Sts., Intramuros, Manila
and Sanborn became famous. thoroughfares, Santa Rita When Horacio was assigned carolers did this. Tel. Nos. 527-2223 local 221 & 527-2244 (Fax)
Throughout the foxholes now became a haven for fire to graduate studies in history, But even while they were APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
and air raid shelters of the refugees from burnt-out George smiled and said: “There! singing at Midnight Mass in to FATHER GEORGE J. WILLMANN, S.J. FELLOW
beleaguered forces, the cry was sections of Manila, for students See? God draws straight, with the Ateneo, the bombs were
‘Go to Santa Rita for a cup of and other provincianos unable crooked lines!” booming, all around. 1. Name of Applicant (individual or institution):
real American coffee.’ Needless to return to their provinces, At Christmas time, the The city was filled with the ______________________________________________
to say, ‘Everybody Welcome! and for marooned sailors or young Jesuits went caroling premonition of disaster. (to
Everything Free!’ was the rule.” survivors of ships lying in the in the hospitals. The military be continued on the next 2. Address: _______________________________________
___________________________ Tel. Nos. ________________
But Santa Rita was more bottom of Manila Bay. At one hospitals were in deep, dark issue)
3. Office Name & Address: _________________________
Pray / C1 _______________________ Tel. Nos. ________________
brothers and sisters all over The Knights of Columbus of Columbus. We are not “We are reaching out in
4. K of C Council Number and Location: ___________________
the world,” said Reyes, who Supreme Council has pledged exclusive. We are inclusive prayer and support for our
is also the K of C Luzon North to financially assist the victims because love is inclusive,” brother Knights and their 5. Enclosure: ___________________________________
Deputy and Chairman of and their families, regardless said Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, families in their time of
the Knights of Columbus of their religion. KCFAPI’s Spiritual Director. grief and loss, remembering [ ] Cash P ____________
Fraternal Association of the Sulu is a predominantly The Supreme Council will especially those who were [ ] PMO/check No.___________
Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI). Muslim province, where also be donating financial killed or injured in this (Note: Please make check payable to KC Fr. George J.
An estimated 200 million security forces are fighting assistance for the repair of senseless attack on a Willmann Charities, Inc.)
Christians globally face the several groups that claim the Jolo cathedral which Catholic sanctuary,” SK Date: _________________________________________
threat of persecution because allegiance to Islamic State. remain unused since the Anderson earlier said.
of their faith. “This is the Knights bombings. (CBCPNews) Signature: _____________________________________
Brother’s Insight / C2
Pondering the Words / C2
rin ang iyong tiyan Nanay. Tanda niyo Nay, tulungan mo ako! aking kasalanan na dapat kong sapitin
po yun Nay? Ang saya saya natin. Pinilit kong tumakbo para makaiwas ang napaka sakit at napaka lupit na Also, fasting is not done to will see how beautiful is the
Ngunit, isang umaga, sa hinde ko ngunit naipit ng bakal ang isa kong kamatayan. give what is excess but to feast that awaits us on Easter
maintindihang dahilan, kabadong kabado braso at ito’y pinilit na hinila hanggang Nay, kung minarapat niyo, birthday eliminate our needs in order Sunday. The barren tree will
ako at damang dama ko ang iyong mapigtas sa aking maliit na katawan. ko sana sa ika dalawampu’t lima ng to feed others. We share with bear fruit. Our weary and dry
pagka aburido at lungkot. Lagi ka nalang Napaka-sakit Nay, ano ba ang Marso, kapistahan ng pagpapahayag ni them not a small parcel of souls will be souls refreshed
balisa at hinde mapakali. Ako naman ay nangyayari? Bumalik ang bakal at ang Arkanghel Gabriel kay Inang Maria na what we have but a great and rejuvenated because it
nakararamdam ng pangamba. Pangambang nahagip naman ay ang isa kong hita. nasa sinapupunan niya at magiging ina portion of what we need. In is purified by our heed to
hinde ko maintindihan kung bakit. At ganun din ang ginawa hanggang siya ng anak ng Diyos na si Hesukristo. the eyes of God, we are not a respond to God’s call.
Ay salamat, pagkaraan ng isang nabunot ito sa aking munting katawan Nay, sana po maalaala niyo po ako at single individual but a single Through this Holy Fasting
lingo, naramdaman kong napa relax at ako’y pumanaw na Nay. ipagdasal ang aking kaluluwa. church, a united church. We we will be worthy partakers of
ka Nay at mukhang maganda ang Nakita ng aking kaluluwa and pira Laking pasasalamat ko pa rin sa are given because we need the Feast of Jesus’ resurrection
iyong pagkakatulog. Ngunit ano itong piraso kong katawan, durog na durog Panginoon na kahit sa mahigit apat na to share it. The love of God in this life and the life to come
sumisilip sa akin? Ano itong bakal na at pati aking magandang mukha ay buwan lang kita nakilala Nay, alam kong is not a selfish love, but a where we will celebrate with
parang may hinahanap. Kina kabahan wasak na wasak. Bakit Nay? Bakit minahal mo din ako. selfless love. all the heavenly hosts, with
na naman ako at pabilis ng pabilis ang ninyo pinabayaang patayin ako ng I love you Nanay. You know naman Selflessly, fulfilling our our eternal Lord and King,
tibok ng aking puso. Napasigaw ako ng, walang kalaban laban? Ano po ba ang di ba? duties this Lenten season, we Jesus Christ.
C4 March 18 - 31, 2019, Vol 23, No. 06 THE CROSS

42nd Annual Family Service Awards

THE 42nd Annual Family Service
Awards was held by KCFAPI at
Puerto Princesa, Palawan last March
8 to 10, 2019. This year’s celebration
is one of the grandest with a total
of 31 awardees who celebrated this
momentous occasion with their
The Annual Family Service
Awards is an event held to recognize
and honor our productive and
valiant Fraternal Benefits Managers
and Fraternal Counselors. The
Award for Area Managers has
three categories: the Area Manager
of the Year followed by an Area
Manager of the Year Runner up, The Annual Family Service Awardees together with the KCFAPI Board of Trustees headed by Chairman Jose C. Reyes, Jr., President Ramoncito A. Ocampo and Directors of Keys Realty and Development Corporation
during their Gala Night last March 8, 2019 at the City States Asturias Hotel, Palawan.
and finally the President’s Circle.
For Fraternal Counselors, there are
four categories: Fraternal Counselor
of the Year, Fraternal Counselor of
the Year Runners-up, Chairman
Knights of the Round Table, and the
President’s Circle.
The Annual award festivities were
held at the City States Asturias Hotel
in Palawan. This 3-day festivity started
with the Awards Night. Bro. Ramoncito
A. Ocampo, KCFAPI President opened
the awarding with a congratulatory
message followed by the introduction
of the awardees. All of them were given
recognition for their excellent and
tireless service to their Brother Knights
and their immediate families. Our
Bro. Lauro L. Evangelista, Area Manager of the Year from the Central Luzon Evangelizers 1 together with Bro. Leonardo O. Gatuz, Fraternal Counselor of the Year from the Central Luzon Evangelizers 1 together
handsome gentlemen were in their best his family and the Board of Trustees of KCFAPI and KCFAPI EVP Ma. Theresa G. Curia. with his family.
attire and the gorgeous ladies were in
their dresses and evening gowns. The Knights and their immediate families what he is doing as an Area Manager. and their families spent island themed fellowship wherein the
event was capped with a closing remark which paved the way for him to gain He also added that through this he hopping in Honda bay where they participants paraded their outfits
by the KCFAPI Chairman, Justice Jose their trust and support making him gained the true meaning of “love thy visited 3 islands. The first of which adorned with floral patterns. The
C. Reyes, Jr. exceed his targets. On the otherhand, neighbor” which opened his eyes was the Starfish Island, followed by program opened with a welcome
During the festivities, both top Bro. Lauro L. Evangelista, Area to the needs of others. The Culture a small island locals affectionately remark given by the KCFAPI EVP
awardees also gave their very Manager of the Year from the Central of Life which says that we are the named “Luli” (Lulubog, Lilitaw) Ma. Theresa G. Curia. After dinner,
inspiring acceptance speeches which Luzon Evangelizers 1, mentioned a protector of life wherein he saw because it appears when it is low four groups composed of awardees
talks about gratitude and gave quote of Adam Grant which states the need to help our sick brethren tide while it disappears during high from Central Luzon Evangelizers,
encouragement to other Fraternal “The culture of a workplace – an may it be physical, emotional or tide and the Cowrie Island. Other Central Luzon Believers, a combined
Counselors and Area Managers. organization’s values, norms and spiritual. That it is important to let awardees chose to see the sights of Northern Mindanao-Protectors and
Bro. Leonardo O. Gatuz, Fraternal practices – has a huge impact on our Brothers feel our sincerity in Palawan through a city tour which Northern Mindanao Hunters group,
Counselor of the Year from the our happiness and success.”. He our Fraternal Love. Lastly, he talked included the Crocodile Farm and and the combined North Eastern
Central Luzon Evangelizers 1, said further talked about CLE Culture about Evangelization which is our Nature Park, Baker’s Hill, Mitra Luzon Lions, North Eastern Luzon
in his speech that though it was which means, the Culture of Charity, mission in propagating God’s love to Ranch, Plaza Cuartel, Pasalubong Cavaliers, and North Western Luzon
challenging, he responded to the Life and Evangelization. He used man and that it is our main mission Center, and City Bay Walk. On Thunders performed. The night was
call by giving time to communicate, Charity as his guiding principle in to bring God’s words to others. their second night, the awardees filled with music and fun, perfectly
care and relate to his fellow Brother order for him to find meaning in On the second day, the awardees and their families had a Havana capturing the theme. (EBMallari)

From L to R: Angelito A. Bala, VP for Actuarial and Business Development, Mary Magdalene
G. Flores, VP for Treasury, BRO and HRCC, Pascual C. Carbero, Former KCFAPI Treasurer,
Insurance Commisioner Atty. Dennis B. Funa, Ma. Theresa G. Curia, KCFAPI Executive
Vice President, George S. Ongkeko Jr., Deputy Commisioner for Technical Services, Gari
M. San Sebastian, VP for Fraternal Benefits Group and Ronulfo Antero G. Infante, Vice
President for MIS, Underwriting and Administration during the awarding of Certificate
of Authority last February 28, 2019 at the office of the Insurance Commission, Manila.

Kompass Credit and Financing Corporation (KCFC) Chairman Rene V. Sarmiento together
with Vice Chairman, Arsenio Isidro G. Yap, President, Pascual C. Cabero, Corporate
Secretary, Elmer Z. Eroles, Treasurer James L. Layaoen, EVP and General Manager, Ma.
Theresa G. Curia, KCFAPI Officers during the 5th Anniversary celebration of Kompass
last March 13, 2019.

KCFAPI Officers, employees, Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, KCFAPI Spiritual Director and Fr.
Mario Jose C. Ladra during the KCFAPI Pilgrimage last March 2, 2019 in the Diocese
of Malolos, Bulacan

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