CBCP Monitor April Vol23 No09
CBCP Monitor April Vol23 No09
CBCP Monitor April Vol23 No09
Nuncio tells
youth to be
of mercy,
peace at
end of NYD
By Roy Lagarde His peace and make you all an
instrument of His love, mercy and
peace,” Caccia added.
THE papal nuncio to the Organizers said the Mass drew
Philippines encouraged 20,000 pilgrims from across the
country that attended the five-
young people “to be
day gathering of prayer, music,
the light” of the world catechism and community service.
especially to those who The turnout is said to be the
suffer and are longing for biggest in NYD’s history since it
love and peace. started in 1986.
Addressing a huge crowd at Also present were about a
the closing Mass of the National hundred priests, nuns and bishops
Youth Day in Cebu City on April led by Archbishop Romulo Valles,
28, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia president of the Catholic Bishops’
urged them to never get tired of Conference of the Philippines.
being instruments of hope among
their peers. Imitate Mary’s example
“This is our vocation,” Caccia said Earlier, Archbishop Jose Palma
in his homily. “The world needs of Cebu urged the pilgrims to be
light and each one of you is this servants to one another.
small light but together it’s more Speaking at the NYD opening
than enough to give hope, love ceremony at the city’ sports complex
and life”. on April 24, he highlighted the way
As the Church prepares for the Mary was always open to the Lord’s
500 years of Christianity in the will, describing her as a role model
Philippines in 2021, he urged the to be followed.
youth to be active and spread the “We know that like her (Mary),
faith by being witness to Jesus. we are beloved, gifted and
“We want to go far. We receive empowered,” Palma told the more
this gift of faith through the than 15,000 pilgrims from across
witnesses of so many generations the country.
but we want this faith continue to “As you come we repeat over and
shine,” he said. over again like what Mary did, ‘I am
“So my wish today is that the the servant of the Lord,’” he said. Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, visits Cebu’s renowned historical landmark, Magellan’s Cross, after the closing Mass
Risen Christ may give all of you NYD / A7 of the National Youth Day, April 28. SAMMY NAVAJA
Negros bishop pays tribute Voters warned vs bets who allowed killings, corruption
to farmers on Labor Day A CATHOLIC archbishop Evangelist Cathedral in political coalitions. It is a for truth, sovereignty, and
warned the faithful against Dagupan City, he cited the godly concern,” said Villegas. human dignity?”
voting for candidates who “6Ks” or kamatayan (death), “Have they contributed to Once again he noted how
may have contributed to kabastusan ( vulgarity), the current problem of 6Ks? the continued killings does
the continued killings and korapsyon (corruption), Have they actively cheered not solve problems on drugs
corruption in the country. kahirapan (poverty), and encouraged, enabled and and criminality.
Archbishop Socrates kasarinlan (independence), supported the purveyors of Also, he noted that vulgarity
Villegas of Lingayen- and kasinungalingan (lies) the 6Ks?” he furthered. “is not Filipino” who loves
Dagupan took the Divine as among the problems the “Have they been quiet God, and that “there’s no
Mercy Sunday Mass to country is facing today. fence sitters who just allowed place in heaven for liars”.
call on voters to be more “Have they given the orders the 6Ks to turn from bad to Villegas stressed that liar
discerning in the coming May to kill? Have they protected worse? Silence in the face of candidates should not be
13 midterm polls. liars? Truth is not a political evil is itself evil,” he aded. voted as they “will be the
In a pastoral message issue; it is a moral issue. “Have they chosen to stay future corrupt officials”.
read at the St. John the Human dignity goes beyond safe rather than stand up Warned / A7
Rwandan bishops apologize for letter urging pardon their faith by being kind and courteous to their clients and
cutting out the gossip and petty chitchat, Pope Francis said.
“May you always act with integrity, thereby making a positive
for genocide perpetrators contribution to the common good,” he told cosmetologists
who belong to an Italian Catholic association dedicated to
KIGALI, Rwanda— The The bishops had issued April 7 at the Genocide and protect Tutsis. In other St. Martin de Porres. Speaking April 29 to members of the
Catholic bishops of Rwanda a pastoral letter March Memorial Center in the cases, they took up arms association, who were on pilgrimage to Rome, the pope asked
have apologized for calling 25 commemorating the capital city of Kigali. against them, ushering that their patron saint help them live out their Christian
for the release of old and victims of the genocide, President Paul Kagame them into church buildings values in the workplace. “May he inspire you, above all, to
ill prisoners convicted urging reconciliation and and leaders from Africa and with false promises of carry out your profession in a Christian way, treating clients
for crimes committed forgiveness in the face of the European Union were security and then trapping with kindness and courtesy, always offering them a kind and
during the country’s 1994 violence, but including a in attendance, the Catholic and betraying them, encouraging word, avoiding the temptation of gossip that
genocide. sentence exhorting those Information Service for facilitating their massacre. easily finds its way in your workplace, too. Everyone knows
“We wrote to Christians, responsible for older or sick Africa reported. The Church has since this,” he said. (Carol Glatz/CNS)
encouraging them to perpetrators to “examine The bishops apologized played a large role in helping
continue promoting unity whether their sentences can for issuing the pastoral to promote reconciliation In about-face, Peruvian archbishop withdraws suit
and reconciliation, while be reduced.” letter during the period of and forgiveness. More than against journalists
also seeking forgiveness,” Twenty-five years ago commemoration. half of Rwanda’s population After a court ruled in his favor, Peruvian Archbishop Jose
the bishops said in an this month, ethnic tensions “After this tragedy of is Catholic. Eguren Anselmi of Piura unexpectedly withdrew his defamation
April 7 statement signed by in Rwanda boiled over as genocide against the The country’s bishops suit against two journalists who accused him of knowing about
Bishop Phillippe Rukamba members of the Hutu ethnic Tutsis, the light of the in November 2016 issued abuses that occurred within an influential Catholic movement.
of Butare, the president majority took up machetes Lord’s resurrection was an official apology for Winning the initial suit against Pedro Salinas, the archbishop
of the Rwandan bishops’ and turned on their minority not quenched –asking Christians’ role in the said, “gave rise to a series of unjustified reactions, including
conference. Tutsi neighbors, friends, and giving forgiveness can genocide. within the church,” so for “a greater good, which is the unity
“This letter caused a lot and colleagues, killing them become a means of building “We apologize for all of the mystical body of Christ,” he was withdrawing his claim,
of hurt, especially for what based on the color of their a tomorrow for everyone,” the wrongs the Church said a statement released by the Archdiocese of Piura April
we requested on behalf skin and the width of their the bishops said. committed. We apologize 24. The following day, the archbishop released a statement
of the elderly and sickest nose. In the 1994 genocide, on behalf of all Christians saying that he would “renounce my right to defend my honor”
who are still in prison for In the 100-day genocide clergy members were for all forms of wrongs we and also withdraw a separate lawsuit against journalist Paola
the crime of genocide. We that followed, it is estimated included in the ranks of committed. We regret that Ugaz. (Junno Arocho Esteves/CNS)
are saddened it offended that 1 million people were both perpetrators and church members violated
people – this was not what slaughtered. victims. In some cases, (their) oath of allegiance Pope Francis gives $500,000 to support migrants in
we intended,” the bishops Rwandans marked the Hutu priests, bishops. and to God’s commandments,” Mexico
said. anniversary of the tragedy religious helped to hide they wrote. (CNA) Peter’s Pence, a global charitable fund overseen by Pope
Francis, will support migrants in limbo in Mexico, the charity
Sri Lankan police chief resigns over bombings has announced. “Men and women, often with young children,
flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United
States,” said the Peter’s Pence website. “However, the U.S. border
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka— The Sri Lanka minister nor other top administrators inaccurate calculation. A correction remains closed to them.” “All these people were stranded, unable
chief of police resigned this week after were made privy to the information. has been issued and the death toll is to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood,” the
bombings left dead more than 200 “It was a major lapse in the sharing an estimated 253. announcement continued. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands
Christians on Easter morning. An of information,” said Deputy Defense Funeral Masses were held for the of them in the hotels within dioceses or religious congregations,
official at the defense ministry has Minister Ruwan Wijewardene, victims of the churches in Negombo providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing.” A
also stepped down. according to the Journal. and Colombo April 23. $500,000 allocation will go to 27 projects in 16 dioceses and
Pujith Jayasundara stepped down Cardinal Malcom Ranjith of Shortly after the attack, the religious congregations who are seeking to provide housing, food
April 25, and the announcement was Colombo said that the Church had authorities blamed National and basic necessities to the migrants. (CNA)
made the following day. also not been given this information, Thowheed Jamath, a local Islamist
Earlier this week, the country’s Reuters reported. group, but Islamic State issued a video Pope sends message of peace to the Korean peninsula
president, Maithripala Sirisena, had “We didn’t know anything. It came Tuesday taking responsibility for the Pope Francis sent a video message Saturday to the leaders
requested Jayasundara’s resignation, as a thunderbolt for us,” he said. attack. No proof has been provided of South and North Korea expressing his hope for a future of
citing mishandled information related Before 9 am, suicide bombers attacked that the group is behind the attack. peace and unity for the peninsula on the anniversary of the inter-
to the bombings. during Easter Mass at St. Anthony’s In the video, Hashim is seen at the Korean summit. “I pray that this anniversary of the Panmunjom
According to CNN, in weeks prior Shrine in Colombo and St. Sebastian’s center of seven masked men, who Declaration may bring about a new era of peace for all Koreans,”
to the attack, Indian intelligence in Negombo. Another attack occurred at are allegedly the suicide bombers. Pope Francis said in his video message released April 27. “May
agencies had shared relevant an evangelical Zion Church in Batticaloa Reportedly, he has posted numerous this celebration offer hope to all that a future based on unity,
information with Sri Lanka. The data at the same time. Later in the afternoon, radical teachings online. dialogue and fraternal solidarity is indeed possible,” he said.
had been extracted from a member of a zoo, private resident, and three luxury More than70 people have been With the Panmunjun Declaration—a peace agreement signed
the Islamic State with connections to hotels were also bombed. arrested in correlation to the attack by North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and South Korean
Zahran Hashim, who is believed to be Previously, figures stated that 359 and thousands of soldiers have President Moon Jae-In on April 27, 2018—the two leaders
one of the people behind the attack. people were killed by the attacks, been deployed for security purposes established a common goal of complete denuclearization of the
Jayasundra had issued a memo but the number is now considered throughout the island. Nightly curfews Korean peninsula. (Courtney Grogan/CNA)
of caution April 11, but government to be wrong due to distortions of and other safety measures have also
officials said neither the prime the mangled bodies causing an been put in place. (CNA)
CBCP Monitor April 29 - May 12, 2019, Vol 23, No. 09 NEWS FEATURES A3
Religious liberty report highlights Churches have been targets of attack in South Asia
China’s repression of Muslims, BANGKOK— Several experts
believe the threat to churches
Christians in South and Southeast Asia
has increased following the
WASHINGTON D.C.— The Nigeria, Russia, Syria, Easter bomb attacks that
majority of the world’s Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. killed more than 250 people
worst violators of religious In addition the group and injured 500.
freedom are found in the identified 12 countries that Churches in those
Middle East, Asia, and Africa, meet either one or two regions -- which have 150
according to a report from the of the three criteria for a million Catholics and other
United States Commission CPC, placing them on the Christians -- have been the
on International Religious “Tier 2” list. These include focus of attacks in a growing
Freedom released Monday. Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, number of countries in recent
The report’s introduction Bahrain, Cuba, Egypt, India, years, including fatal bomb
focused on abuses against Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, attacks on churches in the
China’s Uyghur Muslims. Laos, Malaysia, and Turkey. Philippines and Indonesia by
USCIRF released April Among the non-state Islamic radicals in the past 12
29 its 20th annual report entities of concern this months.
documenting the world’s year, USCIRF identified the Authorities in Sri Lanka
worst violators of religious Islamic State, the Taliban in and Australia have confirmed
freedom. With the exception Afghanistan, al-Shabaab in the Sri Lanka attackers had
of Cuba—the only majority Somalia, and, making their links to Islamic State, which
Chirstian country listed, first appearance on the list claimed credit for the attack.
other than Russia— all the this year, the Houthis in Militant preacher Zahran
countries identified as the Yemen and Hayat Tahrir al- Hashim, who authorities
worst offenders are located Sham, an Islamist militant believe died as one of the An explosion rocked St. Sebastian’s Church in Negombo, Sri Lanka, on Easter Sunday, April 21. COURTESY OF ST. SEBASTIAN CHURCH
in the eastern hemisphere. group in Syria. suicide attackers at the
“Our goal is not only to The Houthis are a Shiite Shangri-La Hotel, has been targets; and the possibility of Church services were soon,” President Maithripala
call out the offenders, but to Muslim tribe that took named the founder and leader someone with international canceled across Sri Lanka Sirisena said.
provide concrete actions for control of a key territory and of the now banned National jihad experience entering the the weekend of April 28 Chellaney noted that
the U.S. government to take in chased the president from Thowheeth Jama’ath group country,” said Sidney Jones, and churches were closed Muslim militants who had
working with these countries the capital city in 2015, and responsible. DNA tests are director of the Jakarta-based indefinitely as a precautionary returned from fighting for
to get off our lists,” USCIRF Saudi Arabia and some Arab being undertaken to confirm Institute for Policy Analysis measure. On April 26, Islamic State and other
Chair Tenzin Dorjee said in allies intervened on behalf this. and Conflict. The group Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of groups in Syria and other part
a release accompanying the of the opposing faction. “Radical Islamic groups, published a report on the Colombo told reporters that of the Middle East are present
report. Iran continues to back the some affiliated with larger Ongoing Problem of pro-ISIS church officials had seen a in a range of Asian counties
Each year the group Houthis, who are battling the extremist networks, have been cells in Indonesia April 29. leaked security document “from the Philippines and
identifies “countries of Saudi-led coalition for control quietly gaining influence in Jones said that while describing Roman Catholic Indonesia to the Maldives
particular concern” using of the country, especially the an arc of countries extending authorities in Indonesia, and other churches as major and Uzbekistan.”
the criteria of “systematic, strategically important port from the Maldives to the the world’s most populous targets. He likened the current
ongoing, egregious violations” city of Hodeidah. Philippines archipelago, Muslim country, appeared “We don’t want repetitions,” situation to that of three
of religious freedom. The resulting three-year and the threat they pose to have the terrorist threat Cardinal Ranjith said. decades ago when Osama
Non-state actors are given long Yemeni civil war has left can no longer be ignored,” reasonably under control, But on April 28, people bin Laden and other al-
the designation “entities of between 13,500 and 80,000 Brahma Chellaney, professor it was possible for some in Colombo prayed outside Qaida leaders emerged after
particular concern” using people dead and millions of strategic studies at the groups to slip through the St. Anthony’s Shrine, one cutting their teeth in the U.S.-
similar criteria. displaced, with an estimated New Delhi-based Centre for cracks as they had done in of the attacked churches backed war against the Soviet
Some of these violations 14 million or so people facing Policy Research, wrote for the May 2018 deadly church that suffered significant occupation of Afghanistan.
include torture or cruel, pre-famine conditions. his widely distributed Project bombings at Surabaya. damaged. Authorities also “This new generation of
inhuman, or degrading The report particularly Syndicate column. But she added that it tried to persuade Muslims jihadi veterans could haunt
treatment or punishment; highlights the plight of the “In fact, the grisly Sri was “hard to think of any to refrain from traditional the security of Asia, the
prolonged detention Uyghur Muslim minority Lankan bombings are a government in the region Friday prayer services on Middle East and the West
without charges; causing the in China. To date, between reminder that Asia -- not the that would be as lax as Sri April 26, but some were open for years to come,” he said.
disappearance of persons by 800,000 to 2 million Middle East -- is the region Lanka. Southeast Asian and, like all religious sites in Still, Jones said that while
the abduction or clandestine Uighurs—or about 10% most afflicted by terrorist governments with large Sri Lanka, are now subject to she could not “speculate
detention of those persons; of their population—have violence.” Muslim populations are heavy security. on the role of returnees, in
or other flagrant denial of been detained and sent to The prognosis comes as particularly vigilant; China, On April 29, the Sri Indonesia, the biggest danger
the right to life, liberty, or “re-education camps” to the so-called Islamic State of course, is turning Xinjiang Lankan authorities banned is from those who never left,
the security of persons, the be subjected to abuse and has splintered and gone back into a technological state-of- the burqa, a Muslim female not those coming back.”
report says. political indoctrination. underground following the the-art detention center for face covering, a move it She believes the biggest
Among the 16 countries The report calls on the defeat of its caliphates in Uighurs.” has been mulling since the danger will come, like
designated as CPCs for 2019 US government to sanction Iraq and Syria as well as the Jones told Catholic News attacks. Such a move has not in Sri Lanka, from small
are ten flagged by the state those in the Chinese continued operation of other Service she believed that prevented ongoing attacks in groups. “These groups by
department in November government responsible for terrorist groups linked to al- “the added significance of other nations, such as France and large come together
2018: Myanmar, China, the detention of the Uyghurs. Qaida in the region. churches is just for pro- and Canada, where it has with little vetting, training,
Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, It also recommends the “In the wake of the Sri Lanka ISIS groups, not al-Qaida. been instituted. indoctrination, weapons or
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, appointment of a special attacks, Indonesia needs to They’ve been recirculating “We now have info that experience. What they have
Sudan, Tajikistan, and advisor to the president be particularly alert to the the ideological justification there are about 140 people in unlimited quantities is zeal
Turkmenistan. The list also on international religious increased role of pro-ISIS that appeared in a number in Sri Lanka linked to the and a desire for recognition.”
includes six other countries: freedom. women; possibly enhanced of IS magazines in recent Islamic State. We can and we (Michael Sainsbury/
Central African Republic, Christians / A6 attraction of churches as years.” will eradicate all of them very CNS)
A4 OPINION April 29 - May 12, 2019, Vol 23, No. 09 CBCP Monitor
Fr. Roy Cimagala
THE Easter joy, which is earned for unworthy we feel we are in our relation ourselves with Christ, then like him we
PROTAGONIST OF TRUTH, PROMOTER OF PEACE us by Christ, should go way beyond with Christ, let’s not hesitate to identify would try always to be humble, to be
feelings. It should enter deep into ourselves with him as completely as willing to serve everyone, to suffer, to
Pedro Quitorio our soul, transforming us into Easter possible, just as Christ identifies himself love all, even our enemies. Like Christ,
Editor-in-Chief persons, completely identified with the with each one of us all the way. we would try our best to do nothing
risen Christ who identifies himself with It’s not presumptuous of us to assume other than the will of God.
Nirva’ana E. Delacruz Ron Ramos, Sky Ortigas us all the way to offering his life for us, the identity of Christ even if such identity Joy, a deep sense of confidence and
Associate Editor Design Artists and conquering sin and death for us with is still in the process of completion while security, the conviction that everything
his resurrection. we are still here on earth. We just have to will always work out for the good even
Roy Lagarde Mercedita Juanite Yes, we will still have our weaknesses, try our best. Christ will always be around if we commit mistakes, should always
News Editor Circulation Manager
we will always be hounded by to help us. We should not be held captive be with us, because Christ takes care
temptations, we will fall into sin. But by feelings of unworthiness, shame and of everything. Ours is simply to try
Christine Paguirigan Marcelita Dominguez
Managing Editor Comptroller let’s never forget that Christ has taken fear. These are tricks of the devil to keep our best in doing good, even if our best
care of all of these for us, offering us us away from Christ. efforts will never be enough according
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the help, forgiveness and salvation. We should not worry if our assumption to God’s standards. They can always be
CBCP - Media Office with editorial and business offices
at 3rd Floor, CBCP Compound, 470 General Luna As St. Paul said, Christ made himself of Christ’s identity may lead us to feel made better.
Street, Intramuros, Manila. Email Address: cbcpmonitor@ like sin without committing sin so he proud and conceited. To be sure, such We should just be sport with our
areopaguscommunications.com, Business: (632) 404 - 1612. can identify himself with us even in our possibility is a temptation from the human condition here on earth. The
ISSN 1908-2940.
worst human condition. No matter how devil, because if we are truly identifying Candidly Speaking / A6
CBCP Monitor April 29 - May 12, 2019, Vol 23, No. 09 OPINION A5
A National Youth
Spaces of Hope Day experience Life Matters
Fr. Carmelo O. Diola Carlos Palad
A FEW weeks from now, all to say, many of our country’s like actors and actresses and good and achievements. A personal evil. Don’t be discouraged. Vote.
legitimate voters will troop to torments are caused by our own advertising schemes to win the handshake from the candidates or Our failure to vote may allow the
the polling precincts to elect a failure to choose the right leaders hearts of the voters. Nowadays, personal appearances should not candidate we least like to win.
new set of public servants or re- to govern us. Unfortunately, until few candidates will take the time influence our choice. 4. THINK OF YOUR DEEPER
elect the incumbents. We expect now, many Filipinos will not even to announce their programs and 2. LOOK FOR PATTERNS. MOTIVATION. In choosing, be
a tight race between President bother to seriously discern on platforms. Take time to study candidates’ aware of your innermost motivation.
Duterte’s powerful allies against the whom to vote. Many will simply Let’s pause for a while. Ask achievements. Are they consistent Are you thinking of the common
underdogs. The days of discernment vote for their favorite candidates or ourselves. How do you choose in fulfilling their promises? Learn good? Or are you trying to preserve
of choosing the right leaders are the candidates whose names they your candidates? Is it a result of from the past. Don’t vote candidates some personal interest?
almost over. The fate of our country remembered. Our vote is not based discernment based on hard facts who are consistently involved in any 5. PRAY. Don’t stop praying for all
lies now in our hands. Choose the on the qualifications and qualities and data? To help us choose the form of graft and corruption. Vote legitimate voters. Pray for a clean,
right leaders, and we shall move of the candidates, but simply on right candidate, here are some for those who are consistent in good honest, and well-discerned election.
one step towards progress. Choose whether or not we like or know points for consideration: governance. The future of our country lies in our
the wrong guy, and we remain in the candidates. Some may even 1. BE AWARE OF OUR 3. DISCERN WELL. In some ability to discern well and choose
our misery. come to precincts undecided about EMOTIONS AND BIASES. Your cases, we don’t have good candidates the right leaders.
While praying hard for a whom to vote, they will simply rely choice should not be influenced to choose from. Sometimes, all the Don’t blame our government for
clean and honest election, the on popularity, name recall, and by your emotions and biases. Vote candidates are allegedly involved in all the woes of our country, let’s
importance of choosing the right guesswork. Thus, many candidates for the right person. Consider some form of graft and corruption. blame ourselves for not choosing
leaders dawned on me on. Sad have utilized popular personalities the candidates’ qualities, values, In this case, choose the lesser the legitimate leaders.
A6 LOCAL NEWS April 29 - May 12, 2019, Vol 23, No. 09 CBCP Monitor
Bishop Gerardo Alminaza celebrates Mass for National Youth Day pilgrims at San Carlos Seminary in
Cebu City April 26. MICHAEL DALOGDOG
The San Antonio de Padua Church in the heritage town of Pila, Laguna was declared a national shrine
during a Mass on April 23. ROY LAGARDE
Q: A few years ago I attended Mass celebrate an entire Eucharist in the faithful into believing that a proper
(did not concelebrate) where it case of a person in danger of death Mass has been celebrated is added,
became obvious that the chalice or lack of bread or wine due to war then the crime of simulation of a
had nothing in it. This was obvious or persecution.” sacrament (Canon 1379) may also
when the priest lifted the chalice to It should be noted that the expression be present.
drink from it, looked around, and “nefas est” is very strong and is used What causes perplexity is why
handed it to the server. I asked in very rarely in canon law. Practically a priest should recur to such a
the sacristy afterward, and indeed its only other appearance is in measure as “celebrating” with an
it had been empty. I actually was at Canon 983 §1 regarding the absolute empty chalice.
another Mass a year or so after that prohibition to reveal what is heard Although, as our reader says, heresy
one, different city, where the same in confession. or malevolence may not be present,
thing happened. In both cases, it In the 1983 edition of the Code of ignorance of the gravity of this
was clearly the compos mentis of the Canon Law, the strong language act should not be presumed since
priest, not heresy or malevolence, or was not accompanied by any specific priests are supposed to know canon
any such thing. Is the host validly penalty for violations. However, law.
consecrated in such a circumstance? on April 30, 2001, Pope St. John Psychological barriers would require
Can Communion be distributed Paul II promulgated a letter Motu special treatment, but the priest
to the faithful? – J.M., St. John’s, propio “Sacramentorum Sanctitatis would not be able to celebrate until
Newfoundland and Labrador Tutela” which, along with other he can do so according to the mind
changes above all geared toward the of the Church.
A: After so many years receiving protection of minors, added Canon There should not be obstacles of
liturgical questions I thought I 927 to the delicts reserved to the a physical nature as the Church is
was past being surprised. But I Congregation for the Doctrine of generous in assisting priests who
must admit that I was somewhat the Faith. have special needs.
nonplussed by this situation. I find it The specific norms regarding A priest who suffers from alcoholism
difficult to grasp why a priest would this canon were updated by Pope is permitted to validly celebrate
undertake what would appear to be Benedict in 2010 and now read: using mustum, which does not
a subterfuge that would lead most “Art. 3 §2. Also reserved to the contain alcohol.
of the faithful to believe the chalice Congregation for the Doctrine Even should a priest suffer from
was being consecrated. of the Faith is the delict which a rare intolerance to all fruits of
The case described is different from consists in the consecration for a the vine, he could be permitted to
a distracted priest who forgets to sacrilegious purpose of one matter concelebrate and receive only under
consecrate one of the species or particularly Canon 927: the issue of validity, but instead, without the other or even of both, the species of bread.
the case of finding at the time of “It is absolutely forbidden, (nefas est) both use the authority of the Church either within or outside of the However, except for these special
communion that there was only even in extreme urgent necessity, to forbid absolutely the consecration Eucharistic celebration. One who concessions, in all Masses, it is
water in the chalice or the wine had to consecrate one matter without of only one element in or outside has perpetrated this delict is to be necessary that both species be
turned to vinegar. Both cases can the other or even both outside the of Mass, or the consecration of punished according to the gravity of consecrated and consumed by
be remedied by discreetly saying Eucharistic celebration.” even both elements apart from the the crime, not excluding dismissal or a priest. Thus the instruction
the form of consecration, with new The Paulist Press commentary on Eucharistic celebration. The phrase deposition.” Redemptionis Sacramentum:
wine if necessary, before distributing this canon states the following: ‘it is absolutely forbidden’ (nefas est) Although this crime is specifically “97. A Priest must communicate at
Communion. “Theological opinion has not been most strongly conveys the Church’s reserved to the Congregation for the altar at the moment laid down by
If celebrating with an empty chalice in agreement on whether the desire to maintain the integrity of the Doctrine of the Faith when it the Missal each time he celebrates
were done deliberately and in full consecration of only one of the the Eucharistic celebration and is committed for a sacrilegious Holy Mass, and the concelebrants
possession of his faculties, then elements suffices for the validity of the two signs of bread and wine. purpose, it remains a canonical must communicate before they
the priest has acted in such a way the Mass. Neither the 1917 code (CIC Excluded are even cases of extreme crime or delict in all cases. proceed with the distribution of Holy
as to gravely violate canon law, 817) nor the revised code resolves necessity, such as lack of time to If the element of inducing the Chalice / B7
CBCP Monitor April 29 - May 12 , 2019 Vol. 23 No. 9 FEATURE B3
Communis Vita
Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio by the Supreme Pontiff Francis which provides for the
modification of several norms of the Code of Canon Law
LIFE in community is an essential
element of religious life, and
“religious are to live in their own
religious house and are not to be
absent from it except with the
permission of their superior” (Can.
665 §1 CIC). The experience of recent
years has, however, demonstrated
that situations occur that are related
to illegitimate absences from the
religious house, during which
religious distance themselves from
the jurisdiction of the legitimate
Superior and at times cannot be
The Code of Canon Law requires
the Superior to seek out the
illegitimately absent religious in
order to help him or her to return
and persevere in his or her vocation
(cf. can. 665 §2 CIC). Quite often,
however, it may happen that the
Superior is unable to locate the
absent religious. Pursuant to the
Code of Canon Law, after at least
six months of illegitimate absence
(cf. can. 696 CIC), it is possible
to begin the process of dismissal
by the institute, according to the
established procedure (cf. can. 697
CIC). However, when the religious’
place of residence is unknown, it
becomes difficult to accord juridical
certainty to the de facto situation.
Therefore, notwithstanding what
is established by the law on dismissal
following six months of illegitimate
absence, in order to help institutes
apply the necessary discipline and
be able to proceed to the dismissal
Pope Francis makes a private visit to a community of cloistered Poor Clare nuns Jan. 11, 2019. The Vatican press office said he visited the monastery of Santa Maria di Vallegloria in Spello, about 100 miles north
of the illegitimately absent religious, of Rome, to encourage the sisters and to share prayer, the Eucharist and a meal with them. VATICAN MEDIA
especially in cases in which his or
her location is unknown, I have a modification of can. 729 with from the religious house, pursuant confirmation rests with the Bishop Letter issued Motu Proprio,
decided to add to can. 694 §1 CIC, regard to secular institutes, for which to can. 665 §2, for 12 consecutive of the principal See. I dispose that it take firm and
among the reasons for dismissal ipso the application of discretionary months, taking into account that Art. 2. Can. 729 CIC is entirely permanent effect, despite any
facto from the institute, also a dismissal for illegitimate absence is the location of the religious himself replaced by the following text: matters to the contrary even if
prolonged illegitimate absence from not provided. or herself may be unknown. Dismissal of a member of the worthy of special mention, and that
the religious house lasting at least Considering the foregoing, I now §2. In such cases the Major institute proceeds pursuant to it be promulgated by publication
12 consecutive months, with the dispose as follows: Superior, with his or her Council cann. 694 §1, 1 and 2; and 695. The in L’Osservatore Romano, entering
same procedure described in can. Art. 1. Can. 694 CIC is entirely and without hesitation, having constitutions may also define other into force on 10 April 2019, and
694 §2 CIC. In order to produce replaced by the following text: gathered the evidence, must issue causes for dismissal, provided that thereafter be published in the official
juridical effects, the statement of §1. A religious must be held the statement of the case so that they be commensurately serious, commentary Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
the case by the Major Superior as dismissed ipso facto from an the dismissal may be juridically external, attributable and juridically Given in Rome at Saint Peter’s
must be confirmed by the Holy See; institute who: constituted. proven, and that the procedure on 19 March 2019 Solemnity of
for institutes of diocesan right, the 1) has defected notoriously from §3. In the case envisaged by established in cann. 697-700 also Saint Joseph seventh year of my
confirmation rests with the Bishop the Catholic faith; §1 n. 3, in order to be juridically be observed. The provisions of can. Pontificate.
of the principal See. 2) has contracted marriage or constituted, this statement must 701 are applicable to the dismissed
The introduction of this new article attempted it, even only civilly; be confirmed by the Holy See; for member.
to §1 of can. 694 requires, moreover, 3) has been illegitimately absent institutes of diocesan right the As deliberated with this Apostolic FRANCIS
a love-driven world
imperfect, our eyes cannot see as bearing witness that he was from gave them to him. Only the one
beyond a certain distance; we have God. And the greatest of his works who belongs to the Father listens
our own cheating propensities (to was the resurrection. More than to Jesus: “Whoever is of God hears
fulfill our selfish desires); thus, the anything else, it was the resurrection every word God speaks. The reason
absolute truth which is completely that unveiled the identity of Jesus you do not hear is that you are not of 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C, John 13:31-35
spiritual can never ever be estimated to the early Christian communities: God” (8:44). Because they belonged May 19, 2019
by our tiny senses. God is infinite he is the Messiah of God. Yet, some to God the Father, they were on the
and we are infinitesimal. Can a questions remain a puzzle. If Jesus side of the truth: “The reason why By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB
fish in a well ever imagine how big is God’s Anointed, how come, during I came into the world is to testify
Atlantic Ocean is?” To which, a self- his public ministry, the Jewish to the truth. Anyone committed to
proclaimed atheist retorted: “On leaders did not believe in him? Why the truth hears my voice” (18:37).
whose order the 3,000 innocents was his messiahship obscure to The disciples followed him (10:14),
were murdered in the Twin Tower them? Why did they persecute him and they knew him (10:4). It was
of New York? Did a god order to do instead? Why is it that despite the the Father who established the
the crime?” But I like the concluding claims he made (John 8:58; Luke relationship between Jesus and the
argument of the believer: “Our 22:67-70), and for all the signs he disciples, his sheep. If, on the other
eyes are so powerless that it cannot performed (John 3:2; 5:36; 10:25), hand, the Jews could not accept
even see in darkness. We need the the Jews rejected him? him, that owed to their spiritual
mercy of the “Sun” (God) to see The unbelief of the Jews, blindness (9:3)—a characteristic of
everything…” This makes it clear despite Jesus’ revelation and works, people who are outside God’s flock
that to believe in him, God has to was obviously troubling to John’s and who are of this world (8:23,47).
touch us first with his mercy, with community as it is probably to us. Anyone who does not belong to God
his grace. The present reading (John 10:27- and is not committed to the truth
From the reading of the 30) provides us John’s answer to the cannot hear his voice or recognize
Gospel, something similar may be problem. If the Jewish leaders did his messiahship.
noted. What will convince us that not believe in Jesus’ messiahship, Messiah / B7
Chalice / B2 Messiah / B6
Communion. The Priest celebrant sometimes addressed the question investigation and, if possible, help Though the Jewish leaders But Ezekiel foresaw a time when
or a concelebrant is never to wait of how to proceed if a priest got sick the priest return to sound practice. rejected him, Jesus remains the God himself would shepherd his
until the people’s Communion immediately after consecrating the Thus Redemptionis Sacramentum: true Messiah. John adduces flock: “I myself will look after and
is concluded before receiving hosts. The common response was “178. Hence whenever a local three arguments. First, Jesus tend my sheep… You, my sheep, you
Communion himself. that another priest could take up the Ordinary or the Ordinary of a cares for his sheep: he knows are the sheep of my pasture and I am
“98. The Communion of Priest Mass from that point on. religious Institute or of a Society them (vv14,27), he is united with your God, says the Lord God” (Ezek
concelebrants should proceed If this were not immediately of apostolic life receives at least a them, lays down his life for them 34:11.31).
according to the norms prescribed possible, then the books indicated plausible notice of a delict or abuse (v11), and gives them eternal life In effect, the recognition that Jesus
in the liturgical books, always using that all consecrated hosts and the concerning the Most Holy Eucharist, (vv10,28). Jesus stands in contrast is the Messiah does not depend on
hosts consecrated at the same Mass unconsecrated chalice were to be let him carefully investigate, either with the messianic pretenders— our own knowledge from textbooks,
and always with Communion under placed in the tabernacle until a personally or by means of another the false messiahs of Jesus’ time, from our own search, or from
both kinds being received by all of priest could come and finish the worthy cleric, concerning the facts insurrectionaries, and probably documentary evidence. If people
the concelebrants. It is to be noted Mass. The hosts were not to be and the circumstances as well as the even the Teacher of Righteousness do not accept Jesus, his teaching
that if the Priest or Deacon hands distributed to the faithful until imputability. at Qumran--who were actually and works, it is because they have
the sacred host or chalice to the the sacrifice was completed by “179. Delicts against the faith as well thieves and robbers; they came not been given over by the Father
concelebrants, he says nothing; that the other priest consuming both as graviora delicta committed in the to steal, slaughter and destroy to Jesus. The acknowledgement
is to say, he does not pronounce the species. celebration of the Eucharist and the (v10). John’s portrait of Jesus as is a gift from the Father. It is he
words ‘The Body of Christ’ or ‘The Although at least as far as I know, other Sacraments are to be referred the Messiah who gives his life for who makes the initiative in giving
Blood of Christ.’” such detailed casuistry has not been without delay to the Congregation his sheep is akin to the Markan us the faculty to see it—the eyes
Although, as mentioned in the addressed in recent documents, for the Doctrine of the Faith, which Messiah—the Crucified Messiah- of faith. Those who are given
commentary cited above: the above procedure would still ‘examines [them] and, if necessary, -who came not to be served but this gift find it easy to see in this
“Theological opinion has not been be the most theologically sound proceeds to the declaration or to serve and to give his life as human Jesus, in this crucified
in agreement on whether the solution in such a case. imposition of canonical sanctions a ransom for all (Mark 10:45). “criminal”, the Messiah of God.
consecration of only one of the The point is not the particular case, according to the norm of common Second, even if attacked, the No wonder, in Matthew’s account
elements suffices for the validity of however, but the fact that such or proper law.’ believers cannot be torn because on the question of Messiahship,
the Mass,” I personally believe that reasoning points to the importance “180. Otherwise the Ordinary should Jesus is the model shepherd who we are told that when Peter said
the arguments and practice tend given to the consecration and proceed according to the norms cares for them, and the Father to Jesus that you are the Messiah,
toward a negative response to the consumption of both species for of the sacred canons, imposing protects them. It is for the Father the Son of the living God, Jesus
question. That is, the consecration the integrity of the sacrifice of the canonical penalties if necessary, that Jesus acts. Because the Father quickly added that the Father gave
of the bread brings about the Real Mass. and bearing in mind in particular is powerful, none of them will be Peter the insight as to who He
Presence of Christ, but the sacrifice Because of the grave nature of that which is laid down by canon snatched away from God, none was (Matt 16:16-18). If we have
of the Mass is not validly celebrated this question, the diocesan bishop 1326. If the matter is serious, let him will be lost. One is reminded of this faith, we can easily recognize
because of the lack of both species. and/or religious superior should inform the Congregation for Divine the sapiential claim: “The souls of his voice. We do not even need
For example, moral theology be informed in all cases so that Worship and the Discipline of the the just are in the hands of God, empirical evidence. And once we
books from the early 20th century he can engage in an appropriate Sacraments.” and no torment shall touch them” are in him, we are assured that
(Wisd 3:1). The Father and Jesus nothing can separate us from him,
Church / B6 are one in protecting them, and though pernicious evils may come:
their protection is very strong, “Who will separate us from the
most decisive, distinctive mark present among us, but the evidence pervades the community, formed because they are one is power and love of Christ? Trial or distress
of Christian discipleship, which that he is alive is the love that by individuals of new heart and new operation (John 10:30). Finally, by or persecution or the sword?…
sets Christianity from other world fills up the Christian community. spirit, in fulfillment of Jeremiah’s way of implication, the prophecy Neither life or death, neither
religions or humanisms, is not so (Infrastructural projects are not an prophecy: “But this is the covenant that God will become the shepherd angels nor principalities, neither
much doctrinal characteristics as evidence of Christ’s presence in the which I will make with the house of his people finds fulfillment in the present nor the future nor
fraternal love. “This is how all will parish.) And as such, the brotherly of Israel after those days, says the Jesus. It may be recalled that in powers, neither height nor depth,
know you for my disciples: your love love injunction ceases to be a Lord. I will place my law within the history of Israel, kings who nor any other creature will be able
for one another” (John 13:35). It is commandment. It really becomes them, and write it upon their hearts; were impious were denounced as to separate us form the love of God
also the Christian epiphany to the a way of life that characterizes I will be their God and they shall be wicked shepherds (see Jer 10:21; that comes to us in Christ Jesus our
world. Christ is no longer physically the community of disciples. It my people” (Jer 31:33). 23:1; Ezek 34:5-6; 1 Kgs 22:17). Lord” (Rom 8:38-39).
B8 ENTERTAINMENT April 29 - May 12 , 2019 Vol. 23 No. 9 CBCP Monitor
Director: David F. Sandberg
Lead Cast: Zachary Levi, Asher
Angel, Mark Strong, Jack Dylan
TERIBOL OG Bladimer Usi
Screenwriter: Henry Gayden
Producers: Peter Safran, David
Witz Editor: Michel Aller
Musical Director: Benjamin
Cinematographer: Maxime
Genre: Fantasy, Super Heroes
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Location: Pennsylvania, USA;
Ontario, Canada
Running Time: 2 hr 11 min
Buhay Parokya
parallel lives. Billy (Asher is so cruel to him. We watched
Angel) wanders away from Levi and Strong in other FIND 3 MISSING THINGS:
his mother in an amusement movies, and they deliver. In 1. ST. PETER’S BASILICA
park and gets lost. He ends Shazam, however, their acting 2. ST. JOHN PAUL II
up in one orphanage, then is contrived. What we bleat 3. HOLY MARY
another, and another, in about the most is this: Shazam
a constant search for his has the power to generate
mother. Eventually he finds lightning, but the screen does
out that she turned around not show that blinding flash
when she saw him with the of electricity. The movie has a
the cops that day at the shortage of lighting. CGI also
park, because she — a single is a bit crude, the monsters
mother — c ouldn’t take the look straight out of a horror
responsibility of raising theme park.
him. Billy realizes his only So what’s the value in
family now, the one that watching Shazam? For one,
genuinely embraces him, is it shows that the ability
not his blood relative but his to give parental love and
foster family. The other boy, nurture is not exclusive to
Thaddeus (Ethan Pugiotto), biological parents — f oster
is slammed by his father parents can, too. Shazam
and bullied by his brother plays up the role of family
for being a weakling. Fate in cultivating character
takes him to a temple where and interdependence. It
he is put to test: can he be demonstrates how family can
guardian of an all-powerful shape children into the kind
staff and supernatural of adults they will become by
sphere that restrains the portraying two parallel lives of
Seven Deadly Sins? He fails. the boys who are both rejected
Billy ends up in the same and abandoned. Billy finds
temple. The dying wizard, love and belonging not with
running out of options, his mother, but in his foster
impels Billy to take the job. family, and once he realized
Billy becomes the accidental that, he “shazammed” into a
superhero Shazam (Zachary superhero with a big heart.
Levi). Thaddeus becomes Thaddeus, so wanting of the
the evil Dr. Sivana (Mark family that nurtures and
Strong) who wants to seize protects, grew up greedy,
power and rule the world. envious and hateful. Shazam
Shazam’s absurdities make also subtly warns about power
us laugh, helplessly in some coming too fast too soon in the
scenes. And they should be hands of youngsters without
appreciated as that: absurd. benefit of direction from
Because when we give them elders. Now be warned that
further thought, we suck the the opening scene showing
fun out of them. There’s a Thaddeus being castigated
disconnect between the young and insulted by his father
Billy who is secretive and and the ensuing car accident
cautious and the flippant is most dreadful. It plays
almost irresponsible Shazam up the guilt that may be
that he becomes. What magnified in the mind of some
accounts for that change, the children.
the two, but John is not to be Breakthrough is based struggling underwater. But break from horror movies,
found until after 15 minutes on the Christian novel “The the pulse of the story beats rom coms and superheroes.
later — when without a pulse Impossible” written by to the rhythm of the real life The movie’s trailer would
DIRECTOR: Roxann Dawson and apparently lifeless, he Joyce Smith herself with medical record which reads: keep skeptics, atheists, and
CAST: Chrissy Metz, Josh Lucas, Topher Grace, Mike Colter, is rushed to the hospital. Ginger Kolbaba. The movie’s “Patient dead, mother prayed, nonbelievers away, but the
Marcel Ruiz, Sam Trammel, Dennis Haysbert The ER staff tries to revive spine is Metz’ impassioned patient came back to life.” movie could act as a spur
SCREENPLAY BY: Grant Nieporte
BASED ON: The Impossible by Joyce Smith with Ginger Kolbaba him but to no avail — s till performance as a mother Although the movie does to those facing seemingly
PRODUCER: DeVon Franklin “no pulse” despite their best on the brink of hysteria not intend to be a science insurmountable problems.
GENRE: Biography, Drama EDITED BY: Maysie Hoy effort. The doctors stop their pleading for the resurrection vs. religion thing, it makes Producer De Von Franklin
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Zoran Popovic MUSIC BY: Marcelo Zarvos resuscitation attempts only of a son who did not even no attempt at intellectually says of the movie’s good
PRODUCTION COMPANIES: 20th Century Fox, Fox 2000
Pictures, Franklin Entertainment Unanimous Media when the boy’s mother Joyce come from her womb. Maybe satisfying the audience, but intentions, “I believe it will
DISTRIBUTED BY: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (Chrissy Metz) arrives; they Metz owes her fire partly rather seems quite content remind people that miracles
COUNTRIES: United States LANGUAGE: English allow her in the room “to say to Roxann Dawson who in being part of a trend of the are still happening. It will
RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 50 minutes goodbye”. Joyce’s forceful accepted the director’s job increasing popularity of faith- remind us of the power of
Technical assessment: 3 Moral assessment: 4 nature would not allow her as she resonates with Joyce based movies. prayer.” CINEMA throws
CINEMA Rating: V-14 MTCRB Rating: PG to accept her son’s demise so Smith’s experience — herself A positive response to in a gentle reminder, lest
easily. With the energy and having adopted a child from Breakthrough could be due this miracle story mislead
On Martin Luther King, Jr. frozen Lake St. Louis, ignoring determination of a charging China who had to be rescued to its timely release — just the greenhorns: prayer is not
Day, 14-year-old high school the warnings of a nearby bull she grabs her son’s feet from sure destruction. weekend before Holy Week. simply asking God for
athlete John Smith (Marcel adult. Soon enough the ice and storms the heavens to Some footage could be It is billed as the story of the miracles, thus one’s faith
Ruiz) goofs around with two cracks, swallowing the trio. bring him back to life. Then, breathtaking, like that of the power of a mother’s love and should not hinge on the
buddies — just for kicks — on Rescuers come and retrieve John’s pulse returns. ice cracking and the boys’ prayer, certainly a welcome granting of favors.
CBCP Monitor. Vol. 23 No. 09 April 29 - May 12, 2019 C1
CFC SOLD—The Kota Kinabalu Adventure
THE DIVINITY & HUMANITY OF CHRIST Christ into their homes and to
the world.
Bishop Pablo Virgilio David Bishop Pabillo spoke about
“Mary, the First Disciple.” He
THE METRO Manila Mission Core gath- in Him all things hold together. He is the emphasized that men should
ered for the monthly Teaching Night last head of the body, the church. He is the look to Mary the Mother of Jesus
April 19 at the Bishop Rooker Auditorium beginning, the firstborn from the dead, and be inspired by her life story
of St. Paul College, Pasig City. It was a that in all things He Himself might be in answering God’s call.
meaningful Holy Tuesday activity. preeminent. For in Him all the fullness The conference encountered
The Most Reverend Pablo Virgilio was pleased to dwell, and through Him to lots of oppression -- change
“Ambo” David, Bishop of the Diocese of reconcile all things for Him, making peace of venue after the release of
Kalookan and Vice President if the Catho- by the blood of His cross [through Him], the first memo, red eye flight
lic Bishops Conference of the Philippines whether those on earth or those in heaven. schedules, issues on customs,
(CBCP), gave a talk on “The Divinity and WHEN we think of Kota tend the 18th CFC International sudden unavailability of rooms,
Humanity of Christ”. Jesus—the bridge between divinity and Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia what Catholic Men’s Conference, held transport, late delivery of food
Bishop Ambo’s teaching began with a humanity is the first thing that comes to at Sabah Oriental Hotel with its and more. However, all these
provocative video of random people an- The bishop recounted that recently, our mind? Some will remember theme “Be the Light”. did not dampen the spirit of
swering the question “Sino ang Diyos sa Pope Francis did something that stunned that Sabah is the territory that The conference was opened the delegates. Despite the in-
buhay mo? Para sa iyo, sino si Hesukristo?” many. Towards the end of the retreat for is still being claimed by the Sul- by Holy Mass concelebrated by conveniences, the service team
(“Who is God to you? Who is Jesus Christ warring Sudanese leaders, the Holy Father tanate of Sulu. Mountaineers His Grace Most Reverend Datuk did not hear any voice raised in
for you?”) stooped low and kissed the feet of both will think of Mt. Kinabalu, the John Wong P.G.D.K., D.D. Arch- complaint. The delegates may
Bishop Ambo continued, as an answer parties in a gesture of peace. Pope Francis, tallest mountain in Southeast bishop of Sabah, Malaysia and have had little sleep due to the
to the question in the video, by reading through his actions, was being consistent Asia, the peak of which can His Lordship Bishop Broderick inconveniences but when they
from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians with his role as pontifex maximus, the su- only be reached after a two- Pabillo, Auxillary Bishop of entered the conference venue,
1:15-20: preme bridge builder. What Pope Francis day trek and hike into jungles, Manila and CFC Spiritual Di- the hassles the went through
He is the image of the invisible God, the did was a symbolism of the mission to with spitting cobras and giant rector. Acrhbishop Datuk John were nothing compared to the
firstborn of all creation. For in Him were unify the whole Church. anacondas lying around. Now Wong welcomed the delegates messages they received.
created all things in heaven and on earth, “The Christian is supposed to be an that’s a scary adventure! to Sabah, expressing his surprise The session titles were cre-
things visible and the invisible, whether expert in destroying walls and building But what happened last March and delight at seeing, for the first atively taken from Bee Gees songs
thrones or dominions or principalities or bridges,” the bishop said. He added, “This 29 – 31, 2019 in Kota Kinabalu time, more men than women like; “I started a Joke”, “Words”,
powers; all things were created through action includes dialogue, understanding, was a different kind of adventure. attending a religious gathering. “How do You Mend a Broken
Jesus and for Jesus. He is in all things, and and reconcilia- MCT, p2 About 650 people from all over He opined that men should be Heart”, More than a Woman” and
the world came to this city to at- empowered to bring the light of “To Love SOLD ICON, p4
C2 April 29 - May 12, 2018 Vol. 23 No. 09 CBCP Monitor
CFC – OSM Conducts CLP at PMA ON THE RISE: GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY Phil. Army Chief Chaplain honors OSM
SIXTY-ONE graduating Catho- September 2018 with South B
Module 1 conducted on April
vincial and regional level.
With this, OACCS (Office of the
lic cadets composed of 38 males as service team. Session 2 on 11 for the enlisted personnel of Army Chief Chaplain Service) in
and 23 females completed the Establishing a Strong Relation- the Philippine Army Headquar- partnership with the ever sup-
Second Christian Life Program ship with God: Repentance, ters was another success story. portive stakeholder CFC-OSM
(CLP) on 28 April 2019 at the Faith, Forgiveness and Healing Upon the invitation of Major will ensure that this program
Philippine Military Academy was held on 28 October 2018 Fr. Art Llaso, the Order of St. will establish a long term and
(PMA) in Baguio City. with Central A as service team Michael conducted CEM 1 for sustainable platform for continu-
The conduct of the CLP was while Session 3 on The Chris- 60 HPA personnel, 41 of whom ing Character Enhancement and
initiated by the Couples for tian Ideal: Loving God and Lov- were men and 19 women. Of spiritual wellness to PA Personnel
Christ – Order of St. Michael ing Your Neighbor was done on these, 45 are Catholics and 15 and their dependents.”
(CFC- OSM) in close coordina- 25 November 2018 with West are non-Catholics. Since 2014, the Order of St. Mi-
tion with the PMA Command B assisting. Session 4: The Col. Raul S. Cino, the Philip- chael has conducted the module
Chaplains, LTC (Rev. Fr.) Carl Christian Family was given on pine Army Chief Chaplain, in for 36,248 Philippine Army per-
Buslon for Sessions 1 to 4 and 24 February 2019 with Central a message read by LTC Ruel sonnel, including their spouses.
LTC (Rev. Fr) Jose Luis (Non- B as the support group. Tungol, CHS (GSC) PA, exhorted The one-day activity has made
ong) Ricafort for Sessions 5 to Sessions 5 to 9 were con- SALCEDO, Eastern Samar — their Christian Life Program. the participants and affirmed a big impact on the attitude and
9. All the participants had at- ducted the whole day of 28 The much awaited ground- Mayor Melchor Mergal ex- the contribution of CFC in the disposition of the participants
tended the Character Enhance- April 2019. The OSM Core breaking ceremony for ANCOP- plained that he has been pray- ongoing program of the Philip- by motivating them to build a
ment Module 1: Only for The Team, led by its Program Head, SMDC Salcedoville community ing that he would be able to pine Army to sustain their Army personal relationship with God
Brave (CEM 1) also conducted Col. (Ret.) Art Alabanza; Vice finally happened on March 21, build and restore the broken Transformation Roadmap. Some and God-centered families, by
by CFC – OSM in 2015. Program Head and Service 2019. This is a major housing hopes and dignity of the people excerpts from the message: developing the value of forgive-
To support OSM for this Head for Army, Air Force, NBI project by SM Development in his municipality, noting that “For almost five (5) years , the ness, and ensuring loyalty to the
CLP, CFC mobilized its Metro & AFPRESCOM, MGEN (Ret.) Corporation (SMDC) and CFC his own family had survived a OACCS sustain the implementa- Philippine Army organization
Manila Sectors under the lead- Willy Ona; and Service Head ANCOP Global Foundation typhoon in his younger days. tion of PACEP to HPA and Philip- where they belong.
ership of Mike Bukuhan. They for Navy and Marines, VADM together with the Municipal- For him, Salcedoville is a pine Army Major Units (PAMU’s) One participant, Sgt. Mae Ann
were joined by the SFC team (Ret.) Jess Millan together with ity of Salcedo, Eastern Samar, dream come true not just for for the personnel and wives. G. Pao, shared, “Marami pong
led by Jerel Superable, SFC CFC/SFC Benguet, CFC / SFC SM Foundation Inc. (SMFI), the beneficiaries, but also for It affirms that Army Transfor- salamat sa lahat ng bumubuo
ANCOP Program Coordina- South A, West B and East A, Board of Investments (BOI), the entire municipality of mation depends not only on the ng CFC OSM, sa lahat ng mga fa-
tor; CFC/SFC Benguet through came to serve in these remain- Don Bosco ONE TVET Philip- Salcedo. modernization of weapons, war ma- cilitators. Tunay po na malaki ang
Provincial Area Director Ed ing CLP sessions. pines, and Couples for Christ Looking at the happy faces of chines and equipments but equally maitutulong nito lalo na sa aming
Aratas and PMA OSM Coor- 1CL Jerivan Cambangay Eastern Samar. all present in the momentous important is the transformation of mga trabaho bilang mga sundalo.
dinator, Jun Unson. CFC/SFC expressed that they would be The socialized housing proj- event, BOI Gov. Samaniego people behind the machines. Marami kaming nararanasan
Pampanga also assisted in leaving that very night for ect site is a two-hectare land affirmed BOI’s objective to Thus , the program is assessed na mga pressures lalo na sa mga
several sessions. their on-the-job training (OJT) situated at Brgy. Tagbacan for include mass housing in their to be a huge contributory factor seniors namin, pero kailangan
The first session entitled, and the CLP was God’s way 300 families; all victims of su- investment priority plan. to the attainment of the Army’s may patience tayo at marunong
God‘s Love Revealed through to make them feel that they per typhoon Yolanda in 2013. Fr. Dindo Vitug, Executive overall mission given that the umunawa sa bawat isa. Mahalaga
Jesus, was conducted last 23 would be safe. PMA CLP, p4 The event started with a Director of Don Bosco ONE participants are those actually po ito para lalong mag-improve
ribbon-cutting ceremony fol- TVET Philippines, also ex- executing the operational and ang aming character at sana po
lowed by Holy Mass presided pressed his gratitude in being tactical tasks. maranasan din ito ng ibang mga
by Msgr. Alfredo Amistoso able to partner with the com- The conduct of the program is kasama namin at ibang ahensya
from the Diocese of Borongan. munity by providing Techni- in partnership with our religious ng gobyerno. Kailangan din po na-
He affirmed that day’s Gospel cal and Vocational Education support stakeholders, the Couples tin na magdasal sa lahat ng ating
about Lazarus and the Rich Training to the home partners. for Christ (CFC) in the local, pro- gagawin. Maraming salamat po.”
Man. He said, “This is just “We know that in TVET, this
one of the instruments of the is where we can really help the
church, this pabahay to bring poor and the marginalized.”
people closer to God.” He also However, since there are still
commended CFC ANCOP’s more poor people out there who
noteworthy effort to transform cannot afford to go to their wide
the home partners’ lives with network of centers SMDC, p4
CFC joins other ministries in Diocesan Family Apostolate HOLD Canada Visits ANCOP Cavinti Site after HOLD ICON
they overcame all these with
the help of the Holy Spirit and
their community.
Day 3 ended with a High
Mass presided by Bishop John
Ryan and the announcement
of Family Apostolate officers,
with CFC's very own Ezekiel
Nyirenda and wife Mary being
elected as the Secretary for the
Family Apostolate for a term of
three years. Ezekiel also serves HANDMAIDS of the Lord (HOLD) leaders from Canada had a lot of energy to spare after the HOLD International Conference, so they
as CFC Malawi Country Head. decided to visit the ANCOP community in Cavinti, Laguna that ANCOP Canada is sponsoring.
After the conference, and as HOLD Canada, led by Ludy Buencamino, spent the afternoon getting to know the prospective home partners, many of whom are new
part of the diocese’s long term graduates of the Handmaids of the Lord Christian Life Program.
EVEN in the far areas of Africa, to Fr. Raymond Mwale of the plans, the diocese arranged a Buencamino gave words of encouragement to the future residents of the site, expressing the group’s joy at seeing the community
almost complete. The homes are scheduled to be turned over in July 2019. (A. Alvarez)
CFC shines! Family and Life Apostolate that national meeting of leaders
Mzuzu is the capital of the CFC has started a movement of the family movements. The PMA CLP, C3
northern region of Malawi in called Family is a Gift and ex- three-day activity must have
Africa. It only has 271,400 plained its dynamics. This led been a huge success, leading to This activity is a reminder for them to always who earlier left for their OJT. He has realized
residents and yet it is the third Fr. Mwale to adopt Family is a the plan to mount a bigger FIG pray and stay close to Him. According to 1CL that his role in life is not just about being a
largest city, in terms of popula- Gift as the conference title. conference next year in Lilon- Kenny Dacuba, the CLP would help to spiritu- soldier but spreading the love of God through
tion, in Malawi. CFC already The weekend activity began gwe, hopefully back-to-back ally prepare them for whatever would happen his service. 1CL Lovely Carolasan thanked the
has a foothold in this city. on the afternoon of Friday, with the Clergy - Lay congress. in their 28-day OJT. 1CL Rhea Dawn Granada entire CLP Service Team for their time, wisdom
The Mzuzu Diocesan Fam- April 26 with Holy Mass and Our mission agenda here thanked the SFC, especially Richie Garcia who and sharings which would help them to be kept
ily Apostolate recently initi- the orientation session. The in Malawi did not at all list has been providing spiritual guidance to them inspired. She requested the CFC family to help
ated the gathering of married following day, the participants CFC’s participating, and even since the time that they were in Fourth Class them through prayers in their military journey
couples from all the 18 parishes listened to four talks – Talk I spearheading, such a wonder- until now that they would be graduating. particularly where they would be deployed.
of the Diocese in collabora- (the Canon on Marriage) given ful gateway activity. But God’s 1CL John Leden Tubongbanua stated that Art Alabanza has designated Bro Jerel as the
tion with four different family by the judicial vicar; Talk 2 grace cannot be outdone. It what he liked about the CLP was that the par- PMA SFC Coordinator and Willy Ona as the
movements namely; Teams of (Raising a Holy Family), one happened, and because the ticipants are given an opportunity to express PMA OSM coordinator to see to it that the 61
Our Lady (TOL), Christian Fam- of the talks in CFC’s Disciples participants from all over the their thoughts and feelings, and be heard. cadets are integrated into various households
ily Movement (CFM), Marriage Weekend, which was of course diocese are looking forward for 1CL Raymond Casibang disclosed that prior wherever they are assigned. OSM will also cre-
Encounter (ME), and, of course! given by CFC; Talk 3 (Manag- more interactions, it will propel to the CLP, his mindset was already on their ate a viber group for PMA graduates that have
Couples for Christ. ing Finances in the Family) further CFC involvement in the departure for OJT, but he was fortunate that he finished CLP together with the CFC OSM leaders.
While the diocese was pre- given by ME and Talk 4 was a parish, and hopefully in other participated in this CLP because it reinforced Before leaving for Manila the next day, Art
paring for this activity, CFC couple from CFM sharing their parishes in this country. (Rico mentally, physically and spiritually what he Alabanza, Jun Unson, Ed Aratas and Fr. Non-
leaders in Mzuzu mentioned family’s life struggles and how Gamogamo) learned during the last four years. 1CL Josellie ong Ricafort met with BGen Bartolome Vicente
Gloriani said that she was glad to express what Bacarro, PMA ‘88, PMA Commandant of Cadets
HOLY WEEK, C3 before prevented her from sharing. Accord- ,and his staff. Art presented the proposed CFC
apex, the finale, the crowning glory of our com- Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, South Sudan, Ukraine, ing to 1CL Kate Oresco, prior to CLP, she was OSM Full Spectrum CEP program covering all
memoration of Holy Week - the Resurrection of Venezuela and Nicaragua. He appealed to the Is- looking for an excuse not to participate. She cadet classes with a proposed CLP for the first
our Lord Jesus Christ! raelis and Palestinians to pursue a future of peace was thankful that she attended because she year cadets. The Commandant and his staff
The Easter Sunday mass was celebrated in St and stability. He also expressed his sorrow to those learned a lot. 1CL Maeverick Sacay opined liked the program and promised that they will
Peter's Square, at 10:00 am Sunday morning. who were killed and injured due to bombings in that it was only the Army Group that was able try their best to find a time slot in the currently
Babylou and I jostled our way to receive holy Sri Lanka just a few hours before. to participate in the CLP and urged everyone very busy schedule of cadets where they can fit
communion, and welcome Jesus in our hearts. Once more, my thoughts drifted to our coun- to pray for the Navy and the Air Force Groups the CEP. (Malu Enriquez)
We listened to our leader in the faith as he de- try. While we are grateful we are not in the list
livered his Urbi et Orbi, a message "to the City (of of those severely suffering, we have our own seri- HOLD ICON, p1
Rome) and to the World" carrying with it a special ous problems, and we should all pray and work
apostolic blessing given on this Easter Sunday. It to ensure that we do not deteriorate and be like
is a message to the whole of Christendom, but also those in the list of the Pope. We pray that our
to the whole of humankind. Today, Pope Francis elections in the next few weeks will bring out the
chose to ask all to pray for the many people who good that is in the Filipino.
are undergoing untold suffering due to wars, It is my prayer that we all have been blessed,
conflicts of all kinds, violence, injustice, difficult that we all come out better persons as a result. It
political and economic situation. The list is long is time to translate all our reflections into action.
- Syria, Yemen, Libya, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, For the greater glory of God. Amen.
across the country, he announced making the pilot project pos- cilla Padrilan, one of the home
that Don Bosco and CFC ANCOP sible. He encouraged the home partners and a member of CFC
have joined hands to pilot the partners to always have faith Eastern Samar, said, “masayang-
Mobile Training Center (MTC) so and hope in the Lord, as they masaya ako kasi magkakaroon
that the training can be brought are dearly loved by Him. He an- na kami ng sarili naming bahay
to the people. This was piloted nounced that the construction at lupa. Para po sa lahat ng tumu-
last September in Salcedo, Eastern of the houses and sponsorship long, sa Salcedo LGU, sa SMDC, sa
Samar. He also expressed high for 40 scholars under ANCOP ANCOP, sa lahat ng bumubuo na
hopes that MTC would continue Educational Sponsorship Pro- tumutulong sa'min, maraming
to expand and help more poor gram will start immediately. salamat po! Kami po ay magka-
people in the peripheries. Cong. Evardone requested the karoon ng magandang bahay at
Rudy Gaspillo, CFC ANCOP home partners to take care of magandang buhay.” (I am truly
President, thanked everyone the community as an act of their joyful because we finally got our
for moving out of their comfort gratitude to God and to their own house and lot. To all who
zones and extending their reach donors. He assured them that the helped, the Salcedo LGU, SMDC,
to the peripheries, as what Pope government would provide them ANCOP, and for others who are
Francis extols, especially the access to electricity and water. helping us, thank you very much!
partner donors and CFC Eastern The beneficiaries also ex- Because of you, we will have a
Samar for their wholehearted pressed their gratitude to God good home and a good life.) Photos courtesy of Cristy Querido & Joey Tomas
support and cooperation in and to all the partner donors. Pre- (ANCOP Communications) maids of the Lord are called to strong, a good homemaker, and ness. We are to be light-bear-
be the light of the home, a light diligent. ers by fulfilling our ministry
SOLD ICON, p1 to the nations, and a light to As a light to the nations, so we can project the Lord’s
somebody.” The fellowship night was themed “Sat- on as CFC fulltime worker for Luzon. the world,” Avendaño said. She HOLD must take to heart the radiance in every situation,”
urday Night Fever” and got everybody in a dancing After the event, awards were given, including explained, “As the light of the mission to be proclaimers of the Avendaño said.
mode with the CFC Sabah Malaysia leaders. Arnel Biggest Delegation (CFC MM North A Sector) and home, her first duty is to take Good News of salvation to all. She added, “Let the light that
Santos’s household and CFC Agusan del Norte pre- Most Inspiring (CFC Pampanga). care not only of the temporal As light to the world, a Hand- we carry be always rekindled so
sented highly entertaining performances. The weekend may have ended but the take home needs of her family, but more so maid must be ever ready to be we can help others find their
The highly successful conference closed with a insight, expressed by Fr. Dale Ko, Dean of the The- their spiritual needs.” She cited beacon of light to the least, the way out of darkness, into the
praisefest led by Lawrence Quintero and the an- ology Seminar of Lipa, will remain with every one Proverbs 31:10-31 specifically last and the lost, to answer the glorious, radiant light of Christ!
nouncement that the new CFC Servants of the Lord who experienced the Kota Kinabalu experience— to illustrate that the light of the cry of the poor by responding Let us hold our lampstand high
International Coordinator was Willie Padida. Wil- “To be the Light… you have to be a real man, and a home must be godly, must be to the call to serve in ANCOP. and let us light up every corner
lie replaced Joemar Salumbides who has served in real man is someone who has Mary, the mother of the heart of the family, finan- “As light in the Lord, we are of the world and every heart
the ministry for nine years and who will be moving Christ.” (Joemar Salumbides) cially savvy, serves with a smile, mandated to conquer dark- that seeks the Lord!”