Section Five
Section Five
Section Five
Creating this Capstone Portfolio and my Masters of Elementary Education Program has
been a humbling and revealing experience. As I cultivate the core elements of teaching to empower
students become the best version of themselves through education. Teaching is a rewarding career,
where the trophies are student success in academic growth, social growth, and emotional growth.
My education program has provoked in –depth inquiries in education, necessary research skills,
student teaching practicums to learn more from experienced teachers within the field of education,
and for the reveal of theories come to life in the classroom community.
Also, the recognition that education is global. Becoming more worldly through travel and
research will develop the teacher’s understanding of other school systems in our world is essential
for high quality teaching. Recognizing success and limitations of other school systems
internationally, while critically analyzing and comparing our nation’s education system with other
countries will reveal more insight. This insight will enhance our teaching strategies, creativity, and
resources for professional growth by becoming more exposed and aware of more methods to
I had the honor of learning from experienced professors with classroom experience. Their
knowledge and wisdom of education has deepened my appreciation of becoming a teacher.
Through assigned readings, lectures, and assignments I have been able to make discoveries in
education to teach to the diverse learning needs of the students. Additionally, I have learned why
discrepancy gaps develop in some students learning, and how the teacher can plan to close or
decrease this discrepancy gap. I have met the DOE Claims and CAEP Standards throughout my
education program, for my professors have graded my learning accordingly. My assignments from
my education program has been aligned and evaluated from the DOE Claims and CAEP Standards
as my professors have ensured their expectations have been incorporated into my grading
management for the emotional well –being of students and their academic success is strongly
correlated. Throughout my education program, professors in each class has emphasized the
necessity of a harmonious and respectful class; for emotional security and safety to elicit more
active student participation as they learn. Also, during my education program we visited a middle
school program for students whose abilities had an advantage, while being economically
disadvantage. The observations from this program was; students in one group who demonstrated
respectful and positive body language actively participated significantly more than a different
group of students who did not demonstrate respectful nor positive body language. As a result, the
teacher with the group of students who demonstrated respectful and positive body language dove
into the curricular content quicker. Verses, the students who did not demonstrate respectful and
positive body language, this group was not as participative and the teacher had to discuss the
importance of respect and empowering each other more extensively. Therefore, due to the lack of
respectful and positive body language, students did not feel emotionally secure nor safe to
participate. Thus, the teacher had to spend more time to build emotional security and trust, before
learning could begin. This informs me as a teacher the vitality of building and maintaining an
emotionally secure and safe learning community for students, starting on the first day of school.
Establishing this will develop students emotionally, socially, and academically as it illustrates best
education program have influenced the creation of this education portfolio. Throughout my
education program I have planned, instructed, and assessed student learning through prior in –class
experience with my classmates, then on student placement. Prior in –class experience of how to
plan, instruct, and asses student learning before placement began was insightful. Through
professional reflection, collaborating, and implementing ideas, as well as, strategies to improve
student learning with classmates has developed my critical analysis of teaching. Professional
reflection, critical analysis, and re –evaluation of student learning, along with best teaching
practices are key elements of teaching. The in –class experience has deepened my awareness the
core elements of teaching. Additionally, my two student teaching placements practicum has
enhanced my understanding of the core elements of teaching and the importance of learning about
theorists during my in –class education program. Teaching is more than planning, instructing,
assessing, and reflecting; it is also getting students motivated to learn. Understanding the students’
along with their social and emotional state will tremendously influence their motivation to learn.
Courses during my education program has ignited my awareness of the different influences student
motivation is impacted. These discoveries were learned through theorists, experts, and research.
This has taught me the powerful correlation of Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and student
achievement. Thus, it is important to foster a sense of belonging, security, and trust amongst
students and to create a positive and safe dynamic of the classroom community. The importance
of Piaget’s constructivism approach, along with Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, and
how these theorist’s discoveries are incorporated into best practices for student success were taught
in my education program. My two student teaching placement practicum brought the theory to life
as I witnessed and connected discoveries from theorists, experts, and research to understand the
diverse influences of student motivation and achievement. Through a deeper and appreciative
understanding of student motivation has developed my research skills, critical thinking skills, and
creativity skills to inspire students to learn despite any obstacles. Fostering student motivation by
modeling enthusiasm, valuing their opinions, and encouraging student ideas had created a safe,
positive, trusting, and inquisitive learning environment. It is essential to provide students with life
skills, this is embedded within the curricular standards. However, resilience and persevere to be
motivate students is a life skill they must attain in order to be successful in the future. If we teach
by encouraging student motivation it will ignite a passion for lifelong learning. They will develop
any obstacles; for they have successfully overcome obstacles in the past. Through my lesson
practices as an educator for classroom management strategies, emotional well –being of students,
Learning about the evolution of the educational system, and Jon Dewey’s motion of change
to evolve the school system from authoritative to progressive by focusing on the student’s interests
and needs has brought much insight. Understanding the direction and purpose the school system
is progressing towards, as well as, the person who elicited this movement is vital information. This
understanding allows the teacher to reflect upon the necessity for this change and the best interest
Conducting research educational systems in different countries around the world has significant
benefit for the teacher as they become worldly. This enables a teacher to learn teaching benefits
that may be incorporated into their classroom. Also, the teacher will learn about limitations of
school systems around the world, this will enable the teacher to discover how these limitations
exist, and recognize if their school system has the same limitations. Becoming worldly by learning
about different educational school systems is a reflective and research based process. Comparing
and analyzing multiple school systems of the world broadens more awareness as the teacher thinks
more critically and creatively how to interpret the different systems, by adjusting their best
practices to incorporate best practices used worldly. This will only benefit the students as they will
be exposed and experience an array of best practices used not only in their country, but in multiple
My passion for learning, dedication to persevere, positive attitude, and resilience are three
core personality traits I possess that makes me successful in any situation I would endeavor. My
passion and love for children, along with my personality traits are qualities that would make me
instructions; using the interests of the students to captivate their interests, and to plan continuous
kindergarten for a public school board in Ontario for four years is proof of my abilities to manage
a classroom as a teacher. Along with new strategies and insight discovered throughout my
education program has developed and strengthened my awareness and understanding of how to
promote pro –social behavior amongst students. In addition, throughout my courses and student
teaching practicum I have demonstrated my abilities to conduct research through assignments, and
throughout my student teaching practicum to learn more skills and strategies to support student
My pursuit to learn more about technology and incorporate it into the classroom is another
quality skill I have implemented. During my student teaching practicum my primary and junior
geometry mathematics learning segment I designed included technology throughout. Through the
use of IPADS students were architects and created a digital portfolio to document their formative
learning. The use of technology was an enjoyable and different way for students to demonstrate
their learning as they also applied their learning through the three learning styles. Also, technology
was a discrete method to be inclusive for students with modifications and accommodations.
Students with diverse learning abilities needed to use the IPADS as part of their accommodations
and modifications to assist them with reading and writing, for they could audio and video record
their learning. I purposefully blended the learning accommodations and modifications of these
students with the class through technology. My planned accommodations and modifications
illustrates sensitivity and inclusiveness to the diverse needs of the students. Since all students in
the class were using the IPADS to document their trajectory of learning, providing the IPADS for
students who required them was undetectable by the rest of the students in the class. By doing this,
I have simultaneously nurtured the trust of these students by promoting security, value, and
belonging to the classroom community. Developing the trust of these students also creates a pro –
social learning environment for the classroom community for the dynamics of learning are safe,
reinsuring all students that no one will be isolated for any difference we all possess. This type of
positive community dynamics provides students with important life skills of acceptance and
kindness of others. Overtime, with more encouragement and experience these vital life skills will
be applied more frequently in more social settings in life, until they become second nature to
develop student into respectful adults. Lastly, I taught culturally responsive to the community the
students reside in, along with building on prior knowledge. Culturally responsive teaching is
important as it gives learning purpose and students understand how it is applied to the world around
them. Additionally, building upon prior knowledge is vital for student understanding. Beginning
with prior knowledge, then gradually building on complexity while connecting learning to the
world around them, using differentiated teaching strategies and manipulatives provides a deeper
conceptual understanding as learning is purposeful and reinforced. This will promote student
motivation as they drive their learning forward to be more inquisitive of their learning as they
make discoveries.
In conclusion, teaching is a refined art that is continuously evolving around the best interest
of the students. It is the duty of a teacher to continuously research to support students academically
and emotionally, and to create a positive dynamic in the classroom community to motivate multiple
domains of learning in a safe environment. Establishing and maintain this dynamic students will
be motivated and emotionally ready to learn. Thus, the teacher’s plans, differentiated instructions,
and continuous assessments student learning will be maximized. For students to make discoveries
using detective skills to achieve their goals both academically and socially. The next section of
this portfolio is a ten minute interview to answer interview questions on my pedagogy of teaching.