New Education Policy: Issues, Views & Suggestions

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Thrust Areas of School Education

1. Ensuring learning outcomes in Elementary Education.

2. Extending outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education.

3. Strengthening of Vocational Education.

4. Reforming School Examination systems.

5. Re-vamping Teacher Education for Quality Teachers.

6. Accelerating rural literacy with special emphasis on Women, SCs,

STs & Minorities through Adult Education and National Open
Schooling Systems.

7. Promotion of Information and Communication Technology Systems

in School and Adult Education.

8. New knowledge, pedagogies and approaches for teaching of

Science, Maths and Technology in School Education to improve
learning outcomes of students.

9. School standards, School assessment and School Management


10. Enabling Inclusive Education – education of SCs, STs, Girls,

Minorities and children with special needs.

11. Promotion of Languages.

12. Comprehensive Education – Ethics, Physical Education, Arts &

Crafts, Life Skills.

13. Focus on Child Health

New Education Policy

I. Ensuring Learning Outcomes in Elementary Education

I.1 What in your views are the reasons for the poor performance of your children in the
 Socio-economic factors of the children’s family.
 Negligent of parents.
 Environment and surrounding.
 Lack of motivation to learners by teacher and parents.
 Absenteeism of students & teachers.
 Shortage of instructional time, TLMs, Teaching aids.
 Lack of community mobilization / Parents’ involvement.
 Children suffering from learning disabilities syndrome.
 Lack of trained teachers.
 Lack of academic support and coordination from BRPs, CRPs.
 Poor teaching/learning materials which do not nurture the curiosity of learners.
I.2 How do we ensure that children learn the basic language and numeracy skills in
 Assessment of MLL in language and Mathematics.
 Providing in-service teachers’ training at the different levels.
 Pre-concept of numeracy skills should be included in the curriculum & syllabus.
 Daily practices of speaking, reading, writing and listening of language.
 Play way method and role play to be used.
 Use of diverse teaching aids to cater to the diversity of learners.
 Remedial teaching to address the individual difference in class.
I.3 How do we use technology to ensure real time availability of teachers?
 Use of biometric.
 By using ICT.
 By using teaching aids based on ICTs.

I.4 Should there be dedicated teachers for classes I & II?

 Classes I & II, a crucial & formative stage, should have dedicated teachers.
 Teachers who have been trained in E.C.C.E. course should work in classes I and II.
I.5 What need to be introduced in teacher training for improving teaching learning process
at foundation level of schools?
 Continuous professional development programme to in-service elementary teachers.
 New programme model SPLIT UP MODEL may be introduced.
 A reflective report on the programme should be elicited.
 Follow up support/teacher mentoring and monitoring system may also be adopted.
 Improving class room transaction through Action research.
 Cultural component to be incorporated in lesson plan.
 Resource to enhance quality of teacher training.
 Regular feedback and provide academic support to teachers.

I.6 Should there be any special measures for primary schools to make them attractive for
students, parents, teachers like colorful furnitures; rugs play way toys, charts, pictures
 Special measures should be taken up for the existing schools for cleanliness and
beautification as they act as catalyst.
 Well planted playgrounds with abundant educational toys, musical instruments, crafts,
aquatic plants, charts which are local specific or familiar to the learners etc. are to be
developed for overall attractions to the students.
I.7 Do you think games, art and confidence building measures should be introduced from
primary level itself?
 Co curricular components are essential and indispensible for all round development of
 Tracking and sight-seeing may be introduced from the primary/foundation level.
I.8 What should be the student assessment systems?
 CCE scheme is required for assessment of student progress all throughout the year.
I.9 How many languages should be available for children to learn at elementary level?
 3(three) languages formula with 2 compulsory + 1 optional.
 Multi-lingual education.
 One language of another State may be adopted as envisaged by the MHRD.
I.10 How do we factor in pre primary/play school industry in our country that seems to be
 PPP model.
 Strengthening of Anganwadi.
 Integrate the Primary and Pre-primary schooling in the general system.
 Stringent guidelines in establishment of such centres.
I.11 States to highlight in which areas do they seek international partners?
 In-STEP USAID capacity building programme for teacher educators & administrators
under USA, Arizona State University.
 Exposure visits at Europe counties, Asian Countries like Japan, Korea, for education
administrators, teacher educators, teachers, head teachers for interaction, sharing of their
success practices, innovation, research, planning, skill development, etc.
II. Extending Outreach of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education

II.1 To what extent we have made quality education available, accessible and affordable to
the target population in the age group of 14–18 years. What is negative impact on society
and economy of not doing this?
 Directorate of Education(S) and RMSA are working towards achieving this goal.
 Negative impact.
 Economically/socially backward section of students will find it difficult to enrol in the
Secondary and Senior Secondary education.
 Chances of such students going astray and wayward
II.2 How can we increase access to post elementary education across the country in a
manner so as to ensure no child is denied the opportunity of completing his/her school
 Establish adequate number of Secondary & Senior Secondary Schools and appointment of
more teachers with adequate facilities.
 Provide incentives (scholarship or stipend) to attend school.
 Extension of free & compulsory Education up-to 18 years.
 Provide free education for all timely.
 Extend Mid-Day-Meals to secondary and Sr. Secondary level.
 Provide infra-structure such as toilets and drinking waters.
 Establishment of residential schools.
II.3 How can we address the geographical and social disparities in secondary education?
 Mapping of geographical and socially weak areas of secondary education.
 Relax rules for establishment of new schools in such shortfall areas.
 Provision for free education.
 Appointment of local qualified teachers.
 Providing staff quarters specially in remote areas.
 Frequent inspections.
II.4 What needs to be done to improve student participation in Science and Mathematics
 Re-look the TLMs, Teaching aids, Curriculum & Syllabus, adequate labs of Mathematics
& Science.
 Linking the elementary and Secondary & Senior Secondary syllabus.
 Appointment of subject specialized teachers.
 Paradigm shift from teacher centred to learner centred.
 Provide adequate laboratories for Sc. & Maths.
 Provide adequate educational tours.
II.5 What can be done to overcome shortages in qualified teachers for Science and
Mathematics? How can we engage with DST engage to address the needs of science &
Maths teachers for both primary/ secondary education?
 More emphasis on Sc. & Maths. Teachers at the time of recruitment.
 Rationalize transfer and posting.
II.6 To what extend can ICT be used in secondary/ senior secondary schools to enhance
teaching-learning process?
 In classroom teaching learning process to adopt a multisensory approach.
 Self-steady and exploring more details information to prepare teaching/learning process.
 Encourage use of audio visual aids.
 Make better participation in ICT programmes.
II.7 What kinds of pupil assessment systems are desirable at secondary level to ensure
problem solving and critical training amongst children?
 Formative & summative assessment involving problem solving questions of critical
thinking and higher order skills.

II.8 Is there a need to improve secondary/senior secondary text books?

 Yes.
II.9 What is needed to improve teacher performance?
 Establish Professional Development Programme (PLC).
 Continued professional development opportunities in the form of capacity building.
 Programmes like orientation, refresher courses from time to time.
 Monitoring from the school head and higher authority.
 Make teaching profession more lucrative by making pay packages more attractive.
 Academic Incentive and arrange teachers’ meet for exchange of ideas.

II.10 How many languages should be taught at secondary/senior secondary level?

 MIL, English, Hindi – Secondary stage.
 MIL, English, Hindi – Senior Secondary Stage.

II.11 Is a PPP model to expand schooling at these levels, feasible?

 Yes.

II.12 How can ICT based interventions enhance use of hands on education, field visits, etc?
 ICT aids in Self-study & exploration of detailed information.
More Suggestions:
 Modern infrastructure i.e. computerized class-room with modern smart board and other
facilities should be provided for the benefit of the students.
 Curriculum should be modified to bridge the gap between school education and higher

III. Strengthening of Vocational Education

III.1 Would skill based education help, students to be employable?
 Yes
III.2 What difficulties are experienced in implementing VE in the schools?
 Infrastructure and non-availability of competent teachers.
 Poor implementation strategies.

III.3 What are the issues regarding availability and training of vocational teachers?
 Imparting of VE in secondary level has stopped in Manipur since some years back.

III.4 Some States have been effectively integrating vocational education in mainstream
education. How can these be adopted or adapted across other States?
 A strong State policy required.

III.5 Should VE subjects be the best of five or six subjects for class XII or class X scores?
 VE subjects may be separate stream segregating different classes.

III.6 What needs to be done to make VE popular amongst students?

 VE subjects should be suitable and age appropriate and should be based on local needs.
 Sensitization programme to remove stigma.
 Linkage from secondary to higher education.
III.7 School services-sector courses, be introduced in schools rather than manufacturing
based courses?
 Create horizontal and vertical movement for linkage from 12th to higher education.
 Organize talent hunt programmes.
III.8 Schools blend professional courses, which utilize the school students learning of
science, maths, accounting, computers, history, geography be developed for VE, to
help the students employability and knowledge base?
 The blending may start from Secondary level.

III.9 Should there be a counselling level factored in at school level which helps child
identify the craft/ industry/service he/she inclined towards and skill sets they need to
develop and do a skill roadmap per child at school? If yes, then at which grade level
should it be done?
 Yes, at the Secondary level (from IX standard onwards).
More Suggestions:
 The curriculum and syllabus should be designed to cater to some of the diverse
occupational facilities.
 Appointment of skilled teachers on the identified trades along with providing in-service
 Acquisition of infrastructure, equipment and materials commensurate with the needs and
 Awareness or sensitization of students to opt for vocational education recognising the
world of work.
IV. Reforming School Examination Systems
IV.1 What are the experiences of government schools in implementing CCE?
 CCE is relatively a new concept of assessing a student performance which is to be
associated with the teaching-learning process in the classroom.
Problems facing the schools are:
 Not all school teachers have full knowledge of the implementation strategies.
 Not all schools’ heads ready to take their responsibility in implementing CCE.
 No co-ordination between the head teachers and teachers who have been trained in the
 No sharing of knowledge among the teachers.
 Reluctance on the part of the teachers to introduce grading instead of marks.
 Head teachers and teachers are to be impeccably accountable to make the system work.
 Favoritism, nepotism and bias nature among the teachers are great hindrance to this
system and hence to be avoided.

IV.2 Has CCE helped student’s academic performance?

View: Reports from field are positive.
 CCE, if implemented true to its spirit and objectives, has the potential of improving the
student’s performance, both scholastically and co-scholastically.
IV.3 What is the general feedback of students, teachers and parents regarding the no
detention policy and CCE?
 ‘No detention policy’ of the CCE per se is to be applied up to the Elementary level.
 Beyond elementary certain benchmark (e.g. a minimum grade) should be set for
promotion to higher level.
 CBSE model of making Class X examination optional may not suit the aptitude as well
as attitude of students, parents alike all over the width and length of the country.
 On the adverse side, it may lead to quality compromise in general if not applied properly.

IV.4 Has the abolition of class X board reduced learning level of our students?
 Class X qualifying examination may still be retained with modifications in the
examination structure (some percentage of marks may be earmarked for CCE as internal
assessment but with strict monitoring).
IV.5 What other reforms can be suggested which would help better assessment of
 Strict implementation of CCE.
 A monitoring department or body of the evaluation scheme.

IV.6 Is our examination system only assessing rote learning?

 No, the examination system also tests mental alertness, intelligence, logical thinking,
analysis etc.

IV.7 Can the examination system shift towards questions that assess the student’s
application of concept, problem solving abilities and critical thinking?
 CCE to be implemented strictly.
 The question design, nature, setting to be modified.

IV.8 How can assessment systems become more nuanced and reward children for
thinking and innovation?
 Teachers /head teacher to give special mark/grade /reward to such children who have
critical thinking and are innovative.
 Examiners should always be sensitive to answers which are of critical thinking and
V. Re-vamping Teacher Education for Quality Teachers
V.1 What are the specific steps needed to fill in the existing teacher vacancies in
elementary schools?
 A more proactive role and timely intervention by the responsible authorities i.e.
Department of Education, State government etc.
 Automatic Computerized System (ACS) for maintaining data on vacancies, vacancies
arising, retirement rate.
 To maintain a pool of trained Pre-service teachers who have cleared Teacher Eligibility
Test (TET).
V.2 Why have the existing teacher training programs failed to bring about
improvements in the quality of teaching learning?
 Redundancy of the training methods at training institute.
 Not identifying the real needs of the teacher.
 Non availability of experts in the district/cluster/blocks.
 Non dissemination of supportive training modules.
 Using lecture methods rather than participatory activity, group works, collaborative
 Post trainings, non application of new professional teaching/pedagogical skills in their
respective schools/ institutions.
 Absence of debrief session on new knowledge/pedagogy in schools by the trained
teachers in their schools.
 Lack of coordination between head teacher and teachers in schools.
V.3 What are the workable solutions to address the gamut of issues in teacher education
in the school sector?
 Reviewing the vision, missions, role and functions, structures of the existing CTEs, B.Ed.
Colleges/ TEIs in the State.
 Regulating the quality of pre- service teacher education from primary to Sr. Sec levels.
 Improving the quality of in- service teacher education for school improvement.
 Introduction of semester system in place of the summative system of evaluation.
 Development of TLMs.
 Strengthening the academic faculty in each Dept. of the TEIs.
 Provide refresher Programmes, Capacity building programmes, orientation, Exposure
visits, sharing of best practices in Teacher Education.
 Formation of various subject wise forums/ guilds at district, state.
 Formation of PLC (Professional Learning Communities) within the Institutions.
 En-cadrement of teacher educators.
V.4 Are teachers performance assessment needed to build a culture of accountability amongst
teachers? Should promotion of teaching faculty be in conjunction with their performance?
 Teacher’s performance assessment a much using an impeccable method.
 A certain service tenure along with their performance should be the criteria for
promotion to higher scale/higher post.
V.5 Should an automatic computerized system be made for all teaching/ transfer posts
so that there is rationalization?
 Automatic Computerized System (ACS) should be given top priority.
V.6 What methods can be devised for making it mandatory for all teachers to undergo
yearly in service training?
 Maintaining Automatic Computerized System for all those who attended training to be
trained etc.
 Hold up pay and promotion for those who failed to attend training.
 Framing a policy to attend mandatory training, failing which disciplinary action may be
taken up.
VI. Accelerating rural literacy with special emphasis on Women, SCs, STs & Minorities
through Adult Education and National Open Schooling System.
VI.1 Is it more difficult to implement adult literacy programmes in urban dwellings such
as slums?
 In State like Manipur, this problem does not arise as there is no slum dweller.

VI.2 What are the reasons why the literacy programmes are unable to reach the socially
deprived sections as much as desired?
 Family burden and economic compulsion.
 Restriction from husband.
 Lack of information and sensitization.
 Lackadaisical attitude of the officials.
VI.3 What other strategies can be employed to achieve faster progress in reducing the
existing disparities in literacy levels?
 Need to be sensitized and accessing the advocacy: Women should access to loans,
saving programmes and business start-up grants.
VI.4 Should the Open School Systems reach out in a larger way, to adult illiteracy?
 Open School System may be an option to ease adult illiteracy.
VI.5 Can school students be harnessed to spread the literacy programme?
 Students may be asked to do a project/field work on this compulsorily in an academic
VI.6 How can we integrate specific skills component in the adult literacy programme plus
engage with national livelihood programmes?
 By making the study materials more holistic.
VI.7 What are the impediments in implementing literacy programmes at village, block
and district levels?
 Financial constraint
 Lack of proper awareness.
 Lack of proper motivation, lackadaisical attitude of the stake holders etc.
VII. Promotion of Information and Communication Technology system in school and
adult education.
VII.1 What are the usual problems faced by schools while implementing ICT integration?
 Infrastructure and electricity required in schools.
 Teachers are untrained in ICT.
 ICT aids not provided to schools.
VII.2 Are they viable solutions in dealing with general issues?
 The Govt. requires a strong policy to deal with the general issues.
VII.3 What are the different experiences of States in this regard?
View: ________________ .
VII.4 What are the ways in which technology can be leveraged for both school and
adult education and share best practices, if any.
View: ________________ .
VII.5 How can we genuinely ascertain that ICT components are functional in schools,
particularly in States with challenges i.e. infrastructure especially electricity?
 A strong monitoring team with a computer aided data.
More Suggestions:
 ICT should be taught as a separate subject in teacher education institutes.
 Vigorous trainings of teachers on ICT application should be taken up.
 Infrastructure with equipments needs to be developed.
VIII. New knowledge, pedagogies and approaches for teaching of Science, Mathematics
and Technology in School Education to improve learning outcomes of students.
VIII.1 What are the workable strategies for strengthening the quality of teaching learning
processes for better outcomes?
 Assessment of teacher’s pedagogy.
 Review of curriculum, syllabus.
 Formation of Professional Learning Communities in schools.
 Formation of subject teachers concerned at blocks and district level.
 Provide capacity building programmes for teachers.
 Enhancement new technology skills in teaching learning & classroom process.
 Orientation of approaches & pedagogy, activity based, group works, enquiry,
 Development of TLMs, supplementary reading books, exemplar books,
 Effective implementation of CCE.
VIII.2 What are the various approaches regarding curricular renewal, new pedagogies and
use of technology to improve the learning levels?
 Consultation workshops on removal/deletion of obsolete topics and integrating of new
needs topics.
 Local specific topics to be integrated in the Curriculum/ syllabi.
 National level Curriculum Framework to be broadly framed.
 Shifting the traditional teaching learning process to learner centered, joy full, activity
based, collaborative method.
 Use of technology driven aids is a must to enhance the learning levels.

VIII.3 In the event that parents do not know what outcomes to expect from which level, can
these processes truly fructify without engaging with parents? How can this aspect be
 Awareness program at cluster, block, district levels for involvement in PTA for school
Management Committees.
 Parents to be involved in assessment scheme like CCE.
 Up-date of children performance to parents regularly.

IX. School standards, School Assessment and School Management System.

IX.1 What are the ways to improve community participation in school management?
 Capacity building and advocacy programme of all the communities & local bodies.
 Formation of SMC with community leaders.
 Associating and involving community leaders in any school function and activity.
IX.2 What should be the role of the Panchayat in the management of the schools?
 Monitoring and checking the welfare of the school.
IX.3 How can we implement an assessment and accreditation system in schools?
 NCERT & SCERT to take lead in developing assessment and accreditation formats and
modalities, for schools, teachers, Head teachers, ZEOs/CEOs.
IX.4 What are the performance indicators for grading schools?
 Infrastructures, Labs, Toilets, Furniture, number of teaching staff, qualifications of
teachers library, availability of teaching aids, students enrolment, students’ performance,
organize co- curricular activities, Instructional hours, students performance in the Board/
Council examinations, Community supports, linkages with the PTA and others, teachers’
innovative practices, capacity building programmes attended, Mid-Day-Meals.
IX.5 What are the current experiences and how can they be bettered to achieve tangible
 Zonal Education Officers and Chief Executive Officers to be more pro-active in school
monitoring at cluster, Blocks, Districts & State Levels.
 Strengthening and effective implementations of Quality Monitoring.
IX.6 Is there a case for revamping the role of education officers in districts, blocks etc, to
become in charge of school development and improvement in schools?
 Not yet.
More Suggestions:
 Re-designing of school infrastructures, classrooms setting at elementary level either
carpet flooring or round table settings, providing space for group activity/works, using
school building, walls, floor as teaching aids, (painting).
 Identification of implementing Institution for school assessment and accreditation at the
national and state levels & draft formats developments.
 Active participation of local bodies in school monitoring, organize Advocacy
programmes at Block level with effective guidelines.

X. Enabling Inclusive Education – education for Girls, SC, ST, Minorities and Children
With Special Needs.
X.1 How do we ensure full participation of the marginalized groups in schooling
particularly for children belonging to SC, ST and minority groups?
 Mass awareness through electronic media.
 Formulation of State Action Plan.
 Conduct of Awareness/sensitization Programmes/Information Education Programmes at
cluster, block, district and State levels,
 Active participation of the Community leaders, local academicians, local clubs, Meira
paibi groups, NGOs, students organizations, SMCs/SMDCs, local bodies.
 Awareness to parents, community leaders and clubs.

X.2 What measures should be taken to make our educational institutions truly inclusive
facilitating the participation of differently abled children with special needs?
 Awareness on the part of school heads to address such issues promptly and willingly.
 Close co-ordination of educational functionaries and other stakeholders.
 Sharing of information and sensitization with community, parents.
 Maintaining data base information.
 Provision for a barrier free and targeted children friendly special facilities at schools such
as furniture, chairs, toilets, etc
 Deployment/ appointment of 2 dedicated teachers per schools, or deployment of care
givers (male and female) for CWSN in schools.
 Provision for free transportation for the targeted children.
 Development of appropriate TLMs.
 Provide professional trainings to teachers.

X.3 In your view to what extent has the RTE helped to ensure participation of children,
especially from disadvantaged families in school?
 There is a provision in RTE for enrolment of all children in schools.
 RTE fails to impact the mass population.
X.4 Why do parents not send their girls to schools?
 Socio- economic condition of the family, social taboo, early marriage.
 Geographical location and lack of schooling facility and remoteness.
 Engaging in household works, earning for livelihood and engagement in other works
helping to parents, illiterate of the family head.
 Illiteracy of the parents.
 Religious fanaticism.

X.5 What measures should be adopted by the Government to bring girls to schools?
 Conduct of sensitization and advocacy programmes at cluster and block levels.
 Introduction of Innovative programme such as Village adoption Programmes.
 Campaign / organising Information Education Communication programmes at the cluster
level by the district educational functionaries.

X.6 How could we mobilize community support to bring all girl children to schools?
 Campaign / organizing Information Education Communication programmes at the cluster
level for motivation & drawing the attention of community leaders, Parents, clubs, NGOs
X.7 By excluding minority establishment from RTE what are the pitfalls?
 It may affect the constitutional provision of secularism.
X.8 Are there any traditional skill sets which need to be encouraged in tribal areas?
 Yes, Cane & Bamboo crafts, stone engraving, blacksmiths, handlooms, preservation of
foods, etc.
X.9 What special skill sets and financial and legal literacy components can be imbibed in
girl/woman’s education?
 Cane & Bamboo crafts, handlooms, preservation of foods, floriculture, beauty/make-up,
tailoring & stitching, embroidery, doll making, etc.
 Establishment of self- help group, women co- operative thrift society.
 Lessons on protection of human Rights especially for women, Child Right, domestic
violence, etc be included in syllabus.
X.10 How can language challenges be identified and solutions are possible?
 Through a preliminary assessment by special teachers and providing a medical team at
the blocks/districts.
 Referring to the referral hospital for correction of deformity and speaking disorder.

XI. Promotion of language:

XI.1 Which are the languages you would you like your children to learn in the schools?
 MIL, English, Hindi, Classes 1to V.
MIL, English, Hindi and another language of neighboring state from Classes V to VIII.

XI.2 What should be the place of English, Hindi and local languages in school
 1st language- MIL, 2nd – English, 3rd – Hindi in the State.
XI.3 Which language you would prefer to be the medium of instruction in schools?
 Mother tongue/dialects and English to be used simultaneously as medium of instruction
for classes 1to VIII.
XI.4 Should we encourage education in mother-tongue and multi-lingual education
in schools? What are difficulties in implementing it?
 Using mother tongue and multi lingual as medium of instruction is effective and
XI.5 Should three language formulas be debated?
 No, for the time being.

More Suggestions:
 Introduction of one neighbouring state language from class 6 onwards as compulsory in
addition to the prevailing language formula.
 Development of children reading materials, dictionaries, comics, Flash cards, pictorial
books, translation of reading materials to other local dialects.
 Addressing / news paper readings in the school assembly in the targeted languages.
 Organise story -telling, writing competitions (short story, poems, fictions, folk tales,
songs) in the school in the targeted languages.
 Providing Platform for language enhancement Programmes in schools.
 Capacity development programme for language teachers,

XII. Comprehensive Education- Ethics, Physical Education, Arts & Crafts, Life Skills.

XII.1 What are the suggestions for concrete methods and tools for integration of sports,
physical education, arts and crafts and functional skills for livelihood and value
education in school curriculum?
 Must be an integral part of the school curriculum and syllabus.
 Must carry some credit.
 Must monitor the implementation in the schools.
 Adequate and suitable infrastructure and facilities should be provided to all schools and
 The teacher and other supporting staff for these areas of education should be well
qualified and competent.
 Motivation procedure (both the type i.e. intrinsic and extrinsic) and their application
should be done in interval in each academic session of the institute.

XII.2 What are the experiences so far and how can we build on these in a constructive
 Lack of infrastructure and facilities.
 Lack of commitment of the teacher and school authority.
 Lack of mandatory in the curriculum and syllabus.
 Non-credit nature of the subject.
 Lack of awareness of its usefulness among the students and parents.

XII.3 How can we explore the way forward so that Ethical education can become
 Compulsory inclusion in the syllabus.
 The subject should carry credit value.

XII.4 What is the Role of NCC in promoting comprehensive education?

 The objectives of NCC are the development of character, commandership, ideals of
service and capacity for leadership in children.
 To stimulate the students’ interest in the defence of the country.

More Suggestions:
 Co-curricular activities such as, sports, Physical education, Arts & Crafts, Productive
work skills and value education to be given equal importance.
 Integrating Moral & Value education based on local customs, religions, food habits to be
integrated in the curriculum & syllabus.
 Transforming the acquired knowledge in to skills to enable them applying the skills in
their day to day life situations.
 Capacity building programmes may be provided to teachers.
 NCC plays major role in developing a responsible citizenship.
 Yoga be made compulsory in schools.
 Introduction of Thang-Ta in school syllabus

XIII. Focus on Child Health:

XIII.1 What are the results of the schemes aimed at child health by the M/o Health, WCD
& SEL?

XIII.2 Are the existing schemes under the different well- coordinated and synergized for
optimum and holistic outcomes? If not, how can this be resolved?

XIII.3 What other steps can be taken to have greater focus on child health? Any State
experiences that can be replicated and upscaled at the national level.

XIII.4 How can individual child health be tracked in the SE system and real time
information be available to State and Centre?

Some Suggestions:
 School health cards should be maintained for all learners.
 Regular health check-ups should be organized in schools.
 Regular inter-sport meets should be held every year.
 Implementation of hygienic mid-day-meal.
 Introduction of health insurance scheme/policy for all learners.


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