Grades 11 DLP Ucsp FINAL

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Grades 11 School AGDANGAN HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 11

DAILY LESSON PLAN Teacher Mrs. Julie Anne O. Colico Learning Area UCSP
Teaching Dates and Time September 14, 2021 Quarter 1

How Society is organized

TOPIC/LESSON NAME 1. Groups within society; primary and secondary
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
OBJECTIVES 1. Explain what social group is.
2. Explain on how a society is organized.
3. Differentiate the types of social group.

A. Content Standards Cultural, social, and political institutions as sets of norms and patterns of behaviour that relate to major social interests.

1. Analyze aspects of social organization

B. Performance 2. Identify one’s role in social groups and institutions.

C. Learning
Competencies/ Traces kinship ties and social networks.

Materials: Graphic organizers, worksheets, illustrations

LEARNING Books, references, learning resources/related literature, article


PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity

Students Activity
Establishing a Motivates the learners to learn
purpose for the a new lesson Sharing Experiences. The students will answer the given questions
lesson The teacher will ask the students the following and will share their experiences.
Share to the class Share to the class the
the persons or persons or people whom you
people whom you do not get along with.
usually go out with.
a. What a. What actions do you
activities do usually do to be part of
you usually the group?
do? b. What do you feel if you
b. What do you are being rejected by
feel when the group? Why?
you are with
them? Why?

Unlocking of Society -an organized group working together or periodically meeting because Students will read the words and its definitions.
difficulties interests, beliefs, or profession.
A community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions
and collective activities and interests.
Group-A number of things or persons being in some relation to one another.
Social group- A collection of humans or animals that share certain
characteristics, interact with one another, accept expectations and obligations
as members of the group, and share a common identity.
Primary group- is typically a small social group whose members share close,
personal, enduring relationships.
Secondary groups- are large groups whose relationships are impersonal and
goal-oriented; their relationships are temporary.

Instruction/ Delivery 1. Introduce the topic by processing and synthesizing the different students’
2. Define what is meant by social group through a picture analysis.
 Social Group: a social group is two or more humans who interact with Provide a Venn diagram on the board, each
one another, share similar characteristics, and have a collective sense labelled with “primary” and the other
of unity (reciprocity, “we feeling”). “secondary”. Let the students first write key
 Social group can be defined as collection of people who regularly terms from what they understand from each of
interact with one another on the basis of shared expectations these terms. Then, after writing their answers
concerning behaviour and who share a sense of common identity on the board, teacher gives key points under
3. Elicit from the students these (2) terminologies, “primary group” and secondary
group” through a Venn diagram. (CRITICAL THINKING)

Venn Diagram

Primary Secondary
Different Different

4. Challenge the students to elaborate on the following important topics.

According to Social Ties

1. Primary Group
Definition Characteristics Importance

 It is the most 1. Physical 1. To develop the

fundamental unit of Proximity: The personality.
human society. members of a 2. The efficiency of
 Long-lasting group group share close members’ increases
 Characterized by relationship and and person of the
strong ties of love they have group get help,
and affection. intimate contact inspiration and
 Do’s and don’ts of with each other. cooperation from one
behaviour are 2. Small in size. another.
learned here. 3. Stability in nature: 3. Satisfaction of total
Examples: families, Stability promotes needs of the
gangs, cliques, play closeness. individuals: Primary
groups, friendship 4. Continuity in groups help fulfilling
groups relationship: By physical, emotional,
meeting psychological, social
frequently and by and spiritual of the
exchanging individual.
thoughts, intimacy 4. Group members
increases. provide love,
5. Common security,
commitments belongingness and
among members. companionship to
6. Maximum control one another.
over group 5. Socialization process
members: Family initiates within the
members control primary group.
over family

2. Secondary Groups

Definition Characteristics Importance

 Groups with which 1. Position of a 1. The needs are

the individual comes member depends satisfied in the
in contact later in life. upon their role and group with the
 Characterized by status. advance of
impersonal, 2. Individuality technology and
business-like, develops in the associated with
contractual, formal persons because social change.
and casual their relations are 2. This group satisfies
relationship. based on self- the changing needs
 Usually large in size, interest. of society and
not very enduring 3. Self-dependence individual.
and limited among members. 3. Rules formed by the
relationships. 4. It is large in size. group, will increase
 People needed other 5. No physical the efficiency of the
people for the closeness. work.
satisfaction of their 6. Formed for some 4. Delegation of the
complex needs. purpose after authority,
 Examples; Industrial attaining that it coordination and
workers; business may dismantle. planning of the
associates, faculty 7. Group cannot activities will be
staff, company exercise control to implemented.
employees that extent due to 5. Secondary groups
large size. accommodate large
8. Lacks stability and number of
personal members/localities
relationships. which widens the
9. Has limited outlook of groups.
acquaintance and
10. Members play
active and passive
11. Possibility of
development in
12. It is formed with
definite objective;
its function is not
PRACTICE The spaceship Decision Activity. Read comprehensively the given situation below. (CRITICAL The students will select the
THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING) important persons from the
The Earth is going to explode in 24 hours. As the ruler of the Earth, you are the deciding factor to save given choices and will
your people. The only way to save your people is to transport them to another planet. Unfortunately, the answer the process question.
spaceship can only transport five (3) of your people along with you as a pilot. Given that the planet.
Earth consists of the following population, who are 3 are you going to bring?
a. Your boyfriend/girlfriend
b. Best friend
c. Gossiper neighbour
d. Family Member (specify)
e. Politician
f. Subject Teacher
Process the answers of the students by asking the following questions:
1. What where your consideration in choosing the 3 people to ride in the spaceship?
2. What were the reasons of not choosing the other three?
3. If there is still time to go back and save more of the remaining 3, would you do it or not? Justify
your answer.

Ideas -25
Organization -25
Language -25
Speaking skills -25
Total -100
Mannequin Challenge:
The teacher will group the students into 2 groups. Through a mannequin challenge, illustrate a specific The students will perform the
situation showing the varied roles that individuals play in Primary Group and Secondary Group. Each given task.
group will perform for only 3 minutes. Each group shall select one member to explain their output. Non-
performing groups shall give opinions/ideas/critique on the output.
Ideas -25
Presentation -25
Organization -25
Creativity -25
Total -100
EVALUATION Direction: True or False (Modified Type) Read the following statements. Write the word TRUE if the
statement is correct and change the underlined word or phrase if the statement is incorrect. Write your
answer in the space provided for it.
____________1.Rules formed by the people inside the Secondary group, will increase the efficiency of
the work.
____________2.Primary group is the most fundamental unit of human society.
____________3. Secondary Groups characterized by impersonal, business-like, contractual, formal and
casual relationship.
____________4. A social group consists of two or more people who identify with and interact with one
____________5. People needed other people for the satisfaction of their complex needs.
____________6. Secondary groups accommodate large number of members/localities which widens the
outlook of groups.
____________7. The In- group is a large and impersonal social group whose members pursue a
specific goal or activity.
____________8. Secondary group Characterized by strong ties of love and affection.
____________9. Primary groups help fulfilling physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual of
the individual.
____________10. Social Group is two or more humans who interact with one another, share similar
characteristics, and have a collective sense of unity.
Answer Key:
ASSIGNMENT Reflective essay:
Discuss the advantages of having a primary and secondary group. Share brief experiences about
acceptance and belongingness in social group. How do members settle conflict in the group?

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