Fibonacci Tools: Discovering The World of Fibonacci
Fibonacci Tools: Discovering The World of Fibonacci
Fibonacci Tools: Discovering The World of Fibonacci
Fibonacci Tools
Here’s a look at the numbers
behind the Fibonacci
sequence and how it can be
applied to your charts.
by Alexander Sabodin
he sequence of the
T Fibonacci num-
bers is considered
to have been dis-
covered by Leo-
nardo of Pisa, better known
as “Fibonacci,” a 13th-cen-
tury Italian mathematician.
(“Fibonacci” is an abbrevia-
tion of filius Bonacci; filius
is Latin for “son of.”) In the
early 1200s, after traveling
through parts of the Middle
East and studying with Arab
mathematicians, Fibonacci
published his book Liber
Abaci, or “Book of Calcula-
tion,” which introduced to
the West something that is
one of the greatest discover-
ies of all time: the decimal
numeration system, includ-
ing the position of zero as
the first number in the num-
ber sequence. This system,
known as the Hindu-Arabic
numeral system, includes
zero, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
amounts to approximately 38.2%. A pullback during the
FIGURE 1: THE GOLDEN SECTION. The ratio of the total length (AC) to middle of a trend could last up to 50% and in the case of a deep
the large segment (AB) is equal to the ratio of the large segment (AB) to correction, the trend should be expected to finish close to the
the small segment (BC).
61.8% level. Out of these levels, 61.8 could be the most
important because after the 61.8% level is broken, the trend
But this is not just algebraic division of a segment into two that existed prior to the break no longer exists.
equal parts. The golden section can be found in nature. The When trading conservatively within a trend, it is the
human body is an embodiment of the golden section in 61.8% level that traders consider to be the most important
everything, from general dimensions to the arrangement of and reliable.
the human face. Art is significantly improved through the In addition, the entry point from the 61.8% level provides
application of the golden section, and its value and applica- the best potential profit/loss ratio (Figure 3). Take the follow-
tion were especially notable in ancient Egypt and Greece and ing situation. When you wait for a correction after an ascend-
during the Renaissance. ing trend movement, you always have a guiding point for
Leonardo da Vinci himself believed that the golden pro- setting the first profit-taking target (T/P). Usually it is the last
portion was of great value and applied it to many of his high set by price, since it is the nearest resistance level. It is
paintings. Further, such expressions as the gold rectangle and reasonable to place a stop-loss (S/L) below the support level
the golden spiral (logarithmic spiral) exists in geometry. In from where the ascending price movement started. Look how
order to draw them accurately, you must employ the Fi- much your profit exceeds your risk, and how much worse the
Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 27:4 (26-29): Fibonacci Tools by Alexander Sabondin
ratio between S/L and T/P would have been if you entered
61.8% your trade at the 38.2% or 50% and placed your S/L below the
same support.
Of course, it is more profitable to buy from the support
Support level, but do not forget that we act based on the fact that we
are within the trend. Figure 4 shows an example of how the
61.8% correction level can work favorably.
level gives you the best profit/loss potential. FIBONACCI
GBPUSD, H4 1.5105 1.5281 1.5071 1.5221
Fibonacci expansions are cre-
100% ated by identifying three points
that describe two waves. You
then draw three lines inter-
secting the “assumed” waves
100% at the Fibonacci levels 61.8%,
100%, and 161.8% (Figure 5).
50% Significant price changes
38.2% should be expected near these
61.8% 61.8% lines.
50% This case is subject to the
following logic: According to
Dow theory, the main trend
0.0 has three development phases.
The first phase is regarded as a
mere bounce from the support
level. The phase with the larg-
est potential for profit gaining
is the second phase. During
FIGURE 4: IMPORTANCE OF THE 61.8% LEVEL. Here you see how the 61.8% correction level can work in your favor. the second development phase,
traders who use technical
EURUSD, Weekly 1.3887 1.3963 1.3313 1.3430 methods of following the
trends enter their positions.
Prices rise vigorously, and eco-
nomic information becomes
more optimistic.
161.8% 3 As a rule, the second phase
(in wave analysis it is referred
to as the third wave) cannot be
smaller than the first. Accord-
100% FE 100 ing to Elliott wave theory, the
second phase either equals the
1 first or frequently exceeds it
61.8% FE 61.8 by 1.618 times. In Figure 5 the
third wave appeared to be
0.0 longer than the first by 161.8%.
These values can be used to
forecast the target.
FIGURE 5: FIBONACCI EXPANSION. These expansion lines can be drawn at 61.8%, 100%, and 161.8%. You can expect significant
prices changes at these points.
Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.
Stocks & Commodities V. 27:4 (26-29): Fibonacci Tools by Alexander Sabondin
The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. Fidelity Investments
cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any statements or data.