Final Mathematics
Final Mathematics
Final Mathematics
Find the 1st 20 term in a Fibonacci
What is Fibonacci Sequence? Sequence.
The Fibonacci sequence is a type
series where each number is the sum 0, 1, 1, 2,
of the two that precede it. It starts ……………………………………….
from 0 and 1 usually. The Fibonacci
sequence is given by 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, GOLDEN RATIO
8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on.
The numbers in the Fibonacci The Fibonacci Sequence is closely
sequence are also called Fibonacci related to the value of the Golden
numbers. In Math, the sequence is Ratio. We know that the Golden Ratio
defined as an ordered list of numbers value is approximately equal to
that follow a specific pattern. The 1.618034. It is denoted by the
numbers present in the sequence are symbol “φ”. If we take the ratio of
called the terms. The different types two successive Fibonacci numbers,
of sequences are arithmetic the ratio is close to the Golden ratio.
sequence, geometric sequence, For example, 3 and 5 are the two
harmonic sequence and Finbonacci successive Fibonacci numbers. The
Sequence. ratio of 5 and 3 is:
5/3 = 1.6666
Fibonacci Sequence = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, Take another pair of numbers, say 21
8, 13, 21, …. and 34, the ratio of 34 and 21 is:
34/21= 1.619
Here, the third term “1” is obtained
by adding the first and second term. It means that if the pair of Fibonacci
(i.e., 0+1 = 1) numbers are of bigger value, then
Similarly, the ratio is very close to the Golden
“2” is obtained by adding the second Ratio.
and third term (1+1 = 2) So, with the help of Golden Ratio, we
“3” is obtained by adding the third can find the Fibonacci numbers in
and fourth term (1+2) and so on. the sequence. The formula to
For example, the next term after 21 calculate the Fibonacci numbers
can be found by adding 13 and 21. using the Golden Ratio is:
Therefore, the next term in the x_n = (φ)^n−(1−φ)^n/√5
sequence is 34. Where, φ is the Golden Ratio, which
is approximately equal to the value
The Fibonacci sequence of numbers of 1.618
“F_n” is defined using the recursive n is the nth term of the Fibonacci
relation with the seed values F_0=0 sequence.
and F_1=1 :
F_n=F_n−1+F_n−2 Let us check!
Here, the sequence is defined using Guide Questions:
two different parts, such as kick-off What is Fibonacci Sequence?
and recursive relation. Why Fibonacci Sequence is
The kick-off part is F_0=0 and significant?
F_1=1 . What are two different ways to find
The recursive relation part is the Fibonacci Sequence?
F_n=F_n−1+F_n−2. What is the value of the Golden
It is noted that the sequence starts ratio?
with 0 rather than 1.
So, F_5 should be the 6th term of the
independent of experience, fits so
Mathematics for Organization excellently the objects of reality?
Mathematics for Prediction -Albert Einstein-
Mathematics for Control
Mathematics play a very significant 2. Given any real number, its square
part in our lives and in the universe. is nonnegative.
Everything that we see around us is
related to and is connected with
Mathematics. Are there numbers a and b with the
property that a^2+b^2=(a+b)^2
Given any real number r, r^2 is
Mathematical Statement
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
{−5, −4, −3, −2, −1,
Input 4 –5
0 9 –1
Universal Statement contains some
variation of the words “for all” and
Output conditional statements contain
–2 7 versions of the words “if-then”. A
Domain: Universal Conditional Statement is a
{4, −5, 0, 9, −1} statement that is both universal and
Range: conditional.
{−2, 7} Universal Existential Statement is a
statement that is universal because
its first part says that a certain
What is FUNCTION? property is true for all objects of a
given type, and it is existential
A function F from a set A to set B is a because its second part asserts the
relation with domain A and range B existence of something.
that satisfies the following two Existential Universal Statement is a
properties: statement that is existential because
Every element of A is the first its first part asserts that a certain
element of an ordered pair of F object exists and universal because
No two distinct ordered pairs in F its second part says that the object
have the same first element. satisfies a certain property for all
things of a certain kind.
The Language of SETS
10 = < − 5 𝑥−5
Basic Mat English Translation
hematical Three increased by seven is fou
r. 2𝑥 = 1 Twice a number is equal to fourte
Statemen 4 en.
ts Three augmented by four equal
7(2) = 14 Sevenstimes two
seven. is fourteen.
Common errors: Two times a number is fourteen.
Twice Two
the product often
less than twoisand seven
equal i
to eig
s fourteen.
ht. (Redundant) 2(X+ 1) The ratio of twice the sum of a n
6 ÷ 2 = 3 Six divided by 2 is three. =5 3 umber and one, and three is
The ratio
six than
and two
two is
is equal
eight. to t
hree. Common errors:meaning)
notes different
Venn Diagram
Set Operations
1) Union of Sets. The union of two
sets A and B, denoted by A ∪ B, is
the set of all those elements, each
one of which is either in Aor in Bor 5) Symmetric Difference. For two
both in Aand B. Figure 2 shows a sets A and B, symmetric difference is
diagram of the union of two sets. the set (A− B) ∪ (A −B) denoted by A
∆ B. Figure 6 shows a diagram of
symmetric difference.
It is the most common value or The following sets of data show the
the most frequent score/s in weekly income [in peso] of five
the given set of data. selected households living in two
different barangays in the
1 mode – unimodal Municipality of Banaybanay.
2 modes – bimodal Brgy. Poblacion: 750, 1500, 1800,
3 modes – trimodal 3000, 2100
4 or more modes - multimodal Brgy. Caganganan: 1800, 1800,
1750, 2000, 1470
What are the basis?
Mean, Median & Mode: HUGOT!
MEANahal kita,
Sana’y mapagMEDIAN mong
Ibigay ko sa’yo ang MODEdo ko!