Final Mathematics

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Find the 1st 20 term in a Fibonacci
What is Fibonacci Sequence? Sequence.
The Fibonacci sequence is a type
series where each number is the sum 0, 1, 1, 2,
of the two that precede it. It starts ……………………………………….
from 0 and 1 usually. The Fibonacci
sequence is given by 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, GOLDEN RATIO
8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on.
The numbers in the Fibonacci The Fibonacci Sequence is closely
sequence are also called Fibonacci related to the value of the Golden
numbers. In Math, the sequence is Ratio. We know that the Golden Ratio
defined as an ordered list of numbers value is approximately equal to
that follow a specific pattern. The 1.618034. It is denoted by the
numbers present in the sequence are symbol “φ”. If we take the ratio of
called the terms. The different types two successive Fibonacci numbers,
of sequences are arithmetic the ratio is close to the Golden ratio.
sequence, geometric sequence, For example, 3 and 5 are the two
harmonic sequence and Finbonacci successive Fibonacci numbers. The
Sequence. ratio of 5 and 3 is:
5/3 = 1.6666
Fibonacci Sequence = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, Take another pair of numbers, say 21
8, 13, 21, …. and 34, the ratio of 34 and 21 is:
34/21= 1.619
Here, the third term “1” is obtained
by adding the first and second term. It means that if the pair of Fibonacci
(i.e., 0+1 = 1) numbers are of bigger value, then
Similarly, the ratio is very close to the Golden
“2” is obtained by adding the second Ratio.
and third term (1+1 = 2) So, with the help of Golden Ratio, we
“3” is obtained by adding the third can find the Fibonacci numbers in
and fourth term (1+2) and so on. the sequence. The formula to
For example, the next term after 21 calculate the Fibonacci numbers
can be found by adding 13 and 21. using the Golden Ratio is:
Therefore, the next term in the x_n = (φ)^n−(1−φ)^n/√5
sequence is 34. Where, φ is the Golden Ratio, which
is approximately equal to the value
The Fibonacci sequence of numbers of 1.618
“F_n” is defined using the recursive n is the nth term of the Fibonacci
relation with the seed values F_0=0 sequence.
and F_1=1 :
F_n=F_n−1+F_n−2 Let us check!
Here, the sequence is defined using Guide Questions:
two different parts, such as kick-off What is Fibonacci Sequence?
and recursive relation. Why Fibonacci Sequence is
The kick-off part is F_0=0 and significant?
F_1=1 . What are two different ways to find
The recursive relation part is the Fibonacci Sequence?
F_n=F_n−1+F_n−2. What is the value of the Golden
It is noted that the sequence starts ratio?
with 0 rather than 1.
So, F_5 should be the 6th term of the
independent of experience, fits so
Mathematics for Organization excellently the objects of reality?
Mathematics for Prediction -Albert Einstein-
Mathematics for Control


Patterns and Mathematics in Nature FIBONACCI SEQUENCE (2)

Patterns are regular, repeated,
reoccurring forms or designs. THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS
Patterns are commonly observed in
natural objects such as the six-fold Definition of a Sequence
symmetry or snowflakes, the Sequence is an ordered list of
hexagonal structure and formation of numbers, called terms, that may
honeycombs, the tiger’s stripes and have repeated values.
hyena’s spot, the number of seeds in
a sunflower, the spiral snail’s shell Definition of a Fibonacci Sequence
and the number of petals of flowers. The Fibonacci Sequence is formed by
adding the preceding two numbers,
The Fibonacci Sequence beginning with 0 and 1. Ratios of two
Sequence is an ordered list of Fibonacci numbers approximate the
numbers, called terms, that may Golden Ratio, which is considered as
have repeated values. The the most aesthetically pleasing
arrangement of these terms is set by proportion.
a definite rule. The terms of a
sequence could be generated by Who is Fibonacci?
applying the rule to previous terms Fibonacci was an Italian
of the sequence. mathematician. He was really
The Fibonacci sequence is the named Leonardo de Pisa but his
sequence of numbers, in which every nickname was Fibonacci.
term in the sequence is the sum of About 800 years ago, in 1202, he
terms before it, beginning with 0 and wrote himself a Math problem all
1. Ratios of two Fibonacci numbers about rabbits that went like this:
approximate the Golden Ration,
which is considered as the most "A certain man put a pair of rabbits
aesthetically pleasing proportion. in a place surrounded by a wall. How
many pairs of rabbits can be
Mathematics for our World produced from that pair in a year if it
Mathematics helps organize patterns is supposed that every month each
and irregularities in the world. pair breed a new pair from which
Mathematics helps predict the the second month on becomes
behavior of nature and phenomena productive?"
in the world, as well as helps humans (Liber abbaci, pp. 283-284)
exert control over occurrences in the
world for the advancement of our Fibonacci’s Rabbits!
Like all good mathematicians he
Exit Ticket stayed working on this problem for
months and eventually came up
How is it possible that Mathematics, with a solution:
a product of human thought that is

The Golden Ratio

Mathematics for Prediction

 Fibonacci’s rabbit theory turned
out not to be true BUT the sequence Calamities Forecast
he created IS incredibly useful…
 The sequence goes: you work Predicting the size, location, and
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …. timing of natural hazards is virtually
impossible, but because of the help
 Fibonacci’s sequence is made by of Mathematics we are able to
adding the two previous numbers forecast calamities such as
together to create the next, starting hurricanes, floods, earthquakes,
with zero and one: volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and
0+1=1 landslides etc. Using mathematical
1+1=2 tools we create models which
1+2=3 correspond to what we can measure
2+3=5 and observe in the world of reality.
…keep going in your notebooks! Weather Forecast

Fibonacci in Nature Weather forecasting is the

application of science and
technology to predict the conditions
of the atmosphere for a given
location and time. Human beings
have attempted to predict the
weather informally for millennia and
formally since the 19th century.

Space Phenomena Forecast

Mathematicians play an important

role in this process, working with a
set of equations that describe the
atmosphere, taking into account
The Golden Ratio temperature, pressure and humidity.
Every number of the Fibonacci Global Circulation Models (GCMs)
sequence divided for the preceding describe the interactions between
one is always: oceans and atmosphere to look at
what the average conditions could
be in decades to come.

Mathematics play a very significant 2. Given any real number, its square
part in our lives and in the universe. is nonnegative.
Everything that we see around us is
related to and is connected with
Mathematics. Are there numbers a and b with the
property that a^2+b^2=(a+b)^2
Given any real number r, r^2 is

Mathematical Statement

Important Kinds of Mathematical

Universal Statement – a certain
What is Variable? property is true for all elements in a
Variable is sometimes thought of as set. (Example: All positive real
mathematical "John Doe" because numbers are greater than zero)
you can use it as a placeholder when
you want to talk about something Conditional Statement – if one thing
but either: is true then some other thing also
you imagine that it has one or more has to be true. (Example: If 378 is
values but you don’t know what they divisible by 8, then 378 is divisible by
are, and 6)
you want whatever you say about it
to be equally true for all elements in Existential Statement – in a property
a given set, and so you don’t want to that may or may not be true, there is
be restricted to considering only a at least one thing for which the
particular, concrete value for it. property is true. (Example: There is a
prime number that is even)
To illustrate, consider the condition
below: Universal Conditional Statement
Is there a number with the
following property: Universal Statement contains some
-doubling it and adding 3 variation of the words “for all” and
gives the same result as squaring it? conditional statements contain
versions of the words “if-then”. A
Is there a number x with the Universal Conditional Statement is a
property that 2x+3=x^2? statement that is both universal and
What will be the possible
value of x to make the equation For all animals a, if a is dog, then a is
true? mammal.

Writing Sentences using variables For all animals a, if a is dog, then a is

Use variables to rewrite the following
sentences more formally: If a is a dog, then a is a mammal
If an animal is a dog, then the animal
1. Are there numbers with the is a mammal
property that the sum of their For all dogs a, a is a mammal
squares equals the square of their All dogs are mammals
For all real numbers x, If x is nonzero C. For all pots P, there is a lid L such
then x^2 is positive. that For all pots P, there is a lid L
such that L is a lid for P.
A. If a real number is nonzero, then
its square Existential Universal Statement is a
. statement that is existential because
If a real number is nonzero, then its its first part asserts that a certain
square is positive. object exists and universal because
For all nonzero real numbers x, its second part says that the object
B. For all nonzero real numbers x, satisfies a certain property for all
x^2 is positive. things of a certain kind.
C. If x , then There is a positive integer that is less
. than or
If x is a nonzero real number, then equal to every positive integer.
x^2 is positive.
D. The square of any nonzero real There is a positive integer that is less
number is The square of any nonzero than or
real number positive. equal to every positive integer.
E. All nonzero real numbers have.
All nonzero real numbers have Some positive integer is less than or
positive squares. equal to every positive integer.
There is a positive integer m that is
Universal Existential Statement less than or equal to every positive
Universal Existential Statement is a There is a positive integer m such
statement that is universal because that every positive integer is greater
its first part says that a certain than or equal to m.
property is true for all objects of a There is a positive integer m with the
given type, and it is existential property that for all positive integers
because its second part asserts the n, m ≤ n
existence of something.
Every real number has an additive There is a person in my class who is
inverse. at least
as old as every person in my class.
Every real number has an additive Some is at
inverse. least as old as
All real numbers have additive A. Some person in my class is at
inverses. least as old as every person in my
For al real numbers r, there is an class.
additive inverse for r. There is a person p in my class such
For all real numbers r, there is a real that p is
number s such that s is an additive .
inverse for r.
B. There is a person p in my class
Every pot has a lid. such that p is at least as old as every
person in my class.
A. All pots There is a person p in my class with
All pots have lids. the property that for every person q
in my class, p is
B. For all pots P, there is .
.For all pots P, there is a lid for P. C. There is a person p in my class
with the property that for every
person q Roster Method
in my class, p is at least as old as q. The elements of the set are all listed
Set-builder Notation
Rewrite the following statement: The elements of the set are
All bottles have cap. described
1. Every bottle has a cap.
2. For all bottle B, there is a cap for A={d, o, r, s, u}
B. B={x|x are letters in tℎe word love}
3. For all bottles B, there is a cap C C={2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19}
such that C is a cap for B.
There is a bird in this flock that is at What is a SUBSET?
least as heavy as every bird in the
flock. The set F is a subset of set A if all
1. Some bird in this flock is at least elements of F are also elements of A.
as heavy as every bird in the flock. Subset is denoted by ⊆. Proper
2. There is a bird b in this flock such subset is denoted by ⊂
that b is at least as heavy as every R={i, l, o, v, e,u}
bird in the flock. J={i, l, u}
3. There is a bird b in this flock with
the property that for every bird f in Which is true?
the flock, b is at least as heavy as f. R⊂J
For all real numbers x, if x is greater J⊂R
than 2, then x^2 is greater than 4.
1. If a real number is greater than 2, SET
then its square is greater than 4.
2. If x is a real number greater than Universal set
2, then x^2 is greater than 4. The universal set U is the set that
3. The square of any real number contains all objects under
greater than 2 is greater than 4. consideration.
4. All real numbers greater than 2 Null set
have squares that are greater than The null set (∅) is an empty set and
4. it is a subset of any set.
Cardinality of a set
SET AND FUNCTIONS . The cardinality of a set A is the
THE LANGUAGES OF SET number of elements contained in A


A SET is a well-defined group of Look for the subset of the following

objects, called elements that share a set.
common characteristic. The term 1. M={y,e,s}
well-defined means that given a set 2. N={n, o}
and an object, one can clearly To find the number of subsets of a
determine whether that object set, use 2^n where n is the
belongs to the set or not. A set is cardinality of the set.
usually denoted by a capital letter.
A={a, e,i, o, u} 1. {y}, {e}, {s},
B={r, o, j, ℎ, u, n} {y,e}, {y,s}, {e,s}, {y,e,s}, { }
C={1, 3, 5, 7, 9} 2. {n}, {o}, {n, o}, { }
Let’s try!
How to specify a SET?
Given the following set:
R = {1,3,5,7,9,12} L 1. C∩B
= {5,6,7} 2. D∪C
N = {1,4,3} E 3. (B∪C)∩D
= {1,5,7,12} 4. (C∩D)∩B
K = {3,9} 5. (A∩C)∩(D∩A)
O = {1,3,5}
Tell whether the following are subset Ordered Pair
to set R.
1. Set N 2. Set E Given elements a and b, the symbol
3. Set L (a, b) denotes the ordered pair
Find the subset of Set L. consisting of a and b together with
Find the cardinality of Set R and Set the specification that a is the first
E. element of the pair and b is the
Give the universal set of the given second element. Two ordered pairs
set. (a, b) and (c, d) are equal if, and only
1. Set L and Set K 2. Set E and Set if, a = c and b = d. Symbolically:
Operations on SET Means that
a=c and b=d

Evaluate the following:

1. Is (1, 2)=(2, 1)?
2. Is (3, 5/10)=(√9, 1/2)?
Union of Sets 3. What is the 1st element of (1, 1)?
A ∪ B = set of all 4. Is (4, 3^3)=(2^2, 27)?
elements found 5. What is the 2nd element of (2, 5)?
in A or B or both
Example : Cartesian Products

A = {a,b,c,d,e}, B = {b,c,f,g,ℎ} = { Given sets A and B, the Cartesian

a,b,c,d,e,f,g} product of A and B, denoted A×B and
In general, read “A cross B,” is the set of all
A ∪ B = {a,b,c,d ordered pairs (a, b), where a is in A
,e,f,g,ℎ} and b is in B. Symbolically:

Intersection of A×B={(a,b)|a∈A and b∈B}

all elements FUNCTIONS
common to set A and Set B What is RELATION?
Example :
A = {1,2,3,4 } ,B = {3,4,5,6} = {3,4 Let A and B be sets. A relation R from
} A to B is a subset of A×B. Given an
In general, A ∩ B = {3,4} ordered pair (x,y) in A×B, x is related
to y by R, written x R y, if, and only
if, (x,y) is in R. The set A is called the
Given the following set: domain of R and the set B is called
A ={r,o,j,ℎ,u,n} B={o,n} range.
C={o, r} x R y means that (x,y)∈R

Find the element of the following:

A relation may be viewed as ordered
pairs, mapping design, table,
equation, or written in sentences


{(0, −5), (1, −4), (2, −3), (3, −2), (4,

−1), (5, 0)}

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
{−5, −4, −3, −2, −1,

Input 4 –5
0 9 –1
Universal Statement contains some
variation of the words “for all” and
Output conditional statements contain
–2 7 versions of the words “if-then”. A
Domain: Universal Conditional Statement is a
{4, −5, 0, 9, −1} statement that is both universal and
Range: conditional.
{−2, 7} Universal Existential Statement is a
statement that is universal because
its first part says that a certain
What is FUNCTION? property is true for all objects of a
given type, and it is existential
A function F from a set A to set B is a because its second part asserts the
relation with domain A and range B existence of something.
that satisfies the following two Existential Universal Statement is a
properties: statement that is existential because
Every element of A is the first its first part asserts that a certain
element of an ordered pair of F object exists and universal because
No two distinct ordered pairs in F its second part says that the object
have the same first element. satisfies a certain property for all
things of a certain kind.
The Language of SETS

Is it a function? A SET is a well-defined group of

objects, called elements that share a
common characteristic.
Is it a function? Roster Method - The elements of the
set are all listed
Which relation is a function? Set-builder Notation - The elements
of the set are described
2 The set F is a SUBSET of set A if all
3 –1 2 elements of F are also elements of A.
Given elements a and b, the symbol
2 –1
3 (a, b) denotes the ORDERED PAIR
3 3 –2
consisting of a and b together with
the specification that a is the first Conventions in the mathematical
element of the pair and b is the language
second element. Two ordered pairs Symbols/ Basic English Terms
(a, b) and (c, d) are equal if, and only Operation
if, a = c and b = d. s

PRODUCT of A and B, denoted 𝐴×𝐵

Given sets A and B, the CARTESIAN = Equals, is equal to (common mista
ke, “is equals to”), represents, is th
ordered pairs (𝑎, 𝑏), where a is in A
and read “A cross B,” is the set of all
same as, is, are and the conjugatio
and b is in B.
ns of the verb, “to be”, is similar to
, is
The Language of RELATIONS &
equivalent to, exactly, results in.
+ Plus, sum, total, added to, added w
from A to B is a subset of 𝐴×𝐵.
Let A and B be sets. A RELATION R ith, added by, augmented, raised,

Given an ordered pair (𝑥,𝑦) in 𝐴×𝐵,


if, and only if, (𝑥,𝑦) is in R. The set A

x is related to y by R, written x R y, more than, and, increased, put tog
is called the domain of R and the set − Minus, difference, subtracted from,
B is called range. subtracted by, diminish, less, less t
A FUNCTION F from a set A to set B is han,
a relation with domain A and range B
that satisfies the following two decreased, separated.
Every element of A is the first
element of an ordered pair of F
No two distinct ordered pairs in F
have the same first element
Conversion of English expressions to
MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE AND X () Times, product, multiplied by, multiplied
SYMBOLS with, multiplied to, doubled,

Characteristics of Mathematical tripled, twice, thrice, etc.

Language Expressions vs. Sentences
The mathematical term expression is
equivalent to an English phrase. The /, ÷ Divided by, quotient, per, ratio, halved, o
ver, over all.
most common mathematical
statements or sentences are called
equations and inequalities.
mathematical sentences and vice-
Sentence Expression
Basic Math English Translation
An equation is a SENTENCE. An expression is a PHRASE,
solves an equation. a sentence fragment.
An equation HAS a relation symbol (i.e simplifies an expression. s
3 + 4 = 7 Three plus four equals seven.
An expression HAS NO relation sy
=,>,<) mbol.
Three plus four is equal to seve
Ex. Ten is five less than a number. Ex. five less than a number n.

10 = < − 5 𝑥−5

A number is less than five.

Basic Mat English Translation
hematical Three increased by seven is fou
r. 2𝑥 = 1 Twice a number is equal to fourte
Statemen 4 en.
ts Three augmented by four equal
7(2) = 14 Sevenstimes two
seven. is fourteen.
Common errors: Two times a number is fourteen.

The product of seven

Three plus four and two istofour
is equals sev
teen. en. (Grammar)
3(2X − Thrice the difference of twice a n
1) = 4 umber and one is four.
Twice The
the number sevenand
sum of three is fourteen.
four equal
Common errors:
to seven. (Grammar) Three, multiplied to the differenc
10 − 2 = 8Ten minus two is eight. e of twice a number and one, is f
Double the seven is fourteen. (Gram our.
mar) Ten less two is eight.

Twice Two
the product often
less than twoisand seven
equal i
to eig
s fourteen.
ht. (Redundant) 2(X+ 1) The ratio of twice the sum of a n
6 ÷ 2 = 3 Six divided by 2 is three. =5 3 umber and one, and three is

The difference of ten and two is

The quotient of six anderrors:
eight. Common two is three. equal to five.

The ratio
six than
and two
two is
is equal
eight. to t
hree. Common errors:meaning)
notes different

The quotient of two and

The difference six is
of two andthree.
ten is SETS
(Connotes different meaning)
eight. (Connotes different mean The concept of set formalizes the
ing) idea of grouping objects together
The ratio of two and six is equal to t and viewing them as a single
hree. (Connotes different meaning) identity. A set is a collection of well-
defined objects. The objects that
belong in a set are the elements, or
6+2 The sum of six and two all over four i members, of the set. Sets are usually
s two. denoted by capital letters ,,, … and

small letters 𝑎,𝑏,𝑐, … .

=2 elements are usually denoted by
The ratio of six plus two, and four is
4 equal to two. There are many examples of sets.
The following are sets:

The solutions if the equation 𝑥2 + 4𝑥

The quotient if the sum of six and tw The numbers 1, 3, 7, and 10.
o divided by four is two. Common err
+ 2 = 0.
The vowels of the English alphabet:
Six plus two divided by four is two. ( a, e, i, o u.
Connotes different meaning)
The cities of Mindanao.
The even integers.
In many areas of mathematics, the
2(12 − 4) Twice the difference of twelve and fo
following sets of numbers are
= 16 ur is sixteen.
extensively used: Natural Numbers
or Counting Numbersℕ = {1, 2, 3, 4,
Common errors:
Whole Numbers𝑊 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
5, … }
Double the difference of twelve and …}
four is sixteen. (Connotes different

Twelve minus four times two is sixte

en. (Connotes different meaning)
Integersℤ = {. . . , − 4, −3, −2, −1,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . }
Rational Numbersℚ= the set of all
terminating or repeating decimals
Irrational Numbers I= the set of all
nonterminating, nonrepeating 𝐶 = { 𝑎 : 𝑎 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑑𝑑
decimals Real Numbers ℝ =the set of 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 > 0 }
all rational or irrational numbers
3) Empty/Null/Void Set. A set containing
There are two ways of describing a no element, it is denoted by ∅ or { }.
e.g. The collection of DOSCST
1) Roster/Listing Method/Tabular students who are 200 years old.
Form. In this method, a set is
described by listing element, 4) Equal Sets. Two sets 𝐴and 𝐵are said
separated by commas, within braces. to be equal, if every element of 𝐴is a
member of 𝐵and every element of 𝐵is a
member of 𝐴and we write 𝐴 = 𝐵. Or if
𝐵 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
e.g. A= {a, e, i, o, u}
both 𝐴 and 𝐵 have exactly the same
2) Set Builder/Rule Method. In this
method, we write down a property or e.g. 𝐴 = {𝑎, 𝑐, 𝑡}, B = {𝑐, 𝑎, 𝑡},
rule which gives us all the elements hence 𝐴 =
of the set by that rule. Useful in
5) Equivalent Sets. Two sets are said to
describing infinite sets.
be equivalent, if they have same number
e.g. A= {X:X is a vowel of english of elements. If 𝑛(𝐴) = 𝑛(𝐵), then 𝐴
alphabets} and 𝐵 are equivalent sets.
B={X|X∈N AND X>7}
e.g. 𝐴 = {𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑, 𝑒} 𝐵
Types of Set
= {𝐽𝑎𝑛, 𝐹𝑒𝑏, 𝑀𝑎𝑟, 𝐴𝑝𝑟, 𝑀𝑎𝑦}
1) Finite Set. A set containing finite
number of elements or no element.
𝑛(𝐴) = 5 so is 𝑛(𝐵) = 5 , hence 𝐴
e.g. B = {1,2,3,4,5 }
and 𝐵 are equivalent sets.
A= {X:X ∈ Z, 6 > X> −3}

6) Subset and Superset. Let A and B be

Cardinality of a Finite Set. The
two sets. If every element of A is an
number of elements in a given finite
element of B, then A is called subset of B
set is called cardinal number of finite
and B is called superset of A. Written as 𝐴
set, denoted by N(A).
e.g. A= {10,20,30,40,50 }, so, ⊆ 𝐵 or B ⊇ A.
N(A) = 5
e.g. 𝑈 = {1,2,3,4,5}, 𝐴 = {1,2}, 𝐵
2) Infinite Set. A set containing = {3,4,5,1}
infinite number of elements.
Hence, 𝐴 ⊆ 𝑈or U ⊇ 𝐴, B ⊆ 𝑈or
e.g. The set of real numbers.

7) Proper Subset. If 𝐴is a subset of

𝐵and 𝐴 ≠ 𝐵, then 𝐴is called proper
subset of 𝐵and we write 𝐴 ⊂ 𝐵.

EG. A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4}


Notice that if 𝐴 is a proper subset

of 𝐵, then it is also a subset of 𝐵.

8) Universal Set(𝑈). A set consisting of all

possible elements which occurs under
consideration is called a universal set.
9) Power Set. The set formed by all the
3) Complement of a Set. If A is a set
subsets of a given set 𝐴, is called power set
with U as universal set, then
of 𝐴, denoted by 𝑃(𝐴). complement of a set A, Denoted by A
10) Disjoint Sets. Two sets 𝐴and 𝐵are ′ or A is the set U − A. Figure 4 shows
called disjoint, if 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = ∅. They do not a diagram of the complement of a
have any common element. set.

Venn Diagram

A Venn diagram is a pictorial

representation of sets where sets are
represented by enclosed areas in the plane
as shown in Figure 1. In a Venn diagram,
the universal set is represented by a
4) Difference of Sets. For two sets A

rectangular region and a set is represented

and B, the difference A − B is the set

by circle or a closed geometrical figure

of all those elements
of A which do not belong to B. Figure
5 shows a diagram of differenceof

Set Operations
1) Union of Sets. The union of two
sets A and B, denoted by A ∪ B, is
the set of all those elements, each
one of which is either in Aor in Bor 5) Symmetric Difference. For two
both in Aand B. Figure 2 shows a sets A and B, symmetric difference is
diagram of the union of two sets. the set (A− B) ∪ (A −B) denoted by A
∆ B. Figure 6 shows a diagram of
symmetric difference.

2) Intersection of Sets. The

intersection of two sets A and B,
denoted by A ∩ B, is the set of all
those elements which are common
to both A and B. If A1, A2, … , Anis a
finite family of sets, then their
intersection is denoted by ⋂n Ai or
A1 ∩ A2 … ∩ An. Figure 3 shows a
diagram of
the intersection of two sets.
Superintendent after the conduct of
the survey?


How can I proceed to the A measure of central tendency is a

investigation? single value that attempts to
Before you will conduct the describe a set of data by identifying
investigation, the central position within that set of
you need to unlock the lock using a data. As such, measures of central
code. tendency are sometimes called
measures of central location. They
Unlock it: PICK pak boom! are also classed as summary
What to do?
The data are already input in the Range is the difference between the
wheel. We will randomly select 7 greatest and the least number in a
data to unlock the padlock. data set.

The following data are the number of CHINA 1

teachers in the selected district in Get my Average!
the Division of Davao Oriental who
wanted to have face-to-face classes What to do?
next school year. Arrange the data in ascending order.
24, 18, 25, 16, 19, 21, 20, 22, Find the data
17, 23 that is typical or average to the
What are the things we can get? ___,___, ___,___,
It is the score obtained if all the
After we accomplish our ___,___,___
scores are “evened out.” It is
investigation, commonly referred to as the average
you will be able to: of all values.
1st thing
Find the Measures of Central
2nd thing
Solve problems involving Measures THAILAND 2
of Central Tendency I’m in the MIDDLE!
What to do?
What is the purpose of our Since the data is already arranged,
investigation? find the middle data.

The division of Davao Oriental It is the middle score in the ordered

randomly select 10 districts to be the list of the values that are arranged in
respondents of the survey regarding decreasing or increasing order.
the number of teachers who wanted Middle
to start the opening of classes on
June next school year. What will be
___,___, ___,___,
the decision of the Schools Division
Location of the Median
Is the FACE-TO-FACE classes possible
next school year?

The following information will guide

you to decide whether to use the
KOREA 3 mean, median or mode.
Again and again!
The mode can be used in reference
What to do? to either items or numbers.
From the given data, find the data Therefore, use the mode when you
that is want the most frequent item or
frequent or repeatedly appears. number in the list of data.
It is the most common value or the
most frequent score/s in the given The following information will guide
set of data. you to decide whether to use the
Repeat mean, median or mode.

___,___, ___,___, Very small or large numbers affect

___,___,___ the means. Hence, use the mean
Sum it Up! when the range is not great.
What is
Mean? The following information will guide
you to decide whether to use the
It is the score obtained if all the mean, median or mode.
scores are “evened out.” It is
commonly referred to as the average Very small and very large numbers
of all values. have little effect on the median.
x ̅=∑x/n Hence, use the median when the
range is great.
What is
Median? Let’s try it on?
Rojhun took four examinations in a
It is the middle score in the ordered Math class. His scores are 48, 65, 78,
list of the values that are arranged in and 79. Which measure is more
decreasing or increasing order. appropriate to use in order to
determine how well Rojhun is
Location of the Median performing in Math?
CHECK it out!
What is Find the Mean, Median, and Mode of
Mode? the given data.

It is the most common value or The following sets of data show the
the most frequent score/s in weekly income [in peso] of five
the given set of data. selected households living in two
different barangays in the
1 mode – unimodal Municipality of Banaybanay.
2 modes – bimodal Brgy. Poblacion: 750, 1500, 1800,
3 modes – trimodal 3000, 2100
4 or more modes - multimodal Brgy. Caganganan: 1800, 1800,
1750, 2000, 1470
What are the basis?
Mean, Median & Mode: HUGOT!
MEANahal kita,
Sana’y mapagMEDIAN mong
Ibigay ko sa’yo ang MODEdo ko!

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