Design of Double Box Culvert 2-Lanes

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Design of Double Box Culvert 2-Lanes

Clear Span 10 m
Clear Height 3.5 m
Top Slap thickness tt 0.45 m
Bottom Slab thickness tb 0.45 m
Side wall thickness ts 0.45 m
Intermediate wall thickness 0.45 m
Clear cover 0.05 m
Width of support Ws 0.45 m
Effective Height heff 3.95 m
Effective span of each box 5.45 m
Total height h 4.4 m
Clear width of carriageway BCW 8.5 m
Kerb BK 0.5 m
Total width of carriageway BT 9.5 m
Thickness of wearing coat hw 0.008 m
Thickness of silt over foundation hs 0.5 m
Unit weight of concrete ϒc 2.50 t/m3
Unit weight of wearing ϒw 2.20 t/m3
Unit weight of soil ϒ 2.02 t/m3
Unit weight of water ϒw 1.00 t/m3
Bearing capacity of soil 20.00 t/m2
Live load surcharge 1.2 m
Angle of internal friction of soil Φ 35 deg
Angle which earth face of the wall α 0 deg
makes with the vertical
Slope of earth fill β 0 deg
Width of bridge B 1.00 m
HFL hw 3.000 m
Height of dirt wall Hd 0.000 m


Live Load for Two Lanes
IRC 6-2016 TABLE 6 Clause 204.2
Clear width of carriageway BCW 8.5 m
Kerb BK 0.5 m
Total width of carriageway BT 9.5 m
Width of support Ws 0.45 m
Total thickness of top slab T 0.45 m
Effective depth of slab Teff 0.4 m
Clear length of span LC 10 m
Effective length of each box 5.45 m
Thickness of wearing course tw 0.008 m
Unit weight of wearing course ϒw 2.2 t/m3
Unit weight of concrete ϒc 2.5 t/m3
Ratio of BT/Lef 1.560
k 2.480
Dead Load
Self weight of slab 1.125 t/m2
Dead load of wearing course 2 t/m2
Total dead load 3.125 t/m2
Maximum Bending Moment due to dead per m width of
11.603 tm
load slab

Live Load
Two lanes of Class A loading
Maximum Axle load 11.4 t IRC 6
Ground contact dimension "B" 0.25 m IRC 6
Ground contact dimension "W" 0.5 m IRC 6
g 1.2 m IRC 6
f 0.15 m IRC 6
Width of dispersion parallel to span 1.166 m

Width of dispersion perpendicular to span 3.731 m

Effective width of dispersion 7.316 m actual dispersion

Impact factor 1.393
per m width of
Intensity of loading including impact 3.723 t/m slab

RA 2.171 t
Reactions at supports
RB 2.171 t
Maximum Bending Moment due at mid- per m width of
5.283 tm
span slab
One lanes of Class 70R wheeled loading
Maximum Axle load 20 t IRC 6
Clearance between the road face of the C 1.2 m IRC 6
kerb and outer edge of the wheel
Type of heaviest axle L
Ground contact dimension 0.86 m
Distance between axle 1.93
x 1.76 m
Width of dispersion parallel to span 1.776 m
Width of dispersion perpendicular to span 3.831 m
Effective width of dispersion 5.546 m actual dispersion
Impact factor 1.25 IRC 6
per m width of
Intensity of loading including impact 2.538 t/m slab
RA 4.508 t
Reactions at supports
RB 4.508 t
Maximum Bending Moment due at mid- per m width of
11.302 tm
span slab

One lanes of Class 70R tracked loading

Maximum Axle load 70 t IRC 6
Ground contact dimension parallel to 3.6 m IRC 6
Ground contact dimension perpendicular 0.85 m IRC 6
to span
Clear distance between axle 2.05 m IRC 6
Clearance from kerb 0.15 m IRC 6
Width of dispersion parallel to span 4.516 m

Width of dispersion perpendicular to span 4.245 m

Effective width of dispersion 4.823 m actual dispersion

Impact factor 1.233
per m width of
Intensity of loading including impact 3.507 t/m slab
RA 7.919 t
Reactions at supports
RB 7.919 t
Maximum Bending Moment due at mid- per m width of
19.600 tm
span slab

B.M.max due to live load per m width

20.00 tm of slab
IS 456 2000
B/Leff Supporte Continuous
0.1 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.8 0.8
0.3 1.16 1.16
0.4 1.48 1.44
0.5 1.72 1.68
0.6 1.96 1.84
0.7 2.12 1.96
0.8 2.24 2.08
0.9 2.36 2.16
1 2.48 2.24
10 2.48 2.24

B/Leff 1.559633
x1 1
y1 2.48
x2 10
y2 2.48
X 2.48
IRC 6-2016, CLAUSE 214.1
Under Non-Seismic condition for Non-Cohesive soil
degree radian
Angle of internal friction of soil Φ 35 0.6109
Angle which earth face of the α 0 0.0000
wall makes with the
Slope of earth fill vertical β 0 0.0000
Angle of friction between the δ 22.5 0.3927
earth and earth fill Active Earth pressure
Coefficient of active earth ka 0.244
Coefficient of active eath kah 0.226
pressure in horizontal direction
Coefficient of active earth kav 0.094
pressure in vertical direction
Unit weight of soil ϒ 2.02 t/m3
Unit weight of water ϒw 1.00 t/m3
Width of bridge B 1.00 m
Height of dirt wall Hd 0m
Effective Height heff 3.95 m
HFL hw 3m
Height of wall in always dry state hs 0.950 m

Forces (t) Lever Arm Moment

component t/m2 (m)
Live load due to surchrage F1 0.548 0.000 3.950 0.000
Earth pressure due to backfill
behind dirt wall F2 0.000 0.000 3.950 0.000
Earth pressure due to surcharge
& dirt wall backfill at abutment F3 0.548 2.166 1.975 4.278
Earth pressure due to backfill
behind abutment F4 1.805 3.565 1.659 5.914
Earth pressure due to surcharge
& dirt wall backfill at abutment F5 0.548 0.521 3.475 1.810
in dry state
Earth pressure due to backfill
behind abutment in dry state F6 0.434 0.206 3.399 0.701
Earth pressure due to HFL at
abutment F7 0.982 2.947 1.500 4.421
Earth pressure due to water at
abutment F8 0.693 1.040 0.990 1.029

Force (t) Moment (tm) Force (t/m2)

Lateral Earth Pressure Under Non-Seismic Dry Condition 5.730 10.191 2.901
condition for Non-Cohesive soil HFL Condition 4.714 7.961 3.206

Passive Earth pressure

Coefficient of active earth kp 9.507
per m width of span
Longitudinal Forces
Braking force 14 t
Braking moment 16.8 tm
Braking reaction on left side 3.083 t
Braking reaction on right side -3.083 t
Top Slab
Dead load due to wearing coat 0.225 t/m
Dead load due to slab 1.125 t/m
Total Dead load 1.35 t/m
Live load from wheel 3.723 t/m
Total load on top slab 5.073 t/m
Bottom Slab
Load from top slab 5.073 t/m
Load from wall 3.375 t/m
Silt over foundation 1.012 t/m
Live load dispersion 3.723 t/m IRC 6 - clause 205
Total load on bottom slab 9.460 t/m
Side Walls
Dry condition
Live load due to surchrage 0.548 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 0.548 t/m
wall backfill at culvert in dry state
Earth pressure due to backfill behind 1.805 t/m

Total side walls load in dry condition 2.901 t/m

HFL condition
Live load due to surchrage 0.548 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 0.548 t/m
wall backfill at culvert in dry state
Earth pressure due to backfill behind 0.434 t/m
culvert in dry state

Earth pressure due to HFL at culvert 0.982 t/m

Earth pressure due to water at culvert 0.693 t/m

Total side walls load in HFL condition 3.206 t/m

Intermediate Wall
Dry condition
Compresive load from top 5.073 t/m
HFL condition
Compresive load from top 5.073 t/m
Water pressure due to HFL 0.678 t/m
Base Pressure
Self weight of slab 1.125 t/m
Load from vertical walls 9.460 t/m
Total load 10.585 t/m safe
Top Slab
Fixed end moments 13.00 tm
Mid span moments 19.00 tm
Bottom Slab
Fixed end moments 24.00 tm
Mid span moments 36.00 tm
Side Walls
CASE -I Dry condition
Fixed end moments
Live load due to surchrage 1.357 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
wall at base
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
wall at top

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 2.172 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state at base

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 1.900 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state at top

Earth pressure due to backfill behind 2.680 t/m

culvert at base
Earth pressure due to backfill behind 1.787 t/m
culvert at top
Total side walls fixed end moment in dry 6.209 t/m
condition at base
Total side walls fixed end moment in dry 5.044 t/m
condition at top
Mid span moments
Live load due to surchrage 2.036 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 2.036 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state

Earth pressure due to backfill behind 3.351 t/m

Total side walls mid span moment in dry 7.422 t/m
CASE -II HFL condition
Fixed end moments
Live load due to surchrage 1.357 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
wall at base
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m
wall at top

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 2.172 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state at base

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 1.900 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state at top

Earth pressure due to backfill behind 0.645 t/m

culvert in dry state at base
Earth pressure due to backfill behind 0.430 t/m
culvert in dry state at top
Earth pressure due to HFL at culvert at 1.459 t/m
Earth pressure due to HFL at culvert at 0.973 t/m
Earth pressure due to water at culvert at 1.029 t/m
Earth pressure due to water at culvert at 0.686 t/m
Total side walls fixed end moment in HFL
6.662 t/m
condition at base
Total side walls fixed end moment in HFL 5.346 t/m
condition at top
Mid span moments
Live load due to surchrage 2.036 t/m
Earth pressure due to backfill behind dirt 0.000 t/m

Earth pressure due to surcharge & dirt 2.036 t/m

wall backfill at culvert in dry state

Earth pressure due to backfill behind 0.806 t/m

culvert in dry state

Earth pressure due to HFL at culvert 1.824 t/m

Earth pressure due to water at culvert 1.287 t/m

Total side walls mid span moment in HFL 7.988 t/m


Total fixed moment At base 7.00 t/m

considered At top 6.00 t/m
Total mid span moment 8.00 t/m

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