DLL English Grade 9

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Some of the key takeaways from the lesson include understanding Anglo-American literature, performing in a full-length play, and analyzing literature to understand unchanging values. The lesson also aims to develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

The objectives of the lesson are to demonstrate understanding of Anglo-American literature, use features of a full-length play like tense consistency and modals, and explain how elements in plays build themes. The learner is also expected to formulate predictions, relate texts to social issues, and employ effective communication strategies.

Some of the learning resources used in the lesson include references from the teacher's guide, learner's materials, textbooks, and additional materials from the learning resource portal. Videos on a father-daughter relationship and commercials are also used. Handouts on non-verbal communication and a plot diagram of Death of a Salesman are provided.

Annex 1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.


Grades 1 to 12 School Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School Grade Level Grade 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jonah B. Bucoy Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time February 12-16, 2018 Quarter Fourth
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (Holiday)
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and
remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using formative assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning content.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; Also, how to use the features of a
full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.
B. Performance Standards The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and
Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Competencies EN9VC-IVd-1.3/2.3: Formulate EN9LC-IVb-13.1: Get the different EN9OL-IVc-2: Employ effective and EN9LT-IVb-17.1: Explain how the EN9G-IVc-23: Express permission,
predictions based on the material sides of social, moral, and appropriate non-verbal elements specific to full-length obligation, and prohibition.
viewed economic issues affecting the communication strategies plays build its theme
nation EN9WC-IVc-11:
EN9RC-IVd-2.18: Relate text content to EN9LT-IVc-17: Analyze literature as Compose a play review
particular social issues, concerns, or a means of understanding
dispositions in real life unchanging values in a changing
C Ensuring Family Security Ensuring Family Security Ensuring Family Security Ensuring Family Security Ensuring Family Security


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages p. 449 p. 450 p. 439-440 p. 494-505 p. 495-498
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resource Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Father and His Daughter (Video “It’s Morning Again in America!” Handouts on Non-Verbal Death of a Salesman Video Death of a Salesman Play Summary
Presentation) (Video Presentation) Communication Laptop, Speaker Play Review Template
Laptop, Speaker Laptop, Speaker Graphic Organizer of Plot Diagram
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask random students to answer the Ask random students to answer Let the students play a game which Ask the students if they can still Let the students read the article on
presenting the new lesson question: “How much do you love your the question: is called, “charade”. Instruct them remember the elements of a plot page 495 of the LM.
father?” Do you believe in all the about the mechanics of the game. which were discussed in the
commercials or advertisements After the game, ask them the previous lesson.
that you watch? Why? Or Why following questions:
not? 1. Did you find it difficult to guess
the message by just looking at the
actions or gestures of the actor?
2. How were you able to guess the

B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the students watch a video about a Let the students watch the video of Tell the students that they have Tell the students that they are Instruct the students to do Task 11
lesson father and his daughter. Then pause the “It’s Morning Again in America!”. played a game in which the actor going to use their skills in (Get that Issue!) on pages 495-496 of
video in the middle part where the used actions and gestures to accomplishing a plot diagram for the LM.
daughter attempted to commit suicide. deliver the message. Explain to the new lesson.
Group the students into eight (8) groups them that those actions or Discuss the answers of the students.
with four members each and tell them gestures are considered to be part Let the students watch the film,
that they are going to predict what of non-verbal communication. “Death of a Salesman” and allow
would happen next (from the video). Ask them to jot down important details
the students to do Task 1 (What’s Next) from the film.
on page 449 of the LM.
C. Presenting examples/instances Ask each group to present their Ask the students the question: In Ask random students to share After watching the film, group the Ask the students if they can still
of the new lesson predictions and the reasons of why they your opinion, is it important to personal experiences where they students into six (6) groups and ask remember the modals. Discuss with
predicted them. know how to determine if the were able to use non-verbal them to identify the elements of a them the definition of a modal. Give
information is fact? Why? Or Why communication in communicating plot present in the film. them examples of modals.
not? especially with their friends.
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the students watch the video until Group the students into six (6) Discuss about non-verbal Ask each group to present their Instruct the students to write
practicing new skills #1 the end and reflect on this question: groups and ask them to do Task 3 communication and different outputs on plot diagram. sentences using modals. Call random
“After watching the whole video clip, (Take Two) on page 450-451 of the strategies in doing non-verbal students and then discuss their
what did you feel?” LM. Instruct them to write their communication. sentences with the class.
answers on a manila paper.
E Discussing new concepts and Discuss the guide question below and Ask each group to present their Show pictures of practices in the Instruct the students to look for a Instruct the students to look for a
practicing new skills #2 ask the students to share their own outputs. Discuss the answers of Philippines and of different partner and do Task 6 (Name the partner. Ask them to do Task 12
experiences. the students. countries. Ask the students to Character) on page 490 of the LM. (Model Your Modals) on pages 496-
Question: identify the meaning of those 497 of the LM.
“Do you agree with how the daughter gestures made in the practices. Discuss with them the guide
treated her father?” questions on page 491 of the LM.

F. Developing mastery Ask the students to give their own Ask the students to cite examples Let the students watch a short Ask each student to do Task 7 Ask the students to accomplish Task 13
version of the ending by answering the of the rampant fake news which video and ask them to jot down (Guess the Message) on page 491 (Hello Obligation!) on page 497 of the
question below: they have read or heard about. notes. of the LM. LM.
“If you were to give an ending to the
video, how would you do it?

G. Finding practical application of Instruct the students to write down Ask the students how they can Ask the students to identify the Instruct the students to do Task 8 Let the students do task 14 (Review
concepts and skills in daily living important points they have discovered determine if the information they non-verbal strategies used in the (Talk Me In) on page 491 of the LM that Play) on page 498 of the LM
while watching the video. receive is fact or fake. video they have watched. to better understand the thoughts where they need to use modals in
and feelings of the main character. writing a play review.
H. Making generalizations and Ask the students to look for a partner Ask the students to list down the Ask them to accomplish a concept Ask a volunteer from the class to Ask each student to accomplish My
abstractions about lesson and then ask them to share to each characteristics of factual map about their new learnings on give a summary of the things Treasure on page 500 of the LM.
other about the important points they information. non-verbal communication. discussed for the day.
discovered from the video.

I. Evaluating learning Instruct the students to prepare for a Administer a teacher made quiz on Instruct the students to group Group the students intro six (6) Administer a teacher made quiz on the
group role play of the students’ own identifying factual information and themselves into six (6) groups and groups and ask them to do task 9 correct usage of modals.
version of the video’s ending. Tell them subjective (biased) information. perform a role play showing non- (Speak and Act) on page 492 of the
that the role play is graded. verbal communication strategies. LM.

J. Additional activities for Ask each group to present their role play Ask the students to identify and Ask the non-performing groups to Instruct the students to familiarize Ask the students to read more
application or remediation in class. write down at least five (5) factual identify the non-verbal the terms used in theater. examples of modals used in sentences.
information from the commercials communication strategies used by
or TV advertisements. the performing group in their role
V. REMARKS The Friday lesson was cancelled because of the declaration of holiday. The entire content for Friday of this week was moved to Monday (February 19, 2018) of the following week, instead.

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
instructional supervisors can provide you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Submitted by: Submitted to:


Substitute Teacher Department Head, English
Date: _______________ Date: ____________________

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