GR 231658 - Separate Opinion
GR 231658 - Separate Opinion
GR 231658 - Separate Opinion
be the clear and imperative duty of In this regard, J. Florentino P. Feliciano's separate concurring
the respondent to perform the act required. 3 opinion5 in the landmark case of Oposa v. Factoran, Jr. 6 is
TIJAM, J.: illuminating:
Accordingly, for mandamus to issue in this case, it must be shown that
On 12 September 2014, the Knights of Rizal filed a petition for petitioner has a well-defined legal right to judicially demand, and It seems to me important that the legal right which is an essential
injunction directly with the Supreme Court to halt the construction of public respondents or any of them haPe concomitant legal duty to component of a cause of action be a specific, operablelegalright,
the Torre de Manila and have it demolished. Petitioner averred that carry out, the preservation of the vista, sightline and setting of the rather than a constitutional or statutory policy, for at least two (2)
once finished, said structure would completely dominate the vista of Rizal Park and the Rizal Monument. reasons. One is that unless the legal right claimed to have been
the Rizal Park and substantially diminish in scale and importance our violated or disregarded is given specification in operational terms,
national hero's monument. It asserted that the project is a Petitioner anchored its petition on Sections 15 and 16, Article XIV4 of defendants may well be unable to defend themselves intelligently
nuisance per se, constructed in bad faith and in violation of the City the 1987 Constitution which read: and effectively; in other words, there are due processdimensions to
of Manila's zoning ordinance. this matter.
Section 15. Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State. The
Private respondent, however, argued that there is absolutely no law, State shall conserve, promote, and popularize the nation's historical The second is a broader-gauge consideration - where a specific
ordinance or rule prohibiting the construction of a building, and cultural heritage and resources, as well as its artistic creations. violation of law or applicable regulation is not alleged or proved,
regardless of height, at the background of the Rizal Park and Rizal petitioners can be expected to fall back on the expanded conception
Monument, and that Republic Act No. 10066 (National Cultural Section 16. All the country's artistic and historic wealth constitutes of judicial power in the second paragraph of Section 1 of Article VIII
Heritage Act of 2009) protects merely the physical integrity of the cultural treasure of the nation and shall be under the protection of the Constitution which reads:
national cultural treasures. It denied acting in bad faith and that the of the State which may regulate its disposition.
Torre de Manila is a nuisance per se. Section 1 ....
The foregoing constitutional provisions mandate the conservation,
On 25 November 2014, the Supreme Court resolved to treat the promotion and protection of historical and cultural heritage and Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle
petition as one for mandamus, and to implead the City of Manila, the resources, but do not specify a clear legal right to the protection of actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
National Historical Commission of the Philippines, the National the vista, sightline and setting thereof. and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has been
Museum and the National Commission on Culture and the Arts as a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
public respondents. Broadly written, the provisions use the words "conserve," "promote," jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
"popularize" and "protect" which are open to different Government. (Emphasis supplied)
For the reasons hereinafter set forth, I concur in the result reached interpretations, as demonstrated no less by the parties' conflicting
by my distinguished colleague, J. Carpio, in his ponencia. positions on their breadth and scope when applied to the When substantive standards as general as "the right to a balanced
construction of the Torre de Manila. The provisions further refer to and healthy ecology" and "the right to health" are combined with
No clear legal right for mandamus to issue. but do not define what constitutes the nation's "historical and remedial standards as broad ranging as "a grave abuse of discretion
cultural heritage and resources," "artistic creations," and "artistic and amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction," the result will be, it is
Mandamus is a command issuing from a court of law of competent historic wealth." The authority given to the State to regulate the respectfully submitted, to propel courts into the uncharted ocean of
jurisdiction, in the name of the state or the sovereign, directed to disposition of the country's artistic and historic wealth also indicates social and economic policy making. At least in respect of the vast
some inferior court, tribunal, or board, or to some corporation or that further government action is intended to enforce the area of environmental protection and management, our courts have
person requiring the performance of a particular duty therein constitutional policy of conserving and protecting our heritage no claim to special technical competence and experience and
specified, which duty results from the official station of the party to resources. professional qualification. Where no specific, operable norms and
whom the writ is directed or from operation of law. 1 Mandamus will standards are shown to exist, then the policy making departments -
lie if the tribunal, corporation, board, officer, or person unlawfully Legislation is, thus, necessary to supply the norms and standards and the legislative and executive departments - must be given a real and
neglects the performance of said duty. 2 define the parameters for the implementation of the constitutional effective opportunity to fashion and promulgate those norms and
protection of historical and cultural heritage and resources. standards, and to implement them before the courts should
intervene.(Emphasis supplied.)
It is, thus, essential to the issuance of a writ of mandamus that the
applicant should have a clear, certain and well-defined legal right to
Similarly, in his Separate Opinion7 in Agabon v. National Labor of the national cultural treasures or important cultural properties are historical property or resources." 11 The law, however, does not
Relations Commission, 8 J. Dante 0. Tinga explained why "the right to found to be in danger of destruction or significant alteration from its indicate specific and operable norms and standards for the protection
security of tenure, while recognized in the Constitution, cannot be original state." 10 of the vista, sightline or setting of historic monuments and sites.
implemented uniformly absent a law prescribing concrete standards
for its enforcement," thus: Furthermore, Section 48 of RA 100066, which enumerates the Invoked by petitioner, the NHCP's Guidelines on Monuments
prohibited acts under the law, provides: Honoring National Heroes, Illustrious Filipinos and other Personages
x x x However, to declare that the constitutional provisions are (Guidelines) provide that monuments should be given due
enough to guarantee the full exercise of the rights embodied therein, Section 48. Prohibited Acts. - To the extent that the offense is not prominence since they symbolize national significance. 12 As a
and the realization of ideals therein expressed, would be impractical, punishable by a higher punishment under another provision of law, measure to achieve the monument's dominance, the Guidelines state
if not unrealistic. The espousal of such view presents the dangerous violations of this Act may be made by whoever intentionally: that vista points and visual corridors to monuments should be kept
tendency of being overbroad and exaggerated. The guarantees of clear for unobstructed viewing appreciation and photographic
"full protection to labor" and "security of tenure", when examined in (a) Destroys, demolishes, mutilates or damages any world opportunities. 13 Citing the International Charter for the Conservation
isolation, are facially unqualified, and the broadest interpretation heritage site, national cultural treasures, important cultural and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (Venice Charter), the
possible suggests a blanket shield in favor of labor against any form property and archaeological and anthropological sites; Guidelines further declare that the conservation of a monument
of removal regardless of circumstance. This interpretation implies an implies preserving a setting which is not out of scale, defining
unimpeachable right to continued employment - a utopian notion, "setting" as not only limited to the exact area directly occupied by the
(b) Modifies, alters, or destroys the original features of or
doubtless - but still hardly within the contemplation of the monument, but also to surrounding areas whether open space or
undertakes construction or real estate development in any
framers. Subsequent legislation is still needed to define the occupied by other structures as may be defined by the traditional or
national shrine, monument, landmark and other historic
parameters of these guaranteed rights to ensure the protection and juridical expanse of the property. 14
edifices and structures, declared, classified, and marked by
promotion, not only the rights of the labor sector, but of the
the National Historical Institute as such, without the prior
employers' as well. Without specific and pertinent legislation, judicial However, as noted by my esteemed colleagues, J. Leonen and J.
written permission from the Commission. This includes the
bodies will be at a loss, formulating their own conclusion to Jardeleza, it has not been shown that these Guidelines had been
designated security or buffer zone, extending five (5) meters
approximate at least the aims of the Constitution. published and a copy thereof deposited with the Office of the
from the visible perimeter of the monument or site;
National Administrative Register in the University of the Philippines'
Thus, the constitutional mandate expressed in Sections 15 and 16, Law Center. Thus, they cannot be considered effective and
xxx xxx
Article XIV of the Constitution cannot, on its own, be the source of binding. 15 Both the requirements of publication and filing of
the avowed right to the preservation of the vista, sightline and setting administrative issuances intended to enforce existing laws are
of the Rizal Park and Rizal Monument.9 Demolition, destruction and mutilation are acts applied upon mandatory for the effectivity of said issuances. 16 These requirements
something physical rather than non-physical such as the view,
of publication and filing were put in place as safeguards against
dominance, vista or sightline of a heritage site or property.
The ensuing question, therefore, is whether legislation enacted abuses on the part of lawmakers and as guarantees to the
Furthermore, the prohibited acts referred to in paragraph (b) applies
pursuant to said mandate provide for specific and operable norms constitutional right to due process and to information on matters of
to the original features of the monument or shrine itself or any real
and standards that extend the constitutional protection to the vista, public concern and, therefore, require strict compliance. 17
estate development therein. It will likewise be noted that the security
sightline and setting of historical and cultural heritage and resources.
or buffer zone protected under the provision extends only to five (5)
An examination of Philippine statutes relating to heritage In any event, the language of the NHCP Guidelines do not appear to
meters from the visible perimeter of the monument or site. Records
preservation reveals no such norms or standards. rule out the presence or construction of buildings within the sightline
show that the Torre de Manila is located about 870 meters outside
or setting of the historic monument. Thus, the Guidelines provide
and to the rear of Rizal Park.
Republic Act No. (RA) 10066, known as the National Cultural Heritage that: "(t)he monument should preferably be the focal point of a city
Act of 2009, involves the protection of the physical integrity of the or town center," and the (f)acade of buildings around a monument,
RA 10086 (Strengthening Peoples' Nationalism Through Philippine
heritage property or site. This is evident from Sections 25 and 48 of particularly on a rotunda or circle can be retrofitted with a uniform
History Act) empowers the National Historical Commission of the
the Act. design to enhance the urban renewal of the site and the prominence
Philippines (NHCP) to "(d)etermine the manner of identification,
and dominance of the monument."18 Furthermore, the Guidelines
maintenance, restoration, conservation and preservation of historical
Section 25 of RA 10066 authorizes the appropriate cultural agency to allow for urban renewal projects and adaptation of historic sites to
sites, shrines, structures and monuments," and to (r)egulate activities
issue a Cease and Desist Order ex parte "when the physical integrity contemporary life. 19 It also looks to regulation by the local
pertaining to the preservation, restoration and conservation of
government of the design, volume and height of buildings specify operable norms and standards indicating that the protection conserve, promote and protect historical and cultural heritage and
surrounding or in the immediate vicinity of the extends to its vista, sightline or setting. resources. It is settled that legislative failure to pursue state policies
monument/site to enhance the prominence, dominance and dignity cannot give rise to a cause of action in the courts. 28]]
of the monument.20 Such local regulation was notably made to apply The Venice Charter, also invoked by petitioner, provides:
to development in the vicinity, both "existing and future." 21 In During the deliberations on this case, it was posited that while
relation to the monument's setting, the Guidelines also state Article 1. existing statutes show no clear and specific duty on the part of public
that new construction would not be allowed but only if it would alter respondents to regulate, much less, prohibit the construction of
the relations of mass and color. 22 What it specifically rejects is the structures that obstruct the view, sightline or setting of the Rizal
The concept of a historic monument embraces not only the single
encroachment or "direct abutment of structures" into the monument Monument, Manila's zoning ordinance (Ordinance No. 8119) imposes
architectural work but also the urban or rural setting in which is found
site.23 such duty on the City Government of Manila under the guidelines and
the evidence of a particular civilization, a significant development or
a historic event. This applies not only to great works of art but also to standards prescribed in Sections 47 and 48 thereof.
Thus, assuming the Guidelines are effective, they may not be deemed more modest works of the past which have acquired cultural
to impose an absolute prohibition against structures erected within significance with the passing of time. Sections 47 and 48 of Ordinance No. 8119, in pertinent part, state:
the monument's vicinity, sightline or setting, subject only to the
structures' compliance with the local government's regulatory Sec. 47. Historical Preservation and Conservation Standards. -
xxx xxx
restrictions on height, design and volume, and to urban renewal Historical sites and facilities shall be conserved and preserved. x x
Article 6.
The following shall guide the development of historic sites and
RA 8492 (National Museum Act of 1998), which tasked the National facilities:
The conservation of a monument implies preserving a setting which
Museum to supervise the restoration, preservation, reconstruction,
is not out of scale. Wherever the traditional setting exists, it must be
demolition, alteration, relocation and remodeling of immovable
kept. No new construction, demolition or modification which would 1. Sites with historic buildings or places shall be developed
properties and archaeological landmarks and sites, 24 contains no
alter the relations of mass and colour must be allowed. to conserve and enhance their heritage values.
indication that such duty extended to the preservation of the vista,
sightline and setting of cultural properties. RA 8492 was also
The Venice Charter indeed declares that preservation of the setting is 2. xx
amended by RA 10066 which distributed the responsibilities over
cultural properties among several cultural agencies based on the integrated in conservation efforts involving historic monuments.
categorization of the property, and assigned to the National Museum However, as pointed out by J. Jardeleza, the Charter does not rise to 3. Any person who proposes to add, to alter, or
the responsibility for significant movable and immovable cultural and the level of enforceable law absent any showing of the country's partially demolish a designated heritage property will
natural property pertaining to collections of fine arts, archaeology, commitment thereto. require the approval of the City Planning and Development
anthropology, botany, geology, zoology and astronomy, including its Office (CDPO) and shall be required to prepare a heritage
conservation aspect. 25 In any event, it cannot be said that the Venice Charter provides impact statement that will demonstrate to the satisfaction
specific, operable norms and standards, or sufficient parameters, to of the CPDO that the proposal will not adversely impact the
hold that the setting of the Rizal Monument, in particular, was not heritage significance of the property and shall submit plans
RA 7356 or the Law Creating the National Commission for the, Culture
preserved by reason of the subject building. By its language, the for review by the CPDO in coordination with the National
and the Arts (NCCA) mandated the NCCA to "support and promote
the establishment and preservation of cultural and historical Charter merely laid down basic and guiding "principles," "with each Historical Institute (NHI).
onuments, markers, names and sites,"26 and empowered it to country being responsible for applying the plan within the framework
"regulate activities inimical to preservation/conservation of national of its own culture and traditions." Thus, even assuming that the 4. Any proposed alteration and/or re-use of designated
cultural heritage/properties." It designated the NCCA as the over-all Philippines committed to adhere to said principles, the Charter heritage properties shall be evaluated based on criteria
policy-making and coordinating body that will harmonize the policies cannot, by itself, be the basis for the mandamus sought. established by the heritage significance of the particular
of national cultural agencies.27 RA 7356 was amended by RA 10066 property or site.
which, among others, expanded the authority and responsibility of In fine, a clear legal right to the protection of the vista, sightline and
the NCCA. As previously noted, RA 10066 refers to the protection of setting of the Rizal Monument and the Rizal Park has not been 5. xx
the physical integrity of the heritage property or site, and does not established in legislation as an aspect of the constitutional policy to
6. xx properties in the neighborhood in particular and the community in enhancement of the heritage value of the historical site; it also refers
general. to the alteration, demolition and re-use of designated heritage
7. Residential and commercial infill in heritage areas will be properties, and development plans within the heritage area. In fact,
sensitive to the existing scale and pattern of those areas, Furthermore, designs should consider the following: it is expressly prefaced by a statement alluding to the enumeration as
which maintains the existing landscape and streetscape guidelines in the "development of historic sites and facilities."
qualities of those areas, and which does not result in the loss 1. Sites, buildings and facilities shall be designed and
of any heritage resources. developed with regard to safety, efficiency and high Records show that Torre de Manila is located in the University Cluster
standards of design. The natural environmental character of Zone, 870 meters outside and to the rear of Rizal Park. The zone is
8. Development plans shall ensure that parking facilities the site and its adjacent properties shall be considered in the not a historical site, a heritage area, or a designated heritage
(surface lots, residential garages, stand-alone parking site development of each building and facility. property. Thus, Section 47 of Ordinance No. 8119 will not apply.
garages and parking components as part of larger
developments) are compatibly integrated into heritage 2. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so Section 48 of Ordinance No. 8119, which enumerates the "Site
areas, and/or are compatible with adjacent heritage designed that it does not impair the entry of light and Performance Standards," appears to apply to all development
resources. ventilation, cause the loss of privacy and/or projects in the City of Manila. It requires that the development
create nuisances, hazards or inconveniences to adjacent project should be "aesthetically pleasing" and "in harmony with the
9. Local utility companies (hydro-gas, telephone, cable) shall developments. existing and intended character of its neighborhood," and that it
be required to place metering equipment, transformer should consider the "natural environmental character of the site and
boxes, power lines, conduit, equipment boxes, piping, 3. xx its adjacent properties."
wireless telecommunication towers and other utility
equipment and devices in locations which do not detract 4. xx The neighborhood within which the Torre de Manila is situated is the
from the visual character of heritage resources, and which University Cluster Zone. Furthermore, the building is not adjacent to
do not have negative impact on its architectural integrity. or adjoining the Rizal Park or the Rizal Monument. By the language of
5. xx
Section 48, the "adjacent properties" mentioned therein would refer
10. Design review approval shall be secured from the CPDO to properties adjoining the Torre de Manila site within the University
6. xx
for any alteration of heritage property to ensure that design Cluster Zone, such that "harmony with the existing and intended
guidelines and standards are met and shall promote character of the neighborhood" would be achieved. It is, thus,
7. xx doubtful that Section 48 provides norms and standards intended to
preservation and conservation of the heritage
property. (Underscoring supplied.) preserve the sightline or setting of the Rizal Monument.
8. No large commercial signage or pylon, which will
be detrimental to the skyline, shall be allowed. It has been held that mandamus will not issue to enforce a right
Sec. 48. Site Performance Standards. The City considers it in the
public interest that all projects are designed and developed in a safe, which is in substantial dispute or as to which a substantial doubt
efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. Site development shall 9. Design guidelines, deeds of restriction, property exists. 29
consider the environmental character and limitations of the site and management plans and other regulatory tools that will
its adjacent properties. All project elements shall be in complete ensure high quality developments shall be required from Even assuming that Ordinance No. 8119 extends protection to the
harmonyaccording to good design principles and the subsequent developers of commercial subdivisions and condominiums. vista, sightline or setting of a historical site or property, it does not
development must be pleasing as well as efficiently These shall be submitted to the City Planning and specify the paramaters by which the City Development and Planning
functioning especially in relation to the adjacent properties and Development Office (CPDO) for review and Office (CDPO) shall determine compliance, thereby giving the CDPO
bordering streets. approval. (Underscoring supplied.) wide discretion in ascertaining whether or not a project preserves the
heritage site or area.
The design, construction, operation and maintenance of every facility An examination of Section 47 of Ordinance No. 8119, however, will
shall be in harmony with the existing and intended character of its reveal that the guidelines set therein refer to the historical site or the Under the guidelines and standards of Sections 47 and 48 of,
neighborhood. It shall not change the essential character of the said heritage area itself, or to the physical integrity of the designated Ordinance No. 8119, development projects: should conserve and
area but will be a substantial improvement to the value of the heritage property. Thus, Section 47 speaks of the conservation and enhance the heritage value of the historic site; should not adversely
impact the heritage significance of the heritage property; should not Even on the assumption that there is in fact a legislative gap caused height restrictions under Ordinance No. 8119 when it granted private
result in the loss of any heritage resources; should not detract from by such an omission, neither could the Court presume otherwise and respondent a variance almost six (6) times the seven (7)-floor height
the visual character of heritage resources; and should be aesthetically supply the details thereof, because a legislative lacuna cannot be limit in a University Cluster Zone. Petitioner notes that at 22.83%
pleasing. filled by judicial fiat. Indeed, courts may not, in the guise of completion, or at the height of nineteen (19) floors, as of 20 August
interpretation, enlarge the scope of a statute and include therein 2014, the structure already obstructs the vista of the Rizal Park and
There are no parameters, definitions or criteria to ascertain how situations not provided nor intended by the lawmakers. An the Rizal Monument.
heritage value is deemed to have been conserved and enhanced, omission at the time of the enactment, whether careless or
what adversely impacts the heritage significance of a property, what calculated, cannot be judicially supplied however after later wisdom Section 77 of Ordinance No. 8119, however, expressly provides for a
sufficiently detracts from the visual character of a heritage property, may recommend the inclusion. Courts are not authorized to insert remedy in case of violation of its provisions; it allows for the filing of
and what is aesthetically pleasing. The absence of such parameters into the law what they think should be in it or to supply what they a verified complaint before the Manila Zoning Board of Assessment
creates considerable room for subjective interpretation and use of think the legislature would have supplied if its attention has been and Appeals for any violation of the Ordinance or of any clearance or
discretion that could amount to an undue delegation of legislative called to the omission. permits issued pursuant thereto, including oppositions to
power. applications for clearances, variance or exception.
Courts should not, by construction, revise even the most arbitrary
Two tests determine the validity of delegation of legislative power: and unfair action of the legislature, nor rewrite the law to conform The general rule is that before a party is allowed to seek the
(1) the completeness test and (2) the sufficient standard test. Under with what they think should be the law. Nor may they interpret into intervention of the court, he or she should have availed himself or
the first test or the so-called completeness test, the law must be the law a requirement which the law does not prescribe. Where a herself of all the means of administrative processes afforded him or
complete in all its terms and conditions when it leaves the legislature statute contains no limitations in its operation or scope, courts should her. Hence, if resort to a remedy within the administrative machinery
such that when it reaches the delegate, the only thing he will have to not engraft any. And where a provision of law expressly limits its can still be made by giving the administrative officer concerned every
do is to enforce it. The second test or the sufficient standard test, application to certain transactions, it cannot be extended to other opportunity to decide on a matter that comes within his or her
mandates that there should be adequate guidelines or limitations in transactions by interpretation. To do any of such things would be to jurisdiction, then such remedy should be exhausted first before the
the law to determine the boundaries of the delegate's authority and do violence to the language of the law and to invade the legislative courts' judicial power can be sought. The premature invocation of the
prevent the delegation from running riot.30 sphere. (Emphasis supplied) intervention of the court is fatal to one's cause of action. The doctrine
of exhaustion of administrative remedies is based on practical and
By their language and provisions, Sections 47 and 48 of Ordinance No. In the absence of a clear legal right to the protection of the vista, legal reasons. The availment of administrative remedy entails lesser
8119 fail to comply with the completeness test. sightline and setting of the Rizal Monument, and the concomitant expenses and provides for a speedier disposition of controversies.
legal duty to enforce such right, mandamus will not lie. The writ of Furthermore, the courts of justice, for reasons of comity and
A writ of mandamus can be issued only when petitioner's legal right mandamus will not issue to compel an official to do anything which is convenience, will shy away from a dispute until the system of
to the performance of a particular act which is sought to be not his duty to do or which it is his duty not to do, or to give to the administrative redress has been completed and complied with, so as
compelled is clear and complete. A clear legal right is a right which applicant anything to which he is not entitled by law. 35 to give the administrative agency concerned every opportunity to
is indubitably granted by law or is inferable as a matter of law.31 No correct its error and dispose of the case. 37
clear and complete legal right to the protection of the vista, sightline Direct recourse to the Supreme Court was improper.
and setting of the Rizal Park and Rizal Monument has been shown to An exception to said rule is when the issue raised is a purely legal
exist. An important principle followed in the issuance of the writ question, well within the competence and the jurisdiction of the
of mandamus is that there should be no plain, speedy and adequate court and not the administrative agency.38
The Court cannot, in the guise of interpretation, enlarge the scope of remedy in the ordinary course of law other than the remedy of
a statute or insert into a statute what the legislature omitted, mandamus being invoked. In other words, mandamus can be issued It is clear, however, that factual issues are involved in this case. The
whether intentionally or unintentionally.32 To read into an ordinance only in cases where the usual modes of procedure and forms of calculation of the maximum allowable building height, the alleged
objects which were neither specifically mentioned nor enumerated remedy are powerless to afford relief.36 violation of existing regulations under Ordinance No. 8119, and the
would be to run afoul of the dictum that where a statute, by its terms, existence or nonexistence of the conditions39 for approval of a
is expressly limited to certain matters, it may not, by interpretation Petitioner brought this case to the Supreme Court, arguing that that variance by reason of nonconformity with the height restrictions, are
or construction, be extended to other matters. 33Thus, in Canet v. the Torre de Manila was being constructed in violation of the zoning questions of fact which the City of Manila could pass upon under
Mayor Decena, 34 the Court explained: ordinance. Petitioner claims that the City of Manila violated the Section 77 of Ordinance No. 8119.
Likewise, whether or not the Torre de Manila is a nuisance, and In issuing permits to developers and in granting variances from height Petitioner alleged that it is a public, non-profit organization created
whether or not private respondent acted in good faith, are factual restrictions, the City of Manila exercises discretion and judgment under RA 646, and pursuant to its mandate, it conducts activities at
issues that should not have been raised at the first instance before upon a given set of facts. Such acts are not purely ministerial the Rizal Park to commemorate Jose Rizal's birth and martyrdom at
this Court. functions that can be compelled by mandamus. least twice a year. Petitioner asserted that its legal mandate to
celebrate Rizal's life was violated on account of private respondent's
The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts and it is not duty-bound to Petitioner failed to comply withbr />requisites for judicial review. Torre de Manila project which continue to mar the previously
analyze and weigh again the evidence considered in the proceedings unobstructed view of the Rizal Park. Such interest, however, cannot
below. More so, this Court is not duty-bound to analyze and weigh Like almost all powers conferred by the Constitution, the power of be said to be personal and substantial enough to infuse petitioner
evidence pertaining to factual issues which have not been subject of judicial review is subject to limitations. The following requisites must with the requisite locus standi. It certainly is not a present or
any proper proceedings below. 40 be complied with before this Court can take cognizance of the case: immediate interest, as petitioner's commemorative activities are not
(1) there must be an actual case or controversy calling for the constantly conducted in the Rizal Park.
Any judicial intervention should have been sought at the first instance exercise of judicial power; (2) the person challenging the act must
from the Regional Trial Court which has the authority to resolve have the standing to question the validity of the subject act or The experience of looking at the vista of the Rizal Park and the Rizal
constitutional issues,41 more so where questions of fact are involved. issuance; otherwise stated, he must have a personal and substantial Monument and finding it marred by the subject structure does not
interest in the case such that he has sustained, or will sustain, direct give rise to a substantial and personal injury that will give locus
A direct recourse to this Court is highly improper for it violates the injury as a result of its enforcement; (3) the question of standi to petitioner to file this case. It is what can be considered as an
established policy of strict observance of the judicial hierarchy of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest opportunity; and (4) incidental, if not a generalized, interest. Generalized interests, albeit
courts. While we have concurrent jurisdiction with the Regional Trial the issue of constitutionality must be the very lis mota of the case.44 accompanied by the assertion of a public right, do not establish locus
Courts and the Court of Appeals to issue the extraordinary writs, this standi. 48 Evidence of a direct and personal interest is key. 49
concurrence is not to be taken as an unrestrained freedom of choice Petitioner failed to show its legal standing to file the case.
as to which court the application for the writ will be directed. There The rule on locus standi is not a plain procedural rule but a
is after all a hierarchy of courts. That hierarchy is determinative of the This Court, in determining locus standi, has applied the "direct injury" constitutional requirement derived from Section 1, Article VIII of the
venue of appeals and should also serve as a general determinant of test which requires that for a private individual to invoke the judicial Constitution, which mandates courts of justice to settle only "actual
the appropriate forum for petitions for the extraordinary writs. This power to determine the validity of an executive or legislative controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and
Court is a court of last resort and must so remain if it is to action, he must show that he has sustained a direct injury as a result enforceable."50 This Court, in Lozano v. Nograles, 51 explained:
satisfactorily perform the functions assigned to· it by the of that action. It is not sufficient that he has a general interest
common to all members of the public.45 x x x [C]ourts are neither free to decide all kinds of cases dumped into
Constitution and immemorial tradition.42 their laps nor are they free to open their doors to all parties or
Accordingly, locus standi or legal standing has been defined as entities claiming a grievance. The rationale for this constitutional
Mandamus cannot compel the a personal and substantial interest in a case such that the party has requirement of locus standi is by no means trifle. It is intended "to
performance of a discretionary act. sustained or will sustain direct injury as a result of the governmental assure a vigorous adversary presentation of the case, and, perhaps
act that is being challenged. 46 more importantly to warrant the judiciary's overruling the
determination of a coordinate, democratically elected organ of
A key principle to be observed in dealing with petitions
government." It thus goes to the very essence of representative
for mandamus is that such extraordinary remedy lies to compel the Jurisprudence defines interest as "material interest, an interest in
performance of duties that are purely ministerial in nature, not those issue and to be affected by the decree, as distinguished from mere
that are discretionary. A purely ministerial act or duty is one that an interest in the question involved, or a mere incidental interest. By real
officer or tribunal performs in a given state of facts, in a prescribed interest is meant a present substantial interest, as distinguished xxx xxx xxx
manner, in obedience to the mandate of a legal authority, without from a mere expectancy or a future, contingent, subordinate, or
regard to or the exercise of its own judgment upon the propriety or consequential interest."47 A lesser but not insignificant reason for screening the standing of
impropriety of the act done. The duty is ministerial only when its persons who desire to litigate constitutional issues is economic in
discharge requires neither the exercise of official discretion or By the foregoing standards, petitioner cannot be considered to have character. Given the sparseness of our resources, the capacity of
judgment.43 satisfied the "direct injury" test. courts to render efficient judicial service to our people is severely
limited. For courts to indiscriminately open their doors to all types of
suits and suitors is for them to unduly overburden their dockets, and significance" is invoked would result in unacceptable corruption of As previously discussed, petitioner has failed to show that it has
ultimately render themselves ineffective dispensers of justice. To be the settled doctrine of locus standi as every worthy cause is an sustained or is immediately in danger of sustaining a direct injury as
sure, this is an evil that clearly confronts our judiciary today. interest shared by the general public. a result of the construction of the Torre de Manila.
Petitioner has likewise failed to justify an exemption from the locus Petitioner has also failed to present a justiciable controversy. In sum, absent a clear legal right to the protection of the vista,
standi rule on grounds of transcendental importance." sightline and setting of the Rizal Park and Rizal Monument, and for
An actual case or controversy involves a conflict of legal rights, an petitioner's failure to establish its legal standing and the existence of
In Galicto v. Aquino,52 this Court held that "even if (it) could have assertion of opposite legal claims, susceptible of judicial resolution as an actual controversy ripe for judicial adjudication, mandamus will
exempted the case from the stringent locus standi requirement, such distinguished from a hypothetical or abstract difference or not lie.
heroic effort would be futile because the transcendental issue could dispute. There must be a contrariety of legal rights that can be
not be resolved any way, due to procedural infirmities and interpreted and enforced on the basis of existing law and Accordingly, I vote to DISMISS the petition.
shortcomings." The Court explained that giving due course to a jurisprudence. The Court can decide the constitutionality of an act or
petition saddled with such formal and procedural infirmities would treaty only when a proper case between opposing parties is
be "an exercise in futility that does not merit the Court's liberality."53 submitted for judicial determination. 57
As hereinbefore discussed, it was error for petitioner to have filed this The existence of an actual case or controversy, thus, presupposes the
case directly before the Supreme Court, as other plain, speedy and presence of legally enforceable rights. In this case, petitioner asserts
adequate remedies were still available and the case indubitably that it has the right to stop the construction of the Torre de Manila
involves questions of fact. Thus, the resolution of any transcendental on the strength of Sections 15 and 16, Article XIV of the Constitution,
issue in this case will be rendered futile by reason of these procedural which requires the State to conserve and protect the nation's
infirmities. Furthermore, it could not escape this Court's attention historical and cultural heritage and resources. Petitioner argues that
that what petitioner filed before this Court was, in fact, a petition for heritage preservation includes the sightline and setting of the Rizal
injunction over which the Court does not exercise original Park and Rizal Monument.
However, as hereinbefore shown, neither the Constitution nor
While the Court has taken an increasingly liberal approach to the rule existing legislation, including Manila's Ordinance No. 8119, provides
of locus standi, evolving from the stringent requirements of personal for specific and operable norms and standards that give rise to a
injury to the broader transcendental importance doctrine, such judicially enforceable right to the protection of the vista, sightline and
liberality is not to be abused. 55 setting of the Rizal Park and Rizal Monument.
Indeed, the "transcendental importance" doctrine cannot be loosely Furthermore, related to the requirement of an actual case or
invoked or broadly applied, for as this Court previously explained: controversy is the requirement of ripeness. A question is ripe for
adjudication when the act being challenged has had a direct adverse
In the final scheme, judicial review is effective largely because it is effect on the individual challenging it. For a case to be considered ripe
not available simply at the behest of a partisan faction, but is for adjudication, it is a prerequisite that something had then been
exercised only to remedy a particular, concrete injury. When accomplished or performed by either branch before a court may
warranted by the presence of indispensable minimums for judicial come into the picture, and the petitioner must allege the existence
review, this Court shall not shun the duty to resolve the constitutional of an immediate or threatened injury to itself as a result of the
challenge that may confront it. (Emphasis supplied.) challenged action. It must show that it has sustained or is
immediately in danger of sustaining some direct injury as a result of
Thus, this Court, in the recent case of Roy v. Herbosa, 56 held that an the act complained of.58
indiscriminate disregard of the requisites for this Court's judicial
review, every time "transcendental or paramount importance or