Public Relations Question
Public Relations Question
Public Relations Question
Communicating with Stakeholders 2
1. How can the IR (investor relations) function contribute building and maintaining
The function of investor relations can evidently contribute in building of the brand values
to the branding image of product or company, and investor relations are one part of the IMC
corporate level communication. The integration does not just refer to sending messages, but
to providing a whole platform for the building of brand which gives stability to various
campaigns. However, for a strong brand identity, and brand image it is necessary to have a
strong team behind. This can be explained through the fact that the organization needs to
“live the brand” that they are selling. For this purpose, integration at corporate level is
impertinent and specifically with investors to give strength to the brand identity. A more
The internal audience’s integration specifically the important role of the employee relation in
this field is evident. Employees need to take their part seriously in integration for getting to the
full benefits of integration. The need to instill the brand image in the culture of the organization
so that the employees live the brand; and consequently are identified as an ambassador of the
brand. The involvement of the employees in the integration process aids in getting the financial
and non financial goals of the company. For this purpose, however it is mostly noted that the
Communicating with Stakeholders 3
area of employee relation is not usually in the remit of the IMC. The better the employee
relation, the better will be the employee identification (Laurie & Mortimer, 2011).
The philosophy of IMC is that the brand image is developed in the mind of a stakeholder by
not a campaign but it is the result of all interactions. For effective internal communication
process, the conditions are that; the IMC should must assume the customer point of view, the
message to all stakeholders must be delivered as a single and consistent voice; The messages
should be more clear and effective as compared to the competing messages; the message needs
to cut through the polluted commercial landscape; there must be an opportunity for two way
dialogue among the customer and it; the relationships must be long term (Shin, 2013)
Every business deals under the umbrella of regulations hold by the governments of time. For
better efficiency, and not missing out on potential opportunities, and not crossing over any lines
a business needs to be familiar with the regulations that it works under. For this purpose, the
government relations professionals usually help. These professionals have the job to educate
their clients; businesses, about the various law making processes and to identify and constantly
monitor the issues which may affect their client businesses. Their role is to advice the business
on how to influence the said policy. They also have to role to lobby public officials and general
public for taking consideration of the advantage of their client (, 2017).
Communicating with Stakeholders 4
why doesexperience marketing matter?) What vehicles can be used for creating
customer experiences?
Experience marketing is the way through which closer bonds are meant to be created
between the consumer and the brand by immersing the consumer in a memorable experience.
The value that this type of marketing gives if it is a success is the increase brand loyalty,
substantial referrals, customer retention and differentiate the brand among competitors,
consequently giving stranger sales in future. It matter because it is that strategy which has the
most potential for linking itself to the customer, for staying in the mind of the customer. There
can be many ways through which the experience marketing can be used for the purpose f
creating experience. It depends on the product and type of experience or message which the
company wants to communicate. Like, an automobile company can give test drives with formula
racers, or a beer company can give a vacation at amusement part for giving experience of
help organizations? Discusson the benefits of embracing the IMC approach in terms
company does and the way it does everything sends a message. It can be explained by saying that
integrated approach revolves around the communication integration among all the stakeholders
of a company for effective sending of the message. This aids in the building of the right brand
image and consequently in increased sales. The implementation of IMC aids in providing a
stable platform for branding and various campaigns. Other than this, it aids in strengthening the
Communicating with Stakeholders 5
employees relation for building of better communication. The media relations is another aspect
through which it benefits the organization giving integrated approach for media relations as well
The role of public relations in contributing to the IMC is evident from the various areas in
which it takes part. Organizations depend on their personnel for public relation for their
corporate conciouness and takes advice from them for contributing to the society as good
citizens. Furthermore, they also are the advocates of the needs of the stakeholders consequently
the IMC approach. Moreover, it also advocates on strengthening the relationship with key
stakeholders crucial for organization efficiency. This shows how vast contribution is provided by
the public relations personnel to strengthen the IMC practices and for organizational efficiency
(Smith, 2013).
Laurie, S., & Mortimer, K. (2011). ‘IMC is dead. Long live IMC’: Academics’ versus practitioners’ views.
Journal of Markeitng Management , 1466-1478.
Shin, K.-Y. (2013). The Executor of Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy: Marcom Manager’s
Working Model. Springer Science & Business .
Smith, B. G. (2013). ReviewThe public relations contribution to IMC: Derivingopportunities from threats
and solidifying publicrelations’ future. Public Relations Review , 507-513.
Smith, K., & Hanover, D. (2016). Experiential Marketing: Secrets, Strategies, and Success Stories from the
World's Greatest Brands. John Wiley & Sons. (2017). What is government relations? Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Translegal: