4-Forecasting Techniques in Crops
4-Forecasting Techniques in Crops
4-Forecasting Techniques in Crops
Ranjana Agrawal
I,A.S.R.I., Library Avenue, New Delhi – 110 012
Reliable and timely forecasts provide important and useful input for proper, foresighted and
informed planning, more so, in agriculture which is full of uncertainties. Agriculture now-a-
days has become highly input and cost intensive. Under the changed scenario today,
forecasting of various aspects relating to agriculture are becoming essential. But in-spite of
strong need for reliable and timely forecasts, the current status is far from satisfactory. For
most of the sectors, there is no organized system of forecasting. The official forecasts
(advance estimates) of major cereal and commercial crops are issued by Directorate of
Economics and Statistics. Some work has been attempted in fisheries, livestock, market
projections, etc. by various organizations but these are mostly at research stage. Details of
forecasting techniques in crops is discussed here. In crops, production and attack of pests and
diseases are the two major aspects which need attention. Forecasts of crop production before
harvest are required for various policy decisions relating to storage, distribution, pricing,
marketing, import-export, etc. Pests and diseases are one of the major causes of reduction in
crop yield. Timely application of remedial measures may reduce the yield loss. For
application of these measures one must have prior knowledge of the time and severity of the
outbreak of pests and diseases. Forecasting system can help in this direction.
Various organisations in India and abroad are engaged in developing methodology for
pre-harvest forecast of crop yields / production using various approaches. The main factors
affecting crop yield / production are inputs and weather. Use of these factors forms one
approach for forecasting crop production. The other approach uses plant vigour measured
through plant characters. It can be assumed that plant characters are integrated effects of all the
factors affecting production. Yet another approach is measurement of crop vigour through
remotely sensed data. Since area under the crop is available in advance of harvest through
Timely Reporting Scheme (TRS) and remotely sensed data, the problem mainly reduces to
forecast of yield rate.
of manageable parameters and at the same time taking care of entire weather distribution may
solve the problem.
Fisher (1924) has suggested technique which requires small number of parameters to be
estimated while taking care of distribution pattern of weather over the crop season. He assumed
that the effect of change in weather variable on crop in successive weeks would not be an abrupt
or erratic change but an orderly one that follows some mathematical law. He assumed that
these effects are composed of the terms of a polynomial function of time. Further, the value of
weather variable in w-th week, Xw was also expressed in terms of orthogonal functions of time.
Substituting these in usual regression equation
Y = A0 + A1X1 + A2X2 + ..... + AnXn
(here Y denoted yield and Xw rainfall in w-th week w = 1,2,....,n) and utilising the properties of
orthogonal and normalised functions, he obtained
Y = A0 + a0ρ0 + a1 ρ1 + a2ρ2 + ..... + akρk
where A0,a0,a1,a2,....ak are constants to be determined and ρi (i=1,…k) are distribution constants
of Xw. Fisher has suggested to use k = 5 for most of the practical situations. In fitting this
equation for k = 5, the number of constants to be evaluated will remain 7, no matter how finely
growing season is divided. This model was used by Fisher for studying the influence of rainfall
on the yield of wheat.
Hendricks and Scholl (1943) have modified Fisher's technique. They divided the crop season
into n weekly intervals and have assumed that a second degree polynomial in week number
would be sufficiently flexible to express the relationship. Under this assumption, the model was
obtained as
Y = A0 + a0 Σ Xw + a1 Σ w Xw + a2 Σ w²Xw
w w w
Another important contribution in this field is by Baier (1977). He has classified the
crop-weather models in three basic types.
1. Crop growth simulation models
2. Crop-weather Analysis models
3. Empirical statistical models
The most commonly used models in crop forecasting are Empirical Statistical models. In this
approach, one or several variables (representing weather or climate, soil characteristics or a time
trend) are related to crop responses such as yield. The weighting coefficients in these equations
are by necessity obtained in an empirical manner using standard statistical procedures, such as
multi-variable regression analysis. Several Empirical Statistical models were developed all
over the world. The independent variables included weather variables, agrometeorological
variables, soil characteristics or some suitably derived indices of these variables. Water
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI), Thermal Interception Rate Index (TIR), Growing
Degree Days (GDD) are some agroclimatic indices used in models. Southern Oscillation Index
(SOI) has also been used with other weather variables to forecast crop yield (Ramakrishna et al.
2003). To account for the technological changes year variable or some suitable function of time
trend was used in the models. Some workers have also used two time trends. Moving averages
of yield were also used to depict the technological changes.
In contrast to empirical regression models, the Joint Agricultural Weather Information Centre
employs the crop weather analysis models that simulate accumulated crop responses to selected
agrometeorological variables as a function of crop phenology. Observed weather data and
derived agrometeorological variables are used as input data.
USDA and FAO are the two organisations that systematically forecast world agricultural
production and global crop information based on weather. Daily monitoring of satellite weather
images and meteorological data provides the framework for agricultural weather analysis.
Daily, weekly and seasonal summaries are processed and merged with historical weather and
crop data for evaluation of the crop−yield potential.
FAO has also carried out number of studies using agro−meteorological models. The
methodology consists of developing an index depending on water deficit / water surplus in
successive periods of crop growth. These models have good potential for early crop yield
assessment for rainfed crops. (Frere and Popov. 1979).
In India, major organisations involved in developing methodology for forecasting crop yield
based on weather parameters are IMD and IASRI. The methodology adopted by IMD involves
identification of significant correlations between yield and weather factors during successive
overlapping periods of 7 to 60 days of the crop growing season. By analysing the correlation
coefficients for statistical and phenological significance, the critical periods when the weather
parameters have significant effect on yield are identified. The weather parameters in critical
periods alongwith trend variables are used through multiple regression analysis to obtain
forecast equations. Using this methodology models were developed for principal crops on
meteorological subdivisions basis. Data from various locations are averaged to get the figures
for meteorological sub-divisions and these are utilised to develop the forecast model. Monthly
forecasts are issued from these models by taking the actual data upto time of forecast and
normal for the remaining period. In some models yield Moisture Index, Generalised Monsoon
Index, Moisture Stress, aridity anomaly Index are also used (Sarwade, 1988; Sarkar, 2002).
At IASRI, the model suggested by Hendricks and Scholl has been modified by expressing
effects of changes in weather variables on yield in the w-th week as function of respective
correlation coefficients between yield and weather variables. This will explain the relationship
in a better way as it gives appropriate weightage to different periods. Under this assumption, the
models were developed for studying the effects of weather variables on yield using complete
crop season data whereas forecast model utilised partial crop season data. These models were
found to be better than the one suggested by Hendricks and Scholl.
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
p 1 p 1
Y = A0 + aij Zij + ∑ ∑ aii' j Zii' j +cT + e
i =1 j =0 i ≠i '=1 j =0
m m
Where Zij = ∑ riwj Xiw and Zii'j = ∑ rjii'w Xiw Xi'w
w=1 w =1
Here Y is yield, riw/rii'w is correlation coefficient of yield (adjusted for trend effect) with i-th
weather variable (Xiw) /product of i-th and i'-th weather (XiwXi’w) variables in w-th week, m is
week of forecast, p is number of weather variables used and e is error term.
Models were successfully used for forecasting yields of various crops at district level as well as
agroclimatic zone level. (Agrawal et al 1980; 1983, 1986, 2001; Jain et al 1980; Mehta, et al.
These models were used to forecast yield of paddy and wheat in different situations, viz (i)
rainfed area having deficient rainfall (paddy), (ii) rainfed area having adequate rainfall (paddy)
and (iii) irrigated area (wheat). The results revealed that reliable forecasts can be obtained using
this approach when the crops are 10-12 weeks old. This approach was also used to develop
forecast model for sugarcane at district level (Mehta, et al. 2000). However, these studies were
carried out at district level and required a long series data of 25-30 years which are not available
for most of the locations. Therefore, the study has been undertaken to develop the model on
agro-climatic zone basis by combining the data of various districts within the zone so that a long
series could be obtained in a relatively shorter period. Previous years yield, moving averages of
yield and agricultural inputs were taken as the variables taking care of variation between
districts within the zone. Year variable was included to take care of technological changes.
Different strategies for pooling district level data for the zone were adopted. Results revealed
that reliable forecasts can be obtained using this methodology at 12 weeks after sowing i.e.
about 2 months before harvest. The data requirement reduced to 10-15 years as against 25-30
years for district level models. The approach has been successfully used for forecasting yields
of rice, wheat and sugarcane for Uttar Pradesh. (Agrawal et al. 2001).
At district level, model based on time series data on weather parameters has also been
developed using technique of discriminant function analysis. The long series of 25−30 years
has been classified into three groups − congenial, normal and adverse with respect to crop
yields. Using weather data of these groups, linear / quadratic discriminant functions were
fitted. These functions were used to find weather scores for each year at different phases of
crop growth and were used as regressors in forecast model. (Rai, et al. 2000).
In another approach based on water balanced technique, models for rainfed crops using
weighted stress indices have been developed. In this approach, water deficit / surplus has
been worked out at different phases of crop growth and using suitable weights, accumulated
weighted stress index has been developed for each year which was used as regressor in the
forecast model. (Saksena et al. 2001).
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
In USDA, the net yield per acre for each sample plot is computed as (Vogel, 1985).
yi = (Fi x Ci x Wi) – Li where
Fi = Number of fruits harvested or forecast to be harvested in the i-th sample plot.
Ci = Conversion factor using the row space measurement to inflate the plot counts to a per
acre basis.
Wi = Average weight of fruit harvested or forecast to be harvested.
Li = Harvest loss as measured from post-harvest gleanings (the historic average is used
during the forecast season).
⎯yi = (Σ yi n ) for the n sample plots.
Separate models are used to forecast the number of fruits (Fi) to be harvested and the final head
weight (Wi).
This method cannot be followed in India/tropical countries as time period from head emergence
to maturity is hardly one to two months for most of the crops whereas in USA this takes two to
three months. Forecast of head weight at maturity therefore cannot be obtained much in
advance in India, as such this will not be useful for obtaining early forecast in such countries.
In India, yield is directly regressed on plant counts and yield contributing characters for
obtaining forecast model. Considerable work has been done at IASRI using this approach. The
data are collected at different periodic intervals through suitable sampling design for 3 to 4
years from farmers’ fields. Two types of approaches have been attempted - Between year model
and Within year model.
where Y and Xi are yield and plant characters respectively. These may be used in original scale
or some suitably transformed variables of these can be used. ß0 and ßi are constants to be
estimated and e is random error. These models utilise data at one point of time only during the
crop growth. (Sardana et al. 1972, Singh et al. 1976, Jha et al. 1981, Singh et al. 1988).
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
These models were improved taking regressors as priniciple components of plant charcters (Jain
et al. 1984) or growth indices based on plant characters observed on two or more points of time
during the crop growth (Jain et al 1985). The growth indices are obtained as weighted
accumulations of observations on plant characters in different periods, weights being respective
correlation coefficients between yield and plant characters. The model can be written as
Y = ß0 + ∑ ßiGi + e
where Gi = ∑
w = n1
riw Xiw
Gi is the index of the i-th character, w is period identification, n1& n2 are the initial and final
periods considered in developing the index of the character, riw is simple/partial correlation
coefficient between yield and i-th character in w-th period (Xiw).
Probability model
Multiple regression technique has been extensively used in developing models for crop yield
forecasting. Least squares technique is used for estimating the parameters of the regression
model. The optimality properties of these estimates are described in an ideal setting which is not
often realised in practice. It has been observed that regression based on different subsets of data
produce very different results, raising questions of model stability. To overcome some of the
drawbacks of regression model probability model for forecasting crop yield using Markov
Chain theory has been developed. This method, being completely model free, does not require
any assumption about independent and dependent variables. Markov Chain method has the
advantage of providing non-parametric interval estimates and is robust against outliers/extreme
In this method, growth process of the crop is divided in s phenological stages. A markov chain
model is constructed by defining a set of states, which describe the condition of an individual
plant (or average condition of a group of plants) at specified time within the phenological
stages. Individual states are defined on the basis of available qualitative and quantitative
information to describe plant condition. Let ni, for i = 1,2,.....,s denote the number of states at
the commencement of stage i. Let Ai,i+1 for i = 1,2,.....,(s-1) denote the (ni x ni+1) transition
matrix which gives the transition probabilities of a plant (or group of plants) moving from any
possible state of stage i to any possible state of stage i+1. As a property of transition matrices,
each row of an Ai,i+1 matrix sums to 1.
Let F denote the matrix of transition probabilities from each of the (n-ns) states of (s-1)
intermediate stages to each of the ns states, the last (harvest) stage. The ns states are defined as
quantitative intervals of yield. F matrix can be obtained as
⎡s −1 ⎤
⎢ iπ A i, i +1 ⎥
⎢ =1 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ s −1 ⎥
F = ⎢ π A i, i +1 ⎥
⎢i = 2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ A s − 2, s −1A s −1, s⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ A s −1, s ⎥⎦
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
F matrix can be used to forecast crop yields. Each row of F represents a crop condition (state)
at a certain crop stage. The ns states of the final stage are defined as quantitative intervals of
yield. Each column of F represents a different yield interval. The values of each row of F are
the estimated probabilities of the crop producing a final yield within each of the ns intervals.
Thus, each row of F is a predicted yield distribution for a given stage and state. Each of the
(n-ns) forecast yield distributions in the F matrix may be analysed to get mean and standard
error of the forecast. In particular, transition probability matrix As-1,s will give mean and
standard error of forecast at stage(s-1).
This method was applied to forecast yield of corn and cotton by USDA (Matis et al. 1985,
1989) and sugarcane (Jain and Agrawal 1992(a); Agrawal and Jain 1996). Models using higher
order markov chain and using principal components and growth indices of plant characters in
markov chain approach were also developed. (Jain and Ramasubramanian,1998 ;
Ramasubramanian and Jain 1999; Ramasubramanian, et al. 2004).
Partial crop season data are utilised to fit the curve and the value at harvest is predicted through
this curve which in turn is used to forecast yield. (Nealon 1976, House 1977, Larsen 1978, Jain
et al. 1992(b)).
The parameter α is the most important parameter to be estimated as it gives average amount of
yield component (eg. dry matter) at maturity. It is likely to be over estimated when partial crop
season data based on small data points that too falling on the lower side of the curve where the
growth has steep rise are used to fit the model to forecast the yield component at maturity. This
may need suitable modification in the model so as to capture α (dry matter at maturity) from
partial crop season data. The modified logistic model (Jain et al 1992(b)) is as follows:
Yi =
(1 + βρ ti ) + e
where tm is time of maturity and tf is the time of forecast.
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
During the last three decades, considerable work has been carried out in India in the spectral
response and yield relationships of different crops at Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad,
under the remote sensing applications mission called ‘Crop Acreage and Production
Estimation’ (CAPE). Spectral indices such as ratio of infra red (IR)/Red(R) and Normalised
difference (ND) = (IR-R) / (IR+R) are calculated from remotely sensed data and are used as
regressors in the model (SAC report 1990).
The scheme needed further improvement. Project has been formulated to integrate
Agrometeorology and Land-based observations alongwith remote sensing data. Project title is
“Forecasting Agricultural outputs using Space, Agrometeorology and Land-based observations”
The experience in this context is that remote sensing can supplement the existing data collection
system but never completely replace it. The two data collection systems must be integrated
through rigorous statistical methodology. At Space Application Centre, methodology has been
developed which provides multiple forecasts for rice and wheat using remotely sensed data for
acreage forecast whereas forecasts for productivity are obtained using meteorological and agro-
meteorological indices. (Patel et al. 2004)
Another methodology based on farmers’ appraisal data has been developed using Bayesian
approach. The study has been carried out for wheat in Muzaffarnagar district. Expert opinion
data were collected in a number of rounds in a year by interviewing the selected farmers
regarding their assessment about the likely crop production and chance of occurrences in
various yield classes. From these responses average prior probabilities were computed. Actual
harvest yield and farmers’ appraisal data on yield for previous year(s) were taken into account
to obtain posterior probabilities which were then used for obtaining Bayesian forecast of crop
yield for current year. (Chandrahas et al. 2001)
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
Thumb rule: This approach is the most common and extensively used. It is a simple system
which describes the forecasting of the pests and diseases based on past experience. For
example for potato late blight, a day is favorable if
- the 5 day temperature average is < 25.50 C
- the total rainfall for the last 10 days is > 3.0 cm
- the minimum temperature on that day is > 7.20 C
Regression Model: The regression model taking pest /disease parameter as dependent variable
and suitable independent variables such as weather variables , crop stages, population of
natural enemies/predators etc. is used. These variables are used in original scale or on a
suitable transformed scale such as cos, log, exponential etc. (Coakley et al 1985; Trivedi et
al. 1999).
Model based on weather indices: This is a model similar to the one used in yield forecasting.
The recommended models is of the form
p p
Y = a0 + ∑ ai Zi + ∑ bii Zii ' +e
i =1 i ≠ i'
n2 n2
where Z i = ∑ riw X iw ; Z ii ' = ∑ rii ' w X iw X i ' w
w = n1 w = n1
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
Y is variable to forecast; Xiw is value of i−th weather parameter in w−th period; riw / rii'w is
value of correlation coefficient between Y and i-th weather parameter/product of i-th and i'-th
weather variable in w−th period; p is number of weather variables considered; n1 and n2 are
the initial and final periods for which weather parameters are included in the model; e is
error term. (Agrawal, et al. 2004).
Principal component regression: Forewarning models can be developed using the principal
component techniques as normally relevant weather variables are large in number and are
expected to be highly correlated among themselves. Using the first few principal components
of weather variables as independent variables forecast models can be developed.
Discriminant function analysis: The methodology is similar to the one used for yield
forecasting, replacing yield by the character depicting pests and diseases. (Johnson et al 1996)
The technique involves fitting of quadratic equations for all pairs of independent variables and
identifying a few best performers in terms of predictive ability (using appropriate statistics);
converting entire set of independent variables (called zero generation variables) to new
variables (first generation variables) which are obtained as predicted values from these
selected quadratic equations (of zero generation variables). The process of fitting and
identifying best quadratic equations is repeated using first generation variables and second
generation variables are obtained. The whole process is repeated with every new generation
of variables till appropriate model is obtained (using certain criteria). At final stage, one best
quadratic equation is selected as the final model. (Bahuguna et al 1992; Trivedi et al 1999).
Artificial Neural Network (ANN): ANN provides an attractive alternative tool for forecasting
purposes. ANNs are data driven self-adaptive methods in that there are few apriori
assumptions about the models for problems under study. They learn from examples and
capture subtle functional relationships among the data even if the underlying relationships are
unknown or hard to describe. After learning the data presented to them, ANNs can often
correctly infer the unseen part of a population even if data contains noisy information. As
forecasting is performed via prediction of future behaviour (unseen part) from examples of
past behaviour, it is an ideal application area for ANNs, at least in principle. (Dewolf et al.
1997, 2000; Agrawal et al. 2004). However, the technique requires a large data base.
Forecasting Techniques in Crops
Deviation Method: This method can be utilized when periodical data at different intervals
during the crop season are available for only 5-6 years. The pest population at a given point
of crop stage is assumed to be due to two reasons – natural cycle of the pest and weather. To
identify the natural cycle, data at different intervals is averaged over years and a suitable
model is fitted to these averaged data points. Then the entire data is adjusted by taking
deviations from this natural cycle. Appropriate model is the fitted using these deviations form
natural cycle as dependent and weather as independent variables.
Model for Qualitative data: Sometimes quantitative information on pests and diseases is not
available but is available in qualitative form such as occurrence / non-occurrence, low /
medium / high. In such cases, the data are classified as 0/1 (2 categories); 0,1,2 (three
categories). The logistic regression is used for obtaining probabilities of different categories.
For example, for two categories, the model is of the form :
P(E =1) =
1 + exp(− z )
where Z is a function of weather variables.
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