BIM and Sustainability in Terms of Philippine Standards
BIM and Sustainability in Terms of Philippine Standards
BIM and Sustainability in Terms of Philippine Standards
Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a process shall improve and facilitate documentation in
the design, construction,operations, and maintenance of the built environment.
For 2010-2011, Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board PCAB has issued a total of 3,325
contractors’ licenses. Out of the total, 97.3% are for renewal while 2.7% are new issuances.
Some reasons why BIM courses have not been formally incorporated in the engineering
● High cost of software and computer hardware
● Lack of qualified trainers
● Lack of standards and learning modules
● Lack of awareness of benefits of BIM
● An alliance of BIM practitioners may be organized to advocate for the promotion
and awareness of the BIM process and technology.
● An industry-academe partnership to develop and implement formal and non-
formal training may be undertaken.
● A technical committee composed of the various BIM stakeholder representatives
may be constituted under the Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of
Product Standards to develop an Open BIM standards.
● The Technical Panel for Engineering and Technology of CHED may consider the
inclusion of the BIM process in appropriate courses of the engineering curricula.
● Mandatory use of BIM may be required for essential or important government facilities.
● International collaboration for sharing and encouraging experiences on BIM may be
organized on a regular basis.
● A research, development, publication, and promotions program on BIM may be
undertaken with members of the academia as lead.
● Information sharing mechanism and integrated usage environment may be developed.
Reference: “Educating Green Building Stakeholders About the Benefits of BIM - The
Philippines Experience” Association of Structural Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.