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Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary

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Unit of work: Coming to your table Salvation topic: Eucharist Human person Topic: Our bodies

Year Level: 4 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith

Key Understanding: situations/previous lessons/Units)
A1 – Wondering at our bodies which are different
 Start of this RE unit for the year
 In previous years, students learn about the
Learning Point(s): last supper and Jesus giving the Eucharist to
A1.1 – Expresses wonder at the differences in people’s his disciples
bodies  Students know that having the Eucharist is
saying thank you to God.
 Students know about the actions and objects
used in the Liturgy of the Word and the
Liturgy of the Eucharist
 Students know how to create a t-chart

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson) N/A

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identify the similarities and differences between people of different ages and cultures
 Discuss how humans are all different even though they are “created in the image and likeness of God”
 Display knowledge on a t-chart within groups.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness)  Students who are gifted are able to help the
others in their group or other students in a
 Bring in pictures of family different group. They also have the
 Remind students to bring in pictures of family opportunity to help the teacher start adding
 Ensure there is plain paper for each group ideas to the classroom t-chart.
 Create a large t-chart poster to put the class  Students with a learning difficulty can sit with
findings on a gifted student for assistance. Teacher can
also help those with learning difficulty but
using their own photos and the students to
ask prompting questions, such as “do my
sister and I have the same colour hair? Did
we when we were younger?”
 Student with ADHD will generally remain on
task if they enjoy the task or know they will
need to give an answer. Encourage student
to stay on track by saying to them “I can’t
wait to hear what you came up with.” Can
also encourage them to work by going to
their desk and asking to see their photos and
asking them questions relating to their
photos, which they can then contribute to the
group discussion.
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
1. Start the lesson by inviting students to get the pictures they where they will be introduced.
brought from home out and start looking at the differences
between the people in the images. Pictures of families from
2. Allow students the opportunity to discuss with the people they
5 mins
are sitting with. Students will most likely get distracted from the
given task, only allow a minute or two for students to discuss.

3. Discuss some of the differences between me and my sisters

from the photos.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

mins 1. Discuss with students that each person is created differently.
Ensure you talk about the fact we are all “made in the image and
likeness of God” but we are all different. Even siblings who come
from the same parents look different. Discuss how all Catholics
have some similarities in order to be like God.

2. Asked students to return to their desk, where they are already in


3. In their groups, they will make a t-chart on the provided plain Plain white paper for students
white paper. The t-chart must have one title as similarities and to create t-charts on.
one as differences. Students come up with the similarities and
differences each person has and write them on the t-chart.

4. Pose some wonder questions to encourage students’ thoughts.

I wonder why we all look different.
I wonder why we all act differently.
I wonder how my body will change as I grow up.
I wonder why people from other cultural backgrounds look different.
I wonder how some follow the same religion but do things differently.
I wonder why I have changed so much since I was young.
Students can use these questions to guide their thinking and try come up
with some answers to these questions.

5. For those students who need more assistance, teacher can use
their own personal photos and point out a few things or ask
students a question such as “do my sister and I have the same
coloured hair?”

6. Now we will come back together as a class and share what we

5 mins came up with. Teacher will add answers to the large t-chart to be Large t-chart created before
hung up in the classroom. Teacher can start asking “why” to get the lesson/during with the
students wondering. Specifically discuss how we may look gifted children.
different but in certain ways we are the same because we are all
“created in the image and likeness of God.”

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

8 mins
1. Read out the similarities and differences we have got so far.
Inform students that we can add to this as a class in the next
lesson and when it is hung up on the wall.

2. Ensure students are thinking and wondering why we are all

different but “created in the image and likeness of God.”
Discussions started today on this point but will be developed
further in following lessons.

3. Collect t-charts to ensure groups did it correctly.

4. In the next lesson students will explore this concept more,

piecing together that we change lots from when we are young,
does this mean that we are all born similar and we just change
over time to make us look different?
2 mins 5. We will now say one of our lunch prayers that we created earlier Lunch prayer attached.
in the year.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Remind students to keep their photos at school (if their parents

allowed that) as we will be looking at them again next lesson.
2. Tell students they must be packed up and sitting quietly at their
desks to be the first group to go to lunch.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


 By walking around the classroom and asking questions, teacher

can ensure students understand certain objectives and see what Class list or paper with
needs to be developed more. students names on to take
 Teacher can pick certain students when contributing as a class anecdotal notes.
to ensure they understand.
 We can ensure students achieved the lesson objective of
displaying the information in a t-chart in groups by collecting the
 Teachers can take anecdotal notes on students’ understandings
of this lesson, ensuring they take part in discussions and
understand the basic similarities and differences between
Lunch Prayer:

Dear God,
Thank you for our friends to play with.
Thank you for our bodies to feed.
And thank you for the food we eat.

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