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Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary

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Unit of work: Salvation topic: Human person Topic:
Strengthened by the Spirit Confirmation The gift of having the ability to
choose what is right
Year Level: 3 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
B1 Jesus always chose to do what is right Students have learnt in a previous lesson what good
moral choices are, and what it means to do what is
right. In this lesson, students will learn about how
Learning Point(s): Jesus always chose to do what is right, and that God
has given us the ability to choose what is right also.
B1.1 Identifies ways Jesus always chose to do what is
Students know how to listen to and follow

Students know how to work collaboratively in their


Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
Choosing right -Celebration of
from wrong in the gift God has
situations given us to
choose to do
what is right

-Being thankful
for this gift
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
 competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking  competence
 

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Understand that God has given us the gift to choose to do what is right
 Draw a picture of God which celebrates the ability to choose to do what is right
 Identify at least two ways in which Jesus chose to do what is right

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness)
Extend: Kai is a student who is gifted with an incredible
Focus of Lesson: artistic skill. To extend this lesson for her, she may use any
The focus of this lesson is about understanding that God has art skill she likes, as long as portrays the same idea, that
given us a gift, and that this gift is the ability to choose what is ‘God is good.’
right. This lesson is also about how Jesus always chose to do
what is right. Enable: Asher has shown previous dislike for art, as he
enjoys writing and mathematics more. To engage him
Teacher Witness: during this lesson, teacher will encourage him to use words
and symbols more than drawings.
Teacher brings in and shows the class a drawing of God that
they have done. It is also titled ‘God is good,’ and will act as an Connor, who has ADHD struggles with paying attention
aid for students during their drawing activity. during instructions. Teacher will monitor him closely, and
ensure he knows what is expended of him, particularly
during the drawing activity.

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
9am Teacher begins the lesson by reading students a passage from the Bible where they will be introduced.
while students sit on the mat.
Teacher explains to students that God has created us and given us the
capability to choose what is right and good, because God is good.
Teacher tells the class “God wants us to be good, too. We are good, like
God, whenever we choose to do what is right.”
Teacher reads the passage “The Boy Jesus in the Temple” [Luke 2:41- Bible
After reading the passage, teacher asks the students, “When did Jesus
choose to do what is right?” (He chose to go to his Father’s house).
Teacher asks three (3) students to share their thoughts.
Teacher gives each student a small square piece of paper. Each piece of
paper has a student’s name on it already, and two dot points. (Attached). 20 x small square pieces of
paper (already printed and cut
Teacher explains to students that they are to individually write two ways out)
in which Jesus chose to do what was right from the passage.
Teacher hands out the square pieces of paper to each student, along
with a pencil. Students can quietly go back to their desks to lean on the
tables if they wish.
Teacher allows 2-5 minutes for students to do this.
If students are confused, teacher can explain the question again, but
cannot give students the answers.
Teacher collects all the pieces of paper and asks for students to come
and sit on the mat again.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. Teacher explains the next part of the lesson, “Students, for the
next part of the lesson we are going to put our creative hats on!
We are going to draw a picture of God, who is good.”

2. Teacher asks the class “Can somebody tell me why God is


3. Teacher asks three (3) students to share their responses with the
class. If no students mention it, teacher explains to students that
God is good because he loves us, and that we should celebrate
having the gift of being able to choose to do what is right.

4. Teacher then asks, “How can we portray this in a drawing?”

Teacher asks three (3) students to share their responses.
Teacher tells students, “There is no right or wrong when it comes
to drawing God, draw your own idea of him. I want you to draw
me a picture of God who is good.” (Teacher has pieces of paper
ready for students’ artwork with ‘God is good’ at the top of each).
5. Teacher explains to students that this activity is all about being
creative, and celebrating the gift God has given us, which is the
ability to choose to do what is right.

6. Teacher has an example on the board to assist students who

struggle with drawing. This example shows students that the
drawing can be simple. Drawings can be done with coloured
pencils using lines, symbols, words or anything artistic.

9:15am 7. Teacher hands out the ‘God is good’ blank sheet of paper to all 20 x ‘God is good’ sheets and
students, along with coloured pencils and textas. bundles of coloured pencils
and textas
8. Teacher allows 15 minutes for students to finish their drawings.

9. Teacher walks around the room and monitors progress, assisting

those who need it.

10. Early finishers are asked to add words into their drawings.
11. Teacher asks students to put their name on their drawings.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

Teacher allows students to present their drawing to the rest of the class.
Students can explain to their peers what they’ve drawn, why, and how it
celebrates the ability to choose what is right.
Teacher collects all the drawings ready to hang up onto the wall on

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Students need to hand in their coloured pencils, tidy their desks, and get
ready for their mathematics lesson.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be


Lesson objective one “Understand that God has given us the gift to
choose to do what is right” is assessed informally throughout the lesson.
Teacher monitors progress to see whether or not the class is
understanding that God has given us the ability to choose to do what is
right, and that it is a gift.

Lesson objective two “Draw a picture of God which celebrates the ability
to choose to do what is right” is formally assessed through the artwork
students create during the second activity of the lesson.

Lesson objective three “Identify at least two ways in which Jesus chose
to do what is right” is formally assessed through the activity at the start of
the lesson, where students had to write two ways Jesus chose to do what
is right from the passage.

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