Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary: School of Education
Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary: School of Education
Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary: School of Education
Unit of work: Creator of Human Life Salvation topic: Jesus Human person Topic: Human Life
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT competence Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Lesson Objectives – state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this
1. Listen to and discuss the story ‘In The Beginning’ (Genesis 1:26-27)
2. Identify the elements that make up the creation story.
3. Make connections to presence of God in natural elements (the Sun, water etc.)
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
(include Teacher Witness)
Gifted - Students will make stronger links to Jesus’s work and
Focus of the lesson: Living as Jesus would in His equal love of everyone. teachings (ensure this happens for these students). They will
provide some context and explanation in their groups placemat
It collectivises people as being alike in God’s eyes.
Living God’s work, a person is drawn into God’s family that is a special community
Intellectual Disability (autism)– Student will participate in Godly
that recognizes all as made in the image and likeness of God, and consequently pure .
Play however if concentration is lacking they can leave the whole
We become members of God’s family when we accept God’s spirit in ourselves. class reading. During the activity, student will work with EA 1 on 1.
Teachers Witness: I have the natural features God created. (the sun, moon etc.)
EA will lie with student during the closing activity and monitor his
I look to night sky, in particular to the stars when I feel a presence of God. behaviour.
I look for God in the night sky much like Star of Bethlehem lead the Wise Men
to Jesus. Special Considerations (Muslim student) – involved in
brainstorming before placemat activity is done. Student shares
Other points:
where he sees presence of religion in these natural creations. Is
Ensure all students have prior knowledge
All materials are collected
give opportunity to complete own placemat reflective of his own
Props: sun, moon, stars, water, fish, animals, birds, fruits connections with God.
mountains, a man, a woman, remaining human figures
Images of people from different cultural backgrounds (students
are asked to bring images of their parents, grandparents or siblings to include)
Parchment or scroll looking piece of paper
Class Bible
LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant
Time Motivation and Introduction: Align these with the segment
Remind students of the expectations during Godly Play readings. where they will be introduced.
Respect- for teacher and peers
Quite voices
Focus questions
Discuss why the students think they were asked to bring these
How does this relate to the current unit of work being explored in
RE at the moment
Teaching points:
After reading the story, begin with a wonder question then leave some time for
reflection before the discussion
Discuss how it is God’s spirit that is present and not his physicality that is passed
onto us
Discuss extrinsic goodness and how each of us is shaped in his likeness. How
does that person show you they are living out God’s plan?
Discuss that even though we are made in God’s image and likeness doesn’t
mean we can’t make mistakes from time to time. Does that make us a bad
I wonder if any of you think of God when you see the natural wonders He
Reiterate my connection with God when looking at the stars in the night sky. In
times of complication I look to the stars for guidance from God much like people
look for guidance to certain destinations by looking at the stars.
I wonder how people can be like God?
Discussion of task and prior wonder question about the presence of God in
the things he created.
E.g. the Sun- warmth much like the warmth of God’s heart to always help thy
neighbour and serve others needs before his own
E.g. Water- to drink much like Jesus was able to quench the thirst of the needy
To cleanse- Jesus was able to clean the feet of his Disciples to serve their needs.
Relating the story to the presence of God in each of the Natural Wonders He
Each group of 3 will be assigned one of the creations (sun, moon, stars, water,
fish, animals, birds, fruits, people, mountains)
lead pencils
Refer to the resources used during Godly Play (each group can have
the prop that there placemat brainstorm is cantered around)
1 worksheet per group of 3- image cut out that corresponds to go in the
Idea of product:
Lay comfortably on your back with your legs uncrossed, hands on your stomach
and your eyes closed. Focus on your breathing.
Breathe slowly and deeply… breathe in … breathe out… breathe in… breathe
out… breathe in… breathe out
Jesus takes you to a stable where piglets are feeding from their mother…
Your eyes closed and you see a white light from the suns strength…
Your fingers…
And when your ready to open your eyes and join us once again the classroom
you may do so…
During activity time anecdotal notes will be taken on students ability to work
cooperatively in groups and any students who are reliant on their fellow members.