EG 01 Lettering PDF
EG 01 Lettering PDF
EG 01 Lettering PDF
Geometrical Constructions, 1
and Scales
Lettering, dimensioning, geometrical constructions, and scales are the integral parts of engineering
drawing. Lettering is required to give information and description about a particular drawing,
dimensioning is done to indicate the size of the object being represented by its drawing at some suitable
scale, and the geometrical constructions are needed to draw certain geometrical shapes.
In engineering drawing, the lettering is done free-hand. Therefore, some of the general guidelines
for free-hand lettering will only be discussed. For dimensioning there are certain rules which must be
followed, and the same has been presented to help the students for correct dimensioning. There are
many geometrical shapes which come across in making the drawings of various objects, and readers are
advised to refer to any book on engineering drawing. The only method of dividing an arc of circle in
odd equal parts developed by the author has been discussed as there was no method available prior to
the author’s method which is based on proper geometrical principles. In the last, the scales which play
important role in making and reading the drawings have been discussed briefly.
The size for a particular drawing is selected according to the size of the drawing.
2. Drawing numbers, title block, and letters denoting the cutting planes and sections are written
in 10 mm size.
3. Drawing title is written in 7 mm size.
4. Hatching, subtitles, materials, dimensions, notes, etc., are written in 3.5 mm size.
5. Space between the lines is 3/10 h (height of capital letters).
6. Space between the words may be equal to the width of the alphabet M or 3/5 h (height of
capital letters).
7. The guidelines shown in Fig. 1.1 are drawn to maintain the height of letters, spacing, and
8. Extremely light horizontal lines to regulate the height of the letters are drawn. In addition,
light vertical lines are also drawn to keep the letters uniformly vertical (Fig. 1.2). After the
lettering has been completed, the guidelines are not erased.
9. For technical drawings, single stroke vertical capital Gothic letters are used.
10. The order of strokes for various letters and numerals is shown in Fig. 1.3.
11. Spacing between the characters is normally 2/10 h (height of capital letters), and the spacing
between the words is generally 6/10 h.
12. Letter uniformity in style, size, weight, and space should be maintained to produce a good
Lettering, Dimensioning, Geometrical Constructions and Scales 3
Chapter 1
Fig. 1.2 Single stroke Gothic lettering
1.3.2 Arrowheads
The arrowheads shown in Fig. 1.6 are used to terminate dimension lines, leader lines, cutting plane
lines, and viewing plane lines. They should be three times as long as they are wide. They should be of
the same size throughout the drawing. The filled arrowhead is generally preferred because of its clarity.
Lettering, Dimensioning, Geometrical Constructions and Scales 5
Chapter 1
Fig. 1.6 Arrowheads
The above constructions are approximate, but well within the range of accuracy of drawing
instruments. For rectification of the arc, the last point e should be as close to B as possible, i.e., eB should
be as small as possible. The smaller are the divisions for rectification, better would be the accuracy of
rectification. The rectification length BA′is slightly shorter than the length of the arc AB. If the angle
subtended by each division is 10°, the error is approximately 1 in 830.
A scale drawing is enlarged or reduced drawing of an object that is similar to an actual object. Maps
and floor plans are smaller than the actual size, and they are drawn on reducing scale whereas a scale
drawing of a human cell is larger than the actual size, and such objects are drawn on enlarging scale. A
scale is the ratio that compares a length in a drawing to the corresponding length in the actual object. If
a 50 km road is 1 cm long on a map, the scale can be expressed in three different ways:
i. Unit equivalents 1 cm = 50 km
ii. Dimensionless representative fraction (R.F.) 1/500000
iii. Dimensionless ratio 1 : 500000
The scale S is defined as the ratio of the length ab of an object on the drawing to its actual length
AB, i.e.,
Scale S = ab/AB
Chapter 1
iv. Comparative scale.
Plain Scale
A plain scale consists of a line divided into suitable number of equal units (Fig. 1.8). The first unit
is subdivided into smaller parts. The zero should be placed at the end of the 1st main unit. From the
zero mark, the units should be numbered to the right and the subdivisions to the left. The units and the
subdivisions should be labeled clearly. The R.F. should be mentioned below the scale.
Diagonal Scale
A diagonal scale consists of a set of parallel lines with other lines crossing them obliquely so that their
intersections furnish smaller subdivisions of the unit of measure that could not be conveniently read
on a plain scale. In Fig. 1.9 the lower part of the scale is a plane scale, and the upper part having the
diagonals as oblique lines, makes the plane scale a diagonal scale. On the plane scale only up to 1/10th
of a metre is possible whereas converting it into a diagonal scale makes it possible to read up to 1/100th
of a metre, i.e., a centimetre.
least count of the plain scale of chords can be increased by making it a diagonal scale of chords without
increasing its length [3]. It is a new concept in measuring and constructing angles manually to higher
accuracy developed by the author which was not possible earlier.
1′, 2′, 3′, etc., on the arc AB′ are transferred to their corresponding points 1, 2, 3, etc., on the line AC
by drawing arcs of radii A-1′, A-2′, A-3′, etc., having centre at A. Each division A-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc.,
corresponds to an angle of 10°. By dividing each division into five equal parts, the scale of chords, so
constructed, has a least count of 2°, and if it is possible to divide these divisions into 10 equal parts, the
least count will be 1°. Similarly, if a bigger arc AB′ is taken it may be possible to get a least count of ½°
or 30′, but practically it may not be possible to get a least count less than 30′ because of inconvenience
in use of the scale due to its size becoming too large, though theoretically it is possible.
Now to construct an angle of say 33° using the scale of chords, draw a line PQ equal to AO, i.e.,
a, and then draw the arc QM of radius a with center at P (Fig. 1.11). On this arc, mark the point K at a
distance equal to b from Q, the distance corresponding to 33° as shown in Fig. 1.10. Join P and K, and
the angle KPQ is equal to 33°.
Chapter 1
PQ is equal to a. Now draw an arc of radius a with centre at P, intersecting the extension of PM at K.
Take a bow divider and measure the distance QK equal to c. Lay down this measured distance c on the
scale of chords which will give the value of the angle as 41° in this case.
There are two important points which require attention. The first point to be noted is that the
divisions A-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc., are not equal in length. Though the chord lengths A-1′, 1′-2′, 2′-3′, etc., are
equal, the distance A-2 is not equal to [(A-1′) + (1′-2′)], and so on. With the same logic, the subdivisions
of the divisions A-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc., are also not equal. Since the difference between the lengths of two
subdivisions is so small that it cannot be measured, they may be treated to be equal from practical
consideration of plotting accuracy.
Another point to be noted is that the line AP shown in Fig. 1.13, can be divided into 12 equal parts
giving the least count of the scale as 5′, but the difference between the linear distance for 5′ and 10′
will be so small that it cannot be measured, and therefore, the angles having difference of 5′ cannot be
measured. Thus dividing the line AP into 12 equal parts is not going to improve the accuracy of the scale
until AP and AB are taken sufficiently large, which will make the scale inconvenient to use.
1.1 What are the points which should be observed for making a good drawing while doing
1.2 What are different types of lines and their styles? Write their uses.
1.3 Write a short note on ‘Leader lines and arrowheads’.
1.4 What do you understand by rectification? How the rectification of arcs helps in dividing an
arc of a circle into odd equal number of division?
1.5 What is the use of scales in engineering drawing?
1.6 What types of scales are used in engineering drawing?
1.7 Differentiate between a plain scale and a diagonal scale.
1.8 Construct a scale of 1:4, to show centimeters and long enough to measure up to 5 decimeters.
1.9 What is a scale of chords? How its least count can be increased to get higher precision in
measuring the angles?