Pma 0010 1 TB
Pma 0010 1 TB
Pma 0010 1 TB
Minimizing “Wave-Back”
“Wave-back” is material sliding
down the belt because the belt speed
is insufficient for the amount of wet
material on the belt.
This is the second bulletin on keep- By slowing down the belt speed, one
ing your Telebelt clean. In the previ- critical element has been forgotten –
ous issue, we discussed scraper the ready-mix truck. If you do not
maintenance and repair. Now, our instruct the ready-mix driver to slow
focus is on belt speed and control- the flow rate into the hopper, the belt
ling material flow, especially con- will accept the extra material and
crete where variations can occur attempt to convey it through the system.
with consistency and adjusting belt
speeds becomes more important. When reducing belt speed and keep-
We also address how these factors ing mixer flow constant, volume per
can affect your equipment’s proper sq. inch on the belt increases. Many
operation and cleanliness. times, this causes the hopper to fill
To reduce “wave-back”, achieve
up and over-supplies the conveyor
greater belt utilization and keep the
How to Slow the Flow system.
belt cleaner, the belt speed and
If asked, “How do you slow the flow Therefore, material spills onto the ready-mix discharge flow must be
of material out of the end hose,” aluminum rails and rollers, resulting altered. Various alternatives include
many would say “reduce belt in increased cleaning times and increasing belt speed, reducing
speed.” But this answer is wrong. eventually premature wear problems. mixer output or doing both.
Putzmeister America 1733 90th Street Sturtevant, WI 53177 USA
Phone (262) 886-3200 (800) 884-7210 Facsimile (262) 884-6338
Right It is impractical to provide a chart
that will tell the exact belt speed for
It is important to control the belt each specific material, as there are
speeds for the material being con- so many variables. However,
veyed, the required output at the end Putzmeister technology incorporates
hose, and the angle of conveyance. infinitely individual belt speed
All of these factors need to be con- adjustments to handle changing
sidered when trying to optimize the materials and job site conditions.
output rate and help keep the belt
clean. For More Information
Above: Correct approach with the
operator at a strategic “V” position 1. To avoid a mess, the operator We hope that this bulletin helps in
between hopper and main boom. should stand between the hopper and cleaner equipment operation. Please
main boom, watching to ensure the share this information within your
flow is appropriate for the belt organization to ensure that everyone
speed. Do not venture out to the end associated with the Telebelt is
Wrong hose. You can see the pour from the informed.
hopper area and use hand signals to
communicate with the crew at the If extra copies are needed, please
end hose. call the marketing department at
(262) 886-3200 or log onto
2. Communicate with the ready-mix and simply
driver, telling them what to do. They download the pdf file.
will be better trained for handling
4 future belt conveying jobs. If you should have any questions or
ideas for future “Tricks of the Trade”,
3. Understand how to maximize please send them via e-mail to or fax to
Above: Incorrect positioning especial- your output and minimize your
(262) 884-6338.
ly with the operator at the end hose. clean-up time by following the sug-
gested Putzmeister guidelines below.
Suggested Start Up Settings Keep In Mind...
Telebelt® Feeder Guidelines
A. As a general rule, the feeder should be run at setting 6.
B. If it is very dry material or low slump concrete below 4", run the
feeder at lower speeds.
C. For wet material, run the feeder at higher speeds.
D. If rocks are bouncing on the feeder or the material slides away
from the belt for the first 6 feet, slow the feeder down.
For a belt, the hopper is for guiding
E. If the material is “waving-back”, speed up the feeder. If it
material (see above). For a boom
continues, close the hopper gate and increase to maximum speed. pump, the hopper is for filling.
If it still continues, slow down the mixer or material supply.