Sullana – 2018
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................. .......................................................3
2. Problem Statement ............................. .................................................. .......... 3
3. Objectives .................................... ....................................................................... 3
4. Content ......... .................................................. ......................................................... 4
4.1. ANIMALS ................................................ ..................................................
...... 4
4.1.1. Characteristics of animals ..............................................
..................... 4
4.2. Vertebrate animals ................................................
............................................ 4
4.3. Classification of vertebrate animals ............................................. .......... 5
4.3.1. Fish ................................................ ..................................................
........ 5
4.3.2. Amphibians .................................................
........................................................ 6
4.3.3. The reptiles ................................................
.................................................. .... 7
4.3.4. The birds ................................................
.................................................. .......... 7
4.3.5. The mammals ................................................
.................................................. 8
......................................................................................... 8
4.4.1. Coelentereos.- ...............................................
.................................................. .... 8
4.4.2. Worms .................................................
.................................................. .......... 9
4.4.3. Molluscs .................................................
.................................................. ........ 9
4.4.4. Echinoderms ................................................. ....................9
- They have skin covered with feathers. - They do not have teeth, but spikes. -
They have gizzards. - Small lungs that extend in air sacs inside the bones.
They are homeothermic animals. - They are oviparous. - They have a very developed
speech device, the syrinx. 4.3.5. The mammals
It refers to the presence of mammary glands that the females develop to nourish the
young. Evolved from reptiles, they share a common origin with birds and some of their
characteristics such as homeotherm, double and complete circulation, complete
digestive system with attached glands such as liver or pancreas; pulmonary respiration
and internal fertilization.
Among the general characteristics of invertebrate animals is that they do not have an
internal skeleton. And among others like:
- They are relatively small, since having no internal skeleton, their size is limited.
- They present a simpler body organization than that of vertebrates.
They are classified as: sponges, coelenterates, echinoderms, worms, molluscs,
4.4.1. Celentéreos.-
They are sac-shaped and have arms or tentacles around the mouth. Most have stinging
cells on the skin and arms, living in the sea, forming numerous colonies. They present
two forms: polyp shape and jellyfish form, bell type and live free
4.4.2. Worms
The worms have the elongated body, soft and cylindrical, they do not have a skeleton,
they lack articulated appendages, they live in humid soils or in water. Some are
parasites that cause serious diseases. The most common is the earthworm. They are
divided into: Annelids (Sanguijuela), Platelmintos (Tenia) and Nematelmintos
(Intestinal worm).
4.4.3. Molluscs
They are essentially aquatic invertebrates. It consists of three regions: the anterior head,
a ventral foot that serves for locomotion, a highly developed visceral mass. The
digestive system they have is complete (mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine and
4.4.4. Echinoderms
They are invertebrates that live exclusively in marine environments. Echinoderms
derives from "echinos" (spines) and "derma" (skin). Body not segmented, lack head.
Echinoderms are the only invertebrates that have an aquifer system consisting of tubes,
vesicles, plates and tentacles. The digestive system is formed by a mouth, esophagus,
stomach and intestine and may lack an anus. The breathing is done by tiny gills. At the
end of the arms are also the olfactory tentacles. They can live on the coast and in the
depths; for the most part they are free-living, they remain fixed but do not form
colonies. Echinoderms include starfish (asteroids), snake stars (ophiuroids), sea urchins,
(echinoids), sea cucumbers (hototuroids) and sea lilies (crinoids).
4.4.5. Arthropods
Three out of every four animals are arthropods. Its body is composed of segments, it
carries a pair of appendages, antennae, legs or other organs.
5. Conclusions - There is a great variety of animals and these are classified into two
main groups: vertebrate animals (they have a backbone), or invertebrate animals
(they do not have a backbone.) Of these two groups
other subgroups emerge, whose classification has to do with characteristics such as their
way of moving, their way of feeding, and their sexual reproduction. - Vertebrate
animals are classified as: fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. - Invertebrate
animals are classified into: sponges, coelenterates, echinoderms, worms, mollusks,
6. Bibliographic References:
Jiménez, J. (2010). "Theme 10: The vertebrate animals". Peru.
Pallol, O. (2009). "Topic 12: Animal Kingdom II". Natural Sciences 1 °.
Lerchundi, A. (2006). "The animal kingdom". Notes Peru.
Santibañez, H., Dominichetti, C. & Sanhueza, Z. (2003). "Animal Knowledge". Chile.
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