Unit 4 Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life: Norepinephrine

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UNIT 4 Norepinephrine

Examples of Chemistry in Daily Life Norepinephrine, as is clear from its other name Noradrenaline, stimulates
by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. the production of adrenaline, which makes our heart race, and the palms
http://asdn.net/asdn/chemistry/chemistry_of_love.php sweat. Norepinephrine is getting released from neurons, or, simply, nerve
cells in the brain, which are called noradrenergic neurons, of course.
Chemistry is a big part of your everyday life. You find chemistry in daily life
The noradrenergic neurons in the brain form a sort of system, which is, in
in the foods you eat, the air you breathe, cleaning chemicals, your
its turn, called norepinephrine system, that, when activated, exerts effects
emotions and literally every object you can see or touch. Here's a look at 10
on large areas of the brain [1]. By this action we can call it a
examples of everyday chemistry. Some common chemistry may be obvious,
neurotransmitter system, because its main function is the transmission of
but others might surprise you.
nerve impulse, which causes the other nerve to fire and pass the message
Attraction, love and relationships are fueled by actual chemicals, well, who along the "chain". The noradrenaline system consists of just 1500 neurons
hasn't heard that line nowadays? So many different hypothesizes of the on each side of the brain, which is tiny compared to the total amount of
processes of falling in love and out of it were recently proposed and so more than 100 billion neurons in the brain. Nevertheless, when activated,
many different candidates of chemicals named to be blamed that the the system plays major roles in the brain, Norepinephrine performs its
subject gets more and more complicated. Let's try to pull all of them actions on the target cells by binding to and activating its adrenergic
together and get a clear picture for to date, because with the modern level receptors. The target cell expression of different types of receptors
of science may be as soon as tomorrow another interesting piece of puzzle determines the ultimate cellular effect, and thus norepinephrine has
of the matter will be discovered. different actions on different cell types. The main targets of the
norepinephrine system to "ignite" are receptors in spinal cord, thalamus,
First let's define what we are talking about, the term "chemicals" are by far phypothalamus, neocortex, etc.
too broad. Chemicals responsible for our behavior in love and relationships
belong to the class of "neurochemicals", compounds forming largely in the Dopamine
brain and participating in neural activity. The brain, in its turn, passes them
Dopamine is a neurochemical that is getting released by the brain when we
to other parts of the body, but "in the head" it all gets started.
feel good, for instance, by the influence of a good food [3] or reading a
First attraction, first "sparks" in the air followed by falling in love are caused fascinating book. It also makes people more "talkative" and excitable. It
by combination of three neurochemicals: phenylethylamine, affects brain processes that control emotional response, movement, ability
norepinephrine and dopamine. Later stages of long relationships are to express pleasure, but also pain.
guiding by another two: oxytocin and serotonin. That's our five candidates
for today. Let’s take a more close look on the first three: Dopamine is very similar in structure to the norepinephrine, and is actually
its precursor [4]. What does that mean? There will be no adrenaline
produced, no sweating and heart racing if the brain cannot produce enough
dopamine first. The natural sources fordopamine are proteins from such
sources as meat, nuts and egg whites, they are getting broken down by the
digestive system into amino acids such as l-tyrosine, a precursor to PEA deserves a special attention because it is famous for being found in
dopamine. So, if you want to be more vulnerable, a vegetarian diet is not chocolate. You've probably heard that eating chocolate makes you feel
for you. good and even happy. And mostly, all sources are saying that it is because
chocolate contains PEA [8].
Dopamine is the most mysterious of these three neurochemicals. Arvid
Carlsson was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for Now you know that it is mostly dopamine which makes us feel good from
showing that dopamine is not just a precursor of norepinephrine but a the tasty food, and as far as PEA is concerned, it role, unfortunately, has
neurotransmitter, as well. This means that in addition to the been exaggerated. Phenethylamine from chocolate is getting rapidly
norepinephrine system, there is also a dopamine neurotransmitter system. metabolized by the different enzymes of gastrointestinal tract, preventing
Briefly, dopamine makes us feel better and better by activating as many as significant concentrations from reaching the brain. So, when you eat
five types of different receptors in the brain [5], which, of course, are called chocolate, you feel good from a sweet taste, and not the concentration of
"dopamine receptors". Most of them are associated with the pleasure PEA in it. In fact, phenylethylamine levels are higher in cheese and sausages
system of the brain, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to [9], which are not associated with chemistry of love, well, at least by now.
motivate a person proactively to perform certain activities.
Compare to the other two, PEA acts more as a neuromodulator rather than
Sociability is also closely tied to dopamine neurotransmission. Low a neurotransmitter [10], [11]. While increasing the extracellular levels of
dopamine receptor-binding is found in people with social anxiety. Traits dopamine, it also modulates noradrenergic transmission (as we have called
common to negative schizophrenia (social withdrawal, apathy,) are thought the ignition of norepinephrine system). In other words, it would be fair to
to be related to a hypodopaminergic state in certain areas of the brain. A say, that PEA is more of a "helper" for bighting up the action of the
state of becoming hypersocial, is also credited to an increase in dopamine. previous two players. The mechanism for PEA "helping" is still not very
clear, but most probably, when present in the brain, PEA is captured into
So, we can say, that dopamine has a dual role: it can act as a the presynaptic vesicles and occupies the space normally taken by
neuromodulator and a neurotransmitter. At the same time? Or one role is dopamine [12]. This leads to an increase in dopamine free-circulating,
getting activated after another? Still a mystery. May be you will be the one therefore enhancing dopaminergic transmission.
to solve it?
So, only when these three chemicals combine together, we feel the real
Phenylethylamine "chemistry" of love. It is due to this combination that new lovers feel
euphoric and energized and can talk days and nights long.
The last but not the least is phenylethylamine (PEA), acts as a releasing
agent of norepinephrine and dopamine [6]. The first attraction causes us to
produce more PEA, which results in those dizzying feelings associated with
romantic love. Large quantities of PEA increase both physical and
emotional energy [7] and at the same time release more dopamine.
A. Translate those paragraphs above into Bahasa Indonesia. Itu adalah lima kandidat kami untuk hari ini. Mari kita lihat lebih jelas
kepada tiga hal pertama:
Contoh-Contoh Kimia dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari Norepinefrin, merupakan nama lain Noradrenalin, merangsang produksi
adrenalin, yang membuat jantung kita berdebar, dan telapak tangan
Kimia merupakan sebagian besar hal yang ada dalam kehidupan kita sehari-
berkeringat. Norepinefrin dilepaskan dari neuron, atau hanya sel saraf di
hari. Anda dapat bertemu dengan kimia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam
otak, yang disebut neuron noradrenergik, tentu saja.
makanan yang Anda makan, udara yang Anda hirup, membersihkan bahan
kimia, emosi Anda, dan secara harfiah termasuk setiap benda yang dapat Neuron noradrenergik di otak membentuk semacam sistem, yang pada
Anda lihat atau sentuh. Berikut ini adalah 10 contoh kimia dalam kehidupan gilirannya, disebut sistem norepinefrin, ketika diaktifkan, memberi efek
sehari-hari. Beberapa kimia umum mungkin sudah terlihat jelas, tetapi yang pada sebagian besar otak [1]. Dengan tindakan ini kita dapat menyebutnya
lain mungkin bisa membuat Anda terkejut. sebagai sistem neurotransmitter, karena fungsi utamanya adalah transmisi
impuls saraf, yang menyebabkan saraf lain menembak dan meneruskan
Daya tarik, cinta dan hubungan dipicu oleh bahan kimia yang sebenarnya,
pesan di sepanjang "rantai". Sistem noradrenalin terdiri dari 1500 neuron di
jadi, siapa yang belum pernah mendengar hal itu saat ini? Begitu banyak
setiap sisi otak, yang sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah total
pernyataan yang berbeda mengenai proses terjadinya jatuh cinta dan di
lebih dari 100 miliar neuron di otak. Namun demikian, ketika diaktifkan,
luar itu baru saja banyak yang memberikan pendapat dan begitu banyak
sistem memainkan peran utama di otak, Norepinefrin melakukan
perbedaan mengenai istilah kimia untuk disalahkan, sehingga subjek
tindakannya pada sel target dengan mengikat dan mengaktifkan reseptor
menjadi semakin rumit. Mari kita coba untuk menarik semuanya secara
adrenergiknya. Ekspresi sel target dari berbagai jenis reseptor menentukan
bersamaan dan mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas untuk saat ini, karena
efek seluler akhir, dan dengan demikian norepinefrin memiliki tindakan
dengan tingkat ilmu pengetahuan yang lebih modern mungkin secepatnya
berbeda pada jenis sel yang berbeda. Sasaran utama sistem norepinefrin
esok sepotong teka-teki yang menarik dari masalah ini akan ditemukan.
untuk "menyala" adalah reseptor di sum-sum tulang belakang, thalamus,
Pertama mari kita definisikan apa yang sedang kita bicarakan, istilah "bahan phypothalamus, neokorteks, dll.
kimia" sejauh ini terlalu luas. Bahan kimia yang bertanggungjawab atas
perilaku kita dalam cinta dan hubungan termasuk kelas "neurokimia",
senyawa yang sebagian besar terbentuk di otak dan berpartisipasi dalam Dopamin adalah neurokimia yang dilepaskan oleh otak ketika kita merasa
aktivitas saraf. Otak, pada gilirannya, melewati berbagai macam bagian di baik, misalnya, oleh pengaruh makanan yang baik [3] atau membaca buku
dalam tubuh, tetapi "di kepala" semuanya baru dimulai. yang menarik. Itu juga membuat orang lebih "cerewet" dan bersemangat.
Hal itu mempengaruhi proses otak yang mengendalikan respons emosional,
Daya tarik pertama, "percikan" pertama di udara diikuti oleh rasa jatuh
gerakan, kemampuan mengekspresikan kesenangan, dan juga rasa sakit.
cinta yang disebabkan oleh kombinasi tiga neurokimia: phenylethylamine,
norepinefrin, dan dopamin. Kemudian pada tahap lanjut hubungan panjang Dopamin sangat mirip dengan struktur norepinefrin, dan sebenarnya it
yang dibimbing oleh dua lainnya: oksitosin dan serotonin. pendahulunya [4]. Apa artinya? Tidak akan ada adrenalin yang dihasilkan,
tidak ada berkeringat dan jantung berdetak jika otak tidak dapat Phenylethylamine
menghasilkan cukup dopamin terlebih dahulu. Sumber alami fordopamine
adalah protein dari sumber-sumber seperti daging, kacang-kacangan dan Yang terakhir tetapi tidak sedikit adalah phenylethylamine (PEA), bertindak
putih telur, mereka dipecah oleh sistem pencernaan menjadi asam amino sebagai agen pelepas norepinefrin dan dopamin [6]. Daya tarik pertama
seperti l-tirosin, prekursor untuk dopamin. Jadi, jika Anda ingin menjadi menyebabkan kita menghasilkan lebih banyak PEA, yang menghasilkan
lebih rentan, diet vegetarian bukan untuk Anda. perasaan yang memusingkan yang terkait dengan cinta romantis. PEA
dalam jumlah besar meningkatkan energi fisik dan emosional [7] dan pada
Dopamin adalah yang paling misterius dari ketiga neurokimia ini. Arvid saat yang sama melepaskan lebih banyak dopamin.
Carlsson dianugerahi Hadiah Nobel 2000 dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokteran
karena menunjukkan bahwa dopamin bukan hanya pendahulu norepinefrin PEA layak mendapat perhatian khusus karena terkenal karena ditemukan
tetapi juga neurotransmiter. Ini berarti bahwa selain sistem norepinefrin, dalam cokelat. Anda mungkin pernah mendengar bahwa makan cokelat
ada juga sistem neurotransmitter dopamin. Secara singkat, dopamin membuat Anda merasa baik dan bahkan bahagia. Dan kebanyakan, semua
membuat kita merasa lebih baik dan lebih baik dengan mengaktifkan sumber mengatakan hal itu karena coklat mengandung PEA [8].
sebanyak lima jenis reseptor yang berbeda di otak [5], yang tentu saja
disebut "reseptor dopamin". Kebanyakan dari mereka berhubungan Sekarang Anda tahu bahwa kebanyakan dopamin dapat membuat kita
dengan sistem kesenangan otak, memberikan perasaan kenikmatan dan merasa baik dari makanan lezat, dan sejauh menyangkut PEA, itu peran,
penguatan untuk memotivasi seseorang secara proaktif untuk melakukan sayangnya, telah dibesar-besarkan. Phenethylamine dari cokelat semakin
aktivitas tertentu. cepat dimetabolisme oleh berbagai enzim saluran pencernaan, mencegah
konsentrasi yang signifikan mencapai otak. Jadi, ketika Anda makan cokelat,
Sociability juga berkaitan erat dengan neurotransmission dopamine. Anda merasa baik dengan merasakan rasa manis, dan bukan konsentrasi
Pengikatan reseptor dopamin rendah ditemukan pada orang dengan PEA di dalamnya. Bahkan, kadar phenylethylamine lebih tinggi pada keju
kecemasan sosial. Sifat umum untuk skizofrenia negatif (penarikan sosial, dan sosis [9], yang tidak terkait dengan cinta menurut kimia, jadi,
apati,) dianggap terkait dengan keadaan hypodopaminergic di daerah- setidaknya sekarang.
daerah tertentu dari otak. Keadaan menjadi hipersosial, juga dikreditkan ke
peningkatan dopamin. Dibandingkan dengan dua lainnya, PEA bertindak lebih sebagai
neuromodulator daripada neurotransmitter [10], [11]. Sementara
Jadi, kita dapat mengatakan, bahwa dopamin memiliki peran ganda: ia meningkatkan kadar dopamin ekstraseluler, ia juga memodulasi transmisi
dapat berperan sebagai neuromodulator dan neurotransmiter. Pada waktu noradrenergik (seperti yang kita sebut pengapian sistem norepinefrin).
bersamaan? Atau satu peran diaktifkan setelah peran lainnya? Masih Dengan kata lain, akan adil untuk mengatakan, bahwa PEA lebih dari
merupakan misteri. Mungkin Anda akan menjadi orang yang "penolong" untuk mengincar aksi dari dua pemain sebelumnya. Mekanisme
memecahkannya? untuk PEA "membantu" masih belum terlalu jelas, tetapi kemungkinan
besar, ketika hadir di otak, PEA ditangkap ke dalam vesikula presinaptik dan
menempati ruang yang biasanya diambil oleh dopamin [12]. Hal ini
menyebabkan peningkatan dopamin bebas-sirkulasi, sehingga
meningkatkan transmisi dopaminergik.
Jadi, hanya ketika ketiga bahan kimia ini bergabung bersama, kita
merasakan "chemistry" cinta yang sesungguhnya. Karena kombinasi inilah
para pecinta baru merasa gembira dan bersemangat dan dapat berbicara
berhari-hari dan di malam yang panjang.
B. Answer the following questions and discuss them : 3. How are their functions ?

1. Mention some physical chemistry in daily life ?  The function of norepinephrine is neurotransmitter system,
because its main function is the transmission of nerve impulse,
Foods you eat, the air you breathe, cleaning chemicals, ice float, which causes the other nerve to fire and pass the message along
feels falling in love, and many more. Your emotions and literally the "chain".
every object you can see or touch.
 The function of Dopamine is makes us feel better and better by
2. What do you know about Norepinephrine, Dopamine and activating as many as five types of different receptors in the brain
Phenethylamine ? [5], which, of course, are called "dopamine receptors". Most of
them are associated with the pleasure system of the brain,
 Norepinephrine, as is clear from its other name Noradrenaline, providing feelings of enjoyment and reinforcement to motivate a
stimulates the production of adrenaline, which makes our heart person proactively to perform certain activities.
race, and the palms sweat. Norepinephrine is getting released
from neurons, or, simply, nerve cells in the brain, which are  The function of Phenylethylamine (PEA) is acts as a releasing agent
called noradrenergic neurons. of norepinephrine and dopamine. The first attraction causes us to
produce more PEA, which results in those dizzying feelings
 Dopamine is a neurochemical that is getting released by the associated with romantic love. Large quantities of PEA increase
brain when we feel good, for instance, by the influence of a both physical and emotional energy and at the same time release
good food [3] or reading a fascinating book. It also makes more dopamine.
people more "talkative" and excitable. It affects brain processes
that control emotional response, movement, ability to express
pleasure, but also pain.

 phenylethylamine (PEA) is a neurochemical in acts as a

releasing agent of norepinephrine and dopamine. The first
attraction causes us to produce more PEA, which results in
those dizzying feelings associated with romantic love. Large
quantities of PEA increase both physical and emotional energy.
C. Focus on Grammar 8. Having discussed the matter at length, my father took the job out of
Lesson 7 9. Paying attention, I heard a lovely ringing in the distant bell tower.
Participles and Participial Phrases
10. Disappointed by the loss, the fans quietly left the stadium.
A participle is one type of verbal. Remember that verbals are verb
11. We saw Junko courteously thanking everyone.
forms that function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. A participle
functions as an adjective when it modifies a noun or a pronoun. A 12. I listened to the willow’s sad, creaking branches.
present participle always ends in -ing. Past participles usually end in
-ed. 13. Finding the assignments difficult, Isra sought help from a tutor.
14. During the performance everyone could probably hear my pounding
The child watched the spinning top.
We admired the freshly planted flowers. heart.

A participial phrase contains a participle and any modifiers needed 15. Having done my homework, I left for hockey practice.
to complete its meaning. 16. Valerie finds her after-school job challenging.
Warmed by the fire, we took off our jackets. 17. The winning steer at the fair came from Springfield.
Having misplaced my keys, I could not get into my house.
18. The sad film left many moviegoers sobbing gently.
19. Startled by the noise, we jumped from our chairs.
Exercise 1 : Draw a line under the participle or participial phrase in
each sentence. 20. Protected by his seat belt, Sean walked away from the accident.

Looking around, we saw many friends.

1. The winding road led to a large house on a hill.

2. Knowing the answer, I raised my hand.
3. Alonzo’s shaking hands gave away the fact that he was nervous.
4. Guided by a strong sense of direction, I found my way out of the forest.
5. The locked cage contained a Bengal tiger.
6. Playing major league hockey, Rafael fulfilled his dream.
7. We see Jenny racing to the curb for the mail every day.
Exercise 2 : Underline each participle or participial phrase and draw an 14. The insects, attracted by the food, ruined our picnic.
arrow to the noun or pronoun it modifies.
15. Yelling from across the field, Russ reminded us to bring our uniforms.

16. The tin can uncovered by my metal detector was worthless.

The students, determined to make a difference, organized a clean-up effort.
17. We chose the line by the field house as our starting point.
1. Having concluded my speech, I stepped away from the podium.
18. Covered with ice and snow, the car would not start.
2. Dressed as a pirate, my little brother had a cardboard sword.
19. Ty was confused by the note lying on the counter.
3. The runners, tired from the race, rest on a nearby bench.
20. The dripping faucet got on everyone’s nerves.
4. Having received her letter, I wrote back right away.

5. Searching the room for my jacket, I found my hat instead.

6. Tracked by the hunters, the deer ran swiftly.

7. Those arriving after the bell will be marked tardy.

8. The city’s authorities felt a growing concern about the high crime rate.

9. Everyone came to the pep rally wearing the school colors.

10. That juice, derived from the leaves of the aloe plant, is used to treat


11. Disturbed by the lack of cooperation, the coach dismissed us early.

12. Rescued by the firefighters, the kitten was shaking.

13. Promising he’d be home on time, Jeff left for the movies.
11. Dividing the chores made life easier at our house.
Lesson 8
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases 12. After waiting for an hour, we gave up and went home.

A gerund is another type of verbal that ends in -ing. It is a verb form 13. Coloring is a popular activity with most children.
that is used as a noun. A gerund may function as a subject, an object 14. We enjoyed seeing videotapes of our childhood.
of a verb, or the object of a preposition.
15. Carmen would like to try skydiving.
Nina made us laugh by packing for the trip two weeks in advance.
16. Practicing constantly helped Mike with his basketball layups.
A gerund phrase includes a gerund and any complements and 17. Singing the fight song is a tradition before each football game.
modifiers needed to complete its meaning.
18. Jessica’s snoring keeps everyone awake.
The rules prohibited eating anywhere in the library.
19. Did Lena give a reason for refusing to go to class?
20. My sister studies toward a degree in accounting.
Exercise 1 : Underline the gerunds or gerund phrases in each sentence.

Rich is responsible for bringing the equipment to practice.

1. Logging is the process of harvesting trees and delivering them to

manufacturing facilities.
2. Writing papers for English is something Jay enjoys.
3. Charlie complained of hearing noises outside.
4. My sister and I helped mom with her fall planting.
5. Doctors are constantly finding new cures for diseases.
6. Flying is our first choice of vacation transportation.
7. I told Laura that she should consider acting as a career.
8. Mrs. Baker’s unique teaching made her class popular.
9. Being in enclosed places makes Tonya nervous.
10. My brother plans on returning home after a year in Spain.
Exercise 2 : Underline the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence. 13. Despite her injury, Diana still likes skating.
Above each, write S if the gerund functions as a subject, O
if it functions as an object of a verb, or OP if it functions as 14. Listening is important in following directions.
an object of a preposition.
15. His interest in wrestling began at an early age.
Ray enjoys listening to music from the 60’s. 16. Zack is good at conveying his point to others.

17. The actors in the play were busy with learning their lines.
1. Calling is the best choice.
18. Gaining the trust of his friends is important to Len.
2. David gives racing most of his time.
19. Meagan took pride in designing the homecoming float.
3. George lightened the mood by whistling.
20. Watching television has never interested Mia.
4. Olivia devotes her time to helping others.

5. Omar and Brian are responsible for training their dogs.

6. Catching a big fish made the day at the lake worthwhile.

7. The ancients had no way of knowing the weather ahead of time.

8. Mother was against celebrating her birthday.

9. Living in the Middle East for a year was an adventure for the whole


10. Mining coal was my grandfather’s job as a young man.

11. Brushing regularly protected me from cavities.

12. Kirsten devoted a week to preparing for the final exam.

Exercise 2 Underline the gerund or gerund phrase in each sentence. 17. The actors in the play were busy with learning their lines.
Above each, write S if thegerund functions as a subject, O if it
18. Gaining the trust of his friends is important to Len.OP
functions as an object of a verb, or OP if it functions as an object of a
preposition. 19. Meagan took pride in designing the homecoming float.S
20. Watching television has never interested Mia.
Example :Ray enjoys listening to music from the 60’s.

1. Calling is the best choice.
2. David gives racing most of his time.OP
3. George lightened the mood by whistling.OP
4. Olivia devotes her time to helping others.OP
5. Omar and Brian are responsible for training their dogs.S
6. Catching a big fish made the day at the lake worthwhile.OP
7. The ancients had no way of knowing the weather ahead of time.OP
8. Mother was against celebrating her birthday.S
9. Living in the Middle East for a year was an adventure for the whole
10. Mining coal was my grandfather’s job as a young man.S
11. Brushing regularly protected me from cavities.OP
12. Kirsten devoted a week to preparing for the final exam.O
13. Despite her injury, Diana still likes skating.S OP
14. Listening is important in following directions.OP
15. His interest in wrestling began at an early age.OP
16. Zack is good at conveying his point to others.OP

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