Airbus AP FD Tcas Mode
Airbus AP FD Tcas Mode
Airbus AP FD Tcas Mode
TCAS mode:
a new step towards safety Improvement
However, surprise and stress created by TCAS No specific action is expected from the crew
Resolution Advisories may lead to non-optimum following a TA.
crew response, resulting in a lack of proper
communication with ATC, undue aircraft altitude
deviations, injuries in the cabin and the jeopardizing GS 260 TAS 250
of the aircraft’s safety. 260 / 12 12
This article will review the current TCAS interface 15
and procedures. It will then present the Auto Pilot/
benefits, which further enhance the pilot interfaces.
10 24
VOR1 27 ADF2
• In case of Preventive RA (e.g.” MONITOR V/S” – The current engaged lateral mode remains
aural alert), the aircraft vertical speed is initially unchanged.
out of the red VSI zone. The requirement is to
maintain the current vertical speed • Once Clear of Conflict, vertical navigation is
Consequently: resumed as follows :
– The TCAS longitudinal mode engages to maintain – The AP/FD longitudinal mode reverts to
the current safe aircraft vertical speed target the “vertical speed” (V/S) mode, with a
– All previously armed longitudinal modes are smooth vertical speed target towards the
automatically disarmed, except the altitude FCU target altitude. The ALT mode is armed
capture mode (ALT*). Indeed, as for an to reach the FCU target altitude (ATC
“ADJUST V/S” RA, levelling-off during a cleared altitude)
Preventive RA will always maintain the vertical – If an altitude capture occurred in the course
speed outside of the red area. So if the altitude of a TCAS RA event, once Clear of Conflict,
capture conditions are met, the TCAS mode the AP/FD longitudinal mode reverts to the
will allow to safely capture the targeted level, altitude capture (ALT*) or to the altitude hold
thus preventing an undue altitude excursion (ALT) mode
– The Auto Thrust engages in speed control – The lateral mode remains unchanged.
mode (SPEED/MACH) to ensure a safe speed
during the maneuver
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Figure 4: FMA and VSI during a TCAS sequence with AP/FD TCAS mode
FL 270
Sub-mode ALT* 0
ALT TCAS mode initially reduces the V/S and
then captures the ALT level selected
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Safety First
# 07 February 2009
Safety First is published
by Airbus S.A.S
1, rond point Maurice Bellonte
© Airbus S.A.S. 2009 – All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary documents.
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